#race and MK-ULTRA
unwelcome-ozian · 2 months
The Secret Black History of LSD
“Black Americans were uniquely exploited during this first wave of psychedelic research,” concluded the authors of a 2021 University of Ottawa study of abuses in the early trials of LSD. Overwhelmingly, the African American victims of MK-Ultra were drawn from prisons and hospital mental wards, including the National Institute of Mental Health’s Addiction Research Center (ARC), which tested LSD and some 800 other psychoactive drugs on an inmate population that was almost exclusively Black. In numerous other MK-Ultra experiments, according to the study, “participants were subject to differential and torturous treatment and dosing dependent on race.” In one 1960 study, “‘Negro’ men convicted on drug charges…were recruited from prison and given LSD in a research ward,” while a comparison group made up of “professional White people at Cold Spring Harbor, living freely,” took LSD in “the principal investigator’s home ‘under social conditions designed to reduce anxiety.’”
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soupsbowl · 3 months
come and get your love || steve harrington x reader || part 4: mk ultra
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part 4/?
word count: 2.5k
tw: swearing, mentions of death
You arrived home to a silent house. Your grandmother always went to bed early. You quietly closed and locked the front door, sliding your sneakers off your feet and tiptoeing up the stairs. You clutched Dustin’s notebook tightly as you went. You found yourself standing in front of your father's locked office. The memories flooded back—the briefcase, the hushed conversations, the unspoken fears. Something gnawed at your stomach –fear, curiosity, hunger, perhaps a mix of the three – and you reached for the doorknob.
“What are you doing?”
You nearly jumped out of your skin. Your grandmother had appeared behind you, looking at you with concern.
“Grandma! I’m…I’m sorry I didn’t mean to wake you up. I just got back from work.”
“Why are you trying to get into your father’s office?” Her voice was dark, a tone you had never heard from her before.
“I…wasn’t,” you lied, terribly. You discreetly hid the notebook behind your back, and backed up so you were pressed against the wall. “I think you should go back to bed, Grandma, it’s late. I’m sorry I woke you up.”
Your grandmother furrowed her brows and she stared at you, unblinking. “Why are you trying to get into the office?”
You felt the blood drain from your face. “I... I know something is going on, Grandma.” You didn’t know what to say. Your heart was racing. You took a deep breath before continuing. “I know that Dad’s work at Hawkins Lab has to do with things that have been going on around here. I don’t know how I know…I just…I know,” you admitted, your voice wavering slightly. “And now I need to know the truth about my family.”
Your grandmother’s expression hardened even more. “Y/N, you don’t understand what you’re messing with. Your father’s work at the lab... it was beyond dangerous. It’s complicated.”
“But I can’t shake this feeling that there’s something I need to know,” you insisted, your voice rising with frustration. “I feel like we were somehow connected to everything that’s been happening in this goddamn town. I’m old enough now, Grandma. I have a right to know how my parents really died and what they were involved in.”
She studied you for a long moment, her eyes searching yours. “You have no idea the danger involved in this. Your father… he wanted to protect you from all of it.”
“I know, but I need to understand,” you pleaded, tears welling in your eyes. “I can’t keep living in the dark. If my parents were murdered, I have a right to know!”
Her gaze softened slightly, a mix of sadness and resolve in her eyes. You thought you saw a tear. She turned and went into her bedroom to emerge a moment later holding a key. She unlocked the office. “Come with me.”
She led you into the dark office, the air heavy with dust. The room was stark, almost barren, with only a desk and a chair left untouched since your father’s passing. Papers and books were conspicuously absent.
“He kept everything locked away for a reason,” your grandmother began, her voice low but steady as she looked around the room. “Your mother always told your father not to bring his work home with him. She knew it would lead to disaster. When they left that day…” she paused, swallowed. “The day they died, your father had cleaned out this office, he wanted to take his research and reveal the truth of what was going on beyond the fences inside Hawkins Lab. He knew the risks involved. The lab... they were suspicious of him. He and your mother... they were driving to reveal the lab’s secrets to the press, along with his research and then…” she trailed off.
You listened intently, your heart pounding in your chest.
“Then they got into the accident. Just as they were about to leave town.”
She paused again, looking at you deeply. You brushed away a stray tear that had managed to sneak out of your eye and drip down your cheek.
“I’ve always believed there was foul play involved, but for your safety, it was best not to say anything.”
Tears streamed down your cheeks as you processed her words. The weight of years of secrecy and unanswered questions bore down on you. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
“It wasn’t my decision to make. Your father entrusted me with this, to tell you when the time was right, when you were old enough to understand,” she replied softly, her eyes filled with sorrow and regret. “He wrote you a letter. He told me to give it you when it was time you knew the truth.”
An ache spread through your chest as you struggled to comprehend the enormity of what she was telling you. “Show me.”
Your grandmother hesitated for a moment, then nodded solemnly. She moved to the desk and lifted the chair, revealing a small compartment hidden in the leg. Inside was an old, weathered envelope, rolled into a tube shape. She handed it to you, and watched as you carefully unfolded the letter, written in your father’s familiar handwriting:
Dear Y/N,
If you are reading this, then something has happened to me and your mother. I’m sorry for keeping this from you, but I did it to protect you. For years, I have been involved in a top-secret project at Hawkins Lab—MKUltra. These experiments, as difficult as it is to believe, involve, alternate dimensions, powers beyond our understanding. Below are the details of the experiment. I trust that you will know what to do with this when the time is right:
Project Codename: "MK Ultra"
Objective: To explore and harness the energy of the Upside Down to enhance human physical and cognitive abilities, creating superhuman capabilities.
Key Components:
1. Energy Harnessing:
Portal Stabilization: Develop technology to stabilize and control portals to Dimension X, allowing safe and consistent access.
Energy Extraction: Create methods to extract and store energy from Dimension X for experimental use.
2. Human Enhancement:
Genetic Modifications: Experiment with genetic alterations using Dimension X energy to enhance human strength, agility, and cognitive functions.
Psychic Abilities: Investigate the potential for developing or amplifying psychic abilities (telekinesis, telepathy) using Dimension X energy.
3. Field Testing:
Test Subjects: Conduct trials on selected individuals to monitor the effects and improvements in physical and cognitive capabilities.
Behavioral Analysis: Observe changes in behavior, mental state, and any unintended consequences of the enhancements.
4. Potential Risks:
Unpredictable Mutations: Dimension X energy might cause unforeseen genetic mutations or health issues.
Psychological Instability: Enhanced psychic abilities could lead to mental instability or uncontrollable powers.
Cross-Dimensional Threats: Opening portals could invite dangerous creatures from Dimension X into our world.
5. Current Focus:
Subject Observations: Monitoring subjects who have shown resilience to Dimension X exposure for potential enhancement candidates.
Energy Stability: Ensuring the extracted energy remains stable and non-toxic for human application.
I believed in the science. I believed we could make the world a better place. But as time went on, I discovered the truth—that our work was not as safe as I thought. People were being hurt, manipulated. I couldn’t stand by anymore. I knew I had to reveal the truth.
I’m writing this letter and giving it to your grandmother, just in case anything happens to me and your mother. She will know when it’s time for you to read it.
Y/N, you are special. You have strength and courage beyond measure. I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you sooner, but I hope you can forgive me. Your mother and I love you more than words can say.
With all my love,
Your head was pounding, you felt your vision blurring. Somehow, none of it made sense yet it explained everything you had been wondering for the past five years. Your legs felt like jelly and you sat down on the dusty floor, hoping that grounding yourself would help.
Your grandmother looked at you sadly. “I’m sorry Y/N.”
You nodded, but didn’t say anything to her.
“Do you have anymore questions?”
You shook your head.
Your grandmother sighed, then padded quietly out of the room. Upon hearing the door close you immediately began to sob.
The only thing worse than finding out that your father was part of some top-secret experiment that led to his and your mother’s demise was having to process that information during Mrs. Click’s 9:00am history class.
You didn’t sleep a wink the night prior, visions of grotesquely enhanced humans and alternate dimensions flashed through your brain, with the occasional imagery of a burning car and your parents’ smoldering corpses.
Geez, Y/N, way to keep it lively.
Mrs. Click had been droning on about the cotton gin for an agonizing amount of time and you could feel your eyelids getting heavy when she brought up the “riveting details of the Munger cotton gin of the Civil War Era.”
You felt yourself slipping into a tranquil doze when all of a sudden you felt yourself actually slipping, as your head slid off your hand and smacked onto the desk in front of you.
Laughs erupted around the classroom and you felt a blush of embarrassment creep up your chest and onto your face.
“Ms. L/N am I boring you?” Mrs. Click stared at you over the top of her horn-rimmed glasses.
The class giggled quietly.
“No, Mrs. Click,” you said, unconvincingly. You straightened up a bit, trying to exude the confidence of someone not only awake, but engaged. “I’m not bored.”
“Lovely, then perhaps you wouldn’t mind reminding the class what inventor received a patent for the Smooth Cylinder Cotton Gin in 1840?”
You stared blankly ahead. Your knowledge of the cotton gin both began and stopped at Eli Whitney.
"Uh, Eli Whitney?" you ventured hesitantly, even though you knew it was wrong the moment you said it.
Mrs. Click sighed; her disappointment evident. "No, that would be Eli Whitney's earlier invention. The correct answer is Fones McCarthy. Maybe you would know that if you had been paying more attention rather than dozing off on your hand.”
You felt the heat of embarrassment rising in your cheeks as the class tittered again. You buried your face back in your hands, wishing you could disappear.
"Actually, Mrs. Click," a voice cut through the whispers. "I think Y/N was just confused because Eli Whitney's gin was the first major breakthrough. It's an easy mistake."
You lifted your head from your hands and met Steve Harrington’s gaze from across the room. He gave you a tight-lipped smile and a small nod.
Steve? Bailing you out? And paying attention in class? This was new. And unusual.
Mrs. Click looked at Steve, also perplexed at his uncharacteristic participation in class, then back at you, her expression softening slightly. "Well, thank you, Mr. Harrington. Let's all try to pay closer attention, shall we?"
To your relief, the bell rang, signaling the end of class. You gathered your books and made a beeline for the door, eager to escape. Before you could make your way to your locker, a hand gently grazed your shoulder.
You whipped around, locking eyes with Steve once again.
“Geez, L/N you’re jumpy today,” his eyes scanning your face as if trying to find the root of your distress. “I promise you Mrs. Click isn’t going to hang your hide over falling asleep in class. I should know, I do it all the time.”
You gave him a small smile. "Yeah, well thanks for bailing me out, Steve. I really appreciate it."
He shrugged, a lopsided grin on his face. "Hey, I just figured I owed you for comforting me after Tina’s Halloween party the other night.”
“Oh no, we were already even for that. You walked me home after the party, providing me with ‘protection’ as you called it.”
“Well, then I guess now you owe me.”
You were suddenly very aware of how close Steve was to you, and that you were staring at each other. His brown eyes were flecked with green, something you didn’t notice the other night.
Stop staring, Y/N.
You cleared your throat, breaking the spell. "Yeah, I guess I do," you said, trying to sound casual. "How about next time you come by Moretti’s I’ll sneak extra cheese on your pizza – no charge?”
Steve smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkling up as he did so. “If I let you borrow my notes from class today do you think you could throw in some pepperoni, too?”
You tapped your chin, feigning consideration. “I suppose I could make that happen.”
“Excellent, then we have a deal.” Steve reached into his bag and pulled out his notebook and handed it to you. “I’ll see you around, L/N. Probably at Moretti’s to cash in the pizza you owe me.”
“I’ll be there.”
Steve smiled at you again before turning on his heel and heading down the hallway.
A tinge of guilt suddenly arose from the depths of your stomach as you watched him leave. You had been there when Johnathan drove Nancy home from the party. You had been the one to tell Johnathan to drive her home in the first place. You had heard the couple’s argument outside of the gymnasium yesterday. And here you were, borrowing his notes and staring into his eyes.
Your mind returned to the argument you had overhead between Steve and Nancy. You distinctly remember Steve saying something about “killing Barb.” Barbara Holland had gone missing around the same time Will Byers did last year. Except he was found, and she wasn’t. After everything you had discovered about your parents’ death and Hawkins lab last night, you hadn’t even had time to try and put your detective tendencies to work and further investigate Barb’s disappearance.
You unshouldered your backpack and shoved Steve’s notebook inside. Your eyes suddenly caught notice of the sticker on the front of one of the other notebooks. Hawkins Middle AV Club.
The bell rang, indicating you had three minutes to get to your next class – trigonometry with Mr. Mundy. You pulled one strap of your backpack over your shoulder, and slowly ambling towards the classroom.
In the next three minutes, you took inventory in your head the things that had happened to you over the past few days.
One, came into possession of a middle schooler’s notebook that dictated what could be utter nonsense or clues in the mysterious events in Hawkins over the past year. Two, unintentionally meddled in the relationship of Steve Harrington and Nancy Wheeler. Three, discovered that the former pair may have somehow been involved in Barbara Holland’s disappearance. Four,  discovered that your father had been involved in human enhancement and interdimensional travel. Five, your parents intended to reveal those secrets to the public and it resulted in their deaths. Six, you were now involved in some deep shit, and trigonometry somehow no longer seemed like a priority.
You stopped dead in your tracks, the hallway deserted.  The obnoxious buzz of the late bell echoed in the empty hall, indicating your tardiness to class.
Seven, you were skipping class to figure out what the fuck is going on.
The words from your father's letter resonated in the back of your mind, urging you forward.
Y/N, you are special. You have strength and courage beyond measure.
You pulled on the other strap of your backpack, turned on your heel, and marched outside.
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patchoulism · 1 year
I've been thinking about this a lot, in various forms, and forgive me for being unable to put my thoughts into palbable English, but the general gist of what I'm about to say is: the language barrier works one way for English.
What I want to say is: there is an amount of people from the West, especially from the USA, spotted both there on tumblr, in other places on the Internet and in real life, too, who know about all the vile shit USA has ever done and wanting to find some solace in the world from that, turn to USA's "antipode" (please note the quotation marks) - USSR and consequently Russia. I don't want to take a lot of time and effort writing out the entire receipt, but please believe me: you can read on Wikipedia about MK Ultra, you can hear people talking about Reagan ignoring AIDS on purpose to kill gays, but you have hard time hearing about persecution of minorities in USSR, about labour camps, about lingvocide, about incarceration of unemployed people, about putting gays into institutions for "aggressive mentally ill" and so on. So please, be mindful when you race to whatabout USA crimes when somebody tries to say "USSR put my grandpa into camps for writing poetry in his native language".
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nilolol30 · 1 year
Mei x reader
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"Finally! Todays date day is gonna be the best one yet!" Mei shouts as she parked her motorbike it took your soul to catch up with your body with how much she was speeding "If we don't get arrested..." Mei only giggled as she deactivated both of your helmets and you both hop off the bike.
"Wouldn't be the first time buut anyway let's commence our first arcade date!" Mei pulled you close to take multiple selfies then you both walk Infront of the arcade sign and take a picture Mei posting it on her socials then you both start to actually walk inside "So what games do you wanna play?" She asked shoving her phone back in her pocket.
"Eh why not walk around the place and stop by at whatever we feel like playing? Honestly you and Mk come here more than I have" Mei insisted on paying for both yours and hers passes since shes been a loyal member she gets pretty good discounts.
"True I was gonna bring you with me and him last time but I thought he'd feel bad for third wheeling but thank goodness I didn't since it was a clone and turned all party crazy" Mei shutters thinking back to 'Porty mk.'
You both started wondering the arcade ducking into some games that interested you both there was a motorcycle racing game that Mei immediately dragged you down begging you to race her unfortunately she is well versed in gaming and riding so of course she won but it was still fun then you both jumped into a photo booth taking two photo sessions so you both can keep the photo strips.
"Ooh! A claw machine! Did I tell you I am amazing at claw machines~" Mei strolled over to the machine giving a playful wink "Really? Thought you always tell everyone they're scam" laughing you lean over her shoulder to peak at what kind of prizes are inside it a green bunny caught your eye Mei noticing smirks pulling out some tokens.
"Well I'm infact a champ at scamming scams~ and I'm totally getting you a fluffy friend!" Mei immediately went into ultra claw machine focus mode trying her best to get the right angle obviously doing her best to get the green bunny.
"And just like that ah boom~" with her eyes closed she pushed the button smiling expecting to hear the automated congratulations but unfortunately the claw didn't hold onto the bunny and dropped it causing a game over Mei getting over her shock laughed a bit "Ha obviously just a fluke give me a sec-" and so the cycle of Mei shoving tokens into the machine and her slowly growing annoyance began "You know Mei you don't have to win we can just get a prize from the-" "Never! I'm totally getting you that damn rabbit if it's the last thing I do!" It's almost like you can see a green fire radiating from her.
Finally when it looks like the claw is holding onto the bunny you both watch as it slowly takes it to the flap "I swear if it doesn't get in I'll punch this thing" Mei mumbled her face pressed against the glass "Yeah let's not set off alarms" then the claw let go and the bunny fell through the slot Mei rushed to pull it out and yelled out in victory.
"Yes! I did it! I'm the best girlfriend everrr!!" She held out the stuffed toy to you smiling "Here you go~" it's almost like she didn't want to murder the creator of those machines second ago you take the bunny and kissed her on the cheek.
"Of course you're the best girlfriend the best girlfriend in the world" you can hear Mei let out a small internal squeal pulling you into a hug "okay let's continue this date let playy...Oh oh that game!" You two go off to play nearly all the games the arcade has to offer the both of you agreed to keep away from any more claw machines for a bit.
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missr3n3 · 2 months
Augusnippets Day 10
execution/fake execution/begging for mercy
fandom: cabin tales prequel to day 8 TW: torture, electrocution, forced to watch, unethical human experimentation, major character death word count: 496 @augusnippets
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Rachel's hands had an iron grip around her mouth. The dry, frigid basement air stung at her wide eyes. Her knees buckled, a chill coursing through her entire body.
None of her discomforts compared to what she just witnessed.
“Wha… What the hell?” she squeaked, stepping back from the sight displayed through thick, tinted glass.
Roderick. Kevin. Sam. Jeremy. All writhing in agony from a shock Rachel feared would kill them – perhaps should've killed them. Though she couldn't see Sam or Jeremy well from the window's position, she assumed they had similar, blistering burns around their wrists, upper arms, ankles and neck.
“Hm, thought they would've figured out the premise sooner,” Mr. Barnett sighed.
“Y-you didn't tell them!?” Rachel gasped.
“The idea was to control for more variables than prior attempts at this.” Mr. Barnett quirked an eyebrow. “If they were told this is a prisoner's dilemma, they could've strategized beforehand, sullying the results. If you want to really test humans’ trust in each other, such things must be taken into account.”
“But this – then this is kidnapping! It's illegal!”
“You say that like some of the most valuable research into human behavior isn't also ethically or legally dubious. Does the name MK Ultra ring a bell?”
Rachel feared her throat would completely close up. Her mind raced, desperately trying to cut through the boys' resumed bickering to find a way out. For herself, and for them.
“But… But what the hell are you going to do with the results, then?” Rachel tried with a nervous, tense smile. “I-if what happens here goes public, you'll be arrested! S-so, we should just get them out of here and try-”
“Oh, Rachel,” Mr. Barnett cooed, resting an elbow against the glass with a small, chilling smile. “This isn't about fame, prestige, academic accolades. This…” Mr. Barnett beamed as he started the timer again. Rachel thought her heart would stop from the sheer shock of Kevin's frantic, terrified screams. “This is about knowledge. The truth!”
“Wha..? Who cares about that!” Rachel snapped, voice rasping from encroaching tears. “You can't do this to people!”
“Too late now.” Mr. Barnett shrugged. “I can't do anything now that the timer's started. It's up to them.”
Rachel snapped her attention to the window, beating against the unwavering glass with all her might.
“GUYS!” she screamed. “DON'T VOTE! DON’T PRESS ANYTHING! PLEASE!” Any further words were silenced as she watched Kevin and Roderick press the dials. “Oh fuck…” she whimpered. “Oh fuck, there's gotta be something, there's gotta-”
“Well! It's about time they figured it out.” Mr. Barnett clasped his hands in pride.
“No, NO! STOP!” Rachel desperately grasped Mr. Barnett's shoulders. Just as she did so, her ears rang from the booming screech of arcing electricity. “YOU'RE KILLING THEM!”
“Incorrect,” Mr. Barnett calmly chided, pointing behind Rachel. “They're killing him.”
At Mr. Barnett's words, the foulest stench Rachel had ever encountered stung at her nose.
Burning meat mixed with ozone.
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I'd genuinely love to hear about all the conspiracy theories you believe to be true and why. This isn't hate, honestly, I'm really curious. Consider this someone trying to see from a different point of view.
See, that's just it, there aren't many conspiracy "theories" I believe, most of the ones I believe are straight up confirmed by our government.
That said, I do believe the FBI killed MLK, that democrats killed Lincoln, the CIA had something to do with JFK's assassination, and that Epstein didn't kill himself.
Note, there are plenty of common ones (like the US having laser weapons THAT WE USE FOR WEATHER MODIFICATION AND USING IT TO HIT HAWAII) that I only believe part of too.
But I'll go into reasoning now
MLK: The feds have always been the most authoritarian part of our government. MLK was speaking for more rights than they had in a way UNLIKE Malcolm X. I stole a little from MLK because I only believe violence is justified in defense.
(side note: I've got no issue with the original Black Panthers beyond their common socialism, they openly defended their communities from police aggression by showing they were ready to police their communities themselves. The new Black Panthers are race grifters and communists.)
Lincoln: Southern Democrats were pissed big time, John Wilkes Booth could have easily been a paid assassin, and given how the Dems ruled for another 50 years after his death, it wouldn't exactly be surprising. But since there's no evidence directly linking modern Dems, I'm not making an accusation against modern Democrats yet.
JFK: I mean, you got a trained marine in the prime time of MK Ultra, a brain washing/mind control program. It really isn't a stretch to say that Kennedy's policies could have changed our world intensely if given the time to develop. Now, granted, this is ENTIRELY in theory, but it seems as his assassination got closer, John was more and more opposed to direct military action. That ain't good for the MIC. And the CIA and FBI aren't denying it near as much.
Epstein: I don't even feel a need to go into this. It was obviously fucky. You don't leave a dude on suicide watch entirely alone.
Truth be told, I don't trust or approve of any existing government. I'm willing to read from sources tied to governments, but more as a comparative POV than absolute fact.
Thank you for your interest anon, if you'd like a longer, more in depth conversation, feel free to dm me. I leave all dms private as possible (hi FBI agent Smith {or whatever generic name}) but I also won't force you into not sending more anons.
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candlecoo · 2 years
A au where izuku ends up like lucy in the 2012 film Lucy.
Okay so I haven't seen Lucy but after reading the wiki I got some ideas. Cause alot of it is based around some conspiracies and known Cia projects including the Mk-Ultra project, where they believed that certain drugs and chemicals could give people super human powers or brainwash them. Real interesting stuff.
But anyway.
- there would be no quirks in this au.
- Hisashi Midoriya was part of secret branch of a government run program. They were working on a project to advance the human race.
- it was called the Super Human Potential Project or SHP for short.
- but things weren't going well.
- there was only limited success with the few subjects they had. Mostly the homeless since nobody reported them missing.
- the government was planning on shutting them down if they didn't get results soon.
- then on top of it all his wife had recently became I'll and passed away leaving him alone to raise his son.
- maybe something snapped in the man... But he saw an opportunity where there wasn't one before.
- but he now had the perfect subject, one that was young and healthy, and wouldn't be reported missing. Not since his wife was out of the picture.
- it took weeks of experimentations but after combining a serum he had developed and a large amount of drugs he injected into the boy they finally had results.
- the boy now had a large aray of abilities that ranged from sleep control, telekinesis, shape shifting to even immortality.
- they hadn't expected so much from the experiment.
- nor did they expect the boy to escape...
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tacticalvalor · 9 months
«────── « HEADCANON » ──────»
Nerding out over Bell's official soundtrack (and the main menu music by extension, as the official track merges both) and the lyrics tying into his story, so—
Want to talk about that. A little, anyway, I'm on mobile and trying to do so in-depth with proper research(tm) would be a nightmare. So I'll keep it brief... ish.
There are two lyrical sections as, like I said, the official track merges two audio tracks into one thing (re: menu track & character track).
The first part is more thematic in terms of setting the exposition. Really highlighting what's going on in the world around Bell. Here's the English translation:
U.S.S.R. in the mirror
Who’ll be first to pull the trigger.
You persuade falsely claiming Freedom of the Individual.
Proxy wars and psy-ops raging
Space race, SALT talks
Brezhnev, Reagan
Fear Strategic nuclear weapons
Down to mutually assured destruction.
With the power and the might of the
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Patriots working as one with the strength of the order
Towards a radiant future.
Science, Creativity, Family, Unity
Education, Communal living, Hard work,
Discipline, Planning, Kindness.
Motherland – we sing to you
We pledge to you fealty
Workers of the world unite!
Sickle and Hammer!
Naturally, this fits Bell as he (prior to MK-Ultra) is a KGB spy. A devout follower of Perseus. Even ignoring the faux CIA background (which they did just decide to be honest about that part; "ex-KGB turned American hero"). He believes in the Soviet's cause and would have given his life for them.
He technically did, considering the state Adler et al. found him in.
But then we get into the character-specific track and it just... It hits. The punctuality of it, after this very detailed exposition. The translation is as follows:
Who am I? What am I? I don't remember, don't know. Why not? Something is wrong. I'm breaking through no matter what.
And I think that little detail in the theme alone does so much to accentuate Bell's story.
I mean, I could go ON about MK-Ultra (both the real experimentations and the fictionalized version in the lore), but it just... It does so well to encapsulate that confusion that's felt once the truth is let out. Once Bell realizes Adler has fucked him up beyond belief.
The loss of identity that, unfortunately, is only really shown in the memory sequence (as Bell dies/barely survives after the fact).
Here's the video link for that sequence because, my God, it is horrific.
All to say, that shift in tone throughout his theme really showcases the aftermath of everything.
Bell, my portrayal anyway, develops Depersonalizarion/Derealization Disorder and Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (with Paranoid Tendencies) as a result of the experimentations. He can hardly remember who he was. He doesn't know who he is. He just knows that he's going to make sure he survives.
Damned be the CIA. Damned be the KGB.
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In a new investigation that blows the lid off a dark chapter of CIA history, the infamous MK Ultra program included ethnic bioweapons, race based torture, mind control, and experimentation. Read More: https://thefreethoughtproject.com/deep-state/new-mkultra-files-reveal-terrifying-experiments-on-black-americans
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i-am-deeply-poem · 1 month
Pick your poison, what’s your treat?
Lost all feeling in your arms and feet
Nitrous oxide for the masses
Passing your seminary classes
Manufactured for your pleasure
Changed the days, because they spare no measure
What’s your sabbath? Quickly forgot
A couple centuries of brain and body rot
What have you wrought?
Man made horrors by the comprehension of demons
Not what you thought
Because you’ve been manipulated by his legions
Track it all down, set the stage?
What caused the abstraction, what was the change?
Pontifex Maximus
God most high
Building a tower past the sky
O Babalon sleeps not
O daughter of Eden, sleeper dreaming, cost of your life was already bought
Blood of martyrs, tears of saints
Bastardized by intentions sacrosanct
How easily you forget
The wiles and tricks of the government
MK Ultra, 9/11
Sent our Fathers, Mothers, Sisters, Brothers up to Heaven
Oh Statute, Statue high
Head of Gold up in the sky
Chest of silver for the Medes
Abdomen of bronze, wonder why?
Legs of iron, feet that will not cleave
Miry clay, what tangles that we weave
Here comes the rock of God
Don’t be surprised or left feeling odd
Cut the karma, cut the bullshit
Cut the attitude, chamber it
A round in the head of the human race
Simple smiles
Would get it if you could
Zionist, oh so patriotic
Bootlicker dogs sucking on it
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dan6085 · 1 month
**Detailed Essay on the Book "Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties"**
_"Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties"_ is a riveting book by investigative journalist Tom O’Neill, co-written with Dan Piepenbring, that was published in 2019. This book dives deep into one of the most notorious criminal cases in American history: the Charles Manson murders. However, unlike other works on Manson, O’Neill’s book is not just about the infamous cult leader and his crimes. Instead, it presents a compelling and controversial thesis that ties the Manson case to larger, darker forces at play, including potential connections to the CIA and its covert activities during the turbulent 1960s. The book took O’Neill over twenty years to research and write, and it reads as a mix of investigative journalism, conspiracy theory, and historical revisionism, challenging many of the established narratives surrounding the Manson case and the broader socio-political landscape of the 1960s.
*The Origins of the Book*
Tom O’Neill originally set out to write a straightforward magazine article in 1999 for the 30th anniversary of the Tate-LaBianca murders, but his investigation quickly spiraled into something much more complex. What started as a simple assignment became a two-decade obsession, as O’Neill uncovered a series of inconsistencies, unreported details, and suspicious connections that had never been fully explored. As O’Neill delved deeper, he began to question the official account of the Manson murders, as well as the roles of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), the FBI, and the media.
*Exploring the Manson Mythology*
At the heart of _"Chaos"_ is O’Neill’s exploration of Charles Manson’s rise to infamy. Manson was a charismatic ex-convict who attracted a following of young, disillusioned individuals, whom he eventually led to commit a series of brutal murders in 1969, including the infamous killing of actress Sharon Tate. The standard narrative, popularized by prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi in his book _"Helter Skelter,"_ is that Manson orchestrated these murders in a bid to incite a race war he called "Helter Skelter." Bugliosi’s account, which formed the basis of the prosecution's case, became the definitive version of events.
O’Neill’s book, however, questions this narrative. He explores how Manson was able to repeatedly avoid incarceration for his numerous criminal activities, suggesting that he may have been protected by powerful individuals or institutions. O’Neill also delves into the possibility that Manson’s actions were influenced or even manipulated by external forces. One of the book’s central theses is the idea that Manson’s ability to control and manipulate his followers might have been enhanced by psychological techniques, possibly linked to mind control experiments conducted by the CIA during the same period.
*CIA’s MK-Ultra and the Possibility of Mind Control*
One of the most controversial aspects of _"Chaos"_ is O’Neill’s exploration of potential connections between Manson and the CIA’s MK-Ultra program, a covert operation that aimed to develop mind control techniques through the use of drugs, hypnosis, and other methods. The MK-Ultra program, which was officially acknowledged and condemned by the U.S. government in the 1970s, involved experiments on unwitting subjects, including prisoners and civilians.
O’Neill suggests that Manson may have been a subject or at least influenced by these experiments. He examines Manson’s connections to figures such as Dr. Louis Jolyon West, a psychiatrist who was deeply involved in MK-Ultra and who had a history of working with mind control techniques. West’s involvement with individuals connected to the Manson case raises questions about the extent to which Manson’s behavior and the actions of his followers could have been influenced by external manipulation.
*The Role of the Media and Law Enforcement*
_"Chaos"_ also scrutinizes the role of the media and law enforcement in shaping the public’s understanding of the Manson case. O’Neill details how the media, particularly through Bugliosi’s narrative, solidified the "Helter Skelter" theory as the definitive explanation for the murders. However, O’Neill argues that this narrative conveniently glossed over or ignored key inconsistencies and unanswered questions that could have pointed to a more complex reality.
Furthermore, O’Neill questions the LAPD and FBI’s handling of the case, suggesting that there may have been a deliberate effort to cover up certain aspects of the investigation. He points to evidence that Manson was repeatedly released from custody despite clear evidence of his involvement in criminal activities, which he argues could indicate protection from higher authorities. O’Neill also highlights how certain pieces of evidence, such as recordings of Manson and his followers, mysteriously disappeared or were never made public.
*Impact and Controversy*
Since its publication, _"Chaos"_ has generated significant controversy and debate. O’Neill’s book challenges deeply entrenched beliefs about one of the most infamous criminal cases in American history, and his thesis that the Manson murders may have been part of a larger, darker conspiracy has been met with both intrigue and skepticism.
Critics of the book argue that O’Neill’s theories are speculative and lack concrete evidence. They contend that while O’Neill raises important questions, his conclusions are ultimately based on circumstantial evidence and conjecture. On the other hand, supporters of the book praise O’Neill for his thorough research and for challenging the official narrative, arguing that _"Chaos"_ opens up new avenues for understanding not only the Manson case but also the broader historical context of the 1960s.
_"Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties"_ is a thought-provoking and controversial work that challenges conventional understandings of the Manson murders and the social and political forces at play during the 1960s. Tom O’Neill’s two-decade-long investigation uncovers a web of connections between Charles Manson, the CIA, and other powerful entities, raising questions about the true nature of the Manson case and its implications for American history. While the book’s conclusions may be speculative, they are nonetheless compelling and force the reader to reconsider what they thought they knew about one of the most infamous criminal cases in history. Whether one accepts O’Neill’s thesis or not, _"Chaos"_ is an essential read for anyone interested in the Manson case, the history of the 1960s, or the darker undercurrents of American society.
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commie-butch-dyke · 2 years
I finally got my Adderall prescription filled and went straight back to my full dosage, so I can't sleep. Here's what is racing through my head if anyone is interested.
Not to sound pessimistic AF, even though I am. Just saying that if we think fascism was bad the first time around, all of that was done on extremely primitive calculations and computing. AI is developing at a lightning fast pace, and the largest corporations in the world, most of which can be traced directly to the ones who happily provided tech to the Nazis, are being handed our consciousness on a platter. AI is so clearly going to end horribly, and I can't understand why so many people aren't taking the threat seriously. The internet has always been a giant, practically automated mk ultra machine that attempts to limit human thoughts and expression into only predetermined possibilities, weaving an inescapable maze of various psyop booby traps to get stuck in. So we probably shouldn't hand massive genocidal corporations even more control over our humanity and thoughts, in what is likely the most important time in human history to think outside of the schemas they have predestined for us and come up with concrete solutions. Instead, companies are going to be writing people's emails for them, writing essays, summarizing texts, creating "art", etc. They have always known that it is easier to control our thoughts than to survey every individual, and AI is going to be the ultimate realization of that plan. They will crush the possibility of any radical solution in every way till the day the last billionaire flies off of the burning earth. Not saying I have any ideas or solutions, but would someone mercifully flip the switch before this goes any further??????
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64bitgamer · 2 years
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megashadowdragon · 2 years
Avatar vs Princess Mononoke: How to have a message youtube comments 
"To see with eyes unclouded by hate and try to slow the cycle of violence" You need a megaphone and the whole of reddit held hostage in a room or hell the whole of humanity held in a room to listen to this sermon. When addressing the anti-colonialism narrative, I love bringing up the Tlaxcalans. You know, the people that were systematically harvested for human sacrifices. They joined the Spanish almost instantly to help take down the Aztecs. There were more Tlaxcalan fighters than Spanish! Conquistadors vs Aztecs is two evil empires fighting, not the innocent Aztecs being attacked by evil Spaniards
Similar things happened here in the Inkan Empire. Several tribes or descendents of tribes under Inka rule immediately joined the Spanish. Some people view them as traitors, but it was their path to freedom from a tyrannical regime
To be fair with The Last Airbender, the show ended up subverting the whole narrative it established in the beginning with the Fire Nation being cartoon villains.  In season 2, we were introduced to Jet, who ended up being a fanatical "freedom fighter" willing to slaughter a whole town of innocent civilians, and the Dai Lee of Ba Sing Se, which was more or less just the Gestapo with a little bit of KGB/CIA mixed in with that MK Ultra type s**t they were doing.  And season 3 spent nearly its entire length giving perspective from the Fire Nation's side, showing us that there were plenty of good people within the Fire Nation living under a totalitarian regime, as well as of course giving us the conclusion of Zuko's redemption arc.  We also gotta remember that everyone's favorite Uncle Iroh was once a Fire Nation general that besieged Ba Sing Se, and it was only the death of his son (a death that occurred during the said siege he was responsible for) that led to his disillusionment with the Fire Nation leadership and the war it was waging.
“San is just like Jake Sully, a human that rejected their humanity and sided wholeheartedly with nature. -Except she’s in the wrong.” — That completely blew my mind, and I will forever remember this whenever comparisons btwn Avatar & Princess Mononoke are brought up in the future.
I'm sick and tired of the fools who insist that humans are the "most evil creature" or something, that no other creature would do what we do and they all live in balance.  Great to hear someone finally say that yeah, as countless invasive species have shown, animals naturally exploit for their own benefits; the reason they "live in balance" is because even the apex animals have sufficient opposition that they can't get the sort of upper hand humans have.  It's basically a race that wasn't designed to be won.  Somehow, we won, but the great power and control that we won requires an equal amount of care and caution.  With great power comes great responsibility.  I know it's cliche, but that doesn't mean it isn't a fundamental truth.
Now that was a great line, "Spain felt they were justified because they saw themselves as victims, pushed to do a 'justified' evil"
And those that don't understand that are those who only look at the most recent victim of the cycle instead of at the cycle that brought everything to today.
This is by far the best video explaining why Hollywood's obsession with "capitalism evil/humans evil, nature benevolent/natives wholesome" is just flat out dumb. Thank you ...Though they did turn Radcliff from soneone who did try negotiation, even if underhanded at times to an outright villain. Another tribe in the area invited him to a parlay and skinned him alove under false flag of truce
And the "Savages savages" musical bit shown both sides to be hatefull and equally intolerant, it wasn't just the english blatantly proclaiming the other to be barbaric and evil but the Natives aswell.
I mean in the very beginning of Disney Pocahontas movie you have Pocahontas’s father and the other men returning back from war with a rival tribe so even Disney portrayed the Native American people more three dimensionally and not as tree hugging hippie peace lovers.
Historian here. One of the single most infuriating attributes I often see in those historically illiterate or even my own colleagues, is that of the good vs. evil mindset. Often I will hear a group of people (often Native Americans) get lumped together as though they were of a singular mind, cohesive and peaceful. This is simply not true, as evident with the Comanches (I’m from Texas, it’s personal). This narrow minded view becomes a dangerous game, as people are willing to then call yourself wicked for removing mere wickedness from the conflict, as one would be hard pressed to find a historical conflict that was simply the righteousness against malice. Such conflicts exist only in the spiritual world, and we will not be a part of them until we die. I personally am more versed in the medieval world, particularly the Welsh Dark Ages and Norse culture, but I see the patterns that reverberated in the Americas. Nothing is new, and to say otherwise is foolhardy. Your videos are important, as the clear emphasis you place on nuance needs to be further addressed. I continue to be more and more impressed with each video you release, though I will tell you to continue delving into your topics, as many will try to discredit your message. “Ok so our resources are diminishing and if that happens there will be a huge humanitarian crisis so please be our ambassador to ask for more resources for our people” Betrays his own starving people and doesn’t try to do a compromise as he was tasked to simp for a native female This is Avatar from James Cameron, one of the best selling movies of all times.
When people speak of Native Americans living in harmony with nature, they forget how brutal nature really is. All cultures began with similar technological constraints, forcing the same "harmony." The ones in Europe, Asia and North Africa simply developed faster than those in the Americas.
"...The humans you're trying to eliminate were created here and are a part of nature, too. We are, therefore, a part of the Earth. Tell me, how can you revive the Earth if you forgot this crucial fact?!" "We too are a part of nature, and eliminating humanity... is the same as destroying nature... I have come to realize that I was about to make the same mistake again!" Quotes from an anime about giant robots punching each other in the face.Show less
The smallpox blanket thing is interesting, because i remember it taught as fact at school but it seems like it was just a myth now. I saw one study on it which basically said it would backfire if you tried to do it, because they really didn't understand how disease travelled and probably would just get sick handling freshly infected blankets, which would be much less dangerous by the time they had reached the natives.
So it was a hypothetical bomb that blows up in your face if you are fool enough to build one.
It was much more likely that the smallpox infection just had already gotten some resistance in the europeans but the natives had to get it the hard way, and the horrors of the massive native war with the aztecs just made everything so much worse.
If the aztecs hadn't been so horrible, it's entirely possible the spanish would have been beaten back.
Your emphasis on the idea that we must be 'better than nature' reminded me of this from G.K. Chesterton's Orthodoxy: "If you want to treat a tiger reasonably, you must go back to the garden of Eden. For the obstinate reminder continued to recur: only the supernatural has taken a sane view of Nature. The essence of all pantheism, evolutionism, and modern cosmic religion is really in this proposition: that Nature is our mother. Unfortunately, if you regard Nature as a mother, you discover that she is a step-mother. The main point of Christianity was this: that Nature is not our mother: Nature is our sister. We can be proud of her beauty, since we have the same father; but she has no authority over us; we have to admire, but not to imitate. This gives to the typically Christian pleasure in this earth a strange touch of lightness that is almost frivolity. Nature was a solemn mother to the worshippers of Isis and Cybele. Nature was a solemn mother to Wordsworth or to Emerson. But Nature is not solemn to Francis of Assisi or to George Herbert. To St. Francis, Nature is a sister, and even a younger sister: a little, dancing sister, to be laughed at as well as loved." Chesterton was a very intelligent but also very witty and funny defender of Christianity, particularly Catholicism, and I generally would recommend his writing to people of all religious convictions (or lack-thereof). Pilgrim, you in particular would love him if you do not already.
This is an excellent video. You've made me realize why I love and admire Princess Mononoke and don't love and respect Avatar. I believe James Cameron knows that the only way Avatar: The Way of Water can be a better film than Avatar is if the former has a better message than the latter. I even remember an interview from around 2010 where Cameron says that he showed Avatar to some South-American indigenous tribe(s) and that their response was that the hero of the film solved his problems by contributing to the conflict and war between the humans and the Na'vi and that they don't see that as the best way of solving problems. Cameron subsequently said that Avatar 2 would have to have a better message than Avatar if he were to make it. I look forward to Avatar: The Way of Water for that reason.
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chaoscalamari · 3 years
It must have been difficult for H.P Lovecraft, having friends during a time when American establishment was racist as fuck and still deciding whether or not Hispanic people counted as "white people".
The idea wasn't culturally ingrained until the 50s and 60s when the American establishment went all red scare and wanted to manifest destiny on Central/South America, thankfully. So he could be friends with R.H. Barlow and thus be inspired by Meso-American myths and imagery.
Because otherwise Guillermo Del Toro might not have been willing to do his thang.
It was also probably difficult to be in a mixed race relationship with a Jewish woman during a time and place when the KKK not only existed but were celebrated. My research suggests that midcentury Lovecraft fanboys thought Sonia Greene was an evil cheating whore and didn't give a single shit about her when she was alive, anyway. Buncha nerds who were too busy fantasizing about her getting railed by black men while also being racist because "black ppl are stealing our womenfolk with their beautiful huge throbbing dark dongs".
Then they made weed illegal because they thought it could turn you gay.
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starsfic · 2 years
Mk and Red Son putting a scavenger hunt for their guardians to tell them that they'll be grandparents (bonus if Wukong, DBK, Iron Fan, Pigsy, and Tang are over the moon about the news especially upon looking at the ultra sound pic)
"Here you go!"
Pigsy raised a brow as Tang oohed over the bowl of noodles their son had stuffed into his hands. “I thought we were having lunch together?” He asked as Xiaotian leaned over into the kitchen and pulled out a scroll. That was the plan at least, with the Demon Bull couple and Sun Wukong there too.
Xiaotian let out a wordless noise of apology. “Sorry, I was really looking forward to it. But, uh,” His fingers gently tapped against the scroll he held. “Something came up. I hope you guys enjoy lunch!”
Before Pigsy could say anything, he was out the door.
“Well, that was weird.” Tang didn’t sound too bothered, however. He was eyeing the noodles he held and licking his lips. “Hello, my beauties…” He leaned the bowl back.
“Wait!” Wukong had noticed the same thing Pigsy had. Grabbing his husband, he plucked off the envelope taped to the bottom of the bowl.
“What does it say?” Princess Iron Fan asked. She looked both bored and intrigued somehow.
Pigsy cleared his throat. "We sent you this to begin a game, in it you'll follow clues leading you place to place, and once you get to where we lie, we will give you a special prize; now to find the next clue that you will need, go to the place where the young one go to play, where people go to enjoy a sunny day, you'll find the clue on a post by the lilies-”
Wukong gasped. “This sounds like a scavenger hunt!” DBK winced as his former sworn brother's tail wagged back and forth. “Okay, okay, so-”
“What does the letter mean “Where the young ones go to play?” Wukong frowned as DBK cut him off.
Pigsy considered the letter. He gasped as an idea popped to mind before grinning brightly. “Wait, this sounds like that park located in the east section!” Tang let out his own gasp, clearly catching on. It was a large park with stunning views and a beautiful pond full of water lilies.
“So what are we waiting for?!” Tang grabbed Pigsy’s hand and yanked him out of the shop. Wukong and the Demon Bull couple followed fast behind. “Let’s go!”
The East Park was full of people. Most of them were children, racing around and playing on the playground as parents watched on. Iron Fan made a little noise and Pigsy was tempted to do the same.
Pigsy and Tang had taken Qi Xiaotian to this park for years. His favorite spot was the swings. 
Push me Daddy! Push me! 
His second was under a big oak tree next to the lily pond, where he sketched. And there, tied to a branch, was a familiar red bandana. DBK pulled it off and when he opened his hand, a white scroll sat there. It wasn’t the scroll Xiaotian had pulled out. It didn’t have the red bow.
“My turn!” Wukong practically sang the words as he snatched the paper away. Settling on DBK’s shoulder and ignoring the bull’s angry snort, he unfurled it. "This next clue is found somewhere where you can go to learn, whether it'll be science, math or about the world, the next clue is hidden where you go to do art, then you'll know where to go for the next part."
“A school?” Iron Fan offered. She looked less bored now. “Is there a certain school…?”
Tang grinned. “I know the place!” He looked around before grabbing Pigsy’s hand. “And it’s just down the street!”
Right down the street was an elementary school. Tang went there every week to read to the kids, mostly Journey to the West. Xiaotian also swung by occasionally to help the kids in art class. Once Pigsy had driven by to pick up Xiaotian, the kid had been covered in so many kids, all pleading for him to stay and play some more.
A receptionist was tapping away when the group entered. “Hey, Meilin!” Tang said brightly.
“Oh, hello Tang! Are you here for the special surprise?”
Tang raised a brow. “Yes. How did you know?”
Meilin looked around before leaning forward. “He hid it in 106.”
And just like that, they were heading down the hall and into 106. The room was bright and colorful, art supplies were organized nicely and neat, and students’ work was hung up on one wall. Thankfully it was also empty. DBK had to shrink down to fit and Pigsy didn’t want to cause a panic.
“Hm, now where could that clue be?” DBK said out loud. He headed over to the students’ work, Wukong following. On a guess, Pigsy headed over to the art supplies. He could see Tang head to the teacher’s desk.
“Found it!”
Tang handed over the scroll to Iron Fan. She unfurled it, traced down the words were a red nail, before clearing her throat. “The next clue is a place near and dear to DBK's heart, the place where Noodle Boy danced in the underground-” She came to a pause. Her brows furrowed.
“I know where it is.”
Wukong let out an awkward “Ah.”
Tied to a pipe above was a scroll.
They were in the cave that Wukong admitted was where DBK had been sealed up. There was an awkward silence before the monkey hopped up and passed it to DBK. He snatched it away and opened it. “And now you return to your home away from home where a special prize awaits you, where Red Son conducts his business.”
“Is that their place?”
“Has to be!” Tang said brightly. “Let’s see what they have!”
The elevator dinged.
“Kid?” Pigsy called. On either side of the elevator into the penthouse, balloons floated.
“Upstairs!” Xiaotian’s voice called, sounding from Red’s office. He sounded really really happy. “You’re just in time!”
Up the stairs, open the door, and-
Sandy and Xiaojiao yanked out poppers. The office had been transformed. The walls were now a gentle pink, one wall being overtaken by shelves of plushies while the other was covered in a beautiful mural of red and orange flowers. Baby furniture was carefully arranged. Red, holding a cake, was arm in arm with Xiaotian, holding a present box with a scroll.
The nursery filled with screams. Someone burst into tears.
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