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If Nahdar Vebb & R6-H5/Ar-Six were in Angry Birds Star Wars. Kit Fisto's fellow flock!
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Jedi and their droids #2
R6-H5, nicknamed Ar-Six, was the astromech droid of Jedi Master Kit Fisto. R6 accompanied its master on many missions during the Clone Wars aboard his Jedi starfighter. Ar-Six is a worrywart, which sometimes annoys Kit.
R7-D4 was an R-series astromech droid that served with the Kel Dor Jedi Master Plo Koon during the Clone Wars. After Koon lost his entire fleet to General Grievous and the Malevolence, joined Koon as the copilot of his Delta-7B Aethersprite-class light interceptor, the Blade of Dorin, flying alongside Jedi General Anakin Skywalker and Shadow Squadron on a mission to destroy the warship before it could take out the Kaliida Shoals Medical Center in the Ryndellia system. Similar to Anakin with R2-D2, Plo Koon refuses to have R7-D4′s memory wiped, as “that would erase his lively personality”.
R4-P17, nicknamed R4, was a feminine R4-P astromech droid that was assigned to Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, prior to and throughout the Clone Wars. She was destroyed by a buzz droid during the Battle of Coruscant. R4 was rebuilt with scavenged R2 parts as a gift for Obi-Wan from Anakin.
R7-A7 was an astromech droid with masculine programming who belonged to Ahsoka Tano. He shares his mistress’s rash, aggressive habits.
R8-B7 was an R-series astromech droid, used by Jedi Master Mace Windu during the Clone Wars. During the war, R8 accompanied Windu to the planet Vanqor, where they looked for survivors of the crash of a Venator-class Star Destroyer Endurance. Alongside Anakin Skywalker and fellow astromech R2-D2, R8 and Windu searched the wreckage of the cruiser, unaware of a pair of gundarks stalking the group. After the Jedi journeyed further into the crash site, the gundarks attacked the two droids and tore apart R8 during the struggle.
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fun astromech facts from the clone wars’ character encyclopedia:
similar to anakin with r2-d2, plo koon refuses to have r7-d4′s memory wiped, as “that would erase his lively personality”
apparently, r7-a7, ahsoka’s astromech, “shares his mistress’s rash, aggressive habits”
kit fisto’s astromech, r6-h5, has anxiety
obi-wan’s astromech, r4-p17, has female coding and was rebuilt with scavenged r2 parts as a gift for obi-wan from anakin
the 501st has an assistant astromech named r2-kt that also has female coding and has the nickname “katie.” she and r2-d2 like to trade gossip.
katie is 1.1m (3′7″) tall while all the other astromechs are 96cm (3′2″) tall
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回到家已经8点多了,爸妈吃过早饭去晨练了,我走进厕所仔细的冲洗着身体,越是洗的仔细,脑子里越是回忆起昨天晚上被折磨的画面,宋书记淫秽的坏笑…满手精液的摸遍我的全身…被两个老男人双龙…从未想过的0 A6 [! {/ Z7 X7 |4 `* P D
) Z- ]6 a2 ^ q7 ~0 x
8 i# ~0 h, s4 D4 h7 O
此时的心理很不平静,本来因为工作似乎忘却了自己是个同志,可是经过昨天晚上的一番折腾,内心沸腾了,不是恢复本真,而是更加的灼伤了。说实话,此刻的我嫉妒需要被安抚,早在那个贱人晓鑫告知我,姐夫和李师7 m1 ]8 u" r7 }
3 [* U1 q/ h r2 X8 v7 d8 Z4 P
电话跟信息,就不再联系我了呢。7 b/ b& ]2 z0 R, @5 ]
今天是1月22日,距离元旦我三人在一起吃饭那一天,已经过去20多天了,期间就和姐夫在家里碰过一次面。就再也没有跟他们有过任何交流。) q8 O/ O: f6 g2 t- F
" [1 ~* _1 P& E( q; u) |. g$ V
此刻的我,无聊的打开手机,屏幕亮起,单纯的屏保,没别的,由于昨天晚上的原因,身体有些虚,就躺在沙发上睡着了。1 [* l Y. A) H+ m0 x: F
下午两点的时候醒来,家里没有人回来,于是我自己翻箱倒柜的找吃的,终于勉强填饱了肚子。然后自然地打开手机,没想到!期盼已久的两个大字‘微信’两条信息,出现在手机屏幕上,我赶快解锁,打开后,真的是令我7 C5 u- E4 @( h% u$ u7 W9 m
6 M( [! S: R! } M" P. . E
: [& o+ O. j) A2 r% K
1 t& q. S2 }/ v. l6 B" z
我心里激动,又爱又恨!爱他始终如一,恨他做了那件事。我该怎么办?再不回复,我自己就要受不了了,不管怎样?总得说开了吧,还有李师傅也是一样,说开了,就算结果不是自己想要的,即便以后的关系不能相拥如 ^! Q+ R, P! N- f: U9 [. v
刚想怎么回复,突然姐夫的电话追来!6 y: M0 g9 f9 g# H2 v
" G% b0 u/ V6 _+ p& f$ W0 E
“哭哭啼啼不是我的失恋staly,能失去的都不属于我的爱!”……是啊,能失去的都不是我的爱,我本来洒脱的性格在害怕什么?索性就接通把,; G C9 L6 }% F& A
# {) J h- B( h& D5 j3 Y8 J$ n1 B# }/ x
“喂!小滨,是你吗?”姐夫每次给我打电话都会确认是不是我,然后才敢说一些我们之间的话。! C8 _3 u; a) {. U; t" R
“是我,有什么事吗?姐夫!”我不知道怎么回复,总觉的不应该是我挑起这个话题,因为本来就不是我制造的问题。+ | g6 V, h2 ]7 w" N- H. g
}- z6 h/ n H. z" v& `0 k
$ d# i$ [ i$ D
“什么事要请假,爸妈在家吗?”姐夫关心的问道。1 F) k! |0 {( p1 k* I
0 G. n/ I+ e% J" c" m7 {: [8 B
- c5 G( R K3 y$ P" P) n4 t
: A" }1 h% m+ W) f$ w6 h
紧接着门急促的被打开了,想念太久的姐夫真的从门外走了进来,他今天身穿一件灰蓝色薄款羽绒服,内里是浅色衬衣,一条卡其色休闲裤配上一双皮鞋,一双好看的眼睛愣愣的看着沙发上的我,眼睛放的大大的,给人一% p- _! ]% B2 Y p/ |* r
种刚毅的感觉,似乎眼神里只有一个倒影的我。他又四下随意张望了一下卧室厨房,确认没人,又回过神来直直的盯着我看,连鞋都没换,外套潇洒的脱掉,看都不看直接仍在餐桌的椅子上,径直向我走了过来。3 z0 B. G& A- X4 v: i
躺在沙发上的我,看着姐夫一步一步靠近,一双明亮有神的大眼睛直直的看着我,像是有说不完的千言万语一样,顿时,我体内释怀的感觉油然而生。短短的三四秒,姐夫已经来到我身边,直接顺势趴在了我身上,接吻! Z- o% U& Q$ l. R& N. C7 X. L9 j
6 g* b% p/ t9 h( {+ l8 m8 ]+
, ]# ^7 p! h& L" { `
“爸妈回来还早呢,你怕什么?”姐夫一边认真的亲吻着,一边说着。这么多年在一起生活,姐夫对爸妈的习惯比我都清楚了。. L8 J. S( {# Q2 S+ H: ]! r
如此动情的姐夫,让我更是有点羞愧难当了,但是姐夫的柔情,把我包裹的实在太温暖,我只能接受。姐夫起身,拉着我的手,来到我房间的床上,三下五除二扒掉了我的睡衣,紧跟着脱掉衬衣,隔着白色背心都能看到姐0 `# P" X- H) T2 { Q$ o) a! Z
F" b* ?4 f w5 F* ^
夫大胸肌的隆起,格外分明,乳头的黑色也彰显无遗,这么优秀的姐夫,难怪总有人想勾引。我同时配合着伸手帮姐夫解开腰带,两个人滚在床上亲吻起来,我环抱着姐夫的短发,姐夫慢慢向下移动,亲吻我的脖子,舌头* |3 ^3 x5 ~& T7 e" ?4 z, R
: V% U$ `% V% [ |" N$ ~
“打就打了呗,你还怕姐夫不能让你爽啊,傻弟弟,哈哈……”姐夫放松的笑了笑,这一笑真爷们,柔情铁汉,最真实的形容。6 y- j3 I . @5 y( ^3 q9 o I
, F" f( Y: K$ c8 k
4 N4 a2 V9 j* a$ x0 P6 G! h+ r
& g0 c0 R, D3 `
s/ c/ m9 R0 ~
“姐夫,你又硬了,哈哈…”此时有些放松的我开起了姐夫的玩笑。“臭小子,跟你亲密就自然地硬!看你的硬不硬!”说着就上下其手,摸我三角地带,我们边打逗,边抓对方。姐夫很自然的把手伸到我的菊花处去抚摸,但1 t+ x9 j h$ Y" L4 z% ?$ D" ]
1 s" f* O1 Y% L% q: H; {! U
是刚毅触碰到我的肛门,疼痛感瞬间席卷我的感官神经。7 C: M6 M2 Z3 Z2 t9 _
4 Y! S3 ^* k& S. V
: [+ a+ Q! _( H T, n- n( o$ x
姐夫再一次错愕,看向我“怎么了?你屁眼怎么会疼?”在姐夫看来,感冒肯定不会影响到那里,而且即便是李师傅,也从来也不会伤害我。所以他此时蒙住了,于是又试探性的,把手伸到我后面轻轻用两根手指触碰了一1 m, P A0 X6 Y4 ]
“啊,姐夫…疼!我…”我也不知道怎么解释了。7 j& D6 ~& s w+ N
7 p( p/ s" [ T6 L% r6 e
“发什么事了,你没感冒,对不对?”他说着就一把掀开被子,裸体的我蜷缩着,完全呈现在姐夫面前,姐夫从床上坐起来看着我,刚想要质问发生什么事情了?突然伸了伸脖子“你后背怎么回事?谁打的?不对,你屁眼还4 [/ J# G7 c+ B& N7 z
疼?到底怎么回事!!!”姐夫此时的口气像是大人审问小孩一样,语气严肃且认真。$ l Q+ ^& C6 R3 N% h
“你给我说清楚,这些日子,你到底都干了些什么?”姐夫声音太高了几十分呗,似乎开始质疑了,像是一眼就能看穿我昨晚的低贱行为一样。0 h& e( ^/ p# m
3 z: c; c w p) n7 {9 [
一时间我们之间的性趣消失殆尽了!+ G% x6 O* }* l
8 ], u% I9 @) Y( V( d
$ s- u9 W! z) v7 K
姐夫见到这种场景,也顿时慌了,再一次把被子拉过来给我盖上,并且把我搂在怀里。自从认识姐夫以来,他还没见到过我大哭,并且还哭的还这么难过。) Q8 n) _ J, @: k( [% w
+ G v9 k1 K. e d$ S9 P) S
“宝贝儿,怎么了?啊?怎么还哭上了,不哭,不哭啊!都怪姐夫不该这么火气大,好了,不说了!”姐夫抚摸着我的后背,心疼的看着怀中的我,还没完全升起的怒火,直接就被我的眼泪给浇灭了。* a+ G* u/ u/ I( p; 4 F
6 K0 L; {& k. @5 i
姐夫就这么抱着我,任由我哭,眼泪像是停不下来一样,心中的雾霾,就在姐夫的怀中,慢慢释怀了。过了好一会儿,才停下来。姐夫的背心和枕头都被我弄湿了。# J* e) n0 T0 D# N
* |1 N* X# r6 v1 x1 j, K& c
姐夫不好再问我什么了?但是我看到他关心的眼神,还是把昨天晚上的事情一五一十的说了出来。一方面不想隐瞒,因为我深刻体会到,被隐瞒的人一旦知道了实情,心,真的会很难受,很难受的!) s. X$ H8 x2 R
& V/ s% 2 `- E* H# E
于是姐夫就开始破口大骂宋书记,什么老变态啊,老淫贼,老畜生诸如之类的,还说不能便宜他了,得去单位匿名举报他什么的。, H* c) J) R$ h) I
我肯定阻止了他,并且说算了,又不是人家逼着我去的,是我自愿留下来的。说到这我又感觉羞愧了。姐夫见状,低头吻了我几下,算是给我安慰。其实他也知道,我之所以留下来陪宋书记,也是有部分原因是我们这段时2 A3 P! L% Y# A4 b) D. W2 g& U
* ?# h5 w A& W( g, K- ]& Z! a
9 ]# @4 M) V0 H
“姐夫,你会不会嫌弃我啊?”说出真相后,这是我最怕的。. z( L/ [; q* W5 E% @
“我想想啊,得好好想想,算了吧!小傻瓜,你都这么自责了,就原谅你这一回吧!”姐夫装作很不情愿的说。0 i* N2 [8 Z2 H1 _8 ?) d2 q
看到姐夫这么一脸不情愿的样子,更加令我羞愧难当,但是下一刻我突然想到了什么。. K Y: f, {- G
, b0 w5 y) F3 A) J5 K/ I. Y( ~1 y3 I
听到我说这件事,姐夫瞬间石化了,没想到我会问出这种问题,但是瞬间又自然地移开眼神,看着天花板,叹了口气!/ _) ?* k4 U B5 ^$ n( |
. [; z" i0 ?$ V) p0 L4 l# v9 e3 t- L3 g
“是的,宝贝儿,对不起!姐夫早该想到你是因为这个不理我,只是一直不敢往这方面想,以为就可以蒙混着过去了。”姐夫有些难为情的说。 c- ~ E* v) R, v4 ` f! ~ {
; E j6 $ y1 H4 b7 F
“姐夫,你为什么要这样做?你不说有我就够了吗?还有李师傅呢?难道你这么色?你真的见异思迁,喜新厌旧吗?你…”一时的憋屈感又上升。. l2 t: _" w6 c# v" X- n4 X& }5 @
“宝呗儿,别误会,姐夫真的只喜欢你一个,真的,李子跟你比都要除外的,你又不是小孩子,难道你还感觉不到吗?这件事…哎。我难以启齿,你吃醋也好,生气也罢,是应该的。这样吧,我们一起去找李子,让他跟你解6 O, R5 Z8 L# S3 K! Y `! X
释!”本来我还在生气李师傅,不想去他家的。但是姐夫说,这个月,也是因为生他气,就去李师傅家里一次,还是前两天硬被李师傅拉过去的,硬生生的干了他一炮。还说生气的具体原因,自己不想说,让李师傅说,更7 N1 a# h. ^( c
有说服力。5 {9 }/ C, b% y7 g# t; ]( A
4 X% I" K, p9 C; _5 z2 @
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Fichas de RPG 3D&T Pokémon: Ariane e Amanda
Na primeira postagem apresentamos Edson e Gumer, membros do extinto clã “Furia da Noite”. Nessa postagem apresentaremos Ariane, fundadora do clã e líder antes da nomeação de Edson como líder e Amanda, uma das vice-líderes juntamente com Gumercindo e outros vice-líderes. O clã contava com um líder, alguns vice-líderes e mais alguns membros.
Nota: Os personagens abaixo não foram feitos pra ser usados como PC’s ou personagem jogáveis. Ao invés disso, podem ser colocados como NPC’s em alguma aventura ou outra. Se quiser usá-los como personagens jogáveis, fica a critério do mestre decidir isso.
Treinadora Pokémon
Força 0
Habilidade 1
Resistência 1
Armadura 1
Poder de Fogo 0
3 Pontos de Vida, 3 Pontos de Magia
Descrição: Era a líder do “Furia da Noite” antes de Edson se tornar líder do clã. Liderou o clã durante seu início e seu ápice. Após isso, decidiu passar a liderança para Edson por achar que ele daria um líder melhor. Preguiçosa, charmosa e carismática, é conhecida pelo pseudônimo de Emih no mundo de otpokemon. Seu pokémon inicial foi um Treecko, que mais tarde evoluiu para um Grovyle e mais tarde ainda para um Sceptile. Suas especialidades são pokémons de planta e metálico. Foi Ariane quem fundou o grupo juntamente com Edson e HydragonX. Os três criaram o “Furia da Noite” numa madrugada qualquer, com Ariane comandando essa mesma fundação. Ariane criou o clã ficando como líder automaticamente e nomeou seus co-fundadores Edson e HydragonX como os primeiros vice-líderes. Ariane teve alguns flertes e paqueras com Edson, e muitas brincadeiras que quase viraram um relacionamento de verdade. Porém, não aconteceu. Os dois ainda mantêm contato no jogo até hoje, mesmo que seja puramente pelo jogo. Além de claro, uma bela amizade também! Não equilibrada como Edson, Ariane usa uma tática mais ofensiva, voltada para o ataque.
Perícia - Entendimento Pokémon
Devoção: Ficar rica no mundo pokémon
Perícia - Pokémon de Planta, Simpatia (Pokémon de Planta), Incentivo, Disfarce, Rastreio, Furtividade, Salto, Tratamento de Animais, Treinamento de Animais, Riqueza, Antipatia (Pokémon Lutador, Pokémon de Terra), Código de honra dos treinadores, Insana: Preguiçosa, Insana: Depressiva
Dinheiro: $38.000
Itens: 1 Pedra Coração, 1 Pedra Fada, 15 Pokébolas Normais, 15 Super Pokébolas, 15 Ultra Pokébolas, 10 Pokébolas Luxo, 10 Pokébolas Prêmio, 10 Potions, 20 Super Potions, 20 Hyper Potions, 10 Pokébolas Amiga, 7 Pokébolas Pesada, 10 Ether, 15 Max Ether, 3 Antídoto, 2 Anti-Paralisia, 5 Pokébola Ouro, 1 Bicicleta, 1 Mapa, 1 Super Vara, 1 Óculos Escuros
Kanto - Pedra, Cascata, Trovão, Arco-íris, Alma, Ouro, Vulcão, Terra
Johto - Zephir, Colméia, Plana, Névoa, Tempestade, Mineral, Glacial, Crescente
Hoenn - Granizo, Articulação, Dínamo, Calor, Balança, Pena, Mente, Chuva
Tipo: Planta
F4 (corte), H5, R4, A4, PdF2 (planta)
Ataque Especial - Folha Gilete (corte, planta, PdF, 1pt), Ataque Cortante (força, 1 pt), Fortalecer (força, armadura, 2 pts), Energia Extra (1 pt), Aceleração (1 pt), Armadura Extra: Água (2 pts), Terra (2 pts), Pedra (2 pts), Elétrico (2 pts), Veneno (2 pts), Vulnerabilidade: Fogo (-1 pt), Gelo (-1 pt), Psíquico (-1 pt)
Tipo: Água
F3 (contusão), H4, R6, A3, PdF4 (água)
Ataque Especial - Canhão d’água (PdF, 1 pt), Fortalecer (PdF, 1pt), Sentidos Especiais: Audição Aguçada (1 pt), Armadura Extra: Fogo (2 pts), Gelo (2 pts), Vulnerabilidade: Planta (-1 pt), Elétrico (-1 pt)
Tipo: Normal
F0, H2, R5, A0, PdF0
Aparência Inofensiva (1 pt), Mutação (4 pts)
Tipo: Normal/Voador
F3 (corte), H5, R3, A2, PdF2 (vento)
Ataque Especial - Vôô Razante (força, 1 pt), Fortalecer (força, 1 pt), Levitação (2 pts), Armadura Extra: Planta (2 pts), Vulnerabilidade: Elétrico (-1 pt), Gelo (-1 pt), Pedra (-1 pt)
Tipo: Metálico
F5 (contusão), H4, R5, A6, PdF3 (pedra)
Ataque Especial, Investida (força, 1 pt), Super Poder: Terremoto (5 pts, só pode ser usado no poder mínimo), Armadura Extra: Força (3 pts), Veneno (1 pt), Vulnerabilidade: Fogo (-1 pt)
Tipo: Elétrico/Lutador
F4 (elétrico), H4, R4, A3, PdF3 (elétrico)
Ataque Especial - Soco Trovão (força, 1 pt), Raio do Trovão (PdF, 1 pt), Toque de Energia (1 pt), Intimidação (3 pts), Fúria (-1 pt), Rebelde (-2 pts), Vulnerabilidade: Terra (-1 pt), Pedra (-1 pt)
Pokémons no CP (Centro Pokémon): Scyther, Victreebel, Rapidash, Manectric, Altaria, Alakazam, Venomoth, Clefable, Ledian
Criadora Pokémon
Força 0
Habilidade 1
Resistência 1
Armadura 1
Poder de Fogo 0
4 Pontos de Vida, 4 Pontos de Magia
Descrição: Convidada por Ariane para fazer parte do grupo, logo se tornou vice-líder também. Conhecida como paquera do Gumercindo, os dois até combinaram de se casar dentro do jogo. Amanda possui um temperamento calmo, porém observador. Ela gosta de um estilo mais técnico e menos violento. Um estilo “bem-equipado”, digamos. Por causa do seu tempo junto com Gumercindo e das inúmeras caçadas com o mesmo, acabou pegando alguns costumes e maneirismos do vice-líder do “Furia da Noite”. No começo desconfiada de Eduardoritoo, relatou a Ariane e Edson o comportamento suspeito do novo membro. Mesmo com o conselho de Ariane sendo não correr atrás, Edson resolveu investigar as intenções do novo membro do clã por conta própria. Apenas para descobrir que ele era um bom sujeito e não tinha nada de más intenções. Mais tarde, Eduardoritoo foi promovido a vice-líder pela sua experiência e conhecimento.
Perícia - Tratamento Pokémon
Perícia - Simpatia (Pokémon de Gelo), Lábia, Sedução, Diagnose, Primeiros Socorros, Culinária, Jogos, Ligação Natural (Swampert), Aparência Inofensiva, Código de honra dos cuidados pokémon, Insana: Distraída, Insana: Histérica
Dinheiro: $20.000
Itens: 1 Pedra do Gelo, 1 Pedra da Rocha, 5 Pokébolas Normais, 8 Super Pokébolas, 7 Ultra Pokébolas, 8 Pokébolas Tempo, 3 Pokébolas Ouro, 6 Pokébolas Luxo, 6 Pokébolas Prêmio, 5 Potions, 7 Super Potions, 9 Hyper Potions, 1 Bicicleta, 1 Mapa, 1 Super Vara, 1 Óculos Escuros
Kanto - Pedra, Cascata, Trovão, Arco-íris, Alma, Ouro, Vulcão, Terra
Johto - Zephir, Colméia, Plana, Névoa, Tempestade, Mineral, Glacial, Crescente
Hoenn - Granizo, Articulação, Dínamo, Calor, Balança, Pena, Mente, Chuva
Tipo: Água
F4 (contusão), H4, R4, A3, PdF5 (água)
Ataque Especial - Canhão d’água (PdF, 1pt), Encontrão (força, 1 pt), Fortalecer (armadura e PdF, 2 pts), Tiro Carregável (2 pts), Armadura Extra: Fogo (1 pt), Gelo (1 pt), Vulnerabilidade: Planta (-1 pt), Elétrico (-1 pt)
Tipo: Lutador/Psíquico
F5, H4, R3, A3, PdF4 (psíquico)
Ataque Especial - Golpe Psíquico (força, 1 pt), Telecinese (3 pts), Escudo Psíquico (2 pts), Deflexão (1 pt), Vulnerabilidade: Magia Negra (-1 pt)
Tipo: Normal
F3 (contusão), H3, R5, A1, PdF0
Ataque Especial - Tapa (força, 1 pt), Ataque Múltiplo (1 pt), Pontos de Vida Extra x1 (1 pt), Super Poder: Sono (3 pts), Vulnerabilidade: Força (-2 pts)
Tipo: Normal/Voador
F3 (corte), H3, R3, A2, PdF1 (vento)
Ataque Especial - Bambuada (força, 1 pt), Arma Espeial Veloz - Bambu (2 pts), Ataque Múltiplo (1 pt), Levitação (2 pts), Armadura Extra: Planta (2 pts), Vulnerabilidade: Elétrico (-1 pt), Gelo (-1 pt), Pedra (-1 pt)
Tipo: Pedra
F4 (contusão), H3, R3, A5, PdF2 (pedra)
Ataque Especial - Tremor (terra, força, 1 pt), Lançamento de Pedras (pedra, PdF, 1 pt), Fortalecer (armadura, 1 pt), Super Poder: Terremoto (5 pts, só pode ser usado no poder mínimo), Armadura Extra: Fogo (2 pts), Elétrico (2 pts), Veneno (2 pts), Vulnerabilidade: Água (-1 pt), Gelo (-1 pt), Planta (-1 pt)
Tipo: Água/Gelo
F3 (contusão), H4, R5, A4, PdF5 (gelo)
Ataque Especial - Raio Aurora (PdF, 1 pt), Mordida (perfurante, força, 1 pt), Paralisia (1 pt), Vulnarabilidade: Planta (-1 pt), Elétrico (-1 pt), Fogo (-1 pt)
Pokémons no CP (Centro Pokémon): Hariyama, Camerupt, Ariados, Kingdra
- Amanda curte a banda musical “Tribo da Periferia”...
- Edson sonha em capturar os lendários Zekrom e Palkia também!
- Eduardoritoo cogitou em ser vice-líder logo que entrou no clã.
- HydragonX já ameaçou bater em Eduardoritoo e chamou Gumer de folgado.
- Ariane era disputada por HydragonX e Edson quando eram só três e fundaram o clã!
- Eduardoritoo já pensou em organizar uma missão hyper difícil, mas disse que todos eram level baixo para essa missão e então morreriam.
- Gumer namorava Amanda, que por sua vez era cunhada de Edson, pois era amiga de Ariane e como se fosse uma irmã para a mesma. Gumer e Edson eram e são como irmãos também.
- ZeTripe era o membro com level mais alto do clã
- Tokhio era o membro mais jovem
- Edutuber foi recrutado por Edson e se tornou tipo um dos sargentos
Baseado na adaptação do livro “Pokémon 3D&T”
Todos os créditos a Henrique Lobo, autor desta adaptação
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Tag Game 🌼
I got tagged by @mywoozifeels to do this tag game!! Thank you so much!! 💕💕 i always love being tagged in things 😊
nickname: Sk8ah! I’d like if everyone called me that. But i’ll answer to just about anything
zodiac sign: Gemini! ♊️
height: 5ft
hogwarts house: Slytherin
last thing I googled: How to spell Slytherin
favourite musicians: For kpop: Astro, Day6, and (my favorite of the bunch) Seventeen. For non kpop im a huge The 1975, All Time Low, and Billie Eilish fan. I listen to a ton of other stuff too but those are the first that came to mind
song stuck in my head: You’re Sexy Im Sexy by Eric Nam
following: 156
followers: 333
do you get asks? Not typically. I wish i did! Please send me asks and tag me in things!
amount of sleep: I usually sleep for 8 hours
what are you wearing? Pajamas! A tshirt, sweatpants, and a sweater
dream job? Working in photography or film
dream trip: I wanna tour europe
Instruments: I used to play piano and violin but have forgotten everything 😅
languages: Just english but i’d like to learn another
10 songs: in no particular order
Lie Again - Seventeen
Blue Flame - Astro
Congradulations - Eric Nam
Blood - Day6
HIP - Mamamoo
Money - Dawn
Crazy In Love - Seventeen
Frail State Of Mind - The 1975
So Hot You’re Hurting My Feelings - Caroline Polachek
Giants - True Damage (the new league mv with Soyeon of (G)I-dle)
random fact: I dont know why, and sorry for being a massive star wars nerd, but the first thing that came to mind was Kit Fisto’s astromech R6-H5 has anxiety. He’s just a sweet boy who cares
my aesthetic: Cozy, cute, and flirty
Thank you again for tagging me! This was fun! Anyone who wants to do this, consider yourself tagged!
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драйвер для mobile intel r 4 series express chipset family windows 7
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lego star wars iii the clone wars 3ds
lego star wars iii the clone wars 3ds
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars cheats & more for Nintendo 3DS (3DS)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Nintendo 3DS (3DS). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Nintendo 3DS cheats we have available for LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars.
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Also Known As: LEGO Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars
Genre: Action, 3D Platform
Developer: Traveller’s Tales
Publisher: Lucas Arts
ESRB Rating: Everyone
Release Date: March 27, 2011
How To Kill The Droidekas Easily With Jedi
It’s pretty easy to kill a Droideka (The droids with shields) with a Jedi. Just do a Jedi Slam and his shield will go out. Then just hit it with your lightsaber.
Cheat Codes List
3F5L56 – Perfect Deflect
x1v4n2 – Dark Side
gchp7s – Fast Build
j46p7a – Invincibilty
csd5na – Minikit Detector
b1d3w3 – Super Speeders
yzphuv – Score X2
43t5e5 – Score X4
sebhgr – Score X6
byfsaq – Score X8
n1ckr1 – Score X10
6mz5ch – Stud Magnet
2d7jns – Regenerate Hearts
qd2c31 – Character Studs
bs828k – Super Saber Cut
c4es4r – Dual Wield
4gt3vq – Glow in the Dark
5u9fjk – Obi-Wan Kenobi (Geonosian Arena)
9aa4dw – Anakin Skywalker (Geonosian Arena)
sz824q – Padme Amidala (Geonosian Arena)
j9hnf9 – Obi-Wan Kenobi
f9vuyj – Anakin Skywalker
8x87u6 – Padme Amildala
smn259 – Commander Cody
csqtmb – Yoda
3neuxc – Lieutenant Thire
ayrec9 – Jek
4ptp53 – Rys
2vj9th – Ahsoka
mespts – Jar Jar Binks
mw3qyh – Captain Rex
rctflv – Anakin’s Jedi Starfighter
aka9bb – V-19 Torrent Starfighter
bnje79 – Waxer
q5q39p – Boil
8nvrwj – Mace Windu
jrpr2a – Commander Ponds
hgbctq – Ki-Adi-Mundi
pywj6n – Kit Fitso
5xzqsv – Commando Stone
2vg95b – Aayla Secura
c7m3du – Republic Gunship
7cb6ns – Commander Bly
vruvsz – Wag Too
mkuyq8 – Luminara Uunduli
btvtz5 – Barriss Offee
np5gtt – Clone Trooper
z87pau – R3-S6
rz5huv – R2-D2
bud4vu – Plo Koon
l4lcdv – Plo Koon’s Jedi Starfighter
574226 – C-3PO
zkxg43 – Nahdar Vebb
u25hfc – Commander Fil
wxutwy – Heavy Weapons Clone Trooper
eub8ug – Hevy
jb9e5s – Echo
g2bfen – Adi Gallia
wufdya – Eeth Koth
nhme85 – Cad Bane
m2v1jv – Aurra Sing
2klw5r – Robonino
g4n7c2 – Shahan Alama
4axty4 – HELIOS 3D
eabpcp – IG-86
qegu64 – Commando Droid
2kef2d – MagnaGuard
ewr7wm – Count Dooku
ng6pyx – Admiral Yularen
5kzq4d – Jango Fett
5mxsya – R4-P17
bjb94j – Neimoidian
5y7ma4 – Battle Droid
mjkdv5 – Super Battle Droid
c686pk – Gonk Droid
sm3y9b – LEP Servent Droid
2c8nhp – Gold Super Battle Droid
gd6fx3 – Captain Typho
zqrn85 – Queen Neeyutnee
j2jndd – Republic Dropship (Rapid Fire)
lsu4lj – Battle Droid Commander
5a7xyx – Hondo Hohnaka
bh2ehu – Pirate Ruffian
ea4e9s – Senator Kharrus
t4k5L4 – The Twilight
fyvshd – Tee Watt Kaa
hebhw5 – Turk Falso
j3mfjz – Republic Cruiser (Missiles & Torpedos)
u2t4sp – Probe Droid
r35y7n – Lurman Villager
pe7fgd – TX-20
gafzud – Geonosian Guard
mp9dre – Workout Clone Trooper
9u4tf3 – Bib Fortuna
qgenfd – Undead Geonosian
9muts2 – Destroyer Droid
xtl6y3 – Y-Wing Starfighter
g65kjj – Heavy Super Battle Droid
bet7cu – Medical Frigate (Torpedos)
77qejl – H-Type Nubian Yacht
7pmc3c – R6-H5
h68d3k – Kit Fitso’s Jedi Starfighter
bqcxwr – Republic Attack Shuttle
hq7bvd – Clone Pilot
s6grnz – MSE-6
hrx2uk – Jedi Shuttle
5c62yq – Sionver Boll
zy3ae2 – Arc-170 Starfighter (Rapid Fire)
gehx6c – Bail Organa
v4wmjn – Luxury Droid
db7zqn – Onaconda Farr
9q7yct – Senator Philo
s4y7vw – Senate Commando (Republic)
epbplk – Senate Commando
wsfzzq – Gammorean Guard
7fnu4t – General Grievous
yg9dd7 – Asajj Ventress
272y9q – Admiral Ackbar (Classic)
d8sngj – Captain Antilles (Classic)
66uu3t – Chewbacca (Classic)
kfdbxf – Han Solo (Classic)
eraewe – Lando Calrissian (Classic)
2d3d3l – Princess Leia (Classic)
pg73hf – Luke Skywalker (Classic)
ffbu5m – Obi-Wan Kenobi (Classic)
lkhd3b – Qui-Gon Jinn (Classic)
pzmqnk – Rebel Commando (Classic)
drglws – Wedge Antilles (Classic)
ty2byj – Bobba Fett (Classic)
fuw4c2 – Greedo (Classic)
qh68ak – Darth Maul (Classic)
qxy5xn – Darth Sidius (Classic)
fm4jb7 – Darth Vader (Classic)
nmjfbl – Darth Vader Battle Damaged (Classic)
egqq4v – Vader’s Apprentice (Classic)
5w6fgd – Imperial Guard (Classic)
7gfncq – Clone Shadow Trooper (Classic)
hpe7pz – Stormtrooper (Classic)
gc2xsa – Tuscan Raider (Classic)
mb9emw – Dr Nuvo Vindi
zp8xvh – Wat Tambor
tkcyuz – Lok Durd
4592wm – Poggle The Lesser
qfyxmc – Nute Gunray
4vvyqv – Whorm Loathsom
5c62yq – Chancellor Palpatine
NH2405 – Grand Moff Tarkin
mell07 – Savage Opress
z7h46t – AT-RT
aa279h – AT-AP Walker
vbezez – AT-TE
p8z9m5 – RX-200 Tank
ymwv33 – BARC Speeder
rylvnw – Super Tank
c9prkp – AAT
nacmgg – Dwarf Spider Droid
t7xf9z – Hailfire Droid
7nec36 – OG-9 Homing Spider Droid
59uu88 – STAP
3nqgyL – Pirate Speeder Tank
3re9xv – Starhawk Speeder Bike
25fmvt – Obi-Wan’s Jedi Starfighter
kddqvd – Slave I
xpy46k – Stealth Ship (Missiles + Torpedos)
7rl23g – Soulless One (Rapid Fire)
jsbljs – Trident Assault Craft (Missiles + Torpedos)
pj2u3r – Geonosian Solar Sailor
npgg24 – Hyena Bomber
7w7k7s – Vulture Droid
edenec – Geonosian Starfighter
6lt4ql – Neimodian Shuttle
z567hr – Pirate Saucer (Missiles)
hj5hhd – Magnaguard Starfighter
lq2svt – Xanadu Blood (Rapid Fire)
mhg3xb – The Halo (Rapid Fire)
Unlockable Characters
You can collect all 10 Minikit pieces in the corresponding level to unlock the corresponding character for purchase at the Minikit Room:
Admiral Ackbar: Gungun General
Boba Fett: Grievous Intrigue
Captain Antilles: Innocents Of Ryloth
Chewbacca: The Zillo Beast
Clone Shadow Trooper: Blue Shadow Virus
Darth Maul: Rookies
Darth Sidious: Geonosian Arena
Darth Vader: Legacy Of Terror
Darth Vader (Battle Damaged): Ambush!
Greedo: The Hidden Enemy
Han Solo: Duel Of The Droids
Imperial Guard: Castle Of Doom
Lando Calrissian: Shadow Of Malevolence
Luke Skywalker: Weapons Factory
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode IV): Jedi Crash
Princess Leia: Battle Of Geonosis
Qui-Gon Jinn: Storm Over Ryloth
Rebel Commando: Lair Of Grievous
Stormtrooper: Liberty On Ryloth
Tusken Raider: Hostage Crisis
Vader’s Apprentice: Defenders Of Peace
Wedge Antilles: Destroy Malevolence
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
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Bad Motivator available at SplitReason
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Fichas de RPG 3D&T Pokémon: Edson e Gumer
Nota: Os personagens abaixo não foram feitos pra ser usados como PC’s ou personagem jogáveis. Ao invés disso, podem ser colocados como NPC’s em alguma aventura ou outra. Se quiser usá-los como personagens jogáveis, fica a critério do mestre decidir isso.
Treinador Pokémon
Força 0
Habilidade 1
Resistência 1
Armadura 1
Poder de Fogo 0
3 Pontos de Vida, 3 Pontos de Magia
Descrição: Treinador equilibrado e versátil, é conhecido por não ter fraquezas aparentes. Embora seu ponto fraco é exatamente esse: não ter uma especialização. Embora balanceado e um pouco mais puxado para o tipo fogo, Edson é perfeito para todo tipo de situação. Seu time visa cobrir todas as fraquezas e ter um pokémon para cada tipo de situação. Graças ao seu Charizard que despertou-lhe interesse pelo tipo fogo, Edson também treina artes marciais juntamente com seu Hitmonchan. Inclusive ajudando seus pokémons a batalharem raras vezes se isso não inflingir as regras em um combate e a situação realmente exigir. O líder do “Furia da Noite” é um sujeito ambicioso e sonha um dia capturar o poderoso Raikou, um dos 3 cães lendários. Sua assinatura é tirar a jaqueta e jogar para cima antes do combate.
Perícia - Entendimento Pokémon
Devoção: Capturar o pokémon lendário Zekrom
Perícia - Pokémon de Fogo, Simpatia (Pokémon de Fogo), Incentivo, Artes Marciais, Guitarra, Redação, Intimidação, Furtividade, Punga, Chute Direto, Combo, Bloqueio, Voadora, Antipatia (Pokémon Inseto, Pokémon de Planta), Código de honra dos treinadores, Insano: Tarado, Fúria, Segredo: Vergonha (Gosta de seduzir as mulheres para fazer taras e fetiches sexuais com elas)
Dinheiro: $25.000
Itens: 1 Pedra da Água, 1 Pedra da Terra, 20 Pokébolas Normais, 12 Super Pokébolas, 9 Ultra Pokébolas, 1 Pokébola Rápida, 1 Pokébola Amor, 1 Pokébola Aquática, 3 Pokébolas Luxo, 5 Pokébolas Prêmio, 7 Potions, 10 Super Potions, 9 Hyper Potions, 7 Ether, 3 Max Ether, 6 Antídoto, 5 Anti-Paralisia, 1 X-Agilidade, 1 Bicicleta, 1 Mapa, 1 Super Vara, 1 Óculos Escuros
Kanto - Pedra, Cascata, Trovão, Arco-íris, Alma, Ouro, Vulcão, Terra
Johto - Zephir, Colméia, Plana, Névoa, Tempestade, Mineral, Glacial, Crescente
Hoenn - Granizo, Articulação, Dínamo, Calor, Balança, Pena, Mente, Chuva
Tipo: Fogo/Voador
F4 (contusão), H5, R3, A4, PdF5 (fogo)
Ataque Especial - Explosão de Fogo (PdF, 1 pt), Ataque Sísmico (força, 1 pt), Garrada (corte, força, 1 pt), Fúria do Dragão (fogo/gelo, PdF, 1 pt), Ataque Múltiplo (1 pt), Tiro Carregável (2 pts), Levitação (2 pts), Tiro Múltiplo (2 pts), Vulnerabilidade Água (-1 pt), Pedra (-1 pt), Terra (-1 pt), Elétrico (-1 pt)
Tipo: Água
F2 (contusão), H3, R4, A4, PdF3 (água)
Ataque Especial - Canhão d’água (PdF, 1 pt), Inivisibilidade (2 pts), Armadura Extra: Fogo (2 pts), Gelo (2 pts), Vulnerabilidade: Planta (-1 pt), Elétrico (-1 pt)
Tipo: Planta/Veneno
F3 (contusão), H4, R4, A3, PdF4 (veneno)
Ataque Especial - Dança das Pétalas (planta, PdF, 1 pt), Encontrão (força, 1 pt), Absorção (2 pts), Fortalecer (PdF, 1 pt), Armadura Extra: Água (2 pts), Terra (2 pts), Pedra (2 pts), Elétrico (2 pts), Vulnerabilidade: Fogo (-1 pt), Gelo (-1 pt), Psíquico (-1 pt)
Tipo: Elétrico
F3 (contusão), H4, R3, A3, PdF4 (elétrico)
Ataque Especial - Trovão (PdF, 1 pt), Ataque Rápido (força, 1 pt), Aceleração (1 pt), Toque de Energia (1 pt), Ataque Múltiplo (1 pt), Vulnerabilidade: Terra (-1 pt), Pedra (-1 pt)
Tipo: Normal
F6 (contusão), H2, R6, A5, PdF0
Ataque Especial - Super Soco (força, 1 pt), Energia Extra (2 pts) - ao utilizar será vantagem. Snorlax pega no sono demorando 3 turnos para acordar e voltar a lutar novamente. Armadura Extra: Força (3 pts), Dependência: Snorlax depende de uma quantidade MUITO grande de comida, porém somente uma vez ao ano (-1 pt), Maldição: Sempre que entrar em um combate role um dado, resultado 4, 5 ou 6 Snorlax estará dormindo sendo incapaz de lutar (-2 pt)
Tipo: Fantasma/Veneno
F1 (veneno), H4, R5, A3, PdF5 (magia negra)
Ataque Especial - Lambida (veneno, força, 1 pt), Bola de Trevas (PdF, 1 pt), Paralisia (1 pt), Telepatia (2 pts), Invisibilidade (2 pts), Intimidação (3 pts), Confusão (2 pts), Armadura Extra: Força (3 pts), Vulnerabilidade: Psíquico (-1 pt)
Pokémons no CP (Centro Pokémon): Arcanine, Hitmonchan, Machamp, Rapidash, Electrode, Cloyster, Nidoqueen, Arbok, Pidgeot, Butterfree, Umbreon, Camerupt, Torkoal, Magmar, Ampharos, Furret, Kabutops, Rhydon, Farfetch’d
Treinador Pokémon
Força 0
Habilidade 1
Resistência 1
Armadura 1
Poder de Fogo 0
3 Pontos de Vida, 3 Pontos de Magia
Descrição: Vice-líder do “Furia da Noite” e tanque do time. Se Edson é o líder versátil e balanceado, Gumer é o vice poderoso que segura o time em combate. Especialista em pokémons de água e fantasma, Gumer prefere pokémons aquáticos, pois segundo ele mesmo “regaça em qualquer lugar”. Realmente pokémons de água são bons no geral, têm boas características geralmente média-altas e são efetivos contra muitos tipos, tendo uma boa ofensa em relação a diversos tipos de pokémons. A defesa em relação ao tipo também é boa, pois são resistentes a certos tipos poderosos. Gumer tem preferência pelo pokémon Milotic, chamando-o de “o brabo” e gosta muito de pokémons fantasma e noturnos também. É o braço direito de Edson no “Furia da Noite”.
Perícia - Pokémons Fantasmas
Devoção: Formar o time de pokémons de água mais poderoso existente!
Perícia - Pokémon de Água, Simpatia (Pokémon de Água), Incentivo, Le Parkour, Preparar Narguile (Espécie de vaso que se usa para fumar com 1 ou 2 mangueiras), Briga, Corrida, Mergulho, Natação, Ataque Oportuno, Desarmar, Voadora, Bloqueio, Antipatia (Pokémon de Terra, Pokémon Inseto), Código de honra dos treinadores, Insano: Zoeiro ou Zoão (Zombador), Insano: Compulsivo (Fumar cigarros), Pacifista: Autodefesa
Dinheiro: $34.000
Itens: 1 Pedra Psíquica, 1 Pedra Venenosa, 30 Ultra Pokébolas, 10 Super Pokébolas, 8 Pokébolas Normais, 3 Pokébolas Luxo, 15 Hyper Potions, 1 Bicicleta, 1 Mapa, 1 Super Vara, 1 Óculos Escuros
Kanto - Pedra, Cascata, Trovão, Arco-íris, Alma, Ouro, Vulcão, Terra
Johto - Zephir, Colméia, Plana, Névoa, Tempestade, Mineral, Glacial, Crescente
Hoenn - Granizo, Articulação, Dínamo, Calor, Balança, Pena, Mente, Chuva
Tipo: Água
F4 (contusão), H4, R4, A5, PdF4 (água)
Ataque Especial - Hidro Bomba (PdF - área, 4 pts), Cabeçada (força, 1 pt), Deflexão (1 pt), Tiro Múltiplo (2 pts), Fortalecer (armadura, 1 pt), Armadura Extra: Fogo (2 pts), Gelo (2 pts), Vulnerabilidade: Planta (-1 pt), Elétrico (-1 pt)
Tipo: Água
F3 (contusão), H4, R4, A4, PdF5 (água)
Ataque Especial - Canhão d’água (PdF, 1 pt), Investida (força, 1 pt), Super Poder da Ilusão Avançada (Focus Ar 4, Luz 4, 8 pts), Armadura Extra: Fogo (2 pts), Gelo (2 pts), Força (3 pts), Vulnerabilidade: Planta (-1 pt), Elétrico (-1 pt)
Tipo: Fantasma
F1 (veneno), H4, R4, A2, PdF4 (magia negra)
Ataque Especial - Canto Sombrio (PdF, 1 pt), Paralisia (1 pt), Telepatia (2 pts), Invisibilidade (2 pts), Intimidação (3 pts), Confusão (2 pts), Armadura Extra: Força (3 pts), Vulnerabilidade: Psíquico (-1 pt)
Tipo: Dragão
F4 (contusão), H5, R6, A5, PdF5 (luz)
Ataque Especial - Onda Trovão (elétrico, PdF, 1 pt), Mega Soco (força, 1 pt), Levitação (2 pts), Tiro Carregável (2 pts), Armadura Extra: Poder de Fogo (4 pts), Força (3 pts), Vulnerabilidade: Gelo (-1 pt)
Tipo: Pedra/Noturno
F5 (contusão), H5, R5, A6, PdF3 (pedra)
Ataque Especial - Mega Soco (força, 1 pt), Arremesso de Pedra (PdF, 1 pt), Fortalecer (força, armadura, 2 pts), Super Poder Terremoto (5 pts, só pode ser usado no poder mínimo), Armadura Extra: Poder de Fogo (4 pts), Força (3 pts), Vulnerabilidade: Água (-1 pt), Gelo (-1 pt), Planta (-1 pt)
Tipo: Psíquico
F2 (contusão), H3, R4, A6, PdF0
Reflexão (2 pts), Energia Extra (1 pt), Escudo Psíquico (3 pts), Vulnerabilidade: Magia Negra (-1 pt)
Pokémons no CP (Centro Pokémon): Lapras, Ampharos, Milktank, Medicham, Azumarill, Togetic, Noctowl, Aerodactyl, Blissey
Baseado na adaptação do livro “Pokémon 3D&T”
Todos os créditos a Henrique Lobo, autor desta adaptação
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lego star wars iii the clone wars wii
lego star wars iii the clone wars wii
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars cheats & more for Wii (Wii)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Wii (Wii). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Wii cheats we have available for LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars.
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Also Known As: LEGO Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars
Genre: Action, 3D Platform
Developer: Traveller’s Tales
Publisher: Lucas Arts
ESRB Rating: Everyone-10
Release Date: March 22, 2011
Holding A Saber Hilt
NOTE: THIS CHEAT REQUIRES VADER’S APPRENTICE AND DUAL WIELD! First, turn into Vader’s apprentice. Then turn on his saber and then turn it off and right before he puts it away pause the game, then turn on “Dual Wield” and un-pause. He should have a Lightsaber Hilt in his hand with no saber extended!
3 Blades
The first thing that you need is: Darth Maul or Savage Oppress. Next, go on the level called “The Hidden Enemy” and when you go to face Ventress in the room with three sets of stairs, be either Savage or Maul and Dubble-jump and Slam. Then take the other one of her Light sabers and Maul or Savage will have a Daul saber and a single bladed Lightsaber.
Password Cheats
EDENECGeonosian Starfighter unlocked.
qd2c31Character Studs
2d7jnsRegenerate Hearts
6mz5chStud Magnet
n1ckr1Score X10
byfsaqScore X8
sebhgrScore X6
43t5e5Score X4
yzphuvScore X2
b1d3w3Super Speeders
csd5naMinikit Detector
gchp7sFast Build
x1v4n2Dark Side
3F5L56Perfect Deflect
bs828kSuper Saber Cut
c4es4rDual Wield
4gt3vqGlow in the Dark
Cheat Codes List
3F5L56 – Perfect Deflect
x1v4n2 – Dark Side
gchp7s – Fast Build
j46p7a – Invincibilty
csd5na – Minikit Detector
b1d3w3 – Super Speeders
yzphuv – Score X2
43t5e5 – Score X4
sebhgr – Score X6
byfsaq – Score X8
n1ckr1 – Score X10
6mz5ch – Stud Magnet
2d7jns – Regenerate Hearts
qd2c31 – Character Studs
bs828k – Super Saber Cut
c4es4r – Dual Wield
4gt3vq – Glow in the Dark
5u9fjk – Obi-Wan Kenobi (Geonosian Arena)
9aa4dw – Anakin Skywalker (Geonosian Arena)
sz824q – Padme Amidala (Geonosian Arena)
j9hnf9 – Obi-Wan Kenobi
f9vuyj – Anakin Skywalker
8x87u6 – Padme Amildala
smn259 – Commander Cody
csqtmb – Yoda
3neuxc – Lieutenant Thire
ayrec9 – Jek
4ptp53 – Rys
2vj9th – Ahsoka
mespts – Jar Jar Binks
mw3qyh – Captain Rex
rctflv – Anakin’s Jedi Starfighter
aka9bb – V-19 Torrent Starfighter
bnje79 – Waxer
q5q39p – Boil
8nvrwj – Mace Windu
jrpr2a – Commander Ponds
hgbctq – Ki-Adi-Mundi
pywj6n – Kit Fitso
5xzqsv – Commando Stone
2vg95b – Aayla Secura
c7m3du – Republic Gunship
7cb6ns – Commander Bly
vruvsz – Wag Too
mkuyq8 – Luminara Uunduli
btvtz5 – Barriss Offee
np5gtt – Clone Trooper
z87pau – R3-S6
rz5huv – R2-D2
bud4vu – Plo Koon
l4lcdv – Plo Koon’s Jedi Starfighter
574226 – C-3PO
zkxg43 – Nahdar Vebb
u25hfc – Commander Fil
wxutwy – Heavy Weapons Clone Trooper
eub8ug – Hevy
jb9e5s – Echo
g2bfen – Adi Gallia
wufdya – Eeth Koth
nhme85 – Cad Bane
m2v1jv – Aurra Sing
2klw5r – Robonino
g4n7c2 – Shahan Alama
4axty4 – HELIOS 3D
eabpcp – IG-86
qegu64 – Commando Droid
2kef2d – MagnaGuard
ewr7wm – Count Dooku
ng6pyx – Admiral Yularen
5kzq4d – Jango Fett
5mxsya – R4-P17
bjb94j – Neimoidian
5y7ma4 – Battle Droid
mjkdv5 – Super Battle Droid
c686pk – Gonk Droid
sm3y9b – LEP Servent Droid
2c8nhp – Gold Super Battle Droid
gd6fx3 – Captain Typho
zqrn85 – Queen Neeyutnee
j2jndd – Republic Dropship (Rapid Fire)
lsu4lj – Battle Droid Commander
5a7xyx – Hondo Hohnaka
bh2ehu – Pirate Ruffian
ea4e9s – Senator Kharrus
t4k5L4 – The Twilight
fyvshd – Tee Watt Kaa
hebhw5 – Turk Falso
j3mfjz – Republic Cruiser (Missiles & Torpedos)
u2t4sp – Probe Droid
r35y7n – Lurman Villager
pe7fgd – TX-20
gafzud – Geonosian Guard
mp9dre – Workout Clone Trooper
9u4tf3 – Bib Fortuna
qgenfd – Undead Geonosian
9muts2 – Destroyer Droid
xtl6y3 – Y-Wing Starfighter
g65kjj – Heavy Super Battle Droid
bet7cu – Medical Frigate (Torpedos)
77qejl – H-Type Nubian Yacht
7pmc3c – R6-H5
h68d3k – Kit Fitso’s Jedi Starfighter
bqcxwr – Republic Attack Shuttle
hq7bvd – Clone Pilot
s6grnz – MSE-6
hrx2uk – Jedi Shuttle
5c62yq – Sionver Boll
zy3ae2 – Arc-170 Starfighter (Rapid Fire)
gehx6c – Bail Organa
v4wmjn – Luxury Droid
db7zqn – Onaconda Farr
9q7yct – Senator Philo
s4y7vw – Senate Commando (Republic)
epbplk – Senate Commando
wsfzzq – Gammorean Guard
7fnu4t – General Grievous
yg9dd7 – Asajj Ventress
272y9q – Admiral Ackbar (Classic)
d8sngj – Captain Antilles (Classic)
66uu3t – Chewbacca (Classic)
kfdbxf – Han Solo (Classic)
eraewe – Lando Calrissian (Classic)
2d3d3l – Princess Leia (Classic)
pg73hf – Luke Skywalker (Classic)
ffbu5m – Obi-Wan Kenobi (Classic)
lkhd3b – Qui-Gon Jinn (Classic)
pzmqnk – Rebel Commando (Classic)
drglws – Wedge Antilles (Classic)
ty2byj – Bobba Fett (Classic)
fuw4c2 – Greedo (Classic)
qh68ak – Darth Maul (Classic)
qxy5xn – Darth Sidius (Classic)
fm4jb7 – Darth Vader (Classic)
nmjfbl – Darth Vader Battle Damaged (Classic)
egqq4v – Vader’s Apprentice (Classic)
5w6fgd – Imperial Guard (Classic)
7gfncq – Clone Shadow Trooper (Classic)
hpe7pz – Stormtrooper (Classic)
gc2xsa – Tuscan Raider (Classic)
mb9emw – Dr Nuvo Vindi
zp8xvh – Wat Tambor
tkcyuz – Lok Durd
4592wm – Poggle The Lesser
qfyxmc – Nute Gunray
4vvyqv – Whorm Loathsom
5c62yq – Chancellor Palpatine
NH2405 – Grand Moff Tarkin
mell07 – Savage Opress
z7h46t – AT-RT
aa279h – AT-AP Walker
vbezez – AT-TE
p8z9m5 – RX-200 Tank
ymwv33 – BARC Speeder
rylvnw – Super Tank
c9prkp – AAT
nacmgg – Dwarf Spider Droid
t7xf9z – Hailfire Droid
7nec36 – OG-9 Homing Spider Droid
59uu88 – STAP
3nqgyL – Pirate Speeder Tank
3re9xv – Starhawk Speeder Bike
25fmvt – Obi-Wan’s Jedi Starfighter
kddqvd – Slave I
xpy46k – Stealth Ship (Missiles + Torpedos)
7rl23g – Soulless One (Rapid Fire)
jsbljs – Trident Assault Craft (Missiles + Torpedos)
pj2u3r – Geonosian Solar Sailor
npgg24 – Hyena Bomber
7w7k7s – Vulture Droid
edenec – Geonosian Starfighter
6lt4ql – Neimodian Shuttle
z567hr – Pirate Saucer (Missiles)
hj5hhd – Magnaguard Starfighter
lq2svt – Xanadu Blood (Rapid Fire)
mhg3xb – The Halo (Rapid Fire)
Unlockable Characters
You can collect all 10 Minikit pieces in the corresponding level to unlock the corresponding character for purchase at the Minikit Room:
Admiral Ackbar: Gungun General
Boba Fett: Grievous Intrigue
Captain Antilles: Innocents Of Ryloth
Chewbacca: The Zillo Beast
Clone Shadow Trooper: Blue Shadow Virus
Darth Maul: Rookies
Darth Sidious: Geonosian Arena
Darth Vader: Legacy Of Terror
Darth Vader (Battle Damaged): Ambush!
Greedo: The Hidden Enemy
Han Solo: Duel Of The Droids
Imperial Guard: Castle Of Doom
Lando Calrissian: Shadow Of Malevolence
Luke Skywalker: Weapons Factory
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode IV): Jedi Crash
Princess Leia: Battle Of Geonosis
Qui-Gon Jinn: Storm Over Ryloth
Rebel Commando: Lair Of Grievous
Stormtrooper: Liberty On Ryloth
Tusken Raider: Hostage Crisis
Vader’s Apprentice: Defenders Of Peace
Wedge Antilles: Destroy Malevolence
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Yoda’s Lightsaber Walking Stick Glitch
NOTE: THIS GLITCH REQUIRES DUAL WIELD; CHEAT CODE = C4ES4RFirstly, go into Extras and make sure Dual Wield is turned OFF. Now change into Yoda and make sure your light-sabers are away. Next, simply turn Dual Wield ON and half of Yoda’s walking stick will be a light-saber handle. This is a really cool glitch and I use it every time I play this game.
General Grievous Or Asajj Ventress Lightsaber Glitch
NOTE: THIS GLITCH ONLY WORKS WITH GENERAL GRIEVOUS AND ASAJJ VENTRESS. Firstly, change into General Grievous or Asajj Ventress and make sure your lightsabers are away. Next, go into an elevator and just as the screen goes black, hit Z to get your lightsabers out. If timed correctly, and depending on which character you’re being, General Grievous should only have one green lightsaber out and Asajj Ventress should only have one red lightsaber out. This may take some practise to get the right timing, but it is a really cool glitch and I use it every time I play this game.
Rapid Fire Glitch
You’re going to need 2 players for this glitch. First get player one (or 2) choose a custom character that doesn’t have a machine gun, but he has to have a gun , choose him then have player 2 go to the custom character place on the good ship, go to the character that player 1 is, then have player 2 switch player 1s gun to machine gun, go back & if you hold the attack button player 1s gun will start firing real fast! Its really helpful for getting rid of retards that attack you. (Note: I’ve only done this on Wii).
Yoda Floor Slam Glitch!
NOTE: THIS GLITCH REQUIRES DUAL WIELD, YODA AND TIMING SKILLS! Firstly change into Yoda and go next to any elevator. Next, turn on dual wield. Then go into elevator ( With Light sabers off ) and as soon as the lights go black, press the Z Button. If done correctly, Yoda’s Light saber blade should not be attached to his Light saber hilt ( You shouldn’t see the blade at all ) until you move. Once you are out of the elevator Yoda should have only one light saber. Then, Dubble-jump and press the B button or swing the remote ( While in the air ) and Yoda will do a Floor slam.
Currently no guide available.
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pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of time nintendo ds
pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of time nintendo ds
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time cheats & more for Nintendo DS (DS)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Nintendo DS (DS). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Nintendo DS cheats we have available for Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time.
Genre: Action, Adventure
Developer: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo
ESRB Rating: Everyone
Release Date: April 23, 2008
An Easy Way Of Defeating Dialga
Get a Pokemon learn “Mirror Move” (Torchic learns “Mirror Move” around Lv.37). So when Dialga uses Roar Of Time, the damage you take will be returned to Dialga itself. Also take around 4 reviver seeds with you in case you need it (Note: You can use this trick against other bosses or other tuff Pokemons)
Golden Apples
Golden Apples are extremely rare food items. They completely refill and greatly increase the size of the eating pokemon’s belly. To find them, complete a job that involves exploring a Golden Chamber. The boxes in the chamber will contain the apples when you get them appraised.
Secret Slab/Mystery Part
To get the Secret Slab or the Mystery Part (needed for finding certain special pokemon), check the job listings board for a client looking to go on a mission and find either item.
How To Get Hitmontop, Hitmonchan, Or Hitmonlee
First, you have to get to Mt. Travail. Then, keep fighting till you get to a tyrogue. Beat it and recruit it. Keep leveling it up to at least level 20. If you want a hitmonlee make the attack greater than defense. If you want a hitmontop make the attack equal to the defense and if you want a hitmonchan make the defense greater than the attack.
To get Darkria to join your team you need a mystery part.
Unlocking The “Secret Rank”
After you beat the game(defeating Dialga) do some missions and you will eventually find a Mr. Mime at the Treasure Town. Talk to him and he will tell you about Blizzard Island and how a long time ago Scizor got trapped deep in Blizzard Island. Then you gain access to Blizzard Island. Get through the 20 floors and you go to Crevice Cave. Get through its 10 floors and save at the Kangaskhan Statue and get through another 14 floors. Then you meet Frosslass. Fight him and then you will save Scizor and he will thank you by giving you the Secret Rank.
How To Beat Mew
To beat mew you’ll need about 4 X-eye seeds. If you don’t have any X-eye seeds, you will need tons of reviver seeds. You would a lot need a psychic pokemon, in that case you would not need reviver seeds. Do not bring any rock pokemon with you. When your attacking mew throw one of you X-eye seeds at it. If Mew dodges the seed, throw another one. After being hit with an X-eye Mew can’t see straight. Use Psychic and Confusion to bring down Mew. (Hint: You can also use Crunch or Bite to bring down Mew)
Easier Way Of Defeating Tough Bosses Or Outlaws
Using sleep seeds, stun seeds, x-eye seeds,etc, will make it easier to defeat tough enemies.
Evolving Starters
After unlocking the ability to evolve pokemon by graduating from the guild, recruit palkia to be able to evolve your starters
Golden Mask
My friend has the Golden Mask and he says that you make new recruits faster with the golden mask. To get it, go to one of the Zero Isle dungeons and complete the dungeon.
Beat Dialga
Here is a quick way to beat Dialga. Use ground moves! It took me 5 digs (3 missed) to beat him.
Final Maze
When you beat the game [beat dialga] go down to the dojo. You will hear a loud noise and there you have it the Final Maze.
Pokemon Training
If you feel that you need to strengthen yourself and collect new items, you should train at the Marowak Dojo. Here, you can train without risk of losing any items if your KO’d. But, you must first place all your current items in the Kangashghan Storage, or you’ll lose all of your current items.
Get Life
To get life hold Down, A, and B.
Wonder Mail Codes
1000 Rescue Point arrest : &8P%J
1300 Rescue Point arrest (harder) : 7&SK8Y+0C9YF06KKNN+2+F8K
Aerial Ace TM Mt. Horn 11F : 12=W 4++- HMK7 8K3=
Ampharos Drenched Bluff 5F : 15+0 6-6Q K2CN KR+# %9K@ %WY9
Beauty Scarf : NK99 1452 905& 67N5 7679 @c+@
Blizzard : Y#ST 42FM C4H+ =T99 9#PR
Blue Gummi :
Blue Gummi : 6M=7 0HM% -9=X R%C6 NM1# 7F1J
Blue Gummi Drenched Bluff B6F : YTY3 HP5X YHC= 49PM 8NHF 9&YC
Blue Gummi Mt. Bristle 9F : TCM0 #TX2 K-J&X997 %-J2 6@@R
Bonsly Mt. Bristle : PHST F2PX @&22 N#X2
Bottomless Sea Boss Kyogre Water Harmonica reward (increases Water-type Pokemon recruitment) : FN01 HWN- 00%F 8678 +XY@ &%#3
Dewgong Steam Cave 7F : PJ-F 44%K 9++Q Y0KJ 9KKX R=%%
Donphan : s4nk tf8t 387p -H%X 0M=3 =80%
Dubious Disc : JF7X QC92 K0WM 8KM& &7JN H558
Electivire recruitment : +=+38-PM%J289
Enigma Part : PXJ6 34F4 4Q3F QW&K YRX5 38+=
Farfetch’d Northern Desert 8F : 1R3C C@%9 2QT4 T1%N 9=P% @=H5
Frozen Rock (Eevee to Glaceon) : P+WY W&KF JM4C JC85 H=K% QFM0
Garchomp recruitment : K%M1 W=69 5Q0= JCF0 53RH S90R
Gastrodon (blue) : @NX1
Giant Volcano Boss Heatran Fire Drum reward (increases Fire-type Pokemon recruitment) : FH0T HYNH R0QF 86N8 +SY@ &%YN
Glailie recruitment : @q8ST1MF#YRP 6-32MPKY9#&&
Gold Ribbon : H7H0 H==@ JF4% 3+Q% +C0T JQSW
Golden Apple : 1PH1TKH7=9MJNY2T58-33Y90
Golden Chamber of Hidden Land : 3JY0#XHQRK173X4-SY1M+HHX
Happiny : @XY7 ST62 98XM 39P7 C3M4 7XM=
Happy Outlook : +9RK 4X-& 0YFR P51H X3Y7 H+P&
Hidden Power : Q9T3 2F98 =%Y+ F8&4 TX# TPJ-=
Hyper Beam : 7==C C3H8 Y+4P 429M %7FM
Iron : S45X HW6W J1JT 7MNT 1==5 FN@#
Joy Ribbon : &+PS P28R XJ7X MCKP =3S2 %3KP
Joy Ribbon Foggy Forest : @470 #%7H H05M =+K2 FJ=J 9T2R
Joy Seed : #&#H QTX= KW8& X%MK CRJR
Joy Seed Zero Isle East B31F : +7TM 43-= CT4R 44P5 9M06 =M&2
Kings Rock : 23+H F199 J1J+ FR0S 5X20 &JPJ
Lake Afar : 3PNY =#87 NC45 @CW- S7%H J6T5
Landslide Cave : %H#N 66#5 6%CT 2H9W =4QF
Leafeon recruitment Serenity River B4F : F=4X T7SH M8+3 #C62 Q37H 3JJ3
Link Cable : =J+7 M199 JRJ+ F-H& M6Y5 &J7M
Linoone : KCT@ C&51 &2S&6%%W 0WYW #H0-
Lost Wilderness : YNP5 Q&%9 HP5+ SWK5 60P0 W1%W
Lunar Ribbon : +C5P J0R4 PYFN CC4K &51 0KRY
Magmorter recruitment Apple Woods : HP4W N7T7 5F#6 6H=7 #7R=
Maze Cave Boss Gabite Gabite’s Scale reward : 78SR -H2MP 0+4 Y6FY 1&Y+ #R9S
Midnight Forest : 20SR T5+- X&QC ==X9 P#NH
Miltank : HF4C J4&X 56YJ C%5M +PRT
Mobile Scarf Crevice Cave 9F : &&HJ QM40 S2SM OM52 RCHK MFJ@
Moon Stone : &+8+ =QX= -6M% 7M4+ +-PS QP%K
Mossy Rock : 5KTH TPTJ PF6T &0S9 Y45H PQ8K
Mt. Avalanche Cave Boss Articuno Ice Flute reward (increases Ice-type Pokemon recruitment) : 4MP= K98# CT%Y R@– &P7% %K86
Mt. Mistral : Q&+2 %1CS S1XM WY-4 8T0T C20Y
Mysterious Jungle Boss Mew Grass Trumpet reward (increases Grass-type Pokmon recruitment) : X%8S WYY+ S-JF PFH@ @##K 5W8K
Oran Forest : R#F& =7R3 R37X +Q+& 6FWK YJN5
Oval Stone : X&=5 -Q&X 2W=K R97X N6CP T=5+
Piplup (female) : 8SM9 6-R6 2Q2K #MJ% -6+Y
Psych Up : 49W= #-MK 3=NH Y378 P444 6M#Q
Rampardos Drenched Bluff B5F : @T1K JYJ4 R4K+ NN@- RKKK JH34
Recruit Eevee : Y2YS W595 T=XJ 39Y0 TWW2 +RY0
Recruit Luxray : J445 H1NT 051@ J++3 30#7 8Q&P
Reviver Seed : 0&%9 =Q&X 2H4K RCT6 XJ9& 5=83
Roost : MX81 6@-W 74&R PMN- X@K- H0H4
Safeguard : ‘@Q-# -RPY S4H+ %SQM #4PQ N0X0
Serenity River : PQ1R -KQ@ CFXC WF55 0XN1 6H0C
Serenity River X-Scissor reward : S6P& 198+ -5QY R&22 FJMK W1XF
Shiftry : 33SC 7WNH &P8F 8QFX %0#- 43R4
Shimmer Hill : 8#QX 4Q&X WWFK R17% -#9F 5=C9
Shimmering Desert Boss Groudon Earth Cymbal reward (increases Ground-type Pokemon recruitment) : #&S6 NY2& YJN= 1P57 F0MN MH7Y
Sky Stairs Boss Rayquaza Flying Pianaca reward (increases Flying-type Pokemon recruitment) : HW+8 66%T 5S51 +J5Y 4-K# H@P-
Smeargle : PMJ- =5H3 H4H0 +&X0 =@%J
Stamina Band : 6YMY 27FM FRW2 MKTP T9J4 NRM0
Stone Plate : S=W7 3&8S 2CSQ 0-7Y HP3+ H260
Sun Ribbon : %1T7 #TWY J+96 0-47 &W@= J+Q@
Swords Dance : 0T&Y FQ7C JHH8 M7W# MKK1 -M1%
The Great Hole Boss Giratina Rock Megaphone reward (increases Rock-type Pokemon recruitment) : WNWY JXTK &5C1 4N3- P4NM 8K&C
Tiny Meadow : #PS9 QK50 3PPN F@+Q TX#-HQ7T
Tiny Meadow : FCCS #09= 5T+6 Y#03 PQ#@
Tiny Meadow : SNYK F+3- ##R& &X5T RM6J 9-RF
TM Dig : 4-13 S%45 H5WS 084& P+-R6
TM Blizzard : 7P5J -12X TKXQ 9C=X TPHW F1FR
TM Flamethrower : 6S+& 2YNC 655F 8JF4 CF27 P%Q@
TM Grass Knot : QM5= @J4J #+8= &H48 Q2%4 J1K3
TM Overheat : P%#F RRFX 6Y31 PCQ8 @
TM Poison Jab : %Y-7 J2H8 3HWH @=1P P6YM 9S7J
TM Psychic : HXK8 8-NS -XJ5 X0W@ W8NS S#HT
TM Recycle : 9%Y7&695TYHJ34XYTR4J=RJ3
Tyranitar recruitment : TKTW W=TK 5WJ# 3WFR 0C10 K01X
Vacuum-Cut : HFCC CMR8 &WS# 1=01 =TW&
Weavile (female) recruitment : 4N%Q 8M64 M3XQ 8P03 70XW -XM3
X-ray Specs : %1K4 W36M H3KP WS0R S&PJ 8QJP
Yanmega Crystal Cave B8F : WTN1 XQ9C Q8#4 QR%J N468 F8F#
Zinc Band : @WWH K8X1 + C8KT N51H #213
Unlocking Electivire Link Shop
Some days after Team Skull joins the guild for an expedition, the Link Shop will be available that time.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
0 notes
lego star wars iii the clone wars nintendo ds
lego star wars iii the clone wars nintendo ds
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars cheats & more for Nintendo DS (DS)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Nintendo DS (DS). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Nintendo DS cheats we have available for LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars.
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Check PlayStation 3 cheats for this game
Check Wii cheats for this game
Check Nintendo 3DS cheats for this game
Also Known As: LEGO Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars
Genre: Action, 2D Action
Developer: Traveller’s Tales
Publisher: Lucas Arts
ESRB Rating: Everyone
Release Date: March 22, 2011
Currently we have no tips for LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Cheat Codes List
3F5L56 – Perfect Deflect
x1v4n2 – Dark Side
gchp7s – Fast Build
j46p7a – Invincibilty
csd5na – Minikit Detector
b1d3w3 – Super Speeders
yzphuv – Score X2
43t5e5 – Score X4
sebhgr – Score X6
byfsaq – Score X8
n1ckr1 – Score X10
6mz5ch – Stud Magnet
2d7jns – Regenerate Hearts
qd2c31 – Character Studs
bs828k – Super Saber Cut
c4es4r – Dual Wield
4gt3vq – Glow in the Dark
5u9fjk – Obi-Wan Kenobi (Geonosian Arena)
9aa4dw – Anakin Skywalker (Geonosian Arena)
sz824q – Padme Amidala (Geonosian Arena)
j9hnf9 – Obi-Wan Kenobi
f9vuyj – Anakin Skywalker
8x87u6 – Padme Amildala
smn259 – Commander Cody
csqtmb – Yoda
3neuxc – Lieutenant Thire
ayrec9 – Jek
4ptp53 – Rys
2vj9th – Ahsoka
mespts – Jar Jar Binks
mw3qyh – Captain Rex
rctflv – Anakin’s Jedi Starfighter
aka9bb – V-19 Torrent Starfighter
bnje79 – Waxer
q5q39p – Boil
8nvrwj – Mace Windu
jrpr2a – Commander Ponds
hgbctq – Ki-Adi-Mundi
pywj6n – Kit Fitso
5xzqsv – Commando Stone
2vg95b – Aayla Secura
c7m3du – Republic Gunship
7cb6ns – Commander Bly
vruvsz – Wag Too
mkuyq8 – Luminara Uunduli
btvtz5 – Barriss Offee
np5gtt – Clone Trooper
z87pau – R3-S6
rz5huv – R2-D2
bud4vu – Plo Koon
l4lcdv – Plo Koon’s Jedi Starfighter
574226 – C-3PO
zkxg43 – Nahdar Vebb
u25hfc – Commander Fil
wxutwy – Heavy Weapons Clone Trooper
eub8ug – Hevy
jb9e5s – Echo
g2bfen – Adi Gallia
wufdya – Eeth Koth
nhme85 – Cad Bane
m2v1jv – Aurra Sing
2klw5r – Robonino
g4n7c2 – Shahan Alama
4axty4 – HELIOS 3D
eabpcp – IG-86
qegu64 – Commando Droid
2kef2d – MagnaGuard
ewr7wm – Count Dooku
ng6pyx – Admiral Yularen
5kzq4d – Jango Fett
5mxsya – R4-P17
bjb94j – Neimoidian
5y7ma4 – Battle Droid
mjkdv5 – Super Battle Droid
c686pk – Gonk Droid
sm3y9b – LEP Servent Droid
2c8nhp – Gold Super Battle Droid
gd6fx3 – Captain Typho
zqrn85 – Queen Neeyutnee
j2jndd – Republic Dropship (Rapid Fire)
lsu4lj – Battle Droid Commander
5a7xyx – Hondo Hohnaka
bh2ehu – Pirate Ruffian
ea4e9s – Senator Kharrus
t4k5L4 – The Twilight
fyvshd – Tee Watt Kaa
hebhw5 – Turk Falso
j3mfjz – Republic Cruiser (Missiles & Torpedos)
u2t4sp – Probe Droid
r35y7n – Lurman Villager
pe7fgd – TX-20
gafzud – Geonosian Guard
mp9dre – Workout Clone Trooper
9u4tf3 – Bib Fortuna
qgenfd – Undead Geonosian
9muts2 – Destroyer Droid
xtl6y3 – Y-Wing Starfighter
g65kjj – Heavy Super Battle Droid
bet7cu – Medical Frigate (Torpedos)
77qejl – H-Type Nubian Yacht
7pmc3c – R6-H5
h68d3k – Kit Fitso’s Jedi Starfighter
bqcxwr – Republic Attack Shuttle
hq7bvd – Clone Pilot
s6grnz – MSE-6
hrx2uk – Jedi Shuttle
5c62yq – Sionver Boll
zy3ae2 – Arc-170 Starfighter (Rapid Fire)
gehx6c – Bail Organa
v4wmjn – Luxury Droid
db7zqn – Onaconda Farr
9q7yct – Senator Philo
s4y7vw – Senate Commando (Republic)
epbplk – Senate Commando
wsfzzq – Gammorean Guard
7fnu4t – General Grievous
yg9dd7 – Asajj Ventress
272y9q – Admiral Ackbar (Classic)
d8sngj – Captain Antilles (Classic)
66uu3t – Chewbacca (Classic)
kfdbxf – Han Solo (Classic)
eraewe – Lando Calrissian (Classic)
2d3d3l – Princess Leia (Classic)
pg73hf – Luke Skywalker (Classic)
ffbu5m – Obi-Wan Kenobi (Classic)
lkhd3b – Qui-Gon Jinn (Classic)
pzmqnk – Rebel Commando (Classic)
drglws – Wedge Antilles (Classic)
ty2byj – Bobba Fett (Classic)
fuw4c2 – Greedo (Classic)
qh68ak – Darth Maul (Classic)
qxy5xn – Darth Sidius (Classic)
fm4jb7 – Darth Vader (Classic)
nmjfbl – Darth Vader Battle Damaged (Classic)
egqq4v – Vader’s Apprentice (Classic)
5w6fgd – Imperial Guard (Classic)
7gfncq – Clone Shadow Trooper (Classic)
hpe7pz – Stormtrooper (Classic)
gc2xsa – Tuscan Raider (Classic)
mb9emw – Dr Nuvo Vindi
zp8xvh – Wat Tambor
tkcyuz – Lok Durd
4592wm – Poggle The Lesser
qfyxmc – Nute Gunray
4vvyqv – Whorm Loathsom
5c62yq – Chancellor Palpatine
NH2405 – Grand Moff Tarkin
mell07 – Savage Opress
z7h46t – AT-RT
aa279h – AT-AP Walker
vbezez – AT-TE
p8z9m5 – RX-200 Tank
ymwv33 – BARC Speeder
rylvnw – Super Tank
c9prkp – AAT
nacmgg – Dwarf Spider Droid
t7xf9z – Hailfire Droid
7nec36 – OG-9 Homing Spider Droid
59uu88 – STAP
3nqgyL – Pirate Speeder Tank
3re9xv – Starhawk Speeder Bike
25fmvt – Obi-Wan’s Jedi Starfighter
kddqvd – Slave I
xpy46k – Stealth Ship (Missiles + Torpedos)
7rl23g – Soulless One (Rapid Fire)
jsbljs – Trident Assault Craft (Missiles + Torpedos)
pj2u3r – Geonosian Solar Sailor
npgg24 – Hyena Bomber
7w7k7s – Vulture Droid
edenec – Geonosian Starfighter
6lt4ql – Neimodian Shuttle
z567hr – Pirate Saucer (Missiles)
hj5hhd – Magnaguard Starfighter
lq2svt – Xanadu Blood (Rapid Fire)
mhg3xb – The Halo (Rapid Fire)
Unlockable Characters
You can collect all 10 Minikit pieces in the corresponding level to unlock the corresponding character for purchase at the Minikit Room:
Admiral Ackbar: Gungun General
Boba Fett: Grievous Intrigue
Captain Antilles: Innocents Of Ryloth
Chewbacca: The Zillo Beast
Clone Shadow Trooper: Blue Shadow Virus
Darth Maul: Rookies
Darth Sidious: Geonosian Arena
Darth Vader: Legacy Of Terror
Darth Vader (Battle Damaged): Ambush!
Greedo: The Hidden Enemy
Han Solo: Duel Of The Droids
Imperial Guard: Castle Of Doom
Lando Calrissian: Shadow Of Malevolence
Luke Skywalker: Weapons Factory
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode IV): Jedi Crash
Princess Leia: Battle Of Geonosis
Qui-Gon Jinn: Storm Over Ryloth
Rebel Commando: Lair Of Grievous
Stormtrooper: Liberty On Ryloth
Tusken Raider: Hostage Crisis
Vader’s Apprentice: Defenders Of Peace
Wedge Antilles: Destroy Malevolence
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
0 notes
lego star wars iii the clone wars pc
lego star wars iii the clone wars pc
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars cheats & more for PC (PC)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PC (PC). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the PC cheats we have available for LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars.
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Check Nintendo 3DS cheats for this game
Also Known As: LEGO Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars
Genre: Action, 3D Platform
Developer: Traveller’s Tales
Publisher: Lucas Arts
ESRB Rating: Everyone-10
Release Date: March 23, 2011
Currently we have no tips for LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Cheat Codes List
3F5L56 – Perfect Deflect
x1v4n2 – Dark Side
gchp7s – Fast Build
j46p7a – Invincibilty
csd5na – Minikit Detector
b1d3w3 – Super Speeders
yzphuv – Score X2
43t5e5 – Score X4
sebhgr – Score X6
byfsaq – Score X8
n1ckr1 – Score X10
6mz5ch – Stud Magnet
2d7jns – Regenerate Hearts
qd2c31 – Character Studs
bs828k – Super Saber Cut
c4es4r – Dual Wield
4gt3vq – Glow in the Dark
5u9fjk – Obi-Wan Kenobi (Geonosian Arena)
9aa4dw – Anakin Skywalker (Geonosian Arena)
sz824q – Padme Amidala (Geonosian Arena)
j9hnf9 – Obi-Wan Kenobi
f9vuyj – Anakin Skywalker
8x87u6 – Padme Amildala
smn259 – Commander Cody
csqtmb – Yoda
3neuxc – Lieutenant Thire
ayrec9 – Jek
4ptp53 – Rys
2vj9th – Ahsoka
mespts – Jar Jar Binks
mw3qyh – Captain Rex
rctflv – Anakin’s Jedi Starfighter
aka9bb – V-19 Torrent Starfighter
bnje79 – Waxer
q5q39p – Boil
8nvrwj – Mace Windu
jrpr2a – Commander Ponds
hgbctq – Ki-Adi-Mundi
pywj6n – Kit Fitso
5xzqsv – Commando Stone
2vg95b – Aayla Secura
c7m3du – Republic Gunship
7cb6ns – Commander Bly
vruvsz – Wag Too
mkuyq8 – Luminara Uunduli
btvtz5 – Barriss Offee
np5gtt – Clone Trooper
z87pau – R3-S6
rz5huv – R2-D2
bud4vu – Plo Koon
l4lcdv – Plo Koon’s Jedi Starfighter
574226 – C-3PO
zkxg43 – Nahdar Vebb
u25hfc – Commander Fil
wxutwy – Heavy Weapons Clone Trooper
eub8ug – Hevy
jb9e5s – Echo
g2bfen – Adi Gallia
wufdya – Eeth Koth
nhme85 – Cad Bane
m2v1jv – Aurra Sing
2klw5r – Robonino
g4n7c2 – Shahan Alama
4axty4 – HELIOS 3D
eabpcp – IG-86
qegu64 – Commando Droid
2kef2d – MagnaGuard
ewr7wm – Count Dooku
ng6pyx – Admiral Yularen
5kzq4d – Jango Fett
5mxsya – R4-P17
bjb94j – Neimoidian
5y7ma4 – Battle Droid
mjkdv5 – Super Battle Droid
c686pk – Gonk Droid
sm3y9b – LEP Servent Droid
2c8nhp – Gold Super Battle Droid
gd6fx3 – Captain Typho
zqrn85 – Queen Neeyutnee
j2jndd – Republic Dropship (Rapid Fire)
lsu4lj – Battle Droid Commander
5a7xyx – Hondo Hohnaka
bh2ehu – Pirate Ruffian
ea4e9s – Senator Kharrus
t4k5L4 – The Twilight
fyvshd – Tee Watt Kaa
hebhw5 – Turk Falso
j3mfjz – Republic Cruiser (Missiles & Torpedos)
u2t4sp – Probe Droid
r35y7n – Lurman Villager
pe7fgd – TX-20
gafzud – Geonosian Guard
mp9dre – Workout Clone Trooper
9u4tf3 – Bib Fortuna
qgenfd – Undead Geonosian
9muts2 – Destroyer Droid
xtl6y3 – Y-Wing Starfighter
g65kjj – Heavy Super Battle Droid
bet7cu – Medical Frigate (Torpedos)
77qejl – H-Type Nubian Yacht
7pmc3c – R6-H5
h68d3k – Kit Fitso’s Jedi Starfighter
bqcxwr – Republic Attack Shuttle
hq7bvd – Clone Pilot
s6grnz – MSE-6
hrx2uk – Jedi Shuttle
5c62yq – Sionver Boll
zy3ae2 – Arc-170 Starfighter (Rapid Fire)
gehx6c – Bail Organa
v4wmjn – Luxury Droid
db7zqn – Onaconda Farr
9q7yct – Senator Philo
s4y7vw – Senate Commando (Republic)
epbplk – Senate Commando
wsfzzq – Gammorean Guard
7fnu4t – General Grievous
yg9dd7 – Asajj Ventress
272y9q – Admiral Ackbar (Classic)
d8sngj – Captain Antilles (Classic)
66uu3t – Chewbacca (Classic)
kfdbxf – Han Solo (Classic)
eraewe – Lando Calrissian (Classic)
2d3d3l – Princess Leia (Classic)
pg73hf – Luke Skywalker (Classic)
ffbu5m – Obi-Wan Kenobi (Classic)
lkhd3b – Qui-Gon Jinn (Classic)
pzmqnk – Rebel Commando (Classic)
drglws – Wedge Antilles (Classic)
ty2byj – Bobba Fett (Classic)
fuw4c2 – Greedo (Classic)
qh68ak – Darth Maul (Classic)
qxy5xn – Darth Sidius (Classic)
fm4jb7 – Darth Vader (Classic)
nmjfbl – Darth Vader Battle Damaged (Classic)
egqq4v – Vader’s Apprentice (Classic)
5w6fgd – Imperial Guard (Classic)
7gfncq – Clone Shadow Trooper (Classic)
hpe7pz – Stormtrooper (Classic)
gc2xsa – Tuscan Raider (Classic)
mb9emw – Dr Nuvo Vindi
zp8xvh – Wat Tambor
tkcyuz – Lok Durd
4592wm – Poggle The Lesser
qfyxmc – Nute Gunray
4vvyqv – Whorm Loathsom
5c62yq – Chancellor Palpatine
NH2405 – Grand Moff Tarkin
mell07 – Savage Opress
z7h46t – AT-RT
aa279h – AT-AP Walker
vbezez – AT-TE
p8z9m5 – RX-200 Tank
ymwv33 – BARC Speeder
rylvnw – Super Tank
c9prkp – AAT
nacmgg – Dwarf Spider Droid
t7xf9z – Hailfire Droid
7nec36 – OG-9 Homing Spider Droid
59uu88 – STAP
3nqgyL – Pirate Speeder Tank
3re9xv – Starhawk Speeder Bike
25fmvt – Obi-Wan’s Jedi Starfighter
kddqvd – Slave I
xpy46k – Stealth Ship (Missiles + Torpedos)
7rl23g – Soulless One (Rapid Fire)
jsbljs – Trident Assault Craft (Missiles + Torpedos)
pj2u3r – Geonosian Solar Sailor
npgg24 – Hyena Bomber
7w7k7s – Vulture Droid
edenec – Geonosian Starfighter
6lt4ql – Neimodian Shuttle
z567hr – Pirate Saucer (Missiles)
hj5hhd – Magnaguard Starfighter
lq2svt – Xanadu Blood (Rapid Fire)
mhg3xb – The Halo (Rapid Fire)
Unlockable Characters
You can collect all 10 Minikit pieces in the corresponding level to unlock the corresponding character for purchase at the Minikit Room:
Admiral Ackbar: Gungun General
Boba Fett: Grievous Intrigue
Captain Antilles: Innocents Of Ryloth
Chewbacca: The Zillo Beast
Clone Shadow Trooper: Blue Shadow Virus
Darth Maul: Rookies
Darth Sidious: Geonosian Arena
Darth Vader: Legacy Of Terror
Darth Vader (Battle Damaged): Ambush!
Greedo: The Hidden Enemy
Han Solo: Duel Of The Droids
Imperial Guard: Castle Of Doom
Lando Calrissian: Shadow Of Malevolence
Luke Skywalker: Weapons Factory
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode IV): Jedi Crash
Princess Leia: Battle Of Geonosis
Qui-Gon Jinn: Storm Over Ryloth
Rebel Commando: Lair Of Grievous
Stormtrooper: Liberty On Ryloth
Tusken Raider: Hostage Crisis
Vader’s Apprentice: Defenders Of Peace
Wedge Antilles: Destroy Malevolence
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Currently we have no achievements or trophies for LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
0 notes
lego star wars iii the clone wars xbox 360
lego star wars iii the clone wars xbox 360
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars cheats & more for Xbox 360 (X360)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Xbox 360 (X360). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Xbox 360 cheats we have available for LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars.
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Check Wii cheats for this game
Check Nintendo 3DS cheats for this game
Also Known As: LEGO Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars
Genre: Action, 3D Platform
Developer: Traveller’s Tales
Publisher: Lucas Arts
ESRB Rating: Everyone-10
Release Date: March 22, 2011
How To Unlock Classic Characters
This is how you unlock classic characters. You have to play any mission and collect all minikits on that mission. Then when you complete the mission you should unlock one of the classic characters and as a bonus, 100,000 in studs.
Easy Way To Get
To get this achievement you must kill 100 druids with a clone chain gun. I suggest on the mission “rookies” when you have to get all the explosive things, when doing the first one as heavy unlimited druids come out of the transport, stand at the top of the stairs and fire away after a while you should get the achievement.
How To Survive With Low Health
When you are in battle, you can easliy loose health BUT say you have only 1 or 2 hearts left and all kinds off enemy are around, as a jedi just keep pressing the lightsaber atack button with this most enemys drop hearts and it can help block while grabbing studs or breaking stuff for studs.
Easy The Force Is With You Achievement
This is an easy way to get the “The Force Is With You” achievement. This achievement requires you to complete any mission without dying (without the invincibility cheat). The easiest way to get this achievement is to unlock the cheat regenerate hearts and go through any mission and you shouldn’t die at all. I did it and it works perfectly so there is to confirm.
Cheat Codes List
3F5L56 – Perfect Deflect
x1v4n2 – Dark Side
gchp7s – Fast Build
j46p7a – Invincibilty
csd5na – Minikit Detector
b1d3w3 – Super Speeders
yzphuv – Score X2
43t5e5 – Score X4
sebhgr – Score X6
byfsaq – Score X8
n1ckr1 – Score X10
6mz5ch – Stud Magnet
2d7jns – Regenerate Hearts
qd2c31 – Character Studs
bs828k – Super Saber Cut
c4es4r – Dual Wield
4gt3vq – Glow in the Dark
5u9fjk – Obi-Wan Kenobi (Geonosian Arena)
9aa4dw – Anakin Skywalker (Geonosian Arena)
sz824q – Padme Amidala (Geonosian Arena)
j9hnf9 – Obi-Wan Kenobi
f9vuyj – Anakin Skywalker
8x87u6 – Padme Amildala
smn259 – Commander Cody
csqtmb – Yoda
3neuxc – Lieutenant Thire
ayrec9 – Jek
4ptp53 – Rys
2vj9th – Ahsoka
mespts – Jar Jar Binks
mw3qyh – Captain Rex
rctflv – Anakin’s Jedi Starfighter
aka9bb – V-19 Torrent Starfighter
bnje79 – Waxer
q5q39p – Boil
8nvrwj – Mace Windu
jrpr2a – Commander Ponds
hgbctq – Ki-Adi-Mundi
pywj6n – Kit Fitso
5xzqsv – Commando Stone
2vg95b – Aayla Secura
c7m3du – Republic Gunship
7cb6ns – Commander Bly
vruvsz – Wag Too
mkuyq8 – Luminara Uunduli
btvtz5 – Barriss Offee
np5gtt – Clone Trooper
z87pau – R3-S6
rz5huv – R2-D2
bud4vu – Plo Koon
l4lcdv – Plo Koon’s Jedi Starfighter
574226 – C-3PO
zkxg43 – Nahdar Vebb
u25hfc – Commander Fil
wxutwy – Heavy Weapons Clone Trooper
eub8ug – Hevy
jb9e5s – Echo
g2bfen – Adi Gallia
wufdya – Eeth Koth
nhme85 – Cad Bane
m2v1jv – Aurra Sing
2klw5r – Robonino
g4n7c2 – Shahan Alama
4axty4 – HELIOS 3D
eabpcp – IG-86
qegu64 – Commando Droid
2kef2d – MagnaGuard
ewr7wm – Count Dooku
ng6pyx – Admiral Yularen
5kzq4d – Jango Fett
5mxsya – R4-P17
bjb94j – Neimoidian
5y7ma4 – Battle Droid
mjkdv5 – Super Battle Droid
c686pk – Gonk Droid
sm3y9b – LEP Servent Droid
2c8nhp – Gold Super Battle Droid
gd6fx3 – Captain Typho
zqrn85 – Queen Neeyutnee
j2jndd – Republic Dropship (Rapid Fire)
lsu4lj – Battle Droid Commander
5a7xyx – Hondo Hohnaka
bh2ehu – Pirate Ruffian
ea4e9s – Senator Kharrus
t4k5L4 – The Twilight
fyvshd – Tee Watt Kaa
hebhw5 – Turk Falso
j3mfjz – Republic Cruiser (Missiles & Torpedos)
u2t4sp – Probe Droid
r35y7n – Lurman Villager
pe7fgd – TX-20
gafzud – Geonosian Guard
mp9dre – Workout Clone Trooper
9u4tf3 – Bib Fortuna
qgenfd – Undead Geonosian
9muts2 – Destroyer Droid
xtl6y3 – Y-Wing Starfighter
g65kjj – Heavy Super Battle Droid
bet7cu – Medical Frigate (Torpedos)
77qejl – H-Type Nubian Yacht
7pmc3c – R6-H5
h68d3k – Kit Fitso’s Jedi Starfighter
bqcxwr – Republic Attack Shuttle
hq7bvd – Clone Pilot
s6grnz – MSE-6
hrx2uk – Jedi Shuttle
5c62yq – Sionver Boll
zy3ae2 – Arc-170 Starfighter (Rapid Fire)
gehx6c – Bail Organa
v4wmjn – Luxury Droid
db7zqn – Onaconda Farr
9q7yct – Senator Philo
s4y7vw – Senate Commando (Republic)
epbplk – Senate Commando
wsfzzq – Gammorean Guard
7fnu4t – General Grievous
yg9dd7 – Asajj Ventress
272y9q – Admiral Ackbar (Classic)
d8sngj – Captain Antilles (Classic)
66uu3t – Chewbacca (Classic)
kfdbxf – Han Solo (Classic)
eraewe – Lando Calrissian (Classic)
2d3d3l – Princess Leia (Classic)
pg73hf – Luke Skywalker (Classic)
ffbu5m – Obi-Wan Kenobi (Classic)
lkhd3b – Qui-Gon Jinn (Classic)
pzmqnk – Rebel Commando (Classic)
drglws – Wedge Antilles (Classic)
ty2byj – Bobba Fett (Classic)
fuw4c2 – Greedo (Classic)
qh68ak – Darth Maul (Classic)
qxy5xn – Darth Sidius (Classic)
fm4jb7 – Darth Vader (Classic)
nmjfbl – Darth Vader Battle Damaged (Classic)
egqq4v – Vader’s Apprentice (Classic)
5w6fgd – Imperial Guard (Classic)
7gfncq – Clone Shadow Trooper (Classic)
hpe7pz – Stormtrooper (Classic)
gc2xsa – Tuscan Raider (Classic)
mb9emw – Dr Nuvo Vindi
zp8xvh – Wat Tambor
tkcyuz – Lok Durd
4592wm – Poggle The Lesser
qfyxmc – Nute Gunray
4vvyqv – Whorm Loathsom
5c62yq – Chancellor Palpatine
NH2405 – Grand Moff Tarkin
mell07 – Savage Opress
z7h46t – AT-RT
aa279h – AT-AP Walker
vbezez – AT-TE
p8z9m5 – RX-200 Tank
ymwv33 – BARC Speeder
rylvnw – Super Tank
c9prkp – AAT
nacmgg – Dwarf Spider Droid
t7xf9z – Hailfire Droid
7nec36 – OG-9 Homing Spider Droid
59uu88 – STAP
3nqgyL – Pirate Speeder Tank
3re9xv – Starhawk Speeder Bike
25fmvt – Obi-Wan’s Jedi Starfighter
kddqvd – Slave I
xpy46k – Stealth Ship (Missiles + Torpedos)
7rl23g – Soulless One (Rapid Fire)
jsbljs – Trident Assault Craft (Missiles + Torpedos)
pj2u3r – Geonosian Solar Sailor
npgg24 – Hyena Bomber
7w7k7s – Vulture Droid
edenec – Geonosian Starfighter
6lt4ql – Neimodian Shuttle
z567hr – Pirate Saucer (Missiles)
hj5hhd – Magnaguard Starfighter
lq2svt – Xanadu Blood (Rapid Fire)
mhg3xb – The Halo (Rapid Fire)
Unlockable Characters
You can collect all 10 Minikit pieces in the corresponding level to unlock the corresponding character for purchase at the Minikit Room:
Admiral Ackbar: Gungun General
Boba Fett: Grievous Intrigue
Captain Antilles: Innocents Of Ryloth
Chewbacca: The Zillo Beast
Clone Shadow Trooper: Blue Shadow Virus
Darth Maul: Rookies
Darth Sidious: Geonosian Arena
Darth Vader: Legacy Of Terror
Darth Vader (Battle Damaged): Ambush!
Greedo: The Hidden Enemy
Han Solo: Duel Of The Droids
Imperial Guard: Castle Of Doom
Lando Calrissian: Shadow Of Malevolence
Luke Skywalker: Weapons Factory
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode IV): Jedi Crash
Princess Leia: Battle Of Geonosis
Qui-Gon Jinn: Storm Over Ryloth
Rebel Commando: Lair Of Grievous
Stormtrooper: Liberty On Ryloth
Tusken Raider: Hostage Crisis
Vader’s Apprentice: Defenders Of Peace
Wedge Antilles: Destroy Malevolence
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Achievement List
This is just the beginning! – Complete Geonosian Arena.
That’s no moon – Complete Battle of Geonosis.
The pleasure is all mine my dear – Complete The Hidden Enemy.
Follow me, boys! – Complete Duel of the Droids.
Me’sa rescued you – Complete Gungan General.
Okay clankers, suck lasers! – Complete Ambush.
Are all Jedi so reckless? – Complete Jedi Crash.
Torpedoes away! – Complete Shadow of Malevolence.
Oops. What happened? – Complete Blue Shadow Virus.
There goes my promotion – Complete Defenders of Peace.
Abandon ship! – Complete Destroy Malevolence.
You can have my ship! – Complete Storm Over Ryloth.
Tank ‘n’ Spank – Complete Weapons Factory.
Another bug hunt – Complete Legacy of Terror.
R6 take me home – Complete Lair of Grievous.
Time to take the capital – Complete Innocents of Ryloth.
Not so tough now are ya Sparky? – Complete Rookies.
We live to fight another day – Complete Grievous Intrigue.
Liberation! – Complete Liberty on Ryloth.
Great shot kid – Destroy an enemy building with a proton torpedo
Cheat! – Collect all Red Power Bricks. (Single Player Only)
Zillo Tolerance – Complete Zillo Beast.
What a Rotta! – Complete Castle of Doom.
The Force is with you – Complete a story level without dying (and no invincibility cheat).
Attack of the clones! – Deploy 500 Clones.
We really did say no prisoners – Destroy 100 Droids with the Clone Chain-gun.
Got a bad feeling about this – Land on the Invisible Hand.
Saberang Master – Use Yoda to defeat 5 enemies with one lightsaber throw.
Finders Keepers – Hijack 20 enemy units in Ground Battles.
The dark side I sense in you – Free all villains from the Resolute brig. (Single Player Only)
Jedi Master – True Jedi in every level. (Single Player Only)
Sure, as long as I get paid – Complete Hostage Crisis.
It ain’t like dusting crops boy – Complete – 5 Loop the loops, 5 Back flips, 5 corkscrews.
UH OH! – Using the Force, take control of a Super Battle Droid and destroy 50 other Droids.
Admiral of the fleet – Convert every system to the Republic. (Single Player Only)
Twice the pride, double the fall – Defeat Anakin with Count Dooku
Jango’s army! – Unlock/purchase all ‘Clone’ characters. (Single Player Only)
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lego star wars iii the clone wars ps3
lego star wars iii the clone wars ps3
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars cheats & more for PlayStation 3 (PS3)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, trophies, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PlayStation 3 (PS3). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the PlayStation 3 cheats we have available for LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars.
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Also Known As: LEGO Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars
Genre: Action, 3D Platform
Developer: Traveller’s Tales
Publisher: Lucas Arts
ESRB Rating: Everyone-10
Release Date: March 22, 2011
Bounty Missions
On the bounty mission when you are going after Eeth Koth turn around and face the window. Then throw your bombs about 4-5 times then he will jump down from the ceiling. (the quicker you do it, the more money you get from Ziro the Hutt. )
The more characters you get the closer you get to completing the game. If you fly over to the separatist ship you can buy more characters. If you get a lot of gold bricks you can unlock more doors and places which can unlock more characters and secret separatists missions.
If you get all the minikits in a mission they will unlock the original Lego star wars characters like Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, Darth Maul and you can get Vader’s Apprentice. If you go to the main starting area take a small character, like yoda or wag too, build the small duct entrance to the left, go in it then you will find the red brick called red brick finder. Then using the red brick finder find the red brick called minikit detector. Then when in a mission pause the game, hit extras, turn on the minikit detector and then find all the minikits so you can get all the characters.
Cheats And Codes
3F5L56 – Perfect Deflect
x1v4n2 – Dark Side
gchp7s – Fast Build
j46p7a – Invincibilty
csd5na – Minikit Detector
b1d3w3 – Super Speeders
yzphuv – Score X2
43t5e5 – Score X4
sebhgr – Score X6
byfsaq – Score X8
n1ckr1 – Score X10
6mz5ch – Stud Magnet
2d7jns – Regenerate Hearts
qd2c31 – Character Studs
bs828k – Super Saber Cut
c4es4r – Dual Wield
4gt3vq – Glow in the Dark
5u9fjk – Obi-Wan Kenobi (Geonosian Arena)
9aa4dw – Anakin Skywalker (Geonosian Arena)
sz824q – Padme Amidala (Geonosian Arena)
j9hnf9 – Obi-Wan Kenobi
f9vuyj – Anakin Skywalker
8x87u6 – Padme Amildala
smn259 – Commander Cody
csqtmb – Yoda
3neuxc – Lieutenant Thire
ayrec9 – Jek
4ptp53 – Rys
2vj9th – Ahsoka
mespts – Jar Jar Binks
mw3qyh – Captain Rex
rctflv – Anakin’s Jedi Starfighter
aka9bb – V-19 Torrent Starfighter
bnje79 – Waxer
q5q39p – Boil
8nvrwj – Mace Windu
jrpr2a – Commander Ponds
hgbctq – Ki-Adi-Mundi
pywj6n – Kit Fitso
5xzqsv – Commando Stone
2vg95b – Aayla Secura
c7m3du – Republic Gunship
7cb6ns – Commander Bly
vruvsz – Wag Too
mkuyq8 – Luminara Uunduli
btvtz5 – Barriss Offee
np5gtt – Clone Trooper
z87pau – R3-S6
rz5huv – R2-D2
bud4vu – Plo Koon
l4lcdv – Plo Koon’s Jedi Starfighter
574226 – C-3PO
zkxg43 – Nahdar Vebb
u25hfc – Commander Fil
wxutwy – Heavy Weapons Clone Trooper
eub8ug – Hevy
jb9e5s – Echo
g2bfen – Adi Gallia
wufdya – Eeth Koth
nhme85 – Cad Bane
m2v1jv – Aurra Sing
2klw5r – Robonino
g4n7c2 – Shahan Alama
4axty4 – HELIOS 3D
eabpcp – IG-86
qegu64 – Commando Droid
2kef2d – MagnaGuard
ewr7wm – Count Dooku
ng6pyx – Admiral Yularen
5kzq4d – Jango Fett
5mxsya – R4-P17
bjb94j – Neimoidian
5y7ma4 – Battle Droid
mjkdv5 – Super Battle Droid
c686pk – Gonk Droid
sm3y9b – LEP Servent Droid
2c8nhp – Gold Super Battle Droid
gd6fx3 – Captain Typho
zqrn85 – Queen Neeyutnee
j2jndd – Republic Dropship (Rapid Fire)
lsu4lj – Battle Droid Commander
5a7xyx – Hondo Hohnaka
bh2ehu – Pirate Ruffian
ea4e9s – Senator Kharrus
t4k5L4 – The Twilight
fyvshd – Tee Watt Kaa
hebhw5 – Turk Falso
j3mfjz – Republic Cruiser (Missiles & Torpedos)
u2t4sp – Probe Droid
r35y7n – Lurman Villager
pe7fgd – TX-20
gafzud – Geonosian Guard
mp9dre – Workout Clone Trooper
9u4tf3 – Bib Fortuna
qgenfd – Undead Geonosian
9muts2 – Destroyer Droid
xtl6y3 – Y-Wing Starfighter
g65kjj – Heavy Super Battle Droid
bet7cu – Medical Frigate (Torpedos)
77qejl – H-Type Nubian Yacht
7pmc3c – R6-H5
h68d3k – Kit Fitso’s Jedi Starfighter
bqcxwr – Republic Attack Shuttle
hq7bvd – Clone Pilot
s6grnz – MSE-6
hrx2uk – Jedi Shuttle
5c62yq – Sionver Boll
zy3ae2 – Arc-170 Starfighter (Rapid Fire)
gehx6c – Bail Organa
v4wmjn – Luxury Droid
db7zqn – Onaconda Farr
9q7yct – Senator Philo
s4y7vw – Senate Commando (Republic)
epbplk – Senate Commando
wsfzzq – Gammorean Guard
7fnu4t – General Grievous
yg9dd7 – Asajj Ventress
272y9q – Admiral Ackbar (Classic)
d8sngj – Captain Antilles (Classic)
66uu3t – Chewbacca (Classic)
kfdbxf – Han Solo (Classic)
eraewe – Lando Calrissian (Classic)
2d3d3l – Princess Leia (Classic)
pg73hf – Luke Skywalker (Classic)
ffbu5m – Obi-Wan Kenobi (Classic)
lkhd3b – Qui-Gon Jinn (Classic)
pzmqnk – Rebel Commando (Classic)
drglws – Wedge Antilles (Classic)
ty2byj – Bobba Fett (Classic)
fuw4c2 – Greedo (Classic)
qh68ak – Darth Maul (Classic)
qxy5xn – Darth Sidius (Classic)
fm4jb7 – Darth Vader (Classic)
nmjfbl – Darth Vader Battle Damaged (Classic)
egqq4v – Vader’s Apprentice (Classic)
5w6fgd – Imperial Guard (Classic)
7gfncq – Clone Shadow Trooper (Classic)
hpe7pz – Stormtrooper (Classic)
gc2xsa – Tuscan Raider (Classic)
mb9emw – Dr Nuvo Vindi
zp8xvh – Wat Tambor
tkcyuz – Lok Durd
4592wm – Poggle The Lesser
qfyxmc – Nute Gunray
4vvyqv – Whorm Loathsom
5c62yq – Chancellor Palpatine
NH2405 – Grand Moff Tarkin
mell07 – Savage Opress
z7h46t – AT-RT
aa279h – AT-AP Walker
vbezez – AT-TE
p8z9m5 – RX-200 Tank
ymwv33 – BARC Speeder
rylvnw – Super Tank
c9prkp – AAT
nacmgg – Dwarf Spider Droid
t7xf9z – Hailfire Droid
7nec36 – OG-9 Homing Spider Droid
59uu88 – STAP
3nqgyL – Pirate Speeder Tank
3re9xv – Starhawk Speeder Bike
25fmvt – Obi-Wan’s Jedi Starfighter
kddqvd – Slave I
xpy46k – Stealth Ship (Missiles + Torpedos)
7rl23g – Soulless One (Rapid Fire)
jsbljs – Trident Assault Craft (Missiles + Torpedos)
pj2u3r – Geonosian Solar Sailor
npgg24 – Hyena Bomber
7w7k7s – Vulture Droid
edenec – Geonosian Starfighter
6lt4ql – Neimodian Shuttle
z567hr – Pirate Saucer (Missiles)
hj5hhd – Magnaguard Starfighter
lq2svt – Xanadu Blood (Rapid Fire)
mhg3xb – The Halo (Rapid Fire)
Unlockable Characters
You can collect all 10 Minikit pieces in the corresponding level to unlock the corresponding character for purchase at the Minikit Room:
Admiral Ackbar: Gungun General
Boba Fett: Grievous Intrigue
Captain Antilles: Innocents Of Ryloth
Chewbacca: The Zillo Beast
Clone Shadow Trooper: Blue Shadow Virus
Darth Maul: Rookies
Darth Sidious: Geonosian Arena
Darth Vader: Legacy Of Terror
Darth Vader (Battle Damaged): Ambush!
Greedo: The Hidden Enemy
Han Solo: Duel Of The Droids
Imperial Guard: Castle Of Doom
Lando Calrissian: Shadow Of Malevolence
Luke Skywalker: Weapons Factory
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode IV): Jedi Crash
Princess Leia: Battle Of Geonosis
Qui-Gon Jinn: Storm Over Ryloth
Rebel Commando: Lair Of Grievous
Stormtrooper: Liberty On Ryloth
Tusken Raider: Hostage Crisis
Vader’s Apprentice: Defenders Of Peace
Wedge Antilles: Destroy Malevolence
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Currently we have no achievements or trophies for LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
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