#r1999 headcanons
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saika077 · 1 month ago
I got inspired by 2.6 and the skins so here's r1999 characters as trpg classes based on their vibes
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Unrelated, but can we agree that the dwarf paladin skin on Erik is so freaking cute??? Elf ranger Lopera?? Also I think the idea that Kaalaa Baunaa and Willow giving each other their respective skins based on Willow's birthday letter is a neat little detail. Like, Willow actually making friends in the suitcase?? (Good for her)
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starsilversword · 1 year ago
Leilani is actually physically absurdly strong but nobody realizes cause she uses her bow and arrows all the time.
Until maybe one day, someone (Pavia) is being annoying or mean to someone else at eating time or something when they woulddnt have their weapons. Leiana isn't gonna put up with that shist so she stand up and marches over to him.
Pavia ain't worried, what is this runt gonna do? He doesn't even try to defend or dodge.
Decked in the face and goes flying through several walls.
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18is · 4 months ago
this is mainly about fashion so .
While I do believe medpoc is normally in their lab gear, from medpocs garment i am inclined to believe they would rock the hell out of some sweater vests.
Also medpoc doesnt have any preferences with what kind of clothing they wear in terms of gender, if they wanna be comfy they’ll throw on a long skirt maybe
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also a jacket liker . in the winter longer jackets are their shit, and some bigger shorts are comfy to wear
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x steals from their wardrobe but you didnt hear that from me
sorry for the shorter post i am incredibly sick and am using my last bit of energy to scroll on twitter for 6 hours a day
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vasito-de-leche · 1 year ago
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;R1999 PAVIA - Love Languages (giving)
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Headcanons and analysis on Pavia's love languages and the way he likes to show affection.
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yeah ok ive been playing reverse 1999 what about it <3
it might be a little too early to write anything for it, given the lack of in-depth content, the awful translation and all, but who cares lol
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Pavia as a whole - his speech pattern, the way he presents himself, his appearance, line of work, relationships, etc - can easily be described as brash and straightforward. That direct sincerity and lack of restraint is part of what makes him dangerous. One can always count on Pavia to do and say whatever he wants, whenever he feels like it, regardless of time and situation.
When it comes to showing affection, no one thinks Pavia is capable (let alone willing) of forming lasting or meaningful friendships with anyone other than his pack of wolves. They all expect the same direct and selfish behaviour from Pavia in romantic endeavors, and he delivers wonderfully.
If someone manages to catch his eye, then he'll pursue them and make his intentions very clear - romance is optional and reserved for more "difficult" targets, but he's not the type to put in the effort. All of this inevitably leads to heartbreak and a long line of partners, each and every one fully convinced on being "the one" that would steer Pavia back onto the right track, into a more honest life.
Of course, this just applies to all those fleeting flings and whims, the superficial relationships everyone around him takes at face value to justify their hatred and disapproval of him.
Unless you're part of the pack, it's near impossible to know how Pavia acts around those he truly cares for because of his solitary lifestyle, to the point where those people might not even realize that Pavia cares about them and is actively trying to be nice. His love languages are unorthodox - as well as hidden under a few layers of nonchalance and casualness, I'd even argue that Pavia himself struggles to wrap his head around the concept of caring for someone other than himself - but with enough patience and attention to detail, they'll get easier to spot! Once you understand Pavia and his MO, it all just clicks into place.
Giving: Quality Time, Gifts
[Quality Time]
In this case, the term is used very loosely, as it doesn't exactly match the usual definition - there's no uninterrupted outings nor intimate one-on-one conversations, just an intense presence orbiting around as you go about your day.
This is what Pavia considers "quality time": inserting himself into the lives of those he cares about, entirely unannounced, to follow them until he's had enough or drag them around to do whatever he feels like doing if their routine is much too boring for his taste. The confidence he displays when disrupting people's lives paints him as a jerk with little to no care for their business - after all, how can it be quality time if you can't go buy groceries in peace because Pavia keeps trying to sneak weird shit into your cart and expecting you to pay? It's all pretty on brand for him, to use his presence as an obstacle and annoyance, the same way others have used it in the past as punishment.
But this is Pavia we're talking about. He prefers solitude, he doesn't care for company and he's turned loneliness into both a weapon and a shield.
It's always been very clear to him that no one wants to stick around, so for Pavia to offer his company in this manner is not unlike a stray dog testing the waters, seeing if it's safe enough to come out of hiding. He's gauging your reaction to his antics, his existence as a whole, under the pretense of bothering you because "he feels like it". It's kind of a privilege (and a miracle) to have Pavia seek you out without a bounty for your head! Consider yourself lucky.
But to address the two most common outcomes of this love language - if Pavia takes the lead and drags you around, it means you'll be involved in the most random fucking shenanigans.
Sometimes, he just lets you hang out with him, and you know you're dear to him if he allows the pack to play and relax around you. Sometimes, you're witness to his mercenary work and other shady jobs, willingly or not (he'll call you a coward if you don't want to bury a body with him). Sometimes, he takes you shopping only to dare you to get a five finger discount with him because he sure as hell isn't paying for all this shit. Sometimes, you see him argue for fun with people he doesn't even know. Sometimes, he shows you the hidden gems of his city and then leaves to see how you find your way back.
On one hand, it's a test - to see how you'll do should he choose to stick around for longer than what's acceptable for someone like him. On the other, he wants you to be part of his world, not only small glimpses of it - it's all or nothing. So it's only fair that he shows you the type of shit that you'll be getting into if you allow him to stay. Or rather, to welcome him when he comes and goes as he pleases.
On those scarce days when he prefers to follow you around, he's mostly driven by curiosity. Pavia rejects every conventional notion of leading a "normal" life, to be part of all those blubbering idiots and their made up rules, but he's still curious about how it all works. Do you really just wake up early to get prepared and then go to a job you don't even like? For like, a third of the day? Then you go home? And then you pass out for eight or more hours? Why the fuck would you even do that? Quit your job, what's the point. Live a life of reckless abandon.
He pokes fun at everything that he doesn't like, teases and bullies nonstop (one would have to be delusional to think Pavia's attitude softens around his loved ones, in fact, it gets worse), gets in the way and makes everything harder for you - but then you realize...
No one else has given you any sort of trouble, if else they've been nicer. There's been a sale everywhere you've gone to buy whatever you need, maybe you've been given a surprising discount. If you bump into someone, they apologize profusely. If you make any sort of mistake, it's forgiven immediately. There's always a seat for you no matter where you go, and the world seems to bend at your will for a split second.
You can thank him for that, by the way. Others would kill to have such scary dog privileges. And if things don't go the way he expects them to, that's fine too! He's ready to throw hands at the drop of a hat!
This one is pretty easy and straightforward! Pavia likes to give things to his loved ones, as long as he doesn't have to pay much for them and as long as they don't ask anything from his personal collection or belongings (he's very territorial). Easy! Oh, and if you ask him directly for something, chances are he'll end up not getting you absolutely fucking nothing - but he'll praise you for trying anyway!
He's a hoarder, so he assumes that others also want lots of interesting and pretty trinkets to spruce up the house. His collection is more of a statement, and one could argue that him wanting to hoard is a direct consequence of the way he was brought up.
Somewhat unrelated, but I do like the specific headcanon about how Pavia is very easy to scam based on various lines in-game, like his glasses being a cheap copy of an actual italian brand and how most of his accessories are described as just garbage with no real value. Either that or he simply doesn't care enough about really owning any expensive brands, but likes to brag anyway.
No matter the reasoning behind it, giving gifts is an important part of Pavia's love languages.
However, he never aims to get you something that you've been eyeing for a while or something that could be useful - it's usually things that remind him of you, for better and for worse. Or really, anything he gets his hands on.
Pavia might show up one day with the ugliest little creature on a keychain, saying that it looks like you. And then, some other day he might show up with some matching earrings he made from scrap metal. If he's feeling particularly nice, he treats you to gelato, his favorite, or he'll have a bunch of fancy clothes or jewelry. Some of the gifts are questionable, and their origins even more so knowing the way Pavia operates and all, but it's up to you to ask him where he keeps getting all these things. It's pretty easy to tell, especially when the clothes are definitely not your size and the jewelry is all pure gold, with small blood stains. You'll have to forgive him, the guy is messy!
If you ever choose to throw away his gifts, Pavia won't hold it against you - it's your shit now, he couldn't care less what you do with it. Sometimes, you think he's simply using you as extra storage or as his personal trash bin.
You'll only see him visibly angry if you lose or throw away something that he specifically made for you. Those are the only gifts that really mean something to him, that should mean something to you! Pavia expects you to wear those little earrings, bracelets or whatever he ends up making - none of his wolves wear collars, so this is the closest thing you'll have to being officially accepted into the pack.
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tsatsked · 3 months ago
Random headcanon, but The Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde would happen in R1999.
So, Dr. Jekyll gets into fight with one of his friends because he tries using some kind of pseudo-science in his new experiment. He gets some progress but dies due to side-effects. Firstly, incorrect proportions of the ingredients can cause lethal poisoning. Secondly, he realised too late one of the ingredients had something crucial for the formula mixed in and he can’t find a substitute anymore. Thirdly, the switch between two personalities becomes uncontrollable.
It does sounds like a human have tried using gnostic principles and arcane materials he isn’t so familiar with, his colleague is sceptical towards his methods, and the human gets obliterated despite all his precautions
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yegdreon · 4 months ago
Ok so here's my r1999 headcanons, this one of characters gender identity and or sexualities. If they are not on this list it's because, either I couldn't think of anything for them, or because I think they are just cishet. I also haven't played all events nor finished the story, so if there's anything here that has been officially disproven, please tell me so I can update it. These are just my own ideas and I have no intend on forcing it on others nor do I have any problems with cishet characters or people.
The Fool- pangender, aroace
Leilane- cis, lesbian
John Titor- Demigirl, lesbian, ace
Bette- Genderfluid, pan
Zima- cis, Panromantic, Ace
Pavia- cis, Bi (no leaning)
Oliver Fog- demiboy, straight, ace
TTT- cis, pan
Mesmer Jr.- cis, lesbian
X- cis, Panromantic, Ace
Bkornblume- cis, bi (female leaning)
Sonetto- cis, lesbian
Schneider- cis, lesbian
Matilda- cis, lesbian
Tennant- cis, lesbian
Diggers- Pangender, pan
Yenisei- Genderfluid, pan, ace
Druvis III- cis, Bi (No leaning)
Lilya- cis, Bi (Female leaning)
Sotheby- cis, pan
Regulus- cis, bi (male leaning)
Centurion- cis, pan
An-an Lee- cis, Panromantic, ace
Medicine Pocket- gender apathetic, aroace
Melania- cis, bi (no leaning)
Tooth Fairy- cis, demiromantic, pan
Shamane- cis, demiromantic, pan
37- cis, Demiromantic, Ace
6- cis, aroace
Ge Tian- cis, demiromantic, Ace
Isolde- cis, lesbian
Vila- cis, lesbian
Windsong- cis, lesbian
Kakania- cis, lesbian
Semmelweis- cis, pan
Joe- transmasc, Bi (no leaning)
Argus- transfemme, Bi (female leaning)
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fishareglorious · 5 months ago
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kakania numero uno reverse 1999 character on the fact she makes a dig on the sex life of the guy she was dueling with at the moment. while also somewhat kinda maybe implying she fucked his wife
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tomatoteddy · 29 days ago
Told myself I wanted to try and practice mimicking the artstyle they use in the Arcanist in a Nutshell comics, and the snail in my ear told me to make it clickpedia related because that’s all that’s been on my mind the past few days
So yeah, Clickpedia comic in my attempt at the 4koma artstyle :D Close-ups below
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Close-ups of the panels!!
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justthinking1 · 10 months ago
The way I love these men- LOOK AT THEM, THEY ARE JUST BABIES
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A birb, a poet, a general and a bear in disguise-
I sometimes question my type but in the end it doesnt even exist-
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stari-hun · 7 months ago
Arcanists Masking
A list of arcanists in the game sorted into categories of how much they mask as human/follow human etiquette in society.
Blatantly Inhuman
37 - If you told someone in the Foundation that she was an alien like Voyager they’d believe you
Avgust - Same situation as 37, acts like they’ve never been on earth
Baby Blue - The vibe is wandering spirit over human
Balloon Party
Druvis iii
Eternity - Nice try ethereal entity, we can tell
Isolde - Famous arcanist and stopped masking as a human outside of shows. The world is her stage now
Kaalaa Baunaa - Nice try ethereal entity, we can tell
Jessica - Tried masking out for a while, didn’t work
La Source
Voyager - Visibly masks but you can tell cause the vibes are off
People Assume they’re an Arcanist
An-an Lee - If you assume she’s human and not an arcanist that’s on you kinda attitude
Centurion - Acting like she wasn’t an arcanist wouldn’t do well for her job + she’s proud of it
Diggers - He could but he’s not trying to hide it
Leilani - No effort in hiding it
Lilya - Brags about her arcanum a lot
Marcus - Actively bad at masking
Matilda - Makes conscious effort to present as an Arcanist
Medicine Pocket - Reject masking, accept ur own feral nature
Mondlict - Reject masking, accept ur own feral nature
Ms NewBabel - Makes conscious effort to present as an Arcanist
Necrologist - Not trying to mask
Nick Bottom
Oliver Fog - Not trying to mask + would tell someone he is so they go away faster
Pavia - Brags about his arcanum to much to mask
Regulus - Proud of being an arcanist but will rarely mask for her own benefit
Sotheby - Has never in her life masked
Spathodea- Proud of being an arcanist + she’s a celebrity now
The Fool
Tooth Fairy - Nice try ethereal entity, we can tell
Twins sleep - Never in their lives have they masked
X - Makes no effort to mask
Yenisei - Makes no effort to mask
Failed at Acting Human
Charlie - She’s in a known arcanist group + an Arcanist celebrity, if she was in a disguise though she’d be fine
Click - He probably acted human to get around when he was alive
Erick - At first sight you’d think she’s human but she’s very proud that she’s an arcanist
Jiu - Successfully masked as human for a long time before failing so badly she swore off it
John Titor - Second you hear em talk
Kakania - You can kinda tell on looks and she isn’t hiding it anyways
Kanjira - Can probably mask as a human to strangers for a while but quickly slips up
TTT - If you didn’t see her you’d think she’s just a girl
Acts Human
6 - Just a guy
Bette - Acting is their whole job
Blonney - She’s accepted she’s an arcanist but it’s habit
Bkornblume - Generally wouldn't tell strangers anything + acts innocuous in public
Bunny Bunny - Customer service persona
Desert Flannel - She used to be a celebrity but not many people recognize her anymore + she can’t hustle as well if she was a known Arcanist
Horropedia - Proud of being an arcanist but if it didn’t come up you wouldn’t know
Melania - Makes a conscious effort to mask as human in public
Mesmer Jr - Outside of work she actively dislikes being an arcanist
Ms Moissan - Proud of being an arcanist but if it didn’t come up you wouldn’t know
Sonetto - She’s the Foundation’s pride for her masking but one of these days she’s gonna lose it
Sweetheart - Acting is her whole job
Tennant - Regularly masks with success to her benefit
Object Class
A Knight - If it weren’t for his appearance ppl would know he’s just a jolly ghost
aliEn T - Also an appearance based loss
APPle - Same thing
Door - Visibly nonhuman with a nonhuman personality
Ms Radio - Visibly nonhuman with a nonhuman personality
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yorufi · 1 year ago
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re-upload ;;
i accidentally posted video instead of a picture
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saika077 · 10 months ago
I was thinking about life in the suitcase and I have several thoughts about it:
So we know that everyone has their own living quarters in the suitcase, does the room itself accommodate according to the inhabitant's needs or do they personally customized it? Like, I can't imagine a big ass bird guy like Getian living in a regular sized room. I feel like bro would need some space to fly in and out of his room. Do you think Vila would have a giant fish tank/pool in her room? And according to Jessica's voiceline, she sleeps on a haystack which led me to believe that hers is more like an enclosure... Or maybe they all just straight up sleep somewhere in the Wilderness???
The fact that they all share the kitchen and its appliances, bc Pavia specifically said "your fridge" and "my gelato" Which implies that people would put their stuff and leftovers in the fridge. I imagine that every once in a while someone would accidentally ate someone else's leftovers and the whole kitchen just turned into your average Waffle House. Or maybe they could potentially accidentally drink one of Sotheby's potions she left to chill and cause some wacky hijinks.
Speaking of kitchen, we all know that Bunny Bunny was the one who prepares food for everyone in the suitcase and I was like girl... Everyone?? All 75+ of them??? (Okay maybe some of them don't actually need to eat, but still...)
The fact that people would randomly turn into a painting and nobody knows why. Horropedia even said that the experience was kinda freaky.
Do you think the adults in the suitcase would have a girl's night out or a guy's night out after the kids are all asleep? (Pavia attends both bc he's also one of the girls). And then there's the middle aged/old people gang who I think would just hang out sometimes like Eternity, Ulu, Shamane, A Knight, etc. (Shamane def the type to say "how do you do, fellow kids?" and also chill with the youngins)
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starsilversword · 1 year ago
If Pavia were in Katekyo Hitman Reborn, I think he'd be a stormy cloud.
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18is · 4 months ago
random assortment! I was bored
Medpoc always has some sort of chew toy on them, a lot of their collection being gifts from friends and coworkers. They normally have 1 or 2 stuffed in their pockets.
You can also find a bunch of toys stuffed around in different labs, more often than not people they’re close with (enigma opens a drawer in his desk to a chew toy stuffed in there almost every day)
Occasionally when they’re either distracted or frustrated/stressed, unconsciously they’ll chew on their hands. You can find bite marks on their hands a lot but they’re encouraged to chew on anything but.
(big fan of medpoc and ezra siblingism) medpoc is one of the first people to hear about ezras discoveries or stories, medpoc will happily listen while doing research or over lunch.
(in reference to ezras character story) medpoc tells a lot of stories from their childhood to ezra, if X and mesmer jr are lucky enough then they might be able to listen in as well
Medpoc ended up with a taste in rock music after being around regulus for so long, prefers 80s and 90s rock. (Green day, Guns N Roses, AC/DC, The offspring, Bon Jovi, etc)
Every dog at the lab is like their children. they know every single difference between them and will talk to you about them. ONLY the best for those puppies.
Very knowledgeable about dogs as well! Will talk for hours about dog facts. They will talk so fast you will not understand what theyre saying
Thats all my brain can come up with for now if you have any youd like to share with me please do i would love nothing more than to talk about headcanons
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jorgyjuice · 11 months ago
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dressup! 🧺🍕
[ID: digital art of sotheby and matilda from reverse 1999, wearing their collab costumes. both are signed @/jorgyjuice.
image 1: sotheby poses holding a picnic basket in front of a blue background, smiling.
image 2: matilda holds a tray of food and drinks in one hand, with the other on her hip. her expression is sour and the background behind her is red. /end ID]
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starhrtz · 1 year ago
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desc. x as your boyfriend! (hint of modern au)
note. IMPULSE HCS AT 1AM (might be VERY ooc sadly)
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Boyfriend!X who would always compare his height to yours, even if you're just a couple inches shorter he'll try to subtly show it off wanting you to praise him or smth
"hm, it seems i've grown taller, you can tell right!" he would say in an energetic voice as his lit up while he waits for you to agree.
Boyfriend!X who wouldn't want to admit that when both of you used to be in class, instead of writing notes and listening to the teacher he was instead writing down about how you looked today. The small changes that he began noticing, you tying up your hair more due to the hot weather, the new keychain on your pencil case that you were matching with your friend.
"jeez it's been 1 month of dating and we haven't match anythings but profile pictures.." he would sulk and pout as he paced around his room to try and think of something, something unique that only both you and him have! After a while, his eyes lit up before he quickly doodles a quick sketch as excitement filled him.
Boyfriend!X who the next day gave you a gemstone bracelet that matched the bracelet on his wrist saying it was part of his "failed experiments" as the rock had cracked two of the EXACT same shapes but in different colours? Sure, as X blabbered more on how he got the rock the more unbelievable his story was. But his intentions were rather cute.
Boyfriend!X who is basically a genius as he helps you with your schoolwork, he's quite clingy as well always hugging you from behind as you sat at your desk doing your work while he points out some errors.
Boyfriend!X who is strangely... A good cook? He often makes you breakfast and your lunch, often using this as an excuse to spend more time at your place during the weekends as he prepares your meals.
Boyfriend!X who's mind is constantly thinking about you and he always talks about you whenever he gets the chance. Perhaps thats why you have been having trouble sleeping and sneezing so often these days...
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