#r. rowena?? could she work?
kerryweaverlesbian · 9 months
Femslashers.......who do we think would work well with my girlfriend Hannah......aside from me.
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butterflies-dragons · 2 years
I can’t tell you how casual a reader I was of asoiaf and how long ago it’s been. However I still knew a couple of things by the end. 1) Dany was not the hero. 2) Sansa’s marriage was incredibly important and could either stabilise or destabilise the north. I couldn’t figure out how it would work out who though. 3) Jon will probably break every part of his nights watch vows. They are too oddly specific to him if R+L=J. When I heard the Jonsa theory it all clicked. A twist that made total sense.
Yeah, for me the main protagonists/heroes were always the Stark children. They were blessed by the Old Gods with the direwolves.
The direwolves were born despite their mother was killed, which oddly reminded me to the old caesarean sections, where they just cut open the mother's body to get the baby out and obviously the mothers didn't survive. And that just shot my mind directly to Shakespeare and Macduff, who was none of woman born, who finally fulfilled the prophecy and killed Macbeth. And I said, Yup, these children will kill the big baddie someday.
On the other hand, the one that sacrificed human life to hatch nuclear weapons medieval fantasy analogy, couldn't be the hero... nope, next, bye!
About Sansa's claim, of course her marriage was important to control the larger region of the Seven Kingdoms. She is the key to the North, as one of the biggest political animals of the series wisely said. The issue is so important that GRRM wrote an allegory of the competition for Sansa's hand in marriage in the form of a fucking tourney (the Tourney at Ashford Meadow), a tourney that was inspired in another tourney that was organized for political reasons (the Tourney at Ashby from IVANHOE, one of GRRM's fave books ever). And not only that, but GRRM rewrote two scenes from the main ladies of IVANHOE and gave them to Sansa. So, Sansa is in part Rowena, the Saxon Princess whose hand in marriage could either rebuild the Saxon dynasty on England against the Norman monarchy, or unified both parties making peace between them. And Sansa is also in part Rebecca, who was abducted Rhaegar & Lyanna's style and then imprisoned in a tower.
Yeah, that's how important Sansa Stark is for GRRM.
And Jon Snow, my beloved son, all surrounded by love and duty themes... But of course he was going to break those vows, that's the human heart in conflict with itself at its best.
Now, the possibility of Jon and Sansa makes a lot of sense, politically and romantically, more than falling in love with someone that just looks like you (because that would be too much similar to Jaime and Cersei) and much more than making Jon the Oedipus of the story.
Thanks for your message :)
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bwbatta · 4 years
Dating Fred Weasley and being a Ravenclaw would include
A/N: divider by the talented @firefly-graphics! Requests are open!
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You knew of Fred from the moment he blew up Snape’s cauldron in class
The Weasley twins were very well known across the castle after that
So it was hard to ignore the fact they existed
How Fred noticed you however
Was when you showed up Flitwick in his own charms class
Flitwick had written something wrong on the blackboard
And well
You were apparently the only one to spot it
So you could either bite your tongue and not say anything
Or force yourself to point it out and look like a know-it-all
So naturally you pointed it out
Rowena would be proud
And Fred was just hooked after that
I mean you outsmarted a teacher
Somehow Fred’s eyes would always be drawn to you in the classes you shared
And George would notice
So with a sly grin and a plan
When you had to partner up in class
George would just so happen to partner up with Lee instead
“Sorry Freddie, looks like you’ll just have to ask that pretty Ravenclaw you keep eyeing up”
Fred would roll his eyes at his brother before his Gryffindor spirit kicked in 
And before he knew it, you were his transfiguration partner
And the two of you just clicked
Your witty comments along with his incapability to take anything seriously
McGonagall would wonder what she’s done wrong in her life every lesson
(But secretly have a bet with Dumbledore as to when you two would get together)
It was when Fred and George were going through their plans for another of their pranks
In not so quiet voices at the library 
You were a bit confused as to why they were there out of all places
“Are you lost?!”
“Ahh my dear little Ravenclaw, we are in need of your assistance”
They were looking for a specific book which included the spell to turn anything pink at just the touch
(The Slytherin common room may or may not have been their proposed victim)
So when you happened to know the exact spell they needed
Just because you did some light reading
Fred just stared at you like you were the eighth wonder of the world
I’m talking pure admiration 
Especially when you performed the spell on a stack of random books which Madam Piece, the librarian, was trying to organise
After that, it seemed like the twins came to you with any prank they had in mind
Asking you what they needed to make it work
Of course there were a few pranks which you refused to help with 
(A butt biting broom jinx for the Slytherin quiddich team was one of then)
But the mildly harmless ones you definitely had a hand in creating
So when one prank went very wrong, and the Great Hall became flooded with lava
You took the blame instead of the twins
Considering the most you’d be given was detention
You really were one of the top students in the school
After that, Fred was smitten
Wanted to ask you out so bad
So when you walked into the Great Hall one morning for breakfast
With fireworks spelling out “Go out with me to Hogsmeade?” in the air
You couldn’t say no
(Dumbledore passed McGonagall the 5 Galleons he owed her which she accepted confidently)
Though you didn't expect the when he would take you to Hogsmeade
Would be that very evening
And through a secret passageway nonetheless
But the Butterbeers were worth it
Especially when you knew random facts about them which amazed Fred
“Did you know House elves can get drunk off Butterbeers?”
“I didn’t but I love the fact you did, Sweetheart”
Also while we’re on that
Pet names
He’d have a whole list dedicated just for you
“Sweetheart” and “Love” would be his go to’s
But don't be fooled
When in a playful mood you can expect the most ridiculous ones 
“Sugar muffin”
“Love nugget”
“Cherry hug pie”
“Honey bunny pudding cup”
The whole of your first date the two of you were laughing
In fact you don't know when you’ve ever laughed so hard
Fred told you all about his family
And especially about the time he and George turned Ron’s teddybear into a giant spider
After the first date you had, there was definitely a second
And then a third
And then a forth
You best believe this guy asked you to be his girlfriend with a prank of some sort 
One where everyone would know you were going out with him
And how much he a d o r e d you
So when Ginny let it slip in a letter to Mrs Weasley that Fred had gotten himself a girlfriend
Who was smart and pretty
She was over the moon
Literally crushing you in a hug as you got off the Hogwarts Express at the end of the year
“Gosh you are gorgeous aren’t you!”
Summers at the Burrow would be your happy place
Especially because Fred was in his element 
Playing around with his siblings
Pranking Ron specifically 
But also late night star gazing with you
The two of you wrapped up in a blanket watching the lights twinkle above you
And he’d just hug you close
And press a kiss to the top of your head
Soft kisses
Passionate kisses
Long sweet kisses
He would want to kiss you as much as he could
Always try to steal a kiss or two from you
Also a random kiss from him during the day when you’re not feeling too great
Or just had a really bad day
A kiss from your boyfriend would turn your mood right around
So when Fred and George left Hogwarts in a blur of fireworks
You missed Fred everyday afterwards
Especially as you didn't get your daily kisses
Fred asked you to come with them
But alas
Your Ravenclaw nature wanted you to graduate and get your NEWT grades to be the best that they could
And of course when you did graduate and get your results
And you were of course the top of your year
Fred was so DAMN proud of his girl
Would literally tell anyone who’s listen
His entire family heard about it almost daily
The postman
Random people in their shop
Waitresses/waiters at cafes you went to
Even the odd person you’d pass down the street
So damn proud
You’d move in together after you’ve graduated
And you’d help out with creating new products or ideas for the shop
He’d be your biggest fan
100% supportive of what you’d do
oh my lord this man 
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agentmika · 3 years
I read this and SCREAMED: #episode where claire buttdials cas and he hears Crowley talking and he FREAKS. YOOOO I NEED THIS ASAP.
YES!!! okay this was a half-formed thought before I went to bed last night but I'm gonna try my best to expand on this now. For context, I'm imagining this episode would be pre-Kaia for Claire, but post Grumpy Cat episode. Cold Open goes like this:
The scene opens on an empty bunker hallway. A few doors are ajar and all the lights seem to be on.
A PHONE starts ringing, from one of the rooms. The ring tone is Crazy in Love - Beyoncé
Dean O.S: CAS? Could use a little help here!
The camera moves over and through one of the doors to find CAS, both hands on the side of a LARGE, HEAVY-LOOKING, dresser that he's trying to line up. Dean likes to think he's helping and so Cas "lifts" with him, but then straightens things up afterwards.
He begins to fumble in his pocket for his phone, switching to one hand and still holding the dresser with ease.
The caller ID says CLAIRE. Cas smiles and answers, moving the phone between ear and shoulder as he shifts his hand back.
Cas: H-
He only starts to say hello, before hearing Crowley's voice-
Camera cuts to Dean, rarely seen dressed like this, in a t-shirt and sweats, crouched and braced to lift a similarly heavy-looking dresser.
Off-screen a loud bang is heard. Dean jumps to his feet.
Dean: Cas...CAS?
He runs down the hall to the room where we just saw Cas. The dresser is extremely crooked now, dropped in a rush, and his phone is on the floor.
The call is disconnected now, but Dean is able to pick it up and pull up the call log to see last call Claire (all others are Dean and one (1) Sam and also...Garth).
Dean: Shit.
CUT to **SUPERNATURAL** opening.
I'm gonna rb and add to this later I think but some current thoughts are:
-Claire is working a case that turns out to have demons involved and incidentally meets Crowley. Maybe she's kidnapped and brought to him and there's a moment like "I can't do anything to her! She's basically a Winchester." Crowley @ whatever rando demon brought her in: Don't you keep up with the memos?! *snaps a paper into existence and jabs at it*
-This era of spn is foggy for me so I'm being absolutely handwavey on things but idk I am imagining a case that would bring claire + crowley + rowena together as a team and then Cas c r a s h e s the party but is swayed to cooperate until the case is closed.
There's a moment where across the room Rowena and Cas are arguing about something but the scene is focused on Crowley and Claire. He leans over to her and points at Cas and says, "you know, I called him a whore once-" and Claire just stares at him.
In the background of their shenanigans, Sam, Dean, and Jody are trying to find them by tracking Claire's phone. Thing is, Claire impulse-dumped it when she realized that's how Cas found them.
Whatever might happen next!
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shirtlesssammy · 4 years
15x18: Despair
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The entire fandom preparing for this episode
We literally start off right where we left off last week. Jack is a ticking time bomb. Sam hauls his nephew/son into the war room. Team Free Will freak out and try to come up with a plan. Jack wants to get far away from them. “Don’t let me hurt you.” AGGHH. We’re fine. It’s only 2 minutes into the episode, WE’RE FINE. Dean insists that they’re not giving up on him, and we love a good 180. 
Billie pops up and tells them all that she can’t stop what’s happening to Jack, but she can help. 
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She sends him to the Empty where he promptly explodes. 
Billie explains to the trio that the Empty was the only place/entity that could absorb that kind of power. Jack could survive --and the Empty could survive, but it won’t be happy. Billie points out that the Empty will want her, but can’t get to Earth without being summoned (coolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcool). 
Billie wants God’s book back from Sam. Sam Fucking Winchester confronts Billie about her end game plans of restoring order --and sending all of them back to their death. Billie tells Sam that if they want Jack back, he’ll give her the book. 
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Petty, petty, sullen Sam brings Billie the book, but throws it on the table instead of handing it to her, and we love him and his insolent little heart. 
She grabs the book and starts to open it. Cas wonders what she’s doing. 
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She tells them that God’s book has a new ending. Dean’s done and wants Jack back. 
Meanwhile, the Empty recorpealizes and is D O N E. She drags Jack to her and just as she’s about to HURT HIM, he disappears. 
He’s home, but Billie claims him. Dean doesn’t like that idea so he grabs Death’s scythe before she can ditch the bunker with the kid. He slices her arm and she sends him flying. Billie disappears without the book, her scythe, or Jack. 
Later, the Brothers Winchester take a moment in the library. Dean apologizes for pulling a gun on Sam. 
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(Listen, if we’re going full Bicon clown with Dean these next couple of weeks, this shot reminds me SO MUCH of the shot of James Dean from Giant.)
He also breaks down that Chuck is probably now all powerful, they’re on Billie’s hit list, Jack’s powerless, and Michael’s in the wind. They toast to their impossible odds. 
*Charlie and her cute GF Alert*
Stevie, the cutie from episode 3 is making perfect scrambled eggs for Charlie, and I’m dying inside. Charlie suggests a hunter’s date, and they smile and ARE CUTE, and I’m dying inside. The eggs are perfect, but this story isn't. Stevie just poofs away before Charlie’s eyes. 
Cut to Dean and Sam checking out Charlie’s place to piece together what happened. Charlie tells the brothers that she didn’t see or feel anything before Stevie disappeared. 
Outside, Cas waits with Jack. Cas asks how Jack is doing. 
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Jack feels “strange”. He doesn’t know how to feel now that he’s not needed for the big plan. Cas assures him that he wasn’t there to get absolution from the Winchesters. “We don’t care about you because you’re useful or you fit into some grand design. We care about you because you’re you.” BRB CRYING. 
Jack is crying, I’m crying, and the world is crumbling. Jack is scared, and Cas, gripping his son’s shoulder, tells him that he’s scared too. 
Inside, the brothers tell Charlie that they think that Billie’s killing people that shouldn’t be on Earth. Charlie gets upset and admits that she promised herself that she wouldn’t do “the love thing” again. Sam gets a call from Bobby. More people are disappearing. Dean points out that no one is safe. 
Sam instantly thinks of Eileen AND WE HAVE EMOTIONS. They take off to find Eileen. 
Sam texts Eileen as they drive, but doesn’t tell her what’s up. Sam watches the dots...until they disappear. Hahahahahahah, NOPE.
They get to Eileen’s place and find her purse and phone on the sidewalk. 
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She’s gone. “If I let myself go there, I’ll lose my mind.” AND WE’RE RIGHT THERE WITH YOU SAMMY. 
Sam activates action mode. He tells the others that they need to protect the other hunters from Alt World. Dean tells Sam that he should do this, but he’s going to make Billie pay. “I’ll go with you, Dean,” Cas volunteers. OF COURSE. 
We jump to a close up on Donna and her fabulous D-TRAIN license plate. Readers, I love her. She talks to Sam over the phone. She’s found a silo they can ward up and hide out in while Dean and Cas try to take out Billie. When Sam hangs up, he notices that Jack’s looking unrooted and gives him a job to do. Jack “has to drive” so that Sam can do work. Jack scooches over to the driver’s seat, ready to do something at last. Readers, I love Sam.
Dean and Cas arrive at the bunker and make plans to barge into Billie’s library. Dean plans to trash the place like a particularly unruly raccoon who breaks into a kitchen, until Billie arrives to stop them. He grabs Death’s scythe and they’re off. 
When Sam and Jack arrive at the silo, Donna tells Sam that she’s there for him - whatever he needs. 
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The hunter network is on high alert, and Bobby’s got his AU crew holed away in the silo already.  Charlie pulls up, transformed from her sunset bright t-shirt into apocalypse world Charlie again.
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Sam joins the crew in the warehouse and reconnects with Bobby, who immediately informs him that Sam’s the boss of the operation. When Bobby told the hunters that Sam wanted them to head to the silo, “they came running, no hesitation.” ….Excuse me, I have something in my eye. They’ve warded the whole silo with every warding they can throw at it, and Sam’s using one of Rowena’s spells (EXCUSE ME, I HAVE SOMETHING IN MY EYE) to bolster the strength of the sigils. 
Jack and Donna are painting sigils together, when Jack notices a plant. She recommends pulling it to protect the warding, but when Jack extends his hand it withers and dies.
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Dean and Cas creep into the library, where Billie stands waiting for them. Dean tells her that they’re after her because she’s been killing off his friends. Her only reply is, “Interesting.”
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Dean jabs Billie in her wounded shoulder, and the pain is high enough that Dean can get the upper hand. She holds the scythe at bay with just her hand, and Dean orders her to call off the hits. Billie laughs right in his face. She’s not killing anyone! Dean’s little papercut to her shoulder is enough to kill her, so her only plan at this point is to kill herself a Winchester and go out in a blaze of vengeance. 
Sam powers up the warding in the silo, ready to defend against Billie. Meanwhile, Billie thinks Chuck’s the likely one who’s been disappearing people. Quickly enough, a little girl is the first to disappear. As her family breaks down into full freak-out mode, all the hunters hiding out in the silo flash away. ALL OF THEM.
Hey, if I have to suffer, you have to suffer.
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Sam, Jack, and Donna can only watch this with horror and then Donna looks down at her hands. She smokes out too. NOOOOOOOOOO!
Billie power-smacks Dean across the room. It’s vengeance time! As much as I don’t want Those Two Idiots™ to die, it is lovely to see Billie storm around in battle-Death mode. 
Dean and Cas race into the bunker without a plan, Billie in pursuit. It’s only moments before Dean is buckling. As he collapses, we reveal Billie on the balcony. I do love how this is framed!
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She’s clutching Dean’s heart in her grip and pursues them through the bunker. “I’ve got you,” Cas tells Dean as he supports him. HELP, I’ve been murdered by emotion!
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Cas directs them to the dungeon, grabs Dean’s pocket knife from his back pocket (I’m FINE, btw), and slices his hand. Quickly, he wards the door with a sigil, and Dean recovers instantly.
That is, he recovers physically. Emotionally, he is in ROUGH SHAPE. While Billie pounds away at the sigil, Dean realizes that they’re trapped. He blames himself - he was angry and needed something to kill and that’s ALL HE KNOWS HOW TO DO. f r o w n y f a c e
Dean’s in a pretty bad headspace. He thinks Billie’s going to break in and kill Cas, then himself, and then EVERYBODY ELSE. He apologizes, while Cas puts his strategic commander-of-garrisons brain to work. There is ONE thing that Billie’s afraid of. 
Readers, it was at this point that Boris and I were shouting our usual gleeful shit at the TV. Things like, “Lay one on him, Cas, and the Empty can come!” And then CAS SAYS, “I made a deal.”
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“Kiss ‘im,” I murmur while wondering WHAAAAAAT IS HAPPENING when Cas brings up the “moment of true happiness” requirement. At this point, I’m thinking they’re in the dungeon and it’s full of spellwork supplies probably. So, like, I guess they’ll light some quick candles and summon the Empty? 
We fall silent as Cas starts talking about FEELINGS. “The one thing I want, it’s something I know I can’t have.” He says this RIGHT TO DEAN’S FACE. RIGHT IN OUR FACES. “Happiness isn’t in the having. It’s in just being. It’s in just saying it.” 
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We stop breathing.
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And then Cas murders us forever when he shifts to talking about Dean. He knows Dean sees himself as a killer, a “blunt instrument.” But Cas sees him differently, and his way is true: Dean cares more than anyone Cas has ever met. He’s powered by love and not anger. “You’re the most caring man on Earth. You are the most selfless, loving human being I will ever know. Ever since we met. Ever since I pulled you outta Hell, knowing you has changed me. Because you cared, I cared. I cared about you. I cared about Sam. I cared about Jack. I cared about the whole world because of you. You changed me, Dean.”
Cas is crying and we are murdered dead in our beds by this show. 
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Dean thinks it sounds like goodbye. “That’s because it is,” Cas tells him. And then he follows up with one last thing. “I love you.” 
And...it’s there. The love we’ve seen in his eyes for eleven seasons is there, out loud, and centered on Dean. We joke a lot at ShirtlessSammy about the need to just KISS ALREADY but this flayed us in the way a kiss could never do. It heightens everything. Castiel’s care for Dean, his loyalty and friendship now have a new layer - that of textual, unrequited love. We’ve obviously been personally clinging to the destiel train car for quite some time, but laying out Castiel’s feelings and saying it’s enough for him to acknowledge them out loud is SO POWERFUL. As a love story, it’s tragic beauty. As a personal coming out story, it’s just BEAUTY. 
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With this dropped between them, Dean can read the writing on the wall. “Don’t do this, Cas,” he begs. Immediately, gooey sounds begin to squish out from the brick wall behind Dean. 
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The empty swirls in, and Billie breaks through the door at last. Cas grasps Dean by the shoulder. “Goodbye, Dean,” he says, hurling him away from the twin threats. 
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In an instant, the Empty advances, swallowing Cas and Billie and retreating back into the wall without so much as a howdy. (Please join me for a displeased hiss at Billie’s apparent demise.)
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Sam and Jack emerge from the silo, shocked. Sam tries calling Dean, while Jack looks around. Jack wonders if it was just the people in the silo who disappeared. 
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The camera POV pans out to abandoned playground equipment, still-spinning bicycle wheels, and cars left behind on the road. It’s the end of the world, and suddenly the world feels too big. Too lonely.
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We cut to Dean. He’s on the floor in the same place Castiel threw him. His phone rings. It’s Sam. Dean stares at it, before dropping it to the floor. He pulls himself inward, and the episode ends on the sounds of choked sobbing.
Boris and I are monsters, as WE end the episode entirely too jubilant for words. Here’s to being right! Readers, while Boris can’t fully hope for a happy ending (gotta protect that heart), Natasha has zero doubts. We’re getting them back, damn it! And love’s gonna light the way.
Never Gonna Quote Me Away (From You!):
I don’t wanna hurt you. Don’t let me hurt you.
To somehow
I wanted to make things right. And now I don’t know why I’m here
Let’s go reap a reaper
I brought a bucket
I guess this is the part where I say, “Hello, boys”
It’s you, Dean. It’s always been you. Death defying. Rule breaking. You are everything I live to set right. To put down. To tame. You are human disorder incarnate
You think that hate and anger - that’s what drives you. It’s not. Everyone who knows you sees it. Everything you have ever done - the good and the bad - you have done for love.
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no tenderness director's commentary, requested by @girlkingsam. under a cut for all the warnings that were on the fic itself (violence and discussion of rape mostly). go wild y'all
It starts with a couple beers in the bunker. Dean and Cas have already gone to bed, Rowena is almost certainly lurking somewhere among the artifacts, and Jack has been put down for the night.
Gabriel and Sam are left in the library, halfheartedly thumbing through research that isn’t going anywhere. Certainly it can wait until the morning.
*waves hand* There’s a Plot going on somewhere in the background. Don’t think too hard about it.
Gabriel looks up and catches her eye.
“Look, Sam, in the Cage—”
She stops him with a wince and a shake of her head.
“Just, don’t.”
He nods.
A few more minutes pass before Sam slowly closes the book and leans back, meeting his eyes.
“So.” She feels her heart racing. Even after everything, it still feels like such a sin, like this is what will bring the divine fire. “You got any plans for the rest of the evening?”
This is integrated into teen mom AU so like this version of Sam very much did not have sex until marriage. And then all of the events of Supernatural happened and turns out maybe that one wasn’t such a big deal after all but the gut feeling is totally still there.
Gabriel looks confused for a second but then smiles slowly, leaning forward. “I can think of a couple options.”
I had in my outline notes: Gabriel tries to bring up Lucifer and Sam distracts him with sex. That is very much the dynamic that is going on here.
She swallows the instinctive rush of fear and takes another swig of beer. Keeps her voice steady, calm and husky.
“Why don’t we take this to my room, then.”
The fear is one of the little phrases I’m quite happy with in terms of the context above. First of all, I think Sam is still afraid of sex full stop. But also Gabriel is an archangel and Lucifer’s brother. This should actually be a scary situation for her even if she’s initiating it.
She stands up and Gabriel follows the motion. Leads her down the hall with a hand on her back.
When they reach her room, Gabriel spins her lightly and backs her into the bedroom, kicks the door shut behind him. She pushes him back against the door, kissing him for the first time. She has to crane her neck down to reach him, but it’s remarkably human. No spark of grace in her mouth, just flesh and spit. She runs her tongue against his bottom lip, thinking of the stitches that were there not too long ago.
She might be a woman but she’s still taller than Gabriel. Nonnegotiable. Also whenever she makes an observation about Gabriel there’s an unspoken comparison, of course.
Gabriel grabs her thigh and uses the leverage to pin her against the door instead, dipping his head to bite at her neck. She hisses, lets her head fall back. With hands on her hips and waist, he turns her around to face the door, mouthing at her shoulder as his hands dig in almost painfully at her hips. She braces herself against the door and leans into his touch, seeking the sensation. An idea forms. A way to make sure they’re truly alone.
It was also important to me that she’s not the only one bringing any violence whatsoever into the bedroom, even if she takes his love bite and immediately raises him murder.
“Kill me.”
“I—what?” His hands still.
“Not permanently. I just want to make sure that I’m out, you know. That he won’t bring me back, that he’s not watching.”
This of course is a moment from one of the posts that inspired this all. “oh sam asks gabe to kill him and then bring him back. just to test it out and see if lucifer will let him die or is secretly out there waiting to drag him back to life”
“And you want me to bring you back instead.”
“Well, yeah, that’s the point.” She turns her head, looking back at him. “Five minutes. You can do whatever you want in the meantime.” She presses herself back against him to communicate the point.
Gabe laughs. “I’m not a necrophiliac.”
“You sound so certain. So you’ve tried it, then?”
“You’ve been alive as long as I have, you’ve tried a lot of things.” He looks at her. “I saw the first death, you know.”
“And you’ll see mine, too.” Gabriel’s hands have loosened, so she turns around in his grip to face him. She guides Gabriel’s hand to her neck, leans into it. “Do it.”
He doesn’t look convinced, but he wraps both hands around her neck anyway.
There was a choice between regular smiting and an uncomfortably sexual death, but the latter seemed necessary given that this is all literally happening in the middle of a hookup.
It’s relatively quick and easy, as easy as death can be. Sam’s been choked out before—he’s definitely taking away some of the pain, the fear and panic. There’s only so much that he can do, though. She tells herself not to fight it, but that’s easier said than done, and she’s gouging at his arms before she goes limp.
When she comes to, she’s laid out on the bed. She gasps involuntarily, clawing her way upright. Where is—right. Okay. Here she is.
Gabe is watching her with tight eyes. She composes herself and smiles wolfishly.
There was the question of how into any of this Gabe would actually be, versus like weirded out and confused. I was expecting more of the former going into this, but it wasn’t happening that way. Because he’s pathetic and cowardly but he’s not actually sadistic per se. So he’s not going to stop this especially if he thinks this is what Sam needs but like, it’s not where he would have gone with it.
“So it worked. We’re really alone then, no hidden cameras. You gonna join me?” She pats the bed next to her.
He walks over and sits on the bed between her legs, tearing off his shirt. She runs her hand up his torso, feeling the heat of the skin. He leans over her, pushing her back down onto the bed. She goes easily, sighing.
He slides a hand up her shirt and she presses into it, raising her leg alongside his torso.
“Come on, I know you got more than that.”
He snaps his fingers and silk ties appear in his hands. She reaches out to touch them.
“No, rope instead.”
The silk changes to heavy fraying rope. He looks at her uncertainly.
Because like, Gabe actively avoids pain and discomfort, that’s his whole thing. But because of the whole situation, Sam has to be the one stepping on the gas.
“Isn’t this going to hurt?”
She stares at him like he’s an idiot. “Well, yes, that’s sort of the point.”
He looks at her for a second. She unbuttons her shirt, slides it off her shoulders, and he shrugs. The ropes appear at her wrists, binding them tightly above her head.
LOL I definitely forgot a sentence here. I’ll fix that late but the context I’m missing is that he tied her hands before taking off her bra.
“You’re an angel, just fucking cut it off. We’ll deal with it later.”
A snap and a knife appears in his hands. He cuts the bra loose, nicking her in the process. Blood wells up in the center of her chest. He dips his head and licks it up, then moves to lick at her nipple.
Sam laughs, wriggling under the movement.
“Not sexy, man, I just stopped breastfeeding like 3 months ago. Nipples are a no go right now.”
Gabe laughs, sits back.
“The tradeoffs of getting a hot MILF in your bed, I guess.”
Oh I do not like the word MILF actually like it’s so porny. Like older ladies are hot we don’t need to be weird about it. But Gabe is a creepy porn man so I had to have him say it. Also I was not planning on making this have like, a postpartum moment. But he was licking her nipples and it just didn’t seem right to let that go without saying something.
He moves down her stomach instead, flicking open her jeans.
This is the exact moment where I almost gave up. Keep your jeans on!!! And that is why we get our first timeskip over the action.
After he eats her out he releases the restraints. The ligature marks are red along her wrists, and he runs his fingers along them.
She kisses him again, tasting the salt and acid of herself in his mouth. He palms at her breast and she moans into his mouth. He returns in kind. She climbs entirely out of her jeans and underwear, and he unbuttons his own.
Oh this is super unclear huh. The implication is that her jeans/underwear were pushed down for easy access and then she removes them entirely afterwards. I’ll go back and edit that later.
She pushes him down, holding him down by the throat, and straddles his waist. He removes his pants eagerly.
“We don’t need a condom, right? You’ve got that under control?”
“I’ve had a vasectomy, both literal and metaphysical. And angels can’t get syphilis. We’re good.”
I just thought that was funny. Also condoms aren’t sexy but she’s not reckless enough to just not mention it at all.
She nods, and takes him into her hand. He bucks up into the touch, and she grins. She eases him inside of her, gasping at the sensation before she starts moving.
A few thrusts later and Gabe takes control again, wrapping hands around her waist and knocking her back on the bed.
He flips her over, twisting her arm behind her back. It pops loose from the socket with a sickening noise and she screams, more from the shock than anything.
Another part from the posts! It was a little bit of a challenge to integrate this one in, but it had to happen during the act itself. I’m not entirely sure that the escalation is earned, but Gabe was having a harder time really getting into the violence than I had anticipated so this was a necessary way of forcing his hand. Plus you know the Winchesters have had every joint dislocated in their time so it’s not too much of a stretch that this could accidentally happen.
Gabriel is immediately off of her, putting his hand on her shoulder, ready to heal. She shrugs him off. The motion sends sharp pains all down her arm and collarbone.
“Not yet,” she pants. “Not until we’re finished.”
“As in…”
“Happy ending and all.”
She shoves back with the captive shoulder, shakes him easily. Pushes him back onto the bed, climbs back on top to straddle him.
“You soundproofed this room, right? We can be as loud as we want without Dean barging in?”
He strokes her hips, looking up at her.
“I mean, yeah, but that wasn’t exactly the type of noises I had in mind.”
She shrugs. There’s something like concern in his eyes. It pisses her off. He doesn’t have the right to pity her.
Another one of my favorite little moments. This sentiment is why this encounter is even happening at all!
“You can’t tell me you’ve never experimented.”
There’s a pause, then--
“What did he do to you?”
One thing I really enjoyed about writing this is that Lucifer’s name is never mentioned but any time any of them say “he” they both know exactly who they’re talking about, no context needed.
She rolls her hips. Gabriel moans at the movement.
“What do you think? I’m sure you were imagining it, after you faked your death again. What do you think he did to me? Tell me.”
Gabriel’s voice is thin.
“He tortured you, didn’t he. I saw what he did with the woman, the demon. The first one, Lilith. How he made her.”
“And what did he do to her?” Sam’s breath is coming harder now.
I’m so sorry for making this conversation happen literally between like pants and moans, like genuinely sorry, but it’s what the scene demanded.
“He turned her inside out.” Gabriel pants. “That was his favorite. He would cut into her skin and pull it off.”
A classy amount of flaying!!!
Sam taps her sternum, where a speck of blood still remains. “This is where it would start, the vivisection. He would peel my skin off, or crack my ribs and then have me eat my own heart. He would put his hands inside of me, inside of my ribcage, trace the sigils that Castiel put there. Scrape them off with his teeth.”
I’m happy with that little detail, too. I’ve never seen the sigils referenced in any cage fics but it just came to me while I was writing the sentence and yeah he would totally do that. You thought you could hide from me? Etc.
Sam breaks off, breathing heavily. She leans forward onto Gabe’s chest. He strokes a hand across her back softly, looking horrified but hanging onto every word.
He both like really wants to hear this and really doesn’t you know which like. Again is the dynamic that is the reason any of this is happening.
“The torture wasn’t all. He’d fuck me, too. Get inside of me a different way, like you are now. Make me ask for it, beg for it.”
She punctuates each word with a roll of her hips, increasing the pace. Gabriel tenses underneath her, and she can feel him come inside of her. There are tears in his eyes.
Sorry!! This is another one of my posts although I cannot find it to cite it. But Sam tells Gabe about the Cage during sex and he cries. So.
She relaxes, pats his stomach in some sort of halfhearted apology.
He deserved to hear it.
Just like, his coming back makes the previous seasons a betrayal in retrospect. Like where the hell were you, you know? She deserves to be super angry at him about that.
He flips her over, and she hisses in pain and pleasure both.
“Asmodeus preferred beating. It only took me a year to crack under the torture. I wasn’t used to pain. Hadn’t experienced any in millennia. I was soft.”
I had to go onto the wiki page for Asmodeus and look at the pictures of Gabriel and just kind of feel out what vibes I got of what Asmodeus would do to him and the vibe I got was a lot of punching and kicking. If I’m off don’t tell me.
Sam looks up at him through her lashes.
“Do you want to learn? How to take it?”
Fucked up little moment. Seductively asking if someone wants you to torture them.
Gabriel nods.
“Okay, then.” She strokes the side of his face, down to his chest.
“I’m going to open up your chest, okay? You’re gonna be fine. I’ve got you, I’ll walk you through it.”
He nods again. “Okay.”
This is like. I thought the violence would happen more during the sex and some of it did but Gabe wasn’t really getting into it so I had to improvise. I like this better though, it feels more in character.
She takes the knife back from him and starts. Teaches him how to breath, when it’s helpful to scream and when it’s best to just stay silent. To learn what your own limit is. You don’t have to be scared as long as the person with the knife isn’t going past that. You can relax.
And the fact that like they both are thinking of this as a favor that she’s doing for him.
When they’re done, Gabriel is clammy and sweating. He dry heaves over the side of the bed, but there’s no actual food in his stomach so nothing comes up. Sam strokes his back.
He sits back up.
“Thank you. And I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have the right to apologize to me,” she says tightly. He nods.
He nods a LOT in this fic but sometimes you’re just nervous about putting your foot in your mouth you know. Because so much has to be left unsaid.
She breathes.
“There you go. You feel alive now, don’t you.”
She slides off bed, kneels between his legs.
“May I?”
This BJ was thematically important to include because I needed the torture to be in the middle of sex, not after. And I needed some element of like, aftercare without it actually being personal, comforting, or helpful.
When she’s done, Gabriel heals her shoulder. He knits the skin back together, cleans up the blood, removes the bruising from her neck. She asks him to leave the bruises that would be covered by her shirt anyway.
Also she does all of this with an actively dislocated shoulder. Do not forget.
When they’re lying in bed, afterwards, he snaps and a pack of cigarettes appears in his hand. Unfiltered, the old kind. He hands one to her.
“Cigarette after sex?”
She laughs, takes the cigarette from him.
“You’ll remove it from my body, right? It won’t affect Jack, no secondhand smoke or anything?”
“It would take a lot more than a single cigarette to do shit to Jack, you know. But yes. I’ll take care of it.”
I just think that after all that Sam worrying about the effect of secondhand smoke from one single cigarette on her magical devil baby is very in character. This came to me on a walk one night and was actually the moment where I was like oh. I gotta write this.
They smoke in silence, staring at the wall, unwilling to meet each other’s eye.
It’s gotta end badly. It’s gotta. They never sleep together again and they have wrecked any possible chance at friendship, and both made themselves feel worse. That’s what it’s about, baby.
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castielscarma · 4 years
Happy Birthday, Dean! I wrote a fluffy ficlet (1.5k R: ga) https://archiveofourown.org/works/28945221 Dean rises from sleep slowly as the voices come to him. His sleep-adled brain is still trying to process what's happening and for a quick second, his hand goes to the gun near his bed, when Eileen walks into his room singing. Dean relaxes. Eileen carries a cake and her face is illuminated by the candles that cast a soft glow in the morning hours. A tiny party hat sits on top of her fiery hair. She makes space and Sam enters. He too wears a hat, taller than Eileen's, as if he needed the extra height. His voice blends with Eileen's and Dean would've lied if he said it was harmonious but it's a song nonetheless. Jack comes next, waving a tiny flag, and Dean smiles. He looks so happy; that's the only thing Dean's ever wanted for the kid. They stand in a semi-circle close to Dean's bed when the last person enters. Dean's heart constricts as he sees Cas. He carries a gift, something wrapped in paper but to Dean, Cas himself will always be the greatest gift. They end their happy birthday song on a note so high that it could break glass. “Happy Birthday, Dean,” Cas says softly and Dean swallows. Dean clears his throat. “You shouldn't have gone to such trouble. I'm a grown-ass man, I don't need all this.” Dean waves a hand at the cake and candles and blinks when he realizes that Jack is holding some balloons. “You haven't stopped smiling since we entered, Dean, now stop whining and blow out the candles,” Sam admonishes. Dean's smile turns bigger. “Jerk.” “Bitch.” Dean glances at Cas. His dark hair is perpetually disheveled, but it's alright. More often than not, Dean is now the reason for those locks being out of place. Taking a big breath, Dean is about to blow out the candles when Eileen backs away. “Stop! I just remembered, not yet!” Sam raises his eyebrows in understanding and nods. “I forgot. Yeah, raincheck on that, Dean. Just follow us instead.” Dean grabs a robe and puts it on. “What's all this now? Can't a guy just blow some candles and dig in? What kind of cake is it?” Cas walks up to Dean and gives him a quick kiss on the cheek. “All in due time. Happy birthday, Dean.” He smiles and looks so fucking happy that it almost pains Dean. “I love you.” Dean's heart swells. He grabs Cas' hand and kisses it before leaning in to give Cas a soft peek on the lips. “Love you too, Cas.” It's been months since everything ended. Chuck, the bastard, defeated, Cas rescued from the Empty, and Amara placed as the new high honcho of Heaven. She apparently had been doing some remodeling and even Rowena had been up there for a meeting. Jack had said that they had come to an understanding about Hell and Purgatory, whatever the hell that meant. But if the ladies had agreed, Dean was not one to meddle. Dean realizes that Sam leads him to the kitchen. Usually, a small lamp is on but as he approaches, he can see that it's pitch black. The hair on the back of his neck rises in warning. He knows that he has nothing to fear but it's hard to dismiss years of hunter instinct. He stops at the entrance. Read the rest here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28945221
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unsolvedcase-moved · 3 years
multimuse penned by red ( she/they/it pronouns, 23, nz ) MEDIUM ACTIVITY, i can't determine how often i'll be on but feel free message me whenever because i'm always down to plot
muses. rules.
teen wolf allison argent darcy mccall liam dunbar louise argent lydia martin malia tate tracy stewart
supernatural claire novak dean winchester meg masters rowena macleod heroes claire bennet molly walker niki sanders cassidy miller-gray dead by daylight david king dwight fairfeild felix richter feng min meg thomas julia kostenko sally smithson
avatar the last airbender katara sokka toph
buffy the vampire slayer xander harris willow rosenburg
macgyver desiree nguyen riley davis russ taylor
chronicle andrew detmer matt garetty
the walking dead charlotte walsh penny blake rebecca ford
fear street ziggy berman tommy slater samantha fraser cindy berman alice rodgers arnie phillips kimberly rodgers eric slater maya horton
fandomless shane madej
My name is RED, I am 23 years old, I’ve rped under a different name before so I have a little bit of experience on here, I AM HOWEVER, STILL A HUMAN BEING, so I may not get everything right all the time, if you have any issues that come up while rping with me just know I would like you to tell me what’s up, so I can do my best to resolve the issue, I myself don’t have issues with any theme
this is a private, selective, medium activity MULTI-FANDOM MULTIMUSE. there are so many muses on this blog, and not all of them are my primaries, obviously you don't have to write with all of them, but feel free write with as many as feel like. UNDERSTAND I HAVE OVER 40 MUSES SO GETTING ALL THE INFO PAGES MAY TAKE A WHILE but i am trying my hardest to get it all done.I ENJOY USING ICONS but if you primarily do not use icons, i'm more than happy to just leave icons out of it entirely, as some times it's much easier.
understand that this blog will be very trigger   heavy, I will tag such as “trigger : ”   I will be potentially writing things such as, DEATH, SELF HARM, GORE, ABUSE, SUICIDE, RAPE & SEXUAL ASSAULT If this is an issue, I suggest blacklisting the term  “trigger : ”   as this will occur a lot.
When it comes to shipping, I am not very selective at all, I truly am a hoe for ships, whether that be soft and fluffy, tense and sexual, or hate ships, honestly I would be down for anything, I WILL NOT WRITE SMUT WITH UNDERAGE MUSES. If at any point you want to plot a ship with me you can jump right into my IM or just throw some memes or starters my way, up to you, I don’t mind at all
i almost always CONTINUE ASK MEMES & i highly encourage you to do the same. you’re welcome to send as many memes as you want & continue all of them. I WANT TO HAVE MULTIPLE THREADS WITH ALL MY PARTNERS. i truly do love the shit out of all of you.
i almost always CONTINUE ASK MEMES & i highly encourage you to do the same. you’re welcome to send as many memes as you want & continue all of them. I WANT TO HAVE MULTIPLE THREADS WITH ALL MY PARTNERS. I AM MORE THAN OKAY WITH WRITING CROSSOVERS, for example I have no issue with my Dean Winchester interacting with a Stiles Stilinski as it would make sense for that crossover, I ALSO HAVE NO ISSUE FOLLOWING MULTIPLES BACK, as I am a multimuse, it's not a massive issue as I have other muses. I TEND TO PREFER LONGER THREADS as it gives me more to work with but I am okay with a small paragraph. My responses should be relatively fast as I don't really do much to be honest. So if it's been a while since I've responded, JUST FLICK ME A MESSAGE as I may have forgotten. I AM NOT PICKY WHEN IT COMES TO FANCY FORMATTING, but I will probably format your response aesthetically to match the vibe of my blog, unless that's an issue for you. again, I prefer to use icons, it's okay if you don't but it is a preference of mine, I DO NOT USE ICONS IN SMUT I write with OC's, I don't have a problem with them AT ALL, I do however like a fleshed out character, so the more information you could give me about them the better.
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angellazull · 4 years
Hogwarts Mystery Profile: Angelo Lancaster
Finally I updated Angel's profile, model of the form was made by @hogwartsmysterystory, hope this clarifies better.
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(@immagrosscandy art)
Name: Angelo Nikolas Stellair Lancaster.
Gender: Male.
Age: 17.
Birth Date: August 23, 1972.
Species: Half-veela.
Blood Status: Half-Blood.
Sexuality: Pansexual.
Alignment: Chaotic Good.
Ethnicity: Caucasian.
Nationality: Brazilian/British.
Residence: Royal-Garden, England.
Myer Briggs Personality Type: INTJ-T.
The Mage
1st Wand:
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Acacia – 30 cm – Slightly Springy – Dragon heartstrings core (Antipodean Opaleye).
A very unusual wand wood, which I have found creates tricky wands that often refuse to produce magic for any but their owner, and also withhold their best effects from all but those most gifted. This sensitivity renders them difficult to place, and I keep only a small stock for those witches or wizards of sufficient subtlety, for acacia is not suited to what is commonly known as ‘bangs-and-smells’ magic. When well-matched, an acacia wand matches any for power, though it is often underrated due to the peculiarity of its temperament.
Ebony – 35 cm – Slightly Springy – Veela hair core (Provided by Leonor Lancaster). With a sapphire at the end of the handle and silver details.
2nd Wand:
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(Art by @kyril-but-magical)
This jet-black wand wood has an impressive appearance and reputation, being highly suited to all manner of combative magic, and to Transfiguration. Ebony is happiest in the hand of those with the courage to be themselves. Frequently non-conformist, highly individual or comfortable with the status of outsider, ebony wand owners have been found both among the ranks of the Order of the Phoenix and among the Death Eaters. In my experience the ebony wand’s perfect match is one who will hold fast to his or her beliefs, no matter what the external pressure, and will not be swayed lightly from their purpose.
Animagus: A black Bombay cat, with a streak of blue fur on its head between its ears.
Misc Magical Abilities: Veela charm, hypnosis and sensitive to emotions.
Boggart Form:
4st-11th year: The Royal-Garden boys laughing at him and humiliating him.
11th-13th year: His friends turning away from him for being a Veela.
13th year onwards: His most important people dying without him being able to do anything.
Riddikulus form: The previous person juggling puffskeins.
Amortentia: Smell of new book, roses (the smell of Penny), peaches and apple pie.
Patronus: Cat bombay.
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Patronus Memory: Jacob and him skating on ice when he was a child and his brother saving him from drowning on the ice.
Mirror of Erised: He graduating as an auror and his dad congratulating him and saying that he is proud of him.
Favourite Spells:
Animus Glacius❄️
Expecto Patronum🐈
Blue Sparks🎆
Voiceclaim: Asa Butterfield
Game appearance:
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Height: 1.79 m
Weight: 60 Kg
Eye Colour: Blue sapphire
Hair Colour:
White (original)
Royal Blue (Colovaria)
Skin Tone: White
Body Modifications: N/A
Scarring: A scar on the back of his head hidden by his hair, caused by the time the Royal-Garden boys pushed him and he hit his head on the wall of the fountain.
Inventory: His wand, a notebook , A pen, current reading book, keyring earned from Kyril on his birthday.
Casual - A black jeans, with his sweater with the coat of arms of Ravenclaw, with his blue All Star.
Summer - A royal blue T-shirt, black vest, dark blue denim shorts, and black sneakers.
Winter - A plain T-shirt, a wool sweater, and his furry white overcoat, with winter boots.
Formal Wear - Midnight blue smoking, with a white bow tie and black shoes.
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Illvermony House: Horned Serpent
The Lancaster family.
The Stellair Family.
The Trindade Family (Renegade).
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Circle of Khanna.
The Order of the Phoenix.
Auror - 1991 - 2011.
Obliviator - 2011 - 2012.
Charms professor in Hogwarts 2011 - present.
Hogwarts Information
Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy - O
Charms – O
Flying – E
Herbology – O
History of Magic – O
Potions – E
Transfiguration – O
Ancient Runes - E
CoMC - A
Quidditch: Seeker
Extra Curricular:
Transfiguration Club.
Charms Club.
Frog Choir.
Sphinx Club.
Favourite Professors:
Minerva McGonagall - Angel likes how Professor McGonagall believed in his talent for Transfiguration and did not compare him to his brother, Jay. Although she is very strict in her classes, she is always willing to help you.
Filius Flitwick - Angelo likes how the classes are fun and are never monotonous, being a Ravenclaw, Angel is very curious and likes how the teacher always clarifies his doubts and teaches him several spells, even if he is not in his class schedule and is used in their search for the Cursed Vaults and the Khanna Circle.
Least Favorite Professors:
Severus Snape - Angel admires Snape's ability and great knowledge in Potions and the Dark Arts, however he doesn't like how Snape insults him or says he is incompetent, he likes to be stimulated to learn more, with lessons in Snape, he just hopes to survive until the end of class without making his cauldron explode.
Patrícia Rakepick - Angel has always had a back seat with Rakepick, perhaps it was the way in which she found herself unshakable and unattainable. Although he learned many things from her, he never really liked her personality and always stayed away from her as much as possible. And after she murdered Rowan, the boy developed a deadly hatred for the ex-professor.
Jacob "Jay" Alexander Stellair Lancaster.
He was a member of the Herbology Club and the dueling club until he was expelled from the school.
Hippogriff club.
Father: Charles Michael Lancaster ✞
Ravenclaw Quidditch Team Chase.
He became an auror after he graduated from Hogwarts.
Member of the Order of the Phoenix original.
He was killed in a duel against Evan Rosier.
Mother: Leonor Mary Stellair Lancaster.
Did not attend any magic school.
Specialists in elemental magic.
Specialist in healing spells.
Loves to sing and draw.
Has a great talent for gastronomy.
Love Interest(s):
Canon: Penny Haywood.
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(sorry for the low quality image.)
Mc x Mc: Kyril Vasiley @kyril-hphm (Kyril Art)
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Best Friends:
🦡Penny Haywood.
🦅Rowan Khanna (Dead).
🦅Talbott Winger.
🐍Barnaby Lee.
🦡Chiara Lobisca.
🐍(💛)Roger Lopez @hphm-roger
🐍Kyril Vasiley @kyril-hphm
🦅Elaiza Schuyler @annabelle-tanaka-official
🦅Candy and Paula Vigiere @immagrosscandy
🐍Merula Snyde.
🐍 Ismelda Murk.
🦁Sebastian Anguslow.
Patrícia Rakepick.
Wizard in white robes.
"R" members.
🦅Rowan Khanna (dead).
🦅Talbott Winger.
🦅Andre Egwu.
🦅Arjun Singh. @hogwarts9
Arthy, the black cat.
Rowena, the snow owl (Jay owl).
Nevasca, the ice salamander.
Closest Cannon Friends:
🦡Penny Haywood.
🦅Rowan Khanna (dead).
🦅Talbott Winger.
🐍Barnaby Lee.
🦡Chiara Lobisca.
🦡Nymphadora Tonks.
🦁Bill Weasley.
🦁Charlie Weasley.
🦁Jae Kim.
🦅Badeea Ali.
🦁Ben Copper.
Closest MC Friends:
🐍(💛)Roger Lopez @hphm-roger
🐍Kyril Vasiley @kyril-hphm
🦅Elaiza Schuyler @annabelle-tanaka-official
🦅Candy e 🦡PauLINE Vigiere @immagrosscandy
🐍Jason Novak @death-or-sleep
🐍Carewyn Cronwell @carewyncromwell
🦅Flavio Ceccere @sirfluffig
🦅Montague Donohue @montaguehphm
🐍Dusty Emerald @dusty-emerald-hphm
🦡Stephanie Alexeev @hanihonii
🐍Lith Thorne @slytherinliththorne
🦁Aishwarya Mehra and 🦅Arjun Singh @hogwarts9
🦁Ethren Whitecross @hogwartsmysterystory
🦅 Simon Cahill @cursed-vault-ravenclaw
🦅Wendy Gordon @drinkyoursoupbitch
🦡Honey @hmhoney
🦅Luna Silver @lunasilvermorny
🦡Jackeline Peterson @jackie-and-the-curse
🦁 Tu Liang @wangxianforever000
🦅Samanta O'Connell @samshogwarts
Pre-Hogwarts: Angelo was born on August 23, 1972, in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, while his father (as the son of a Brazilian) did international work in the South American country. But he returned to England at the age of four, going to live in the small village of Royal-Garden, near the south coast of the country.
At 6, Angelo suffered the first blow of his life, his father was murdered in a duel against death eater Evan Rosier.
Because of the instability of his Veela powers, he can never interact with Muggle children, because of the risks of revealing the Wizarding World. And after learning about his nature, some wizard boys who lived in the Royal Garden began to bully him, which made him stay away from the children. The only person who knew all this was Jay, and defended his little brother.
When his brother disappeared, Angelo completely isolated himself, he started to stay inside the house reading his father's and brother's books.
At 8, Angelo won Arthy as a birthday present from his mother, and that made the rest of his childhood bearable.
1st Year: While traveling on the Hogwarts Express, Angel felt very insecure about being a half-veela, so in an attempt to change the color of his white hair to black, he ended up turning his hair blue. During the first year, Angel avoided to relate with the other students, having Rowan like its only friend. His teachers, with the exception of Professor Flitwick and McGonagall, were the only ones who didn't compare him to Jay.
After his duel with Merula, Angel met Penny Haywood, when the girl was so kind to him, that from that moment, Angel always blushed when she spoke to him.
He thought he would be a normal student, but no matter how much he avoided it, the curiosity to know what happened to his brother spoke louder, then with the help of Rowan and Penny, they decided to investigate the appearance of the "mysterious ice".
2st Year: As soon as he returned to Hogwarts, Angelo was increasingly determined to discover the truth about his brother and what led him to become involved with the Cursed Vaults. After finding Ben trapped in the ice, he realized that he would need to do what he could to break the curse.
When they found the first vault, and when Rowan was wounded, Angel spent every minute of his free time, studying how to get through the ice door.
The more he investigated, the more bad rumors of his brother were coming, but he refused to believe that Jay was a bad and selfish person as they say he is.
When it was finally time to enter the ice vault. Angelo, Penny and Bill, with much effort, managed to break the curse.
3st Year: With clues to the next Vault, he had to deal with Sebastian Anguslow, a boy who always bullied him at the Royal Garden, so after explaining his situation to Talbott Winger, he agreed to help him become an animagus. After five months, he managed to become a black Bombay cat. So he was able to avoid Anguslow and all his followers.
When he managed to enter Jay's office, after defeating Merula in a duel, he found several notes from Jay about the second crypt, but the image of a loving and protecting brother was undone by the facts.
When entering the vault, Angel, Tonks, Tulip and Barnaby had to face their fears to break the boggarts' curse.
4st Year: As soon as he got back to Hogwarts, his convictions about Jay were pretty shaken, he didn't exactly know what to believe, but if there was one thing he did know, thanks to his Veela skills, he was able to feel a negative energy emanating from her, which meant he should not trust Rakepick.
While steadfastly refusing to be Rakepick's assistant, he learned of a Dementor's invasion, and that it had affected Penny, he told Tonks that he would resolve this and find out the truth behind said. After Tonks taught him to cast a patronus, he discovered that he took the form of a Bombay cat, like Arthy.
After the incident with the Dementor, the relationship between Penny and Angel strengthened each time more, and this resulted in an invitation to the Celestial Ball.
When he met Torvus, the centaur's revelations made his convictions about his brother melt away before the facts presented. This left him devastated, the image of the heroic brother he had from his childhood had been left in a past that seemed unreal.
While investigating, Professor Flitwick suggested that Angelo try to become the Ravenclaw's new perfect. But he knew that it was only a responsibility to divert his search, but the privileges of a perfect one would only help him in his search.
Once his ticket to the secret crush had caused a real mess at Hogwarts, he tried to solve it with the help of Tonks and Charlie, taking the courage to invite Penny on a date, it was an even bigger mess, but in the end, in the light of stars were all perfect, and Angelo finally realized that he had nothing but himself to be accepted, mainly due to his crush. Penny Haywood.
When he finally managed to return the arrow to Torvus, it was time for Angel, Penny, Hagrid and Torvus to enter the forest vault. From that moment, Angelo began to resolve the curses to clear the Lancaster family name and free Hogwarts from these dangers.
5st Year: After returning to Hogwarts to earn his class schedule with the time of his detention, he joined Bill and Merula, despite many protests, joined the Rakepick apprentice group.
Once again Angelo had a personal reason to break the curse, Beatrice, Penny's sister was one of the victims of the curse, so during this year, he had to manage all his time between classes, study for the owls, train and play Quidditch, and investigate Cursed Vaults.
Upon learning that Jay was directly involved in Duncan's death, Angel believed that the caring brother and that he protected him no longer existed.
Without the motivation to find Jay, he simply continued his investigations to protect his friends and clear the Lancaster's name.
During Valentine's Day, even with Lockhart's interference, Angelo and Penny had a great date and in their moment alone in the greenhouse, Angelo asked Penny for a date and gave her first kiss.
After successfully spreading the chaos and getting the painting with Peeves, Angelo, Charlie, Bill, Merula and Rakepick entering the fourth vault. After discovering the truth about Rakepick and meeting his brother again, he had the revelation that thinking about him was the only thing that kept Jay's sanity. And even though Jay was left in the crypt, he had little hope that Jay would still be the brother he was during his childhood.
6st Year: (Pending year)
7st Year: (Pending year)
Order of the Phoenix / 2nd Wizarding War: As soon as they graduated from Hogwarts, Angelo and Talbott started their Auror training with Auror Kingsley Shacklebolt, thanks to their school friendship, the two Ravenclaws formed a great pair, becoming partners.
After finishing the training, Angelo and Talbott were assigned to small missions until they acquired enough experience for large missions. Until one night in 1995, Angel received devastating news, Kyril Vasiley, one of his best friends, had died, which left him devastated. The next day, he received news of the death of Cedric Diggory, another school friend, that was horrible for the blue-haired boy.
A few days after Lord Voldemort's return, Angelo was visited by Albus Dumbledore, who recruited him into the Order of the Phoenix. From that moment on Angelo became a member working on missions on behalf of Dumbledore.
In the battle of the department of mysteries, Angelo was with Tonks and they immediately went to Harry's aid.
During the time that Pius Thicknesse was minister of magic, Angelo works together with some friends to help Muggle-borns and other wizards unfairly accused of the persecution of Dolores Umbridge
After Harry, Ron and Hermione invaded the ministry, Angelo was forced to flee, after sending Leonor and mr. and mrs. Haywood to live at Jay's home in Brazil, he and Penny moved to a small cottage on a deserted Cornish beach.
Quando souberam que Harry Potter estava em Hogwarts, Angelo e Penny sabiam que Voldemort iria atrás dele, então rapidamente eles foram para Hogsmeade para ir até a escola pelo Hogs Head Inn. During the battle, Angelo dueled against the Death Eaters, especially against Cadmus Mulciber, one of those responsible for the death of his father.
Post-War: After the Battle of Hogwarts, Angelo was one of the Aurors appointed by Minister Shacklebolt to track and arrest Death Eaters and wizards who conspired in favor of the dark lord and bring them to trial.
Angelo was one of the Aurors responsible for removing the dementors from Azkaban. And he was tasked by the minister to oversee Harry and Ron's Auror training.
He worked as an auror until 2011, after retiring as an auror, He worked on the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad for a year. Until he received an invitation from Professor McGonagall to replace Filius Flitwick as a charms professor at Hogwarts in 2013.
Old Age & Death: Angelo worked as a teacher at Hogwarts for several years, until he turned 89. Then he said he and Penny lived in a house in Hogsmeade until Angel turned 103, when he died of old age.
Logical: Angelo always likes to make his decisions based on logic, it is extremely rare that he makes a decision based on emotion.
Empathic: Thanks to his Veela skills, he is able to feel the emotions of others, so he always tries to make people feel better, he cannot see his sad friends, he always tries to make his friends feel better.
Shy: Angelo due to his complicated childhood, he is a very shy boy, not being able to approach new people easily, always preferring to stay in his comfort zone. But he makes an effort when he really wants to meet someone.
Intelligent: Thanks to his photographic memory, Angelo is very intelligent, and he uses that intelligence to help his friends with their homework, mainly in History of Magic, and sometimes he doesn't mind writing essays for them.
Strategist: Due to his timid personality, many people the underestimated and don't believe they can sell him in a duel, but while his opponents try to beat him by force, he studies his opponent and waits for the right time to attack.
Affectionate: After he feels comfortable with a person, Angelo is not ashamed of being affectionate with him, hugging and caressing any friend he needs.
The Lancaster is a purebred family, but it stopped caring about the status of purity in the late 19th century, with the family patriarch, Leonidas Lancaster.
Angelo is a descendant of two pure-blood families, the Lancaster and the Trindade, family of his paternal grandmother, Damares Trindade, a Brazilian pure-brood family, but he was disinherited when they learned that his father had married a Veela, and had half-Veela children.
The Stellair family, is a family well known among the French Veela.
Angelo developed a passion for ice and snow magic after almost drowning in a frozen lake.
He has visited the Veela sanctuary in the interior of France several times, where he can assume his Veela form while there, but wizards can only enter the sanctuary with a permit from the French Ministry of Magic.
His little habit of reading while walking comes from when he learned to read, at the age of 4, he used to read the Tales of Beedle the Bard.
And Angel likes to assume her animagus form and stay in the lap of her closest friends, receiving ear strokes, mainly from Kyril, Candy, Elaiza, Roger and Jason.
When he needs to be alone to think or just cry, he can be found sitting under the beech on the shores of the black lake, but when he is there he doesn't like to see anyone.
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tintentrinkerin · 3 years
Harness & Spears
Chapter 5: Father’s Eyes
missed a chapter? Check out my Masterlist or AO3
Researching for a case a year after they quit first feels weird to Sam, he has to get used to all the programs, his usual agenda. Today it’s so much easier with some computer skills. No more libraries, no more grainy scans of articles in local papers. Today, you just have to open a search engine app on your phone or a computer and you will be able to find dozens of cases in an hour or two. Of course, there’s still the work of sorting the wheat from the chaff, but Jack is a big help. They sit in the library together and go search for cases. Cas is really sweet to them, just like a butler he offers hot beverages and sandwiches, even though Sam must really hold him back to go full on “Yes, sir”. They want a case, and there are hundreds of them, but also, after Jack became God he brought all the hunters back that Chuck had banished. Donna and Jody, a couple now, as they announced just months after Jack’s ascend, and her girls, all in the hunter business. They heard from Eileen sporadically, but after all that happened and how uneasy Sam felt about the whole manipulation (and he was absolutely certain Chuck pulled the strings there, even though, when they originally met, Sam was drawn to her - but nothing more), she kept her distance and operated in Ireland and also all over Europe. The hunters from the other universe also just hunted in small groups. Charlie and her girlfriend retired for good. And Sam was still bitter about his own behaviour - projecting ‘his’ Charlie on this woman, who was so much different. He knew she hacked some computers every now and then to prank some potential Dicks. Sam was connected to the hunters, most of them. He has been clear about him and Dean, Cas (and later Jack) not going hunting anymore. But now things changed and Sam needed to check if any other hunters were on the cases him and Jack might find interesting. Running in another couple of hunting buddies is not a problem on a personal level, but the mutual sabotage will happen. It’s Murphy’s Law. That’s why Sam has a plan. They will take cases other hunters wouldn’t like to do. There are several reasons for hunting in the first place and reasons which cases to pursue and which not. Let noble monster hunting and cleansing the world be some hunter’s motivation, revenge, the thrill (some people really were that sick and hunted monsters for the kicks) and of course. The money. Oh yes, the money. But the Winchester conglomerate doesn’t worry about money, that’s why Sam won’t look for cases that have to do with wealthy people or towns announcing rewards. Also, when he knew the kind of monster and that a lot of hunters were after these creatures for killing their kin or loved ones, he better didn’t interfere. You could hunt monsters for their venom or psychic abilities, their blessings or whatever. Something a friend of Dean did not so long ago and got himself killed for it.
It shouldn’t be anything exotic, the New Age brought new monsters, at least that’s what Jack says.
“I was God, yes, and I knew everything that Chuck knew, but believe it or not, not even Chuck knew all of his creatures. His mind is packed with the stuff he wanted to do or not to do - if you ask me he was a little like George R. R. Martin. Got lost in his own massive universe and all the detail. I tried to give all of it structure, that’s why some things on Earth changed, but after some time I thought my head would explode and I uh, outsourced some good stuff in new universes. Amara is way better in doing all of that, she created way more universes and new forms of life as I did. She and her brother - don’t get me started.”
Jack looks exhausted. “Does it sound weird, Sam? That I wanted to be down here with you, all of you, but especially you, and give Amara all that power?”
Sam smiles about Jack’s outbreak and that he obviously read Game of Thrones. “No, it’s not weird. You were with Amara and I bet she’s very pleasant company but she wasn’t what you longed for. You didn’t want to be God who’s in every drop of rain, and all that. It was noble and pure hearted and generous of you to try, but you were allowed to fail. But, speaking of Game of Thrones, I have a few questions regarding--”
Sam is rudely interrupted in his chatter with Jack when Dean comes into the library and sits down two chairs away from Jack. Jack immediately gets up.
“Uh, Sam, I will -errm, go pack my bags. I think you will find a good case.”
Sam sighs.
“I’ll be with you soon, baby. Just gimme a minute.”
Jack is quick as a flash and out of sight within seconds.
Dean scoffs while thudding his mug on the table. Coffee pours out and stains the wood.
“Easy on the furniture Dean, it’s not your enemy”, Sam says without looking up. He can’t show Dean his face right now or he will just erupt. He feels the heat in his cheeks and a hot tickle up his neck. Since Dean threw a mug after Sam yesterday they haven’t seen each other and to be frank, Sam could totally renounce any other encounter with Dean for a while. Plus, Sam has a hickey, because Jack went a little passionate, clingy and possessive last night, for whatever reason.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt you and… baby. ” The last word is like venom. As always. Dean wants to start another fight.
“I remember that I heard you calling Cas ‘daddy’ multiple times. You think that was really soothing for my wild imagination?”
“You call Jack what he is. A baby.”
“Another word, Dean, and you know I’ll knock you out. I have enough of your bullshit. You act like a jealous housewife. No, wait, more like a cuck!”
Dean scoffs and leaves.
“Do whatever you want, but don’t do it when I’m around or I’ll tear him apart.”
Sam sits here in shock. He has heard a lot from Dean about Jack, he has always been nasty to him and yes, even threatened to kill him twice, even was willing to execute him as part of Chuck’s evil plan. Yes, he was bitter about Mary and hell, how bitter Dean has been as Jack brought so many people back. All the ‘others’: Bobby and Charlie with her girlfriend. All these people. He brought Eileen back, and Dean thought it was to make Sam happy (and yes, that has been Jack’s intention, but ultimately it didn’t) and he was resistant to the arguments, that Mary was happy with John, she didn’t want to go back in this world she never felt like she fit in. He couldn’t be comforted by the messages Jack as a medium brought to Dean, that Mary loved him no matter what and that she will be happy when they meet again. Nothing could’ve soothed Dean’s aching. Sam understands that he’s hurt, but now, it just feels like Dean is angry at Jack for simply existing and then being so bold to love Sam.
Jack brought Cas back for Dean. He had risked a feud with the Empty that could only be avoided by Amara and Jack forcefully put the Regent of the Empty asleep. The Empty wasn’t sealed though, Rowena still reigned in hell, and still demons went to the Empty. But there are no angels on Earth anymore, Jack has naphil powers and even Cas regained some faint strength back, but Jack didn’t make new angels.
Jack really built a world in which it was possible for Dean and Cas to be together, he risked being invaded and maybe killed, since no one knows how really powerful the Empty was.
Why is nothing Jack does, no matter how universe shattering, unbelievably cosmic and holy and insane it is, not finally letting Dean the old grudge go?
It seems like everything he does just makes it worse.
Sam hides his face and in the safety of his own palms he allows to cry in fear for his own spiteful brother and soulmate. This will end badly if they don’t find a way to reconcile.
“You have to stop that, Dean” Cas says when Dean is back in the Deancave.
Cas is in his robe, nothing beneath. He looks pale and a little skinny. The last weeks have been hard on him and Dean knows it’s his fault. He makes his angel boyfriend sick. And yet he’s sick himself, and he’s kicking and fighting, with talons and teeth, words and throwing things after his brother. Also, he erupts the second Cas dares to mention it.
“Stop with what?”, he asks.
He picks the remote and wants to turn on the TV, loud metal music blasting but with a snap of a finger, the TV silent and it won’t turn back on.
“Castiel. Don’t fuck with me, I swear, I’m not in the mood.”
“You’re ‘not in the mood’ for weeks, maybe months. Why won’t you tell me what’s wrong? Why won’t you let me help?”
Dean’s eyes narrow dangerously as he faces the seraph.
“Help? How could you help? My brother fucks a toddler.”
Cas sighs and it sounds so endlessly sad. Defeated. Dean doesn’t want to see it, acknowledge it, that he is indeed very wrong. Jack is no toddler, Jack is no brat, Jack is so mighty he could really smite the whole bunker with a hiccup still, even though he’s not God anymore. Dean should be so damn careful. Dean should see how much Jack begs for his forgiveness and his approval.
But Dean can’t. And Dean won’t.
Dean is so full of sorrow and fear, it hurts to hear his own name so gentle, so loving yet somehow fatherly. Cas loves him and Dean should be happy. He has been happy. The Empty had taken him away and Jack had fought to get him back. So they could be a family.
But this isn’t family to Dean. He’s around the person he loves the most, the person he loves with a burning, blinding insanity. He will never be happy like this.
Cas dares to come closer, around two steps away, offers Dean a hand. Dean can’t even look at him but he takes Cas’s hand and then pulls him in a desperate embrace.
“Shit, ‘m sorry, Cas. I don’t want to fight with you.”
It’s been a while, actually the last time Dean slept with Cas was the night when Jack asked him if Sam gay. This question is carved under his skin and if you look closely, you can see them shine through like thin red scars.
The streak won’t break today either.
“Will he ever stop hating me?”, Jack asks.
He has his suitcase packed, same as a backpack with snacks, water, headphones, his teddy Marvelous Marvin, a powerbank and, something he’s very proud of - his own angel blade. The only angels on earth are Jack and Castiel but the blade kills monsters just as well. He kneads the bundle of the purple blanket in his lap when he looks up to Sam.
Sam’s still tense from before, his eyes red and narrow, Sam must look like he didn’t sleep much or has been on a bender.
“I don’t know… I wish I knew what’s wrong with him.”
With a deep sigh Sam sinks beside Jack on the mattress. The bed creaks and a spring nudges in Sam’s butt cheek. Either they need a new mattress or they move in a room together, but Sam doesn’t dare to talk about these things yet. So far, he’s happy about the privacy. But he’s also constantly longing for Jack - a stalemate.
Jack leans against Sam’s shoulder and shyly feels for Sam’s hand. Sam is too glad to take it, intertwine their fingers and kiss Jack’s knuckles.
“It makes me sick, Sam. I’m afraid all the time he’s around. I’m afraid he might want to…”
“Hurt you?”
Jack nods, his lips a thin line.
“I won’t let him. And most of all, you won’t let him. Right?”
Another silent nod.
“Don’t worry about it now, our bags are packed and I found a case. I told you about the parameters I used to find a case no one else would investigate, and this one here is especially weird, but not weird enough for us to follow, and a bit boring, but not boring enough for us to NOT follow it. We’ve been to haunted houses before, right?”
“Yes, it’s mostly vengeful spirits or poltergeists, right?”
Sam nods. “Yes, exactly. Sometimes triggered by the plans of tearing the house down, the same can happen with big bodies of water, when they are threatened to be dried out, spirits of people who drowned will start going on a rampage. Haunted houses are like level 1 of every hunter. Rocksalt, shotgun, holy water, fire. Boom, ghost gone.”
Jack frowns a little. “Really, we’re going on a case that any newbie hunter could solve?”
Sam chuckles.
It’s absolutely a thinly veiled reason to go on a hunt, but it’s the same that Dean and Cas did weeks ago when Jack sneaked out. In the end they also ‘just’ took on a vampire nest with five vamps and their Creator and the rest of the time they had a blast in Vegas, why should Sam not do the same? He wants to be alone with Jack, because Dean definitely ruined the pleasant experience of the tantra massage. Sam had been so happy back then and oh, crap, he was close to do more to Jack than just the massage. He wouldn’t have slept with him on this massage table, that was utterly uncomfortable, but he had been turned on so bad, that didn’t happen very often.
Sam really falls for Jack deeply and seriously. It’s a wonderful and frightening feeling at the same time.
Jack slides on Sam’s lap and straddles him, arms tight around his neck. Jack squints a little when he’s so close, his big blue eyes will never cease to amaze Sam.
“How can you not be Castiel’s son?”, Sam blurts, his hands cupping the naphil’s face and brushing away some strands of hair.
Jack’s mouth opens slightly, his tongue sneaks out to lick his upper lip.
“I am Castiel’s son.”
“I know, I just mean, genetically. You have his eyes. Does that sound stupid, baby?”
Jack shakes his head with a grin, his neck and face turn tenderly pink.
How did the biggest monster of all create this perfect boy?
“No, not stupid. I like the way you look at me”, Jack silently admits and the blush turns berry red.
“How do I look at you?”
Sam kisses Jack’s parted lips, feels the hitched breath and how Jack tightens up his back.
“First you looked at me with fear, when I was born. Then you looked at me in sympathy, in worry… Then gentle, loving. Just now, longing… You see a man, not a child, right? That’s the look in your face how you look at someone beautiful you want to be with…?”
Sam’s big hands creep under Jack’s pullover and Jack sighs, a light shudder down his spine and this tiny, quiet noise of content.
“You are beautiful, and yes, I want to be with you. All the time”, Sam whispers, he sounds rough, feels like he needs to clear his throat.
Jack lays his hands on Sam’s and guides him down his sweatpants. Sam squeezes. A slight gasp.
“We will have a lot of time for fun stuff once we’re out of here.”
That makes Jack jerk up, jump and drag Sam on his feet.
“Come, Sam! I can’t wait to be out of here.”
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sleepyowlwrites · 3 years
find the word tag CXXXI
because why not. I did things today. I can procrastinate reading six of crows, worldbuilding magick story, and properly writing up that au my one friend is being very nice and supportive about. my procrastination enable of choice this time is *squints at notes* Timespace! @spacetimewraithwrites 
rope (I posted my one instance of this word oh well)
tight (from: scrapbook, 2015)
hold my hand, we’re stuck in a photograph a memory of a time not too long past we’re holding on to what we used to have close your eyes, I’ll sing you a lullaby we’ll steal the stars and then paint the sky we’ll ride the wind and hold on tight
corner (youth story)
Evie’s gaze sharpened, the way it always did when she knew her prey had been properly cornered. R could just change the subject but if Evie was in the mood to choose violence, well, his arm wouldn’t take kindly to that.
“Clarify,” he said, reluctantly. “Tell me my offenses.”
last (from: dreams, whisperes, fireflies, 2017)
a sky full of stars and sea full of waves a hand full of fingers and breath on the pane outlines of hearts frost in the cracks whispers and lullabies promises to last
height (youth story)
R drew himself up to his full height, snatching the gloves and handing them to Nyks one at a time. “I would never purposefully upset Nyks, and calm down. This is a happy occasion, we’re going to be happy.”
“You don’t look happy,” Nyks commented.
“I’m happy!” R took one of Nyks’ gloved hands and swung it like he often did, his smile mostly convincing of that.
bonus last: (princess story)
“Why can’t you do it?” Rowena asked, hands on her hips.
Arthur withered just a little under her gaze but he didn’t back down. “I did it the last time. Why can’t you?”
“I’ve tried,” Rowena snapped. She looked away, her cheeks flushing slightly. “But it only works if there’s actually love, so,” she held her hands up with a shrug.
I will give you names of my poems, that’s not at all weird. @souliloquyyy @josephinegerardywriter @ambsthom @insomniac-dot-ink @vellichor-virgo OR ANYBODY: hurried, breathing, touch, reflection, torn. 
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fangirlxwritesx67 · 4 years
Looking for A Black Cat
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Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4, 800 words, Sam x Rowena, side of Dean. Memory loss, cute animals, food, and fluff.
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Your name is Sam Winchester. You are a soldier who lost your memory in a battlefield injury. It is Wednesday, so you volunteer at the animal shelter today. 
Your breakfast smoothie is in the refrigerator in the kitchen. 
Sam found himself mouthing the words along with the electronic voice coming from his phone. Good, he remembered that much.
He showered and dressed and grabbed his breakfast smoothie. He texted his brother, Dean, just checking on him, making sure he was okay. The response came back quickly.
All good. Headed to the salvage yard for work. Pizza tonight?
Sam smiled. His brother, the one person in the world he could count on. 
Only if we get salad too.
He knew Dean would protest but ultimately, they would meet for pizza and salad that evening. It didn’t even matter which kitchen they would end up in. They would be together, and that was the important thing.
Sam headed to the animal shelter. There was a note on the reception desk from his boss, Bille, telling him she was out today, and letting him know how to reach her. It was okay. This was a good brain day. He knew where he was and what he was doing. He sent Billie a quick text and she replied with a smiley face. 
Like most weekdays, it was a slow day. He dug into the drawer in the filing cabinet marked with his name. He pulled out the bell and sign that he had used in the past.   With the Animals Ring Bell for Service
When he walked into the back, he was greeted with the familiar melody of whines and barks, even a few high mews. He made his way down the cages lining both sides of the dog room. He took his time with each one, giving every animal all the love and care he could. At the same time, he was getting to know them, finding the things that could help get them adopted. 
It was almost closing time when the door banged open again and a tiny red-headed woman stepped into the room, instantly drawing his gaze. Her jacket and scarf, along with her red hair, mirrored the colors of fall. He remembered her, had been hoping to see her again.
“I’m Rowena and I’m looking for-”
“-a black cat. I know.” 
“No!” She stamped one foot and tossed her hair petulantly. “Mamacita.” 
Sam raised his brows but the look on her face just dared him to speak, so he didn’t say a word as he led her back to the cat room. The calico cat was still there, as she had been for weeks. She quailed against the back of the cage as he carefully opened the door. 
Rowena reached in and the cat walked towards her. She lifted the cat in her hands loosely, apparently not afraid it would run. The cat didn’t even attempt to escape, just relaxed against her shoulder and head butted her chin. 
Sam had seen many cats and even more potential owners. He had never seen a cat and a human pair so perfectly from the very start. 
“So, shall we keep looking for black cats?”
“Hush.” Rowena darted a teasing glance from under thick lashes. “No, this is the cat for me.”
Mamacita settled calmly on the reception desk, purring contentedly while Sam gave Rowena the adoption paperwork to sign. Just before she picked up the cat, the woman raised her eyes and looked at him. Her face was hopeful, her smile soft.
“I don’t suppose you conduct welfare visits on cats, to check on them once they are homed?” 
Sam shook his head, baffled.
“Maybe you could?” She stepped closer before she laid one hand on his chest. He reached out and slipped his arm around her waist. She fit perfectly into his grasp, as if he had held her like that before. 
“You could come see me,” she murmured as she tilted her face up towards his. Everything about her seemed to be inviting a kiss, and he lowered his mouth and obliged. The kiss was swift and perfect. The taste of her lips, he couldn’t say when or how, but suddenly it was something he remembered. 
He was breathless before they pulled apart. “Maybe.”
She scooped up Mamacita in her arms and nodded towards the paperwork she had filled out. “You have my number. Let me know when I can see you again.” 
As she walked out the door, she gave him one last lingering glance. For the first time, Sam noticed that she and the cat had the same green eyes. 
Sam picked up the papers from the desk. There was a post-it note on top, with a phone number and the words: Text me. -R
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There is just a little bit more to this story. 
Thanks to @mskathywriteswords for the preread and encouraging me to see where this story goes!
SPN First Last and Always: @boondoctorwho​ @dawnie1988​ @deanwanddamons​  @defenderrosetyler​ @emoryhemsworth​ @fookinghelljensensthighs​ @idreamofplaid​ @kalesrebellion​ @kickingitwithkirk​ @maddiepants​ @magssteenkamp​ @onethirstyunicorn​   @there-must-be-a-lock​ @tloveswriting​
Sam Girl For Life: @awesomesusiebstuff​ @lilsylvia​ @winchesterxfamilybusiness​
Dean Curious:@adoptdontshoppets​ @awesomesusiebstuff​ @deangirl7695​ @deans-baby-momma​  @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @stoneyggirl​ @wayward-gypsy​ @winchesterxfamilybusiness​
Rowena My Queen: @delightfullykrispypeach​ @lilsylvia​ @marril96​ @pansexualdarling @songofthecagedmoose​
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shotsbyshae · 5 years
I Put a Spell on You
Warnings: Angst, Smut-ish
Words: 1.4k
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
Summary: This monster isn’t quite the monster you’d expect.
Song: I Put a Spell on You by Annie Lennox
A/N: Birthday week means double Monster of the Week drabbles. Plus a certain show comes back on this week :) 
I put a spell on you, because you’re mine.
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It feels wrong.
This darkness that’s growing inside of him, stemming from something he’s not used to feeling – jealousy.
The world had just crumbled around you and he had assumed with the two of you left standing, you would finally see him – really see him.
But you aren’t the only two left standing and someone else had caught your attention.
He watches from the kitchen as you take a plate of leftover Chinese to the table Thor sits at. He looks defeated, as do you all, his eyes dark with an unrelenting sadness. You urge him to eat something – anything. He gives you a tender smile as he picks at the food on the plate, knowing you won’t give up until he eats.
It’s been nearly two weeks since the snap. Steve’s too busy being strong for those who are left to fall apart just so you will pay more attention to him. Thor’s supposed to be a God, and here you are doting on him like he’s a sick puppy. It makes Rogers’ stomach turn.
Another two weeks pass and Steve notices the two of you are spending more and more time together. You make him coffee in the morning and your eyes smile at him, even when your lips don’t. Steve knows because he used to long for those looks from you – he still does. He’s losing you and he’s already lost too much.
Everything Thor does pisses him off and that irks Steve because he considers the Asgardian a friend – a close friend. It’s all because of you. You were supposed to be looking at him, spending time with him, he had been with you through it all, only to be tossed to the side because the God of Thunder is a broken mess of a man and you feel the need to fix him.
It happens one night during a casual conversation in the dining room. Natasha brings up Thor’s decision to keep his hair short and Thor makes the comment to Steve, “I see you’ve chosen to keep the beard, like myself.”
Standing in front of the mirror in his bathroom, Steve takes a razor to his face that night.
When he sees you slip quietly into Thor’s room, it’s enough to send him over the edge and he leaves the compound, knowing alcohol won’t do him any good, but he needs a bar.
The small dive he finds himself in is dark and empty with very few patrons lingering about. Steve imagines before the snap this place would have been filled to capacity on a Friday night. The voice of the R&B singer on the jukebox is raw and guttural, setting an eerie tone in the smoke-filled room. He’s been sitting at the bar for at least an hour before anyone approaches him. The ball cap is pulled low on his forehead, but it doesn’t hide the scowl on his face and there’s a half-empty high ball glass in front of him.
“Why the long face dear?” A woman questions, her Scottish accent taking him a bit by surprise. He glances over at her as she takes a seat on the bar stool next to him. She’s an attractive woman with a petite frame and she’s wearing a blue dress that accentuates her long red hair.
“Bad day,” he states simply.
“Work troubles?” She questions as the bartender places a bright orange drink in front of her. “Or girl troubles?”
He laughs slightly before he takes a sip from his glass, the liquid burns as it goes down, but that’s the extent of it’s effects. “Girl – unfortunately.”
“With a face like that,” she begins with a smile, “I would think you wouldn’t have any trouble in that department.”
“Yea – well,” Steve stares at the liquid in his glass absent-mindedly. “If I could change her mind, I would.”
The woman leans closer to him, her voice dropping low, “What if you could?” He gives her a sideways glance and sees the devilish smirk on her red lips. “If the past few months have taught us anything, it’s that life is short. I believe you’ve been through enough Captain Rogers.” He turns to her then in surprise at her recognition of him. “Yes, I knew who you were before I sat down dear. Who wouldn’t know that face?”
Steve watches the woman with morbid curiosity, “What are you suggesting?”
“Just a simple love spell,” she replies as she stirs her drink idly with the straw.
“You’re a witch,” his tone is accusatory.
“Well, of course,” she glances back to him with a sincere smile. “You can call me Rowena.”  
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The next night he glances up as you knock on the door before you enter his room, closing the door behind you. “You wanted to see me.” Your presence always brings a smile to his face.
“I did,” he says, standing up from his desk as he squeezes the small object in his hand. “I wanted to see how you’re doing. We haven’t talked much lately.”
“I’m not okay,” you reply sadly as you glance down at his desk for a moment. “None of us are though.”
Steve hesitates for a moment before he places a reassuring hand on your shoulder, slipping the small red hex bag into the pocket of your pajama pants as he says quietly, “I understand. Verus amore.” The Latin phrase falls out of his mouth easily, much easier than he thought it would, and your eyes narrow slightly in confusion before they flash a bright shade of purple at the enchantment.
You stare up at him curiously, a few stray strands of his longer locks have fallen onto his forehead, and you reach up carefully pushing them back as you say, “I’ve missed you Steve.”
His heart jumps in his chest as you step closer to him and he feels a tinge of guilt, “You have?”
You give him a slight nod as your fingers trail along his cheek, “This whole time, you’ve been standing right in front of me.” The pad of your thumb runs across his bottom lip slowly before you grab his chin roughly between your thumb and index finger and pull his mouth down to yours.
Steve’s imagined this moment a thousand different times – different scenarios. It’s more than he could have ever dreamed of and he slips his arms around your waist. He kisses you softy – passionately – indulging in the moment before lifting you up and carrying you over to the bed.
He finally has you – he’s finally won. After years of small failures and then the largest one, to finally have this one victory. Steve wants to remember every second of this moment – a permanent fixture in his mind. The way your body trembles at his touch. The fragile sound of your voice as you moan his name while his fingers work against you. He loves how easily you fall apart at his touch and he knows deep down you were made for him. He wants to remember how your muscles constrict around him as he slips easily inside you. The way your fingers claw at his shoulder blades and the powerful sense of euphoria that crashes over him as he comes undone with you.  
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Thor takes the change in your affection with stride, much to Steve’s surprise. The way you act around him is natural, as if you’ve been falling in love with him for years. For the first time in forever, Steve is happy, and you seem over the moon for him.
Unfortunately, it last three days, then Steve notices a change in your demeanor. Your attention toward him begins to fade and he reaches back out to the witch from the bar. The thought of losing you again is more than he can take and he knows deep down you do love him, you just need that extra push.
Steve Rogers has become a desperate man – a dark man.
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“I can give you a permanent potion,” Rowena states. “With one stipulation. When I come – and I will come – you have to give me whatever it is I need, no questions asked.”
Steve glares at her for a moment. The world’s gone to hell and he can’t lose you. Whatever the cost, he’s willing to pay, “Deal.”
“Just mix it with her drink and she’ll be yours – forever,” the red-headed woman hands him a single vial. “Pleasure doing business with you Captain.”
“Yea,” Steve’s tone is flat as he takes the vial, staring at the witch for a moment before turning to walk away.
The woman’s phone rings from her bag and she fishes it out quickly, sliding the bar across to green before she raises it to her ear.
“Hello,” she answers.
“Where are you?” The voice on the other end of the line questions her anxiously.
Rowena smirks as she watches Steve walk away, “Just making new friends Samuel.”
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0quinn-the-gay0 · 4 years
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“You’re beautiful, you know that?”
When you first met her, you were helping Sam and Dean deal with the big baby that was the King of Hell. Crowley was being, well, the King of Hell. He was wreaking havoc, Sam and Dean were trying to stop him. Apparently, he was addicted to Human blood, just like how Sam was addicted to Demon blood. When Rowena showed up, you could feel the pit in your stomach grow. Although, it wasn’t out of fear. For some reason, she could see right through you. She would flirt with you, until either Dean or Sam stepped in. She would back off, but wink.
Whenever you’d see Rowena, it seemed to happen. She would flirt with her perfect hair, her perfect eyes, perfect face, perfect magic, perfect perfect perfect!
You hate Rowena, because she is so fucking perfect.
But for some reason, one night, when she stopped by the bunker again, something seemed off. It was at this point, you knew that Lucifer was out of the cage again and riding Cas. Rowena looked.... scared. An emotion you’d never seen on her before, it had scared you.
“Rowena, a—are you okay?” You had asked, looking for some reason why she was sad. Looking for that spark in her eyes, but you couldn’t find it. “Aye, lass. I need your help. I’m not one to beg, but it’s either you, or the Winchesters.” She stopped and laughed. “The last time, we didn’t end in a good note. I can’t see them.” She explained. Rowena could read people like a book, so she saw the confusion in your eyes before you could speak. “And, no, it doesn’t involve murder or killing anyone, lass.” She answered.
You allowed her to come in, the boys were on a milk run, they were probably going to be back in an hour or two. “So, Ro, what do you need? Is it Crowley again? Because if it is-” she interrupted you, “no, lass, it isn’t my poor excuse of a son. It’s, well. You..” She paused, looking for a reaction. You squinted your eyes.
You were confused.
“Why is it me?” You asked. Was she going to confess? Would this be your chance to confess to her about how you feel?- “Lucifer is after you, dear. Knowing how horrible he can be, I wanted to let you know. I have a hex bag, if he gets close to you.” Oh. Well, you could deal with that later. “Thank you, Rowena. Wait- why is he after me?” “Leverage, deary.” She stated matter of factly. As if she wasn’t surprised or scared at all. She put the hex bag in your back pocket. You went to move, but her hand was still there.
“Rowena, uh, you can uh let go now.” She squeezed your ass, and made you squeak. She winked, she was just playing. “Rowena. Stop. Please.” You spit out. She takes the hint and stops. You really Sam and Dean were here. Rowena just stared at you, wondering if you’d make a move. “So, dear. You are beautiful, you know that?” The hex bag in your back pocket began to shake. “Uh...” you stuttered out, “uhh, thank you.” Great. You’re a blushing mess in front of one of the most powerful witches. Honestly, you didn’t feel like yourself. Cas, Sam, Dean was all washed from your mind.
You get a call from Sam. “Hello? Y/n? We need your help researching.” You groaned. “Sam, dammit, I thought you researched it already?” You heard Dean yell “yeah, bitch.” “Because, Y/n.”
“That’s not an answer, Winchester.” You snapped. You heard Sam sigh. Dean asked Sam for the phone, they fought for 2 minutes forgetting about you. Finally, you hear Dean say: “Y/n. We need to research what knocks out an alpha Vampire, but doesn’t kill it.”
“Dean. I though you and Sam were just going for groceries? Why did you lie?” You demanded, more annoyed than ever. “We didn’t want you to get hurt, sweetheart.” You heard Dean say, the name calling, the pet names were not helping your anger. You were frustrated with Dean and Sam, and also sexually frustrated. “Dear, are you alright?” Rowena asked. “Y/n/n, who is that?” “It’s Rowena, Dean.” You stated.
The line went silent. “We’re coming home. Now.” Dean said. “Guys, whatever this is about, you need the alpha blood. I’ll research. Rowena was just giving me a protection hex bag.” You state. “Plus, if anything goes south, I’ll keep you guys in my pocket.” You said. “Y/n/n please, be safe.” Sam said. “Will do, Samsquatch.” You pretended to hang up, putting your phone in your pocket.
“Honestly, love, I don’t know why you hang out with those dumbasses. They’re just trouble, hot, and daddy issues.” She said, you snorted. “Yeah, says you who could easily snap my neck right now.” You said. “Y/n, I wanted to let you know, I will always be here.” Rowena stated. “Rowena, I-”
“Enough, Y/n. You don’t have to say anything. Girl-to-girl here, we have to stick with each other.” She says. You felt the pit growing in your stomach, although it was not fear. Somehow, Rowena had gotten closer. Although you were scared, you didn’t move. She kissed you. Rowena. The woman you’ve been fantasizing about for 5 months, is kissing you. Her hands reach down, and her knee goes in between your legs. You gasp. The other side of the phone, was Sam and Dean calling for you. You’d forgotten about them.
As she was kissing you, she pulled your phone out of your pocket. She puts it on speaker. “Hello, boys.” She greets. “Rowena. If you-” “Yes, yes Samual, you’ll kill me if I touch her, or hurt her. I know the pleasantries.” She deadpans. “Bye-bye boys, Y/n is sick, and she can’t research right now.” She hung up the phone, Sam and Dean not getting a chance to respond.
“R-Ro. What was that?” You asked. Genuinely confused. “That, my dear, was a kiss.” She stated. You made your bitch face, “I know that was a kiss, smartass. Why?” You questioned. “Oh, because my dear. Without that, the protection spell wouldn’t work.” She stated.
You smiled. You were feeling flirty. “If that’s what gets you to kiss me, I’d do it more often.” You said without thinking.
Rowena starts laughing, all your embarrassment washed away. You laughed along with her. All your worries had flown out the window. Her laugh makes your chest feel light, her smile makes you feel high. You’re both laughing, now. “Dear, if you wanted to kiss me so bad, you could’ve asked.” She laughs, her smile is breathtaking. “Ro, I- I-“ you begin, trying to calm your laughter. “You’re so beautiful, you know that?” You say.
Rowena stopped laughing. This is where I die. You think.
“Y/n. No ones said that about me for... centuries.” Rowena confesses. “I’m sorry, Ro, I shouldn’t have-”
She cuts you off with a kiss. This time, it’s passionate. It’s loving. Her pale hands roam your body, and you throw your arms around her neck. Her hands going up and down your sides.
The kiss was hot, so unbelievably hot. You knew you had a thing for girls, but you never thought you would fall for a witch. Although your rational side was screaming at you to stop, to hit her, she’s a witch, your unrealistic side kicked in, drowning out the rational part of your brain.
Rowena broke the kiss. She stared at you, lovingly.
You two go to the couch, sitting down, you cup your hand around her cheek. “Rowena, I love you.” You said. “Lass, the last time I loved someone like this, he died because I killed him.” She stated, laughing. “Don’t worry, Ro, I’m sure you won’t kill me.” You replied. “How can you be so sure?” She asked, booping your nose. You chuckled, “I’m not sure, Ro, but I trust that you won’t kill me.” You laughed, cuddling with her. You two stayed like that for 20 minutes before you got an idea.
“Hey, Ro? Have you ever seen Harry Potter?” You asked, getting up from the couch. You moved over to the tv, you turned it on, and grabbed the remote. “No, dear, I haven’t” Rowena replied, obviously excited. “It’s a movie about witches and warlocks, and wizards. It had dragons and all that jazz!” You said excitedly. Rowena paused, and smiled. She seemed excited about it. “Well then, let’s get to it!”
While the movie was playing, Rowena would comment on how poor the spells were. You kept having to remind her that the main characters were only 11. “But, when I was 11, I was already making havoc.” She said, “well, Ro, these children just started school. They can’t learn everything in one year.” You replied.
The rest of the movie went off without a hitch. But, your stomach could tell that there was something wrong. You and Rowena by the end of the movie, kissed again. But it was getting heated. “R-Ro” you moaned, as she trailed her tongue down your neck and collar bone. You stared at each other.
The fluttering of wings break your trances. You freeze.
(Part 1/2)
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sirrriusblack · 5 years
Prompt(its probably wierd so u don't necessarily need to do it) Remus does bad on a test (actually bad,please don't let it become good in the end) and sirius/marauders/lily (whoever u r comfortable with) talk or do something to comfort him Maybe this could be jily if u don't wanna write wolfstar
I loved writing this, thank you!!
PS: I had no intention of making it this long, but here we are :)
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Remus’ POV:
“What’d you get?” James asked as we made our way back to the common room. James’ face was lit up, a big, loud grin adorning his face. He’d gotten 100 percent on the transfiguration test we’d had. James had every right to be proud, he’d studied to no end. The only problem I had was that I’d also studied just as much, and I’d gotten 17 percent. I’d failed the test. It wasn’t like I’d gotten on the verge of failing and passing either—no, I was nowhere near passing. 17 percent. But the boys didn’t need to know that. I forced a small smile to my face, hoping it was convincing enough.
“83,” I lied through my teeth. Pete clapped me on the back. The four of us had just finished transfiguration, our last class for the day. Sirius had linked his hand in mine the moment we’d left class.
“Well done mate,” Womtail said. I nodded, wanting to just get alone for a moment. Sirius and I locked eyes, and I dropped his hand and quickly looked away from the concern in his eyes.
“Oh, I forgot, I need to go to the library to grab a book. I’ll be back.” I turned and made to walk away before Sirius chimed in.
“I’ll come with you!” he smiled, taking a step closer. I wanted nothing more than for him to come with me, to tell him about the test, to have him talk me down from the downwards spiral I was falling into. But it was just a stupid test. I’d get over it.
“No, uh… I’ll be fine thanks.” I muttered, just needing a moment to myself, to calm down, to gather my thoughts. Sirius’ brows furrowed and he took another step toward me, causing me to take one back.
“I’ve gotta grab a book too though, it’s fi—”
“No.” I knew I was being unfair—being stupid, really—but I’d worked my ass off on this test and, well, a fail was just like a massive blow to the gut. “Sorry,” I said, and walked away.
I didn’t go to the library—I wasn’t planning on it in the first place. I didn’t necessarily know where I was expecting to end up, but it definitely wasn’t outside of Professor McGonagall’s office. I was about to turn away when the door opened and a first year Gryffindor walked out, a biscuit in her hand. I smiled at her when she looked up at me and I tried not to notice as she took in the scars on my arms and neck.
“Mr Lupin do come in,” McGonagall called out from where she sat at her desk. I smiled again at the kid as she walked away, and, seeing no way out if this, I closed the door behind me as I stepped into the office. “How can I help you?” the professor asked once I’d taken a seat across from her. I swallowed my nerves and lifted my eyes to meet hers.
“I was wondering if I could talk to you about the score I received on the test today?” McGonagall’s eyes softened as she looked at me and a wave of—of emotion hit me. I hated that I was here, about to grovel to a teacher about some stupid test score that bothered me for absolutely no reason but my pride.
“Ah, yes,” Professor McGonagall started before I could make an excuse to leave. “What would you like to talk about?” she asked, her hands clasped together on the desk in between us.
“I was—could I possibly retake the test?” I blurted out before I could think about it. Maybe—maybe if I re-did it I’d miraculously pass. I doubted it. And I knew I’d never find out when I saw the pity in McGonagall’s eyes.
“I’m sorry Mr Lupin, but if I let you retake the test I’ll have to do the same for everyone, and you know I can’t have that.” I nodded, wanting more than ever to get out of there.
“Yeah, okay that’s fine, thank you Professor.” I got up to leave but McGonagall motioned for me to sit down.
“Mr Lupin if you’d like me to help you understand why you got that score and maybe help you with some sort of studying schedule, I’m more than happy—”
“I studied my ass off!” I immediately regretted saying it. I leaned back in my chair as if it might swallow me whole and I opened my mouth to say something, but the professor held her hand up, silencing me. McGonagall’s lips were pursed, and amusement danced in her eyes. Amusement—not anger. I ran a hand through my hair and waited to hear what she might say.
“Mr Lupin, you understand that you cannot always have perfect scores, yes?” she asked. I furrowed my brow.
“What? Professor I—”
“People make mistakes; people fail. It’s a part of life, Mr Lupin, and sometimes all you can do is know how to improve for next time.” She paused. “Was that all you wished to talk about?” Professor McGonagall smiled at me and I didn’t know whether to be relieved or angry. She was the only teacher who didn’t treat me like I was a diseased child. She was the only teacher that didn’t stare at my scars and look at me like I was a broken doll. So I guess I was relieved. But I was also still angry. More at myself than her.
* * *
Sirius’ POV:
Remus had finally gotten back to the dorm an hour later, no book in sight. He obviously hadn’t gone to the library then. He’d held a brief conversation with James, not looking any of us in the eye, before he’d grabbed a seemingly random book off the shelf and gone back down to the common room. James and Pete had told me to let it go, that he was probably just in a mood. But it had come out of nowhere. And it was definitely more than a mood.
I found him sitting in a dark corner of the room, staring at the book in his hands. I watched him for a moment, the way his hair fell over his eyes, the curls at the back of his neck, his fingers drumming against the cover of the book. I shook my head and sauntered over, finally sitting against the arm of the chair.
“Are you actually reading that?” Remus glanced up at me for a moment before drilling his gaze back into the book. I pushed his hair out of his face.
“What else would I be doing with a fucking book, Sirius?” he muttered. I chose to ignore it and instead pulled the book from his hands. I also chose to ignore the string of curses he muttered at me after that.
“The founders of Hogwarts, Rowena Ravenclaw, Godric Gryffindor, Salazar…” I closed the cover of the book to see what he was reading. Hogwarts: A History. “You had this book memorised halfway through first year, Moony, why are you reading it?” Remus snatched it back and stood up to leave.
“No. Sit back down.” I told him, holding an arm out in front of him. He shoved that arm away.
“Get the fuck out of my way, Sirius.” He made to move past me, but I stepped in front of him, well aware of how annoying I was being. If I knew anything about Remus Lupin it was that he could never get over something unless he talked about it
“Remus, something is clearly bothering you and I’m here, ready to listen, so stop being a twat and sit down.” To emphasise my point, I sat down on the red armchair, motioning for him to sit on my lap. He leaned against the arm of the chair instead. I shook my head. “Moony, what is it?” I reached for his hand and he grabbed it, his back still turned to me.
“I failed the test,” he admitted quietly.
“But you said you got 83…” and he’d lied because he was too embarrassed. I almost asked why he even cared that much but I thought better of it. Remus hated homework, but he always did it. He always got things in on time and he always got good marks. Because he tried. We’d talked about it once. About the times he’d thought he’d never get to go to school, never get a proper education. He’d spent so long thinking he’d go without, so when he got in, he used it to his full advantage. When I didn’t say anything for a moment, Remus turned to face me. “What’d you get?” I finally asked. He lowered his head.
“17 percent,” he whispered. Oh wow.
“It was the full moon a couple of days ago, I’m sure, given the circumstances, you could retake the test,” I suggested. It was the wrong thing to say. Remus turned his body fully toward me now, amber eyes wide. He pulled his hand from mine. I felt very cold suddenly.
“No, Sirius, you don’t get it, I can’t use that as an excuse every time!” I looked at him, took in the burning passion, emotion, radiating from him.
“Why not? It’s not exactly easy to study when you’re body is mutilating itself!” I was angry suddenly, not at him but at the injustice of it all. At what he had to go through every month, and the consequences of it.
“Because then they’ll be right!” I locked eyes with him then, faced the full force of his burning light. In that moment, he was as bright as the sun, and I was staring right at him.
He lowered his voice. “If I admit that I can’t do this, that I can’t do well at school and hand everything in on time, if I use my lycanthropy as an excuse to not do work then I’m proving that everyone that’s ever degraded or dehumanised werewolves is right. I’m proving that my dad is right.” I sucked in a breath. Remus was shaking, from sadness or anger, I couldn’t tell, but his eyes were glazed over too, and I shuddered, wanting nothing more than to bring back the light, the laughter that usually filled them. “And that’s the last thing I want,” he finished. I nodded, understanding. The defiance, the need to be better than they thought you were, the need to prove them wrong. I understood.
“So you’ll just do better on the next test. You’ll prove them wrong then,” I said searching Remus’ face for any sign that he might forgive himself. There was no point telling him to drop it, to move on. Remus was the type of person that carried everything with him, remembered everything. There was no changing it.
“But, I don’t know how,” he told me, linking his hand back with mine and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. My heart ached for him. “I tried so hard this time, I put everything into that test, especially because I knew McGonagall would grade it fairly, and she did. I studied so hard, I thought I had it, but when I got the test back, I failed. There’s no denying it.” Remus voice was thick, like it was a struggle to get the words out. He’d taken to staring at my hand, tracing the lines in my palm. I nearly kissed him at the sight of it. I pulled him onto my lap instead, holding him around the waist.
“I don’t meant to sound like McGonagall or anything, but sometimes people fail, and you’ve just got to try to be better next time.” He locked eyes with me, and I was almost disappointed at the shadows hiding his face from view as he looked at me with something — more in his eyes. Something like love. A chuckle escaped his mouth and his teeth flashed.
“She basically said that exact thing to me earlier.” I smiled.
“It’s true though, everyone fails. Even Evans.” Remus snorted. His whole body seemed to relax, to lean into my touch. I loved every part of it. I didn’t entirely believe that Evans had ever failed anything, but that probably wouldn’t help right now. I wrapped my hands around his neck instead, not knowing how else to comfort him.
“Thank you,” Remus said, his eyes softening. “And I’m sorry I was complaining it was stupid but — “ I cut him off before he could continue, pulling back slightly.
“No. No, Remus never think that any of your problems are stupid, okay? I want to hear everything you have to say, problems and all.” I smiled, trying to brush off the vulnerability of what I’d just said. Remus wasn’t buying that. He looked lost for a moment, sitting in my lap, playing with my hair, and for a moment, I thought he’d take it all back. I thought he’d tell me he couldn’t do this, he couldn’t deal with me, with my baggage.
“Stop it,” he said.
“Stop looking at me like you’re going to lose me. I’m here for good okay?” I nodded, blinking back the tears in my eyes. I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his, my arms still around his neck as his fingers kept playing with my hair. I nodded again, my forehead against his. “Plus, in case you forgot, I was complaining, you self absorbed ass-hat.” Remus cracked a smile and I kissed him again.
* * *
thank you so much hglb!!!
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thewnchstrs · 5 years
Death Wish
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Pairing: SamXReader
Summary: after Sam dies, Y/N knows what she has to do in order to bring him back.
Disclaimers: mentions of death, drinking, crying
Word Count: 3K
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I had never heard the bunker so quiet after Sam was gone. I no longer woke up to his soft snoring or the sound of his electric toothbrush from the bathroom. The sound of his typing at his laptop and how every time he would hit the space bar it would click louder than the others, the sound of his sock-clad feet down the hallways on his way to get his morning cup of coffee. It’s hard to notice how loud someone’s presence is until they’re gone.
Dean and I seemed to move in slow motion, our days not even starting until late in the afternoon when we finally decided to get up out of bed. The days following Sam’s death had been unbearably slow, but the nights were even longer.
The endless, aching pain in my chest did nothing to help the fact that I felt as if I couldn’t get out of bed anymore. It felt as if my heart had reached its hands out through my chest and gripped the metal frame of my bed, the same bed I used to share with Sam.
That bed used to seem small. His long legs would always dangle off the end, his wild hair would fan itself across the pillows. He always made sure to leave enough blankets for me to curl myself in.
Now, the bed seems to stretch on for miles, but I never cross the imaginary line where I know Sam would be sleeping if he were here.
I turned away from his side and instead faced our bedside table where a picture of Sam and I sat, a blurry picture from when we went to the Navy Pier while on a hunt in Chicago. We were supposed to be working the case but the temptation to ride the ferris wheel had been too much for us to handle. We were both smiling, frozen mid-laughter at something Dean must’ve said before taking the picture. The sunset made the sky and the water behind us a beautiful orange and red.
My stomach twisted as I laid the picture frame face down. It seemed like everywhere I turned there was something to remind me of him. His razor still sitting on the edge of our bathroom sink, his shirts hanging untouched in our closet. Even when I closed my eyes, the burned image of Sam on the floor of the cabin, a blossom of red on his grey shirt, his eyes dully looking up at the ceiling, his skin cold.
I whipped my eyes open.
Not sleeping.
Definitely not sleeping.
I sat up, pushing my unruly hair out of my face. I needed to face the world today, I needed to get better. This was the first step.
I changed from the clothes I’d been wearing the past three days and took a shower. A long, hot shower that made me forget momentarily about why I was denying doing anything in the first place.
After taming my hair and putting on something other than pajamas, I shuffled to the library where I knew I’d find Dean, most likely drunk to the point of unconsciousness. Sure enough, he was sitting at a table, an empty bottle of whiskey next to him. He stared down into his glass, a miniscule amount of the bitter drink sloshing around as he rotated it. As if staring into the drink would give him all the answers he needed.
I sat in the chair across from him, picking up the whiskey bottle and turned it over, not even a drop came out onto the wood. I set it back down and watched Dean.
“Any left?” I asked, gesturing to the bottle.
He sighed and shook his head. His words came out slurred, “No, that was the last of it.”
I tapped the table with the pads of my fingertips, my eyes flicking up to Dean who continued to stare into his glass. “What are we gonna do?”
“I don’t…I don’t know.”
Part of me was shocked how careless Dean seemed, as if he didn’t want to bring Sam back at all, “What do you mean you don’t know?”
“I mean I don’t know, Y/N,” Dean growled, looking up at me now. I’d seen Dean get upset with other like this before but never with me, but I couldn’t care less. I was getting Sam back with Dean’s help or not.
“So, you’re just going to give up?” I asked, my voice breaking. Dean only shook his head. “Just going to throw in the towel, just like that?”
“It’s not like that, Y/N.”
“Then what’s it like, Dean?” I asked, my voice getting louder. “Because it looks to me like you’re not even trying to get him back!”
Dean only scoffed as he brought the glass to his lips and swallowed the last of the whiskey. “You wouldn’t understand.”
My anger boiled out of me, smoke seemed to pour out of my ears and nose, and I acted without thinking when I reached across the table and smacked the glass out of Dean’s hand. The glass flew through the air and shattered into a million pieces once it hit the floor. Dean watched me in disbelief as my chest rose and fell violently in rage.
“We’re getting Sam back,” I panted. “We’re getting him back. I don’t care what we have to do.”
“I’ve tried, Y/N,” he said quietly. I was slightly taken back by how calm his voice was. “I tried so hard these last few days to get him back. I- I called Cas, prayed to Chuck, tried summoning Crowley, Rowena, Death, Billy, everyone. I tried to…I tried to sell my soul for him, but at every crossroad they laughed. I’ve escaped death so many times, I’m an empty promise to them.”
I watched as Dean became unraveled, drunken tears spilled down his cheeks as the confession tumbled from his mouth. My anger began to dissolve as I reached across the table and held onto his calloused hand. “I’m an awful brother. I always said I’d take care of him…watch over him, and I can’t even do that right.”
“Stop it, Dean,” I shook my head. “You’re a good brother – a great brother. And I promise you – we will get Sam back.”
I knew my attempts at reassuring him was close to no help. However, as I tried to console Dean and tried to figure out what we were going to do, I was hit with the overwhelming knowledge of what had to be done. Since Sam died, it was always in the back of my mind, but I never had enough courage to face it head on. I’d seen what it’d done to each of them before. However, I knew this time it was different. I could do it, I knew they’d hate me for it, and I knew they’d be sad once I was gone, but it would be nothing compared to what they were going through now.
They would be okay without me.
I didn’t mention my plan to Dean in fear of him talking me out of it. So, I kept it to myself, just like I did with everything else.
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The last week had been amazing, as if everything Dean and I had gone through didn’t even matter now that Sam was back. They’d thought I had worked up a trade with Death like the one Dean made a few years ago when he was given Death’s job for a day. It didn’t take much convincing with Dean; he was just happy he had Sammy back.
I would always remember that day when I walked through the bunker’s door to see Sam and Dean, deep in the thralls of conversation after I’d done what I had to do. I’d always remember the way Sam turned when he heard me shut the door, the way he smiled up at me.
I looked out the window where the sun’s rays poured through the windows later that day. Any other day it wouldn’t have been anything significant, but for the past week and a half before Sam came back, Lawrence, Kansas was under a flood advisory, as if the sky was sad that Sam was gone, too.
That day was the first day it stopped raining.
Finally, the Sam-shaped hole in my heart was finally filled again, even though I knew what I had done would’ve had Sam at my throat. I’d put him through so much pain already, that just the thought of him knowing what I did would send him into a frenzy. I knew he’d try to bring me back, to save me somehow. I knew the easiest thing for everybody was to just make them believe I couldn’t handle this life anymore – that I needed a way out.
That’s why I knew I had to leave. I tried not to think about what I was doing as I packed my duffel bag, not caring about whether my jeans were folded or if my shirts were creased. I needed to leave, and soon. I’d given myself my final few days with Sam, spending every second by his side because I knew those were the memories I’d have to hang onto.
I stood at the end of the bed Sam and I shared, the letter felt like it was singeing my skin. I itched to leave it on my side of the bed, to get out of there, and to leave Sam behind.
After much deliberation, I lightly set the letter on my pillow and took one last look at Sam and smiled. I knew he would be okay.
Then I left, propelling myself forward so I wouldn’t have the chance to look back. I ran up the metal staircase and out the front door into the cold night.
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9 years, 11 months, and 28 days later.
I looked myself over in the mirror, curling the last piece of hair that framed my face, swaying my hips to the song that was playing through the tiny Bluetooth speaker sitting on the motel sink. I dug around in my makeup bag for my red lipstick, uncapped it, and swiped it over my pale lips. My black dress clung tightly to my body. One of the upsides to being a hunter was that I didn’t have to try too hard to stay in shape.
Tonight, I was going to have fun. That will be my plan for the next three days, to forget about the world for a while. And my impending doom. There was a nightclub within walking distance from the motel I was staying in and it seemed like it was much more fun than I was going to have anywhere else.
Just as I was about to slide my black heels on, a hard knock came from the motel door. I froze in place, one shoe in hand. I set it down quietly as I snuck around to my bed and pulled the gun from under my pillow. Holding the cold metal close to my body, I counted down from three in my head before I swung the door open, the gun cocked in front of me. The sight of the man on the other side of the door made my heart leap, I was surprised the gun didn’t go off from pure shock.
He looked different – much different from when I saw him last. He was taller, if that was possible, and his hair was much longer. He looked older, obviously, but not in the way you’d think. He’d looked like he’d seen some terrible things. I couldn’t even begin to imagine how different I looked to him. I stood back, taking it all in.
Sam freakin’ Winchester stood, his hands up as if to say he wasn’t a threat. I stood frozen again, not sure what to say or think. It’d been so long.
“Y/N?” he asked, dumbfounded, his hands still in the air.
I could hardly find any air, I could only muster up the one word I forbade myself from saying for nearly ten years, “Sam.”
He smiled slightly; his eyes full of confusion as he scanned every part of my face as if he were trying to recognize who I was. I must’ve looked so out of place in my black dress, my hair and makeup done in the middle of a cheap motel room.
When I realized I was still holding the gun, I quickly uncocked it, putting it on the table behind me, “What…what are you doing here?”
He shook his head as if to clear his mind before speaking but he kept his eyes trained on me, “I’m sorry, I- Dean and I, we’re staying next door. He told me to come tell you to turn your music down.”
Realization dawned on me as I heard the roaring music coming from the speaker in the bathroom, “Oh god, I’m sorry-“ I raced to the bathroom and switched it off.
Breathe, Y/N. This all must be an extremely vivid dream. I told myself as I closed my eyes to gather my thoughts. I rested my hands on the porcelain, taking a few breaths before returning to the main room where, a very real Sam, was still standing in the doorway.
My heart skipped a beat at seeing him there, after all these years. My yearning for Sam never went away, and now that he was within arm’s reach, I’d never loved him more than I did right now.
“You can come in,” I said, and he smiled softly.
“You’re not going to shoot me, are you?”
I laughed, shaking my head. He stepped inside, shutting the door behind him. We both sat at the end of the bed, not looking at each other, just being together.
“Is this where you’ve been the whole time?” he asked suddenly.
I glanced at him from the corner of my eye and then down at my hands in my lap. “You know…here, there. Everywhere.”
Sam nodded, knowing all too well the life of a hunter. What surprised me is that he didn’t seem mad. Didn’t hold it against me that I had left him in the middle of the night and god, I deserved that hatred. I deserved it more than anyone.
“You know that I looked for you,” he said. I could feel his eyes on me now. “I looked everywhere.”
“I know.”
“Why’d you do it?” I looked over to him now. His eyes were pleading, I knew he just wanted to understand. “I just…I was heartbroken. That morning when I woke up, I was devastated.”
“Sam, I’m sorry,” I was barely able to choke out the words. “I’m so sorry.”
“I just want to know why. You said you couldn’t live this life anymore, but from the looks of it you didn’t get too far away.”
I tugged at a loose thread in my dress, pulling at it with chipped nails as I looked up at the weapons bag on the table. “I couldn’t live without you.”
“Then why did you leave-“
“Because I made a deal,” I blurted, the words coming out like vomit. I’d never said it out loud before because I knew that saying it sealed my fate.
Sam blinked, “Yeah, I mean, Dean said you made a trade with Death-“
“No,” I said, shaking my head as I confirmed his worst fear. “I made a deal. At the crossroads.”
I didn’t watch him, but I could see his figure slump forward, a hand cascading down his tired face. “Why?”
“Because your life means so much more to me than mine,” I said truthfully. I could already tell he was going to tell me not to think that way. “It’s true, Sam. When I thought of which one of us should be alive, I couldn’t come up with one reason why it should be me when I have a list full of reasons why it should be you.”
Sam bit back tears. “How much longer?”
I knew what he meant. He wanted to know when my time was up. I checked the clock above the door. “Three days.”
He let out a puff of air, his eyes closing momentarily as he reached for my hand and squeezed it gently in his. The touch sent me reeling for more and before I knew it, I enveloped Sam in my arms, my head against his strong chest, his rhythmic heart compelling me to get closer to him. He held me close, kissing the top of my head.
Minutes passed before I pulled away and looked up at him, “You have to promise me something.”
Sam nodded, his eyes red. “Anything.”
I swallowed roughly, “When I go…you can’t try to bring me back.”
Sam’s grip on my hand became tighter as he shook his head, tears threatening to spill over. “I can’t let you go again.”
“Call it a death wish.”
“That’s not funny.”
I swallowed roughly, running my hand over his. We’d both grown, we were no longer those young kids all those years ago. I was coming to the end of my life, but that didn’t mean Sam had to. “You can’t. I- I’m ready. I’ve come to terms with it, and I’m ready. I’m okay with dying.”
“How can you be okay with it?” he asked, and to be completely honest, I wasn’t sure. For a long time, I felt like without Sam I didn’t have anything to live for. I was floating through life, going through the motions until I was nearly three days until my time was up.
“Just…just trust me, okay? And I know it doesn’t mean much since the last time we saw each other I up and left, but this time I’m telling the truth. This is what I want.”
Sam clenched his jaw. I knew he hated that he was agreeing to just let me die without even putting up a fight. He pulled me closer to him again. “Lets just stay like this, okay?”
I nodded, pulling myself as close as I could to him. This would be enough. This would always be enough.
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