#r: KnightMare
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sortanonymous · 7 months ago
Remember kids, don't procrastinate on your fics.
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osakanone · 5 months ago
I love how in-depth your mech discussions dive
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This isn't even my full power.jpg
I have to hold a lot back, because I don't know how to communicate well without overwhelming an audience.
Let me show you.
I'm right now figuring out how to explain a summary of over two years of investigation into mecha feet and contact-patch design, which led to me designing many MANY foot designs I came up with based on fighter landing gear, tank design, hovercraft, omniwheels, screw vehicles, and my personal favourites: marginal terrain vehicles and the Landmaster of Damnation Ally, which overcomes the shortcomings of 4+ generation Knightmare Frames [...]
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(eg, their lack of omnidirectional motion, which they had to solve by transitioning to a psudoquadraped both with the Akito of Exile's 4-leg mode using its arms as walking limbs and the Queen Asura, which is not the same thing as a psudotetrapod because a quadraped has a abdomin structure closer to a jumping spider with the legs arranged inwardly for the front and outwardly for the back, and a tetrapod is radial pushing legs out at square or diamond angles relative to the abdominal centroid)
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...and of Artos/Armored Trooperoids of Votoms [...]
(which had problems of a small tarus or hoof style foot with zero longitudinal arch which results in a lack of clearly defined calcaneus and thus no formal heel which would allow terrain gripping via the relative motion of the arch and phalangal body of the toes the heel like a beak -- all to encorporate the wheel in the arch-space -- which the design partially compensates through the use of a talon mechanism, and an optional structure fitted to the ankle which folds down to form an extended front foot -- which Armored Core's 5th generation later references in the folding falanges of the UCR series -- and late,r the Blue Knight variant directly addresses by extending the foot by 50% to improve the contact leverage with ground surfaces)
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This is accomplished by using the stair-climber mechanism as a heel, but encorporating a scissor mechanism. Right now I'm not happy with where it is and I'm still figuring out where the hinge would go to keep it omnidirectional, which again is the common failure of leg-design in these platforms.
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This is a MASSIVE amount of information to take in even in this light summary without diagrams to explain what's happening and I'd need help to really express what I actually want to accomplish.
I'm right now deeply conflicted as to how deep I should actually go because we can get very lost in the weeds and I'm not very skilled at diagramming the points I want to make and I have an entire taxonomic and anatomical language for mecha that I remove from my work when I present it to the public most of the time.
Like do I go into the development path, do I go into the evaluation of evolutionary paths I see like throughlines connecting things like how we got from knightly designs in Panzer World Galient or Dunbine (the first isekai) informs Tekkaman Blade informs Xi Gundam informs Escaflowne informs White Glint informs Unicorn Gundam and Banshee informs NWGIX/V, etc, etc?
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Like there's an entire lineage and family line there being Albidimiles -- albidimiles being a portmanteau of albido (white) and miles (knight) -- not to be confused with the line Samonaut, which are essentially samurai-astronauts commonly belonging to Gundam.
Since we're dealing with design memetics, common concepts of conventional phylogenetic development don't apply since through a genetic lens, mecha is incredibly dependant on horizontal transfer -- eg, passing of information via contact, so adaptions happen not always convergently but frequently in direct parallel, as an arms-race does.
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So that's an example of what this is like when I don't filter any of it for an audience, and it very quickly goes off into the weeds.
What I really need to go to the next level is an editor who understands the concepts I'm dealing with; for example, do I talk about the inherent transness of the L-Gaim Mark II and Nagano's own history with gender expression as a mechanical designer and how he expresses those feelings of femininity in his work, or do I go full schizo and present the world with my wild "Nagano-Egg Fashion-Sapphoid-Mantis" theory which is in itself a total fever dream born of conjecture gleaned entirely from his work and photographs of him leering at Tomino instead of his wife at his own marriage?
I need someone to reign me in, but also be able to support me in this capacity -- ie, a research partner who's happy to let me toil in the weeds and then is happy to help me represent these ideas and understand what you as an audience can actually make sense of.
What has happened is I accidently over-studied the design part of mecha and understudied the illustration part which I'm actually very poor at.
I can go so much deeper than I do regularly, but making sure I don't lose people is a challenge I've never managed to solve so I mostly just write for myself and then only turn it into a post if someone has a question.
Sorry if all of this is kinda disorganized.
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timekeepertwister · 2 years ago
The Operation Portfolio of “Operation: Time Twister”
🥖 The Operation Portfolio is our roadmap of the ongoings of “Operation: Time Twister” as well as several concepts proposed as to where we can potentially uncover key objectives, misplaced Cookies, and miscellaneous temporal anomalies.
0 - Records of Destiny - Some opening files to introduce major characters and plot elements relevant to this AU. [CASE CLOSED]
Case 1: Compiled Control
1A - The Frost Miko Incidents - [Active] - Croissant Cookie’s group has been launched through time in an incident following an inspection of Confrontation A/D-V-8.1945 as assigned directly by the Director, landing them in a past- albeit recent- time of the Dark Cacao Kingdom. As numerous departments within the TBD scramble to arrange a team to return everyone to their proper times, it seems like another group of incident resolvers has gotten themselves involved in this mess because of Subject R-II/T-22…
1B - Misplaced Magicians - [Triangulation Pending] - We are still working to determine the location of Cinnamon Cookie, Wizard Cookie, and Cream Puff Cookie after they were temporally displaced following a confrontation with Subject C/L-33 in the City of Wizards. But the signature seems to have gone haywire…!
1C - Y3 Intelligence... - [Processing] - Present Day Investigation. Ongoing. Destination: Beast-Yeast
1-Ongoing - The Resolvers’ Incident - [Pending Investigation] - Following the aftermath of actions incited by C/L-33 on [12/24/2020], a chain of events unfolded that sent 7 Cookies and an unidentified number of humans of Outer Earthbread back in time away from their proper coordinates in an unmarked eastern region of the world. In order to gather information on the whereabouts of the latter group of humans and to provide insights on whether anyone else was affected, the Disaster Response Division- led by Strawberry Shortcake Cookie and assisted by the High Priestess from the Pomegranate Village and a resident of the World of Dreams- has gathered a number of pertinent witnesses to testify about their experiences and the events that unfolded in their presence.
Proposed Cases in Other Time Sectors
Root of the Subconscious Lilies
Is the Cake a Lie?
Knightmare of Hollyberry Palace
Nine Tails of Another Odyssey
Bittersweet Paralysis
Forgotten Yogurcan Expeditionary
Homestead Onslaught
Trouble in 10 Elixir Tavern
Boomudan Detour
The Dark Ages of Lilywhite Vanilla
House of the Dragons
The Lofty Starcloud Spires of Lilywhite Space
A Precarious Boulder
Return to the Danger Zone
Chaos Reaped Together
Proposed Timeline Inspection Cases
Path to Paradise
Night Terrors of the City
Not Just A Clown…
Mission: Royal Timeguard
Odyssey of Bravery
Another Side of Mayhem
Recalled Timeguard
Jellypocalypse Now
Suggested or Collaboration Cases
None… yet! Inquire within to suggest another Case later… and bring your own AUs too.
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twostar-entertainment · 6 years ago
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                                   Collab of the century? 
Fan’s have been in an uproar online recently due to many different scandals going on within and around tse. With the drop of this new teaser teasing, a silhouette of a DJ and a short 14 second blip of an edm beat, netizens have started to gravitate towards just finding out what the song and why in the world soloist TAVIA would be doing such a track.  
Here what fan had to say;
[ user +4769395 ]: Can’t wait!
[ user +3453582 ]: I don’t know how to feel about this. On one end I’m glad TAVIA is back in the lime light but on the other end I feel like TSE is trying to distract us.
[ user +8673487 ]: another distraction? They’re as bad as SM. This is just to take the heat off X-Gene, just like Dowon’s solo career and Minjoon’s rumored solo career.
netizens hold your shoes, the collab won’t be out until the 28th of April.
This post was made for ROLEPLAY PURPOSES. This blog is a work of fiction and has no connection to anyone in the kpop industry.
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knightmareaceblue · 3 years ago
I wonder what gem polytreat's weapons be lie and what they are. If one or two don't know how to Summon a Weapon so it would be interesting for one or two of them or even how one of crystal gems to train how to summon their weapon.
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After some thinking, I decided on the Triple Threat's gem weapons
Sapphire!Henry: She doesn't use a weapon. She uses her ice powers, future vision, and general speed and strength to get around her problems. I don't think Sapphires have weapons, but she does fine without one.
Nephrite!Charles: She's got a GRAPPLING HOOK! I had a little trouble thinking of a gem weapon that would fit her, but when I started listing out things N!Charles would want to do, I realized a grappling hook was perfect. Summoning weapons doesn't come naturally to her, on account of her being made for flying. It's actually P!Ellie who helps her figure out how to summon it, while they're chasing S!Henry. She isn't consistent at being able to summon it until S!Henry joins the team, though.
Pyrope!Ellie: Axe all the way, baby. You know our girl P!Ellie's a heavy hitter. When pulling her weapon out of her eye, the staff part comes first, then once it's emerged the blades come out of either side. Since as a Pyrope she's a natural fighter, she was already good at summoning her weapon before Era 3.
Labradorite!Chellrey: Combining all three of their abilities, L!Chellrey's weapon is a crossbow! Which is really, really hard to draw, hah. In her earliest conceptions she cannot summon her blade weapon - she can barely do much without falling apart. But as the Triple Threat get closer, learn to trust, and eventually fall in love, Chellrey becomes more stable and more powerful, with a more unified look to match.
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kururugi-shrine · 4 years ago
Get to know me Code Geass version 2
[5] male characters
[5] female characters
[3] pairings
[2] Knightmares
[1] opening
[1] ending
[2] funny moments
[2] happy moments
[2] sad moments
[3] favorite newly added scenes from the trilogy movies
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ufonaut · 6 years ago
i’m so mad about so many things on a daily basis but for the past two days #1 has definitely been last knight on earth and all the praise it’s been getting like....i don’t get it. beyond snyder having no goddamn idea how gl rings work or, yknow, the slightest inclination towards good writing, how is everyone not sick of the constant body horror he subjects joker to
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forcedsense · 4 years ago
since tomorrow is bruces birthday i know zack might post something (probably more knightmare sequence/timeline tbh i’d hope for main timeline but pmuch everything hes released except a few scenes in the trailer were knightmare sequence so) but r/eeves better get his ass in gear and give me something too or ima riot
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codegeassfacts · 2 years ago
Code Geass Bokura No Hibi 15 & 16 & 17 (The end !) // Novels// Non Canon
Here is the last set of Bokura No Hibis novels ; For more information about those, Check the post For Bokura no Hibi 1 & 2, right below (Check the others stories as well !)
Bokura no Hibi 1 & 2
Bokura No Hibi 3 & 4
Bokura No Hibi 5 & 6
Bokura No Hibi 7 & 8
Bokura No Hibi 9 & 10
Bokura No Hibi 11 & 12
Bokura No Hibi 13 & 14
Bokura No Hibi 15: 15th period of Time
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Kallen: Ngh. ......ngggh. ......nnnnngggghhh. (sigh) It's no use. I've been brushing it forever but my hair just won't straighten out. This is why I don't much care for the dry winter air. The brush gets all tangled up in my hair, too, and then I have static charges to deal with. Pretending to be frail and sickly while my hair is in Lively Persona-mode doesn't sit well with me, either... it has to be one or the other. Besides, I've been shown on TV as a Black Knight with this hairstyle -- it's probably for the best that no one here sees me like this.
*Door opens*
Milly: Anyone he~re? Oh, hey, Kallen. ......That's quite the hairstyle you have there. Got yourself a makeover? Kallen: (undertone) Oh drats! Uh, erm -- Kaichou. This is, um.
Milly: Oh! Or is your hair naturally like this, all unruly? Do you straighten it out every morning, before coming to school? How do you do it? Hairspray?
Kallen: Um, yeah...... well...... My hair just won't stay straight for long in this dry weather......
Milly: Why not try curling your hair inwards to sort of neutralize things? Ooh, I've got it. Why not go all the way and get yourself some Emperor Curls? Kallen:Absolutelynot. Milly: Well, yeah, your hair isn't long enough for that, huh.
Kallen: That's not why I'm objecting......
Milly: Still, this hairdo actually looks quite becoming on you. Though I s'ppose it does make you look real tough. Kallen: R-really? But...... Milly: Ye~ah. You're pretty much a different person altogether. Like the sort to go on a wild ride out on the streets in short shorts, navel exposed. Wouldn't put riding about on a Knightmare past you, too, come to think of it-- Kallen: ...... (grips Killer Pouch) Milly: Like, ahahahaha, that's completely out of touch with your inner self now, isn't it? The little princess ought to behave like one. Makes things easier. Kallen: (Sigh of relief) Yes, yes indeed. Oh, really, maybe I should just put on a hat today......
Milly: Al~righty then, Milly-san humbly offers her services to personally fix your hair! (excited) Kallen: Huh!? Why? I mean, I'm fine, you don't have to! There's a lot of electrostatic in my hair. Milly: Static charges don't bother me in the least. (giggle) Well then, here I come!
Kallen: (Crackle!) Augh! That was really electrifying...... Milly: Was it a premonition of love? Kallen: How did you come up with that, exactly? Milly: Oh no, we can't~ Just for the record, I am straight, you know.
Kallen: Your thoughts tend to run off in that direction, don't they? Milly: Oh, what's this? A slender, yet surprisingly firm nape, I see. Kallen: Wha-- where are your hands fondling!? And those are practiced hands, too! Ah! No, please, not the ear!
Milly: (lecherous old man-tone) Ufufu, it's all good, iiiiiit's aaaaaaaaall goooooooooood...
Kallen: Eeeeeeeeeeee--- *****
*Door opens* Shirley: (Speechless) Kaichou, Kallen, what are the two of you...?
Kallen: Sh-Shirley, help m......
Shirley: ......I-I'm so sorry for just walking in like that... I'll be on my way now......
Kallen:Waiiiiit! And I mean that in both senses of the word! ((END))
Translation notes:
Just to clarify (though it shouldn't be necessary):
"Waiiiiit! And I mean that in both senses of the word!"
1. "Wait! Don't misunderstand!" 2. "Wait! Don't go!"
Bokura No Hibi 16 : 16th period of Time (Stage Unknown)
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Rivalz: Hmm, well this is certainly odd. Kaichou actually asked for me by name. Wonder what she wants. She sounded strangely serious about it, though.
......Wait! Could this be, you know, that? Romance love are-you-free-tonight? I-don't-want-to-go-home-today let's-have-some-private-lessons -- THAT SORT OF STUFF!?
Woohoo! Badumpbadumpbadump......
*Opens door*
A-hem. (cool-and-suave act) Oh, Mil...... Kaichou. What's up? That was pretty sudden, calling me out and all.
Milly: Rivalz~...... I, I can't hold it in any longer...... so, so......
Rivalz: Whoaaaaaa! It really is coming!
Milly: So this is now the 1st Conference for the Development of the New Cafeteria Menu! Dadadum, paparapaa~.
Rivalz: ..................Excuse me?
Uhhhhhh -- wuh?
Milly: I am so totally fed-up with the current menu. And don't get me started on lunch boxes, they're always the same ol' thing. I am truly, painfully aware of the need for drastic reform. And so we'll be replacing the menu, all of it! Rivalz, you're in charge.
Rivalz: ............I suppose I sort of had this vague inkling it'd be something like this, yeah.
So, like, what do you want to eat, Kaichou?
Milly: Fresh prawns. And crabs. Not the frozen kind, mind.
Rivalz: Hmm yeah not possible.
Milly: As long as you have GUTS! you can do it.
Rivalz: Nope, no can do.
Milly: Grrrrrrr. Okay, fine, lasagna~ And pot-au-feu. Baked herbal chicken. Whole wheat bread and liver pate and bean soup and ham and sausage and salad plate.
Rivalz: ............I'm afraid to ask, but are you thinking of having all that cooked from scratch in the kitchen?
Milly: We eat only three meals a day. I am deeply reluctant to feed the students microwaved canned food. This is what you call parental love, you know.
Rivalz:You don't want to eat stuff like that, you mean.
Milly: What about you, Rivalz? What do you want on the menu?
Rivalz: Me? Hmm, roast beef sandwich.
Milly: Hmm, yes, standard staple.
Rivalz: Tacos with a huge heaping of minced meat, dressed with tongue-burning spicy salsa sauce.
Milly: Oooh, I like those too!
Rivalz: Crunchy hamburgers filled with heaploads of pickles and ketchup and mustard.
Milly: ......Hold on, all your ideas are basically sandwiched meat.
Rivalz: What's wrong with that? I'm just a commoner, perfectly happy with a slice of meat between two pieces of bread.
Milly: You're just lazy. Give it some serious thought, now!
Rivalz: Do I haaaaave to?
(C.C.: ......Pizza.)
Rivalz: Huh?
Is it just me, or am I hearing things with uncanny clarity...... Pizza?
Milly: Ah, pizza's good. So it's decided then. Rivalz's requested menu item: Pizza.
Rivalz: Wuh? Ummm, no, I......
Milly: Well, that's pretty much it. Do a survey and write me a report by next week, 'kay? I'm leaving it all to you. Ciao~
Rivalz: Eh? Uh, right...... Ciao~ ......
(Mystery voice [C.C.]: Fufufu......)
Bokura No Hibi 17 : 17th period of Time (Stage unknown)
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Suzaku: (sigh) The afternoon classes have already started......
I've been continually late and absent these days, so it's kind of difficult for me to walk into class...... I suppose I could kill some time in the Student Council Room, at least until the next class starts.
On second thought, no, that just isn't right of me. Gotta hurry.
--Wait, there's a really familiar person taking a good ol' hearty afternoon nap on the lawn...
Lelouch: ......Suzaku? Did you just arrive?
Suzaku: Did I wake you up, Lelouch?
Lelouch: Nah, don't worry 'bout it.
Suzaku: If you're just going to sleep anyway, why not show up for class and sleep through it using your usual pose?
Lelouch: Confining myself to the classroom on a beautiful day like this makes for a pretty sad life, don't you think?
Suzaku: Eh, I thought earnestly showing up for classes is one of your principles in life.
Lelouch: Looked like I was going to be late, so I decided to skip it. Doing things half-assed is an even bigger display of a lack of sincerity, I find.
Suzaku: Your logic is as mind-boggling as always......
Lelouch: (yawn) ......I had a few dreams.
Suzaku: Good ones?
Lelouch: So-so.
Suzaku: I don't really dream. Always dead asleep, I am.
Lelouch: Apparently most artists, artisans and athletes don't dream much.
Suzaku: Uh, I don't think I fall into any of those categories......
Lelouch: True, but what I'm saying is that someone like you who's always rushing about in top gear juggling military duties, school life and the Student Council wouldn't have the time to dream. My advice: Just do a passable job and take things easy.
Suzaku: Thing is, I don't quite know how to slack off and cut corners. Unlike you, Lelouch, I'm not the cunning sort.
Lelouch: I wish you'd say that I have a 'thorough grasp on the proper allocation of resources' instead.
Suzaku: Wow, would you listen to him! (laugh) Still, I didn't think someone as neurotic as you would be able to sleep out in the open.
Lelouch: I've been well-trained. I can sleep on the floor, too.
Suzaku: On the floor?
Lelouch: 'Sides, I like the nostalgic smell of grass. I also like the blue of the sky, the way it's always the same no matter where you are. The sound of running water from the stream over in the courtyard calms me, too.
Suzaku: You can actually hear the sound of running water?
Lelouch: If you lie still and listen closely you'll start to hear it, little by little. You can even hear the movements of the riverbed.
Suzaku: If you can hear even that you've got some amazing ears......
Lelouch: Try it. You'll get what I mean.
Suzaku: That so?
......But you're right, it does feel great......
Lelouch: Doesn't it feel as though the static noise in your body's evaporating into the warm sunlight?
Suzaku: Kinda feels like I'm about to melt......
Lelouch: Closing my eyes and watching the red darkness behind my eyelids like this makes me feel as though something important, something nostalgic is coming towards me from up above.
Suzaku: ......Yeah.
......It really does feel that way......
Lelouch: Aren't you going to class?
Suzaku: You're evil. It's simply impossible to go now.
And that's about it for the Bokura No hibis ! Those were some fun novels about our favorite Student Council with some C.C. added in the mix; Hope you enjoyed if you discovered those or hope you enjoyed discovering them again; Once again those are novels so non canon material but headcanon is always pretty fun.
Translation curtesy of Our Geass translator Queen, Celiss Galvea, who really fed us with plenty of material, scans and translations during the Geass airing days.
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portaldisaster · 2 years ago
thanks @/hungry-skeleton for making the list and linking it to me ^^
this is the skylanders ask game, but again i am just gonna answer em as a list. get opinion'd. idiot.
do it yerself here
💙 Who's your favorite skylander?
❌ Who's your least favorite skylander?
thunderbolt. awful horrible terrible
💚 Who's your favorite non skylander character?
🚫 Who's your least favorite non skylander character?
the candle head guy in trap team
🖤 Who's your favorite villain?
glumshanks kaos
💢Who's your least favorite villain
dont have one honestly. i barely pay attention to the non trappable villains
😈 Favorite trappable villain
nightshade or chill bill
👿 Least favorite trappable villain
rage mage. his themes good but otherwise sucks ass
❔ Who was your first skylander?
tree rex? ik hes a starter pack skylanders but i dont rember. maybe series 2 flameslinger? or hot dog
🌐 What was your first skylander game?
✨ Which game was your favorite?
trap team
☔ Which game was your least favorite?
superchargers racing. ive never played the actual game but the racing game for the wii which i did have sucked ass
🔥Favorite fire skylander
spitfires design goes so hard but wildfire will always be my boy
❌🔥Least favorite fire skylander
series 2 eruptor hes kinda ugly
🌊Favorite water skylander
zap <3
❌🌊Least favorite water skylander
rip tide and punk shock. sorry their designs r awful
��Favorite life skylander
❌🌱Least favorite life skylander
ninja stealth elf specifically
🌄Favorite earth skylander
head rush and i will die on this hill. also terrafin on account of cool shark hehe
❌🌄Least favorite earth skylander
fist bump or smash hit. im very neutral on earth skylanders as a whole tbh
💀Favorite undead skylander
fright rider
❌💀Least favorite undead skylander
bat spin, but only marginally. there arent any undead skylanders i dislike, her design just irks me in some way
💨Favorite air skylander
whirlwind. stormblades cute too
❌💨Least favorite air skylander
thunderbolt no question
🔌Favorite tech skylander
bouncer n drobot. the senseis look cool
❌🔌Least favorite tech skylander
🌠Favorite magic skylander
enigma. if he doesnt count, trap shadow. another element where the senseis r cool too
❌🌠Least favorite magic skylander
blastermind. fuckign look at him
🌞Favorite light skylander
spotlight. blastertron seems cool too
❌🌞Least favorite light skylander
knight light, aurora and astroblast all suck im sorry
🌙Favorite dark skylander
❌🌙Least favorite dark skylander
hood sickle
♫ Favorite song from the soundtrack
the giants intro music or blastertrons theme
🎮 Favorite minigame
skystones smash. im real bad at it i love it
💠 Favorite level
mesmereldsa level i forget the name of it. but that was fun. i rlly struggled on it as a kif
❎ Least favorite level
telescope towers. i have had to redo that level a million times bc it always crashes on me
🔆 Your strongest skylander
enigma. i main him so
🔅 Your weakest skylander
any skylander that isnt a) a trap master or b) a fave. on account of me not using them as much
🔷 Your rarest skylander
i dont have any rare ones, especially not any rare variants. of the base figures, apparently springtime trigger happy isnt super common? idk
⭕ What skylander do you want the most?
i have all the skylanders i want honestly. ive never played imaginatiora and have no figures for it but if starcast or ro-bow scratch that i want a light trap and sunscraper spire. also blackout n spotlight would be neat
💔 How many skylanders are you missing?
no idea
💞 Skylanders OTP?
whirlwind/drobot or whirlwind/sunburn. ir them as a t4t4t throuple
❗Why did you start playing skylanders?
same answer as below
💙 How did you discover skylanders?
dont remember. i think my mom just bought me skylanders giants and said she thought id enjoy it. and i did
💖 Any skylanders OCs?
sort of? i have ideas for characters that idk if ill do anything with em. i have a portal master sona as well as a mabusona but thats it rlly
😉 Most memorable gameplay moment/moments
flynn dialogue. maybe i have dumb humour but some of his lines r still very amusing to me. also the beginning of the 2nd giants level, mostly on account of how often i restarted my game and played it
😇 Your favorite experience with the franchise
when me and my bestie were playing trap team together. i was enigma and xe was bushwhack and though i dont remember much, i remember we were in utter hysterics the whole time. honestly think it was one of the happiest days of my life. we just roleplayed as them for hours and its the reason i like enigma/bushwhack.
we had to stop playig at telescope towers bc that level was glitched on my wii and the fun came to a grinding halt but god i miss it
💛 What do you like most about skylanders?
the characters. i think they r funky lil dudes
🔪 What do you not like about skylanders?
the cost. they were pricey before for what they were, and now those prices are worse. also, wa snever fodn if hiw fast the gamrs came out. the series needed a breather
💎Do you hope the franchise continues?
yeah! i just dont really want another mainline game, or ar least dont want a game that introduces new characters
💜 What does skylanders as a franchise mean to you?
nostalgia? it means a lot but idk what its meaning to me is tbh. its just a fun game
💗 Describe your dream skylander game
i dont want another mainline game tbh, id want something along the lines of pokemon masters ex. id rather see more love given to preexisting characters than get any new ones. id wanna use toy codes to get characters i have in the game and have some sort of chat system between whatever story mode there is so it can at least somrwhat feel like were friends with these guys.
💯How many skylanders do you have?
i have 112 total figures: 86 skylanders, 87 counting trigger snappy; 7 items and 18 traps
💘 Will you continue playing skylanders if the franchise continues?
yeah - even if i dont like whatever may come next, id want to encourage them to make a better game ig
💝 If you could recommend skylanders to others what would be your points of persuasion?
point them towards an emulator tell them about the diversity in characters u can play. thats always been the appeal to me
🕒 How long have you been a fan?
past decade at least, thought most of that ive been a more passive fan
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choiwarukamen · 3 years ago
one of my theories re: dark meta knight is that he's the personification of the that arrogant, cocky side of meta knight we see during Revenge of Meta Knight and Meta Knightmare Ultra, and Star Allies with the Jamba Heart-- but far less tempered, if at all. (for the others: ShaKirby- the self doubt/"what if I can't do it" part of Kirby which is why they spend a lot of AM hiding and running; ShaDedede- his wrath and temper; ParaSusie- unchecked lust for power, especially since she (1/2)
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my own ideas are v different but these r absolutely fabulous takes & characterizations and i enjoy them very much :D (plus the bits about dark mind have me goin 👀👀👀👀 i feel theyre often forgotten/shunted to the side so the way u included him makes me happy lol)
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kaialone · 4 years ago
Kirby Planet Robobot Translation Comparison: Meta Knightmare Returns
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This will be a comparison of the original Japanese version and the US English localized version.
Specifically, this will cover all the cutscenes that appear in the Meta Knightmare Returns mode.
You can also watch these cutscenes for yourself in English (1, 2, 3) and Japanese (1, 2, 3).
For the comparison, the usual points apply:
Bolded is the original Japanese text, for the reference.
Bolded and italicized is my translation.
Italicized is the official NOA translation.
A (number) indicates that I have a specific comment to make on that part in the translation notes.
As you read this, please keep in mind that with translations like these, it’s important not to focus on the exact literal wordings, since there is no single “correct answer” when it comes to translations.
Rather than that, consider the actual information that is being conveyed, in which way, and why.
Encountering Star Dream:
Star Dream:
……R…E…A…… ……D…Y……………・>
...R...E...A... ...D...Y... ->
Star Dream:
Star Dream:
アナタが…新しい… ゴシュジン様…デスネ。
YOU must BE... the new... MASter.
You must be... the new admin.
Star Dream:
……ナルホド、とても ツヨイパワーを お持ち のヨウデ…。
...UNDERSTOOD, it APPEARS that you possess quite TREMENDOUS POWER...
Yes. You possess incredible power...
Star Dream:
……………… OK>
...OK >
Star Dream:
…デハ、ソンナ ゴシュジン様ガ ノゾム…
As a new admin, you must supply your credentials...
Star Dream:
コノ星でも… カナリの 強サを持つ…
YOU SHALL be given... THE OPPORTUNITY TO CLASH with a "sword USER"...
to the strongest warriors of this planet.
Star Dream:
「剣のツカイテ」と、 タタカワセテ…さしあげ マショウ。
WHO possesses CONSIDERABLE strenGTH... even for THIS planet.
Executing Sword_Master.EXE.
Before Battling Sectonia Clone:
Star Dream:
……おみごと デ、ゴザイマス。
...MasterFULLY DONE.
Star Dream:
ゴシュジン様には ショウショウ モノたり ナカッタ かも しれマセンネ。
Perhaps THIS was A LITTLE UNsatisfactory for you, MASter.
That may have been a bit too easy for the admin...
Star Dream:
ソレでは 次に、 美シク まうようニ 剣を アヤツる…
SO then, for THE next one, the most powerful queen...
Next up is one whose swordplay resembles a beautiful dance...
Star Dream:
最強の女王を、 ヨミガエ らせ マショウ。
WHO HANDles her blades liKE A beautiFUL dance, shall BE RESURRECTED.
Let us bring back the most powerful queen from the void.
Star Dream:
ソノ たぐいまれな 戦いのセンスと 王たる オーラ…
HER exceptional APTITUDE for battle, and her majestic AURA...
Experience her royal presence and unparalleled fighting skills.
Star Dream:
ドウゾ ゴたんのう クダサイませ。
PLEASE, ENjoy them thoroUGHLY.
She will be a fitting test for you.
Before Battling Galacta Knight:
Star Dream:
サスガ、ゴシュジン様デス。 では サイゴに…
You are mighty indeed. Now for the final test...
Star Dream:
かつての ゴシュジン様にハ キンジられて イタ…
THE "Spacetime Transfer Programm", WHICH the previous MASter had FORBIDDEN...
This was prohibited by the previous admin...
Star Dream:
「時空テンイ プログラム」を アンロック シ、
Preparing to boot the Space-Time Transport program...
Star Dream:
イニシエの時代ノ 剣士ヲ、 ヨビダシ マショウ。
TO CALL FORTH A swordfighter from ANCIENT TIMES.
Let us bring back a legendary swordsman from a forgotten time.
Star Dream:
…カレに コノあたりノ 星ハ ホロボされて シマウと 思イマスガ…
...IT STANDS TO reason that HE is LIKELY TO DESTroy the SURrounding planets, BUT...
He may end up destroying a nearby planet or two, but such is life.
Star Dream:
キット、 サイゴノタタカイを 楽シンデ イタダケル ことデショウ。
The benefits of this final battle outweigh the collateral damage.
Star Dream:
NOW then...!
Prepare yourself...
Star Dream:
時空テンイ プログラム… アンロック… 異空間ロード… リブート…
UNLOCKING... Space Time Transfer Program... REBOOTING... Another Dimension Road...  (1)
Executing Space-Time Transport... Extra-dimensional road... Booting...
Star Dream:
Star Dream:
Star Dream:
Star Dream:
Translation Note:
I’ll go over it in more detail in the section below, but the term I translated as “Another Dimension Road” is called 異空間ロード/Ikūkan Rōdo in Japanese. This term previously appeared in the Japanese version of Kirby’s Return to Dream Land.
Comparisons & Thoughts:
Since the cutscenes of Meta Knightmare Returns all occur towards the end and are pretty short, I decided to cover all of them in one post like this.
Still, just because they’re short doesn’t mean there is nothing to talk about.
It’s only mentioned briefly in these cutscenes, but I want to go over the term I adapted as “Another Dimension Road” in slightly more detail.
In the original Japanese version, the term is 異空間ロード/Ikūkan Rōdo, which first appeared in the Japanese version of Kirby’s Return to Dream Land.
To start off, 異空間/Ikūkan by itself could be translated as something like “different dimension", “different space”, “different realm”, or anything along those lines, 異/i meaning “different”, and 空間/kūkan meaning “space” or “dimension”, and the like.
This term has come up a few times in the Kirby series since Return to Dream Land, and the Japanese version of Star Allies actually gives it the English reading “Another Dimension”, which is why I also like to adapt it as that.
The term 異空間ロード/Ikūkan Rōdo, adding the English word “road” to it, also comes up a few times in Return to Dream Land.
Given what I explained above, I like to adapt it as “Another Dimension Road”.
Magolor mentions this term when he talks about his home, saying that it’s far away, but that it’s connected to Pop Star via 異空間ロード/Ikūkan Rōdo.
The English localization of the game adapted this as “interdimensional tunnel” in this instance.
Also, the cutscene that is called “Final Battle” in the English version is simply called 異空間ロード/Ikūkan Rōdo in Japanese.
Going by that, it seems safe to assume that this term can refer to the “road(s)” that connects different dimensions, realms, or the like.
Now, there is a lot more I could potentially talk about with these two terms and how they come up in the Kirby series, but it would be too long for this section here.
I might make a dedicated post just for that at some point, if that would interest people.
So, most relevant to Planet Robobot, is the fact that “Another Dimension Road” is a term we had seen before in Return to Dream Land.
The English version might be trying to keep the connection to Return to Dream Land by adapting the term as “Extra-dimensional road“ here, possibly referring to the Extra Mode of that game.
Back to Planet Robobot, here’s something potentially interesting about Star Dream in these cutscenes.
You’ll find that in both Japanese and English it uses about the same speaking style as it did during its appearance in the main story.
And the English version actually adapts it in the same way as it did back then, so I appreciate the consistency there.
Like before, the English version has it use some more computer-like sounding phrases here, like saying “admin” instead of “master”.
Most notable as a change is probably the phrase “Sword_Master.EXE”, which would imply that Star Dream might have a dedicated program just for either cloning Dark Matter Blade, or sword users in general.
But what’s really interesting to me is something else.
Now, I don’t know if this is just a coincidence, but Star Dream does not refer to itself in first person at any point in these cutscenes
With the way the Japanese language works, this isn’t all too uncommon, but it still stands out a bit, because Star Dream referring to itself in first person during the main story was a notable trait it had.
A machine wouldn’t normally refer to itself like that, so Star Dream doing that seemed like a result of it gaining a sense of self during those events.
And keep in mind that those events, namely Star Dream fusing with Hatlmann’s spirit, don’t actually occur during the story of Meta Knightmare, meaning Star Dream actually should not have a sense of self in this scenario.
So, Star Dream not referring to itself in first person during these cutscenes could be meant to reflect that? But that’s just my guess.
In any case, because of the above, I decided to adapt its dialogue in these cutscenes without using any first person either.
And from what I can tell, it looks like the English localization may have thought the same thing, since they also don’t use any (singular) first person for Star Dream here.
I realize this means there isn’t any difference between versions when it comes to this aspect, but I still wanted to mention it, because it’s easy to miss.
In the Japanese version, Star Dream’s dialogue here contains more direct references to Milky Way Wishes, with it using several of the same phrases that Galactic Nova used.
Most notably, this includes it counting down from 3 and finishing the counter with the words “Go!!”, which is also referenced during its boss battles.
In the English version, these phrases are slightly rewritten and don’t match Galactic Nova’s dialogue from either English version of Milky Way Wishes, with the countdown in particular ending with “Begin!” instead.
As a result, that final line also no longer matches the visuals of Star Dream’s final boss battle.
If you only look at the text in this game right here, it does make sense to rewrite these phrases slightly, “Begin!” certainly sounds more appropriate than “Go!!” out of context.
But this, combined with the fact that any other subtle reference to Milky Way Wishes in the text so far has been glossed over in English makes me think that the English localizers either didn’t realize that these were references, or ended up ignoring them for some reason.
Whatever said reason may be, I still think it’s a shame, because when you add all of them up, there is a great deal of connections to Milky Way Wishes in this game’s text that are lost in the English version, leaving it only with the visual and musical references.
And those are still nice, don’t get me wrong, but it still feels like you’re missing out just a little.
Somewhat related to the above, Star Dream’s reasoning for its actions in these cutscenes is quite different between versions, changing a lot about the context of what is happening.
In the Japanese version, Star Dream seemingly comes to the conclusion that Meta Knight wishes to fight strong opponents. So, the reason why it proceeds to summon several powerful warriors is specifically because it is attempting to comply with that desire.
And that really seems to be all there is to it in the Japanese version, no apparent additional motivation other than to satisfy its new master Meta Knight.
At most you can speculate whether or not Meta Knight really was actively wishing for this to happen, or if Star Dream was misinterpreting him, but...
Considering this is a direct parallel to Meta Knightmare Ultra, and Meta Knight did wish for something exactly like that over there, I’d wager it’s safe to bet Star Dream’s assessment of him was at least partially accurate.
And of course, this also gives Star Dream another direct parallel to Galactic Nova.
In the English version, Star Dream instead states that Meta Knight has to supply his credentials, and thus all the battles that follow are portrayed as “tests” for Meta Knight.
This also implies that Star Dream would probably test any potential new admin in such a manner, in contrast to the Japanese version, where Star Dream seems to accept Meta Knight right away without question.
I know that this particular change has caused English-speaking fans to speculate what sort of test Haltmann may have had to pass, which can be interesting of course.
But for the reference, no such tests seem to exist in the Japanese version.
And still related to the above, in the English version, Star Dream states that Meta Knight must supply his credentials “to the strongest warriors of this planet”, which might even be a small translation error?
Because in the Japanese version, Star Dream only states that Meta Knight will have the opportunity to “CLASH with a sword USER… WHO possesses CONSIDERABLE strenGTH… even for THIS planet”, so that latter part is only referring to the clone of Dark Matter Blade.
There is no clear plural in Japanese, so one could interpret the Japanese line as referring to all three warriors that Star Dream ends up summoning, but since it gives a little introduction for Sectonia Clone and Galacta Knight, I think it’s more likely this line right here was just its introduction for Dark Matter Clone.
The English phrasing also makes you wonder why Star Dream would even summon Galacta Knight, who’s not taken from this planet, or even this era for that matter.
It just kinda doesn’t add up when you think about it more.
And that’s about it for these cutscenes.
The most notable change is the completely different reasoning behind Star Dream’s action here.
I personally feel it gives this entire ending scenario a different vibe, and potentially the implication of what Meta Knight’s role in it is, considering the parallels to Meta Knightmare Ultra.
With that, we have covered all of the cutscenes of Kirby: Planet Robobot, but we are not done quite yet.
There is still more story to this game, so for the next part, we will start tackling the pause screen descriptions of the boss fights!
Feel free to check it out!
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sweet-evie · 4 years ago
The Emperor's Wish: My Personal Favorite [Fanfic Commentary #10]
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Fanfic AO3
His final judgment is at hand. The price is set and the plan is in motion. But Emperor Lelouch uncovers his lover's secret, and it will haunt him beyond his own death.
Legit, I’m proud of this one. I don’t know why… Probably not the best either. But this was incredibly self-indulgent, and hey, it turned out so well. Would you find it funny if I told you that this fic premise was in my head ever since I wanted to write for CLuCLu? Like, after watching the movie, I was always imagining how it would pan out so differently if Lelouch had a child, and C.C. is left to care for her lover and her son. 
This is my baby and my pride and joy. My only one probably 😅 There are lots of made-up quotes in that fic that I’m really (and I mean, really proud of, and I don’t say that often because my writing is ~Hit or miss~ )
Unlike One Day at a Time, this one took a genuine effort to understand characters and how they would react in this what-if situation I created in my fucked up head. 🤣😂
It was written during the thick of quarantine and lockdown last year (April 2020), and I guess that helped fuel my timeliness and speedy updates. Because I was writing fanfic for the majority of the day, with minimal breaks in-between. Some of the reviewers on FFN can attest to the daily updates I had for The Emperor’s Wish.
It started as a one-shot with the Prologue, as my way of testing the waters. When I felt secure and sure that I could finish it, I went headfirst, never looked back, and came out of the other side, proud of myself for not abandoning a WIP 😅. But that was also because I had so much fun with it. It was nice to imagine a world where Lelouch had proper closure with his friends and family.
My favorite moment from The Emperor’s Wish (aside from the blatant CLuCLu romance) is Lelouch and Suzaku’s relationship. I love how I wrote them there. I love their bromance, as well as the subtle Ned Stark & Robert Baratheon allusion towards Chapter 11: Rewriting the Stars.
Suzaku never had a brother. And Lelouch never truly liked any of his… But even if they weren't bound by blood, theirs was a bond built on so much more.
For you are the brother I chose…
Perchance if some reader is as obsessed and familiar with George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire as me, then I bet they would have caught that… Or not. And it was simply self-satisfaction for the writer. Either way, I. Don’t. Regret. It.
And of course, I loved writing it mostly because of the star of that fanfic: Alexander Lamperouge himself. 🤩
He’s now in my Sims 4 universe, as a spellcaster. 😂
My Loves and Regrets
I LOVE how I wrote Nunnally here, honestly. She’s not a character I’d imagine that I could ever pull off flawlessly, and while I don’t think I accomplished the ‘flawless’ part, I think I did a decent job fleshing out her reaction and what a decent conversation with her older brother and C.C. could have gone like, also her reaction to finding out she had a nephew.
I REGRET that I didn’t get to write a lot about Lelouch’s other friends -- Shirley, Milly, & Rivalz, to be honest. It just felt so out of left field for me to force their story somewhere in the fanfic retelling considering the entire story did revolve around the CLuCLu family. In my own way, I tried writing more for the three of them separately, but that didn’t push through, because for some reason my brain doesn’t work. The only one I made a decent attempt at is Shirley, but I didn’t publish the fic either. It was about her meeting with Lelouch again after a year or two. It was set somewhere in Dubai. She was supposed to meet his son, and see C.C. again, and the ending was supposed to have C.C. and Shirley hugging and Shirley tells C.C. to take care of Lelouch. It was a very bittersweet one-shot/drabble/plot idea that was never publicized.
I LOVE my shoddy attempt at drawing parallels between certain scenes in The Emperor’s Wish. One of the readers, Kurosawa Ayumi, actually caught it and mentioned it in a review. It was the scene where Alexander was playing with his Knightmare toys (Lancelot & Gawain), and how Lancelot was cleaved in half from being accidentally thrown or dropped, and then how Jeremiah put him back together again. And then I transitioned to the annals of the prison in Grahlbad where Lelouch and Suzaku were about to confront each other after two years of not speaking and assuming one was dead.
I REGRET that The Emperor’s Wish isn’t longer. Like, I wish I took the plunge to create complicated twists, but it just… didn’t feel right at that time, you know? 😅🤔 Considering how I framed the fanfic as a retelling and reimagination of Re;surrection’s plot from the start, I feel like it would be too far-out to suddenly make things overly complicated than they already are. Also, there literally wasn’t much information available about Shamna, Shalio, and the rest at the time.
I LOVE the scenes I added in the fic, and the ones I put my own fanfic twist on. Re;surrection was a movie, so for obvious reasons, there’s time constraints and not as much time to flesh out characters like in a series. I tried doing that in my own way in this fic, and whether I succeeded at adding believable details to their interactions or not, it’s up to the reader. I’m just relieved that I actually managed to pull it off, given how sucky I am lately.
The Epilogue
The epilogue for The Emperor’s Wish went through a lot of rewrites.
At one point, it was supposed to overtly show the CLuCLu family traveling through Georgia, Lebanon, etc., and about how exhausting and challenging it was to hunt Geass fragments, gather intel, and take care of a baby at the same time. But I scratched it in favor of the first scene in the epilogue that we have now -- which is Suzaku and Nunnally discussing the latest Black Knight report, and the convenience of the entire operation because L.L. and C.C. were involved in some ways.
Hence the lines:
"They were responsible for stopping that criminal, weren't they?" She asked even when she already knew the answer.
"Highly likely. Probably stripped him of his powers before they abandoned him to be caught by the Black Knights."
And then I decided to take the steamy-but-not-really route for the final scene. The vague lovey-dovey between Lelouch and C.C. There was also a slightly vague allusion to them getting married underneath a poplar tree.
Plus, the last line was the cherry on top of my favorite fic so far:
— professing over and over again how fortunate and how blessed he was to have and to hold her for better or for worse…
And not even Death was powerful enough to tear them apart.
And on that note,
It wasn’t the longest fic I would ever write, nor is it the best, but it’s definitely one of my favorites. 😊😍🥰 And I loved every second of writing it. 🥳
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bdvire-blog · 6 years ago
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He doesn’t know what this thing is, but he’s having a great time.
0 notes
thursdayforeverafter · 3 years ago
tagged by the lovely @bisexualwolverines ♡ mwah!!
game rules: spell out your username using song titles ♡
u ; umbrella beach - owl city
n ; norman fucking rockwell - lana del rey
d ; die happy - dreamers
e ; end of it - friday pilots club
r ; run boy run - woodkid
t ; terrible things - brick + mortar
h ; harlem - new politics
e ; eugene - sufjan stevens
s ; sister of pearl - baio
t ; tere sang yaara - atif aslam
a ; angela - the lumineers
r ; rivers and roads - the head and the heart
l ; lacy loo - the regrettes
i ; i've been dead all day - bayside
t : the only thing - sufjan stevens
s ; she's got sorcery - i fight dragons
k ; kana yaari - kaifi khalil
y ; you must love me - lana del rey
tagging: @your-worst-knightmare @miniman1706 @dustorange @gothham ♡
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knightmareaceblue · 3 years ago
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Cyberweek 2022 Day One: Cybersite
I thought long and hard about which of the show’s many sites I wanted to take a crack at, but in the end I kept coming back to R-Fair City. There’s a sense of fun in the atmosphere that I adore to no end. Also, unlike real life amusement parks, all the games have to be fair.
Also, Lucky and Glowla are two of my favourite side characters. They’re both just so fun!
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