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ridhwanibnsali · 6 years ago
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niant111 · 6 years ago
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This Quran verse suddenly appears in my feeds. Like Allah knows my feeling and want to cheer me up by this.
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quran-e-hakeem · 2 years ago
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While brotherhood ensures the affectionate bond for the sake of the creator, unity ensures the pursuit of common goals of the Ummah that marches towards the fulfillment of the purpose of creation . . quotes
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mas-huda · 2 years ago
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MUSHAF TILAWAH MAQOMAT Hadir untuk menemani Anda bertilawah dengan menggunakan Irama atau Langgam. Didalamnya terdapat Audio Tilawah dengan menggunakan 7 Langgam berbeda, yang tersebar didalam 30 Juz Al Quran. Terdapat 4 QR Code yang berisi Audio : ✅ QR Code Audio Maqomat Untuk belajar Langgam dan mendengarkan bacaan Al-Qur'an. ✅ QR Code Audio Qiro'at Untuk mendengarkan tujuh bacaan Al-Quran yang berbeda dari para Iman Qiro'at. sebagai bentuk pembelajaran dan memperdalam ilmu Al-Qur'an. ✅ QR Code Audio Panduan Amal Harian Sebagai panduan dalam beramal sehari-hari sesuai tuntutan Al Quran. ✅ QR Code Audio Tilawah & Terjemah Per Ayat Untuk mendengarkan tilawah sekaligus terjemahannya pada masing-masing ayat. Mushaf ini juga dilengkapi panduan menghafal metode Tikrar dan panduan tajwid warna. sangat cocok untuk Anda yang ingin belajar irama Al Quran, Qiro'at Sab'ah dan menghafal Al-Qur'an. Yuk miliki Mushaf nya, Informasi dan pemesanan bisa menghubungi : 📲 085367996409 Bisa juga order di shopee dengan klik link di bio Terimakasih Salam Mas huda #quranrecitation #quranverses #quranicverse #qurantinelife #qurandaily #quranchallenge #quraneverywhere #quran_ll #quransyaamil #quranquotesdaily #islam #dakwah #deeniyat #islam❤️ #learnislam #quransayings #islamupdate #islamislove #jannahgoals #islamicpage #ustadzabdulhakimbinamirabdat https://www.instagram.com/p/ClQzTDpyUgs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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muslimah-bd · 3 years ago
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Ad-Dhuhaa 93:5 وَلَسَوْفَ يُعْطِيكَ رَبُّكَ فَتَرْضَىٰٓ শীঘ্রই তোমার প্রতিপালক তোমাকে (এত নি‘মাত) দিবেন যার ফলে তুমি সন্তুষ্ট হয়ে যাবে। . . . . . . #quransayings #quranverses #quranquotesdaily #quranquotes #quran #muslimahbloggerbd #muslimahbloggers #muslim #weloveprophetmuhammad #weloveprophetmuhammadﷺ (at Dhaka, Bangladesh) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVQjTjNBTTR/?utm_medium=tumblr
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connected-soul · 4 years ago
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Ramazan Ka Teesra Jummah Mubarak! Although, it feels like ramazan kareem just started but it is about to end very soon so implore for forgiveness and work for good deeds. May Allah bless us all. Aameen ❤ _____________________________________ Follow @connected.soul for more. 📲 _____________________________________ #quranquotes #quran #quransayings #qurantime #quraneverywhere #quran_kareem #qurandaily #qurankareem #quranquotesdaily ##quranhour #jummahmubarak #ramadanvibes #ramadankareem #quranlove #quranlovers #ramadan2021 #alhamdulillah #alhamdulillahforeverything #bismillah #quranlife #quranlovers #islamicquotes #islamicquote #aameen #connectedsoul 😇 https://www.instagram.com/p/COSDTIGFLqr/?igshid=1avvhzhz7xw9w
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daily-islamic-info · 5 years ago
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Read & Share with your family and friends.. 😇 💝Follow 👉 #daily_islamic_info . ➖➖➖➖ 🔔Turn on Post notifications 🔔➖➖➖➖ . PC : @yaseenmedia . ♥️Keep supporting us ♥️Keep following us ♥️Keel sharing . 💝 Follow 👉@daily_islamic_info 💜Follow 👉 @daily_islamic_info 💚Follow 👉 #daily_islamic_info ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ #mohammedamir_shaikh #quranquotesdaily https://www.instagram.com/p/B-ZpXEll4WA/?igshid=1hr0cov8zpmhv
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sknappsuniverse · 6 years ago
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Quran Arabic Duas
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mercifulmuslimx · 2 years ago
Allah surely help
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#pictureoftheday #explore #explorar #motivationalposts #inspirationalquotes #instagramcreators #quranquotesdaily
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suhyla · 4 years ago
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blogqurandigitalfan-blog · 6 years ago
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ALQURAN DIGITAL Solusi Qiraah Kemudahan dalam membaca. Qiraah diambil dari kata Iqra, yaitu membaca Al Quran tanpa pemahaman namun benar tajwid dan makhrajznya, serta tartil membacanya. Mukjizat langitnya adalah sepuluh kebaikan per huruf dalam setiap ayat yang dibaca.
Features Tulisan latin, pilihan font, Pilih Surah, Go To Ayah, Tanda Baca, Tandai mencatat bacaan terakhir. Solusi Tilawah Kemudahan dalam mempelajari Al Quran. Tilawah diambil dari kata utlu, yang artinya membaca dengan pemahaman isinya. Mukjizat langitnya adalah dikarunia ketenangan (Sakinah), diberikan solusi atas setiap permasalahan (Rahmat), dikelilingi para malaikat dan dipuji oleh Allah Yang Maha Terpuji.
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dailyimanboost · 4 years ago
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We give ourselves many excuses to get out of things that make us feel uncomfortable... and a person that doesn't feel the beauty of salah, might make many excuses to avoid it... but the problem here is, that worshipping Allah swt is our purpose... and not praying means that we are not fulfilling this purpose... Allah swt gave us salah as a relief for us... from our problems... from our own selves... for our own benefit... our love for salah should stem from our love for Allah... our love to meet Allah... our love for those moments of solitude with Allah... that out of all of creation, this is our exclusive time with Allah... When we look at salah as a burden... when we perform it routinely absent minded... when we take away our concentration... then the value of salah will decrease in our heart... let us understand that the promisses of shaytaan are fake... and no good ever came from abandoning salah... we need to be mentally prepared to challenge any excuse that aims at disrupting our relationship with our Creator... that aims at stopping us from fulfilling our purpose... to overcome laziness... and pray So for those of us that dont pray... there is alot at stake here... all it takes is a decision... and commitment... I ask Allah swt to bring us closer to Him and keep us steadfast on that which pleases Him... ameen . The Prophet(ﷺ) said: Convey (knowledge) from me even if it is just one ayah [Bukhari 3461] . Follow @dailyimanboost ✅ Follow @dailyimanboost ✅ Follow @dailyimanboost ✅ . Share/tag friends, family and anyone that can benefit. This would be Sadqa e Jaria for you and me. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ . And remind for verily a reminder benefits the believer Qur'an [51:55] . . . #islamicreminders #islamicquotesandsayings #islamicquotesandpictures #islamicquote #islamicquotes #allahsmercy #allahsrahma #bismillah #mercyofallah #allahsmercyoverpowershisanger #muslim #muslimah #bismillah #allahuakbar #allahslove #subhanallah #instamuslim #quranquote #quranrecitation #islamisbeautiful #allahswt #qurandaily #lovequran #allahisthegreatest #qurankareem #quranquotesdaily #quranterjemah #quranicverses #hadithreminder #dailyimanboost https://www.instagram.com/p/CHKGZ0yhPQF/?igshid=z2yjpbx9nxtp
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quran-e-hakeem · 2 years ago
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There are two main themes of the Quran that discuss hardship and ease. Across the Quran, Allah speaks to people about how to deal with hardships, both physical and emotional. And in doing so, Allah provides guidance on how to live a fulfilling life despite difficult circumstances. . . .
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muftimgrbsn · 5 years ago
اللهم ارزق كل محروم بالذرية الصالحة 💙.. . . #tilawahquran #quraan #quranhour #egypt #quranverses #masjid #quranquotesdaily #quraneverywhere #quranreminder #makka #muftimgrbsn #mekkahmadinah #masjid #haramain_photo #makkah_madinah #makkah_live #makkahalmukaramah #makkah♥ #makkah_city #khanakabah #kabbah #masjid #masjidilharam #old #lovemakkah #hajj2019 #hajjmubarak #hajjgifts #hajji #alhajj https://www.instagram.com/p/B3eWPN7hVYI/?igshid=n6f1noyi1orf
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profoundscribblesig · 2 years ago
When our hearts are on Allah we begin to witness the entire existence as a sign for Allah. So it doesn't mean enjoying the beautiful things of this world is bad, only that we should do so with utmost awareness of Allah's all encompassing presence. Ya Allah help us to turn our hearts to you alone in all things, in all times and all places.
— quranquotesdaily
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daily-islamic-info · 5 years ago
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Read & Share with your family and friends.. 😇 💝Follow 👉 #daily_islamic_info . ➖➖➖➖ 🔔Turn on Post notifications 🔔➖➖➖➖ . PC : @yaseenmedia . ♥️Keep supporting us ♥️Keep following us ♥️Keel sharing . 💝 Follow 👉@daily_islamic_info 💜Follow 👉 @daily_islamic_info 💚Follow 👉 #daily_islamic_info ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ #mohammedamir_shaikh #quranquotesdaily https://www.instagram.com/p/B-J0PbilLbW/?igshid=1ewyd9l0ial54
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