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Got this amazing art of Rex and Q'uq'umatz in Mexico!
By @/maglacuna
So happy with how it turned out! It's so very pretty!
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nogetron · 5 hours
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Tawa, the progenitor sun spirit of the Hopi. Tawa is the supreme god amongst the Hopi, with everything that exists tracing its origin to Tawa. At the beginning of Time, the only thing that existed was Tawa and the Spider Grandmother. These two came together to birth the Kachinas, the lesser gods. Tawa used his immense power to create the universe, while the Spider Grandmother used hers to create the mortal creatures. The universe contained a multitude of different dimensions or worlds, the Spider grandmother guided the Hopi through the first three. However the third world was corrupted by the hearts of evil men, so in response Tawa sent a flood to destroy the world that turned to villainy. The spider Grabdmother saved the mortals who held kindness in their heart, sealing them within reeds to weather the storm. Upon the flood’s conclusion a bamboo shoot grew into the sky, with the Hopi climbing it, reaching the fourth world, where humanity now lives. A tradition still present today has mothers present their newborns to Tawa, who grants them blessings and protection.
Unlike the eastern tribes of Native Americans, many of the western tribes including the Hopi were able to preserve more of their culture and mythology. This is both due to them being originating further away from the colonies, and thus being able to record their traditions and fight for them once westward expansion boomed. There are several different tellings of the Hopi’s cosmogenic myth, in some Tawa is credited with the creation of the world and the gods alone, in other myths Spider Grandmother is only his servant and not his consort, in another less common myth life was created by the two Hard Being Women with Tawa only observing them. According to some traditions creation was undergone by Tawa’s son Sotuknang who in turn created the Spider Grandmother, however this myth is the only reference to the deity Sotuknang, possibly implying it was a later and less popular addition to the mythos, however this is purely conjecture. Tawa’s status as a supreme sun god connects him to the many other indigenous mythologies of the Americas, most prevalently in Mesoamerica as many of their mythologies revolve around the sun, represented in their deities like the old Mayan Itzamna, and the new Mayan Ququmatz. This archetype also corresponds to deities outside the americas as well, most recognizable among them being the Egyptian Ra.
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saltminerising · 10 months
Would it be dumb of me if I made a Ququmatz dragon out of an Auroboa orrrr nah?
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plegberb · 5 years
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Day 23: “Ancient”
The feathered serpent, Quetzalcoatl, Kukulkan, Q’uq’umatz, or Tohil. I love how mysterious Mesoamerican mythology is, and I most definitely love this guy’s design. (Along with good boy Tlaloc)
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princessnijireiki · 6 years
‘Kukulcán está enojado’, dicen por pequeño tornado en Chichén Itzá
video sources :   1 • 2 (via) • 3
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perpetual-stories · 3 years
Different Types Of Dragons: Part One
hello, hello! welcome back to my page! so this post will be about dragons.
I was working on a fantasy short story and I recently finished it and I had different types of dragons included, so I figured I’d make a post about it.
1. Western Dragon:
are Dragons with four legs and a pair of wings for a total of six limbs.
The term Western Dragon comes from the Dragonology-series of books.
also a generic term for describing any and all European dragons in legends and folklore.
In Japan, all dragons from western myths are called doragon, while in eastern myths they are called ryū
most western dragons in fantasy look somewhat dinosaur-like.
were created as the embodiment of ancestral fears humans had for big cats, snakes, birds of prey and bats as they generally resemble some amalgam of these real animals.
western dragons often called True Dragons.
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2. Oriental Dragon:
Oriental dragons have serpentine bodies, four legs and no wings, and can fly.
They are said to be a composite of various other animals-the body of a snake, the antlers of a deer, the talons of an eagle, the soles of a tiger, the scales of a carp, and the eyes of a demon
They are found in folklore, mythology, and religion all throughout East Asia.
Oriental dragons were known to not terrorize people unlike the western dragon.
These dragons were said to been guardians.
They were also said to have been the protectors and controllers of both the Earth's elements and its weather.
they can have different amount of toes depending on their depiction.
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3. Dragonnet:
The Dragonnet is a small dragon.
They are just as vicious as their western counter parts.
They are quite rare.
Dragonnets have the same look as a classical western dragon.
It has the same scales, claws, and horns. It can fly and breathe fire.
The only difference between the two are the size.
Dragonnets are human-size or smaller.
Dragonnets live and hunt in packs.
A group of dragonnets can easily bring down a human victim, and have poisonous blood.
Most dragnets stay away from settled areas.
They live on high, cold mountaintops, where they survive by eating the babies of larger dragons.
Sometimes they sneak into a dragon's nest after killing one of its offspring. They act like babies to get free food and protection from the unsepecting parent.
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4. Wyvern:
is a dragon that most recognizably has two legs as opposed to four
are distinguished as smaller, more animalistic variants of the modern dragon that may or may not have a poisonous stinger at the end of their tail
they are typically weaker, smaller, and less intelligent in comparison to the modern dragon, overall having animalistic tendencies and serving as apex predators
They may or may not have a breath weapon
Additionally, a new classification of Wyvern, the pseudowyvern, which are wyverns that use their wings as forelegs
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5. Quetzalcoatl:
is a Mesoamerican deity whose name comes from the Nahuatl language and has the meaning of "feathered-serpent"
has no limbs only wings and feathers
in the Maya area he was known as Kukulcan or Ququmatz, names that also translate as "feathered serpent"
the worship of Quetzalcoatl sometimes included animal sacrifices, and in colonial traditions Quetzalcoatl was said to oppose human sacrifice
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There you have it folks! I couldn’t find all the different types of dragons in one post, so I’ll make a part two soon!
Feel free to like, comment and reblog if you find it interesting!
Reshare on Instagram and tag me perpetualstories
Follow me on tumblr and Instagram for more writing and grammar tips and more!
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gilded-ashes · 3 years
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The Feathered Serpent
Known as Ququmatz to the Ki'che, Ehecatl to the Huastecs,  Kukulkan to the Maya, and most famously, Quetzalcoatl to the Aztecs, he is the god of the wind and rain, wisdom and knowledge, agriculture and the arts. He is the inventor of the calendar and the creator of the world itself.
11x17 colored pencil. 2019.
Original || Prints
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thepassionofthekid · 7 years
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@2wiz_thepassionofthekid_outing #thepassionofthekid #itsthere #itsreallyme #ququmatz #quetzalcoatl #featheredserpent #virgo #alkebulaniteking #ajaw
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birdoceansun · 9 years
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Q'qu'matz: Mayan serpent God... Bringer of truth and widsom... Feathered sage, flying through the skies... yet born of water. Beauty in such fierce depiction of something so delicate. Carry my heart away. #ququmatz #popolvuh #mayan
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Recently got new art of Q'uq'umatz!
By @averaillisa
New fun art of her with a teeny Rex who's in love!
Hope you guys enjoy her too!
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Day 1,097
It's my birthday!
Today I grow another year older, and I actually commissioned many pieces of art to celebrate! Gonna post a few, then reblog with the rest later.
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Here's some of the first art with Rex, and most of my OCs.
Rex with Ed and Mari by @juiceofcoconut
Rex with Nota by Kyxea on twt
Rex with the serpents by @sofiaebby
Rex with Isabella and Carmen by @averaillisa
Rex with Ehecatl and Tolland by @the-belial
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Reindeer Q'uq'umatz and Kukulkan
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Got this adorable art piece of Kuku and Ququ as Reindeer, to go along with my ongoing X-mas story!
Drawn by Kuragi Tutu on twitter!
Hope you guys find them as cute as I do!
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That Special Feeling of Christmas
Maria walked into a meeting room, with Kukulkan and Ququmatz in tow.
“are you sure about this idea, mija?” Ququmatz asked Maria.
“Sure, I'm sure. I have more than enough authority as an Underworld goddess to make this happen!” She said, confidently.
“I have faith that she'll manage!” Kuku added.
Using her authority, Maria summoned a large stone gate, shaped like a skull, opening up in the middle of the room. Varying gods came out of the gate, gathering into the room.
Suddenly, Maria shifted into a somewhat horrifying appearance, fitting for an Underworld goddess. “GREETINGS MY SUBJECTS! I HAVE SUMMONED YOU FORTH FOR ONE EXPRESS PURPOSE”
All the underworld gods who had been summoned stood in attention to her. Eyes pointed straight at her, with the upmost respect.
“I HAVE SUMMONED YOU- to help me with Christmas!” Mari says, as she turned back into her more standard appearance.
All of a sudden, those summoned seemed to have lost some of the fear and respect they originally had. Now being skeptical and a lil insulting.
“SILENCE!” Shouted Ququmatz, with rageful burning eyes.
The gods stopped their prattling, and stood at attention again.
“You guys know Christmas, right?” Maria asked them.
One of the gods, Xquic, spoke up. “I've heard something about it. Is it like a celebration of winter or something?”
Mari sighed in response, “not exactly. It takes place in winter, but it doesn't celebrate winter. Uh, the history is complicated but there's various things celebrated. Family, love, peace, the winter solstice, this one pretty important Messiah figure for this one religion. That kinda stuff.
Then another god, Chamiabac, commented “Wait, what was that last-”
“Eh, that's not super relevant for us. Instead we have something else to worry about.”
Then the Camazotz of PHH questioned “and what would that be?”
“Santa Clause!” Mari said. “Here in Chaldea, every year around Christmas, one servant gets to be the Santa for the year. Their job is to deliver presents and/or spread ‘Christmas joy’ in some way shape or form. And this year, that's my duty!”
Then another god, Miccapetlacalli also had a question “So where do we come into this?”
“I need someone to help me get ready! This is a big job, and I can't just do everything. I need people to help make the gifts, help with my outfit, and inevitably there will be fighting too-”
Then someone interrupted Maria.
“Oh fighting?!” Cabrakan said. “I can definitely handle that!”
“I enjoy the enthusiasm.” Mari said.
Then the Queen of the underworld raised her hand, and had a question. “Could you give us a few examples of aspects to Christmas?”
Mari thinks for a bit. “Well I have a few things.” She picks up a present “this is a present! Starting with a box, wrapped in paper and ribbons!”
Some gods now had questions. “Oh what's in it?”
“Is it a heart?”
“Is it bones?”
Mari clarified “the point is to not know, but it could be anything!”
“Very morbid of them” Kukulkan commented.
“That's their default setting.” Ququmatz explained.
Mari then picked up a stocking. “Now this is a stocking! We hang it up on the wall, and fill it with treats!”
More gods commented
“Is that where the bones are?”
“Or maybe eyes?”
“Maybe cacao?”
“Maybe some blood?”
“Blood would ruin the sock!” Kuku corrected them.
“The cacao was closer, but only by so much.” Mari explained.
Maria then picked up a Christmas tree. “This is the tree! Covered in lights, topped with a star, and underneath is where we put the presents.”
“That star is kinda small” said Cabrakan.
“It's not a real star” Ququmatz said.
“Don't be so stupid, brother!” Zipacna scolded.
Mari tried to get them to understand. “Very rarely would some of these gifts include things like blood or hearts. Tho, since the purpose is just to make the recipients happy, it could theoretically include those things! Like for all of you!”
Suddenly the gods got excited!
“Hearts and bones?” One said.
“Sacrifices for us! What an exciting festival!” Another commented.
Suddenly Mictlantecuhtli raised himself up, and in a deep and intimidating voice said “as the feared and dark gods of the underworld, we rarely get our pick of the better offerings. Especially after those damn hero twins cursed our lands. If we were to receive such quality sacrifices and offerings, we'd be happy to assist you, Miquitzlicoatl.”
“Well that's amazing to hear.” Maria responded.
Everything seemed to be going great!
Then, after assigning the gods their duties, Mari took Kuku and Ququ somewhere else.
“Everything's looking good Mija!” Kuku said.
“Si! Looks like things will go smoothly!” Ququ said.
“It's good to see things go smoothly!” Mari said “but also I wanted to tell you guys something.”
“What is it?” Kuku asked.
“Well, Blonde Mama had been Santa before. But that was before you two came, and as such you missed out. So I wanted to help remedy that.” She said.
“What are you saying?” Ququ asked.
“While I'll still be Santa, would you two be willing to be my Reindeer?” She asked them.
Simultaneously they both said “OH!!!!”
Ququ said “Oh that'd be great!”
“We’d love to, mija!” Kuku said.
Now Mari was a Santa with not only helpers, but reindeer too! Everything had been going oh so smooth so far! But I can't help but wonder if things will stay that way.
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Day 987
After her conversation with Astraea, Maria went looking for her mother.
Mari: mama?
Ququ and Kuku: ¿si, mija?
Mari: oh, uh... I meant blonde mama.
Kuku: Oh, she's helping decorate at the cafeteria.
Ququ: why do you need her?
Mari: uh... it's about the Santa business coming up.
Kuku: are you going to try and get her to take the Santa role back?
Mari: oh, I shou- no! Not that. Something else instead.
Ququ: oh?
Eventually, Mari went and found Quetzalcoatl.
Mari: Mama! Uh, could I ask you a big big favor?
Quetz: Oh, mija? What would that be?
Mari: uuuh, could you possibly ask Martha if I can be the next Santa?
Quetz: ....que?
Mari: oh c'mon! I know you heard what I said!
Quetz: wh-why do you want to be the next Santa?
Mari: cause Astraea questioned if I could or not, and I wanna prove I can!
Quetz: are you sure about this? Every Christmas, something goes wrong.
Mari: of course I can! Whatever comes I'll handle it!
Quetz: hmm, I'll think on it.
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Mictlanmas: Cold and Cruel Chaos.
The Gods had gotten started making presents for Christmas. With Maria and her official “reindeer” watching over them. They still had to make sure nothing deadly was included, but otherwise things were going well.
Maria also had her newly made Santa outfit! A fun outfit, with a mix of red, black and purple. With her large tentacles also sprouting out.
“People still play with balls, right?” Xquic pondered. “I'm sure a big solid rubber ball would be a great gift!”
Camazotz of PHH was making what was essentially an army of small toy bats!
“Try to be more careful with the fucking figures, dammit!” Zipacna yelled at Cabrakan.
“It's not my fault they're made of such flimsy materials!” Cabrakan argued.
Suddenly an alarmed blared!
“Oh hell, here's the shitshow!” Mari said.
“What do you mean?” Mictecacihuatl questioned.
“Something always goes wrong around Christmas time.” Q'uq'umatz answered.
Mari and her mothers ran off to the command room. There, they met with Rex and Quetzalcoatl.
“Papa! Mama! What's going on?” Mari asked.
“There's a new snowy singularity that's popped up!” Rex explained to Maria.
“Here we go! Here comes the shitshow!” Maria exclaimed.
“You're very excited for this, mija.” Kuku commented.
“I wanna go to town on the enemies!” Mari answered.
The group was rayshifted into the singularity. They found themselves in a freezing field, covered in snow and a few trees spotted around.
Mari noticed that Quetz in her Santa form, had a different look to her.
“Hey wait, Mama you have a different outfit! Where'd you get that Christmas-y top and cape?” She questioned.
“Oh, tu Papa made it for me!” She said. “some people were getting worried with how exposed my outfit was. So he made this!” She stated, as she did a cute twirl.
“Aw, it looks really nice!” Kuku commented.
“Oh hey, what's that?” Rex commented, as he saw a small figure running towards them.
“Heeeeeelp!” The figure said.
“They need help!” Mari commented.
Mari grabbed the small figure, which would seem to be a nutcracker, with purple hair, a small jacket and a skirt.
“Heeey, Cerejeira?!” Mari exclaimed.
“Yes!” The Nutcracker exclaimed.
“What happened to you?” Ququ asked.
“That stupid Templar, Molay put my soul into this stupid body and turned my real body into a demonic reindeer!” She explained.
“Welp, guess we know what's going on.” Quetz said. “I'll fly ahead and try to find Molay, you guys try to find her elsewhere too.”
She flew off, heading northwest.
“You stay on my shoulder, Cere. I'll keep you safe.” Mari assured her, as she placed her on her shoulder.
“God, I'm never gonna forget the Christmas where I was turned into a nutcracker…” she commented.
“That memory thing does not sound worth it” Rex said.
Suddenly the group heard very loud singing.
“What the hell is that?” Kuku asked?
“I think I know.” Mari said. “We should head go the source”
As they traveled forward, they found the source of the caroling.
“That's Eli!” Ququ said.
Skating around on a frozen lake, was Elizabeth Bathory. Singing a hyper loud Christmas Carol, while dressed as a sugar plum fairy.
“So how should we handle this?” Maria asked.
“Hey Eli!” Rex yelled out. “What are you doing?”
Suddenly Eli noticed the gang, her eyes oddly a glow of red. “Oh finally! An audience!” She said, before turning up the volume even more, and more pointing the sound towards them.
“Ah hell, now what?!” Mari asked.
“I don't know if my little body can't take much more!” Cere said.
Kuku noticed the frozen lake. “Wait! What if we broke the ice she's skating on? The freezing water should help chill her out!” She suggested.
“Good idea!” Rex told her.
“Oh! I got a good idea to help make it happen!” Mari said.
“Oh?” Ququ wondered. “What exactly?”
Mari stood up “Hey Eli!” Mari exclaimed.
Eli looked up, tho keeping up with the songs.
“Your performance is great! Here's a gift to show my appreciation!” Mari exclaimed, as she threw a huge and heavy present box with one of her tentacles.
Eli's eyes opened wide, and she leaped to catch the gift, only to be overwhelmed by the weight and crashing through the ice.
She then popped back out of the water. “AAAAH! It's freezing!” Eli yelled out.
“Gotcha” Mari said, as she picked Eli up with one of her tentacles.
“Sorry about that, Elizabeth. But the volume was a bit too high.” Rex said.
“I CAN'T HEAR ANYTHING!” Cere yelled.
“Did you at least still like it otherwise?” Eli asked, as she shivered.
“It was great, Elizabeth.” Kuku said, as she gave Eli a blanket to warm up.
“Thanks!” Elizabeth said.
Suddenly out of nowhere, a solid ball flew through the air, actually sending Rex flying, before he disappeared in a flash of light.
“AMOR!?” Ququ and Kuku yelled out loud.
Then the same ball flew and did the same to Eli.
“Who the hell is doing that?!” Mari bellowed.
Then an unknown feminine voice answered back. “Wouldn't you like to know, Underworld goddess.”
“Who the hell are you?” Kuku asked.
Two people cake into view from the snow. A guy with a red and yellow color scheme and a girl with a purple and blue one.
“Hunahpu and Xbalanque.” The red one answered.
Then suddenly their eyes glowed red.
“We're here to fix Christmas.” Xbalanque followed with.
Things have started getting bad. Now what could the hero twins possibly mean by that? I mean, I know what. But what do yall think? Otherwise, hope you guys like how it's been going so far!
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Teot-tober day 1
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Ok, starting a lil different for Teot-tober. This is Ququmatz, another version of Quetzalcoatl. She's in Modern clothes here, but don't expect much of that the rest of the month.
Ququmatz is one of the Maya counterparts to Quetzalcoatl, not to be confused with Kukulkan. The Maya were a very diverse group, with many different cultures and languages within them. Ququmatz is of Kiche Maya origin, while Kukulkan is of Yucatec Maya.
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