coricoping · 7 days
Cats OCs
It seems it's time for me to have some little creatures of my own. I won't be able to try and draw them until my drawing supplies escape the mail, so for now they just get written intros. These guys come as a bonded trio, and I love them all. I have failed at short summaries, as per usual, so all shall be below the read more.
General Story
Loopdelyn and Char Murphy were both show cats owned by the same woman. Char had been with her for a while by the time she bought Loop, but they bonded pretty quickly. It only took a month for Loop to get bored and start escaping the house to explore. Char found out shortly after and started to follow her to (try to) keep her out of trouble. After a couple month of occasional wanderings near their house, their owner decided she wanted to start breeding Char. Char was not into that idea, so their next trip out was a permanent one. They met Quoroclaw after a few days, shortly after they reached London proper. They had just started to wander down a small alley that smelled like it had food and other cats when he jumped out and herded them away. When he found out they were completely new to the city he took it upon himself to keep them alive. He's the one who introduces Char and Loop to the existence of Macavity and the general state of street cat life in London, and then guides them to better places to sleep and hunt. After they've been together for a while he reveals that he knows so much about Macavity because he is a former henchcat who's been hiding out of fear of Macavity finding him again. Char is the one who stumbles upon the Jellicles, who Quoro hadn't mentioned, and asks him about them. He's hesitant to go to the Junkyard out of worry about how they'd react to a henchcat, and hadn't mentioned the Jellicles because he didn't want Char and Loop to go to them and leave him alone again. Eventually, however, Char and Loop convince him to try it and they all set off for the Junkyard.
First of the three that I came up with, and the one who has the clearest visual design in my mind.
Design: Bimetallic (sunshine silver) siberian, because it's just a gorgeous color and I wanted to play with it. Costume wise, that means her back is silver and the rest of her is a light gold with a very pale belly. In my mind she has swirly patterning to transition between the colors as opposed to the hatching that's standard for Cats costuming. She's also pretty fluffy, so would have shoulder fluffs, a decently big tail, and kinda thick leg/arm warmers. I've been imagining her with hazelish eyes
Personality: Very adventurous and exploratory, always getting into things that she maybe shouldn't because they looked interesting. Will try to befriend any living thing that stands still in front of her for more than a second. She's on the oldest side of kittenhood, and has learned a decent amount about how to be responsible and serious from Char and Quoro, but prefers to ignore those lessons if possible. A giant fan of flips, climbing, and general acrobatic shenanigans, though they aren't always the biggest fan of her since she hasn't adjusted to having grown big yet.
Char Murphy
Likely to become my favorite, she's just got my favorite vibes.
Design: Calico Cymric, because I have a potentially unhealthy love of calicos and torties and Cymrics are fun. I see her presentation of calico as looking like you took a white and orange cat, with the white concentrated on the chest, one paw, and maybe some on the face, and just covered her in soot. Black is her main color, but it looks like it's layered on top of the other colors. Very fluffy, she gets to have a mini-mane I think, as a treat. Big leg and arm warmers, left arm warmer is nearly pure white. Cymrics are tailless cats, so I think she gets some extra fluff on a belt instead of the normal tail belt. Cymrics are also normally medium sized cats, but Char is an unusually large example of her breed.
Personality: If Char was a human, she would be a lesbian lumberjack. As it stands, she is instead a very chill cat. Few things manage to bother her, she's very go with the flow. She's gotten very good at cat herding (heh) and convincing Loopdelyn to get back on track when necessary. She prefers being quiet and steady to being the center of attention or cracking jokes, but will occasionally interject deadpan remarks into Loopdelyn's rambling that throw her entirely off track in laughter/surprise. She is very strong and very aware of the fact that she is strong, meaning that 90% of the time she is consciously the gentlest person ever. In the remaining 10% of the time, usually when something is threatening her/the people she cares about, she takes full advantage of that strength to power through the obstacle in front of her with more brute force than technique.
The final addition, and the most annoying to design visually
Design: I have gone back and forth about what this guy looks like since I came up with him, and I'm still not 100% on him. Current strongest contender is giving him Karpati patterning, which we're gonna pretend is an occurring thing in London street cats instead of just eastern european ones. This leaves him as primarily black, with white on his ears, tail, muzzle, and toes. Around his eyes is still black, meaning eyeliner and eyebrow designs would be done in white. He's a shorthair, so unlike the others he doesn't get additional fluffs anywhere. His right ear is missing, and he's pretty scarred, though the scarring is probably decently covered by fur so wouldn't be too visible on a costume. He is also a very small cat.
Personality: Quoroclaw is a bit of a nervous wreck, and fairly so. He hasn't fully left the constant vigilance mindset that leaving Macavity put him in, and will frequently startle at noises or unexpected movements. He's very smart, however, good at planning and noticing things others don't. Where Char brute forces her way through problems, Quoro fights dirty and smart. He knows he doesn't have the strength and size to force his way through anything, so he uses tricks, hides when he needs to, and plays mind games. While with Macavity he learned to be vicious, both in fights and in general interaction, and is still working to roll that back and not snap out at people when he feels threatened, defensive, or unstable. When he gets overwhelmed and starts to get mean, he retreats to go find Char to have quiet with someone he can't really hurt. When he is in a stable place, he deeply enjoys teaching others the things he knows. His lessons are one of the only times Loopdelyn will actually sit still and fully focus on something.
The End!
Those are my three, and the general thoughts I currently have about them! I'm very happy to get them out of my head and into the wider world here.
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coricoping · 4 days
I have not yet received my drawing supplies, but I had the desire to draw, so have some pencil sketches of the heads of the guys.
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