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talentbloomed · 2 years ago
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anonymous said: — ☆ ❤︎  + ✁ -quirkyextratoebonee | anonymous impressions
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❤︎  you are my favorite writer of your muse ✁  we used to write together, but we don’t anymore.
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aHHHH favourite writer ?? that is such a huge compliment omg thank you so much 😭😭💞💞 i was really surprised to get this but so glad to see you’re still around !! i still have your replies in my drafts and oh gosh it’s my fault, i start struggling a bit when threads start getting long ;W; i don’t give up but it takes me...a really long time weljnfwlej but if you ever want to start something new, pls feel free to message me !! i would love to write with you again <33
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exiled-sorceress · 4 years ago
Night Watch (Closed)
It was the quiet back streets that Jade would tend to wander at night on her patrols. Nothing normally happened, and at this point she did them just to get paid and occasionally bring in a street dealer but nothing big enough to break into the media. She missed the fame that she had within her first few weeks and craved the feeling once again. But being that she didn't have a flashy quirk it was hard to make herself noticeable in the sea of heros that just seemed to grow each year. But tonight, she had caught wind of a meeting between one of the mods in her area and was intent on seeing what was going on.
Quietly walking into one of the bars she had found that the gang frequented she would walk to the bar and order herself a matcha highball. One drink wouldn't hurt her, and maybe it would even give her a small boost to her night. At this point, anything would make it better.
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soundxofstars-archived · 4 years ago
The bus had finally arrived at the grounds of the training camp as the normal excitement was already there, mostly from the noisy members on the team. Teammates that would easily cause a ruckus anywhere they went. Something that Suga was well aware of since they first joined Karasuno’s team seeing how they acted on a daily basis. The excitement was because of another training camp, one that was going to bring new and old faces for the time that would be spent here. 
They were taking this as the chance to learn more and to work on the skills that they already had. There was always a chance to learn something new and improve. 
The team had moved to unload the bus while rooms were the least of their worries since they would be staying on the grounds. There was plenty of space for all the teams that were apart of the training camp. He knew that there was going to be a lot of practice matches going on especially when they were done for the day. Suga did have a few things that he wanted to improve on himself despite knowing that he wouldn’t be switched with Kageyama that easily, not that he minded. 
Suga wasn’t going to give up that easily though. He wanted to help his team in any way that he possibly could. 
The third year was soon getting ready with the rest of his team for the first match of the day. Warm ups were going to happen first though as Suga was focused on tying his shoes. 
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macheteman · 4 years ago
Hiatus Notice
Hello all! I know I told you that I'd be out for awhile due to life commitments, but I figured I'd make it known now that I'll be out for most of the summer due to my job. It involves a lot of traveling and intermittent wifi, I have my replies stored and ill work on them as best I can.
I'll see you all on the otherside!
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metamorphxxhero · 4 years ago
Hello, it's @quirkyextratoebonee here! I'm a newly established multi muse, multi fandom OC blog manned by a 22 year old mun. I'm introducing myself with the hopes of roleplaying with your OC, Hiro, and have read through your bio as well as your rules page. My own is linked in the pinned page at the top of my blog. I hope this is the right way to go about contacting you, because there wasn't anything specific saying if you were more comfortable with DM's. Roleplay is for fun, so I don't harbor any hard feelings if we don't work out or if you don't see any potential with my characters. Let's just both have fun roleplaying, even if we don't do it together. Anyway, I hope you're doing well, and don't worry, I'm not nearly this stiff and proper in messages, haha, this is just to let you know about me a little.
Hey dude! I’d love to chat and see what we can put together :D
I apologize though if my responses are a little sparse for the next couple days/weeks. In the process of moving, and I work nights so most of my days are sleeping. But I’m more than happy to give it a shot and see how we fair together. You can hit me up any time :DD
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setternine · 4 years ago
Hey! I wasn't sure about your preferred form of contact, so I hope sending an ask is alright! I've recently revamped/recreated my old roleplay blog in the form of a multi muse, multi fandom OC blog and am hoping we could interact! My blog is @quirkyextratoebonee with my abouts and bios linked in my pinned post. I've read through all of yours, rest assured, and actually have been eyeing your Kageyama since sometime last year when I owned my original blog (hope that doesn't seem weird)! I love him, and you're honestly considered the top of the line when it comes to canon roleplay accounts, for me! Hopefully we can work something out, but, if not, that's okay. Roleplay is for fun, so don't stress turning me down or just admitting if we won't work out! Hope you're having a good day!
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hello, friend! i haven’t been writing a lot lately so it makes me happy that you’d still want to interact. i have yet to properly check your blog since i’ve been on low energy for tumblr lately, but when i do, i’ll get back to you through ims! also DHFBSDJHFS please, you think too highly of me!! i’m very veryy flattered, thank you so much!!! and don’t worry, it’s not weird at all.
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talentbloomed · 4 years ago
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“Koo-chan~!” Tooru calls out, running past the other dispersing Kitagawa Daiichi members when practice comes to an end. The setter has no intentions to leave just yet. “Iwa-chan said he had something to do today, so I was wondering if you wanted to stay behind a little bit longer to practice with me? The match against Shiratorizawa is coming up soon and you can never be too prepared, you know ??”
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soundxofstars-archived · 4 years ago
Protostar, Comet, and Star, for the ask game!
Space Asks |still accepting| 
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PROTOSTAR- Give a random fact about yourself.  
Hmm...... I’m the only one out of my siblings who showed livestock during high school. I showed goats and sheep while I was apart of the FFA organization. 
COMET- What are you currently frustrated about?
Two words... job searching -_- 
STAR- What song(s) do you feel describes you?
Synchronicity - AmaLee Cover  I Don’t Dance - Lee Brice  Rise - Katy Perry  Shadowleaf Wilds - The Fiechters 
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macheteman · 4 years ago
Hero Name Ideas
Hey’a! Everyone I have had a few ideas for Kane’s hero name but I wanted to get a bit of a poll going and see what you think.
Bogeyman; Something simple and clear that he isn’t one to messed with, also an allusion to Halloween’s classic line “You can’t kill the bogeyman”.
Zom-bill; His original hero name when I was writing him, using the “zombie” aesthetic and part of his real name. 
Shadow Slasher; This one just popped into my head and thought it sounded cool, as any good classic slasher prefers to be unseen. 
Yurei; Literally the Japanese word for ghost. I was trying to think of something distinct for Kane, once again named for something already dead and cannot be killed. This one is simple, one word but gets the message and so this one is my personal favorite. 
Let me know what ya’ll think!
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talentbloomed · 4 years ago
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“Pardon my intrusion !!” Tooru calls out as he haphazardly stumbles into the quaint, little flower shop. The setter looks nervous as he shuffles to the front counter, hands restlessly tugging at the strap of his sports bag. He’s had no luck with any of the other flower shops and this is the only one left that’s still open.
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“Ano...excuse me, I know this is super late but...do you happen to have any flowers left ?? Any at all...? I, um...I was so busy with practice that I forgot about Mother’s Day...!” ‘You should have come earlier’, ‘sorry we’re all out’,---is what Tooru’s been hearing all afternoon and against his will, tears begin to well up in his brown eyes as he braces himself to hear it again.
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macheteman · 4 years ago
Return to Normal?
Kane couldn’t believe it was all over, despite the fact the incident at the facility was nearly two weeks ago. Media was still abuzz with various scientists and technicians being put in trial, various heroes that responded AFTER the fact were taking all the credit, and but Kane couldn’t care less as long as nobody linked him, Qori or their little band of conspirators. Doc had to work double time to keep the various guardians quiet, either through threats of their own involvement exposed or by another visit from a certain bogeyman.
It was too late to squeeze the teens into UA, so they would have to wait the whole summer before starting. Still Kane was concerned that despite what an amazing feat they pulled, if Qori wanted to go through it it or not. Still not him, Doc and hopefully not her grandparents could sway her and Kane would standby his friend. Today was no exception, in fact he was going to show her one his favorite movie houses that ran a classic matinée every afternoon. After finishing his morning workout, Kane sat on the corner and waited with his cassette player in hand. 
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exiled-sorceress · 4 years ago
As she would sprint through the darker streets of the city, Jade would sprint through a few large crowds as she would make her way to the location on her phone. Reaching into her pocket she would pull out an ear price and put it into her left ear. As she would turn it on as she ran through a rather harsh crowd that refused to move for her. Pulling out her licence she would get ready to flash it if needed. 
“Hero work! Out of my fucking way!” She yelled as she would cut through the crowd. She had just blown her cover, not noticing how close behind her Zeelan was. 
It would be a few streets away as Jade would talk over her radio getting vital information. Arriving to a darkly lit alleyway she would immediately pull off her coat and toss it to the side. It was equally to be able to move easily but also if she had to rip it up for use. 
Looking over her shoulder, a small figure could be seen along with the person who sent her the message that caused Jade to respond to this. The figure was seemingly unresponsive as Jade would begin triage. As she would work the sidekick would quickly pull Jade’s hair out of her face and into a ponytail to keep it back and out of the way. With her hair up, a nasty scar could be seen right shoulder blade. 
“Attention, This is Pro Hero Falling Blossom reporting an unconscious and injured hero with no ID other than a torn licence. multiple wounds to the left side and one deep cut to the shoulder, requesting backup to the area of my location ASAP.” She said as she would notice a new wound and would grab her coat. Using her teeth and free arm she would rip a sleeve off and tie it as tightly as she would around the fallen hero’s arm. 
She had forgotten Zeelan had even gone with her and was running off adrenalin. But it was also a life or death situation so she couldn’t be blamed. Looking to the sidekick she would then speak. “I need you to secure the area, I don’t know if whoever did this is still here, and I don’t feel like getting stabbed in the back again.” This wasn’t the first time this had happened, it also explained the scar.
Night Watch (Closed)
It was the quiet back streets that Jade would tend to wander at night on her patrols. Nothing normally happened, and at this point she did them just to get paid and occasionally bring in a street dealer but nothing big enough to break into the media. She missed the fame that she had within her first few weeks and craved the feeling once again. But being that she didn't have a flashy quirk it was hard to make herself noticeable in the sea of heros that just seemed to grow each year. But tonight, she had caught wind of a meeting between one of the mods in her area and was intent on seeing what was going on.
Quietly walking into one of the bars she had found that the gang frequented she would walk to the bar and order herself a matcha highball. One drink wouldn't hurt her, and maybe it would even give her a small boost to her night. At this point, anything would make it better.
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talentbloomed · 4 years ago
Tooru’s emotions.
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tagged by  :  @eternalcyber ( thank you ! ; v ; ) tagging  :  @crowconquer, @victoriious, @kingheld, @quirkyextratoebonee, @anibunch, @nastyspin, @hcbits2ndnature​ !!
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talentbloomed · 4 years ago
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//so i survived the heatwave (monday was the worst, it was like 37+..i am not built for this weather @w@) and during that time, i got into plants....(i’m actually gonna go pick up a snake plant later in the afternoon eye emoji) and now i hc that tooru is a plant guy !!! which fits aoba johsai’s motif so well !! pls give him plants, he will love them ;W; and he’s the type that’ll like talk to his plants while watering them
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@quirkyextratoebonee omg what if he buys plants from deru’s shop....and what if he ends up with the dramatic nerve plant in his hands and it just full on dROOPS and plays dead on him and tooru comes into the shop (in tears again) thinking he did something wrong and killed the plant and deru is like ‘oikawasan...i think it needs more water’ wWLJEFNWLEJFWN also what if....tooru gets plants for his friends based on what he thinks will fit them.....prickly cactus for iwachan, oxalis triangularis for @eternalcyber​‘s elichan
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talentbloomed · 4 years ago
Pokemon trainer card maker.
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tagged by  :  @eternalcyber​​ ( thank you !! ( ๑ ❛ ڡ ❛ ๑ ) ) tagging  :  @crowconquer​, @victoriious​, @kingheld​, @quirkyextratoebonee​, @anibunch​, @hcbits2ndnature​​ !!
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talentbloomed · 4 years ago
How does your muse carry emotions?
Rules: please repost, don’t reblog! Bold and italicize what applies accordingly.
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ANGER: jaw clenching, hands balling into fists, teeth grinding, yelling, going nonverbal, stuttering speech, rushed speech, slow concise speech, rambling, quiet, arms crossing, shaking head, tearing up, animated, expressionless, projects, internalizes, vents, withdraws, passive aggressive, direct, physical outbursts, verbal outbursts. JOY: easy smiles, fighting back grins, suppressed laughter, loud laughter, giggles, chuckling, smirks, whole body laughs, covers mouth when laughing/giggling, throws head back when laughing, slaps leg, touches people around them when laughing, looks down when laughing, looks for eye contact when laughing, sparkling eyes, bubbly happiness, quiet subtle happiness, obnoxious happiness, wants to spread joy, quietly savors joy. SADNESS:  crying, bottling it up, seeks distractions, wallows, meditates and processes, avoidance, seeks out comfort, withdraws, talks it out, internalizes it, sad smiles, depression naps, uses alcohol, uses drugs, seeks out sources of joy, fidgets with sentimental item, sits in silence, broods, gets moody, wants someone to share the misery, tries to hide negative emotions, nurtures others to make themselves feel better. EMBARRASSMENT/SHAME: blushing, looking away, rubbing at back of head, covering face, laughing nervously, laughs it off, overthinks, lets it go, self deprecating humor, deflects, gets irritated, smiles, withdraws, crossing arms over stomach, crossing arms over chest, hands in pockets, shoulders sinking, shrugs, falling into silence until comfortable again, talking a lot to compensate. GUILT:  avoiding eye contact, shoulders sinking low, head hanging down, crying, chest aches, lashes out, internalizes, apologizes, deflects, communicates, withdraws, grand gestures for forgiveness, accepts fault easily, punishes themselves, martyrdom, victim complex, guilt complex, healthy conscience, internalizes even after forgiveness, seeking redemption, moves on easily, denial, lack of guilt/conscience, sorry they got caught more than caused harm, can’t handle knowing they hurt others. FEAR/ANXIETY:  trembling, crying, sarcasm/sass to cope, rambles, goes silent, gets angry, fidgeting, clenching jaw, picking at nails, chewing at lip, pulling at clothes, adjusting jewelry/clothing, swallowing thickly, eyes widening, over-reacts, under-reacts, calm, logical, panic, irrational, overthinks, carefully analyzes, talks to themselves, breathing exercises, flight, fight, withdraw, fawn.
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tagged by  :  @eternalcyber ( thank you !! (。’▽’。)♡ ) tagging  :  @crowconquer, @victoriious, @kingheld, @quirkyextratoebonee, @anibunch, @hcbits2ndnature​ !!
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