#quinny and hopper
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have you done your daily click
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f1inl3ey · 2 years
Omg. You know the scene in heartbreak high where quinni is overstimulated and runs into the bathroom searching for Darren and they help quinni calm down?? Yeah that but may I introduce
Vance getting overstimulated at a party and going to search for Bruce, he eventually finds him and pulls him aside and lets him know that he is far from okay. Bruce walks with Vance to the bathroom (which is still quite loud but it’s better than being in the centre of it all) and has him sit down on the closed toilet and take deep breaths. Bruce knows Vance doesn’t cope well with touch, especially when he’s panicking and overstimulated, so he doesn’t touch him. Just sits on the floor near him to let him know that he’s right there if he needs anything.
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angsty-twihardxx · 2 years
Heartbreak Led Me Back to You | E.M
Chapter 5 | When It Rains It Pours
Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 6 |
Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Summary | You and Eddie were childhood friends, best friends even. When your life changes drastically you run away from Hawkins, leaving Eddie and Wayne without a goodbye. But when things go wrong she has no choice but to go back, a second chance for the two to finally admit their feelings.
Warnings | (18+) Adult Themes that some may find upsetting, mentions of abuse, alcohol/drug abuse, slurs directed at reader(f), swearing, angst, sexual references and eventual smut. Pls let me know if I missed anything x
A/N | Sorry it’s definitely been a while, I’m busy taking care of tiny humans,  and also working on an Eddie x Hopper! Reader fic ;) sorry if it’s rushed in advanced
Likes and reblogs are highly welcomed:) x
Taglist | @haylaansmi​, @aedicn​, @kimmi-kat​, @lil-quinnie​  (if you would like to be added to the series taglist lemme know x)
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You should’ve suspected that today was going to be a bad one. From the moment your alarm clock stopped working, letting you sleep in for over thirty minutes. “Shit!” You exclaimed, jumping out of bed, getting Chris up and ready and out the door to the Munson’s trailer. 
“Y’alright?” Wayne questioned as he raised a confused eyebrow at his nephew, the both of them watching you fret over Christopher. Evaluating the current whirlwind that was you, merely a blur as you moved in a blur.
Sure, you had run late numerous times, this isn’t the first time you’ve bursted into their dwelling. You looked exhausted, most likely from the industrious work day you endured just yesterday. Not even giving yourself a day's break, needing to keep busy in order to be distracted from your ‘husband’.
“No time to talk– late.” Hastily you said your goodbyes, but not before stealing a piece of Wayne’s toast and running out the door before he could chide you into taking a break, to relax.
“That girl doesn’t know how to slow down does she?”
It was even better when you managed to get stuck at every. red. light. And to top it off, you couldn’t find a single park that wasn’t at least two blocks away. It really felt like the world was out to get you. Treading on the cement walk path you felt erratic, at the edge of a nervous breakdown. Maybe an intervention was what you needed. Just one more thing going wrong till you snapped.
The first half of your shift went slowly, any other day it would be a blessing. But no–you swore at yourself for complaining that it wasn’t fast enough, like an idiot. You seriously couldn’t enjoy the peace and quiet.
You realised you made a mistake when you got paged over to the ER. Then like a total shift in mood, it was so busy you didn’t even have enough time to gather your thoughts. Maybe this was just what you needed.
And of course it got worse. A part of you seriously wanted to be done with it all, to go home and snuggle on the sofa with your son and pretend that your life totally wasn’t falling apart. “Y/N? There's a phone call for you.” Amanda, today's receptionist called out to you as you were taking down patient notes. Worry flashed over your face, your brain began coming up with every worst scenario. The only person that would call you at work was Wayne, if there was something wrong with Chris. “Hello?” Your worried voice almost passed off as harsh, not that you really felt bad, with the day you’ve been having you couldn’t really care less. “Y/N? It’s Howard, we spoke on the phone yesterday?” 
Oh that's right, your lawyer, a Hawkins local who was very close friends with your parents. Someone that would help you just from the sheer fact that he considered you family. “Oh Howard! Yes sorry, I completely forgot. Is everything alright?”
“Well, that’s actually what I’m calling you about. I think it’ll be good for us to meet up as soon as possible. I was wondering if this afternoon would work for you?” 
“I mean, I finish in a couple of hours. Can it wait till tomorrow?” You tried to hide your agitation but you really didn’t have the time for this. “I know it’s inconvenient.” You scoffed lightly– yeah no sight. “But Michael is really trying to push this through. I thought you might also want to get this over and done with.” You realised he was right, if Michael wanted this so bad you might as well give in. The less arguing was better for your son. “Yeah okay, I can swing by after work.”
“Thank you Y/N, look how about we meet at the diner, it's more of a relaxing setting.” 
. . . 
You couldn’t actually believe this was happening, you were walking to go and sign your divorce papers. Michael didn’t even have the guts to come to you himself. He was the one that kicked you out and yet he’s the one that’s hiding away from you– pathetic. 
The door chimed as you walked into the diner, Howard was already sitting and waiting for you. He smiled an awful lot for someone who is handing you a piece of paper to end your marriage. “Did you want to order anything before we get started?” He asked over a plate of fries that were placed in front of him. “No, I’d rather get this over and done with honestly.” You replied uninterested, the man before you swallowing the fries in his mouth, dusting his hands awkwardly.
Noticing the heavy tension, Howard sighed as he retrieved the paperwork he had stacked neatly away in his briefcase. “If you want to keep this over the weekend to go over everything feel free, but please try and bring it to my office by the end of the week. He’s really been up our asses trying to get this all approved.” Howard adjusted his neck tie as he spoke, it didn’t surprise you– he was always impatient.
“It won’t kill him to wait for once.” You muttered, mindlessly going over the many pages, one in particular. It was hidden right near the end, a highlighted list, conditions. “Do you understand what this means?” Howard asked as he watched you gaze at the words in front of you. It seemed like all the words were in another language, you didn’t speak lawyer. “It means that you will have complete custody of Christopher.” He chose his words carefully, slowly. “I’m pretty sure I already do.”
“But you will be his sole guardian.”
‘Sole guardian,’ as in his only one, as in not Michael. 
“So what you’re telling me, he wants nothing to do with his own son.” Your voice was slow, precise. Feeling your stress being overtaken with anger. No– you weren’t going to let him hurt Chris like this. “These are his terms he had agreed too” 
“And if I say no?” 
“Look Y/N, I understand your upset but I recommend that you agree–” 
“No– Look Howard, you can tell Michaels lawyer or whoever that if he wants me to sign these, to grow some balls and see his son. Those are my conditions.”
. . .
Eddie sat comfortably on the sofa inside your trailer, a ritual for him when he watched Christopher for you. He never minded doing these things for you, he always did extra things like this– just so he could see that smile on your face. A part of him wanted the rest of his life to be like this, you, him, Chris and Wayne– their perfectly imperfect family. 
Yet tonight he found himself watching over the clock, and worrying about you– you weren’t here yet. You would always call him and tell him if minded staying and watching Chris for a little longer, and he always accepted. If it weren’t for Christopher telling him how he tired he was, Eddie would probably be alright, he totally felt out of his league. 
“What’d’ya need buddy?” Eddie croaked, kneeling down towards the small child before him who tiredly rubbed his eyes. “M’tired Eddie.”
“Yeah, okay–uh how does your mum usually put you to bed? Brush your teeth then bed?” Eddie let out a breath he was holding when Chris nodded, his small lips pushed together in a pout. Eddie thanked whatever gods for the few times you would briefly get Chris ready for bed when he was there for dinner.
“C’mon bud, let’s  get you to bed, yeah?” 
“Is mummy going to do it?”
“Uh, not tonight buddy, but she’ll be home soon. I’ll tell her to tuck you in when she does, alright?” Chris nodded sleepily, happy with his answer. He let out a tired yawn as he finished in the bathroom, holding his arms out for Eddie to pick him up off the counter– simply too tired to walk. 
. . .
Bright headlights shone into the glass window of your trailer, where Eddie laid awake on your sofa, the tv dribbling a bright white light over his slumped figure. He lifted his head off the pillow, waiting to see your figure walk through the door. When he heard the car turn off but no footsteps he sat up properly, maybe you were waiting for him to barge out and scream at you for being late, from what you had told him anyway it sounded like a recurring theme. 
He waited a few more minutes for you patiently, maybe you just needed a minute, work has been busier than usual. And you did seem really rushed this morning. Okay, maybe more than a minute, had you fallen asleep in your car?
With a groan he reached up to his feet, giving himself a moment to adjust to being vertical. As his feet hit the wooden planks that was your patio, his eyes squinted as he looked for your silhouette. When he didn’t he frowned with concern, making his way to your car. 
When he got closer he still couldn’t see you, but he could hear you. The muffled sound of sob coming from the back seat, “Y/N? Oh sweetheart.” He sighed deplorably, taking in the sight of you. Your small frame crawled into your chest as you hugged your knees, sobbing into your lap. Your face leaned into the crease of the seat, your back to Eddie who leaned into the car.  His saucer eyes took in how defeated you looked, he wished he could make everything better. “Come on, let's get you inside sweetheart.” He patter your thigh, using his other hand to beckon you out with him.
With a sniff and a quick wipe of your tears you joined him, not yet ready to say anything about the horrible day you’ve had. You wanted to just enjoy being next to him. Eddie, being the perfect gentleman that he is, opened the door for you. Bowing and extending his arm for you, a small huff of air fell from you, Eddie could swear that he just made you laugh– but you weren’t going to let his ego get to his head. 
“You go lay down, y’want some water?” Eddie asked softly, taking another step towards you lifting his larger hand to gently tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear. You took a deep breath, taking in the familiar smell that was Eddie. The faint smell of cigarettes lingered behind what was unrecognisably your son's strawberry scented toothpaste. You chuckled at the thought of Eddie helping your son brush his teeth. “Sorry I was late, that you had to put Chris to bed on your own.”
“Stop apologising! We had a wonderful time, even when Chris managed to get his toothpaste in my hair.” Eddie chortled as he placed his hands on your shoulder, guiding you slowly through the hallway towards your room. Knowing you, you’d probably stay up all night being upset, a habit of yours since you were a kid. “But I’m his mum, it should be me doing it.” You sighed as you fell onto the edge of the bed, watching Eddie as he did a quick take of your room. He hadn’t been in before, no reason until now to go in. It was– plain, it wasn’t loud with colour like your sons, devoid of any personality. “Hey, that doesn’t mean you have to do everything on your own, you’ve got me and Wayne.” Eddie quickly moved to sit beside you, his words came from a warm place, you knew that.
Though you couldn’t help the sad feeling coming back again, because you were going to be on your own. Even if you didn’t always get along you at least had Michael, he was at least there for Chris, but now he was leaving the both of you for good. Eddie and Wayne meant well but it was different, you couldn’t expect them to do everything. It just wasn’t the same. And here comes the tears again.
“You don’t get it, I am on my own, I always have been. My own parent’s left me and now my husband is leaving me!” You sobbed into your own, not caring how silly you looked. 
But Eddie never thought you looked silly, ever. Instead he held onto you tightly, bringing you into his chest. “C’mon, why don’t you tell me what’s going on love?” His voice was soft, contrasting his usual brass voice, his hand rubbing comforting circles on your back. “Michael filed for the divorce, which is fine- he’s an asshole. But he wants nothing to do with Chris, like absolutely nothing.” You cried into Eddie’s shirt, a damp patch developing on his shoulder. For a moment, Eddie didn’t know what to say to you that would make you feel better. “Shit, Y/N I’m so sorry.” 
There was a beat of silence for a moment, the two of you just holding yourself close to one another. “But uh- you know that I’m always going to be here, no matter what.” 
“Eddie, could you stay here with me tonight? I don’t want to be on my own.” 
In that moment, all Eddie saw was you when you would tap on his window late at night in the pouring rain. When it seemed that the world was against you, you could always come to Eddie without judgement. He would without a doubt always capture you in his warmth, the safety that was always Eddie. 
“Of course.”
. . .
You didn’t have the strength to endure a warm shower, you knew that tomorrow morning it would be all the more rewarding to feel the scalding water on your skin. You did at least change into your pajamas though, retreating to the privacy of your bathroom to change. 
Eddie then slid into the bed beside you as you returned, your bodies were inches from one another, but not touching. You could still feel the heat radiating from his body, you wanted nothing more than to touch him, have him touch you all over. 
Instead you rolled over to face him, the moonlight casts a white glow over his cheekbones that bunched together into a smile. The two of you looked into one another, waiting to see what would happen next, no one daring to make a move. “It’s been a while since we’ve done this, hey.” You joked making Eddie chuckle, his movement made your arms graze on another. Your arm burning at his touch, you craved his contact.
 Eddie must’ve known this, reaching his arm out over your shoulder and pulling you into his chest. His lips finding its way to the top of your hair. “Eddie,” you reprimanded, “I probably smell like a hospital.” You whined into his chest, hearing him take a deep inhale pressing his nose into your hair, making you laugh. “No you don’t, you smell like Y/N.” 
“Oh and what do I smell like?” You dared him to answer, raising your head out of his chest to look at him. “Well, you uh smell like–” He dragged out, taking another whiff. “Hmm, I’m getting a hint of watermelon?” 
“That would be my shampoo Eddie.” You giggled into him again, just enjoying this. The two of you are tangled in Eddie's arms, totally just enjoying being next to one another. Eddie let out an astonished ‘ah’, like you had just given him an important piece of information. 
The two of you laid together silent, for the short moment you saw his lips under the small light and wandered what it would be like to have them on yours.
“Hey Eds, what do you think you would do if I kissed you right now?” Your question took him by surprise, freezing him in his spot. Hell, you even surprised yourself. He hoped that you wouldn’t hear how fast his heart rate accelerated. “I uh- we ah– why do you ask?” He stuttered, you had completely taken him aback. Suddenly feeling embarrassed you tried to take it back, “You can say no Eddie, y’know if you don’t want t–” 
“No, I–I want too, trust me. It’s just your feeling alot of emotions right now, I don’t want you to regret it later is all.” 
“I’ve wanted to for years, I think I’ll regret more if I have you here with me and don’t kiss you.” You spoke truthfully, your face still pushed against Eddie's chest, your eyes watching for his reaction carefully. Just waiting to see how he would react, the smile that grew on his cheeks settled your panicking heart. “So this was all a huge scheme to get me in your bed? Wow Y/N, I can’t say I would expect this from you.” He feigned offence as he gently pushed you away from his embrace, making you let out a shriek. “Okay, you know what?”
You grasped his cheeks in your hands and pulled his lips onto yours. Kissing him was everything you had always thought it would be, messy, hungrily. He leaned forward, deepening the kiss.
He answered your question by wrapping a strong arm around your waist, lifting up against him. You snake your arms around his neck, about to pull yourself on his lap when you feel his hands gripping yours. Eddie gently pulled away from you, a quiet sigh escaping from your agape mouth. “Hey, as much as I enjoyed that,” He threw a playful smile your way, minimising the embarrassment. “Let’s just take it easy tonight, yeah? I just want to enjoy having you close to me. Also you're still technically married.” He threw a gentle chuckle your way, letting you know– this is okay. 
You nodded, contempt with yourself as you scooted back facing him, allowing Eddie to wrap his arms around your middle. His head now tucked into the crook of your neck, god you’ve waited so long for this. 
“Night Eddie.”
“Goodnight Y/N.”
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beep-beep-robin · 5 months
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st = stranger things
hh = heartbreak high
w = wednesday
911 = 911
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el and coke (st, elmax)
eddie fading (st)
eddie and wednesday (st, w)
robin gifset (st)
st ships x sure thing by miguel for valentines day (st, steddie, ronance, byler, jargyle, elmax, lumax, joyce x hopper, dustin x suzie)
canon queer characters x männer und frauen by die ärzte (st)
robin and nancy meet heartbreak high (st, hh, ronance)
fruity four before and after (st)
stranger things x halloween (st)
autistic robin quotes from rebel robin (st)
quinni gifset #1 (hh)
quinni gifset #2 (hh)
quinni's outfits (hh)
quinni and common autism traits (hh)
quinni and common autism traits pt. 2 (hh)
quinni and darren (hh)
amerie gifset (hh)
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alrightieaphroditie · 2 years
shining armor | e.m. series masterlist! | next part!
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pairing *:·゚ eddie munson x female!reader wc *:·゚ 4.5 k warnings *:·゚drinking, mentioning’s of parental abuse (very slight), an *:·゚i was in like a fever dream when i wrote most of this is so asdfhkl not too sure how much i actually like it.. but anyways,,, this is technically a part two to 'take the edge off' but i tried writing it so that it could also be read just by itself! i also listened to touch tank by quinnie the entire time so if eddie seems a little soft.. that's why. i'm convinced that song could be about him 100%. this is also pretty unedited, so if you see an errors please let me know!
synposis *:·゚ after working a double shift, you realize you left your house key locked, well, inside your house. while waiting, a thunderstorm hits, and the only one around to save you is your neighbor, eddie.
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"mayfield?" the voice sounded out between the booms of thunder, and you could just barely make it out, but you knew it was coming from the trailer across the road.
part of you wanted to ignore him. wanted to curl up into yourself even more and disappear, shrink into the darkness that was covering your front porch steps. that was definitely better than potentially having eddie munson see you sopping wet and shivering, no doubt with mascara clinging to your cheeks. to put it kindly, you looked pitiful. and that wasn't something you wanted others to see.
a few beats passed, more thunder rumbled on, and honestly you thought your plan had worked. and then you heard him call out again. "mayfield, the fuck are you doing out in this storm?" his voice had a kind of rasp to it, like he had been screaming or singing or both, all night. you heard the door to his van slam shut and risked a peek over your shoulder. through the flashes of lightning and the one flickering streetlamp at the corner, you could see his figure standing near his van, facing your way. he had his hands on his hips, his head cocked slightly to the side as he probably scrutinized you for sitting on your porch this late at night, during a storm no less.  
in your defense, though, it's not like that's what you wanted to be doing. you'd much rather be inside with a cup of hot chocolate, wearing your favorite oversized sweater, with your newest library book in bed. but that couldn't happen because you somehow managed to leave your house key in your bedroom today. that wasn't something that you had realized until after your closing shift at the family video, when you had pulled onto the grass besides the trailer and started digging through your center console in a panic. it just got worse from there. max was having a sleepover with el, and you didn't have enough gas in your car to drive out to hopper's cabin and back to grab her keys. your mom, on the other hand, was either working a night shift and would be back around midnight, or she was at a bar somewhere, taking shelter for the night. either way, you were stuck with no way inside for the time being.
a particularly fat raindrop hit your face, and that was when you decided to acknowledge eddie. i mean, it's not like he likes me or anything. it wouldn't hurt to have him see me like such a mess, you thought, trying to wipe some of the clumpy black mascara away from your eyes. sniffing slightly, you stood up off the top step and made your way down, quickly jogging over to your neighbor. eddie's figure became clearer as you drew closer, and you noticed he was wearing a pair of black jeans ripped at the knees, a black t-shirt boasting the corroded coffin logo, and his black leather jacket. his hair was starting to get plastered to his head from standing in the rain, and as you slowed your pace, you watched as he ran both of his hands through it, shaking it out slightly as he did.
"wow, crazy running into you here, huh?" you tried saying teasingly, giving eddie a soft smile as you closed the distance between the two of you. you were gripping onto your family video vest tightly, feeling nervous for some reason you couldn't really figure out. it had been a couple of weeks since your last interaction with your neighbor, and while you noticed that the two of you had started to acknowledge one another a bit more (a wave here, a smile there) you hadn't really had the time to talk to each other. remembering eddie's kindness and his lazy smiles from that night made your skin crawl, but in a good way. at least, you think.
you watched as eddie's brown eyes squinted at you, maintaining eye contact with you while he shoved his hands in his jean pockets. his gaze made you fidget, and you shifted on your feet while the rain pelted down and were just about to make a run for it back to your porch before eddie gave you a lopsided grin.
"absolutely bizarre, yeah. i mean, it's not like we live across the street from each other or anything," he responded, using his sleeve to wipe some rain out of his eyes. this close, you could see a silver chain hanging around his neck that hadn't been there the last time you talked. at the bottom hung a brown guitar pick that looked lovingly worn, and the thought of eddie keeping the pick he uses around his neck at all times made you grin. this boy was so full of surprises.
"want to tell me why you're hanging around on your porch in the rain right now or inside?" he asked, tilting his head to the door of his trailer while digging around in his back pocket for his keys. you angled your head to the door as well, worried that if you started talking that your teeth would chatter from how cold you were. he motioned for you to go up the steps first, and you almost tripped on the top step because of the rain dripping into your eyes, but eddie's hands came up quickly to hold onto your waist, keeping you upright. the feeling alone caused your cheeks to flush with heat, and you had to clear your throat quietly as you waited for eddie to unlock the door.
"welcome to the munson castle, my lady," he muttered as he ushered you into the trailer. eddie kicked his shoes off at the front door, and you followed in suit, frowning slightly at the feeling of your wet socks against the floor. you decided to take those off too, tucking them inside your shoes before glancing around the home. the layout resembled yours, except on a smaller scale. the kitchen was right in front of you but slightly to the right, and to the left was their living room area. a cot was placed near the couch, the blanket rumpled up at the bottom, and past the kitchen you could see a hallway that presumably led to a bedroom.
you stood still by the door, watching eddie walk around the trailer. it seemed like he couldn't pick between picking up the mess in the kitchen, or the mess in the living room, or the mess in the hallway. eventually he stopped pacing around and looked at you, a sheepish grin on his face. "sorry about the mess. our cleaning lady took the week off." he joked, rubbing the back of his neck. you couldn't help but grin back, brushing some of the wet strands of your hair behind your ear.
"it's alright, munson. it adds character to the place, i think," you mused, playfully looking around your surroundings with awe. you caught sight of pictures of young eddie on the mantle, and the sight made your heart soar. the sound of laughter slipped through his lips, and your grip on your vest tightened ever so slightly. some water dripped onto the floor from your action, and it brought the two of you out of whatever trance you had just been in. eddie snapped his fingers, saying something about a towel before stalking off down the hall. as you listened to him rummaging through the hall closet, you shrugged off your jacket and opened the door, placing that and your vest on the one dry area of his porch. when you stepped back inside, eddie was standing near you with a blue towel and what looked to be some clothes on top.
"it's your lucky night, mayfield. i have one clean towel left, and it has your name on it." he said with a smirk, winking at you from over the pile in his arms. you ignored the flush crawling up your neck and gratefully took the towel and clothes out of his arms. he pointed you in the direction of the bathroom, telling you to ignore the mess in their as well, and then went into his room, shutting the door while shrugging off his leather jacket. you caught a glimpse of his forearm tattoo, the one of the bats, before his door shut all the way, and although you weren't necessarily cold anymore, you shivered slightly.
eager to dry your hair and face from the rain, you hustled into the bathroom, locking the door behind you as you balanced the pile eddie had given you at the edge of the counter. the bathroom was about the same size as the one in your trailer, but the sheer amount of products made the space seem even smaller. the shower curtain was haphazardly pulled hallway shut, the toilet seat was sitting up, and an ungodly amount of hair products littered the counter space. it wasn't dirty messy, like you truthfully thought it would be, just organizationally messy. with the current state of your room, though, you weren't one to judge. not that you would have anyway.
you grabbed the towel first, running the material over your face a few times to clean the rain and mascara. it smelled like laundry detergent with a slight hint of smoke, and the scent made you feel comforted in a way you weren't expecting. you moved on to your hair then, squeezing out your locks before wrapping your hair up in the towel and letting it sit on top of your head. you quickly stripped from your long-sleeved striped shirt and jeans, shaking your hair out of the towel to pat dry your skin. holding up the clothes eddie handed you, you breathed a sigh of relief when you noticed that they were slightly oversized. they would've been big on eddie, but you've always been on the curvier side, and the clothes would fit you almost perfectly.
you tugged on the grey sweatpants and black t-shirt, giving your hair one more passthrough with the towel before stepping out of the bathroom. eddie was in the process of putting away the cot, having changed out of his wet clothes too. he was wearing the same plaid red flannel pajama pants as he wore the last time you saw him, but this time he was also wearing a plain black t-shirt. a trash bag sat next to your shoes, and you assumed it was for your clothes, so you walked over and dumped your shirt and jeans into the bag before tying it up and setting it by the door. a few of the lights in the kitchen started flickering from the storm, and you walked over to the living room area where eddie was, picking at the skin around your nails nervously.
he glanced up at you while he was closing the cot, grinning once he saw you in his clothes. he motioned his head to the couch, fighting the latch on the cot. "there's a blanket for you if you're cold. jesus fucking christ, why won't this just close." he groaned, shaking the cot frame a little while he messed with the latch. you suppressed a laugh as you watched him, and then you took pity on him by bumping him with your hip slightly to move him out of the way. he stood up, running his hand through his hair, and watched silently as you closed the latch in one try.
muttering something about you being a witch, he took the cot out of your hands and squeezed it between the wall and the couch. he stood off to the side, and a brief moment of awkwardness passed between you two as you stood there; you, glancing at eddie. him, glancing at the floor with his hands on his hips. you decided to take the blanket, reaching down to grab the giant green thing, and wrapping it around your shoulders before settling down on the couch. your movements spurred eddie into action, and he moved over to the kitchen, opening the fridge to peer inside.
"you thirsty, mayfield? we have beer and... beer." he announced, laughing. you glanced over your shoulder, watching him grab a can of beer himself and popping it open. he grabbed another can, holding it out to you while taking a sip of his own. you shook your head politely, tucking your hair back behind your ear. "nah, i'm alright. i'm not really a big fan of drinking," you confess, sparing eddie a shy grin. you watch quietly as he makes his way back to the couch, setting his drink on the small wooden table at the other end of the couch before plopping down. he turns to you slightly, placing his elbow on the arm of the couch and resting his head in his hand.
"so, you'll smoke weed but not drink? picky with your vices, huh?" he says, raising his eyebrows at you teasingly while giving you a shit-eating grin. laugh lines form around his mouth, cascading into his cheeks, and in that moment, with his bright brown eyes and wet hair, he looks so youthful. you don't understand how anyone could look at eddie munson and call him a freak. it just didn't make any sense.
"munson, my mother is a borderline alcoholic who forgets she has children most nights and my stepdad turned abusive when he drank. please forgive me for not wanting to see what kind of monster i could turn into when i drink." the words slipped from your mouth before you could filter them, and you expected some kind of concerned reaction from eddie. if it had been anyone else, no doubt they would have tried to comfort you about your situation or, at the very least, would have taken pity on you. but once your gaze met eddie's, you knew he understood where you were coming from. nobody really knew the full story about what happened with eddie's parents and why he lived with his uncle, but you always imagined it wasn't a pretty story.
eddie's sad grin basically confirmed all your suspicions.
"i can respect that. i understand not wanting to carry out the generational trauma that may run in your blood," he wiggled his fingers at his words, his voice teasing but with an edge. after taking a long sip from his drink, he continued. "for the record though, you could never be a monster, mayfield. i don't think you have it in you," the genuine truth and kindness in his voice made you tear up slightly, and you wanted to scoff at yourself. for someone who always kept a check on their emotions around others, you were sure doing a shit job at doing it around eddie. he didn't seem to mind though, which made him all the more comforting.
sniffing slightly, you tugged the blanket around your shoulders a bit tighter, breathing in the same scent of laundry detergent and smoke. you wondered if it would cling to your skin, your hair. if you'd be able to smell it when you inevitably left. get your shit together, woman you thought, bringing up your legs to tuck your feet underneath you. "clearly you don't know me well enough, then. but that's beside the point. what were you doing out so late, edward?" self-deprecation was your go-to when you felt vulnerable, and most times it worked how you wanted it to - the people around you would laugh, and the subject would be dropped. you should've known better than to try that with eddie, though, because his big brown eyes turned sad as he watched you snuggle up on the couch. he looked like he wanted to argue, but maybe thought better of it, because of saying anything at first, he just took another chug of beer. partially successful, then.  
"oh, you know. the usual. a little guitar practicing here, a little smoking there. galloped around the shire for a bit, too." he tossed you a wink, leaning his head back on his hand." my band - you know corroded coffin, yeah? we have a show coming up at the hideout in a few weeks and gareth has been insisting that we spend every waking hour practicing. he wouldn't let us leave until we played one of our songs straight through perfectly. " eddie's eyes roll back as he mimics playing the guitar, biting down on his lip as he bounces on the couch slightly. the sight makes you laugh, and you lean your head against the back of the couch, suddenly feeling grateful that you didn't follow through with your stupid plan of ignoring eddie. as if anyone could ignore eddie when he really wanted their attention, anyways.
"but enough about me, mayfield. what were you doing out so late? trying to catch fucking hypothermia?" he asked accusingly, his demeanor shifting slightly from playful to serious. his eyebrows turned down slightly at you as one of his hands fiddled with the guitar pick around his neck. "seriously, you couldn't have sat in your car or something?"
"for your information, munson, i did sit in my car for about an hour. i just didn't have enough gas to keep it turned on, and it started getting hot and humid. it was just sprinkling at that point though. i didn't know we were supposed to get a torrential downpour tonight," you snapped at him, the wariness of your day finally catching up with you. rubbing your eyes, you shook your head slightly. "i left my key in my bedroom and the door is locked. max is out with her friend and i honestly have no idea where our mom is. i thought i could just... wait out the storm or something. it was dumb, i know." your fingers wrap around the edge of the blanket, bringing it closer to you as you glance up at eddie. his finger was twirling around the edge of his beer can, his head cocked to the side slightly as he listened to your story.
after what felt like ages, he finally adjusted his position, gripping on to the back of the couch and the arm to lift himself up so that he could stick his feet underneath him. “you're right, it is dumb," he agrees, nodding his head. his tone is serious, but he shoots a grin at you. "maybe it’s time for you to invest in an umbrella then, mayfield.” eddie replied, shrugging. his surprisingly serious tone caught you off guard. he stared at you for a moment, face blank, before his lips quirked up in a smile.
“oh, fuck off, eddie.” you couldn’t help the snort that escaped from your mouth, which quickly turned into you laughing. at the sound, eddie’s face lit up with his own smile, and a deep chuckle filled your ears. “i’m being serious, y/n!” he laughed, shaking his head slightly at you. he started twisting one of the rings on his pointer finger with his thumb, a subtle reminder of how hard it was for him to sit still. you didn’t mind it, though. “hey, but really, if you’re ever in a position like that again, just come over to my place. my uncle and i rarely lock the door anyways.”
you grinned at his suggestion, watching the way his fingers on his other hand tapped along the backside of the couch. “thank you, munson.” you replied softly, sinking even further into his couch as you got more comfortable. the sound of a dishwasher running filled the silence as eddie took another sip of his drink, and for the next few minutes, the two of you talked about almost anything you could think of. eddie complained about mrs. o’donall’s class and how it was killing him, you talked about your jobs and how, if you had to listen to officer callahan and officer powell argue about whose turn it was to go get donuts, you were going to make hopper fire the both of them. more donuts for you two then, anyways.
eddie listened intently to everything you had to say, smiling and laughing at the right times, nodding his head when appropriate, maintaining eye contact the entire time. it was so nice to have someone who actually listened to you, someone you could confide in. talking to eddie made you want to tell him all of your secrets only because you knew he wouldn’t judge you for them and that he’d guard them with his life. it was like a breath of fresh air, which is exactly what you needed after the events of the past year.
you didn’t know how long you had been in eddie’s trailer, but it had only felt like seconds had passed when you heard a car door slam. the sound had made both you and eddie jolt apart, as you both had started leaning in closer to one another while eddie talked about the tattoos on his arms. hugging the blanket around you, you stood up and shuffled over to the window. peeking through the blinds, you realized the rain had stopped some time ago, and noticed your mom’s car was now parked besides yours in the grass. as you watch her stagger up the front steps, your heart drops a bit as you realize where she’d been all night.
with a small yawn, you turn to face eddie, who had also stood up from the couch. he had his hands in his flannel pajama pockets, rocking back and forth slightly on his feet. the skin beneath his eyes had gotten a little dark, and it hit you then that he was probably exhausted but stayed up for a few more hours to help you out. god, the things this man was doing to you. it simply wasn’t fair.
“that was my mom… i probably should get going before she makes a mess of everything.” you explain, a sheepish smile on your face as you hitch your thumb up to point out the window. eddie nods his head in understanding, his tongue sticking out slightly from the corner of his mouth. “once again, i really do appreciate your help, and everything you’ve said. i owe you, a lot.”
you’re pretty sure it’s the look in his eyes that makes you step closer to him, but that’s only because you don’t want to chalk up your actions to your own stupidity. but you do step closer, and closer, until you’re finally toe-to-toe with eddie munson, and before you can even rationalize it, your arms are opening on their own and circling around eddie’s waist. you can hear his heartbeat as you rest the side of your face against his chest, and when it quickens slightly, you’re worried that you made a mistake.
he seemed frozen in time, but just as you're about to pull away, an apology on the tip of your tongue, eddie’s arms wrap around your body, just beneath your shoulders, and his chin rests on top of your head. you feel him take a big breath, slowly releasing the air as his grip tightens on you ever so slightly. “anytime, mayfield.” you head him mutter before feeling his lips press a gentle kiss against your forehead. this time, you feel your own heartbeat quicken.
it’s as if neither of you want to let go first, because the hug lasts more than a few seconds. it isn’t until a rumbling of thunder sounds that makes you realize more rain probably isn’t too far behind, and reluctantly, you let your hands slide down his waist before pulling back away completely. eddie’s hands return to his pockets, and he watches you quietly as you fold up the blanket and gather up your things. just as you’re about to open the door to head out, you feel eddie’s fingers against your elbow.
“i meant what i said earlier, mayfield. if you ever need a safe space to land, please don’t hesitate to come over here.” his voice is soft, and when you turn your head to look at him, his usual playfulness is gone. his light brown eyes have gone a shade darker, as if to really drive home his seriousness, but they’re the same puppy dog eyes you’ve come to love. the rings on his fingers dig into your skin slightly, and you glance down at where his hand is on your elbow, warmth emitting across your body from the spot.
“i won’t,” you manage to get out, your voice barely above a whisper as you look back up at him, a small, genuine smile playing on your lips. a safe space to land, you thought. eddie munson just offered you the one thing you’ve been looking for these past few months, the one thing you know will help you heal. in a strange turn of events, eddie was quickly becoming a sort of savior to you, like some kind of knight; helping you in ways you never could’ve anticipated when you were feeling particularly damsel-in-distressingly. it felt so on brand for him that it made a small laugh slip from your mouth, and eddie's eyebrow quirked up in response.
"i just had a thought that you're kind of like my knight in shining armor, munson." you admit, a playful tone laced through your voice. eddie's response is exactly what you imagined: his brown eyes get bright, and those smile lines deepened around his mouth as he gives you a full smile before tilting his head back to laugh. he didn't think that anyone would've ever considered him a knight, much less one in shining armor. he didn't mind being yours, though.
he follows you out onto the landing, still shaking with laughter, and as you reach the grass in front of his trailer, he extends his hand and bows dramatically, the tips of his hair almost brushing against the wooden porch. "forever at your service, my lady." he quips, standing up abruptly fast and holding his hand over his chest, right above his heart. you laugh at his theatrics, gripping the trash bag with your clothes in one hand as you playfully blow a kiss towards him. he pretends to jump up and grab it before shoving his fist into this pocket. "saving that one for later, princess."
a blush rushes to your cheeks, and suddenly you're so thankful that it's dark outside because you can only imagine how red your face must be. with a final wave, you walk along the gravel road back to your trailer, watching your mother's shadow move around the kitchen area from behind the curtain. in a second, you'll be forced to join reality again when you have to help your mother clean off in the shower, when you have to pick up the mess she has no doubt made in the kitchen.
but for right now, as you walk back to your trailer in your wet shoes, wearing clothes that aren't yours, you allow yourself to stay wrapped up in the fantasy that maybe, just maybe, you might mean as much to eddie munson as he's starting to mean to you.
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spideyyboiirecs · 2 years
Eddie Munson Reblogs
A Masterlist of my favourite Eddie Munson Fics
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The Morning After @onthewrongsideofheaven
pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Why Not Me Munson @hxneyeyes
pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Heartbreaker @toomanybandstocare
pairing: Best friend!Eddie Munson x GN
Glimpse Of Us @eddysmunsons
pairing: Eddie Munson x Female Reader x Steve Harrington
Safe 18+ @loeyparker
pairing: Eddie Munson x F!Reader
Infidelity @eddiemunsonswhxre
pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
The Metal Head And The Material Girl @loveronlineee
pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader (She/Her)
Second Best @strangerrmarvel
pairing: Eddie Munson x Cunningham!Female!Reader
I'll Tear Down The Sky @msgorillagripcoochie
pairing: Vampire!Eddie Munson x F!Reader
Parent Trap @skyfall8600
pairing: Ex-husband!Eddie x Reader
The Other Woman @dinodinodin0
pairing: Eddie Munson x Bestfriend!Reader
Prom @strangermarvelss
pairing: Eddie Munson x Cheerleader!Reader
June Baby @luveline​
pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader 
You’re Being Mean 18+ @florestmoon​
pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader 
The Hills 18+ @lemondropsteve​
pairing: Best Friend!Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader, Boyfriend!Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader 
Make A Deal 18+ @oceanjoon​
pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader, Jason Carver x Reader, Eddie x Chrissy Cunnigham, Chrissy x Jason 
The Pain Of Letting You Go 18+ @strangermarvelss​
pairing: Ex!Eddie Munson x Ex!AFAB!Reader 
Ask Her 18 + @ashwhowrites
pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Why Not Me Munson... @hxneyeyes​
pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader 
Traitor @edddimun​
pairing: Eddie Munson x gn!Reader 
Dirty Dreaming 18+ @eddiethefreakkmunson​
pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader 
Come On, Angel 18+ @littlelioncub43​
pairing: Mechanic!Eddie Munson x Best Friend!Reader 
Kickstart My Heart @msgexymunson​
pairing: Eddie x Fem!Reader 
Simple Rules @munsonquinns​
pairing: dad!Eddie x teacher!reader 
Camera Shy 18+ @munsonquinns​
pairing: Camboy!Eddie x fem!Reader 
Family Matters, part 2, part 3  @artandshid​
pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader 
HolyShit @all-timelee​
pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader 
Jealous 18+ @spookyscarydemonbabe​
pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader 
Bated Breath 18+  @pxrxcxa​
pairing: Eddie x Female Reader 
A New Dungeon, Live Video, Exposed 18+ @lil-quinnie​
pairing: Modern!Gamer!Eddie x F!Reader 
She Did More Than Try
pairing: Fem! Reader x Eddie Munson.
Oh Baby @itsoutrageouss
pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
The Hideout 18+ @inknopewetrust
pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Right Here @upsidedownwithsteve
pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summer Storm 18+ @lewisyellowhelmet
pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Eddie My Love @sunflowergirl522
pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Hellfire Baby @sushihousebread
pairing: Eddie Munson
The Broken Hearts Club @multi-writer​
pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader 
Passenger @emlovebot
pairing: fem!reader x eddie (unrequited), fem! reader x chrissy (platonic)
Mine 18 + @variety-fangirl
pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Harsh Words 18+ @amatchinwater
pairing: Eddie Munson x Gn!Reader
After Fight @h4rring1on
pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
It Happened One Night In Detention 18+ @mypoisonedvine
pairing: Alpha! Eddie Munson x Reader
Curious 18+ @spiderl0rd
pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Mysterious Girl 18+ @munsonslove​
pairing: Fem!Sub!Reader x Dom!Eddie 
Would That I @queenimmadolla​
pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader 
Three Men And A Baby @queenimmadolla​
pairing: Young Parents!Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader 
Fight or Flight? @edddimun​
pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Nothing New @sunflowergirl522​
pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader 
Flowers @sunflowergirl522​
pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader 
Needy 18+ @thisishellfire​
pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader 
Tying Your Heart To Mine @msgorillagripcoochie​
pairing: Eddie Munson x Cheerleader!Fem!Reader 
Positive @strangermarvelss​
pairing: Eddie Munson x Hopper!AFAB!Reader 
Accidents Happen @eddiemunsonswhxre​
pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader 
Only Lonely 18+ @shamevillain​
pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader 
Husband @marianita195​
pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader 
Say You Love Me @marianita195​
pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader 
Mistaken @jadeylovesmarvelxo​
pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader 
Light Of His Life @jadeylovesmarvelxo​
pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader 
Steve’s Ex @sunflowergirl522​
pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader 
Eddie’s Girl @ashwhowrites​
pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader 
Affection @ashwhowrites​
pairing: Female Reader x Eddie Munson 
My Only Girl 18+ @newlips​
pairing: rockstar!eddie munson x shy!gf!reader
Bedtime Blues 18+ @porchlightfairy​ 
pairing: steddie x reader 
BabySitter, Part 2 18+  @imjuststeddietrashatthispoint​
pairing: Steddie x Babysitter!Reader
174 notes · View notes
Navigation ☆ About Me
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About Me:
→ name: emmy/emily/mills
→ age: twenty-one
→ religion: Christian
→ pronouns: she/her
→ zodiac: leo ☼ libra ☽ aquarius ↑
→ personality: enfp ☆ 2w3 ☆ gryffindor
→ other stuff: chronically ill ☆ suspected neuro divergent ☆ currently studying creative writing
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My Favorites:
→ shows/movies: criminal minds, stranger things, supernatural, dharma & greg, alexa & katie, monsters inc, the princess bride, hot air, peanuts, twilight, harry potter, christopher robin
→ characters: spencer reid, penelope garcia, steve harrington, robin buckley, max mayfield, sam winchester, dharma montgomery, greg montgomery, alexa mendoza, sulley, westley, buttercup, lesley smith juniment, woodstock, snoopy, alice cullen, seth clearwater, winnie the pooh
→ music: one direction, niall horan, harry styles, noah kahan, blake rose, taylor swift, hozier, sabrina carpenter, five seconds of summer, bts, lewis capaldi, julia michaels, phoebe bridgers
→ romantic ships: spencelle/reidaway, hotchniss, demily, garvez, dharma x greg, spenlexa, buttercup x westley, lesley x summer, jalice
→ platonic ships: garceid, moreid, morcia, stobin, elmax, stustin, kalexa (?), bellice
→ interests: novel writing, screenwriting, acting, fashion, baking, listening to music, watching new shows + movies
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About This Blog:
→ who i will write for: steve harrington, eddie munson, billy hargrove, jonathan byers (i may branch out in the future, these are just the ones i feel comfortable and confident writing right now!)
→ things i will write: fluff, angst, somewhat suggestive content (never full smut), hurt/comfort, pretty much any genre you can think of
→ things i won't write: character x character (just because i don't really have anything i ship enough to want to write fics for it), kids x reader, full on smut (you can redirect these requests to my nsfw blog @hornyhornyhimbos), self harm, anything non-consentual
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Links and Such:
→ main blog: @ofwilliamandwalter
→ fanfiction recs blog: @paperbackprettyboy
→ icons blog (inactive): @scrapbookspence
-> nsfw blog: @hornyhornyhimbos
→ beta reader signups: linked here!
→ masterlist: linked here!
→ current pfp: these icons by @ilovegilmoregirls
→ header image: pinterest
→ navigation images: pinterest
→ navigation dividers: these dividers by @firefly-graphics
-> masterlist icon: these icons by @peachy-ash
-> masterlist images: pinterest
-> masterlist dividers: these dividers by @anlian-aishang
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-> steve reblogs - #steve 🫶🏻
-> eddie reblogs - #eddie 🎸
-> robin reblogs - #robin 🍦
-> chrissy reblogs - #chrissy 📣
-> nancy reblogs - #nancy 👒
-> jonathan reblogs - #jonathan 📸
-> argyle reblogs - #argyle 🍕
-> dustin reblogs - #dustin 🤖
-> mike reblogs - #mike 🕹
-> lucas reblogs - #lucas 🏀
-> max reblogs - #max 🛹
-> el reblogs - #el 🧇
-> hopper reblogs - #hopper 🚓
-> vecna reblogs - #vecnussy 🥀 (why do i have this tag)
-> stobin reblogs - #boobin and steeb 🍦
-> steddie reblogs - #steddie my loves
-> jancy reblogs - #jancy 📰
-> hellcheer reblogs -> #hellcheer ❤️‍🩹
-> cheerscoops reblogs - #cheerscoops 💚
-> byler reblogs - #byler boos 🖌
-> fruity four reblogs - #🍓🍒🍉🍎
-> show reblogs - #that's just life in hawkins
-> joe keery reblogs - #joey my love
-> joe quinn reblogs - #quinnie my kinnie
-> grace van dien reblogs - #grace van damn
-> jamie bower reblogs - #jamie campbell bestie
-> charlie heaton reblogs - #charlie not brown
-> natalia dyer reblogs - #natty ice ice baby
-> writing rambles - #my paddles ✍️🏻
-> random rambles - #not my paddles
-> fic reblogs - #hawkins public library 📚
-> inbox replies - #anons are schmackin'
-> queued things - #queue rule queue suck
48 notes · View notes
jjtheresidentbaby · 2 years
♡ Character List ♡
♡ request rules here ♡
— The Umbrella Academy —
Lila Pitts
Five Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Viktor Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Allison Hargreeves
Luther Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves (umbrella & sparrow)
Sloane Hargreeves
Marcus Hargreeves
Fei Hargreeves
Jayme Hargreeves
— Outer Banks —
John B Routledge
Jj Maybank
Sarah Cameron
Kiara ‘Kie’ Carrera
Pope Hayward
Cleo Anderson
Rafe Cameron
Topper Thornton
— School Bus Graveyard —
Ashlyn Banner
Aiden Clark
Ben Clark
Taylor Hernandez
Tyler Hernandez
Logan Fields
— The Resident —
Conrad Hawkins
Mina Okafor
Nicolette Nevin
Devon Pravesh
Irving Feldman
Aj Austin
— FNAF Movie —
Mike Schmidt
Abby Schmidt
Vanessa Shelly
Ness (the waiter)
— Heartbreak High —
Amerie Wadia
Harper McLean
Malakai Mitchell
Quinni Gallagher-Jones
Spencer ‘Spider’ White
Anthony ‘Ant’ Vaughn
Dustin ‘Dusty’ Reid
Darren Rivers
Ca$h Piggott
Missy Beckett
Sasha So
Zoe Clark
— Teen Wolf —
Scott McCall
Allison Argent
Lydia Martin
Stiles Stilinski
Derek Hale
Malia Hale
Theo Raeken
Liam Dunbar
Kira Yukimura
Mason Hewitt
Hayden Romero
Corey Bryant
Isaac Lahey
Jackson Whittemore
Ethan & Aiden
Peter Hale
Chris Argent
Melissa McCall
Noah/Sheriff Stilinski
Jordan Parrish
— Euphoria —
Rue Bennett
Jules Vaughn
Lexi Howard
Maddy Perez
Cassie Howard
— Criminal Minds — criminal minds requests closed
Aaron Hotchner
Jennifer Jareau
Tara Lewis
Luke Alvez
Emily Prentiss
Spencer Reid
David Rossi
Derek Morgan
Penelope Garcia
Matt Simmons
Kristy Simmons
Will LaMontagne, Jr.
Alex Blake
Sean Hotchner
— Marvel —
Tom Holland Peter Parker
MJ (from Tom!peter movies)
Ned (from Tom!Peter movies)
Aunt May (from Tom!Peter movies)
Andrew Garfield Peter Parker
Gwen Stacy (from Andrew!peter movies)
Miles Morales
Natasha Romanov (black widow)
Tony Stark (iron man)
Bruce Banner (the hulk)
Sam Wilson (the falcon)
Steve Rogers (captain america)
Bucky Barnes (the winter solider)
Clint Barton (hawkeye)
Kate Bishop
— Stranger Things —
Steve Harrington
Nancy Wheeler
Mike Wheeler
Will Byers
Johnathan Byers
Joyce Byers
Max Mayfield
Lucas Sinclair
Erica Sinclair
Dustin Henderson
Eleven/Jane Hopper
Jim Hopper
Eddie Munson
Robin Buckley
— Supernatural —
Sam Winchester
Dean Winchester
John Winchester
Meg Masters
Bobby Singer
Charlie Bradbury
Jody Mills
Ellen Harvelle
Jo Harvelle
Jessica Moore
— S.W.A.T —
Dan “Hondo” Harrelson
Jim Street
Victor Tan
Zoe Powell
Alexis Cabrera
Miguel Alfaro
Chris Alonso
Dominique Luca
David “Deacon” Kay
Nora Fowler
Jessica Cortez
Nichelle Carmichael
Dan “Hondo” Harrelson Senior
16 notes · View notes
Belated Birthday
Embarrassingly late birthday story for @hasbbdoneanythingwrong featuring her mastersona Quin and my own, Rex. No other guest appearances this time. Hope you enjoy it lil sis!
It was the day before Quin's birthday and her adopted big brother, Rex needed a gift for her.
BB: hey there Rex-senpai! I hope you have something ready for my beloved tree hopper's birthday!
Rex: I'm getting there. Good presents take time to prepare!
BB: well I hope for your sake that it is good!
Rex: love how you act like you can hurt me while Quetz ready to piledrive you straight through the core of the earth at any time.
BB: yeah yeah, whatever!
Then the malevolent AI left.
Quetz: so..... what do you have prepared for Quin?
Rex: ....technically nothing yet.
Quetz: Que?!
Rex: wait a minute, Mi corazon! I wasn't lying, I am preparing a gift, it just that this particular gift takes plenty of time and planning.... bit more then I'd like but still.
Quetz: oh.... so what is it anyways?
But before Rex could answer, MHXX came in and interrupted.
XX: Master! It's ready!
Rex: nice!
Quetz: hmmm?
Rex: c'mon Mi Corazon, let's go!
Quetz: que?!
Rex dragged Quetz along with MHXX to what seemed to be a large rocket.
Quetz: so..... what is this?
Rex: this is how we go and pick up Quin's gift!
Quetz: really? ....where is it... and should I be concerned?
Rex: .....one of Saturn's moons..... and maybe...?
Quetz: *worried look*
The two got into the rocket with XX driving. While wearing specially made space-suits.
XX: make sure you fasten yourselves you two! If can get very rocky going to Saturn's moons from earth
Quetz: why do we need to go so far to get the gift?
Rex: you'll see Mi corazon.
XX: ok! Blasting off in 3... 2... 1!
The rocket blasted off towards the moons, specifically, Titan. And had gotten there surprisingly fast.
Quetz: ok.... feeling a bit dizzy.... are you ok, Mi amor?
Rex: uuuugh.....
XX: forgot you guys still aren't adjusted to such speeds... sorry about that.
After a bit of time to recover, it was time to embark on the hunt!
Quetz: you still haven't told me what we're searching for, Mi amor.
Rex: I'll tell you when we find it!
Quetz: but, how am I going to find something if I don't know what it is?!
Rex: ok.... I don't want to spoil the surprise but, I'll tell you it's a little creature you can find here.
Quetz: hmmm....
After a very long time searching the moon, eventually Quetzalcoatl ran into something she thought had to be what they were looking for.
Quetz: mi amor! I think I found it!
Rex: oh shit, lemme see!
When Rex came over to Quetz's spot he saw the creature she had found.
Rex: oh yeah, that's it alright.
The creature was a small cat-like alien, but instead of fur it was covered in smooth dark colored skin, along with a mane of tentacles. It also seemed to be missing a traditional face, just having what seemed to be a void where a face would be.
Quetz: que es?!
Rex: it's just called a "cat from saturn" and it'll be the perfect pet for Quinny!
Quetz: awww...!
Rex then picked up the creature, which was surprisingly docile. And called up MHXX.
Rex: XX! We got what we came for! Ready to return!
XX: on it!
Once on the rocket, the creature was put into a special box that should allow it to easily adapt to earth's atmosphere.
XX: hope you two are ready, cause it's time to go!
The rocket blasted off back to earth. Safely landing back in Novum Chaldea.
Rex: and were back! Just in time too!
Quetz: great!
The next day, on Quin's birthday it was time to present the gift!
Quin: th-th-thank you a-a-all for such a g-g-g-great birthday!
Rex: and there's one last thing too!
Quin: big bro! W-w-w-what did y-y-y-you get me?!
Rex: have a look for your self!
Rex lifted up a cat carrier, at first Quin was a bit taken a back. But when Rex opened the door to it, the little tentacle covered creature came out and Quin was happily surprised!
Quin: o-o-o-oh! They're so c-c-c-cute! I l-l-l-love them!
Quin said as she scratched under the creature's "chin"
Rex: I'm glad you do! Had to go pretty far to get it!
BB: well looks like you managed to get something good.
Rex: of course I did! It's for my little sis after all!
BB: hmmm....
A/N: so there's the birthday story! Hope you liked it Quin! Sorry it's so late, I'll definitely do better next year!
Kinda just randomly picked the "cats from saturn" of Lovecraft lore as a fun pet! I know next to nothing about them, so this may be super inaccurate. But felt fitting, especially with how much Quin loves eldritch stuff and such. Also bonus drawing of the gift-giving!
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