#quin delights
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quinloki · 11 months ago
I have given myself an injection of pure joy by going through and screen shotting and saving all the Ao3 comments that were either full on breakdowns of why they liked a thing, or just incoherent gremlin slobbering and saved them into a little folder.
I'll do the same with tumblr and wattpad at some other point, but now I have the beginnings of a nice little rainy day folder I can view even if the internet is down.
below the cut I have two I want to share, not because I think all comments needs to be like these or anything of that nature, but just because they really warm my heart (and one was edited away from Ao3 because the poor dear that posted was worried they were bothering me T-T like, nooooo I love this comment I'm so glad it got saved by my email notifications. It FEEDS ME \o/ )
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mandiemegatron · 1 year ago
Someone insisting they're a great writer and a big part of a fandom from behind anon glasses while being mean toward someone else in the fandom is just
I don't even know a word for it honestly. It's so disingenuous.
If you can't put your name to your claim, then don't claim it.
I love your energy, and your self-ship stuff has inspired me. I keep trying to put my foot in the pool, but I'm still sitting on the edge of things just muttering little musing from time to time. You're amazing.
You, I dare say, put your name to your claim, and if nothing else *that* is indeed admirable.
😭😭😭 Thank you so much Quin, I can't even express what this means to me, especially coming from you, someone I look up to in the fandom 🥺🥺💖💖 everytime you post I feel so motivated, and I would be lying if I said I didn't get excited everytime I see you in my notes. You are truly a little light in the fandom and I'm just so thankful that I'm lucky enough to be mutuals and friends with you 🥺🥺💖💖💖
I'm honestly not even bothered by that person, I truly do pity them. For them to feel so emboldened to send something like that to me actually just makes me sad for them. For then to feel like that was acceptable, they're so high up on that horse of theirs that no matter what I say or how I act, it'll never make them see outside their sad little perspective.
I love YOUR energy!!! I'm so happy my little self-shippy self has inspired you 🥺🥺😭😭 that actually makes my heart so happy, all I want is for people to have the courage to be themselves with their blorbos, it's the very least we all deserve! I love your sweet little musings, and I hope you know you'll always have a place here on my blog to be comfortable and happy !!!
Thank you so much for this ask 🥺🥺💖💖💖 YOU are amazing and I'm so blessed to know you. Thank you thank you 😭😭😭💖💖💖💖
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quinloki · 2 years ago
The key shortcut of "windows key" and "." held together has changed my life
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emoji access? supremely powerful 🙂💖
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Kaomoji ?
The year is 2013 and I am unstoppable ヾ(•ω•`)o o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブo(*°▽°*)o
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capquinn · 3 months ago
Does Quinn do elf on a shelf with Bug and Cub?
girl, you can bet on dad!quinn taking his role as elf on the shelf co-coordinator with the utmost seriousness. like, truly — he’ll be treating this like it’s a full-time job with a performance review at the end lmao
“Okay,” he mutters, crouching on the floor and studying the tiny elf with an intensity that could rival his game tape analysis. “What if we set up a zip line? Between the bookshelf and the tree? They’d think that’s cool, right?”
You try to stifle your laugh, leaning against the counter, arms crossed. “A zip line? You realise you’re talking about a kid who lost her mind last year when the elf just sat in a bowl of marshmallows?”
“Exactly,” he says, looking up at you with that boyish grin that still makes your stomach flip, even after all these years. “We’ve gotta step it up this year. Bug’s smart. She’s going to start asking questions if we don’t bring our A-game. Plus, it’s Cub’s first Christmas. He deserves something special.”
“Oh, our A-game?” you tease, quirking an eyebrow. “This feels a lot like your game plan. I’m just here to make sure you don't go completely overboard.”
Quinn scoffs, picking up the elf and turning it in his hands like it’s a puzzle he’s trying to solve. “Overboard? I’m not the one who suggested having him write notes in icing last year.”
“Okay, first of all,” you point a finger at him, “that was adorable. Second of all, it was your idea to have him spill the sprinkles everywhere.”
“True,” he concedes, but the glimmer in his eye says he isn’t done brainstorming.
By the time you both finish setting up for the night, the elf is precariously perched on a zip line Quinn had insisted was the perfect length — stretching from the bookshelf, past the twinkling Christmas tree, and down to the TV cabinet. The elf itself? Nestled in a repurposed Easter basket at the end of the line, surrounded by a chaotic tumble of candy canes as if they'd crash-landed in spectacular fashion.
“This is good,” Quinn says, stepping back and crossing his arms as he admires the handiwork. “It’s believable.”
You snort. “Believable? It’s an elf on a zip line, Quinn.”
But even you have to admit, it's fantastic. The candy canes, the tiny basket, the zip line stretching across the room — it's chaotic and whimsical and perfect. Bug is surely going to lose her mind, and Cub — well, he might not fully understand what’s happening, but you just know he’s going to be wrapped up in his sister’s energy, his tiny hands clapping and his little laugh bubbling up as he mirrors her excitement — and honestly, you can't wait to see their little faces.
And so the next morning arrives, and Bug’s shriek of delight breaks the stillness, and she’s off like a shot, her little feet pounding against the floor as she charges into the living room.
“He’s flying!” she exclaims, her voice an awed whisper by the time she reaches the elf. Her hands hover over her mouth as she stares at the zip line, her excitement bubbling over into giggles.
Cub trails behind her, still mastering the art of crawling, his chubby hands slapping against the floor with determination. He babbles loudly, clearly swept up in Bug’s enthusiasm even though he doesn’t quite understand what’s happening. When he finally reaches the Easter basket at the end of the zip line, his tiny fingers curl around a stray candy cane with the single-minded focus only a baby can muster.
“No, Cubby!” Bug gasps, darting forward and shielding the basket like her life depends on it. “You can’t touch him! He’s doing his elf job!”
Quinn appears just in time, crouching down to scoop Cub into his arms before he has a chance to undo all his handiwork.
“Whoa, buddy,” he says with a soft laugh, lifting Cub high into the air and eliciting a delighted squeal. “The elf’s got important work to do. No sabotage today.”
Bug tugs on Quinn’s sweatpants, her expression solemn, her wide eyes darting between him and the elf.
“Daddy, did he really fly here? Like… magic?”
Quinn lowers himself to her level, balancing Cub on his hip as the baby grabs at his hoodie string. “Absolutely,” he says, his tone serious, though the twinkle in his eye betrays him. “Do you think I could’ve set up something this cool? That’s all elf magic.”
Bug’s mouth drops open, her hands clasping dramatically in front of her chest as she whispers, “he's the best.” Her awe is palpable, her gaze glued to the tiny elf perched on the string.
Cub, meanwhile, has no patience for elves. His hands pat Quinn’s chest insistently, demanding attention with a flurry of babbles. Quinn leans his forehead gently against Cub’s, his voice soft as he whispers, “don’t worry, Cub. You’ll figure it out next year.”
You lean against the doorframe, watching the scene unfold with a fond smile tugging at your lips. Bug turns to you, bouncing slightly on her toes.
“Mommy! Do you see? He’s so cool!”
“I see him, Bug,” you say, stepping closer to circle an an arm around Quinn’s waist, leaning into him. “Looks like the elf pulled out all the stops last night.”
Quinn tilts his head, brushing it lightly against yours. “Told you the zip line was genius,” he murmurs, his voice low and smug, though the warmth in his gaze softens the teasing. He nudges you lightly with his hip, the playful gesture drawing a quiet laugh from you.
Bug grabs his free hand, her eyes alight with anticipation. “Daddy, do you think he’ll do something even cooler tomorrow?”
Quinn glances at you, sharing a small smile like it’s your own little secret, before turning back to Bug.
“Oh, I’m sure he will,” he says, his tone full of playful assurance, giving your hip another gentle nudge as if to say, we’ve got this.
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tinydefector · 4 months ago
Marine Centre 9 - Merformers
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: none
Fic Masterlist
Have the collection of the Oceanides I have art finished of
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After the incident with Big Blue and Angelfish they had distanced themself slightly, more out of embarrassment over anything,  the felt bad for Big blue they had been pestering the crap out of him and he had been avoiding them due to ‘that’.
They felt stupid more than anything, it was getting close to a lot of animal's breeding season so it was only expected the oceanides would be going into season as well. They couldn't blame him for avoiding them, if the roles were reversed they would have been mortified. 
They are snapped out of their thoughts as the small group of kids walk towards the entrance of the centre. a smile crosses their lips as they see their little cousin bouncing towards them. “Hey kiddo, woah look how tall you have gotten!” They laugh while ruffling their hair. 
“Mum and Dad said you asked if I wanted to visit!, woah are those the Mermaids you work with! They are so pretty!” They exclaim in excitement as they move to rest on the jetty. The three other kids move closer to watch as well. 
"Look, it's coming over! Can it understand us?" one boy called. 
A girl squealed as Angelfish swam near, clearly awestruck. "Mum, its staring! I think it wants to say hi!" As she waves slightly at him. 
"Hello fishy! My name's Jill. What's yours?"
Angelfish chirped softly, tilting his head at the odd, high-pitched sounds. Their enthusiasm, like playful otters, was infectious. He trilled in greeting, watching with amusement as Jill gasped.
"He talked to me! Did you hear?" 
Her brother laughed. "Silly, it doesn't have a name or talk. It just makes noise like a dolphin." 
Jill pouted stubbornly as Angelfish whistled quietly, hoping she'd understand he was friendly.
They shake their head softly at the kids. "Alright everyone. These beautiful beings are Oceanides. Or as I'm sure you all call them Mermaids, merfolk." They explain to the children. "All of them here have names. This sweet boy here is Angelfish. And if you're really good some of the others might come over to say hi" they hum while motioning to Angelfish. As they sit down ushering for the kids to move closer. 
The children gasped in awe, gathering around eagerly as Quin sat with them to tell more. "Angelfish is curious about you all too," she said with a smile at the sweet oceanide. "He knows 'hi' and can understand something. Can any of you say hello to him nicely?"
 Two brave kids leaned forward, waving. "Hi Angelfish!" 
He chirped happily in response, floating closer as he twirls and shoes off in delight. "He's so cool!" exclaimed a boy. "Can he really talk?"
"Well, not quite like us," Quin explained. "But Angelfish and his pod use special whistles and clicks to communicate. They can recognize each other, share danger signals and even tell stories that way. It's amazing!"
"They sing a lot, Angelfish here loves cuddles but you have to remember they are wild creatures and not all of the mers are the same. We have a big one here who doesn't really like people. His name is The Meg but i call him Big man, but then we have Angelfish, Cherry and Babybee who do very much like people" they explain as Bluestreak presses his head into their lap.
The children listened, enthralled, "Angelfish seems to really like you," noted a boy. They smiled, stroking Angelfish’s frilled head where it rested against their leg. "I've spent time getting to know them all. Angelfish was the first to become cuddly towards me” 
Jill raised her hand eagerly. "What's Babybee like?" "Oh, he's the sweetest little thing, so curious and playful! Not much bigger than you. Just don't squeeze too tight if you're lucky enough to meet him." 
Questions kept flowing as the youngsters soaked up every detail. "Quin would you mind taking them to meet the Turtles and show them the Ray's?" They ask with a smile as they watch the group of kids. Their little cousin looked excitedly to spend time with them away from the other group.
"Of course!" Quin replied warmly. Gaining the children's attention, she spoke with kind enthusiasm. "Who would like to learn more about our shelled friends and the stingrays we have here?" 
A chorus of raised hands answered, swarming Quin as they stood. 
Quin grinned at their eager faces, leading the way. "Now everyone listen closely please no loud noises or quick moves that might startle. The sea life once we head inside"
As the other kids and their parents walk away with Quin, their little cousin stays with them, moving to sit beside them on the jetty. "Would you like to meet someone very special to me kiddo?" They ask giving their little cousin a slight nudge with their elbow. 
The kid nods eagerly, bright eyes alight with curiosity. "Yeah! Who is it?" Their feet kick softly against the worn wooden slats, "Is it one of the Mermaids? Do you think they'll let me touch their tail?" They inquire while watching the oceanides.
"I'm sure you can if they let you, but just wait" they make a loud whistle which catches the oceanides attention but it's a quick little blur of yellow and black that comes darting towards the jetty, cooing and calling. "Yes, yes hello bubba!" They laugh as the pup nearly climbs up onto them. Their cousin gasps in delight as the sunny blur of scales comes clicking and chirping over the water. "A puppy! No, a Guppy!" 
Small hands reach out eagerly to greet the bouncing bundle of yellow and black with a careful pat and giggle. Up close, its skin gleams so smooth, like the jewels piled in tidepools but alive with vibrant colours. Their wide eyes drink in every shimmering detail. The flicking fins, bright little face, bubbly noises of joy. "Omg! He's so cute. What's his name?" 
" This is BabyBee, he's the only pup we have here, remember when I had to look after a really sick baby mer, well this was him. He's rather attached to me now" they chuckle. Hoisting him closer so that their little cousin could meet him. "Say hi Baby" they coo softly to the pup. 
The kid grins wide, gently waving hello. "Hi BabyBee! I'm so glad you're all better now. Thank you for coming to visit us." They gently pat his shimmering skin, marvelling at the silken texture. But even more amazing were the strange sounds he made.
"Bubba hi! You nice," Babybee chirps back, nuzzling their palm for scritches. His caretaker hugging him sends joy bubbling up his frame. They chuckle watching their little cousins face in shock hearing bumblebee talk. "Shhh, you're the first person outside of me to hear him talk. Don't want a lot of people knowing. " they whisper. As Babybee purrs and plays with their fingers.
Quickly pressing a finger to smiling lips, they nod eagerly. "It's our secret, I promise!" they whisper back. Gently wiggling fingers to play peek-a-boo. Bee wiggles his fins and frills giggling as he plays. His joyful chirps and trills make them smile in delight over being so taken with someone to play with. 
"He's the reason I asked your mum if you wanted to come stay with me for the weekend. Once the tours over with the other people I'll take you to the beach. You can come play with him and meet the others" they explain. Their cousin's eyes light up brighter than the midday sun. "Really?! I get to come here and play with Babybee all weekend?"  
"Thank you thank you! It's the best present ever!"
"Anytime kiddo" they give a partial hug to them. "All right bubba, you gonna go back in, I'll be back later" they coo to the pup as they settle him back into the water.
From his perch on the rocks, Megatron watches the unusual exchange with contemplative interest. He hadn't ever seen the caretaker with spawn of their own, but to see how close this small one was with them he could only suspect.
Meanwhile, chatter rises high as ever among the gathering pods. "Didja see that?" Skywarp titters eagerly. "They are introducing their own kin to Bumblebee!" 
Ever-hopeful Bluestreak chirps with joy. "Just think of all the fun those bitlits will have playing! Don't that just warm your frills, Ratch'?.  Bumblebee has a playmate now"
Ratchet hums softly, as Bumblebee trills a farewell before darting back to play, Bumblebee chirps and whistles eagerly, spiralling around the gathering pods with buoyant glee. 
"Didja hear dat, didja hear? De bitlit coming to play wif me!" His words are quick and jumbled in his delight. “I saw pup, making new friends are you” Ratchet coos while checking the bitlet 
Rodimus rumbles a muted warning to his peers. As they swam closer, frills flared showing off the colours "Easy now, don't scare our soft-skins with your antics." 
But Sideswipe whistles an impish laugh, spiralling through the water with flared colours on proud display. "Aw, come on Roddy! Let'em see what they're missing!"
Bluestreak chirps from the jetty, a webbed hand resting on their leg as he coos up at them again. He whines softly before attempting to mimic one of their words again. “Bu..bubba?” He calls out his big black and blue eyes staring up at them pleadingly. 
Ever eager to one-up his peers, Sunstreaker slowly swims his way closer. He lets out a small growl at Bluestreak only for the soft skin to growl back at him. A smug look crosses his face as he lets out a pleased rumble.
Meanwhile, Jazz and Mirage watch in amusement. “You'd think if they were that desperate they'd go looking for another walker” Mirage states and Jazz just shakes his head in amusement. “five shells Sunstreaker is the one who woos them” Jazz hums to the other. 
Arcee watches before finally deciding she was going to give It a shot. “Move out of the way Guppies” she calls, pulling herself up onto the jetty partially as she flares her frills and calls out in a little melody at the softone even as they begin to walk away. It earns a look from them and it makes her feel rather smug. 
“Eat my tail you lot” she sparks at the boys.
Laughter echoes across the sand as Their cousin runs across the sand towards the water. giggling wildly, as they move up onto the rockpools that line the coast. 
Bee zips towards shore with gleeful whistles. Breaking the waves as a bubbly blur of yellow and black scales. "Bubba! Bubba, here! Play now, yay!" He trills, wriggling onto the rocks and into the pools to follow. 
Small hands pat his slick hide with utmost care and delight. "Hi Babybee! I'm so happy to see you again. Did you have fun while I was gone?" Together they tumble into the foamy surf that washes into the shallow area of the rock pools, the pup chattering eagerly. "Don't leave the rock pools please, you two can play in the water but don't leave my sight" they state in a stern voice.
Babybee chirps obediently, while their little cousin nods eagerly at them. "We'll be good, we promise!" they call, small hands clasped around smooth yellow-black scales. Together pup and child splash and play among the glittering tidepools teeming with hidden worlds. Shrimp dart from probing fingers, anemones bloom neon against stones. 
Babybee chatters happily, chasing crabs and crunching down on them when he catches one, holding out some to his new friend who declines the crustacean. but trading shells and stones that they find as they giggle and play together. 
They move to sit with their feet handling into the water of the pool, eyes watching them cautiously as they settle into the shallows chasing little fish and crabs. It was peaceful even as the oceanides began pulling themselves out of the water to watch in delight to see the pup having a playmate. 
The Megs massive silhouette glides unseen amidst the dark swells, scarlet gaze fixed upon the two playing in the water. Within the pools, Bee chitters happily as he snaps at darting fish, kicking up frothy swirls for his small companion to squeal and giggle over. 
They feel the large presence of Oceanide behind them, tilting their head back slightly before smiling at the large Mer. " Hey Big man, you want a cuddle?" They coo softly as he makes himself comfortable on the rocks, chin resting against his arms as he watches the two younglings play. 
He regards them as they lean against his bulk with a considering hum. His rumble carries distant notes of laughter. Gently his serrated tail curls to grant shelter from the sea breeze. Bee's little trills echo the puppy's pure joy, swimming circles around their companion. 
They go quiet for a moment as they lean against him as they watch the two. "I'm sorry I couldn't save your pup, I keep thinking back to what I could have done." They mutter softly. "It should be your pup out there playing with Bee". 
 They nearly gasp as he moves, bright scarlet eyes locked on theirs as he brings his forehead to rest against theirs. With great care he nuzzles their brow, letting a soft whine leave his throat.
They hold onto him as they both continue to watch Bee and their little cousin. The Meg remains a watchful, silent guardian. 
Let me know if you would like to be added to tag list (tagged for every fic)
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stenshale · 11 days ago
“they had been the one to blush first?” for our boy tarquin
from this prompt list! thank you ^_^
Tarquin reclined in his chair, stretching his legs out under the table with a quiet grunt. Any remaining work for the Shadow Dragons had been finished nearly an hour ago, and nearly all had gone home, but he could still hear the constant thrum of rain against the side of the shop over the crackling fireplace. In his hurry to make it to the shop, he had forgotten his warm leather coat at the archives, which meant he wasn't going anywhere soon. It was warm here, and if he started the long walk home now, he'd be soaked to the bone and freezing by the time he fell into bed.
And The Viper was still here, too, his pretty blue eyes scanning over some document or another, and that really shouldn't have been as much of a deciding factor as it was.
He crossed his arms and let out a small huff, staring at the ceiling so he had something to look at besides the other man. More time was devoted to pretending not to stare at him than was appropriate, especially because, strictly speaking, there wasn't much to look at, save an inch or so of skin between his mask and the brim of his big, stupid hat.
It'd been some years since Tarquin had a real, heart-fluttering, butterflies-in-your-stomach crush. He had thought, optimistically, that he was too old for it.
No such luck, evidently.
On more than one occasion, he had woken from a dream where he heard the man's low, sleepy voice, close where he rested against his head against his shoulder, rumbling and unfairly comforting, woke up with an empty feeling nestled in his ribs, and spent the rest of the day feeling fuzzy at the edges.
It was wholly unwarranted, he thought, sneaking another look at The Viper despite himself. He didn’t even know the guy’s name— or maybe that was part of it? There was an appeal to a hidden identity, of course, if their prominence in pulpy serials was anything to go by. The peeling away of layers, one by one, in both a metaphorical and physical sense, was a concept too easy and too enticing for a writer to pass up.
He wondered where the clasp of The Viper’s stupid mask was at, anyway. Or maybe he could just rip the damn thing off his face on the off chance he had reason to.
“Warm in here?”
Tarquin nearly jumped out of his skin at The Viper’s voice, only then registering the prickling warmth in his cheeks. The man’s eyebrows were raised, the corners of his eyes crinkling in amusement.
How he managed to look so smug with so little face to work with was a mystery to Tarquin.
“Fuck off,” he responded, crossing his arms. It came out entirely too sharp and defensive, not helping his embarrassed flush. The Viper’s delight seemed to increase tenfold.
“We could douse the fire,” he teased, document evidently forgotten, “or take a quick walk outside. That might cool you down.”
“Fuck off,” Tarquin reiterated, more forcefully this time. He just knew his ears were bright red.
“I’m going home,” he said, nearly knocking his chair over in his haste to stand. “Goodnight, Viper.”
He had nearly made it out the door before The Viper’s voice stopped him.
And damn him right to the Black City itself if that didn’t make his stomach do a little flip. He stopped in his tracks, tried in vain to collect himself, and turned.
“It’s Ashur.”
Tarquin blinked, his brow furrowing, his mind working double time to try and catch up.
“My name,” he said, still smug from halfway across the room, but also… something else. Something Tarquin could debate with himself about later tonight. Or for the rest of his life.
“Right.” He nodded. “Goodnight, Ashur.”
Ashur grinned like a cat who’d caught a particularly stubborn mouse. “Goodnight, Tarquin. Get home safe.”
The cold didn’t end up bothering him much in the end, and he was idly surprised that the raindrops didn’t sizzle when they hit his skin.
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hannahbarberra162 · 2 months ago
A Mean Mean Marco ask from @quinloki
@quinloki 's ask is below the cut. I was actually writing nice Marco but this pulled me to the dark side (I'm not complaining). I definitely DO want to answer it but it is terrible wonderful mean Marco goodness (badness?).
TW: dead dove, dub / non-con, needles mentioned, Reader beware.
Also this is OOC (mine not Quin's) because idk I just wanted to write this.
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Oh Quin. Oh my delightful, wonderful Quin. I absolutely love your version...here's my take.
You looked at the small jewelry box in Marco's hands with confusion. It was really all you could do since you were bound with your hands above your head and a spreader bar keeping your legs apart as you tried to maintain your position on your tiptoes. A gag was keeping you quiet but you wouldn't have said a word without it, either.
"Don't you love it yoi?" Marco asked you, drinking in your reaction. You didn't know what to make of the gift so you just nodded. Inside the box were 5 small golden hoops, each about the size of your pinkie nail. They were delicate and pretty but you couldn't understand what they had to do with you.
"There's a second part to the gift that will come later," he said while affectionately pinching your cheek. You tried not to jerk back as his hand approached your face, you knew he didn't like that.
"Aren't you curious what it is?" Marco asked calmly, picking up one of the rings in his large fingers. You nodded, unease filling your chest as Marco smiled at you. Nothing good ever came from that lazy, relaxed smile.
"I thought you might be tired of the clamps yoi. After all, you cried for so long after the last session outside, I thought you would never stop. So this is something we will do instead. Isn't that nice yoi?" You felt a bead of sweat down your back and an invisible weight against your neck. Marco set the ring back in the box and walked behind you taking the box with him.
You couldn't strain your neck far enough from your position to watch him but you quickly heard a cart being wheeled in your direction. Marco shortly returned with a cart full of medical looking equipment. You shook as you remembered some of your previous "inspections" which made Marco laugh lightly.
"No, no. Nothing like that, pet. I'm adorning you in my colors, permanently," he said. He had clamps, another jewelry box, needles, alcohol pads...and the rings. Your heart sank as you realized his intention - he was going to pierce you with permanent jewelry.
Five rings meant five piercings, you thought. As if answering your question, Marco began speaking to you again.
"One for each ear," he said, rubbing an earlobe between the pads of his fingers.
"One for each nipple," he continued, biting your left nipple for emphasis, causing you to flinch back.
"And one for your clit," he finished, running his finger through your slit. Due to a previous edging session, you were already soaked through your folds.
You tried shifting, wiggling, squirming, anything to get away from his hands, but all that got you was a swat on your already abused cunt. You whined but tried to keep your sounds to a minimum, not wanting to give him what he wanted.
"Hm. That is not the reaction I was anticipating yoi. So ungrateful, so disrespectful. I was going to put numbing cream on your clit for that piercing but you don't deserve it. Usually these piercings take weeks to heal but of course, that's not the case with me yoi. I'll be able to adorn you with my feathers this very night," he said, opening the second box. Inside were many metal teal feathers hanging from hooks.
Marco removed one and held the hook between his fingers, allowing the feather to dangle. The small hook matched the yellow gold of the hoops and glinted in the light as he turned them over in his fingers.
"Each one weighs only a quarter of a pound. Let's see how many feathers your nipples can wear for me," he said, snapping on latex gloves.
"Maybe if you show your appreciation, I can be the only one in feathers."
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drazegerzo · 2 months ago
Happy New Year XD
Thank you to those who have spent this year with me!
My appeal to all the people who are very dear to me :)
@jet-the-hedgehog-real You are a good friend, you are not boring. I appreciate the time we spent together!
@chocofavecandy Your drawings are very cute, you constantly delight me with your creativity!
@vanessa-the-mewtwo You're cool, Your crackships are excellent!
@ghost1286 Супер Мега Комфортный чел XD
@fozziefox Hehe, your Mewtwo is very cute, and your style is very beautiful :>
@sketchbook-gal-xe Your drawings are so cute!! I also love looking at your speedpaints XD
@loupy-mongoose I really want to draw like you :^ Your style is so fluffy!! (just like phlurii!!)
@mewtwobootleg Also one of the people dear to me, you are the best!
@quins-makeshift-menagerie Your comics are so soothing..) You are a very good artist, know this!
@seasidemew I will stream to draw as smoothly as XD
@metalmewtwo-kxb Heh, your Mewtwo is so cute, also want to point out that Benta looks like Brother Ruby XD
@gildedtrashcan... It's a pity that you left Tumbrl...
@penumbramewtwos I'll tell you this again! Your style is good!
@dxzziie Hehe... You're red 😔
@xxtc-96xx Your comics both made me laugh and brought me to tears XD, good work TC
@kwispyhamburger I love your drawings!
@ricksoo You are the best who could make me laugh... Although no one knew this)
@comedydoctor18 For you, I want to create a second account in genshin (I play on Asian servers)
@secret-mewtwo Ты хорошая подружаня XD С тобой общаться одно удовольствие!
@setratwo I'd love to play dandy's world XD with you. Also, the way you draw makes me really think about how you draw it...
@kantaroth Oh.. Lately, you've been kind of too silent, I'm starting to worry XD
I don't know how many people will read this, but you should know that you are dear to me!!!
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swampstew · 2 years ago
Raven! My love! My delightful partner in crimes committed for the Kid Pirates <3 I am here for this! \o/
Eustass Kid and NSFW #2
Also all my hugs and snuggles, my sweet. ♥ I hope things work out, and make sure to let me know if I can do anything to help -^_^-
My dearest Quin - happy anniversary around the sun! I'm so glad we met each other online over smut and became friends♥ You requested types of kisses, I hope you enjoy your story! ;)
Oh Captain, My Captain Kid
Warnings: Spicy content! Eustass Kid X AFAB Reader; oral - reader receiving, fingering, and messy messy smooches. Word count: 633
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“Eu-Eu-EUSTASS!” you cried out, hair messily splayed out over the satin pillow sheets as you sunk your head deeper into the soft cushion. Fingers gripping the bed sheets tightly as you grinded against his touch, urging him to do more.
“Damn Mouse, chill out. I haven’t even pulled off your panties yet,” came the low, husky voice of your lover. A toothy grin split his face as he teased you with a long lick over the soaked material, causing your hips to buck again. With a laugh, he grabbed your hips with both hands and firmly held you to the bed. “Just ‘cause it’s yer birthday doesn’t mean you can rush me.”
His fingers glided down while he kissed your thighs leaving red kiss marks over your soft skin, hooking the fabric of your lace panties with his painted forefingers before yanking them off. Your gasp was cut off with a squeak as he licked you from slit to clit.
“Mmmm, love it when you make those little noises. Makes me want to devour you,” he whispered into your pussy as you clenched over nothing. “Tch, so greedy. Alright then, since it’s your big day and all—"
Without wasting another second, he plunged his thick, heavy tongue into your aching core. Your hips snapped sharply into his face as you let out sweet, mewling sounds while he lapped up your essence. Vigorously shaking his head from side to side as he ate you out, drawing out needy gasps and moans from you.
Using his sharp nose to press against your clit, he hummed out, “Gods I love the way you taste.”
Puckering his lips over your swollen nub, he sucked it harshly only to give it soft licks to make your shrieks of pleasure turn into babbling nonsense as he licked, sucked, and rubbed your clit. Pushing thick fingers into your neglected core, curling them inside you to massage circles on your slick walls.
“X marks the spot,” you could hear the chuckle rumble in his throat as he applied the perfect amount of pressure with his touch. He rubbed your g-spot with expert fingers, cementing you in place on his bed as he pushed his face deeper into your pussy. His heavy tongue flicking your clit made you spasm as your orgasm struck through your body like lightning. The waves of trembling heat washed over you as he kept up his ministrations to help you ride the ebb and flow of pleasure as your silk splattered on his face.
“Yo-you’re mouth is messy,” you managed to breath out, eyes glassy and half closed from the strong orgasm, staring at his smeared and wet face.
“Hmm, ya think so?” the glint in his eye spelled out trouble. The best kind.
With a devious smirk on his face, he crawled over your body until his face was in front of yours. He pressed his hard, muscled body gently against yours, holding most of his weight with his hands but letting it press into you where it mattered. His hardened length settled right over your still-throbbing center.
“Guess I better clean it up.”
Before you could ask what he meant, his messy, painted lips brushed against your face from cheek to cheek before he dipped down and started kissing you feverishly. You closed your eyes and melted into it, letting his tongue dominate yours while spreading the taste of you in your mouth. Your arms wrapped around his neck and you angled your head to deepen the kiss, letting out soft moans as he held you closer, not allowing either of you to break apart until you were both desperate for air. Finally pulling back, he gave you a wicked smile that immediately had you suspicious.
“Who’s got a messy mouth now, Mouse?”
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caring-about-maren · 8 months ago
Hey. C'mon in and get comfy
This blog is effectively a shrine for one character: Maren.
To get to know the most about Maren, I highly recommend following Mew's OC blog @mew-ya.
I don't want to say I'm Maren's biggest fan, but that's because Maren deserves all the fans \o/
You can find reblogs of art, stories, and other Maren-related items. As the blog grows and I consider expanding (in true-to-Maren fashion) I'll work on organization.
Please please remember however, that Maren belongs to Mew. Asks on this blog are NOT open, but 100000000000000% I promise Mew will be more than happy to assist you. That's who you should be gushing to anyway 🥰
Header art by Mew - from this post
pfp art by Mew - from this post
About the gremlin who runs this blog:
I'm Quin \o/ My main blog is @quinloki and you're welcome to come check it out. I love talking about OCs, self-ships, canon x canon, and One Piece in general. I write smut, and a couple items on this blog are from me.
I do have my own OC - Quill, and I love lots of other OCs too, but Maren has a special place in my heart, and so this blog was born.
Mew is a delight, and an immensely creative and kind person. The work and passion they've put into Maren is inspiring! They deserve as much love and hugs as she hopes for Katakuri and Maren, honestly.
So stop reading this, go gush about Maren \o/ It'll make your day better, I promise ❤️
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quinloki · 1 year ago
quin, my dearest, my darling, you don't know the can of worms you've opened here 😂😂😂💖💖💖 FIRSTLY I hope you're having an awesome day ! Always love to come kick down your door 💖
OKAY WELL, first and foremost, I ship myself with Mr. Big and Bad, Doflamingo. There's just something abt being the calm to his raging storm that makes the people pleasing part of my brain go BRRRRR 🤭 Being the lover of such a high and powerful man ? Being the object of his affection and love ? Bruv... that's the life. That's my lottery right there. Big hands, big dick, big aspirations 🤭🤭 knowing that only I could make the Heavenly Demon's energy calm with just a kiss or a loving touch like STOP THIS, I can't handle myself 😭😭😂😂 I have so much love for him that he doesn't know what to do with it LMAOOO
SECONDLY, I ship myself with Shachi, my silly, over the top, clingy and fun lover. He is everything my heart wants and needs - you know that pyramid thing where it's like "psychological needs, emotional needs, physical needs" ? He fills the whole thing. He's so good to me, everyone on the Tang thinks it's so cute at first but after abt a month, everyone's groaning and rolling their eyes seeing us smooch smooch before we go our separate ways or over the way he gushes abt how adorable I am every chance he gets. He's the type to go "has anyone seen my GIRLFRIEND? I can't find my GIRLFRIEND- oh hey Penguin, have you seen my GIRLFRIEND?" And each time, he gets a swift punch to the back of the head, which I smooch when he comes sulking to me 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭 best cuddler, even better at head - big hands, big dick, big heart 🤭🤭🤭💖💖💖
THIS WAS SO MUCH FUN, thank you sm quin ilysm and I hope you enjoy your amazing day 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
Okay, okay, I love the Doflamingo part, I do.
But my brain is just DYING at the "GIRLFRIEND" bit for Shachi xD It's so fitting for him, he'd be so relentless about it. I think the only time he'd settle down a little would be once you become his fiance.
It's not that he's LESS thrilled about it, it's just that, trying to say the word Fiance flusters him and he tends to mumble it while going pink in the ears. Like, holy shit he thinks, she said yes, SHE SAID YES - and he goes to say it and it's almost like this tender sacred word to him and his brain is like "Oh. OH." and he just ends up almost muttering it.
But he's just beside himself in joy 🤭❤️
Thank you for sharing! I love all of this =3
Tell me about your self-ships!
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feybarn · 11 months ago
Thanks for all the prompts you guys sent. I'm definitely not going to be able to hit them all at once. But I'm going to try to get to at least one or two a day...
Up first with @everfascinated's prompt.
It's Monday and I'm really feeling it lol Can Obi-Wan relax with your fav Jedi/Mando/clone? I'm working for the weekend, someone needs to just sit and read or have a nice day with people they love
Some Obi-Wan & Quinlan.
Obi-Wan glared at his interloper, currently looming over him and holding Obi-Wan’s datapad over his head. “What are you doing?”
“You are going to give me an ulcer,” Quinlan said. “Literally. An ulcer. I can feel it growing right now.” He pressed his free hand against his stomach and let out an exaggerated groan. “I never thought you were capable of such cruelty.”
Obi-Wan wasn’t amused. In the slightest. “I need to finish the report for my latest mission, Quin.”
“You need to take a break before you break down. This may come as a surprise to you, but things like fatigue and stress do affect you the same way they do the rest of us.”
Obi-Wan sighed. “Quin. My datapad. Give it to me.”
Quinlan scoffed, turned off the datapad, and stuck it in his belt. “Not a chance.” 
Obi-Wan had somehow forgotten just how supremely irritating Quinlan could be. How he’d managed to forget that was something of a mystery, because Quinlan was… Quinlan. Apparently the back to back missions he and Anakin had been sent on the last year were getting to him. He didn’t know why he was being ‘specifically requested’ so often, but he’d really prefer it stop happening. “What do you want, Quin?”
“I want you to relax. For an evening. That’s it.”
The thought filled Obi-Wan with longing. As it was… “I can’t.” He had already received a message requesting that he and Anakin prepare for another mission in three days, there was too much to do in the next three days to relax. Mace had been apologetic, but the request for Obi-Wan had come straight from the Senate.
Beyond that, he’d agreed to teach several hand to hand courses for the senior padawans—which was less hand to hand and more how to fight dirty—had several meetings with Senators from former missions, and a meeting with the council.
“You can, actually,” Quinlan said. “Aayla is inviting Anakin to join her and a few other padawans for a night in the holo-room for the night. Star gazing, supposedly, but we both know that’s just code for gossip. That means the two of us are free for the night.”
“I’m not going cantina hopping, Quinlan.”
Quinlan rolled his eyes. “Give me some credit, Obi-Wan. I know when you’re in a cantina hopping mood. I have deigned to suffer this evening, all for your sake, and we’re going to do something you consider relaxing.”
Obi-Wan crossed his arms over his chest, because this was sure to be good. Quinlan didn’t know the first thing about relaxing in a way that didn’t include chaos.
Obi-Wan would be lying if he said he didn’t at times egg Quinlan on, but he simply was too drained to do so.
“In this theoretical situation where I give in, what, exactly, do you plan on us doing?”
Quinlan’s expression shifted into one of exaggerated long-suffering. “We are going to watch the prime-time recording of the Phantasma Opera.” He shuddered. “I borrowed the recording from Windu and stole some tea from Depa and…” He paused for obvious emphasis. “I raided Siri’s kitchen for the little sugary monstrosities that you like. I risked my life for this evening.”
“Siri’s going to kill you,” Obi-Wan said. His mouth watered at the thought of the Alderaanian Delights Siri hoarded. “How about this, you give me those Alderaanian Delights and I get back to work. You can consider your mission accomplished.”
“Nope,” Quinlan said easily. “It’s everything or nothing.”
Obi-Wan was too professional to pout, but it was Quinlan; Quinlan had seen him do worse. He pouted.
Quinlan was unfazed. “So, I’m stealing your datapad and setting up in your quarters. You can choose to join me or you can languish here in the archives.” Quinlan sauntered away.
Obi-Wan groaned and buried his face in his arms on the table.
He was so tired. 
Quinlan was such a pest, really. Obi-Wan didn’t know how he put up with him.
He forced himself out of the chair.
Quinlan was wrong; Obi-Wan didn’t need a break. But… well, Quinlan had clearly gone through a great deal of work—risking Siri’s wrath on top of it all—to give Obi-Wan a break. And he really had wanted to see the Phantasma Opera for quite some time.
He made it to his quarters to find Quinlan sprawled over his couch, Phantasma Opera queued up, tea steeping, and Alderaanian Delights in a box on his chest.
Obi-Wan forced Quinlan to move his legs before he sat down. “I need my datapad back.”
“Tomorrow,” Quinlan said. “I’m teaching your class on fighting dirty, already cleared it with the Masters—who were quite pleased to have an expert Shadow, by the way—so you have time then.”
Obi-Wan stared at his best friend, because tonight had been… appreciated for the intent behind it, but some part of Obi-Wan had been on edge trying to figure out what to do with the time he was losing. This… this was more than he had thought he could ask for. Some of his tension released. 
“Thanks Quinlan,” he said quietly. 
Quinlan smirked at him. “Don’t thank me too soon. I’m going to tell all of the padawans about the time you won a cantina fight because you freaked out the Duros smuggler by threatening to bite him.”
Obi-Wan laughed. “Have I told Aayla the story of the time we almost poisoned Yoda when we brought him the wrong type of frog as a life day present?”
“Not yet,” Quinlan said, a gleeful look entered his eyes. Mostly because the story was more hilarious than embarrassing, Master Yoda had been delighted by their ‘murder attempt’. “But you can tell her tomorrow at dinner.”
Obi-Wan thought about protesting, but with Quinlan taking on Obi-Wan’s classes, his whole day tomorrow was suddenly free; he could spare another evening with Quinlan.
He leaned back against the sofa and relaxed as the Opera started.
His tension faded away. For the first time in ages, Obi-Wan just… relaxed. 
Kark. Quinlan had been right; he was going to be absolutely insufferable.
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quinobievents · 4 months ago
QuinObi Week Day 1 Roundup!
You'll Be My Shine by @clearbluewaters
Obi-Wan finds himself down with a nasty illness. Quinlan helps. So do the Skywalker twins.
Always There by @ouzoathena11
Quinlan gets possessed by a spirit at a Sith Temple, and then has to deal with the side effects.
This lovely fic by @catamaranthenonnewtonianfluid
Obi-Wan helps Quin recover from a hangover. Banter (and delight) ensue.
Come On, Baby, The Laugh's On Me by @kcrabb88 (your friendly mod)
When an exhausted Obi-Wan comes down with a massive migraine six months after Qui-Gon's death, Quinlan comes to save the day.
Step 1? Figure out why Obi-Wan took down a picture of his lost master.
Step 2? Provide Quinlan Vos' patented pain relief.
And this GORGEOUS art by the lovely @ninjigma
Thanks so much for all these wonderful day 1 contributions!!! <3
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gojo-mochi · 1 year ago
Softy please - I am drowning in Marco content and I need more. 🌟 please have this star and lemme smooch Marco under the toads of missiles ❤️
He/they, but just have fun with it ^_^ (and I hope you had or are having a delightful holiday )
Happy Holidays!!!!! (marco is still kidna hard for me to write wahh! hope you enjoy another serving of Marco today Quin~ <3)
You and Marco made it a game to see who could catch who first under the mistletoe. Sneaking around corners, avoiding any doorways in the Moby Dick that already have mistletoes on them. You kept a handful of mistletoes in your back pocket, ready to attack at a moment's notice. The other crewmates made some bets on who would win; it was split down the middle, as you and Marco were both fierce in your own rights. You eyed some crewmates warily, though, unsure if Marco had roped them into helping him win this little game.
Speaking of Marco, you haven’t seen hair nor feather of him all day. Making you even more on edge that he could be hiding somewhere, ready for a surprise attack. You decided to make your way to the deck, out in the open sea air. The ship was decorated with plenty of lights and decorations, and some of you even managed to get Pops to dress up like Santa. A Santa who was currently getting wasted on eggnog. The sight made you relax your guard a bit, which was the perfect time for Marco to attack. Attack from above, to be precise; the glow from his blue phoenix form blended in perfectly with the various Christmas-themed lights. 
So you didn’t have a chance of noticing until a mistletoe was placed right on top of your nose. Bumping into your face softly as Marco was hovering right above you, Mistletoe attached to his taloned feet with a string. 
“Caught you, yoi.” He smirks down at you, this time intentionally bumping the Mistletoe into you now. You shake a finger at him. “You’re cheating; you’re using your devil fruit powers!” Marco shrugs. “I don’t remember there being a rule against it, yoi.” The lazy smirk still present on his face as he turns upside down, his face now replacing the earlier Mistletoe, bumping his nose on yours. “I still get my prize for winning now, right?” 
You look at his upside-down face and roll your eyes. “You’re lucky you’re cute, but next year? No using devil fruits.” You gently cup his cheek and lean in for a smooch, which he happily accepted. After the quick kiss, Marco did a small spin and landed upright for a quick second on the ground before scooping you up in his arms. Flying up above the Moby Dick with you in his arms, the ship shone brightly in the endless sea. Like a shining star in the night sky.
Marco rubs his nose against yours, resting his forehead on you as he looks into your eyes. The glow from the flaming feathers and the lights from below twinkle in both of your eyes. His voice is a low, gentle whisper as he leans in for a second kiss.
“Merry Christmas, my love."
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I dont draw humanoids often, birds are where I feel most comfortable. However, a lovely artist here has been indulging me in some RP lately, which has been so delightful. They also drew some Sivvus fan art for me which was so sweet 🥹
So I wanted to do a quick sketch of their Tav as a surprise gift
@quinthebard here's a Quin. Pencil sketches never photograph well 😅 but I am sure you won't mind.
I'm really enjoying seeing everyone's BG3 Tavs, Durges, and other OCs. Thanks to all of you who take the time to chat me up💕
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booksrbetterthanpeople · 1 year ago
What if the DC villain kids weren't the kids of the villains, and just had their origin stories? Or, somewhat similar origin stories. Like, Adrien and Marinette got exposed to chemicals when they were kids, and their brains got messed up
Marinette- Jestress
When the bakery was being fumigated, Marinette, at only five years old, was accidentally exposed to the dangerous chemicals
When she inhaled the fumes, they messed with her brain and induced a psychotic disposition
She would laugh at and take delight in even the most grimmest of things, and it worried Tom and Sabine greatly. Her parents took her to many specialists, but there was nothing anyone could do
Adrien- Adri-Quin
No one knew that the high brand fabric dye had some… Interesting results when inhaled
Gabriel and Emilie didn’t think too much of it when Adrien became exposed to the dyes, and shared a laugh when one side of his hair was colored pink and the other side blue, however, their sweet son slowly began to exhibit some alarming traits
He would point and laugh at anyone in pain and had this permanent smile on his face
Alya- Enigma
Alya Césaire always had a fascination with puzzles and riddles. She hyperfixated on each one she started, and refused to move on to a new one until she finished the one she was currently on
It got to a point where she had grown bored with solving puzzles, and would come up with her own more complex ones and challenge others to solve them
Those who would rebuff her requests soon faces the consequences, and she would force them to solve her puzzles through means of threats and blackmail, earning her quite the reputation at her old school
Nino- Mudslide
Nino had started out as a science experiment by his mothers, Anais and LaBrea
They sought to create life and hopefully create a child of their own by using sculpting clay along with a few other materials. It worked, and Nino became the sweet boy they’ve wanted for so long…
…Until a few years later, when he became destructive, vindictive, and used his shapeshifting abilities to steal and con people out of their money
They still didn’t know what went wrong
Chloé- Diamond Demom
Chloé always wanted to impress her mother, the ruthless Style Queen, Audrey Bourgeois. However, as Audrey rudely put it, Chloé was “unexceptional.” Fueled by a burning desire to finally make her mother proud, Chloé sought some sort of way to gain the same influential power as her mother, but she found something different and much better
Landing on her balcony one night was a small meteor, and when it cracked open, revealed a beautiful blue gem. When she touched it, Chloé became infused with some sort of power, the power of earth manipulation.
However, this new power corrupted her, and one afternoon during her mother’s fashion show, she destroyed the models’ outfits by telekinetically ripping the gems off of their outfits with her powers, tearing them to shreds
Sabrina- Duality
Sabrina started off as a sweet girl, until a horrible accident occurred one day at her old school
During science class, a careless student poured in the wrong chemical, and the solution exploded, with some of it getting on Sabrina and permanently damaging the right side of her face
After being healed and left with a massive scar on that half of her face, Sabrina was subjected to relentless bullying from the other students, causing her descent into madness
Obsessed with revenge, but still maintaining some of her kindness, she flipped a coin. Heads, she gets revenge on the other students, tails, she leaves them alone. The coin landed on heads
Kim- Croc King
Kim was born with a rare condition that gave him reptilian traits with his birth. His fathers, Teo and Élliot couldn’t care less about his appearance, and loved him dearly. It was others who had a problem with him
Growing up, people always looked at Kim as if he were a freak, and school was no better
One day, Kim was walking to his locker when he was jumped by several older students and had a muzzle forced on him
He ran home in tears, and that experience shaped his views on society forever, believing if people treat him like a monster, then that’s what they’ll get. That’s how he became Croc King
Max- Max (Because he’s too prideful to choose a villain name)
Max strived to always be the best, to always be number one when it came to academics. He was top of his class at his old school, won every science fair, and received many cash offers for his inventions
However, it wasn’t enough. Max wanted everyone everywhere to know he was the best, and what better way to do that than by taking over the world?
During one robotics fair at school, he seized control of everyone’s robots and launched an attack until the police soon arrived to put an end to it all
He was promptly arrested and placed in juvenile detention, but only for a few weeks before being transferred to Françoise DuPont’s and being put in the Villain Class, a quick fix thanks to his genius intellect and a careless security guard
Ivan- Venom Bringer
Born inside a dreadful prison in Russia, Ivan was sentenced from birth to serve time for his dead father’s protests against their totalitarian government
Ivan trained both his body and mind inside the prison walls and soon rose to the top of the prison food chain
The prison authorities, seeing this with their own eyes, forced him to become a test-subject for a new drug known as Venom. While it did increase Ivan’s strength ten-fold, it also made him incredibly violent
As such, he attacked every single guard, stole the rest of the Venom, freed his fellow inmates, and escaped all the way to Paris
Myléne- Nightmare Weaver
Myléne was always a shy girl, and the students at her old school would mess with her relentlessly for that. They’d purposefully scare her, ranging from fake insects in her locker to wearing the goriest of costumes and jumping out and scaring her on her way home
One guy even snuck into her room at night and chased her all around the house until she fell down her stairs. Myléne physically recovered, but not mentally
One afternoon, doing research in her school’s library, she discovered a recipe for a fast-acting fear toxin, which would make people hallucinate their greatest fear
Myléne spent a weeks perfecting the toxin, often testing it on her neighbors until she was sure it was perfected. And it worked like a charm as every student and teacher at her old school suffered from the effects. All except for her
Nathaniel- Colossus
Nathaniel, while being smart and an incredible artist, was always bullied relentlessly due to his shyness, height, and lack of muscle and any sort of strength by the students at his old school
He sought to end that once and for all. Staying in the school lab after hours for a couple of nights, he created a serum that increased his strength ten fold, and promptly injected himself with it
The next day at school, Nathaniel was confronted by his main tormentors, and surprised and scared everyone by fending off against them with almost inhuman strength
It didn’t stop there, and Nathaniel suddenly grew to twenty feet, towering over the panicking students and attacking each one who had played a part in bullying him until he was neutralized by the police with about a dozen tranquilizer darts
Alix- Caracal
When she was ten, her father, Alim Kubdel, took her and her brother, Jalil, on an expedition with him deep into the wilds of Africa to study an ancient artifact
You know, like family bonding
Things were going fine until one night, Alix was kidnapped and forced to participate in an ancient ritual that cursed and and transformed her into a human-cheetah hybrid with an insatiable appetite for meat
Alim and Jalil, unbothered by her new appearance, assured her that they would find a cure. However, one night, when they returned home, she took a bite out of her brother’s shoulder
Rose- Thorn
Rose always had a love for botany and perfumes. She always loved to make her own fragrances using plants from her garden
One morning, she found a strange herb growing among the foliage. It had a nice fragrance to it, so she dug it up, potted it, and made plans to study it so she could make a perfume out of it
But then one night, there was an accident in her bedroom/perfume lab, causing an explosion
The herb she had found spread fumes around her room as a result of the explosion, and when she inhaled those fumes, her anatomy changed, making her immune to all toxins and giving her control over all plant life
Juleka- Feline Shadow
Juleka spent most of her days in the shadows, going unnoticed by anyone at her old school and sometimes even at home
So, she used that to her advantage. Whenever walking through the halls, she’d pick everyone’s pockets, working her way up from cash to jewelry with a sleight of hand
She wasn’t stopping there, though, and she took part in a string of robberies all over the city while donning all black and slipping into homes and jewelry stores undetected… Until she was eventually caught and thrown into juvenile hall before being sent to Françoise DuPont and put in the Villains Class
Lila- Cerebral Queen
Lila was once a normal girl from Italy who enjoyed playing mind games on her fellow classmates at her old school all through clever lies, creating discord amongst the student body
However, one day, her lies caught up to her, and caused the students at her school to chase her down and exact their revenge
When she was cornered by the students, she suddenly awakened vast psychic powers that allowed her to control minds, project illusions, and use telepathy
She left her fellow students seeing all sorts of terrifying illusions, and went on to create more chaos until she was eventually captured and sent to Françoise DuPont
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