#quiet Supercorp
natalievoncatte · 3 months
Kara’s phone skittered across the table, and she looked away from the movie. Alex was with her on the couch and they had a box of cheap rosé and were watching Mean Girls, Alex’s pick. They hadn’t had a sisters night in ages, and Kelly had Esme with her and was visiting James for the weekend; Alex had stayed behind to keep an eye on things with J’onn and Kara.
Kara’s phone was supposed to be off, but she couldn’t help herself. Alex scowled at her as she reached for it.
“Kara,” she muttered, “you deserve a night off.”
“I have it on Do Not Disturb. It’ll only go off if it’s one of my favorites calling.”
Alex rolled her eyes. “Knowing you, that’s everyone you know.
“It’s actually just you and Lena,” Kara said, absently.
Alex looked at he enigmatically. There was a knowing in her eyes that made Kara feel a little hot and a little squeezed, paranoid that Alex observed something she had not.
It was a series of texts, not a call.
Kara, can you come over?
Nvm you must be with Alex
But if you do the balcony door is open
It’s not important I just need to see you
Kara bit her lip.
“What did Lena say?”
Kara glanced up. “I didn’t say it was Lena.”
Alex stared at her, and Kara squirmed a little. There as a hint of a smile but a touch of sadness in her eyes, and she let out a little sigh.
“She said it’s not important but she needs to see me.”
Alex sighed. “You should go.”
“She said it’s not important,” said Kara.
“But she said she needs to see you. You won’t be able to relax all night until you know why. You can go. I’m going to crash here, I’m not driving. Go, Kara.”
Kara nodded and stood, wondering why her palms were sweaty. She put on her suit and stepped into the air, making a brisk but calm flight to Lena’s place, making sure not to create any sonic booms.
When she lighted on the balcony it was indeed open. Kara paused and listened, locking on the steady beat of Lena’s heart and breathing. She was in her bedroom.
Passing through the dark penthouse, Kara found Lena in the bed, curled up in a nest of blankets and pillows. She was wearing an oversized hoodie with her hands tucked up in the sleeves and had a box of tissues near her head. When she looked up, Kara realized she was wearing a battered and threadbare Midvale High Mathletes Club sweatshirt that was two sizes too big for her, because it was actually Kara’s.
Kara moved to the side of the bed. “Lena? What’s wrong?”
Lena didn’t meet her gaze. “I’m fine. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have bothered you at sister night.”
“You should have been at sister night.”
There as a curious look in Lena’s big, soft eyes, at once warm and heartbroken, like she’s both gained and lost in a single moment.
“I couldn’t tonight.”
Kara let her suit dissolve. She was still in her lounge clothes, a pair of baggy sweats and a button-up tank that left her arms bare. She sat down on the bed and leaned towards Lena.
“I’m okay,” Lena said.
She’d been crying, her eyes red rimmed and wet, painful tracks left by tears and her nose raw. Lena rarely let anyone see any kind of vulnerability like this.
“You don’t look okay, Miss Luthor. This looks like a job for Supergirl.”
“I don’t want Supergirl, I want Kara. Can you stay.”
Kara said, “Yes,” without hesitation, and super speed typed a text to Alex, then turned off her phone.
After a brief hesitation, Kara climbed onto Lena’s huge California King bed. There as plenty of room in the middle for them both. Lena lifted the covers and Kara settled in with her.
Carefully, she pushed the hood back, and tucked away a few stray dark curls from Lena’s eyes as she shimmied closer, curling her arm around Lena’s shoulder. Their bodies instinctively fitted together as they had many times before, Lena carefully cradled in Kara’s powerful arms. Kara could feel her quick breaths and the flutter of her heart beneath her ribs. In her embrace, Lena felt delicate and exotic, a treasure to be handled with utmost care.
“Want to talk about it?” said Kara.
“Can we stay like this for a while?”
Kara wasn’t sure how long she laid there or how long Lena clung to her; she didn’t really care. Finally Lena spoke.
“This is the day my mom died.”
Kara let out of a soft “Oh,” and held her just a little tighter, carefully exacting just a touch more pressure until Lena calmed again.
“It’s normally this bad but some years it’s just too much, it’s… it hurts. Why does it hurt so much?”
“I don’t know.”
“Sometimes I still have The Dream.”
Kara tensed, not because Lena didn’t explain, but because Kara knew without being told. Kara had The Dream, too. The only dream that was a Dream, the only nightmare that you can’t wake up from because the waking is the nightmare.
Lena shook her head, and her voice broke something in Kara, shattering it into a thousand pieces that scattered on the crystal floor of the hidden places within her.
“I can’t even remember what she looked like.”
Kara ran her hand softly over Lena’s head and felt fresh tears hot on her neck.
“Lillian took everything from me. Pictures, home movies, all of it. Sometimes I can remember her singing but it’s like I can feel it more than hear it.”
“I remember,” Kara said softly, “when I started thinking in English. I had to. It was the only way I could write without messing up the grammar.”
“Do you remember Krypton?”
“Mostly. It’s hazy. Things from before my powers are like that.”
“Can you… can you tell me about it?”
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to. I just… I’m trying not to think about how much I want my mom.”
Kara nodded and began telling Lena whatever popped into her head, without rhyme or reason or really meaning to go anywhere with it. She told her about Argo City and excursions to gather mineral samples, about the opera and museums and festivals, about the food and music. She told Lena what it was like to visit other worlds, to stand on the shores of lakes of molten nickel and watch a supernova unfolding.
She barely noticed when Lena fell into a light sleep, curled up in her arms. She clung to Kara, hands fisted into her back at first, then relaxing as she dozed.
Eventually, light peeked around Lena’s blackout curtains. Lena had slept through the night. Kara should probably have withdrawn or gone to make breakfast, but she stayed, enjoying Lena’s scent in Lena’s huge bed, feeling her breathing against her and just feeling this curious relief that she at least knew she was safe, truly safe.
“You’re here,” Lena murmured as she woke up.
“Of course I’m here”, said Kara.
“I like having you here,” Lena mumbled.
“I like having me here.”
Lena sighed. “Are you real? Am I dreaming this too?”
Kara snorted. “Do you dream about me a lot?”
There was a too-long pause before Lena said, “yes.”
“What kind of dreams? Am I badass in them?”
“Something like that.”
Kara smiled. “Want me to grab us breakfast?”
Kara’s stomach rumbled, but Lena ignored it. She still had her arms around Kara’s waist and squeezed hard, pulling her close. There was desperation in it. Kara sucked in a sharp breath, even as she returned the embrace.
“Hey,” Kara said softly, “I’m right here, I’m not leaving.”
Kara swallowed, hard. Lena looked up at her and Kara’s heart did a flip. She was so soft here in the morning light, vulnerable in a way that no one else ever saw. Every fiber of her being screamed at Kara to make it better, protect her, kiss her.
Wait, what?
Kara blinked. Lena was staring at her lips, pupils wide and eyes dark.
There had been a moment like this before. When Kara came back from that awful place, ripped free from its darkness, when it felt like Lena was the whole universe and Kara had been locked in by her gravity, pulled toward a singularity, yanked away from it by her fathers voice as she leaned in…
“I want you to stay,” Lena said, each word a tiny whisper puffed against Kara’s lips.
Kara kissed her.
It wasn’t a Big Damn Kiss. It wasn’t one where the camera spun and the music swelled. It was barely there at all, a faint brushing of lips, an invitation left to wait, breathless, for an answer.
When Lena kissed her back it was slow and passionate but reserved, lips pressed on lips, followed by a tiny tug on Kara’s bottom lip, the signature that competed the message.
Kara moved delicately, leaving a pause with each moment, but Lena offered only invitation.
“Is this okay?” Kara asked.
Lena grasped fistfuls of Kara’s shirt, squeezing so hard that her knuckles went white and her hands trembled.
“Please,” she whispered. “Stay.”
“I’ll never leave,” Kara whispered, sealing the promise with a kiss.
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 2 years
Following the gruesome end of Merlin and his followers, Kara eventually does go to Lena. She finds her friend on a hill overlooking the city, her knees hugged to her chest. Lena barely looks up at her approach.
"Come to tell me I'm a monster? Oh no wait-- this isn't you is more your style, isn't it?"
Kara accepts the barb for what it is-- a deflection of Lena's own guilt. She sits next to Lena in the grass with a soft sigh.
"I almost did," Kara admits. "But ultimately, what happened is you."
Lena clicks her tongue in a quiet scoff. "Glad we've got that sorted."
Silence sits between them for a long moment.
"You've always believed that people deserve another chance. That given enough opportunity, people will ultimately choose the right path. But-- they weren't going to stop."
"You're right." Kara gives Lena a look, gazing at her troubled features in the waning light. "If it had been me, maybe I would have tried to give him another chance. But at the same time, Merlin had centuries to abandon his path of vengeance and hatred. If he hadn't done so yet, I doubt anything either of us could have said would have swayed him."
"You don't kill."
Lena's observation cuts through the air. Kara almost winces at the steel in her voice, but recognizes that it isn't meant for her.
"No. But I think I would. To protect you." Kara shrugs when Lena turns towards her in surprise. "So how can I condemn you for doing the same as I would have done? You saw a threat to yourself, and to Morgana, and anyone who would come after you, a seemingly neverending one. And you took care of it."
Kara gives Lena a small smile. "That's what I meant, when I said what happened is you. You have always protected the people you love. And I'm glad that you finally count yourself among them."
Lena doesn't seem to have any response to that. She turns her gaze back to the valley below, and lets her chin rest atop her knees. Kara leans against her shoulder, also returning her focus to the eye-catching vista.
"I may not understand everything that's happening right now, or the changes you're experiencing," she says quietly. "But I promise I'm here for you. I always will be."
Finally, Lena allows herself to relax against Kara, her head resting on her shoulder.
"I know."
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sssammich · 3 months
💘 supercorp bc its on brand for them
omg ok i finally have some time to write the rest of these so we're gonna tackle this one!
💘 fake relationship / mutual pining / dared to kiss
ask meme
Lena has to chew on her bottom lip to stop herself from laughing, forcing her face muscles to stay absolutely still. She covers her face with her hand, pressing her palm up to her lips as she attempts to make sense of what Alex is saying to her...to them.
She drops her hand down on her lap and is about to respond when Kara, having been equally quiet beside her on the couch, rests her elbows on her knees and asks the question that's on the tip of Lena's tongue.
"You want us to be in a pretend relationship?"
"I don't just want you two to be in a pretend relationship, I need you two to be in a pretend relationship."
"It can't be that hard," Alex reasons, almost talking to herself, her hands on her hips as she stands across the coffee table of Kara's apartment staring at them with a completely serious face. Lena and Kara share a shocked look with one another.
"And why not?" she challenges, unable to help herself.
"Because you two are best friends," Alex responds smoothly and stares at them expectantly. Hard to fault Alex about that. She and Kara are best friends with each other.
"Run it back again," Kara interrupts. "Explain one more time why we need to be dating."
Alex huffs, though by the way she drops to her knees in front of the coffee table, steepling her hands as she rests her elbows on the wooden surface, Lena suspects that Alex thinks that she's hooked them.
"Because the entire operation hinges on the fact that you're already in a relationship. And since this is so last minute, the most believable option we have going for you is your best friend who you already spend so much time with."
Lena tilts her head. It all makes sense, all things considered. She already spends almost all of her free time with Kara whether at her penthouse or at Kara's apartment (which, for the record, is where they are currently, and where she had been for the better part of the last three hours since finishing up some work earlier that afternoon).
"It makes sense," she says out loud, as if considering Alex's words.
"I knew you were the best Luthor out there," Alex quips, leaning forward. Lena can guess that Alex feels so close to attaining what she needs from the two of them, but Kara beside her doesn't sound as sold.
"I don't know, Alex. Don't you think we've done our fair share of deception and lying?"
Alex rolls her eyes, her hands pressed flat on the table in front of her. "Kara. You are a superhero vigilante with a secret identity. Deception and lying is literally part of your everyday life."
Kara turns to Lena for support, the corners of her lips tugged down and strained. Lena gives her a supportive albeit apologetic smile. "She has a point, darling," she says finally.
The pout on Kara's face is worth a hundred kisses to make go away, Lena thinks, but she doesn't move. "I thought you were on my side?"
"I am on your side. But so far, your sister is making good points. Even though the why is still a bit flimsy."
"I just said the operation--"
"But why does this supposed operation require Kara being in a relationship? Can't she simply be unavailable or that she's not currently in the headspace to date?" she asks, her hand placed on Kara's back, rubbing soothing circles between Kara's shoulder blades. She resists smiling when Kara leans a bit closer to her, as if Lena can't reach her. There's literally no space of distance between them already on the couch.
"Because," Alex starts. "There are going to be relatives and family friends from Kelly's side that'll be relentless--" and this is where Lena is baffled by how Alex is acting, "--to insist that they will have the best and most suitable eligible single daughter or son that's perfect for you, Kara. And you too, Lena. Don't think you'll get out of this scot-free."
Her face furrows in confusion. "Me?"
"Yes! They will, undoubtedly, ruin the wedding by trying to set both of you two up with other people, and we honestly can't have you two distract everyone from our big day."
Lena's eyes narrow at Alex whose own gaze is fixed in staring at her sister. It's an odd request, and her suspicions are raising alarms inside of her mind. Still, she keeps quiet, especially when Kara leans forward, her strong hand somehow landing on Lena's knee as she does so.
"You think we'll be distracting you and Kelly on your guys' big day?"
Lena pretends to scratch at her chin to try and cover her mouth knowing that she can just about hear the pout in Kara's voice.
"God, no. That's not--" Alex takes a deep breath as she straightens herself up from where she's kneeling by the coffee table. "Kara. It's not you two I'm worried about, it's them. They are going to make a big deal and I'm just trying to protect the both of you. And, of course, my wedding day with Kelly. And the truth of the matter is that there's no reason to wait for things to happen when we can prepare and cover all of our bases. That's all."
The truth of the matter. That's an interesting choice of words, Lena ponders, but she keeps those thoughts to herself.
Kara worries her bottom lip between her teeth even as her hand stays on Lena's knee. From the corner of her eye, she catches sight of Alex's gaze dropping to Kara's hand and Lena's leg, no doubt making a mental note of what she's seeing. But Lena's attention is pulled back to Kara who has now twisted her body to better look at Lena beside her. For her part, Lena stays in her exact position, hand on Kara's back, and waits for Kara's lead.
"What do you think?" she asks, her face serious, though something flashes in her eyes before Lena could really read what it had been.
"I think..." Lena begins to say, weighing every word that comes out of her mouth. "It's better to be safe than sorry."
Kara stares at her for a long moment, like it's just the two of them in the room, before sighing and leaning back, suspending Lena's hand between her back and the couch. Lena doesn't mind in the slightest, instead lets the tips of her fingers gently scratch Kara's back.
"That's all?" Kara asks, this time the question directed to her sister.
Lena turns her face enough to witness how Alex strains from smiling too wide when she nods emphatically and says, "That's all. That's it."
The longest five seconds seem to pass over all three of them until Kara sighs. "Fine. We'll do it."
Alex struggles to keep her fist pump under control and Lena wants to roll her eyes.
"Great. Figure out whatever cover story you two think will work the best. Remember, closer to the truth works best."
"I think we'll figure it out just fine, Alex," she comments, her voice taking on an airy tone. "It's not the first time we've had to give a cover story."
Alex nods again before rising to her feet. "Right, right. Okay, I'm gonna go home to the missus, and you two can work on your cover story."
Kara's just about to get up when Alex stops her. "You stay put, I'll let myself out. Have your story figured out by brunch this weekend. Sound good?"
She and Kara glance at one another before returning their focus on Alex. With her free hand, she offers a mock salute just as Kara nods up at her sister.
When Alex shuts the door behind her and leaves the two of them still on the couch, it's Kara who breaks first, tugging at Lena's arm from behind her so she can perch it around Kara's shoulder, their fingers tangled by Kara's bicep, before slumping further down on the couch with a loud exhale. She rests her head on Lena's shoulder, and Lena places a soft kiss on the crown of her head.
"You know, she used to be so much better at lying. Like I didn't even know she worked for a shadow government organization."
Lena chuckles, despite herself, and pulls Kara closer to her. "She was laying it on rather thick, I thought."
Kara tilts her head up, her ear resting on Lena's shoulder as their faces sit only a few short inches apart.
"Good work on the pouting, though. I think you really sold it."
The sleepy smile on Kara's face widens into a proud one. "You like that? I was really considering the waterworks but I think I would have given it away if I did."
"Mm, probably."
"You're a little actress yourself, Luthor," Kara comments with barely contained laughter. "Better safe than sorry. Pfft. You were practically having Alex eat out of the palm of your hands with how much you were agreeing with her. So devious."
"If there's anything Lex ever taught me, it's having the theatrical range."
Kara snorts before shuffling to sit back up. "How mad do you think Alex will be when she finds out that we're already dating?"
Lena shrugs, thinking about all of Alex's possible reactions. "Oh, I'm sure she'll never let you live it down."
"Us, babe," Kara says, leaning forward, the tips of their noses brushing with each other. "She'll never let us live it down."
"She shouldn't assume then," Lena answers before closing the remaining gap between them. Their lips slotting perfectly in place pressed against each other. It's still new, this feeling, but Lena thinks that she'll never tire of it.
Her breath hitches when she feels Kara's strong hand release her fingers only to grip her nape, followed by the smirk she knows is on Kara's lips.
"Wanna figure out our cover story in bed?"
She raises a brow, but Kara just shrugs. "So is that a no?"
Lena rolls her eyes before wrapping her arms around Kara's neck as Kara carries her towards the bed.
"I was thinking we tell people it was love at first sight," Kara muses.
Lena throws her head back in laughter, just in time for Kara to place a kiss on the hollow of her throat. She thinks love at first sight is not too far from the truth at all, and didn't Alex say the closer it is to the truth, the better?
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randomshyperson · 9 months
Teddy Pickers - Heart Shaped Series
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Chapter Summary: In the rare quiet time in the lives of fugitives, you and Wanda play a game of questions. It's like that old saying: There's always a peaceful period before the storm. Or could it be that this time, the storm has already passed?
Warnings: (+18), soft and almost entirely a smut chapter, making out, dirty talking but they are actually just playful and dorky with each other, more shapeshifting stuff, hints of PTSD and trauma talk, some self-doubt from both, mainly fluff and hurt/comfort | Words: 4.845k
A/N-> So I had two chapters ready but I hated them. I had to rewrite the whole thing because I was unsure where to take this story. I'm all on my supercorp era again and I was taking this to a very angsty line and I don't want that. So I changed and gave them peace and quiet instead. Also, I can't wait to write jealous hormonal mess Wanda in the next chapters! A good reading for you all!
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You woke up to her nightmares.
Still groggy from sleep, you rubbed your eyes and forced your body to react to the figure murmuring softly beside you, her face contorted in discomfort. At some point during the night, Wanda let go of you, snatched almost the entire comforter, and then began to dream.
And apparently, it wasn't a good one. It surprised you a little that you were affected by it, but you made a mental note of Wanda's impressive ability to emit a magical aura even in her sleep. That might explain why her room was set apart from the others in the tower.
Your touch was gentle on her face, and you called her softly until you woke her up. Wanda jumped a little, opening red, frightened irises until she realized she was just having a bad dream. She barely recognized your presence, and already pressed her face into your collarbone, breathing deeply against your skin.
"Are you all right, my love?" You asked after a moment, stroking her hair as her breathing returned to normal.
Wanda sniffled, and your heart broke. Your reaction was to look for her eyes, to reassure her, but she wrapped her arms tightly around you and wouldn't let you move away.
You sighed before adding: "It was just a bad dream, my little witch."
But Wanda sniffles again, this time pressing her face into your chest so that she can speak.
"It wasn't just a dream." She mumbles upset. "I was remembering... Pietro."
A lump forms in your throat. You swallow. "Oh, Wanda... I'm so sorry."
"It's all right." She hits back immediately, without moving a muscle. She continues to hold you as if she feels you'll disappear if she lets go. "It's been a while since I thought about that day. I didn't mean to disturb you."
"You certainly shouldn't worry about how I'm going to feel about this." You retort firmly. "He's your brother. You can cry all you want. I'll be here to hold you."
The words make her shift immediately and press her face against your body where you can feel new tears wetting your pajamas. But Wanda doesn't cry for long - she falls asleep again, her limbs locked tightly around you, and even though the position gets a little uncomfortable after a while, you don't have the heart to push her away. Especially since, after a while, her nightmares return and the magical aura is strong enough for the memories of the past to shine through your eyes.
You sigh, adjusting yourself to kiss the top of her head and settling her so that she's completely asleep on your body - which changes a little, growing just enough for Wanda to have all the soft hold she needs. She smiles unconsciously, tightening her embrace before falling back into a deep sleep. With the softness of her expression, you are reassured to know that the nightmares are gone, at least for the moment.
You try to fall asleep, but your ear picks up the soft vibration of your work cell phone in your jacket pocket hanging from the chair in the bedroom. Your body tenses during every ring, until it finally relaxes when the device goes silent. 
Work is calling, you know. Just as you know you can't run away forever.
Hours later when you wake again, it’s for rays of sunshine slipping the curtains and chaste kisses on your collarbone. You smile immediately.
"Morning, little witch." Your sleepy voice makes Wanda raise her eyes to you, her lips never leaving your skin. The soft scratch of her nails on your stomach makes your muscles twitch. "You're up to mischief, I see."
Your teasing makes her chuckle hoarsely, her hands climbing further up your pajama top and exposing your torso almost completely.
But instead of starting another trail of kisses, she sat up straight against your hip and waited for you to open your eyes.
"You change in your sleep." She declares as you stare at her, still awake. "Did you know that?"
You nod, and Wanda raises a curious eyebrow. She has a joke on the tip of her tongue about how the hell you knew something if you were asleep when you explain; 
"I used to be monitored twenty-four hours a day when I was a child. To prevent any minor detail from slipping through the records and interfering with the research."
Wanda bites the inside of her cheek, absorbing your confession for a second. She could count on her fingers the few times you had mentioned some random detail about your life before, and it took her by surprise. Almost everything she knew came from the Avengers' archives and carried technical and military analysis. She heard very little from your mouth.
"You never talk about your past." That's what she manages to answer because it's a fact. 
You offer her a small smile, your hands moving to reach her thighs on either side of your hips. 
"What would you like to know?"
Wanda sighs, her hands resting on your shoulders. "I'll listen to anything you want to tell me."
Your smile is tender, almost shy. Wanda likes it when she makes you blush, especially since you have the ability to conceal these reactions from her, changing and commanding your body according to your wishes. Even though you don't do it so often because you trust her.
What a thing. One of the world's greatest criminals blindly trusting an Avenger. She could actually feel very cocky about it.
"I have an idea." You then declare, your fingers playing with the edges of her shorts. Wanda stares at you expectantly, but you almost lose your train of thought at how deliciously beautiful she now looks. The slightly tousled hair, and well, the legs around you, and eyes that beg for everything but conversation. "Let's play a game."
"What kind of game?"
"A game of questions, of course." You retort good-humoredly, adjusting yourself a little to sit up straight. Wanda lets her hands fall to your lap. "Two truths and a lie. Traumatic childhood edition."
Wanda lets out a giggle, pinching you gently for the derogatory joke. You just smile at her, almost completely distracted by the sound of her laughter and the comforting feeling that moment brings to your chest.
"I've never played that one." She says after a moment. "What are the rules?"
"It's very simple. Each person states three facts, but one of them is false. You have to find out which one. The winner is whoever gets it right the most times, although I've just realized that playing something like that with a telepath isn't very fair." Wanda slaps you in a joking manner at the insinuation that she was going to cheat, getting a chuckle from you.
"I'll start then." She then states, assuming a thoughtful expression for a moment. You bite the inside of your cheek, resisting the urge to kiss her cute face and pay attention to the game. "With respect to the theme you've chosen, I grew up in a two-room apartment in the Sokovian countryside. When I was little, I could play the piano. And... I love to cook."
You hum thoughtfully, loosening your grip so that one of your hands goes to your chin. The whole theatrical expression makes Wanda giggle, her cheeks flushing with the way her stomach feels full of butterflies. 
"I say the first one's a lie."
She raises an eyebrow. "Really? Why?"
Your expression changes to one of almost conviction. "Because you grew up in Novi Grad, the Sokovian capital, and not in the countryside. And I have to say, it's very bold of you to assume that I haven't done my homework on you, Wanda Maximoff."
Wanda feels a wave of warmth hit her body and spread with your words. Or perhaps, the way your eyes shine in a way that hides meaning. She allows herself to imagine for a moment your figure in the same clothes you wore when she first met you, frantically going through files at night to learn everything you could learn about her.
It reminds her a little of herself, days after your first encounter, how even though Wanda tried to be as secretive as possible, casually asking about missions in which you faced the Avengers, or reviewing mission files on the pretext that she was studying, Natasha realized what she was doing right away.
Clearing her throat, Wanda looked down, a little embarrassed. "I did the same. With-for you, I mean."
 You smiled, looking at her with an almost impressed expression. "Oh, really? I'm flattered."
"Shut up." She giggles shyly in response, but you, despite chuckling too, insist more firmly;
"No, really. I think it’s quite romantic."
Wanda frowns slightly. "What, being obsessed with each other?"
"You have problems." She retorts in a false seriousness that makes you smile before Wanda swallows dryly at the way your gaze is focused intensely in her direction. The tension that rises is almost too much for her to be able to say anything else. Yet, she tries with a husky voice. "You got it right. The game, I say."
You nod, smiling. Your open palms on her thighs go up inside her shorts, and Wanda holds her breath for a second. But they only serve to make a gentle lever and pull Wanda closer by her ass, and she bites her lips at the new position, very aware of the warmth on her cheeks and neck.
"My three facts are as follows, Maximoff." You begin, your dark gaze on her previously bitten lips for a moment before focusing on her eyes again. "I was a laboratory experiment all through my childhood. I really like you." Wanda smiles, scrunching her nose adorably. You get momentarily distracted, gaze falling to her lips again. She catches your eyes, a smirk cracking on her mouth when she leans in, subtly asking you to break the distance. End the game. When you manage to talk again, your voice is barely a whisper; “I’m allergic to peanuts.”
She chuckles, arms interlocking behind your head. Wanda mutters a joke, something about keeping an eye for the food, but you firm your hands on her thighs and bring her closer to press your mouths together. It’s a hot kiss - charged with all of your naughty intentions. She lets out a soft moan when your tongue slides on hers, slow and sensual. But suddenly, Wanda breaks the kiss with flushed cheeks and a curious gaze on her eyes.
“Wait!” She asks breathlessly, to which you stare equally affected but expectant. “Your file did have peanuts listed as allergy.”
Damn, you thought you could win that one. A little grin starts to form on your lips, but Wanda narrows her eyes in your direction.
“Someone really did her homework on me, I see.” You tease, leaning in to go back to kissing her, but she evades your attempt, eyes shining a little dangerously.
“If the food was not the lie, and I know for a fact that you were an experience most of your life… Then the lie-” You wanted to laugh at the hidden panic hidden behind her eyes. Honestly, this woman.
What was she even thinking? That you would let her down in some game while having her on your lap? Hours after telling her that you love her?
It should be a hint enough that you’re smiling, for Wanda to realize there’s a joke there. But somehow, she grows more insecure. Her eyes flash red for a moment before and it’s a clear warning.
You just chuckle. “It’s all about semantics, darling.” You explain because it looks like Wanda might cut your head off if you don’t clarify exactly what lie you told. “I don’t just like you. We’re not in middle school. I love you, remember?”
The tension visually leaves her shoulders, but something else happens. Her cheeks and ears grow hotter and Wanda is once more a flustered mess, feeling pretty much like a shy middle schooler because you’re talking about feelings.
You think she’s beautiful, so you tell her that too. “God, you’re beautiful.”
She giggles coyly, kissing you because that’s all she can do without making a fool of herself. Well, if you keep rubbing her thighs under her shorts like that, she’ll probably make a fool of herself anyway, considering how she gets patheticly overwhelmed whenever you touch her.
For a while, you just made out. Slowly and passionately with wandering hands and panting kisses. It’s just nice to feel each other, to hold each other. It’s also very hot to feel Wanda rubbing herself on your lap until the soft friction is not enough.
She bites your lip when that happens, her hips more impatient and frantic against your thigh. All you can do in return is firm your hands on her waist, helping her get what she wants, what she needs. And Wanda stops kissing you because all she can do is moan in return for the time being, quite aware of the wetness dripping down her shorts.
She starts whining into your mouth when she’s close, and it’s too much for you - How can Wanda expects you not to fuck her properly when she’s doing that? - Your hands flip her over in a heartbeat. She barely has time to protest for the interruption of her previous, and desperate motions, when you’re all over her. Groping your way into her clothes, tearing it apart, and taking more eager sounds from her throat.
And Wanda, she’s such a tease. Dark dilated eyes shining with mischief and begging you to just fuck her. The way she lets you strip her out of her clothes, and how she slightly opens her legs, rubbing her ankles behind your kees, inviting you to just-
“Fuck.” You pant for the image in front of you. Wanda bites her lips, one of her hands finding its way to her soft breasts, fingers teasing the hard nipple like she doesn’t mind the slightest that you could lose your sanity to such a sinful gesture.
But Wanda is getting impatient too. The hot knot on her belly is making her dizzy. You’re making her dizzy.
“Need you so bad, detka.” She meowed, her hips arching into the air, allowing you a clear view of her drenched pussy. You can see how wet she is, smell it, yet, a true confirmation only comes when you use one of your hands to press her back into the bed while your free fingers find her warm entrance. Wanda cries out when you enter her, but she’s so hot and so tight, that you have to pull out before pushing two fingers in again and again, stretching her out while she struggles to breathe. Her thigh muscles twitch when your thumb finds her clit, every drawn circle against the hardened bud rips a new throaty moan out of her. 
When she’s close again, impossibly tightly against your fingertips, throbbing, you hum pleasantly, your free hand gripping her waist to take control of her uncoordinated movements. Wanda cries out when you force her into your fingers, reaching deeper now and too good for her to hold back, so the hot knot on her belly explodes without warning and she arches her back, twitching and choking on a moan before going limb on the mattress. You keep fingering her gently, prolonging her orgasm until she complains about the overstimulation with a tug on your wrist. 
You pull your fingers out but not kiss her as she would wish - Instead, you lean down and her dizzy expression falters into a gasp when your mouth finds her cunt, tongue licking every drop of cum you just manage to get. Her natural reaction is to back away, she’s sensitive. But you grab her thighs, find your place between her legs, and start to eat her out like you’re starving. 
“Oh God…fuck-” Her choked moaning mixing in English and Sokovian is music to your ears. Her eyes close on instic, because it’s too much and somehow not enough - Your tongue is teasing her, playing with her clit but not using the necessary pressure she needs. She just came and you barely started and Wanda is ready for more, painting for more.  One of her hands finds your hair, a strong grip that works like a warning. Yet, she says or at least tries to, since it sounds a lot more like a whine than anything else: “Stop teasing.”
To be fair, she could probably ask you anything at any time, especially now. While dripping so sweetly into your tongue, clenching and begging for more. You hum accordingly, ending your tease when sucking on her clit. Wanda screams. Loud enough for other people to hear, that’s for sure, but none of you cares about that. Not now, probably not never.
She can’t hold longer after that, not when you’re doing everything to get another climax out of her, fingers finding her pussy again to help your tongue. It’s so messy and sloppy and nearly desperate. Your own underwear has been bothering you for a while now and Wanda crying out your name is definitely not helping with that.
It’s not a surprise that when she comes, the room shudders a little. Wanda’s not being careful, she’s too gone for that now. Little were the times when she didn’t, couldn’t, hold back herself, her magic. The energy flows to her veins like the heat spreading under her skin when she orgasms and it’s breathtaking and overwhelming and she’s coming so hard that she can’t hold anything back. A wave of warm magic explodes around, her red irises open like her mouth in a silent scream, and it’s beautiful. Wanda is perfect, and she’s all yours. 
She only realizes she ripped the sheets when you move back to her and the bed makes a noise that forces her to notice the room. Such a mess she made. Someone will have to pay for bedroom fixing.
“Enjoying yourself, aren’t you witchy?” You tease fondly about the whole setting, the new crack on the window, the little sparks of her magic that still flow around. Wanda sighs satisfied, her hands finding your face when you’re close enough. When she kisses you, her taste is there and she can only moan at the dirty of that act, how you suck her tongue like you’ve sucked her clit a few minutes ago. 
Wanda doesn’t break the kiss to move her hands lower, groping your still-dressed figure and only now realizing how that is actually torturous.
“Hmm, I’ve been so selfish, milyy (darling). You must be needing me as well.” She mutters between one kiss and another, and you’re almost so distracted by her new dominance over you that you barely notice her hands. Barely. You follow her lead, resting your back on the bed so Wanda can hover over your body. Her fingers move under your shirt, scratching the skin and giving her a nice time feeling you twitch. The way she looks at you is also a lot to handle without shaking.
Suddenly, Wanda pants, eyes diverting to your chest. “Oh, hello you two”. She doesn’t mind your shyness, shamelessly groping your boobs under your shirt. “I missed those.”
You chuckle out of breath, pulling your shirt off while Wanda just stares and plays with them. “I can’t believe you just talked to my boobs.”
She squeezes, pulling the tip until it’s hard under her touch. You bite your lips, to keep your sound under control but you can feel a new wave of warm wetness spreading towards your lower belly. 
“Well, I’ve missed them. It’s been a while, since, you know, you actually had those two.” She so casually talking about it, it’s not that you mind that, but she’s also touching and squeezing them and you’re way too horny to have a conversation.
With very warm cheeks, you try to anyway; “Hm, they usually stay in the way of the job.” Wanda leans down, forcing her head between your breasts, muttering something like so soft and she’s such a dork that you have to chuckle. “It’s just extra work to find the right clothes and then changing every time I need a new face and matching body.”
Despite her clearly interest in your chest, Wanda is listening as she lets you know with a hum of knowledge. But then her mouth envelops one of them and it’s just too much for you to focus on anything else but the feeling of her tongue. You pant to the ceiling, shaky fingers gripping her hair, telling her to keep going but Wanda is such a teasing brat. There’s a small ‘pop’ sound when her mouth lets go, and a trace of saliva still connects your nipple to her lips before Wanda goes for the other one. You squirm a little under her, blushing intensely because she’s such a tease and apparently wants you to beg for it. 
She takes no pity on the ache between your legs; When her mouth leaves your breast again, she has this mischievous sparkle in her eyes that makes you gulp.
“I think I’m a little obsessed with them.” She tells you, giving your tits another squeeze, a little harder this time.
You gasp. “You think?”
“Huh-huh.” She replies, nodding. “You had it on your first night together. Then never again until today. It’s because you miss me sucking them, malysh (baby)?”
You roll your eyes at the words, teasing words evidently. The little cocky smirk that almost makes you go back to being the one in charge. To be completely honest, Wanda was always the one in charge. Even when she allows you to be on top. 
“You’re mistaken, Maximoff.” You retort her while giving her a gentle tug on her thighs, to bring her closer because you really need some kind of pressure between your legs. Wanda doesn’t have to be a mind reader to get the hint - Her knee finds your middle as she straddles your thigh, and she doesn't mind hiding her grin at how you let out an affected sigh at that. “I also had them when I first met you.”
She frowns a little, scrunching her nose in a thoughtful way. You are about to clarify when her knee moves away for her hand to take the spot. And well, you can’t think of saying anything, coherent at least, with Wanda finger’s filling you up so nicely. She seems to be enjoying herself as well - Watching attentively at every strangled noise that escapes you with the consistent pace inside you.
But suddenly as if remembering your previous words, she gaps: “Oh my god, you’re right!” She says, somehow her excitement brings her deeper inside of you. All you can give her as a response is a whine. “You were pretending to be one of the gala’s hosts right? The.. damn, i can’t remember his name-”
“W-wanda..” You meowls, the heat is too much. The way she just keeps pumping in and out of you, and talking about something else as if turning you into a whining mess is nothing, actually makes you throb. 
Wanda just smiles, ignoring your protest to the conversation and quite satisfied with the growing wetness she can feel on her fingertips. “Oh, I remember it now. The host only had daughters, so you did your part. Also one of the few times I saw you in a dress, baby. And what a view that was.” She leans in, whispering soft praises into your ear while you struggle to breathe. It takes you over the edge quickly, and Wanda is rewarded with the sweetest whimper once the knot in your belly explodes - One of your hands grabs her wrist, to keep her there as if she ever thought of leaving. Your hips jerk a few times as you ride the last waves of your climax and Wanda watches all of it, as breathless as you, truly mesmerized by the scene.
When you can breathe again, there are green irises staring at you with adoration. “Hi.”
“Hi you.” It’s your tender reply, and when Wanda leans in to kiss your lips, she can feel your smile. One of your hands moves to her face, gently caressing her skin. Once the kiss is broken, you talk first. “I love you, Wanda.”
You sound so vulnerable, so true, that she swallows. Her gaze focused on your eyes. It’s almost like there’s more to add, at the same time, as if the confession meant even more than just caring about someone. Wanda remembers the first time you said, how you mentioned that she was the first person you ever said that to, and somehow she understands it that it meant that you trusted her very deeply. She bites her lips, withdrawing her fingers from you. She doesn’t miss the soft sigh that escapes you, but she says nothing to that. Wanda is busy taking your wetness to her mouth and sucking her fingers clean. The image is enough to bring not only a strong color to your cheeks but a dark shine to your eyes.
You are ready to break the distance again when knocks on the door break the bubble you two are in completely.
And Captain Rogers's voice from the outside of the room kind of breaks the mood entirely. 
“Hello? I’m… sorry to interrupt. I just need a word. With everyone. Please, huh, join us downstairs?” You and Wanda hide your giggles - The Captain was obviously flustered to call you two, especially judging by the noises Wanda didn’t mind to restrain, probably everybody knew what you two were up to. And it was definitely Natasha’s idea that he was the one who called; the widow was having some fun with her friend's clumsiness.
Wanda cleared her throat, unwillingly taking her attention from you to the door. “We’ll be right out, Steve.”
Once the sound of his footsteps became more distant, Wanda kissed you again. She seemed determined not to move away from you.
Sergeant Barnes was in Wakanda, undergoing recovery.
When Steve mentioned the country, he looked directly at you, and that was enough for you to know that whatever the king had told him about your adventures there, the captain was on the monarch's side. Not that it mattered all that much.
Consciously or not, while Steve was updating the team, you discreetly scratched the scar you received the last time you were there. If you concentrated, you could remember exactly how painful it was to receive the Wakandian words for thief on your skin.
And seeing the heroes of Earth around you, with inside jokes and personal stories, made you feel very out of place. As if they too could see the scar, even if it was covered by an oversized sweatshirt now.
You swallowed dry and took advantage of the fact that Natasha was finally telling everyone what had kept her busy for the first few weeks on the run, to slip away towards a snack machine.
Wanda followed you with her eyes, aware of all your reactions to the conversations. She just wanted you to feel at ease with the others too, but she knew the opposite feeling well. She was once new to the presence of the Avengers, and they could be rather intimidating. Even the friendliest of them. Maybe it was a superhero thing.
You were deciding between the first and third row when Natasha caught Wanda's eye again. She wanted the witch to be paying attention to the conversation, it seemed important.
The widow took a deep breath. "I never told any of you this, because I thought it was in the past. But... I have a sister. Her name is Yelena Belova and-"
But the news and the shock had to be left for later. A bang from the other side of the common area interrupted Nat's story, and the whole team stood up.
You had just shoved a person hard enough to break the glass of the snack machine. But the attacker's exclamation of pain made you let go immediately.
The masked figure pushed you back harshly, but you laughed in amazement. 
"You weren't supposed to make a scene, you idiot." Complained the woman, massaging her sore shoulder due to the impact. She barely had time to regain her balance and half the Avengers were in fighting position, one particular witch making her take a step back, hiding in your protection.
You acted quickly, gesturing to the heroes to stand down, before throwing one of your arms under the smaller one shoulder.
"Relax, everything's fine!" You declared happily. You tugged at the combat mask she was wearing, revealing the unknown woman's face, which caused her to elbow you, which you ignored. "Meet Layla El-Faouly, my business partner."
The curly-haired woman forced a smile and waved. Wanda was the last of the team to drop her attack position.
A/F/N-> If you haven't watched Moonknight, please do. Layla El-Faouly is simply incredible. I can't give away too many spoilers for those who haven't seen it, but she's also a thief and a really skilled one. It would be a waste to have an international thief reader who didn't know her.
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fazedlight · 1 year
Stargazing (soft supercorp ficlet, post-6)
She’s always wanted to be in love.
Lena pulled the blanket around her shoulders tighter, as she glanced to the kryptonian opening up a thermos of hot chocolate. Kara passed the filled lid cup to Lena, as she tipped the thermos to her lips, taking a small sip. Lena pulled her own cup to her lips as Kara pointed up at the night sky. “Argo City is about there,” she said, Lena following her finger somewhere west. “And Rao is about there,” she continued, pointing farther south.
She’s always wanted to be in love.
Alex’s words rang in Lena’s mind. It had been a small, quiet conversation. Lena had counted herself lucky, that after everything - her betrayal, Non Nocere, Kara going to the phantom zone - that she had been able to find family in the end. That the people around her had forgiven her. That for the first time in her life, she found peace.
It had been a calm morning, her and Alex - the early risers - having coffee in the Tower, musing about life. The chat had inevitably landed on Kara, Lena finding herself constantly curious about what it had been like to grow up with an alien for a sister, a refugee who had struggled to adjust.
She’s always wanted to be in love.
And now Lena found herself gazing at the kryptonian, knowing that her expression would be revealingly wistful if Kara’s sights were not fixed to the sky as she rambled. Couldn’t she just fall for me? Lena thought, trying to chase off the melancholy.
It was the third Friday in a row where Kara had gently lifted Lena from the Tower balcony, taking her up to a flatter portion of the roof, the sky open above them. National City was a bit too bright to see anything as marvelous as the Milky Way. But the planets, Ursa Major, Orion’s belt - all shone brightly in the sky.
Kara rambled amiably about an old friend’s telescope, how she’d fly it over to the Tower next time so that they could see Saturn’s rings. Lena smiled softly, soothed by the sound of Kara’s voice, the gentle vibration that Lena could feel in her chest from their snuggled position. But it just itched at her mind - what is it that Kara wanted out of life? Had things changed?
Kara paused in her ramblings, smiling curiously at Lena. “Are you okay? Warm enough?” “I’m plenty warm,” Lena said, pulling her blanket in tighter. “Just thinking.” “About what?” Kara said, wrapping her arms around the human, as though to offer help in fighting away the cold evening.
Lena glanced up at Kara, uncertain if… this was a conversation they should really have. But with the warm blues staring back at her, with the itch in the back of her mind- “Alex said…” Lena found her voice faltering.
Kara rubbed at Lena’s back soothingly, as she tilted her head curiously.
“Alex said… you always wanted to be in love.”
Kara’s eyes widened. “Oh,” she replied, the word seeming to fall from her lips. “I- well.”
“Sorry,” Lena said, somewhat flustered. Why did I bring this up? “We can drop it, it’s a weird conversation.”
“It’s fine, Lena, it’s just - I am in love.” Kara’s eyes hesitantly glanced to the side, before meeting Lena’s face again. “I’ve been in love for years.”
Lena’s stomach plummeted, suddenly feeling anxious. “Oh,” she said. “But you’re… not with them,” Lena mulled contemplatively, her wistfulness tied up in some sadness. Because as much as she wanted Kara... more than anything, she just wished Kara could be happy. 
Kara’s gaze left Lena, turning her head back up to the stars. “It wasn’t until I was in love that I realized I didn’t have to be loved back.”
“Anyone would love you,” Lena said.
“Not anyone,” Kara replied, glancing down at the roof. “Sometimes, things aren’t meant to be.”
“Who are you in love with?” Lena asked, the words falling from her lips before she could think to stop them.
Lena didn’t miss the way Kara’s throat tensed, a nervous swallow as she resolutely avoided Lena’s eyes. “You know, Lena. You have to know.”
Something tentative bloomed in Lena’s chest. A yearning, a hope. A realization that washed over her. Oh.
It almost felt silly, in retrospect, Lena’s mind parsing through the relationship. Because she thought she had been obvious, with the Valentine flowers, and she had taken the hint when the reporter had emphasized that they were good friends.
But… flying to Dublin, and Paris, just to give Lena a treat? The sobbing confession, that explained the line that Kara could never cross. Risking the world, in a fight to save Lena’s soul. For a friend like you, there are no boundaries.
She didn’t speak. Instead, she lifted her hand to Kara’s cheek, gently turning Kara’s face to her own. Kara glanced nervously back, her eyes shifting slowly between Lena’s eyes, when the truth of what they had both been wrestling with began to wash over her too. A shy smile, a small laugh. After a moment, Lena found her eyes drifting to Kara’s lips.
Lena smiled again, noting as Kara’s tongue darted out, wetting her lips in subconscious anticipation. Lena leaned forward as Kara’s head tilted in, Lena closing the gap to press her lips against the kryptonian’s.
They savored the brief meeting of lips, knowing that soon would come a time for passion and desire - but not now, not yet. On this roof, beneath the planets and Rao and the open sky, they only shared their intent.
Kara pulled away slightly, eyes still closed as she tilted her head to the side, nuzzling against Lena’s cheek in a silent confession that finally gave Lena the courage to say what she needed to say. “I love you too.”
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weinzapfel · 5 months
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I was supposed to be sent away
But they forgot to come and get me
I was a functioning alcoholic
'Til nobody noticed my new aesthetic
All of this to say I hope you're okay
But you're the reason
And no one here's to blame
But what about your quiet treason?
Supercorp + Fortnight 🩶
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biblomaniac · 2 months
Supercorp headcanon:
Lena’s sick.
Congested, nose running, fever high, chills, and a cough so severe that her throat burned with every breath.
She called out of work for the first time today. More accurately, she almost fainted getting out of bed this morning. When she called Jess to push back her first meeting, her secretary refused her access into L-Corp, its servers, or her work email.
After Lena accepted she would not be able to go to work (or her living room, for that matter) she laid in bed drifting in and out of sleep until a soft touch along her sweaty brow awoke her.
“Lena? Lee, baby, you’re burning up. You have to wake up.”
Lena stirs, mumbling incoherently before leaning into the warmth of her girlfriend’s hand. When she speaks, her voice is quiet and raspy. “Kar?”
“Yeah baby, it’s me. Jess called. She said you were sick, so I called in to work from home to take care of you.”
Bleary green eyes open, unfocused and searching. “Kar, I’m cold.”
The blonde is still stroking Lena’s warm brow, trying to persuade Lena into leaving the bed. “I know you feel cold, but you gotta get out of the bed. I need to change your sheets and you need to cool off. Come sit in the tub for a bit to lower your temperature.”
“Can’t walk.” Lena whispers.
“Don’t worry, I’ll carry you, okay?”
“I’ll be right back,” Kara says, going to run a warm bath.
When Kara returns ten minutes later, Lena has drifted back to sleep. She looks so unwell, skin paler than normal with a green tint. She pulls back the covers slowly, not wanting to startle Lena. It seems she’s worried for nothing. The brunette doesn’t stir at all, not even when Kara sits her upright.
“Okay, baby, bath time.” Kara lifts Lena into her arms, carrying her to the bathroom. She sits her love on the cool counter, trying to rouse her.
The temperature change works minutely. Lena cracks her eyes open for a moment, humming to acknowledge Kara.
“Lena, open your eyes.” The blond says, tying dark tresses into a top knot to prevent it from getting wet.
“I’m going to put you in the tub, I need you to stay awake for 15 minutes, okay? I’m going to change the sheets and get you some fresh clothes.”
“‘Kay,” is Lena’s only reply.
Kara sets about undressing Lena, then lowering her gently into the lukewarm water.
Once she is assured the brunette won’t immediately fall asleep, Kara sets about putting fresh cotton sheets on the bed and finding a loose set of pajamas. She keeps her hearing trained on Lena, making sure she isn’t asleep or passed out.
With the few minutes she has left, she orders chicken noodle soup, several sandwiches, and sides from her favorite delivery that delivers.
Kara makes her way back into the bathroom, grabbing a fresh rag and Lena’s Milk Honey & Vanilla body wash. She sets about washing Lena’s red face, then apply a lather to her body before she uses the shower head to rinse her off.
“Okay, babe, all done. I’m going to get the towel, just a sec,” she gets the towel warm from the dryer and returns to pick Lena up, wrapping her in the towel and walking to the bedroom.
She sets her love on the bed, drying her off and preparing to dress her in the pajamas she laid out, which Lena promptly refuses to wear.
“Don’t want that. Want your shirt.”
“The one I’m wearing? I wore this to the office earlier—“
“No, in the closet. Bottom dresser,” she croaks.
Kara finds her old Midvale High gym tee amongst an assortment of lounge clothes in the aforementioned drawer. She chuckles, walking back to Lena and helping her into the shirt and a pair of cotton boy shorts.
“You stole my shirt? I’ve been looking for this,” she jokingly accuses.
“No. You left it. Mine now,” comes the raspy reply.
“Whatever you want, babe. Let’s sit on the couch a bit while we wait on the food.”
Kara carries Lena to the living room. Offering to make tea to sooth Lena’s sore throat. As she bends down to set Lena on the couch, she clings to her front like a koala, refusing to let go.
“No,” she whines, “don’t leave.”
“I’m not, I’m just putting the kettle on,” Kara soothes.
“No, carry me,” Lena pleads softly, glassy eyes begging.
Never one to deny her girlfriend anything, Kara tightens her hold and migrates into the kitchen. One arm holds Lena under her butt as the other navigates putting a pot of tea to boil.
The brunette has her head tucked into Kara’s shoulder, laying a kiss there before closing her eyes.
Kara presses a kiss to the side of her head. “It’s okay, princess. Just relax,” the blonde coos, stroking her hand along Lena’s spine.
Before long, Lena’s body has molded to Kara’s own, placid and limp. Kara remains standing, not wanting to jostle Lena by laying her on the couch. When the kettle whistles, Kara turns off the burner, pouring the tea into a thermos to keep warm for later.
Kara carries the thermos to the couch, setting it on the end table, then returning to grab a couple of water bottles and a mug.
Kara intends to let Lena sleep a little longer, but a knock at the door alerts her to the delivery man’s arrival. She lays Lena along the couch carefully, pressing a kiss to her brow before answering the door and paying for the food.
Kara gently urges Lena to wake, “C’mon, baby. Wake up; you have to eat something.”
“No,” she mewls, “don’t want it.”
“Lena, you have to eat so you can take some medicine. You’ll feel much better after. Just eat some soup and I’ll let you sleep.”
The brunette ends up drinking the soup broth and eating a few pieces of dumpling before she refuses anymore. Kara is able to coax her into drinking the ginger and chamomile tea.
“No more, sleepy,” the sick woman mutters, eyes drooping.
Kara sighs, stroking flyaways from Lena’s flushed cheeks. She deposits a tender kiss to Lena’s cheek and forehead before moving to stand.
“Sleep, baby. I’ll be here when you wake.”
“Wait, kiss.”
Kara lets out a soft laugh, pressing a short kiss to Lena’s lips. “Sleep, princess.”
And with that, Lena drifts off.
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My AO3 acount
My Masterlist on Tumblr
Yellow Sun: Lena had never been more comfortable in her entire life
It's Cold Outside: 6 times Lena feels cold and 1 time Kara promises to keep her warm
Good Luck Kisses: There's a new trend around
You marked more than just my skin: Kara gets a tattoo and Lena is an tattoo artist
Dino gear: Kara’s main goal is to make Lena happy
You look perfect: Lena can't stop staring
I'm slowly dying (with or without you): Lena has a panic attack, Kara’s there
Old friends: Sam attends Alex's wedding.
Baby Driver: Lena doesn't know how to drive and Kara offers to teach her so she can take her license, however, driving proves to be harder than Lena thought it would be.
Kara declaims short poems at Lena part 1
Kara declaims short poems at Lena part 2
Supercorp at Quarantine part 1
Fanart/Gif sets drabbles (inspired by fanarts or gif sets from other people)
Wives spending a cozy night at home
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
Kara explaining her tattoos
Lena’s Birthday
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Slumber Party: Yelena wants to have a slumber party tonight.
That is not cutlery: Yelena keeps coming back and Kate just might end up wanting her to stay.
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I Wanna Believe (that we're a masterpiece): Natasha seems to be unable to take care of herself, so Carol decides she will be the one to do that.
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Pillow talk: Natasha is back from a mission and all she wants is to see Wanda. Wanda, however, is already enterteined with another activity.
Take Care: Everyone tries to warn Wanda what a bad idea it is to fall in love with the big, bad, scary spy.
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Drabble: Cute Rosalie and Charlie bonding moment.
Bella is high: Bella smokes weed.
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Sunday Plans: It's a lazy Sunday morning and Florence has an important question for you
Happy Together: A cute unplanned date night with your girlfriend, Florence.
Black widow: Cooking With Flo is back and you make an accidental cameo that get the entire world to know about you relationship with Florence.
Kiss me more: This is the first time your friends are meeting your girlfriend and you're excited about it.
Sunrise in the East: Reader is very happy having one-night stands or having friends with benefits, avoiding any serious relationship for a while now. However, things change and she suddenly starts to think that dating wouldn't be all that bad.
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Mrs Hollywood: It's not always easy to date a Hollywood star.
Make up your mind: You ask Scarlett out on a date.
Mayores: Someone sends you flowers and your girlfriend isn't happy about it.
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Marry you: During an interview, someone asks you to marry them and your girlfriend isn't happy about it.
Marry you (part 2): Your girlfriend proposed, your friends are happy for you, and you still have work to do.
Marry you (part 3): It's time for the world to know about your relationship.
Cool kids: Elizabeth meets your son.
Love me harder: You are having a nice day out with Elizabeth when a paparazzi stumble over you.
Happier than ever: Your last relationship was toxic and you're still coping with that.
Only girl: You and Elizabeth enjoy a quiet night at home.
She's so lovely: Elizabeth introduces you to the world.
Lay all your love (on me): You get hired to be Elizabeth’s love interest in her new movie and nothing could prepare you to how your life would change upon meeting her.
Skin: *SMUT* There are times when you need Elizabeth to consume you.
Runnin' home to you: After months of trying, it’s time to tell your wife that you're pregnant.
Dog days are over: Elizabeth isn’t a dog person… but you are. After the puppy interview, you try to convince your girlfriend to take one of them home.
Tattooed heart: You have tattoos everywhere and your girlfriend suffers from severe anxiety. You learned to walk around with Sharpies to help her out.
Into you: A quiet day at home with the person that consumes your every breath.
| Last updated: Jan. 20th, 2024.
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How I would re-write Supergirl Season 2/3
(as some one who stopped watching after season three, and also has not rewatched the series since 2020) (reign arc and heroes of the week will remain unchanged)
So, starting off strong, at Alex and Maggie would not have gotten engaged. Season 2 finale would have been Maggie realizing she was rushing into things, Alex being all "no I love you, I know I do" and Maggie being like "there is a whole gay world for you to explore... go do it." This would lead to sadness, a bit of tears (Chyler and Floriana would be AMAZING- daytime emmy nominee worthy performance).
Rhea would reveal Kara's identity to Lena in the finale. It would be casual too, she would be like "you are much better for my son Lena, that kryptonian isn't worth her weight in dirt here. I can't believe he would settle for a lowly slave." And then Lena would be all "reporter" and Rhea would be like "Yes Kara Danver's, former slave to a, Cat Grant I believe her name is" and then Rhea would continue on her spiel and there would be a cut scene as the camera focuses on Lena taking in the information
They save the day- Monel leaves for what ever reason he had to leave- don't remember, don't care. Also, Kara and Mon-el would have never dated, he would have just pined for her and James and Winn would be all "join the club"
Season 3
Alex mourned over her first lesbian relationship over the 6 month gap between seasons, Lena hasn't told Kara she knows.
First DEO scene of Season 3 is Alex talking to Kara (and invertedly Winn and James) about her most recent date on an app. It went bad, Winn chimes in like "what was it this time" and Alex is like "she was weirdly into ___" then J'onn walks in, like "Alex I am sorry to interrupt but there are pressing matter to attend to- there is a meta human down town" (que hero of the week intro)
Lena and Kara hang out, audience find out that Lena hasn't told Kara cause Kara has to leave to deal with a alien and does the usual "uh, I hear my named being called, ugh bye" and Lena just smiles and nodds, and sighs wistfully, staring after her (supercorp shippers go crazy)
Ep 2 or three we first see Sam and Ruby in line for Noonan's or something (why did they establish that as a brand, just to immediately ditch it after season 1???) and it's just a cute simple little "Hi, I'm Alex, let me help you out" but Sam is endeared and Ruby just smiles because (I love Ruby but honestly) she didn't have that much of a personality early on in the season
That same ep we see Lena reuniting with Sam. After that, when ever Sam and Lena meet each other (I don't remember when or how) Kara and Lena are like "you two know each other" and Alex is all blushy like "yeah, Kinda, I mean, not really" and Sam is like "yeah, Lena she is the girl from the place". Sam and Lena share a look (agent reign shippers go crazy)
Sprinkles of supercorp here and there- Just Kara and Lena doing their normal friend shit but Kara being like "woah, I am feeling things maybe"
At ep 8 or so Kara is at the bar with Alex and ask her how she knew with Maggie, that she liked Maggie. And Alex is all "well, I guess I always knew I liked girls but it was always objective. Like, I would think, she is so kind and smart and beautiful and amazing, any guy would be lucky to have her. But something about Maggie just forced me to realize that I was the one feeling these things, not some guy. I don't know, something about her just made alot of things clearer. Like, I realized I was the one driving the car, not a passenger. She made me stop being so passive in my own life" and Kara is quiet the whole time. Alex then ask "why" and Kara is all "no reason". Cut to Lena at L-Corp working on something relevant to the plot (supercorp shippers go crazy) (that conversation inspires Alex to ask Sam out- they then start to date)
Next ep, Kara goes to Lena's office, and is all, "there is something I need to tell you" and Lena is all "I already know" and Kara is shocked an all "how do you know" and Lena is like "in hindsight it was obvious. *list of things that hold double meanings cause miscommunication trope*" "Lee- I would have told you earlier but I-" "It's fine, I get it. You were doing it to protect me" "protect you???" "yeah- you're supergirl". Que Kara sighing and then freaking out, Lena saying Rhea told her, Kara being pulled away by some kind of supe situation, and Lena being all "go get them supergirl"
Kara admits her feelings at the end of the episode. Lena is shocked, but agrees. They agree to go on a date, a real romantic date and not a friend one, but oops- it's ep 9 which means Kara fights reign, goes comatose and then we get angsty, driven lena being like "we gotta fix Kara"
From then on, the show goes like usual, but Alex and Sam are dating and Kara and Lena are as well. The show ends with Season 3, Alex leads Deo, Winn stays but James leaves to help in the future but it really doesn't matter because the show it over. Supercorp is canon, Alex and Sam have a daughter and everyone lives happily ever after.
Edit: forgot to say this orginally but more Cat cameos. I love that woman so much- she has to come back at least twice in season 3 and be like "I leave the city for five minutes and you let her do WHAT? Agent Scully, why on EARTH would you let your sister fight a world killer??? Have you no brains under that thick skull" or something. I just want for her to be there, see Kara and Lena together and pull out of peice of paper from her purse that says "gay" and be like "I knew when you first walked into my office. No straight women would willingly be yelled at that often" or something. Idk, she was just very deeply missed
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goldenempyrean · 4 days
Close Your Eyes
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〚 Notes - We haven't had a collab in a while, have we? I joined with the amazing @mapis-putellas on this so hopefully you enjoy! 〛
〚 Pairing - Supercorp 〛
〚 Summary - Lena is stubbornly working when she shouldn't be. Kara comes to bring her home. 〛
〚 Wordcount - 2,380 〛
〘 Check Out My Masterlist! 〙
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Kara had assumed it was nothing. In fact, she’d hoped desperately it was nothing. It wasn't like Lena hadn't woken up a little stuffy before. A little grouchy and clingy wanting to be held just that bit little longer than normal. If truth be told, it was quiet a common occurrence - especially during allergy season when all of that pollen was in the air.  
However today it seemed as though Lena had wanted nothing more than to stay in bed. Kara’s gentle hand grazed softly over the bare skin of her back as she'd burrowed herself against her chest.  
For a second, Kara had assumed she'd fallen back to sleep. This wasn’t like ger at all. No matter what, she was always up and out of bed before the clock could even strike seven.  God forbid, a Luthor stay in bed idle while the day passed them by. 
That morning Lena had seemed a little more subdued than normal as she sipped her tea and forced down some breakfast, but Kara again had thought nothing of it and simply put it down to simply allergies and the fact she’d just woken up. She had no reason not to believe it. 
After a quick shower, Lena left for work, as usual. The only difference being was she hadn't kissed Kara goodbye before she'd left. Now that wasn't normal.  Kara’s brow furrowed a little as she watched the door close behind her, her distinct crinkle forming at the bridge of her nose. Something seemed off. 
There wasn’t much she could do now except finishing getting herself ready for the day. Lena was constantly in the back of her mind however. Kara had a habit of zoning in to Lena's heartbeat periodically throughout the day despite her duties as super girl. It wasn’t spying or anything malicious, it was just that hearing that rhythmic beating was comforting and reminded her about all the good in the world, especially after a rough fight or incident. However, each time today that she'd listened in, Kara had heard said heartbeat speed up for several seconds before returning to normal.  
Now, the blonde may had been a little naive sometimes, but she definitely wasn't dumb. She knew full well that they were sneezes. Sneezes of which Lena was trying, and apparently failing, to stifle.  Now she really knew something was wrong. 
Lena never sneezed. Not really. They'd been together for over two years and Kara hadn’t seen Lena had only sneeze in her company more than 3 times. She'd passed that record by triple today already, and it hadn't even been two hours since they'd departed for their respective jobs.  
Her suspicions only grew from there and she just about managed to refrain from flying over to L-Corp and demand Lena go home. Kara knew that that wouldn't go down too well. Especially when her girlfriend was a little more...cranky than usual.  
It was no secret that Lena was a workaholic. In fact, she'd told Kara just that not too long after they'd first started dating - almost as though she was trying to warn Kara away.  
It hadn't worked, obviously, and slowly but surely Kara had gotten used to spending most days by herself. She'd visit L-Corp most days with lunch, - because Lena was nortotrious for forgetting the fact that humans need do indeed need food to function, and after they'd eaten, Kara would manage to coax Lena into her arms for a few minutes of snuggles, and then back to work it was.  
It was pretty much routine now. Their normal. And whilst Kara did sometimes wish they'd spend more time together, she'd gotten used to the fact that it was an uncommon occurrence. The last time they'd spend the entire day together was during her last solar flare just three short months ago.  
Lena had pretty much waited on her hand and foot, and had attended to every single one of her needs without question. She'd held Kara for hours on end, Kara's head on her chest and Kara's arms beneath her shirt, hands tenderly grazing over her bare sides. There had been lots of kisses too. Forehead. Nose. Cheeks, and lips.  
It was glorious, and despite the pain she was in, Kara had never wanted the day to end.  
Of course it had though.   
But apparently now, it was Lena's turn to be sick, which Kara was about 98.7% certain Lena was. The neglected 1.3% doubt was later confirmed when she'd gotten the phone call from Lena's assistant, Jess, pleading with Kara to come and get her girlfriend before she inevitably passed out.  
It had taken Kara mere seconds to make it to L-Corp, and with a deep sigh, - because she already knew Lena wasn't going to let herself be brought home without a fight, she pushed open the balcony door and slipped into Lena's office, meeting her girlfriends surprised look with a soft, yet hopeful smile.  
"Kara?" The sound of her voice alone has Kara's heart aching. It was so hoarse that it sounded painful.  
"Hi baby," She greeted her, walking over and crouching down. Lena turns in her chair to face her, and Kara automatically placed a hand on each of her thighs and gave them a soft squeeze. 
Lena sniffled wetly - a sound Kara decides to ignore, at least for now - before resting her hands atop of Kara's own. "What are you doing here?" She asked as she tilted her head to the side, and Kara had to physically refrain herself from awh’ing out loud as she interlaced her fingers with Lena's slightly smaller ones.  
"Jess called," was all she said, and that was all it takes for Lena's seemingly good mood to drop. She pulled her hands out of Kara's own and attempted to swivel herself out of Kara's personal space with a disgruntled look on her flushed face.  
Expecting this, Kara doesn't let this deter her and placed both hands on the arms of the chair preventing Lena from moving. Lena was visibly upset at this, eyebrows furrowing and lips falling into a small pout. Making it clear she wasn’t going to leave this, Kara reached to cup her chin and was met with Lena swatting her hand away and attempting to stand up. 
"Hey hey, no." Kara lightly chastised her, gently taking both of Lena's hands into her own. "You need to sit back down. I may be strong but I don’t think it’d look good if Jess walked in on me picking you up from the floor." She attempted to joke to ease the tension, and much to her relief, Lena's lips quirk up ever so slightly at the corners. 
"Jess called me," The blonde continued from earlier, doing her best to ignore the pleading look currently being sent her way. She hated confrontation. Especially with those she loved and Lena was the person she loved most in this world with the exception of Alex.  
She wanted so badly to leave Lena to her day because she hated seeing her girlfriend so upset, but she just couldn't bring herself to do so. She'd never forgive herself if she knowingly let Lena work herself to exhaustion like this. 
So, she took a deep breath and forced herself to continue, "She called me and told me you were sick. And baby, you look it. You shouldn’t have even come in today.” 
Lena sniffled again; her green eyes considerably shiny with the onslaught of tears. "Kara..." she trailed off pleadingly, her voice breaking. By now, she was becoming considerably flushed in the face, her brow damp with sweat, telling Kara it may be best to hurry up and finish with this conversation so she could take her home.  
"I must admit I was suspicious from the second you woke up this morning," The pad of Kara’s thumb softly began grazing over her feverish skin. "I should’ve said something then but I decided to let you trust your own judgment, which I realised now may not have been the best decision."  
Lena, despite her obvious inner turmoil, leaned into Kara's soft touch, telling Kara all she needed to know. "Let's go home, okay?" She rises to her feet and holds out her hands.  
Lena frowns, "Kara, no. I have to work. You know that. I can't-" 
Okay. Attempt two it was.  
"Can't what? Be sick? Leave your job for one measly day so I can take care of you?" She wasn't opposed to getting a little defensive herself if it meant Lena would actually listen to her.  
Lena frowned at her, "That's not fair. You know how much this job means to me. I can't just-" she abruptly cut herself off, and for a second, Kara was concerned and watches as Lena's nose twitched and lips quivered. Seconds later, Lena pitched forward into her seat and sneezes both loudly and wetly into her hands.  
Kara let out a quiet sigh as she grabbed two tissues from the almost empty box on Lena's desk and once again crouched down in front of her. She offered them out without a word as her hand comes to rest on the small of Lena's back, and the woman shyly took them from her with a somewhat embarrassed look on her face before softly blowing her nose.  
Kara waited patiently as Lena disposed of said tissue before she squirted some sanitiser onto her hands. She knew it may be best to give her a few moments to gather herself because the next time she attempted this conversation, she wouldn't be asking. 
In the meantime, Lena sniffled again and leant back in her chair as she looked up at Kara through tired, glassy eyes. Kara knew it was time for her to go home. Staying here would only do more harm than good and she knew that secretly, Lena would also much prefer to be cuddled up in bed rather than sitting uncomfortably at her desk. 
So this time she tried a different approach, “As L-Corp’s CEO, it’s your responsibility to make sure your company performs at its best, right?”Kara began, and waited for Lena to nod in acknowledgment before she continued, “You’re sick and quite clearly it’s contagious from the way the security guard I passed was sniffling. As CEO, It’s your responsibility to make sure your staff are doing the best job they can do and well, they can’t do that if they’re also coming down with whatever nasty bug you’re fighting, can they?” 
“So, it’s not only in the best interest of yourself but also your company if you be brave, admit you’re not feeling the best today and let me take you back home.” Kara finished. Her logic was irrefutable, even Lena could understand that. 
The ravenette seemed to fight herself on what to do before after a few long seconds, finally giving into the smallest of nods. That was more than enough for Kara. She reached down and helped Lena up, pulling her waist up and towards her into a hug. She could feel Lena hold her breath as she rested her head onto her shoulder, seemingly trying to stop herself from breathing heavily or sniffling. 
“You’re okay love, just relax.” Kara whispered as she rubbed her back as Lena let out a long shaky exhale, “You’ll be okay, I promise. A nice hot bath and some snuggles on the sofa is just what you need. Thank you for letting me taking you home.” 
“M’sorry I’m so stubborn, I know it’s difficult-” Lena began but was cut off by Kara shushing her gently, her hand reaching down to take it into her own as she led her towards the door. 
She pushed open the door and held it as Lena walked through, “I knew what I was signing up for. Yes, you’re as stubborn as anything and it can be a real pain in the... anyway, regardless of that I still wouldn’t change you for the world. You’re my Lena Luthor and I love you.” Kara finished by kissing her softly, making up for the one she lost this morning. The two stayed like that for a minute until Lena had to inevitably break away to breathe. 
Kara smiled softly as Lena took a deep breath, the strain still visible on her flushed face. “Come on, let’s start getting you home.” She said quietly, wrapping an arm around her girlfriend’s waist as they headed towards the elevator. She could feel Lena leaning more of her weight against her, a clear sign of just how exhausted she was.  
The ride down to the lobby was quiet, save for the occasional sniffle or cough from Lena. Some curious people glanced at them curiously as they passed by, but no one dared say a word. Jess stood by the front desk, looking relieved as they approached. She gave her an appreciative nod, a gesture she knew Jess understood. She made a mental note to buy her some flowers or a small gift at a later date. 
In the meantime, Kara continued to guide Lena out of the building and into her waiting car. She helped her settle into the passenger seat, buckling her in with careful hands. “Just relax, okay?” she murmured, brushing a stray lock of hair away from Lena’s face. 
The driver looked at her curiously, “Where to Miss Danvers?” He asked as Kara climbed in the backseat at the other side. She thought for a moment as Lena scooted over a little to lean against her side, letting her head drop onto her shoulder. 
The blonde couldn’t resist cooing quietly at how clingy her previously stubborn and crank girlfriend had become, “Pharmacy first please then back to our apartment. Thank you.” She turned to Lena, letting her hand come to the back of her hair to gently undo the tight ponytail she’d had it pulled up into. Instantly she could feel Lena’s expression soften slightly as the pressure in her head relieved just a little, “Just close your eyes and sleep love. I’ll get everything we need and when you wake up, we’ll be back home, okay?” 
The Luthor sighed softly and nodded, her eyes fluttering closed as she quietly whispered, “Thanks Kara.” 
“You’re welcome sweetheart.” 
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 2 months
Entrapment (post Crisis Supercorp angst)
The last place Kara expects to see Lena is in the CatCo elevator. It breaks her heart to feel it lift at the sight of Lena’s breathless smile, only to come crashing down when that smile disappears as Lena sees who it is who held the doors for her. 
But Lena doesn’t withdraw. She squares her shoulders to a professional set as she turns back to face the closing doors. As the car lifts, the silence is so heavy that Kara has to break it before it crutches her alive.
“Visiting Andrea?” 
A noncommittal hum comes too swiftly to be construed as anything but perfunctory. With a lump rising in her throat, Kara swallows painfully, but nods to herself, resolute. Fine. If Lena won’t even try to be civil, then neither will she–
A loud metallic clank lurches through the elevator, making the walls rattle. They stop moving abruptly, staggering slightly to keep their feet through the jostle. The lights then dim, as through to drive the point home. They were stuck.
“You have got to be kidding me,” Lena mutters darkly, jabbing her finger against the help button. To Kara’s surprise, a tinny voice answers, promising that a team was on the way.
“And how long will it be before we’re moving again?” The barest hint of an edge creeps into Lena’s voice, cutting deep in Kara’s ears.
“I couldn’t say, ma’am,” the voice returns, professional but unbothered. “We’ll keep you apprised of any developments.”
The quiet that follows the disconnecting click of the speaker lingers for a long moment before Lena snaps. 
“Fuck!” she hisses sharply. Kara tries her best to pretend her frustration is at being trapped and not that she’s trapped there with Kara. She doesn’t quite succeed. 
She bows her head to hide the tears that prick at her eyes. Neither of them speak again for a good ten minutes before Kara dares to try again.
“How have you been?” She tries to say it casually, but she knows she’s not fooling anyone, let alone Lena.
“How do you think,” Lena mutters a growl.
“I wouldn’t know,” Kara snaps back. “That’s why I asked.”
It comes out sharper than she means to, and she can tell it takes Lena back a bit. Good. Let her see how angry Kara is, how frustrating her rebuffs are, when all Kara wants is to check in. But Lena’s surprise soon shifts to an expression that Kara recognizes as Lena digging her heels in. In that moment, Kara realizes that she’s spoken the language Lena is most fluent in– contempt.
Kara sighs. “Lena…”
“Don’t bother,” Lena drawls, folding her arms over her chest. With a scowl, Kara slumps one shoulder against the elevator wall. 
As the first hour bleeds into a second, Kara’s anger ebbs to a simmer. In its absence, the urge to reach out again overwhelms her. 
“I’m sorry,” she says softly. 
“I don’t care.”
And just like that Kara’s temper flares once more. “You could at least pretend to be civil.”
“What on earth makes you think you’ve earned that from me?”
“I don’t know– how about four years of friendship?!”
“Friendship is a funny way to pronounce ‘deception and fraud’,” Lena scoffs dismissively. 
Kara’s hands curl into fists, and it takes all of her self control not to grip the side rail and crumple it into a mangled mess of metal. “That’s not what it was–”
“You don’t get to decide that,” Lena counters swiftly. Her gaze spears Kara in place, the bright glint of her anger as cold as ice. “
“Actually I do. Your perception isn’t reality, Lena.”
“Oh, I’ve learned that lesson, don’t worry.”
The rebuttal kicks Kara straight in the gut, nearly driving the air from her lungs. Her jaw snaps shut with an audible click, swallowing any retort with the need to keep her tears at bay. Lena senses her moment of weakness, and closes in for the kill.
“And don’t pretend this overture isn’t for any purpose aside from your need to assuage your guilt. If you’re looking for absolution, you won’t be getting it from me. So why don’t you just. move. on.”
“You’re wrong, you know.”
By hour four Kara has found a home on the floor of the elevator, her seat padded by her coat. Lena stubbornly remains standing, though Kara can tell by the shifting of her stance that the discomfort of her Louboutins grows by the minute. Lena’s eyes roll towards her in exasperation.
“Well, you’re partly right. But mostly wrong.”
Lena huffs. “Do tell.”
“I do feel guilty,” Kara admits. She picks at the skin of her cuticle, seeking any ounce of solace from the distraction. “But I’m not looking for absolution. I will always carry the guilt of how I treated you. Even if you told me right now that you understood every decision I made that hurt you, I would still feel guilty. Because you deserve better. You’ve always deserved better.”
“Then why the pretense?”
“I miss you, Lena.” Kara lets her hands fall still, and she lifts her chin to meet Lena’s gaze. She shrugs. “It’s not a pretense, just the truth. I just… miss you.”
Lena doesn’t have anything to say to that. Silence returns, and Kara dares to hope it might mean more than it did before.
“You think I’ll just move past it?”
Lena finally sits, prying her shoes off and setting them to one side. A wiggle of her toes elicits a cascade of crackles as abused joints settle back into their proper place. Kara gazes at her calmly, feeling better now that she’s gotten at least some of the weight off her chest. She considers Lena’s question– if she’s not expecting forgiveness, yet still yearning to repair their friendship, then what avenue could possibly get them there but the idea that Lena might one day come to peace with what happened?
“I guess… I guess I hoped so.” The admission feels heavy, distorting the air around Kara until Lena’s sharp reproach slams her back to reality. 
“You really thought me capable of that?” Lena smirks, leaning back against the wall. “That’s adorable.”
“Is it?” Kara counters. “All the time I’ve known you, you have demonstrated over and over again that you are a compassionate, kind person– one who believes in second chances.” She lifts one shoulder in a shrug, but doesn’t break eye contact. “Is it really so hard to believe I’d hope that might extend to me?”
Dark eyes narrow, even as blood-red lips curl into a smirk. “You think you’ve cornered the market on being selfish?”
Kara eyes her. “I know you, Lena.”
Lena scoffs. “You still don’t get it. Kind, compassionate, good Lena…” She straightens, shaking her head. “You only knew the person I wanted to be.”
“You’re still those things.” When Lena doesn’t respond, Kara hears her silence as clearly as any response. “But you don’t want to be.”
“Why would I, when it’s only ever brought me heartache?”
They get a third update of no update thirty minutes later. The temperature has risen slightly, not enough to affect Kara in her sweater, but bringing a flush to Lena’s cheeks and a sheen of sweat to her upper lip.
“I don’t suppose it’s been long enough for your… friend, to make an appearance?” Lena asks, one eyebrow cocked. 
Kara shakes her head. “You saw the fight on the news two days ago? I sort of, um… Supergirl’s still recovering.”
Lena rolls her eyes. “Wonderful.”
An apology lifts to Kara’s tongue, but she dismisses it before it can emerge. Solar flaring is one of the few things she doesn’t have to apologize for. Instead, she watches Lena, and in the minutes that follow, she can see exhaustion slowly claim her. She’s an old hand at recognizing it by now, after all– it just kills her that she’s now one of its causes. 
“How have you been, Lena. Really.”
Lena sighs, the sound sharp and bitter. “I don’t know Kara. My brother has been resurrected, and someone let him create whole fucking reality with himself at the center of it. How would you be?”
Kara fights the urge to grimace. She may not have let Lex do anything– she didn’t even think bending an entire reality by sheer will was possible. If she had, maybe she could have– no, she stops herself. What Lex had done had been a shortcut. A cheat code, of sorts. By the grace of Mxy she’s seen what cheating the system could do. None of it had felt right– none of it would have been fair to Lena.
If she has a chance of repairing what she broke, she’ll do it the right way. She’ll finally give Lena the agency she deserved all along– even if it’s to tell her to kick bricks. Before she can say as much, Lena exhales, and in the sound Kara hears the fight leaving.
“A brand new reality,” Lena breathes, “where anyone can have a second chance.”
Hope lifts hot and bright in Kara’s chest.
“And all I can think is that I wish he’d just left me out of it.”
Lena’s voice is as heavy as her words. Kara absorbs it, in a way only a person who understands could.
“I’m sorry you feel that way. You’re in a tougher spot than most.” Being positioned as Lex’s right hand, answering to him from the rank and file of the same company she’d resuscitated with her own blood, sweat, and tears… 
“You don’t have to work with him, Lena.” 
“Save the inspiring soliloquy for someone who needs it, Supergirl.” 
“You flourished without him! Why shove yourself back into that box? You saw his diaries, you know how he thinks of you. You’re better than that.” 
This time when Lena meets her gaze, it’s without the malice that has predominated the duration of their entrapment thus far. The combativeness has left her, and in its place is an apathy Kara has only glimpsed once before– the night after Jack Spheer’s death, sitting with Lena on her office couch.
“At one point, I almost believed that,” Lena murmurs. 
This, at least, is a sentiment that Kara has known for all the time she’s known Lena, and she knows just what to say.
“Then I’ll believe it for you,” she says firmly. “And I’ll remind you until you start believing it again.”
“We’re not friends anymore, Kara. There’s no need to pretend you care.”
Kara shakes her head. “I can’t control whether you see me as a friend or not. But you will always be mine.” She holds Lena’s gaze. “Always.”
Just as the clock on Kara’s phone ticks past 3pm, Lena breaks the silence for the first time.
“For what it’s worth,” she says, her voice low and solemn, “I’ve missed you too.”
Twenty minutes later, the elevator car jolts upwards. It shakes them from their wait-induced torpor, and they rise to their feet together just as the doors peel open to reveal a ledge about chest height with a firefighter kneeling down to study them with an appraising eye.
“You two all right in there?”
“Fine,” Kara and Lena say simultaneously. They shoot each other a wry glance. 
The firefighter nods, reaching in with a long arm. “Time to get you ladies some fresh air.”
Lena goes first, allowing Kara to give her the slightest boost as their rescuer hauls her up. The exit is about as graceful as it could possibly be, and by the time Kara meets her on the other side, Lena is on her feet and tidying her skirt.
Kara stares at her, savoring the chance to drink in the sight of her one last time. Lena feels her gaze, and looks up to meet it, eyes inscrutable as the murmur of the gathered onlookers wash over them.
“It was good to see you,” she offers softly. “Despite the circumstances.”
Lena doesn’t respond. Kara decides to press her luck, just one more time.
“Please, think about what I said. About Lex. You are worth so much more than what he’s offered you.”
Than what I’ve offered you, Kara almost adds. She doesn’t. 
After a long moment, Lena gives a single nod, before merging into the crowd in the direction of Andrea’s office. Kara watches her go, then turns the opposite direction towards the stairwell. As she makes her way down the steps, thoughts of Lena occupy every corner of her mind. The odds of their relationship changing even an inch towards how they used to be are slim to none, Kara knows. But maybe, just maybe, Lena still might take what she said about Lex to heart. 
Replaying Lena’s final nod over and over in her mind’s eye, Kara emerges onto the street outside, greedily inhaling the musty city air. After a moment, she sighs, tipping her head back to bask in the pale winter sun.
Odds or no, she can’t help but hope.
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sssammich · 6 months
fic: let there be another day
inspired by this fantastically angsty gifset of a supercorp AU. happy supercorp sunday yall
thanks x
The days transform steadily, selfishly, into weeks. Until the weeks have amounted to six months of nothing. Nothing between them but a phantom line of what they’d been to each other, once upon a time.
There is a crater in Lena’s heart, a botched excavation of the way she’d willed herself to forget Kara, to protect the two of them from the ruthlessness of her family. So she’d cored herself first, hoping to beat her brother and mother to the punch. Yet Kara had dug herself further into her heart, straight into her marrow. 
So she failed, in the end, to rid herself of the woman she’d loved with her whole being. 
But it’s gotten easier, in a way, existing in this reality where she had to deny herself the chance for happiness if it meant her happiness could live. 
Her family has continued to terrorize her, but she’s acclimated. Expected it, really. Their efforts of trying to eliminate the few people who have been able to reach the fortress of her heart have now since changed to recruiting her into the fold of the family business. 
She now only functions to keep L-Corp as an entity of good despite her family’s best attempts at compromising her work. It’s fine, because she has accepted that her work will be her life. Her love—her grief—has become the shape of late nights in front of her computer, of half-filled decanters as she oversees expense reports, of dry-cleaned power suits and a lethal red lipstick as armor worn in superfluous business meetings. 
It’s worth it, she reasons, when she catches sight of Supergirl zooming past her window to save the day once more. 
Lena should have known that Lex and Lillian are simply biding their time until they strike. The last couple of months of relative quiet was not a sign of reprieve. So when the glass of her office doors break and splinter into tiny crystalline pieces, her heart aches not in fear, but in disappointment. 
She’s never had a death wish and would never wish this hurt upon herself, but the amount of threats to her life has surpassed her age. She thinks that maybe if both Lex and Lillian simply just got it over with, that she can get some goddamn rest. But she knows why she fights and why she keeps going. If only to spite her family, if only so that her sacrifice isn’t in vain. 
Another explosion erupts and throws Lena partway across her office, her head hitting the corner of her desk with a thud. She opens her eyes and her vision blurs, her head throbbing with pain, her body tense and sore all at once. Distantly, she can hear the fire alarm go off just as the sprinklers start shooting off water and flooding her office. 
She attempts to stand and find an exit, but her body betrays her intentions, buckling under her weight as she’s sprayed with water all around her. She falls onto her knees and subjects herself to crawling towards the exit with only but reckless determination and an almost-extinguished hope that she will make it out of this alive. 
Before she can take another step forward, there’s a whooshing sound that fills her already ringing ears and suddenly, warmth envelopes her. 
She sighs in resignation and gratitude when she feels the familiar weight around her. Lena knows before she opens her eyes what has engulfed her so safely, so securely. It cuts her heart just as it heals it, and she is in a loop of pain and joy. 
She wants to open her eyes, truly, to look into ocean eyes and a field of golden grass. But she is in pain and she is hurting. Her only course of action is to keep her eyes closed as strong arms grab hold of her—gently, always so gently—and whisks her out of her now compromised and ruined office. 
When she comes to, she finds herself in a secluded and private examination room of the National City Hospital, discretion of the highest priority as a prominent public figure. It’s one she’s been in before, from a past attempt at her life. It’s almost something like a comfort, this familiar space that has seen her bruises, cuts, and scrapes. 
The door swings open and she hears Kara behind her begin to make her exit. She doesn’t look up but when she catches sight of the red cape just by the bed, she holds up a hand and stops the movement altogether. 
She only lets go when the doctor looks down from her clipboard and settles on the rolling stool, the creak of the leather as she rolls closer to Lena. 
She allows the doctor to do what she does best, intently listening to the sound of the squeaking stool and the crinkling of the paper of the examination bed as doctor works.  
A mild concussion, some cuts and bruises. It could have been worse, she’s told. It always could have been worse and she wants to yell at Dr. Shapiro that this feels pretty close to the worst. Still, she listens carefully as her doctor explains how fortunate she is for surviving after the second and third explosions completely decimating her office. 
“Third explosion?” she asks, this information brand new to her. 
“Mm,” the doctor hums. “The second blast was the reason for your concussion, but according to reports, the third blast was close to you and would have knocked you prone and done serious damage had you not found cover.” 
Lena tries very hard not to twist her aching body and look over her shoulder. 
“Thank you, Doctor.” 
The doctor looks at her meaningfully before glancing over Lena’s right shoulder and placing a hand on hers, squeezing, and then letting go. 
The door closes with a quiet click, but instead of an exhaled deep breath, she holds herself tense. She shuts her eyes and listens to the way the superhero makes just enough noise so Lena knows where she is. First, from the chair she’d been occupying, then the sound of boots against the linoleum flooring, then the swish of the cape as it catches against the corner of the examination bed and back down again. 
“Where can I take you?” 
She opens her eyes to the setting sun, to saltwater ocean, to a small smile she hasn’t allowed herself to witness in six months. 
She doesn’t know what’s safest, what her family is planning, what the total damage is. She needs her phone, she needs access to her company, she needs—
“Can I go with you?” is what she says. 
Kara studies her, like the horizon staring back, and nods. She opens her hand, the thumb loop of her suit wrapping around her palm, and offers it to Lena. 
She takes it, sliding her unsteady hand in place and breathes when Kara clasps their hands together. 
Kara’s apartment smells the exact same. 
She does not comment on this, though it’s the most prevalent thought in her mind. Kara lets her walk in first, speeding to the lamps and switching them on until the apartment is bathed in faint golden light. Fitting. 
“Get cleaned up. I’ll have some spare clothes for you right outside the bathroom.” Kara passes her a towel, and she hugs it to her chest. 
The water scalds her skin, stings the open scratches and cuts. And she revels in it, her alabaster skin reddening under the downpour of it. She savors it until the shower sputters a little and the hot water becomes tepid then becomes cold. She squeals and jumps away, hitting herself against the side of the shower stall and knocking half of the soaps and hair products off the shelf. 
Kara is there in an instant, opening the door and getting soaked herself, trying to protect her. 
Naked and broken, she looks up to the setting sun that is Kara’s concerned face, and then she starts laughing. 
“I—the hot water ran out.” 
Kara exhales, that cold water matting down her hair on her forehead as she protects Lena from the downpour. “Sorry, I never did call the landlord about it.” 
She turns off the water behind her and steps out of the shower stall to pick up Lena’s towel for her. She opens the towel and turns away. 
You’ve seen it all before, she wants to say, but doesn’t. Instead, she takes the towel and wraps it around herself, the cold beads of water from her hair clinging to her neck, her shoulder blades. 
Kara steps aside, offers her a shy smile, and leaves wordlessly. Lena listens to the way she walks around the apartment, the clattering of the plates on the table. 
She steps out and smiles when she finds spare clothes placed on a stool right outside the bathroom door. 
When she next steps out of the bathroom, she is wearing Kara’s oversized shirt with a faded cartoon drawing of National City State Fair on it and a spare set of her pajama pants that she didn’t realize she’d forgotten, she'd thought Kara would have gotten rid of. 
The spread of Chinese food on the coffee table is modest, but familiar. 
She takes a seat in the spot she once proclaimed as hers, and accepts the plate from Kara’s grasp. They eat in silence with only the sound of the television playing on in the background. 
Kara watches her—studying her, Lena��s sure—but doesn’t say anything. She talks about her week because Lena had asked, and so she gives it to Lena. They clear their plates, then she trails after Kara to the kitchen, parking herself on the kitchen island. Kara seems to anticipate her and passes a pint of Cherry Garcia towards her with a spoon on the lid. 
“Good for concussions, I heard,” Kara offers, a twitch of a smile on her lips.  
She laughs at that, surprised, but accepts the ice cream, opening the lid and taking a spoonful. “That’s tonsillitis.” 
Kara shrugs but takes a spoonful of her own Rocky Road on the opposite side of the kitchen island. So much of right now exists superimposed to how things had been before, how their lives had been so entwined, so integrated. It is unnerving as it is comforting, and Lena accepts that for today, at least, she has to accept the disorientation. 
Eventually, “here. I charged your phone. I’d call Sam first, then Jess.”
There is distance between them, far greater than the kitchen island in front of her, and it shows itself for the first time now, here. After everything.  
“Kara, I—” 
“I need to fill Alex in on everything. Let her know you’re alright. I’ll be right outside.”  
She nods, glances at her phone and the laptop that Kara slides across the kitchen island, and watches as Kara walks out the front door. 
For a solid hour, she works through everything she can considering her mild concussion. She touches base with her assistant, with her team, and finds that they have taken care of everything for her. She sighs in relief, shuddering into her hands when Sam and Jess let her know that they have everything handled, that all they want for her is to rest, that the investigation into her family’s attempt at assassinating her might finally have some legs with some information they’d discovered during the cleanup. 
She sighs, sniffling into the back of her hand and tells them goodnight before she closes her phone and sobs into her hands, the day finally wearing her down. 
She doesn’t startle when arms wrap around her, the press of a strong body kneeling in front of her as she cries into the crook of Kara’s neck. She grabs fistfuls of Kara’s shirt as her tears soak through the cotton. 
Kara only holds onto her, rubbing her back and gently cradling Lena in her arms. Soft shushing filters through Lena’s ears and she sobs further into Kara, hoping Kara can just absorb her entirely, as if that’s the only thing that can protect her—from her family, from the world, from herself. 
Her sobs lasts and lasts, a never ending fountain of all the tears she’d shoved back in, a dam bursting now that she’s allowed herself.
Kara carries her to the bed, quietly ushering her under the covers just as she sits on the edge of it. 
“You saved me,” she says, her voice coming out slightly congested.  
Kara brushes her hair behind her ear. “That promise has never changed.” 
“They’re never going to stop, are they?” 
Kara shakes her head. 
“I thought by letting you g—” she huffs, turns away. “I thought I was protecting you. I was trying to do the right thing.” 
Kara grabs hold of her hand and places it on her lap, her fingers fiddling with Lena’s palm, but doesn’t quite look at her. 
“I’m afraid that the only times I will see you, I’m trying to save your life. And I—it worsens when I think that I can’t make it.” 
Lena watches Kara’s beautiful profile, the expanse of her forehead, the slope of her nose into the curves of her lips and down her jutting chin, trembling slightly in the faint light outside the bedroom curtain. Then she sees the bob of Kara’s throat, a single tear falling into the center of her palm. 
Kara’s facing her now, and Lena brings up her other hand to wipe Kara’s cheek. 
“I missed you, Lena. And I don’t know what I will do if I can’t make it to you in time, I—” 
This time, it’s Lena who pulls her close, wrapping the arm that Kara’s been focusing on around her front as she cradles Kara in her arms. “I’m sorry, darling,” she says, voice hoarse. “I’m sorry.” 
Kara then turns in her arms and they embrace one another, both hiding in each other. 
The tears stain and soak her neck, but she lets it, welcoming Kara’s weight after months of being so untethered. 
“Please, just come back to me,” Kara says into her skin, muffled words that hold so much promise. “Let me take care of you. Let me protect you,” 
Lena pulls back slightly. “You’d still—you’d still want me?” 
“Let me love you again, Lena.” 
Unable to hold her own tears back, Lena pushes forward until their lips meet. She angles her head and Kara kisses her back, the pair of them holding each other. 
There is an ache to their reunion, but there is healing, too. And Lena remembers, unbidden, Dr. Shapiro’s words. It could have been worse, she’d heard. 
But Lena wants it to be better. She deserves at least that, for all of her troubles, and if her family will aim for her and all that she loves, then she can’t hide herself in the shadows. 
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I love you.”
Tomorrow, she thinks, after the whispered declarations and the promises of more, of better, of a new day. Together. 
“I’m here. I’m here. I love you, too. I’m here.” 
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obliviouskara · 9 days
so ive been scrolling through tiktok all day & ive been seeing this filter where you can play games and there's this particular game where you have to make sounds or noises for your character to move and i cant help but think of how funny it would be picturing supercorp enjoying a quiet evening with lena sitting peacefully on the couch, scrolling through her phone replying to emails & whatnot while letting the tv play and their whole apartment is somewhat quiet then all of a sudden you'd hear kara making loud cat and cow noises & there's this one game where you have to make chicken noises and scream really loud to make it fly and i feel like that would be something kara would be obsessed with and give lena a slight heart attack everytime she randomly just starts yelling and shouting chicken noises jlakslhsf
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crime-wives · 5 months
wip wednesday (totally not thursday)
thank you so much for the tag @sssammich :D
the first snip is from my supercorp rift fic in the format of the five stages of grief. this is from the denial section
Kara Danvers is Supergirl. It’s an ugly loop, constant record screeching in her mind. Louder every second. Her eyes fixed on the bloody corpse of her brother. Smoking gun heavy in her hand.  Lena feels a sickening, violent twist in her gut. It’s so blatantly obvious, how could she have ignored all the signs?  Denial, people see what they want to see.  . . She pastes a plastic smile on her face, wine bottle clutched like a lifeline. She laughs, and gestures, and says all the right things despite the fury that simmers beneath the surface. There’s a familiar ache lodged in her chest, splintering in all directions.  She looks into Kara’s soft blue eyes [insert something] . . Lena sells Catco to Andrea. If she’s honest, she only bought the company for Kara [rephrase + expand] . . It’s been two months since she found out and not a word from Kara. Baby blue eyes filled with trepidation when they fall on her.  Each interaction punctuated with a breathless Lena— Everytime Lena thinks maybe, maybe Kara will finally come clean.  She never does.
this is from my swan queen enemies with benefits fic
She’s furious, storming into the station when she sees Regina perched on her desk, legs crossed, expectant look on her face. And Emma just wants to- fuck, throw Regina against a wall and- She feels her mask slip, but only for a second. “Madam Mayor, what a nice surprise.”  A lazy smirk forms of her face, “Miss Swan, I was hoping we could discuss [insert thing that pisses emma off]” “You’re such a fucking pain in the ass.”  “The feeling is quite mutual.” And she’s so smug, that when she stands, brushing the non-existent lint off her pencil skirt (that somehow managed to ride several inches up her thighs) Emma can’t help but grab her shoulders and slam her into the nearest wall. The tiny gasp Regina let’s out is worth it. Regina looks up at her, pupils dilated, lips parted.  “Miss Swan! Unhand me this instant!” She does nothing to move, and her words lack their usual bite. In fact, her cheeks are flushed, her tongue darts out to wet her lips.  Emma feels a hand pressed against her stomach. Snaking further up her bare skin, ghosting the underside of her breast. Emma feels her body unwillingly lean closer. Close enough that she feels Regina’s breath on her lips.
another snip from a swan queen neverland rewrite (it may be added to the ewb fic lol)
“You sure you can do this?” Emma moves to lay a hand on Regina’s arm, offering comfort. She retreats, fingers outstretched midair, when Regina flinches. “After everything, after the—” Torture. “Of course I can,” Regina scoffs. “Henry is everything. I would do anything for him.” The devotion pours off her in waves. “I know you would.” The ship rocks, as they stare into inky water. It’s quiet, almost frighteningly so. The sounds of their breathing fills the air. “I would too, you know.” Regina raises an eyebrow. “Do anything for him. I would too.”
and finally, my meddison 2x04 wip
It’s inescapable, she’s a constant presence in the hospital. Copper red hair around every goddamn corner. Cutting jokes about threesomes and unexplainable kindness when Meredith’s best friend ends up on the OR table. God, Meredith hates her so much.  . . “Meredith, she gave me divorce papers. She filed,” Derek asserts. Voice bordering on patronizing.  “I know,” Meredith says. That shuts him up quickly. He tilts his head, baby blue eyes imploring gently. “She told me,” Meredith sighs. “Addison told you?” He shakes his head in disbelief. “I didn’t think you were on speaking terms.” “We’re not— It’s complicated Derek.” 
no pressure tags :) @emily-prentits @nostradamus0 @thecasualqueer @sillyfroggremlin @walshies @peridotglimmer @fazedlight @flyingpotstickers
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theredcapeofk · 6 days
Found Love Across the Aegean Sea (Chapter 7)
The Summer in Greece AU is back! Prepare for some tooth rotting coton candy Supercorp.
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If Kara is honest with herself last night made her fall a little bit in love too. Lena is like no one she’s ever met, but they match more than Kara’s ever matched with anyone and the superhero is starting to throw caution to the wind.
She wakes up first and contemplates the woman sleeping next to her. Despite the heat already getting in by the opened window, Lena is entirely covered by the sheet. Kara smiles fondly. She takes a look at her phone on the night stand. It’s only 10 am, she can definitely relax a little bit longer. She rolls over and wraps her arm around Lena’s waist as she snuggles as close as she can. Lena hums happily in her sleep when Kara plants a kiss on the nape of her neck. Kara doesn’t even have time to enjoy being skin against skin with Lena because she falls back asleep right away.
She wakes up again because she’s hungry. She takes a look at her phone and it’s almost noon. No wonder she’s hungry, her last “meal” was the ice cream she had in Corinth in the afternoon. She gets out of bed and hovers to the bathroom to be as quiet as possible. She calls the room service and orders lunch: ham and cheese sandwiches, coffees and a plate of watermelon. While she waits for her order, she slithers back under the sheets and decides to wake Lena up by gently kissing her neck.
Lena starts purring almost instantly and smiles. Kara keeps kissing her neck and shoulder and she rubs Lena’s side affectionately. Lena’s still waking up when Kara whispers “I’ll be right back.” in her ear.
When she pushes the tray inside the bedroom, Lena turns around.
“I’m right here, and I come bearing gifts.” She says happily
“What gifts?” Lena asks in a sleepy voice, squinting to try and see what Kara is bringing.
“Food and coffee!” Kara announces triumphantly.
“Oh wonderful, breakfast in bed!” Lena comments enthusiastically.
Read the chapter here
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somber-sapphic · 1 year
Keep Her From Falling
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〖Notes: Thanks to @goldenempyrean for helping to pull me out of my writing rut with this idea! ALSO. This is a sort of slow burn supercorp, there will be a part two which is in the works.〗
〖Summary: When Kara shows up soaking wet to an interview with Lena the brunette knows she has to do something.〗
〖Word Count: 1.3k〗
〖Pairing: Supercorp technically〗
Lena sighed and listened to the rain pattering outside, letting the sound quell her anxiety about the upcoming interview with her favorite blonde reporter. The young genius did a wonderful job of disguising her true feelings, hiding her constant nerves behind a quick wit and confident demeanor but in reality, she was sort of a mess. 
A mess who may or may not have been in love with a certain reporter who was now running five minutes late. Lena checked her watch for the fifth time in the last ten minutes, concern beginning to overcome her jitters. Kara was never late. Every other time she had come for an interview she was at least fifteen minutes early and brought coffee or doughnuts. 
Now, Lena was well aware of her best friend’s “secret” identity, it had become pretty clear upon one of their first meetings in which Kara had claimed to have flown to her office on a bus. That was the beginning, then the dots had been pretty easy to connect. Glasses didn’t do much to hide one’s identity, especially after it had become clear. 
It was a quiet understanding between them, Kara knew that Lena knew her secret but neither pushed the issue. Eventually, they’d need to have that conversation, but for now, the silence let them live in harmony. 
The brunette sighed and glanced at her watch again, wondering if she should contact Alex to see where the woman was. She was getting legitimately worried. 
Just as Lena was pulling out her phone to text both the blonde in question and her sister, the door cracked open and a sopping wet miserable-looking reporter poked her head in, water dripping from her hair onto her face and then onto her sopping clothes. 
“H-hi Lena, s-s-sorry I’m late.” Kara practically whispered, her voice little more than a hoarse croak. Lena felt her jaw drop at the sight, but her shock was quickly replaced by a sense of urgency. She stood and walked to the blonde’s side, taking her best friend's freezing hands in hers. 
“Oh Kara, what happened?” She asked gently, trying to decide what exactly she was going to do about the soaking, shivering woman. 
“Got c-caught in the r-rain.” The blonde tried for a chuckle, but it came out as a chesty cough that seemed to take a lot of energy out of her. Those beautiful crystal blue eyes were dull and confused, her chapped nose running slightly. The poor thing looked awful. 
“Yeah, I can see that. Come here, sit down. Let me get you some dry clothes.” She guided Kara over to the couch and sat her down, ignoring the woman’s protests that she was fine. Once she had the reporter sitting, Lena went back to her desk and pulled out a change of clothes and a towel, things she kept in her office just in case she was forced to stay the night on the couch. She was the first person to tell you that sleeping in a pencil skirt was not comfortable. 
“Okay, go dry off and get changed. Then I’m taking you home,” she said, gesturing towards the bathroom branching off of her office. It was a very nice bathroom, complete with a shower which didn’t get used very often. She would have offered to let Kara use it but the likelihood that the woman would accept was so low she figured that it would be better just not to bother. 
“Lena, the i-interview,” Kara replied, her brow furrowing as she talked. That notorious ‘crinkle’ emerged and Lena almost smiled, she probably would have if not for her worry for her friend. 
“No. You’re sick, you’re going to change and I’m taking you home.” Lena replied, not letting her get any further. Of course, the blonde was stubborn. It wasn’t going to be quite so easy. 
Kara wrinkled her nose and crossed her arms over her chest, getting to her feet. The CEO went rigid, waiting for the woman to fall as she prepared to drop the clothes and catch her. Thankfully, although the blonde’s face when stark white, well, whiter than it already was, she remained on her feet. 
“I’m fine.” Lena reached over and touched her forehead, astonished at the heat waves being thrown from the woman’s skin. All logic would say that she should be cold as ice after being out for so long in the rain. 
"No, you're not fine. You're burning up.” She argued, tucking a piece of her dripping blonde hair behind her ear. The alien shivered a bit but didn’t move, not willing to back down. 
“Everyone gets colds, I-I’ll live,” Kara said, sounding unsure. There was a glint in her eyes that screamed panic but they both knew that she wasn’t going to say anything. 
Lena tilted her head to the side slightly, squinting at her friend as she tried to decide how best to approach this situation. She decided that for now, a blunt approach would be best. 
“Okay. We both know that isn’t true, you don’t get sick unless you solar flare and this is worse than a cold. Go get changed, when we get back to your place you can shower to warm up a little, but this will have to do for now.” 
Kara looked a bit stunned as she realized that Lena knew about the Supergirl thing. The brunette sort of brushed it off as if it was nothing and took a step forward to grab one of the ill woman’s hands. They would have to discuss everything later when Kara was feeling better. 
“Come on, please Kara. If you can get sick you can get hypothermia. You’re shivering. I’ll even dry your hair if you want.” Her tone was softer now, her posture radiating loving concern. She watched as Kara’s walls broke down and she hunched in on herself, sneezing towards her chest. It was followed by another fit of lung-rattling coughs that made Lena worry about bronchitis, or worse, pneumonia. 
“But Snapper…” She trailed off, running out of arguments. Being home and warm with Lena to take care of her sounded so nice, she was wondering if the brunette would be willing to cuddle. She needed a hug. 
“I’ll deal with him. Go.”
 Kara begrudgingly took the clothes and walked into the bathroom which, if she wasn’t so sick, she would have had to admire. It was a nice bathroom. She set the clothes on the toilet lid and began to dry her hair and body, sneezing twice before she was finished. 
The blonde then quickly pulled on the fresh set of clothes, taking a moment to bury her face in the soft, nice-smelling fabric. She was grateful that her nose wasn’t too stuffy to smell Lena’s clean perfume, the smell bringing her a sense of comfort. 
She padded out of the bathroom in just socks, surprised to see her best friend waiting with a pair of booths and a large raincoat. 
“My driver is waiting right outside; we shouldn’t be in the rain for too long. Put this stuff on and we’ll get you home.” Kara obeyed wordlessly, too tired to argue or even thank the CEO. That didn’t bother Lena at all, she was just relieved to see that the blonde was accepting her help. 
Once Kara was bundled up in the knee-length raincoat and what could’ve passed as snow boots the younger woman pulled on her coat before doing one final mental sweep of the office. Nothing needed to be done, everything was ready. 
“Shall we?” she asked, holding out a hand for Kara to take. The blonde accepted and allowed herself to be half dragged from the building, stumbling over her feet in her dizzy haze. Even though she was slightly off balance, she wasn’t worried about it. Lena would keep her from falling. 
〖Join My Taglist!〗@lovelyy-moonlight, @bloomingflowersthings, @lots-of-pockets, @asiangmrchk13, @scrambled-brain-eggs, @juststuckhereforever, @fayhar, @chairhere, @canvascoloredin, @iliketozoneout, @goldenempyrean, @rantingsofahopelessromantic
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