#quick get the water
disorentedfae · 1 year
ahh i'm so sorry, I set your inbox on fire
🥺oh you didn’t, just for me?
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rough day...
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spamgyu · 12 days
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i know a lot of people say mingyu is so boyfriend coded, but i like pain and i want to challenge that idea by saying; mingyu is so ex-boyfriend coded.
he was the boyfriend you dated when you two were far too young to understand how relationships should be - maybe even first loves.
it was a relationship that ended because love isn't enough – because when you date someone that young, you two were still figuring out who you were and what part you played in the world.
mingyu was the ex boyfriend that you broke up with under the terms of 'mutual understanding', but god does it fucking hurt every now and then. especially the very first time you heard of him moving on.
she's amazing, by the way. the girl that he showed hints of on his instagram posts. and from what you've heard, she's everything he has ever asked for in a partner... maybe even more.
but that's besides the point. it's not like you want him back.
mingyu's the ex boyfriend you would occasionally check up on social media and see how much his features has matured – his cheekbones and jaw are much more prominent. he also gained that muscle mass he had always talked about when you two dated.
it was strange seeing him now, because although he looked familiar – pieces of the boy you once loved still very much evident whenever he posted images or videos of him smiling and laughing, he was nothing but a stranger.
his taste of music has changed, so has his style... the way he posted was no longer carefree.
you would occasionally watch the vlogs he posted, just to hear his voice again. not in a way where you missed him as a boyfriend... but as a friend.
his laugh still sounded the same, the way he got excited for meals was still very much how you remembered – but there was something different and you can't quite put a finger on what it was.
in the moments stillness, when you couldn't help but think back at how life was before you had reached your goals – your mind would wander back to mingyu. in moments when you are unable to get a full grasp of reality, you allow yourself back to the sense of familiarity – the one that once had him present.
seeing your past in the eyes of someone who you only knew behind your screen is a weird sensation but when the days felt long, and the world felt cold, he somehow made that uneasiness you felt at the pit of your stomach feel like home.
you don't dare to reach out, you two have grown past that.
the occasional updates from mutual friends in passing was more than enough.
mingyu was all just a part of your past after all.
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@thegirlwhoimagined @calicoups @ohmygodwhyareallusernamestaken @f4iryjjosh @akeminy
@yonabutnotyuna @tacosandbitch @aaniag @bettybotterboughtabitofbutter @xbaekcult
@alwaysalmostthere @ashkuuuu @morkswatermelonnnnn @isabellah29 @lottogyu
@bubbly-moon @lllucere @bo-fairykim @pluviophile-xxx
@daegutowns @niktwazny303 @fragmentof-indifference @leah-rose03 @haolistic @eclliipsed
@joshuahongnumbers @gyuguys @yaaaridk @christinewithluv
@yoonzinoooo @livelikejinki @watercolureyes @whoa-jo @primoisellerose
@wonwoobestboyy @rakshithanotrao @mingcouper @aksweet7 @nikkell
@raginghellfire @m1ng1swife @doubleshoticedshakenespresso @porridgesblog @hotteokisms
@squashcolouredskies @viewvuu @black-swan-blog27 @got7svt6 @singulapity
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Episode 1: Back to Heaven now, by accident
Bonus under the cut! (Warning tgcf spoilers but then again Why Are You Here If You Haven't Finished TGCF Yet Off With Ye)
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stuckinapril · 9 months
i think i really need to learn how to cold quit things... one habit i have that really bothers me is checking my phone first thing in the morning bc it's "just for 5 minutes" "just to see if anyone sent me anything important" no bitch literally nothing on your phone requires you to check your phone first thing when you open your eyes!!! stop it
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en-chi-la-da · 1 year
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danganronpa rarepair week 2023 DAY TWO: running away/death feat: shuichi/korekiyo
for day two i decided on death (implied) with shinsai (also implied??) though i guess this one is less about the ship and more of like, a concept i like thinking about with these two lol
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anyone else in the eat-soup-from-the-pot gang
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kimmykloo · 1 year
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I can't believe this is my first elemental fanart 💀 a quick doodle of a scene from the novelization
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summershouto · 1 year
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40 wrenches AT LEAST
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mushiemellows · 1 month
Frinbei fic budding in my brain but it’s just them getting really protective over the fish tank’s maintenance
Like I already hc Franky as A Fish Tank Guy (you don’t build an aquarium like that without going down a rabbit hole or two in your life) so I think he’s already really careful about like. Saline levels, nitrates, algae blooms, coral growth conditions. The workshop’s below the lounge so he has easy access to the pumps and filters just to make sure nothing breaks down.
And then post-Wano Jinbei shows up and is properly impressed by the tank (as he is with almost all of Sunny) and he starts asking to get involved with the maintenance. And Franky’s excited because no one wants to help with it, he has to usually force Usopp to help or just do it himself. And he’s a little wary about the new guy overstepping, but he puts Jinbei on Inside Glass Squeegee Duty for a week just test the waters. Pun intended. But at the end of it, the tank’s never looked nicer. The glass is sparkling, the filter’s running clean, the substrate’s been changed out. Jinbei’s diving into the sea to find new grasses to plant and extra fish to support the ecosystem and the whole thing is just thriving.
Franky’s just sitting on the other side of the glass at the bar watching him work, eyes wide, a little turned on by Jinbei in just his swim suit, totally appreciative that someone sees what he sees in the project. They keep an extra eye out when they find tide pools and look for sea stars to fill the tank with. Someone Usopp accidentally throws some of those snails that reproduce like the devil in the tank on accident and they spend weeks trying to clear baby mollusks from the water.
The aquarium flourishes as they work on it together, and Jinbei starts to use a corner of it as a meditation space. Sometimes they leave the entrance hatch open so the sunlight can shine through and they both work inside the tank at the same time. Franky’s trying to figure out how to install underwater speakers. And maybe they kiss in the bubbles idk I don’t make the rules
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aropride · 11 months
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inkykeiji · 11 months
Mint green with flawless Tomura
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prompt: mint green series: flawless au warnings: reader likes mint chocolate chip ice cream, hints of a toxic relationship words: 510
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“I don’t know how you can eat that,” you say, nose scrunching up. “My teeth hurt just looking at it.” 
“Don’t look at it, then,” he snaps, the lines of his lips dyed a syrupy cyan, confection liquified by the heat of his mouth. 
But you just can’t help it, the monstrosity on a sugared cone continually drawing your eye no matter how hard you try to ignore it, looming in your peripheral vision like some sort of Lovecraftian horror.
It’s three scoops tall, with funfetti birthday cake as it’s base, speckled with colourful sprinkles and ribbons of icing running through the vanilla cream, followed by bubblegum cotton candy, pink rippled with teal, and topped with cookie monster; a heaping scoop of blue ice cream, laden with chunks of cookie dough and topped with a slice of a chocolate chip cookie, stuck in the cream. 
It’s a cavity waiting to happen. It’s several cavities waiting to happen, and you wince reactively, features twisting in phantom pain, teeth stinging. His tongue slithers from between his gooey lips, slick muscle tainted some nightmarish colour, and curls vindictively around his ice cream, gathering a mountainous glob and chewing it, a responding hiss inhaled through your clenched teeth.  
“You’re just weak,” Tomura continues, eyes narrowed. “And I don’t know how you can eat that.”
Ruby eyes stare pointedly at the drops of mint green ice cream dribbling over your knuckles, the icy treat melting rapidly in the July sun. 
“It really isn’t that bad,” your tongue darts out to lick at the dollops of sugar smeared across your fingers, doing little in the way of cleaning it up, saliva watering it down to a translucent turquoise, sticky and shimmering, pooling in the gaps of your fingers. 
“It really is that bad, and I can’t believe I’m dating a psychopath.”
“A psychopath?”
“Only psychos eat mint chip ice cream,” he reasons simply, shrugging a shoulder. “No sane person enjoys mint in their chocolate.”
Bubbles of incredulous laughter barrel up your throat, warm and tingling as they pop on your tongue, and he joins in, chuckling, his gaze mollifying beneath your amusement. His teeth are stained blue from the artificial dye, giving his smile an almost uncanny characteristic to it, eerie and wolfish. 
“Oh? And is that a fact?”
“It is a fact,” he confirms. “Ask Kurogiri.” 
You can’t help but giggle again at how direly serious he is, as if Kurogiri truly is the end-all, be-all wealth of knowledge in this life, his information gospel, his words final. You suppose in Tomura’s world, he is.
It’s cute, in Tomura’s trademark endearingly entitled kind of way, that he’s so staunchly confident in his statements; so sure that he’s correct, so sure that his custodian would confirm the validity of his claims in an instant. 
“A sugar fiend and a psychopath,” you sigh wistfully, resting your head on his shoulder. “What a pair we make.” 
“Could be worse.”
“Worse? How?”
“We could both like mint chip.” 
“Oh, yeah. Then we’d be real menaces to society.” 
authors note: tomu definitely refuses to kiss you until you have, as he so eloquently put it, rid your mouth of that horrid mint flavour, shoving various different candies and sodas at you in a desperate attempt to eradicate the offensive taste. 
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rhysintherain · 2 months
Me: Lae'zel is a giant pain in the ass.
The Writers: no you don't understand! Lae'zel is super young and grew up in a strict environment where loyalty to a central figure is mandatory and critical thinking and independence are discouraged. So when she learns that central figure is a lie, she immediately picks a replacement because she doesn't know how to form an identity outside of loyalty to her cause!
Me: I'm in this picture and I don't like it.
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swestbifire · 5 months
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Decided to draw an illustration of the amaryllis district from Touchstarved. Right now its just inked but I may add an accent color to it.
Material used were watered down india ink and a black pen.
Below are more pics of details and a greyscale test I did on my phone (this parts really here because I overfixated on every line when drawing this).
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trashworldblog · 3 months
guys do not skip dinner no matter how lazy you are you WILL almost pass out when you wake up thr next morning
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dkmshaboogie · 9 months
Howdy once again folks, I return from the grave of professional school almost a doctor and with my first attempt at published smut!
This work is inspired by @distant--shadow's western AU artwork that absolutely rots my brain in the most delicious way (Please let me know if you don't want this out there!)
I hope you enjoy and that my writing hasn't suffered too much the past 3 years!
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