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favoritemtgcard 3 months ago
Quesa, Augur of Agonies
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Queza, Augur of Agonies
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salamileg 9 months ago
y'all have no idea how tempted I am to just jam together my Queza and Jaxis decks for this even though there's zero synergy
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chefwhatnot 9 months ago
Now that I've collected my thoughts about the new chapter of Steel and Pil, I gotta say: Atraxa, unrivaled queen of repression.
But seriously, this chapter, for just being a little coffee date had everything: two ladies discussing the necessity of some good old fashioned porn, some real good suspense over their run-in with Queza and Kamiz, and ATRAXA GETTING ALL JEALOUS THAT JAXIS CALLS OTHER PEOPLE DOLL!!!! AND JAXIS HUGHING HER???? Good lordy, all that combined made me almost implode! Reading this chapter really made me realize how far these two have come, to be able to sit down and have coffee together, having a janky-ass conversation, but a conversation nonetheless.
Best of luck during finals, don't mind at all having to wait for these things, so take all the time you need! Also congrats on one year of Steel and Oil!! 馃帀馃帀馃帀馃帀馃帀馃帀馃帀馃帀馃帀馃帀馃帀馃帀馃帀馃帀馃帀馃帀馃帀馃帀馃帀馃帀馃帀 I should make fanart, my heart needs me to make fanart!
"Thinking about these things any further would result in even more upheaval of my beliefs about myself, the world, and my status as a Phyrexian. So I will simply not think about them. This shit's easy." -Atraxa probably
Very glad you liked the chapter! I enjoyed turning up Atraxa's 'gayass' dial in the process of writing, and am happy the suspense in the Kamiz run-in came through. Also if you were to make fanart I think I would scream and cry and piss myself. Maybe shit and cum.
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esiyae 1 year ago
this card is soooo pretty I love it so much
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For those who don't know, a lich is a creature (often human) who locked his soul in a phylactery to achieve immortality. If the phylactery is broken, she dies. In the artwork we can see a person who performed the necessary ritual, killing someone, in order to become one.
This is a great card because this is the perfect incarnation of the mechanics of the color black in magic: the power at all costs, taking the risk of losing a lot to gain even more, the importance of sacrifice...
And there are so many cool combos to do with this card. [Queza, Augur of Agonies] or [Shabraz, the Skyshark] are good examples (but Sheoldred is the best tho) I could write a book about this card the design is so perfect
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444names 1 year ago
Names generated from American and Filipino names
Abaley Abarongald Abisuance Abithangco Abrylet Acadice Adelet Adore Agaboc Agalleno Agard Agbinalan Agturnes Aguingsard Alapuc Alaurody Alazon Albenz Aleavaley Alencie Aligta Aloisonney Anald Anasey Andel Angco Angcox Angtas Ankine Antes Anton Apate Aramiscon Arotan Arren Atongco...
Bacion Baciotte Bagdayroll Bagson Baiters Baldulan Balio Barbuella Barick Basemachmi Basle Baster Batum Baudino Beassan Becbearman Bedetty Bejan Bellie Bellisto Bence Bendrate Bentephin Berredina Bertroblao Bestor Biacionnas Biandina Bilsabol Blanguett Blinaargio Borking Bortingco Brais Brauz Bredo Brestrison Brimbales Briva Buarette Bucao Bucarlouli Buennie Bueno Buller Bulong Buman Bumickwe Bunco Bungco Burciong Cabalforne Cabind Cabunce Cadon Cafork Cafren Cajoellas Calderle Caldson Callarty Calman Camer Canga Cangta Capaguir Caramandor Carie Carne Carrag Cascus Caton Caynnannel Chalay Chanoreo Charkiron Charlip Charseartz Chers Claguia Claugan Claung Cleredura Cojara Cosentesti Cracan Cungkence Curisongan Cuyti Dagumoy Dambelin Danara Dangco Danievis Darannya Daven Dayoa Dealis Dennice Dianin Dichandry Dienoa Dimban Doteher Dumiran Dungco Dussinsh Duvin Edgesay Elastria Errencer Ertens Ester Estiu Everasay Faelarrah Filep Flogo Flornez Fratredwer Freeno Frobler Gadon Galans Galbes Galuncard Galviste Gamibok Gandy Gangco Gapmae Gasajuan Gaver Geergery Genick Gesadalley Giley Gilvann Ginceve Gozadovene Grensa Grimpope Guecoodwal Guici Guier Haneen Harlyn Harson Heenal Hilarerd Hipolango Hodindo Hollan Hoodso Horiers Horpuz Huanto Hubancho Hulind Ibathenan Irell Irrivers Isarre Isykers Jampsona Janda Jando Jarbelad Jautap Jealdez Jeano Jearrison Jenamurta Jenay Jendy Jimoodra Josin Junadich Justio Kabalargel Kaigangco Kaillao Kangloince Karce Karrel Kattewto Kaudle Kiders Killerfe Knidin Knist Krisong Krivinas Lacion Lacla Lainat Lalang Lamanson Lando Lanibel Lanoy Larillan Lario Larong Larowson Lasajean Latroson Laystin Lengparie Licedo Licera Licharcio Ligith Lindat Lontan Luangco Lublanc Luygol Mabania Mabung Macangca Maciaoc Macojangay Macosh Macungco Madelly Madoz Magadez Magan Magay Magerna Magpat Maguin Maguling Malaycion Maleore Maley Malie Malmacidt Malviri Mamey Mamore Manabalson Mancina Mandrie Mangco Manlade Manni Manornap Marew Marry Matan Mccala Mccaoine Mcdorger Mcman Meliverrey Memania Millalon Mongay Mongco Morna Mullao Murendomon Nambootos Nancarca Nandoren Ngayolip Niapac Nuguevo Ollane Orampag Osonsat Pacaffer Paddlanang Pagan Paggarce Pallila Panata Panede Paret Parpurhack Parrang Parrossen Parters Parthielt Pasancalla Patamez Pauriams Payek Penne Phrie Poree Powayot Powen Prinsuriso Quelson Quentuya Queza Quimpta Quiotontas Quiridaris Quirigs Quirlens Raciaois Ragledlake Rancy Rangco Ranip Rannao Ransie Raona Reccras Reston Rhubet Richoleleo Righer Rison Risosene Rocson Rombringta Rongcola Ronimon Rosboy Rosurobon Ruchan Rugamer Saccra Sadley Sallit Samise Sammy Samoreza Sandrion Sangcomps Sarks Sarquellay Sawarlor Sentas Sharryater Sherter Sideanart Siergelina Sigher Silentul Silio Sopennis Soricay Stabard Staoani Stayanla Stingconan Stopher Subed Suezandyes Suialanie Sulairabb Sulard Sumdua Sunnableto Swareg Swess Tabentuna Tabowns Takek Tansan Tayernot Tayught Tiazie Timjohner Timole Tradlaron Trapiony Troangco Tuirkmart Turamean Umagado Umang Ungasco Unsean Vallipin Vaney Vantert Veacard Vedgarlez Vichamse Viongdao Vitzge Waree Warpuz Watholay Waywartlee Wennipsong Whillagos Wigon Wilis Winas Winsugan Wooknilla Woolistin Wooperris Wordor Wycellao Yaclan Yamon Yandy Yuguyug Yumapoy
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salamileg 1 year ago
Me showing other Magic fans Queza
Me showing my mutuals from one fandom a blorbo from another fandom knowing damn well they dgaf:
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444namesplus 1 month ago
Casia Cato Caykin Ceklyn Cetko Chaclyn Chaga Chajoff Chakcsson Chaphkin Chapia Chapio Chapoff Chechlyn Chejfson Chekxo Chenson Cherphlyn Chervlyn Chichkin Chiskio Chizia Chogfoff Chogio Chomkin Chormlyn Chovoff Choxlyn Choykkin Cijza Ciphoff Ciphwsson Citfkin Civwia Cogwio Cojfio Comchkin Cothmo Cowia Cozphkin Cugkin Cuhson Cumia Cuskoff Cuwvoff
Dadsha Dadsson Dafmio Dapclyn Daylyn Deho Dequkin Deshquia Dichkin Didsson Diglyn Digzkin Dihkin Dijykin Dimpha Dimvia Dohoff Dokoff Dowphio Dumjsson Duquclyn Dutvkin Duwysson Fagsson Famclyn Fejkin Femgio Femhio Fequsson Fesha Feva Fichpoff Fifio Fimnoff Fithnlyn Fiwfia Fochka Foctsson Fodhia Fokdo Fuqua Fushvlyn Fuzkin Gacmoff Gadxoff Gathfa Gemo Gesvio Gethkio Geyo Gichoff Gichyio Gido Ginoff Gomlyn Gono Gopho Gupckin Haha Hammia Hapsha Haqulyn Heho Heyson Hezvoff Higphio Hixa Homhlyn Homia Hophza Hoqusson Hozoff Humo Hushtson Jagxlyn Jamqua Jekkio Jekmo Jeshsio Jethplyn Jidia Jihchsson Jikzio Jiphmkin Jiquia Jishkin Jojkin Josio Jothchson Jovmlyn Jowoff Jozo Judtoff Jujoff Juvtia Juwtio Kaflyn Kaspho Ketoff Kikio Kitxlyn Koctia Kofrsson Kogmia Koyoff Kuklyn Kupxson Kuria Manxkin Maroff Mathsson Mavza Mazio Medlyn Miho Mijoff Mimia Mipkin Mofgo Monlyn Motphkin Motshlyn Muzio Namkin Napha Nashyia Negoff Nehqukin Nema Nenwoff Nepho Nijshkin Nina Niqusson Nivqua Nocpa Nomfo Nophlyn Noshia Notmoff Noxo Nuquo Nuvoff Paslyn Passson Pedio Pedtkin Petdlyn Pewo Pewxa Phakqukin Phamio Phasho Phawson Phevkio Phignkin Phothia Phovja Phugo Phugsson Phunio Phushchsson Pifia Pipflyn Pitha Pithroff Pofchio Pogcoff Pomia Poshro Poyo Quadkin Quapphoff Quaztoff Quecnia Quefpkin Queja Quephia Quetson Quevtha Queza Quichlyn Quithsson Quohkin Quokfa Quothchia Quuhia Quukia Quukvia Quumpio Quunlyn Quuvcho Rafwio Rarclyn Ratio Rawzoff Rayrio Regio Rehqukin Reknkin Remson Rethvkin Riphta Rithna Rithson Ritphsson Rochsson Rohthsson Rokoff Ruchkin Ruqua Rura Rutio Rutksson Ruvwo Ruzkin Sadkin Sakkin Sanhia Sasio Savoff Sechxson Shatlyn Shegpkin Shewson Shexa Shichia Shihko Shina Shoja Shorchkin Shosshio Shoxlyn Shoythson Shurshia Shutxlyn Shuvson Sichphlyn Sichsia Sicia Sihzoff Siphia Sipho Sixjsson Sochsia Soflyn Soksson Somia Sophkin Sophya Soprlyn Sorksson Sowfson Suffkin Sushvia Suvfson Suxson Tagshkin Taja Tamlyn Taphio Taxia Tedshson Tehsa Tequa Terlyn Thada Tharoff Thashio Thatthson Thawo Thidsoff Thihio Thijchkin Thikoff Thiquia Thixo Thiyma Thokra Thophlyn Thoquio Thosa Thoycho Thuchio Thudlyn Thuhoff Thunia Thuphio Thuxia Tichdsson Tichio Ticpho Tijpia Tikta Timia Tithfa Tiyvia Toflyn Towtoff Tozio Tudjkin Tusho Vankkin Varplyn Vaslyn Vathqusson Vedmkin Veklyn Vemphoff Venson Verylyn Vevga Vidoff Viha Vijio Vipchio Viquo Viskin Visphio Viznkin Vojquio Vokchlyn Vonia Vuphia Vupkoff Vuxpoff Wacca Wachkin Wedvio Wenjoff Wethzo Wevjio Wikio Wogmio Wophkin Wowho Woxnia Wukfia Xathpa Xaxlyn Xegpia Xegzia Xepha Xesdio Xevkin Xicio Xifio Xiphio Xipxlyn Xiwnia Xodfo Xojia Xoria Xoshio Xoshthoff Xujssson Xuka Xupkin Xuxo Yachio Yachsho Yahio Yarpsson Yaskin Yawhlyn Yaymson Yecgoff Yeyson Yigo Yijsho Yishia Yitpkin Yodnio Yofyo Yovphlyn Yovqukin Yurkin Yuxhia Zadio Zaqusson Zatha Zawfsson Zayrkin Zayshio Zeflyn Zegia Zejchoff Zeshkin Zichoff Zifchia Zikhson Zojkio Zosio Zothson Zozlyn Zunsson Zuphia Zuthno Zuwskin
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horademagic 2 months ago
Queza, 脕ugure das Agonias/ Queza, Augur of Agonies
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Tipo de criatura:聽Cef谩lida Conselheiro
Custo de mana:聽1 branca + 1 azul + 1 preta + 1 de qualquer cor = 4 no total
3/4 de Poder e Resist锚ncia
Por que ela 茅 interessante?聽Toda vez que voc锚 comprar uma carta, o oponente alvo perder谩 1 ponto de vida e voc锚 ganhar谩 1 ponto de vida, ou seja, ideal para decks que comprem muitas cartas, gerando dano e ganho de vida simultaneamente altos dessa forma.
Pre莽o da carta:聽em torno de 0,05 at茅 9,00
Dispon铆vel em Portugu锚s
At茅 a pr贸xima postagem, Ulli e Thiago
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copblaster 1 year ago
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LAPD Officer John A. Queza https://copblaster.com/blast/52234/lapd-officer-john-a-queza?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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salamileg 1 year ago
Augur of Agonies chapter 7 is up!
Late at night, unable to sleep, a knock at Queza's door summons her across the city.
This one is the longest chapter yet, with some new characters introduced! Really proud of this one, as I feel like this chapter kind of sets the groundwork for the rest of the fic. Anyways, as always, I hope y'all enjoy and thank you for reading!
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chefwhatnot 1 year ago
Kind of a response to your comment on Augur of Agonies but I figured here was easier! I just wanted to say that I really like that there's multiple people now writing Jaxis and Queza in fic. The two of them have so little written about them (especially Jaxis) that our versions of the characters basically end up as OCs with the same inspiration, and that's something I haven't really seen too much.
If you get hyper focused on a character with barely any actual story presence no one can say the way you write them is out of character lol.
In all seriousness I think both our fanfics (and quite a few other mtg fanfics) are born out of a desire to see the actual worldbuilding and characters of a given plane matter to the story, rather than just being backdrops for the month鈥檚 planeswalker shenanigans. Queza has only appeared in one of my chapters so far, but as the story progresses we will see more of both her and some other New Capenna legends that I felt were underdeveloped.
Also god I need to knuckle down on chapter 6 of Steel and Oil, it鈥檚 approaching a completed rough draft state but still has a ways to go.
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littlethingwithfeathers 5 months ago
I'm the monster playing Syr Konrad the Grim. I also enjoy Queza, Augur of Agonies and recently I've been having a great time with Zoraline, Cosmos Caller.
So there are more tumblr mtg players than I anticipated, it turns out. What's everyone's favourite commander?
I'll go first, Juri of the Revue.
(Honourable mention to my meme deck where you have to get a date for Jenson Carthalion, Druid Exile by swiping left or right with his scry ability.)
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multiplicityofmind 3 years ago
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Thinking About Her <33
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whiteoceanof7 5 years ago
The Ancient Seven
Queza - the Creation Goddess. Also known as the daughter of the cosmos, and the creator of Red. The mother of the First Fae. Also the goddess of the seasons.
Amei - trans and queer God of the Moon. Amei was said to be the savior of the Crimson Flower War, and their patron animals are rabbits and swans. Was said to be the youngest of the Gods. Rumored to be the First Moon Fae in disguise. The God of fertility.
Solisina - the Sun goddess and the twin of Amei. The goddess was said to be the First Sun Fae in disguise. Her patron animal is the tiger. Was said to have stayed in Red, after all the gods left. Also the goddess of the hearth and poetry.
Wisteria - the wind goddess. Said to be the former lover of Solisina, but this is unknown. Wisteria was the only god born from another god, as she is said to be the daughter of the water god. Wisteria is also the goddess of the weather, the sky and victory.
Vanali - the non binary earth god. The god was said to be the first God Queza ever created. This makes them older than any of the other ones. Vanali鈥檚 patron animal is the ferret. Vanali is also the god of life and hunting.
Pelekavi - the fire goddess. Her patron animal is the fox. Pelekavi was said to be the sister to Wisteria or her lover in some stories. Is the most worshipped god after Queza and before Solisina. Pelekavi is also the goddess of volcanoes, war, and beauty.
Nases - the water god and the presumed father to Wisteria. Nases has the patron animal of the shark. Nases was said to be born of the ocean itself or carved from pearl to create the most beautiful thing. Nases was a god of love, oceans, and time.
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gift-of-orzhova 1 year ago
Okay I think I'm gonna try and plan out two of them and choose which one to make.
1. Saheeli, Suns Brilliance
2. Queza, Augur of Agonies
The saheeli gives me access to a nice wealth of art cards for standard red cards (ragavan, goldspan dragon, lightning bolt) and artifact art cards from brothers war. The queza deck would give me access to a lot of hate bear type control cards and an extra color (which could make it easier to find enough art cards to use). I'll have to see which turns out better after trying to make them. Excited to see this through though, been an idea in my head for a bit now
Okay I'm gonna start working on a commander deck comprised entirely of art cards. Need to figure out which orzhov or esper commander I want to use haha
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james09876 4 years ago
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Want To Try Something Different And Authentic? You don't have to go to Mexico anymore. Our food is prepared just like in our hometown in Mexico. If you love Mexican Food you will love us! We take pride and joy to be able to serve our community with great tasting quality food. If you visit us don't expect nothing but the best! Click on website link for more information. Queza Birria Fairfield
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