#queueing this up for tomorrow b/c it is late
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multi-lefaiye · 3 years ago
thank u for the encouragement nico, i am going to talk about markus and juno <3
so i have already talked a bit about these two, but to give a recap: juno is one of my void-walker ocs, essentially an immortal who died but they got better. markus, meanwhile, is a regular human that juno met in the 1980s (i’m thinking they met in like... june of 1983), a very very sad man who lost his wife in an accident and spiraled as a result.
they didn’t like each other at all at first, but they found a lot of common ground with each other and eventually became very close. i’m still not sure if their relationship was romantic or platonic or something else, but it was close. and tbh i think it might server the story better to leave the exact nature of it up to interpretation.
juno and markus helped each other become better people, though by the time of the main plot of a modern ghost story, they’re not in each other’s lives anymore. what happened? good question!
anyway i don’t have as many concrete thoughts as i had earlier b/c my brain has gone a bit soupy, but i do have some thoughts to offer
- one thing that would be interesting to come up is the fact that juno actually did have children before they became a void-walker, and markus and his wife had always wanted to have children but things never really worked out. i think there could be an interesting dichotomy there, in like... juno never really wanted kids but had them b/c It Was The 1800s and they didn’t have much of a choice, meanwhile markus and his wife (who needs a name. i think i’m gonna call her juliana, but we’ll see) wanted so so badly to have kids but couldn’t due to circumstances beyond their control.
- a big theme i think would be explored in this story would be the concepts of life and death and like. the big question of what truly happens after death. i think a lot of markus’s friendship with juno at first would be based around the fact that neither of them really knows, but they both WANT to know, just for very different reasons.
- something something.... juno being, by all technicalities, someone who is dead and teaching markus what it really means to be alive and to truly enjoy and embrace the life he has.
- flower symbolism out the fucking wazoo. you will not be safe from this. none of you will be safe from this.
- i had a tentative/working title occur to me earlier so uhhhh i think for now i’m going to call this We Smell of Dying Flowers.
i thought i had more but i am rotating this in my head so fast y’all
VIBRATES I wanna talk about Juno and Markus, I wanna talk about Juno and Markus, I wanna talk ab
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etastra · 5 years ago
started tlou2 and already hate it :’) but like,,,,, not Genuinely hate it like a good amount of people seem to, more like i’m Sad and Angry. idk lets see if my mood changes since ive only got like 3 hrs in
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thessalian · 4 years ago
Thess vs History Repeating
I got my second dose of COVID vaccine today!
And later, largely unrelated (I think), I ended up in tears of frustration and pain at my desk at work.
So, here’s the situation: my joints have been playing up something awful. I don’t sleep well at the best of times but having most of the joints in my extremities shrieking at me? Doesn’t help. But I soldiered on, because a) I’ve been ill enough at work lately, b) I had to go in today anyway because second dose of vaccine, and c) the typing queue’s a mess.
See, here’s the thing: we were slow before. We are not slow right now. In fact, we’re now in the catch-up period we’d been waiting for as all those backlogged appointments from the first lockdown end up with material to send us for histology and there is a lot of typing to do. That’s thing one.
Thing two? We have a whole second site getting folded into the whole because of reasons. They used to handle their own typing and on some level they still do but we’re also having people deal with stuff from that site at our site, for reasons I don’t understand. But that just means yet more typing, which because of the divisions between the two sites means that anyone who needs to type stuff that’s mean to be on that site’s system has to go on a remote system that’s incredibly slow and unreliable, and swap between the remote desktop and the regular one in order to get the typing for both places done.
Then there’s the fact that functionally? It’s really only me handling the typing. Which is fine when we’re slow and it’s only one site but when it’s two sites, two separate systems, and we’re clearing a backlog at both sites ... it’s a little bit much.
It’s even more ‘much’ when I’m also expected to handle the phones and drop everything when someone wants supplementary reports dumped onto the system or documentation sent to other sites. Add to that joint pain and increasing stress over the situation and it starts being less ‘much’ and more ‘untenable’.
So here’s me, being expected to do the work of at least three people. And you know what I got from one of my colleagues today?
“Oh, has he given you your half-day yet?”
Apparently, on top of him basically taking a half-day himself every day this week (though in his case it’s annual leave he needs to burn before the end of the month) ... well, he’s also been giving everyone else in the office half-days off this week, same as last. Look, if things are slow enough on their end that they can be spared for half a day, maybe he could assign them to ... you know, help me with the typing?
The answer to the question I got asked is “no”, by the way. Which should probably tell you something. I got, “I’m sure he’ll get around to it for you for next week” and I’m just... I told her I’d be reluctant to take it if he did offer it to me, which he won’t given the situation, because the typing is--
I wasn’t allowed to finish. I got, “Yeah, the typing’s kind of bad today”.
THE TYPING HAS BEEN BAD BASICALLY ALL WEEK. AND NO ONE NOTICES. There are over thirty overdue items in the typing queue because I just couldn’t get them done in time. That never happens. Just some of the items on the docket today were long and fiddly and about a third of them were on that other system and that just takes more time, and the one person who even occasionally helps was given a fucking half-day holiday today just because and when Scruffman’s out, I have to pick up his phone and since he was out all afternoon...
Yeah. Silent tears of pain and frustration which, again, no one noticed. Which I guess is just as well. And I have to do it all again tomorrow because that backlog is giving me nightmare flashbacks to how people would have reacted to that when I was a temp. Which is fair, because I think a fair few of you know how many times I’ve been in this position before. I have learned the lessons of history, and I’m doomed to repeat them anyway because the lessons of history basically involve, “Your bosses can treat you horribly and get away with it because they can find a replacement for you easier than you can find a new job”.
I just want to start screaming and not stop for a week. If this keeps up, I’m not going to be good for anything this weekend but being a duvet burrito. This cannot happen to me on D&D weekend.
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leonbastralle · 7 years ago
Rosa Pt.2
Honestly sometimes I feel like I shouldn’t mind you disappearing because your catching up stuff always makes me extra happy XD I honestly don’t know how you do it.
grumpysimmies replied to your photo “Before my followers raise a mutiny because these guys are no longer in...”
I do ;_; the first couple q&a would have been nothing without you.
grumpysimmies replied to your post “Replies To The Spammers”
I'm looking forwards to get to know the chars you have yet to talk about xD
all my Ryders to be (Jian&Des, plus Olympia and Chikelu) are the most wip characters ever so there’s really not much to say (apart from how much I love Jian and Des’ dynamic)
grumpysimmies replied to your post “Replies To The Spammers”
You can never take too much moments to appreciate how cute a sim/char can be
true too, it gets weird tho when it’s your own
grumpysimmies replied to your post “Replies To The Spammers”
I'd personally come for them if they had something to say about ficus ._____.
grumpysimmies replied to your post “Replies To The Spammers”
I'm forever indebted to Carys since Flame's never going to age up xD
I will make sure to pass it on ;)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Happy birthday, Snowdrift Miracle (10/21)! When a char isn’t even...”
I'm still not over this
we will never be over them I assure you
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “@pixeldemographics dared me to do this, so I did it. This isn’t THE...”
I’M SO SORRY I DIDN’T EXPECT IT TO TURN OUT THIS WAY (expect to also love Aur, Flame, Snowdrift, Tabasco and Shine a lot more at some point...just saying. Things might or might not be happening.)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
Remind me to never get on your bad side Annie xD
it’s...not hard? tbh. But I wouldn’t let it get this far unless it’s a repetitive thing XD plus I couldn’t be mean irl, worst thing I’d do is rant abt a nameless friend to another friend
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Salim: Nononono! You can’t do this! It’s illegal! Shine: I can’t do...”
tbh I ruined the poor innocent child
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Salim: Ugh! Neighbor, what is it! It’s not even late this time! Not...”
You shouldn't Salim
that doesn’t work Rosa we tried
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Do you see this face? This face is the face of someone who is up to no...”
All the Salims I know are assholes xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “G: Uh, hi neighbor. S: Hey. G: … S: … G: … S: … G: … S: … G: … S: … G:...”
Also me whenever I'm with someone I'm not used to
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “T: Uh…Opal, why are you crying? O: *sobs* I just…I just love Sprout so...”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “When she’d calmed down, I sent her to visit some old pals! I mostly...”
I guess this answered my question about not seeing Sprout Jewel and Bonsai anymore xD
evidently ;) and this isn’t the end either! Just you waittttt
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Flame is more than happy to see his son again!”
And I'm more than happy to see him
why am I not surprised XD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
I hope it's their tent and not the kids'
it was xD Sparkle and the girls shared the big one.
grumpysimmies replied to your post “Look mum I brushed my hair!”
But seriously I feel like it's so hard actually find lasting friends from uni (but it's their loss if they ignore you)
is it rly tho? like it obviously hurts me too so it’s also my loss xD but yeah...I agree it IS difficult. I feel like ppl are at that point in life where they are no longer looking for permanent close friends?
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
It's really pretty ;-;
it is! I’m so glad I finally got to explore it a bit, the scenery is the best ;_; and my berry name for it is even better tbh.
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
It looks like she's sniffing sun rays xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “#tinybeanconfirmed”
I died.
do you think I didn’t
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “T: Do you…do you think I’m a bad mum? S: *gasps* Trellis, please… T:...”
Shine may deserve the worLD BUT YOU ARE THE WORLD TRELLIS ;________;
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “G: Oh look at this! I love this movie, it’s so funny! C: But my cake…...”
Cake cannot wait
it’s wisdom
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “B: These kids, man. What did the boss mix into his aniseed to make...”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “B: These kids, man. What did the boss mix into his aniseed to make...”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “S: Geoffrey? Hey, buddy! Wait up!!”
Worst case he'd die from the serum no big deal
well Shimmer is...still alive I think (okay yeah she is she’s in the posts later)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Their flat is ACTUALLY haunted. Pathi is good with ghosts though,...”
I still can't believe they actually love the fact it's haunted ._.
they’re really into this stuff xD my little adrenaline junkies
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
I KNOW (you’ll love the next bit of the queue)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “S: 8D
He always look so suave I love him
you think? ;_; cause he isn’t
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Have I ever told you that you’re an idiot?” “Not in the last twenty...”
This shot of them is too good too beautiful I can't
AAAAAAAA ;_; I was so disappointing cause I wanted a different pose but I think in the end this WAS a great one so...yeah. Why did I start this again?
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “G: Hi! Thank you for adopting me! Everyone else said I’m too...”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “yes simself cameo judge me”
Look at that smile ;-;
she’s too pretty it’s not okay
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Dear diary! Tomorrow I’m getting a new sister. Her name is Glade and...”
Connie you pure child ;____;
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “a mad bab”
I wanna pinch her cheeks
dude me too but in that moment she’d have hated you
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Coexisting peacefully.”
I love how it seems that Shine is tenderly laughing at Trellis for being a goof and that's just way too fucking cute I can't ;________;
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A wonderful glitchy family.”
It looks very painful xD
and beautiful
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “The many faces of Ficus Elderberry, bonus Snowdrift.”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “I apologise for the German, but basically, Malachite keeps messaging...”
I’d say something but it’d be spoilers
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Some miraculously good ice cream!”
Now I wanna eat some
not me I’m so cold
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Browsing parenting forums!”
Me (except I'm not pregnant and I don't even have lover)
I think google probably thinks I’m pregnant all the time because I keep looking at names
grumpysimmies replied to your post “Annie of Green Cheeks says Hi”
The cutest chipmunk ;____;
brah nah
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “He proceeded to invade their personal space. At least he was quiet so...”
He's got a way with charming his new neighbors
not really...at this point they’re actual in game enemies
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Oh yay here we go… S: Hey, neighbors! Could you please tone it down a...”
I was mad and now his char is ten times worse than he rly is
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “T: So you’re sure the Sparkles clan doesn’t need this flat any more?...”
Does that mean we won't get to see Jewel and Bonsai and even Sprout? :c
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “F: I KNOW YOU WANT ME YOU KNOW I WANT CHA I KNOW YOU WANT MEEEEE-HEE...”
what do you mean this song is gr8 it sums things up just well
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Celebratory dancing!”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “T: Okay, I still feel kind of bad. It’s your parents’ closet after...”
and who knows what said parents did in that closet xD
...it’s confirmed they did A LOT and so did their grandparents
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “T: Wait - Shine! Before you go inside! I, um, you know I’m not much of...”
These babies ;____________;
I know ;_;
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “R: Glow!!!! Will you take me out? G: Uh, sure! I mean, I just got here...”
and I'm hopeless when it comes to him
good good he needs more fans always
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A: Take my hand, love, and never let go. F: Stop it, I’m gonna cry.”
I'm gonna cry too
I did tbh
grumpysimmies replied to your post “˜º for Pointy?”
I hate beetroots too xD
I have a weird relationship with them...I love them but they must be very few
grumpysimmies replied to your post “˜º Flame!
I wanna eat his ice cream ;__;
I wanna eat everything vegetarian he makes because he’s so good (and watch him make it it’s a show)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “this doesn’t go with the storyline but lookit Sprout is so pretty”
I die every time I look at this beautiful child (and all the other beautiful children on this simblr let's be real)
;_________; DONT
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “F: Son! So good to see you around! How are you doing are you good?”
YES it's very good to see him around ;___;
as always ;)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Here’s a ton of Gabefaces cause I can’t choose one or two or three xD...”
oh man it's actually very nice to put faces on names xD
ohhhhh right this must be the first time you see his original self! I’m obsessed with his face tbh
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “S: Trellis! You came! T: Of course I did! It was no work at all to...”
my brain stopped at 'pretty face'
Shine’s too
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mxlfoydraco · 8 years ago
Hey friends, just letting you all i have little surgery planned for tomorrow. It's not really serious, and i have a good queue of fics to keep me company during recovery. Basically what this means is a) i'll probably be late in answering asks/messages b) i might not be around as much and my blog queue might run out, and c) it's very possible that i'll complain over here or on twitter, you might see some groggy/drugged up posts and you're not allowed to make fun of me for them. That seems about it? I'll probably give this a reblog in the morning before i go as well. ✌🏻
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gayspacepilots · 8 years ago
Tag Game
So I was tagged by @mcbonescoy to answer these. (Thank you so much!)
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better.
A - Age: 18 B - Birthplace: Canada C - Current Time: 11:45 pm (CST) as of making this, but it’ll be 2:00 pm tomorrow once it gets through my queue. D - Drink You Last Had: Water E - Easiest Person To Talk To: Everyone is hard to talk to. *chuckles awkwardly* But that’s just the perks of social anxiety. *chuckles awkwardly again* F - Favourite Song: I can’t stop watching Big Eden on repeat, so right now it’s a tie between Don’t Let the Stars Get in Your Eyes and Achin’ Breakin’ Heart, both by George Jones. Before that it was probably, House by Air Traffic Controller and Down in the Valley by The Head and the Heart. G - Grossest Memory: Eating a rotten tomato. The unpleasant tanginess churned my stomach for months after. I still love tomatoes, but they’re vile once they’ve gone bad. H - Horror Yes or Horror No: It depends on the type of horror and how I’m feeling. I usually end up watching them late at night, but I won’t leave the comfort of my locked room until morning.                                                              I - In Love: No, but there’s nothing I want more than to be. J - Jealous of People: No, I have too much depression and self-loathing to be jealous of others. K - Killed Someone: Fuck no. L - Love At First Sight Or Should I Walk By Again: You could hit me upside the head and I wouldn’t notice if you liked me. N - Number of Siblings: Just one, an older sister that’s always been there when I needed her. O - One Wish: I wish I could be anything but Aro. I’m tired of it and I hate it. If I could, I’d like to be panromantic. Everyone’s so beautiful and I would like to take all of them out on a date. P - Person You Called Last: My mom Q - Question You Are Always Asked: “What’s your name?”  I work as a server in an assisted living complex for seniors and not all of us wear name tags, plus I only started working there about 9 months ago. So I always get asked what my name is, sometimes multiple times by the same resident, but I have no problem telling them again. R - Reason to Smile: The AH guys, Big Eden, plants and nature. (I’m sorry, I’m having trouble thinking of some...) S - Song You Sang Last: To be honest, it was probably Achin’ Breakin’ Heart. T - Time You Woke Up: 6 am, I had to go to work, really early in the morning. But I got to serve some really nice seniors, so that was good. U - Underwear Colour: I am not answering that one.                                       V - Vacation Destination: I’d love to go somewhere where I could just be on my own and relax. Maybe New Zealand with those rolling green hills and the ocean... I don’t know. W - Worst Habit: Neglecting everything and everyone in my life when I go into huge depressive episodes. I’m sorry, but I can’t help it and I don’t think that will ever change. X - X-rays: Uh, I’m not sure how many I’ve actually had, it’s between 1 and 3. The most recent was because I broke my ring finger, and the other two, one was when I broke my collar bone and the other was when I had head surgery. I’m not sure if I actually got x-rays for those last two, I probably did for the collar bone, which would be why I know about it and I imagine that the hospital would have to have x-rays of my skull before sending me off to the OR. Y - Your favourite food: Uh, I’m really enjoying fried eggs, and Bibimbap, but my favourite is probably pan-fried salmon. Z - Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
This was a lot of fun!! I’m going to tag: @transspirk @tribblemaster @urban-trek-thru-middle-earth @sianatohan @laughingspock  @illogical-potato @go-embrace-messy-hair @kickedtotheside and @sonoberg​
And anyone else who wants to do this.
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thepolyesterprince-blog · 8 years ago
5 things you’ll find in my (school)bag
i don’t have a school bag bc i was homeschooled and haven’t started college yet oops so you get things that are in my purse bc close enough
hand lotion
my phone
chaptick/something lipstick esque if not lipstick
well its a purse so like..... money (not very much of it lol b u t u kno)
5 things in my bedroom
a trash can that needs taken out, probably
a million clocks why do i have so many i feel like im becoming doc brown
a gazillion papers and pens and notebooks im obsessed w office supplies
?? blankets ??
FOUR BOOKSHELVES FULL OF BOOKS most of which i’ve read
5 things I’ve always wanted to do in my life
act in s o m e t h i n g cool beans
release an album or ep w a band !!
publish a book
have a couple successful youtube channels i have ideas for
be in a long term queerplatonic relationship
5 things that make me happy
MY FRIENDS (Read: y o u)
MY MUSES  & WRITING (and just creating tbh)
SELF EXPRESSION (themeing blogs, putting together outfits, writing lyrics, designing crap idk man just makin stuff thats Me)
M  U  S  I  C
5 things that I’m currently into
trying to get my life together (me @ me good luck lol)
me /singing to the tune of the theme/ WKRP IN CINCINNATIIIIIIII
marina & the diamonds & very weirdly obscure indie rock lol
TYPOLOGY ! ! ! !
5 things on my to-do list
m e    @    m e    d o   u r   f r i c k e n   d r a f t s   m y   g o s h   ,
revamp my bullet journal for march bc i kinda slughed off on it in feburary
finish the stuff i need to heckin finish to take college entrance exams and fricken apply bc the registration date is late this year i have six months left rip me @ myself get it the heck together omg
learn to play or write and play a song a month on guitar 
5 things you may not know about me
i play guitar and ukulele and a teeeeeensy bit o piano (dont look i taught myself and have the wrong form and use the wrong fingers its a mess) (well same for guitar and uke too who am i kidding LOL) I ALSO SING.... P GOOD IF I SAY SO MYSELF IDK i need to have lessons bc i dont know what the hey im doin but st ill,
IM S  U  P  E  R  into typology like super. into it. i will talk to u about it for days and weeks and months and years if u let me (so dont ever talk to me abt it bc i wont  e v e r  shut up omg) and i even have a blog abt it here (the queue ran out and i need to fill it again rip but IM HOPIN TO DO THAT TOMORROW ACTUALLY LOL IF UR INTERESTED IN FOLLOWING, ANYONE.....)
i also have a fandom blog abt the show herb here is from !!! here (and its been quite active so far. so far so good. XD)
careers i considered for a hot minute in the past include therapist, set designer, freelance typologist, social media manager, and foley enigneer. all of them would probably end up being something i hated after i actually dedicated my life to it XD
i have type 2b-3a curls depending on the weather and how much they hate me that day and use the curly girl method (well a variation of it) on my hair. regardless of everything i’ve ever done its still always frizzy bc thas my natural hair type- loose wave curls with random rly tight curls that are always frizzy and dont do anything i want. i console myself by telling myself it looks a lil but like lorde’s hair and ppl like her............
tagged by: UMM WHO DO U THINK, MY GAL @piper-aileen-lenox tagging: @annastrxng @innocentmanwithabounty @88-m-p-h @abouttiime WHOEVER WANTS TO DO IT SAY I TAGGED U BC I WANNA READ WHAT U SAY BUT I SUCK AT TAGGIN PPL REST IN REECES PIECES
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balmainstudies · 8 years ago
quick check in
finals are finally over so it's finally party time (which is just sleeping in) and being more active in the community !!! ( ^∀^)( ^∀^) its nearly midnight and I'm traveling tomorrow so here's a list of things I wanna leave for the night before I sleep: • I've been noticing something on here within the community (i'll make a longish shitpost about it tomorrow b/c sleepy) but I wanna get it going and make it something uplifting, something we can overcome. • I'll most likely be inactive during my trip due to not having any wifi at the place I'm staying at so I set up a queue for my posts if I don't forget to do so pls don't hunt me down I promise to be good and work hard !!! ε=ε=ε=ε=┌(; ̄◇ ̄)┘ • I've been feeling creative(?¿) lately and I wanna get back into designing stuff (I thought about making some t-shirts/pins/etc w a pastel/aesthetic kinda thing (I'm still brainstorming & I'll post pics soon) but lemme know if it's a good idea or not ) and I think that's all for now I think? I'll update this if anything new comes up soooooo relax, work hard and don't forget to play and have fun too! ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
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newsflashuk · 8 years ago
N-Power Sample Questions
Please choose one option for each question. Then click ‘Test Result’ to obtain your on-line result and level.
1.  I haven’t got ……  A. no brothers or sisters  B. brothers or sisters  C. any brothers or sisters  D. some brothers and sisters
2.  We haven’t got ….. Champagne  A. a lot  B. little  C. too  D. much
3.   A. What’s like Paris?  B. How’s Paris?  C. What’s Paris like?  D. How Paris is?
4.  George….. fly to Stockholm tomorrow.  A. to going  B. goes to  C. is going to  D. go to
5.  I’ve lost my passport. I can’t find it …..  A. anywhere.  B. nowhere.  C. everywhere.  D. somewhere.
6.  Have you…?  A. got any friends in Barcelona  B. not got no friends in Barcelona  C. in Barcelona any friends  D. friends in Barcelona got
7.  ….. sugar for my coffee!  A. There aren’t any  B. There is any  C. There isn’t no  D. There isn’t any
8.  There is ………. of beer left from the party  A. little  B. much  C. a lot  D. too
9.  She has her German classes ……  A. in Tuesday mornings  B. at Tuesday mornings  C. by Tuesday mornings  D. on Tuesday mornings
10.  That file belongs to Patricia, give it to  A. it  B. him  C. her  D. them
11.  Which pen do you want?  A. A one blue  B. One blue  C.  D. The blue one.
12.   A. Arrives Philip late never.  B. Late,Philip never arrives  C. Philip arrives late never  D. Philip never arrives late.
13.  I’m going out …….some cigarettes  A.  to buying  B. for buying  C. to buy  D. for to buy
14.   A. What’s like the weather?  B. How’s the weather?  C. What’s the weather like?  D. How the weather is?
15.  I wanted a purple bike but they only had …..  A. a one green  B. one green.  C. a green one.  D. a green
16.   A. Give the Joan money  B. Give the money to Joan.  C. Give to Joan the money.  D. Give the money at Joan
17.   A. Mary usually drives carefully  B. Mary carefully drives usually  C. Mary carefully usually drives  D. Mary usually carefully drives
18.  The door can’t be broken! he …..  A. is just fixed it.  B. have just fixed it.  C. just fix it.  D. has just fixed it.
19.  Don’t start ….. That’s for babies!  A. to crying!  B. crying!  C. cry!  D. in crying!
20.  Have you sent that e-mail to Mr. O’Neill? Yes, I’ve …..done that.  A. still  B. already  C. yet  D. now
21.  They weren’t happy about the new cat, and frankly, nor …. I.  A. weren’t  B. wasn’t  C. were  D. was
22.  We were surprised that there ….. queues outside the cinema  A. were any  B. weren’t no  C. were no  D. were not
23.   A. I told him that he come home at once .  B. I told he come home at once.  C. I told him to come home at once..  D. I itold,’come home at once!’
24.  If I didn’t have to work, I …….. the beach.  A. will move to  B. have moved to  C. would move to  D. would have moved to
25.  They weren’t invited to the party, and nor …. I.  A. weren’t  B. was  C. were  D. wasn’t
26.  My friends asked me to go to the cinema, But I said that I …the movie.  A. had already been  B. had already saw  C. had already seen  D. already saw
27.  I haven’t had lunch with my mother ….. a year ago.  A. since  B. ______  C. for  D. during
28.  The kitchen can’t be dirty he …..  A. is just clean it.  B. have just cleaned it.  C. just clean it.  D. has just cleaned it.
29.  Don’t start …..  A. to shouting!  B. shouting!  C. shout!  D. in shouting!
30.  Simon ….. in Madrid since 1982.  A. lives  B. is living  C. does live  D. has lived
31.   A. I told her what she closed the window.  B. I told her to close the window.  C. I told she close the window.  D. I told her that she close the window.
32.  Haven’t you seen that film ……… ?  A. already  B. still  C. now  D. yet
33.  If I won the lottery, I …….. a house in the country.  A. will buy  B. have bought  C. would buy  D. would have bought
34.  I went to the cinema in the afternoon, before that I ……. lunch.  A. had already got  B. had already had  C. have already had  D. already had
35.  I …..getting up early.I do it every day.  A. used to  B. used  C. am used to  D. would
36.  He ….. go to see the accountant this morning .  A. must  B. had to  C. ought to  D. must to
37.  His wedding is the ….. of my problems! What about my car bills? .  A. fewer  B. less  C. last  D. least
38.  I wouldn’t mind …..the baby tonight.  A. to look after  B. look after  C. looking after  D. to looking after
39.  Don’t forget ….. the rubbish.  A. to put out  B. putting out  C. to putting out  D. put out
40.  That’s the woman ….. I saw stealing the handbag!  A. whom  B. _____  C. what  D. whose
41.  ….. is it from Istanbul to Bagdad?  A. How much distance  B. How long  C. How far  D. How many
42.  “I’m just going out for an ice cream – ………….get one for you too?” “That would be nice of you!”  A. Do I  B. Shall I  C. Will I  D. Do I have
43.  When you come back, don’t forget ….. The post.  A. pick up  B. picking up  C. to pick up  D.  to picking up
44.  That was a horrible thing to say. I think you …….. apologise  A. need  B. have  C. should have  D. ought to
45.  ….. is it from Barcelona to Madrid?  A. How far  B. How long  C. How much distance  D. How many
46.  I have to catch the 5.00am train tomorrow, so I ….. go to bed early.  A. needn’t  B. haven’t  C. have to  D. have had to
47.  I wouldn’t mind ….. tonight.  A. to go out  B. go out  C. going out  D. to going out
48.  The man ….. in the corner is my boss.  A. whose  B. sitting  C. is sitting  D. sits
49.  That was a great match. I’ll never forget ….. Revaldo score that goal.  A. see  B. to see  C. seeing  D. seen
50.  I thought you …..  A. will come to the party.  B. were coming to the party.  C. come to the party.  D. have come to the party.
51.  We ….. better hurry up or we’ll be late.  A. would  B. should  C. had  D. ought
52.  It was really difficult, but eventually he ….. get tickets for the match  A. was able to  B. can  C. could  D. would can
53.  I wouldn’t do that if I ….you.  A. am  B. have been  C. were  D. would be
54.  I wish I ….. a million dollars, I’m tired of being poor.  A. have  B. would have  C. had  D. had had
55.  He was spending money …….. rich !  A. as if  B. as if he were  C. like  D. as
56.  It’s a pity you didn’t come to the Exhibition. You …. It.  A. would like  B. had liked  C. would have liked  D. will like
57.  He wrote the programme …… , .He really is very clever.  A. by his own  B. on his own  C. on himself  D. by his ownership
58.  Let’s have another round of drinks, ……  A. don’t we?  B. let us?  C. shall we?  D. will we?
59.  By this time tomorrow I ….. my tooth out, and no more pain!.  A. will have  B. will have had  C. are having  D. will had had
60.  Not speaking to anyone…. ,but shouldn’t we clean the house?  A. especially  B. specially  C. in particular  D. himself
61.  Although it was very late, she….. book two tickets to Greece  A. should  B. can  C. was able to  D. would can
62.   A. Ask the doctor when you will be able to travel.  B. Ask the doctor when will you be able to travel.  C. Ask the doctor you will be able to travel when.  D. Ask the doctor when able to travel you will be.
63.  David walked by us ……. he didn’t know us!  A. like  B. as if he were  C. as if  D. as
64.  I wish I ….. a car, I’m tired of catching the bus.  A. have  B. would have  C. had  D. had had
65.  ….. but I realised what he had done  A. Little did he know  B. Little known  C. Little he knew  D. Little knowing
66.  ….. waiting any longer. They are clearly not coming.  A. There is no use  B. It is no point  C. It is no use  D. It is usefulness
67.  If only I had had the courage to do this ……  A. years ago  B. for years  C. since years  D. in years
68.  By this time tomorrow we ….. the meeting.  A. will have  B. will have had  C. are having  D. will had had
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etastra · 5 years ago
psa !
i’ll be going out of town this weekend to a nearby national forest, leaving sometime around noon friday and coming back sometime in the late evening on sunday ! i won’t be bringing my laptop so i’ll only be available in mobile disc during the weekend. i plan to fill up my queues both here and on my other multi for the rest of the night and tomorrow, as i work on thursday & have to get up early friday morning to make onigiri & spam musubi for the trip out of town !
feel free to hmu in my im’s if you’d like my disc ? i’ll.... try to be there but i make no real promises, whether b/c shitty wifi or i’m too busy becoming a missing persons case hanging out & hiking !
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newsflashuk · 8 years ago
N-Power Sample Questions
Please choose one option for each question. Then click ‘Test Result’ to obtain your on-line result and level.
1.  I haven’t got ……  A. no brothers or sisters  B. brothers or sisters  C. any brothers or sisters  D. some brothers and sisters
2.  We haven’t got ….. Champagne  A. a lot  B. little  C. too  D. much
3.   A. What’s like Paris?  B. How’s Paris?  C. What’s Paris like?  D. How Paris is?
4.  George….. fly to Stockholm tomorrow.  A. to going  B. goes to  C. is going to  D. go to
5.  I’ve lost my passport. I can’t find it …..  A. anywhere.  B. nowhere.  C. everywhere.  D. somewhere.
6.  Have you…?  A. got any friends in Barcelona  B. not got no friends in Barcelona  C. in Barcelona any friends  D. friends in Barcelona got
7.  ….. sugar for my coffee!  A. There aren’t any  B. There is any  C. There isn’t no  D. There isn’t any
8.  There is ………. of beer left from the party  A. little  B. much  C. a lot  D. too
9.  She has her German classes ……  A. in Tuesday mornings  B. at Tuesday mornings  C. by Tuesday mornings  D. on Tuesday mornings
10.  That file belongs to Patricia, give it to  A. it  B. him  C. her  D. them
11.  Which pen do you want?  A. A one blue  B. One blue  C.  D. The blue one.
12.   A. Arrives Philip late never.  B. Late,Philip never arrives  C. Philip arrives late never  D. Philip never arrives late.
13.  I’m going out …….some cigarettes  A.  to buying  B. for buying  C. to buy  D. for to buy
14.   A. What’s like the weather?  B. How’s the weather?  C. What’s the weather like?  D. How the weather is?
15.  I wanted a purple bike but they only had …..  A. a one green  B. one green.  C. a green one.  D. a green
16.   A. Give the Joan money  B. Give the money to Joan.  C. Give to Joan the money.  D. Give the money at Joan
17.   A. Mary usually drives carefully  B. Mary carefully drives usually  C. Mary carefully usually drives  D. Mary usually carefully drives
18.  The door can’t be broken! he …..  A. is just fixed it.  B. have just fixed it.  C. just fix it.  D. has just fixed it.
19.  Don’t start ….. That’s for babies!  A. to crying!  B. crying!  C. cry!  D. in crying!
20.  Have you sent that e-mail to Mr. O’Neill? Yes, I’ve …..done that.  A. still  B. already  C. yet  D. now
21.  They weren’t happy about the new cat, and frankly, nor …. I.  A. weren’t  B. wasn’t  C. were  D. was
22.  We were surprised that there ….. queues outside the cinema  A. were any  B. weren’t no  C. were no  D. were not
23.   A. I told him that he come home at once .  B. I told he come home at once.  C. I told him to come home at once..  D. I itold,’come home at once!’
24.  If I didn’t have to work, I …….. the beach.  A. will move to  B. have moved to  C. would move to  D. would have moved to
25.  They weren’t invited to the party, and nor …. I.  A. weren’t  B. was  C. were  D. wasn’t
26.  My friends asked me to go to the cinema, But I said that I …the movie.  A. had already been  B. had already saw  C. had already seen  D. already saw
27.  I haven’t had lunch with my mother ….. a year ago.  A. since  B. ______  C. for  D. during
28.  The kitchen can’t be dirty he …..  A. is just clean it.  B. have just cleaned it.  C. just clean it.  D. has just cleaned it.
29.  Don’t start …..  A. to shouting!  B. shouting!  C. shout!  D. in shouting!
30.  Simon ….. in Madrid since 1982.  A. lives  B. is living  C. does live  D. has lived
31.   A. I told her what she closed the window.  B. I told her to close the window.  C. I told she close the window.  D. I told her that she close the window.
32.  Haven’t you seen that film ……… ?  A. already  B. still  C. now  D. yet
33.  If I won the lottery, I …….. a house in the country.  A. will buy  B. have bought  C. would buy  D. would have bought
34.  I went to the cinema in the afternoon, before that I ……. lunch.  A. had already got  B. had already had  C. have already had  D. already had
35.  I …..getting up early.I do it every day.  A. used to  B. used  C. am used to  D. would
36.  He ….. go to see the accountant this morning .  A. must  B. had to  C. ought to  D. must to
37.  His wedding is the ….. of my problems! What about my car bills? .  A. fewer  B. less  C. last  D. least
38.  I wouldn’t mind …..the baby tonight.  A. to look after  B. look after  C. looking after  D. to looking after
39.  Don’t forget ….. the rubbish.  A. to put out  B. putting out  C. to putting out  D. put out
40.  That’s the woman ….. I saw stealing the handbag!  A. whom  B. _____  C. what  D. whose
41.  ….. is it from Istanbul to Bagdad?  A. How much distance  B. How long  C. How far  D. How many
42.  “I’m just going out for an ice cream – ………….get one for you too?” “That would be nice of you!”  A. Do I  B. Shall I  C. Will I  D. Do I have
43.  When you come back, don’t forget ….. The post.  A. pick up  B. picking up  C. to pick up  D.  to picking up
44.  That was a horrible thing to say. I think you …….. apologise  A. need  B. have  C. should have  D. ought to
45.  ….. is it from Barcelona to Madrid?  A. How far  B. How long  C. How much distance  D. How many
46.  I have to catch the 5.00am train tomorrow, so I ….. go to bed early.  A. needn’t  B. haven’t  C. have to  D. have had to
47.  I wouldn’t mind ….. tonight.  A. to go out  B. go out  C. going out  D. to going out
48.  The man ….. in the corner is my boss.  A. whose  B. sitting  C. is sitting  D. sits
49.  That was a great match. I’ll never forget ….. Revaldo score that goal.  A. see  B. to see  C. seeing  D. seen
50.  I thought you …..  A. will come to the party.  B. were coming to the party.  C. come to the party.  D. have come to the party.
51.  We ….. better hurry up or we’ll be late.  A. would  B. should  C. had  D. ought
52.  It was really difficult, but eventually he ….. get tickets for the match  A. was able to  B. can  C. could  D. would can
53.  I wouldn’t do that if I ….you.  A. am  B. have been  C. were  D. would be
54.  I wish I ….. a million dollars, I’m tired of being poor.  A. have  B. would have  C. had  D. had had
55.  He was spending money …….. rich !  A. as if  B. as if he were  C. like  D. as
56.  It’s a pity you didn’t come to the Exhibition. You …. It.  A. would like  B. had liked  C. would have liked  D. will like
57.  He wrote the programme …… , .He really is very clever.  A. by his own  B. on his own  C. on himself  D. by his ownership
58.  Let’s have another round of drinks, ……  A. don’t we?  B. let us?  C. shall we?  D. will we?
59.  By this time tomorrow I ….. my tooth out, and no more pain!.  A. will have  B. will have had  C. are having  D. will had had
60.  Not speaking to anyone…. ,but shouldn’t we clean the house?  A. especially  B. specially  C. in particular  D. himself
61.  Although it was very late, she….. book two tickets to Greece  A. should  B. can  C. was able to  D. would can
62.   A. Ask the doctor when you will be able to travel.  B. Ask the doctor when will you be able to travel.  C. Ask the doctor you will be able to travel when.  D. Ask the doctor when able to travel you will be.
63.  David walked by us ……. he didn’t know us!  A. like  B. as if he were  C. as if  D. as
64.  I wish I ….. a car, I’m tired of catching the bus.  A. have  B. would have  C. had  D. had had
65.  ….. but I realised what he had done  A. Little did he know  B. Little known  C. Little he knew  D. Little knowing
66.  ….. waiting any longer. They are clearly not coming.  A. There is no use  B. It is no point  C. It is no use  D. It is usefulness
67.  If only I had had the courage to do this ……  A. years ago  B. for years  C. since years  D. in years
68.  By this time tomorrow we ….. the meeting.  A. will have  B. will have had  C. are having  D. will had had
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