#queue management system price
perfectlywingedpost · 3 months
Patient queue management system
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Hospitals that use a patient queue management system ( Kiosk) improve patient flow, cut down on wait times, and improve patient satisfaction overall. Patient lines for lab testing, billing, and consultations are effectively arranged by QMS through the use of digital displays, ticket dispensers, and real-time monitoring. It guarantees fair and orderly queuing and gives patients precise instructions on their wait time and turn. Healthcare employees are able to better manage their schedules thanks to this approach, which also increases operational efficiency and lessens waiting room congestion. In the end, a QMS improves patient satisfaction and makes the hospital setting more orderly and stress-free.
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digital-forge-blog · 2 years
A queue management system can help improve patient flow in healthcare. This means patients will receive care faster and more efficiently. This blog post will explain how a queue management system for healthcare works and its benefits, such as shorter wait times. This post is useful for healthcare professionals who want to improve patient flow and the patient experience.
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fuck-customers · 22 days
I'm not sure if it's my autism talking or if it's a weird me thing, but I hate when things are not the way they're supposed to be. In this specific context, I hate when products in a store are not clearly marked with prices.
I'm a cashier and at my work, none of the candy or snacks in the queue line had price tags on them. I had made handmade price tags for them several times, since I don't have access to the label making system, and my nutjob manager keeps removing them.
Until I repurposed a couple of old tags for different items of the same price. (In this instance, we had some small toys at the register that were $3.49 without tags and even though I didn't have the correct tag, I did have a tag that was for $3.49 of another item that we no longer carry. I figured since the $3.49 is in big bold text and the description is in small text, no one would notice unless they purposely inspect it. And I was right) I tested them out to see if my nutjob manager would also remove these and she didn't.
Then today I found the holy grail- pages and pages of unused price stickers. Some of which were actually for candy that we actually had. For the rest, I just used whichever ones were the correct price and blacked out the description in case any customers looked and tried to argue the price because it's not technically the right tag)
This is something that has genuinely been bothering me for months and in one shift, I fixed it.
Posted by admin Rodney
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mistydeyes · 1 year
first line treatments: how the pharmacist met the 141
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summary: After your time as the pharmacist in the army, you think back to your days when you first started at the pharmacy. You were in your late 20's, less experienced and also less stressed, and more importantly had not familiarized with your patient. However, you fondly remember how you got to know each member of the 141.
pairing: Task Force 141 x pharmacist!Reader
some other parts of the pharmacist!series:
counseling the 141 - first part to the pharmacist! story
weird dreams when they are injured on the field
being sick and having the 141 come to the rescue
warnings: medical/pharmacy terminology, medical inaccuracies, swearing, depiction of wounds and violence
a/n: this took me a while to think of because I knew I wanted to continue my pharmacist!series but I wasn't sure where to go with it! hope you enjoy!
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"Alright Captain, here's the keys," the head of the medical department said as she dropped them in your hand, "the pharmacy opens in an hour." You held the heavy chain in your palm, noting the various tags on the individual keys. "Wait, what do you mean in an hour?" you questioned as you stood outside the locked gates. She let out a laugh before responding. "An hour, Captain," she corrected and your eyes widened, "you're the new pharmacist in charge and the Army wouldn't have picked you if they didn't think you would be able to do this." With that, she walked off, leaving you to fumble around and try to orient yourself in the new area.
Despite the awful time you had waking up at 05:00, any sense of sleeplessness was gone and you were fully running on adrenaline. You felt like someone injected you with epinephrine based on how you ran around the pharmacy, trying to fill scripts and get your logins in. At 06:30, you heard a knock on the door to the pharmacy. You practically jumped, almost dropping the bottle of Metformin in your hand. "Hello?" you questioned as you saw a uniformed officer standing with a water bottle. "You must be the new pharmacist," she smiled and you opened the door to fully, "I'm your technician." You could feel your stress subside as she gave you a quick tour of the pharmacy. By the time she was finished, she informed you she would take care of the incoming scripts while you managed the queue and the verification process.
To your delight, the automatic pharmacy doors opened and you saw there was not a large queue of soldiers waiting for their scripts. You took a moment to catch your breath and review some of the new scripts as well as the occasional filled prescription that required your verification. You were focused, drowning out the sounds of the pills hitting the tray and the occasional conversations in the hallway. "Um Captain," your technician called, "I think someone is waiting." You felt your face flush as you quickly walked over to see a captain politely waiting. "I'm so sorry," you apologized as you looked up at him, "first day on the job." "It's alright," he reassured and you smiled, relieved he wasn't an irate customer.
"Did you check in with the app?" you asked and he shook his head. "I like to come early to avoid all that nonsense, I believe medical sent something down for me," he spoke gently, "the name's John Price." You turned to the computer and took a few moments to orient yourself with the system. Eventually, you were able to find his file amongst the surprising amounts of John Price's in the system. "Yes, looks there's two here for you," you said and turned to search around the bins. You thought searching the system took you long but navigating the bins took even longer. You eventually found the clear bag of his items and returned. "Here you go," you responded, "any questions?" He shook his head and you handed over the bag. Before he left, he turned back to you. "It's already half past 7, you're making it through your first day," he commented. You weren't sure if it was a compliment or a complaint based on your slow time, however, you were comforted knowing the day was going quickly.
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After a few more patients, you finally had time to review your emails for the day. You sighed as you clicked through the reminders for meetings and on-boarding. You finally reached something of note. You sat back in the chair as you read through the email and attached file carefully. In summary, it notified you of a certain non-compliant patient who would be visiting your pharmacy soon. You laughed at the bold red letters that read “PLEASE ADVISE SERGEANT MACTAVISH TO TAKE THE FULL COURSE OF ANTIBIOTICS.” This was the first email of its kind you’ve received and you laughed at the childlike recommendation.
The incoming scripts had dissipated and your technician decided to take over the counter for you. Eventually, you heard your name being called and you walked over. "Captain, there's a mandatory counseling notification for you," she remarked and you nodded. You looked up to the patient who seemed to know what this was about. "If you don't mind Sergeant, you can come to the vaccination area and we can discuss," you explained with a smile. He nodded at your command and you walked to the private corner. You settled into the plastic chair and he sat across from you. “You're not in any trouble," you joked, "I’ve actually heard a lot about you, Sergeant.” He let out a laugh as you grabbed his medication. “You can drop the formalities,” he said before you began your counseling, “it’s just Johnny.”
"Well Johnny," you returned the conversation to you, "medical wanted me to talk to you about how to take these." Another laugh and this time you looked at him a bit confused. "Doctors are always tellin me that," he said as his voice boomed in the small area. "They are right after all, you should be taking the full course of these," you advised, "they even come counted out for you." You turned the bottle of Amoxicillin/Clavulanic acid in your hand, looking at the nine white tablets. "I'm serious, Johnny, you know the types of recurring infections you get if you don't take these," you said, sternly, as if you were a mother chiding their child. "I know, I know, Captain," he said defensively, hands in the air. "Good," you said handing the pills over, "then I shouldn't be seeing a script for you anytime soon." With that, he nodded and you dismissed him before returning back to your computer. Little did you know, you would be cursing at the pharmacy system as a script for Mactavish, John came in for MRSA infection.
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After a week, you were finally comfortable in your role as the pharmacy officer. You were able to fill and verify scripts quickly and keep the queue from turning into an angry mob. The constant self-dosing of paracetamol was a thing of the past for you. However, as your technicians were frantically running around when you returned from lunch, your mood changed. After one of them sheepishly explained the situation, you felt like screaming. "What do you mean the medical file system is down?!" you exclaimed as your heart dropped. Apparently, it would be fixed once it was determined to be an error and not a malicious hack. You were also advised to stay off the phone lines and other systems as a precaution. This didn't help you as a platoon of soldiers was coming in for their prescriptions and were leaving on a 6-month deployment.
It would be no issue but you found that you were unable to verify an NSAID allergy for a patient. "Guess I'm doing this the old-fashioned way," you mumbled before walking out the pharmacy doors. As you exited the pharmacy, you soon realized your haste. Despite receiving a full tour on the first day, you had no idea where to go. You spent 15 minutes exploring the halls but to no avail. Finally, you threw in the towel and decided to ask someone. You looked around and saw a sergeant walking down the hall, casually. "Excuse me, Sergeant!" you called out and he walked closer. You read his name tag before continuing. "Sergeant Garrick," you asked as you looked up at him, "would you mind directing me to the medical wing?" "The directions are a bit confusing, so I can walk with you," he offered and you nodded happily.
As you walked, you made pleasant conversation. He asked you many questions about your short time on base and took an interest in your hospital pharmacy job before this. "The career change came when I was tired of mixing IV bags" you explained, remembering how after that shift you went to a recruitment center. In contrast, he described how he enlisted after secondary school and eventually worked his way up the ranks. "Do you ever regret it?" you asked, hoping not to offend the soldier. He let out a small chuckle which rebounded in the linoleum hallway. "Lots of people ask that but there's never a day that I do," he responded, smiling back at you. After the afternoon you had, Sergeant Garrick was a fresh of breath air. His optimism and smile made you think he was his squad's dose of Vitamin C.
Eventually, you saw the sign for the medical wing. Part of you had forgotten this is how your stroll had begun. "And here she is," he presented, sarcastically having his hands. "I can't thank you enough, this would've taken me ages to find," you said with gratitude. He nodded before turning around and walking back to his initial destination. "Thanks for the walk, Captain," he called and you smiled to yourself before navigating through the various doctor's offices.
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As you looked up at the clock, you watched it painstakingly go second by second. Fridays and weekends were especially slow as most soldiers were on leave or off-base. You even relieved your technician as the hours slowly passed with no scripts being entered. Eventually, you heard the doors open and you walked to the counter.“Can I return this?” the man spoke, pushing over a small bottle of pills. You looked up at him, reading his name tag. “Well, Lieutenant Riley. If it’s an antibiotic you can toss it once the course is completed, you don’t have to come back here,” you clarified, expecting him to take the bottle back. But he simply shook his head. You placated the lieutenant and picked up the bottle. It looked like one from a civilian chemists and you turned the label to find it was a prescription for fluoxetine.
"Oh I see now," you realized, "I can dispose of this for you." As you threw the bottle into the bin to process later, you realized he was still standing at the counter. "Did you need something else, Lieutenant?" you asked as he stood in place. "Is there any way to get it off my file? The chemists gave this to me for the third time and I don't take it anymore," he requested and you were more than happy to oblige. "Yes, I'm sorry that it still gets sent out when you're on leave," you apologized, turning your gaze to the computer. You typed in a few things and after requesting his full name and date of birth, you were able to pull up his medical file.
Despite looking like a well-oiled machine, his file was as long as the base itself. You scrolled past various psych evals, mandatory therapy notes, and hospital records until you reached his prescription list. You tried to hide your dismay when you saw he was initially prescribed this in 2001, over 20 years ago. You wondered if this was the first time he had ever thought to get it discontinued officially in the records. "Everything alright?" he asked, noting how you stared at the screen and you nodded. "I can remove it for you now and add a note to prevent any further refills," you said and with a few codes and your confirmation, it was successfully removed. You returned back to the counter, letting the lieutenant know it was completed. "Thank you, Captain," he said quietly and turned to probably head back to his quarters. You made sure to close his file before you returned the item, trying to avoid the copious amounts of alerts regarding his plethora of scripts and refills. "Guess I'll be seeing you soon, Lieutenant," you said under your breath, not realizing how often you would be seeing certain patients.
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roebeanstalk · 18 days
general commission info/process update
Howdy y’all!
-Commission prices are increasing to account for cost of living, increased quality, and more. -Those with colored sketches currently outstanding are being upgraded to my new "Standard Commission" as a thank you for your patience. -A new Patreon tier has a 5% commission discount as a perk. -I've adopted a new workload management system where I focus on 5 pieces at a time, and reload the workbench on Mondays. My Trello has been updated with general info on this.
The whole update:
I am raising my commission prices. This has been an incredibly difficult decision to make, but it is ultimately for the best for myself, my clients, and more.
Since I’ve started doing commissions regularly, the amount of time I want to spend on any particular piece has grown, but I haven’t had the time due to a large workload. With this price increase, I’m able to spend more time on each commission and create work at a quality that I am happy with. I’ve found myself working back and forth with clients more, creating more technically sound drawings, and being happier overall with my work. That being said, the prices I have been charging are not enough and often work out to less than minimum wage.
I have added a new tier on Patreon that gives a 5% discount on all commissions from me, in addition to all the perks on my $5 tier.
Pay What You Want commissions are something I have loved doing, and I want to be able to continue to do them moving forward. I love being able to offer a more affordable, sliding scale commission. This allows access to folks who might not otherwise be able to commission artwork from me. The price increase on my commissions will also make this more sustainable.
In addition to the price change, I have recently adjusted the way that I handle my queue. I have a “Workbench” which contains five things that I am working on currently. This allows me to focus on a smaller amount of projects despite how many pieces are in my queue. I can specialize and give each piece the attention it needs. Each Monday, I refill the workbench to 5 pieces by pulling them from the queue.
I’ve been doing this system for the last few weeks, and it has been a revelation. I am much calmer while working, and I am able to work back and forth with clients in a more personal way that feels really fulfilling. I’m also less likely to be super worried about everything I have on my plate, by focusing on a smaller portion. My work quality has increased from this alone.
My new Standard Commission is an upgraded version of the colored sketch commissions I was offering before. Those who are on my queue for colored sketches have been waiting for a bit, and I am so grateful for their patience. It will still be a little bit, but I am excited to deliver them good quality commissions. As a thank you for their patience and to slightly make up for the time, I’m upgrading all colored sketches on my queue to the new Standard Commission. This means a bit more back and forth, making it a piece we’ll both be happier with.
With all of these changes, I am hopeful that so many other things about my work, my life, and more will improve. Thank you so much to everyone who has supported me through commissions, donations, kind words, follows, reblogs, everything. It means the absolute world to me, and I am so excited to keep pushing forward.
<3 Robin
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sssuuri · 1 year
So, here is the promised pr insight. But instead of giving my opinion on recent events, I would like to talk about PR stunts in general so that you can draw your own conclusions. Let's start with the fact that working with a big studio limits your freedom, because you become their face. This is especially true for gay actors, because if studio bosses want you to stay closeted and have a beard, you can't avoid it. Well, maybe you can say: "I don't want it and I don't like it." But in this case, you will be marked as a problematic actor. Hollywood is a big village, and soon everyone will know about it. In addition, it is a very competitive field, where the doors are always open and there is a queue of other actors who want to take your place. So, if you can't avoid PR stunts, can you at least choose a suitable beard for yourself? It's not as easy as it seems, and in most cases you have to agree with what has been agreed and approved for you. If PR stunts are part of the Hollywood system, do gay actors perceive it as just a job? Yes, but they hate it. Literally hate it. Some tolerate it easier, others have mental breakdowns and depression. But everyone hates it. When you see PR couples smiling and flirting on the red carpet, it's always a forced game. The lucky ones are those who manage to maintain friendly interaction with their beards. Some people say that performing PR stunts is the price you pay for being in big movies. Yes, but straight actors don't pay that price. I've said this before, but I'll repeat: Hollywood is not a dream factory, it's a money factory.
Thanks to all anons for their asks 🙌🙌
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Grid backlog drives innovative approaches in Brazil
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Grid connection queues in Brazil are offering new opportunities for energy storage and hybrid systems and opening new energy business models. Renewables companies including Auren, Statkraft, and Casa dos Ventos are adding solar and batteries to their utility-scale wind power sites to use existing power transmission capacity.
Batteries are also making inroads into small-scale, distributed generation in response to connection shortages to the utility-run, low-voltage distribution network and to power failures in states including São Paulo. In addition, businesses such as France’s GreenYellow are adopting a “zero-grid” approach focusing on generation at the point of consumption without injection into the grid. GreenYellow has previously added more than 200 MW of remote-generation solar capacity to the grid.
Casa dos Ventos has told pv magazine Brasil it will begin construction in 2024 on 300 MW of solar in Bahia, with 200 MW to be added to its under-construction 553 MW Babilônia Centro wind site and 100 MW at its operational, 360 MW Babilônia Sul wind farm. In May 2024, solar development engineering manager Guilherme Castro said the solar plants will share transmission system connection with the turbines, with access granted in April 2024.
Those plants will provide energy under the “autoprodução,” or self-production model, in which the end user becomes a partner in the project and receives discounts on some taxes and on transmission system charges. While self-production electricity is more costly than current low wholesale prices, it is less volatile and the arrangement makes new renewables sites more viable in the low-electricity price environment.
Continue reading.
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bronzewool · 11 months
I've been in California for just over a month now, so here's list of all the things I love about America:
The people are very polite and eager to help
Designing a town in a grid system and dividing each avenue into numbers and letters makes sense for figuring out where everything is. As does the freeway having the exits divided into avenues and each one is a mile apart so you know when your exit is (its logical)
Plus sized manquins in clothing stores (body diversity win)
Aircon in the house (I will never go back to using an electric fan again)
Watching the sunrise over the desert
Travel sized books (genius!)
International food is so much easier to find (I finally understand why so many cooking channels are like "just go to your local asain market")
Fandom merch is also so much easier to find. There were so many shops in this one mall that were all deidcated to anime. Even stuff I didn't think would get much attention has at least a T-shirt. Hocus Pocus stuff was everywhere! Who even remembers that movie???
The food - Real mexican food, deli meat sandwiches, olive garden breadsticks, pumpkin spiced everything, so many different types of cereal
Thin duvets that I can snuggle up in on the sofa :3
And for balance here is a list of things I miss about the UK
Pepsi Max Cherry (California only has regular and diet)
Good chocolate (the Halloween candy I gave out was bad and those kids deserved better)
The standard of driving
Pavements (streets in America just randomly stop existing and it's not wheelchair friendly. Where am I suppose to walk???)
Public transport/the ability to just walk to where I need to be
The price on the tag is the price you pay (Hidden fees can die in a fire)
The ability to communicate with just a look (British people don't like talking ok.)
Green grass and rain and hills and winding roads.
The DVLA (The DMV can suck my dick. They wanted me to come back, to show them some paperwork that was missing from my first visit. Not post it, or email them a copy. They wanted me to go through the whole queue process AGAIN just so I can hold up a smog certificate to this miserable employee. Why do you hate modern technology? Just put everything online???)
Car dealerships (I'm not lying when I say California traumatized me. They stand outside the building like vultures, they won't let you wander around the lot at your own leisure, they ask too many questions, even when you tell them what you want they still want to show you other cars, they won't shut up about how much they care about you and getting you the right vehicle (stop lying to my face you creep), the guy showing you the car can't sell the car so you meet his manager who also wants to have a chat with you, and they're just creepy. They're not even trying to be professional. They're just creepy with their creepy ass smiles as they walk you to your car)
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thessalian · 1 year
Thess vs Computers in General
Computers. I love them, but sometimes I also hate them. Well, let's be fair, it's not the computers that I hate; they only allow me to access things, really, so it's the things that they access that I love or hate, and I can love them unconditionally because they allow me to access the good stuff and the bad stuff isn't their fault.
(Yes, I anthropomorphise my computers. We all do, I think. It's why we give them names. My current one is Gilmore, because my current one is powerful and glorious - and also has a colour-shifting LED in there so it's basically a Pride flag with a CPU.)
Anyway. Annoyances with the work systems continue, because ... well, they listened to about the whole thing where the software wasn't marking finished dictations as finished - sort of. What they did was try to make it so that it would attach our names to bits of dictation so they'd be able to look at a bit of dictation and know a typist had been at it even if it still got listed as Transcription Pending. Except ... well, despite the fact that we all log on to our own separate instances of this software and so it should be able to be an automatic thing to have our name stapled to them ... well, it should be automatic to have it listed as Finished when we click "Finished" and it's not doing that either. So what we have now is, every time we click a bit of dictation to type, a little window pops up and obliges us to put our initials into it before we can proceed to the typing. And because of the limitations of our frankly bullshit IT infrastructure, there's just enough pause between the clicking on the bit of dictation and the window popping open that, if you're on "speed-typing autopilot" (which I am basically all the time), you can kind of forget and leave the remote desktop window for the main desktop window where you're supposed to type the report. And then you press Play on the footpedal and nothing happens and then you remember and it's like, "Oh, fuck". IT Guy says he's going to try to automate the initials thing, but I'm not holding my breath. We're apparently not even going to be using this iteration of the software for that long anyway, so why they're making these changes is beyond me.
Also I still can't drag and drop a chunk of typing into my personal queue. This makes it harder to manage my workload effectively, and also not only makes it easier for Temp to pick out all the nice little short easy typing she craves, but also makes it easier to hide that she's doing it, because I have no way of checking up on her. I know she's doing it; I just couldn't prove it if I was asked to. So ... yeah, this is great for her and sucks for me. Story of my life where work is concerned, to be fair.
There was a break at 3pm-ish. Well. I say 'break', but that was the most tense part of my day, I think. Because that was when the autograph slots for the Critical Role cast's upcoming visit to London's MCM Comic Con went on sale. Now, after one year of missing it because I didn't know I had to book in advance (though I met a lovely woman who is now one of my D&D players, so it worked out okay), and another year of missing it because global pandemic, I was going to up and fucking die if I had to miss it again. And that was even with seeing the prices on the tickets.
Side note: I can talk about this now - there was an issue when I saw how expensive the tickets were going to be. Like, we're talking £63 per autograph. That's nearly doubled from the last time, if memory serves me. Now, my mother had agreed to having the autographs and the ticket to the expo itself be my combination Christmas / birthday gift for the 2023/2024 holiday season (my birthday's in February so that's kind of how I look at it) but £63 x 8 is £504 and the ticket itself brings the entire thing up to an even £600 and that was just ... way, way too much to ask. Yes, even for both gift-giving events. So I emailed my mother going, "This is what it is going to cost and I will totally understand if it is too much; can we please discuss something reasonable?" And she emailed me back with a "Yikes" and an offer of paying for just over half of them. Thankfully I had some money squirreled away for a new graphics card. I hadn't been saving for very long, so there was only just about enough to cover it if I pitched in some of this month's fun money, but y'know what? A new graphics card can wait. I have been waiting years for this, and I may never get this chance again.
Anyway, so I made sure everything was set up - debit card out and at the ready, MCM page open to let me refresh for the "Book Tickets Here" button as quickly as possible, etc etc, and a couple of minutes before 3pm, I moved from my little WFH office set-up to my home set-up (I have a long desk; the side near the window is my rig and dual monitors; the other side is my dinky work laptop propped on a bunch of RPG sourcebooks) and started navigating. Now, the first thing that happened was unbelievably slow loading as everyone swamped the page at once.
The next thing that happened was the whole server crashed on their end. Some of you might have heard the frustrated Quebecois swearing.
Thankfully that did not last long and things were running a lot smoother after that. And, after a bit of poking around my bank app validating the purchase (to be fair, that's a big spend for me) ... confirmation page and confirmation email went *ping* at me.
...So ... this is actually happening.
After all these years, THIS IS FINALLY HAPPENING!
It's going to hurt. It's going to hurt like hell. But it's going to be so worth it. And the best part? I'll have help! Mum can't go because she's visiting North America on that specific weekend, more's the pity, but she'd only have been coming on the Friday anyway. However, one of my D&D players - the one I met at MCM Comic Con the last time the Critical Role cast came to town - is coming as well, and I have offered her my sofa for the long weekend and I'll have company and someone with me in case of anything worse than the ow. You know, the bullshit like vertigo, balance problems, all that kind of thing. And someone to figuratively speaking slap me upside the head if I start going, "Eh, maybe I don't need an accessibility lanyard..."
Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to find some way of dealing with adrenaline afterburn. Because I was honestly expecting more to go wrong and it didn't but my body was in fight-or-flight mode for days and I am still vibrating. Also I probably need to start actively thinking about Scent of a Warden-ing Bell's Hells...
(Also I think I am going to raid the blackberry bushes that grow around the local cemetery and make blackberry tea out of them. And give some to Taliesin because a) actual Dead People Tea and b) how much more goth do you get than "blackberries from a literal cemetery"?)
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scarletspectrum · 2 years
Updated Commission System
Hey guys, i'm making some changes to how my commissions will be working from now on. (You can skip the next paragraph if you don't care about why I decided to do this) Previously, I would accept a varying amount of commissions right at the beginning of each month. This system was ok, but there was a few problems; 1: Everything would be due at around the same time, which if I didn't manage my time well enough I would end up rushing to finish the last commissions 2: People who don't have spending money at the beginning of the month are just out of luck. And when they do, I'm already closed because I have a long list that needs to be done before a certain date. The new system allows me to accept new work anytime slots become available, and not just within a specific window. Due dates will also be a bit more spaced out and easier for me to manage. I may even be able to cut down the actual due dates a bit as well. (Skip here) How will things work?
There are 3 main sections in my queue (https://trello.com/b/QtGqyzs8), Waitlist, Paid and Working on. Each having a limited number of slots available (I may adjust these numbers if I feel the need to).
When you send a commission inquiry, I will quote you the price.
Upon agreement you are then added to the waitlist. (You are not expected to pay at this time)
Waitlist commissions are treated as ACCEPTED. Meaning, when it is your turn I will be in contact with you and promptly be sending the invoice out, you will be expected to pay within the next 72 hours. (You are allowed to back out of the list at any time before paying, or ask to be moved down if you are not ready)
 Commissions are moved from one list to the next as slots become available (WAITLIST > PAID > WORKING ON).
NOTE: Waitlisted commissions are locked by the quoted price, if you want changes to your commission that will largely effect the price, your position will be reset to the bottom of the list. Likewise, if the change does not effect the price or does so very little you may maintain your position. Why this rule? If someone asks for a colored sketch, and then once they are at the top of the list they decided to change their idea completely to a complex scene with 5 characters, that just isn't fair.
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I don't think anon's statement holds true, at least not in my personal experience! Just an added bit of context, for those who are curious: Here in Brazil it was all a huge mess. It got so bad that a new "Taylor Swift Law" has been proposed in order to try to stop scalpers from buying all the stock in the first few minutes and reselling it for 30x its original price 😭 Which was precisely what happened during the first general sale. It got so bad that during the in-person sales they had to ask questions about Taylor's personal life and were requesting to see people's playlists so they could prove they were fans. Fans were being physically attacked, a few scalpers got escorted out by police (but most got out scot free) and not to mention the bot problem when it comes to the virtual queue, which was, of course, completely randomized 🙃
I was lucky because those who were able to grab a ticket for Loverfest back in 2019 had rights to an exclusive, less annoying, and slightly less competitive pre-sale.
Most fans were unable to get tickets, though. The virtual queue had millions of people, and all tickets were sold out faster than you can say "drop everything now" lol.
I'm just glad I managed to buy a ticket. Have been waiting for this moment for LITERALLY most of my life 🥰
About the tickets… in Brasil it was a random order. It started to sell at 10am and had 3 chances: 1st for the ones who bought for lover fest; 2nd for the ones that had an specific credit card; and 3rd for geral public. But the system itself was the one that gave you your place in the queue. I bought two ticktes and both times my place was around 4k and the third and fourth time I tried for friends I was around 500k and 800k! It was pure luck actually for everyone.. (also Hii Sarah!)
(if i may also chime in, it is v much not orderly in brazil either 💔)
Catching up on my inbox with some Brazilian TSSers. Thinking of y'all - so happy for those of you who got tickets!!!!
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perfectlywingedpost · 3 months
Queue management system companies
Queue management system companies specialize in developing and providing solutions to manage and streamline customer flow in various service environments. These companies offer a range of products, from simple ticketing systems to sophisticated platforms integrating digital signage, mobile apps, and real-time data analytics. Leading QMS companies include Qmatic, Wavetec, QLess, and Tensator, each known for their innovative technologies and customization capabilities. These firms serve diverse industries such as healthcare, banking, retail, and government, aiming to enhance operational efficiency, reduce wait times, and improve customer satisfaction. Their solutions often include installation, training, and ongoing support to ensure optimal system performance.
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skywalker-swift · 2 years
hey guys i know we're all a bit frustrated at the situation (i was in queue for two hours before it let me in and my code wouldn't work and I had to watch presale tickets go before my eyes trying to get it to work, which was honestly emotionally scarring) but taylor didn't CHOSE to work with ticketmaster. as you've probably seen ticketmaster holds a monopoly on the ticketing industry, and they do what they do because they CAN! she probably would have done slow ticketing again because she has always emphasized that she wants her fans there not scalpers. ticketmaster did not make as much money off of her slow ticketing process as they did previously/as they did with this presale. they most likely booted the system because they haven't had any other artist to do it since then to my knowledge. also we don't know if it has anything to do with her management/record company changing as well. I know republic records takes care of taylor and gives her a lot of freedom, but they might have put their foot down with some things, like dynamic pricing, etc. etc. now, i am disappointed in taylor and her team affectively letting us fucking drown with all of this without nearly a mention of shit or any reassurance, mostly because i think they want ticketmaster to take all of the blame (which they should honestly, they probably had months to plan for this). i know it's easy to be mad at taylor because she is the face of this whole thing, she's the reason why we want to go, but i have a *feeling* that a lot of this is out of her personal control. i'm not saying don't be upset and frustrated, but i feel like the direct blame really shouldn't be on taylor...
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ajpandey1 · 1 year
Amazon Web Service & Adobe Experience Manager:- A Journey together (Part-1)
In the world of digital marketing today, providing a quick, secure, and seamless experience is crucial. A quicker time to market might be a differentiation, and it is crucial to reach a larger audience across all devices. Businesses are relying on cloud-based solutions to increase corporate agility, seize new opportunities, and cut costs.
Managing your marketing content and assets is simple with AEM. There are many advantages to using AWS to run AEM, including improved business agility, better flexibility, and lower expenses.
AEM & AWS a Gift for you:-
We knows about AEM as market leader in the Digital marketing but AWS is having answer for almost all the Architectural concerns like global capacity, security, reliability, fault tolerance, programmability, and usability.
So now AEM become more powerful with the power of AWS and gaining more popularity than the on-premises infrastructure.
Limitless Capacity
This combination gives full freedom to scale all AEM environments speedily in cost effective manner, addition is now more easy, In peak traffic volume where requests are very huge or unknown then AEM instance need more power or scaling . Here friend AWS come in to picture for rescue as the on-demand feature allows to scale all workloads. In holiday season, sporting events and sale events like thanks giving etc. AWS is holding hand of AEM and say
"Hey don't worry I am here for you, i will not left you alone in these peak scenario"
When AEM require upgrade but worried about other things like downtime backup etc then also AWS as friend come and support greatly with its cloud capability. It streamlines upgrades and deployments of AEM.
Now it become easy task with AWS. Parallel environment is cake walk now, so migration and testing is much easier without thinking of the infrastructure difficulties.
Performance testing from the QA is much easier without disturbing production. It can be done in AEM production-like environment. Performing the actual production upgrade itself can then be as simple as the change of a domain name system (DNS) entry.
Sky is no limit for AEM with AWS features and Capabilities :
As a market leader AEM is used by customers as the foundation of their digital marketing platform. AWS and AEM can provide a lot of third part integration opportunity such as blogs, and providing additional tools for supporting mobile delivery, analytics, and big data management.
A new feature can be generated with AWS & AEM combination.Many services like Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS), Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS), and AWS Lambda, AEM functionality easily integrated with third-party APIs in a decoupled manner. AWS can provide a clean, manageable, and auditable approach to decoupled integration with back-end systems such as CRM and e-commerce systems.
24*7 Global Availability of AEM with Buddy AWS
A more Agile and Innovative requirement can fulfill by cloud transition. How innovation and how much Agile, in previous on-premise environment for any innovation need new infrastructure and more capital expenditure (Capex). Here again the golden combination of AWS and AEM will make things easier and agile. The AWS Cloud model gives you the agility to quickly spin up new instances on AWS, and the ability to try out new services without investing in large and upfront costs. One of the feature of AWS pay-for-what-you-use pricing model is become savior in these activities.
AWS Global Infrastructure available across 24 geographic regions around the globe, so enabling customers to deploy on a global footprint quickly and easily.
Major Security concerns handled with High-Compliance
Security is the major concern about any AEM website. AWS gifts these control and confidence for secure environment. AWS ensure that you will gain the control and confidence with safety and flexibility in secure cloud computing environment . AWS, provides way to improve ability to meet core security and compliance requirements with a comprehensive set of services and features. Compliance certifications and attestations are assessed by a third-party, independent auditor.
Running AEM on AWS provides customers with the benefits of leveraging the compliance and security capabilities of AWS, along with the ability to monitor and audit access to AEM using AWS Security, Identity and Compliance services.
Continue in part-2.......
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f1 · 2 years
Silverstone offers apology for F1 British Grand Prix online ticket sale chaos
The organisers of the British Grand Prix at Silverstone have apologised and pledged to improve their ticketing system after angering fans with the online process for the 2023 race. Many fans were left frustrated and indignant at both the difficulty in purchasing tickets and the prices rising as they attempted to do so because of the new “dynamic pricing” system. Tickets for the British GP went on general sale on Thursday 15 September. The online system was unable to cope with demand, with customers held in queues for hours on end. Some were then bumped out and had to begin from scratch, while many found the price of the tickets they were attempting to buy had increased by the time they reached the stage of finally purchasing them. Jon Fisher from Calne in Wiltshire, an F1 fan since the 1980s, was trying to buy tickets for £419. After being held in a queue for eight hours he was finally able to purchase them but the price had risen to £489. “It feels like a way for them to make more money, it’s not about fan experience,” he said. “It’s milking the customer, it is profiteering from fans who don’t have any choice to watch F1 anywhere else in this country.” Phil Morris, a Silverstone regular since 2014, experienced similar. He was knocked out of the queue after six hours and when reapplying his price had increased by more than £50. “We are being priced out of attending and this will be our last year,” he said. “There’s no reward for loyalty and pure marketing towards making as much money as possible.” Likewise James Smith, who has enjoyed F1 since he was nine years old, watched his price rise in a system he described as fundamentally unfair on fans. When presented with their opinions the managing director of Silverstone, Stuart Pringle, expressed his regret at what had happened and his determination not to repeat it. “I am extremely sorry for the frustration, upset, disappointment and anger this has caused,” he said. “We are going to do a root and branch review on all of this. I am not closing the door on doing anything differently next year, we will consider anything and everything. Nothing is off the table. We have learned a lot of lessons and we can’t have a repeat of this year.” Pringle cited a combination of factors behind the queueing problems, with the sales handled by a third party provider, Secutix. Its system proved unable to cope with the extreme demand and suffered a payment gateway issue on the same day. The dynamic pricing, used for the first time at a British sporting event, was, Pringle argued, a different issue, however. Silverstone’s traditional model has been to offer the cheapest prices for early purchases. These then increase over months as available tickets decrease in number. This year a similar process was built into the system but he said they were caught unawares by the scale of demand. For the 2022 race it took approximately five months to shift the same number of tickets that were sold in two days this time. The unprecedented demand caused price increases that were expected to be implemented slowly over a period of weeks to be applied in a matter of hours. “Not long ago the issue was whether we could stay in business. To reach a point where we are suddenly into Adele, Coldplay-scale of demand is just unimaginable,” he said. “In light of what we know now, can we use our historic model given the current popularity of F1? We have to look at that. It’s wonderful we have had such a demand but it is utterly regrettable that our fans have been subject to these challenges. We have to sort it out and we will sort it out.” via Formula One | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/sport/formulaone
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qocsuing · 1 day
The Evolution of China’s Railway System: A Deep Dive into 12306
The Evolution of China’s Railway System: A Deep Dive into 12306
China’s railway system has undergone a remarkable transformation over the past few decades, becoming one of the most advanced and extensive networks in the world. At the heart of this transformation is the 12306 platform, a comprehensive service that has revolutionized the way passengers interact with the railway system. This article explores the evolution of China’s railway system, the role of 12306, and its impact on travel.To get more news about railway 12306, you can citynewsservice.cn official website.
The Rise of China’s Railway Network China’s railway network is a testament to the country’s rapid development and technological advancements. From the early days of steam locomotives to the current high-speed trains, the railway system has continuously evolved to meet the growing demands of its population. The introduction of high-speed rail (HSR) has been a game-changer, significantly reducing travel times between major cities and making rail travel more competitive with air travel.
Introduction of 12306 Launched in 2011, the 12306 platform is the official online ticketing service for China Railway. It provides a wide range of services, including ticket booking, schedule inquiries, and real-time train status updates. The platform is accessible via its website and mobile app, making it convenient for passengers to plan their journeys.
Features and Services 12306 offers several features that enhance the travel experience:
Real-Name Ticketing: To combat ticket scalping and ensure security, 12306 implemented a real-name ticketing system. Passengers must provide valid identification when purchasing tickets, which helps maintain order and safety. Multiple Ticket Options: The platform offers various ticket types, including single, round-trip, and transfer tickets. Passengers can choose from different classes, such as second class, first class, and business class, depending on their preferences and budget. Endorsement and Refund Services: 12306 provides flexible ticket endorsement and refund policies. Passengers can change their travel plans or request refunds through the platform, making it easier to manage unexpected changes. Child and Senior Services: Special provisions are available for children and senior citizens, including discounted tickets and assistance services. This ensures that all passengers, regardless of age, have a comfortable travel experience. Impact on Travel The introduction of 12306 has had a profound impact on travel in China. It has streamlined the ticketing process, reducing the need for passengers to queue at stations. The platform’s user-friendly interface and comprehensive services have made it easier for both domestic and international travelers to navigate the railway system.
Moreover, 12306 has contributed to the popularity of rail travel by offering competitive pricing and convenience. High-speed trains, in particular, have become a preferred mode of transportation for many, thanks to their speed, comfort, and reliability.
Challenges and Future Developments Despite its success, 12306 faces several challenges. During peak travel seasons, such as Chinese New Year, the platform experiences high traffic, leading to slowdowns and occasional crashes. Additionally, there is a need for continuous improvements in user experience and accessibility, especially for non-Chinese speakers.
Looking ahead, China Railway plans to further enhance the 12306 platform by integrating advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data analytics. These innovations aim to provide more personalized services, improve operational efficiency, and ensure a seamless travel experience for passengers.
Conclusion The 12306 platform has played a crucial role in modernizing China’s railway system. By offering a wide range of services and improving the overall travel experience, it has made rail travel more accessible and convenient for millions of passengers. As China continues to invest in its railway infrastructure, the future of 12306 looks promising, with the potential to set new standards in the global railway industry.
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