#queue | my old belle replies
lowkeyrobin · 3 months
Hey! So if you're writing ghostbusters things right now (apologies if you arent, my Tumblr is acting up and it's not letting me see some of the fonts its just squares 😑) anyway I would love to request a podcast x reader of you're up for that because the dude does not get enough love 😔😔
I was thinking like the reader was childhood friends (mayyybeee first crushes?) but the reader moved to NYC and is now a regular at rays occult and now meets the reader again? What do we think?
Anyway hope you write this and have a GREAT day/night 😊
it's okay!! my requests r open as long as my mailbox is available haha, can't rlly stop ppl from requesting if it's still up so yeah dw ; but yeah of course! this actually sounds rlly fun to write lol ; have a good day/night to you too! ; thanks for requesting, hope you enjoy :) ; also since we don't know much about podcast I kinda made some stuff up, I've watched both afterlife and frozen empire at least 3 times each so... hopefully I gathered all the canon podcast lore idk ; also reqs back open! gonna post the rest of the queue then work on anything yall send
PODCAST ; i think we're alone now
summary ; a little childhood best friends/first crushes reunite at rays occult books
warnings ; language
disclaimers ; we don't know a whole lot about podcast so I made some a lot stuff up lol ; also I'm just using Logan's name as podcasts legal name bc idk what else to call him + I just use actor names to fill in names in other movies/shows
track ; i think we're alone now ; tiffany
word count ; 1k
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Your first crush was silly and dumb, being on your at-the-time best friend, Logan, or Podcast, as he was now mostly known. He always had a fascination for film and commentary, no wonder he had his own podcast.
You'd recently moved to New York, surprisingly, where Podcast also lived these days. You reconnected over social media and found out you'd be living near each other again like the good old days, and decided to meet up once you got comfortable in the new environment. And that's what had happened. You now await his arrival at Ray's Occult Books, where you skim through the bookshelves, reading each spine to see if any title jumped out at you.
The bell above the door jingles, causing you to look up to see who it is again. Him, thankfully.
He scans the store, looking for you. Ray nods his head toward you, leading him right to you.
He smiles as he approaches, stuffing his phone in his jorts pocket. "Hey"
"Hey," you reply, a soft smile pulling on the corners of your lips.
"Uh, how are you?" He asks, clearly struggling to make conversation.
"Good, I like your outfit," you reply, pointing out his colorful collared shirt. Even now, it reflected his curious and extroverted personality.
He glances down at his shirt, having forgotten what he was even wearing, "Oh, thanks! Uh, do you wanna go walk around or something?" He asks, glancing over at Ray, staring you two down at the counter.
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You end up strolling around the city, catching up and talking about life until you retrieve to the basement of Ray's Occult Books, where Podcast was currently living for the summer. He already told you how he was supposed to be at summer camp and how he'd been consecutively lying to his mom. You already knew that was pretty in character for him. He wasn't great at fitting in and would've rather stayed with people he knew and his other actual friend, Phoebe.
You let some of the mini marshmallow pufts climb all over you, using you like a giant stool. A few use your arms as little slides. Logan takes a picture, framing your goofy smile while another mini puft jumps off your head and onto your shoulder.
A few slide down your left arm back onto the desk, then use your right hand as an elevator to go again. As you hoist a little group back up to your shoulder, Logan is now recording on his phone, laughing behind the camera.
"They're so cute," You happy-pout, looking at him for a moment.
Oh, how he wanted to pull the Uno reverse card on you with that, but he couldn't. He thought about it far too long, then backed out because he was too scared, but told himself it was just to late.
You look around his room, two of the little pufts sitting on your head like Remy in Ratatouille. You note all the posters and little trinkets and things around the room, making a weak assumption that he just liked collecting little random things.
You notice the orange lava lamp sitting on his bedside table, turned on, and providing an orange glow throughout that corner of the room. It shines off the side of Logan's face, creating an omniscient kind of glow that you can't look away from.
Denying you still had a crush on him would just make this even worse.
He looks back at you after saving the video to his photos and putting it in his Friends and Shenanigans folders, catching you quickly looking away. He raises an eyebrow, seeing your slightly jittery movements as you use your hand as an elevator for the mini pufts again. They don't keep it a secret though, 'oo'ing and 'ah'ing and bouncing on your shoulders and head.
You can feel your face flushing, attempting to hide it by not looking back at him.
The mini pufts land back on the desk, skattering behind the array of glass jars. You look back at him, seeing he's already looking at you. He's close, closer than you remembered, you felt closer to him, really.
You look down at the mini pufts at your feet, wondering if you'd zoned out as they slid you across the floor. You look back up at Logan, giving you that same soft look you were giving him.
Look, what a funny, simple word. There was no other word for that almost hypnotizing gaze shared between the two of you. There was so much tension. So much so that it was killing the mini pufts. They wanted to shove you into each other to just kiss already.
"I think we're alone now," He quietly speaks, glancing down at the desk where the mini pufts had flee'd from.
The beating of your hearts was the only sound as you pressed your hands against his jawline, his hands slinking down to your waist. You press your lips to his for a moment, then again and again before properly pulling away.
He opens his eyes, a grin painting his face. He pecks your lips once more before he knows you'll say that you have to leave.
"I have to go, I think my mom's waiting outside"
He watches as you stumble up the basement stairs, your face flushed. A smile still tugs at his lips, cheeks a light shade of pink.
The mini pufts come out from hiding and cheer him on, then flick the lights off to reveal colorful LED lights and a disco ball. He sighs with a pout, unable to hide the joy behind it.
"Okay, okay, party's over. We have an episode to record"
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All Along the Watchtower (Chapter 9)
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[Can also be read on AO3]
Pairing: Captain John Price x Fem!OC (3rd person POV)
Word count: 3K
Warnings: Minors DNI - no major warnings. Alcohol, swearing
Summary: Rory heads to Helios to ensnare Zorokov and capture him for questioning. Dangling herself like bait, leaving herself open to danger.
A/N: Rory Sinclair is a dual citizen (both Canada and the UK) who's been living in the UK since she was 14. She is 28 at the time of this fic, Price is 32. This series is set in 2017 before the events of the first MW game. Rory's thoughts are bold and italicized, other italics are used for emphasis
October 20, 2017 21:20 - Helios 
The chill of the night bit into her flesh as she stood in line to enter the club. Black straps and poles keeping her, and the others corralled in a regimented line. Christ, even waiting to get into a club felt like a military exercise. An all too unkind reminder of the fact that her and Price had just spent an exorbitant amount of time eye fucking each other back at the safe house, breaking all proper conduct and protocol between an enlisted soldier and an officer completely. In the moment, it felt like the most natural thing to do, led by old feelings and anything but sense. But like a bucket of cold water being splashed upon her, she had sobered up and now faced the dawning realization that she was speeding towards another awkward encounter and conversation with the captain causing her knees to wobble gently and her stomach to twist. 
A shiver coursed through her, the coat she wore doing little to hold back the wind that nipped at the swaths of exposed flesh underneath, the silky material of her dress thin enough to let the air blow right through to her bones. Thinking back on Price's reaction to her, and on what she had volunteered to do as part of the mission caused Rory’s breathing to become a little more strained, the stress of the situation not lost on her. What she’d give for a cigarette right about now. Just a hint of nicotine to stave off the lingering doubt that hung around her neck. That little thunder that clouded her mind and shook like metal sheeting against her temples. Her wind bitten knuckles clenched tighter as she squeezed her clutch bag in her hand. Her eyes kept on the front of the line as the queue slowly started to filter forward towards the very large, burly bouncer at the front doors. Her stomach cramping ever so slightly more at the thought of having to flirt with a bastard like Zorokov. Maybe she could just picture Price instead…
“ How are we doin’, Sinclair? ” Andrew’s voice rang as clear as a bell in her ear through the nearly imperceptible earpiece hidden by her hair, and she was pulled from her wandering thoughts. Quick to turn away from the sight of the bouncer, Rory hid the fact she was muttering under her breath, “Freezing my arse off. I’ll be lucky if my lips aren’t blue by the time I get to Zorokov.” Her whispers were a quiet hiss as she pulled her coat a little tighter to her body, despite the draft blowing up it. 
“ The things we suffer through for our jobs, eh? ” Andrew's tone was jovial, enjoying her being stuck like this a little too much. The arsehole . “Shut it, you,” Rory replied. “You’ve no right to say that to me from the comfort of a warm vehicle.”
“ Only a matter of time till you're inside, Sergeant. Thought you went through SAS survival training?” Price's low chuckle was pleasing in her ear, she didn't even mind the fact that he was clearly ribbing her.
“You're going to tease me too, eh?” She cracked a grin as another shiver wracked her. 
“ You can handle it, sweetheart .”
Her brows lifted. That was new. A pet name while they were supposed to be working…a pet name at all really beyond saying ‘good girl’ seemed even more out of place. She said nothing about it and instead smiled to herself, a comforting warmth filling her cheeks despite the cold already turning them pink. “I can, doesn’t mean I have to like it, sir. ”
The queue shuffled forward, and she was now just a few heads away from entering the building, the thumping music steadily growing louder. The beating electronic music matched the rhythm of her heart as it began to increase. Finally reaching the front rope, the bouncer gave her the nod of approval to enter, and she was hit by the flurry of lights and sounds that filled the large, darkened, industrial designed nightclub. Black leather furniture, chrome and neon – she felt like she was walking into a set from Blade Runner. Her first stop was the coat check, sliding the long coat off her arms and handing it to the girl behind the counter, she moved further in and the heat of the bodies crowded in together hit her like a wave. Strobe lights flashed, the music blared, and she did her best to scan the area looking out for the target. Snaking her way through the crowd towards the bar, she waved her hand to get the attention of one of the bartenders as she stood at the counter. It had been some time since she had done this sort of thing, often opting for an actual bar rather than clubs even in her youth. She still had one trick up her sleeve however, putting two fingers in her mouth she whistled over one of the bartenders and finally was served. 
“могу я получить виски?” <Russian: Can I get a scotch?>
She was thankful Price taught her enough Russian to at least allow her to order her drink of choice. A little dutch courage to keep herself focused, to keep her calm. As she waited, she tried to simulate being relaxed as possible, not looking around too much to make her appear suspicious but keeping her wits about her to stay on the lookout for trouble. 
“ Any sign of him, Sergeant? ” Price’s rumbling timbre vibrated through her. 
“Not visual yet, but my eyes are peeled.” 
Glancing over her shoulder, she looked back at the stairs that led to the VIP section. It was her goal to get up there with Zorokov and get him alone for the takedown. She had memorized the layout of this place from the plans that Laswell had dug up and knew where every security camera was placed and every possible exit, anything to give her the upper hand in this meeting as she dangled herself like a mouse on a string. At this point, his scheduled appointments had already begun, and it was just a matter of time before he would come down and make his presence known – she just had to try and win his attention.   
A few moments passed and the tumbler glass of scotch was slid along the bar on a black paper napkin and placed in front of her by the bartender. Quick to pick up the glass, she sipped on the amber liquid, letting its warmth fill her from the inside out. Hints of sherry from the oak barrels it was aged in hit her tongue first, then the spicy notes of black pepper and the sweetness of vanilla. Just one drink of this could put her at ease. She swirled the liquid around and around, the weight of the sloshing scotch seeming to relax her as she waited for her first sight of Zorokov. Turning to rest her elbows back on the bar, arching her back just a little so her chest pressed forward, she kept an eye on as much as she could. 
It didn’t take long before the first suitor came to her side, his eyes dragging over her like she was a buffet table and he was famished. Making a comment to her in Russian, she was quite sure after she responded in what was supposed to be a polite decline of his advances that the captain had taught her something rather the opposite, especially as the man stormed off with more choice words for her in Russian.
“Fucking hell, what did you teach me to say, Price?” she whispered harshly. 
A quiet snicker came through her earpiece, broken by his husky voice, “ Never you mind, just keep saying it and you shouldn’t get any cling ons. Can’t have you getting distracted. ”
“Bastard,” she muttered under her breath. 
“ I heard that .”
Rory chuckled to herself and took another sip of her drink, scanning the area, her eyes flicking back up towards the VIP area searching for a hint of that slicked blonde hair she had seen before, but all remained quiet. Taking a deep breath, she gave her neck a little stretch from side to side, trying to lean into the patience she had honed as a sniper. After her SSC training was completed, she was no longer pushed into the action of the front lines and instead she had to learn the pace that required her to be forced to camp out for hours, sometimes days at a time, in a nest to get the shot she needed. This was no different. The target was more important than her comfort, that was something she had quickly discovered in her time as a soldier, and despite the fact that she was using herself as bait, this was still more attractive an idea than having to sit in the burning hot heat, sweat dripping down her arse crack or in puddles of murky standing water being bitten by God knows what. This – for all intents and purposes – was easy.
Time passed, she ordered a second drink, several more men showed interest in her and she blew them off the same way Price had taught her. It was practically clockwork now. At least she knew the outfit was working for her. It was just a matter of time for the big man himself to come down the stairs, and just like that – speak of the devil – the door to VIP access opened and Zorokov in his trim, black sharkskin suit stepped out still chatting away with his legion of “colleagues”. 
Her eyes narrowed for just a moment, that warrior’s instinct in her revealing itself. “Head’s up, got eyes on the target now. He’s just stepped out from his meeting.”
“ Keep on him, Sergeant .”
Zorokov moved like he was king of the castle. Untouchable . Pulling on the fronts of his suit jacket, buttoning it up as he slithered his way past the patrons and made his way to the bar. 
“He’s headed in my direction now.”
“ Just keep it together, yeah? ”
She took a deep breath and took a quick swig of her drink. Now or never. As the oligarch drew near, she did her best to draw his attention, focusing on the way she posed while maintaining a relaxed aura about her, the last thing she needed was him figuring out this was a sting. His dark eyes landed on her, and she pretended not to notice him, glancing away – a simple lure to pull him in. Just like a fisher’s fly in the water, she’d snare the big fish in the little pond. His stare roamed over her as she nonchalantly continued to work on her drink and he was quick to pull up a spot beside her at the bar, his arm brushing against hers. Something like regret already began coiling in her gut, everything about the presence of this man was oily and slimy to her, like she could taste his venom in the air around him.  
“Хотите еще?” <Russian: Would you like another?>
She glanced over sideways towards him, putting on her softest, most innocent smile. Her eyes went wide as she batted her lashes up at him. “Oh, I’m sorry. I’m a tourist. I don’t speak a lick of Russian. Or at least nothing beyond yes, no, and hello.”
“ God, you’re good at this ,” Andrew whispered in her ear. 
“Quite alright.” Zorokov’s smile widened like a snake about to strike. “Lovely accent by the way.”
She could already picture Price either smugly smirking or growling over that reaction, it was what he had expected after all, but she wasn’t quite so sure he would actually enjoy the fact that his prediction was correct. “Thank you.” She faked the blush to her cheeks as she smiled by thinking about the Captain’s reaction to her earlier, his wandering eyes, that subtle bite to the inside of his lower lip. 
“You sound much too good for a place like this.” Zorokov’s dark chuckle was menacing despite this being his attempt to flirt with her. 
“Do I?” Her voice was sultry and smooth as she asked the question, looking up at the target with large doe eyes. 
“Like a proper Englishwoman. Good manners, good upbringing. Very attractive.” He leaned in towards her, stepping just a little too far into her personal space, his nostrils flaring as he breathed in her perfume. “You said you were a tourist, yes? What brings you to the motherland?”
“Traveling across Europe. I’ve already been to France and Spain, seen Germany and the Netherlands. Figured it was time to see the Big. Red. Bear .” She smirked, making sure to emphasize each word. 
“And have you enjoyed your stay so far?”
A slow smile creeped across her lips. “It has certainly had its high points.”
“Has it?” Zorokov leaned in even closer, his gaze lowering down the neckline of her dress.  “Perhaps I can make it even better for you?”
Her brows lifted, eyes widening, remaining coy. “Oh?”
Nodding his head in the direction of the upstairs VIP area, he gave her a knowing grin. “I might be able to give you reason to extend your stay.”
Rory hummed, sipping on her drink. Swallowing her scotch, she smiled and licked the few drops off her lower lip.  “You can certainly try.”
He held out his hand in the direction of the stairs, a clear invitation to lead the way and she took a deep breath, whispering as she moved out of Zorokov’s sights should he try to lip read, “Heading into the VIP area now.”
“ Copy. Break a leg ,” Andrew replied.
Each step up the stairs sent a shiver down her back; she was marching right into the viper’s nest. Get him alone. Get close. Place the bug on him. And then wait for the cavalry to arrive to bring him in for questioning. It was simple enough, foolproof even. But that churning in her gut wouldn’t stop. The heightened awareness, battle readiness, caused every little nerve in her to want to flinch, feeling like she had eyes growing on the back of her head. 
Upon reaching the door to the upper floor, Zorokov moved up behind her, placing his hand on the small of her back, and Rory had to hold back the bile that rose up her throat. Slipping a card from his pants pocket, he placed it to the security panel and it beeped allowing them access. The door opened wide, and the upstairs looked like something out of a Bond villain’s penthouse. All black marble polished to perfection and gold filigree, Roman columns and furniture that was far more plush than what was on the floor below. This was a room designed for the powerful to play and Rory’s gut wrenched at the thought of the things that might have happened up here before.  
He held out his hand, directing her in, and she stepped inside, her heels clicking on the marble floor. The faint chemical, clinical scent of bleach was in the air. Freshly cleaned . She had no interest in wanting to know why. Keeping her breathing controlled, she crossed the room to sit in one of the tufted leather couches, crossing her legs and stretching her arms out along the back, remaining the picture of grace, confidence and elegance – exactly the woman Igor Zorokov expected her to be. Rory’s eyes scanned the room, but just as had been in the plans, there was no sight of security measures in here. No cameras whatsoever. That didn’t help settle the growing pit in her gut at all. As the door shut behind him, the blond man looked at her as if she were prey. Locked in, with nowhere to go, her pupils dilated with aggression but to a man like Zorokov it would only mean the opposite. 
The Russian moved closer, striding towards her as he took a seat on the opposite side of the couch, the leather giving way to his weight. His fingers brushed over hers as his hand traveled over her wrist and up the length of her forearm resting against the back of the couch. 
“You are a very lovely woman.”
“You’re a charming man. I’m sure you’ve had your fair share,” she said, turning to tuck herself into the corner and face him. 
“I have only the most expensive taste.”
“That’s quite the compliment.”
“It is,” he hummed. 
He slid over towards her on the couch, sitting closer, leaning in towards her. Forcing herself to drag her eyes up to meet his, Rory looked up at him through a fan of dark lashes. His dark stare flicking from her chest to her lips, not bothering to meet her eyes at all. She found herself clenching her jaw, the sickening twist in her abdomen squeezing tighter. He was going to try and kiss her…she could feel it coming. A shuddering breath slipped from her, and she knew he’d read into it exactly the way he wanted to. Interest. Attraction. Arousal. The exact opposite of the disgust that grew inside her. 
Leaning further towards her, rubbing his hands along the curve of her neck, following it along as it met her shoulders, he tilted his head so his lips were just a hair away from her ear, breathing heavily into the earpiece that sat hidden below her dark brown tresses, whispering through gritted teeth in a sharp hiss, “Just how stupid do you think I am?”
Rory’s eyes widened, her breath hitching. Her body reflexively sent itself into survival mode, every muscle tensing, knowing it was time to fight. She slowly opened her clutch, not wanting to attract his attention as she carefully slipped her fingers into the opening and slid them into the grips of her brass knuckles. 
“Didn’t think I’d recognize you?”
Zorokov’s smile widened like a hungry animal, he had her exactly where he wanted her. Believing her cornered. Trapped. Just another woman in a cage for him. He might have recognized her, but he didn’t know just how savage she could be. Her will to live was stronger than the violence he most assuredly aimed to use against her. In that moment Price’s words echoed in her head: The world needs more wolves in it, Rory. Maybe it's about time you took that lambskin off. 
That time was now. 
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So, for a couple of years now, I've been reading the old X-Men comics of the 70s & 80s, and a few recent issues from '87 have given me a great idea for an AU.
Dazzler!Izuku 😀
So, Izuku is born with a quirk that allows him to transform sound into photonic energy. Anything from generating benign blobs of light that move, pulsate, and change color in relation to whatever music he's listening to (tho, this can be weaponized too; during the sludge villain attack, Izuku overwhelms the villain's eyes with a fantastic light show that leaves him catatonic), to concentrating a single, loud noise into a laser beam that deals concussive damage.
Izuku would, of course, gravitate towards Present Mic as a mentor. And he would team up well with Jirou.
So, what do you think?
I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO REPLY TO, SCHOOL AND MY MENTAL HEALTH FUCKED ME OVER. I have had half of this in my queue for about 3 months, ya bitch was just burnt tf out 💀
But dude, I absolutely fucking love this 😭😭
Heads up, my knowledge of physics is limited so I’m not going to be talking much about the actual details of his quirk until after I learn more about it, but I hope you enjoy!!!
Izuku who makes physics jokes.
He has shirts with physics puns on them. A shirt that says, “the photon checked into the hotel and was asked if it had any bags, it said, “no thanks, I’m traveling light!”
Reminds me of the time I was dual enrolling and in my psychology class, I said, “I once asked the librarian if she had a book on Pavlov’s dog and Schrödinger’s cat. She said it rung a bell but she wasn’t sure if it was there or not!”
I thought I was so funny, but everyone else hated me.
Izuku is that kid. He does that shit
Inko loves it, she thinks her son is hilarious. Mic loves it. The little lister is so smart! Nezu has a goddamn field day. Aizawa is so tired, but secretly likes the jokes. He face palms every time and acts like it’s the end of the world, but he does like them. Midnight thinks it’s great, she asks izuku for more jokes/puns all the time. Mainly to annoy Aizawa. But still. BRUH, MISS JOKE. SHE LOVES THIS LITTLE SHIT. I honestly feel like all might wouldn’t understand most of them, but he’d love them anyway.
Izuku: I was studying frequencies, but now my brain Hertz.
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He accidentally freaks people out the first few weeks in the dorm because they’re not used to it/expecting it.
The number of times mina asks for mood lighting
I really want to drive home that he makes an unholy amount of puns
He doesn’t even try to, it just happens so naturally. Shouto has theorized that it’s a secondary quirk.
You have spoken directly to my soul with mentor mic (and Jirou/izuku friends)
They’d all work so well together though
Mic brings him to Put Your Hands Up Radio not only to work with his quirk, but to help with his nerves
It is no secret that izuku is a nervous lad, but I raise you, mic was also a nervous lad (personal headcanon, but you cannot tell me that lad doesn’t have generalized anxiety)
Mic helps izuku gain some coping mechanisms (or coping mic-anisms if you will (thank you, thank you))
Mic is a nerd, izuku is a nerd, Jirou is cool, but a nerd. Jirou, similar to Aizawa, rolls her eyes at the physics puns, but does she think they’re funny? Yes. Yes, she does. They defends izuku when people mock his puns
Mic couldn’t be prouder of his children
Thank you for the ask! I hope you enjoyed! Sorry it was kinda short 😅
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twoidiotwriters1 · 8 months
The Curse of Oenone (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: My nephew helped me queue this one (he is a literal baby) -Danny Words: 2,379 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter Listen to: 'Goldrush' -by Stela Cole
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X: Are You Serious? Right in Front of My Salad?
I wake up with a start. My mouth is dry as if I've been running for hours. I just had the weirdest dream about Janus in a forest and now my mind is racing, so I get up. I leave Annabeth in Geryon's old bedroom and make my way downstairs. 
Nico is seated on a tall chair in the kitchen aisle, he doesn't look up as I walk past him, but as I'm filling a glass with water, he speaks to me. "How's Lily?" He asks hoarsely. "And Michael?"
I want to ignore him, but his voice is so broken my heart can't bear it. We spoke to his sister's ghost today, and Bianca told him to stop trying to bring her back.
"You know, now that you're all grumpy, you and Lily would get along even better."
"I don't want friends," he cuts me off, voice quivering. "Just wanted my sister."
"Nico," I leave my glass on the counter and cross my arms. "I grew up in an orphanage—"
"What's that got to do with—"
"Shut up and listen," I scowl. "I didn't know how it felt to have a real family until recently, and sometimes Percy annoys me on purpose, but no one cares for me the way he and my mom do. If Bianca, your only sister, was asking you to trust us, you should've listened."
"Like how you listened to Percy when he asked you to stay put?"
I tense. "That's different. Geryon would've killed him if I hadn't—"
He interrupts me bitterly. "Percy's not your real brother, and you'll never know what a real family is. You get in everyone's way trying to be a hero."
I try not to pout, but I'm not succeeding. "That's mean."
If Nico is ashamed, I don't sense it. "It's the truth."
"You don't talk to your friends like that," I say, voice quivering. "Bianca—"
Nico gets up and exits the room hastily, speaking through gritted teeth. "We are not friends."
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"...Gaea told me that she needed the blood of only two demigods—one female, one male. She—she asked me to choose which boy would die." Piper explains during the meeting.
"But neither of us died," Jason replies. "You saved us."
"I know. It's just... Why would she want that?"
"Guys, remember at the Wolf House? Our favorite ice princess, Khione?" Leo mentions. "She talked about spilling Jason's blood, how it would taint the place for generations. Maybe demigod blood has some kind of power." 
"Oh..." Percy leans back in his chair looking nauseous. "Oh, bad... Bad. Bad." He turns to Hazel and Frank. "You guys remember Polybotes?"
"The giant who invaded Camp Jupiter," Hazel replies. "The anti-Poseidon you whacked in the head with a Terminus statue. Yes, I think I remember."
"I had a dream, when we were flying to Alaska. Polybotes was talking to the gorgons, and he said—he said he wanted me taken prisoner, not killed. He said: 'I want that one chained at my feet, so I can kill him when the time is ripe. His blood shall water the stones of Mount Olympus and wake Earth Mother!'"
"Jolly way of dying..." Ara mutters.
Piper makes a face. "You think the giants would use our blood... the blood of two of us—"
"I don't know," Percy replies. "But until we figure it out, I suggest we all try to avoid getting captured."
"That I agree with," Jason sighs.
"But how do we figure it out? The Mark of Athena, the twins, Ella's prophecy... how does it all fit together?" Hazel questions.
Annabeth leans on the table. "Piper, you told Leo to set our course for Atlanta." 
"Right. Bacchus told us we should seek out... what was his name?"
"Phorcys," Percy responds.
"You know him?" Annabeth looks at him with surprise.
"I didn't recognize the name at first. Then Bacchus mentioned salt water, and it rang a bell. Phorcys is an old sea god from before my dad's time. Never met him, but supposedly he's a son of Gaea. I still don't understand what a sea god would be doing in Atlanta."
"What's a wine god doing in Kansas? Gods are weird," Leo points out with a shrug. "Anyway, we should reach Atlanta by noon tomorrow, unless something else goes wrong."
"Don't even say that," Annabeth shivers. "It's getting late. We should all get some sleep."
"Wait," Piper intervenes. "There's one last thing. The eidolons—the possessing spirits. They're still here, in this room." 
There is nothing but silence for a few seconds before Hazel sighs. "Piper is right."
"How can you be sure?" Annabeth questions.
"I've met eidolons. In the Underworld, when I was... you know."
"So..." Frank looks around anxiously. "You think these things are lurking on the ship, or—"
"Possibly lurking inside some of us," Piper replies. "We don't know."
"Okay," Ara fixes her posture tensely. "Do you have a plan to get rid of them?"
"Yes," Piper looks at her. "I think we can fix this."
Ironic, how the skills that have proven to be handy so far are the ones she had as an Aphrodite and not the ones she worked hard for. "Okay," Ara nods with confidence. "What do we do?"
"We talk, and everyone else has to listen," her sister explains. "Your voice is stronger than mine, so it'd be better if you call out to them first, and force them to stay put."
"You're a better negotiator, though," Ara reminds her, "so you'll do the talking after I've got them in place."
"Girls, what are you—"
Ara hushes Jason and lifts a finger. "Be quiet, I have to focus." She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. The girl's skin glows pink, and the dark brown has been replaced with iridescent tints when she opens her eyes. "Eidolons, where are you?"
A ripple of warm air crosses the table. Leo, Jason, and Percy sit up stiffly, their gazes are the same golden color. "Here," they speak all at once.
Frank jumps out of his seat and presses his back against a wall. Hazel covers her mouth in horror.
"You are not allowed to leave your seats," Ara tells them.
"We won't move," they reply.
 Annabeth looks at the two daughters of Aphrodite with worry. "Oh, gods—Can you cure them?"
Piper raises her hand to ease her, and when she does, her palm trembles a little. Ara holds it as soon as she notices.
"Are there more of you on this ship?" Piper asks.
"No," Leo responds. "The Earth Mother sent three. The strongest, the best. We will live again."
"Not here, you won't," Piper's eyes blaze with anger. "All three of you, listen carefully. You will leave those bodies—"
"We must live."
"Then find another way," Ara glares at the Eidolon possessing Leo.
Leo's face twists into a smirk. "You are a spoiled child of Olympus. We do not answer to you."
"Mars Almighty, that's creepy!" Frank draws out his bow. "Get out of here, spirits! Leave our friends alone!"
Leo looks at him. "You cannot command us either, child of war. Your own life is fragile. Your soul could burn at any moment."
Frank manages to aim an arrow at Leo. "I—I've faced down worse things than you. If you want a fight—"
"Frank, don't," Hazel gets up, then turns to the others. "Listen to Piper."
"Daughter of Pluto, you may control gems and metals. You do not control the dead," Percy snarls.
"Listen, eidolons," Hazel spits out, "you do not belong here. I may not command you, but Piper and Ara do. Obey them."
Piper looks at Ara, the girl squeezes her palm and absorbs the fear her sister is feeling so she can speak. Piper takes a deep breath and tries again. "You will leave those bodies."
Jason grimaced. "We—we will leave these bodies."
"You will vow on the River Styx never to return to this ship, and never to possess any member of this crew."
Leo and Percy groan in protest, but their eyes are slowly changing colors.
"You will promise on the River Styx," Piper repeats, squeezing Ara's hand.
Ara shakes off the shivers she's getting from sponging Piper's anxiety, but she doesn't let go of her. "Promise!" The girl stomps her foot impatiently, and another ripple of hot air pushes out of her place on the table.
"We promise on the River Styx," the boys spit out in different levels of distress. 
"You are dead," Piper continues in a steady voice. 
"We are dead." 
"Now, leave."
The boys fall: Percy against the table, Jason over his chair, and Leo onto the floor. "Ow!"
"Leo!" Ara lets go of Piper and circles the table, she finds Leo sprawled next to his toppled chair.
"Are you all right?" Hazel asks the boys.
"Did it work?" Leo speaks groggily.
"It worked," Piper announces. "I don't think they'll be back."
"Does that mean I can stop getting head injuries now?" Jason groans.
Piper laughs. "Come on, Lightning Boy. Let's get you some fresh air. And Ara..." she tilts her body to see her over the table's surface. "Thank you."
Ara helps Leo to get back on his feet, she dusts off her jeans and looks at Piper. "You saved my brother and my boyfriend, I should be thanking you."
"What was that thing you did?" Hazel questions in shock. "You glowed pink!"
"Aphrodite's blessing," Ara replies. "I can use those from time to time, but not often and not one after the other, it tires me out too quickly."
"You have more than one blessing?" Frank asks in shock.
"She's got four," Leo replies hoarsely, rubbing the side of his face. "Gods, doll, you could've asked my ghost to land on his butt..."
Ara grins. "We should call it a day. Y'all go to sleep, I'll take the night shift."
Everyone starts to leave, but Percy stays behind to talk to Ara and Leo. "So..." He makes a face. "That sucked. I'm sorry for... you know..."
"It's alright, man," Leo shrugs. "I would've reacted the same way if some weirdo claimed to be my sister's sweetheart and then proceeded to bomb my house."
"A real fancy way to put it, Leo," Ara scowls.
"My point is—now we can start over, right?" Leo reaches out to take Percy's hand.
Percy shakes his hand with no hesitation. "Definitely." He glances at Ara. "I know Ara can take care of herself, but... just try to be careful."
Ara feels weird about the way he says it. Her mind goes to Hazel and Frank, and how they called Leo 'Sammy' the first time they spoke to him. She thinks Percy knows something about that.
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Leo is checking the ship's status before ending the day. It could be done by just one of them, but he insisted and Ara refused to let go of him now that he's eidolon-free.
"Not that I'm complaining," he walks from one place to another with Ara hugging him from behind like a little kid. "But it wasn't that serious, doll. Getting possessed is kinda like the flu."
"It's not funny," Ara mumbles, squeezing his waist. "Last night he could've taken over while you were kissing me—"
"Yikes," Leo cringes. "Let's not go there."
"But it could've happened!"
"Nah," he taps the morse code for 'I love you' on the back of her hand. Leo does it without noticing, or at least that's what Ara thinks, she's never asked because she fears it'll make Leo self-conscious and then he'll stop doing it. "My Eidolon was scared of you—all bark and no bite. The reason why they felt brave enough to attack you in New Rome, was because you were caught off guard."
"Love your blind faith, but—"
Leo turns and wraps his arms around her. "No buts! You're strong, smart, and hot when you use your blessings."
Ara gets flustered and tries to step back. "Okay, I got it—"
The boy kisses her without warning. He hadn't kissed her like this in... well, probably never. When he ends it, Ara is speechless and light-headed, her soul-light glows as bright as gold. Sometimes he does things that make her doubt he's not a fidget of her imagination, the way he can make her forget everything that bothers her and all she can do is stay focused on him in just a matter of seconds.
"Talking about last night... you mentioned Hazel," he says quietly, paying close attention to how she reacts. "We're gonna talk about that, or..?"
Ara leans her forehead on his. "Do we have to?"
Leo frowns. "Yeah, think so. That girl and her boyfriend freak me out! I don't know what I did to them..."
"Percy knows, but I don't think he wants to tell me," she sighs. "You should ask them face to face."
Leo snorts. "And say what? 'Hey, are you two planning my murder?'—bet that would lighten the mood around here."
Ara rolls her eyes. "Obviously not like that! I'm sure there's a way to address this without making it awkward..." She holds his arms. "Do you think Hazel..."
Leo stares at her, and he doesn't know how, 'cause this has never come naturally to him, but he guesses what Ara's trying to ask him. "You think she likes me?" He squints. "I mean, I am more good-looking than Frank, but—"
"Leónidas!" She hisses under her breath. "I'm serious!"
"Me too!" Leo exclaims. "Okay fine, grown-up talk," his grip on her gets a little tighter. "I don't know. It's like she's scared of me or something... I'll try to talk to her if you want me to."
Ara's uncomfortable for a wide variety of reasons. Mostly jealousy, but she's having negative thoughts about a girl that she's supposed to look after, and to top it all she's Nico's half-sister. She tries hard not to antagonize Nico too much, but she's always finding ways to do so.
"I hate feeling this way." She makes a face. "When we got the celestial bronze, you guys had like... a moment. I'm still thinking about it."
"A moment?"
Ara blushes, knowing how ridiculous she's about to sound. Her eyes avoid his when she talks, they're no longer golden, but they still have power over her. "You locked eyes for a second. It looked intense."
Leo presses his lips together, stopping himself from laughing. "Hm."
"This is stupid, I don't know why I'm even—"
The girl turns to leave, but Leo pulls her close again, grinning from ear to ear. His soul-light brightens. "Arae Jackson, are you jealous?"
"No!" She exclaims indignantly. "Being jealous would mean I don't trust you and I do! I don't care if you talk to girls, I'm just—worried."
"Worried," Leo repeats tauntingly. "Sure. Whatever you say, sunshine."
Ara slips out of his grasp and hurries away. "I'm telling Frank you said he's ugly."
"Hey! I didn't—Ara—STOP!"
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Next chapter →
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shadowqueen402 · 2 years
Prim And Proper Origins: Part 6
Prologue is here:
Part 1 is here:
Part 2 is here:
Part 3 is here:
Part 4 is here:
Part 5 is here:
The next day, Primrose arrived at school. She had a sickeningly sweet smile plastered on her face that held her cruelty. The students who took notice of her frowned and avoided her like the plague.
She made it to the hallway to put away her belongings when she noticed Roy talking with Esme. She decided to eavesdrop on their conversation while pretending to be someone that minded their own business.
"Say, Roy?" Esme asked. "Are you doing anything after school? Or do you have Martial Arts today?"
"Fortunately, I am free after school," Roy said. "Why?"
"Well, I'm struggling with History," Esme confessed to him. "And the test is tomorrow. Do you think you can help tutor me?"
"It will be my pleasure," Roy said. "Want to study at my place or yours? Either one is fine by me."
"How about we do it at my place?" Esme said. "How does that sound?"
"Sounds good to me," Roy replied with a smile. Then, he heard the sound of the bell ringing. "Well, that's our queue to get to class. I'll see you around, Esme." He waved to her as they both parted ways.
Primrose glared harshly at Esme's retreating form. She dared to invite Roy over to her place!? Primrose thought. Don't worry, Esme doesn't know what's coming to her.
Meanwhile in London, Vladimir was still getting used to the routine at this boarding school he was sent to. Thanks to Primrose's little trick, his relationship with women had turned rather…strained.
He had rather mixed emotions about the school he was in. On the one hand, he was relieved to meet fellow students who have dealt with a very familiar situation like his. But on the other, he did miss his home and his old life.
"Vladimir Gaillot!" A male worker at the school called to him. "A letter was addressed to you." The golden blonde-haired teenager left his dorm and made his way to where the worker was.
The worker handed him the letter. "You may want to read it when you are by yourself," He advised Vladimir before he walked off.
Vladimir's eyes slightly lit up when he saw the familiar stamp. It was from the maid. She was the only person who actually knew right from wrong and treated Vladimir like he was her son. Plus, she believed him whenever Vladimir would tell her about Primrose.
Vladimir wasted no time in opening the envelope. When he read the letter that he pulled out, he blinked in slight surprise:
You were right to believe that something was wrong with your sister. Yesterday, I called a certain Dr. Murray, who is one of Scotland's best psychologists, and told him about your sister's behavior.
It turns out that Primrose was displaying signs of ASPD, or Anti-Social Personality Disorder. I wanted to write this letter as to warn you about Primrose. When you get the chance, can you write a letter to your parents and let them know what you've learned regarding your sister?
I do hope to see you again. That way, you can tell me all that has happened in London.
Love you always,
Amber Bonnefoy
Vladimir set the letter in his suitcase. It all made sense now. But the real question was: how bad was it, really?
If he had to take a guess, Vladimir would assume that Primrose did something that caused the maid to be worried.
Without saying anything, Vladimir sat at his desk and got to work on the two letters.
At recess, Primrose held onto the paint-filled balloons. She kept an eye out for Esme's form so that way, she could strike and punish her. That being said, Primrose had to be very discreet and take care not to hit anyone that wasn't Esme.
Primrose soon spotted Esme by one of the trees. Much to her chagrin, the honey brown haired teenager was seen talking to Roy. Primrose took one of the paint-filled balloons and aimed it carefully at Esme.
"And that was what made me decide to want to join the cooking club," Esme said. "Cooking pretty much runs in my family. I've never looked back since."
"I plan to join the marine after I graduate," Roy said. "So I joined the martial arts club. I know it sounds scary, but I want to keep our home safe."
Before Esme could respond, something hit her on the side of her face. Next thing Roy knew, Esme had pastel pink paint dripping down her left cheek. "W-What…?" Esme didn't have a chance to speak more as more balloons kept on hitting her.
Esme screamed as she found herself getting covered with pastel pink, yellow, and white paint. This drew the attention of the other students who turned and gasped at the horrific scene.
When the balloons stopped, Esme felt the stares of everyone looking. With so much humiliation, Esme turned around and ran to the Girls' bathroom, crying. "Esme, wait!" Roy called, running after her.
Meanwhile, Primrose stood by. An evil smirk gracing her lips. Didn't know that the prostitute was a crybaby. She thought cruelly. Now I can finally have Roy to myself.
I do not own Madame Prim and her family.
Roy and Esme belong to me.
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celebtattletale · 2 years
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I posted 350 times in 2022
That's 266 more posts than 2021!
136 posts created (39%)
214 posts reblogged (61%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 328 of my posts in 2022
Only 6% of my posts had no tags
#reblog - 189 posts
#right on queue - 134 posts
#reply - 67 posts
#alright mate - 50 posts
#chris evans x reader - 31 posts
#chris evans gif - 23 posts
#tom holland gif - 23 posts
#chris evans - 23 posts
#harrison osterfield - 21 posts
#tom holland x reader - 20 posts
Longest Tag: 128 characters
#i know that this was probably sent without realising but i don’t want to make anyone feel bad by saying i can’t do their request
My Top Posts in 2022:
Reunited: Y/N L/N surprises Tom Holland at No Way Home premiere
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We were all stunned at the premiere of Spider-Man: No Way Home by the all-star cast making their appearances including Zendaya, Benedict Cumberbatch and the man himself Tom Holland.
But one person was missing. Tom’s wife, singer Y/N, was seemingly absent from supporting her husband.
Of course, everyone understood that she was busy pursuing her own career, 3 months into her 6 month world tour, after her third studio album released.
Y/N has been joined by the couple’s three-year-old daughter, little Rose Nicola Holland, throughout her tour across the continents. The mother-daughter pair were accompanied by Tom for a couple of months before being separated for his own press tour.
So naturally, everyone expected Tom to be going to the No Way Home premiere alone, without his wife and daughter - including Tom himself!
But, part way through his interviews, Tom was distracted by an all too familiar pair of girls pulling up to the red carpet. He immediately excused himself to go see his family.
Y/N arrived in a sexy red 2-piece and blazer, with a shy Rosie hoisted onto her hip and tucked into her neck. She was also sporting a cheeky red-lipped smile as her husband sped over to the two of them.
Tom immediately took hold of his little girl, and she instantly perked up at the sight of her dad, planting a sloppy kiss on his lips. Tom was seen wrapping his arm around his wife’s waist and whispering into her ear.
Over the course of the night, we got many cute snaps of the family together, with Tom and Y/N constantly fawning over their little girl, or sharing affectionate moments between each other.
The couple have been together for 6 years, meeting just before Tom was cast as Peter Parker and just after Y/N released her first studio album. They have always been a fan favourite, especially with us here at celebtattletale.
So it’s safe to say that Rose stole the show when she was born and now on the red carpet for the first time, being the perfect addition to this a-list couple.
And we just can’t help but hope that, at some point soon, Rose will be getting a little brother or sister. Those two do make beautiful babies.
587 notes - Posted February 17, 2022
Family Fun: Chris Evans heads to the coast for a day at the beach with wife and kids
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This weekend, Chris Evans (40) was spotted taking his wife and kids out to the coast of Massachusetts to enjoy a day at the beach.
The whole family were seen splashing about in the sea, a couple of the kids jumping over the waves, with the help of Chris, while wife Y/N (33) held the newest addition close to her chest.
Two months ago, the couple added baby Belle to their ever growing brood with Christopher Jr. (6), Flynn (4) and Mickey (3). At least now Mama Evans finally gets another girl in the house!
The family of six could be seen playing in the water in an array of colourful swimsuits. Y/N appeared in a black bikini, looking radiant with some of her postpartum baby belly clinging to her stomach.
Chris was evidently shirtless as he showed of his abs and chest hair in a pair of swimming trunks.
It was easy to see from the pictures that the paparazzi captured of Chris that a new tattoo has emerged, joining the collection he has on the side of his ribs.
During previous outings, fans had spotted that Chris had his kids names written on the right side of his body, and found his devotion to his family adorable.
And now little Belle's name is sat with the rest of them!
At any rate, the Evans family seemed to have fun at the beach, although the children were reportedly seem grimacing at their parents kissing.
Y/N and Chris have been together for nine years now and had a lovely winter wedding in 2015 when Y/N was already pregnant with their first child.
But we cannot fault the couple for their endless love, or the obvious devotion for their kids that they display constantly. Whenever Chris brings his family to an event, the world swoons at the perfection and displays of affection Chris shows to his wife and kids.
And this weekend seemed much the same, with Chris seen carrying his children on his shoulders and building sandcastles with them.
What an adorable sight!
789 notes - Posted April 10, 2022
Surprise at the Oscars! Y/N L/N is pregnant with husband Henry Cavill’s baby
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Y/N L/N (32) is pregnant! Last weekend she attended the Oscars with husband Henry Cavill (38), showing off her sizeable bump to the whole world.
Y/N was nominated as best actress in a leading role for her part as Lowen Ashleigh in the film adaptation of Colleen Hoover’s romance thriller ‘Verity’.
The film was delightfully disturbing, with psychological terror and romantic drama spiced with lusty sex scenes.
And it was no surprise when she won, helped up on stage by Henry whilst cradling her stomach protectively beneath her dress. Henry barely let go of her and kissed her cheek as she went up on stage.
Y/N was looking gorgeous in an ivory, tulle gown with delicate flowers embroidered along the bodice and her shoulders. The tea-length style dress bulged over the actress’ belly beautifully.
And it wasn’t only Y/N showered with praise. In her speech, many references were made to her husband, Henry, thanking him for his support and love.
This all-star couple have been together for 7 years in total and married for 3 and the whole world has loved watching their relationship grow and blossom.
The two met in 2014 through a mutual friend and the tabloids went wild after seeing the two out to lunch together. However Henry admitted that it took him 8 more months to ask her out!
Both actors kept us waiting, with it taking another 4 years for them to announce that they had gotten married. Photos of the wedding were released a few weeks after their honeymoon to Greece.
They married in a beautiful outdoor ceremony from what we could see with Henry looking absolutely dashing in his suit and Y/N stunning both him and us in her dress.
And ever since, everyone has been waiting to see a baby Cavill appear. I guess we won’t have to wait much longer…
Y/N is seven months pregnant but neither actor has revealed the sex of the baby or even whether they know themselves. At least we do know that with such beautiful parents that baby will be adorable.
This is most definitely the best surprise we could have gotten at the Oscars this year!
855 notes - Posted March 12, 2022
How Young? Chris Evans reveals he got married at just 19 years old
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Chris Evans (40) has always been an actor that was openly devoted to his family and ever since he appeared on our screens there have been no dating scandals or other public controversies.
And that’s probably because he’s been married for as long as the world has known him and is constantly adding to his brood of adorable children.
Last night, Chris appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live, promoting the launch of one of his newest projects, 'Lightyear', a story of Buzz Lightyear and his adventures to infinity and beyond.
Chris appeared looking sexy as ever in a blue suit, highlighting his muscles.
When Jimmy brought up who was most looking forward to seeing the animated movie, Chris immediately answered that his kids had been begging to see it ever since they found out that their dad was going to Buzz Lightyear.
It was then that Jimmy brought out a cute photo of Chris, his wife Y/N (39) and their 5 kids:
Brandon (18)
Lowel (14)
Rayne (11)
Teddy (7)
Laurelai (2)
The picture captured the 7 Evans's at a family event in their garden, a year after the birth of little Laurelai. And all members of the family looked their best, especially Y/N in a cute navy dress with a white floral pattern and low neckline.
Jimmy went on to ask Chris how long he and his wife had actually been married, as Chris became an actor fairly young and there was never a point where Y/N didn't seem to have been there.
Chris revealed that 'we got married right after her high school graduation, a year after I had graduated myself, so I was 19 and she was 18.
'We met in Y/N’s freshman year - my sophomore year - when she joined the cheerleading squad and I was part of the football team. Such a cliché, i know.
‘Once I finally asked her out, we dated all throughout high school.We were that couple that was obnoxiously in love, always holding hands and making out in the hallway.
‘And then after she finished school, we figured why wait? So we got married in a little ceremony in my mom’s back yard.’
When asked if it was tough being married at such a young age and then having his first kid only a few years later, Chris replied that it was difficult with Y/N getting her degree and him starting his acting career, but they made it work by just keeping talking to each other.
And now the high school sweethearts are as close as ever, living with their 3 sons, 2 daughters and 2 dogs - Dodger and Pixie, in Boston in the house that Y/N designed herself after she became an architect.
We here at celebtattletale wish the family the best and I'm sure that we can all only hope for a love like theirs.
1,138 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Missing Ring? Fans spot that Chris Evans' newly-wed is missing a certain piece of jewellery
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Two weeks ago, Chris Evans (40) got married to the love of his life and partner of four years, Y/N L/N (28) in a small backyard ceremony in his hometown of Boston.
Everyone went wild when Chris posted a picture of him and his beautiful bride on Instagram after not revealing any information about his upcoming wedding, other than one would be coming.
And we here at celebtattletale can say with certainty that Chris chose a beautiful woman to spend the rest of his life with.
Fans have adored Y/N ever since Chris confirmed that he was in a relationship with a young woman back in Boston, and love seeing pictures of her and Dodger being posted.
She looked stunning on their wedding day, with her arms linked with Chris' in his simple suit, clinging to his muscles. Y/N wore a stunning white dress, flowing about her ankles.
And now Chris and his newly-wed wife have set off on their honeymoon to Italy. They have spent the past two weeks there enjoying marital bliss and trying to keep to themselves.
Chris has posted just one photo of their trip and fans couldn't help but notice that something was missing from the picture that Chris captioned: 'with you'.
Throughout their relationship, Chris has spoken about how many people noticed that his girlfriend wore a ring on her left ring finger, although the couple were not engaged.
The ring was in fact a purity ring, and despite not telling the public whether Y/N wore it for religious reasons or not, Chris has said that he supported her decision to keep that part of herself for herself only until she felt ready.
And although, the idea of purity rings has been criticised in the media, fans have applauded Y/N for choosing to remain abstinent until she wanted to share that.
So when they spotted that the ring was missing from her finger, everyone on Instagram began searching for the piece of jewellery, as it is usually worn by the partner or kept.
Last weekend, Chris and Y/N were seen snuggling up on their honeymoon by a paparazzo and when the pictures were published, it did not take long for people to spot the ring on a chain around Chris' neck!
While we hope that the couple spend the rest of their honeymoon in peace, we cannot help but adore their devotion to one another and how they support each other.
1,919 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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melodicwitchlight · 5 years
“—Oh, hello there…”
 The brunette haired woman glances up at the stranger standing before her, momentarily distracted from the intriguing tale she was reading.
 Placing the book on her lap, she smiles.
 "Would you like a tour of the library?"
0 notes
coldmilkcreamery · 4 years
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𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: seo changbin x male reader 🥀
𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 1403
𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: in which changbin asks about the bracelet Y/N never takes off and finds out it’s from his friend that committed suicide.
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴/𝘀: mentions of blood and death; suicide
𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗻 𝗯𝘆 🌙
𝗮/𝗻: i took a lot longer on this fic because i lost motivation so many times, but looking at the finished product, it’s my favorite out of the four i've made so far !! thank you so much for requesting @mrsunshine999 !! please continue supporting us !! <3
> 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 <
Changbin was naturally curious. Whether it be about his cousin's current class, what his bandmate ate for yesterday’s dinner or the weather of a country on the opposite side of the globe. He was curious about anything and everything. So, naturally, after dating Y/N for about two months, he would get curious about the lime bracelet that wrapped itself around his boyfriend’s hand. The said trinket was held together by a single thread of yarn, decorated with miniature glass beads and a tiny, fluffy frog in the middle. If he was being honest with himself, it did not look aesthetically pleasing. In fact, it wasn't. The beads were uneven and scuffed up, the color choice was horrible and overall it just looked like it hadn’t been washed in a while. He was afraid to call his partner out on this, being the shy bear he was, but after seven weeks with his boyfriend, both his curiosity and hygiene-oholic self got the better of him.
“You know,” Changbin mumbled in a sing-song tone, staring at the unattractive accessory, “you never told me about that…” he pauses, rethinks his words and continues again as his boyfriend locks eyes with him, “bracelet around your wrist.” Y/N freezes, resulting in both of them halting, and with them, their stroll at the park.
“You okay?” Changbin asks, half confused, half worried, “I’m talking about the—”
“Yeah, I know what you’re talking about.” Y/N cuts him off, lips quivering as he tightens his grip on the paper bags he holds, almost ripping the fragile sheets, “Let’s just drop these off at Nicky’s first.” Nicky’s is the name of the local bread shop they deliver to and for. In fact, both men had met each other there as delivery boys. To the owner’s surprise, both hit it off pretty well. Too well to the point that they started dating.
The walk out of the park and into the autumn street was quiet, way quieter than it was supposed to be. The street was bustling, there were cars honking their horns and bicycles ringing their bells, but it was all ear-splitting silence with Y/N. After dating him for seven weeks, and knowing him for even more, he was sure his boyfriend was always bubbly and upbeat. But in this moment, something about his actions, or the lack thereof, said the exact opposite. And to be really honest, it made Changbin uneasy. He knew what he said had upset his partner. He wanted to apologize but was too afraid—to sound dumb and repetitive or to hurt his feelings even more. Which of the two was it? That he was unsure of.
“Good morning Mrs. Park!” Changbin greets, showing his dimples off as both boys enter the shop.
“Good morning!” Mrs. Park chirps back, raising her head towards both men, retracting the knife from the loaf she held. “Oh! Those must be the bread I ordered! Thank you for getting them, you know me, too old to walk all the way to the supplier. Too old to remember to do so too.” She laughs, putting the bread knife flat on the wooden cutting board as she shifts her gaze from Changbin to Y/N. “Oh! You can put that in the back.” Y/N nods as he drags his feet towards the back of the shop, slowly disappearing into its retro-ness.
The store’s aroma was always the same, the smell of lavender and the chilly air slapping them in the face whenever they went in. But Y/N’s aura wasn't. And Mrs. Park could tell.
“What’s up with him?” She asked, raising a brow, not really expecting the answer she would get.
“I asked him about that lime bracelet he has on all the time.” Changbin replies, sighing, “It’s… kinda dirty don't you think?”
“Oh.” is all she replies. She stays silent for an uncomfortable amount of time until Changbin realizes.
“I… didn’t do anything wrong, right?” He says, hoping for the best, “What is it any—”
“I think it would be better if you ask him yourself.”
“Well…” Changbin doubles back, “if it’s anything uncomfortable for him to share, then I won’t bug about it anymore. I don’t want to sacrifice his feelings for my curiosity.” He replies, unsure of what to think.
Mrs. Park nods and as if on queue, Y/N reappears and steps out the pantry, paper bags that were previously held by his hands gone. He smiles at the lady in her 40’s and heads straight to the door, leaving the scent of lavender and bread behind. Changbin follows suit, looking at Mrs. Park as she nods back, sending him a reassuring smile.
Changbin steps out into the breezy autumn eventide, hues of marigold and tangerine painting the afternoon skies like a canvas. Y/N trudged and crossed the street, entering back into the park, the aura much different from before. What was bright and warm this afternoon became darker and colder as the moon began its daily process: replacing the sun. What was once a yellow orb glowing high up in the sky was now just a small orange blob on the horizon, and on the opposite side of the colored canvas, a glimmering white crescent, slowly rising through the blue hues. Changbin found the indigo, azure, tangerine and marigold ombré charming, a sight he would never forget. Y/N spotted a nearby bench and sat down, his boyfriend taking the empty space beside him. They sat there for a while, staring at the moms telling their children to get off the swings so they can go home, and the hotdog vendor packing up and calling it a day. In a way, both the swings and the hotdogs reminded him of someone… special.
“I—” Y/N pauses, trying to rephrase his words once again, “I haven’t really told you about this,” he says, brushing his fingers ever so slightly over the lime fabric on his wrist, “gift.”
Changbin is confused, visually confused at that, but keeps quiet and lets him continue. “A friend of mine… gave this to me.” Y/N says, looking up towards the darkening skies, holding a tear back, “At first I thought it sucked, you know, the beads don’t look that nice. I didn’t see its value.” He said, face scrunching as he tries his hardest not to let a tear out. “So I didn’t wear it.” Changbin nods, unsure of what to say.
“He passed away a month later.” He fails to keep the cap on his bottled feelings on, a tear or two slipping out, “I found him in the bathtub, blood everywhere, and his face… oh his face,” Changbin wraps him in warmth, “it looked lifeless and yet so… sorrowful.” He says, clenching the left side of his shirt, more tears dripping down the side of his face, only to be dried up by the fabric of his boyfriend’s shirt, “I didn’t know that was possible.”
Changbin hugged and patted his back for a while until he calmed down, until he could finally form a proper sentence. “He helped me figure out and accept who I am.” Y/N says, the left side of his lip pulling up as his face forms a melancholic smile, “I didn’t realize it back then, but I wouldn’t have been so open with my sexuality now if it wasn’t for him.” Both stared up at the young night sky, the elegant stars beginning to show themselves. “I’ve worn this,” he says, fiddling with the dirty cotton frog in the center of the trinket, “since the day we buried him.”
Y/N lets a tear fall once again as he leans his head on Changbin’s shoulder, finding the closure he thought he’d already found months ago. “I loved him. Still do. I just wish he would've told me about his problems. Just wish he would’ve stuck around for a little longer.” Changbin nods once again, still unsure of what to say.
“But that was all in the past. There’s nothing I can do about it now.” Y/N says, ripping his eyes away from the lime bracelet, staring up at the midnight blue sky, the bijou stars twinkling in the distance, “Nothing but remember him with this ugly ass ornament.” Changbin looks into his eyes, confused.
“This ugly ass ornament that means the world to me.”
𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙙: 01.15.21
𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙙: 01.21.21
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wonderwomanfantasy · 4 years
Momo Yayorozu is a lesbian and just doesn’t know it yet.
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my computer died half way through writing this and none of it saved so while I love momo I am done with it. 
Omega! Yayorozu x Alpha! Reader. 
warnings: light smut, 
word count: 2,300 (about)
summary: You and momo are good friends, you just wished you were a little more.
Yayorozu’s hands were unusally soft for a hero. I mean you’d think with all the fighting she did that she would have at least a few callouses on her hands but no, they were always so soft. Not that you were all that surprised, she probably had some fancy lotion that cost a fortune and worked miracles. Her hands were on you now, slowly working out the kinks in your shoulders. 
“You really need to be more careful (y/n) you could seriously hurt yourself if you keep trying to spar while you aren’t properly stretched out,” she scolded lightly. You knew she was right, but if this was the treatment you get for not stretching, you couldn’t complain. Her scent was soft, like cherry blossoms and citrus. 
“Not that I don’t apricate this Momo, but people might get the wrong idea if you stay so close to an Alpha,” you warned and felt her freeze for a minute. 
“I don’t care, Everyone knows were just friends anyway,” she said and you felt a sharp spear pierce your heart. that’s right, you were just friends. And of course, no one would think twice about Momo rubbing your shoulders, she was straight after all. 
The two of you were still surprisingly close for an Alpha and Omega to be. It hurt a little bit each time she took your hand in hers, or cuddled up next to you during class movie nights. 
Even though you had no chance, it was hard not to fall in love with her. 
“(y/n)?” Momo prompted and you realized she had asked you something while you were spacing out.
“Sorry what was that?” you asked 
“Do you want to get boba?” she asked picking up her gym bag and you followed her. 
“Sure,” you agreed and a wide smile spreading across her face making your heart do funny things. “my treat,” you added. and her smile evaporated turning into a stubborn pout.
“(y/n) why do you never let me spoil you?” she whinned hanging off your arm dramatically maing you chuckle. you placed your hand on her lower back steadying her.
“Come on Momo it’s just my Alpha instinct, You don’t want to hurt my pride do ya?” you shrugged and she huffed. 
“Okay but I’m paying next time,” she said and you agreed placidly.
The boba shop wasn’t too far from the gym you worked out at, momo staid on your arm as you walked. She leaned her head on your shoulder as you waited in line making your heart skip a beat. you looked around the small boba shop at the other people, and you wondered if they thought you were a couple. 
“Hey (y/n) will you order for me? I need the bathroom,” Momo said squeezing your hand and pulling away from you. instantly you missed her closeness.
“sure,” you said with a nod. and turned your attention back to the line thinking about what she would want. Normally she got the brown sugar milk tea but maybe you’d surprise her with the caramel one instead. 
You placed your order and waited patiently for your name to be called, then you felt a small tap on your shoulder. When you turned you saw a short yellow-haired omega girl looking up at you, a bright pink blush across her round cheeks. 
“Can I help you?” you asked polielty, 
“Oh! sorry I was just wondering if that girl you were with was your mate,” she asked and you did your best not to grimace. It wasn’t her fault so there was no use getting mad at her. 
“No, we’re just friends,” you admitted. She beamed 
“Oh! well my name is Peko and uhm i just think you’re gorgeous and I was wondering if you’d want to go out with me?” She offered, for an omega she was certainly bold. Suddenly Momo was back at your side, her hand taking its place in yours. 
“A friend of yours?” she asked. you squeezed her hand and turned your attention back to Peko.
“I’m sorry, you seem like a very sweet Omega but I’m a UA student and I’m too busy to date anyone right now, I’m sorry,” you said and winced as she deflated. 
“It’s alright, It was nice to meet you!” she said before scurrying over to her own friends. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to make things awkward,” Momo said 
“Don’t worry about it,” you said with a shrug then to lighten the mood you elbowed her lightly. 
“Rejecting girls isn’t any big deal for a heartbreaker like me,” you teased wiggling your eyebrows
“Oh how could I forget Omega’s just love you don’t they,” she giggled. 
Momo couldn’t stop thinking about your interactions today. For some reason it felt wrong to see you with another Omega, one that was flirting with you no less. and even though you had said it as a joke, she couldn't help but think that you really were a “babe magnet” as Denki would put it. It made her uncomfortable for some reason. 
Maybe it was because if you stopped spending so much time with her you would have enough time for a mate. No, you were her best friend, you wouldn't just drop her like that, even if your future mate demanded it. Momo knew that if her future Alpha ever suggested she spend less time with you she would drop him in a heartbeat. No Alpha was worth losing you over. but what if you didn’t feel the same way about her? the idea gnawed at her.
While she had never asked it, Momo had always sort of assumed the two of you would stick together after graduation, maybe even move in together once you both started working. She could very clearly see herself coming home to you after a long day of work and relaxing in your arms. or dancing around the kitchen together while you thought her how to cook. 
But maybe that was just a fantasy in her head.
 Her skin felt hot, itchy. Signs of her upcoming heat. She started moving around the room picking at her nest and rearranging it lightly. it was made of soft blankets and stuffed animals on her enormous bed. and at the heart of her nest was a collection of items you’d scented for her. 
There were other items scented by alphas, but they were on the outskirts of her bed. None of them offered the comfort your scent did. Fermilar, soft, warm, protective. She wondered if she’d ever find an Alpha who smelled as good as you did. 
Her phone buzzed and she saw you had texted her. You wished her a good night, and told her that you would be stopping by after class to check on her, so she should text you if she needed anything. Momo smiled and wondered if she could sucker you into to Facetiming with her so she could fall asleep with you. She knew you would, You always spoiled her when she was this close to her heat. You were going to make some omega really happy one day.
Momo woke up late the next day, a dull ache set in to her whole body. She whimpered and checked her phone. Just another text from you telling her good morning and reminding her to text if she needed anything. She really did love you, as much as a best friend could love somone. 
Momo rolled on her side and brought her favorite hoodie to her nose breathing in your scent, which relaxed the pain some but also brought on a pang of longing in her core. She sighed, breathing in again, this was going to be a long day. 
You spent the whole day fidgeting and nervously tapping on your desk. It was hard to focus on the lesson being thought when your omega was out hurting. It was wrong to be so possessive of Yaoyorozu but you couldn’t help the flare of hormones that just so happened to hit you everytime she went into heat. 
You checked your phone religiously, Momo texted you as soon as she woke up telling you that she had everything she need but still wanted to see you after class. But that didn’t stop the fidgity way you checked your messages, after all you needed to know if she changed her mind. 
The second the bell rang you bolted out of the room, tearing to the dorm room grabbing a convenience store bag full of treats for her before tripping over yourself to get to her room. Even if Momo claimed she didn’t need anything you would sooner turn up dead than show up empty-handed. 
You took one deep breath before knocking at the door. 
“(y/n)?” she asked
“Yeah Princess it’s me can I come in?” you asked. Princess was a special nickname you only used when she was hurt or in heat, 
“The doors unlocked,” she replied and you took that as your queue to enter. To most Alphas, it would be maddening to walk into a room with an in heat Omega, but it was strangely calming for you. your nerves subsided as you saw Momo curled in her nest wearing one of your old hoodies. 
“You shouldn’t leave the door unlocked its dangerous,” you chided softly,  placing the bag on her side table and sitting gingerly on the edge of the bed, careful not to intrude on her nest. 
“ ‘snot dangerous, I have you to protect me,” she whinned. You alpha let out a deep internal purr. That was right, you were her alpha and you were going you protect her better than anyone else could. 
“Still you need to be careful when I’m not around Princess,”
“stop scolding me, come cuddle,” she huffed rolling her eyes and opening her arms. 
“are you sure? You want me in your nest?”
“(y/n) you make up half of my nest now come here.”  You thought about teasing her for being so bossy but decided against it. crawling over tward her and taking her warm body into your arms. Momo’s arms locked around you like a vice, you got comfortable knowing you’d be there for a while. 
she buried her nose in the crook of your neck breathing in your scent and her hands went to your hair, running her fingers through it softly. You held her just as tight, your hands trailing up and down the curve of her back.
“Missed you today,” you said into her hair, her breath tickled your neck as she spoke
“I missed you more,” 
“Now way you missed me more. You have a million things I scented for you it’s not the same,” you protested
“Did too miss you more, I’m in heat I needed my Alpha!” She shot back. you froze uner her and she pulled back, confused at your sudden change in mood. 
“Momo, you can’t say stuff like that,” you said gravely serious, then seeing the confusion on her face you contued. 
“you’re still an Omega, and one in heat for that, it does things to me when you say that,” you growled. 
Momo’s thighs clenched together, it was deeply appealing to know she could rile you up so easily.  Her hands moved to your stomach feeling the soft skin and bit her lower lip. She had never realised how much she needed to touch you. at that moment it didn’t mater to her that you were her friend, and a girl, she just wanted more of you. 
“so, It turns you on when I call you Alpha?” she asked. it was very unladylike of her, but worth it to see the blood rush to your face,
“or is it the needing you part? because that was true I needed you so badly all day Alpha,” before she could even blink you had fliped her onto her back and crashed your mouth to hers. She responded eagerly, kissing you with a passion she didn’t even know she had. It was exhilarating to kiss you and feel your body press down on hers. it felt right.But as soon as it started it ended.
“Damn it,” you growled, angry at yourself for losing control. you forced yourself off the bed leaving momo dazed behind. Your mouth still buzzed, it had been everything you had ever dreamed of to kiss her. 
“I’m sorry Momo,” you said running your hand through your hair. “I should go,” you said, the smell was starting to get to you in a way it never had before, every instinct was telling you to kiss her again. 
“wait, (y/n) please,” she called, grabbing your wrist and pulling you back, she was too close and you pounced again. Kissing her ferociously, your tongue slipping past her soft pink lips. you moaned into her touch before ripping yourself away again. Fuck she was delicious. 
“I can’t control myself, I need to go,” you growled. 
“I love you (y/n) please stay. I want you to kiss me like that, I meant it when I said I needed you,” she pleaded, tears forming in her perfect gray eyes. you whipped her eyes and kissed her softly. 
“you mean that Princess?” you asked against her mouth, your hands lost in her thick black hair. she nodded, leaning in to kiss you this time. 
“I love you so much,” she said you pushed her back, laying yourself out across her chest. as you savored her kisses. 
“I’ve loved you for the longest time,” you said. 
“then you’ll keep kissing me?” she asked making you laugh. 
“mmhmm babygirl I’m all yours.”
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i-write-boop-spoops · 4 years
Noir in Technicolour - Professor Sycamore x F!Reader
A lovely  anon requested a one shot with Sycamore encountering a trainer with a vintage style and red lips! Hope you like it!
Side note, I love vintage clothing, especially fifties style dresses! I have a few and they’re the best! And they have pockets!
By Arceus,
He is so tired
Even the afternoon sunlight makes him drowsy, its heat feels more languid than bright against his skin as he strolls down the boulevard. His lab coat Is folded over his arm, his shirt unbuttoned just a little more to combat the summer warmth. The streets are lined with immaculate strips of lush grass and planters and pot full of effervescent, vibrant flowers.
It’s good to be outside, to be walking, even just down to Café Soleil. His office is rendered uncomfortably stuffy by the onslaught of the sun, even with windows thrown all the way open. He had to leave, despite all the work he still needs to do, he’s convinced he would have fallen asleep, or suffocated, otherwise.
The café comes into view with its proud red awning, a mother and a child sat beneath it. The chalkboard displays a deal, croissants half off with every warm beverage, his stomach grumbles, and he considers it greatly.
The bell chines as he pushes the glass door open. He’s greeted by gentle chatter and cool air, he nearly melts as he inhales the rich, dark scents of a fresh brew.
The line is long, but the coffee here is the best in the city, and the air conditioning is just sharp enough to keep him awake.
He takes his place behind a young couple, two men dressed in matching t-shirts and shorts, holding hands as they babble. He isn’t really listening, but he can tell by the tones of their voices that they are saying sweet things to each other.
He smiles, to be young and in love again.
He checks his watch. It usually took him five minutes to walk here from the labs, today it took seven. It would take another seven for him to return. He frowns, the queue is moving so slowly, if this keeps up, he will have to stay later tonight to finish up. He hopes the service is quick today.
The bell chines again, heat rushes inside as the door opens. He’s not a nosy person by nature, but he needs something to pass the time, so he turns his head to witness the café’s latest patron.
He has to restrain himself from gasping as you enter, your Delcatty prowling by your side. You’re dressed in a crisp white blouse, and a vintage, knee-length maroon skirt, a silk scarf tied around your neck. Your sunhat rests at a jaunty angle atop your expertly sculpted curls, an unfezant feather sprouts upwards from its crown.
You look like you’ve stepped out of a noir film, like a femme fatale in technicolour. You lack that dangerous edge though, your eyes are full of an inviting gleam, your soft lips are pulled into an easy smile, and painted in perfect scarlet.
He loves red lipstick
He catches himself smiling at you, you seem to catch it too, regarding him with a nod. He grins sheepishly and turns away, pretending to check his watch.
He wonders why you’re dressed like that, are you an actress taking a break from filming? If that’s the case, surely he should be able to recognise a beauty like you.
It must just be your style. He has to say, you look gorgeous in it, like the classic starlets of old. You stand out among even those in business suits, your clothes give you a romantic, nostalgic charm that theirs simply lack.
He wants to look at you again, but that would be inappropriate, even in his fatigue he is aware how creepy it might come off.  He feels something tug lightly at his trousers, then something grazes against his shin. He looks down, a bit befuddled, your Delcatty meows as she paws at his leg.
“Norma!” you exclaim, your Delcatty lets go and looks at you with a deliberately coy look. He chuckles at her brazenness as she slinks back over to you.
“Oh my! I’m so sorry about her!” you say apologetically, reaching down to pick her up. “Don’t worry” he replies kindly, turning to look at you again. You smile at him, a bit flustered by your cheeky partner Pokemon.
“Professor Augustine Sycamore” He says as he extends his hand, you shake it, your skin is soft but your grasp is deftly firm.
“I’m accountant (Name) (Surname)” you chime with a grin, letting go off his hand to give Norma a scratch under her chin. “Coffee run?” He asks and you shake your head. “Lunch run actually. The Monte Cristos here are amazing!”
He chuckles and agrees with a nod. “That’s true.”
Your conversation continues as the line moves forward, you trade stories of your work days. Ten minutes pass and he has yet to place his order, he doesn’t mind one bit as it means he can talk to you more. In the back of his mind, he knows his work is piling up moment by moment, he would not see his bed until very late at night.
“Next!” the barista calls, interrupting your chat. He steps forward to the counter, but before placing his order, he turns to you. “Allow me to buy your lunch”
You look at him, a bit surprised, but pleasantly so. “You’re such a gentleman! Are you sure?”
He nods and smiles at you. In turn, you nod and tell him what you would like.
“Two Monte Cristos and two Cappucinos please” he says to the barista, she takes it down and rings up the total. He hands her the cash, insisting she take the change.
“To stay or to go?” she asks, eyeing the two of you.
He glances at you, finding this adorably coy expression on your face. “Would you, would you like to have lunch with me?”
He’s going to be so late if he agrees, he’s so tired.
“I’d love to!”
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amjustagirl · 4 years
The sky of the sky (of the tree called life)
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Pairing: Suga x reader
AO3 Link Here:
Summary: She doesn’t take much notice of him at first, not when he’s one of thirty nine faces that greet her with varying degrees of interest when their teacher introduces her to the class.But then he hits her in the face with his friendship and she starts to get to know him - through the smallest things, in the littlest ways.
Author’s Notes: This is the first fic I wrote and initially posted as a lone (AO3 link (was still getting the hang of Tumblr lol). Lifted the title from ‘I carry your heart’ by E.E. Cummings. Anyways - this is my humble attempt at a fic, my love letter to one Sugawara Koushi. 
Ume doesn’t take much notice of him at first, not when he’s one of thirty nine faces that greet her with varying degrees of interest when their teacher introduces her to the class. She doesn’t take much notice of anyone really, not when her mind is consumed with thoughts of college prep and exams and chores, so he remains a stranger, even after weeks of sitting next to him in class.
Still, he greets her every morning with a pleasant ‘Ohayo’, and doesn’t take offense when she merely responds with a small smile. He offers up his notes without comment when she asks to check her English notes against his, and even occasionally slips her a banana from the stash he always seems to be carting around. His grades are decent and his homework is always submitted on time so he’s popular with their teachers, even though he seems to spend most of his break time sketching what looks like volleyball plays or buried in heated discussions with Sawamura.
Overall, he seems like a nice boy - if a little obsessed with volleyball.
She looks at her lunch box in dismay. There should be food in it, rice and tamago and fish that she most definitely packed last night, but her lunch box sits on her desk, clean and empty. She groans, glancing at the clock. Five minutes after the lunch bell. She ponders on whether to wait until dinner or be jostled to death by a thousand teenagers, but then her stomach growls, loud enough for Yuna-san in the front row to turn and stare at her, so she supposes there isn’t much of a choice.
As she approaches the canteen, she can hear the usual bustle and sound of too many students trying to feed themselves in too small a space - but then she hears a shrill shout - ‘cream buns for sale’, and the immediate cacophony of excited shouts that follow makes her think that her chances of getting food in the next half hour plummet to precisely zero.
Her assessment is right, but that doesn’t stop her mouth from dropping in horror as the canteen practically descends into a warzone, her schoolmates collectively losing their minds. The girls’ tennis team looks like they’re leading a charge through the left, but they’re being resisted by the concert band. The volleyball boys’ team seems like they’re causing plenty of chaos down the centre. Sawamura-san, engaged in a vigorous shoving match with the basketball captain, and Azumane-san - the large, quiet boy she shares home economics class with, cowering while trying to swim through the crowd with a feral looking boy perched on his back.
She apologises silently to her stomach and turns to head back to class.
‘Imai-san!’ Sugawara waves at her from the back of the crowd. ‘I’ll help you get some buns! What do you want!’
‘Oh – two buns, any flavour?” she calls back, a little dazed. He answers with a cheerful thumbs up.
She watches bemusedly as he expertly weaves his way through the crowd to Azumane-san, gesturing wildly to the little boy on her back, before combining forces with a bald boy to shove Azumane-san bodily through the crowd to the front of the queue. The boys grab armfuls of buns each, elbowing the displeased soccer team in the face.
Sugawara spins around, and there’s a glint in his eye that she can recognise from far away (courtesy of being an older sister to two troublesome younger brothers), but her legs don’t move despite her mind hollering at her danger, danger, Imai Ume, even as he raises his arm to toss the buns to her.
One bun lands neatly in her hands. The other smacks her right between her eyes.
She yelps, hands clapping over her face, checking to ensure her glasses are still in one piece. A curry bun may be relatively light and fluffy, but it still hurts when used as a flying projectile.
She hears footsteps clatter towards her. ‘Oh my god, I’m so sorry - please don’t cry!” Sugawara says, his voice high pitched in worry, hovering next to her awkwardly. “Daichi will never let me get over it if I make a girl cry.’
She snorts despite the sting between her eyes. “It’s fine, Sugawara-san. Thank you for helping get some food’.
‘Are you sure? Maybe we should go to the nurse’s office just in case!’ he fusses, shuffling his weight from one foot to the other nervously, ‘I’m such an idiot, I can’t believe I missed that toss, I should just resign from the volleyball team already - ‘
‘Eh eh eh? Suga - what’s this talk about resigning from volleyball!’ The small, feral boy from earlier leaps onto Sugawara’s back.
‘How can you resign? This is the year we’re making it to Nationals!’ the bald boy rounds up the rear, yelling at Sugawara indignantly.
‘I missed a toss at my classmate, I’m no longer qualified to be a setter.’ Sugawara wails, unfazed by the weight of his two juniors on his back. ‘I should just die now’
She takes advantage of their chaos to slip back to class. They don’t get a chance to speak to each other again for the rest of the day, kept busy with classes on calculus and chemistry for the rest of the afternoon. But the next morning he crows a loud ‘Ohayo’ at her, and she smiles at him, wider than she did before. 
Spring passes into summer surprisingly quickly, and Ume slowly, but surely, gets used to hearing the song of the cicadas in evenings instead of the rumble of cars in the streets, to the uphill bike commute she takes to ferry both herself and Yuji to school and kindergarten respectively.
Becoming accustomed to something doesn’t mean liking it though. She remembers her mother saying that things would be easier when they move to Karasuno from the city. That living with family in a close knit community like Karasuno means more hands on deck to keep their family afloat. For the most part, Ume supposes her mother’s right. Her grandparents are sweet and try their best to help out, if a little too old to chase Yuji around the house or fetch him up and down the mountain to preschool every day. Their neighbours always offer them too much food, and their grandchildren provide Yuji with enough entertainment most evenings for Ume to catch up with schoolwork and revision.
But sometimes, after she’s corralled an unruly Yuji to bed, and shooed a sullen Keiji to sleep, and she herself can’t fall asleep because the cicadas are too damn loud, Ume wonders if her mother uprooted them to Karasuno so she could run away from the fact that she’s stuck raising three children alone, disappearing off on such long business trips that Yuji doesn’t even ask her anymore if their mama’s coming home.
Thankfully, Yuji, with the short memory of a six year old, finds living in the countryside a joy. He joins the neighbour’s children in catching cicadas, and when she tells him that it’s cruel to catch animals for sport – even ones as annoying as cicadas, he laughs and promises that he always lets them go.
Keiji, though, remains quiet and withdrawn, hiding in the bedroom whenever he’s home from school. She tries chatting with him at the dinner table but her efforts are usually met with the surly silence of a thirteen year old. So she doesn’t push him too much, too fast - she already asks too much of him as it is, sharing most of the chores and supervising Yuji so they don’t become a burden to their grandparents.
So it’s a surprise when Keiji asks if they can head to the park for a picnic on a clear summer’s day, but she agrees immediately, swallowing her shock, making sure to pack onigiri and fruit and strapping Yuji to her bike. It’s strange when Keiji drags them all over the park looking for the perfect picnic spot. It’s even stranger when he decides that the playground, full of shrieking children, should be the appropriate spot for a picnic. But there’s a tree for shade and it’s convenient enough for her to watch Yuji while he runs loose in the playground, so she holds her tongue and spreads their picnic mat on the floor.
‘Can I get us some ice cream?’ Keiji asks.
She’s about to tell him to wait til he has proper food in his stomach before moving on to dessert, but catches sight of Keiji staring at the ice cream stand intently, hands in pockets, cheeks flushed pink. She follows his gaze. The ice cream stall looks fairly old, run by an oba-chan and a young girl with short hair and a cheerful smile. Oh.
‘Why don’t you go get an ice cream for yourself? Yuji and I can get some later’, Ume replies, busying herself with the picnic basket to hide her smile.
She settles on the mat, back against the tree, setting her textbook on her lap. The summer air is crisp and cool, and the sunlight shining through the leaves dances on her skin.
‘Hey Imai!’ Suga stops to greet her, hand raised in a friendly wave.
‘Hello!’ she waves back. ‘No volleyball practice today?’
‘No - we have a mandated break on Saturday afternoons’, he walks over to her. ‘Despite what my unruly kouhai think, overtraining causes injuries. Besides, we need time for summer homework’.
She nods, noticing the stack of books under his arm, and before her brain processes her sudden impulse fully, she asks ‘Do you want to join me? We can share the mat’.
He blinks at her, and she cringes internally, expecting him to politely decline. He may chatter at her absentmindedly about his team, and she may share her notes with him when she notices he’s distracted, but it’s not as if they’re friends outside of school. To her surprise though, he agrees easily, kicking off his shoes to join her on the mat. They sit together in silence, absorbed in their respective work. The sun is warm but the breeze is cool and crisp, so it’s comfortable and altogether pleasant.
‘Onee-chan’, Keiji calls, running back over. He raises an eyebrow when he notices Suga and drops into a slight bow before turning to his sister. ‘Can I have my onigiri? I want to pass it to my friend.’
She opens her mouth to nag him to make sure that he has lunch, but promptly shuts it. Instead, she tosses him two onigiris - hers, and his. ‘Make sure you eat, Keiji’, she calls, and he’s off, running with the wind.
‘Hey, Imai, I packed too much food. Share some of it with me?’ Suga offers mildly. She’s about to say no, thank you politely, but her stomach growls - traitor, and he just chuckles at her, snapping his lunchbox open and pressing half his sandwich into her hands. She thanks him, taking a bite and has to stop herself from moaning in delight because it’s full of egg mayo and chicken katsu and it’s so, so good.
‘It’s delicious, right?’ he says, grinning around a mouthful of his half of the sandwich. ‘You can’t study on an empty stomach, that’s against the law’.
She laughs at that and splits her stash of strawberries and watermelon with him.
Later, she shocks herself again when she tells him as he’s about to leave that she’ll probably be at the park again next Saturday - and he’s welcome to join her if he pleases. She wonders if he can see the uncertainty in her eyes, but he shoots her another smile and agrees.
She packs two extra onigiris next Saturday, and the Saturday after that. She also starts including peaches from her grandparents’ farm because she learns that he has a weakness for them.
Keiji ignores Suga for the most part, leaving for the ice cream stand as soon as they arrive in the park. Yuji, on the other hand, soon learns he can get Suga to do whatever he wants if he pouts long enough. Suga, for his part, does not help, often buying the little boy far too much mochi and ice cream.
‘Stop it Yuji.’ Ume says wearily. ‘Suga needs to study and you’re distracting him’.
‘But he’s the only one I know who can push me hard enough on the swings’, Yuji whines, scruffing his shoes into the ground.
‘It’s fine, I’ll take it as my break’, Suga says, smiling kindly down at the little boy. ‘Shall we see how high you can fly, Yuji-chan?’
She watches, shaking her head as Yuji cheers, dragging Suga off in the direction of the playground.
‘You seem good with kids’, she remarks when he returns - thankfully after a short while since Yuji, with the typical attention span of a six year old, is quickly distracted by the other kids playing a game of tag.
‘You think so?’ Sugawara responds, turning back to his books. ‘That’s good to know. I’m planning on going to college to train to be a teacher.’
The image of him dressed in a rumpled shirt and tie greeting his class with a cheerful ‘Ohayo’ every morning flashes in her mind. She imagines him smiling wide and indulgent at his student’s pranks, listening patiently to his students’ questions and problems, diligently pouring over his students’ assignments late into the night.
For some reason, her heart clenches. She doesn't know why.
‘Tohoku Medical school?’, he asks, eyeing the flyer sticking out of her bag.
‘Mm.’ she mumbles, distracted by the peach juice running down her hands. Then she realises what he’s just said and wrinkles her nose. ‘The entrance exam is hard though. Not a lot of people pass.’
‘Ugh, stop that, your grades are so good- negativity begone!’ He nudges her teasingly with his elbow. She rolls her eyes at him in response.
‘Why, though?’ he asks, before quickly adding. ‘If you don’t mind saying’.
She’s about to rattle off her prepared answer of heeding the noble calling of saving lives and making a difference one person at a time, but for some reason, she doesn’t.
Instead, she jerkily answers - ‘My dad was a doctor’.
She can feel him raise his eyebrows at her use of past tense (and not present tense) and suddenly the peach in her hand doesn’t seem as appetising as it was before.
‘Cancer’, she finds herself saying. ‘Last year’. She looks down at her feet, refusing to see what she expects will be pity in his gaze.
But he doesn’t say anything. He leans his shoulder against hers, and they stay that way for a while.
She doesn’t protest this time when he comes back from the ice cream stall with far too much ice cream, and the tightness in her chest dissipates as she watches him let Yuji flit between his chocolate and vanilla cones like a honeybee, even though she knows she’s going to have a hard time putting the little boy to bed tonight.
'I like Suga-san very much.' Yuji declares later as she tucks him into bed.
'So do I', Ume says. So do I’.
The call of the cicadas don’t seem as loud, and she falls asleep easily that night.
‘You should be studying’, she reminds him, playfully rapping on his knuckles with her pen.
He scratches the back of his neck sheepishly, looking up from his sketches on volleyball plays. ‘A couple more minutes and I’ll get back to work’.
She shakes her head indulgently at him. ‘You spend far too much time on volleyball as it is’.
‘I suppose I do’, he hums, busy drawing indecipherable pictures in what she’s termed his volleyball notebook.
She’s suddenly reminded of Yamada and Takashi, the two basketball idiots in her class, goading Suga about ‘being a loser for losing his starting position to a first year’. Sawamura usually erupts in anger when he hears them as he’s wont to do whenever he encounters the basketball club, but Suga, for his part, only responds with a serene smile.
‘Is it worth it?’ she asks, before she can stop herself. ‘Sorry’ she says frantically, as her brain catches up with her mouth. ‘That was rude of me’.
He breathes a rueful laugh through his nose. ‘It’s fine, I’m not offended’. But he stops his scribbling, and his mouth slants downward in a way that Ume doesn’t quite like.
‘It’s worth it’, he then says, voice quiet but full of conviction. ‘It’s worth it to play with my team. I want us to keep getting stronger, I want us to keep playing together, and I want us to go to Nationals and win’. He gazes into the distance and smiles, bittersweet. ‘And everything else doesn’t matter’.
It’s her turn to lean into him with her shoulder.
‘I’ll bring Yuji to watch you at the finals’, she says. ‘And we’ll watch you at Nationals on our TV’.
He laughs and she smiles, wide and bold and bright.
Sugawara spends their lunch breaks talking about his team’s latest exploits all the time. She laughs when he tells her about the hijinks that the team constantly gets up to, from setting fire to the Vice Principal’s very obvious toupee, to an all out prank war with the basketball team featuring copious amounts of dead fish and paint bombs. She particularly enjoys Suga’s impression of Nishinoya’s ‘rolling thunder’ war cry, and rather suspects the whole team is intent on driving Sawamura into an early grave.
Despite having a tendency to smile indulgently at his team’s penchant for chaos and hellfire, it’s clear that Suga cares deeply for each and every one of his teammates. He broods about Tsukkishima’s lack of ambition and desire to bond with the team, Yamaguichi’s lack of confidence, Kageyama’s and Hinata’s inability to communicate like regular human beings. Even when he jokes about Ennoshita’s latest attempt to evade Sawamura’s talks about ‘passing on the captainship’, she can sense the undercurrent of worry and concern.
Perhaps that’s why she volunteers to give tutoring Tanaka and Nishinoya a go, after he explains that they’ll end up missing the Tokyo Training Camp that Takeda-sensei went through so much trouble to arrange. She also tells herself that the reason she’s doing it is because Second year Math is covered in the university entrance exams - and absolutely not because Suga practically lights up with relief when she waves his thanks away.
Tanaka and Nishinoya remind her of Yuji and even Keiji (well, before), rowdy and loud and full of boyish mischief. They fall out of their chairs when they notice Kiyoko-san walk by the classroom deep in conversation with some boy, and she has to rap them on their knuckles with a pen to get them to focus on solving question number two - please and thank you - before they settle back down.
Still, they’re surprisingly attentive and almost respectful even when she’s trying to impress upon them the dryer points of Math, so it’s easy to become fond of them. They get through vectors after she likens the trajectory of vectors to the movement of a volleyball. Statistics were a struggle, but fortunately, volleyball statistics save the day. Calculus seems to be the biggest hurdle, but she’s hopeful they’ll get it, once she finds a way to relate it to volleyball or better yet, convince them that differentiation and integration are very, very manly pursuits.
That said, it doesn’t help that the basketballers in her class seem to have a deep rooted grudge against the volleyball team - though from Suga’s stories, the animosity is probably mutual. Yamada in particular seems to take special pleasure in taunting the two boys.
‘Eh, Baldy! Y’all lose another game yet? I saw you guys crying the other day after school’.
‘They’d probably win more games if chibi-chan here grew a few inches’, Takashi, his fellow basketballer sniggers.
‘Ignore them’, she tells the two growling boys firmly. ‘You don’t need to get kicked out of your team for starting a fight with these guys’.
‘Awww… are you two kouhai hiding behind your female senpai? ’ Yamadai jeers, leering at them. ‘What losers, just like your Suga-senpai. Heard he got turfed out of his starting position by a first year’.
At that, Tanaka and Nishinoya practically levitate out of their seats as one, snarling ‘Huh?!!! You fucking -’
‘Bit rich of you to pick on them, eh Yamada?’ Ume interrupts. ‘I heard Ono-senpai say last week that if you fail your tests one more time, you’re going to get kicked out of the basketball team. Who’s the loser now?’
‘Bitch!’ Yamada growls, hands slapping his desk.
‘Maybe you’d have a better shot at passing your exams if you spent your time studying instead of disturbing others - who unlike you are actually working hard,’ she adds, smiling at him sweetly.
Thankfully, Takashi has some sense of self-preservation and drags Yamada kicking and screaming out of the door. Tanaka and Noya swivel their heads towards her, twin expressions of shock on their faces.
‘Holy shit, that was so manly?!’
‘Imai-senpai, you’re almost as cool as Kiyoko-senpai!’
‘Yeah - almost as good as the time she ignored us when we asked her to marry us.’
‘No - better, but not as good as the time she slapped me’
‘Thank you’, she responds dryly. ‘Can we get back to differentiation, please?
‘Yes, Imai-senpai!’ They snap into a salute.
‘I hear from Tanaka and Noya that you’re very manly’. His eyes twinkle at her.
‘Psh’, she says airily. ‘They exaggerate’.
But she laughs when he slips her half his sandwich as thanks.
Noya and Tanaka pass their exams (by some miracle, thank god), and they graduate from her tutoring sessions.
She passes her exams too, tops her cohort even.
Her classmates start to take more notice of her, requesting for copies of her notes and tutoring sessions on topics they don’t really grasp. It's not really that much of a problem to just have an extra set of notes for her classmates to copy (she learnt her lesson when Takashi spills juice all over her precious biology notes - an accident, of course), and extra tutoring sessions are a good way for her to revise what she previously learnt - so she doesn’t really mind.
Of course she knows they think they're picking her brains and hard work, but it's not as if she minds. They're reasonably polite when they approach her, and she can pretend she doesn’t hear them gossip about her behind her back (that her parents are rich enough to send her to not one, but two cram schools, that they must know the principal who leaked the exam topics to her somehow).
Still, she can’t help but feel a spike of irritation when Yamada manages to corner her alone in class one day after school.
‘Oi, Ikai. Can you give me a copy of your math notes? I hear they're pretty good.'
She blinks innocently at him. ‘My notes cover whatever sensei taught in class if you were listening’. Which he probably wasn't, considering he seems to spend most of his time tossing spitballs or bouncing a basketball obnoxiously against the wall.
‘Tch.’ He leans towards her. ‘Come on, don’t be a stingy bitch. Just lend them to me for a bit.’
She narrows her eyes at the audacity of this bugger. 'No.' she says simply.
'Eh?' Yamada glares down at her.
'Did a basketball hit you too hard in the head yesterday? I said no.' She turns her back on him, packing her school bag, keeping her sharpest pencil in her hand, just in case.
He takes a step closer towards her, both hands heavy on her desk. 'But you share your notes with everyone else!’
‘Well, yes - but that’s because they're tolerably polite when they ask, and unlike you, they actually get my name right.’
He slaps her table hard with his hands. ‘Stop being a bitch, just give me your notes already'.
She should just give him what he's asking for or placate him with the promise that she'll give him a copy tomorrow - but she suddenly feels so sick and tired of giving more and more of herself - to her mother, her brothers, her classmates, and now this rude asshole - and she's so done, goddamnit.
'No.' She snaps, lifting her chin defiantly at him. 'What are you going to do about it?'
He snarls, grabbing hold of her wrist. 'Stubborn bitch, just give me the notes already!'
'Let go, pig!', she shouts, trying to wrench her wrist away, mind whirring to calculate the force and speed needed to shove her pencil into his face. His grip tightens, and he digs his nails into the thin skin of her wrist.
He smirks down at her. She tries not to flinch.
'Hey, Imai. Got worried about you when you didn’t turn up at the library.' Suga calls out, loud and clear from the door. Ume exhales a breath she didn’t even know she was holding as he walks deliberately towards them.
‘Yamada-san. I always knew you were an asshole, but I didn’t know you stooped so low you’d bully a girl’.
Yamada takes a half step back, but does not release her hand. 'Piss off, Suga. It’s none of your business'.
‘Perhaps’, he responds, humming diffidently. ‘But I thought I should remind you that if you get just one more strike on your disciplinary record, you’re off the basketball team’. His mouth stretches into a semi feral smile. ‘For good.’
Yamada coils back, looking as if he’d like nothing better than to strike Suga in the face, but then, seemingly thinking the better of it, he drops Ume’s wrist and smirks again. ‘We were just having a friendly discussion, eh Imai?’
‘Remind your thick skull to keep it that way.’ Suga says, meeting Yamada’s glare with an even gaze of his own.
Yamada looks away. 'Tch. I can't be bothered with you dumbasses', he sneers, stalking out of the class.
‘Are you ok?’ Suga asks her immediately, glancing at her once over, stopping short when he spots the red welts ringed around her wrist. ‘Did he do that to you?’ he asks, voice dangerous.
‘I’m fine.’ She follows his gaze and yanks her sleeve down, hiding the marks from view. ‘It’s nothing.’
He opens his mouth, about to insist that it is very much not fine, but she cut him off quickly. ‘Really! It’s my fault he got annoyed with me. He wanted a copy of my notes and I was very rude and didn’t want to give them to him,’ she laughs awkwardly. ‘Besides, it’s a good thing you stepped in when you did, or I’d have gotten into more trouble - because I was about to stab him with my pencil’.
Suga’s mouth drops open. ‘With your what?’
She unfurls her palm to show him her pencil, pink and sharp but altogether unconvincing.
He bursts into cackles, wheezing. ‘Maybe Tanaka should’ve taken his time to get me. I would’ve liked to see you try to fight Yamada with that’.
She snorts. ‘I’m just glad Tanaka showed some self-restraint and didn’t jump Yamada himself.’
‘Well, I’m pretty sure that’s because Ennoshita was there to stop him.’ Suga says wryly. He drops his gaze back to her wrist. ‘But seriously, if I’d known he hurt you, I’d have jumped him too’.
She looks at him sharply. ‘Suga… If any one of you get suspended, you can’t play in the Inter High Preliminaries.’
‘Not if we don’t get caught for it’. He gives her a zen smile as she splutters in shock. ‘Anyway, don’t you usually leave school to pick Yuji-chan up by now?’
‘Oh no, Yuji’s probably waiting for me!’ She cries out in alarm, dashing across the classroom.
At the doorway, she comes to a pause and turns around. ‘Suga!’
‘Mm?’ He tilts his head at her.
She smiles shyly. ‘Thanks’.
He smiles back. 
She ends up preparing a copy of her notes for Yamada anyway. He’s stubborn and stupid, and she figures that Suga’s interference, while welcome in the moment, is only likely to spur him on to pester her again. But when she walked into class the next morning, Yamada is nowhere to be found.
‘Did you hear Yamada-kun got caught with the vice principal’s burnt wig in his locker?’ she hears Yuna whisper to Mizuki before the bell rings.
‘Oh no! Is he in a lot of trouble?’ Mizuki gasps.
‘I don’t know, but I heard from Takashi that he’s been suspended from the basketball team indefinitely!’
‘No! Don’t they have a game next week?’
Ume looks over her shoulder at Suga, sitting with a self-satisfied smirk on his face.
‘I may have mentioned to Noya what happened with Yamada-san. Tanaka, of course, was very happy to help out’, he says simply when she corners him after school.
Yamada does return to class eventually, but he refuses to even look in her direction for the next month. She figures she’d much rather not press for answers she suspects she wouldn’t like. Instead, she spends the night cutting out twelve crow charms from black felt with the help of a very eager Yuji, hand stitching each member’s number in white thread and leaving them in Suga’s bag for him to find.
She sneaks Yuji with her when the school buses students in for Karasuno’s match with Shiratorizawa.
They all watch with tears in their eyes when the final whistle blows and the boys win.
‘Congratulations, Suga’, she tells him the next day and adds. ‘I think Yuji’s found a new way to fly’.
He grins at her, his eyes burning proud and bright.
Fall fades into winter. The days start looping, one after another.
Wake up. Get Yuji to kindergarten. School. Homework. Pick Yuji up. Make dinner. Pack leftovers for lunch. Do laundry. Revision. Tuck Yuji into bed. More Revision. Sleep.
Rinse. Repeat. Rinse. Repeat.
She curses when the cock crows every morning, and falls asleep before her head hits the pillow every night, so she wonders how he manages to survive with practices lasting daily into the night. Or maybe he doesn’t, she thinks to herself, watching the shadows beneath his eyes grow, grey and dark.
‘Is it worth it?’ she asks. (Do you ever regret it, she implies.)
‘Yes.’ he says. (At least I hope I don’t, he sighs.)
 She notices immediately when his seat is empty. Sawamura tells her it’s to be expected, Suga always catches a cold in winter.
‘I don’t mind helping to bring his homework to him’, she volunteers. ‘You’re going to be staying late in school for practice anyway’. She avoids Sawamura’s knowing look as she writes Suga’s address down, his homework tucked safely into her bag. 
His mother beams, surprised and delighted when she appears at their door. She’s promptly shooed upstairs, and Yuji is lured into the kitchen with promises of mochi and ice cream. She knocks on the open door. He’s crouched on the bed, watching a replay of Karasuno’s finals match against Shiratorizawa.
‘Hey. I brought your homework.’ She frowns, noting the paleness of his face despite the redness of his cheeks. ‘Shouldn’t you be resting?’
‘I’m watching the match to fall asleep!’ he says defensively.
‘The match is at least two hours long! If you’re well enough to watch the match, you’re well enough to do your homework’.
‘Give me a break’. He groans, sneezing into the crook of his elbow. ‘I’m dying here’.
‘I’m pretty sure you can’t die from a common cold’ she says dryly.
‘Says the one who wants to be a doctor’, he playfully responds.
She rolls her eyes. ‘Don’t argue with me. Get some rest. You don’t have much time before you head off to Tokyo for Nationals, and the Center Shinken* is just after that’.
His smile drops, and he suddenly looks troubled. ‘Do you think I’m crazy?’
(For chasing too many dreams?)
She blinks, confused by his change in mood. She glances at the Miyagi University of Education pamphlet pinned to his wall - only one in three applicants get in. She furrows her brow, thinking about him spending every lunch break, every afternoon and night in their rundown school gym, even as everyone else is spending their days buried in schoolwork and revision.
But then she hears the echo of his words - It’s worth it. I want to play with my team, the cries from the huddle of boys, the memory of him holding a trophy under bright lights and her face softens.
‘Where’s all this self-doubt coming from?’ she says lightly. ‘You already achieved your dream of going to Nationals with your team. Now all you have to do is pass one exam.’
‘As if it’s so easy!’
‘Well, it’d be easier if you rest up so you can get back to work faster!’
‘Ugh, spoilsport’, he pouts at her.
‘Onee-chan’, Yuji pipes up, poking his head into the bedroom. 'Obaa-san said it's time for Suga-san to eat his medicine and take a nap.'
‘Hello, Yuji-chan!’ Suga waves at Yuji, who gives him a gap toothed grin in response.
‘You should tuck him in and tell him a bedtime story’. Yuji tells his sister seriously. She chokes and thinks she should have taken the chance to dump him under a bridge when he was a baby.
Suga laughs so hard he wheezes. 'I won't mind a bedtime story' he chokes out.
Both boys turn to look at her expectantly. 'Fine.' she says, relenting. 'I’ll tell you a bedtime story if you promise you'll try your best to go to sleep'.
They grin and settle down, Yuji on his sister’s lap, Suga laying against his nest of pillows.
She begins telling them a story she’s told Yuji many, many times these past months - about a kind-hearted Prince in a kingdom troubled by a yearly winter plague, who set out to find the cure for this illness, flowers that bloom on the highest of mountains in the deepest, darkest winter days. A Prince who tries to scale the mountain to find the cure, year after year, but is thwarted by blizzards and avalanches and snow monsters.
A small smile grows on his lips as she describes the Prince’s companions - the stalwart captain of his guards, the burly woodcutter with a heart of glass, and he stifles a laugh when she recounts how the Prince manages to trick his frosty hearted little brother to join them along the way. His breath evens out when she reaches the end of her tale, when the Prince and his companions scale the mountain and look down on a field of flowers, green and gold.
'And they lived happily ever after?' Suga murmurs, half asleep.
'And they lived happily ever after' Ume agrees.
She pulls his blanket up under his chin as he slips into sleep, hesitating as warmth furls and unfurls in her chest, before brushing her hand tenderly against his cheek.
Third years are released from school for self-study.
She works alone at home. The winter days grow long and dark and hard.
(Her heart clenches. It starts to ache.)
They graduate on a spring day, a shower of pink and white petals blessing their way. He catches up to her in the hallway after the graduation ceremony, hand at her sleeve.
‘Congrats on Tohoku’, he tells her, bright eyed. ‘I knew you could do it’.
‘Congrats on MUE’, she responds with a laugh. ‘See - you weren’t crazy after all’.
‘I suppose I’ll be seeing you around Sendai City? Your campus isn’t too far from mine.’
She opens her mouth to tell him not to be silly - Sendai City is nothing like Karasuno town, a million people within its bounds, and the probability of them meeting randomly on the streets is very, very small, but her throat suddenly becomes dry.
‘Suga’ she begins, balling her hands into fists.
‘Mm?’ he beams at her, brighter than the sun, and it’s all she can do to not to look away.
‘Thank you’, she says quietly. ‘For bringing some light into my life’.
‘I should be thanking you’, he replies earnestly. ‘You’ve been a good friend to me this past year. I don’t think I’d have passed my exams without you’.
“No, Suga,’ she says. ‘I mean - I like you’.
‘Oh.’ he breathes. ‘Oh’.
‘I like you’, she repeats, her voice growing stronger. ‘Because you were kind to me when there was no reason to. You bought bread for me, even if you ended up throwing it in my face. You stole and burnt a wig for me, just to put Yamada in his place. You spent your summer days buying Yuji too much ice cream, swinging him so high he thought he could touch the sky.’
‘I like you, Suga,’ she says finally. ‘Not just as a friend - but as a girl likes a boy.’
He stares at her, eyes wide. A few beats of silence pass.
‘I’m sorry’. He grimaces. ‘I don’t know what to say’.
‘It’s fine’, she finds herself saying. ‘It’s ok’.
(Her heart clenches. She wills it not to break.)
Ume does not look back. Her bag is packed, and she leaves for Sendai City that week.
Her apartment is small, but she shares it with a few other girls. At night, she re-acquaints herself with the sound of cars rumbling on the street. The song of the cicadas haunts her in her sleep.
(Her heart clenches. She does not break.)
Suga prides himself on being relatively observant and good with things like subtlety and tact and feelings - things that volleyball obsessed idiots like Daichi wouldn’t even notice if it hit him in the face.
He observes people and notices things, the way Kiyoko isn’t as indifferent to Tanaka as she seems, the way Yamaguchi’s serve suddenly improves when Yachi shouts ‘Gambatte’, the way Yui’s vocabulary immediately regresses whenever she’s talking to Daichi - though to be fair, he’s certain the only person in their level to not know about Yui’s crush on Daichi himself, so maybe that doesn’t count.
(‘I like you, Suga,’ he hears her say. ‘Not just as a friend - but as a girl likes a boy.’)
But then his brain short circuits and stutters to a stop, and it’s all he can do to watch dumbly as Ume turns on her heel and walks off, head high, back straight, he wonders if he’s not much better than the rest of them after all.
‘Imai Ume said she likes me’. He finds himself telling Daichi, as they walk home from school, pork buns in hand, for the very last time.
Daichi grunts something unintelligible through a mouthful of pork bun.
‘Use your words, Daichi’. Suga can’t help but snark. Daichi grumbles and swallows.
‘Yes. I knew that already’. Daichi says simply. He starts on his second pork bun.
‘What?’ Suga retorts. ‘What do you mean you know? How did you know?’
This time, Daichi chews and swallows before he responds. ‘It was obvious to me.’ He turns to look at Suga squarely. ‘So what are you going to do about it?’
(‘I’m Sugawara Koushi! But everyone just calls me Suga’. // ‘Imai Ume. It’s nice to meet you.’)
To be honest, he didn't think much of her at first when she joined their class. She had a habit of keeping to herself, never lingering in class before or after lessons, eating lunch alone at her desk, nose buried in a book, but he was brought up with good manners - so he kept greeting her every morning until her small nods turn into quiet smiles.
Of course, he just had to embarrass himself by hitting her in the face with a curry bun (Noya and Tanaka will never let him live it down), but in hindsight that probably kickstarted their friendship. And he’s very grateful for it. She's always passing him copies of her notes for lessons he’s missed or summaries of exam topics she thinks might come in useful, all painstakingly handwritten and colour coded - and even gives him the go-ahead to share it with Daichi. She volunteers to tutor Noya and Tanaka, and he’s sure that it’s in no small part due to her effort that they pass and get to attend training camp.
Yet he’s never considered her more than a friend. Right?
If he analyses the case of how he feels about one Imai Ume carefully, sifting through the puzzle pieces one at a time, he realises that he's not quite right.
There are little things that come to mind. Like his heart skipping a beat when he hears her laugh for the first time. The flush of his cheeks when he finds out she actually brought Yuji to watch their games. The rush of pride and joy when she tells him ‘I think he’s found a new way to fly’.
And maybe there are bigger things. Like the burst of blind panic in his chest when he hears Tanaka shout for him. The burning urge to break Yamada’s jaw and wipe that smirk off his ugly face when he sees red marks marring her skin. The cold satisfaction in his chest when he (and half the volleyball team) strike that bastard exactly where it hurts.
He remembers the sunshine dancing on her skin, the warmth of her shoulder pressed against his. The touch of her hand ghosting against his cheek. The faint memory of a fairytale about a Prince who gave his all and finds everything he set out to seek.
('And they lived happily ever after?' he asks // 'And they lived happily ever after' she agrees.)
The puzzle pieces fit. It finally clicks.
‘Shit,’ he swears, dialing Daichi’s number.
‘It’s midnight’, Daichi mumbles, voice rough with sleep. ‘What could you possibly want from me?’
‘I like Ume’, Suga says - and just saying it feels right. ‘I like her, Daichi’.
He hears an almighty yawn - and then he can almost see Daichi smile.
‘So what are you going to do about it?’
What is he going to do about it?
Get hold of one Imai Ume and tell her that his mouth moved faster than his brain (and heart), of course. 
But what can he do about it?
Not very much, as it turns out.
For starters, he realises they’ve never exchanged numbers. He never felt the need to, they were classmates, no, seatmates, so she was always there, like the sun and stars in the sky.
He tries to find where she lives by asking around but soon meets a dead end. Karasuno Town isn’t large by any measure, the main shopping street fanning out into a smattering of small rural neighbourhoods. But he knows for a fact that Ume stays with her maternal grandparents, and she’s never once mentioned their surname, so he’s left with little to go on.
‘At least I know she’s moving to Sendai City’, he mopes to Daichi over a steaming bowl of ramen.
Daichi, probably tired of the number of times he’s heard him repeat this, just slurps his noodles noisily.
He and Daichi rent a flat from a little old lady who pats their chests and pinches their cheeks. It’s halfway between their schools, five minutes from the convenience store, and the rent is pretty cheap.
They soon settle into the rhythm of university life. They cycle to school in the mornings for lectures, struggle with tutorials, and fight over chores. Their social life isn’t too shabby either - they both make plenty of friends and even join volleyball teams.
Still, Suga can’t help feeling like something’s missing. ‘Someone, not something, you dolt’, his inner voice tells him, sounding suspiciously like Daichi.
He starts seeing the ghost of her everywhere.
He stares when he sees the slant of her shoulders in his classmate in the front seat. He crashes into Daichi when he thinks he hears the birdsong of her laughter float down the street. He picks up a habit of doing a double take at almost every girl he meets.
‘Stop it’, Daichi tells him crossly. ‘People are going to think you’re some kind of freak or pervert.’
He tries, he really does. But then months pass, and he starts to think that maybe Sendai City, with its million residents and a million more trees, might have hidden her out of his reach.
Summer arrives, and he returns home to Karasuno. He and Daichi and Asahi find themselves back in the school gym often, and he finds himself being dragged into practice match after practice match with his unruly kouhai. It’s a good way to spend his holidays, but he can’t help thinking if there isn’t a route he hasn’t explored yet.
‘No, Sugawara-kun, I can’t give you the contact details of our alumni, even if they’re your old classmates’, Takada-sensei says indignantly. ‘And don’t even think about breaking into the staff room at night!’
Eh. At least that was worth a try.
Tashiro senpai means well, he really does. But Daichi lets it slip that he’s been moping over some girl (‘For months!’, he roars), so on a Friday night, Suga finds himself thrust head first into a party at Tashiro’s apartment, surrounded by way too many people and not enough food. Daichi’s chatting with Yui (Go, Yui!), and he doesn’t know anyone else, so he doesn’t say no when Tashiro pushes cans of beer and cups of cheap spirits into his hands.
He’s a few months short of being able to legally drink, and it’s the first time he’s drinking outside his family home - but well, what Daichi doesn’t know won’t kill him. Soon though, the living room feels far too warm and the music is far too loud, so he figures he may as well seek fresh air and whatever refuge he can get on the cramped balcony beyond the kitchen.
He leans his forehead against the bannister. Gah. His head hurts. His stomach churns.
A raindrop splatters on to the back of his neck, then another, and soon he can hear the gentle patter of rain against the roof. He rights himself with a groan, and begins to head back inside. As he slides the glass door open, he turns and sees the silhouette of a girl emerge into the balcony, two apartments down, clearing her clothes from the laundry rack.
He stops. He can almost hear Daichi roaring at him at the back of his mind, but Suga can’t help but stare and think ‘there’s something awfully familiar about that girl’, but then - hasn’t he thought that about almost every girl he’s bumped into these past few months?
She takes a step forward and her face is lit by cheap fluorescent lights. He can see her clearly now, recognises the tilt of her chin, the curve of her cheeks and - by god, it’s her. His legs move and he lurches to the edge of the balcony, shouting her name like a loon.
Their eyes meet.
She yelps. And promptly drops her laundry basket, scrambling back inside.
He dashes back into Tashiro’s living room and trips into the corridor, ignoring Daichi’s shouts as he slams his fists into her front door. Her door remains stubbornly closed, and he keeps yelling, keeps beating her door. He can hear Daichi follow him, and he’s certain he’s going to get a bollocking tomorrow morning, but he doesn’t care, he’s finally found her in the midst of a million people and a million more trees and nothing else really matters.
The door swings open, and Imai Ume stands in the doorway looking livid. ‘My roommate is this close to calling the police,’ she hisses.
Daichi yanks him back with his shirt and snaps into a low bow. ‘Sorry for the trouble caused’, he says, and adds - that sly dog, ‘He may have drank a bit too much Umeshu’.
‘For God’s sake, Sawamura’, he faintly hears her squawk. ‘Can’t you take care of him a little better? He looks like absolute shit’.
Suga stares at her glassy-eyed. All he wants to do is to take her hand and tell her all the things he’s dreamt of saying these past few months (starting with I’m sorry I was an idiot- and ending with I missed you) - but his mind is suddenly foggy and his ears are ringing and his stomach keeps bloody churning and he suspects his body might have just given up on him completely.
‘I told you’, he manages to say. ‘I told you we’d see each other again’.
He pukes at her feet and promptly passes out. 
When he wakes up, the sun is high in the sky, and he knows because he’s pretty sure it’s trying to stab him between the eyes. He flops over to his side.
What happened last night?
He cracks an eye open. He’s pretty sure he isn’t wearing his own pyjamas. The sweatshirt he has on is a touch too snug, the pants a touch too short - so definitely not Daichi’s either. He can’t be in Tashiro-senpai’s room either, because one, he’s pretty certain floral bedsheets aren’t his thing, and two, if he squints, he can see a pile of medical textbooks in the corner that definitely does not belong to him.
He groans, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed, groping bleary eyed for his phone.
- You have 7 messages! -
[Daichi, 12.48am]: You are a very lucky man [Daichi, 12.48am]: Imai didn’t call the police on you [Daichi, 12.49am]: I had to clean up your puke [Daichi, 12.49am]: Wanted to lug you home but you’re heavier than you look [Daichi, 12.49am]: So she said to leave you and walk Michimiya home [Daichi, 12.50am]: Figure you’ll thank me anyway [Daichi, 12.51am]: Stay safe. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do
‘You have got to be kidding me’, he moans. Fuck. His head still hurts.
Ume pokes her head into the room. ‘Oh, you’re awake. Feeling better?’
He snaps his head up and immediately regrets it. ‘Ow’, he whines, dropping his head in his hands.
‘I guess not’, she says. ‘Here’, she pokes him in the side. ‘Spare toothbrush. Wash up, and I’ll get breakfast ready so you can eat some meds’. She tugs him to his feet and pushes him into the bathroom.
This isn’t how he imagined meeting Ume again would be like. Getting piss drunk, puking at her door, and passing out in her bed? He’d take getting arrested over this any day, he thinks, moping to himself. Not to mention Daichi's probably going to kill him when he gets back. He shudders, then winces as he splashes cold water into his face.
Ume waves him into the kitchen. ‘Sit’, she says, and so he does. She sets a bowl of rice and fish and miso soup in front of him. ‘Eat’ she says, sliding a bottle of aspirin and a cup of hot tea at him. His stomach still hurts, but he's not about to let her effort go to waste.
‘Ittakimasu’, he says, putting his hands together, inclining his head slightly. Ume nods and sits across him, sipping her tea.
‘Thank you’, he says contritely. 'I'm sorry for the trouble I caused last night'.
‘It’s no problem. I managed to convince my roommates you were just a drunk ex-classmate, not some rapist or serial killer so they let you in', she hums, amused.
He groans. ‘I’m so sorry’.
'It's fine', she says, waving him away. 'I think Sawamura was a lot more mad than my roommates, since he had to clear your mess and then wrangle you into clean clothes’.
‘Well I think Daichi got to walk Michimiya home last night, so I don’t think he’ll be too mad’, he says drolly. She laughs at that, turning to clear the dishes into the sink.
‘Hey, Imai’. He takes a gulp of his tea, his throat suddenly dry.
‘'I - I missed you - you know, as a friend', he stammers at his hands. 'And I’d like to see you again. Maybe we could catch up over dinner sometime this weekend?'
She stills for a few seconds. 'I don't think it’d be a good idea to do that', she finally says.
His heart clenches. He wonders if he’s too late - if the distance that Sendai city with its million people and a million more trees has put between them is too great, if she no longer remembers their shared smiles and golden summer days. But then he sees the stack of blankets tucked into the corner of the couch, sees the food she must have woken up early to make, and wonders how his past self could have been so blind.
‘Imai’, he says. She keeps her eyes resolutely on the dish sponge in her hands. He exhales, and tells himself that it’s his turn to be brave. He takes a step towards her.
‘Ume’, he repeats, taking her hands into his. ‘Look at me’.
‘Stop it Suga! My hands are soapy’, she cries.
‘Nevermind that’, he says stubbornly. ‘Listen - I’m an idiot - and a coward. I meant it when I said I missed you, but I didn’t mean it as a friend’.
‘Wha-’, she begins to say but he cuts her off.
‘I like you, Imai Ume’, he breathes, bringing her hands close to his face. ‘I really like you - as a boy likes a girl. I want to keep holding your hands. I want to see you again - see you everyday, if you’ll let me'.
Her eyes widen, then she blinks slowly - once, twice, thrice.
‘Do you mean it?’ she asks, her eyes meeting his, and he’s struck by the thought that the stars in her eyes are so bright they can light up the night sky.
‘Why would I lie?’ he answers. ‘I’ve been looking over my shoulder every day for the past six months, hoping desperately to see you again.’
‘Oh', she breathes. ‘Oh’.
She gives him a look so full of affection and warmth - like sunlight breaking through the rain - that he knows he was right to be brave, knows that the past six months of searching and dreaming and longing hadn’t been a waste.
‘So… I take it you want to see me again?’ he asks cheekily.
‘Maybe’, she says, but her voice is teasing and she leans on to her toes to press her lips gently against his cheek.
‘I - I take that as a yes?’ he stutters and hates himself for flushing a bright pink, but refuses to release her hands.
‘Let me wash my hands first. Then - yes’, and she laughs, wide and bold and bright. 
 He opens the door and smiles at what has become a very familiar sight these past few weeks - Ume fast asleep at the kitchen table next to a half empty pot of tea, head pillowed against her textbooks. Usually, he’d just scoop her up and put her to bed, but they’ve not had much time together this week, what with him running all over the prefecture with his fledgling team for practice matches, and she with work and exams, so he decides to be a little selfish.
‘Ume’, he calls, shaking her shoulder gently. ‘Dearest. Wake Up.’
‘Mmph. Five more minutes. Go away.’ She mumbles, pushing his hand away.
‘Ume. Ummmeee,’ He drags out her name, finding extra syllables where there were previously none until she stirs, grumbling incoherently and he has to stifle a laugh when she swipes her hand across her mouth.
‘Oh! It’s you. Welcome home’, she folds herself upright, rubbing her eyes slowly. ‘Where’s Yuji? How was the match?’
‘Of course it’s me – who else would it be?’ he chuckles. ‘I dropped Yuji off at Kei-kun’s place for a sleepover with the team, they promised not to stay up all night eating junk and watching crappy movies but I don’t believe them. The match was great - we won! Yuji-chan did really well, he earned quite a few points and saved a few balls. You would’ve been proud of him. I know I was.’
‘That’s good, I’m sure he’ll tell me all about it tomorrow when he’s back.’ She nods towards the fridge. ‘I made mapo tofu for dinner – not too spicy though, your stomach will thank me after that long bus ride back.’
He hums a thanks, sliding the plate into the microwave, narrating a play by play of their match today, stopping only when he hears a loud yawn.
‘Go to bed, Ume’, he frowns at the lines of exhaustion on her face. ‘I shouldn’t be keeping you up, you have a morning shift tomorrow.’
‘Mm – I will, later. Was waiting for you. Mm’ not that tired,’ she protests, but then yawns again so widely he’s pretty sure he hears her jaw crack.
‘Bedtime, sleepyhead’, he says teasingly, lifting her into his chest.
It’s a testament to how tired she is when she doesn’t try to swat at him as she usually does, choosing instead to wrap her arms around him, pressing her face into his neck. His breath hitches, and he wants nothing more than to hold her close and hide in bed preferably forever, but reminds himself that they’re adults now (with awful things like jobs and responsibilities and worse, bills to pay), so he settles her onto their bed, tucking the pillow beneath her head, the sheets under her chin.
‘Goodnight, sweetheart. We’ll catch up properly on the weekend’, he whispers, pressing a kiss into her dark hair.
‘Mmph, love you’, she mumbles, half asleep.
‘Love you too’, he shuts the door with a click, a soft smile on his face.
He’s mentioned off-hand to her before that they’re lucky to be this happy.
‘It’s not all luck’, he remembers her replying. ‘Happiness isn’t easy to come by. It’s a choice. It takes effort and hard work to earn that choice, and you need to take the time to build it up, brick by brick, piece by piece.’
He used to wonder what she meant by that - but six years in, and he thinks he finally understands what she means.
She’s meticulous in the way she makes him happy - the way she catalogues his quirks and deals patiently with his follies. How she knows to always leave food in the fridge for him after work so he won’t get cranky. How she tries her best to stay up and listen to him complain about his frustrations with pushy parents or irresponsible kids, how she tries to watch every one of his (and Yuji’s) games should time permit. He can see it even in the way she smiles indulgently when she sends him off with Daichi and Tanaka for izakaya and drinks.
For his part - he wonders if he does enough. He wakes up early most mornings to hitch a ride with her to work so they get a chance to chat about their day. He buys flowers from the florist down the street for her every week, and slips sandwiches and post-it notes in her work bag when he knows she’s had a long shift. He holds her close when she collapses on the couch, boneless and exhausted from a hard day.
He thinks about the life they share - weeknights spent sitting together, him sketching lesson plans and volleyball plays and she reading up for exams and work cases, weekends spent in grocery stores and parks and volleyball games. Six years together - they’re happy, and they show it in the quietest of ways.
They’re driving back to Karasuno this weekend - ostensibly to celebrate Keiji’s birthday and meet a couple of friends. But he’s conspired with Keiji and Yuji so he can sneak her away to the park for a picnic under the tree where they share memories of long, quiet talks and golden summer days. He’s hidden her ring in a picnic box full of homemade onigiri and sandwiches, strawberries and peaches.
He plans to go down on one knee and ask if she’d like to continue working on being happy with him forever.
He hopes she’ll say yes.
(She does.)
170 notes · View notes
angryschnauzer · 4 years
Superior Specimen - Chapter 8
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Summary: One night when you are following the Archaeology tag on instagram you stumbled across a fun looking dig… and an even more interesting Paleontologist who soon follows you back. Over the following weeks you start chatting and a friendship soon grows.
Relationship: AU Henry Cavill x Female Reader (No race or body shape mentioned)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7
Warnings: Slow Burn, NSFW, 18+, Mutual Masturbation, Phone Sex, Drunken Piggy Back Rides, Oral Sex (Female Recieving), Drama, Theft, Amateur Heroics, Hospital Visit, Shower Sex, Oral Sex (Male Receiving), Blow Job, Fingering, Lavish lifestyle, Henry is loaded, The Shard, Expensive Gifts, Sixty nine, Unprotected Sex, Multiple Orgasms, Public Sex, Exhibitionism, Angst, Argument, Jealousy, Talk of car crashes, heroics, rough sex, use of safe words, Anal play,
I do not operate a tag list, but please follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications, as you will then be notified whenever i post something new.
I don’t have a masterlist, but all my works are on AO3, link here. Usually i post oneshots to Tumblr and AO3, and multichapters exclusively to AO3, but as this is my first henry story and its going to be a short series, i’ll post to both places.
Chapter 8
 On the tube an old woman had offered you a tissue and had whispered quietly;
 “He’s not worth crying over my dear”
 You swallowed and smiled weakly at her;
 “Unfortunately he was… he was just an idiot too”
 “They all are my dear, they all are”
 She got off at the next stop, giving you a pat on the arm before leaving the carriage, leaving you ride the rest of the way to Fulham Broadway on your own.
 You were on autopilot when you arrived, walking through the small shopping mall that had grown around the tube station, grabbing a pair of overpriced knock-off designer sunglasses from the concession stand to hide your puffy and red eyes, swollen from crying. As you stood in the crowd at the lights to cross the road, a stream of Ambulances and Police cars screamed past, lights and sirens blasting, but it was London, every day there was a crisis or accident and you were used to them. 
 The walk to your flat was quick, just a few roads from the tube, and you were thankful you’d brought your small clutch bag from the hotel room that had your phone, wallet, and keys in. Once inside you pulled off your clothing, everything Henry had bought for you, tossing it into a heap on the floor before you climbed into bed and curled into a ball, sobbing into the pillow.
 You woke to the sound of a metal on plastic crunch from the street outside, familiar with the sound and you knew it was vehicle vs wheelie bin, an all too familiar occurrence when collection day was on a Friday and people went out that night, so the street would still be littered with bins the following day. Staring up at the ceiling you heard the doorbell ring, glaring at the ceiling but refusing to move. You didn’t care if your bin that had ended up a casualty of a car not looking where it was going, so when the bell finally timed out you closed your eyes… only to be rudely disturbed by a loud knocking on the door a minute later, a muffled voice from the other side;
 “Princess… it’s me; Henry… please, just tell me you’re ok… I’ve got to know you’re ok…”
 You could feel your emotions rising within you; a heat, an anger, and as the knocking continued you grabbed the dressing gown hanging on the back of the door and was still tying it as you pulled the door open, but surprised to see state of Henry, his clothes a mess and his face blotchy;
 “What the hell happe…”
 Your words were cut short as he pulled you into his arms, hugging you tight;
 “You’re alright… my god, you’re ok…”
 “Henry, what is going on?”
 He let you go and started pacing;
 “I was an ass, I didn’t follow you, I was stupid… I tried calling you but you never picked up…”
 “I had it on silent… I didn’t want anyone to disturb our date”
 “And then the accident, I’d gone back to the hotel, I knew it was the closest tube to where we were...”
 “There was an accident, on the road outside the London Bridge Tube, a bus and council truck collided and ran into the queue… I stayed and helped the emergency services; I was trying to find you… but you weren’t there…”
 Your hand was over your mouth, tears pooling on your lashes as you looked at him, and realised he cared so much for you that he had literally pulled people out of the wreckage of an major accident because he thought he had lost you. Wrapping your arms around his shoulders you cradled the back of his head as he slumped to the floor, sobbing into your shoulder and the softness of your dressing gown. 
 Finally he pulled his head back, a weak smile on his face as he looked into your eyes, and you saw a different Henry, one that was fragile, one that needed you as much as you needed him.
 “C’mon, let me put the kettle on”
 Sipping on sweet tea as you both sat at the kitchen table, dunking Digestive biscuits in the deep brown steaming mugs, you looked him up and down;
 “You are a mess”
 He glanced down and realised his shirt and jeans were covered in dirt, grime, and in some places blood;
 “You’re right” he paused before looking back to you; “Look, I’ve got a suggestion… pack a bag. Comfy clothing, overnight things. We’ll head back to the hotel and collect our things, then head back to my place. I’ll cook dinner and we can talk… ask all those things we’ve both wanted to ask since we met, yeah?”
 He looked at you like a hopeful puppy, his deep blue eyes watery where he feared you would say no, but as you nodded he let out the breath he had been holding, and a genuine smile spread over his face.
 Henry opened the door to his place and stepped aside, letting you enter and look around as he shut the door, resting all the bags from the hotel room on the shiny white tiles that covered the floor. 
 “This is your place?”
 “It’s home for the next few months” he shut the door and wrapped his arm around you; “I gave up on having a permanent place about five years ago. I would always come back to a dust filled nightmare and a fridge that was a biohazard. I keep a PO box for any mail and a storage unit for my things that I don’t need when I’m away”
 You looked at him;
 “It sounds very… lonely…”
 He paused, considering your words;
 “I’ve never thought about it that way… but, you’re right” he wrapped his arms around you, his gaze intense; “I’m sorry I over-reacted earlier… about your flatmate. I was just… I don’t know, so focused I guess on this amazing thing we have now, and what we were talking about last night… how those I fall for push me away when I have to leave… I could only think ‘this guy will be around when I’m not’...”
 You reached up and cupped his cheek with your hand, realising in that moment that for all the bravado and confidence, beneath that Henry was just like you, like anyone else, and feared losing those he cared for;
 “I would wait… I will wait…”
 You pressed a kiss to his lips, and the pair of you just held each other for the longest time, before he pulled away;
 “What kind of host am I? I haven’t even offered you a cup of tea!”
 Laughing you followed him into the kitchen, looking around at the sparse worktops, all the cupboards pristine white. Even the appliances were just plain brushed aluminium. As the kettle bubbled away you pushed yourself up onto the central island, sitting on the marble countertop as you watched Henry move around the kitchen, opening the fridge and pulling out the carton of milk, sniffing it and cringing;
 “Okay, tea may be off the menu… the milk’s off”
 Pausing he opened the cupboard, shoulders slumping when he saw the empty tea caddy;
 “No tea either…”
 Leaning back you pulled your phone from your pocket and opened google maps;
 “This is Warwick Square, right?”
 You pinched the screen and zoomed out, jumping off the counter;
 “C’mon, there’s a Tesco Express just around the corner”
 Walking hand in hand around Pimlico with Henry, it dawned on you that you had never visited this part of London, the sights and sounds much like most of the city, but where each little borough had its own character. Once you reached the supermarket he grabbed a basket and picked up the few things he needed, before his hand hovered over the selection of biscuits;
 “Ok, make or break time to find out if we are truly compatible” his voice had an element of mischief in it as he spoke; “Milk or Dark Chocolate Digestives?”
 You looked at the selection before you set your hand down on the bright blue packet;
 “Trick question, we both know the true answer is Milk Chocolate Hobnobs”
 He laughed as you dropped the packet into the basket, wrapping his massive arm around your shoulders and pulling you into his chest;
 “I knew there was a reason I loved you” he turned to the row of refrigerators on the other side of the isle, unaware of what he’d said, and how your eyes were a little wider as you took in his admission; “Shall I make some burnt offerings for you tonight? I have somewhat limited culinary skills, but I can rustle up something with meat or fish…”
 Nodding you were still a little stunned, finally finding your voice;
 “Yeah, I’ll eat anything”
 He cocked an eyebrow and you playfully batted at his arm;
 “Oh shut up” you laughed
 Dinner had been nice. An easy dish of roasted pork, Henry had thrown in some potatoes and had let them roast with alongside, and a simple salad. The one thing he did have readily stocked in his place was alcohol, and between the two of you an entire bottle of vintage Pinot Noir had been sunk over the course of dinner, and as you watched him stack the dishwasher you spread out on the massive white sofa that dominated the open plan space. You couldn’t help yourself but you popped the button of your jeans, letting out a sigh of relief. 
 Checking your phone you reopened your roommates’ email and read it again, before hitting reply. You knew deep down you wouldn’t be able to get a mortgage, but asked that you be kept in the loop and would start looking for another place come Monday. Having hit send you saw another email, this time from your Manager, requesting that you attend a review on Monday morning;
 “Huh, so much for giving me a week off” you muttered to yourself, before looking up and seeing Henry approaching you, two full glasses of red wind in hand.
 “Everything ok?”
 Taking the glass you smiled;
 “Yeah, work want me to go in for a review on Monday morning”
 “Did they say what it was about?”
 “No, but I’m guessing ‘playing heroics and injuring yourself on the job isn’t in your job description, please don’t sue us’ is probably on the agenda”
 Settling next to you he rested a hand on your thigh, giving it a squeeze;
 “I’m sure you’re right” he sipped at the wine before setting it on the small table at the side; “Hey I meant to ask, does your roommate have an Instagram account or Facebook page?”
 “Yeah, I’ll pull it up. Its where he’s trying to do more serious photography”
 He nodded and tapped at his phone for a few seconds before setting it aside, raising his glass again and clinking it against yours;
 By the time the last dregs of the 2nd bottle of wine were drained from your glasses you were drunk as skunks and just an amorous. You were draped over Henry’s lap, his hand was attempting to sneak under your t-shirt as you curled one hand in his hair, wrapping a deep brown strand around your finger as you kissed him lazily. When his hand finally found your breast you moaned at his touch, his lips brushing against your neck;
 “I think we should take this to the bedroom”
 You giggled;
 “With the amount of wine we’ve had? Can you still get it up?”
 He pushed his crotch up against you;
 “Princess I’m already ‘up’, now I need to be in, and I don’t care which hole, I just want to feel you around my dick as we have some nasty drunk sex”
 You attempted to slide off his lap and land on your feet, but what really happened was you tumbled into a heap on the soft white rug, one leg still on the sofa as the other hit the coffee table and your ass in the air;
 “Help!” you cried out, giggling as Henry stood and swayed, before wrapping his arm around your waist and carrying you under his arm to the bedroom like a misbehaving poodle in Harrods.
 He dropped you onto the bed and in the light from the lounge you watched as he yanked his t-shirt over his head, and started to unfasten his jeans, letting out a sigh of relief when the massive bulge in his boxers was allowed more room to grow. With a growl be bent over you and pulled your jeans down your legs, your panties following suit, before flipping you over so you were on your front. He went to reach for your ass but had forgotten his jeans were still around his thighs, and he proceeded to trip-tumble onto the bed beside you. You couldn’t help but to giggle into the soft duvet, and it earned you a single spank on your ass that make you squeal.
 Rolling onto your back you looked at Henry as he huffed and puffed to take his jeans and boxers off, and you spread your legs as your hands strayed to your pussy;
 “Are you doing to fuck me, or shall I just get myself started?” you said with more sass than needed, but it earned you a low groan and you could have sworn you heard seams ripping as he finally rid himself of his clothes.
 “Cheeky wench!” Henry pounced on you, pulling your top over your head before fumbling with your bra, finally getting you out of it as he flung it across the room and you heard it hit something in the darkness; “I’ll show you, gonna fuck you so good you’ll have to sit on a cushion when you go into work on Monday”
 He flipped you over and pulled your ass up, and you instinctively arched your back and bared yourself to him, prone and ready, begging for attention. You felt his hands smooth over your ass before dipping between your legs;
 “Already so wet for me, you need me to fuck this cunt Princess? Fill you up with my cum? Or should I cum over your beautiful tits, so you can watch me as I spray my load on you, huh?”
 He slid two fingers into your soaked hole, stretching you as his thumb found your clit and he rubbed harshly at it, the wine making him lose his finesse but up his pressure. When he pulled his fingers out you let out a needy whine, only to feel him press his dick against you, rutting into your crease and smearing your juices over himself. 
 The friction was delicious, and you found yourself pressing back and eager for more, earning a low chuckle to rumble up from Henry’s chest;
 “You like that Princess? Like me rubbing my dick against your asshole?”
 “Oh fuck… fuck… more…”
 You felt him spit on your ass as he lowered his dick and slowly but firmly filled your pussy. As you were getting used to be filled so deep you felt his thumb press against your asshole;
 Suddenly Henry stopped;
 You turned, looking over your shoulder;
 “Look Hen, I may be up for some anal play, but lube… you gotta use lube…”
 You saw him look back and forth between your ass and his bedside drawers, as if trying to work out whether to forget the ass play and just fuck your pussy, or to give up your pussy for just a few seconds and get the lube. In the end the lube won, and he quickly slid out of you, leaning across the bed and yanking the drawer open, before pulling out a small bottle of Durex Lube. You saw it and grinned;
 “Ooh nice one. Make sure there’s enough for a tit-wank in the morning”
 Henry paused and looked at you, and you could almost see his brain short circuiting at what you’d said as it fought through the wine haze;
 “Fuck, if I didn’t want to fuck you doggy style quite so much I’d say let’s do that now…”
 He settled behind you and rammed his dick straight back into you, making you squeal as he filled you. You heard the quiet squeeze of the pump on the bottle before the cool gel fell on the crease of your ass and his fingers started to massage against your back door. He ran his finger around and around your brown rose, and you could feel yourself relaxing and trying to push back to get him to go further, making you whine;
 “Please Hen… do something…”
 He ran his thumb over your asshole and rested it on it before finally pushing in, holding the digit inside just up to the first knuckle, and that’s when he started to move in your pussy.
 “So. Fucking. Good. My dirty little Princess…”
 You whined for more, for him to go harder, deeper, and he did so with glee;
 “You want more? Fuck yes, take my dick, can feel your insides parting for me, you like my thumb in your ass? Like being double stuffed?”
 “Fuck…” your head was swimming, your chest resting against the bed as you snuck your hand between your legs and started to strum at your clit, urging your orgasm on as Henry turned into a feral beast behind you, fucking you raw and dirty, you pushing back for each thrust to feel him deeper and split you wider.
 Your orgasm happened without warning, screaming out his name as you came so hard he was sure if he hadn’t pulled his thumb out your muscles would have broken the bones in it. Your knees gave way and you slumped down onto the bed, Henry still deep inside you, fucking you as you lay spent on the bed;
 “So close… almost there…
 “Cum on my ass Hen…” you muttered as he railed into you, and you heard a groan as he pulled out of you, seconds later the splash of his hot seed landing on your naked ass, back and thighs.
 For a moment everything went quiet before you felt him wiping his cum from you, and he moved you in the bed until you were curled up in his arms, the little spoon to his big;
 “You’re fucking amazing Princess, I fucking love you so much” he slurred, before the two of you feel asleep in drunken stupors.
Chapter 9 >>>
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albertasunrise · 4 years
Coffee and Crisis - Chapter 1
So this is my first Mentalist Fanfiction with Marcus Pike. I loved the Mentalist and only recently realised that it was our dear Pedro that played the perfect Pike. 
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Summary: Marcus has been pretty unlucky in love. With a failed Marriage and engagement under his belt, will his luck finally change when he meets a pretty, young English girl in his favourite cafe?
Warning/Content: Angst, Blood and Injury, 
Paring: Marcus Pike/ Original Female Character
It was a chilly day in September. The trees were almost bare of their leaves. Branches waving in the city breeze, sounds of wood knocking together joined the cacophony of city sounds. Marcus scrubbed a hand over his face as he approached the cafe that had become a staple in his morning routine, always stopping for a coffee and a muffin without fail before heading into the office across the street. This morning was no different except for one tiny detail. Her. His eyes locked with her's almost as soon as he pushed open the door, the small bell above jingling as the wood knocked against it. She was stood in line, eyes staring off towards the door as she waited to be served. He was instantly struck by her, giving her a smile as he pushed the door closed behind him and stepped towards her. She had dirty blonde hair that that was wavy and thick, sitting a little below her shoulders and framing her oval face. Her eyes were a seductive shade of green, accentuated my neat black eyeliner that flicked out at the edges and a subtle brown eye shadow on her lids. Her clothes told him the most about her. She was wearing a Retro Print Star Wars t-shirt that was tucked into her pale Levi jeans that were folded up at the ankles and a black, wool-lined denim jacket. He was instantly drawn to her. She wasn’t like the other women he saw here on a daily basis, tight work dresses, perfect hair and makeup with ridiculous heels that they couldn’t walk in. Not this girl, in her white converses and geeky, acid-wash t-shirt. Her eyes watched him as he came to a standstill behind her, glances and smiles being all they shared for a few moments as Marcus plucked up the courage to speak to her.
‘I like your shirt.’ He said finally, motioning to it with his chin.
‘Thanks.’ she replied, nervously tucking her hair behind her ear as she gave him a warm smile.
‘I’ve not seen you here before.’ He stated, quickly glancing at the muffins to make his selection before returning his attention to her.
‘I’ve just moved here.’ She replied.
‘You’re English!’ It wasn’t a question.
‘Yeah.’ She giggled, trapping her lip between her teeth ‘Well I’m half English.’ She continued ‘Mum’s English, Dad's Canadian so basically, I’m cursed to be too nice and apologise for everything.’
He laughed at her reply, his smile reaching his eyes as they held each other's gaze for a while. It was only broken when the Barista asked for her order. Latte and a Lemon and Poppyseed Muffin. She knew exactly what coffee Marcus wanted, asking his muffin selection for the day before getting to work making their orders.
‘So are you a Star Wars fan or did you just like the shirt?’ He joked.
‘Oh no, I love it.’ She replied, laughing nervously ‘I’m a huge geek.’
‘I’ll let you in on a secret.’ He said quietly, leaning towards her slightly as she looked at him with anticipation ‘So am I.’
She laughed at that, covering her mouth in embarrassment at her sudden outburst. Her laugh was like music to Marcus’ ears, her smile addictive and he found himself wanting to see it more, hear it more. The sound of paper cups scraping against the stone countertop then pulled their attention away from each other.
‘That's Seven dollars.’ said the Barista.
‘It’s on me.’ said Marcus suddenly, handing her the money for both orders.
‘You didn’t have to do that.’ she replied as she looked at him with surprise.
‘Call it a welcoming gift.’ he stated, giving her a genuine smile before holding the door open for her.
They came to a stop outside, Marcus holding out his free hand ‘I’m Marcus.’ He said, smiling as she took it and gave it a shake.
‘Ada.’ she replied.
‘Nice to meet you, Ada.’ Smiling he glanced across the street towards his offices ‘I better get going,’ he continued.
‘Uh yeah, same.’ she replied, her smile dropping slightly at the thought of them parting ways ‘Best not be late on my first day.’
So they parted ways, giving each other a small wave before Marcus sprinted across the street and disappeared through the tinted black glass doors. From that day on, he saw her every morning. She would wait for him and they would queue together, taking it in turns to buy each other's coffee’s whilst they talked about movies, books and art. Marcus learned that she’d studied it at college back in the UK but had decided against pursuing a career in it. He learned that she was a personal assistant but that she worked remotely from her apartment around the corner. She had been engaged to a guy she’d met in college. They’d been together for almost 7 years when she was offered the job in the US and he’d told her that he didn’t want to move with her. So they had ended things, her moving a few weeks later.
‘So have you spoken to him since you arrived?’ he quizzed, sipping his coffee.
‘I spoke to him a few days ago.’ she replied, taking a bite out of her muffin ‘He’s been dating.’
‘No, I’m happy for him.’ She replied, her tone surprisingly genuine ‘He’s never done the dating thing really. Just sort of fell into relationships… Hell, he was single 3 days before we got together.’
‘What about you?’
‘Are you dating?’ He asked, his question making her choke on the coffee she’d just sipped.
‘No. Wouldn’t know where to start.’ She replied, taking another bite of her muffin and shifting in her seat.
They'd both agreed to meet in the cafe earlier that day, sit down and have breakfast for once.
‘I attract odd people.’ She continued, sipping her coffee.
‘Odd how?’
‘Well, I’m a girl… who’s a geek.’
‘Ahhh.’ He replied, understanding exactly what she meant.
‘You’re the first guy I’ve met that has been normal.’ she replied, her cheeks flushing a little ‘I don’t meet many people working from the office in my apartment either.’
‘I imagine not.’ he chuckled, giving her his signature smile that made her knees go weak.
‘Well, Marcus.’ She started, standing and throwing her coat over shoulders ‘This had been lovely but I need to get to work. Those meetings aren't going to arrange themselves.’
‘Yeah… Right.’ Replied the agent as he stood suddenly, his chair scraping loudly against the floor as he knocked it back.
‘I guess I’ll see you Monday.’ she replied, giving him a small smile.
‘Well unless you’re free tonight?’ he suggested, his brown eyes ever hopeful.
‘I’m free.’ she replied, pulling her bag over her shoulder ‘What were you thinking?’
‘Dinner?’ he shrugged, giving her a small smile ‘Take you on your first date in the US.’
‘I’d like that.’ She replied, her heart racing.
‘Great! I’ll pick you up at 7?’
He was there at seven on the dot. Ada had spent much of the afternoon panicking about what to wear, knowing that it was a date but not wanting to overdo it. She’d fallen pretty hard for Marcus, the man invading her dreams and leaving her flushed when she woke up. She looked forward to their morning talks, missing them when he was away and over the weekends. When he’d asked her out, she’d almost passed out from the excitement but somehow managed to keep her cool. As soon as her day had ended she tried to figure out what to wear, realising that she had brought very little with her. She pulled a black lace skater dress her friend Liv had given her just before she’d moved. She wore it with some grey heels and minimal jewellery. She did smokey eye makeup and a subtle pink lip stain, her hair in a loose bun with a few loose waves hanging down to frame her face. When three soft knocks sounded on her door she felt her heart in her throat, hands shaking as she grabbed her bag and keys before opening her front door. She felt her nerves melt away when she saw him. He was wearing smart jeans with a Burgundy shirt tucked in and a smart leather jacket that fit him perfectly. He beamed at her as he checked her out, feeling his own heart flutter in his chest at the sight of her.
‘You look beautiful.’ He stated, watching her as she stepped out and locked her door behind her.
‘Don’t look bad yourself.’ She replied, winking at him as they made their way down to his car.
The restaurant wasn’t far from hers and after a fair amount of convincing on her part they ended up walking instead, arms linked as they talked about each other's days.
‘Here we are.’ he stated as Ada looked up at the sign and laughed.
‘A Canadian restaurant?’
‘You told me that you were half Canadian.’ He started, smiling sweetly at her ‘A colleague of mine told me about this place the other day at work and I knew I wanted to bring you here. Is this okay?’
‘This is perfect.’ She chuckled as he opened the door for her.
The inside reminded her of Christmas’ with her grandparents in Canada. The walls we clad with wood and decorated with hockey jerseys, pictures, sticks and pucks. It was the cheesiest place she’d seen in years and she loved it.
‘I feel a tad overdressed.’ She stated, looking around at the other people in there.
‘’You look perfect.’ He replied sweetly, grinning when she got all shy.
They ordered their food which, true to Canada, was oversized and terribly unhealthy. The conversation was easy, new subjects easy to find when old ones were exhausted.
‘So you know all about my dating history.’ she said suddenly ‘I bet someone like you has had women throwing themselves at you.’ She finished as she shovelled some waffle into her mouth.
‘Hah!’ He laughed as he took a swig of his beer ‘Well… I’m divorced.’ he started, smirking when Ada’s eyes went wide ‘We were young, foolish. She cheated on me with my first partner at the FBI.’
‘What a bitch.’
‘Yeah…’ he replied, shrugging as he took another sip of his drink ‘And then last year I met an incredible woman, Teresa and fell head over heels for her. We got engaged but later that day she told me that she was in love with someone else.’
‘Oh my god, Marcus I’m so sorry.’ Ada felt a pang of guilt at the man's story ‘I shouldn’t have asked… I’m sorry.’
‘Wow you really are Canadian aren’t you.’ He smirked, his eyes crinkling as he smiled.
‘Shut up.’ she laughed, swatting his arm before returning to her waffles.
As they walked home, their hands kept grazing each other’s until he trapped her hand with his. They took their time walking back, hands swinging as they enjoyed the sounds of the city together. When they finally came to a stop outside her building she spun on her heels to face him, biting her bottom lip as she gazed up into his eyes.
‘Can I confess something to you?’ She asked, her eyes drifting down to their hands ‘This is the first proper date I’ve ever been on.’
‘What?’ His head shot back in surprise ‘Really?’
‘I never did the dating thing. I kinda met people and we just ended up together.’ She replied, looking away in embarrassment.
‘So how was your first date then?’ He asked, pulling her a little closer.
‘It was pretty good.’ She replied, green eyes sparkling up at him.
‘Only pretty good?’ he asked, giving her a devilish grin ‘What would it take to make it perfect?’
‘Hmmm.’ She pondered for a moment, a cheeky grin crossing her face as she stepped closer again, her chest flush against his ‘Perhaps a goodnight kiss.’
‘Oh really?’ he grinned as he laced his fingers around the back of her head.
‘Mhmm.’ she nodded, licking her lips in anticipation as he pulled her in.
He pressed his soft lips against hers, his left hand cupping her cheek and his thumb stroking her high cheekbone. She opened her mouth to deepen it, their tongues dancing together as he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her even closer. She moaned against his lips as she felt a heat forming in her core, lacing her fingers through his hair as their kiss became more heated.
‘Did you want to come up?’
‘I’d love to.’ He replied, pulling away so that he could look her in the eye.
‘But this is only our first date.’ He replied, pinching her chin with his thumb and pointer finger as he kissed her again ‘Let me do this properly. No jumping into things.’
‘Are you sure you’re not Canadian?’ She joked, grinning as he kissed her again.
‘Goodnight Ada.’ He replied, giving her one last peck on the lips before watching her walk away.
They spent most of that weekend texting like teenagers. They text about what they were doing, what they were reading. They even ended up watching Empire Strikes back and talked on the phone to each other during. They then continued to talk to each other as they lay in their beds, talking about their schedules for the week and possible plans for the weekend. When they finally said goodnight they agreed to have breakfast together in their favourite little cafe in the morning. Once again the day started as it always did. They stood in line together, ordered their coffees and muffins and sat at their usual table beside the counter. The conversation, as always, was easy and relaxed. They joked about how lame they were talking on the phone in bed like two smitten teenagers. Secretly though, neither of them had wanted to hang up. Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of sirens, screaming and shouting suddenly erupted in the morning air and the door of the cafe crashed open. Two masked guys came screaming in, guns waving above their heads and sending everyone into a frenzy.
‘Everyone get down!’ they shouted, pointing their guns at the customers who were crouching with their hands above their heads.
Marcus instantly switched into FBI agent mode, his right hand wrapping around his gun as looked at Ada beside him.
‘Stay down.’ he whispered as he squeezed her arm and started to stand.
‘Hey, Jackass I told everyone to get down.’ Shouted one of the men, waving his gun at him as he spoke.
‘Let these people go.’ he said, taking a step towards them.
‘Who is this guy?’
‘Dunno but he’s clearly got a death wish.’ One sniggered,
‘I’m Agent Pike.’ He started, hand still wrapped around his gun ‘I work for the FBI. If you let them go I can help you come to a peaceful solution.’
‘FBI huh?’ the leader replied, tilting his head to the side as he studied the agent across from him ‘Well you’ll be useful.’ He stated, pulling the trigger and sending Marcus stumbling backwards
‘NO!’ Ada screamed as she threw herself to his side, catching him as his legs gave out beneath him ‘Marcus…. Marcus look at me.’ she pleaded, shaking him as his eyes darted around the room in shock.
The agent rolled his head to look at her, blood rushing in his ears as he tried to suck in a pained breath. He could feel his shirt soaking quickly with the crimson lifeblood that gushed from the bullet wound to his abdomen. Ada’s shaking hands desperately tried to keep pressure on it as she held him in her arms, tears streaming down her cheeks. She leaned him against the counter and tore her cardigan from her shoulder, pressing it down hard on Marcus’ stomach which elicited a pained moan from the agent.
‘Well I’m sure this isn’t how you saw breakfast going.’ he joked, placing a shaky hand on hers.
‘Not exactly no.’ She replied, smiling at him grimly as she watched her cream cardigan slowly turn red.
The phone to the cafe rang and the leader answered, screaming his demands to the police on the other end.
‘You will give us what we want or the Federal Agent that’s currently bleeding out on the floor isn’t going to make it.’ he growled, shooting a look at Pike ‘You give us what we want or Agent Pike will die… You have one hour.’ he finished, slamming the handset down on the counter and storming off.
Time seemed to crawl by. Ada watched the minutes ticked by, willing time to go faster as she felt Marcus slipping away from her. Half an hour passed and his skin tone had taken on a sickly grey shade, dark bags forming under his eyes as each breath came in short, laboured pants. She watched as his eyes start to droop, panic rising inside her as his head dipped.
‘Stay with me.’ she pleaded, lifting his head so that she could look him in the eye ‘You need to stay awake.’
‘Talk to me.’ he asked, leaning into her touch.
‘What do you want to talk about?’
‘’Will you go on another date with me?’ he asked suddenly, taking Ada by surprise.
‘I want to take you out on another date.’ he stated, giving her a weak smile.
‘Of course, I’ll go on another date with you Marcus.’ She sobbed, stroking his cheek with her thumb.
‘G-good.’ he stuttered, feeling his strength start to seep away.
‘And then afterwards I want you to stay with me.’ She continued, desperately trying to keep him with her a little longer ‘I’ll make you pancakes in the morning, I have a posh coffee machine that makes amazing coffee. Then we’ll spend all day watching old movies, eating junk food and making out.’
‘Sound’s good.’ He replied, smirking at her weakly.
Ada watched as he started to lose the fight, his lips taking on a startling shade of blue as breathing got harder and harder. A sudden cough painted his lips with blood splatters and her stomach sank. She knew the longer they waited, the less time Marcus had left. Grabbing a napkin from the counter above, she wiped the blood from his lips before placing a soft kiss on them. Marcus felt his heart flutter at the feeling of her soft lips on his, kissing her back before everything went black.
Chapter 2
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drariellevalentine · 4 years
Medically Inevitable
Chapter 9- Mischievous Mishaps
Warnings:- Alcohol, slight cursing, a bunch of fluff and cuteness overload
Characters:- Arielle Valentine, Alyssa Raines, Ethan Ramsey, Arabelle Raines, Naveen Banerji, Kyra Santana, Sienna Trinh, Jackie Varma, Ines Delarosa
Pairing:- Ethan Ramsey x Arielle Valentine
Author’s Note:- Guess what! I finally figured out how to add a ‘keep reading’!
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Ethan’s PoV:-
You never thought babysitting a 5 year old would be this tough. But this girl is starting to prove you wrong. Arabelle has a level of curiosity that cannot be matched by many 5 year olds. She has questions about everything she notices. You usually approve of this inquisitive nature (as long as you don't need to deal with it) but this kid just loves to ask you personal questions. And this isn't the only hard part, the hardest thing is how stubborn she is. But yet she managed to somehow get into your life. Just like Arielle, your subconscious reminds you but you shake it off as soon as the thought crosses your mind.
Grabbing the strawberry milkshake you just made, you make your way to the living room. Handing the glass to Arabelle you take a seat in the sofa and go through Naveen's recent test reports.
“Thank you! Mm, this is yummy!”, she says as she listens to the story.
You keep looking at the pages but can barely focus, your mind wanders to Naveen and Arabelle. You try to understand what the story is about. After minutes of listening. you understand that Naveen is reading some Disney story to Arabelle from her e-book reader, guessing that because Naveen is mentioning of a prince and princess quite often along with some utensils which can talk. You scoff at the childishness of the story. 
You switch your attention back to the medical reports rather than listening to that unreal and childish love story.
Half an hour after, a whiny Arabelle grabs your attention. Sighing you place the file on the coffee table and try to listen to her.
"But I want to hear more of it!" She pouts and Naveen smiles.
"I know, Belle," He starts, "But your e-book reader is out of battery and I can promise you that Uncle Naveen just has boring books in his phone, nothing as interesting and lovable as the stories you read."
You see Naveen smirking at you as you groan. "What do you want?" You ask.
"Belle here wants to read more but her e-book reader is out of charge," Naveen sighs.
"I'll find something for her to read," you say and move towards your bookshelf to find something that a child can read.
Naveen fakes a cough and when he understands he got your attention, he proceeds with a smirk,"Just like I said, my friend, you don't have anything that a child can read and I can assure you that."
You pretend to get annoyed and go back to your seat. All this time Arabelle looks at you with puppy eyes and a cute pout on her face, again reminding you of a certain intern. This face is going to be the death of me one day! You sigh, pinching the bridge if your nose, “Fine! There's a library in this building. Let's go there."
As soon as the words leaves your mouth, Arabelle smiles at you brightly, running towards you and engulfs you in a hug, or at least tries to. “Thank you!”
Shocked from the sudden action, you sit there still for a moment before awkwardly reciprocating it. Though you act like you’re not comfortable, deep inside, this small act of affection warms your heart up.
Soon after you enter the library, Naveen leaves you to read the rest of the story to Belle because he found some books he was looking forward to read. "She'll guide you up to the part I read her," He waves before moving.
Sighing, you take Arabelle to the kids area, she runs off. After finding the book, she runs over and hands it to you. You have to crouch down to grab the book. With one last sigh, you guide her towards the sitting area. On your way, she clasps your hand, sticking to your side. Another affectionate act that warms up your heart and this time you can't help but smile.
"You know her and mine name is the same!" She says pointing towards the picture on the book.
"Really?" You ask and she nods enthusiastically.
"Her name is Belle and so is mine!" She smiles broadly.
"Isn't your name Arabelle?"
"Yes, but everyone calls me Belle," she beams at you and you smile back at her.
As you start reading she's doing everything but listen. She just won’t sit straight. She's jumping around, lying on the rug or sitting. Lastly, she plops herself into the center of your lap, bending over your knee. You look up to see Naveen laughing as he snaps a picture. “What are you doing?”
“Absolutely nothing.”, he replies when clearly you can see he’s texting someone. You’re about to ask when Belle interrupts you. You look down to see her head on one side of your leg, feet on another.
“What happens next?!”, she asks. You continue reading the story, and end up reading several more.
Arielle’s PoV:-
After dropping off Belle, you drive back to Flair and pick everyone up. “Hey guys! Are you all ready?” You look up to see everyone dressed and styled perfectly. “Looking good, ladies! Now come on!” You lead everyone to your car and drive to ‘Glamour’, the new club that opened downtown a few months back.
“Arielle, I got you a jacket! Here.” She spins me around and slips it on as the rest of the girls get down. You lock the car and head to the very, very, very, very long queue.
“Follow me, girls!”, Alyssa saunters to the front of the queue, flashing her ID at the bouncer. You notice a few paparazzi flashing pics, something the both of you are very accustomed to.
“Please, come in mam. Who else is with you, you mentioned 5 other people?” Alyssa points to the group and another bouncer leads us through the heavy crowd to the secluded VIP lounge.
"Oof! I need a drink after getting through this crowd," you sigh and take a seat.
“Well I need at least ten!", Jackie says and then places your order.
A few minutes later the bartender places a tray of shots in front of your group.
"We're going to start with tequila?" Alyssa asks slightly shocked.
"Start, finish and everything in between," Sienna giggles."That's Jackie's life quote!" She hi-fives you and all of you laugh. Jackie scoffs from beside you.
After four more round of shots, your now sultry voice says,"I wanna hit the dance floor now!"
You drag everyone along with you to the crowded dance floor. You couldn't help but move along with the sultry bass beats, swinging your hips with Aly. Both of you mirror each other’s moves, earning whistles from the girls. After a while, Sienna, Ines, Kyra and even Jackie joins you two. All six of you dance away into the night, letting all your troubles float away.
Ethan’s PoV:-
After you come back from the library, you notice Belle with a sad look on her face. “What happened?”, you ask.
“I miss mommy! When are they coming back?”, she asks.
“They’ll be back a bit late, my dear. Meanwhile, we can do something fun, don’t you think? Your aunt always does fun things with you when she babysits you.”, Naveen replies.
“Okay...what can we do?” You rack your mind for ideas. What do 5 year olds like to do? You notice the time and it’s already 7, and you haven’t made anything for dinner.
“Do you want to help me make a pizza?”
“Yes!!”, she shouts grabbing Jenner’s attention. He bounds towards her and the two play with each other. “Uncle Ethan, can you take a picture pwease? I want to send it to Aunt Arielle!”, she pleads.
“Alright. Stay still.” The pair pose quite adorably as you whip out your phone and click a picture. You show it to her. She tells you to send it. Opening your messages, you tap on her contact and shoot a few texts and the picture.
“Now! What’s this about a pizza?”, Naveen asks. You lead them to the kitchen island, Naveen sits on a bar stool as you lift Belle and let her sit on your island.
“Eeek!! That was fun!”
“Now, don’t move around.” You turn towards your fridge and grab the pizza dough you made earlier. Placing it on the marble top, you grab a packet of flour and a rolling pin.
“Do you know what’s the first step of making a pizza, Belle?”, Naveen asks.
“Mhm! First we roll out the dough! Aunt Arielle always spreads flour on the top!” Naveen nods as you peel off the cling wrap and knead the cold dough in your hands until it becomes soft. You divide it into three, two medium and one small.
You scoop a generous amount of flour and place it on the marble top. “Can I spread it?”, you turn to see her with pleading eyes.
“Alright. Like this.” You take her hand and help her to spread the flour all over the counter. You quickly roll out all three balls of dough, then picking out toppings like different cheeses, vegetables and sauces.
“What do you want me to do?, Belle asks.
You have the most important part, Belle. You get to spread cheese and sauce, placing all your favourite veggies on it!”
“Okay! Can you help me?”, she turns to you.
“...What do you want on your pizza?” She pulls a bottle of sauce the you made and mozzarella towards her.
“Okay, first scoop as much of the sauce as you want on your pizza.” She scoops a quite generous amount and turns to you, waiting for your instructions. You carefully take her small hand in yours and slowly help her spread the sauce, noticing Naveen smiling in the corner of your eye.
“Ooh! This looks good! What now?”, you grab the packet of shredded mozzarella and hand it to her. “I love cheese!”, she quickly dumps and obscene amount of cheese on her pizza and spreads it all over, causing Naveen to laugh.
“You really are like your aunt! You know Ethan, Arielle would do the same thing whenever we made pizzas....and I’m quite sure she still does it now!”
“She does! She said that cheese makes everything better!!...done!”, she says.
“Okay...do you want any veggies and meat on your pizza?”, you ask as she thinks quite furtively. It’s quite amusing seeing the serious face of a 5 year old.
“...I want mushrooms and sausage please!” You take a cutting board and knife, slicing the toppings that she asked for and handing the board to her. She places all her toppings and then suddenly she tries to get down. You quickly scoop her into your arms, causing her to giggle and shout, “Again! Again!”
“Belle! Don’t do that, you’ll get hurt! Do you want me to tell your aunt?”, Naveen lightly scolds. Her face falls.
“No...” She turns to you with big blue eyes, quite similar to yours. “Sorry...”
“It’s alright. Now, don’t do that again!” You place her on the floor, before you can steady her, she quickly runs to Jenner, the pair running around your apartment.
“You know...I don’t think I’ve ever seen you happy with a child. That too babysitting because someone asked you. You’re quite good at it.”
You scoff, “I’m simply doing what others would do. Now, what do you want on your pizza?” Both of you finish your pizzas and place all three of them into the oven. After setting a timer, you head to the living room and discuss the diagnostics team’s cases as you keep an eye on the notorious pair.
Arielle’s PoV:-
You barely notice the time you spent on the dance floor. But then Kyra, who left the dance floor for a breather, signals for you from the bar.
"I'll be back!" You scream to the gang but you aren’t sure if they heard you.
"Wait, I'll come along. I need a drink," Sienna says and follows you.
"You have a lot of texts!" Kyra says as soon as you reach her. You take the phone from her and thank her.
You unlock your phone to find texts from Ethan and Naveen. Naveen texted you some "Have fun" and "Enjoy the night!" along with a few pictures of Arabelle, some her solo and some her playing with Ethan.
While Ethan only sent you a couple of pictures, some of Naveen and Arabelle and the other of Arabelle playing with Jenner.
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You smile seeing those pictures. Sienna to takes a peek at those from behind you and then says, “Look! They’re so cute!!” You both hush over the adorable photos of Belle and Jenner, quickly responding to both of the texts.
Si nudges you after a moment. "Hey! I have an idea. Let's play truth or dare?" She asks you both.
"Yes, please!" You say and at the same time Kyra says,"Oh hell yes!"
"I'll call the others over." You say and make your way towards the rest of the gang. Borrowing an empty bottle from the bartender you make your way to the VIP lounge.
You take a corner sit with Kyra besides you, Alyssa beside her. On the opposite side Sienna, Jackie and Ines sit.
Kyra spins the bottle once you all are seated. The empty wine bottle spins for a few seconds before stopping at Jackie and the group cheers.
Kyra gives Jackie a dare of collecting number of some random guy by flirting with him.
Jackie goes with a smirk and returns after ten minutes. She hands Kyra a tissue. Opening which you guys find a number written in there, the number is not quite understable at first glance but then you can make out the number eventually. Kyra whistles lightly noting the number more clearly.
The game goes on like this and after a few rounds, it's your turn and Sienna is to give you a task.
I'll go with dare," You say and Sienna smirks. You’re regretting this already.
“Do a striptease," she grins.
“Sorry, what?!" You ask shocked.
“Do a striptease. You know strip, take a picture and send it to the contact on the top of the list."
You swear that you saw her smirk again but then again you aren’t sure as she hides it.
"Fine!" You grab your phone and make your way towards the restroom to click the picture.
“I'll come to make sure of it!" Sienna screams from behind.
“Me too! Someone needs to make sure Arielle clicks the hottest pictures," Kyra too joins you.
You enter the restroom to find it empty and a content sigh falls off your lip.
“Get to work now!" Sienna chimes.
You strip off the upper part of your dress, Kyra grabs your phone and clicks a few pictures. Then you slip on your dress again as Kyra hands you over your phone.
The three of you return to the table.
"Who's the lucky one who got the pictures?" Alyssa grins as you take your sit and you roll your eyes.
"She is going to send it now," Kyra too grins.
“Hah! Too bad, it’s only Aly!”
You unlock your phone and open the log to find Ethan's number on top of the list. Your mouth drops, so wide. You are doomed. In midst of all the excitement and tipsiness you completely forgot, that the last person who called you is Ethan.
"Can I send it to someone else than the first person in my list?" You ask nervously.
"Nope," Sienna answers and you sigh. “Wait!...who is it?!”
“Omg! Ari, who is it?!”, Aly shrieks. She snatches the phone from you and shrieks.
“Oh my god...Is this?...”, she turns to you. You nod, wincing.
“Who is it? You guys are freaking out so much!”, Jackie asks.
“None other than her boss.”, Aly says. All of them are confused until Si blurts out that it’s Ethan.
“Oh dear...”, Ines’s face goes white.
“You’re kidding!...right?”, Jackie says.
“You’re doomed!”, Kyra says. You glare at all of them.
“How do you even have his number?”, Jackie asks. You rack your mind for an excuse, Aly jumps in.
“Naveen is an old family friend of ours, so he babysits Belle a lot. Turns out, he was staying at Ethan’s apartment so they’re both babysitting her.”
“I’m not doing this.”, you declare. “There’s absolutely no way I’m sending this picture.”
“Oh yes you are!”, Kyra grabs your phone and sends it to him, leaving you to gape in horror. “Don’t worry, I’ve sent a message that says that it was a dare and you’re very sorry.”
“Why did I ever agree to this?!”, you facepalm yourself.
“Cause you love us! Now, it’s Jackie’s turn to spin the bottle.”, Aly says.
Ethan’s PoV:-
As the timer for the pizza rings, Belle rushes towards the kitchen. “Don’t go near the oven!”, you shout as you walk towards the kitchen. A few minutes later, you’re carefully placing three steaming pizzas on the kitchen island, oven mitts in hand.
“Mmmmmmmm!! It smells sooooo good!”, she yells.
“Well that’s because you made it!”, Naveen says as he takes out the plates. Grabbing the pizza cutter, you quickly slice the pizzas and bring them to the table as Naveen sets the table. You bring a bottle of wine and lemonade along with some glasses. All three of you eat as soon as you feed Jenner, Belle’s stories entertaining you.
“-So Uncle Mark asked for the bag of flour and Aunt Arielle said she would get it, so she went and climbed a stool to grab the bag. But she spilled all the flour on herself! It went poof!”, she laughs while mimicking an explosion.
“Okay, that’s enough storytime for now. Eat your food before it gets cold.” Naveen says. Belle ends up finishing first and running towards Jenner, the two playing in the living room. You and Naveen discuss a new medical documentary that he watched the other day. After a while, Naveen sits the the living room watching tv while you finish up the dishes. The apartment is quiet, devoid of any laughter, shrieks or giggles. Washing your soapy hands, you quickly rush to your room to find Belle fallen asleep on your bed, Jenner beside her.
“It’s adorable, isn’t it. I think you like having her around.” You turn to see Naveen adoring the pair.
“Maybe.” You lift Belle up, placing a lean pillow underneath her head and cover her with one of your comforters as Jenner loyally stays by her side.
“I’m starting to think your dog likes my granddaughter more than you!”, he laughs. A small smile perks up on your face as you watch the pair. “I’m heading to bed, my boy. Tell Sunshine I asked for her, hmm.”, he says as he walks toward your guest bedroom, the one that she was staying in. You go back to the kitchen when your phone chimes with a message. You see it’s a photo from Arielle. Unlocking your phone you click on her contact only to see a half naked picture and a text. “What the hell!...Dear god!”, you almost drop your phone on seeing the scandalous photo.
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“You’ve got to be kidding me.”, you’re about to call and confront her when you decide not to, telling yourself it’s because she’s had an eventful week and deserves to blow off steam when really you don’t want to upset her. Deleting the text, you go back to the sink. You’re finishing up the dishes as you hear the doorbell ring, this time no singing.
Arielle’s PoV:-
Jackie spins the bottle, slowly stopping on Aly. “Dare.”
She grins wickedly, “Oh, I’m going to have fun with this! Hmm...let me think.” She puts a lot of thought into it before exclaiming, “Okay, see Mr. Moneybags over there?” Jackie points to a guy wearing an Armani suit, Aly nods. “I want to go over there, flirt and lead him on...and then tell him that his invited to your wedding as that he can come as your sister’s date.”, she finishes with a wicked grin.
“Oh my god Jackie! She’s married!”, Si shouts.
“It’s alright. I’m sure Adrian won’t mind!”, she says with a wink. “Although it has been a long time since I’ve played this game.” She sashays over to the guy and starts flirting with him, at the same time giving us a clear view of his face. After a few minutes, the smirk on the guy’s face gets replaced with a embarrassed shock.
“Damn Jackie! You’re cruel, just look at that guy’s face!”, you reply.
You all laugh as Aly says, “I’m definitely getting you back for this! Now it’s Sienna’s turn.” Si spins the bottle, which slowly lands on Ines.
“I’ll go with truth.”, Ines says.
“Okay! So...what’s going on with you and Zaid?”, Sienna asks without skipping a beat. Clearly alcohol has given her a major confidence boost.
Ines gets flustered, “What! Nothing’s going on! We’re just friends!”
“Right....my turn!”, Kyra spins the bottle landing on you. “Aw! I wanted to give a dare, but she’s obvi not going too!”
“Who said?! Dare!”, you reply. Si’s definitely not the only one who got a confidence boost from the alcohol.
“I dare you to slam 5 shots of tequila, continuously. No limes, no salt.” Clearly, you made a bad choice.
“Ooooh! Savage!”, Jackie says.
“Ugh fine! But don’t blame me if I throw up on you!” Kyra happily lines up five shot glasses, pouring tequila in each.
“Wait! I’m recording this!” Aly whips out her phone as you get up from your plush seat and ready yourself. “3...2......1!” You slam one shot after another, the tequila burning your throat. By the time you’re on your 5th shot, you can’t stand.
“Ugh, I think that was too much...” You sit down as Ines hands you a water bottle with lemon.
“Wow! That was impressive!! Okay, now Ines has to spin!”, Kyra says. Ines spins the bottle, landing on Kyra.
“I’m not making the same mistake you dummies made, truth.”, Kyra replies.
“Hey!”, you yell playfully.
“Okay, what was your most embarrassing moment in high school?”, Ines asks.
Kyra winces, “I take that back, karma’s a bitch! Okay, so in high school, we had a really pretty, young geography teacher. One day she brought in a guest for a lecture. The guy looked pretty old so I thought he was her dad because he called her a pet name, so I went and asked.......turns out he was her fiancé.” You burst out laughing as do all the others, “Oh dear!”
After the laughter dies down, Aly spins the bottle, landing on Jackie. “What the hell, dare!”
“I want you to....steal that bottle of Don Pérignon.”, Aly says pointing to the champagne bar.
“Oooh! Someone’s getting in trouble!”, you sing.
Jackie rolls her eyes, “Whatever!” She walks to bar and slowly swipes the bottle, all while flirting with the cute bartender. Several minutes later, she walks back to the lounge and slams the bottle on the table.
“Colour me impressed!”, Aly says while pouring everyone a flute.
“My turn!”, you spin the bottle, only to land on Sienna. “Ooh! Karma’s definitely being a bitch today! What will it be, dear bestie?”
“...truth.” She says carefully. Luckily, you know just what to ask.
“So...remember the housewarming party a few weeks ago? Well, look what I stumbled across in the morning!” She scroll through your camera roll until you find the picture you took of Sienna and Danny and show it to everyone, as Sienna’s cheeks turn red. “Mind explaining this?”, you ask with a smirk.
“What?! That was nothing! We were just talking and ended up falling asleep! I have a boyfriend, remember!!”, Sienn tries to defend herself.
“Mhm...” The game finally winds down after all of you are completely and utterly drunk...except for Ines.
“How are you still so sober?”, you ask.
“Cause I have an early shift tomorrow. Plus, who’s going to drive?”
“Ah. Good point!”, Jackie says.
“I think we should head home.”, Aly says. We all agree and enter my car, giving Ines the keys.
“Wait, go to this address first. We need to pick up Belle.” You hand out water and sticks of gum to everyone as Ines drives to Ethan’s apartment. You pop a berry flavoured stick for yourself, as everyone has a competition to see who can blow the biggest bubble. Kyra ends up winning, by the time she pulls up, you’re quite sober. Reluctantly heading up, you ring the bell. The door is opened to find Ethan at the door, giving you a look.
You don’t know what to say and start rambling, “I’m sorry! It wasn’t my fault! The thing is, I didn’t know that you were on the top of my contact list! I tried to”-
He cuts you off. “It’s fine. Belle is sleeping and Naveen went to bed just now.” You sigh with relief. “Was she too much trouble?”
“Not much more than you.”, you laugh as he leads to you to Belle. You find her and Jenner snuggled up together, the sight is an explosion of cuteness. You snap a quick pic. Carefully lifting up the covers, you pick her up and place her on the side of your hip, making sure not to wake her up. Ethan hands you a small file as you exit the apartment. “I managed to run a few more tests, here’s a copy of them. See if you can find anything.” You nod and carefully go back to the car, concealing the file and slide in, handing Belle to Aly and slipping the folder in your bag. You show the photo you took as you post it, leaving everyone to gush.
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You manage to reach your apartment in 30 minutes.
Everyone slumps on the couch as you tell them to wait. You go inside and get a few extra pairs of pajamas, so do Si and Jackie.
“Here, change and get ready for bed. You guys can sleep wherever you want.” Ines bunks with Si, Kyra bunks with Jackie and Aly comes with you. Way too exhausted to follow through your night routine, you quickly strip and slip on a pair of pajamas. Cleansing your face, you throw your hair into a braid and flop into bed beside Belle, after pulling out a few extra blankets for them. “Night Aly.”, you say with a yawn but she’s already fallen asleep.
“I’ve danced and drunk all my troubles away for tonight, but I’ll have to face them...someday.”, you think as you fall into a deep slumber.
Taglist:- @mysticaurathings @caseyvalentineramsey @kaavyaethanramsey @ohramsey @ohvamsey @coastalengineer @openheartincorrect @incorrectopenheart @openheart12 @monsoonblooms12 @realmrsramsey @jamespotterthefirst @hopelessromantics4life @starrystarrytrouble @rookie-ramsey @mrandmrsramsey @semanticsandsea-lemons @ethansrookie02 @archxxronrookie @whippedforethanfreakingramsey @sad-satan-herself @mary-c92 @arcticlumineer @princessfuzzy12 @alina-yol-ramsey @maurine07 @binny1985 @aarisa-frost @nikki-2406 @akshara16 @drethanramslay @mayatrueman @mvalentine @theroyalrookie @siaramsey @stateofgracious @schnitzelbutterfingers @drstellavalentine @drethanramsey @drethanfreakingramsey @openheartthot @openheartfanfics @playchoices @literaryexpress @ethandaddyramseyx @custaroonie @lillyvalentine11 @in-love-with-a-trans-girl @xpandabeardontcarex @lilyvalentine
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rvmmm21 · 3 years
[ V V S her diamonds ] – ch 04.
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[5:45 p.m.] Washed-out rays of sunshine flood the arcade cafe, and Seungwan can’t contain her flourishing smile at the thought of Bae Joohyun visiting her at work. 
. . . . .
Sometimes I wish I could go and live in the clouds of your fantasies.
Being a part-time barista is a safe-haven for all of hers.
The junior buzzes around behind the counter, systematically preparing orders of cakes and coffees on the tiny overhead order slips. A satisfied hum sounds as she finishes prettying the dessert display and slides the glass window closed.
Cake display, check. 
Watermelon lychee-mint crush, coming up.
She dries her hands after spooning the frozen watermelon chunks into the blender, and the crinkle of her leather apron sounds brand new for some reason. Perhaps it’s because she feels brand new. Either way, her customers seem to pick up on her good mood too, and it blows her usually gruelling shift by like a light summer breeze. The hustle of work-pressed university students scrambling for their sugar rushes and extra shots of caffeine dulls in her ears, the memory of the past three weeks sitting at the very forefront of her thoughts. 
The past three weeks of back and forth texting, weekly study dates and a volantly climbing heart rate– wait no, a steadily building friendship.
About halfway through the afternoon, the regular tempo of her shift suddenly interrupts with a swish of silky hair and an award winning smile. 
“Wow, a barista. Cute and talented, I see. Where do I sign up?”
Seungwan adjusts the straps on her apron, blinking. “Taeyeon sunbaenim?”
“Kidding, kidding,” the girl laughs, holding her hand out as if that would somehow quell the bout of unease that had begun to well in the pit of Seungwan’s stomach. 
Remaining professional, she answers with a nervous laugh of her own. “What can I get for you today, sunbaenim?”
Taeyeon hums, tapping a delicate finger to her chin while she stares down at the fancy little menu. A vague smirk graces pink lips as her fingertip traces the bold laminated print. “Hm, what do your pancakes come with?”
Seungwan leans over the cash register to glaze over the small description underneath and then snaps back up, knowing the ingredients by heart already. “Oh! They’re plain buttermilk, but you can choose your topping! Uh… strawberries and ice cream is– it’s a customer favourite, if you’d like.” 
A hum of deliberation. “I see. And do I get special service?”
“S-Sorry?” The suggestion in her tone chokes the girl, unsure of what that means. 
Taeyeon gracefully giggles and leans over the counter to playfully tap Seungwan on the shoulder. “Yah, you’re too funny. I meant an extra scoop of ice cream. Since we know each other, obviously. Why, what were you thinking?”
“Ah! Of course I can do that for you,” she chuckles awkwardly, keying in the order. Seungwan’s fingers flinch around the Amex Black Card when it doesn’t slip out of Taeyeon’s as easily. Chestnut eyes peek up at her, and from the casual smirk on her face, the older girl seems to know what she’s doing.
“Oh yeah,” her expression contorts as though she’s trying to recall why she’s now holding up a small queue of foot-tapping, huffing customers. “How’s your project going?” 
She answers hastily, eyeing the holdup. “It’s great! Joohyun unnie is really helping me with this class.”
Taeyeon raises a brow. “Unnie?”
“Y-Yeah, Joohyun unnie’s great, can– can I take your card, please?” she reiterates.
“Ah,” the other girl finally nods in realisation, “you two are close friends now. That’s great! I’m glad to hear it’s going well.” The grip on the credit card slackens. “Thank you, Seungwan.”
Seungwan purses her lips, stiffly rocking on her heels as they both wait for the card reader to go ‘beep’. Once Taeyeon walks away, her tension dispels with a heavy sigh and she signals for the next customer.
Softy’s Autumn Morning comes on the set playlist shuffle. Pleasant lo-fi beats ripple through the cafe and Seungwan gently bops along as she works, carefully eyeing the bubbling pancake mix to make sure it doesn’t burn. 
Time seems to slow to a glacial pace. That is, until the little bronze bell chimes and a certain someone walks in. Seungwan recognises that vintage Balenciaga Defile Sport hoodie in a heartbeat. Her legs kick into gear and she rushes over to meet her. Joohyun approaches the counter with her signature gaze of boredom, but hides a laugh behind her sweater paw when she sees the barista almost trip over her own sneakers. 
Five minutes later, said barista is hunched over a small cup of latte, hands steadily crafting two pointy milk ears with the help of a toothpick.
As she pops a little bonus on the saucer in replacement of their standard Lotus Biscoff biscuit, Seungwan wonders where Sooyoung and Jennie are, melting a little at how Joohyun looks so small and harmless without the final duo to complete her killer posse. God, when they're all three together, it gets really hard to not believe she'sthe precious daughter of South Korea's most elusive mafia boss. The rumours have to come from somewhere, right? She takes a deep breath to steel her nerves before serving the mafia daughter sitting by the window.
“Enjoy your coffee, unnie!” she chirps, setting the steaming drink down. Service with a complimentary home baked cookie is her way of saying ‘I think you’re super cool’. 
Totally embarrassed at her dumb little gift, the girl slinks back to her station with sizzling ears before her senior can even thank her.
How cute.
Joohyun’s lips curl into a secret smile at the milk foam cat happily greeting her from her latte.
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. . . . .
[7:45 p.m.] Seulgi whines when she goes to get a Cola from the fridge and finds the door wide open with Yerim chugging milk straight from the carton. Her roommate calmly caps the lid, dutifully ignoring her.
. . . . .
Polystyrene containers of spicy tteokbokki, salmon sashimi, crispy pork mandu as well as skewers of various glazed meats glisten deliciously under warm living room lights. It’s the perfect go-to cheat day feast. 
“Unnie, you’re like those tragic lovers in my dramas,” the youngest blurts, chewing on her Yakult straw. “Literally every one of them. Too dumb to confess and then drowns in their tears at night. You gonna break the cycle or what?”
Shock seizes Seungwan’s expression before she shakes her head at the way this heartless dongsaeng just takes her feelings and tosses them around like a salad. Still, she thinks, there’s no harm in being honest.
“What’s there to confess? We’re just friends."
Seulgi and Yerim exchange a silent look at the neat pile of tteokbokki on Seungwan’s plate. They remembered only a month ago, their friend seemed to have eyes for nothing else. The dish was so tasty she could marry it, apparently. But its charms seem to have worn off; now overshadowed by Joohyun’s endearingly obnoxious laughter and just about everything about her.
"Plus, you know, I doubt Joohyun unnie sees me that way either."
An epiphany strikes Yerim and she slaps her hand on the table, jabbing a restless finger at her shocked dorm mates. “Zenitsu, Zenitsu! Unnie, you’re Zenitsu, I’ve freaking figured it out.”
Confusion colours Seungwan’s face. “Zenits… who?”
“Zenitsu from Demon Slayer.”
“That mopey kid.”
“Demon Slayer. Yerimie’s bingeing it right now. Anime on Netflix or something,” Seulgi explains through a mouthful of dumpling, “she won’t shut up about it. God help us there’s a movie out already.”
Curiosity soon has the confused girl peering at her screen, determined to find out what she’s being called. Thank god for YouTube. 
The youngest feels the heat as she watches her unnie’s expression become more and more deadpan with every passing video.
“Yerim. What, exactly, do you see of me in this?” Seungwan threateningly questions, holding up a paused clip of a cartoon boy grovelling at the feet of a pretty girl. She wonders if it’s wrong to want Joohyun to actually have mafia connections now… and if she’d be willing to share them with her for… purposes.
She shrugs defensively. “What? Don’t you think he’s cute?”
"Don't worry Wan, I don't see it either," Seulgi jumps in.
‘Cute’ isn’t quite the term. The blonde nonchalantly brings the chopsticks to her mouth and bites down… onto thin air. Much to the amusement of the two across her. “Hey how’s it going with Sooyoung?” she turns her attention to the girl sitting cross-legged opposite.
Seulgi tuts in reply, dangling a salmon slice in front of her unimpressed roomie. “Stop trying to change the subject, Wan. It’s sooo obvious.” After a pregnant pause, she grins like a kid on Christmas morning, spilling her own adventures with her third of the black velvet trio in one breath. “But thank you for asking because we’re going to the cinema this weekend.”
Yerim chopsticks another tteokbokki onto her plate. “Ooh, what movie?”
“Oh, uh…” Seulgi shrugs, “dunno… I think Sooyoung knows more about what’s good, so I’ll–”
“You’re gonna let her decide, is what I’m hearing,” the maknae scoffs with an eye roll.
Seungwan smiles.
“Simps… simps! Help, someone save me, you guys are everywhere!” Yerim pretends to drown on land and her friends resist the urge to jump her on the spot. 
. . . . .
[11:09 a.m.] The raven-haired senior catches her unsuspecting junior on her way through campus gardens the next morning and pries her for answers. 
. . . . . 
“Why a cat?”
Seungwan’s eyes form joyous crescent moons. “Unnie!”
Suddenly, she has to keep her focus from dwindling into how good they’d both look sitting under the shade of that big old oak tree. 
Somewhere through the cottoned clouds of her daydreams, they’re on one of their many picnics. Doughnuts, corn-dogs, toasted sandwiches and bottled juice litter the peach gingham mat they’re sitting on, and Joohyun offers her a corner of her Gilgeori toast. Of course, she cheekily tries her luck, leaving her with just the corner instead. She yelps when Joohyun gives her a shoulder thwack well deserved. 
Clumsy knees knock together as they laugh themselves silly, the powdered sugar on their lips melting into a sweet river every time she connects them with a kiss. 
Seungwan bites her lip, wringing her mind of those thoughts, trying to play down the elation at hearing her senior’s curiosity. “A cat? I-I don’t know, I just think they’re funny and– kinda cute.” Her voice goes squeaky with excitement. “You liked it? Unnie! You should order more coffees with milk in them. I’ll draw you a bunny next time!” 
Joohyun nods, willing to buy the cafe’s entire stock if it meant she got to see Seungwan beam like a praised puppy, all too eager to learn its next trick.
And she might’ve just marched down there right now to do as she’d said… if they weren’t ten minutes late for their class. Suddenly they’re both panickedly clutching at each other, torn between sprinting like they’re being chased by hyenas, turning up fashionably late, or hopping around and freaking out about the fact that they’re already eleven minutes late, now.
Joohyun’s wrist is grabbed just as she’s about to suggest the fashionably late option. Then she’s hurtling forward, struggling to keep her books from falling whilst poorly protesting the early-morning PE session. But Seungwan is too busy shouting nonsense into the skies about how this is the final chance the lightning gods get to strike her down and charge her up.
Which would’ve been convincing had her voice not cracked on every other word.
As the pair clumsily sprint down the path of pastel flower bushes, the older girl can’t remember the last time she’s laughed this freely. She can barely get the words out but she feels like she’d explode if she didn’t. 
“Seungwan-ah! You’re giving me a six pack!”
And when Seungwan turns back to laugh with her, something in Joohyun’s static heart ignites.
. . . . .
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In the diamond, star-dappled sky, Cherub wakes from his silken cloud. Lily-white wings unfurl at the latest calling.
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melodicwitchlight · 5 years
  "But child, specify! Opportunity is not a lengthy visitor, and good fortune, like bad, can befall when least expected."
"—have you been reading one of those books again?"
 Belle couldn’t help smiling at the befuddled look on Rumplestiltskin’s face.
 "…Yes, yes I have…” She drew the Into the Woods book from her bag, showing him the front cover.
 ”—I just started reading it today, y’know, from our library. It’s really interesting, do you want to know what it’s about, Rumple?” Belle asked enthusiastically.
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