#questions i would like to ask bahamut (ffxv) include:
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Does anyone else get the impression that the whole point of Episode Ardyn was to reveal that the real villain of ffxv was Bahamut all along or is it just me
#lets be real here#ardyn feels more like a victim than a villain and i love that take thank you#like yes he is an evil bastard of a man but god do i feel for him#questions i would like to ask bahamut (ffxv) include:#why allow ardyn to be infected to begin with#why force him to become the source of darkness#where did the starscourge come from#why give ardyn the power to heal it and not tell him he is slowly going to turn into a daemon#why can lunafreya cure the starscourge without turning into a daemon#why allow somnus to get away with doing a terrible thing that would eventually mean the whole world gets fucked#why does noctis literally have to die in order to permanently kill ardyn#why does ardyn have to be killed at all if lunafreya eventually cures him in the book#why does ardyn dying just undo everything if the starscourge did not initially come from him#how is eos supposed to deal with a future starscourge outbreak if the lucii bloodline has ended#why did any of this have to happen at all#ffxv#ff15#final fantasy 15#final fantasy xv#my post
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....I lied. If you’re still doing the title thing - if I go down gonna burn with the sun
I thought there was a few more title asks still lurking in here for me to answer. *cracks knuckles* RAMBLE TIME.
-Star Wars AU. Star Wars FFXV sorta-x-over AU where the Astrals decide that Aera and Ardyn deserve a chance at happiness, just not on Eos, and therefore go YEET. The Force, finding these two wayward and powerful souls is like- Sure okay and boom. Ardyn and Aera are reborn in a galaxy far, far away.
-Purely not coincidentally, far away, on different worlds and in different star systems, one Satine Kryze and one Obi-Wan Kenobi take their first breaths.
-Yes I’m serious.
-This would be- SUCH a chaotic fixit AU, both because Aera loves peace but she is NO pacifist and not about to let an entire Culture DIE just because some so called New Mandalorians cannot see the dangers of burying their own past. Two because- well.
-Ardyn has already BEEN a Chosen One and an Accursed, a Hero and a Villain. He has walked the path to salvation and damnation both and seen the worst sides of himself and humanity, and for all they look different, every species in the galaxy isn’t far different from humanity in those regards.
-Obi-Wan Kenobi grows up in the Jedi Temple and he is a Troublesome Child. Too quiet and too reckless by turns, a smile that could melt butter and a tongue that can strip flesh from the backs of whatever bully goes after him this time. The Jedi ... worry. He is Dark, they whisper, was born with shreds of Darkness in his soul. He is manipulative, they worry, he has a temper, they gossip.
-Ardyn hears them all and inside a part of him screams. Because of course he is Dark, they did not have their souls swallowed by a plague for others’ sake, were not consumed with madness until dying (being freed) at the hands of a nephew two thousand years removed. As for manipulation ... he doesn’t mean to. It’s just ... he’s so much OLDER than the other children mentally, older even than any Jedi there (even YODA), he can’t help it that he thinks rings around people sometimes, or that he is so in tune with the Force (with a galaxy-spanning magic that burns beneath his skin like a hundred newborn suns that he keeps buried so the Jedi will not sense it so clearly, will not know how strong and old he really is inside) that he can practically read minds and knows what to say to get the best outcome. He has a temper. Who doesn’t? You try being reborn after a lifetime of AGONY and see how patient you are with petty morons and small minded bullies.
-He says none of those things, and when his time grows near to be sent away without a Master, he does not fight it.
-He looks at the shadow of Qui Gon Jinn in the doorway and something in the Force ... sings. Sad and soft. It speaks of heartache and betrayal and a fear of being hurt again. Ardyn can almost FEEL the two paths branching away under his feet, one with Qui Gon in it, and one without, and he does not know which one will bring him less pain.
-Ardyn does not try to impress anyone in the sparring ring, but after he is done, he slips away. He finds Jinn in the garden, trying to meditate, and settles down across from him without invitation.
-Qui Gon opens his eyes in annoyance. He knows that the Council wants him to take a Padawan, and that this one is almost at the age of being moved to the Corps. He expects the boy to beg to become a Padawan, or to try to impress him somehow.
-Instead the boy just smiles, thin and sharp and knowing in a way that makes Qui Gon feel ... exposed. Like every thought and wound in his heart is on display for this child, “The Council wants you to take a Padawan. That’s why they keep making you watch us.” It’s a statement, not a question.
-Qui Gon raises an eyebrow, “And you think I should take you?”
-The boy shrugs, but his blue eyes are still sharp as knives behind his friendly mien and Qui Gon doesn’t like the feeling crawling up his spine, “That’s your choice to make and yours alone. There’s nothing I can say to change your mind one way or the other.”
-“Then why are you here?” He asks suspiciously.
-“Because you’re lonely, and it makes the Force feel sad.” The answer is so blunt, so sure of itself. Qui Gon feels his stomach twist, and old anger makes him snappish without meaning to be (he’s heard of this boy as well, he’s heard that he’s got a manipulative streak and a tendency to twist his Force empathy to his own ends, he’s heard many things).
-(Qui Gon forgets that it is not a good idea, to base judgement on rumors) “I am not, and if I was, I would not need your company to ease it.”
-Obi-Wan Kenobi, Initiate of the Jedi Temple Ardyn Lucis Caelum, Sage and Healer King and Accursed, tilts his head thoughtfully, then nods and stands up, “Then I will take my leave. Take care of yourself, Master Jinn.”
-Initiate Kenobi Ardyn the Accursed and Healer King walks away, and a breath later the Living Force twists, like the snapping of cables, and Qui Gon gets the fleeting, distinct impression that he has failed some kind of very important test.
-Ardyn is assigned to the AgraCorps. A life as a farmer for others awaits him.
-The day before he’s to be shipped off, he walks out one of the Temple’s side-entrances and into the underbelly of Coruscant with only the clothes on his back. He doesn’t look back even once. It takes until the next day for anyone (for his friends, if he can call them friends when they are so much YOUNGER and painfully more innocent than him) to miss him. It takes another day for the Jedi to realize Obi-Wan Kenobi is well and truly missing.
-Deep in Coruscant’s seedy side, at the dockyards manned by those who are less than concerned with legality, a boy in ratty (stolen) clothes asks to be taken aboard as a maintenance worker. He calls himself Ardyn Izunia, and there are no Force Sensitives close enough to feel the sunlike fire burning in his blood as he smiles.
-Skip forward several years and Satine Kryze (Aera) is on the run from Death Watch, civil war is on the horizon and her father asks for Jedi protection to keep her safe.
-The bounty hunter who calls himself Adagium finds her first.
-A sword that glitters like blood and cuts through metal like a lightsaber (that hums-hums-hums with magic none but a Force sensitive can see blazing like bloody fire down the ancient blade) finishes off the Death Watch assassin that Satine hadn’t had the chance to shoot yet, and under his hood, Adagium smiles. Satine stills, head tilted as if listening, then she collapses into the teenage bounty hunter’s arms in joyous tears. Adagium- Ardyn- holds her close and cries with her.
- “I finally found you, My Aera,” he breathes and for a moment he lets his magic loose and it burns like the sun through the Force, lancing through the growing shadows in the Force like they’re fragile paper and somewhere far away Sidious feels Doom™ crawl violently up his spine.
-Aka that Fixit AU where Aera is a Mand’alor that DOES want peace for her people but NOT at the cost of burning history to the ground (or being defenseless, she has died to the sword once already she will not go quietly into the night a second time, not if she has to paint the walls in blood to protect her life and the lives of her people), the Jedi are Confused™, and Ardyn is incredibly content to be Aera’s former bounty hunter trophy husband with a tendency to adopt strays (read: Anakin and Shmi who he frees as well as Anakin kthanks, and quite possibly Savage and Feral too tho no one is quite sure how) until the Clone Wars start and Ardyn takes one (1) look at the war and goes: ah. I know this plan. This is a stupid plan. And all of Sidious’s plans go fwoosh.
-Because I’m sorry but there is no way you can convince me that Ardyn wouldn’t EAT SIDIOUS ALIVE in any kind of fight, mental, physical, Force, or tactical. This man is 2k years old. It took Sidious until he was an old sack of bones to get his Empire and that was with GENERATIONS of Sith serving as his foundation, and then he got yote down a reactor shaft by his minion 19-25 years later. Ardyn was able to manipulate an entire Empire into engineering its destruction and fulfill ALL HIS REVENGE GOALS (giving Bahamut a headache, driving the world to darkness and ruin, and ending the line of Lucis Caelum INCLUDING HIMSELF) in like- 30-40 years. While MENTALLY AND PHYSICALLY ILL thanks to the Scourge. Fully healthy and in control of himself and with people (Aera) to protect? Sidious would just be fresh meat.
-Also Ardyn adopts a bunch of the clones, possibly all the clones, on the excuse that since they were raised by Mandalorian trainers they count as Mandalorians and as genetic sons of Jango Fett that makes the Mandalorian CITIZENS by BIRTHRIGHT and the Republic can only watch in confusion as their army gets mass adopted by the Mand’alor’s trophy husband who also exposed their new Chancellor as a Sith. Bail Organa, the new Chancellor, may or may not be sweating quietly at the thought of accidentally gaining the ire of the so called Trophy Husband because he’s smarter than most and knows that Ardyn is Very Very Dangerous.
-Also also Qui Gon doesn’t die somehow because I do really like him and I think he’s a good Jedi, just not a good fit for Ardyn as a master.
#Secret Engima Rambles#Burn With the Sun verse#Ardyn Izunia#obi wan kenobi#obi wan x satine#ardyn x aera#oh no new au
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Now that FFXV is Officially Dead I’d like to reiterate that every good tragedy is earned, not forced through the plot, and FFXV earned absolutely goddamned none of its tragedy throughout its entire story, least of all its “canon ending”.
A well-done tragedy makes sense with the character’s actions; if it has to happen, it happens because of ( or despite ) the character’s best efforts, which requires their best efforts to actually be shown on screen rather than them acting like a bunch of shoddy horror movie teenagers taking stupid action after stupid action. The tragedy makes the audience sad for the loss of a character they’ve come to care for, but ultimately the audience can nod and say “it makes sense”, as the character would have taken no other route because their action is part of who they are and therefore consistent with their character. And again, FFXV has none of that.
FFX had Yuna want to defeat Sin at the cost of her own life because she thought the smiles on other people’s faces was worth the sacrifice, and as she went on her pilgrimage and witnessed the events in Kilika and Mi’ihen, it only strengthened her resolve to defeat Sin so that no more people would die, even if that peace only would last for ten years. Near the end, she turned away from the sacrifice option because she learned it would cost not only her own life but the life of one of her friends, meaning she would sacrifice an additional person that wasn’t aware that they would die beforehand and wouldn’t have made that choice themselves up until that point.
FFX also had Tidus, on a personal quest to return to the Zanarkand he left behind supposedly one thousand years in the past. He learned close to the end of his journey that he was a “Dream of the Fayth”, basically the figment of self-sacrificed religious figures from the actual Zanarkand of a thousand years ago, and that the permanent defeat of Sin would also end his own existence. He was allowed to come to terms with it while he continued to interact with the other characters he was traveling with, then broke the news to everyone in the end and disappeared exactly like he said ( and it was told to him ) he would. Then FFX-2 happens, but whatever.
Noctis, on the other hand, is traumatized and guilt tripped into the sacrifice by a God ( see: BAHAMUT ) that never showed up to help the people/country He was supposedly the patron of ( see: INSOMNIA ) and can’t even land a single hit of its ultimate attack against the One Astral that it’d fought against in a war 2000 years prior ( see: IFRIT ). Then Noctis is held hostage for ten years, unable to interact with anyone else he knows until he “comes to terms” with the fact that he “needs to” commit suicide before ever having actually done anything for his country and the rest of the world. He’s not even doing it to save a specific person in his group that would die otherwise, he’s dying because he owes it to already dead people who gave their lives for him that he’s not even aware of. And even their sacrifices are the result of a lie.
Would Nyx have put on the Ring if he’d known beforehand that Luna would die weeks later anyway in a completely preventable death ( see: GENTIANA ), and the young king he was telling to “rule well” would lose ten years of his life then die anyway not having ruled a damn thing?
Would the citizens of Insomnia have accepted this if they’d known that Regis agreed to a treaty he knew was suspect and sold them out for one person who would die anyway ( see: NOCTIS ) and whose greatest act would come only after the world was turned into a hellscape for ten straight years?
Would Luna have even bothered with all this nonsense if she weren’t being told to do so since the age of 4 by a goddess that proceeded to do absolute fuck all to save her from the worst events in her life ( see: GLAUCA, CALIGO, ARDYN ), and only ever showed up to reaffirm her connection to a boy she first hadn’t even met yet and then later didn’t even know all that well, with all affirmations happening absent the presence of any other adult/elder figure ( see: SYLVA, REGIS, RAVUS, “UNNAMED VIA/NOX FLEURET DAD” )?
I’m not even going to ask about Ignis putting on the Ring, because, here’s the Hellfire take, the “canon” route was him acting a whole fool thereby turning himself into Male Luna, complete with keeping the truth from Noctis about the fact that he’ll die sooner than he thinks, and featuring other hits like letting Gladio act like a socially maladjusted five year old, especially in a train full of people where Gladio’s oh-so-mature rant against Noctis thereby reveals the Prince of Lucis's location among potential enemies in plainclothes as opposed to keeping a low profile. The V2 route was Ignis actually remembering he's the strategist of the group that thinks with his head, bides his time, makes plans, and gathers knowledge before acting, and gets rewarded for that work. Considering he puts on the Ring in both the “Canon” and V2 routes, that he’s willing to give his sight and his life for Noctis is not in question. It’s whether he takes the action too early and effectively wastes it at the behest of Scaly Asshole God and the idle threat of Trash Hobo Jesus that’s the matter.
So in case it needs restating, the “tragedy” in FFXV wasn’t earned in the least and every retcon they kept adding to it, short of negating the deaths entirely, made the “sacrifice” even less sensible.
Luna held Ardyn’s hand for an entire half-minute in Altissia while she was talking to him. Ardyn didn’t seem the least bit affected and slapped her. She died. Then later she showed up from nowhere, despite no evidence or foreshadowing that she would be in the Astral Realm/the Beyond, and touched Ardyn for only one second, which seemed to be enough to significantly weaken him. Again, no evidence she would be there or that that realm was someplace she was allowed to have an actual presence. Then the Retcon Edition decided that she would appear in the realm of the living with her powers perfectly intact, to summon all of the Astrals, even the ones she didn’t personally meet or awaken ( see again: BAHAMUT ).
So uh, what gives? How is Luna more powerful as a spirit than she was when she was alive? If she could show up on Eos instead of being confined to only the Astral Realm, why didn’t she show up while Ardyn was laid out after his and Noctis’s Battle of Kings to purify him then? Or couldn’t she die earlier than Chapter 9 ( say, during the Invasion of Insomnia? ) and remain in ghost form the rest of the game, if she can do the exact same things in either state anyway?
No problem, she shows up, summons the presence of Astrals she isn’t actually needed for since Noctis had all their Marks already and could call upon them himself. Disappears conveniently, doesn’t show up for anything else her powers could actually sensibly be used for, allows her betrothed to undergo an overblown suicide ritual by ancestor. The game tells us this sacrifice absolutely needs to happen, not really because Noctis wants to and he decided to for the good of everyone, but he’s told he owes it to people. He’s obligated to pay a blood price brought about by actions and events prior to his even being born.
Did this suicide-by-ancestor need to happen at all? Until “Episode Ardyn” comes out, the general consensus ( I su-fricking-ppose ) was that he was supposed to give his life the same way Noctis eventually had to, and simply chose not to and circumvented the sacrifice with unintended use of whatever special Oracle-like gift he had on him. Evidence doesn’t bear that out, though, because the Starscourge was not as bad then as stated in the official timeline of Eos ( “Epidemic disappears with the King’s success” / “the plague subsides by the King’s hand” ) and the fact that the Scourge comes across as a “new life form” to the people of Eos. That, and the Kings that Noctis needed to perform elaborate suicide-by-ancestor literally did not exist in Ardyn’s time for him to be killed with. One of them is his brother, and all the other ones are great/grand/nieces and nephews of his thereafter. So it would be impossible for him to have sacrificed himself like Noctis, but the Scourge was still reduced to such a negligible phenomenon that it needed to be rediscovered in some ancient ruins almost 300 years prior to the start of the game and it still wasn’t weaponized or a huge problem until around 30 years prior to the start of the game, at which point the plague spreads rapidly to the extent that the very soil is infected and mutating frogs and other local wildlife, according to one researcher studying the Scourge ( see: SANIA YEAGER ).
But then Ardyn also has a plethora of Royal Arms, including the Sword of the Father, and Arms that Noctis doesn’t get at all, so he must have acquired them after all those respective Kings lived and died and were buried with their Arms, but before Noctis could embark on his own trip to gather the grand total of 13. It’s already acknowledged that there were more tombs scattered around Lucis but that they and their Arms are lost for whatever reason. But there’s really no way Ardyn could have had the time to do all that--
oh no, wait, Episode Ardyn’s trailer shows that Ardyn was discovered by a young Verstael about 30-something years ago, and from that point he was free enough to make the presumable trek across Lucis to get all those Arms and vandalize the tombs so that Noctis couldn’t get the same, awaken Ifrit despite not being an Oracle, infect Ifrit with Space Malaria ( see: STARSCOURGE ), and eventually challenge Regis in a Lucian standoff, the same Regis who then has a senior moment in Kingsglaive and forgets who Ardyn is and needs an introduction ( ????? ) to the guy that attacked him years ago when that same guy traipses into the throne room and makes an impossible demand.
The gods allowed that to happen because of bullshit “Prophecy” instead of letting Ardyn rot or leading the Oracle and King of the time ( see: REGIS AND SYLVA ) toward Ardyn’s prison so they could purify him while he was still weak and emaciated. The gods let the Accursed Enemy fall into the wrong hands ( see: NIFLHEIM, VERSTAEL BESITHIA ), come into power, awaken one Astral ( see: IFRIT ) and kill another ( see: SHIVA ) and gimp their only chance to save the world they claim to care about so much -- again, Ardyn has more Royal Arms than Noctis does, even ones Noctis couldn’t acquire and the player is unfamiliar with ( dat scythe ). Niflheim’s control over the daemons was also bolstered enough by Ardyn’s presence and his contributions to their research, that they released the Marilith to attack Noctis when he was a child and give him a near-fatal injury, which crippled his ability to harness the Crystal’s power to its full potential. This isn’t even speculation, you guys. This is actual ( extended ) canon. Ardyn was allowed to make shit worse for everyone.
Anyway. Noctis had to be stabbed by his ancestors to take in their spirits and then painfully get them out of his spiritual form when he made it to the Beyond … except for the fact that he already had their Royal Arms within him ( he acquired them painlessly the first time around, I should add ), and that the Ring should have all their spirits already within it ( including the Mystic/Somnus who is the Founder King/Ardyn’s Brother and part of the Old Wall ). They shouldn’t even need to enter him twice– they did it the first time when he got all of their Arms, and the weapons are as ghostly ten years later that they were in the beginning, so how are they actually killing him, again?
But, sure, let’s assume they needed to get into the Astral Realm/the Beyond, and had to use Noctis’s corpse/spirit as a ferry ... except not really, because Noctis spent ten whole years inside the Crystal, whose realm is identical to the Beyond where Noctis, Ardyn, and Luna ended up in when they died. They only needed to hitch a long enough ride until Noctis went into Crystal sleep, leave him, then wait for Ardyn there whenever he appeared so that they could stab him to pieces instead of being absorbed into Noctis and then ejected painfully. It’s not like their actual spirits were needed for the Ardyn battle in Insomnia; they didn’t do jack shit to help Noctis in the “Battle of Kings” and they didn’t do anything against Ifrit beforehand either -- and the Astrals didn’t do anything for either fight as well, and mobilized better to take down one measly shield over the Citadel! Lazy jackasses.
But sure, let’s assume they couldn’t simply leave the Ring of Lucii while Noctis was in Crystal sleep ... except the ending clearly shows that part of the suicide ritual involves the Astrals’ spirit forms converging into a portal, connecting the throne room to a realm that the deceased Kings descend from ( you mean like a ... Beyond? ) so that they can then stab Noctis to death with their respective weapons. So the Kings came from this spirit realm ... to kill Noctis ... to then go into the spirit realm ... the same realm that they were already in and that the Astrals had access to ( you could call this, the, I don’t know, the Astral Realm, then? ) ... instead of staying exactly where they were while Noctis transported himself into this Astral Realm/the Beyond via some other method, such as… maybe…. going through the exact same fucking portal the Astrals created that bridged the gap between living and spiritual worlds to begin with, seeing as that’s what it does.
I mean, considering these dead spirits were corporeal enough to stab a living person to death, and then both Noctis’s and Ardyn’s spirits could somehow suffer an additional death while there, dying in the same way living bodies would by either disintegration or repeated stabbing and dissolution, it doesn’t matter if the body in their ghost realm isn’t dead going in, because both ghostly and living things have the exact same level of corporeality and therefore physical effectiveness on the environment around them!
But sure, let’s assume they needed to appear to Noctis and kill him so that all of them would meet Ardyn in the Beyond ... except for the part where killing Noctis means his spirit is trapped in the Ring, and in the same place all the other Kings are, which is identical to the inside of the Crystal, which is identical to the Beyond, where Ardyn was waiting. So that realm was already in the Ring to begin with, and somehow the Kings could not go into that realm themselves at literally any point during the game even though their spirits were absorbed into the Ring post-mortem and their Arms were acquired any point before the Chapter 13 time skip.
But sure, let’s assume that there was something special about Noctis that required he be with them– perhaps like the Royal Arm of Regis, the Sword of the Father ... except Ardyn also has the Sword of the Father in his Armiger arsenal even when he left Ravus’s corpse with it for Noctis to get it, and he has more weapons besides, and the Kings apparently let him have it because of their blood relation unless otherwise stated ( I mean, did Ardyn use his Villain Sue powers to braaaaiiiinwash them into giving him their Arms against their better judgment? Why would they do that at all? They don’t seem very cognizant of ... anything, to be honest! ), so ... uh, what was making Noctis special? The part where he’s not Scourged? He was attacked by a demon already and sent into a coma, afflicted by something he needed to be taken into Imperial territory to heal from instead of seeing any doctor ( what doctor? ) or Regis using a King sigil for healing magic ( see: COMRADES ) so he’s not immune to the affliction, but he was healed by an Oracle, which, oh hey, uhm, wasn’t Ardyn eventually purified by an Oracle at the end point of his life anyway? Good golly, a shame that couldn’t have happened at any point prior to any of this bullshit happening!
But sure, let’s assume that Ardyn possessing more Arms than Noctis does isn’t relevant ... so in a hypothetical scenario where Noctis had Ardyn’s Armiger, or acquired more weapons than the 13 he ended up with, how many Kings would he be stabbed with then? Was he meant to hold out against every single one? What if all 113 Kings had Arms, and he found all of them without fail? How long would that suicide ritual take? He definitively died with the last stab out of thirteen, five score more would be ridiculous, and Ardyn could probably revive himself by that point, so ... ?
Or maybe, we can more safely assume that the writing to get Noctis to this point was contrived as fuck and made no sense, where he neither had a real choice to give his own life, wasn’t allowed to live otherwise, no one around him made their best efforts to save the life of their supposed best friend/brother figure/betrothed even if they weren’t actively lying to him by omission or otherwise taunting him into the act, and any alterations to the details of his death or giving it any more thought makes it fall apart.
#ffxv hate#anti ffxv#ffxv critical#ffxv criticism#final fantasy xv#long post#noctis lucis caelum#gladiolus amicitia mention#ignis scientia mention#gentiana negative#this text is NOT for gladio apologists#NOT for luna apologists#NOT for gentiana apologists#NOT for bahamut apologists#NOT for ffxv apologists who think this game was well written#NOT for ffxv apologists that think the canon ending was the best ending#this text isn't even for people who don't think ardyn's powers are getting ridiculous#and that they're coming from fuckoff nowhere#read at your own risk
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[Unused] Datamined Lunafreya Content
From the user SylvaViaFleuret on this really interesting Reddit thread, I compiled all of the old/unused/pending Lunafreya content that won't/hasn't made its way into the final game. Some seem to be scrapped ideas, while others like Luna's battle content where added with updates as recently as the royal edition! This really perks up interest since Episode Luna was announced to be released next year so... maybe they have already started to place content in? :D
Conjectures aside, and since there are many interesting tidy bits concerning or making allusions to Luna, I took the time to pick and separate the content in sections. Here's a list so you have an idea of what’s under the read more:
Play as Luna Tutorial
Unused cutscenes (Japanese dialogue)
Unused cutscenes (English dialogue)
Unused Chapter’s headers (Japanese)
Notes: The parts translated from Japanese were made by a friend of the original poster, not me, and are marked as blockquotes. Otherwise, they are the corresponding English text in the files. The only thing I added to it were some of the headers and separators for readability. Any inaccuracy presented in the text below is not my responsibility, and I fully encourage you to read from the source for even more of the unused content found between the game files!
Play as Luna - Tutorial
Unused: If you equip the accessory 「○○ (Temporary) 」you can select Lunafreya with Character Swap.
未使用・ノクティスが『ジールの花』を装備することで、バトルにルナフレーナが参加します。 Unused: By equipping Noctis with a 「Sylleblossom」(Flower of Zeal), Lunafreya will participate in battle.
未使用・仲間切替を行うことで、ルナフレーナを操作できます。 ルナフレーナの操作は、チュートリアルでも練習することができます。 Unused: By using Character Swap, you can control Lunafreya. You can practice Lunafreya's gameplay within the tutorial.
未使用・ルナフレーナができる事は以下の通りです(L1コマンドのものを列挙) Unused: What Lunafreya can do is as the following (list of L1 commands to be shown)
未使用・(仮)全回復 Unused: (Temporary) Full Recovery
未使用・(仮)そよ風 Unused: (Temporary) Zephyr
未使用・(仮)突風 Unused: (Temporary) Wind Blast/Gust/Buffet
未使用・(仮)烈風 Unused: (Temporary) Gale
未使用・(仮)全員蘇生 Unused: (Temporary) Revive All
未使用・(仮)全員強化 Unused: (Temporary) Enhance/Strengthen/Reinforce All
未使用・(仮)全員バリア Unused: (Temporary) Barrier All
未使用・(仮)剣神召喚 Unused: (Temporary) Summon Sword God ※ Note: FFXV JP Sword God is 「剣神バハムート」Sword God Bahamut.
未使用・より詳し��性能を知りたい場合は案内役に近づいてください。 Unused: If you want to know more details, please use the tutorial.
未使用・練習を終える時は案内役に近づいてください Unused: When in the tutorial, please access the guide.
未使用・練習をやめたくなったら、僕に言ってね! Unused: If you want to stop practicing, please tell me!
未使用・【ルナフレーナの練習:説明選択】 Unused: Lunafreya Practice: Explaination section
未使用・ルナフレーナのバトルについて Unused: About Lunafreya in battle
未使用・ルナフレーナの操作について Unused: About the operation of Lunafreya
未使用・チュートリアルTOP(思い出の訓練場)に戻る Unused: Back to the tutorial top (training place of memories)
未使用・■ルナフレーナについて.1 ゲストパーティがいない場合、バトル中に参戦してくれます。 Un used: About Lunafreya 1: if there is no guest, she will participate in battle.
未使用・■ルナフレーナについて.2 ルナフレーナは遠距離型で~ Unused: About Lunafreya 2: Lunafreya is a long-distance type~
未使用・■ルナフレーナのプレイアブルについて.1 プレイアブル中は●●ができます。 Unused: About playing as Lunafreya 1: You can do [missing in the text] when playing as her.
未使用・■ルナフレーナのプレイアブルについて.2 Unused: About playing as Lunafreya 2 (the no further text provided).
Forest of Memories; name is conjecture. この不思議な森ではルーナの記憶、レギスの記憶を集めることで 特別なイベントを見ることが出来ます。 ルーナの記憶を全て集めました In this mystical forest, you can gather the memories of Luna, Regis and view special events.
※ Note: This seems to now have corresponding English text. An astral power has revealed one of the Oracle's memories to Noctis. An astral power has awakened memories sleeping deep within Noctis's mind. text for luna tutorial + terrabattle + episode ardyn already program to game
Umbra is somewhere in Lestallum
Look for him, and put stickers into the notebook; "Umbra quests".
Removed Combat System (Noctis)
//Lonely Moon
Warp toward an enemy and perform a sudden slash. Press the attack button again to unleash a combo.
Removed Items (Noctis)
Fleurette Brooch
//Updated 5/19 MF ù€“ƒ¤
Timeless antique that blooms eternal with petals unwithering.
File Name
Unused cutscenes (Japanese dialogue)
Chapter 14
Noctis, Umbra with a flashback of Lunafreya in Tenebrae.
10年?どういうことだよ? 10年待ったら……世界は…… アーデンは? 世界はどうなる? あいつら待っていてくれるのか?
神となるか?王となるか?人として生きるか? ただ待て、決断の時まで 俺はどうすればよい? これが終われば俺は死ぬ?
でもやらなければ… 神として生きる、王として生きる、人として生きるか? さあ、どうする…… アンブラ…… テネブラエ…… 城が壊れないって事は…これは過去……アンブラが見た光景なのか? アンブラ……おい!待てよ! 花にはそんな意味があったのか…… ルーナ、もう会えないかもって 覚悟してたのかよ ここは…… 最初から結婚出来ないって知ってて…… ルーナ……
ここは… ルーナ…… ねぇ……アンブラ…… これからインソムニアに行ってくるわ もうここには……戻ってこれないかもしれないわね ノクティス様に会えるかなあ アンブラ……私…死にたくない……怖い…… ノクティス様と一緒に生きたい…… でも……ダメなんだよね ルーナ…… そうやって…… 俺のために…… 世界のために…… 相談もしないで…… 全部一人で背負い込んで…… 急にいなくなって…… ルーナ……ルーナ!! 話したいことが 沢山あるのに…… ……もう いないのかよ…… オレ…… みんな何も言わねーから オレも、いっつも覚悟が遅れて ……ごめんな、ルーナ 使命、果たしてくる 光は満ち、そなたは啓示を終えた。
己の玉座へ向かうがよい ……そこに座んのは、王様だけだ アンブラ……ありがとうな ルーナのためにも、世界を取り戻さないとな 俺は……アーデンを倒す! さあ、どの道を選ぶ? 俺の生きる道は… これを選ぶ さあ、全部終わらせよう
Noctis is catching up after the 10 year gap. What about the world? What about Ardyn? Is everyone waiting for him (Noctis)? Will you be a god? Will you be a king? Will you be a normal person? (Confusion about this decision) I'll die after this? But if you do not, how do you live? (Repeats the same question as before). A flashback from Umbra of Lunafreya in Tenebrae, prior to leaving for Insomnia. She expresses that she'd like to be with Noctis once more. Noctis is encouraged to go to the throne, and to defeat Ardyn. Asked once more for what path will be taken (choice prompt box likely here), and then makes a comment about finishing it all. ※ Note: Don't take this as being perfect, take it as rough notes. Still reading through more of what you sent. I have spaced the lines out a little easier to read as well.
Chapter 14
Noctis and Ardyn conversation, includes some details of the past.
オヤジも……ルーナも…… テネブラエ…… オレ…… みんな何も言わねーから オレも いっつも覚悟が遅れて ……ごめんな ルーナ 使命 果たしてくる オレはおまえのご先祖だよ 知らねーよ 心優しき王にさ オレもなるはずだったんだ ��どい兄弟がいたんだよ オレに敬意を払わない おまえはその血を引いてるからね どうりでムカつくわけだ オレも特別な王様に選ばれたかったなぁ へっ 無理だろ うん あの石に使骸扱いされてたからね 触ったら弾かれちゃうくらいにさ 黒は大事な色なんだっけ みんな黒ずくめだもんなぁ でもクリスタルって元々真っ青でね オレが触ったときに怒りで真っ黒になったんだ オレには使骸が棲みついてるだからおまえの一撃が効くよ だったらさっさと消えろよ 痛いからぜひそうしたいねぇでも身体はさ 死なないんだよね―― これで終わり じゃねえんだよな まだだ 少ししたら元に戻る ……騒ぎが呼び水になったか 使骸どもか 城の前かな 全部相手にする……? 半分はこれで何とかなる 残りは手作業な 了解! 炎神……か? えっ アーデンだけじゃなくて? 結構な相棒がいやがったな 死んだ神を起こしたのか 相当 追いつめられてんだろ 行くか? あれじゃ街が燃えちまうぞ ノクト 先にあっちへ飛べるか 炎を抑えられるのはおまえだけだ ああ 行ける オレたちもすぐ 援護する位置に回る ……っ ノクト…… (戸惑うアドリブ) ……行こう 手伝わなきゃ 向こうにもお仲間がいるしな ああ ノクトを支えよう まだ共に戦える――! ノクト! 上に逃げやがったか 今なら終わらせられる えっ? もうあいつは弱ってる これまでもらってきた いろんな力が効いてんだろ 炎神は……ひとりじゃ無理だったけどな おまえだけでやれるのか 使骸一掃の前に あの巣 叩いてくるわ 残念なお知らせです …… ここ 座りに来たんでしょ っふふ もう空いてないってさ~ 汚ねえカッコでそこ座んなよ そこは王様の椅子だ オレの名前さ あれ本名だけど 正式名じゃなかったんだよね~ アーデン・ルシス・チェラム 正式名 あぁイズニアは誰の姓だったか…… 待ってたよ ノクト 待ちくたびれてイライラしたけどね やっと ……王家を 未来ごと潰せる
Noctis discusses seeing things through, including apologizing to Lunafreya. Ardyn discusses being Noctis' ancestor, and then discusses the past. 「兄弟」 is getting used instead of a singular as seen in some of his retail lines, or the "Lucian King" comment from Ardyn, and that he mentions a lack of respect. The colour black being an important and/or formal colour of Lucis is brought up, and that the Crystal wasn't the current colour it is now, but rather a pure blue. (The standard Final Fantasy crystal colour). The crystal's colour changed when Ardyn touched it, or at least so it would seem. Discusses his immortality briefly. Ifrit shows up, there's some chatter in there. A comment about a puzzled ad-lib (voice over) is left within brackets, and then there's the lines for after Ifrit. However, Ardyn is now on the throne and it is here that he introduces himself by his official name of Ardyn Lucis Caelum, and reinforces his intentions. ※ Note: This is really weird to me, I don't see why some of this is gone. Same as before, just rough notes as I'm not doing the whole thing properly.
Unspecified Chapter; must be after Chapter 2.
Cor is missing, there is propaganda about his execution. Loqi appears.
こんなに集まってのか…… じゃ、早くルナフレーナ様を手伝おう! さすが 了解 わかんねー でもまずはこいつの相手だ 準備はできたか? まずはハンター本部に連絡を取ろう。事実かどうかを…… あれ、ノクトは? もたもたしてられっかよ 俺一人でやってやる……! コルはいない、か。 別を探そう コル将軍が本当にここにいるとでも? !? (電話に)もしもし (電話に)はぁ!? 何言ってんだよ どうした? (電話を切って)コルがニフル軍に捕まった。 (コル将軍処刑と書かれた新聞を見て) ……で、どうするんだよ? 作戦内容は、コル将軍の救出。 不確かな情報では動きようがない。 今まで通り、敵の情報を分析し…… ……呑気な作戦だこと (イラだって) 確実に将軍を助けるためだ。 冷静に対処しよう。 まさか どこだよ、あのオッサン。 こんな子供だましに引っかかるとは、王家も地に落ちたな 私を覚えてるか? 北ダスカ封鎖戦では世話になった。 あの爆発から逃げ出せたのは運がよかった。 無論、大怪我をしたがな。 怪我のことよりも、傷ついた名誉のほうが重傷だ。 ノクティス王子、貴様を殺すことで、傷を癒させてもらう。 (兵に) 一斉に撃ち殺せ! 首の一部でも残っていれば構わん! 罠かよ、くそ! くそっ、離しやがれ! 不死将軍が処刑? だいぶ侮られたようだな はっ、あんたもそろそろ引退ちけーだろ。 (笑いながら) 相変わらずの減らず口だな。 が、お前以上に、こいつらから舐められるのは、気に食わんな。 ああ、やろうぜ ノクト! よかったー無事で! まったく、こんな情報をだまされ���とは。 説教は後で! (魔導アーマーの拡声器から) 北ダスカの再戦とは、面白い。 (魔導アーマーの拡声器から) 新型魔導アーマーの力、お前たちにも見せてやろう。 ニフルハイム帝国に栄光あれー!
よし準備しようか ―― 封鎖について帝国軍のレイヴス将軍より 次のとおり声明が発表されました ダスカ地方の封鎖は 調印式襲撃に関わった人間の行方を捜索するために行っている 影響が大きいことは承知している すべては 市民の安全のためであると理解願いたい ―― 他に 帝国軍は王都内での 生活の支援も続けていると強調しました 先日までダスカ クレイン地方を中心に 頻発していた地震について 帝国軍より次のとおり発表がありました 地震の原因は巨神が目覚め 暴れ出したことにあった 軍は巨神の討伐に成功し 周辺の被害が 深刻になる前に防ぐことができた―― この発表によると すでに巨神はカーテスの大皿内部から―― はい―― わかった、何とかする どうした? 帝国の基地に向かった将軍と、連絡が取れないらしい ちょっと信じられないけど、 将軍を処刑―― ってこんなの撒かれてたよ 真実かどうかはわからないが…… グラディオ、野獣退治の方はどうする だいぶ深刻そうなんで受けちまったが、 仕方ねえ…… 断るか いや、それなら二手に分かれよーぜ おまえたちに野獣を任せる ひとりで基地に向かうつもりか 中に入れば将軍がいるだろ 助けて合流する 本当にひとりで行くつもりなのか? もちろん オレたちも退治が終わったら向かう あんまり無理しないでよ ヤバけりゃ連絡しろ いや まだだけど さて、どこだ将軍は じゃ潜入開始だ いねーか ハズレ ここも違うな―― これはノクティス王子―― !? やられたよ あの見習い兵が ルシスの王子だとは思わなかった 処刑される将軍を助けにきたんだろ? やってみろ ここの牢にぶち込んである 残党が少しは集まると踏んでたが―― 王子が引っ掛かるなんて運がいい 撃ち殺せ! 首の一部でも残ってればいい! くそ! 将軍! どこだよ! くっ 動けねー まさか王子が救出に来るとは驚いた おい! 捕まってたんじゃねーのか? ああ、機をうかがっていた 騒いでくれたおかげで楽に動けた。 さあここを潰すぞ! 何だよ、そーいう作戦か!? ノクト! 無事か! 間に合った! 手伝おう 頼むぜ! ろくでもない仲間が揃ったか まとめて始末してやる! くそ……またっ……! あれ……将軍は? 作戦は完了だ―― って帰ったぜ うまく使われて最後は放置かよ 放っておいても平気だと判断されたなら また成長を認めてもらったということだろう 車で行くからさ みんなで駐車��まで行こうか オレも愛車で来たんだよ?
あれ、コル将軍は? 次の任務だとよ。 あいかわらず神出鬼没なオッサンだな。 また会うことも会うさ。さあ行こう。 ニフル軍が勢力を広げてるようだな。 ん? なんか様子が変じゃない? (誰もいない基地を見て) 誰もいないみたい、だね 戦闘の痕跡もある。 調査する必要がありそうだな。 何かの罠かもしれない。 用心してかかろう。 準備はできたか? 作戦目標は、主要施設の調査だ。 慎重に進もう、何があるかわからない。 死体……みたいだね。 何かと戦ったのかな? 戦闘状態になったのは確かのようだ。 敵兵は……いねぇみたいだな これは何の跡だ? ……もしかしたらシガイを研究していたのかもしれない じゃあ、ここにいたシガイはどこに? シガイだらけかよ! (上空の揚陸艇を見ながら) おい、あれ見ろよ! (上空の揚陸艇を見ながら) 基地を奪還するつもりだ! やるぞ! (揚陸艇の拡声器から) 全部隊、モルモットを捕獲しろ。 (揚陸艇の拡声器から) モルモットには貴様ら以上に金をかけてる。 (揚陸艇の拡声器から) 傷一つつけるんじゃないぞ (揚陸艇の拡声器から) ん? 別の客がいるようだな (揚陸艇の拡声器から) ノクティス王子一向、か。 あいつが、プロンプト・アージェンタムか。 (兵たちに) ふん、出せ。 (去っていく) (電話に) ……わかった。 探ってみる コルは、なんだって? (揚陸艇の拡声器から) 全部隊、展開開始! 目標を逃がすな! (揚陸艇の拡声器から) フハハハハ、またもや子供だましに引っかかるとはな。 (揚陸艇の拡声器から) ノクティス王子に告ぐ。もう逃げ道はない。 (揚陸艇の拡声器から) ククク、降伏すれば痛みなく殺してやろう。 人気者はつらいな。 敵も必死のようだな。 おそらく総力戦になるだろう。 B2B、最終決戦って感じだね 上等だ、つぶしてやる。 貴様を抹殺するため、我々は多大な戦力を整えてきた。 第一陣、出撃せよ! ここでノクティス王子の息の根をとめろ! さすが王子。 この程度の火力ではものともせんか。 第二陣を出撃させろ。 兵力だけではないことを、見せてやれ! なかなかやるようだな。 では次はどうだ? ヴァーサタイル閣下の研究成果、その恐怖をとくと味わうがいい! フ、さすがだな。しかたあるまい。 貴様の命、この手で直接葬り去ってやろう。 ニフルハイム帝国に栄光あれー ぐほっー B2B、完全クリアだね ゲーム感覚かよ ニフルハイム帝国の真髄、とくと見せてやろう!
インソムニア奪還も近いかもしれないな くっ なんだ――? (ノクトの間近で咆哮) 水神――! ガンカ クサァ『人よ……』 カファルサ デ・プァファナ『我が力を望むか――』 おい! さっさとオレに力を渡せ! アルウンヴァ ジャーティ『愚劣なる種め――』 (咆哮) やっと啓示か? かかってこい���! どうか話を聞いてくれ シハジュラ ラヴァカーク『無稽の王――』 あんたの力が要るんだ サーフィ ヤファサ『塵虜に溺れよ――』 オレを王だと認めてくれ クージェ アルクァ『我こそ 波源――』 (咆哮) これが啓示か……受けてやる!
Chatter about gathering to prepare, including contacting Meldacio Hunter HQ. Noctis calls, and it is confirmed that Cor has been captured by the Nifilheim Army. There is a newspaper that has a headline of Cor's execution across it. What are you gonna do? A strategy to rescue Cor. There won't be any action without any verified information, and as per usual they will gather intelligence and draft a strategy. Comments about being lucky to have escaped an explosion at the North Duscaen Blockade means that this is Loqi, and his survival was to be brought up more-so than suddenly appearing with Caligo. It's a trap, and being regarded as a rematch. More preparation chatter, as well as the radio broadcast from Ravus about the blockade, the earthquakes and Insomnia. Noctis intends to go into the base alone, and then it goes into the next part. There's another one after, and that whilst troops are being deployed both Noctis, and Prompto are mentioned by name as being involved in things. Verstael's research is being tested again. At the end, there's a comment about the recapture and/or recovery of Insomnia being close. Then it goes into there being a roar sound near Noctis, and Leviathan appears. Noctis mentions this being a trial and/or Revelation, and that he accepts it. Then the following text goes into a jumble instead of being structured properly like the rest above. Not sure if this is exactly the same as Chapter 9, so I would recommend checking it after the fact.
Unspecified Chapter; likely Chapter 3 or 4.
Umbra makes a delivery from Lunafreya, and it's a bit different to the final.
アンブラ これ おまもりか? ルーナがくれたのか 彼はアンブラ ご主人は ルナフレーナ様だ えっ じゃあ届け物を わざわざ? ノクティス王子を心配して―― か 彼も よくここがわかったな ゲンティアナが示したんだろ アンブラも『神影』の一員だし なんだよ まったく 人の身ばっか心配してんな まただね
※ Note: This is odd, because the term 「神影」 isn't what is used in the retail for the Messengers and/or Angels. The term used in the final is 「天使」 and there's a mention of concern. Not wanting to have some conjecture, but is this potentially earlier than what I would expect? Same thing with some of those name changes I pointed out for you earlier.
Unused Cutscenes (English)
So...you thinking to fairy tale Lady Lunafreya back to the Crown City? Nah, no need to rush to happily ever after. Wow. Still can't believe you're actually tying the knot, dude! How does it feel now that it's finally happening? Pretty good Fine, I guess? C'mon, you can't fool me. Any guy would be over the moon to marry her! No big deal. Yeah, whatever. Not sure Won't know 'til it actually happens. Makes sense. Wait. Think...I'll find someone to marry? Don't look at me. You'd think royalty would've been spared the holdup. I know, that's what I thought. No one likes a lazy prince. Thanks. Just saying Lady Luna's in for a rude awakening. Forget the wedding, you'll be late for your own funeral. Don't rush me I should have it worked out by then. Joke around all you want, but you won't be laughing when she's had it with you. I'll be fine. I can wake up when I have to. Good, 'cause I didn't join the Crownsguard to serve as your human alarm clock. Don't even dream of sleeping in tomorrow, unless you'd prefer to swim rather than sail across. Heaven knows Lady Lunafreya's waited long enough. We'll see. Maybe she'll call the whole thing off. This is no laughing matter. No problem. I think I can handle it. Yes, it's all fun and games...until we fail to make the wedding and violate the terms of the peace treaty. Listen, Noct. It's your last night as a free man. You've gotta live it up, dude! Live it up how? Alright! So what should we do? If you jump off the pier, make sure you come back up. I recommend not going overboard. No thanks I'll pass. C'mon!
You miss home? Nope, can't say that I do. What about you? //updated 150108 I like it out here. You don't have to worry about acting like a prince. Your Highness acting unprincely!? Perish the thought! //updated 150108 //updated 150108 All of Lucis celebrates your betrothal, Your Princeyness. //updated 150108 Hey, watch it. I like it out here. You don't have to worry about acting like a peasant. //updated 150108 You're acting like an idiot. //updated 150108 You should try it sometime. Once you're married, it is game over, buddy. Game's already over, far as I'm concerned. It ain't over 'til it's over! //updated 150108 Take a load off. There's nothing you can do. //updated 150108
Go to him. Tell him that I am alive, and I am well. ...And that he is ever in my prayers. Hey! Hm? Hey there fella! What's your name? Umbra? There, in his collar, a note. //updated 150108 You know this dog? //updated 150108 It's a letter...from Luna. Umbra here is a loyal servent of none other than Her Highness, you see. Does this mean what I think it means? It means Luna made it out alive! It would seem. Well, not quite the reunion I was hoping for, but at least she's okay. //updated 150108 There you are, Umbra. Good dog. Thanks for everything. Say hi to Luna for me. Whoa! Unbelievable!
We need to go! Some kind of problem? I'm afraid these mountains are unsafe for trespassers. The army is tending to the issue, yet I must ask you be on your way. Luthus. Say wha-? Huh? The Archaean's memorial is no more. There is nothing left for you here. Wait. What about Luna? Her fate is yet unknown to us. You would do well to obey your calling. No man shall be king that the ring does not will. Don't know about you, but that imperial weirdo gives me the creeps. Her Highness's brother is not of the empire. Why's Luna's brother on their side? What other side is there to be on? Curious he spoke of the ring. Well, I'm "obeying my calling" the best I can.
Hey Noct, it's man's best friend. She sent you, didn't she. With a letter. Any news? You crossed the sea to bring this to me. The sea? Turns out Luna is in Altissia. I trust she's well. Hey! Sounds like you've got a date waiting! She say anything else? Says she's got something for me. Finally! Some good news for a change! We can cross the sea from Caem. It'll take some arranging. We'll have to leave the car behind. So be it.
//Unused Gentiana. //Unused So, the boy has become a man. Much hardship has come to pass. //Unused And now the covenant is kept— the Landforger shed his grace on the king. //Unused Yet the might of earth alone will not suffice to carry the Godstone. //Unused Hm? //Unused The king has traveled far and wide, but only now does his journey truly begin. //Unused By mortal words and divine will, the blessings of the Six await. //Unused The Stormsender's temper the king must first enlist. Would he hold the Godstone once more, this path he is to follow— //Unused The path paved by the Oracle. //Unused Where is Luna? //Unused The eye of the storm. //Unused Can I...see her? //Unused Once the covenant is forged, the Oracle and ring will await the king at the Walls of Water. //Unused If the king is wise, he will hasten to her... for covenants come not without cost. //Unused SFX //Unused You'd at least heard of Messengers? //Unused In legends. //Unused Yes, those—the Oracle's divine escorts. //Unused Whoa. //Unused So we're off to pray for thunder and lightning? //Unused If we're to ever have any hope of overcoming the empire, we're going to need a little help from above. //Unused Until the crystal is restored, let the storm rage.
//Unused Guys? //Unused Long has it been, Noctis. //Unused Ravus. //Unused You've accepted the Fulgurian's blessings. //Unused SFX //Unused Yet you know nothing of the consequences. //Unused Watch it. //Unused SFX[Djuh] //Unused Not good... //Unused Be still. All of you. //Unused SFX //[Ungh] //Unused Heir to a crown befitting no other... //Unused Awful high and mighty for an imperial rat. Siding with the enemy to hunt down Luna!? //Unused SFX //[Ngah haaa] //Unused I am the enemy. Never forget this. //Unused SFX //[Gk ah ah ah] //Unused The king's sworn shield. //Unused You better believe it. //Unused A brittle shield is fit for naught but the smelter. //Unused SFX //[Nguh huh] //Unused Gladio! //Unused SFX //[Ooo] //Unused Hey! //Unused Wanna play? I'm game. //Unused Should the chosen one die, that too is fate. //Unused Right! Enough fun for now. //Unused Need a hand, Highness? //Unused Not from you. //Unused Come, come, after all we've been through. Who can you trust if not your friends? //Unused Right. Wait, what? //Unused Spare us your mockery. //Unused I couldn't be more sincere. We hereby withdraw. //Unused How's that? //Unused Because fate has seen fit to bring us together. Your untimely end would be most unbefitting. //Unused Nor would it be very honorable of me to kill you. I, of course, have my own interests to protect. //Unused You of all people should understand. You are the king. //Unused SFX //[Ch heh] //Unused Ah, a brave and noble soul, your good father. Hoping against hope, defying the enemy to his dying breath. //Unused Little good that did the crown city, of course. But can you readily relinquish the crystal? //Unused No telling what havoc the powers-that-be may wreak next, though I can say they're hell-bent on finding that ring. //Unused Nay, High Commander? //Unused What is the Line of Lucis without its crystal? What rightful heir would not fight to reclaim it? //Unused I hold the kings of eld in the utmost esteem. Alas, it will not do for your line to end here, now will it? //Unused You're serious—you'll just be on your way? //Unused When next we meet, it shall be across the seas. //Unused I believe you have a courtship to consummate. //Unused Just so happens we have business of our own with the tutelary deity. Don't we? //Unused Fare thee well, Your Majesty, and safe travels. //Unused Hey! //Unused Next time? We finish this. //Unused You guys know that guy? //Unused Ravus Nox Fleuret.... Elder brother of Lady Lunafreya.
Head to the rendezvous point. Board the imperial assault craft. Sever the cables attached to Leviathan. Dodge Leviathan's attacks. Join Gladiolus. Stop Leviathan's tidal wave. Defeat Leviathan.
The Summit Bound by Destiny The Trial of Leviathan +Listen to Luna's address. Search for survivors.
Must've been quite the earful. You can say that again. Sounds like you've got something to sleep on. Indeed. Perhaps a quick word then? About? The goings-on in town. Best you know your roads before you arrive at a conclusion. Hey, it can't hurt to ask, right? Sure. What makes you so sure the imperial army's coming? After they felled the Archaean in Lucis, one can surmise it only a matter of time before they come to Altissia. The empire's not content ruling all the land—they want the heavens as well. Hence they'll come for the Hydraean, which I imagine should come as no surprise to you. Call me a cynic, but I have my misgivings about the Honorable Madam Secretary. Then ask away. What proof do we have that Lady Lunafreya is in the government's care? You mistrust Camelia, and I don't blame you. But ask yourself this: Why would they open the Hydraean's altar, which is of no good to them without the Oracle? Of course, it's "no good" they'll be up to, letting her summon the Hydraean to a military massacre. There IS this one thing that's been on my mind. Cool if I ask? Go for it. So, what's the "Serpent's Rage?" An old sailor's tale we might see for ourselves. In short, the Sea Goddess wrought havoc before entering her forced slumber. Perhaps she slept it off, or perhaps not—an "unsettling" prospect for politicians. They'll guard Lady Lunafreya, so long as you fight off the imperial army, yes? That's the long and short of it. You must think it a fool's errand. Yet it is a gambit, not pure sacrifice—they wager that you will claim the might of the Hydraean. Lady Lunafreya is loved and revered. Turning her over to the empire would amount to political suicide, but that hardly stops them from using her for leverage. All is fair in love and war, particularly if it turns out you can bring true peace. This is not the utopia Insomnia was. Here, each acts only in his own best interests. We stand divided against an empire that has come to bear down upon us, much as it did Lucis. Your heart is yours to follow. Just see to it that you proceed with caution. Should you ever need it, Maagho is at your disposal. As am I, of course. Sleep well, lads. Well, guess we need to go give her our decision. Like there was any other option. So long as the empire is involved, our choices will be made for us.
My dear Camelia, it's been a while. Oh, I won't be staying long. So, to what do I owe the pleasure? I heard about your distinguished guests. You've an ear for gossip. Hardly any match for yours. Do you flatter me? Must you doubt me? Old habits. Hmph. It's time we broke them. Curious. That who I think? Who? Who? Gentlemen, I won't waste your time. My name is Camelia Claustra. First Secretary of the Accordo Protectorate. You should know we have Lady Lunafreya in our care. ...For the time being. I am inclined to surrender her to the empire. What? But not before I weigh the words of the King of Lucis. When you're prepared to discuss terms, come to my estate.
Once the rite is complete, we'll give them all we've got. We knew we'd have to take on the empire sooner or later. Then it's settled. Per the agreement, we will guarantee the Oracle's safety... ...insofar as it does not endanger our people. Once the empire attacks, I cannot—will not—be held responsible for her. Abandoning her at the altar? There's nothing to stop her from running. And nothing to stop me from going there now. Except the terms of this agreement. I won't let you jeopardize the lives of my people. Yet we're supposed to take a deal that'll cost hers? It's hardly a death sentence. The girl can fend for herself. Against an entire army? If you'd prefer, I could deliver her to the empire right now. You wouldn't... You've quite the penchant for picking on Lucian men. And you the penchant for eavesdropping. A skill I acquired here— My ears are all that's kept me in business. Certainly wasn't your manners. There is a play, once you know all the angles. We move our king to the fore to keep the pawns out of harm's way, while our pieces offer support from the back rank. Of course, our dear queen here is in no position to abet the enemy. Hmph. She has an ostensible allegiance to maintain, which is why she's alerted her imperial superiors to your presence. She did!? It's nothing personal. She wishes to keep the empire in check as you do, but can't afford to tip her hand. Should we prevail, she benefits by having her masters cast out of the capital. And should we fail, she ingratiates herself with them by having delivered the king. I'd hoped at least His Majesty would understand. I am First Secretary of Accordo. My loyalties lie with my people, and nowhere else. The liar-in-chief in a land of snakes. In her role, honesty is a luxury that can be ill afforded. You'll engage the empire as agreed. How you do so is up to you. But don't forget: the Oracle is in our custody. If you value her safety, you'd best behave yourselves. Same to you. We'll take care of the empire, but if you pull anything before the covenant— we'll take care of you next. I can't promise something I can't help. Of course. You certainly opened up to them, though. What can I say? I have a soft spot for the young and tragic. They've lost Regis, they've lost the crystal… Was it so long ago the last Oracle was taken from them? We've seen the empire go mad these ten-odd years. That we have. Holding my walls won't matter when the whole world crumbles.
What about Luna? Then I'll just go to the altar right now. You're leaving her for dead. No two ways about it. No deal. Same to you. Alright.
If worse comes to worse, you can threaten to throw the trident into the sea—then they'll listen. In the meantime, it will be well guarded. Better than the Oracle herself. Understood. I shall reclaim it at the altar. You'll be escorted by imperial soldiers. I know. Think of it as a necessary evil in order to forge the covenant. I am in your debt. Easy to see why they all adore you. Once it's over, you may go as you please, but you do so without our protection. So be it. You'd better get going. Your public is waiting for you.
The wedding day arrives, but alas, without the bride. Of course, we've come for the Hydraean, and you've gone to such lengths to prepare. Merely my duty. Ah, but for an outsider to lead the imperial army must be a battle in and of itself. You've spoken to Lady Lunafreya? No. That obstinate secretary, standing in the way. While you rush off to slay the Hydraean for your poor sister's sake. I know the price of the covenant. First the Archaean, then the Fulgurian, and soon the Hydraean! Tragic...yet were the bond to be severed... The Oracle is not your concern. ...the world would be the daemons' for the taking. Your presence is not required. And then there's this. My arm, what of it? The pitiable fate of one spurned by the light... And you wished only to be its champion. Meanwhile that recalcitrant vagabond is chosen. I understand more than you can know. You do seem rather...well-acquainted. Acquaintances are the means by which I keep an ear to the ground and an eye on the heavens. One doesn't live to my age without making a few friends. We suffered great losses slaying the Archaean, and this battle should prove no different. Should the chancellor insist on staying, I must insist on appointing guardsmen for your safety. Most kind of you to care for my...well being.
Pryna... Pryna! Such a terrible storm. My poor escort... the waves ate him alive. You... Most perceptive, must run in the family. You're holding onto something that doesn't belong to you. And I'm supposed to collect it. But on second thought, you keep it. We can't have a king without a ring, now can we? And do remind him about the Crystal. I want him to know his imperial friend is behind him. You have time enough to carry out your errand. The question is, have you the willpower? Of course you do, you're dying to see him! The anticipation is killing me as well! Ah, to see the look on his face as he watches his beloved die before his eyes! Come, sweet prince! Your bride awaits! I will pass the ring to the rightful king. The rightful king... will restore light to the world. And then, at long last, those in thrall to darkness shall find peace. Luna! Ladies first, sweet Lunafreya. Good luck finding peace. I'm coming. Hold on! Noctis... Luna!
Don't you love how trains let you just sit back and enjoy the ride? So, we're gonna roll through Tenebrae. Not before visiting the royal tomb at Cartanica. And the train'll just wait for us. How's the eyes? The wound's improved, but my sight has not... You wanna pass on Cartanica? No, I should be fine, given a bit more time. Forgive me, Noct. Once past Tenebrae, it's on to, uh, Niflheim. We've a chance to take a brief furlough in Tenebrae, courtesy of the first secretary. Camelia comes through. That's great! Should we...drop by? I don't know. Goddammit, how long you gonna mope like this? We're not stopping in Tenebrae. You know where we're headed and what we're out to do. So get a goddamn grip already. I've got a grip. That's why I'm here. Don't give me that crap. What're'you-- Not when you won't wear the ring, let alone look at it. She gave her life so you could do your duty, not so you could feel sorry for yourself. And Ignis, he took one for you. You should be apologizing, not him. But no, first you drag your feet and put it on him for not being able to drive us. Then when the Secretary goes out of her way to book the train for us, you make them drag the Regalia on board!? To be fair, it was Camelia who offered first...(with the Regalia) Think you got it bad? Take a look around! Your eyes still work. Where're you off to? I need some fresh air.
Aranea. The hell happened here? You should see the manor, come with me. Just come on, I'll fill you in along the way. The daemons wrought havoc? There's more to it than meets the eye, speaking of which. Long story. Oh. Where's your chipper little sidekick? Wish we only knew. Sorry to hear. So if it wasn't the daemons, that leaves… The imperial army. The army that you fight for. Fought for. My men and I are in the search and rescue business now. Huh. Why the attack on their own territory? A "royal welcome," they called it. Orders were to leave nothing standing. Petty, I know. They'd already sent a unit after your train. More like a battalion. Call him "Chancellor Overkill." So it's Ardyn. The Chancellor is running some circus.
Perhaps I'm fortunate I can't see what 's become of the once-beautiful manor. I can only imagine the grief of the people, who did nothing to deserve this.
To liven things up, I thought I'd take you on a stroll down memory lane. Of course, memories decay with time. Sadly, the sister went off into the deep, but I've brought the brother back as best I can. Don't be shy, you're hardly strangers. No...that can't be him. Wait a sec. What do you mean "him"? Who are you seeing? Ravus. Unbelievable. I wanted to finish it between us, but not like this. He was a person... Made into a daemon. But is it truly the work of imperial science?
Ah, the young prince is recovering well. Who...? Gentiana, a Messenger. The prince has read of our kind? Oh! I tried to, but I only know what Luna told me. Lady Lunafreya. Yeah, Lunarffr...Luna. It is heartening to see the future King and the Oracle enjoy such familiarity. The fate of our world may depend on it. Prince Noctis. It's open! Uh, come in. How are you feeling today? Gentiana? Merely...well-wishing. Ah, how thoughtful of you. So, did she frighten you? Maybe...just a little. She's gone. An old trick of hers. Here one minute, gone the next. She gives me the creeps. Funny you should say that: even my brother grows timid around Gentiana. Even Ravus? Yes, but you've nothing to fear. The Messengers have our best interests at heart. In time, you will see. ...If you say so.
I see my suspicions were correct. Bravo. But why have you aligned yourself with the darkness? I like to think the darkness has aligned itself with me. After all, we share a mutual odium of those thrust into the light and beloved by all, hailed by the masses as their "chosen savior." And what is your aim? Why, to bring the King to his senses. With your sister's help, of course.
Unused Chapter Headers (Japanese)
ルシス王国とニフルハイム帝国の間に停戦協定が結ばれることになり、 戦争の終結を祝うムードに包まれているルシス王国。 その平和を象徴するかのように、王子ノクティスと、 テネブラエの神凪の力を継ぐルナフレーナとの結婚式が 隣国アコルドで行われることになった。 ノクトは結婚の儀に向かうため、親友3人とともに車の旅をすることになる。
EPISODE 01 旅立ち Departure
A ceasefire agreement is to be finalized between the Kingdom of Lucis and the Nifilheim Empire.
The Kingdom of Lucis is celebrating the end of the war, and as a symbol of this peace Prince Noctis and the Oracle Lunafreya are to be wed in Accordo.
In order to get to the ceremony, Noctis travels via car with his three best friends.
FINAL FANTASY XV EPISODE 09 水神召喚の儀 出港準備を整えてカエムを訪ねると、コルの姿があった。 コルは自分がレギスを守れなかったことをノクト達に詫びるが、シドはそれがレギスの決断だったと諭す。 そしてノクトが何かしらの決断を迫られたときは、「仲間」を頼るよう遠回しに告げた。 翌朝、4人はイリスやタルコットに見送られて意気揚々と船出する。 表向きは、水神リヴァイアサンの力を授かり、帝国を倒す力を得るために── 内心ではオルティシエにいるルーナとの再会を少しだけ期待しながら。
EPISODE 09 水神召喚の儀 Summoning Leviathan
Whilst preparing for departure, Cor appeared at Caem. He apologized to Noctis about being unable to protect Regis, but Cid states that it was Regis' own choice in the matter, and that when Noctis is faced with certain difficulties to rely on his friends.
The next morning, the group head out and are sent off by Iris and Talcott. To obtain the power of the Water Goddess Leviathan -- to gain the power to defeat the empire -- though, also to reunite with Luna who is already in Altissia.
FINAL FANTASY XV EPISODE 14 10年ぶりの再会 星の力で強固に守られた神影島は、いかなる使骸も、アーデンでさえも立ち入ることはできなかった。 ノクトは徐々に欠けていく月の光を指輪に集めながら、仲間や世界の無事を信じてひたすらに待ち続ける。 そして月がほぼ消滅しかけたころ「時は来た」と久方ぶりに聴こえた神の声と共に、密室に出口が現れる。 ノクトがすべての星の力を得て牢を出たそのとき、世界には10年の時間が流れていた。
EPISODE 14 10年ぶりの再会 Reunion after 10 years
Angelgard, so strongly protected that none may enter, not even Ardyn. Noctis continues to wait collecting moonlight for the Ring, earnestly hoping for the safety of both his friends, and the world.
When the moon has all but disappeared, an exit appears within the prison, and he hears the voice of a god that says "The time has come". By the time Noctis has gotten all of the power of the star, and has left the prison finally, ten years have passed within the world.
#Lunafreya Nox Fleuret#FFXV#Final Fantasy XV#FF15#Final Fantasy 15#FFXV spoilers#spoilers#spoiler#mine
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“Send me a character” ask meme — Ardyn Izunia (FFXV) edition + drabble
Got asked by @desfraisespartout to answer with certain Final Fantasy characters that I love, and one of them was Ardyn Izunia! (YESSS thank you dear! 💛 )
I’m going to start with him, and I’ll make it a character per post.
And yep, you read it right, there’s an Ardyn drabble below. Between the fact that it’s very hard for me to write summaries (one of the questions was “idea for a story”), and that inspiration broke down the door... Well, I guess it’s my first finished FFXV fanfiction *shrugs* Thanks x2 to my pal, because if it wasn’t for this request I wouldn’t have written that drabble, haha.
[WARNING! Since there are spoilers for FFXV (including Episode Ignis) ahead, going to put this under a “read more”.]
First impression:
the 1st time I saw Ardyn Izunia was some years ago, watching that old trailer in which he appeared for the first time. It’s funny because back then I didn’t get from him the vibes that he would be the “villain”. In fact, I thought he was a secondary character, haha, albeit a very handsome and excentric one. I loved his looks from the very moment I saw him.
Impression now:
Ardyn has become one of my favourite FF characters ever and he gives me a ton of feels. I just love him and how complex he is SO much.
Whenever he appears he owns the spotlight with his flamboyant and stylish moves and speech, and he puts up such shows. Ardyn’s very dramatic, both in that sense and in the angsty one, and I like that a lot. Not to mention that he looks gorgeous as heck, and that he’s even more an impressing character when you see that he’s one of the few villains that has achieved everything he seeked.
Gods... My precious broken man.
Whenever I think about his past... Abskdbngkg I would LOVE to kick his brother’s ass. And Bahamut’s. Ardyn deserved none of the shit he went through. I can’t wait to know more of his DLC and I know I’m going to cry hard for him, just like I did through all the ending, and specially when he died.
Favourite moment:
This one was a bit tricky... But I choose that scene of him at the ending in which he’s laying on the ground, drawing his last breaths. It’s a touching scene because it’s then when one can see the Ardyn behind every layer of poison, rage and pain that consumes him; you get to see an Ardyn that’s relieved to finally get an ending to an existence that’s too long for a tortured soul.
And HIS SMILE, that little smile when he tells Noctis that he’ll await him in the Beyond... *sigh* Feels got me while writing this, haha.
Idea for a story AKA I don’t have much ability to write short summaries and I somehow ended up writing a drabble:
“Many years may have passed since Ardyn lost everything; many years avoiding to read history books and records like it burns, lest the grim reminder of his nonexistent existance makes him lust further for a closure he can’t have yet...
And one day, something happens: Ardyn can’t remember how or why but he’s somehow peeking at a warped past, settled down in ink and lies, and the wound’s suddenly too fresh and bleeding way too much for a man that can’t bleed any longer.
It is then that, fueled by anger and frustration and torn apart by sorrow, his quill rages against old paper —against oblivion— with such strenght it almost rips, and it would have made his past self cringe and dismay, for he loved books so.
But his past self was buried so who cares anymore for him, for what he did or what he’s doing, for what he’ll do. Ardyn Lucis Caelum was alive no more...
But Ardyn Izunia would be. And silence would not cover his name...
Silence would not cover him.”
Unpopular opinion:
Hum... If it’s “unpopular” as in, an opinion that’s shared very little on the community, I would say that I ship him with Gilgamesh, if that counts.
If it’s “unpopular” as in, an opinion that’s badly looked at by people in general, that’s tricky because I’ve tried to look only at the positive part of the fandom and I don’t know if any thoughts of mine would fit this.
Favourite relationship:
I would say with Noctis. It’s confirmed in Episode Ignis that Ardyn does not hate him nor holds any personal grudge for him, and besides his interactions with Noctis are quite interesting (being all mysterious at first, then fueling the prince’s hatred towards him even in the last fight and, lastly, having while he dies that soft little talk with a very understanding and empathic Noctis). I would love to really know what Ardyn thinks of Noctis, if he maybe sees the prince as “his savior”, the one that’ll set him free, or if he’s just a tool for him.
Favourite headcanon:
Hum... There are some that I like a lot, but I would say that my favourite probably would be that I headcanon past!Ardyn to be best friend to Gilgamesh (even lover, because I love these two character togethers as both friends and more). Chances are they may have been just comrades in canon, buuut “headcanons” are called like that for a reason, right?
#Ask meme#Send me a character#My art#Writing#Drabble#Fanfiction#Fanfic#Fic#Ardyn#Izunia#Ardyn Izunia#Noctis#Noctis Lucis Caelum#Gilgamesh#Bahamut#past!Ardyn#FFXV#FF15#Final Fantasy XV#Final Fantasy 15#Episode Ignis#Ep Ignis#Ep. Ignis
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I was tagged by the always awesome @mp938368 thanks for it and I hope we get to know each other better c:
Favorite Chocobro:
You ask le hard questions. Let’s go with big ol’ Gladdy Daddy! He’s got a marshmallow for a heart under all them delicious muscles.
Favorite Guest Party Member (including Ravus and Libertus from DLC):
Oh man! Umm, let’s go with Ravus. I’ve had a thing for silver haired men since Sephiroth. Can I also say Aranea? She’s so awesome and I love her!
Favorite Minor Character(s):
My main peeps know the answer to this one: Dino Ghiranze!! Omg this boy snuck up out of know where and shanked me with a love knife. IT GOTDANG OL’ WORKED!!
Favorite Villain:
Can there really be a fave? Imma give it to Ifrit. I’m so mad he’s hot (ALL PUNS). Like geez Square, can you give my hormones a break!? No? Ok...the ball is in your court 😑
Favorite Kingsglaive Character:
Sexy Nyx Ulric. That sexy mofo can get my lacy panties.
Favorite Astral/Divine Being:
Bahamut. He’s a freakin dragon knight. He’s been an OG since FFX.
Favorite Character Overall:
That’s like choosing who to not buy ice cream for! Oh man...I love the Chocobros so much. How can you separate them??
*whisper* Ignis...
Favorite Weapon:
Star of the Rogue hands down. I would LOVE some more info about the queen that wielded them.
Favorite Location:
Altissia is beautiful but let’s see...I GOT LOST 720173596389 Times!!
Favorite Quest/Questline/Hunt:
Hmm, getting Ignis’ spectacles back from the chocobo XD
Favorite Boss:
Trashy trash can Ardyn. He lives next to Oscar on Sesame Street
Favorite Monster/Monster Family/etc:
I’m at a cross between Quetzalcoatl and Behemoths
Favorite Song:
Calling for the Rain. *starts humming it*
Favorite Boss Theme:
I have no idea. I’m too busy trying to kill stuff
Favorite Non-Episode DLC/Update/Event:
Funky tofu recipeh XD
Favorite Episode DLC:
I liked them all! Let’s see, imma say Ignis because the alternate ending is a fix fic by Square XD
Other Favorites of Notes:
Hmm, I really just love Aranea. She needs her own DLC. Can I fangirl about a certain journalist? Every time he capisces the prince I yell at my tv XD
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Hi! I've read all of your worldbuilding posts and I was curious if you've given any thoughts as to what the people in Eos called their days of the week? I know Thursday comes from Thor in Norse mythology, so the people in ffxv world are mostly likely named after the Astrals. Perhaps even Ifrit lost his day when he betrayed the other Astrals?
Oooh, this was a good question. I had not, in fact, thought of this prior, but I’ve worked it out with the help of @actualmomgarnet because it was such a cool ask.
I haven’t got into it yet, but Solheim for me is partly based on the Roman Empire, partly on the Norse, and as such, I decided to name the days after old Norse words. Warning: I am not Norse—nor any of its modern equivalents such as Norwegian or Icelandic. I am Finnish, but they were not in fact Nordic—they were Finno-Ugrics alongside the Hungarians (which I also am) and Estonians (which I’m not). If anyone wants to correct me on these, please do. (They will have been bastardized as well, but I’ll include the original).
The first day of the week is named after the Hydraen, and is called Kandagger. Originally, it was Kannadagr—a combination of Kanna (explore) and dagr (day). The Hydraen is known as the patron of explorers, and as scouts are always the first, naturally her day is the first of the week.
The second day is Elridagger for Ramuh. A combination of Ellri (Elder) and dagr (day), Ellridagr was the day to celebrate ones elders, for they impart the wisdom of Ramuh. As Elders have been here the longest, their day is second only to the explorers.
The third day is Flikdagger, the day of kings, in Bahamut’s honour. Originally Filkrdagr, made from Filkr (king) and dagr. Bahamut is considered the patron deity of royalty, and royalty is second only to the wisdom of the elders and the knowledge of the explorers, making them third.
The fourth day is Oskdagger, for Titan. Œska stands for youth, as does the archaeon. As the youth is to always be the centre of ones thoughts, they find their day smack dab in the middle of the week.
Next, we have Volvadagger, Shiva’s day. Vǫlva roughly translates to soothsayer, witch, prophetess, seer—that kind of thing, and as it’s Shiva’s job to gift the Oracles with their knowledge, she resides over them. As it is the day of the oracle, naturally it needs to be as close to Etro’s day as possible.
Ifrit was Etro’s closest child however, so his day is found in between Shiva and Etro’s. Originally known as Sárrdagr (wounded), Ifrit’s day has since been changed to Svikdagger (treason), though the “v” is silent. Before his betrayal, Ifrit was known as the watcher of the wounded, and would be the one to decide whether they live, or should be handed to Etro, and as such, his day was just before hers.
Finally, the last day of the week is Banidagger—Bani roughly being Death, cause of death or bringer of death, a name fitting for the Goddess of Death. Banidagger is considered the day to celebrate the dead, and as death is the final adventure one faces, it is naturally at the end of the week.
This was really fun to come up with, so thanks for the question (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*: ・゚✧
tldr; the week goes Kandagger, Elridagger, Flikdagger, Oskdagger, Volvadagger, Svikdagger and Banidagger.
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