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cartoonytoonycharacters · 1 year ago
Happy New Year!!
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I didn't publish much but I hope that will change soon!!
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alphabetquest · 6 months ago
Quester's List
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Below is a list of Quester's (participants) in no particular order.
Give them a follow to make sure you don't miss out on any submissions.
Posted - 24.08.2024
Updated - 27.08.2024
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midnightfire830 · 1 year ago
Oh! So if mugman is a water princess, does that mean cuphead is a fire princess?? :0
Ah no. Technically in this art concept series bendy is the fire princess. Cup is just a normal princess.
This was from an art series I was doing back when I first started out with this blog. Originally it was cup as a princess bc his talent is animals love him. It progressed from there.
If you looked up princess Cuphead or Bendy on my blog I��m sure it’ll probably come up.
Or I might reblog it for people to see.
Who knows. 🤷🏻
Thanks for the ask!!!
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sirensea14 · 2 years ago
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THIS IIS ONE OF MY FAVORITE (and recent to finish) FANART YET!!! This fanart is based on the mv in my head about books 10-11 and the Angel-Demon War with the Instruments of Cyanide (my fave song) by DAGames. It has 3 parts: the 1st one is Book 10-11, 2nd is Book 11 ft. Not-cup and Mayhem, 3rd is the Angel-Demon War
1st part features:
Bendy, Boris, Felix, Alice Angel, Sarah, night terror, Holly and Mayhem (both on the window), Linda, Leticia, Michael and Cannikin (smol), plus Lucy holding the record on fire and the Instrument found just at the chin of the Night Terror.
The 2nd part features:
Not-cup(i know, i know, im wrong and he's not an actual character but i did it anyways XD) and Mayhem controlling the Cog's spin with Holly and Cuphead on it as if the two former are controlling the latter two characters. It also shows Bigby stuck on the Cog, which represents his deal with Mayhem, and Boris in the background, silently watching the events
Part 3 features:
The Angel-Demon War. It shows Lukahd, infamously known as the "Lady of Despair", Ventis (holding a sword), Amish (at Ven's side), the Past Devil in a cape as he picked up a test tube(it was based on ch 278, when Luka went to his room while he was testing or experimenting? Something like that. For the cure of the Illness of Demons, which is popularly known as the Ink Illness), and then there's guardian Boris on the side holding the Instrument in its flute form, carrying a fearful expression as he faced Lukahd.
This is prolly one of my best fanarts yet, im so addicted in the Labyrinth arc
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charcoalplays240 · 1 year ago
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Hello. I'm new to posting on Tumblr. I hope that as I post more, you enjoy my art of BABTQFTIM.
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theinkymystery · 2 years ago
How old is the crew?
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Hey! You can totally look up all their ages on the Inky Mystery wiki!
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zykamiliah · 9 months ago
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insane that the entire plot of the magicians show hinges on Eliot getting the biggest, silliest crush on Quentin in the first episode.
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The Iron Rose (1973)
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vintagerpg · 18 days ago
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Perhaps more than Kobold, Gnoll is the Heimat Der Katastrophe project I see folks enthuse over most. This is their second album, Music for Dungeons (originally 2018, LP version 2023). Of the RPG-related dungeonsynth I’ve listened to, Gnoll seems to hew closest to the genre’s black metal roots and mixes in touches of more traditional ambient and cinematic music. I kind of bounced of the first one, Citadel of Evil, but this one gets a lot of play.
It’s basically two long tracks, one per side, and it was written to accompany Dungeoneer’s solo game Dungeons (hence the title), which I am unfortunately unfamiliar with — I believe the Peter Pagano album art draws from the game’s art. However, there is a delightful treat: Dungeons & Caverns, a booklet/module for designing dungeons, by none other than Spaghetti Quester. The generator is really more of a prompt-giver, codifying six dungeon types and offering six variants of each, arranged in nesting tables. The real treat is the collection of example dungeons, fully annotated and in color! Twelve of them! They’re great fun and I would totally use them in a game.
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marisathechaotic · 2 months ago
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Secret Santa gift I made for the IMS server :3
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cartoonytoonycharacters · 1 year ago
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Tried to draw the questers again. It looks like i can't draw anything really consistent for the moment 🙂🙃🫤
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tiredspacedragon · 4 days ago
Y'know given the Great Beings' less than enlightened views on gender, it's very easy to imagine the female members of the group as more feminist in their thinking and simply being drowned out in a male-dominated group. But given what we know about the Great Beings, namely their core trait of being brilliant creative geniuses and monumentally stupid at the exact same time, I think it's more in line with the characterization of the group if the women are just as Weird about it as the men, if not more so. Much less underappreciated girlboss, much more...divine feminine. Y'know, thinking they're so far beyond misogyny and then turning around and doing gender essentialism, aka misogyny in a different hat, but framing it as a good thing so they can feel like they're so advanced about it. That's more the vibe I'd expect.
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midnightfire830 · 2 years ago
About cuphead again sooo can cuphead eat seagulls? Does cuphead have claws at the end of his fish hands or no how deep can cuphead go for example can he go very deep to the point where there’s no sun light or can he not handle it???what other aquatic animals are the questers based on??? Can cuphead breath air??? Are the questers being hunted by some evil person????and can cuphead talk to fish like fish that are animals not a fish person 😀
Oh damn! You did not waste a second! XDDDD Hell yeah. Let’s go.
1. Yes Cuphead can eat seagulls if he wants to. But he doesn’t like it as much because the feathers get EVERYWHERE. And he’s not really built for that kind of prey. I’d assume to catch a seagull you’d either have to be really stealthy to grab them when they’re swimming in the water, or try to catch them out of the air. He’s not really build for speed. He’s fast, but not that fast.
2. Cup does have claws but they aren’t as large as, say, Bendy’s claws. But he does have them. His really weapon is his spikes along his back and forearms. Lionfish have a powerful neurotoxin in their spines. Not enough to kill, but it’s EXTREMELY painful.
3. Cup, with help from training with black hat, can handle farther depths than your average lionfish. Lionfish can go around 300 feet below the surface? I’d say maybe 400? Idk, I don’t know enough about this to be certain. He might be able to go into that area where there isn’t enough sunlight for plants to thrive, but I imagine he can’t stay there all that long before he needs to leave. I imagine bendy is capable of going deeper. Probably the midnight zone?
4. I got this from some dumb Mermay art prompt video so bear with me. Some of these things might change. And some I haven’t really hashed out what exact species they’ll be but I have a general idea.
Bendy is gonna be based off of a mythical sea serpent or dragon of some kind. Boris is a shark. Felix I’m thinking a black Axolotl? Alice is a flying fish. Holly will be a standard mermaid. Cala is her usual design. I haven’t really considered the circus gang or anyone else beyond the main questers.
5. Cuphead can breathe air. So can all the questers. But what they really need to worry about is getting too dried out. That is dangerous for them. Oftentimes leads to dehydration, heatstroke, and just in general very bad.
6. I haven’t thought too much about this, so, idk. As of now in my mind they’re just… chillin. Living their best lives lol. Only a matter of time tho when author-San comes in to wreck their lives with ✨ANGST✨
7. Eh not really? They can communicate with more intelligent species like dolphins and whales. but cup isn’t having a casual conversation with a clownfish anytime soon. The fish do however for whatever reason really like Cuphead. They try to follow him around all the time. And he can kinda, idk, direct them? He can’t have convos but can generally tell them something like “come over here” “go away” “wait here” etc etc. Ig like a pet cat or dog or something.
Thanks again for the asks!!!! ❤️
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pa-pa-patato · 2 months ago
Can you imagine questers playing tag, and someone deciding to into lake or pond cause they are fast swimmers and thought it would be hard for them to be caught, only for Alice to sprint towards them running on top of the water?
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intoxi-tooned · 8 months ago
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These were from a couple days ago. I'm trying to draw more this summer.
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13-nothing · 4 months ago
Been rereading the early Inky Mystery chapters recently and I have to say I forgot how flirty Bendy was in the beginning like Idk how I forgot about that. In the beginning it's like a huge part of his character and he's just changed sooooo much.
All of them have, like Felix being a Dad to not only Bendy and Boris, but the Cup-Bros too like now it would seem out of character for him to do that cause of the whole Wiseton mess. Then there's all their banter that's more or less up and left (or literally flown off in some cases), Alice and Bendy's puns, Cups and Bendy's play fighting, Mugs and Boris being cheeky against their bros, Holly's excessive questions (like they're there it's just less and she more subdued), Holly joking w the Cup-Bros or Alice and Cala, Cup calling her Tree Princess, and Finley's jokes and little skits w Sammy (oh Finley, u adorable fox, it's been a while).
OH and then there's the "widdle wolfie" thing, my heart hurts anytime as I reread those like com'on man I can't take it. On top of it I finally reached the Group Date thing and Alice is so avoidant of a relationship w Bendy cause of culture and her parents which is killing me cause like her Mom was fine w it (love that btw) and yeah we don't know how the Upper would react but we could've avoided SOME of the heartache we have now and it just makes me wonder what would've happened if she had excepted at the time.
Overall I just miss their family dynamic and just everything before Finley died and the Dark Circus stuff!!!😭😭😭
Like it's so pure and cute and I miss it...
But alas here we are, the Quester Family torn asunder.
Yeah, they were just such cuties and I love them. Unfortunately tho I love drama, angst, and the darker stuff more so I can't wait to see what's next. Anyway I must say farewell to thee my fellow existences.
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