#queering henry iv is a fun and good thing actually
heartofstanding · 8 months
The more I think about the insistence on Henry IV's beardy manliness by certain historian(s), the more I cling to the idea of Henry as horribly repressed and deeply insecure, particularly in regards to his masculinity, even as he appears to live up to chivalric ideals, and the idea that his repression also heavily incorporates queer desire(s).
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Hello, friend! :) (This isn't Clyde, btw) I was just wondering if you had any recommendations for Shakespeare plays to read? I want to get familiar with his work, and since you are an expert in that field, I figured I might as well ask (0 pressure). I am reading Macbeth as a sort of introduction (after R&J), and then I want to read Hamlet (of course) and Othello (my dad loves this one). Also, when do you think I should watch Slings and Arrows? Post-read or later on? TYSM and have an amazing day!
Hi, dude!! Lovely to get an ask from you!
First of all it’s sweet of you to call me an expert, i would love to be thought of that way 🥰
Your choices are definitely good ones, those are the classics. If you’re doing hamlet and macbeth and you like tragedies you should also read King Lear, it’s usually grouped together with the other two (and also those three are featured in slings and arrow hehe). As far as others to read, you are basically legally required (/j to read a midsummer nights dream, and I also recommend my personal favorite, much ado about nothing. I will say, with the comedies especially but with all the plays, it can sometimes be hard to get Into them if you haven’t seen them. I have this problem with schools making you read the plays, although I think it’s good, cause no ones going to like it if they have to make sentence diagrams of “to be or not to be”, you know? Anyways, I advise you to look some of them up on YouTube if/when you have the time.
anyways back to recommendations. If you’re queer, the odds of which are decent, you’ll like the mistaken identity classics like twelfth night and as you like it. If you want a history, which you should probably have one if you’re going for general overall knowledge, the most accessible is probably Antony and cleopatra, which I have a fondness for. Ngl, I haven’t seen all the henriads, but if that’s your thing, Henry IV and Richard II are good. Not required for overall competency though.
That was probably way more info than you wanted lmao. Keep in mind I haven’t actually read most of these cover to cover, although I’ve read the classics ofc, these are my personal favorites to watch, and I think especially the mistaken identities plays don’t come across quite as well on paper, although they’re still fun to read.
Slings and arrows :DDDDD When to watch it... you should have read hamlet first, when I watched it the first time I had read hamlet and macbeth but not Lear and upon rewatching it after reading Lear I can say it does add something. Not that you’d miss anything on the surface if you didn’t know the works, it’s a pretty accessible comedy, especially for artsy people, but the structure of the plot does such a good job mirroring the play featured in the season that knowledge of the work gives it a special flavor, or did for me.
again, wayyy more than I’m sure u were looking for anon friend, always willing to ramble!! Also if u do watch slings and arrows pls tell me what u think of it (and don’t pay amazon it’s on YouTube in full)
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howdydarling · 2 years
masterlist: oc bios;
cando -- sardaukar
[AU; ROYAL CONCUBINE] [ABO; ALPHA] cis male. he/him. straight. Cando is a higher ranking Sardaukar soldier stationed within the Imperial Palace. He is often tasked with guarding the Emperor's harem, a task he feels is beneath him. He is disdainful of Shaddam IV, and thinks of him as a spoiled aristocrat. He finds court intrigue tiresome, but engages in it insofar as it benefits him in some way. He feels the Sardaukar are languishing under Shaddam's rule, and longs for actual, challenging combat against worthwhile opponents. Cando has a dry sense of humor, is easily disgruntled, and slow to trust. Once his trust is gained, he is deeply protective.
tagged for cando.
torynn -- sardaukar (defector)
[AU; GIEDI PRIME] [AU; ROYAL CONCUBINE] [ABO; BETA] cis male. he/him. grey-ace. Torynn is a mid-ranking Sardaukar soldier sent to Arrakis in the attack on House Atreides. He is left behind when the assault is complete (varies by 'verse), and is ultimately captured by House Atreides alongside other Sardaukar prisoners. After watching his fellows die rather than admit to Shaddam's full involvement, and enduring a measure of not insignificant psychological warfare, Torynn decides there is no honor in dying for a dishonorable coward of a man who abandoned them to die in the desert. He testifies against Shaddam at the Landsraad, and is ultimately welcomed under House Atreides. Torynn is more easily amused than he would like to admit, and while he criticizes the softness of non-Sardakaur lifestyles, he is a fairly mild-tempered man.
tagged for torynn.
emma -- (ex-)imperial concubine
[AU; ROYAL CONCUBINE] [ABO; BETA] cis female. she/her. pansexual. Emma is a mischievous woman with a lot of irons in the fire. She specializes in court intrigue, and her business is finding out the business of others. Namely, she's always on the lookout for an out from Shaddam's harem. She knows he'll tire of her eventually, and she knows that some of the girls he tires of go missing entirely. She is particularly fond of Henry McNaught, the head of a Major House, House McNaught. Emma is a dedicated friend, a loyal ally, and a smooth negotiator. She's a good-humored woman who keeps her cards close to her chest, hiding a sense of quiet desperation, and a secret fear that she's running out of time to gain her freedom.
tagged for emma.
sophie -- seamstress of house atreides
[AU; ALL] [ABO; BETA] cis female. she/her. heteroflexible. Sophie is a kind, easily flustered woman who works as a seamstress for House Atreides. She has a keen eye for design, and excels at problem-solving complicated or unusual requests. She delights in creating clothes that accentuate the wearer in just the way they want to be seen, particularly in ways that bend gender expectations. She enjoys making clothes that are functional and beautiful, and is something of a workaholic when not forced to slow down. Sophie will drop everything to help someone, will work tirelessly to complete requests by deadlines, and loves to make others happy. She's happiest when she's being helpful, and doesn't seem to know what to do with herself when she doesn't have a project to keep her hands busy.
tagged for sophie.
cole thomas -- professional bull rider
[AU; FIRST NOVEMBER] [AU; OMEGA CULT] [ABO; BETA] cis male. he/him. gay. Cole Thomas is a semi-closeted Professional Bull Rider. Originally from Texas, he was kicked out when his dad found out he was gay. He's had to scrape things together ever since he left his family's ranch, but he's an upbeat guy with a can-do attitude. He's enthusiastic about queer rights in his day-to-day life, but keeps it quiet in regards to his career, given the somewhat homophobic atmosphere of PBR. He loves loud music, putting his boots on the dashboard, and rowdy bars. Cole is a deeply genuine person if you can get past the snark. He loves late nights, rough rides, and as much fun as he can have without missing the next rodeo.
tagged for cole.
eli kemper -- self-insert
[AU; ALL] [ABO; OMEGA] gnc trans man. he/him. queer. Eli is a pre-everything trans man, afab. He is submissive & breedable a bottom, and takes on a submissive role in sexual situations. He is 5'4, with brown hair and blue eyes. His role varies from scenario to scenario. Basically always dtf. He relies on stealth more than strength, and in relevant situations will absolutely use his body as a tool to get out of tough spots or to gain information. He ultimately endeavors to be kind, warm, loving, and to protect the people around him (complimentary), even to his own detriment (derogatory). Further characterization is heavily 'verse dependent.
tagged for eli.
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thegallinisystem · 6 years
65 Questions You Aren't Used To
One of my followers (*cough cough @almostasgayasstartrek ) challenged me to answer all of these questions, so buckle up.
1.      Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
Sometimes. Usually only when I’m having a dissociative issue.
2.      On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
It depends on if I’ve recently watched a horror play through or not.
3.      The person you would never want to meet?
There are many. Pretty much anyone in politics.
4.      What is your favorite word?
Anything that’s easily rhymable.
5.      If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
Red maple, because the leaves are vibrant and I have sweetness inside
6.      When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
I don’t really look in the mirror unless I have to.
7.      What shirt are you wearing?
A blue shirt that has Chewbacca on it and says “Wookie of the Year”. Which is funny, because I don’t actually like Star Wars very much. But the shirt is comfy!
8.      What do you label yourself as?
Transgender, non-binary, queer, Ravenclaw, INFJ, compassionate, empath, neurodivergent
9.      Bright room or dark room?
Not too bright, but I prefer a lit room.
10.   What were you doing at midnight last night?
Believe it or not, sleeping. I know it’s hard to believe, especially for me.
11.   Favorite age you’ve been so far?
I would have to say 24. It was a good year.
12.   Who told you they loved you last?
My spouse.
13.   Your worst enemy?
Probably myself. I tend to sabotage myself a lot.
14.   What is your current desktop picture?
(insert desktop photo here)
15.   Do you like someone?
Yes actually. Sometimes it hurts being polyromantic, because even though I’m currently in a relationship, we’ve all talked about having romantic relationships with others. So there’s this person I like who I met a couple months ago, but I know they’re not ready or interested in a relationship and I don’t know if they ever will be. Man, it’s been a while since I’ve had to deal with unrequited love.
16.   The last song you listened to?
17.   You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
My father. Because then he wouldn’t be able to hurt anyone and hopefully he’s got life insurance, which would help the rest of my family.
18.   Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
Mostly all of the politicians in power right now, save a couple of senators who aren’t incredibly evil.
19.   If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
Jeff Bezos. Firstly, he’d transfer me and each of my friends $1 million. Then, he’d sign a legally binding contract changing how things work at Amazon so that employees actually get what they deserve. Then, he would pay to end world hunger and create housing for the homeless. He’d also pay for all of the people who are trying to transition to get the surgeries they need. I would find a way to do all of this in a legally binding way so that he couldn’t come back and try to sue once the day is over.
20.   What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
It’s not great at the moment, but I take a lot of pride in my hair.
 21.   If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
There is a flaw with this question in that it assumes there are only two genders or sexes, and therefore there can be an opposite. The spectrum is wide and diverse biologically and narrowing it down to simply what genetalia you have on the outside is a disservice to that diversity.
22.   Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
I have the ability to bring a crowd wherever I go. People call me a trendsetter, but it’s happened so many times that it’s uncanny.
 23.   What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
Having the people around me turn out to be like the abusive people in my past. It hasn’t actually happened since 2013, but I’ve had some close calls and they’ve been terrifying.
 24.   You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.
Well firstly, we’ll start with toasted gluten free bread because of my stomach. Then, we’ll do cracked pepper turkey with mayo and Dijon mustard. Toss in some spinach, lettuce, tomato, red onion, and pickles and you’ve got a great sandwich.
 25.   You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?
 Putting it in my top surgery fund, which you can find here!
26.   You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go? Anywhere with a beach would be great by me.
 27.   An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?
 Henri IV Dudognon Heritage Cognac because one bottle of the stuff is worth nearly $2 million and I could sell it and be set for life. (I don’t drink so actually having it for me wouldn’t do me any good)
 28.   You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place? 
Everyone gets equal rights. Period.
 29.   What is your favorite expletive?
Oh Nut!
30.   Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
I would either grab my laptop or reginald (insert picture of reginald here). It’s a serious debate for me, because reginald is my prized possession. But my laptop has a whole bunch of stuff on it that I really don’t want to lose.
31.   You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
Trump getting elected.
32.   You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!
That is the COOLEST reason for getting kicked out of the country. Honestly, if I had the money, I’d take my family and move to Europe where they have universal healthcare and know that human rights are for everyone.
33.   The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
I would totally hang out with Death from The Sandman, she’s amazing. I’m not sure I would bring anyone back, because bringing people back from the dead has a whole bunch of repercussions that I don’t think we really know how to deal with.
34.   What was your last dream about?
I don’t really remember my dreams that well.
35.   Are you a good chopstick user?
I’d say so. When I have the option of using chopsticks, 9 times out of 10 I will because I can feed myself with them. I’m not good enough that I’m confident I don’t make faux paus though.
 36.   Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
Yes, I was admitted to a mental facility twice this past year.
37.   Have you ever built a snowman?
I built several as a kid! One in my backyard lasted for a good couple of weeks.
38.   What is the color of your socks?
Not currently wearing socks.
 39.   What type of music do you like?
Depends on my mood, but I’m almost always in the mood for some electronica.
 40.   Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
I think sunrises are prettier, but I don’t like being awake at the time of day that they usually happen.
41.   What is your favorite milkshake flavor?
Chocolate malt
42.   What football team do you support?
None? I don’t like football.
43.   Do you have any scars?
I’ve got several on my knees from when I was a kid and played outside all the time. I’ve also got a few on my arms from self harm.
44.   What do you want to be when you graduate?
I graduated 4 years ago, so this question is moot.
45.   If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
The severity of my mental illness.
46.   Are you reliable?
I don’t feel like I am. My poor physical and mental health means that I have to back out of things a lot and I hate it.
47.   If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
What helped you heal from the trauma of my past.
48.   Do you hold grudges?
Not usually.
49.   If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
A dog that lives longer than 12 years in a healthy way. I know that the question is looking for something like a liger, but this is more fun.
 50.   What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
I’ve had a lot of unusual conversations, so it’ll be hard to pick.
 51.   Are you a good liar?
I can be, but not if it’s for a game. Usually only when I’m trying to hide my mental or emotional health, which I haven’t done for a couple months.
 52.   How long could you go without talking?
I have gone several days without talking.
 53.   What has been you worst haircut/style?
I went to a super cuts once and the hairdresser gave me the choppiest haircut ever and a bunch of the strands weren’t even the same length. It was horrible.
 54.   Have you ever baked your own cake?
I’ve actually done it a lot more lately because of my allergies.
 55.   Can you do any accents other than your own?
Not well.
 56.   What do you like on your toast?
Peanut butter.
 57.   What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
I was trying to express something in therapy so it was more of an abstract piece.
 58.   What would be you dream car?
Something with amazing gas mileage.
 59.   Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain.
I sometimes do oil pulling, where I swish coconut oil around in my mouth.
 60.   Do you believe in aliens?
Oh boy do I. I wrote a ton of poems about aliens in high school.
 61.   Do you often read your horoscope?
No. I don’t really believe in horoscopes.
 62.   What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
X! It’s my gender marker now!
 63.   Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
How about yes.
 64.   What do you think about babies?
I don’t really care for them and I’m definitely not having any of my own.
 65.   Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.
If you qualified for a wish from the make a wish foundation, what would your wish be?
I’ve thought about this one a lot, actually. When I was younger, I probably would have done something with animals, like being able to take care of them or go behind the scenes or something. I didn’t care much about the money or the big grandiose wishes like what I have now. I think I was a simple child.
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inhalingwords · 7 years
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Monthly Wrap Up || September 2017
The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare || The Merry Wives of Windsor by William Shakespeare || Henry IV, Part 1 by William Shakespeare || Much Ado about Nothing by William Shakespeare || Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien
The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare
Anti-Semitism abounds in this play that has left me quite conflicted. While I love the queer subtext, the female characters, and the poetry of the language, the central plot and the already-mentioned anti-Semitism have left me quite cold.
The Merchant is a play about capital, money-lending and debt; Bassanio, an upwardly mobile young Venetian, needs money in order to woo a young heiress, Portia, so he borrows money from the Jewish moneylender Shylock with his friend Antonio as the loan’s guarantor. Things get complicated after Antonio can’t repay the loan -- and the circumstances are further complicated by the fact that Antonio has frequently treated Shylock with anti-Semitic contempt (which do not a gracious moneylender make).
While reading, I couldn’t quite make myself care about the central concerns about money nor Bassanio’s wooing of Portia, but I did rather enjoy the theme of difference and opposites, and the general feel of ambivalence that the play is full of. I’m excited to check out some modern adaptations and see how they have treated and contextualised the play.
The Merry Wives of Windsor by William Shakespeare
Merry Wives is definitely not going to linger in my mind as a work of genius, mostly because I found Falstaff a pretty unbearable and obnoxious character tbh, but thankfully, since it’s a comedic play all about duping and making fun off Falstaff, I found myself being reluctantly charmed by this farce of a play. And, of course, there are some pretty badass female characters at the centre of the action of this play, and that’s exactly the kind of stuff I'm all about. So, really, a huge thumbs up to Merry Wives, 10/10, would recommend.
If you want to read/see a play all about two witty women getting one over on a gross, lecherous (old) dudebro, this is the play for you!
Henry IV, Part 1 by William Shakespeare
I read Merry Wives before I started on the Henry IV plays and let me just tell you: it was the biggest mistake I’ve ever made. Legitimately, I’m not even kidding. The reason being that Merry Wives honestly made me kinda hate Falstaff (maybe not hate, but definitely dislike), and if there’s one thing anyone can tell you about the Henriad (but which everyone failed to mention to me!), is that Falstaff is apparently the (in)famous star(?) of the Henry plays.
Thankfully, there’s still a lot more going on besides Falstaff bumbling around. Highlights include: the beautiful structure of all the contrasting characters and high/low plots, Hotspur, language as a central theme, “I do; I will”, Hal as a grey character (the conflict of him being simultaneously both more and less than you want him to be), Falstaff’s rant about honour (”What is honour? a word. What is that word honour? air. A trim reckoning!--Who hath it? he that died o’ Wednesday. Doth he feel it? no. Doth he hear it? no.”).
Final verdict: def not my fave play, didn’t hate either -- despite some shining moments of brilliance, kinda meh.
Much Ado about Nothing by William Shakespeare
I’ve read Much Ado previously (and greatly enjoyed it, despite the cuckold humour this play is absolutely rife with), which is why I bought the Arden Shakespeare edition so I could reread the play and get to know more about the cultural context of and the scholarly debate/analysis around it.
Much Ado is best known for its witty pair of lovers -- Beatrice and Benedick -- who fill the action with delightful sparring with words, and, I have to admit, they’re one of the biggest draws for me too. But what they often upstage is the more central plot surrounding Hero, her virginity/”purity”, and her public shaming (by her husband-to-be Claudio). I have a lot of thoughts about it and how the play serves as this look into some harmful gender roles/stereotypes, making way for the eventual subversion of them (slightly problematised e.g. by the fact that Claudio and Hero end up marrying each other in the end -- though I also have many thoughts on that, for and against...). All of this makes for an endlessly fascinating play to me, one I will probably continue to come back to. (And I def need to check out some stage/film versions!)
Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien
The first part in the saga of the glorified camping trip! This one was another reread for me, and I loved every minute of it.
I started rereading this because I was sick and confined to bed and I needed something to tide me over, and I thought LotR might do the trick. High fantasy, a linguists’s wet dream, familiar story and characters, the struggles of the good fight against the evil... the perfect escape from the real world and an effective antidote to sickness!
I love stories about quests and adventures, and while I’ve seen and heard many people say they’ve been bored to death while reading LotR by the many digressions and tangents in the form of nature descriptions, “unnecessary” songs, and the like, I fucking love them. There’s nothing I adore more than super descriptive books, my soul feeds on words/poetry/songs, and nature is near and dear to my heart ♥
I’m excited to continue rediscovering this adventure in The Two Towers (which I’ve actually already started).
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hellyear86-blog · 5 years
Here Are The Best TV Shows To Binge-Watch This Winter
As we get closer and closer to the winter solstice, the nights are long and only getting longer. When the sun goes down at 5pm, you need some way to pass the hours before bedtime! And what better way to pass the time than catching up on some great TV shows? :-)
There are so many great TV shows worth watching these days that it can make it difficult to choose one! So I thought I’d help out by recommending some of my personal favorite TV series. :-) I’ve also made sure to mention what streaming services or TV channels each show is on, so you’ll know right where to look for them.
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In addition to sharing my own favorites, I’ll also be sharing recommendations from the rest of the OGT Team and some of my Facebook followers too! These lists should give you plenty of options to help get you through the winter, and beyond! And if you have a favorite show that isn’t mentioned in this post, share it with us in a comment at the end of this post.
1. Vikings
Available on Hulu and Amazon Prime Video
The Vikings TV series is inspired by the life of legendary viking hero Ragnar Lodbrok, who rose to become king of the viking tribes. (Fun Fact: He’s actually my 37th great-grandfather!) I am utterly fascinated by all things related to vikings, and this show completely captured my attention from the beginning!
2. The Crown
Available on Netflix
I admit I am a bit of a royal family fangirl, and I love the behind-the-scenes look at Queen Elizabeth’s life.
3. Outlander
Available on Starz
I’ve read every single book and also LOVE the series. One of those rare occasions when the screen version does justice to the books. (Warning: This show gets pretty risqué!)
4. Call The Midwife
Available on Netflix and Amazon Prime Video
Call the Midwife follows the nurses, midwives and nuns from Nonnatus House, who visit the expectant mothers of Poplar, providing the poorest women with the best possible care. I didn’t think I would like it at first, but it really sucks you in! Interesting from a historic standpoint with endearing characters.
5. The White Queen
Available on Amazon Prime Video and Starz
War ravages England in 1464 during a blood feud between the House of York and the House of Lancaster over who is the country’s true king. Young Edward IV, heir to the house of York, meets and marries Lancastrian commoner Elizabeth Woodville and all kinds of chaos ensues! Gripping stuff and really well done. And the book this show is based on is great too!
6. The White Princess
Available on Amazon Prime Video and Starz
A follow-up to The White Queen, The White Princess tells the story of Princess Elizabeth who is promised in marriage to the newly crowned King Henry VII in hopes that it will unite the kingdom. So good!
OGT Staff Picks For Binge-Worthy TV Shows
Britta’s Pick: The Great British Baking Show
Available on Netflix
“While the purpose of this competition show is to crown the best amateur bakers in Britain, it’s really so much more than that! It often feels like a refreshing antidote to American competition shows—the amateur bakers are gracious and often willing to help each other out, and the judges offer praise as well as constructive criticism. The hosts infuse plenty of silliness throughout, and every new challenge provides plenty of baking-related drama! Whenever the news or the weather has you feeling down, this show provides a welcome reminder that there’s still plenty of good left in the world.” – Britta, Content Editor
Kaitlyn’s Pick: Salt Fat Acid Heat
Available on Netflix
“I’m a sucker for just about any food show on Netflix, but this is my current favorite! The show is hosted by Samin Nosrat, chef and author of the New York Times bestselling book that the show is based on. The entire series is only four episodes long, and each episode covers one of the elements of good cooking—salt, fat, acid, and heat. The thing I love most about the show is that Samin visits a different country during each episode to explore how that country’s cuisine is influenced by that particular cooking element.
For example, during the “Salt” episode she travels to Japan and highlights the many ways that Japanese people use salt in their food. It’s so much different than the way we use salt in America and was absolutely fascinating to me! I would highly recommend this show to anyone that loves not only cooking, but culture and science too.” – Kaitlyn, Photographer
Brittany’s Pick: The Good Place
Available on Hulu
“This show is first and foremost a comedy, but it cleverly disguises a story that questions what it means to be a good person. It strikes the perfect balance between thought-provoking and funny, with great characters that you feel really invested in. It’s a heartwarming show that I just can’t get enough of!” – Brittany, Production Manager
Lindsay’s Pick: Strong Girl Bong-soon
Available on Netflix
“This show is Korean, so it has subtitles, but it’s absolutely silly and hilarious. It’s a pretty light-hearted drama that will most likely make you laugh out loud. My husband was extremely skeptical when we started watching it, but he ended up laughing out loud at every single episode. My mom and aunt also loved it, and are now completely hooked on K-dramas.” – Lindsay, Social Media Manager
OGT Readers’ Picks
Here are some of the TV shows that have OGT readers hooked! A lot of these shows narrowly missed earning a spot on my personal list. (It was agonizing having to limit myself to picking only 6 shows to recommend!) These should keep you plenty busy:
Queer Eye (Netflix)
Making It (Hulu)
Stranger Things (Netflix)
New Amsterdam (Hulu)
A Million Little Things (Hulu)
Versailles (Netflix)
The Tudors (Netflix)
The Good Doctor (Hulu)
Parts Unknown (Netflix)
Downton Abbey (Amazon Prime Video)
What TV shows have you been hooked on lately?
Source: https://www.onegoodthingbyjillee.com/best-tv-shows-to-watch-this-winter
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thesffcorner · 6 years
February Wrap Up
Despite being the shortest month of the year, I read 7 books and 10 graphic novels, or 17 things in total. It was also another month where I read a lot of diverse genres: I read 10 contemporaries, 4 of which were thriller/mysteries, and 6 of which were romance; 4 sci-fi, 1 speculative historical romance, 1 fantasy romance and 1 historical fantasy. Instead of doing highest to lowest, since I have so many graphic novels and some are part of the same series, I decided to group them by the date read, so without further ado, let’s get into it.
Fence vol. 1-3 by C S Pacat and Joanna the Mad (3, 4, 3 stars)
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I wanted to read this series for a while, and I finally binged it this February. Fence follows Nicholas, a young fencer with a complicated past and poor background who comes to Kings Row, a school with the fourth best fencing programs in the country. There, to his shock he finds Senji, a junior champion with Olympic aspirations; and the two can’t stand each-other.
This series is just a whole lot of fun. It’s written like a Western style sports anime/manga, and Joanna the Mad’s artstyle is very reminiscent of manga, with lots of action line, pretty boys and expressive, large eyes. The first volume is a fine set up of Nicholas’ first confrontation with Senj, and arriving at the school, while the second and third volume deal with the qualifications at the school for who will make the fencing team. As Nick is on an athletic scholarship, he has to qualify or he gets kicked out, but like many of these series go, he has some stiff competition, and develops friendships with said competition.
I really enjoyed the dynamic between all the characters, especially Senji and Nicholas, and if you’re a fan of sports anime, cute queer comics, or painfully slow-burn enemies to lovers stories, check this out.
Check, Please! Year 3 by Ngozi Ukazu (4 stars)
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The first thing I read in February was the third volume of Check, Please! This was as cute as the previous 2 volumes, as it follows Bittie’s third year in college. What struck out to me upon rereading this specific year, is that it actually has way more angst and conflict than I remember it having; there’s a lot here about Bittie and Jack coming to terms with not just their long distance relationship, but also coming out and finding acceptance within the confines of a major sports league like the NHL. It also deals a lot with Bittie coming to terms with the hockey team changing as Ransom, Holster and Lardo graduate. Overall, a good continuation of the story.
Deadly Class vol 1-2 by Rick Remender and Wes Craig (3, 2, 2 stars)
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Deadly Class is a series that if I had started reading when I was in late high school, early college, I know I would have loved. However now, as an adult, I find it grating, pretentious, and far too extreme for no real reason. The story aspects that I liked the most, I’ve also already seen or read in far better works; it doesn’t help that up to volume 3, there are only 2 characters left that I remotely care about, and one of them just got introduced in that volume.
The series follows a group of kids who go to an elite training school for assassins. We mostly follow Marcus, the son of a Nicaraguan expats, who ends up at the school after he meets Saya and a few of the other students during a stick up. Though the first volume started out promising, volumes 2 and 3 kept getting less and less good, and unless something drastically changes in my life, I can’t see myself continuing on with this series.
Contagion by Erin Bowman (3 stars)
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This is a sci-fi book set in the near-distant future, and it follows the crew of Odyssey, a research vessel that is sent to Black Quarry to investigate a distress signal. Once there, the crew realizes that something bad has happened, as they find bodies and a potentially deadly thing haunting them; and the mysterious ‘young boy’ the engineer of Black Quarry warns them about is not making matters any easier.
This was a rather mediocre sci-fi, but I still enjoyed it. As it’s part of a duology I will definitely be finishing the story out, but as is it doesn’t do too much with this well-tread premise. Bowman does have a good grasp on action and suspense, but a lot of the character decisions in the novel were akin to ones characters in Blumhouse horrors make, and considering most of them are some form of scientists, that wasn’t an ideal route to take. Still if you enjoy stories about aliens, sentient viruses, isolated space incidents and horror, it’s worth checking out.
Prince Charming by Rachel Hawkins (4 stars)
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This is the first book in a series of contemporary romances, all centering around the fiction crown family of Scotland. In this first novel we follow Daisy, the younger sister of Eli, who gets engaged to Andrew, the Crown Prince of Scotland. After an incident in a parking lot with her ex, Daisy gets blackmailed into spending the summer in Scotland with her sister and fiance, and get acquainted with the royal family; cue shenanigans, romance and lots of sisterly yelling.
I was surprised at how much I enjoyed this book; it was very funny and entertaining, and I haven’t related to a characters quite like I did to Daisy, since Princess Mia Thermopolis. While there are some tropes these stories tend to have, Hawkins manages to avoid a lot of the cliches, and she actually has some really good commentary on the economy of the royal family, the outdated and outright sexist traditions, the close-mindedness, and the prejudice that both sides are steeped in at the start. I found the romance very cute, the shenanigans were funny and entertaining, and I will definitely be reading the sequel.
Heart of Gold Part 1 by Eli and Viv (4 stars)
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This is an webcomic that I stumbled onto by complete accident, but it blew me away. It follows Ionel, a concert pianist who is slowly losing his sight, and Kasper a priest with the power to heal people. Ionel moves to the small town and starts attending mass, in hopes that Kasper will heal him, but every time it gets close to, or his turn, Kasper refuses to help him. Through his attendance, the two become close, with Kasper seeming to have a crisis of faith, all while people from the town start dying; and they might be connected to Kasper.
This comic drew me in almost immediately. The art is absolutely beautiful, and it’s hard to believe that this is a free web comic. The story too is very mature and interesting; it deals a lot with religion, faith, and sacrifice, and the slow build of Isonel and Kaspar’s relationship feels very natural. I can’t wait for Act 2, and I’m really hoping the answers to what is happening in the town deliver on the build up we’ve gotten so far.
Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson (3 stars)
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I heard about this book a lot when it came out, and I decided to check it out, since it’s a mystery following a girl who wants to become an FBI agent, coming to Ellingham Academy, a Montessori type private school, to solve an old cold case; that of the founder, Albert Ellingham’s daughter’s kidnapping.
I won’t lie; this book did not live up to the hype for me, though it was entertaining. I have a much longer and more detailed review of why, but it mostly boiled down to a few things. First, I didn’t like that it ends of a cliffhanger, and we get no answers; this is a bit odd for a mystery, especially a series which has more than two books. Second, I thought the way the past and present mystery connected wasn’t very well done, and I kept losing interest in the past, because of the way the book was written. And finally, I found some of the writing dry and lacking in proper atmosphere.
However, I still enjoyed the story, and the main character of Steve, and I will probably read the sequel, since I still want to know what happens.
S.T.A.G.S. by M A Bennet (3 stars)
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S.T.A.G.S. is a British thriller, set in Saint Aidan the Great’s School or STAGS, a private boarding school with a long tradition. When new student Greer gets invited to a weekend of huntin, shootin, fishin at the estate of the leader of the most popular clique in the school, Henry, she accepts, not knowing what waits for her; and what does is a nightmare that might turn deadly, where the hunting, shooting, and fishing, might be a little too real and dangerous.  
I really enjoyed this thriller; I thought it was entertaining, fast paced and had a plot that kept me invested to the end. I also weirdly enjoyed the subtle romance between two of the characters, which isn’t often the case.
However, this book isn’t without it’s problems. The ending is a bit predictable, and having seen the Riot Club, I knew what I was getting into, in terms of what the weekend actually entailed. I also found that the book lacked a lot of tension, because we found out early on who lives through it. However, it was still enjoyable, and if you like these types of thrillers set in boarding schools or private estates, I think you will enjoy this one.
Undead Girl Gang by Lily Anderson (4 stars)
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Like Prince Charming before, I was genuinely surprised at how much I ended up enjoying this book, because when I started it, I was really caught off guard by the humor. However, once I got used to it, this became one of the funniest things I read this month.
Undead Girl Gang is a horror/comedy that follows Mila, a Mexican-American teenager who practices Wicca. After her best friend Riley supposedly commits suicide, just a week after a double suicide of two of her other classmates, Mila decides to perform a spell and bring Riley back; but instead she brings all three of the girls back. The problem? They can’t stand each-other, and if they don’t want to be walking zombies, they need to stay within a 100 steps of Mila.
This book was hilarious and very dark. I really enjoyed all the relationships between the girls, and I found the look at grief very well done and moving. The ending was climactic, and the conclusions Mila comes to worked well for me; if you enjoyed the Craft, Mean Girls or Heathers, check this out, you will probably like it.
Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi (5 stars)
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This was by far my favorite thing I read this month. I struggled writing a review for it, because I just didn’t know how to talk about it without just relegating to spoilers and gushing about the characters and the puzzles. It’s a book that follows a group of thieves, who steal magical artifacts, each with their own motivations and goals. When they steal a magical Chinese compass, the discover that it leads them to a Horus Eye; an artifact so powerful it can show them the way to the fabled Fragment of Babel.
It’s the Mummy, mixed with National Treasure, mixed with Ocean’s 11. It’s fun heist story, set during the Exposition Universelle, and if you are like me at all and like any of these things, you will love this book.
Sleepless vol. 1 by Sarah Vaughan (4 stars)
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This was probably my favorite of the graphic novels I read; it’s a fantasy that follows Poppy, the illegitimate daughter of a King, and a famous star reader. When her father the King dies, Poppy is forced to navigate court life, as his brother takes the throne, but things become increasingly hard as several assassination attempts are made, and her Sleepless protector Cyrenic starts drifting.
There’s just something about this series that ticks all my boxes. The art is absolutely gorgeous, the story is interesting and a bit different from the usual fantasy I read, and the Sleepless vow is a very unique type of magic. To top it off, I really like the two leads, Poppy and Cyrenic and I’m curious to see what turn the story will take after the ending we get in issue 6.
Motor Crush vol. 1 by Brenden Fletcher (3 stars)
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I’ve been meaning to start this series for a while, and I finally did in February, and man was it a great time to do this, fresh after seeing Battle Angel Alita.
This follows Domino, a bike racer, who is trying to make it big and qualify for the world circuit. However, to survive she needs Crash, an illegal substance that is used to fuel the bikes in this universe, but she needs to inhale it. Through the first volume we find out a bit about her mysterious past, her ex-girlfriend Lola, and a man who seems to either want to help her or kill her; all while she races to win the qualifications and the Crash.
This series was a fun, fast paced ride, but it’s not without its problems. The art is beautiful, but the story needs some more polishing; there’s too many plot threads and not enough time to develop them. I can’t imagine how things will resolve in the next volume after that climax, but I will definitely be continuing it; the world was gripping enough to have me enjoy it, and Domino was a character I definitely rooted for.
Umbrella Academy vol. 1 by Gerard Way (3 stars)
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Since the show is all anyone talks about, I decided to finally start this series and boy is it cooky. We follow the Umbrella Academy, a group of 7, who were adopted by a crazy millionaire savant Reginald Hargreeves, after being born in a spontaneous event all over the world where 48 mothers gave birth. Hargreeves trains the kids to stop the apocalypse, and now 10 years after his death brings 6 of the 7 back to his house, unaware that the apocalypse is here; and it’s a direct consequence of their reunification.
There is a lot of good and a lot of weird in this series. The characters have glimpses of interesting personalities and the idea of 7 kids being raised from birth to be superheroes by a man who is a British version of Ra’s al Ghul is interesting. But unfortunately the series doesn’t fully explore this, and the ending is really abrupt. The humor is quirky, and sometimes it works, but more often it makes the tone weirdly uneven, as we swing from graphic, albeit cartoon violence to slapstick. I think the show does a much better job with the tone, and while this first volume gets a lot right, it’s by no means perfect.
Sadie by Courtney Summers (4 stars) 
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This was by far the hardest book I’ve read in a long time. It’s a mystery that follows Sadie, a girl who disappears after her younger sister is brutally assaulted and murdered; and West McCray, a podcast host who is retracing her steps, trying to find her. It’s a book about grief, assault, pedophilia, violence and the lies we tell ourselves so we don’t have to think about what happens to girls in this world, and it’s dower, dreary and oh so real. It made me feel things I don’t normally do when I read, and if you can stomach the content, I recommend it. If you can, get the audiobook; it’s a full cast and the podcast bits are done like a real podcast, which makes the story feel that much more immersive.   
The Disasters by M K England (5 stars)
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I needed something light and fun after the last two things I read in February, and this was the perfect way to end my month. This was my favorite book I read so far, maybe even more than the Gilded Wolves. It’s a sci-fi that follows a group of 4 rejects from Space Academy who have to work together to survive a terrorist attack, and prevent another one from happening. It’s fast paced, incredibly entertaining, and I fell in love with all the characters.
I absolutely cannot wait for whatever else M K England publishes, and I loved this to pieces.  
0 notes
lauriecgarcia · 6 years
Here Are The Best TV Shows To Binge-Watch This Winter
As we get closer and closer to the winter solstice, the nights are long and only getting longer. When the sun goes down at 5pm, you need some way to pass the hours before bedtime! And what better way to pass the time than catching up on some great TV shows? :-)
There are so many great TV shows worth watching these days that it can make it difficult to choose one! So I thought I’d help out by recommending some of my personal favorite TV series. :-) I’ve also made sure to mention what streaming services or TV channels each show is on, so you’ll know right where to look for them.
In addition to sharing my own favorites, I’ll also be sharing recommendations from the rest of the OGT Team and some of my Facebook followers too! These lists should give you plenty of options to help get you through the winter, and beyond! And if you have a favorite show that isn’t mentioned in this post, share it with us in a comment at the end of this post.
My Top 6 Binge-Worthy TV Shows
1. Vikings
Available on Hulu and Amazon Prime Video
The Vikings TV series is inspired by the life of legendary viking hero Ragnar Lodbrok, who rose to become king of the viking tribes. (Fun Fact: He’s actually my 37th great-grandfather!) I am utterly fascinated by all things related to vikings, and this show completely captured my attention from the beginning!
2. The Crown
Available on Netflix
I admit I am a bit of a royal family fangirl, and I love the behind-the-scenes look at Queen Elizabeth’s life.
3. Outlander
Available on Starz
I’ve read every single book and also LOVE the series. One of those rare occasions when the screen version does justice to the books. (Warning: This show gets pretty risqué!)
4. Call The Midwife
Available on Netflix
Call the Midwife follows the nurses, midwives and nuns from Nonnatus House, who visit the expectant mothers of Poplar, providing the poorest women with the best possible care. I didn’t think I would like it at first, but it really sucks you in! Interesting from a historic standpoint with endearing characters.
5. The White Queen
Available on Amazon Prime Video and Starz
War ravages England in 1464 during a blood feud between the House of York and the House of Lancaster over who is the country’s true king. Young Edward IV, heir to the house of York, meets and marries Lancastrian commoner Elizabeth Woodville and all kinds of chaos ensues! Gripping stuff and really well done. And the book this show is based on is great too!
6. The White Princess
Available on Amazon Prime Video and Starz
A follow-up to The White Queen, The White Princess tells the story of Princess Elizabeth who is promised in marriage to the newly crowned King Henry VII in hopes that it will unite the kingdom. So good!
OGT Staff Picks For Binge-Worthy TV Shows
Britta’s Pick: The Great British Baking Show
Available on Netflix
“While the purpose of this competition show is to crown the best amateur bakers in Britain, it’s really so much more than that! It often feels like a refreshing antidote to American competition shows—the amateur bakers are gracious and often willing to help each other out, and the judges offer praise as well as constructive criticism. The hosts infuse plenty of silliness throughout, and every new challenge provides plenty of baking-related drama! Whenever the news or the weather has you feeling down, this show provides a welcome reminder that there’s still plenty of good left in the world.” – Britta, Content Editor
Kaitlyn’s Pick: Salt Fat Acid Heat
Available on Netflix
“I’m a sucker for just about any food show on Netflix, but this is my current favorite! The show is hosted by Samin Nosrat, chef and author of the New York Times bestselling book that the show is based on. The entire series is only four episodes long, and each episode covers one of the elements of good cooking—salt, fat, acid, and heat. The thing I love most about the show is that Samin visits a different country during each episode to explore how that country’s cuisine is influenced by that particular cooking element.
For example, during the “Salt” episode she travels to Japan and highlights the many ways that Japanese people use salt in their food. It’s so much different than the way we use salt in America and was absolutely fascinating to me! I would highly recommend this show to anyone that loves not only cooking, but culture and science too.” – Kaitlyn, Photographer
Brittany’s Pick: The Good Place
Available on Hulu
“This show is first and foremost a comedy, but it cleverly disguises a story that questions what it means to be a good person. It strikes the perfect balance between thought-provoking and funny, with great characters that you feel really invested in. It’s a heartwarming show that I just can’t get enough of!” – Brittany, Production Manager
Lindsay’s Pick: Strong Girl Bong-soon
Available on Netflix
“This show is Korean, so it has subtitles, but it’s absolutely silly and hilarious. It’s a pretty light-hearted drama that will most likely make you laugh out loud. My husband was extremely skeptical when we started watching it, but he ended up laughing out loud at every single episode. My mom and aunt also loved it, and are now completely hooked on K-dramas.” – Lindsay, Social Media Manager
OGT Readers’ Picks
Here are some of the TV shows that have OGT readers hooked! A lot of these shows narrowly missed earning a spot on my personal list. (It was agonizing having to limit myself to picking only 6 shows to recommend!) These should keep you plenty busy:
Queer Eye (Netflix)
Making It (Hulu)
Stranger Things (Netflix)
New Amsterdam (Hulu)
A Million Little Things (Hulu)
Versailles (Netflix)
The Tudors (Netflix)
The Good Doctor (Hulu)
Parts Unknown (Netflix)
Downton Abbey (Amazon Prime Video)
What TV shows have you been hooked on lately?
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8302119 https://www.onegoodthingbyjillee.com/best-tv-shows-to-watch-this-winter from The Top Cleaner https://thetopcleaner.tumblr.com/post/181029200852
0 notes
lauriecgarcia · 6 years
Here Are The Best TV Shows To Binge-Watch This Winter
As we get closer and closer to the winter solstice, the nights are long and only getting longer. When the sun goes down at 5pm, you need some way to pass the hours before bedtime! And what better way to pass the time than catching up on some great TV shows? :-)
There are so many great TV shows worth watching these days that it can make it difficult to choose one! So I thought I’d help out by recommending some of my personal favorite TV series. :-) I’ve also made sure to mention what streaming services or TV channels each show is on, so you’ll know right where to look for them.
In addition to sharing my own favorites, I’ll also be sharing recommendations from the rest of the OGT Team and some of my Facebook followers too! These lists should give you plenty of options to help get you through the winter, and beyond! And if you have a favorite show that isn’t mentioned in this post, share it with us in a comment at the end of this post.
My Top 6 Binge-Worthy TV Shows
1. Vikings
Available on Hulu and Amazon Prime Video
The Vikings TV series is inspired by the life of legendary viking hero Ragnar Lodbrok, who rose to become king of the viking tribes. (Fun Fact: He’s actually my 37th great-grandfather!) I am utterly fascinated by all things related to vikings, and this show completely captured my attention from the beginning!
2. The Crown
Available on Netflix
I admit I am a bit of a royal family fangirl, and I love the behind-the-scenes look at Queen Elizabeth’s life.
3. Outlander
Available on Starz
I’ve read every single book and also LOVE the series. One of those rare occasions when the screen version does justice to the books. (Warning: This show gets pretty risqué!)
4. Call The Midwife
Available on Netflix
Call the Midwife follows the nurses, midwives and nuns from Nonnatus House, who visit the expectant mothers of Poplar, providing the poorest women with the best possible care. I didn’t think I would like it at first, but it really sucks you in! Interesting from a historic standpoint with endearing characters.
5. The White Queen
Available on Amazon Prime Video and Starz
War ravages England in 1464 during a blood feud between the House of York and the House of Lancaster over who is the country’s true king. Young Edward IV, heir to the house of York, meets and marries Lancastrian commoner Elizabeth Woodville and all kinds of chaos ensues! Gripping stuff and really well done. And the book this show is based on is great too!
6. The White Princess
Available on Amazon Prime Video and Starz
A follow-up to The White Queen, The White Princess tells the story of Princess Elizabeth who is promised in marriage to the newly crowned King Henry VII in hopes that it will unite the kingdom. So good!
OGT Staff Picks For Binge-Worthy TV Shows
Britta’s Pick: The Great British Baking Show
Available on Netflix
“While the purpose of this competition show is to crown the best amateur bakers in Britain, it’s really so much more than that! It often feels like a refreshing antidote to American competition shows—the amateur bakers are gracious and often willing to help each other out, and the judges offer praise as well as constructive criticism. The hosts infuse plenty of silliness throughout, and every new challenge provides plenty of baking-related drama! Whenever the news or the weather has you feeling down, this show provides a welcome reminder that there’s still plenty of good left in the world.” – Britta, Content Editor
Kaitlyn’s Pick: Salt Fat Acid Heat
Available on Netflix
“I’m a sucker for just about any food show on Netflix, but this is my current favorite! The show is hosted by Samin Nosrat, chef and author of the New York Times bestselling book that the show is based on. The entire series is only four episodes long, and each episode covers one of the elements of good cooking—salt, fat, acid, and heat. The thing I love most about the show is that Samin visits a different country during each episode to explore how that country’s cuisine is influenced by that particular cooking element.
For example, during the “Salt” episode she travels to Japan and highlights the many ways that Japanese people use salt in their food. It’s so much different than the way we use salt in America and was absolutely fascinating to me! I would highly recommend this show to anyone that loves not only cooking, but culture and science too.” – Kaitlyn, Photographer
Brittany’s Pick: The Good Place
Available on Hulu
“This show is first and foremost a comedy, but it cleverly disguises a story that questions what it means to be a good person. It strikes the perfect balance between thought-provoking and funny, with great characters that you feel really invested in. It’s a heartwarming show that I just can’t get enough of!” – Brittany, Production Manager
Lindsay’s Pick: Strong Girl Bong-soon
Available on Netflix
“This show is Korean, so it has subtitles, but it’s absolutely silly and hilarious. It’s a pretty light-hearted drama that will most likely make you laugh out loud. My husband was extremely skeptical when we started watching it, but he ended up laughing out loud at every single episode. My mom and aunt also loved it, and are now completely hooked on K-dramas.” – Lindsay, Social Media Manager
OGT Readers’ Picks
Here are some of the TV shows that have OGT readers hooked! A lot of these shows narrowly missed earning a spot on my personal list. (It was agonizing having to limit myself to picking only 6 shows to recommend!) These should keep you plenty busy:
Queer Eye (Netflix)
Making It (Hulu)
Stranger Things (Netflix)
New Amsterdam (Hulu)
A Million Little Things (Hulu)
Versailles (Netflix)
The Tudors (Netflix)
The Good Doctor (Hulu)
Parts Unknown (Netflix)
Downton Abbey (Amazon Prime Video)
What TV shows have you been hooked on lately?
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8302119 https://www.onegoodthingbyjillee.com/best-tv-shows-to-watch-this-winter from The Top Cleaner https://thetopcleaner.tumblr.com/post/180938719572
0 notes
lauriecgarcia · 6 years
Here Are The Best TV Shows To Binge-Watch This Winter
As we get closer and closer to the winter solstice, the nights are long and only getting longer. When the sun goes down at 5pm, you need some way to pass the hours before bedtime! And what better way to pass the time than catching up on some great TV shows? :-)
There are so many great TV shows worth watching these days that it can make it difficult to choose one! So I thought I’d help out by recommending some of my personal favorite TV series. :-) I’ve also made sure to mention what streaming services or TV channels each show is on, so you’ll know right where to look for them.
In addition to sharing my own favorites, I’ll also be sharing recommendations from the rest of the OGT Team and some of my Facebook followers too! These lists should give you plenty of options to help get you through the winter, and beyond! And if you have a favorite show that isn’t mentioned in this post, share it with us in a comment at the end of this post.
My Top 6 Binge-Worthy TV Shows
1. Vikings
Available on Hulu and Amazon Prime Video
The Vikings TV series is inspired by the life of legendary viking hero Ragnar Lodbrok, who rose to become king of the viking tribes. (Fun Fact: He’s actually my 37th great-grandfather!) I am utterly fascinated by all things related to vikings, and this show completely captured my attention from the beginning!
2. The Crown
Available on Netflix
I admit I am a bit of a royal family fangirl, and I love the behind-the-scenes look at Queen Elizabeth’s life.
3. Outlander
Available on Starz
I’ve read every single book and also LOVE the series. One of those rare occasions when the screen version does justice to the books. (Warning: This show gets pretty risqué!)
4. Call The Midwife
Available on Netflix and Amazon Prime Video
Call the Midwife follows the nurses, midwives and nuns from Nonnatus House, who visit the expectant mothers of Poplar, providing the poorest women with the best possible care. I didn’t think I would like it at first, but it really sucks you in! Interesting from a historic standpoint with endearing characters.
5. The White Queen
Available on Amazon Prime Video and Starz
War ravages England in 1464 during a blood feud between the House of York and the House of Lancaster over who is the country’s true king. Young Edward IV, heir to the house of York, meets and marries Lancastrian commoner Elizabeth Woodville and all kinds of chaos ensues! Gripping stuff and really well done. And the book this show is based on is great too!
6. The White Princess
Available on Amazon Prime Video and Starz
A follow-up to The White Queen, The White Princess tells the story of Princess Elizabeth who is promised in marriage to the newly crowned King Henry VII in hopes that it will unite the kingdom. So good!
OGT Staff Picks For Binge-Worthy TV Shows
Britta’s Pick: The Great British Baking Show
Available on Netflix
“While the purpose of this competition show is to crown the best amateur bakers in Britain, it’s really so much more than that! It often feels like a refreshing antidote to American competition shows—the amateur bakers are gracious and often willing to help each other out, and the judges offer praise as well as constructive criticism. The hosts infuse plenty of silliness throughout, and every new challenge provides plenty of baking-related drama! Whenever the news or the weather has you feeling down, this show provides a welcome reminder that there’s still plenty of good left in the world.” – Britta, Content Editor
Kaitlyn’s Pick: Salt Fat Acid Heat
Available on Netflix
“I’m a sucker for just about any food show on Netflix, but this is my current favorite! The show is hosted by Samin Nosrat, chef and author of the New York Times bestselling book that the show is based on. The entire series is only four episodes long, and each episode covers one of the elements of good cooking—salt, fat, acid, and heat. The thing I love most about the show is that Samin visits a different country during each episode to explore how that country’s cuisine is influenced by that particular cooking element.
For example, during the “Salt” episode she travels to Japan and highlights the many ways that Japanese people use salt in their food. It’s so much different than the way we use salt in America and was absolutely fascinating to me! I would highly recommend this show to anyone that loves not only cooking, but culture and science too.” – Kaitlyn, Photographer
Brittany’s Pick: The Good Place
Available on Hulu
“This show is first and foremost a comedy, but it cleverly disguises a story that questions what it means to be a good person. It strikes the perfect balance between thought-provoking and funny, with great characters that you feel really invested in. It’s a heartwarming show that I just can’t get enough of!” – Brittany, Production Manager
Lindsay’s Pick: Strong Girl Bong-soon
Available on Netflix
“This show is Korean, so it has subtitles, but it’s absolutely silly and hilarious. It’s a pretty light-hearted drama that will most likely make you laugh out loud. My husband was extremely skeptical when we started watching it, but he ended up laughing out loud at every single episode. My mom and aunt also loved it, and are now completely hooked on K-dramas.” – Lindsay, Social Media Manager
OGT Readers’ Picks
Here are some of the TV shows that have OGT readers hooked! A lot of these shows narrowly missed earning a spot on my personal list. (It was agonizing having to limit myself to picking only 6 shows to recommend!) These should keep you plenty busy:
Queer Eye (Netflix)
Making It (Hulu)
Stranger Things (Netflix)
New Amsterdam (Hulu)
A Million Little Things (Hulu)
Versailles (Netflix)
The Tudors (Netflix)
The Good Doctor (Hulu)
Parts Unknown (Netflix)
Downton Abbey (Amazon Prime Video)
What TV shows have you been hooked on lately?
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8302119 https://www.onegoodthingbyjillee.com/best-tv-shows-to-watch-this-winter from The Top Cleaner https://thetopcleaner.tumblr.com/post/180856697722
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lauriecgarcia · 6 years
Here Are The Best TV Shows To Binge-Watch This Winter
As we get closer and closer to the winter solstice, the nights are long and only getting longer. When the sun goes down at 5pm, you need some way to pass the hours before bedtime! And what better way to pass the time than catching up on some great TV shows? :-)
There are so many great TV shows worth watching these days that it can make it difficult to choose one! So I thought I’d help out by recommending some of my personal favorite TV series. :-) I’ve also made sure to mention what streaming services or TV channels each show is on, so you’ll know right where to look for them.
In addition to sharing my own favorites, I’ll also be sharing recommendations from the rest of the OGT Team and some of my Facebook followers too! These lists should give you plenty of options to help get you through the winter, and beyond! And if you have a favorite show that isn’t mentioned in this post, share it with us in a comment at the end of this post.
My Top 6 Binge-Worthy TV Shows
1. Vikings
Available on Hulu and Amazon Prime Video
The Vikings TV series is inspired by the life of legendary viking hero Ragnar Lodbrok, who rose to become king of the viking tribes. (Fun Fact: He’s actually my 37th great-grandfather!) I am utterly fascinated by all things related to vikings, and this show completely captured my attention from the beginning!
2. The Crown
Available on Netflix
I admit I am a bit of a royal family fangirl, and I love the behind-the-scenes look at Queen Elizabeth’s life.
3. Outlander
Available on Starz
I’ve read every single book and also LOVE the series. One of those rare occasions when the screen version does justice to the books. (Warning: This show gets pretty risqué!)
4. Call The Midwife
Available on Netflix and Amazon Prime Video
Call the Midwife follows the nurses, midwives and nuns from Nonnatus House, who visit the expectant mothers of Poplar, providing the poorest women with the best possible care. I didn’t think I would like it at first, but it really sucks you in! Interesting from a historic standpoint with endearing characters.
5. The White Queen
Available on Amazon Prime Video and Starz
War ravages England in 1464 during a blood feud between the House of York and the House of Lancaster over who is the country’s true king. Young Edward IV, heir to the house of York, meets and marries Lancastrian commoner Elizabeth Woodville and all kinds of chaos ensues! Gripping stuff and really well done. And the book this show is based on is great too!
6. The White Princess
Available on Amazon Prime Video and Starz
A follow-up to The White Queen, The White Princess tells the story of Princess Elizabeth who is promised in marriage to the newly crowned King Henry VII in hopes that it will unite the kingdom. So good!
OGT Staff Picks For Binge-Worthy TV Shows
Britta’s Pick: The Great British Baking Show
Available on Netflix
“While the purpose of this competition show is to crown the best amateur bakers in Britain, it’s really so much more than that! It often feels like a refreshing antidote to American competition shows—the amateur bakers are gracious and often willing to help each other out, and the judges offer praise as well as constructive criticism. The hosts infuse plenty of silliness throughout, and every new challenge provides plenty of baking-related drama! Whenever the news or the weather has you feeling down, this show provides a welcome reminder that there’s still plenty of good left in the world.” – Britta, Content Editor
Kaitlyn’s Pick: Salt Fat Acid Heat
Available on Netflix
“I’m a sucker for just about any food show on Netflix, but this is my current favorite! The show is hosted by Samin Nosrat, chef and author of the New York Times bestselling book that the show is based on. The entire series is only four episodes long, and each episode covers one of the elements of good cooking—salt, fat, acid, and heat. The thing I love most about the show is that Samin visits a different country during each episode to explore how that country’s cuisine is influenced by that particular cooking element.
For example, during the “Salt” episode she travels to Japan and highlights the many ways that Japanese people use salt in their food. It’s so much different than the way we use salt in America and was absolutely fascinating to me! I would highly recommend this show to anyone that loves not only cooking, but culture and science too.” – Kaitlyn, Photographer
Brittany’s Pick: The Good Place
Available on Hulu
“This show is first and foremost a comedy, but it cleverly disguises a story that questions what it means to be a good person. It strikes the perfect balance between thought-provoking and funny, with great characters that you feel really invested in. It’s a heartwarming show that I just can’t get enough of!” – Brittany, Production Manager
Lindsay’s Pick: Strong Girl Bong-soon
Available on Netflix
“This show is Korean, so it has subtitles, but it’s absolutely silly and hilarious. It’s a pretty light-hearted drama that will most likely make you laugh out loud. [My husband] Kevin is basically a stoic, and he laughed out loud at every single episode. My mom and aunt also loved it and are now completely hooked on K-dramas.” – Lindsay, Social Media Manager
OGT Readers’ Picks
Here are some of the TV shows that have OGT readers hooked! A lot of these shows narrowly missed earning a spot on my personal list. (It was agonizing having to limit myself to picking only 6 shows to recommend!) These should keep you plenty busy:
Queer Eye (Netflix)
Making It (Hulu)
Stranger Things (Netflix)
New Amsterdam (Hulu)
A Million Little Things (Hulu)
Versailles (Netflix)
The Tudors (Netflix)
The Good Doctor (Hulu)
Parts Unknown (Netflix)
Downton Abbey (Amazon Prime Video)
What TV shows have you been hooked on lately?
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8302119 https://www.onegoodthingbyjillee.com/best-tv-shows-to-watch-this-winter from The Top Cleaner https://thetopcleaner.tumblr.com/post/180818970872
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