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hurtingbuck · 3 days ago
queerdraco > hurtingbuck
i love love love queerdraco with all my heart and it's been my identity here for years but it's time for something new 🥹🫶🏻
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dragonsovereign · 2 years ago
srysrysrysryRy i know im rebloging from ppl named queerdraco and confirmedjohnlock Pleasenim sorry i dont control who has actual good looking sherlock art in their sherlock tags im sk sorrh
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cruciatuz · 5 years ago
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12 days of harry potter: 
{day 1 - favourite book} ⇒ harry potter and the half-blood prince
“and harry saw very clearly as he sat there under the hot sun how people who cared about him had stood in front of him one by one, his mother, his father, his godfather, and finally dumbledore, all determined to protect him; but now that was over. he could not let anybody else stand between him and voldemort; he must abandon forever the illusion he ought to have lost at the age of one, that the shelter of a parent’s arms meant that nothing could hurt him. there was no waking from the nightmare, no comforting whisper in the dark that he was safe really, that it was all in his imagination; the last and greatest of his protectors had died, and he was more alone than he had ever been.”
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drarrytrash · 5 years ago
lmao i have a video from the lego game somewhere on my blog where i filmed what the fuck was going on in the slytherin common room
wow i am screaming i am saving this as a special treat for when i’m off of work Truly thank you
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rominatrix · 6 years ago
queerdraco replied to your post: fuck paying taxes and bills
i have all of my bills automatically be paid the day I get my money so I won’t ever see it up high anyway hehe
i have some of mine that way too mostly cause it's convenient, but i always check anyway because sometimes they mess up... but i'd love to never have to worry
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noramachwitz · 6 years ago
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queerdraco replied to your post: oh my god i just got the tumblr update the new...
i literally went on and i thought something was wrong with my sight
honestly i innocently refreshed my dash and then BAM!!!
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beenchantd · 7 years ago
queerdraco replied to your post: It’s my birthday this week!
mine tooooo!!
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queerturnofphrase · 7 years ago
@queerdraco Old Xkit, I’ve never switched over haha. I keep meaning to but it’s just going to be so much work and I’m worried
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Ray Ban glasses 90%off will only need $24.99 and will donate $2.40 to COVID-19
@atlanticpeach @willdarbyshire @cerysehightower @howimetstinbatsky-blog @andy-renee1 @theloneliestwhale @wintreksters @howdareyoutakemyurl @thehaffner-blog-blog @faceinalockets @cuppateaa @troyesivan @itswheremydemonshide10 @jamesbanes @mufinn @theyoutubeboys @finnthebettertwin @ouryoutubebabies @rebeccanotblack @dontknowhereiamgoing @hotcheekybritishtwins @beyfun @abouttheaesthetic @finnsrevenge @mymusicmondays @danielhowell @lifescouts @queenmalik-blog @cheekyjackamo @sassyharries-blog @casparlee-blog @finnegann-blog @cheekyjackharries-blog @phd-in-awesome @p-okerus @scrapethegreyskyclean-blog @death-shipper @lustforharries @finncity @mcelr @ohkvothe @perriwinnkle @littleblacksub-marines @imagine-harries-blog @transponding @finnharries-restored @jacksonharries @filthymudblood @wadeewilson @ohtonks @that-little-guy-from-brooklyn @televisionreference @thedoctorwiththebrokenheart @lecompanion @queerdraco @harreepotteer @claraoswiinoswald @hungryasianotaku @theperfectemma-blog @watsonlove @acciothehungergames @mudbloodd @quidditchwith-thetributes @romions @dracosn @i-volunteer @whoisriversong @doctorwhoaddicted @staff @mighoy @mkromatix @onedream-slowly @agoofwithabigheart @bamitskika @childish-gambina-blog @badnessblack @sonhoss-constantes @tituzz @regen-bogen-land @sexypizzamaker @genkilife @jabulon1 @justanothercrazyhippie @thisunrequited-blog @siauly @xxpaperplanesxx @fathercain @theninjaferret @facadesforfish @peeholebuttfarts @janetalveron-blog-blog @www-love-without-borders-blog @giagiorgie @peterpa-n @cheermomchris-blog @your-life-is-what-you-make-it @reddragonsinbriefs @thelittleperksofbeingme @peony-lover @finn-finn-the-better-twin11-blog @booksmoviesandeverything @lovethosesunnydays @jordanedyestroud @imaginedanimaginingyou @badassswag101 @mynameshenryy @waitingameliah @twinsharriesjacksgap @xxrustybumperxx-blog @kissingniallallday @ohheyitsawhovian-blog @fat-bird @thatashlee @wendys-worlds @case-campbell-blog @lets-play-pretendd-blog @dumbargentinian @flamingo-flower @stuckinbloom @mcconaughi @xyxyxyxyxxyxyxyxyx-blog-blog @diversefandoming-blog @smaugx @athingthatcanneverdie-blog @youregonnagetpitchslappedso-blog @sabrina-phynn @starsarewishesindisguise @on-the-side-of-the-angels @youarealwaysyourownworstene-blog @hellhex @oceandeepblueeyes-blog @zuk-xcx @theworldisourcanvas @sebrindagina-blog @the-tardis-is-my-h0me-blog @heartbrokenharley @seriesiscoming @skip-to-my-lou-bear @anothervariationonatheme-blog @alonsiiii-blog @wh0vianoliviathewanted-blog @racheltveit @pan-narran-s-blog @youweresobeautiful-blog @carolvelvet @hp-for-life @sebastiancornwell-blog @riversoflove @yepimwilliam-blog @frankiexlouise @moretomorrowland @living-in-her-daydream-x @4urelio @smilecauseyourefree @fiveohthr-ee-blog @findyourpoison @just-m-please @k1ngdominded @fuckthisandthisandthis @byd3sign-blog @ylajalichenowith @yoroman-blog @deepandgenuine-blog @amalinashukri-blog @metaphorsforlife @asdfghaslove @iguessimprettygay @breadstlck @fitnesscrazed-blog @mydarlingstaygold @drljaga @fetishdeer @day-bowbow-blog-blog @sarahbelele @ed-sheeran-fan-page-blog @ichirinchi @jzzpff-blog @1231701 @uum-i @silverpastameme @kittythedonut @m-o-n-d-e-s-o-l-i-t-u-d-e-blog @dontgetlostinthedark-blog @diamantesz @galaxydefender-staystrong @muggleb0rnn-blog @thisismystoryandiaintaloneinthat @grace321-blog @nickesmurf @pyrovile-blog @slightlycompletelycrazyobsessed @lapulenta @boumi @my-minds-unweaving @fireafterfire @lovewillsaveyours0ul @jackalexanderphotography @queenofallmusik @antoniapozzi @bitch-im-demis-wife @euphoricwibes @chill-promos @underagekid-blog @friendlyconfines-blog @firewordsparkler @irrelevanthunter-blog @g0towonderland-blog-blog-blog @timcampi-blog @things-thatstopyoudreaming @okayseeee-blog @springsadness-blog @n-e-p-enthe @uropenbook-blog @ofusgiants-blog-blog @signalsuk-blog
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ladvystark · 7 years ago
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hello! i hope everyone’s having an amazing new year!!
i know i’ve been super inactive this past months and i recently hit 1.5k followers (omggggg) so i wanted to do something to thank my mutuals and favorite blogs
so here it is: my 2018 / 1.5k follow forever! i love every single one of you and thank you for brightening up my dash everyday!!
mutuals favorite mutuals/friends ♡
@aaryastark - @aly-naith - @andrewgarfielld - @argorns - @alicelongbottom - @aliciavikadar - @arnydunne - @avgustflynn - @annakeranina - @aliciavspinnet - @arimendoza - @aryaes - @adnromeda - @ahdromeda - @audreyhornre ♡ - @anakkin - @amysanatigo - @andrewminyarde - @bensolcs - @bluesargene - @belows - @beannysiegel - @bellamys - @collinslily ♡ - @carriefiser - @cho-chang - @chloedeckar - @celebrlan -  @cassionandor - @chocolatetoads - @chewbaca - @cassindor - @cassianandior ♡ - @cpnandor - @calcalores - @clarkegriffin - @canonpoc - @darylvdixon - @danytargaryens - @drxgonstone - @drclara - @daenerysn - @damerion - @diggrycedric - @dracos - @dmalfoy - @daenqrys - @daeneris - @deerlily - @demeiter - @expelumos - @evamohnes - @evansdeer - @elizabennets - @faheys - @fleurdalacour - @faeyries - @forgehts - @faeheys 
@goodqueenalys - @gxnnyweasley - @gwenstac - @greywvind - @gracefulpercy - @ginnyeweasley - @gryffindvor - @gendryxaryatrash - @ginnys - @haarley - @hogsmede - @hermiounes - @hermionegronger - @hcgrids - @henrikzholms - @henrkholm - @harley-quinn - @horcrucxs - @hiistoria - @icvarus - @isakvaltursen - @jecnmoreau - @jessespencer - @julietteferarrs - @julietcapulct - @jeromeharley - @jamielamister - @jaimelannistre - @juqheadjonesiii - @jaimelanniser​ ♡ - @jinglebellprongs - @jyn-erso ♡ - @jinglebelljilys - @kavinskiies - @katiebells ♡ - @knighttley​ - @khraleesi - @khazbrekker ♡ - @khaleese - @kettersdam ♡ - @katnisservdeen - @ladysansa - @ladystrks - @lordvoidemort - @lilyevane - @larajeahsong - @lunascope - @lvannastarks - @lydiasmartin - @lordrhysnd -  @lennister - @lilyevanrs - @leviohhsa - @lordsnow - @lordstark ♡ - @leejordan
@maisieswilliams - @myrtleswarren - @meraudurs - @minyardx ♡ - @mcrksloans - @marvologaunt - @mcrgaerys - @madelainepatsch - @mollyprewett - @minjard - @michelangehoe - @margotsrobbei - @milliebobby ♡ - @moonilupin - @mairauders - @malfoys - @manbunjon - @nevilllelongbottom - @nargles - @neljostns - @nocturnnes - @narcissabllack - @nymphadoratonks - @noeahczerny - @ohmelisandre - @obiswan - @oikenobi - @orpheaus - @oscarwlds - @ohsanvers - @patroculos - @perksofbeingafanboy ♡ - @pvreblooded - @pure-blooded - @percycalypso - @peppermintparvati - @purseus - @poedemron - @petuniaevans - @puveblood - @perspective - @pastelpatroclus - @petyrbaelish ♡ - @pottern - @queeenpersephone ♡ -  @quidittch - @queerdraco - @queensvnsa 
@rcbbstark - @ricchardmadden - @rsakvaltersen - @rumorflys - @rogerssteve - @richqansey - @redhcod - @ronweasiley - @rosetylecr - @rrey - @ravcnsclaw - @ravnclaws - @remushlupin - @ravenclairee ♡ - @remuslupe - @rhaella - @richnardgansey - @robbstark - @ronweasxley - @regulusblackss - @sansastarkr - @snowflakefleur - @stteveharrington - @stavos - @soapieturner - @sirusblacks - @scythae - @sandorcleagane - @skywllkcr - @sidneyclarke - @simeonlews - @skywalkir - @shahrzads - @sektvmsempra - @sansqastark - @spiderhman - @starwar - @sirius - @sociapathic - @slyherin - @stormborn - @selflessbellamy - @stonehart ♡ - @stteveharrington - @sunnysanta - @starksreed - @thelouvhre - @trishwalkr - @tyrelloit - @tyblacktorn - @thehound - @thaleias - @theon - @tomrlddle - @tyriionlanniister - @tomolland - @valrmorghulis - @valtersin - @vrgil - @vanillasweet - @willgrahwam - @winterjons - @weasleyrose - @wulfgrey - @winonariyder - @webothwake - @williamturner - @zeniik 
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homosociallyyours · 7 years ago
P Q R?!
Yayy more blog recs! Here are 5 faves that start with those letters. 
P: @prettysherlocksoldier @pinkvelvetsuit @perpetuallyvex @phd-mama @pennypaperbrain
Q: @queerzaza @queenoftherebels @queershoulder @queerdraco @queenbeeharry
R: @redscudery @redgoldsparks @rootingformephistopheles @rosegoldhl @reluctantabandon
Some of these are very new follows I’m enjoying a lot and others I’ve been following for years, but they’re all folks I’d highly recommend checking out!!
If anyone wants to send me more letters, I’m enjoying reccing blogs tonight!!
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hurtingbuck · 5 years ago
me whenever i think about draco: i should change my url back to queerdraco
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pygmypuffing · 7 years ago
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Hello everybody and welcome to my collection of lovely blogs. (✿ ♥‿♥)  As you might have realized, I haven’t been online very often during the last months because life was crazy and I had a lot of stuff going on. But now I’m planning on becoming more active again, and so I spent some time looking through all the blogs I was following and decided to create a list of the loveliest blogs I know. Thanks for being so amazing!!  
A: acciopigfarts // arahgorn // aweasleywizard 
B: bigquidditchhero // buccckybarnes // bxllatrixe
D: deadgwen // demigxddess // dracomalfoyi // dracosgranger
E:  everclara
F:  fantasticwizards // fiendfyred // flourishandblotted // flourishandbotts
G:  ghostyjily // ginnypotterr // gohstfacers
H:  hauntedhogwarts // heermione // himmalfoy // hufflespuff
I:  ickle-ronniekins // iheartnewt // infectedbywrackspurts // inquisitioneffect //  ireneadhler // itsgrangerdanger 
J:  jilydiedmyass // jilyinmyveins // jrrtolkiens
K:  kidyouhavenoidea 
L:  leakycaudron // look-at-ginny // lovvegood // lunah //  lvnalovgood
M:  malfoysmine // maraudre // matchmadeinpurgatory // mrvlo // multifandomish
N:  narcissablck // newtscamunder // nice-cloak-potter
O:  ollivanderer // ollivandirs // onehungrypotter // oripotter
P: peetaeverlark // peetarmelark // pottersus // professorremus // proffesorlupin //puppy-sized-elephants //  pvreblooded // pygmypuffparade // pyraumus
Q:  quaffle // queen-mallfoy // queerdraco // quillsandink
R: ravenclawcs // ravenclawling // remusmoopin // rickrens // riverrspond //  ronahld // ronaldswheezy 
S:  sammysdimples // sandwitchdog // sansastarl // scaredpotter //  scteumsempra // sirepotter // siriusblacc // slyfishcake // shutupweasley //  snitchseeking // sunlight-through-the-water // syttyvae
T: takenbyabook // teammcarter // thevoidsenter // thiaqueen // thebackofthelouvre // trickordraco // triplettes
V:  vandewaal // victoirweasley // vitruvians
W:  whosdraco //  worthysnow // wotcherlupin 
Z:  zonnkos
+ blogroll
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rominatrix · 7 years ago
queerdraco replied to your post: im so tired of movies and tv shows that glorify...
god, same. and i never see people questioning it
glad i'm not the only one who feels this way!
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noramachwitz · 6 years ago
queerdraco replied to your post: “i still can’t believe that dramione.org is just … gone it’s so sad we...”:
i remember when you gave me your login and i read that fic out loud to my friend and i COULDNT read draco with a girl so i changed the pronouns to he and all was well
lmaoo yes i remember man that was so long ago #wild
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queerturnofphrase · 7 years ago
@queerdraco Sorry, that was what I was trying to explain. Tumblr recently changed how replies look on the activity page, and that screwed with the Xkit extension so I no longer have a reply option on the activity page. I still see the reply option from Xkit on the dashboard, but the button doesn’t work, it stopped working ages okay. I still have original Xkit so stuff is slowly breaking
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