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Today is the final day of drawings and I am behind! So expect to see more to follow. I thought how fitting it was that the last drawing was to be "planet". I checked with the Creator of the prompts @oddlittledrawings that peanut was a double print lol. The last card of the Major arcana in the tarot is The World, and what a better planet than our world to draw. These are the astronomical symbols for the other planets in our galaxy. Yet we only have the one to live on. As stewards of this planet, we must learn to live in reciprocal exchange with our planet, and not exploitative. So here is our earth, floating with the symbols of the 4 Gospels watching, the 4 Elements, the 4 Corners keeping eye... As we enter a phase, whenever it is, we must hold onto this accountability of being, at the beginning of all phases, hand in hand, with one another and with our Home, our Planet, our World. #lovewins #quarentinequickies #planet #world #home #aries #spinning #tarot #majorarcana #theworld #eleanorgrosch #30 https://www.instagram.com/p/CAWzpViF3XH/?igshid=ettktz9obrf2
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I'm all caught up! What an incredible creature to hold on it's body the art of balancing light and dark! This zebra presents from it's belly another symbol, a Yin and Yang disc, with the same colors and flow of its own body. If we could all learn this art of balance, perhaps we too will stand out. For no outline is needed, no complete details required to help your mind to identify this animal. How powerful! #zebra #blackandwhite #lightanddark #yinyang #caughtup #quarentinequickies #queerart #balance #beauty #nycqueercomicfair (at San Rafael, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_bAkNgHyqz/?igshid=ynuo087lccbk
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The purple card in this tarot spread layout represents the hurdles or obstacles one is being presented with and experiencing. The card below it, is the advice of how to overcome said hurdle. Often times the advice to our hurdles is present, yet we don't want to accept it, or we struggle to see it clearly... The Tarot, for me, has been a tool gain insight to understanding my own perceptions of what is going on around and within me. I want to offer readings in English and also in ASL to anyone who is open to the insight and being patient with me scheduling said reading. I will accept donations and commitments to paying it forward. (We are talking very simple spreads and donations from 5-20$) #tarot #lovewins #queerspirituality #gaychristian #nycqueercomicfair #thewildunknown #paganotherworldstarot #christiantarot #tarotspread #obstacles #hurdles #cards #quarentinequickies #queerfaith #queerart #advise (at San Rafael, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_a_POUHekG/?igshid=ppckhg8eipog
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The Latin word for cure is curare: to care for. One interpretation of this ASL sign, with a circular movement at chest level, is NURTURE or TAKE CARE OF. What an opportunity for a cure to emerge. Through nurturing ourselves and taking care of one another, we might find a cure... Especially now, the cure is not to go out and do something, but to be inside, taking care of... #asl #lovewins #deVia #takecare #selfcare #nurture #language #latin #sign #hands #quarentinequickies #queerart #stayathome #catchup (at San Rafael, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_a8hW-HBZC/?igshid=xkcuovjtlv8g
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Twister... One of my favorite movies. Favorite line from the last movie? "We got cows!" As Hollywood magic levitates a cow across the screen as the cast tries to out run a tornado... in a pickup... And yet, tornadoes have fascinated me as a child. Even as the movie opens, we experience the loss, death and tragedy that nature brings with it's power. And yet we cannot help but be struck in awe by it. We call it wrath, we call it magnificent, we call it beautiful, we find many ways to contain our experience with nature. But nature cannot be contained or controlled or reasoned with... At the center of my tornado, a stick person is meditating... Finding some sense of peace in being caught up in the storm, trying to find the stillness in the eye of it all. I pray we find peace. I pray we be humbled. I pray we be comforted... #lovewins #catchup #quarentinequickies #nycqueercomicfair #twister #tornado #cows #windy #peace #eyeofthestorm #mothernature #nature #wrath #beauty #90sfilms #stickfigures https://www.instagram.com/p/B_a6pvUnQXS/?igshid=cs6qamn9hjix
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Today's theme was "bond". This is the ASL sign for connection. Signing keeps me connected and creates a bond with my Deaf friends and family. It is the mantra and mudra of my role as an interpreter, connection through communication. Connection with each interpreter as a team, connection with every person I work with. It represents to me a reminder we are connected to the earth, to nature to all around us. To the ancestors, the Creator, and ourselves. Shift the direction, sign it vertically and it represents in ASL someone above connected with something below, perhaps connection of mind and spirit, body and soul... And connection to humility... I owe the Deaf Community everything. They taught me to see... To recognize... They give me work, and opportunity to work with them. A space for equity and challenge the notion that worlds are separate, that we are in fact connected. That no matter who, we all can find a bond... #bond #quarentinequickies #nycqueerart #queerart #lovewins #asl #interpreter #interpreterofcolor #connection #hands (at San Rafael, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_O3cNnl9Mw/?igshid=2jb1lhs3btoi
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@nycqueercomicfair @oddlittledrawings Here is my day one submission. With everything going on it feels often like I'm lying low as possible, underground even. And when I come up to resurface it feels incredibly vulnerable and scary. Trying to wake up early, schedule, plan the days ahead... The early bird gets the worm. But what about the worm that gets up early? And yet once the fear subsides, I remember that there is a place for both the bird and the worm. Both will figure out how to survive... Sending all my love and light out to everyone. Sending my gratitude for all the love and care and support from all of my friends and family. #lovewins #quarentinequickies #stayingafloat #queerart (at San Rafael, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Lr6DvFgvE/?igshid=1brsqpf64u1uo
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