#quality poufs
ravenfeet222 · 2 years
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patricia-taxxon · 9 months
Current best guesses for what Bicycle songs represent what; after getting a clear-ish sense from some of the songs, I developed the hypothesis that the tracklist goes in a rough anatomical order, and the vibes I get from the others check out in that respect:
Furry - cheek tufts/whiskers (confirmed)
Boys - muzzle/mouth and teeth/vocal tract, experience of barking and howling
Cavalry - quadripedal limbs/the sensations of running
Frat Claws - claws. I mean yeah. Maybe other paw sensations in general, kneading, play-fighting
Chipshop - back fur/general fuzziness/the sensory feeling of fur being pet? maybe back stretches?
Brotherhood - chest pouf (confirmed)
Big Wheel - breaks the anatomical order but heightened/otherwise changed senses, thought processes, emotions, dreams
I Do - tail-having and -wagging, cause it fits in my head but also by process of elimination
I was a bit skeptical at first when you said "you can figure the rest out" but yeah, my guesses might be off but I definitely heard and felt the furry quality in the music and had that experience multiple times of going "oh I see it yeah this is dog music." Big Wheel seems most clearly like The "Having The Mind Of A Dog" Song™ of the album, if there is one, but Boys and especially Frat Claws also communicate that idea to me in a way I'm still trying to put my finger on. Like, there are obviously lots of songs that don't have words, but this album has songs that don't think using language, and I didn't even know that was a distinction I could make. Hats off, Taxxon, this is awesome.
Yeah, this is pretty much it. There's some big ears in Frat Claws too.
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aifanfictions · 11 months
write a story about (y/n) being a part of the extermination team that was supposed to fight Meruem (from the anime Hunter x Hunter) and his ants but during the attack, when Meruem lays eyes on her, he instantly becomes attracted to (y/n) and starts courting her in front of everyone (Gon, Killua, the Chairman, the other exterminators).
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Unexpected Allure
The underground palace was steeped in an eerie silence, an unusual calm before the storm. The extermination team, including (Y/N), had spent countless hours preparing for the confrontation with Meruem, the Chimera Ant King. They had honed their abilities, sharpened their resolve, and steeled themselves for what was expected to be an epic battle. However, the events that unfolded were far from anyone's expectations.
Meruem, a figure of unparalleled power and authority, stood before them like a mythical deity. His silver hair cascaded like a waterfall, and his crimson eyes held a mesmerizing quality, captivating all who met his gaze. But when those crimson eyes locked onto (Y/N), something extraordinary happened. His heart, a heart that had never before known vulnerability, began to beat with an unfamiliar rhythm.
In the tension-filled atmosphere, Meruem raised a hand, halting the impending attack by his Royal Guards. The members of the extermination team froze in their tracks, bewildered by the King's sudden order. Pitou, Pouf, and Youpi exchanged perplexed glances, unsure of what to make of the situation.
"(Y/N)," Meruem's voice carried an almost hypnotic quality, a voice that transcended the battlefield and resonated deep within (Y/N)'s soul, "come forward."
(Y/N) took cautious steps toward Meruem, her senses on high alert. She met the Chimera Ant King's gaze, and as their eyes locked, an inexplicable connection formed. His gaze was filled with a rare vulnerability, an emotion he couldn't name but couldn't ignore.
The Chairman, Gon, Killua, and the other hunters watched in astonishment as Meruem approached (Y/N) with a regal grace. He extended his hand toward her, a gesture that defied the expectations of all those present.
"I cannot ignore this pull I feel towards you," he admitted, his voice a mixture of sincerity and bewilderment. "Will you accept my invitation to converse, (Y/N)?"
(Y/N)'s heart pounded in her chest as she considered her options. She understood the gravity of the situation, but it was clear that Meruem had no intention of hostilities—at least for now. She nodded, her curiosity and the subtle intrigue of Meruem's newfound emotions compelling her to agree.
The other members of the extermination team watched in silent amazement as Meruem led (Y/N) away from the group, away from the battlefield, and towards a quieter chamber within the palace. The Chairman's stern expression betrayed a hint of curiosity, and Gon and Killua exchanged bewildered glances.
Inside the chamber, (Y/N) and Meruem found themselves in a surreal moment of unexpected connection. The King had set aside his regal demeanor and revealed a vulnerability he had never known. He listened intently to (Y/N), fascinated by her tales of the human world, her experiences, and her unwavering dedication to the extermination team's mission.
As they talked, Meruem's enigmatic facade began to crumble. He confessed that he had never encountered such depth in another being, and his fascination with (Y/N)'s intelligence, strength, and kindness continued to grow. He marveled at her ability to maintain her composure and grace in the face of adversity.
Outside the chamber, the members of the extermination team remained on edge, unable to fathom the surreal turn of events. Their meticulously planned mission had taken an unforeseen detour into a realm of the unknown, and Meruem was courting a member of the extermination team. It was a sight that defied all logic and expectation.
"(Y/N)," Meruem said, his voice filled with a rare vulnerability, "I understand the gravity of our circumstances, but I cannot deny the pull of my heart. You are a rarity in this world, and I am captivated by you."
(Y/N) couldn't help but be moved by Meruem's words. His sincerity, the depth of his emotions, and the transformation he was undergoing were both astonishing and captivating. She understood that in this strange and unforeseen turn of events, they might have a unique opportunity to find a peaceful resolution to the conflict.
The hours turned into days, and the connection between (Y/N) and Meruem deepened. They laughed, shared stories, and even discovered common interests. They explored the mysteries of the palace, discussing topics that ranged from art to philosophy, and from history to the beauty of the natural world.
One evening, as they stood by a grand window that overlooked a lush garden, Meruem turned to (Y/N), his voice filled with a quiet sincerity. "I want to protect this world, our sanctuary, and the moments we've shared."
(Y/N) smiled, her eyes brimming with warmth. "You're already doing that, Meruem, simply by embracing change and seeking understanding."
Outside the chamber, the Chairman, Gon, Killua, and the other hunters continued to observe the unfolding situation, their unease giving way to contemplation. The battle they had anticipated had taken an astonishing turn, as Meruem and (Y/N) engaged in a dialogue of unprecedented depth and significance.
The sun set outside the palace, casting a breathtaking palette of colors across the sky, and Meruem and (Y/N) continued to explore the recesses of their hearts. Their connection, once born from an unexpected encounter on the battlefield, had grown into a profound and transformative bond.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, Meruem realized that he was in uncharted territory, not just as a King but as a being who had discovered the complexities of human emotions. And (Y/N), a member of the extermination team, had become his anchor in this new world of feelings.
In the heart of the palace, amidst the soft glow of candlelight, their love story continued to unfold. They navigated the uncharted waters of attraction, admiration, and understanding, proving that love could blossom even in the most unexpected and improbable of circumstances.
As days turned into weeks and weeks into months, the world watched in astonishment as the bond between (Y/N) and Meruem deepened, their love growing stronger with each passing moment. The once-mighty Chimera Ant King, a symbol of power and conquest, had undergone a profound transformation, becoming a protector of the palace and a guardian of the delicate bond that had unraveled his heart.
The story of Meruem and (Y/N) challenged the understanding of power, attraction, and transformation. It was a tale of unexpected allure, the kind that could reshape destinies and defy the odds. Love had found a way to bridge the gap between enemies, and in the heart of the Chimera Ant King, it had awakened a desire for change, a yearning for understanding, and a profound connection that transcended the boundaries of the battlefield.
In the end, their love story became a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, the transformative power of emotions, and the capacity for growth, even in the most unlikely of hearts. It was a tale of two worlds colliding, a bond that had the potential to change the course of history and prove that the heart, no matter how powerful, could always find its way to a new melody—a melody of love.
And so, in the heart of an underground palace, amidst the chaos of a mission-turned-love story, the unexpected allure of Meruem and (Y/N) continued to echo like a poignant melody, reminding the world that love could be found in the most extraordinary of places and with the most unlikely of partners.
NOTE! This story was generated by OpenAI
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hazbinsillynight · 7 months
Radiostatic week 2024
Day 6: Human AU
It's been so long since Alastor had some human flesh. Luckily for him, his spellbook had just the thing, and with whom, other than Vox, could he spend some quality time? The other was always so keen to spend time with him.
So there will be cannibalism in this one, so if you can't handle it, I suggest you skip this day. It's not a lot, but I prefer warn you before you read it.
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Vox was sleeping in his office when it all began. It had been a crazy night, all spent in hard work and perseverance. He was the leader of the Vees and the boss of VoxTech it was normal for him to be busy. Velvet once said for teasing he was in love with his job while Valentino immediately replicated that he would fuck him better than his job. The two of them burst into laughter while he was concerned for their mental health. Satan, he was surrounded by idiots.
It wasn’t like he couldn’t delay some work, he had numerous assistants and with all the money the enterprise was making he could clearly afford to hire new ones. No, he has a way to lower the amount of work he has to live with but what if there was a problem? What if something went wrong when he lent some work to his employee? He refused to risk it. If you want something to be done rightly you should do it yourself. Call him stupid for not caring, he didn’t give a damn shit about it. Or at least he didn’t yesterday, he really felt like shit today. 
“Urgh…I need some coffee…” He groaned, still half asleep and dizzy. 
Forget the cup, he’ll drink the whole pot at this rate. Even getting up was a pain dammit. He walked to the kitchen in this half-dead state where he met Vark, who was waiting for one of his numerous morning hugs.
Surprisingly the shark didn’t jump on him like every morning. It was appreciated right now since Vox was pretty sure he wouldn’t get up if his pet put him on the ground for a hug. The coffee machine was on, and the media demon came closer to his shark, mechanically petting him. 
Vark was frozen, he looked at him as if it was the first time he saw him. He was growling at first but when he sniffed his hands his tail started moving happily again and he started licking his hands. 
“Eh, someone was grumpy this morning.” Vox said before grabbing his mug now full of his daily dose of the most wonderful fuel he knew, coffee.
The earthly shark turned around his master curious, sniffing him and looking at him from every angle. Vox looked at him confused, just what was he doing? Last time the shark did this kind of thing he had changed his screen and slept with Valentino for the first time.
“What’s wrong boy? You’re acting quite-” The rest of his words faded as he looked at the hands that were holding his mug.
A scream escaped his mouth while the mug was falling onto the ground. Vark suddenly looked at his master, alarmed by his distress. He chirped trying to get his attention but Vox already ran into the bathroom where he could find a glass to look at.
The Overlord could feel his breathing pace accelerate ten times faster than usual, he was hyperventilating. In the mirror was looking back at him, someone he thought was gone forever. Someone he wanted to be gone forever! 
His skin was pale white and his head looked exactly like before his death. The short yet considered long back to his century black hair, the smaller eyes, and the little scar on his left eyebrow, it was back. He was human again. Holy shit he was human again!
He has a face again, not a fully human one but he had one. His teeth even if they became white again, were still really sharp and his eyes were also bright red. His claws were gone and he couldn’t feel the static and familiar power of the electricity flowing in his veins.
“Just what in Satan’s name just happened?!” He exclaimed, still not believing what he was seeing. It was a dream, right? It has to be! No one in Hell could just Pouf! Go back to their past self!
Vark was scratching against the door, whimpering for his master to open the door. He sounded so worried. Vox just mechanically opened it to him, too shocked to do anything else than stay against his pet and hug him for comfort. 
He couldn’t stay here. Just what would happen if someone found him like that? He would instantly be killed and being dead once was enough for him. What would Valentino or Velvet say? Such a powerful Overlord he was now.
“I need to find a safe place until I find a solution for this mess. Okay okay just calm down Vox you have everything under control.” The newly human demon said, nervous and trying to reassure himself. 
He quickly took some shirts and put them into a bag Velvet had forgotten in his room. Yes, he could do this! He’ll just have to avoid anyone that could hurt him. Which just meant the entire population of Hell dammit!!
After a call to Vark pet sitter and a few emails saying he took a few days off later the TV Overlord was ready to go. To go where he didn’t know yet but he couldn’t stay here and that was crystal clear. 
Vox took a big breath, hugged his shark one last time, and zapped away from the place. The former demon immediately noticed something was wrong, very wrong. Usually, when he used his power to zap away to another place it was quick and painless but here he could feel the electricity trying to pierce his skin. He couldn’t focus nor see where he was, the only thing he could do was to keep the screams from coming out of his mouth. 
When he finally had been able to open his eyes, the lighting had stopped and he was just lying in front of an old door. Someone was looking at him and approaching in a hurry but he couldn’t see anything else than a pale and fuzzy shape.
“Don’t come…closer…” He fought to yell, exhausted by all the recent events. Using his power in this form was a bad idea. He couldn’t even keep himself standing anymore, and when the unknown shape arrived at him, he blacked out.
Vox gasped for air when he woke up, his hand on his chest still feeling the pulse of electricity running into his heart and veins. He could feel himself shaking and he hated it, he was a powerful Overlord dammit! Not some damsel in distress!
“Awake already my old friend?” A familiar and unwelcome voice resonated next to the former demon.
“You!!” Vox screamed and immediately regretted it. “Fuuuuck my head…” He whined, curling on himself as his head was killing him.
It was like there was a spike in his head piercing every part of his skull, it hurted so much he could feel himself getting sick. Just what was going on with him? And why was Alastor here?
“Ah yes. It was really stupid to use your power when you’re in such a form. But I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised with you. You’re always so keen to keep me entertained.” The radio demon said, softly taking the face of his nemesis before weeping the blood that was drooling on his face from his nose. 
Vox’s vision was slowly starting to come back. In front of him was the radio demon, smiling like always and clearly not surprised to see him in such a state. At first, he was perplexed but then it became so clear he felt stupid for not thinking about it first.
“You did this! This is all your fault if I’m looking like this!” The TV Overlord shouted, furious.
Some kind of ringing sound resonated as Alastor started smiling more, looking at Vox like he had won a prize on some TV show. As the radio demon was getting closer Vox tried to put some distance between them, a bit afraid of what he would do to him now he couldn’t protect himself.
“And we have a winner!!” The radio Overlord chuckled, clearly amused by the situation. “You see I found this spell in a book of mine, to temporarily turn a demon into a human and I had to test it on someone. I remembered how eager you were to spend time with me before and decided you would be a perfect test subject.”
“I’m so going to kill you once this shit is over!!” Vox screamed, small bolts of lightning waving around him.
Alastor was coming closer and closer and Vox could feel his back hitting the wall, he was stuck. The radio demon looked at him with a teasing expression, his mouth was now really close, too close to Vox’s neck. The former demon could feel his face burning as Alastor’s hands were now on his chest. The other demon was clearly toying with him, Vox knew sex didn’t interest Alastor. It was only to cause him more torment! That asshole.
“What’s wrong Vox? I thought you wanted to have me over you like that? You think I haven’t seen the way you used to look at me before? The way you look at me now? I thought your TV face was the most expressive thing on you but this human one is exquisite, I must say.” Alastor said, his hands wandering on the curves of the face of his rival.
Vox shivered at the nice and soft feeling of Alastor’s hands petting his face. When the gentle fingers were on his lips he couldn’t manage to hold a gasp, surprised at how sensible he was. His body wasn’t very sensitive usually, being covered with metal and silicone could do that to a guy. But now he could feel all the touch of the other demon so much it was a bit overwhelming.
“Alastor..” He gasped again, his face burning when his old rival suddenly kissed him with delicacy. As if he was made of porcelain. “Just keep going please…”
“Does that mean I have your authorization for what’s going to follow?”
“Yes! Yes! Just please keep going whatever you’re doing.”
“I thought I could make this nice for you too since you’re going to help me with some problem of mine.” The radio demon softly said as his mouth was slowly going lower and further on the other’s neck.
“What kind of problem I don-” Vox immediately stopped talking when to his biggest shame a moan escaped from his mouth against his will.
Alastor. Alastor was biting him. It shouldn’t feel so good when it hurts so bad but here he was, having more pleasure with his rival than he had during his adventure with Valentino, the Overlord of porn himself.
“If I knew you would have loved it this much I would have done it sooner.” Alastor said, looking happy at the other being in front of him. 
Vox gripped the hair of the deer demon in front of him, trying to get back the control he loved so much. But when he felt the tongue of the other, licking the blood that was drooling all over his body, Vox felt weak. The red Overlord refused to lose a single drop of the precious liquid and while Vox could still feel him licking the wound one of the deer’s claws started piercing the chest of his skin.
With a sudden urge, Vox grabbed Alastor’s shirt growling. Alastor looked surprised at first but not in a bad way. Vox could see him smiling as he was clearly expecting something. 
“You better not be doing this with anyone else than me, Alastor.” The media Overlord growled possessively. The idea that someone else than him, touching and being touched and bitten by his nemesis was just unbearable.  
Alastor laughed before properly kissing his rival. He wouldn’t mind keeping Vox as a partner to satisfy his needs and envy. Especially when the other tasted so delicious. 
Their bodies melt into one the two men pursue their activities until both of their hunger feels satisfied. The spell wouldn’t last more than a few hours but it could always be cast again for another meeting. 
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woodsfae · 6 months
Babylon 5 S03E16 War Without End: Part One previous episode - table of contents
From the preview image that Tubi chose for the episode I see that Sinclair's back?? My old friend!! As well as our first glimpse at Minbar outside the Grey Council chambers, I believe! It's beautiful: very sculpted in a sort of sci-fi Rivendell way which fits the Minbari's space elf vibe. 
Entil'Zha is being presented with a sacred box, which has waited for over 900 years..in which there is a letter for Jeffrey David Sinclair! Dun dun dun. Prophecy is real, Babylon 5 is a high fantasy as much as it is sci-fi. 
Another prophecy, this one of the sci-fi variety: Babylon 5 gets a transmission of Ivanova calling for help, saying "they're killing us." 
This show gives me so many fanfic ideas and I haven't looked to see if anyone else has done them yet, because I'm avoiding spoilers. So I really don't go looking for info on B5 or interact with fandom works much. But this episode reminds me that I keep toying with the idea of an AU where Sinclair never leaves at the end of s01 and the whole plot plays out with him. I miss him, he got into my heart so fast and I had no inkling he was leaving the show till well after I was attached. 
It's nice to see Sinclair has had Minbari friends in his time running/recruiting/training the Rangers from Minbar. 
Partner just asked me what my predictions were for Sinclair and then when I went on a ramble just stared at me and told me to write it down. So here: my prediction of Sinclair's fate. In a separate post, because it's a bit too much of a tangent.
I've paused for long enough for only being six minutes into, so we're going to move on now, but if you wanna hear meta thoughts on what I think might happen with other characters end games, I could ramble about it.
Ivanova: this recording is fake. my analysis is based on logic: I didn't do it, ergo it is fake. Garibaldi, living for some sci-fi shenanigans: what if it's time travel.
They have Garibaldi positioned poorly before a dark path in the backdrop and it looks like he has one, huge pouf of hair sticking out one side of his head, lol.
Sinclair's back on Babylon 5! Zack Allen is in plainclothes, so perhaps all staff have the option? Or Zack wasn't invited to their special senior staff matching uniforms? 
Delenn being a drama queen. It's one of the qualities they hire for on the Grey Council. 
Lennier: "It must be done or the dream will die, and countless others will die."
o m in o u s
Eight days since the last Vorlon attack, per Marcus. 
Sinclair looks so good in Sci-Fi Rivendell clothes. Eeeek, I missed him, I love it. 
Oh it's Zak? Zap? Zathras? Yes! Zathras! Wow, I wasn't sre he'd be back, let alone that he'd be in shenanigans with DraalPlanet, OR that DraalPlanet would be doing something with time travel! 
And Sheridan! Is also wearing Minbari fashion! Some very snazzy robes over his uniform. 
Ivanova's message from the future is so grim. The captain is dead. "They" are coming in all over the place. External cams: Shadows. The Shadows have weapons lock. Explosions. Seems pretty straightforward and I bet it'll play out exactly like that with no twists. :P /hah
As Sheridan is doubtlessly about to find out, it's always going to be a normal evening when you are asked to swear you trust someone with your life before events can commence. 
Delenn has a powerpoint presentation about the Shadows. And a battle where the shadows were driven from their home, Zha'Dum. But the Minbari were losing at the time. Until Babylon 4 appeared! Delenn says without Babylon 4, they would have lost the war. 
Even while Babylon 4 was in construction, the Shadows attacked to destroy it. And the White Star was there! Delenn says they must go through the temporal rift that Draal is widening, protect B4, steal B4, and send B4 around in time. End Presentation! Everyone agrees with her flawless logic. And because she brought receipts in the form of video archival footage from DraalPlanet's surveillance system: Epsilon 3. 
That I didn't see coming, either. But like Garibaldi, I am so on board for the sci-fi hijinks. 
Oh, Delenn's plan goes farther! She and Sheridan will take B4 on the entire time travel trip and personally fight in the historical fight against the Shadows. Ten thousand years ago, right??? Damn, Sheridan and Delenn are going to stride through time and strike titanic, decisive blows in a war that felled entire species of sci-fi space gods!! That's so fucking epic. 
Ivanova is floating the idea that she was calling for help from an alternate timeline. But Garibaldi thinks it's the timeline they're planning now, where they take B4. 
I'm sure that SInclair's quippy references to Sheridan are super funny, but sadly I do not get the references. 
Zathras is here again. I...don't get Zathras. He's ehh funny. But extremely plot useful! Sinclair is meeting Zathras for the second time, but for Zathras it's the first time. But Zathras is well-informed, because he's very super honored to meet Sinclair and Sheridan, but also that's on the list of things Draal told him not to mention. 
Ahh, this Sinclair has already lived through the destruction of Babylon 5! He's already experiencing the world nonlinearly and is trying to do differently on this loop - damn! Or he's having visions from an alternate timeline but at some point you gotta agreee those are almost the sme thing, structurally, experientially, and thematically.
Time travel requires the use of devices that act as anchors. Zathras is handing them out and they're all being clipped visibly on a belt or sash, thus guaranteeing that someone will lose theirs. Sinclair? 
Aww, Sinclair sees Delenn and Sheridan holding hands and smiled. That makes me wistful for the Sinclair/Delenn endgame that exists in my personal, unwritten AU. 
Garibaldi is due an arc of making good, upstanding decisions and not doing police brutality so it hits extra hard when he blows up with Babylon 5. Or he makes it two more seasons, idk. I wouldn't mind if they lost a few characters and he was one of them.
Especially not if we could swap him for Talia back. I can't decide if I think she (or her personality that got overwritten) will be back or not. 
The White Star has been ugraded with Vorlon skin, so it deflects attacks better, which Sheridan affects to be unimpressed by.
Garibaldi guesses "Hello, old friend," as the password which Sinclair used to lock a goodbye/sorry video Sinclair left for him. Which makes me softer for Garibaldi. That's what I think of when I think of Sinclair, too! 
Oooo, Sheridan's time stabilizer got hit and now he's unstuck in time. Space is big. Hope he lands on something with an atmosphere. Delenn can pick him up later, I'm sure.
Sheridan always automatically turns to Delenn for backup, but Sinclair automatically turns to Ivanova, and I love that. 
Sheridan just time traveled to the future where Londo is the Emperor of Centaur! And it's "just in time to die."
Are they currently losing a war in the future? Perhaps Centaur is now a holdout in the war for existence against the Shadows in an alternate future and Sheridan will be meant to save the future as well as the past? 
So funny how taken aback Delenn is that Sinclair speaks Minbari now. He lived there! Marcus, who was being trained as a Ranger there learned Minbari as what he implied was a necessity. But Delenn is so surprised. Their heart to heart is so sweet. *shipping intensifies*
Back to the future! Sheridan and Londo seems like he's blaming other people for his own support of the Shadows' agenda coming back to bite Londo and Centaur in the ass. "Ohhh if only you'd joined me in collaborating I wouldn't have had to face any consequences!" He'll get everything he ever thought he wanted and learned that being Emperor lost him everything he'd ever cared loved.
That's a pretty good hook and a cliffhanger. And a ton of interesting information was revealed! It's too late for Part Two tonight but I pinky-promise I will watch it tomorrow. I wrote up some predictions after I did a Sinclair one and an other-characters one before I watched...
War Without End: Part Two
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chic-a-gigot · 1 year
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Le Petit écho de la mode, no. 40, vol. 18, 4 octobre 1896, Paris. Jaquette Salomé à 22 fr. Toque Tite à 5 fr. 95. Cravate écossaise de l'Oural à 20 fr. 95. Manchon assorti à 41 fr. 95. Vêtement Samson à 19 fr. 95. Canotier en feutre à 8 fr. 95. Ville de Paris / Bibliothèque Forney
Nous offrons en prime à nos charmantes lectrices deux vêtements qui, par leurs prix très avantageux, vont faire leurs délices.
We are offering as a bonus to our charming readers two items of clothing which, with their very advantageous prices, will delight them.
(1.) Jaquette Salomè dernière création, en drap anglais très chaud et très souple au prix de 22 fr. 95 non doublée et 28 fr 95 doublée, polonaise de couleur ou noire. Cette magnifique jaquette se fait en tabac, gris clair et gris ardoise.
(1.) Salomè jacket, the latest creation, in very warm and very soft English cloth at the price of 22 fr. 95 unlined and 28 fr 95 lined, colored or black polonaise. This magnificent dust jacket is made in tobacco, light gray and slate gray.
(2.) Collet Samson, façon tailleur en drap cuir, qualité supérieure, orné de baguettes piquées, au prix de 19 fr 95 non doublé, à 23 fr. 95 doublé polonaise de couleur ou noire. Ce collet se fait en noir et marine. Peur accompagner ces vêtements nous donnons: 1. Une gentille toque Tite en feutre orné de choux de velours en biais. Sur le côté gauche est posé un mignon petit oiseau noir. Les formes se font en noir, marine, tabac, beige et gris. Le velours est noir, marine, grenat, tabac, héliotrope, crème, rubis, vert d’eau, vert foncé et émeraude au choix. Prix: 5 fr. 95. — 2. Canotier en feutre, orné sur le côté d’un gros chou en beau ruban de satin soie et plumes couteaux. La calotte, entourée d’un biais de satin crème ou assorti au ruban, est bordée de velours noir en haut et en bas. Le ruban est, au choix, noir, marine, grenat, tabac, gris clair, héliotrope, vert foncé et crème. Les plumes sont assorties aux formes. Prix 8 fr. 95.
(2.) Samson cape, tailor-style in leather cloth, superior quality, decorated with stitched baguettes, priced at 19 fr 95 unlined, at 23 fr. 95 lined polonaise colored or black. This cape is done in black and navy. To accompany this item we give: 1. A nice felt Tite hat decorated with velvet puffs on the bias. On the left side is a cute little black bird. The shapes are in black, navy, tobacco, beige and gray. The velvet is black, navy, garnet, tobacco, heliotrope, cream, ruby, sea green, dark green and emerald to choose from. Price: 5 fr. 95. — 2. Felt boater, decorated on the side with a large cabbage in beautiful silk satin ribbon and knife feathers. The crown, surrounded by a bias of cream satin or matching the ribbon, is lined with black velvet at the top and bottom. The ribbon is available in black, navy, garnet, tobacco, light gray, heliotrope, dark green and cream. The feathers match the shapes. Price 8 fr. 95.
(3.) Magnifique cravate écossaise en martre de l'Oural avec tête et flot formé par 5 queues. Prix 20 fr. 95. Manchon assorti 41 fr. 95.
(3.) Magnificent Scottish tie in Ural marten with head and flow formed by 5 tails. Price 20 fr. 95. Matching sleeve 41 fr. 95.
Aucun envoi n’est fait contre remboursement; adresser mandat-poste à M. Orsoni, 3, rue de la Sablière, Paris. Les frais d’envoi en gare française sont compris dans les prix désignés ci-dessus. Pour la différence de frais de port, ajouter 0 fr. 50 pouf la Corse, l’Algérie, la Tunisie, la Suisse, la Belgique et l’Allemagne, 1 franc pour l’Espagne, le Portugal, la Hollande, l’Autriche et l’Angleterre, 1 fr. 50 pour la Roumanie et l’Egypte. Un délai de huit jours nous est nécessaire pour la bonne exécution des commandes de chapeaux et douze jours pour les vêtements. Mesures à donner: Pour la jaquette, 1. largeur du dos; 2. longueur du dos, prise du pied du col à la taille; 3. largeur du devant; 4. contour sous les bras, pris au plus fort) de la poitrine; 5. contour des hanches; 6. épaule; 7. tour de taille. Pour le collet: 1. encolure sur le col de la robe; 2. contour de poitrine en passant par dessus les bras.
No shipment is made against reimbursement; send money order to Mr. Orsoni, 3, rue de la Sablière, Paris. Shipping costs to French stations are included in the prices designated above. For the difference in shipping costs, add 0 fr. 50 pouf Corsica, Algeria, Tunisia, Switzerland, Belgium and Germany, 1 franc for Spain, Portugal, Holland, Austria and England, 1 fr. 50 for Romania and Egypt. We need eight days for the proper execution of orders for hats and twelve days for clothing. Measurements to be given: For the jacket, 1. width of the spine; 2. back length, foot take from collar to waist; 3. front width; 4. contour under the arms, taken at the fullest) of the chest; 5. hip contour; 6. shoulder; 7. waistline. For the cape: 1. neckline on the dress collar; 2. chest contour going over the arms.
31 notes · View notes
starshine-selfships · 1 month
Pouf is a sweet and light yet potentially quite rich dessert, like a mousse or buttercream, he's an expensive mochi or macaron you take out of the fridge
Gabriel is a much heavier dessert, like a pound cake with a thick layer of frosting; it's not restaurant quality per-se, but the homemade qualities are endearing beyond words
2 notes · View notes
danascullysjournal · 1 year
If You Will Let Me
An X-Files Post-Milagro Fic
WC: 4,200 
This is chapter is part of a larger fic on AO3.  If you like, the full work is available here.  
TW: Demonic possession, Demons, Physical Harm, Trauma, Medical Trauma, Mild Alcohol Use
Chapter 19: Protecting Us
Sleep had come in short, interrupted segments during the red-eye flight from Chicago.  Though both were leery of letting down their guard, sleep deprivation had taken its toll, and Scully had found herself succumbing to the constant white noise and gentle vibration of the airplane as it carried them home.  Instead of nightmares or demons, she was roused by turbulence and sporadic cries from a baby a few seats in front of them. 
Through slitted eyes, she saw Mulder’s head cocked back, lolled to one side.  His slow, quiet snores were strangely reassuring.  Here, there was rest.  A cautiously optimistic thought drifted through her tired mind.  Maybe they really did leave the demons behind them.  Sighing contentedly, she carefully lay her head on his shoulder and drifted back to sleep.
The plane landed in DC well after midnight, leaving both agents partially rested, but groggy and sluggish as they collected bags and headed out to the parking garage.  Their footsteps echoed through the empty concrete cavern, closing in on the car.  Each step was further from the calm security of the airplane cabin, further from the reassurance of other people around them.  
“Just us again.”  Mulder offered a thin grin.  “Ready for more quality time?”
Scully pressed her lips together, looking up at him.  “I can’t be that bad, can I?”
“Never.”  He meant it, but somehow the sentiment caught in his throat and the word fell to the ground, hollow. 
Weary, they headed home through empty downtown streets, uneasy silence between them.  Bleak buildings towered above them, their shadowed facades sliced by dull blades of flickering street lights.  The darkness was suffocating.  
Neither dared to mention it. 
The lights in Scully’s bedroom were on, but it did little to calm the anxious feeling in the pit of her stomach.  The unease had only grown since leaving the airport.  Since being alone with Mulder again.  She sat up for what felt like the hundredth time, studying him carefully.
There had been no question, once they had finally landed in DC, of where Mulder would stay.  His apartment was still drenched in the memories of her blood, and she couldn’t bring herself to sleep alone.  But her bed felt smaller, shrunken down by their bodies prudently spaced apart.  It was uncomfortable.  Awkward.  Mulder was doing his best, she knew.  He was respecting her insistence on putting their relationship on hold…  But it all felt stilted.  Cold.  The void between them was mere inches, but somehow insurmountable.  It was a chasm she had created for protection, but it only served as a glaring reminder of her vulnerability, her loneliness.  Her emptiness.
It ached to be filled.  
She felt the pang just as much, if not more.  Their breathing seemed magnified, echoing within the emptiness, reminding her of what should be.  With each breath, she cursed the house.  Cursed the demons.  Cursed the chasm of her own making.
Cursed the breaths she took and let out, silent, too afraid to begin again.
Sleep wouldn’t offer her a reprieve.  It kept its distance, just as Mulder did.  Just out of reach.  She fidgeted with the oversized comforter, examining the machine-made stitching that divided the blanket into thick patterned poufs.  Stitching fabric, stitching skin.  That was easy.  But all of this… this was not. 
The question of Padgett was layered thickly over the uneasy confusion between them.  That man… or body… or spirit…  She couldn’t reconcile the pieces.  She had been held fast and attacked by a man she knew to be dead.  But it had happened.  Hadn’t it?  Residual visions of the cold corpse strangling her, cutting into her, challenged the validity of her memories of the body.  The autopsy.  Everything.  
It had been him.  But logically, it couldn’t be.
Samantha hadn’t been real.  Mulder had said as much.  She coveted the certainty he seemed to possess.  In the midst of insomnia and awkward tension, it seemed as good a topic to bring up as any.  Anything to break this barrier of emptiness. 
She cleared her throat. 
“Mulder, how did you know it wasn’t her?”  
He stared at her for a long moment.  The silence was sharpened by the disbelief and hurt etched on his face.  When he finally spoke, it was with the voice of someone betrayed.   “How could you ask that, Scully?”
“Don’t you think I would know the difference between my own sister and an evil spirit?”   
She hurried to clarify, struck by the anger in his eyes. “Mulder, I do, that’s why I’m asking- what was your litmus test?  How did you know?  Because I really think that was Padgett… but that’s impossible.  He’s in the morgue.”  She licked her lips nervously.  “Isn’t he?”  
Her eyes screamed the fear she refused to admit.
Mulder’s glare softened.
“Oh.”  He lowered his head, rubbing his forehead with his hands.  “I’m sorry, Scully.  I shouldn’t have thought-”
“It’s okay.”  Her fingers touched his.  “We’re just… both on edge.”
His hand closed, enveloping her small fingers in his palm.  He squeezed softly, briefly, before his hand retreated back to his side of the canyon between them.  He gazed toward the corner of the room, at nothing in particular, recalling the demons that had manifested the shell of his sister.  
“It was almost her.  Almost.”  His voice was grim.  “It looked like her, walked like her.  Acted a lot like her.  But the voice.”  He nodded, as if to himself.  “That’s how I knew for sure.  Every time she- they- appeared, the voice would be close to what I remember, but not quite.  It’s like… they could get every other part of my memory of her right, but something stopped them from having her voice.”
“Like they didn’t know how?”
“Or they couldn’t.  I’m not sure yet, but I think it has something to do with possession.  Owning.  But the demons don’t have my sister, they don’t have her soul, or her voice.  So they… try, with what they can get from our minds, but it’s a facsimile.”
Scully’s brow furrowed.  “Like a bad photocopy.”
Crossing her arms, she straightened herself up.  The implications of Mulder’s theory shook her.  “If you’re right… they have him.”  Her blue eyes were uneasy.  “That voice… the body… it was Padgett.”
“You’re sure?”
She looked away.  “I’m sure.  I don’t know how they would have gotten him… unless he isn’t in the morgue anymore.”  
Mulder thought for a moment.  “What if it isn’t about the body at all?  Maybe what they need is the spirit.  The soul.”
The bedroom fell silent again, save for their breathing.  She felt him watching her, carefully, like a parent watches a child who has just fallen hard.  Checking for signs of injury, of fear.  Ready to console and reassure.  For reasons she didn’t quite understand, she resented it. 
“I’m fine, Mulder.  Really.  And anyway, maybe they won’t come here.  We’re so far from that place.” 
Mulder studied her, the skeptical eyebrow she usually wore planted firmly out of place on his forehead.  “How do you think demons travel, Scully?”
Her eyes narrowed.  “Well, I don’t know.”
“I don't know either, but I doubt a few miles are too much for them.”  He considered.  “I should be thrilled you’re so open to demonic possession as a possibility, really.  Never thought I’d see the day.  Wish it was better circumstances though.”
She cast an irritated sideways glare. 
“I’m not just open to anything.  I know what I saw.  This particular incident- it’s hard for me to refute.”
“But you could.”  His tone was flat.  He sat up alongside her.  
She shrugged.  “Anyone could.  It could be hallucinations induced by psychosis, perhaps exacerbated by sleep deprivation, or-” 
“That’s what you believe?”  
His voice held a tinge of ridicule, but she chose to ignore it. 
“Of course not, Mulder.”  
He nodded, then looked at her pointedly.  “You don’t believe it, but that’s what you’ll say to Kersh?”
Scully sighed. 
“Not just that, no, but I do feel it’s my obligation to provide all the facts as well as offer plausible explanations.  I’m aware of what Kersh will think if I only present one account with little or no verifiable proof.”
Mulder scoffed.  “That’s my point.  You’re good at that.  Explaining things away.  We were almost destroyed, and possessed, and you come up with some alternative, something that’s logical, and safe.”
“There has to be an explanation for what we experienced, Mulder.  Supernatural or otherwise.  I’m not denying what we saw, what happened.  I was there too, remember?”  She felt anger rising and tried to tamp it down.  “And what’s so bad about being safe?”  
“Safe isn’t always what’s right.  Or best.” 
She eyed him carefully, her lips sealed in a grim line, and stood slowly.  Arms crossed.  Shielding her heart.  “This isn’t about the case, is it?”  
He held her tired gaze with his own exhausted eyes. 
“Maybe I should sleep on the couch.”   He sighed as he pushed aside the plush comforter.  His feet padded down on her floor. 
She watched, pensive, caught between turning away in defeat and anger, or lunging at his hand in desperation.  Her body failed her, and she stood dumbly, staring.  As he turned and grabbed his pillow, she cleared her throat and found a quiet sliver of her voice. 
“I’m trying to protect you.  To protect us.  All the I love yous in the world mean nothing if we’re dead.” 
Mulder stopped short, pillow dangling from his unconsciously tight fist.  He took a deep breath before he spoke.  “I respectfully disagree, Scully.  Every time I said ‘I love you’ to my sister, it mattered, every time you said it to your father.  And to your sister.  You can’t say death negates that- you’re the one with a good family.  A nice, loving Catholic upbringing- how am I the one explaining this to you?”
His eyes bore into her, demanding an answer that she couldn’t give.  
It was no easier for her to banish the demons herself than it was to admit to him: fully loving someone, anyone at all, was confusing.  His idea of love in her family was so very opposite her actual experience.  Much as the Scully household had lauded it, love was a word.  A duty.  What she found with him was different from any of the compulsory, sanitized definitions she had learned in childhood.  She found herself possessed by it, but paralyzed by her own confusion and fear.
When she finally spoke, it was cautious.  Timid.   As if her voice carried words that would shatter, should she dare throw them carelessly. 
In truth, the words couldn’t shatter.  But she could.
“I think… you know more about love, believe more about it, than you say you do.”  She drew in a deep breath.  “More than I do… but I - I want to learn...”  Suddenly she felt astoundingly ignorant.   Love should be the first thing learned in life.  But what she had learned, had experienced, seemed horrifically wrong.  A shadow of what should have been. 
If her assertion meant anything to him, he didn’t show it.  Instead, he surveyed her thoroughly, almost clinically, studying the creases in her forehead, the thin, drawn line of lips pursed tight.  The squeezed skin and fabric on her chest from protective crossed arms, wrapped too tightly.  The blinking of pale eyes that fought emotion.  He was a profiler at work.  
Finally, his eyes rested back on hers.  
“Do you feel protected?” 
Scully pressed her lips together even tighter, the soft rose color draining from them in favor of nervous white. She lowered her gaze, well aware that he already knew the answer.
“Me either, Scully.”  He ran his fingers through his hair and over his jaw, raking over scratchy beard stubble.  “Listen.  I’m tired, I'm frustrated and I don’t see a point in pretending there’s nothing between us when there is.  And we know it.  And I’m pretty sure the demons know it too, or I wouldn’t have ended up a possessed puppet on the floor.”  His voice was rising, exasperated. “And then, after shoving me away the entire day, you try to tell me that love is meaningless?  I don’t understand, Scully.  I’m trying.  But I don’t.” 
“I didn’t mean that it’s meaningless.  It isn’t meaningless.”  She felt hot tears she had fought so hard to contain, and turned abruptly.  “I’m getting us something to drink.  That might help.”  
She moved to the doorway, checking each corner carefully as she went as a matter of course.  And paranoia. 
Mulder looked at the clock on her bedside table.  2:37 a.m.  He blew a heavy sigh.  “I dunno if that’s the best idea, Scully.  We have to be back at work in 6 hours.”
She shrugged and left the bedroom without looking back.
He should go after her. 
He stood staring, his lips twisted in an uncomfortable frown.  Maybe he had been too harsh… almost certainly, he realized.  They were both haggard from the past few days, and he felt his patience stretched too thin, balanced precariously on the blade of a knife.  He should go in, apologize, and be there for her.  He tried to work himself up to it. 
“Dammit, Scully… I’m no good at this either.  I’m sorry.”  
His muttering was nothing if she didn’t hear it, though.  He tossed the pillow back onto her bed, moving toward the doorway. 
The shuffling in the kitchen, opening of cabinets and drawers, made Mulder hesitate.  He could hear her talking quietly to herself.  Processing, or cursing him, he couldn’t be sure. 
He huffed in irritation, wishing he could see inside her mind the way the demons had seen into his own.  But he was not omniscient, and stood painfully aware of his inadequacies.  Without speaking to her, he would remain woefully incapable of seeing or understanding what she truly needed from him.  
Scully startled a bit, surprised by Mulder’s silhouette in the doorway.  
“Oh, hey.  I didn’t hear you coming.”  She shut the cabinet door with the back of her hand.  The wine glasses made a pleasant clink as she set them on the counter.  “I know what you’re thinking, and you’re right.  I won’t pour much.  I don’t want a hangover any more than you do… I just… It’s been a rough week, we both could use this.”  
She grabbed the corkscrew from the counter and twisted it into the top of a new bottle.
“We um… we didn’t have some amazing family, Mulder.  Not like you think.  Not- I mean we had everyone.”  She kicked herself for being so callous.  “I know it was hard for you, with your dad.  And Samantha.”  
The cork pulled from the bottle with a low, satisfied pop.  
She looked him over, his tired, worn features darkened in the doorway, his eyes studying her.  Part of her still wanted to hold back, to keep her emotions and experiences locked away, where they couldn’t be used against her.  
So many people had used her weaknesses as weapons to break her down.  Including Padgett.
But this was Mulder.  If she wouldn’t take that chance on him, would she ever, with anyone?
She gathered herself.  “We cared for each other.  We still do, what’s left of us.  But… Dad was military, you know.  We had respect.  Duty.  Loyalty.  I know he loved us, but he didn’t say it much.  Didn’t show it.”  She looked down, feeling small.  Vulnerable.  “Not like you do, I mean.  Didn’t hug much…. He tried, did the best he could.  But.  It did hurt Mom… and us.”  
Sighing, she turned from him to pour the wine. 
“When I said you know more about love, I meant it.  It’s… it’s hard for me.  You’re different, and caring, and… I do want to protect you from them, if they come here, but I’m also just scared.  Scared that I won’t be what you really want.  That I can’t be, because… I don’t know how.”  She took a small sip from her glass, letting the red wine warm her throat.   “But I want to learn.  I do.”
She turned back, regarding him cautiously.  So much of herself had been laid bare, and she searched his face for signs of understanding.  Anything that would help to unbind the thick knot in her stomach. 
He nodded, his lips pressed in a thoughtful line.  It was a small gesture, but encouraging.  He took a step forward.
“Thank you for listening, Mulder.  For being so patient with me.”  She smiled softly,  holding out a glass.  “To learning what love is.  With you.”
He offered a strange, tilted grin, stepping closer.  
She felt a sudden chill on her skin.
“Love is complicated.”  The voice rasped unnaturally through Mulder’s mouth, and the grin grew into a sadistic smile.
Scully’s eyes widened in realization.  She shuffled backwards, running into the counter.  The wine glass dropped from her fingers and shattered on the floor. 
His sneer stretched, shifting.  Changing.  Molding itself into the sallow face she had come to fear more than anything else.  In her periphery, she could make out black, wavering mist filling the kitchen, dimming the lights.  Pulling itself into pillars of smoke.  Before she could think, the dark shadow of his hand clamped down on mouth, hard and cold, slamming her head against the cabinet.
Her stifled cry slipped through the blacked fingers. 
“Dana wants to know how to love.”  Padgett’s voice trickled through pale, cracked lips tinged a washed-out blue.  “I could have taught you.  But.  The heart wants what it wants.  Doesn’t it.”  An icy finger traveled across her collarbone, fingernail raking across the path the scalpel had pulled through her skin. 
Her heartbeat pounded in her ears, its rhythm mixing with whispers of ravenous souls that beckoned from the inky swells.  She shook her head against the force of his hand, straining against his leaden weight. 
Mulder… he was still in the bedroom.  
Maybe he could hear.
She tried to scream, but only managed a muffled, gasping yell against the rotten skin of his palm.
The clattered ringing of broken glass made Mulder’s stomach drop.   
He ran. 
“Scully?”  He barreled through the hallway and into the kitchen, driven by a panic that had become second nature.  As he entered, the familiar, writhing darkness surrounded him. 
Whispers called to him from inside the mass of smoke.  Whispers that sounded almost like Samantha.  And another voice, one he wished to never hear again.
“We can’t leave a story unfinished.”  The words wavered, sung in a sickening chorus of voices, Padgett, and thousands more.  His cold eyes stared, unblinking.  “It’s time.”
She felt the licking of dark mist over her arms, beginning to grasp and tighten.  Cold.  The souls pricked into her pores.  Opening her.  Pressing in as Padgett’s body held her fast, his icy fingers digging at the flesh above her heart. 
Her blood, a sacrifice to them.
Her heart, his possession.
Her soul, theirs.
A feral scream retched out of her lungs. 
“Scully!”  Mulder’s voice cut through the whispers around her.
Like a rag doll wrung by a child, Padgett’s head twisted backwards.  He stared Mulder down, thin hiss began to rise from his throat.  His eyes shone white, glowering at the interruption.  
The inky swells of spirits drew themselves up into wavering pillars, pressing on the ceiling, pulling themselves toward Mulder.
It was a small distraction.  But enough.  Gathering all her strength, Scully pushed herself away from the counter, turning to shove her shoulder into Padgett, forcing him off.  She met nothing but the chill of stale air and tumbled down, landing on the hard kitchen floor.  The dull thud of her body was muffled by violent hisses of the demons around them. 
The kitchen lights were obliterated by the masses filling the apartment.  Scully tried to focus through the darkness.  She felt dizzy from the gash on the back of her head, sickened by the oppressive smell of rotted flesh that hovered in the room.
“Mulder?”  His name tumbled from her lips like a prayer. 
“Scully, I’m here.”  His eyes searched, frantic in the darkness that had filled the kitchen.  “Keep talking… I can’t see you.”  He was breathless.  “Please?  Scully!”
She answered with a weak, muffled moan.
Padgett’s form had dissolved itself into a thick, inky mass, covering the floor, enveloping her.  Mulder plunged his hands down into the icy swells, searching desperately.  His fingers met clammy, cold skin.  Slick with blood. 
“Come on.”  Mulder’s hand traversed the wet skin on her arm, finding her fingers. 
“I can’t.”  The voice was small.
He squeezed her hand tightly as the towering forms that filled the room unwound themselves and poured over them.
“We can, Scully.  We have to.”
But she didn’t want to.  
Neither did he.
The darkness washed over, whispering.  Calming.  He felt ribbons of inky fingers wrapping around him, digging in.  Beginning to enter.
A cracking, thunderous pounding shattered through black kitchen.  Again.  And again. 
“Open the door!”  
The apartment door shook with another fist.  
“Ms. Scully?  Open up!”
Ringing inside his head, Mulder heard the demons scream.  
He screamed with them.
Metal jingled, then scraped and turned inside the deadbolt lock.  The door flew open, slamming into the wall, doorknob crumpling the drywall behind it.
The demons released their grip.  He could feel them in his skin, like a needle pulling from a vein, as they ripped themselves away.
The kitchen lights glared into his eyes, and he squinted.  
He could just make out the blurred forms of four men before he lost consciousness.
The landlord stood near the doorway with the police officer, giving space for the paramedics to work.  
Glass shards were strewn across the kitchen floor, sparkling in the incandescent light.  In the middle of the room two figures lay still, hand in hand.  Spilled wine and spattered blood marred the floorboards.
The blonde paramedic surveyed the kitchen, shaking his head.  “Looks like it started as a fun time, anyway.”  He stepped over the empty wine bottle on the floor, making his way to the bodies.  “These usually do.”  
“What do you mean?”  The landlord looked irritated, while the remaining men exchanged looks. 
“Off record,” the officer said blandly, “looks like domestic violence.  Started as a good night, then things went wrong.  And now there’s a mess, probably some charges to press when they sober up.” 
“Pulse and respiration on both?”  
The dark haired paramedic nodded to his partner. “Yeah.  Barely.”
The landlord stared at the two forms on the floor.  Behind the woman trailed a smeared path of wine mixed with blood, as if she had been pulling herself toward the man.  
“Doesn’t seem like domestic violence to me.”  He shook his head and looked away. 
The officer squinted and surveyed the glass shards on the floor, the blood spattered on the cabinet door.  “We’ll decide that.  Tell me about this renter.”  
“Well, she’s really quiet, but a good tenant.  Pays rent early.  Works for the government, I think.  Takes great care of the place, it’s one of the best kept apartments in the building.”  He shrugged.  “She’s almost never home, but when she is home, there’s never complaints.”
The police officer nodded, writing in his notepad.
“Do you know the man here?”
“Not by name.  I’ve seen him a few times, I think.  Nothing unusual or bad that I recall.”  The landlord sighed.  “Sorry ‘bout all this.  Just, Barbara never complains. She’s been here forever, so when she called so concerned at this hour, I figured there’s a problem.”
“Yeah…” Raising his eyebrows, the officer pursed his lips.  “It looks like there was a problem, alright.”
“This one’s pulse is really weak.  Let’s get her out first so we can start an IV, get her stabilized.  Then we’ll move him.”  The blonde paramedic rose to retrieve the gurney from behind him.
As if in response, the man on the floor gasped for air, arms flailing wildly.  His eyes were wide and he growled, as if fighting something unseen.
“Whoa!”  The dark haired paramedic grabbed an arm, pinning him back down.  “Hey, you’re okay.  You’re okay.”  He turned to other men, frantic.  “Can I get a hand?”
The officer was already crossing the room.  He planted himself firmly on the other arm while the paramedic tried to calm the man down.
“Sir, you’re safe-”
The man’s eyes rolled backward, and he stiffened, turning his head to the side. 
The policeman looked to the paramedic, concerned.  Just as they began to roll his body over to a safe position for a seizure, the man’s eyes refocused.  He blinked, twisting his head back slowly to look up to the officer.  
“Where… is she?”
The officer hesitated, but saw the panic in the man’s eyes.  “We have her, sir.  She’s safe.  Who are you?”  
The man’s body relaxed and he closed his eyes, satisfied that the woman he was with was alive.  He licked his dry lips and drew a labored breath before he spoke.
“Fox Mulder… FBI.  She’s Dana Scully.  FBI… You have to… keep her safe.  Don’t leave … don’t leave her alone…”
The men glanced at each other.  
“What happens if we leave her alone?” The police officer’s eyes shot back to the bloody cabinet door.
Fox Mulder rolled his head toward the voice and cracked open his eyes.  “If you leave her… if you leave us… he comes back… they… they come back.”
A huge thank you to all of you who take the time to read these updates, to encourage, and to wait while I take too long to write!  You are so very appreciated.  
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shaanks · 1 year
option 6 for buggy, mihawk and crocodile :3
ahhh my favorite middle-aged war criminals <3 thank u bby
6. go clothes shopping with, go to ikea with, go grocery shopping with
hysterically this is actually kinda hard. it seems like it's gonna be pretty intuitive for them at first glance, but like. hm.
okay -
go clothes shopping with: Crocodile. All his clothes are bespoke and he has Standards about the quality of what he wears, and having like. Any earthly idea about fabrics and how to put an outfit together is a big blank area for me. Plus, out of personal bias, him sitting on a pouf in a fancy fitting area with dark wall paper for some nice store he took you to, smoking out the side of his face and having you do a little twirl so he can make sure things are pinned up right while making color commentary is nice 4 me, so. Yes.
go to ikea with: Mihawk. Hear me out. He'd be able to keep me on track in an IKEA without being a killjoy about it, plus I think he'd turn into a completely different person in the showroom for home kitchens and bedrooms and the like. one of my favorite parts of going to IKEA is standing in those areas and really trying to imagine what living and working in them would be like, and I feel like he'd (endearingly seriously) go all in for that sort of thing. added bonus would be about half the time he'd go through the whole section and rub his chin for a moment before declaring that he could build the whole thing out of better material himself...and then you'd get to watch him proceed to actually do that thing. A+++ 1000/10 would go to IKEA with him tomorrow.
go grocery shopping with: BUGGY. You wanna get fancy food for dinner tonight? he's STOKED. You wanna have bagel bites and eat ice cream on the floor? EXCELLENT let's get 10 boxes. Buggy throws good parties, he likes to eat, he enjoys fancy food just as equally as he enjoys really simple stuff and like. junk food and candy. You'd never hear a word of judgement about anything you put in the cart, AND if you wanted to ride the carts up and down the aisles and be ridiculous in public (at 3 AM in a Walmart as god intended) he'd be down for that too.
thank u for the boys Peachy, they're fun and I love them, though this required a surprising amount of thought lmfao <3
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designclinicindia · 2 years
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Love, Creativity and Dedication, That’s what go into Handmade Studio Design Clinic India is an international multi-disciplinary design studio specializing in furniture and interiors, with the inspiration being India We believe that "our country never fails to inspire us" Swearing from a quality that incorporates Indian arts, crafts and local landscapes of India to create contemporary products Pic credits- @parthdesigns Year- 2021 Story- Guladasta Pouf Kaarigars- Pradeep Kumar & Pappu Price On Request #handmade #craftmanship #furnituredesign #furnitureindia #inspired #designclinicindia #productdesign #homedecor #interiordesign #style #festive #uniquedesign #quirky #handcrafted #weddingdecor #weddingfurniture #weddingprops #indianwedding #wittyvows #sustainability #sustainableliving #minimalism #supportlocal #buylocal #vocalforlocal #trending #atmanirbharbharat #makeinindia https://www.instagram.com/p/CoXEs0JS5eP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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capsdecor01 · 2 days
Importance Of Buying High-Quality Poufs And Stools From Manufacturer
When it comes to furnishing a home or business, it is mandatory to pay attention to the type of furniture you use to improve the aesthetics and functionality of a space. Always invest in quality poufs and stools to enhance the look and functionality of the space instantly. Many of us think that poufs and stools are stylish and act as smart furniture choices.
But, it poses multiple uses and benefits, from offering additional seating to a makeshift table. In addition, it is more comfortable and easier to move wherever we want. These things make the poufs and stools a functional and versatile addition to any interior. Remember that we can enjoy these things only when buying a quality product from the reliable Poufs and Stools manufacturer India.
Opting for low-quality pouf steel may end up with costly errors, such as the product losing its support and shape. As a result, you will feel disappointed and uncomfortable. Keep reading the blog to know the major reasons to buy poufs and stools from the manufacturer!
Reasons to buy poufs and stools from manufacturer
In today’s competitive market, we can get poufs and stools in several ways such as online and offline. But, reaching the reliable Poufs and Stools manufacturer Panipat India and making the purchase decision is highly beneficial.
Unlike before, we can now make purchase decisions directly with the manufacturers. So, do not miss this opportunity and get the quality product for the money you spend on. Here, we have compiled the compelling reasons to buy poufs and stools from the manufacturer!
• Manufacturer uses quality materials and advanced techniques to produce the best poufs and stools. It guarantees the quality and reliability of the product for a long time. This level of satisfaction is not possible with the purchase made from the regular store. • Next, the manufacturer offers high-quality, comfortable, and durable poufs and stools that add a touch of sophistication and style to any space. They give us the chance to choose from different materials and designs to get the right product. It helps us find the poufs and stools that complement our décor and then add character to our room. • Buying from the manufacturer is beneficial for residential and commercial spaces as it helps create stylish and functional seating within their budget. It also makes a comfortable and welcoming environment that reflects positivity on our home or business easily.
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loominaire · 3 days
Transform Your Living Room: The Perfect Blend of Hanging Wall Art, Modern Hand-Woven Rugs, and Living Room Poufs
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Creating a stylish and inviting living room involves more than just choosing furniture; it’s about curating a cohesive look with thoughtful decor elements. By incorporating hanging wall art, modern hand-woven rugs, and living room poufs, you can elevate your space into a comfortable and visually appealing haven. Let’s explore how to seamlessly blend these elements for a stunning effect.
The Charm of Hanging Wall Art
1. Define Your Style
Hanging wall art is an essential element in defining the personality of your living room. From abstract paintings to framed photographs, the right artwork can express your unique style and interests.
2. Create Focal Points
A large piece of wall art or a well-arranged gallery wall can serve as a focal point, drawing attention and adding character to your space. Consider using bold colors or unique designs to make a statement.
3. Enhance Depth and Dimension
Art can add depth to your walls, especially when you mix different textures and frames. Layering various pieces creates visual interest and brings your walls to life.
The Beauty of Modern Hand-Woven Rugs
1. Textural Warmth
Modern hand-woven rugs bring warmth and comfort to your living room. Their unique textures create a cozy atmosphere, making the space more inviting for gatherings and relaxation.
2. Stylish Versatility
Available in a variety of colors and patterns, these rugs can complement any decor style. Whether your home is modern, bohemian, or eclectic, a hand-woven rug can enhance your design.
3. Sustainable Choices
Many hand-woven rugs are crafted from eco-friendly materials, making them a sustainable option for conscious consumers. Supporting artisans also means investing in quality craftsmanship.
Living Room Poufs: Function Meets Style
1. Flexible Seating
Living room poufs are versatile and functional. They provide extra seating when needed and can be easily moved around for convenience. Their lightweight design makes them perfect for any gathering.
2. Stylish Accents
Poufs come in various designs, colors, and fabrics, adding a pop of style to your decor. Whether you choose a vibrant knitted pouf or a chic leather one, they can serve as eye-catching accents.
3. Multi-Use Options
Beyond seating, poufs can be used as footrests or even as coffee tables. Their adaptability makes them a practical addition to any living room.
Tips for Creating a Cohesive Look
1. Color Coordination
Choose a harmonious color palette that ties together your wall art, rug, and poufs. This will create a unified look throughout the room, enhancing the overall aesthetic.
2. Balancing Textures
Mixing textures is key to a dynamic design. Pair the softness of a hand-woven rug with the smoothness of poufs and the varied textures of wall art to create visual depth.
3. Thoughtful Arrangement
Arrange your furniture, rug, and decor thoughtfully. Place your rug under the seating area, position poufs nearby for accessibility, and hang wall art at eye level for the best impact.
Where to Find These Essentials
Online Retailers: Websites like West Elm, Wayfair, and Etsy offer a wide selection of hanging wall art, modern hand-woven rugs, and living room poufs.
Local Artisan Markets: Check out local markets or shops for unique, handmade items that can add a personal touch to your decor.
Incorporating hanging wall art, modern hand-woven rugs, and living room poufs can transform your living space into a stylish and comfortable retreat. By carefully selecting and arranging these elements, you’ll create an inviting atmosphere that reflects your personality. Start your journey today and elevate your living room style!
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dvelas · 16 days
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We are happy with the completion and publication of the SEAWARD HOUSE project developed by the Japanese lifestyle media OCEANS and Dolive in which they have included a GÉNOIS Unique Edition pouf and a KNOT SunRay lamp by DVELAS. The concept is a "home where you can live comfortably" with a relaxed atmosphere and high quality. The design is reminiscent of a Californian beach house and has a very versatile finish that can be used both in the mountains and in urban residential areas. Article: dolive.media/511 Thanks @GateJapan
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inhouseliving · 23 days
Handcrafted Elegance: INHOUSE's Exquisite Collection of Rugs, Cushions, and Poufs
INHOUSE offers a diverse collection of handmade rugs, cushions, throws, and poufs, crafted with 25 years of expertise. From handwoven and handtufted to loomknotted and flatweave designs, each product is meticulously created to blend traditional craftsmanship with modern trends. Whether you're looking to enhance your living room with a sophisticated loomknotted rug or add a touch of elegance with a Kelim or Jacquard design, INHOUSE provides high-quality products that cater to various styles and preferences, ensuring that every space reflects your unique taste.
Visit us - http://www.inhouseliving.in/
Contact us -7355207570
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garimasha · 25 days
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Poufs Offers - Trendy & Comfortable Poufs at Great Prices
Shop the latest offers on poufs at Living Shapes. Find stylish and cozy poufs that enhance your home décor. Enjoy amazing deals on these versatile seating options today!
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sameersaga · 1 month
Elevate Your Space with Authentic Handloom Poufs: Discover the Craftsmanship of GSI Handicrafts Co.,
In the world of interior design, it's the small details that often make the most significant impact. Whether it's the perfect throw pillow or a beautifully crafted rug, these elements add warmth, texture, and personality to a space. Among these decorative accents, poufs have become increasingly popular for their versatility and style. One company that stands out in the creation of these delightful pieces is GSI Handicrafts Co., India's premier manufacturer of authentic handloom poufs. Let's explore how GSI Handicrafts Co. is redefining interior spaces with their exceptional craftsmanship. The Art of Handloom WeavingGSI Handicrafts Co. is renowned for its commitment to preserving traditional handloom weaving techniques while infusing them with contemporary designs. Handloom weaving is an age-old craft in India, where skilled artisans weave intricate patterns using hand-operated looms. This process not only ensures the uniqueness of each piece but also reflects the cultural heritage of India. The handloom poufs from GSI Handicrafts Co. are more than just functional furniture items; they are works of art. Each pouf is meticulously crafted by artisans who have honed their skills over generations. The use of natural fibers like cotton, jute, and wool ensures that the poufs are durable, eco-friendly, and comfortable. The attention to detail in every weave and stitch showcases the artisans' dedication to their craft, making each pouf a masterpiece in its own right. Versatility Meets StyleOne of the key reasons why poufs have become a must-have in modern interiors is their versatility. GSI Handicrafts Co. understands this and offers a wide range of designs that cater to different tastes and needs. Whether you're looking for a cozy footrest, extra seating, or a stylish accent piece, their handloom poufs can seamlessly fit into any space. The beauty of GSI Handicrafts Co.'s poufs lies in their adaptability. They can effortlessly blend with various interior styles, from bohemian and rustic to minimalist and contemporary. The rich textures, vibrant colors, and intricate patterns add a touch of elegance and warmth to any room. Whether placed in a living room, bedroom, or even a cozy reading nook, these poufs elevate the overall aesthetic of the space. Sustainable and Ethical ProductionIn today's conscious consumer market, the demand for sustainable and ethically produced goods is on the rise. GSI Handicrafts Co. takes pride in its commitment to sustainable practices. By using natural fibers and traditional handloom techniques, the company ensures that its production process has a minimal environmental impact. Moreover, GSI Handicrafts Co. is dedicated to fair trade practices, providing fair wages and safe working conditions for its artisans. By supporting this company, customers are not only investing in high-quality, authentic products but also contributing to the preservation of traditional crafts and the livelihoods of skilled artisans. Why Choose GSI Handicrafts Co.?When it comes to choosing the right pouf for your space, quality and authenticity matter. GSI Handicrafts Co. stands out as India's premier manufacturer of handloom poufs for several reasons:
Craftsmanship: Each pouf is handcrafted by skilled artisans, ensuring the highest level of quality and attention to detail.
Unique Designs: The company's collection offers a wide variety of designs, colors, and patterns to suit different interior styles.
Sustainability: GSI Handicrafts Co. is committed to using eco-friendly materials and sustainable production methods.
Ethical Practices: By choosing their products, you support fair trade practices and contribute to the welfare of artisans.
ConclusionGSI Handicrafts Co. is more than just a manufacturer; it is a custodian of India's rich handloom tradition. Their authentic handloom poufs are not just functional pieces of furniture but also a celebration of craftsmanship, culture, and sustainability. Whether you're looking to add a touch of elegance to your living space or seeking a unique and meaningful addition to your home, GSI Handicrafts Co.'s poufs are the perfect choice. Elevate your space today with these exquisite handloom poufs and experience the beauty of Indian craftsmanship at its finest.
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