totaparicollections · 9 months
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Pearl Quad Earrings (92.5 Silver)
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4d09ofn01mport4nc3 · 9 months
All of the theriotypes I've considered and animals I've had special connections to/special interests in.
This is an ongoing list that I will update as I discover more.
My "confirmed" kintypes are wolfdog, dragon, quadear, and anthro. (But anthro like puss in boots or Garfield where they can walk on two legs or four)
- Wolf
- Dog
- Western Dragon
- Foxes
- Pigeons (especially rock doves but I love all doves and pigeons)
- Horses
- Plushies
- Common Raccoon
- Snakes (constrictors)
- House cats (especially American shorthair, Maine Coon, and ragdoll cats)
- Mountain Lion/Puma/Cougar
- Three-Banded Armadillo
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quminati-shan · 8 years
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Another AU? On my blog? More likely than you think.
I grunted as I stepped into the sunlight, my oldest brood-sibling beside me. 
“Remember. We must keep our feathers covered. Don’t want anyone stealing them” She rumbled, and I snarked back under my breath. She hit my arm and I laughed. 
“I need to get some herbs. I also want to see if I can find some books too” I said, waving one arm. She headed in the opposite direction. I hummed as I picked out what I needed, juggling it between my six arms. 
“Ma’am, may I interest you in some fresh Eruvese feather-hairs?” A vendor called over to me. I immediately drew a dagger, sizing him up. He backed up immediately, and I sheathed my weapon again. I studied the “feathers”, they were fake, being a dull black. I scoffed and moved on. I paid for what I had found, and ducked into the bookstore. 
“Welcome!” Trov called, brightening when he recognized me. 
“Hey Trov. Got any new books on cultures?” I smiled, removing my headdress. I shook out my iridescent brown and green feathers. 
“Up at the top. Careful, my new apprentice is up there. They’re a Niftnin, so they’ll startle easily” He chuckled as I climbed up the ladder immediately. I spotted the small figure as I straightened at the top. 
“Uh, hi. I’m just here to get some books” I called softly, their quadears drawing away from their face as they turned towards me. I blinked, ducking my gaze away from their eyes. 
“Over there” they pointed to a stack labelled with my name. I thanked them in my formal language quietly, picking up the stack. I rested it against one hip as I climbed down again. Trov waved off the money I offered. 
“You’re my best customer. Just a platinum sliver is enough” I handed one over, waving goodbye.
“Rebekah!” I called to my sister, hurrying to catch up with her as I tied my headdress on again. 
“Keiti, watch out!” She screamed as a small figure slammed into my side. Trov’s apprentice stood there, panting as they waved off a hyion. I drew my dagger and stabbed at its leg. It howled, and ran off with my dagger. 
“Thanks. I would’ve been a goner without you. I’m Keiti” I offered my upper left hand in greeting.
“...Holly” They took it, pulling me to my feet. I blushed immediately as I realized what I’d done.
“Sorry! I forgot! I’m suppose-” I babbled nervously, picking up my books. I was met with laughter. 
“No, you’re fine. I asked Trov to come with you to get some books. No etiquette breach over this” They said, and I saw they had bronze eyes. I smiled, relaxing immediately. 
“Is that ok with you, Rebekah?” I asked my older sibling. 
“Of course. I saw that” She poked my side and I started making up excuses in our native language. 
“Can we go?” Holly asked, her horns buzzing with excitement. 
“Yes. You’ll have to deal with our brood-mates for a bit, we have to stop home before we head to our next destination” Rebekah led the way onto the ship, hugging me in apology. 
@iibesymphony @anonymousfandomtrash I used you guys, hope you don’t mind!
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(Submission) QuaDear - Dance For Me
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weezgawd · 10 years
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weezgawd · 10 years
NBA Draft by QuaDear Produced by QuaDear [email protected] www.youtube.com/QuaDearDOY www.twitter.com/QuaDearDOY quadear.blogspot.com/ quadear.tumblr.com/
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