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gracielikegrapes · 2 days ago
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2 daughters of a wealthy Valyrian merchant. Left : Yunkish Mother Right: Qohorish Mother
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simstoricalish · 2 months ago
Fashion in Essos
Free Cities pt. 3
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💜01: Dress (PERMAPAYWALL) | Headpiece | Hair |
💜02: Dress (PERMAPAYWALL) | Headpiece | Hair |
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💜01: Dress | Headpiece | Hair | Wig (PERMAPAYWALL) sorry :/ |
💜02: Top | Skirt | Headpiece | Hair | Wig | Hat/Veil | Necklace
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💜01: Dress | Poncho(reuplod cause page it's gone) | Hair | Boots |
💜02: Dress | Cloak | Hair | Boots | Gloves
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So in the spirit of Christmas and the New Year’s, I decided to come back with a series that I love a lot. I have been thinking how I was gonna do this. Because Westeros is far more of a contained kind of thing than the rest of the world of a song of ice and fire, but I decided to separate Essos into three books, then I’ll do the rest of the continents one by one I guess but yeah you’ll have a lot of this serious next year. So those who like it you’re in luck for those who didn’t care well don’t know why you’re here.
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mostclevermiss · 2 months ago
Chapter 13 of “Alyssa the Dauntless” is up! Saddle up, we are bringing a passenger today 👀
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asoiafreadthru · 11 months ago
A Game of Thrones, Eddard IV
He found four members of the small council waiting for him.
The chamber was richly furnished.
Myrish carpets covered the floor instead of rushes, and in one corner a hundred fabulous beasts cavorted in bright paints on a carved screen from the Summer Isles.
The walls were hung with tapestries from Norvos and Qohor and Lys, and a pair of Valyrian sphinxes flanked the door, eyes of polished garnet smoldering in black marble faces.
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thewatcher0nthewall · 1 year ago
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lya-dustin · 2 years ago
I wonder if the asoiaf tv series will ever tell the secret ingredient to valyrian steel: children🤔
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weirwood · 8 months ago
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Free, Florence and the Machine
Her mother had died birthing her, and for that her brother Viserys had never forgiven her. […] They had wandered since then, from Braavos to Myr, from Myr to Tyrosh, and on to Qohor and Volantis and Lys, never staying long in any one place. Her brother would not allow it.
A Game of Thrones, Daenerys I
Day followed day, and night followed night, until Dany knew she could not endure a moment longer. She would kill herself rather than go on, she decided one night …
A Game of Thrones, Daenerys III
As Daenerys Targaryen rose to her feet, her black hissed, pale smoke venting from its mouth and nostrils. The other two pulled away from her breasts and added their voices to the call, translucent wings unfolding and stirring the air, and for the first time in hundreds of years, the night came alive with the music of dragons.
A Game of Thrones, Daenerys X
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disinherited-dornishman · 3 months ago
This bullshit has been sitting in my chest since season 2 ended, so...
...can someone please, please, please explain to me why Aegon uses a real life islamophobic slur - "Goatfuckers" - famously used by US occupiers in the Middle-East against its muslim and brown population? In what fucking world does this shit make sense or is in any way okay?
I'll fucking tell you why, and it's not because they're trying to make Aegon out to be an even bigger piece of shit after that hamfisted, biased fucking addition of making him a rapist. Oh no, this show doesn't get to use that cop-out. It doesn't think it's an islamophobic slur, that's the truth of this shit. The sad truth, with how normalized islamophobia has become in the west. As far as most fans and the writers themselves are concerned, he used an anti-goatherder slur (and the fact that the pluralistic people he used it against are largely brown is a coincidence, I'm sure).
I'd be surprised if they even knew the existence of Qohor or it's state religion (the Black Goat), but even if they did (be for fucking real, please) it's literally the easternmost Free City with arguably the least influence/exposure possible in Westeros.
You may ask: how do I know it's islamophobia? Why, what else could it be, dear reader, when we have esteemed writers such as Sara "we based Girlboss Rhaenys on girlboss (read: war-criminal who should be shot) Hillary Clinton" Hess on the team?
The fact is, the white-as-rice valeman are infinitely more likelier to be called goatfuckers than any brown people Westeros at large are exposed to on the regular, but the writers's own racist asses don't know that, despite having the braincells to make an actually fitting insult in season 1 by Daemon regarding his own wife from the Vale, but this would be the smallest inconsistency between the season these "professional" writers are guilty of.
I consider the worst part of all this shit to be that the fandom at large barely registers this issue, not even the show's critics it seems, relative to its other flaws. The last time I saw mention of this was at the end of season 2, and just silence after.
But really, should it be a surprise, after how disgustingly lauded Gwayne's classist and racist behavior against Criston Cole was, arguably the principal brown character in the show, and how he became an unapologetically instant fav of Team Black for it?
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greenbloods · 8 months ago
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the black goat at harrenhal the symbol of qohor 150 years later the Goat will take harrenhal the visions show what will come to pass and the shadows dance backwards in time
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jozor-johai · 5 months ago
I noticed a little subplot happening in the background of ADWD, and I’m wondering if anyone has any theories on where this is going. I have my own theory, which I'll explain in full at the end, but is essentially this: I think that GRRM is placing these Dothraki khalasars strategically along the Rhoyne and telling us about them in ADWD so that if Dany commands the loyalty of the entire Dothraki in TWOW, she'll already have loyal armies in place right by the Free Cities, rather than having to wait transport troops anywhere—even though the Dothraki aren't a threat now, the Dothraki will be in place to attack the Free Cities while the Free Cities have sent all their armies to fight Dany's forces at Meereen.
I'll explain my reasoning, and where I think GRRM is putting the pieces into place here—under the cut, since it's a slightly long post with maps.
We first hear of Dothraki along the Rhoyne in ADWD Tyrion III:
“Griff means to strike downriver the instant we are back. News has been coming upriver, none of it good. Dothraki have been seen north of Dagger Lake, outriders from old Motho’s khalasar, and Khal Zekko is not far behind him, moving through the Forest of Qohor.” The fat man made a rude noise. “Zekko visits Qohor every three or four years. The Qohorik give him a sack of gold and he turns east again. As for Motho, his men are near as old as he is, and there are fewer every year. The threat is—” “—Khal Pono,” Haldon finished. “Motho and Zekko flee from him, if the tales are true. The last reports had Pono near the headwaters of the Selhoru with a khalasar of thirty thousand. Griff does not want to risk being caught up in the crossing if Pono should decide to risk the Rhoyne.”
As a reminder, Dagger Lake is where the Rhoyne in the east meets the Qhoyne in the west to make the full-force Rhoyne that we know and love.
Illyrio dismisses any reason to be concerned with these particular Dothraki, and perhaps he is right. But we do get our first preview into the concerns of Khal Pono, and the premise of Dothraki along the Rhoyne. Are they doing to be placated by gifts, like Illyrio says? Or is something different afoot?
Next we get an update in Tyrion VI, by Selhorys.
Haldon Halfmaester explained. “On the way down from the Sorrows to Selhorys, we thrice glimpsed riders moving south along the river’s eastern shore. Dothraki. Once they were so close we could hear the bells tinkling in their braids, and sometimes at night their fires could be seen beyond the eastern hills. We passed warships as well, Volantene river galleys crammed with slave soldiers. The triarchs fear an attack upon Selhorys, plainly.”
Another reminder for geography, Selhorys is significantly south from Dagger Lake. Like, further than King’s Landing is from the Trident. Once again, we have this concern: will Khal Pono cross the Rhoyne for Selhorys?
That concern is brought up again in Tyrion VI:
“Three,” Qavo allowed, “against thrice three thousand enemies. Grazdan mo Eraz was not the only envoy sent out from the Yellow City. When the Wise Masters move against Meereen, the legions of New Ghis will fight beside them. Tolosi. Elyrians. Even the Dothraki.” “You have Dothraki outside your own gates,” Haldon said. “Khal Pono.” Qavo waved a pale hand in dismissal. “The horselords come, we give them gifts, the horselords go.” He moved his catapult again, closed his hand around Tyrion’s alabaster dragon, removed it from the board.
As predicted by Haldon in Tyrion III, here is Khal Pono across from Selhorys. We hear that Qavo is unconcerned with Khal Pono, despite Haldon’s concerns.
This might be a bit of a meta opinion, but whenever someone is as flippant as Qavo is being here, expect them to be wrong. They definitely aren’t going to go away with gifts, Qavo is totally jinxing it—that’s my prediction.
Then we get another update later on, in The Lost Lord:
Haldon’s horses did not please him. “Were these the best that you could find?” he complained to the Halfmaester. “They were,” said Haldon, in an irritated tone, “and you had best not ask what they cost us. With Dothraki across the river, half the populace of Volon Therys has decided they would sooner be elsewhere, so horseflesh grows more expensive every day.”
By this point, they’re in Volon Therys, which is only barely outside of Volantis—think roughly the distance between King’s Landing and Duskendale, for comparison. And here, too, there are Dothraki on the other side of the river. Are these the same Dothraki, are they traveling south at the same pace as Tyrion/JonCon? Or is this yet another khalasar? We haven’t heard any update from Qohor, and this is the first time that we’ve unexpectedly encountered a khalasar—are they here to meet with the Volantenes about Meereen, like Dany’s advisors fear? Or are they here for another reason? Is it possible that Illyrio and Qavo are wrong?
The last update we get is in ADWD Victarion, when he captures a ship from Myr heading for New Ghis and Yunkai:
Sailing out of Myr, the Dove brought them no fresh news of Meereen or Daenerys, only stale reports of Dothraki horsemen along the Rhoyne, the Golden Company upon the march, and others things Victarion already knew.
Unfortunately, this is stale news for both Victarion and we the readers—this is like a snapshot back to Tyrion II/III, when the Golden Company broke its contract and started marching east, and when we first heard about the Dothraki on the Rhoyne in my first quote.
However, despite this being a snapshot back in time to old news, I wonder about GRRM’s choice to include this again so close to end of the book—is this a reminder for the readers about these Dothraki on the Rhoyne? We’ve learned why the Golden Company marching ended up being important, could this passage from Victarion be a reminder of these tidbits of news because they will continue to matter moving forward?
I am doubly interested because it’s in this same book, in the very midst of all this talk of Dothraki on the Rhoyne, that we hear the tale of a previous time the Dothraki came. This is back in ADWD Tyrion IV, between the reports of Motho and Zekko on Dagger Lake and before the talk with Qavo about Pono. I’ve bolded the relevant sections, because it’s long, but left the rest for context.
“The war left the Disputed Lands a waste, and freed Lys and Myr from the yoke. The tigers suffered other defeats as well. The fleet they sent to reclaim Valyria vanished in the Smoking Sea. Qohor and Norvos broke their power on the Rhoyne when the fire galleys fought on Dagger Lake. Out of the east came the Dothraki, driving smallfolk from their hovels and nobles from their estates, until only grass and ruins remained from the forest of Qohor to the headwaters of the Selhoru. After a century of war, Volantis found herself broken, bankrupt, and depopulated. It was then that the elephants rose up. They have held sway ever since. Some years the tigers elect a triarch, and some years they do not, but never more than one, so the elephants have ruled the city for three hundred years.”
Maybe this wasn’t just to set the stage for the Volantene elections, but to remind us that the Dothraki can come out of the east to wreak havoc…. when the Free Cities are weak. And boy, is Volantis looking undefended right now: the Golden Company is gone to Westeros, other sellsword companies have gone to Meereen, the Volantenes have sent their fleets to Meereen.
Before I continue, here’s a map of the locations of the Dothraki khalasars along the Rhoyne:
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Why we should care
We can be almost certain that Dany has to return to Vaes Dothrak to visit the Dosh Khaleen. Though we don’t know for sure if Khal Jhaqo’s forces are going to outpower Dany and Drogon, Dany is already envisioning the future where she returns to Vaes Dothrak when she sees Jhaqo’s outrider at the end of ADWD:
One rider, and alone. A scout. He was one who rode before the khalasar to find the game and the good green grass, and sniff out foes wherever they might hide. If he found her there, he would kill her, rape her, or enslave her. At best, he would send her back to the crones of the dosh khaleen, where good khaleesi were supposed to go when their khals had died.
Of course, we ought to already have known this from Dany’s vision in the House of the Undying:
Beneath the Mother of Mountains, a line of naked crones crept from a great lake and knelt shivering before her, their grey heads bowed.
If Dany was truly seeing her future—and I believe she was—then we know we will inevitably be seeing her return to Vaes Dothrak to accept the homage of the Dosh Khaleen.
However, this creates a bigger problem: we need Dany to get to Westeros, and potentially have time to also reach both Volantis and Pentos (though whether or not Dany will actually go either of those places is purely speculation, however well-founded). Vaes Dothrak is in the entirely opposite direction from where she is now—that would be heading east, away from Westeros, not closer to her end goal.
For some readers, this isn’t a concern: we might trust Quaithe, who reminds Dany that:
To reach the west, you must go east. To go forward you must go back, and to touch the light you must pass beneath the shadow.
Some readers, though, wonder about the time and ability for TWOW to contain this storyline within its time. GRRM is realistic about how long travel time takes, which is great for the realism, but presents immense logistic problems.
Dany doesn’t need to worry about the time it takes to travel long distances as mucha as she used to—if she can begin to control Drogon, she can fly around at will. However, that’s only her; if Dany does gain the allegiance of the Dothraki at Vaes Dothrak, how can she actually leverage that in a meaningful way when they’re constrained to horseback? While the AGOT timeline is largely unclear, we can use Dany’s pregnancy to at least be sure it takes months to get from one side of the Dothraki Sea (in Dany III) to Vaes Dothrak (in Dany IV). Does Dany have months to mobilize Dothraki from one side of the Sea to the other?
With the Dothraki along the Rhoyne, though, she doesn’t need to wait for anyone to ride across the sea. Conveniently, they’re already there. If there’s some way to send a message that the Dosh Khaleen have decreed that the Dothraki will follow Dany, that she is the Stallion Who Mounts the World, then she has a ready-made army just waiting for her word to cross the Rhoyne after all, and take the Free Cities. Then Dany can fly over there on her own and just meet them.
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I know we’re all looking forward to Dany taking Volantis, so I don’t want to propose something too contrary, but how about this: sicne we’ve been hearing all through ADWD that there are a ton of Dothraki already in place, conveniently for story purposes, ready to accept their regular gifts… or perhaps ready to act if, for example, word came that the Stallion Who Mounts The World has come after all. That might speed things up a bit. We know Volantis is only weakly defended, we know there are Dothraki outside of Selhorys, Qohor, and Volon Therys. Dany has spent five books searching for home and finding one among the people she’s freed. Maybe this is how she makes sure it’s the Volantene slavers who don’t have a home to go back to this time.
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15-lizards · 2 years ago
Let’s do some more Free Cities hairstyles and headwear! Here’s the main post
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Y’all already know the Myrish love some lace. Wealthy women wear it all the time, but the style depends on the situation. Usually they wear very detailed pieces, and have a head piece to drape over bc of length, but in mourning they wear thick lace flat over their heads to cover their faces
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Norvoshi women shave their heads, but wealthy ones wear wigs. Since the upper city is said to be grim, they definitely wear simple styles, very sleek and severely combed. They’re a sober, religious people and have a pretty serious outlook on life, but I think they still like to prove their affluence
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Lorath is cold and bleak, so hair coverings are definitely common there. Both for weather and for common sense, as women are working and need to keep it out of their face and clean. Lots of neutral and natural colors, as I don’t think Lorath is getting all the bright dyes from Yi Ti and Pentos
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Volantis is said to be super hot, wet, and just hella humid so I think the women slick back their hair so that it won’t frizz up from the weather. Because of this, keeping it neat is a sign of wealth. Hairpieces are light and beautiful, but not too big or heavy bc Volantis is just too crowded and busy for all that
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Qohor is said to be the most “exotic” of the free cities, which I take to mean they probably have more influences from farther East. Their artisans are famed, so I definitely think there’s intricately crafted face chains and headwear made of precious metals. Probably lots of small figures and charms with religious influence, for the Black Goat
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daenystheedreamer · 1 year ago
Valyrian Pantheon Headcanons
We know the names of 5 of the Valyrian gods and that's it. We don't know anything about the practices or even what those gods were patrons of. Here is my headcanon reconstruction of the pantheon ^_^
I think the Fourteen Flames (the volcanoes) are named for fourteen gods who constitute the main pantheon, similar to the 12 Greek Olympians or the 12 Roman Dei Consentes. There are many minor gods, usually personifications of concepts like seasons/emotions.
I imagine them like Egyptian gods, who are personified sometimes as humans, sometimes as animals, sometimes as animal-headed humanoids. I imagine the main fourteen as dragons, though idk how silly that would look lol.
I think they were also androgynous gods. Why? That's fun. That's so fun. Dragons are theorised to be hermaphroditic/intersex who can change their sex at will, but also are referred to as she-dragons if they are confirmed to lay clutches of eggs. So some of these gods are gods, and some are goddesses, despite being a-gender
Canonical Gods
BALERION: I believe Balerion's name is at least a little inspired by Ba'al, an ancient Semitic god who was very important to the religions of the region (Canaan, Babylon, etc) and features as a false god in the Hebrew bible. I think he's the King of the gods, like Zeus. God of war or fire or conquest or all of the above. Many ancient gods shifted their patronage and powers.
VHAGAR: Consort of Balerion, similar to Hera. Goddess of war/wisdom, similar to Athena. I think this fits a person like Visenya.
MERAXES: Perhaps a concubine of Balerion? Like how Zeus had thousands of lovers. Metis, Leto, Demeter, etcetera. Goddess of love, because Rhaenys seems like a woman who enjoyed love and life. Perhaps also a goddess of marriage?
SYRAX: It's gotta be someone Rhaenyra would think is cool. Perhaps a goddess of the sun/moon? Another war goddess? A queen? Actually, perhaps Syrax is the Hera of the pantheon, while Vhagar is not necessarily virginal like Athena but 'unmarried' so to speak. Goddess of beauty/wealth would also fit Rhaenyra. Goddess of the sun or moon would be fun in opposition to Sunfyre.
BOASH: called 'The Blind God' Mentioned as the god the Lorathi worship, whose religious followers (dissidents of the Valyrian Freehold) founded the city of Lorath. The name doesn't follow the typical Valyrian naming traditions, perhaps he was originally Boax/Boaxes? Would be fun. He's a very esoteric god connected to 'higher truths', the priests are eunuchs and the followers are vegetarian teetotalers and a main tenant is that everyone is equal. They also wear hair shirts which is an old Christian practice. I think he's a version of a Valyrian death god
the BLACK GOAT: Whose followers founded Qohor. I think he's a minor god, perhaps of magic or agriculture even, agricultural deities tend to be very important to common folk. However the goat imagery evokes Satan and Baphomet, so I think a villainous or death deity would be fun.
Non-canonical gods
A lot of the Targ dragons are given names with similar naming style to the canonical god dragons.
VERMITHOR & VERMAX: The naming conventions of Vermax and Vermithor intrigue me... I think one is the name of the God and one is a theophoric name in reference to the god. Perhaps a god of justice, law, order, etc, since they were the dragons of Jaehaerys and Jacaerys and I can see them picking that kind of God.
ARRAX: Lucerys names his dragon this, so I think a coming-of-age god or god of youths would be fun since he, yknow, got eated at 14.
CARAXES: This is Daemon's dragon so I'm saying Caraxes is the Dionysus/Hermes trickster god. Daemon picking the bacchanalian drunk sex god for his dragon is real to me.
MELEYS: Rhaenys TQWNW's dragon. Rhaenys gives off SUCH demeter vibes idk so agricultural god would be fun but idk i don't think she'd pick something like that. Perhaps its based off of Meraxes since Rhaenys is her namesake. Perhaps an oceanic or weather-based god.
MORGHUL: Morghul is simply the word for death in High Valyrian e.g. 'Valar Morghulis', but I like it as a euphemistic name for a God of death. Like his name is so tabboo that you just refer to him as death, or he's just named death in relation to afterlife, like how Hades refers to both the god and the underworld. I think perhaps Boash and the Black Goat are actually interpretations/aspects of the same deity, perhaps a death - morghul - god.
SHRYKOS: Sick name sorry just had to say that. He's Jaehaerys (son of Helaegon)'s dragon. got no clue what he could be a god of cos jaehaerys is a plot device character. I think he's just a cool Valyrian word, like Morghul, since Jaehaerys and Jaehaera are twins. Be fun if they picked life/death dichotomy for their dragons :p
TERRAX: ridden by the pre-doom character Jaenara Belaerys, who flew further south in Sothoryos than anyone else. God(dess) of travel/wisdom/conquest/oceans would be fun since she's a traveller who flew across oceans and sort of exemplifies the Valyrian conquest/adventurer spirit.
TESSARION: Okay the blue queen has to be a goddess of the ocean or the sky<3
TYRAXES: Joffrey's dragon :) I think a god of animals would be cute also cos he sounds like T-rex. I would name my dragon T-rex. Possibly a bastardisation of Terrax though...
URRAX: This is the name of a legendary/fairytale dragon from the story of Serwyn and Daeryssa from the Age of Heroes. By Daeryssa's naming convention and the fact she is mentioned only in AGOT, I think she was perhaps supposed to be a Targaryen before GRRM had established a full history. I think he's just a bastardisation of perhaps a Valyrian god like Arrax.
So my vision of the Valyrian pantheon includes Balerion, Vhagar, Meraxes, Syrax, Vermithor, Arrax, Caraxes, Terrax, Tessarion, which is 9 gods
plus Meleys and Tyraxes who I'm not sure if I want to be referring to above gods or just the name of a god entirely, which makes 11
Adding a death god (Boash, Black Goat, Moghul) makes 12,
which leaves another two unnamed for my personal idea of a Valyrian pantheon :)
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readingasoiafachapteraday · 3 months ago
Reading Order & Thoughts Apparently
//Investigative read with the aim of finishing a fanfic <SPOILERSGALORE>
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~this is not intended to be useful in any way shape or form do not construe as such but laughing at it is ok~
The Dawn Age
-dragonglass arrowheads found in giant ribs could be from children-giant war but also cud just as easily be wight giant
-brandon the builder was taken to a secret place by the children when he sought help to build the wall hmmmmmm okk
-“the manner in which Brandon learned to comprehend the speech is a tale in itself and not worth repeating here”?????? WTAF fuck u condal i mean yondel tommen loves stories
-greenseers can see distant events AND COMMUNICATE?hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmplotdevice
-wolfcontrolling skinchangers maxxx common, separately called wargs? stark blood fuckfest much????
-Seastone chair on old wyk wo any ppl SUSSAUCE
The Coming of the First Men
-alleged timing 8000-12000 yrs ago hmmmmm if ww are 6000 yrs ago it’s almost halfway hmmmmmmm
-what they running from? first men possible valyrian ancestors upset w the animalxhuman experiments? conveniently vague time periods
-first settled on DORNE that goddamned desert summins up w ur magic stone i will find u
-greenmen antlermen same same????
-arm of dorne, marshes, all considered natural disasters but w doubt so why not children cause doom of valyria possible??
The Age of Heroes
-ringforts this ringforts that fist of first men this infrastructure that
-find thenn constr. & every single built structure NotW
The Long Night
-do monkeys and elephants have anything in common
-Barth’s “fragmentary treatise” everything shat out by Barth & Munkun makes me want to kms
-Fomas ur understated & prolly right u religious fuck
The Rise of Valyria
-new power in east right after LN recovery, what festive timing gee i wonder if these events r related
-first empire ofc ofc just after old ghis & Qarth & YiTi & Asshai but those r “claims” yea we don’t talk bout that look dragons! blood sacrifice!
-five great wars w ghis “when the world was young” hmmmmmmmm
-Shadow texts say dragons tamed by “people who had no names” hmmmmmmmm
Valyria’s Children
-Qohor&Norvos founded following religious schisms? Only Qohor smiths still know to rework VS
-way way way too many mentions of wealth & human flesh needed in the mines
-fire vs water
-sus that andals & rhoynar both fled from Valyrians but in the second coming “the gods” spoke to the HS while the waterbenders fought both times
-is the long night just fire vs water 2.0?
Arrival of the Andals
-wtf is a fucking swan maiden
-writing the lines of the hugor hill story backwards is not as great a puzzle as u seem to think
-Urron Redhand ruled IIs by “axe&sword” for 1000 yrs, throwaway name? I think the fuck not.
Ten Thousand Ships
-Nymeria of Ny Sar SUS naming
-“few wish to dwell beyond the sound of her eternal song” faith close to old gods
-wtf r the orphans of the greenblood upto
-davos dayne my new OC, forgive me as i project onto u for the forseeable future
-seriously tho the best part so far, need a movie for THIS not whatever fart pudding they baking
The Doom of Valyria
—wtf is the difference between the 14 fires & R’hollor summins weird
-accidental poisoning of one of the flames? like pollution but magical bywaste pollution
-red clouds rained down dragonglass???? and black blood of demons which cud just be dragon blood as they pop in the air from toxicity
-dothraki & sellsword companies both popularised only in the power vacuum
-the conquerer’s attention lay west even as a child hmmmmmm
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So Braavos is a city that I love a lot and I put a lot of thought into it because it’s supposed to be kind of like Venice inspired but I wanted to have more Valyrian influence ( because of the origin of the city state) on it so it’s kind of like a lot of things together. I also see it one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world of the song of ice and fire, and I don’t think that would change much because bravos even back then was one of the cities who had a freedom of religion and had a population that was very diverse definitely the place I would live in if I was in the world of ASOIAF.
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asoiafreadthru · 9 months ago
A Game of Thrones, Daenerys III
They crossed the rolling hills of Norvos, past terraced farms and small villages where the townsfolk watched anxiously from atop white stucco walls.
They forded three wide placid rivers and a fourth that was swift and narrow and treacherous, camped beside a high blue waterfall, skirted the tumbled ruins of a vast dead city where ghosts were said to moan among blackened marble columns.
They raced down Valyrian roads a thousand years old and straight as a Dothraki arrow.
For half a moon, they rode through the Forest of Qohor, where the leaves made a golden canopy high above them, and the trunks of the trees were as wide as city gates.
There were great elk in that wood, and spotted tigers, and lemurs with silver fur and huge purple eyes, but all fled before the approach of the khalasar and Dany got no glimpse of them.
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