#qin yi kin
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requested by @/ozeca: Vulture x Qin Yi stimboard with themes of softness
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#. i've defeated the witch's henchman too . fulfilled request .#shining nikki edit#shining nikki kin#shining nikki stimboard#stimboard#vulture#vulture kin#vulture stimboard#qin yi#qin yi kin#qin yi stimboard#fashion polycruel
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Origin of the Western Qiang, Part 2 (HHS087)
[The history of peoples collectively known as Rong from the end of Western Zhou until the destruction of the Yiqu kingdom by Qin in 272 BC.]
During King Yi [of Zhou, r. 885 – 878 BC] there was decline and weakness, and the Wild Domain did not come to court. Therefore he instructed the Duke of Zong to lead the Six Regiments and attack the Rong of Taiyuan. He arrived at Yuquan, and captured a thousand horses.
King Yi was King Mu's grandson, his personal name was Xie
King Li [877 – 841 BC] had not the Way, and the Rong and Di robbed and plundered. They then entered Quanqiu and killed the kin of Qinzhong. The King instructed to attack the Rong, but they did not overcome.
Reaching the fourth year of King Xuan's reign [824 BC], he sent Qinzhong to attack the Rong. He was killed by the Rong. The King therefore summoned Qinzhong's son, Duke Zhuang [of Qin, r. 822 – 778 BC], and gave him 7 000 troops. He attacked the Rong and routed them, and because of that held them back a little. Twenty-seven years later [797 BC], the King dispatched troops to attack the Rong of Taiyuan, they did not overcome. Five years later [792 BC], the King attacked the Tiao Rong and the Ben Rong. The king's regiments were defeated. Two years later [790 BC], the people of Jin defeated the Northern Rong at Fenxi. The Rong people wiped out the district of the Marquis of Jiang. Next year [789 BC], the King campaigned against Shen Rong, and routed them.
Ten years later [779 BC], King You instructed Boshi to attack the Rong of Liuji. The army was defeated and Boshi died there. That year, the Rong besieged Quanqiu, and captured Duke Xiang of Qin's older brother Bofu. At the time King You was muddled and oppressive, and the Four Barbarians invaded one after the other. Thereupon he deposed the Queen Shen and installed Baosi. The Marquis of Shen was angry and together with the Rong robbed Zhou. They killed King You at Li Mountain [in 771 BC], and Zhou then moved east to Luoyi. Duke Xiang of Qin [r. 777 – 766 BC], attacked the Rong and saved Zhou. Two years later [769 BC?], the Marquis of Xing greatly routed the Northern Rong.
Reaching the end of King Ping [r. 770 – 720 BC], Zhou thereupon waned for a long time. The Rong pressured the various Xia. From Long Mountain and eastward, reaching the Yi and Luo, the Rong were present here and there. From that point, the headwaters of the Wei had the Rong of Di, Kai, Gui, and Ji. North of the Jing there were the Rong of Yiqu. In the Luo river-lands there were the Rong of Dali. South of the Wei there were the Li Rong. Between the Yi and Luo there were the Rong of Yangju and Quangao. Westward from the headwaters of the Ying there where the Rong of Manshi.
During the Spring and Autumn period, they were interspersed among the Central States, and made pacts and held assemblies with the various Xia. Duke Zhuang of Lu attacked Qin and defeated the Rong of Gui and Ji.
In the Zuo Transmittals' 18th Year of Duke Zhuang [684 BC], the Duke pursued the Rong to Jixi. In Du Yu's annotations, the Rong invaded Lu. The people of Lu did not know about, after they had left, they then pursued them. 24th Year [678 BC], the Rong invaded Cao.
About ten years later, Jin wiped out the Li Rong. At that time the Rong of Yi and Luo were strong, and to the east they invaded Cao and Lu. Nineteen years later [in 649 BC], the thereupon entered the King's city. At that point Qin and Jin attacked the Rong to save Zhou. Two years later [647 BC], they again robbed the imperial capital. Duke Huan of Qi [685 – 643 BC] summoned the various feudal lords to defend Zhou. Nine years later [638 BC], the Rong of Luhun moved from Guazhou to the Yi river-lands. The Rong of Yunxing moved to within the Wei, to the east reaching unto Huanyuan. Those located north of the Henan Mountain were called the Yin Rong. The offspring of the Yin Rong thereupon multiplied widely.
Duke Wen of Jin [r. 636 – 628 BC] wished to put in place a legacy of hegemony, and therefore rewarded the Rong and Di for opening the roads, and so succoured the royal house. Duke Mu of Qin [r. 659 – 621 BC] obtained Youyu, a man of the Rong, thereupon had hegemony over the Western Rong, enlaring his territory a thousand li.
Youyu had previously been man of Jin who absconded to enter among the Rong. The King of the Rong heard that Duke Mu was worthy, and sent Youyu to observe Qin. Duke Mu of Qin treated him with the courtesy due to a guest. Qin dispatched to the King of the Rong female musicians. Youyu admonished [the Rong King], but was not heeded. Youyu therefore surrendered to Qin and made plans for attacking the Rong.
Reaching Duke Dao Jin [572 – 558 BC], he sent Wei Jiang to make peace with the various Rong, and managed to put in place a legacy of hegemony. At that time, Chu and Jin were strong and flourishing, and awed into submission the various Rong. The Luhun, Yi, Luo, and Yin Rong served Jin, and the Manshi followed followed Chu.
Wei Jiang was a grandee of Jin. See the Zuo Transmittals' 11th Year of Duke Xiang. [562 BC]
Later the Luhun rebelled against Jin. Jin ordered Xun Wu to wipe them out. Forty-four years later, Chu seized the Manshi, and fully took their people prisoner. At that time Yiqu and Dali were extremely strong. They build several tens of cities, and both declared themselves Kings.
Xun Wu was the son of Jin's grandee Zhonghang Muzi. See the Zuo Transmittals' 1st Year of Duke Zhao. [541 BC]
Arriving at the 8th Year of King Zhen of Zhou [461 BC], Duke Li of Qin [r. 476 – 443 BC] wiped out Dali, and seized their territory. Zhao likewise wiped out the Dai Rong, which were precisely the Northern Rong. Han# and Wei then together gradually annexed the Yi, Luo, and Yin Rong, and wiped them out. Those of their remnants who escaped all fled west across the Qian and Long [Mountians]. From that point, the Central States had no Rong robbers, and there only remained the Yiqu of them.
25th Year of King Zhen [444 BC], Qin attacked Yiqu and captured their king. About a hundred years later [331 BC], Yiqu defeated the Qin regiments at Luo. Four years later [327 BC], the state of Yiqu was in chaos. King Hui of Qin dispatched the Chief of Multitudes Cao to bring troops and settle them. Yiqu thereupon became subject to Qin. Eight years later [319 BC], Qin attacked Yiqu, and took Yuzhi. Two years later [317 BC], Yiqu defeated the Qin regiments at Libo. Next year [316 BC], Qin attacked Yiqu, and took the twenty-five cities of Tujing.
Reaching King Zhao's instalment [in 306 BC], the King of Yiqu came to court in Qin. Thereupon he had intercourse with King Zhao's mother, Queen Dowager Xuan, and they begot two sons. Arriving at the 43rd Year of King Nan [of Zhou, 272 BC], Empress Dowager Xuan lured and killed the King of Yiqu at the Ganquan Palace. Following that, they raised troops and wiped them out, and first set up Longxi, Beidi, and Shang commanderies there.
The Rong originally had no lords or chiefs. At the end of the Xiahou clan and at the juncture of Shang and Zhou, some of them followed the feudal lords on campaigns and attacks and had merit. The Son of Heaven gave them feudal ranks and used them as the Vassal Domain. In the time of Spring of Autumn, the Luhun and Mangshi Rong claimed to be Counts [zi], and in the Warring States period, Dali and Yiqu claimed to be Kings. Reaching their decline and destruction, the remnants of their kind all turned back to their old customs and became chieftains.
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Hi how do I kin from my own AU
-Qin Yi (Shining Nikki AU) #🌙✨❄️
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STRAH OD NOVOG SVJETSKOG PORETKA! Ogromna prijetnja smrznula Amerikance: Posrnula Njemačka jasno pokazala u kojem smjeru idemo
Na samom kraju prošle godine u Kini je došlo do smjene ministra vanjskih poslova, kao posljedica u jesen 2022. održanog 20. kongresa Komunističke partije koji je dodatno ojačao položaj sadašnjeg čelnika Xi Jinpinga – zagovornika snažne i neovisne kineske politike. Na mjesto novog šefa diplomacije imenovan je Qin Gang, dosadašnji veleposlanik u Sjedinjenim Državama (na toj je funkciji boravio svega 17 mjeseci) i pouzdanog suradnika predsjednika Xi Jinpinga. Ovaj je potez od strane mnogih analitičara odmah protumačen kao želja Xi Jinpinga za poboljšanjem odnosa s Bidenovom administracijom, iako su oni upravo u vrijeme dok je Gang bio veleposlanik u SAD-u postali najlošiji još od doba 70-ih godina prošlog stoljeća kada su između dviju zemalja uspostavljeni diplomatski odnosi. Ako se i trudio, a je – da pomakne navedene odnose s opasne spirale poniranja prema dnu – kineskog veleposlanika u Washingtonu službeno gotovo da nigdje nisu pozivali, a na medijskim konferencijama američki su ga novinari – bit ću blag – tretirali nedostojno veleposlanika jedne tako velike i važne zemlje.
Strah od novog svjetskog poretka
S druge strane pokušaj pomicanja tih odnosa „s mrtve točke“ želja je i samog američkog predsjednika Joe Bidena, svjesnog opasnosti sve jačeg savezništva između Kine i Rusije i istodobnog američkog otvaranja dvaju frontova s dvije druge nuklearne velesile, od kojih je Kina i ona ekonomska. Biden bi želio nekakav model „nadzirane suradnje“ s Pekingom, u onim gospodarskim sferama gdje to odgovara objema državama, s obzirom kako nagli prekid svih odnosa, prije svega trgovinskih, ne odgovara ni jednoj od njih, ali više SAD-u koji još uvijek u velikoj mjeri ovisi o kineskim proizvodima. Međutim, Bidenova administracija pri tom postavlja Kini i niz političkih i ekonomskih barijera vezanih uz kinesku potporu Rusiji, a poglavito pozorno prati pridržava li se Peking ograničenja vezanih uz isporuke visokotehnoloških proizvoda Moskvi. Krajem prošle godine, na dan (30. prosinca) kada su ruski predsjednik Vladimir Putin i kineski vođa Xi Jinping održali tri i pol satnu video konferenciju, a kineske i ruske vojnnopomorske i strateške zračne snage održavale velike vježbe u Južnom kineskom i Istočnom kineskom moru izjavio kako rast rusko-kineskih odnosa brine Washington i da će on nastaviti pratiti pridržava li se Kina proturuskih sankcija. Dakle, odgovor na pitanje hoće li doći do nekakvog poboljšanja odnosa na relaciji Washington-Peking pokazat će samo vrijeme, ali ono tomu ne ide u prilog. Naime, američki Zastupnički dom dobio je novog predsjednika – republikanca Kevina McCarthija, a poznato je kako upravo republikanci traže još oštriju Bidenovu politiku prema Kini, dok istodobno Bidenove pokušaje relaksiranja odnosa s Pekingom nazivaju slabošću. Štoviše, zalažu se za još intenzivniju vojnu i financijsku pomoć Tajvanu (što je Bidenova administracija već odobrila) ali i za prekid gospodarske suradnje s Kinom, koja, kako smatraju, prijeti gubitkom američke dominacije u obrambenoj i visokotehnološkoj sferi u idućih 10-15 godina. Ako je suditi prema vijesti pristigloj iz Pekinga, niti nakon smjene prvog čovjeka kineske diplomacije nije na vidiku poboljšanje američko-kineskih odnosa. Uostalom, donedavni ministar Wang Yi, koji je 26.prosinca, još u vrijeme dok je obnašao tu dužnost kazao kako će Kina “produbiti strateško međusobno povjerenje i obostrano korisnu suradnju” s Rusijom – u listopadu je na spomenutom partijskom kongresu dobio novu funkciju: promaknut je u politbiro kineske Komunističke partije te se očekuje da će igrati veću ulogu u kineskoj vanjskoj politici (info: VoA).
Vijesti iz Kine
Kina neće dozvoliti da se Azijsko-pacifička regija pretvori u arenu geopolitičkih sukoba i poduzet će sve mjere kako bi zaštitila svoj suverenitet i teritorijalni integritet, izjavio je Wang Wenbin, glasnogovornik kineskog Ministarstva vanjskih poslova. Prema njegovim riječima, pitanje Tajvana je u središtu ključnih interesa Kine, a na��elo “jedne Kine” temeljno je pravilo za zemlje koje imaju diplomatske veze s Kinom i razvijaju odnose s njom. Naglasio je kako je Kina spremna poduzeti odgovarajuće mjere s ciljem zaštite svog suvereniteta i teritorijalnog integriteta. Prethodno je objavljeno da je u četverodnevni posjet Tajvanu stiglo izaslanstvo od 10 njemačkih parlamentaraca, koje predvode Johannes Vogel, zamjenik predsjednika njemačke Slobodne demokratske stranke (FDP) koja je dio vladajuće „semafor“ koalicije koju još čine Zeleni i SPD (iz redova ove potonje dolazi i aktualni kancelar Olaf Scholz). Njemačko izaslanstvo koje je stiglo na Tajvan čini još i Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, čelnica odbora za obranu njemačkog parlamenta Bundestaga. Dakle, delegacija dovoljno visoke političke razine da izazove veliko nezadovoljstvo službenog Pekinga.
Veliki “STOP”
Drugim riječima, Scholzov posjet kineskoj prijestolnici s velikom delegacijom njemačkog krupnog biznisa početkom studenog prošle godine zapravo je bio uzaludan. Sholzov cilj (i cilj predstavnika krupnog biznisa) bio je osigurati i dodatno ojačati položaj velikih njemačkih tvrtki u Kini u vrijeme dok se u odnosima s prekoatlantskim saveznikom SAD-om nadvijaju tmurni oblaci mogućeg trgovinskog rata i odlijeva kapitala i investicija zbog američkog protuinflatornog zakona koji je upravo stupio na snagu s novom godinom (o čemu smo na ovom portalu već puno pisali), ali i međusobnu trgovinu tj. nastavak uvoza kineskih jeftinih proizvoda o kojima itekako ovise i Njemačka i EU. Međutim taj je nenadani posjet odmah naišao na oštru kritiku velikog dijela njemačkih medija i javnosti, ali što je još važnije i dijela koalicijskih partnera iz redova Zelenih, a naravno – i iz Washingtona. Njemačko Ministarstvo obrane ubrzo potom objavilo je prijedlog dokumenta kojim se uvjetuje buduća njemačko-kineska gospodarska suradnja – među kojima su i zahtjevi Pekingu za poštivanjem ljudskih prava i zapadnih vrijednosti. Jasno je bilo odmah što se zapravo smjera i da je značajnijoj njemačko-kineskoj ekonomskoj suradnji, prije svega onoj u sferi tehnologija – objavljen veliki STOP.
Putovanje njemačke delegacije na Tajvan je završna točka takvog plana
Annalena Baerbock, njemačka ministrica vanjskih poslova iz redova Zelenih svoju je zadaću definitivno izvršila – Njemačku je pozicionirala gotovo kao predvodnicu ograničenja ekonomske suradnje s Kinom, čak i u odnosu na SAD gdje Biden upravom traži mogućnost za nastavak te suradnje s drugom gospodarskom silom svijeta. Bravo Annalena! Posrnulom njemačkom gospodarstvu upravo je ovo trebalo: posjet Tajvanu „u ime demokracije i zapadnih vrijednosti“. Dnevno.hr Foto : Pixabay Read the full article
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Chapter One: Prologue
Narrated by no one.
Narrator: Evening and the last clouds drift across a crimson sky. Night is about to fall.
Narrator: Light shines out of the entrance to the Never Ending Theater.
Narrator: A giant billboard of Qin Yi’s latest hit has been erected outside. Fans and passersby jostle to get selfies in front of it.
Narrator: On the screen Qin Yi is peeking out from behind his mask.
Narrator: In one hand he is holding a folding fan, and in the other, a red spider lily.
Narrator: The flower is in full bloom. He grips it tightly, but still the petals fall, one by one.
Narrator: It’s a short play, and Qin Yi will be performing in it himself.
Narrator: Outside the Neverfall Theater, the sun is going down. The last pink rays of sunset illuminate the building.
Narrator: Inside the theater, the audience has started moving into the auditorium.
Narrator: Once the VIPs have taken their seats, the curtain goes up.
Narrator: A bell sounds three times, signalling the start of the play. All lights are extinguished.
Narrator: Text is projected onto screens at the side of the stage.
The Man in the Jade Mask
Qin Yi as the Young Fox
Narrator: At the center of the stage, there is a folding screen. In front of it, there are a table and a chair.
Narrator: Several bunches of red spider lilies sit on the table.
Narrator: Long reams of colorless gauze hang down from the roof and the sides of the stage.
Narrator: Lights on.
Narrator: Blue light hits the gauze, making the whole stage appear very desolate.
Narrator: Qin Yi is playing the part of a young scholar dressed in white. He lights an oil lamp on the table, his back to the audience.
Narrator: Lights off.
Narrator: The tiny lamp flickers weakly in the darkness, creating shadows on the muslin drapes. The stage lights come on again.
Narrator: Blood red light fills the stage.
Narrator: The young man turns around. He is holding a fan in one hand, and he is wearing a fox mask.
Narrator: Everyone knows it is Qin Yi, but on stage he has become someone else.
Narrator: When the actor steps out onto stage, he immerses himself completely into his role.
Narrator: Qin Yi had become the youth. Qin Yi himself was nowhere to be seen.
Narrator: Just like the butterfly birthmark hidden behind his mask.
Narrator: As he turns around, Qin Yi is no more. There is only the Scholar in White.
Youth in White: It is dark.
Narrator: The muted lights creep over his mask. Qin Yi steps towards the spotlight. His character starts to reminisce.
Narrator: He arrived at the village in autumn.
Narrator: The leaves were dying and a mournful wind was blowing, but he didn’t mind.
Narrator: Because the nights are getting longer and the days shorter.
Youth in White: I am a fox spirit.
Youth in White: A man by day; a spirit by night.
Narrator: At night Qin Yi dons the fox mask, making it clear to the audience he is now in human form but with a fox face.
Narrator: He observes the audience closely, channeling the spirit of a fox.
Narrator: The boy is a spirit, but not a frightening one.
Narrator: Indeed, humans are often more fearsome than spirits, on account of their conflicting motives.
Narrator: Spirits, on the other hand, concern themselves with food, libations, and other spiritual matters.
Narrator: Of course, evil spirits and wicked men share a taste for killing and destruction.
Narrator: But this more common variety of spirit only has one concern.
Narrator: Namely, to keep his human form for as long as possible and hide his tail.
Narrator: Qin Yi flaunts his luxurious coat, inadvertently giving the audience a glimpse of his tail.
Narrator: To maintain their human form, a spirit must focus on noble pursuits.
Youth in White: My life is longer than a human. For as long as I can remember, I have lived alone, separated from my kin.
Youth in White: Until I moved here and took on some students, I didn’t really know what having a family felt like.
Narrator: The young man has lived here for several years.
Narrator: The villagers are simple folk. His students like him.
Narrator: And he uses his special “powers” to help out his neighbors from time to time.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
#qin yi#shining nikki#cloud#transcript#chapter 1#prologue#stage#performance#ssr designer#vip suit#actor#fox spirit
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爱奇艺青春有你 210415 — Yi Xuan (KINGSTON), Li Qin (Kin), He Derui, Duan Xingxing (X), Xu Ziwei, Yan Xi (Liam), and Li Junhao (Rimiko)
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People who obvious knows are: Liaoran, Huo Dan, uncle Wang, and everyone who works at Gu Yun’s estate.
but tbh if we go by subtext ...
The one thing about being imperials in Ancient China is that you're never ALONE. There are servants everywhere, within shouting distance. The windows are made of paper, and being both imperial-kin, these two have to travel around with a retinue, then they just ... rent a room ... at a government relay station ... and start going at it the moment the door closes while their people are staying in the same very small building.
It’s an open secret. EVERYONE KNOWS!
Except Jiang Chong, who’s very proper and very willing to look at those two and go “must be filial piety”, and Li Feng, who doesn’t get to see their casual side and dismisses that sort of gossip probably
but I’m perfectly serious. I’m pretty sure there are operas in the capital about them (at certain *ahem* establishments) by this point. They’re not discreet; they hold hands and flirt and whisper in each others’ ear in the middle of the estate’s courtyard, Chang Geng stands at the top of the city wall and stare at Gu Yun and his army leaving for the north even after the emperor and everyone else left, it’s common knowledge at court that Chang Geng has no interest in women AT ALL (Fang Qin: Stop bribing him with women, it’s never going to work). He never sleeps in his own house (the Prince Yan estate) at the capital, he sleeps in Gu Yun’s tent when he’s staying with the army, he once spent an entire trip after the’s come of age clinging to Gu Yun like a kid, and Shen Yi’s complaint when he met them at the capital gates was “OMG I can see you two flirting from a mile off CAN YOU NOT”
and somewhat spoilery:
In the very last chapter when Fang Qin presented his petition against Chang Geng, there were two crimes listed. The second one basically paraphrased to "He lodged at Gu Yun's estate often in order to get the military on his side, and continued to call him 'father' after getting his title" <--- emphasis his. the whole “Prince Yan is sleeping with the commander to control the military” implication isn’t subtle
[insert “now everyone in china knows they’re gay” meme here]
#sha po lang related#lady-bellatrix#i saved the ask to drafts and then when I tried to edit it it BROKE
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requested by anon: Mercury x Qin Yi stimboard with themes of theater stages and stitching fabric
🎭 🧵 🎭 • 🪡 👒 🪡 • 🎪 🧵 🎪
#. i've defeated the witch's henchman too . fulfilled request .#shining nikki edit#shining nikki kin#shining nikki stimboard#stimboard#mercury#mercury kin#mercury stimboard#qin yi#qin yi kin#qin yi stimboard
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requested by @/ozeca: Vulture x Qin Yi headers
#. i've defeated the witch's henchman too . fulfilled request .#shining nikki edit#shining nikki kin#shining nikki headers#headers#vulture#vulture kin#vulture headers#qin yi#qin yi kin#qin yi headers#fashion polycruel
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requested by 🌨️☄️anon: Qin Yi x Mercury x Vulture headers with themes of ice
#. i've defeated the witch's henchman too . fulfilled request .#shining nikki edit#shining nikki kin#shining nikki headers#headers#qin yi#qin yi kin#qin yi headers#mercury#mercury kin#mercury headers#vulture#vulture kin#vulture headers#🌨️☄️anon
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event prize ~ requested by @/ozeca: Qin Yi headers with themes relating to Banica Conchita and red
• Do not tag as kin/me/ID unless you’re the requester! •
#. twin rabbits . event .#shining nikki edit#shining nikki kin#shining nikki headers#qin yi#qin yi irl#qin yi headers
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requested by 🍷anon: Qin Yi userbox Do not tag as kin/ID/me unless you’re the requester.
#❃ the spirit's finished jobs#shining nikki edit#shining nikki irl#shining nikki userboxes#userboxes#qin yi#qin yi irl#qin yi userboxes#🍷 anon
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Well! In that case my requests are
1. A header for Allen (no kin/id/me tags)
2. A dni banner that's Banica themed that says doubles of Banica Conchita, Riliane Lucifen d'Autriche, Qin Yi, and Ozeca dni (obviously no kin/id/me tags since that's me)
3. A Michelle Marlon userbox that says "this user likes saying "honk honk am goose as a stim" with the color of the box being light green
Thank you for holding the contest!! -🍷
Awwwww thanks!! Well they’re all posted! Hope you like them!
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Hello! I can't believe I won akjslahwkahs
Can I get a Qin Yi header (with Banica themes and red) for my kin blog? ❤
Of course you can!!!!!!! Posted!
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Account of the Man of Ba and Nan (HHS)
[And their progenitor, Lord Lin. From HHS086]
The Man of Ba commandery and Nan commandery originally were five families: the Ba clan, the Shen clan, the Xiang clan, and the Zheng clan. All sprung from Wuluozhongli Mountain. That mountain had a red and a black cave. The Ba clan's son was born in the red cave, the four families' sons were all born in the black cave. They had not yet lords or chiefs, everyone served the ghosts and gods. Therefore they altogether threw swords at the stone cave. They agreed that he who was able to hit, they would receive as their lord. The Ba clan's son, Wuxiang, then alone hit it, the multitudes all sighed. Again they made each sail an earth boat, and agreed that he who was able to float must be their lord. The remaining families fully sunk, only Wuxiang alone floated. Following that, they together installed him. This was Lord Lin [lit. “Lord of Granaries”].
He then sailed the earth both, and followed the Yi River until he arrived at Yanyang. In the Yan River [lit. “Salt River”], there was a goddess, who spoke to Lord Lin, saying:
This land is broad and great, fish and salt spring out from here. I wish to halt you and live together.
Lord Lin did not allow it. The salt goddess at sunset always came to spend the night, and dawn immediately changed into an insect. She and various insects swarmed and flew, covering and concealing the sun's light. Heaven and earth were unlit and gloomy. For the next ten or so days, Lord Lin thought about what was expedient, and following that, shot and killed her. Heaven then began to shine.
The Lord of Granaries hence was lord at Yicheng, and the four families were all subject to him. When the Lord of Granaries died, his cloud and white soul for generations became a white tiger. The Ba clan, since tigers drink people's blood, thereupon used people to sacrifice to him.
When King Hui of Qin [r. 337 . 311 BC] annexed Bazhong, he used the Ba clan as lords and leaders of the Man barbarians. For generations they wed Qin daughters. Their people's feudal ranks successively did not change. If they committed a crime, then they used the feudal rank to remove it. Their lords and leaders annually sent out 2 016 cash in taxes, and once every third year sent out 1 800 cash dutiful taxes [?]. Their population's households sent out 8 zhang, 2 chi with “family” [jia幏] cloth and 30 arrows of chicken feathers. At the rise of Han, the Grand Warden of Nan commandery, Jin Qiang, requested to uniformly rely on the former affairs from the times of Qin.
Arriving at the 23rd Year of Jianwu [47 AD], the Man of Tushan in Nan commandery, Lei Qian, and others, first turnde to rebellion, and robbed and plundered the hundred families. Dispatched the General of Martial Awe, Liu Shang to command more than ten thousand people to chastise and route them. He moved more than seven thousand mouths of their kin to set up within the borders of Jiangxia, the Man of Mianzhong are as such.
Emperor He's 13th Year of Yongyuan [101 AD], the Man of Wu [county], Xu Sheng and others, since the commandery was collecting taxes unequally, had deep-felt enmity and resentment, and thereupon gathered at the county and turned to rebellion.
Next Year [102 AD], Summer, dispatched messengers to direct troops from the various commanderies of Jing province, more than ten thousand people, to chastise them. Sheng and others relied and depended on obstructing strategic points, and for a long time did not route. The various armies therefore split between the roads and advanced together, some from Yufu in Ba commandery, along several paths to attack them. The Man therefore scattered and fled. They beheaded their chieftains, and exploited the victory to pursue them, and greatly routed Sheng and others. Sheng and others begged to surrender. Then altogether moved and set them up in Jiangxia.
Emperor Ling's 2nd Year of Jianning [169 AD], the Man of Jiangxia rebelled. The province and commandery chastised and pacified them.
3rd Year of Guanghe [180 AD], the Man of Jiangxia again rebelled. They and a thief from Lujiang, Huang Rang, joined up and connected with each other, more than hundred thousand people, and attacked and subdued four counties. They robbed and caused trouble for numerous years. The Grand Warden of Lujiang, Lu Kang, chastised and routed the, the remainder fully surrendered and scattered.
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Rise of Sixteen States: 300
(Zhao Xin rebels)
7 February 300 – 25 January 301
(Jin's 1st Year of Yongkang)
Summer, 4thMonth, guisi [7 May], the King of Liang, Rong, and the King of Zhao, Lun, falsely decreed the demotion of Empress Jia to be a commoner. The Minister of Works, Zhang Hua, and the Supervisor of the Masters of Writing, Pei Wei, were both murdered. Palace Attendant Jia Mi and his faction with several tens of people were all executed.
On jiawu,[8 May], Lun falsely decreed a great amnesty, himself to be Chancellor of the State and Commander-in-Chief of All Armies in the Centre and Outside and like Xuan and Wen assisted in the old affairs of Wei.
(Li Te)
1stYear of Yongkang [300 AD], a decree summoned the Inspector of Yi, province, Zhao Xin, to become Great Prolonger of Autumn, and moved the Interior Clerk of Chengdu, Geng Teng, to be Inspector of Yi province and General of Smashing Charges, and follow the clothes and pendants worn by Xin. Xin was Empress Jia's relative by marriage, and when he heard the summons was very afraid.
Earlier, Xin considered Jin's government to be declining, and the Stars of Zhao's Yellow Divinations said “The one whose star is yellow will be King.” Xin thereupon secretly held close disloyal plans and had aspirations of the Liu clan for cutting away and occupying. The lands of Shu had defiles on all sides, and could be used to secure oneself. He therefore poured out the granary stores, to succour and provide for the drifting people, and so gather the heart of the multitudes. Li Te's partisans and kind were all people of Baxi, they and Xin were of the same commandery, and they led many brave and strong. Xin treated them lavishly and considered them as claws and teeth. For that reason Te and others assembled a multitude, and concentrated on robbing and thieving. The people of Shu suffered from them.
Teng several times covertly petitioned:
The drifting people are tough and simple minded, and the people of Shu are weak and timid. Guest and host being unable to regulate each other will surely be the base for chaos. [We] ought to move them back to their original lands. [If we] do not, grant them the narrow passes of the eastern three commanderies. Observe their feelings and attitudes, and do not gradually allow it to grow, otherwise [I] fear the calamities of Qin and Yong will collect in Liang# and Yi.
He also told:
The granaries and storehouses are empty and exhausted, they have nothing with which to respond to the urgencies of spear-points of and arrowheads. Certainly this will add to the sagely court's worries over western concerns.
Xin heard and detested him.
(According to HYGZ2, the “eastern three commanderies” refers to Weixing, Shangyong, and Xincheng, located east of Hanzhong.)
At the time Chengdu was seated in the lesser city, and Yi province was seated in the greater city. Xin was still in the greater city and had not yet departed. The province had received the written decree, and had already dispatched civil and military officials, more than a thousand people, to go and welcome Teng. Teng, since Xin and not yet set out from the province, was at the commandery. Xin summoned Li Xiang's partisans Luo An, Wang Li, and others to take Teng by force, and kill those who had passed on the decree. They where greatly defeated at Xuanhua precinct in Guanghan.
Teng discussed his intention to enter the provincial city. The Board of Merit [official] Chen Xun remonstrated, saying:
Now province and commandery both administer troops, the enmity and discord is deepening daily. To enter the city will surely be a great disaster, It is not as good as calmly lodging in the lesser city, to observe their alterations, and call to arms the various counties to combine villages for protection, and so prepare against the Di of Qin. Chen of the Western Yi is going to arrive, [we] should wait for him. If [we] do not, [we] can withdraw to stay in Jianwei, and go west and cross at Jiangyuan to forestall irregularities.
Teng did not follow.
Winter, 12thMonth [28 December 300 – 25 January 301], Teng led the multitudes to enter the province, and ascend the western gate. Xin dispatched a close intimate, Dai Mao, to attack Teng. Mao told him and then left. Xin again dispatched troops to chastise Teng. Teng's army was defeated, he threw himself off the lesser city and died.
A functionary, Zuo Xiong, carried Teng's son Qi, and relied on a commoner, Song Ning, to hide them. Xin offered as reward a thousand gold, but Ning did not set out. Xin soon after was defeated, and he managed to escape.
The commandery functionaries all ran away and fled, only Chen Xun bound himself and went to Xin, requesting mourning for Teng's death. Xin [found him] right-principled and did not kill him. Xun and a Board of Households official, Chang Chang, together prepared the coffin and tomb, and buried him.
Xin again dispatched troops to confront the Colonel of the Western Yi, Chen Zong. Zong arrived at Jiangyang, and heard Xin had disloyal aspirations. The Master of Accounts, Zhao Mo, advanced to say:
Now province and commandery, are not in concord, surely this will birth a great disaster. However by taking quick action, our office have troops of critical importance. Assist the compliant and chastise the disobedient, and nothing will happen.
Zong increasingly clung to the road, slowing and halting. Hence when he arrived at Yufu Ford in Nan'an, he and Xin's army met each other. Mo made clear to Zong:
Scatter wealth and goods, and recruit soldiers to resist in battle. If we overcome the provincial army, then the province can be gained. If we do not overcome, follow the currents and withdraw, there surely will be no harm.
Zong was not able to again, and said:
Zhao of Yi province was furious at Marquis Geng, and for that reason killed him. He and I have no enmity, how could it be like this?
Mo said:
Now when the province has launched an affair, they surely will establish dominance. Even if we do not fight, we will have no gains.
He talked until tears flowed down. Zong did not listen, and the multitudes slackened. Zong escaped into the grass. Mo put on Zong's clothes, and grappled and fought. Xin's troops killed Mo, and saw he was not Zong, they then searched and looked for Zong, and killed him.
(JS004: 12thMonth [28 December 300 – 25 January 301], a broom star seen in the east. The Inspector of Yi province, Zhao Xin, and Li Xiang, a drifting person of Luoyang [sic], murdered the Interior Clerk of Chengdu, Geng Sheng, the Grand Warden of Jianwei, Li Mi, the Grand Warden of Minshan, Hou Gu, and the Colonel of the Western Yi, Chen Zong. They seized Chengdu in rebellion.)
Xin declared himself Great Commander-in-Chief, Great General, and Shepherd of Yi province. He used the Prefect of Wuyang, Du Shu of Shu commandery, the Separate Carriage Zhang Can, Zhang Gui of Baxi, the Marshal of the Western Yi, Gong Ni, the Prefect of Jiangyuan, Fei Yuan of Jianwei and others as Senior Clerks of Left and Right, Marshal, and Army Advisors. He moved the Grand Warden of Jianwei, Li Xiang, to be General who Daunts the Bandits. He summoned the Prefect of Linqiong, Xu Yan of Fuling, to be Commander of the Serrated Gates. He summoned the various kingly officials, and nobody dared not to go. He also used the Grand Warden of Guanghan, Zhang Wei, the Grand Warden of Minshan, Yang Bin, and the Prefect of Chengdu, Fei Li, as Army Libationers.
At the time Xiang, his younger brothers Liu and Xiang#, his brother-in-law Li Han, Ren Hui of Tianshui, Shangguan Jing [also of Tianshui], Li Pan of Fufeng, Fei Tuo of Shiping, the Di [leaders] Fu Cheng, Wei Bo, Dong Sheng, and others were at the northern gate with 4 000 cavalry.
Xin sent Xiang to block the northern road. Xiang had long standing as Good Commander of Eastern Qiang and was aware of army deployment. He did not employ banners and flag, but raised a lance to make them move in squads. He beheaded people among his section subordinates who had not followed instructions, and the section columns became respectful. Xin detested his uniform orderliness, and wished to kill him but had not yet talked about it.
Senior Clerk Du Shu and Marshal Zhang Can talked to Xin, saying:
The Transmittals state “the Five Greats do not stay at the border”. The General raising troops has begun this way, readily dispatching Li Xiang to hold strong troops at the outside, [I] humbly venture to be puzzled by it. Moreover he is not of our kin and kind, and his heart is surely different. To turn around the halberd and hand it over to [another] person, [I] venture is not possible, and desire the General plan for it.
Xin with composed features said:
The Dignitaries' words precisely fit my thoughts, and can be spoken of as “The one who raised me up is Shang.” This is Heaven sending the Dignitaries to complete my affairs.
(Du Shu is quoting the Zuo zhuan, and Zhao Xin the Analects.)
It happened that Xiang was at the gates, and requested to see Xin. Xin was greatly pleased, and pulled in Xiang to see him. Xiang wished to observe Xin's thoughts and aims, and bowed twice, advanced and said:
Now the Central States are in great chaos, and are again without mainstays and support-ropes. The house of Jin will not be able to flourish again. Your Enlightened Excellency's Way puts together Heaven and Earth, your potency is delimiting their eaves. The affairs of Tang and Wu are truly happening in the present. [You] ought to respond to the Heaven-given time, obey the hearts of the people, help the hundred families among the mud and soot, and cause the beings' feelings to know where to revert to. Then Under Heaven can be settled, not only Yong# and Shu and that is all.
Xin angrily said:
How are these proper words for a subject!
He ordered Shu and others to debate it. Hence Shu and others sent up that Xiang was greatly disobedient and did not follow the Way. Xin therefore killed him, and his sons, nephews and clansmen, more than thirty people.
(HYGZ08: Xiang recommended he declare the great title of Han. Xiang's section subordinates were unrestrained and agitated, Xin and others were hostile to him. Thereupon at a meeting they beheaded Xiang, and his older brother's son Hong and others, more than ten people.)
Xin worried Te and others would make difficulties, and dispatched a person to explain to them saying:
Xiang had improper words, and the response to his crime reached death. It does not extend to his brothers.
He also instructed them to be supervising commanders, and to calm and comfort their multitudes, and returned to Te Xiang's body. That night, Te and Liu thoroughly dispersed the multitudes and returned to Mianzhu. Xin dispatched the former Prefect of Yinping, Zhang Heng, Sheng Qian, and Fei Shu to go and soothe and take them in. All were killed by Te.
The Commander of the Serrated Gates, Xu Yan, sought to be Army Overseer of Badong. Du Shu and Zhang Can firmly held it was not allowable. Yan was angry, and at the provincial postern gate, blade in hand, killed Shu and Can. Shu and Can's left and right then killed Yan. All were Xin's belly and heart.
Li Xiang, courtesy name Xuanxu, was Te's third younger brother. As young he gained a reputation due to his ardent spirit. He served the commandery as Supervisor of Couriers and Master of Accounts, in both cases he was commended by the officials. 4thYear of Yongkang [294 AD], he was examined as Filial and Upright, but did not go. Later, since he was good at riding and shooting, he was recommended as Good Commander, but likewise did not go.
The province considered Xiang's talents to combine both the civil and martial, and recommended him as Flowering Marvel. He firmly refused due to illness. Province and commandery did not listen, and so his name was sent up and made known. The Army Protector of the Centre urgently summoned him, he could not avoid and responded to it. He was designated Cavalry Supervisor of the Centre Army. With bow and horse he was practised and nimble, his bodily strength was beyond other people. At the time opinion compared him to Wen Yang.
Since Luoyang was soon to be in chaos, he claimed illness and left office. He by nature was dutiful and gallant, and fond of helping people with their difficulties. The province's factions strove to adhere to him.
He and the drifting people of the Six Commanderies escaped from difficulties to Liang# and Yi. On the roads and paths there were those who were straving or ill. Xiang regularly kept watch over and protected them, and grieved and cared for them. He aided and provided for the destitute and poor, and greatly gathered the hearts of the multitudes.
When he arrived in Shu, Zhao Xin deeply esteemed him. He discussed the principles of war with him, nothing he did not praise as good. Always when speaking about him to his friends, he said:
Li Xuanxu is perhaps the Guan and Zhang of these times.
When he was about to have disloyal aspirations, he entrusted him with duties of heart and spine, and therefore petitioned for Xiang to be Supervisor of Private Troops. He sent him to summoned and unite the strong and brave of the Six Commanderies, they reached more than ten thousand people.
Due to his merit in chastising rebellious Qiang, he petitioned for Qiang to be General who Daunts the Bandits, to make use of red banners and curved canopy, be ennobled Marquis of Yangquan Precinct, and be bestowed a million cash and fifty-four horses. On the day of his execution, nobody among the gentlemen and myriads of the Six Commanderies did not fell tears for him. At the time he was aged fifty-five.
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