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At the end of May, Brian and I went to Ireland for his cousin's wedding. This dress was $3 at @amazinggoodwill_ . The shawl once belonged to my mother-in-law. And Brian wears the exact same suit to every wedding we attend. After buying the dress, I noticed that it had a visible hand-sewn mend near the bottom. I know that means this dress was well-loved by its former owner, and I'm happy to report it is now well-loved by me. 馃憲 Who says you have to buy brand new outfits for every occasion? Who determines what you can reuse? How can we be better global citizens? I have been trying to shop more used clothes than new. Does that mean I'm perfect and that I always do what's best best for the environment? Nope. I make choices every day. Sometimes, I buy things new from an actual store. Typically, it's something that I know I will get a lot of use out, something that's difficult to find thrifted (jeans in my size/cosplay pieces), or something I don't feel comfortable buying used (underwear, socks, shoes). The point is that we need more people taking baby steps and making conscious choices to help the environment. This isn't an all-or-nothing game. And it's not about a few people doing it perfectly. It's about most or all people doing it imperfectly. We can make a difference. We can change the world. I can change the world. You can change the world. 馃憲 What are you doing to help the environment? Are you a part of the fashion revolution? Do you try to minimize your use of single-use plastics? Do you compost? Let me know in the comments! Your idea may inspire someone else to take up your contribution too. Let's inspire reach other! 馃憲 #qcdoesIreland #qcthoughts #positivethoughts #goodvibes #fashioncrisis #thriftersofinstagram #thriftytraveler #imathriftyduckling #thrifted #savetheplanet #consciousclothing #saynotofastfashion #thriftstorefinds #reducereuserecycle #goodwillfinds #fashionrevolution #changetheworld (at St Mary's Cathedral, Killarney) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1Mneg-goIG/?igshid=1a7a5w0jt6l50
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I love weddings. They reinforce my belief in possibilities and magic and love. I am so lucky to have Brian as a partner in life who makes me laugh, encourages me to chase my dreams, and takes my picture when I find a construction orange throne in the middle of a garden. 馃挅 If you haven't found your person yet and want to, know that I am here and happy to be your personal cheerleader for love. (I'm totally serious. You want to talk love and relationships, send me a DM or leave a comment. I will root for you!) 馃挅 If you HAVE found your person, tell me about them in the comments below! What keeps your relationship strong? 馃挅 And let us not forget that the strongest relationship you can have is with yourself. And I am just as much a cheerleader for you loving YOU. If you're focusing on self-love, let me know your favorite thing about yourself in the comments! 馃挅 #qcthoughts #positivethoughts #goodvibes #loveismagic #positivity #instainspo #loveyourself #hopefulromantic #weddingvibes #weddingguest (at Cantigny Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1BtDoZA3eC/?igshid=16e7pbqxyabu6
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Heaven forbid... 馃寛 There are so many things I could caption here, but I'm just going to say this: Heaven forbid we waste our time and energy on activities and people that do not support our dreams. 馃寛 For me, I've been worrying a lot less about Instagram, Facebook, and social media in general. While I love these communities and have no plans to abandon them, I do know that my time is finite, and I have a lot of things to accomplish. I have been giving myself time limits on social, the way I limit my TV watching (I will not turn on the television before 5 pm during the week). Did you know you can set a time limit for Instagram that will alert you when you've hit that limit every day? It's been very good for me. 馃寛 So if I don't post on my feed every day, it's because I spent all my alotted time watching your stories, liking and commenting on your posts, and talking to all of you wonderful people in DM, which I love doing. So thank you for being here and sticking with me. I don't know if I told you this lately, but you guys are my favorite part of the internet. 馃寛 What self-imposed time limits do you set? How do you manage your time? #qcthoughts #positivethoughts #positivevibes #goodvibes #thinkpositive #inspiration #positivity #instainspo #socialmedia #timemanangement #productivity #keepingbusy #workinghard #iknowmyworth #workfromhome #writersofinstagram #amwriting https://www.instagram.com/p/B0rHdfPn1n8/?igshid=16fiigr880z8y
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Happy Monday friends! As you start your week, make your to-do list, get moving and grooving to get shit done, I'm going to challenge you to reserve a minute or two just for you. Take a good look at the person you see in the mirror and find at least three things you love, are proud of, or at least really like. They don't have to be physical attributes wither. What about you makes you special? Now tell us one (or all!) of the things on that list in the comments below. A positive start to the week can drive all of us to the weekend with purpose. 馃寛 #qcthoughts #positivethoughts #positivevibes #goodvibes #thinkpositive #inspiration #positivity #instainspo #inspiredaily #beyourself #loveyourself #chicagogrammers #selflovefirst #selfloveisselfcare #selflove https://www.instagram.com/p/B0OO-iIAejM/?igshid=ozxcpj32crqo
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Wanna know a secret? Self love is self care. It has taken me a LOOOOOOOOOONG time to love myself wholly. To love the woman I see in the mirror. To love the woman whose words appear on a screen in front of her. To love the woman who steps on stage. To love the woman who dresses in bright colors and bold style choices. To love the woman my husband sees. To love the woman with flaws. To love every inch of my body without exception. To love the childlike wonder that keeps me joyful and maybe a little naive. It has taken me a long time to accept that humans change, and I will too. And that I will love every iteration of myself, whether I gain weight, lose weight, get sick, suffer loss, surround myself with joy, and everything in between. And that change is okay, and I can still revel in radical self love at any age, size, physical or emotional state. It is a never-ending path. It is a constant work in progress to continue loving who you are. I love myself today, and I still see the demons of the women I have been. But I push myself to love every iteration of the woman and girl I have been, because they all led me to the woman I am now. Where are you on the journey of self love and self acceptance? Let me know in the comments. #qcthoughts #microblogging #selflove #selfcare #selfdiscovery #radicalselflove #beyourself #goodvibesonly #positivevibes #positivity #loveyourbody #loveyourself #chicagogrammers #selflovefirst #inspiration #instainspo #femaleempowerment #curvygirl #curvywoman #effyourbeautystandards #everybody https://www.instagram.com/p/B0EZz9vHOpQ/?igshid=132v6c02ntc64
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Right now, I am chasing as many as five "impossible" dreams in a single day. I'm writing a novel. I'm performing improv. I'm studying musical improv. I'm working on being a healthier version of myself. I'm decluttering my life. Aaaaand I'm trying to figure out ways I can help save the planet. And every morning, I wake up and tell myself that today I will make progress. That I will be one step closer by the end of the day to all of my dreams, big and small. 馃寛 What are your dreams? 馃寛 #qcthoughts #positivethoughts #positivevibes #goodvibes #thinkpositive #inspiration #positivity #chaseyourdreams #dreamers #dreamersanddoers #dreamoutsidethelines #chicagogrammers #writersofinstagram #amwriting #sunshineandrainbows #happinessisachoice https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz1BKAAHdHn/?igshid=k3fojyv8y9rw
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Especially when we order different things at a restaurant. #qcthoughts #twittermemes #twitterjokes #funnytweets #humor #marriage #marriedlife #wifelife #funny #instahumor #marriagejokes #jokesfordays #jokes #silly https://www.instagram.com/p/BzvtV2un1UY/?igshid=829xinbr290j
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And I call it a positivity party for one. #qcthoughts #positivethoughts #positivevibes #goodvibes #thinkpositive #inspiration #positivity #funny #twittermemes #twitterjokes #jokes #humor #chinesefood #fortunecookie https://www.instagram.com/p/BzqakiaH8EX/?igshid=ei1nswah9v3o
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Time is precious. Spend your free hours, days, and weeks with the people who make you laugh. Tonight is date night, and we're at the theater to see Spiderman Far From Home. I already know I'm going to cry because the trailer made me cry. But I'm with Brian, so I know the night will also be full of smiles and laughter. Who makes you smile and why? Tell me in the comments. Let's celebrate our friends and family! #qcthoughts #positivethoughts #positivevibes #goodvibes #thinkpositive #inspiration #positivity #instainspo #happinessquotes #findyourlight #findingjoy #seekjoy (at AMC Oakbrook Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzeL6l5ABrd/?igshid=bif4ui77uroi
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Neither is wrong, but one is infinitely more fun. Which one are you? 馃寛馃寛 馃寛馃寛 #qcthoughts #nevergrowup #wisdom #wordstoliveby #innerchild #quotestoliveby #inspirationalquotes #inspiration #positivevibes #goodvibes #thinkpositive #happythoughts #chicagogrammers https://www.instagram.com/p/BzLspBInSCH/?igshid=y3aa05umhvrz
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