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qrichas · 2 years ago
btw! from twitter, some context from qforever and qcellbits convo
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waterlilyvioletfog · 18 days ago
Meng da-ge sitting in on the post-Jingrui’s-birthday huddle is so funny. Prince Jing is like I am here because I wanted to see Xie Yu fall and Meng Zhi’s like ohhhhhh i see! you were worried about Su-xiansheng being in that kind of dangerous situation given his terrible health! 😏🙂‍↕️👍 (Jingyan does not deny this! Curious!) Meanwhile Mei Changsu is one more reference to how “fragile” he is in front of Jingyan away from just banning Meng da-ge from talking to anyone ever.
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iamstuckinthevoid · 2 months ago
bro the business card scene is soooo much funnier in the novel
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queerbrainrot · 1 year ago
A Very Subjective Show Recommendation
Basic Info:
Titles: Word of Honor
Main Leads: Zhang Zhe Han as Zhou Zi Shu and Gong Jun as Wen Ke Xing
Overall Tropes etc.: Morally Grey/Black Main Leads | Soulmates | Revenge Story | Childhood Friends to Lovers | Hidden Identity | WantedCriminal4WantedCriminal | Feral4Feral | Ride or Die | "I'm dying" vs "I won't let you" | Amnesia | Fake Identity | Found Family | Criminals adopting an orphan and being better parents | Villain(?) Fuckery | Non Traditional Husband-Wife dynamics | Playing House As Everyone Tries to Kill Them | "I WILL DIE FOR YOU" "no, I WILL DIE FOR YOU" | Villain Redemption Questionmark
How many episodes: 36
Trigger Warnings / Content Warnings: Non-graphic non-traditional self-harm, child abuse, child death, death of family members, death of loved ones, drugging, alcohol, torture, forced suicide via poison, non-graphic non-traditional suicide attempt, violence, brainwashing, hints of incest (between cousins), sexual harassment (background character perpetrator @ background characters, secondary femme character - perpetrator gets killed)
My plot description:
Zhou Zishu who is a former Wuxia-CIA leader gets so mentally unwell that he decides to leave his organization through a prolonged suicide to get at least few years of 'normal' life. He pretends to be a homeless alcoholic-beggar when a too pretty poetry-speaking Wen Kexing who sees Zishu's shoulder blades and decides 'that's my future husband'. Since that moment onward he stalks Zishu because yes he's that unwell. Zishu stumbled on a massacre and accidentally adopts an orphan in the process. The orphan has some very sought-after artefact so Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing try to keep him alive as the not-so metaphorical ghosts from their pasts try to kill them all.
MyDramaList plot description:
In order to leave the assassin organization The Window of Heaven, the leader Zhou Zi Shu performs an obligatory departure technique, leaving him with three years left to live. He disguises his face and tries to live the remainder of his days as a drunkard wandering the martial arts world. Three months later, he meets the mysterious Wen Ke Xing, who immediately notices Zhou Zi Shu’s façade. The two then grow closer when they get entangled in a conspiracy regarding the Glazed Armor, a protected legendary key to a powerful armory.
Chemistry between characters: Off the charts, convinced this show and the amount of the not subtle queerness in it is the reason why China did a temporary ban on queer romance adaptations. 1000000/10. Gong Jun made 'did you know i like men' into a facial expression.
Plot: 8.5/10, yes we have the artefact and armory thing but honestly the relationship of the leads and their relationships with others take the main chair. Overall though I liked the plot.
Ending: Cried. From two reasons. 10/10.
Did it drag aka did I feel the need to skip forward: Never, I rewatched it in full like 5 times by now I think. 10/10.
Was it easy to understand while going in blind: Honestly? Yes. It's more character driven than plot driven. 10/10.
Other characters: Honestly, loved everyone on screen. Obviously the villains were hate-able, but played well. Loved all of the supportive characters - especially Wen Kexing's and Zhou Zishu's little found family - so it was nice to watch even when main leads weren't on screen for X time. 10/10.
Other Big Pros:
Wen Kexing's costumes. His make up and wardrobe. Whoever was responsible - I hope your pillow is cool and you may never stub your toe. Chefs kiss.
Gu Xiang and her himbo husband - all they needed was her walking him on a literal leash along with the metaphorical they already have.
Zishu's wigs look amazing. Just wanted to say.
Everyone is so pretty I'm experiencing bisexual rage.
Thoughts/Opinions with some spoilers:
I know this show gave a heart attack to few censors at least. I have no idea how they got away with so much - ZZS and WKX calling each other sOULMATES? Overall cannot recommend it enough. It's easily digestible, engaging and will have you crying, squeeing and fanning yourself. Sometimes all at the same time.
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redstarfish-art · 1 year ago
A note about the "&" symbol in Ao3
It's for non-romantic ships. I.e. platonic ships. That includes queer platonic ships. Platonic is literally in the name.
It also covers pre-slash because a pre-romantic relationship is also known as a platonic relationship.
The "&" symbol is not limited to "distant friends" or "blood relatives" or "conservative familial roles". You can literally use it for friends-with-benefits fics if you want to.
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queerbrainrot · 1 year ago
Personally torn on this because while I agree that purity culture and people lacking media literacy are destroying fandoms and consumable art in general, this:
I really think everyone needs to truly internalize this: Fictional characters are objects. They are not people. You cannot "objectify" them, because they have no personhood to be deprived of. They have no humanity to be erased. You cannot "disrespect" them, because they are not real.
made me immediately think of character such as Astarion in BG3:
Astarion is a character with severe SA trauma, who was forced to use his body to sexually appeal to others - by all means his character arc is about realising he is not an object for others to use, and he needn't allow others to sexualise him or objectify him. The player even has an SA option (coercing him into sex) at a point where he is very emotionally vulnerable about his trauma.
Now, when people take this character and create overly sexual media of him, I can't help but feel extremely uncomfortable thinking what is the intention of the creator. Is it for their own healing of trauma, or is it for their sexual gratification? I cannot fathom looking at a character whose story is all this ^ and then just writing explicit porn or non con about them, or making explicit fanart of the same theme, mostly because of the character's backstory and trauma. Similarly I'd heavily side-eye anyone who enjoys Colleen Hoover's books. Or someone who takes a canon masc4masc gay couple and makes one of them extremely feminine, or writes a trans character like a cishet man would write a woman. Side-eye.
Of course there's the "don't like don't read" rule (although people still fail to tag things properly, half the time). I don't like dead doves so I don't approach dead doves, simple as that.
But, but. Let's be honest, which one of us in our tweens didn't look at a toxic romance book thinking "oh i want love like this" or "i want to be like this" without realizing how unhealthy, toxic etc. the media is? Like damn I'm glad I never got into a relationship in my teens, while I was still influenced by all the YA romance novels, because I know I'd be excusing some shady behavior.
I think there's an interesting conversation to be had. Especially since a lot of younger generation see 'people on the internet' as 'not real' and so treat others almost as NPCs in their world (the "its just the internet lmao why are you pressed about me telling you to kys???" approach).
I really think everyone needs to truly internalize this:
Fictional characters are objects.
They are not people. You cannot "objectify" them, because they have no personhood to be deprived of. They have no humanity to be erased. You cannot "disrespect" them, because they are not real.
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averagemrfox · 2 years ago
whyyyyyyyy did the rwby panel have to be on Friday 🥲
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meameagirl · 4 months ago
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It insane how his stats are good and not even in mvp talk bc of his losing team. Like 11 weeks he did 27 TD, 3,000 yards 4 int. 76.2 (whatever QBR means) this is a insult to injury here.
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thesmpisonfire · 2 years ago
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Maybe its bc im obsessed with the qbrs, but to me the fact that Quackity isn't listed as Richas' dad is what solidified to me that this is Federation intel
Because Quackity, 1st) he didn't try to adopt Richas, he was just given paternity and all the brs took him into the family
Aka unofficial adopting, even if it was the Most Official Unofficial adopting of the server (bc how all the dads agreed that Quackity has 1% of paternity and always consider him as part of the family, compared to Bagz adopting Dapper without Bad's knowledge or Pomme considering Dapper her dad). Ofc the Federation wouldn't count him as Richa's dad and just clump it together with his attempts to being Tallulah's dad
Which brings to 2nd) Quackity only handed out his 1% to Cellbit BECAUSE he wanted Cellbit to win the court case, not bc he deemed himself as not fit as a dad. But, you know who was there when Quackity said that about Talullah?
Walter Bob
Walter Bob heard Quackity saying he wasn't ready to be a father yet, and his job was to report whatever Q was doing that day. So ofc the Feds would clump this with Richas, saying Q gave up on him as well
Smth smth the Feds not aware of the emotional links that exist in the island smth smth
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stanleybarberisagod · 2 years ago
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falsettos reunion???+,÷^=^+¥2*^=,+($£'qbr
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aplustechsol · 1 month ago
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Samsung Signage Display Crystal UHD QMC Series | Aplus Technology Solutions
Get the slimmest Samsung Crystal UHD Signage QMC series from Aplus Technology Solutions. Perfect for impactful displays in businesses with its ultra-slim design.https://www.aplustechsol.com/samsung-smart-signage/samsung-small-display-full-hd-qbr-b-series/
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vayathe1999epbyatthedrivein · 8 months ago
I know I've been bragging about work stuff a lot but I don't really have anyone to talk about it w rn. But we just had a QBR that's more of a review of each other and I was stressed but looking forward to it thinking I'd get a lot of (constructive) criticism and was ready to absorb and try to do better based on whatever everyone said but I literally just got gassed up for like 30 minutes. I was actually disappointed that no one has anything to say about ways I could improve
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queerbrainrot · 1 year ago
"X is so genderidentity-coded" this "Z is b-sexuality and i will fight people on this" that, "10001 reasons why character C is [insert sexuality, gender identity, disability etc.]" shmat.
can we just go back to saying "I headcanon this character as being X, Y, Z"
If I see one more person use "[insert disability, gender identity, sexuality]-coded" in context of
"I personally view them as [sexuality] and a representation of [sexuality] and it's a positive thing and I will be upset if someone disagrees"
My brain will melt.
No one will fight you over headcanons, but some people will fight you over saying that a canonically pansexual character is 'actually lesbian/asexual/gay etc.'
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smalleststories · 4 months ago
queer book recs masterpost
fantasy ★ scifi ★ historical ★ romance ★ contemporary
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teawithmagician · 1 year ago
realistically speaking, as Tav I would be an arcane storage sorc manager, 30+ tiefling with an extra pair of glasses just in case, who's already been around half of Faerun on business trips and now has to work remotely while adventuring because arcane storage will not manage itself and stakemages are getting worried without QBR
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postsofbabel · 1 year ago
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