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oots-out-of-context · 5 months ago
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444names · 16 days ago
Names generated from Redguard names in TES: Castles and French forenames
Abana Abane Abaptiam Abasal Abayr Abber Abetha Abhal Abirayrie Abram Adaleelpheh Adeen Adiferizar Ahalanièle Ahdiwad Ahjid Akayyan Akhada Akharonie Alakharun Alamayr Alenah Alesmandrée Alisaba Alkaynavida Aléathade Alémida Amajid Amane Amiya Amélia Amélouisan Andernadar Anisabda Annicatria Anpaur Antouis Arbeh Arick Ashar Assimarce Audreila Aumuna Ayamshawafa Ayannazim Aymon Ayyadayas Azinceline Azineh Aziya Azzariah...
Balkan Banfranne Barasuld Barine Baron Bertrick Biahn Braymon Brielle Brilleele Brisepha Bruniya Béansolette Calivardim Camin Carce Cashanlouz Chavarleste Chramane Chran Clahisèle Clakiran Clandar Clarik Cleshinavid Colancil Corguelaude Cyrifa Cyrik Cyris Céana Cécie Cédricole Dahala Darinevida Darnabia Darudah Daruk Davethamair Daymon Deesmad Dellethuny Denrieu Deria Derry Dette Didim Diené Domajacque Domandaris Domine Dozhie Dyathadines Ebalad Ebane Ebaraim Ellian Emmaris Endrégorge Eshadiwara Essabiahyan Fahasir Falesa Fanne Fathir Fihdajalian Fincennic Finiq Fiquette Firaymona Fizar Fizarh Frajalbera Frannien Frari Gabirarin Galia Garwafira Georan Gette Ghabara Ghaidya Gharges Ghudra Ghura Gines Gireilie Gitis Greem Habiette Hakaël Halaizzim Halendim Halia Halinad Halouis Hamaddaria Han'ahrasad Hanad Hanis Hanne Hançoisa Harik Haruk Haruz Hawah Hazayr Helhan Henia Heriussabeh Hulaurafa Hunad Héran Hérie Ihrunabil Illeh Ireed Irettel Issanue Istia Izagany Izart Izrah Jacque Jacquetinès Jadam Jadinada Jakanim Jalber Jalihda Jamandine Jandrie Janmari Janpiette Jayya Jayyadieu Jeahjid Jeana Jeand Jeandra Jeanienne Jeanna Jenawar Jesrian Jocécille Jonic Joniennie Jorin Joshikris Julauraha Julenck Jules Julina Julineh Junoud Juwaziya Jéroren Kabalmarsim Kabie Kalaudahra Kalennahi Karance Karbette Karenjacque Karihdany Karionieni Kelia Kevickam Khafatte Khalémi Khugore Khuna Kidamélie Kimir Laburance Lamasand Laste Laulanul Lianem Lideleile Livalan Lorineh Loromaid Louisaber Luahistelle Lucala Luciam Luciennajid Ludar Ludentoren Maden Madia Madiniquenn Madrégisaf Mahjidanni Maidaveri Maifer Maina Maine Makironi Malier Manah Manajeani Manin Manissim Manluc Marce Marcené Mariha Marihi Marik Marineh Mariyya Marle Marouissa Marra Masab Matte Maxis Meedahd Micel Michaddah Michen Midya Millad Miria Mirole Mirwa Miyaria Mohribramue Monièveem Muhakhan Muline Murannid Murine Murégo Mélid Mélie Méline Naethibah Naira Nairenarcel Najalmaur Narianne Naruhavida Nazad Nissia Nulyna Océcier Océdérès Océlia Odidala Ohalaeemara Ohlierine Ohran Oleent Oleniervéra Orgerrent Orine Palan Paleahdil Palis Pathira Pathérian Patine Paude Paudiyadar Pauram Pheleh Qadrishayne Qameemma Qamenisah Qarre Quethalik Qusharajen Rabbenne Radarifala Rahidra Rahil Rahilippeh Raizahawan Ramar Ramid Ramille Rasir Raylvadineh Razzariann Razzine Renjala Robel Ronicelette Rorahalaida Roudentine Régorinaina Rélie Réline Rémeh Sabanne Sabbellauld Sabdarsir Sabert Sabra Safada Sahayyana Sahlielle Saine Salia Salle Samaimar Samat Samay Sanniah Sanuzakhan Sarunya Shabire Shafa Shala Shasalie Shayla Shazzania Shrierrole Solain Stitel Stéphan Sudane Suldel Sulin Sulyna Sylan Séver Tabah Tahilien Talada Talim Talman Tamile Tanisèle Tançoiste Tarcel Tarik Tarour Tawafabir Thalmahdan Thanne Tharc Thitte Thmar Thérawakamy Toine Toisetab Toistine Torosni Touis Turimonick Uberras Ubette Umathi Uthéo Vancel Verrolia Vethie Vette Vireh Wanas Willeenciel Xavar Yabiahik Yadiwan Yaziman Yusan Yussabel Yvonyan Zadami Zagan Zagrélia Zahya Zakamah Zandin Zanice Zanne Zanpaulauda Zanyad Zarice Zarim Zawafa Zawazhitah Zaymonne Ziyam Éliah Élivienzo Élivis Émictoranif Étamura
Same thing, but shorter names
Abada Abda Aber Abera Abette Abie Abin Abrian Abrie Ada Adam Adant Adel Adele Adi Adie Adre Afabal Afahla Aha Ahar Ahd Aheed Aid Aif Akaron Akeh Ala Alaida Alan Ale Alia Alie Alikra Aléa Ama Amulad Ana Anaeem Anck Andim Ane Aneh Anice Aniq Ançois Ari Arsim Art Asaber Ascase Aure Bada Bahdim Beh Behul Bel Ber Bette Bil Bine Birwaf Bor Bore Bra Brah Bran Bria Béa Cas Casim Catri Chad Chan Charce Chawan Chrah Cla Clarh Cle Cléa Cléme Colad Cole Colesh Coliah Cyr Cécie Dahara Dal Dam Damid Dan Dana Dance Dar Dard Daria Darick Denée Der Dia Din Ena Encla Ene Eniyya Enièle Ennes Enrien Ent Entine Fabah Fah Faha Fahn Far Farle Fia Fiq Fir Franne Frant Gaétia Ghad Ghal Ghanni Ghard Ghaya Ghid Ghise Ghub Gibar Gilia Gin Gine Gineh Greniq Grezh Gue Guel Guen Gélie Haber Had Hade Hah Haira Halan Halia Han Hana Har Haris Hassia Havid Hawa Hed Heem Hel Helle Hen Her Hilim Hodi Hosir Hugori Hul Hulia Hulim Hurwa Hérie Ikria Illean Irette Isab Izah Izhal Izziri Jaane Jadar Jal Jalice Jami Jan Jancle Jani Jar Javie Jawah Jawal Jawfir Jeana Jeanim Jeanis Jeanue Jeh Jesmar Jesrad Jocel Jon Joni Josire Jul Jéri Jérizh Kam Kamard Kamine Kan Kana Kar Karion Kathan Kayr Kaël Kaëlle Keh Kelyne Khad Khbay Khufa Khuna Kid Lada Lai Laine Lan Lane Larin Lay Les Lian Lie Lik Line Lisa Lour Louz Loémy Lucil Ludwur Lydi Lyne Lémi Mad Madel Maeen Mah Mail Mal Man Mana Mandra Mar Maran Marce Mard Marle Marman Marna Matric Mayya Mazad Mazh Meh Mick Mie Mil Milaul Mir Mira Mon Mor Muenne Muk Muna Méliah Mélie Mélis Mélène Nad Nade Naeed Naid Nain Nal Nawfir Naz Naza Nick Nif Nina Nisah Nise None Nouf Noît Nue Nuelle Nulia Oce Odi Odin Olaul Ole Olia Ouiste Pas Paure Peh Phel Phie Phire Pie Qad Qam Qamuah Qarie Quel Qusrik Rah Rahaël Rahrah Rahya Raine Ramed Ramur Ran Rance Ranneh Raptin Ren Richeh Rif Roude Rée Régid Rélia Sabda Sabris Sad Sada Saf Safa Safaba Safira Sah Sahdia Sahjid Salaur Saliel San Sanue Sas Sette Sha Shan Shar Shik Sid Sida Sim Sir Soh Sohard Sole Sophal Sophis Souil Sourun Ste Stia Sulia Sur Sylan Sével Séver Taf Taffa Tal Talkar Tam Tan Tar Tawand Thib Thid Thim Thmara Thmine Thodel Toise Tous Turen Turim Udarc Udella Ume Ument Umura Uwan Uwarc Vaidar Vaifad Valia Vane Varil Vid Vidan Vienne Vine Vérène Wad Wakel Wan Wasic Wasul Xavine Yami Yan Yathid Youda Yush Yveem Yvonar Yvone Zad Zada Zah Zal Zalia Zan'ah Zarad Zarce Zari Élie Éline Éme Étia Étin Étine Éveel Évette
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calciferstims · 1 year ago
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act 1: reign of the ish-qarr
a stimboard based on my dnd campaign!!!! we recently finished act 1 and now we’re diving into act 2, I can’t wait to see what our DM has in store for us!! :D (probably evil things 🥲)
sources: 🌊🌊🌊 | 🌋🐉🌋 | 🌊🌊🌊
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qarreorpicture · 2 years ago
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Ramadan Mubarak
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veloelo · 3 years ago
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rcbirdy · 5 years ago
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“Are you coming, Qarr?” “Who... me?” “We couldn’t have done it without you.” “Even if you still don’t know exactly what ‘it’ really is.”
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darkhawk1126 · 6 years ago
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Thank you @sarahcolleenjane
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The Order of the Stick: The Linear Guild MBTI
Nale ENTJ (The Executive)
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The ENTJ has a tremendous amount of personal power and presence which will work for them as a force towards achieving their goals. However, this personal power is also an agent of alienation and self-aggrandizement, which the ENTJ would do well to avoid.
ENTJs are very forceful, decisive individuals. They make decisions quickly, and are quick to verbalize their opinions and decisions to the rest of the world. The ENTJ who has not developed their Intuition will make decisions too hastily, without understanding all of the issues and possible solutions. On the other hand, an ENTJ who has not developed their Thinking side will have difficulty applying logic to their insights, and will often make poor decisions. In that case, they may have brilliant ideas and insight into situations, but they may have little skill at determining how to act upon their understanding, or their actions may be inconsistent. (Personality Page)
Sabine ESFP (The Energiser)
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ESFP is definitely a spontaneous, optimistic individual. They love to have fun. If the ESFP has not developed their Thinking side by giving consideration to rational thought processing, they tend to become over-indulgent, and place more importance on immediate sensation and gratification than on their duties and obligations. They may also avoid looking at long-term consequences of their actions.
For the ESFP, the entire world is a stage. They love to be the center of attention and perform for people. They're constantly putting on a show for others to entertain them and make them happy. They enjoy stimulating other people's senses, and are extremely good at it. They would love nothing more than for life to be a continual party, in which they play the role of the fun-loving host. (Personality Page)
Thog ESFP (The Energiser)
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ESFPs live in the moment, enjoying what life has to offer. They are especially tuned into their senses and take pleasure in the sights, sounds, smells, and textures around them. ESFPs like to keep busy, filling their lives with hobbies, sports, activities, and friends. Because they'd rather live spontaneously than plan ahead, they can become overextended when there are too many exciting things to do. An ESFP hates nothing more than missing out on the fun. (Truity)
Zz’dtri ISTJ (The Inspector)
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ISTJs are very loyal, faithful, and dependable. They place great importance on honesty and integrity. They are "good citizens" who can be depended on to do the right thing for their families and communities. While they generally take things very seriously, they also usually have an offbeat sense of humor and can be a lot of fun - especially at family or work-related gatherings.
ISTJs tend to believe in laws and traditions, and expect the same from others. They're not comfortable with breaking laws or going against the rules. If they are able to see a good reason for stepping outside of the established mode of doing things, the ISTJ will support that effort. However, ISTJs more often tend to believe that things should be done according to procedures and plans. If an ISTJ has not developed their Intuitive side sufficiently, they may become overly obsessed with structure, and insist on doing everything "by the book".
The ISTJ is extremely dependable on following through with things which he or she has promised. (Personality Page)
Yik-Yik ISTP (The Surveyor)
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STPs avoid making judgments based on personal values - they feel that judgments and decisions should be made impartially, based on the fact. They are not naturally tuned in to how they are affecting others. They do not pay attention to their own feelings, and even distrust them and try to ignore them, because they have difficulty distinguishing between emotional reactions and value judgments. This may be a problem area for many ISTPs. An ISTP who is over-stressed may exhibit rash emotional outbursts of anger, or on the other extreme may be overwhelmed by emotions and feelings which they feel compelled to share with people (often inappropriately). An ISTP who is down on themself will foray into the world of value judgments - a place which is not natural for the ISTP - and judge themself by their inability to perform some task. They will then approach the task in a grim emotional state, expecting the worst. (Personality Page)
Yok-Yok ISTP (The Surveyor)
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ISTPs have an adventuresome spirit. They thrive on action, and are usually fearless. ISTPs are fiercely independent, needing to have the space to make their own decisions about their next step. They do not believe in or follow rules and regulations, as this would prohibit their ability to “do their own thing”. Their sense of adventure and desire for constant action makes ISTPs prone to becoming bored rather quickly. ISTPs are loyal to their causes and beliefs, and are firm believers that people should be treated with equity and fairness. Although they do not respect the rules of the “System”, they follow their own rules and guidelines for behavior faithfully. They will not take part in something which violates their personal laws. ISTPs are extremely loyal and faithful to their “brothers”.  (Personality Page)
Qarr ESTJ (The Co-ordinator)
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ESTJs are often involved in institutions: clubs, associations, societies, and churches, where they usually take a leadership role. They typically connect with others through sharing ritual and routine. Social interaction for ESTJs often means following an established tradition to engage with others in a structured way. ESTJs tend to respect and seek out hierarchy. They want to know who’s in charge, and will assign levels of responsibility if none exist. Once a structure is in place, ESTJs typically trust authority figures and expect obedience from people of lower rank. (Truity)
General Tarquin ESTJ (The Co-ordinator)
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The ESTJ needs to watch out for the tendency to be too rigid, and to become overly detail-oriented. Since they put a lot of weight in their own beliefs, it's important that they remember to value other people's input and opinions. If they neglect their Feeling side, they may have a problem with fulfilling other's needs for intimacy, and may unknowingly hurt people's feelings by applying logic and reason to situations which demand more emotional sensitivity.
When bogged down by stress, an ESTJ often feels isolated from others. They feel as if they are misunderstood and undervalued, and that their efforts are taken for granted. Although normally the ESTJ is very verbal and doesn't have any problem expressing themself, when under stress they have a hard time putting their feelings into words and communicating them to others. (Personality Page)
Malack  INFJ (The Guide)
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But the INFJ is as genuinely warm as they are complex. INFJs hold a special place in the heart of people who they are close to, who are able to see their special gifts and depth of caring. INFJs are concerned for people's feelings, and try to be gentle to avoid hurting anyone. They are very sensitive to conflict, and cannot tolerate it very well. Situations which are charged with conflict may drive the normally peaceful INFJ into a state of agitation or charged anger. They may tend to internalize conflict into their bodies, and experience health problems when under a lot of stress.
Because the INFJ has such strong intuitive capabilities, they trust their own instincts above all else. This may result in an INFJ stubborness and tendency to ignore other people's opinions. They believe that they're right. (Personality Page)
KilKil ISTJ (The Inspector)
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ISTJs are responsible organizers, driven to create and enforce order within systems and institutions. They are neat and orderly, inside and out, and tend to have a procedure for everything they do. Reliable and dutiful, ISTJs want to uphold tradition and follow regulations.
ISTJs are steady, productive contributors. Although they are Introverted, ISTJs are rarely isolated; typical ISTJs know just where they belong in life, and want to understand how they can participate in established organizations and systems. They concern themselves with maintaining the social order and making sure that standards are met. (Truity)
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llazarlule-blog · 5 years ago
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Rrush Qarri.😊 Grapes 🍇 from my village where I was born. #rrush #qarr #grapes #🍇#village #born #grapes🍇 (at Qarr, Fier, Albania) https://www.instagram.com/p/B44erivhQQY/?igshid=15nh7kq2lrhaa
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cerberusdailynews · 7 years ago
[PEOPLE] Dinroth Qarr dead at 2,104
Kurril Prescullo, The Radiant Often cited as the galaxy's oldest living inhabitant -- a claim that was sadly never verified -- krogan adventurer, philanthropist and man-of-action Dinroth Qarr is confirmed dead today, having ridden his personal shuttle Old Krakkek into the surface of Durak (Aralakh System). "He's going out in style" said Dinroth's surviving son and partial heir, Dinroth Dewjuck, confirming that the cataclysmic re-entry was not an accident. The impact left a sizable wound on Durak's northern Kijilarhk Plain, already being dubbed the "Dinroth Qarr Memorial Crater". Reaction across the krogosphere has been explosive and heartfelt. Krogan notables such as Dr. Thertur Buinn, Ruzad Jurdon Nendarr and Drau Ikurst of Telik (the first krogan governor of a majority-human colony) have paid tribute to the man who had seen it all -- and often had a hand in starting it. Veteran of countless skirmishes, wars, rebellions and occasional peace accords, Dinroth Qarr was known for his warm if sometimes uncomfortable sense of humour and his contagious enthusiasm for life in all its struggle. The average galactic citizen may best remember Dinroth through the many cultural landmarks to which he committed funding, including the Terminus Cut of Quad Squad 22, the acclaimed and controversial documentary Beyond the Thresher, and most recently the Red Metal Crush of 2172. Having spent the Reaper War in surprising obscurity, Dinroth Qarr was thought to be slowing down at last, and rumours that he was in declining health had been spreading for some time. Dinroth is believed to have spent his final days on Tuchanka, mating with a number of locals to ensure the prosperity of his genetic line, before taking his spectacular trip to Durak. Already there are calls for the Dinroth Qarr Memorial Crater to be named a site of protected cultural heritage. "One of the all-time greats has gone to his ancestors" read an official statement released by the Gothteng-Dinroth Alliance. "The galaxy is a tamer place without him."
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antoniocakshiri · 7 years ago
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#MotiKeq Fushat dhe banesat në fshatin Qarr të Fierit të mbuluara nga uji në një nivel prej rreth 1 metër. E vetmja "rrugë" për të shkuar në fshat gjatë ditës së sotme ishte përmes varkave. Në foto sot gjatë perëndimit të diellit grupi i xhirimit të Report Tv drejt këtij fshati të izoluar në Fier. Foto Dean Anadolli #Fier #Qarr #Permbytje #Shqiperi #Albania
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gelaransajadah · 3 years ago
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4. Aksi Sosial dan Kemanusiaan Keutamaan berkurban Iduladha dapat berguna sebagai aksi sosial dan kemanusiaan. Di sini, keutamaan berkurban Iduladha yang dilakukan umat muslim setiap tahunnya, menjadi bukti bahwa agama Islam telah mengatur bagaimana menyeimbangkan perekonomian dan aspek kemanusiaan sosial. Di mana setiap manusia harus saling berbagi kepada sesama agar tercipta kehidupan sosial bermasyarakat yang harmonis. Bukan hanya itu, keutamaan berkurban Iduladha dapat menghubungkan rasa kasih sayang dan kepedulian antara fakir miskin dengan golongan orang yang mampu. Kurban menjadi salah satu cara agar setiap umat dapat merasakan kenikmatan rezeki dan berkah yang senantiasa diberikan Allah kepada setiap hambanya. 5. Tanda Bersyukur Keutamaan berkurban Iduladha adalah sebagai tanda mengungkapkan rasa syukur kepada Allah SWT. Dalam hal ini, Allah pun telah memerintahkan setiap umat untuk berkurban meskipun sedang dalam tekanan dan serangan oleh kaum kafir. Bila begitu keutamaan berkurban Iduladha, secara tidak langsung seluruh masyarakat masih dapat merasakan nikmat dan berkah kebaikan dari Allah meskipun sedang dalam keadaan sulit. Untuk itu, setiap umat harus saling berbagi kebaikan sebagai tanda bersyukur kepada Allah. 6. Mengagungkan Hari Tasyrik Dalam sebuah hadis dari Abdullah bin Qurth, Rasulullah saw bersabda tentang keutamaan berkurban Iduladha: “Hari yang paling agung di sisi Allah adalah hari kurban (Iduladha), kemudian hari al-qarr.” (HR. Abu Daud 1765, Ibnu Khuzaimah 2866, dan disahihkan Al-Albani. Al-A’dzami mengatakan di dalam Ta’liq Shahih Ibn Khuzaimah bahwa sanadnya sahih). Adapun yang dimaksud keutamaan berkurban Iduladha dengan hari al-qarr adalah tanggal 11 Dzulhijah berdasarkan keterangan Ibnu Khuzaimah bahwa Abu Bakar mengatakan: “Hari al-qarr adalah hari kedua setelah hari kurban.” 7. Hari Baik untuk Makan dan Minum Hari Tasyrik juga disebut hari baik untuk makan dan minum. Keutamaan berkurban Iduladha di hari Tasyrik tertuang dalam hadis Rasulullah yang berbunyi: “Hari Tasyrik adalah hari makan, minum, dan banyak mengingat Allah.” (HR. Muslim, Ahmad, Abu Daud, Nasa’i). #iduladha #iduladha2022 #iduladha1443H #qurban #kurban (di Gelaran Sajadah) https://www.instagram.com/p/CftHzSjO8Pg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dychealth-blog · 6 years ago
Manager Provider Relations and Practice Engagement-BlueCross BlueShield of WNY
Job Description: This position is responsible for the development of strategic relationships between HealthNow and designated practitioners, group practices, and facilities. Manages resources and the Provider Relations Account staff on concierge account management, quality and timely customer service, closure of clinical gaps, financial and quality impacts, and methods for educating stakeholders on value-based care delivery. Responsible for ensuring that provider relationships are substantial and sustained so that HealthNow is the preferred partner in the market.
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Primary Responsibility: Responsible for facilitating and overseeing Health Care Services initiatives focused on managing medical expense and maximizing HEDIS, STAR and QARR metrics through the Pay for Performance Program Team, the Provider Engagement Strategy, and supporting the STAR Initiatives. Establishes leadership, structure, policies and procedures, monitoring and oversight processes to ensure overall outcomes and optimal provider relations experience. Provides Provider Relations and quality compliance oversight; reviews Provider Relations Scorecard and develops annual Performance Plan. Identifies outlier providers who require technical assistance, and uses rapid cycle improvement technologies (Plan-Do-Study-Act) to improve their administrative and/or care delivery practices. Supports continuous improvement of annual employee engagement scores. Recruits, develops, and motivates a staff of dedicated, successful, and team-oriented employees. Maximizes staff productivity, potential, and commitment by proactively communicating, delegating, and training, and through regular assessment and feedback to staff regarding their performance. Leads and initiates the development of physician teams to address issues as they arise. Supports the Director of Provider Engagement and Integration to achieve department goals and substantive provider encounters. Identifies potential problems in the provider community, recommends and executes solutions, and relates them to the Director. Monitors provider network to make sure financial and quality objectives are met. Ensures seminars (Expos) for providers and their office staff are conducted effectively throughout the operating area. Also supports multiple focus groups/seminars. Serves on interdepartmental teams as a spokesperson for Provider Relations and Practice Engagement. Assists in the development and management of departmental budget. Performs other related duties as required. Knowledge and Skills: Supervisory experience required with demonstrated leadership skills (coaching, mentoring, staff development) Project management skills Intermediate proficiency in MS office software Excellent organizational skills, with attention to detail and time management skills Excellent verbal and written communication skills; public presentation skills Strategic thinking/planning skills Ability to work effectively with minor supervision Must be able to work in a fast-paced environment with daily work processing deadlines High degree of business maturity and demonstrated confidentiality Persuasive communication style Polished, professional image and reputation Demonstrated customer service orientation Demonstrated change management and change catalyst competencies
Experience: Or related area. Masters Degree preferred. A minimum of seven (7) years’ work experience, with a record of progressive responsibility in a healthcare or physician practice setting is required. A minimum of two (2) years prior supervisory/management experience is preferred. Education: Required Education: Bachelors Degree (Business Admin.,Healthcare Administration) Working Conditions: Must be able to accommodate local travel. Valid drivers license and acceptable driving history required due to travel involved with this position (DMV check will be conducted to review candidate's driving record) Must be able to accommodate regional/national travel (auto or air) Must be able to occasionally attend off-site meetings, events, conferences Must be able to work in an office environment Must have ability and access to work from remote location such as home Manual Dexterity Req: Eye-hand coordination and manual dexterity sufficient to effectively use a computer with all its components for prolonged periods of time and for the majority of required tasks Manual Dexterity Req: Eye-hand coordination and manual dexterity sufficient to effectively utilize various office equipment (phone, computer, fax machine, printer, copier, filing cabinet, etc)
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csdataabase · 3 years ago
Qarr Customer Service
If you are looking for qarr customer service, simply check out our links below : 1. 2020 Quality Assurance Reporting Requirements (QARR) https://www.health.ny.gov/health_care/managed_care/qarrfull/qarr_2020/docs/qarr_specifications_manual.pdf 2. Quality Assurance Reporting Requirements (QARR) Health…
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wahyuwulans · 3 years ago
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Dari Abdullah bin Qurath radhiyallahu ‘anhu, Rasulullah ﷺ bersabda: أَعْظَمُ الأَيَّامِ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ يَوْمُ النَّحْرِ ثُمَّ يَوْمُ الْقَرِّ “Hari yang paling agung di sisi Allah adalah hari An-Nahr, kemudian hari Al-Qarr.” . Hadis ini diriwayatkan oleh Ahmad 4/350, Abu Dawud no. 1765, An-Nasa`iy dalam As-Sunan Al-Kubra` no. 4098, Ibnu Abi ‘Ashim dalam Al-Ahad wal Matsany no. 2407-2408, Ibnu Khuzaimah no. 2866, 2917, 2966, Al-Hakim 4/246, dan Al-Baihaqy 5/241, 7/288, serta dishahih­kan oleh Al-Albany dalam lrwa’ul Ghalîl no. 1958. https://www.instagram.com/p/CRg8V1TjnzfQiVhP22FF_55f-nuiJUHUbqPJr80/?utm_medium=tumblr
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quiqarre-blog · 7 years ago
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. Am on biashara street, Minding my own business. Faces pass by. Fellow country men. Am in Kenya and this Nairobi, Where everyone is in a hurry Rushing somewhere. Sad faces pass, Confused faces too.. Loners are in conversations with themselves. The economy is driving people crazy. Mad men are living their lives to the fullest. Waiting upon each day with their smiles. Their joy is Unfathomable. They have no reasons to cry. They speak their minds in as much as they lost it. If they should feel the need to scream, they Do! They don't gamble about Expressing themselves. They do it no matter how primitive it may appear... Mad men and women are living a moment at a time. See... We who are sane and point fingers, Are the ones disturbed. We walk while talking. Having conversations with our selves about the crisis in our lives. Disturbed minds walking freely in our own prisons. Denying our selves the chance to live life a moment at a time. We can't cry in public, I mean who does that? We can't scream in public, How wants an affiliation with uncouth behaviors such as this, We are too careful about 'what people will say' Abt 'who's watching' And never really, 'Living our Lives' 'Being Yourself' Is now termed crazy By we that are sane, We can't even celebrate victory In the name of 'Being Modest' We don't even allow ourselves to 'feel' Let alone 'express our feelings' We have been programmed to flow with trends. Every one wants to 'Be their own Boss' Even before they can spell words like - Hospitality - Service - servant On this Street it dawns on me, Of how we sane people have lost our touch with humanity. How alot of us walk around with loads of thoughts How we are always in meetings. How we don't care about losing modesty for while and just being us.. And the Mad man on street Across smiles on. He frowns abit and cries now, I guess he can read my life and see how much l have enslaved my own thoughts How l hide and condemn my feelings. How insane l must be according to how crazy life's turning. He laughs He can read my sad face, He is probably mocking my sanity. Feels like am loosing it, Am l? Wait, What is wrong? ~Qui Qarre~ #poetry (at Nairobi, Kenya)
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