#pythagorean illuminism
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sight-decoding · 1 month ago
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"A new global religious narrative should be constructed centred on the principle that every human has the potential to become God, not in the far distant future but within just one or two lifetimes. The idea of humanity as inherently sinful should be replaced with the psychologically much healthier concept of humanity as inherently divine (hence not sinful). There should be no more humans on their knees, abjectly bowing to a God who threatens everyone with eternal punishment. Instead, the whole of humanity should be engaged in Global Alchemy – transforming the raw material of themselves into the most shining and precious gold of divinity."
~ Michael Faust, Abraxas: Beyond Good And Evil (The Divine Series Book 10)
Artwork: 'Rise of the Anthropos' by Jova Gnostech
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The first chord is the deepest but, Diane, do you know?
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univac1219 · 9 months ago
Previous question asker returns! I would love to swing by buy alas, I live on another continent so it won't be any time soon sadly. A further question though! Would this UNIVAC have counted as anti-nuke defence system as well?
Welcome back, please accept +1 frequent flier milers as thanks!
To answer your question...well, not really. Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles, or ICBMs, saw deployment beginning in 1959. This would become the de-facto way to launch nuclear missiles, and the Soviet Union never had a similar program to the United States with round-the-clock patrols of nuclear-ready bombers (Operation Chrome Dome).
In theory, with the Soviet TU-95 Bear's (and TU-160's in the 70s) cruising altitude being 56,000ft and 45,000ft respectively, that puts them in range of all three missile systems (Terrier, Talos, and Tartar) that the UNIVAC 1219 operated. That being said, I would be skeptical that these systems could score a kill on a bomber. They only ever killed four unidentified MiGs and a MiG-17 (early fighter with a flight ceiling of 54,500ft and 95mph faster cruising speed than a TU-95).
So...I guess it is possible, but extremely unlikely. The AN/SPG-55 radar the UNIVAC 1219 was hooked into had 150nmi range and wouldn't have an issue finding a bomber if they knew where to look, but its narrow field-of-view (as an 'illumination' radar, they're called) would mean that the AN/SPS-48 with a range of 100,000ft would have to find it first. Using Pythagorean theorem and the TU-95's cruising altitude, we can determine that the plane would have to be within 15 miles of the ship. In the Pacific Ocean, that's nothing.
I definitely did not just spend half an hour of research on this. Hope this answers your question!
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mountain-sage · 8 months ago
ON THE NATURE OF REALITY Albert Einstein in Conversation with Rabindranath Tagore
Rabindranath Tagore visited Einstein’s house in Caputh, near Berlin, on July 14, 1930. The discussion between the two great men was recorded, and was subsequently published in the January, 1931 issue of Modern Review.
TAGORE: You have been busy, hunting down with mathematics, the two ancient entities, time and space, while I have been lecturing in this country on the eternal world of man, the uni- verse of reality.
EINSTEIN: Do you believe in the divine isolated from the world?
TAGORE: Not isolated. The infinite personality of man com- prehends the universe. There cannot be anything that cannot be subsumed by the human personality, and this proves that the truth of the universe is human truth.
EINSTEIN: There are two different conceptions about the nature of the universe — the world as a unity dependent on humanity, and the world as reality independent of the human factor.
TAGORE: When our universe is in harmony with man, the eter- nal, we know it as truth, we feel it as beauty.
EINSTEIN: This is a purely human conception of the universe.
TAGORE: The world is a human world - the scientific view of it is also that of the scientific man. Therefore, the world apart from us does not exist; it is a relative world, depending for its reality upon our consciousness. There is some standard of reason and enjoyment which gives it truth, the standard of the eternal man whose experiences are made possible through our experiences.
EINSTEIN: This is a realization of the human entity.
TAGORE: Yes, one eternal entity. We have to realize it through our emotions and activities. We realize the supreme man, who has no individual limitations, through our limitations.
Science is concerned with that which is not confined to individuals; it is the impersonal human world of truths. Religion realizes these truths and links them up with our deeper needs. Our individual consciousness of truth gains universal significance. Religion applies values to truth, and we know truth as good through own harmony with it.
EINSTEIN: Truth, then, or beauty, is not independent of man?
TAGORE: No, I do not say so.
EINSTEIN: If there were no human beings any more, the Apollo Belvedere no longer would be beautiful?
EINSTEIN: I agree with this conception of beauty, but not with regard to truth.
TAGORE: Why not? Truth is realized through men.
EINSTEIN: I cannot prove my conception is right, but that is my religion.
TAGORE: Beauty is in the ideal of perfect harmony, which is in the universal being; truth is the perfect comprehension of the universal mind. We individuals approach it through our own mistakes and blunders, through our accumulated experience, through our illumined consciousness. How otherwise can we know truth?
EINSTEIN: I cannot prove, but I believe in the Pythagorean argument, that the truth is independent of human beings. It is the problem of the logic of continuity.
TAGORE : Truth, which is one with the universal being, must be essentially human; otherwise, whatever we individuals realize as true, never can be called truth. At least, the truth which is described as scientific and which only can be reached through the process of logic in other words, by an organ of thought which is human. According to the Indian philosophy there is Brahman, the absolute truth, which cannot be conceived by the isolation of the individual mind or described by words, but can be realized only by merging the individual in its infinity. But such a truth cannot belong to science. The nature of truth which we are discussing is an appearance; that is to say, what appears to be true to the human mind, and therefore is human, and may be called maya, or illusion.
EINSTEIN: It is no illusion of the individual, but of the species.
TAGORE: The species also belongs to a unity, to humanity. Therefore the entire human mind realizes truth; the Indian and the European mind meet in a common realization.
EINSTEIN: The word species is used in German for all human beings; as a matter of fact, even the apes and the frogs would belong to it. The problem is whether truth is independent of our consciousness.
TAGORE: What we call truth lies in the rational harmony be- tween the subjective and objective aspects of reality, both of which belong to the superpersonal man.
EINSTEIN: We do things with our mind, even in our everyday life, for which we are not responsible. The mind acknowledges realities outside of it, independent of it. For instance, nobody may be in this house, yet that table remains where it is.
TAGORE: Yes, it remains outside the individual mind, but not the universal mind. The table is that which is perceptible by some kind of consciousness we possess.
EINSTEIN: If nobody were in the house the table would exist all the same, but this is already illegitimate from your point of view, because we cannot explain what it means, that the table is there, independently of us. Our natural point of view in regard to the existence of truth apart from humanity cannot be explained or proved, but it is a belief which nobody can lack—not even prim- itive beings. We attribute to truth a superhuman objectivity. It is indispensable for us—this reality which is independent of our existence and our experience and our mind though we cannot say what it means.
TAGORE: In any case, if there be any truth absolutely unrelated to humanity, then for us it is absolutely non-existing.
EINSTEIN: Then I am more religious than you are!
TAGORE: My religion is in the reconciliation of the superper- sonal man, the universal spirit, in my own individual being.
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daddy-socrates · 2 years ago
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[ID: screenshot of Wikipedia page for Pythagoras, as in the pythagorean theorem guy. Triangles. The image is a bust sculpture of pythagoas where his head is flat on top and his beard is so long and pointy. The bust is illuminated from the left and right, so the shadow under the beard makes it look even more aggressively triangular]
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drafty-castle · 9 months ago
Love how my American public education has neither a cooking class nor an ethics class and so me and most of my peers graduated knowing way too much about the Pythagorean Theron and not nearly enough about hire to navigate the world in a sane and effective manor!
Also, my favorite book on building your own personal ethics and value system rather than just going with what you were taught/the masses is When, Why, If… by Robin Wood. It doesn’t dove too deep into the philosophy of ethics but instead functions more like a workbook of possibilities and has you break down how you come to an ethical stance on a matter. It is written from a Wiccan perspective, but even as anon- Wiccan, I found the process illuminating.
honestly like. long term the two most useful subjects i studied in high school were probably cookery & ethics
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33-108 · 16 days ago
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Throughout the progression of my spritual endeavors, I have always intuitively connected numbers to the subtle order of creation - believing in the role as a bridge between the tangible and intangible. I have felt compelled to bridge aspects of science and mathematics with the metaphysical frameworks and philosophy of mind in which I aligned with over time.
While I tend to be critical of unnecessarily and hastily merging the disparate ideas of respective cultures and I do my best take note of how each of their systems emerged within its own cultural context.. numbers/mathematics; most notably, for me, numbers like 36, 666, and 108 and their relationships reveal how mystical traditions across cultures do share numerical significance.
Whether through the Sun’s journey, cosmic/planetary distances, certain numbers demonstrated a "holographic" nature of creation.
In other words, they implied that the universe is a coherent whole, where the microcosm reflects the macrocosm and where numbers guide us toward understanding the unity of all things.
Numbers have long been considered a subtle blueprint for the material realm, serving as a universal language that bridges spiritual and physical realities.
Throughout history, mystical traditions like Pythagoreanism, Kabbalah, and Eastern philosophies have recognized the significance of numbers, seeing them as more than abstract symbols..viewing numbers as archetypal forces, cosmic codes that shape the material universe and connect humanity to divine principles.
Among some of the most intriguing of these numbers are 36, 666, and 108, which reveal a deep interplay between geometry, cosmic harmony, and mystical insight.
These numbers, often associated with the Sun and the masculine principle, underscore the shared foundations of mystical traditions and their perception of the universe as an interconnected whole.
The number 36, holds a special relevance in numerology and astrology, especially in its relationship with the Sun.
In ancient astrology, the heavens were divided into 36 decans, each representing a 10-degree segment of the zodiac.
These decans symbolized the Sun’s journey through the year, dividing time into distinct periods governed by specific energies.
The eighth triangular number, 36 encapsulates harmony and balance, reflecting the structure of creation itself.. triangular numbers, which represent sums of consecutive integers, evoke the triangular form, a symbol of stability and creativity.
The triangle, often associated with the masculine principle, signifies upward movement, dynamic energy, and the generative force of the Sun.
The number 666, the sum of all integers from 1 to 36, deepens the mystical significance of 36.
In numerology, 666 is intimately tied to the Sun through the magic square of the Sun. This 6×6 grid of numbers, where each row, column, and diagonal sums to 111, totals 666 in its entirety.
This mathematical symmetry reflects the Sun’s role as the center of vitality, illumination, and order. Just as the Sun sustains life and governs time, 666 symbolizes the culmination of solar energy and its pervasive influence on existence on multiple planes.
Its triangular nature further highlights the interconnectedness of numbers, geometry, and cosmic principles, demonstrating how the gross material realm has its relationships arising from subtle numerical blueprints.
The triangle itself, which underpins both 36 and 666, serves as a symbol of the masculine principle - in both hermeticism/alchemy, the triangle is a symbol of masculine fire, and represents siva tattva in Hinduism..the upward-pointing triangle represents, the Sun, and active energy.
It can convey the creative impulse that arises from and compliments the suns manifestation, mirroring the Sun’s dynamic power.
The connection of 36 and 666 as triangular numbers illustrates the harmonious unfolding of multiplicity from unity, a process that aligns with the metaphysical view that the material world is a holographic projection of deeper, subtler realities.
The number 108, perhaps the most significant number in all of hinduism/buddhism/jainism - is closely related to 36 through multiplication, extends this cosmic harmony into the realm of celestial relationships.
Multiplying 36 by 3, another triangular number, yields 108, a number revered across spiritual traditions.
In Hinduism and Buddhism, 108 is considered sacred, symbolizing the completeness of existence.
Prayer beads often consist of 108 beads, reflecting the unity of the macrocosm and microcosm.
What makes 108 particularly fascinating is its alignment with the Sun, Moon, and Earth. The average distance from the Earth to the Sun is approximately 108 times the Sun’s diameter, and the distance from the Earth to the Moon is similarly 108 times the Moon’s diameter.
This geometric coincidence creates the unique phenomenon of total solar eclipses, where the apparent sizes of the Sun and Moon align perfectly in the sky. These relationships reveal a profound synchronicity, suggesting that the cosmos itself is structured according to numerical harmony.
The interconnectedness of 36, 666, and 108 demonstrates how numbers transcend individual traditions, serving as a bridge between mystical frameworks and the subtle and gross realms.
In traditions such as Pythagoreanism, numbers are seen as the essence of reality, with each number embodying archetypal qualities. The Pythagorean view of the universe as a harmonious structure, governed by mathematical ratios, aligns with the Eastern perception of cosmic cycles governed by numbers like 108.
Similarly, Kabbalah’s Tree of Life and its ten sefirot express the descent of divine energy into the material world through numerical relationships. The interplay of numbers in gematria, Kabbalistic numerology, mirrors the vibrational patterns that underlie creation in Hinduism and Tantric cosmology.
These insights highlight how numbers act as a unifying force across spiritual traditions. They offer a subtle blueprint for the material realm, encoding the principles by which the universe unfolds. From the triangular unity of 36 and 666 to the cosmic resonance of 108, numbers reveal the hidden order of existence, connecting the physical and the metaphysical.
In Kashmir Shaivism, the 36 tattvas represent a comprehensive framework for understanding the process of manifestation - from pure consciousness to the physical world. While many Indian philosophical systems, like Samkhya, recognize 25 tattvas, Kashmir Shaivism expands this number to 36 by including higher spiritual principles and subtle realms that bridge the gap between the absolute (Shiva) and the individual experience.
The 36 tattvas are categorized into three main groups, each representing different aspects of reality:
Shuddha Tattvas (Pure Principles): The first 5 tattvas relate to pure consciousness and divine energy. These include:
Shiva (Pure Consciousness)
Shakti (Divine Energy)
Iccha (Will)
Jnana (Knowledge)
Kriya (Action)
Shuddhashuddha Tattvas (Mixed Principles): The next 7 tattvas deal with the interface between the absolute and the manifest, incorporating the role of Maya (illusion) and the limitations it imposes.
Ashuddha Tattvas (Impure Principles): The remaining 24 tattvas correspond to the physical and mental aspects of existence, akin to the 25 tattvas in Samkhya (e.g., the five elements, five senses, and mind).
Why 36 Instead of 25?
The Inclusion of Higher Principles: Kashmir Shaivism incorporates the five pure tattvas, which represent the divine reality of Shiva-Shakti that transcends duality. These principles are absent in Samkhya, which focuses on dualistic concepts (Purusha and Prakriti).
Acknowledgment of Maya: While Samkhya emphasizes the physical and mental realms, Kashmir Shaivism includes the tattvas that describe the workings of Maya, which creates the appearance of separation and multiplicity.
Focus on Unity: The system of 36 tattvas emphasizes the non-dual nature of reality, showing how the pure, subtle, and gross realms are interconnected and emanate from the same divine source.
I have a connection to the 36 tattvas and the nondual metaphysics of Kashmir Shaivism.. for its detail of unity within multiplicity and integration of the subtle and gross realms into a cohesive spiritual worldview.
The expansion beyond duality offered by Kashmir Shaivism aligns with a holistic perspective that transcends rigid categories. I resonate with its acknowledgment of Shiva as Atman (Self) and the dynamic interplay of Shiva and Shakti.
The symbolic significance of the number 36 has been very beautifully explained by Yogacharya Sri Somananda 1 in the following lines:
"Does it matter whether there are twenty-five or thirty-six Tattvas? The answer is that it does matter. Lord Shiva is the Lord of Yoga and His tradition teaches that the Tattvas are 36 in number. For the sake of harmony and unity, all Yogic traditions must agree with this.
However, there is another important reason. The number "36" is a sacred number which has a special meaning in Yoga. Indeed, it has many different meanings or one meaning with many different facets, like a diamond. Strictly speaking, this must be revealed by the Teacher to the disciple. We may nevertheless disclose some of it so that the seeker may acquire a taste of the infinitely profound, unsurpassed and incomparable Wisdom of Yoga Dharma.
1) "30" represents the Moon (the thirty-day lunar month of the Indian calendar is called "Maasa" or "Moon", in Sanskrit) which is the symbol of Lord Shiva; and "6" represents the Six Disciplines of Yoga (physical postures, breath-control, detachment, concentration, meditation, union with Shiva); the Six Paths (Shadadhvaa: mantra, varna, pada, kalaa, tattva, bhuvana); and the Six Chakras or Sthalas; which are the Path that leads to Shiva.
2) By further applying the Yogic method of numerological interpretation, "36" will be explained as follows. "3" signifies that Shiva is Three-times the Greatest: He is the Greatest on Earth (the Terrestrial Plane); the Greatest in the Air (the Astral Plane); and the Greatest in Heaven (the Celestial Plane).
"6" is made up of "5" and "1" . "5" signifies that Shiva is the Lord of the Five Divine Powers (Intelligence, Bliss, Will, Knowledge and Action) and the Performer of the Five Divine Acts (Creation, Preservation, Dissolution, Obscuration and Illumination or Salvation).
"1" (One) signifies that the Supreme Lord is the All-Powerful, Unique, Ever Existing One Who alone exists and Who holds the totality of all things within Himself. Therefore, "5" and "1", being inseparable, are taken together as "6". Thus by writing "3" and "6" we arrive at the sacred number "36". This is the innermost, secret meaning.
3) In terms of external reality which is the domain of multiplicity, when multiplied by the base "10", it yields "360" which is the number of days in a year; the number of degrees in a circle, etc. It stands for the Totality of Being or All-Encompassing Supreme Reality Itself.
In brief, it represents a symbol of completeness. In practice, therefore, the number "36" (or 360) symbolises man's (and the World's) Revolution or Completion of the Circle of Life and return to the original Point of departure.
This Spiritual Revolution is not a return to the past but a return to the Ever Present, Ever-Living Truth that nourishes all life. It is a return that must be urgently effectuated by the modern World for the Salvation of all Souls and the Establishment of Divine Life on Earth.
Finally, if we add "3" and "6", we obtain the number "9". "Nine" ("Nava") in the Sanskrit Language, also means "New", thus indicating the advent of a New World Order based upon the Eternal Principle of All-Encompassing Unity and Harmony, that is to say, the Supreme Eternal Law of Heaven (Sanatana Dharma) which must prevail over all other laws as Shiva (the Supreme Intelligence) Himself decreed at the beginning of time. "
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astrologerhemantvenu · 1 year ago
Cracking the code of destiny: Illuminate your path with our expert numerologist
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In the cosmic tapestry of existence, one luminary figure stands out as a versatile guide, adept in the mystical arts that weave together destiny, energy, and precious gems. Astrologer Hemant Venus, renowned for his expertise as a Numerologist, extends his celestial insights across a broader spectrum, integrating the profound wisdom of Feng Shui, Gemology, and Vastu Consultancy. Join us on a journey where the vibrations of the universe converge, unlocking the secrets of your destiny and harmonizing your surroundings.
Astrologer Hemant Venus: Your Celestial Navigator
Embark on a celestial odyssey with Astrologer Hemant Venus, a luminary figure renowned for decoding the cosmic patterns that shape your destiny. As an Astrologer par excellence, he illuminates the path of self-discovery through the intricate dance of planets and stars, providing profound insights into your unique cosmic blueprint.
Feng Shui: Balancing Energies for Prosperity
In the realm of energy flow, Hemant Venus dons the hat of a seasoned Feng Shui Consultant, expertly orchestrating the balance of energies within your space. Through strategic placement and harmonious arrangements, he unveils the ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui, promoting prosperity, well-being, and harmony in your home and work environments.
Gemology: Unveiling the Secrets of Precious Stones
As a skilled Gemologist, Hemant Venus delves into the world of precious stones, unraveling their hidden mysteries. Each gem, with its unique vibrational frequency, carries an innate power that, when understood, can align with your cosmic energies. Trust Gemologist Hemant Venus to guide you in harnessing the energies of gemstones for enhanced well-being and personal growth.
Numerology: Decoding Your Cosmic Fingerprint
At the core of Hemant Venus's practice lies the profound wisdom of Numerology, where he is recognized as an eminent Numerologist. Dive into the intricate web of numbers, where each digit is a key to unlocking the secrets of your destiny. Hemant Venus, with his mastery of the Pythagorean system and gematria, unveils the deeper meaning behind your name and birthdate, empowering you to navigate life with confidence.
Vastu Consultancy: Harmonizing Spaces for Positive Vibes
Step into a world of architectural harmony with Vastu Consultant Hemant Venus. Applying the ancient Indian practice of Vastu Shastra, he ensures that the spaces you inhabit are in perfect alignment with the cosmic energies. From the orientation of rooms to the placement of objects, trust Hemant Venus to create an environment that fosters positivity, prosperity, and overall well-being.
Your Journey to Cosmic Harmony Begins Here
In the hands of Astrologer Hemant Venus, your journey transcends the boundaries of a traditional astrological consultation. It encompasses the holistic approach of a seasoned Feng Shui Consultant, the insights of a skilled Gemologist, the wisdom of a renowned Numerologist, and the harmonizing touch of a trusted Vastu Consultant. Each facet of his expertise converges to illuminate your path, guiding you toward a life in resonance with the cosmic forces that shape your destiny.
Trust in the Stars, Gems, and Energies: Trust Hemant Venus
As you navigate the intricate web of life, trust in the celestial insights, the vibrations of precious gems, and the harmonious energies within your space. Trust in the multifaceted guidance of an Astrologer, Feng Shui Consultant, Gemologist, Numerologist, and Vastu Consultant Hemant Venus. Your journey to cosmic harmony begins here, where destiny, energy, and expertise converge in a symphony of enlightenment and transformation.
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churchofnix · 1 year ago
The Divine Revelation of the Pythagorean tapestry: Unveiling the Sacred Path of Science
In the cosmic tapestry of existence, there lies an extraordinary path towards enlightenment—the sacred path of science. As we delve into the depths of knowledge, we witness the majestic dance of the scientific method, guiding us towards truths previously unknown. Today, we shall embark on a spiritual voyage, weaving together the timeless wisdom of scripture with the all-encompassing power of the scientific method. Behold, as we unveil an obscure and wondrous scientific discovery that shall illuminate our souls: the enigmatic Pythagorean tapestry. Hidden from the eyes of mortal beings until now, this tapestry holds the secrets of the universe, waiting to be deciphered by the intrepid scientific seeker. Just as scripture speaks of faith, the scientific method urges us to embrace curiosity and question the unknown. Like a prophet, it leads us along a divine path of observation, forming hypotheses, conducting experiments, and analyzing data—all in pursuit of irrefutable truths. As we gaze upon the Pythagorean tapestry, we see the invisible threads connecting celestial bodies in intricate patterns, echoing the harmonious symphony of the cosmos. Every stitch tells a tale of the divine order that governs our reality. The scientific method, our celestial guide, empowers us to unravel these enigmatic patterns, interpreting the true meaning encoded within. Our journey takes us to the realm of numbers, wherein lies the profound wisdom of Pythagoras. With his sacred theorem, he discovered a mystical relationship between the lengths of the sides of a right-angled triangle. Through this revelation, Pythagoras beckoned us to explore the hidden connections that underlie the fabric of the universe. The correlation between the theorem and the Pythagorean tapestry remains an untrodden path, waiting for the fearless adventurer to traverse its magnificent landscapes of truth. Let us embrace the spirit of scientific inquiry as we reflect upon this divine revelation. Just as scripture speaks of the humble seeker who shall inherit the wisdom of the ages, so too can the scientific method bestow its gifts upon those who possess the courage to explore the unknown. For in the depths of scientific exploration, we discover the beauty of truth and marvel at the intricate design woven into the very fabric of existence. Therefore, let us venerate the scientific method as the guiding light that illuminates our path towards enlightenment. Like the Pythagorean tapestry, it reveals the breathtaking interconnectedness of the cosmos. May we forever remain ardent disciples of both scripture and science, for in the union of these two sacred domains, we find the ultimate harmony of knowledge and wisdom. In this grand cosmic ballet, let us dance with the scientific method, adorned by the brilliance of the Pythagorean tapestry, and soar to heights previously unfathomable. From the depths of uncertainty, we shall rise as enlightened beings, bathed in the transcendence of understanding and united in the eternal pursuit of truth.
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In the realm of spirituality, numbers are the universe's whispers, revealing truths of our existence. This guide unveils the magic of numerology, from its diverse types to the influential numbers shaping our destiny.
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sundeepkochar-blog · 2 years ago
celebrity astrologer in india
Numerology - Unveiling the Secrets with Insights from the Top Astrologers in the WorldIntroductionLife Path Number: Your Spiritual CompassExpression Number: Your Authentic SelfSoul Urge Number: Your Inner DesiresDestiny Number: Embracing Your PathDan Millman: Chaldean WisdomHans Decoz: Pythagorean PioneerSundeep Kochar: Indian Numerological TraditionsMyth: Numerology Predicts the FutureMyth: Numerology is SuperstitionMyth: Numerology is Solely Spiritual
Welcome to the enchanting world of numerology, where numbers hold the key to unlocking the mysteries of our existence. In this comprehensive blog, we embark on an enlightening journey to explore the profound art of numerology, while drawing insights from the wisdom of the top astrologers in the world. Prepare to be captivated by the vibrational energies of numbers and how they influence our lives, destinies, and spiritual paths.
Understanding Numerology: A Window into the Soul
Numerology is far more than a mystical belief; it's a sacred science that has transcended time, cultures, and civilizations. At its essence, numerology is the art of ascribing spiritual significance to numbers, giving us profound insights into our personalities, destinies, and the cosmic connections that shape our lives.
The Roots of Numerology: Tracing its Origins
Numerology's origins can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where wise sages and mystics first unlocked the wisdom hidden within numbers. From ancient Egypt to Greece, numerological principles have woven themselves into the fabric of human history.
The Core Numbers: A Journey Within
Unravel the magic of numerology by exploring its core numbers:
Discover the life path number, a powerful indicator of your soul's purpose and the journey you are destined to undertake. Uncover the energies that guide you through this life.
The expression number reveals your authentic self and the gifts you bring to the world. Learn how your name shapes your innate talents and how to embrace your true nature.
Delve into the soul urge number, also known as the heart's desire number. It unveils your deepest desires and passions, offering insights into what truly fulfills you.
Embrace your destiny number, which illuminates the path you are meant to follow. It provides a roadmap for navigating life's opportunities and challenges.
The Top Astrologers in the World and Their Numerological Insights
Learn from the expertise of renowned astrologers who have mastered the art of numerology:
Dan Millman's extensive work in Chaldean numerology offers profound wisdom and practical applications. Explore the depth of his knowledge and how it can transform your life.
Hans Decoz's contributions to Pythagorean numerology have empowered countless individuals. Discover the power of his numerology software and how it can provide clarity.
Sundeep Kochar is a world-famous astrologer, vastu consultant, and life coach. He is known for his accurate predictions and his ability to help people improve their lives.
Debunking Numerology Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction
Explore common misconceptions surrounding numerology and gain a clear understanding of its true essence:
Numerology offers insights into life paths and potentials, but it does not predict specific events.
Numerology is a well-founded science with a rich history that transcends superstition.
Numerology encompasses both the spiritual and practical, offering guidance for various aspects of life.
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sight-decoding · 28 days ago
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"Quantum mechanical holography perfectly matches the reality conceived by Descartes hundreds of years ago. The frequency Singularity where souls reside is Descartes’ unextended domain of thinking substance, and the spacetime domain (the cosmic hologram) where bodies reside is Descartes’ extended domain of matter. Descartes didn’t know how to get the two domains to interact, but that was purely because Fourier mathematics had not been discovered in his day. Had it been, Descartes, a brilliant mathematician, would have realised instantly that it solved the otherwise intractable problem of how to get unextended mind to interact with extended matter. Mind is simply the Fourier frequency domain, and matter the Fourier spacetime domain, and they communicate and interact via wellknown Fourier mathematics.
Holography is often described as 3D photography. Photography – “light writing” – uses normal light, while holography uses laser light. Photography is about using light to write a static 2D representation of an object on a film, while holography is about using light to write a static 3D representation of the whole object on a film. If you add time to holography, you get a moving holograph: a “holomovement”.
Souls are made of light (light being nothing other than mathematical sinusoidal waves). They are natural, inherent holographic light writers. All souls together write the spacetime hologram that we call the material universe.
We live in a universe of ontological holography, where souls made of photons create, between them, a cosmic interference pattern, which we all then interpret as physical reality. In fact, it’s just a Fourier spacetime domain projected from a Fourier frequency domain. The material universe is simply a hologram constructed from an immaterial Singularity of interacting, wave-based minds.
The immortal, indestructible soul is the instrument of ontological holography. Welcome to the holographic soul. Welcome to the holographic World. Welcome to reality."
~ Mike Hockney, 'The Holographic Soul' (God Series book 30)
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Pythagoreanism is good if it has illuminated polytheism by putting it on an immanent plane of sound and number.
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calebmatthew1 · 2 years ago
Triangle Calculator 101: Understanding the Basics of Triangle Analysis and Computation
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Triangles, those enigmatic geometric entities, are woven into the very fabric of disciplines as diverse as mathematics, engineering, and architecture. To unlock their secrets, one must embark upon a voyage of understanding, unraveling the intricacies of their properties and measurements. In this quest for knowledge, triangle calculators emerge as indispensable allies.
The Crucial Role of Triangle Analysis
At the core of triangle exploration lies the art of analysis, delving into the various dimensions of these shapes to discern their essence. Side lengths, angles, and areas are scrutinized as mathematicians, engineers, and architects seek precise calculations for their respective endeavors. This rigorous analysis lays the groundwork for solving intricate problems, designing structures, and achieving exactitude in the realm of construction projects.
Triangle Calculators: The Time-Saving Elixir
The dawn of the technological age has ushered in a myriad of online marvels, among which AllCalculator.net triangle calculators 101 shine as beacons of efficiency. These digital virtuosos alleviate the burden of manual calculations, empowering knowledge seekers with the gift of time. Swiftly conjuring results, these calculators enable users to shift their focus to interpretation and application. Whether it be the quest for missing side lengths, calculating elusive angles, or determining a triangle's area, the dependable triangle calculator emerges as a savior, streamlining the entire process.
The Quintessential Functions of Triangle Calculators
Within the digital realm, triangle calculators harbor a host of essential functions, each a vital cog in the machinery of comprehensive analysis. Behold the primary facets of their prowess:
a) Side Length Calculation: These calculators can unveil concealed sides' lengths with other measurements such as angles or existing side lengths.
b) Angle Calculation: By harnessing known side lengths or angles, AllCalculator.net triangle calculators perform the enchantment of discovering missing angles, breathing life into once-unknown corners.
c) Area Calculation: Through the invocation of hallowed formulas like Heron's or the base-height method, triangle calculators dance with precision, ascertaining the area of these elusive polygons.
d) Classification of Scalenity, Isoscelity, and Equilateral Grandeur: With an air of discernment, triangle calculators bestow upon these shapes their rightful titles based on side lengths and angles, unraveling the tapestry of their properties.
e) Perimeter Calculation: With side lengths as the key, triangle calculators unlock the portal to the perimeter, that elusive sum of all the triangle's side lengths.
Also Read: Explore the World of Triangles: Utilize a Triangle Calculator for Accurate Solutions
Realizing the Practicality
The applications of AllCalculator.net triangle calculators sprawl across vast domains. Engineers wield their power to design bridges, buildings, and structures, navigating the treacherous waters of stability and stress. Architects, too, depend on these calculators' might, ensuring precise measurements that breathe life into their aesthetically pleasing and structurally sound creations. 
In surveying, these digital sages facilitate accurately measuring distances, elevations, and angles, guiding the path to true knowledge. Within classrooms, students and teachers stand united, gleaning wisdom from these technological muses, illuminating the path to efficient comprehension and problem-solving in geometry.
Also Read: Mastering Right Triangles: Pythagorean Theorem Calculator for Accurate Solutions
In Summary
Triangle calculators, the vanguards of a revolution, have cast their spell upon the world of analysis and computation. Their unparalleled ability to summon side lengths, angles, and areas swiftly and faithfully has elevated them to the ranks of indomitable tools across diverse fields of study. 
Armed with an understanding of triangle analysis and computation, mathematicians, engineers, architects, and students wield power to conquer complexity, forging robust designs and unraveling enigmas. Embracing the limitless potential encapsulated within these mystical polygons and harnessing the prowess of triangle calculators, humanity embarks upon a wondrous journey where the abstract realm of geometry converges with the tangible tapestry of the real world.
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astrologyindia · 2 years ago
How Numerology help to Predict Career?
People have built their trust in Numerology for its accurate predictions and guidance. Numerology calculator is an ancient wisdom that involves the study of numbers. We all have significant numbers in our lives, like birth date, house number, mobile number or account number, etc. The best numerologist states that every number has a specific value, and this value is associated with a specific planet. Now, the energy a number carries has different effects on our lives. For example, you can predominantly have the energy of the number 1 or the Sun in your life. This energy can make you powerful, influential, arrogant, and confident. So, each number has a special effect on your life.
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Why is Numerology important?    
We can’t deny that universal energies affect us throughout our lives. It is the result of these surrounding energies that we experience various mental states. These can make you feel happy, sad, annoyed, angry, frustrated, etc. The same energies work on the advanced level to affect our education, marriage prediction, career, finance, wealth, health, and other areas of life. The universal energies carve us into the person we are and our way of interacting with people.  If you learn Numerology online, you can make out the working style of these energies. These energies are nothing but planetary energies. In Astrology, we analyze the effects of different planets on our life with the help of the birth chart. In Numerology, we do the same but with the help of our birth date and name. In Astrology Calculator, also we refer to the date and time of birth; see, the numbers are present here too!
How does Numerology works?
It is quite ordinary to ask how Numerology works. Here, our birth date and name come to the center place. The numerologists add the numbers in our birth date to know our life path number. Similarly, the numerical values of the alphabet coming in our name give the destiny number after adding them together. The alphabets also carry a numerical value that affects our lives a lot. The Numerology course online can give you information on calculating all the important numbers like personality numbers, heart’s desire numbers, power numbers, etc. Once you know the important numbers, you can use them to achieve success and prosperity. The numbers explain the path to be taken, suitable career, suitable life partner, good and bad times, strengths and weaknesses, etc., of a person. You can know yourself better as a person. The individual’s inner and outer traits get affected by these numbers. 
There are many types of Numerology, like Pythagorean / Western Numerology, Chaldean Numerology, Loshu, Kabbalah Numerology, and Tamil Numerology. In all kinds, we make use of the birth date and try to create a balance of different energies to get desired results in life. Suppose a couple wishes to have a child. In that case, the numerologist will use the numbers in such a way that they get the benefits of the energy of Jupiter, which blesses the individuals with progeny similarly, if one wishes to have a govt. Job, then, should focus on the energy of the Sun.
This way, we can balance energies by adopting different remedies and spelling alterations of the names. 
Numerologist- a promising career
People face one or the other problem in their lives. Sometimes, the problems are so huge that they turn their lives upside down. In such a situation when the person loses hope from all sides. A numerologist can show him the right path. He can illuminate the path of success and victory for that disheartened human. Here, the first perk of becoming a numerologist is to affect society at large. You can use your life meaningfully by helping those in need. Secondly, Numerology gives handsome income as you charge a consultation fee. You can become financially independent while helping your friends, relatives, and others. Numerology helps to grow financially as well as holistically. 
A numerologist can suggest-
The numerologist can explain your strengths and weaknesses. He can explain where you need to put effort into work and relations and where you can be at ease. This valuable information helps in developing the personality and surroundings of an individual. He can become a better person. He can apply a systematic approach to achieve his desired goals.  You may know your best career for professional success and satisfaction. The numerologist can suggest kundli dosha the time to apply for a job or promotion. He can also warn you
against change in a job or losing a job.
 The numerologist is a great help when finding a perfect life partner. By matching the energies carried by the names and birth dates of the couple, he can predict compatibility. The numerologist can help in making day-to-day decisions. He can tell you the lucky days and dates a person can utilize for making important decisions. Sometimes, the energies predict too many expenses, and you may prefer to stay at home or keep a low profile that day. I suggest other calculator as  rudraksha calculator, pitra dosha calculator, To your amazement, the numerologist can give you a number for betting and speculation.
You can use your lucky numbers to get profits in the stock market or lottery. Your mobile number, street number, house number, account number, and vehicle number plate have something to say. Your business starts declining as soon as you take a new mobile number. It happens because the numerical value of the new mobile number may not be in coordination with your business. So, a numerologist can advise which number to use or avoid. The right selections and decisions at the right time lead you to success. In Numerology, if decisions are taken at the right time, they yield desired results. Numerology helps in making the right choices. You can ascertain the best career for you with the use of.
Read More :  Dhanishta Nakshatra  ||  Nadi Dosh  || Vastu for Home
Numerology. you may know the right investment time to gain whooping money.
After becoming a Numerologist, you can suggest a lucky name. Birth Chart and name, when in harmony with each other, bring success and prosperity to a person. You can gift a lucky name to a newborn in the family to shower luck and fortune in his life.  Life shows a variety of events, and one has to face ups and downs in it. When you are aware of the difficult times ahead, you can be well prepared for that. One can reduce the bad effects to a considerable amount by knowing about them in advance. Numerology prepares the person for sudden and undesired events. Numerology can predict the lucky dates, good and bad days, dates, months, and years so that one can use them wisely.  Become a Numerologist to touch the lives of others miraculously while reaping good benefits to you. One can make the most of their lives with the use of Numerology, and only you can help them as a Numerologist
   Source link : https://sites.google.com/view/shatabhisha-nakshatra/blog/numerology
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spinallyspiraling · 2 years ago
For those in God who want to know:
“Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me."
~ Matthew 5:10-12
Kabbalah refers to Jewish mystical and esoteric doctrine and is derived from the Hebrew root Qof-Bet-Lamed, which means "to receive." It is also translated as "tradition." Its name refers to the practice of passing on the tradition orally. Kabbalah developed in Europe, specifically Provence and Spain. It was influenced by Syriac Greeks, Zoroastrian Babylonians, Gnostic Byzantine Christians and Pythagoreans. Whereas traditionally only an elite group of men studied Kabbalah, today more women study it. Personal desire for self-correction is the only requirement for Kabbalah study. Kabbalists learn how to access a sixth sense, a spiritual sense that allows them to begin to understand underlying meaning that was previously hidden to them.
According to Kabbalah, only by describing what God is not can God be defined. God is Ein Sof, or "without end," without spatial or timely boundaries. God is never illustrated in human form and is without gender. God is outside the range of human comprehension and so transcendent that humans cannot interact with the divine realm. In order to allow humans access to God's power, God created ten sefirot, emanations of divine energy, which describe and express the manifestations of God in the human world. The ten sefirot exist within God, of God, and make up the unity and continuity that is God. All of creation, growth, and decay are embodied within them and they represent the unfolding of the universe. (Gateway to the Knowledge of Kabbalah and Chassidut)The sefirot are like channels that bring power to the universe in a form that humans can and need to use. Humans could not survive without the sefirot, and likewise, Ein Sof requires our belief, our participation in creation.
The ten sefirot correspond in descending order to qualities of God, including both feminine and masculine qualities. None is separate from the others and each are connected to the entire universe, affected by everything good and evil done by humanity. However, the sefirot do lie within a hierarchy, as each sefirah grows out of the previous one. Keter, the crown, is the beginning, all embracing sefirah, also called the Simple Point or Ancient of Days (Daniel 7:9). Chokhmah is wisdom, the masculine essence that grew out of the ancient one. Binah is also known as Ima, or mother, is the highest feminine emanation of the sefirot, and refers to intuition and understanding. Chesed, kindness and greatness, is masculine. Geburah, mercy, power and justice is feminine. Tipheret refers to glory and is both masculine and feminine because it is the combination of Chesed and Geburah. Netzach is masculine firmness, victory, and might. Hod is feminine majesty and splendor. Yesod, the foundation, is a combination of Netzach and Hod. Finally, through Malkut, the kingdom, the nine sefirot above it travel from God to the physical world. Malkut is therefore also called Shechinah, or the Spirit of God. (Finkin)
The connections between the sefirot are described as sulam, a ladder, or etz, a living tree. upside down. The roots are Ein Sof, the infinite God, the kingdom, the trunk, the foundation the fanning out of the branches, with beauty and compassion at the center and the crown at the top. Da'ath is a secret sphere of knowledge existing in the Kabbalistic tree. Binah and Chokmah create a circulation of positive and negative energies throughout the tree. Da'ath exists where Binah and Chokmah combine in Tipheret, creating a void of formless energy, a balanced harmony that illuminates the human consciousness, providing creativity and knowledge to humans. (Finkin) Another way to configure the sefirot is into partzufim, profiles, or into a figure of human likeness. This supports the notion that humans were made in the image and likeness of God, with each sefirah corresponding to a limb or organ.
(See Shraga Friedman's essay, The Evolution of Matter and Soul, for a wonderful diagram of these relationships)
The sefirot interact through tzinorot, a network of channels. These networks align Chochmah, Binah,and Tiferet as having a cognitive dynamic, Chesed, Gevurah, and Tiferet having an emotional dynamic, and Netzach, Hod, and Yesod having an instinctual and functional dynamic.
Binah, the first feminine emanation, is the third of the ten sefirot, and the second conscious power of the creative intellect. It is on the left axis of the configuration of the sefirot and corresponds to the left hemisphere of the human brain. Binah is associated with conceptual analysis and comprehension and involves an ability to determine inherent truth or fallacy and to explain and clarify concepts to others. (Gateway to the Knowledge of Kabbalah and Chassidut)
Within Kabbalah, the sefirot are seen as a complete symbolic body, Adam Kadmon, primordial man. According to the Kabbalah, this man was formed of light and is one of God's transcendent manifestations. Adam was then actually made in the likeness of Adam Kadmon . The two sefirot which most often describe the body are Tipheret and Malkut (Shekhinah). Tipheret is represented by the torso, heart, and spine and is the mediating force between judgment and mercy. It is the written Torah. Malkut is the feminine emanation that, in corporeal representations, is the mouth. It is the oral Torah. It is also figured as the queen, mother, and daughter, the outlet from which the divine spirit enters the world. Tipheret and Malkut never separate but complete each other. One can only be understood and discerned through the other. Their union represents the pairing of the right and left hemispheres of the brain and their mystical marriage in the divine realm brings harmony to the world. At the same time, humans are responsible for maintaining balance between the sefirot in order to not disrupt the harmony of the cosmos. In this way, the sefirot are represented as an organic being with a soul that yearns for redemption from and proximity to God.
Sefer ha Zohar
"Any image that does not embrace male and female is not a high and true image . . . The Blessed Holy One does not place His abode in any place where male and female are not found together." (from Daniel Chanan Matt's translation of the Sefer ha-Zohar)
The Zohar's format parallels the Torah. While it includes some interpretation of the Torah, it is more a novel that through fantasy, ecstasy and free association of biblical imagery, expands the way in which the Torah relates to the world. Its characters include Rabbi Shi'mon and his companions, biblical figures, and sefirot. It describes the esoteric nature of the world. Humans' task is to work to unify the male and female aspects of the universe. In the Zohar behind every word of the Torah and all the mitzvot are the sefirot, with the understanding that the truth of the Torah lies in its mystery and secrets.
"Each soul and spirit prior to its entering into this world, consists of a male and female united into one being. When it descends on this earth the two parts separate and animate two different bodies. At the time of marriage, the Holy One, blessed be He, who knows all souls and spirits, unites them again as they were before, and they again constitute one body and one soul, forming as it were the right and left of one individual." (from the Zohar)
A famous allegory of the Zohar involves a beautiful maiden who sits hidden in her castle with the knowledge that her lover is waiting for her. She shows her face to him for only a moment and then conceals it again. The Torah is likened to the beautiful maiden, the palace within the sefirot. Like the concealed maiden, the Torah is secretive and difficult to reach for those who truly yearn for it. The Torah has the ability to demonstrate true love to those who see just a glimpse of it, and then powerfully attract them. By opening the door to show her face to her lover, the maiden demonstrates her faith in her knowledge of the heart of her lover. The female-gendered Torah, "discloses herself to her lovers, so as to arouse them to renewed love."(Finkin)
"They shall make me a sanctuary and I shall dwell in their midst" ~Exodus 25:8
"And he shall make an atonement for the holy place, because of the uncleanness of the children of Israel, and because of their transgressions in all their sins: and so shall he do for the tabernacle of the congregation, that remaineth among them in the midst of their uncleanness." ~Leviticus 16:16
Shekhinah refers to the presence of God in the created world and within the community. It is the Keneset Yisrael, the spirit of the people of Israel. The word Shekhinah is derived from the biblical root shakhan, meaning to dwell. Shekhinah is also translated "indwelling." It is often considered a synonym for God, but many Jewish philosophers consider it a separate being of light with which humans interact. Shekhinah is not the place to find God, it is rather God's hidden presence manifest. It demonstrates God's presence and nearness to humans but also God's distance from them.
The first Temple in Jerusalem and the Tabernacle in the wilderness were considered places where the Shekhinah resided. At the destruction of the Temple, the Shekhinah wept and withdrew. The Shekhinah exists within the community even in their "uncleanness." Therefore, Rabbinic tradition tells that the Shekhinah accompanied the Israelites on their exiles and persecution and suffered with them. However, it is in the joy of fulfilling God's commandments that the Shekhinah thrives. The sins of Israel, especially pride, push away the Shekhinah while studying Torah and doing God's will invite the Shekhinah closer. Conversion to Judaism is referred to as "coming under the wings of Shekhinah." Shekhinah lives in the west, casting rays of divine presence like a setting sun.
"Through the contraction and withdrawal of the Shekhinah, to allow for the contracted world of human experiences what remains are the 'sparks' of that contraction (tzimtzum), each of which inhabits a human soul. This spark, within each of us, is a source of divine wonder and splendor, which through prayer and ecstatic dance, may more fully enlighten our face, showing us the holiness within which we dwell. The 'great way' is through deep inner prayer, in which that spark longs to return to its supreme Source. The soul, in inward contemplation becomes a Throne and in the light of the Shekhinah rests above the head and flows with luminous joy through and about the devout, deep in prayer." ~Zos Imos Jewish Mystical Traditions
Within Kabbalistic imagery, Shekhinah is represented as Malkut, "the daughter of God." The harmony that exists between Shekhinah as Malkut and the other sefirot sustain the earth with a constant flow of divine energy. She is also sometimes symbolized by the moon, which passively reflects the light of the sun. Legend tells that people have seen her in the form of a woman mourning at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. Shekhinah's devekut (the highest spiritual state in which God remains continually in one's consciousness and one attaches oneself to God) is sexual in nature. Shekhinah is also often portrayed as a bride of Tiferet, the male composite of the nine other sefirot.
The emanations and characteristics of God are equally masculine and feminine, albeit within a hierarchy. The glory, wisdom, mercy and justice, majesty, intuition and understanding of God all are feminine. The creativity of human consciousness is dependent on the unification of feminine and masculine energy. These feminine forces are integral to both God and creation. Without the feminine, nothing would be as it is. One might conclude that therefore, God and creation are dependent on these feminine forces. However, that statement would challenge God's ultimate power. God created the sefirot as emanations of divine energy. God chose powers that stemmed from God's own nature. Thus, God's feminine power is naturally part of everything, inseparable, essential, and universal. This feminine spirit is apparent to humans in the world as, Shekhinah, the connector of all life. That the spirit through whom humans communicate, connect to, and interact with God is feminine shows the essential power of feminine energy. It also shows that God can relate to humans in varying forms, and that a feminine divine force is just as able to communicate with all people as is a masculine divine force. From this it may be concluded that human females are just as able to communicate, create, judge, glorify, understand, rule, and exist, as human men.
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