#pyrite Powder
jstechnochem · 4 months
Established in 2007, JS Technochem Pvt. Ltd. has carved a niche as a trusted sulphur powder manufacturer, sulphur granules supplier, and iron pyrite exporter. With our roots in Meerut, Ahmedabad, and Navi Mumbai, our commitment to excellence has made us a preferred choice for sulphur and iron pyrite needs. We manufacture Iron Pyrite in different shapes & sizes in accordance with the requirement of clients.
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reddpenn · 8 months
Here is a song about my rock collection! It is a tune you probably recognize. Lyrics under the cut!
Permit me to parade my petrological anthology Collected in my quest for comprehensive mineralogy. Their shininess is second to their science and lithology. This song’s about my rock collection! Man, I love geology.
Oh, amethyst is purple ‘cause of iron, isn’t that real neat? And citrine is just amethyst plus lots of geothermal heat. And smoky quartz is brown from radiation and aluminum… Inclusions such as chlorite, rutile, goethite can bloom in ‘em!
(Inclusions such as chlorite, rutile, goethite can bloom in ‘em!) (Inclusions such as chlorite, rutile, goethite can bloom in ‘em!) (Inclusions such as chlorite, rutile, goethite can bloom in bloom in ‘em!)
Oh, sapphire and ruby, well, they’re both corundum chemically And emerald, aquamarine, and morganite are beryl. See, Historically each color had a different etymology And now they’re in my rock collection! Man, I love geology.
(Historically each color had a different etymology) (And now they’re in my rock collection! Man, I love geology.)
My fluorite is a favorite when it’s glowing under UV light. But should it be from Rogerley it changes when the sun is bright. And if you like fluorescence, put this fact inside your cranium: Chalcedony glows green because of ions of uranium!
When making porcelain vases, you need kyanite that’s powdered fine And celestine’s in fireworks and toothpaste such as Sensodyne. There’s mica in your drywall, and the litterbox has zeolites… Your bones and teeth and kidney stones are all hydroxylapatites!
(Your bones and teeth and kidney stones are all hydroxylapatite!) (Your bones and teeth and kidney stones are all hydroxylapatite!) (Your bones and teeth and kidney stones are all hydroxyl-apple-apa-tite!)
When dating strata layers ammonites can be real helpful guys. The sutures in their shell can tell how long ago they fossilized! And artifacts obsidian track trade in archeology. Those ancient folks had rock collections, man I love geology!
(And artifacts obsidian track trade in archeology.) (Those ancient folks had rock collections, man I love geology!)
Oh, did you know that peridot, as super hot peridotite Makes up the planet’s mantle and is also found in meteorites? Which make lechatelierite when it’s sandy soil that they strike. Another form of that is made by lightning, that’s called fulgurite!
Well, garnet makes the best dodecahedrons that you’ve ever seen. Prismatic crystals with three sides are quite unique to tourmaline. A certain mine in Spain produces pyrite that is cubical… Lepidolite can be botryoidal, but that’s quite unusual.
(Lepidolite can be botryoidal, but that’s quite unusual!) (Lepidolite can be botryoidal, but that’s quite unusual!) (Lepidolite can be botryoidal, but that’s quite unusu-usu-al!)
My knowledge of earth sciences is only as an amateur. But hounding and collecting rocks ain’t only for a connoisseur. And for my love of minerals I’m making no apology. Cause rocks are fun for everyone and man, I love geology!
(And for my love of minerals I’m making no apology.) (Cause rocks are fun for everyone and man, I love geology!)
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tiredwitchplant · 1 year
Everything You Need to Know About Crystals: Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli (The Sacred Stone of Wisdom and Power)
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Color:  Deep blue flecked with gold
Rarity: Easy to obtain, can be expensive for high quality
Hardiness: 5.5
Type: Isometric/ Metamorphic
Chakra Association: Throat, Brow, Crown
Angels: Sahaqiel
Deities: Nuit, Venus, Isis, Sin
Astrological Signs: Sagittarius, Capricorn
Element: Water, Air
Planet: Venus
Origin: Afghanistan, India, Myanmar, Pakistan, Russia, USA, Italy, Egypt, Middle East, Chile
Powers: Amplification of Power, Reverse Baneful Magic, Connection to the Spirit World, Protection, Wisdom, Mental and Spiritual Blockage
Crystals It Works Well With: Phantom quartz and Purple Tourmaline
How It is Created: Lapis lazuli is a complex mineral made up of lazurite, pyrite, and calcite. The lazurite gives it its deep blue color (along with the sulfur that’s in its matrix), the pyrite gives it its golden veins, and the calcite gives it its white specks.
History: The name comes from the Latin word lapis, meaning stone, and the word lazuli which means blue. It was first mined in Afghanistan but it has existed even before then. The Egyptians used lapis lazuli in protective amulets and other jewelry. It was used famously by Egyptian nobility, even its powdered form being used as eyeshadow. Lapis lazuli is said to produce power and wisdom and is associated with the Egyptian goddesses, Isis and Nuit. Romans would ingest the powder in food and drinks as an aphrodisiac and it was also used as an antidote for poisons. It is said that the ring the angel gave King Solomon to control his demon legion of workers was made of lapis lazuli.
What It Can Do:
Open the third eye and balance the throat chakra
Stimulates enlightenment and enhances dream work and psychic abilities
Facilitates spiritual journeys and stimulates personal and spiritual power
Releases stress, bringing deep peace
Protective stone that contacts spirit guardians
Recognizes psychic attacks, blocks them, and return the energy back to the source
Teaches the power of the spoken word and can reverse curses
Alleviates pain, especially with migraines
Overcomes depression, benefits the respiratory and nervous systems, cleanse organs and the immune system
Harmonizes the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels such as: lack of purpose, disease, and depression
Encourages taking charge in your life
Can amplify powerful thoughts and stimulate higher faculties of one’s mind
Bonds relationships in love, friendship and aid in expressing feelings
How to Get the Best Out Of: With a lot of these visionary stones, I am always going to recommend a bracelet or necklace. Anything that is close to the bloodstream or heart will help the power of the stone connect to you best with these types of stones.
How to Cleanse and Charge: Using incenses or a singing bowl to cleanse lapis lazuli. Lay it on a clear quartz disc or bowl over night under the moon to recharge it. Do not put under the sunlight. It will discolor the stone. (I made this mistake and was heavily scolded by Isis afterwards)
Crystal Grid:
Healthy Body (Sacred Geometry: Metatron’s Cube or Sri Yantra)
Mantra “I trust my body’s ability to heal itself”
Center stone: Quartz sphere
Secondary Stones: Bloodstone, Carnelian, Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Quartz
Moon Phase: Dark Moon
Day: Saturday
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ad-caelestia · 1 month
Protection & Warding ⚔️ [long post]
A guide on protecting yourself and your home. 
Personal Protection
Wear an amulet on your person - can be made from man-made or natural materials so long as its intent is to protect
Keep a protective crystal in your pocket
Craft a small protective spell jar and keep on your person
Anoint yourself with a protective oil
Place an energetic shield around yourself 
Place a glamour on yourself to go unnoticed in the presence of harmful or negative energies
Carry a piece of iron on your person
Bathe with a wash made from protective herbs
Sleep with a sachet of herbs under your pillow or hanging above your bed to prevent nightmares
Prayers and offerings to your patron deity
Hang a protective amulet from the rearview mirror in your vehicle for safe travels
Home & Hearth Protection
Hang rose stems with thorns intact above the entrance of your home
Hang an upside down horseshoe above the entrance of your home (some lore states you should hang the horseshoe right-side-up)
Hang wind chimes or bells outside of your home
Create a “Witch Bottle” and bury in your front yard, or in a potted plant on your porch
Create a “Witch’s Ladder” or “Witch Ball” and hang it either inside or outside of your home
Hang imagery of protective symbols outside or around your home
Burn protective incense in your home
Create a room spray made from protective oils and spray around your home
Create a protective wash and use it to clean your windows, door frames, and tile/wooden floors 
Use the wash mentioned above to “paint” symbols of protection on the outside of your front door, on your porch, etc. 
Place a protective crystal at each corner inside your home
Place a small glass of salt at each corner inside your home
Hammer 3 iron nails into your front door
Create a protective powder and sprinkle around the perimeter of your home - alternately, sprinkle outside of your front and back door
Create a sachet filled with protective herbs and crystals - keep inside or outside of your home, in your vehicle, etc.
Hang mirrors inside of your home
Place a crystal grid at the center of your home using protective crystals
Call upon your patron deity to protect your home and those who reside in it
Protective Symbols & Items
Witch’s Knot
Algiz (Elhaz) rune
Helm of Awe
Glyph of the Moon, Mars, or Saturn
Eye of Horus
Crossed Swords
Iron nails
Railroad spikes
War Water
Flying Devil Oil
Third & Fifth Pentacle of Saturn; Third & Sixth Pentacle of Jupiter; Sixth Pentacle of Mars; Second, Third, & Fifth Pentacle of the Moon
Amethyst - protection against psychic attacks and while traveling
Angel Aura Quartz - spiritual protection
Aqua Aura Quartz - protection against psychic attacks
Aquamarine - protection while traveling via water
Beryl - protection while traveling
Blue Goldstone
Catlinite - spiritual protection
Carnelian - protection from negative emotions
Celestite - emotional protection
Citrine - protection from nightmares
Clear Quartz
Fire Agate
Fluorite - protection against psychic attacks
Infinite Stone
Lapis Lazuli
Malachite - protection during pregnancy and childbirth
Moonstone - protection during pregnancy, childbirth, and while traveling via water
Mother of Pearl - protection for children
Rose Quartz - protection during pregnancy and childbirth
Ruby - protection of the home and hearth
Smoky Quartz
Snowflake Obsidian
Tiger’s Eye
Vauxite - protection from nightmares
Acacia, Aconite, Acorn (protection from lightning), African Violet, Ague, Alder (protection for the deceased), Alfalfa (protection from hunger and poverty), Alkanet (protection from snakebites and the fear of snakes), Aloe (protection from household accidents), Amaranth (protection from bullets), Amber, Angelica, Anise Seeds, Ash (protection from drowning and while traveling), Aspen (protection against thieves), Bamboo, Barley, Basil, Bay Laurel (protection from lightning), Bay Leaf (protection for your home and family, protection against baneful magic), Belladonna, Bergamot (protection from illness), Bilberry Bark, Birch (protection from lightning and infertility), Black Cohosh (protection from accidents and sudden death), Black Haw, Black Pepper, Blackberry, Bladderwrack (protection while traveling), Blessed Thistle, Bloodroot, Blue Violet, Blueberry, Boneset, Brimstone, Buckeye (protection against arthritis), Buckwheat, Cactus, Calamus, Calendula, Carnation, Caraway, Cascara Sagrada (protection against baneful magic), Catnip (protection while sleeping), Cedar (protection from lightning), Celandine, Chia, Chives, Chrysanthemum, Cilantro (protection for gardeners), Cinnamon, Cinquefoil (protection for loved ones on a journey), Clove (protection for babies), Clover, Coconut, Comfrey (protection while traveling), Coriander, Corn, Cotton, Cramp Bark, Cranberry, Cumin, Curry, Cypress, Daisy (protection for babies), Dandelion Root (protection while sleeping), Datura, Devil’s Bit, Devil’s Claw, Dill, Dogwood, Dragon’s Blood, Ebony, Elder (protection for the deceased), Elm (protection from lightning), Eucalyptus, False Unicorn Root (protection during pregnancy and childbirth), Fennel, Fern, Feverfew (protection against accidents and cold/flu), Figwort (protection for your home), Flaxseed (protection for your home, protection against baneful magic), Fleabane, Foxglove (protection for your home and garden), Frankincense, Gardenia, Garlic, Geranium, Ginger, Ginseng, Gorse (protection against baneful magic), Hawthorn (protection from lightning), Heather (protection against violent crimes), Heliotrope, Henna (protection from illness), Hickory, High John the Conqueror, Holly, Horseradish, Hyssop (protection for property against burglars and trespassers), Irish Moss (protection while traveling), Ivy, Juniper, Kava Kava, Lady Slipper (protection against baneful magic), Larch (protection against theft), Larkspur, Laurel, Lavender, Leek, Lemon, Lemon Verbena (protection of your home, protection from lightning and storms), Lettuce, Lime, Lotus, Lucky Hand Root (protection while traveling), Mandrake, Marigold (protection while sleeping), Marjoram, Marshmallow Root, Mimosa, Mint, Mistletoe (protection from lightning and fire), Mullein (protection from nightmares and baneful magic), Nutmeg, Oak Moss, Olive Leaf, Onion, Papyrus, Parsley (protection for your home), Peat Moss, Peony, Periwinkle (protection against snakes and poison), Pimpernel, Pine, Pineapple, Plantain (protection from snake bites and jealousy), Quince, Radish, Raspberry Leaf, Red Clover (protection for pets), Rhubarb, Rice, Rowan, Rue, Sage, Sandalwood, Saw Palmetto, Sea Salt, Sheep Sorrel (protection from heart disease), Slippery Elm, Snapdragon, Solomon’s Seal, Spanish Moss, Spearmint, St. John’s Wort (protection from baneful magic, lightning, and fire), Straw Flower, Sunflower, Tangerine, Thistle, Toadflax, Tonka Bean (protection from disease), True Unicorn Root (protection from baneful magic), Valerian, Venus Fly Trap, Violet, Willow, Witch Hazel, Wood Aloe, Wood Betony, Woodruff, Wormwood (protection against dangerous roads while traveling), Yerba Santa, Yew, Yucca (protection of your home)
Lunar Phases
Waxing - to attract protective energy and positivity
Full - generalized protection 
Waning - to banish negativity, thus protecting the caster
Days of the Week
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yourlocalchaoswitch · 11 months
Money/Prosperity Bowl
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Non-ingredient materials:
A bowl or dish
Green or yellow candle (can use white)
Spare change/cash
Money oil
Ingredients I use:
Alfalfa - prosperity, wealth
Aventurine - fortune, motivation, wealth, prosperity
Bay leaf - wish granting, catalyst
Cinnamon (powdered or sticks) - fortune, protection, wealth, attraction
Clove - wealth, attraction
Coffee - catalyst, speeds things up, amplifier
Dill - fortune, wealth
Garnet - catalyst, prosperity
Geode - fortune
Goldstone - wealth, luck
Malachite - wealth, fortune
Mint - protection, wealth
Money Oil
Pinecone - prosperity, wealth
Pyrite - wealth, luck
Clear Quartz - amplifier (can replace any other stone)
Rice - abundance, prosperity
Rutilated Quartz - fortune, wealth
Cleanse your space and materials however you see fit. I like to smoke cleanse with pine or corresponding incense, but do whatever feels right to you
Add your rice to your bowl. Visualize money and abundance coming your way. Imagine the different ways it can come to you; maybe you got a new job or a bonus on your check. Think about all the good things you would like to come your way
Add your herbs into your rice(except the bay leaf and cinnamon if using sticks). As you add each herb, make sure to set your intention and thank your herbs. I've found that showing gratitude makes a world of a difference. If you're using crystal chips, I would also add them at this time
After your herbs and possible crystal chips are added, stir it all in clockwise, while repeating affirmations or simply thinking about what you want to bring in. Concentrate on what it is specifically that you want, and feel that energy pouring from yourself into the bowl
Move onto your candle and bay leaf. Carve sigil to match your intention or currency symbol into the candle as well as your name and anyone else included within the spell. Write the same on the bay leaf. Then anoint both with the money oil
Place your candle in the center of the bowl. Then begin adding your crystals. Again, remember to take your time setting your intentions and thanking your crystals. After your satisfied with that, add the spare change if you have it and then, you guessed it, thanking it for the job it's about to do
Sit back and admire your work. You just made a money bowl!!!!
To cast, light the candle with intention.
Happy witching!!
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coldbrewtarot · 2 years
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Protection Candle – Safe Travels
My mom is going on a trip across the globe (literally), so I wanted to put together a candle for her to help keep her safe while she's on her journey. Continue reading to recreate this spell at home.
You'll need:
A white candle
Protection herbs (Salt, garlic powder, marjoram, Lavender, Spearmint, black pepper)
Something to carve into the candle
Protective crystals (Kunzite, Moonstone, Clear Quartz, Red Jasper, Pyrite, Tigers Eye, Black Amethyst)
Oil (You can use whatever you have on hand)
A plate to stand it on
Here's what I did:
Connect with my ancestors, guides, and deities that you work with. When connecting with my team, I greet them, thank them for their presence, and ask that they guide me through the process. I have an ancestor candle that I light whenever I'm doing anything craft-related since so much of my magick is fueled by my communication and connection with the Otherside. You can light whatever candles or set whatever protection you need. (Whatever works best for you and feels naturally to you!)
Layout the crystals that you plan on pulling energy from and thank them for their presence in the evening's work as well.
Carve the name of the target into the candle and any petitions. I wrote my mother's name, her legal name, and key phrases like "safe travels", "return home safely", "protection", etc. horizontally across the candle.
Dress the candle in oil and herbs. I apply the oil to the candle in a sweeping motion away from me (instead of toward me) because I want the energy I'm putting into the candle to reach the target. (She's far away geographically, so I'm sending this protection out to her.) If this candle is specifically for you, pull the oil toward you and dress it that way instead.
To make the candle to stand upright on a metal tray or some fire-safe thing, melt the bottom of the candle and let the wax drip onto the plate. Then you can just stick the candle on top and the dried wax will help keep it sturdy. Continue to add herbs and crystals for extra protection. I put a ring of garlic powder, salt, and lavender around the candle and said some words to my ancestors and patron deities, but you can use any protective herbs that work for you.
Thank all spirits and deities present for the evening (or whatever time you’re performing the spell) and the herbs and crystals for lending their energy. Anyone/anything that helped contribute to the spellwork should be thanked for their contribution.
Then you light the candle. Light the candle every day that they're away until it melts completely or until they return. Repeat the process if it burns out before they return.
A note:
This spell, the process, and the ingredients used are what works for me. You can use whatever crystals, color of candle, herbs, etc. work best for you. If there are herbs, crystals, etc. that you have a deeper connection with, please feel free to use those rather than what I listed. Magick is so personal and the spells you create should be something you can connect with. This is just what works best for me.
Sources & Additional Info:
The Book of Candle Magic – Madame Pamita
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences, pages 112-114 for info on Protection
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cherubchoirs · 1 year
OK I KNOW I ALREADY SENT AN ASK TODAY BUT. BUT. because of my pyrite girl kick i found out about kintsugi, which is the japanese art of repairing broken pottery and stuff by filling the cracks with a mix of powdered gold and lacquer and its SO pretty oh my god.
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and it immediately reminded me of your fallen gabe design, with the golden cracks all over his body. and the philosophy behind kintsugi is finding beauty in the broken, treating it as something to be remembered and celebrated as a part of the item’s history rather than something to be hidden away and covered up. and i just. holy. going feral
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AAAA YES YEA!!!! THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT THE DESIGN IS MEANT TO REFERENCE!!! it is such a beautiful artform and i very much liked the concept of treating breakage or imperfection as a part of the piece, that the damage doesn't detract from it but instead speaks to its life. so for gabriel, i wanted the cracks in his chest/head (and later around his joints) to resemble both cooled and broken lava to represent the fire that has now died as well as the golden repair that has allowed him to live on despite what's been done to him. he has been broken, but his choice, his autonomy, his love, have all repaired him, and rather than being left as a broken vessel, something to be thrown out now that it no longer fulfills its "purpose", his body is sutured together in brilliant gold. there is so much value in what he's done, he is far from empty - heaven cannot bear flaws, and for some time gabriel can't see the beauty in the repairs either...so it's so incredibly sweet to think of v1 coming to him, showing him a little vase put back together just the same way he was. to act, to live, is to one day be damaged...and gabriel contemplates that vase for some time. someone repaired it just so, someone kept it in their home and even added to its original value in its broken state. he thinks about how it came to be in pieces, how it must have a history...one an unbroken, untouched vase would never have. a vase like he once was. it helps him understand his own scars and the way v1 seems to value them, as well as helping him a bit when his skin begins to turn to stone. even in that, maybe he can think of himself as art.
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pwlanier · 1 year
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TWO SEPTARIAN NODULES Oligocene, 50–70 million years
39 × 33 × 6 cm (without stand)
With custom metal stands
Septarian nodules are fossilised mud bubbles or round concretions found in sedimentary rocks, formed between 50 and 70 million years ago. Septarian is classed as a rock and not as a mineral. Concretions are hard solid masses formed by the accumulation of matter with sediment. Scientists do not agree on the details and specifics of their formation, but there are several theories. One is that they formed as a result of dehydration and shrinkage of clay, gel or organic cores within sedimentary pockets. Others believe there was an expansion of gases produced by the decay of organic matter that fractured material within sedimentary pockets. Another theory suggests that an earthquake compaction or other geologic forces fractured material within sedimentary pockets.
Whatever the cause, the sedimentary material fractured and mineral-rich fluids filled the spaces between the breaks, allowing calcite, siderite, pyrite and other minerals to crystallise in the open areas within the cavity. It is almost like the Japanese Kintsugi repair method for ceramics, in which pulverised gold powder is inserted into the cracks of a broken object to make it relive again in a mesmerizing fashion.
This fabulous example shows two almost identical septarian nodules, two concretions of rock, formed into egg-shaped natural sculptures and mounted on elegant plain metal stands. The surface is cracked open, evoking a mystical feeling. The colour scale is fabulous with its greyish, earth-tone and sand-coloured areas creating a soothing atmosphere. The combination of minerals makes for an interesting contrast in texture as well as colour.
This is a beautiful and special addition to a collection of geological curiosities for any treasure hunter.
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drstonetrivia · 11 months
Chapter 11 Trivia
"Mr. Ishigami, I don't feel so good…"
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This is Mirai's first introduction, in a very sneaky way!
(She was not the girl Tsukasa gave the seashell necklace to in chapter 5.)
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Despite not knowing what happened in the past, Tsukasa inserts himself into Senku and Taiju's memories, protecting them from bullies, being tested on, and helping out with the rockets.
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Taiju just about managed to catch Senku before he hit the ground. He's surprisingly fast.
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Earlier, Taiju told Tsukasa he doesn't hit people, but Tsukasa still considers him a threat anyway.
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Calculation time! How heavy is the rock Taiju lifts?
First let's approximate the size: the flat base looks like it has a similar diameter to the length of his knee to the ground. We know Taiju's height is 189 cm, and that length is ~1/3 of his height, giving us 63 cm.
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Several angles show us that this rock has a round cross section but has a square profile, so we'll assume a cylinder with a diameter of 63 cm and a height of 23.5 cm.
Converting to meters, we get a volume of 0.29302, or ~0.3 ㎥.
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We can't know the exact mineral composition of the rock to get its density, but we do know that it contains iron pyrites and was found on a volcano, so we'll assume it's an igneous rock (=the type made from cooled lava).
The average density of common igneous rocks is 2776 kg/㎥.
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Multiplying this by the volume of the rock, we get…
832.8 kg.
For context, the current world record for an Atlas stone lift is 286 kg, and Taiju is throwing his rock around like it weighs almost nothing.
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In case Taiju's feat of superhuman strength wasn't impressive enough, in order to escape from Tsukasa, Taiju uses pretty much textbook misdirection to allow his lovely assistant Yuzuriha to grab and throw the black power.
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Tsukasa seems surprised that they'd use black powder here, despite everything that happened in the last day or so pointing to this very moment.
Back in chapter 9, Tsukasa himself even mentions its existence and its use against him.
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Taiju is very polite, he bids Tsukasa farewell right before he blows him and half the mountain up…
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diceyclipse · 2 years
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Pyrite - Let's play "Spot the Rock" ! Two pip d6s are hidden in each of these photos. Can you see them ? 😂 They're made out of Jesmonite, a stone like resin made with gypsum powder. They're heavier than epoxy resin, and make a really nice "clack clack" sound.
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jstechnochem · 4 months
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saphirered · 2 years
Hello! Wondering if for your Halloween/fall prompt you could do the fluff with 17 Cauldrons and Potions with Caleb with reader talking to him about options and such and showing him how to make a few as well!
Hope this came out the way you wanted! 😘
Caleb watches you flitter about the room, gathering herbs and concoctions he can’t quite identify most of. Of course he’s got his own knowledge from his arcane studies, what he picked up from Veth and what he attempted to research for you so he could better understand your expertise, but theory versus practice really shine through here and he is at a loss. That does not mean he finds himself disinterested. Quite the opposite. Two of his favourite things collide right here; knowledge and mystery at work, and you. Every time you mutter to yourself, open a jar of questionably looking paste, or a bottle and sniff it, your various reactions, they bring an easy smile to his face. He’s found himself smiling more, and genuinely too ever since the two of you became as close as you have, after you got him to lower his walls, just for you, and allowed you inside. In those moments he had been hesitant but it proved the best decision he had ever made for now you call him yours, and he you his. Rarely has Caleb felt equal without a need to survive. You make him feel worthy and alive and he is thankful every passing moment, finds himself admiring you still because he could never grow bored of you. 
Every so often you’d cast a glance in Caleb’s direction watching him trying to keep track, keep notes even, scribbling in his notebook when he recognises something and trying to put together what you’re working on. You’ll have to admit that compared to him, your ways are a little more chaotic. Your heart leaps, leaving you feeling warm and fuzzy inside when your eyes meet, to see that interest in his eyes, a willingness to learn and put in the work, that means the world to you. It shows Caleb’s dedication and love and admiration. Perhaps you would tell yourself you’re seeing things but this is so undeniable, you know it’s true, and you know yourself to share that vision whenever the roles are reversed, when he shows you the arcane secrets he keeps. To know that he trusts you so, it is something you never saw possible. Caleb’s relation with his own past leads you to understand the hesitation and need for the keeping of some secrets, but he trusts in you. He doesn’t expect you to betray him, and you could never do so. You love him beyond compare and he you. That’s more than enough because you’re both willing to work hard to keep that love blooming. You couldn’t ask for more nor do you need anything else. 
“Seeds of vetiver, flaked palmarosa, dried ginger grass, verbena and powdered pyrite?” You speak as you place the first components on the table near his notes, and put the rest to the side for later. You pull a mortar and pestle closer before you lean your elbow on the table, and lean on it. Caleb turns in his seat to better face you, fiddling with his pencil. He thinks for a second. 
“Abjuration.” He simply answer. You nod in satisfaction. 
“Very good but you know schools of magic. What more do we use this for?” You take a glance at the notes. Not too bad. He missed but a few. Caleb’s a good student after all. Before you know it he’ll be brewing potions and poisons of his own and might even exceed your knowledge, given the bookworm he is. You’re proud of him. 
“Banishing, clearing and anointing. It’s good for places tarnished with dark forces and people who have been affected by these forces. It can be used as a powder or burned in open fire. When the pyrite is removed as active ingredient and used only in the enchanting through alchemy it can be used as an ointment or oil instead.” You take in the wizard’s words. He’s not wrong but given your expression he feels as if he forgets something. Caleb checks his mind, for anything he might be able to recall about the individual ingredients, about the mixes, and additions, any relations to other components or practices, but finds none. “What did I miss?” He finally settles on defeat, but he does not feel it a failure. Thanks to you. 
“It’s not just protection this concoction offers. It equally can be used for opening rituals, manifesting power and attracting magical forces.” When you speak the last function you look through your lashes giving him a charming seductive expression, before it breaks and you laugh. 
“It works then.” He indulges your joke, but misses the sarcasm, still you know him longer than yesterday and catch on. You laugh and Caleb feels the familiar tingle in his chest at the sound. 
“And you’ve been reading too many cheesy romances.” You retort as you recover, beginning to pour the contents into the mortar in appropriate amounts and set the stone bowl aside. Caleb takes the pestle and begins to ground the contents into a fine powder. You correct his technique but you’re pretty sure he did this on purpose because the mortar and pestle is a tool known to wizards as it is to herbologists and alchemists. Still you do not comment, and simply guide his hands until he gets it right, giving pointers as you do, stepping closer until your hip is against his leg, positioning yourself where you remain in physical contact. When he finishes the powder, you take the bowl from him and inspect, Caleb gently lets one of his hands slide to the small of your back. You lean into the touch with a smile. 
“It’s not the only thing I’ve been reading. Witch’s Guide to Herbs, Alchemists Trade, Encyclopaedia of the Natural Elements, Arcane Alchemy, Forager’s Manual and all other sources you recommended. I’ve finished them all.” You put the mortar aside, and turn until your back is against the edge of the table and you face him fully. Caleb lets his hand rest on your hip still as you cross your arms. 
“Have you now?” He sees the pride in your eyes. “Mind putting that knowledge to the test?” You raise an eyebrow. A challenge of knowledge is one Caleb will never back down from and you know it all too well. 
“Tea Tree.”
“A powerful component in healing. Commonly used in healing potions.” You offered an easy one first and Caleb answers fast, recalling the words from the pages. 
“Wormwood.” Slightly trickier but still a decently easy find. Mostly because he heard Beauregard talk about using the herb for booze once. 
“Believed to be poisonous due to mind-altering effects. Used in the brewing of strong drinks in some cultures.”
“Common in the diet of mountain giants. It’s thought that’s where they get their strength from though this is not proven. Some believe it should be added to potions of strength but if functions better as a topical to mend bruises and sprains and soothe aches.”
“Nightshade. Associated closely with witchcraft. To be used with care as it is highly poisonous. In the right hands its derivative can serve as an antidote to nerve-affecting poisons.”
“Divination, specifically dreams of things yet to pass. You make it too east, schatz.” He dares get cocky and you snort as you lean forward, drape your arms over his shoulders and tut.
“Can’t spill all my secrets. You’ll exceed me at this rate.” You laugh, the sound music to his ears and so he stares up at you defiantly. 
“How about a trade?” You feel his fingers dance along your spine, sending shivers through your body and leave you to stand between his legs closer to the wizard, who happily holds you in his embrace. You don’t mind. Not at all. It would not be such a punishment to see where this goes. 
“I’m listening.” You play with the hairs at the back of his neck, coming to curl around until you cup his cheeks and tilt his head up, staring right into those blue eyes, taunting you so in scholarly delight. 
“Magic for magic.” You consider. Your magic is nature based. Caleb’s is arcane. Yet both you study to advance. It would certainly be curious to see the possibilities. But none of these are really the reasons why Caleb suggested this. If you accept you’ll be working together a lot more, be spending a lot more time together by interweaving your studies together. You know this and you seem keen on the prospects. Though, you might doubt the productivity will stay the same. Distractions are easy but do you really care? You don’t. And so you nod.
“We can make that work.” Caleb leans in halfway and you close the distance pecking his lips, the contact all too short when you pull back. “I said work. I got a potion to finish.” You smile deviously as you turn around and sit in his lap, grabbing the mortar Caleb had almost forgotten, almost and you reach over the table for another vial and hand it to him. He takes it and inspects the contents.
“No time to waste.” Caleb pops the cork and pours a few drops into the powdered mixture watching it spark as you hum pleased. He could get used to this. 
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vaicomcas · 4 months
Amazing Sulfur
As a tribute to my favorite demon I discovered how cool sulfur is.
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After escaping from a vent, sulfur vapor crystallizes. (from National Geographic article Into the Fire Tubes)
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In Lapis Lazuli the deep blue color comes from a rare form of sulfur radical (meaning it has caught on an extra electron), which shouldn't be stable on earth but is stabilized by its crystal structure. The pigment ultramarine originally came from grinding Lapis Lazuli into a powder.
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pyrite (fool's gold) and marcasite are both iron sulfide. Lots of minerals and gems are sulfides or sulfates.
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And of course I already posted about blue lava, when sulfur burns at extremely high temperatures.
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tears-of-amber · 4 months
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Reasons Why You Might Work With Xue Yang:
-you need someone who will do your bidding without question for a simple price of candy
-you wish to invite a little chaotic energy into your spells or just your life in general
-you think he’s awesome
-you love how silly he is
Reasons Why You Might Not Like Working With Xue Yang:
-he’s a crazy unpredictable villain who can be petty
-he’s known for accomplishing his missions in less than pure ways
-he can turn on you if you’re not careful or you don’t have candy for him
Xue Yang (also known by the courtesy name of Xue Chengmei) is very chaotic and unpredictable. He is also very petty, so don't invoke him unless you want to oppose enemies that you have a major grudge against. He also has a dark but quirky sense of humor, so he might use unexpected or odd methods of accomplishing what you petition him to do. What he wishes for in return? Candy and your devoted attention. So pay up! Or suffer the consequences!
"Cultivator friend, I plead guilty!"
"Of course! The finger is mine, the lives are theirs."
"I'm only afraid of having no purpose in living."
"But to submit to punishment, that depends if you're able to catch me!"
Show: The Untamed
Birthday: July 22nd (Cancer ♋️)
Clan/Associations: Sell-Sword (but only for evil causes)
Crystals: Black Obsidian, Shungite, Clear Quartz, Pyrite, Ruby
Month: July
Type: Mercenary, Hired Killer
Weapons: Swords, daggers, corpse poisoning powder, pretty much wields anything (because he's ambidextrous)
Colors: Black, Grey, Red, Dark Green, Gold, Silver Times Of Day: Nighttime
Moon Cycles: Waning Crescent, Full Blood Moon, Eclipses (Solar & Lunar)
Favorite Offerings: Candy, Apples, Attention, Acts of Devotion, Odd Gifts.
Invoking Methods: hold up your left hand pinky finger, and make a sweeping gesture, like a pinky promise almost. You can also use his invoking sigil, but also be prepared to banish him if things start getting too spicy for your plans.
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I modeled these sigils after his hair ornament. ⬆️
Have fun and be careful with this entity! Even he will admit he’s far from stable.
For More Ways To Connect With Pop Culture Entities:
For Info On Working With Villains:
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ardentguilt · 1 year
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Stibnite with Quartz
Antimony Sulphide, the principal ore of Antimony.
Initially Silvery-grey but can develop an iridescent black tarnish upon exposure to light.
Usually occurs as elongated crystals in a radiating, needle-like structure.
Stibnite forms in Hydrothermal Veins and Hot Spring deposits at low temperatures up to 200 degrees C and is often associated with Galena, Cinnabar, Realgar, Orpiment, Pyrite and Quartz.
Stibnite is used to manufacture matches, fireworks and percussion caps for firearms.
Historically Stibnite was crushed to a powder and used as an eye cosmetic called Kohl.
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thaumium-block · 2 years
I have begun work on expert modpack so let me shill it to you :]
Starting with Botania, you'll need to get into Thermal, then Ars, then Malum, and then combine your expertise in each, to begin synthesis and automation of a material prized by the gnomes so they can count you as worthy of the gnomish technomagister qualifications.
But it isn't so straightforward. Twists and turns through your path as you create new materials, an interweaving of the four core mods.
It'll be very lightweight, and force you to think unconventionally. The gnomes adore unusual magical automation.
Are you capable, of progressing through the tiers and crafting a mystical factory any gnome would be proud of?
Recipe examples (not many, it's still very much in the "how do I gate this" phase, but core progression is solidified):
Steel, requires you to scrape the magic out of manasteel and sear the result in a furnace.
Arcane pyrite, an important midgame metal, asks of you to alloy terrasteel, gold, and mana powder, throw the result in a mana pool, then alloy that again with a source gem.
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