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duo-tire-lounge · 2 years ago
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. . M様 ご来店いただきありがとうございました😊 持ち込みでタイヤ交換といえば大阪(東住吉・寝屋川)、兵庫(尼崎)の格安(安い)料金の持込タイヤ交換専門店デュオ タイヤラウンジ!タイヤの持込や直送は無料で対応! 当店では毎日多くのお客様にご利用いただいております☺️ お客様の大切なお車を丁寧に交換させていただいております✨ 是非当店をご利用くださいませ^_^ 〜タイヤ交換は賢くする時代〜 ・ネットで安くタイヤを買う ・交換専門店で安く交換 ・当店ならネット予約から決済まで簡単に完結 タイヤ交換専門店DUO TIRE LOUNGE ・女性やお子様連れも快適に利用できる冷暖房完備の清潔な個室の待合室🤗 ・完全予約制で待ち時間なし🍀 ・親切で丁寧な対応と余計な接客は無し😁 ・1日限定7枠🌟 ・1枠1台限定だから他人との非接触で感染症対策は万全☺️ ・独自システムでネットで予約と決済が可能📱 ・地域最安値クラスの料金✨ ・専門だからこその安心の技術🔧 ホームページはこちら https://duo-grp.com/ #タイヤ交換 #タイヤ持込 #タイヤ持ち込み #持ち込みタイヤ #タイヤ直送 #タイヤ交換大阪 #タイヤ交換東住吉 #タイヤ交換寝屋川 #タイヤ交換兵庫 #タイヤ交換尼崎 #タイヤ交換神戸 #スイフトスポーツ (タイヤ交換専門店duo tire lounge 尼崎園田店) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqZc5g-Pwwa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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salishseaselkie · 4 years ago
Why I am Pissed About the Anti-Whale Watch Rhetoric
Let me give you a scenario. To many of you, it is a familiar one. You are standing on a beach with a few other people, watching for whales - killer whales, gray whales, humpback whales, etc. - and you see a boat. Maybe it is a private boat. Maybe it is an ecotourism boat. Let’s assume that it is a whale watch boat. You hear someone next to you say, “That boat is way too close!” And you look, and it seems as though the whales are surfacing right next to the whales. So you all talk and chatter and grumble about how close the boat is to the whales. Suddenly, the conversation turns to how horrible the whale watching industry is. Somebody may even call WDFW or NOAA to alert them to this boat’s presence.
Let me tell you something. Water distorts distance. I guarantee you that the photos coming from that whale watch are from further than the federal and state law requires. Most of the whale watch companies are members of the Pacific Whale Watch Association, and they take the rules Very Seriously™. Companies have been expelled for bad behavior on the water. Let me also tell you that every time you call WDFW or NOAA on the whale watch boats, you are taking up precious time and money that could that be devoted to other tasks. When they call the companies to let them know that there have been complaints submitted against them, it is almost always accompanied with an apology, because they know it is unlikely we actually did anything wrong.
Now, we can talk about how the demand of a moratorium on whale watching, either on just Southern Residents or in its entirety, has acted as a very convenient distraction for DFO to push through the antiquated herring fishery quotas that are based on population estimates from decades ago. We can talk about how it is a distraction from how the Canadian government is STILL trying to push through the Trans Mountain Pipeline (if you actually care about vessel noise, this is the thing to push against, as the pipeline and the Roberts Bank 2 Project will increase tanker traffic TENFOLD). We can talk about how it is a distraction for NOAA to do absolutely nothing about salmon quotas here in the States to save face with the fishing lobby. We can talk about how WDFW pushed through open-net pen fish farms for native steelhead (whether they are native fish or not is not the problem; a pen of fish swimming close together is asking for an epidemic). We can talk about how researchers lose out when whale watch boats cannot be on scene with these animals, as the naturalists who work on them are actual biologists and know how to identify individual whales in addition to noting if individuals are sick, pregnant, or missing, and can relay the information to those researchers, who do not necessarily have the resources to acquire that information on their own. We can talk about how even WDFW’s own enforcement officers have advocated against removal of whale watch boats from the water when Southern Residents are present because we act as sentinels on the water as well. We see misbehaving boats, alert the boats to the presence of the whales, and can educate them as to how best to drive while on scene with whales. If boats continue to misbehave, we can alert WDFW enforcement to them, and they can then act as a second line of defense. On any given day on the water, WDFW only has one boat available, and with the pandemic, we had a day where there were more than 30 boats on scene with whales. One boat cannot control that many other boats.
We can talk about all that. What I want to talk about it how this whole narrative has spun out of control. My friends have been harassed, threatened, personally attacked, and made to feel subhuman. So many people have left this line of work because they cannot take the constant barrage of cruelty from people who believe that they are protecting the whales. Nowhere else in the world is this attitude as prominent or as vicious, even though the whale-watching regulations here are some of the tightest in the world. The bar for getting a job on these boats is often high, requiring a B.Sc. in biology or ecology, something you don’t always find in ecotourism. And we are getting chased out because people believe we are killing the whales.
But guess what? We are protecting them. And the cumulative effect of less than thirty smaller (compared to ferries or shipping vessels, which account for more than 90% of all noise pollution in the Salish Sea) on whales who are barely here anymore because THEY DON’T HAVE ANYMORE FOOD HERE is negligible when you take into account for all the good we do. When we are on scene with them, we are not only educating our passengers who come from all around the world, we are acting on behalf of other researchers, and we are acting on behalf of these whales to other vessels, including the ferries, the American and Canadian Navies, and the scads of private boats in the San Juan Islands and Puget Sound. It is soulful, gratifying work. And we get chased out because there is a prominent mob mentality that wishes to eradicate us completely. Orca Relief Citizen’s Alliance, the Whale Trail, the Whale Museum, and Friends of the San Juan Islands are most vocal on this subject, and I can guarantee all of them depend on donations from this very same mob who pursue us with torches and pitchforks. It spirals and spirals, and all the while we in the industry have been antagonized and attacked with an almost religious zeal. I am done watching my friends, who are highly qualified and who care deeply for these whales and their well-being, be emotionally traumatized by the likes of those who have never set foot on a boat and have no idea what they are talking about. The lack of perspective is galling and it only hurts the whales in the long run as we lose those necessary eyes on the water.
We love these whales. We do what we do because we know that just talking to our friends and family at home about whales they have never seen doesn’t have an emotional impact necessary to make them care. It is all hypothetical, and you can’t schedule whales to be available at any given shoreline when people from out of town come in to see them. You have to take them to the whales sometimes, and the effect is almost magical. It makes the whole thing worth it. They are transformed, they ask all kind of questions to better understand the whales, and when they leave, they ask what they can do to save them. If we cannot act in the capacity of educators, of researchers, of sentinels, we and potential passengers lose that emotional connection, they lose that history, and they lose the experience that galvanizes a desire to save these whales. So please. When talking about whale watching, please remember that we are human beings who are doing our best. We are doing our best to balance bringing people to these whales and respecting the whales’ space as well. We have emotions and fragile hearts that are deserving of respect as well as compassion. And if you are still unsure, then do me a favor. Call a whale watch company and tell them you need convincing. You may not like buying a ticket, but it will open your eyes to our process, our passion, and our persisting endeavor to save these animals. Then you at least will have the knowledge you need to have the full perspective.
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doonitedin · 3 years ago
PWWA द्वारा आयोजित 02 दिवसीय दीपावली मेले का शुभारम्भ
PWWA द्वारा आयोजित 02 दिवसीय दीपावली मेले का शुभारम्भ
UPWWA द्वारा आयोजित 02 दिवसीय दीपावली मेले का शुभारम्भ आज दिनांक 30.10.2021 को मुख्य अतिथि श्रीमती गुरमीत कौर, उत्तराखण्ड राज्य की प्रथम महिला नागरिक द्वारा किया गया। मेले के शुभारम्भ के पश्चात उनके द्वारा मेले का भ्रमण किया गया। मेले में समस्त जनपदों व वाहिनियों द्वारा अपने-अपने स्टॉल लगाये गये हैं, जिनमें पुलिस परिवार द्वारा तैयार किये गये उत्पाद के अतिरिक्त स्थानीय उत्पाद भी मेले की शोभा बढ़ा…
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csnews · 4 years ago
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A brand new calf in J pod!
Center For Whale Research - September 6, 2020
On Saturday, September 5, 2020, J pod was reported near the ODAS buoy off Dungeness Spit in the eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca in US waters. Another large group of the endangered Southern Resident killer whales was a few miles away near Race Rocks in Canadian waters swimming toward them. Hooray! At last, we might encounter a ‘superpod’ aggregation of J, K, and L pod whales in the inshore waters of the Salish Sea for the first time this year. So we launched three boats with researchers (two from San Juan Island and one from Victoria) to photo-identify every individual for a population census. Usually, we have an accurate census of these charismatic Pacific Northwest ‘residents’ by July 1 each year. But this year, the salmon spawning migrations to the Fraser River have been so poor that the whales that must eat these salmon to survive have rarely come into what used to be their core summer habitat. A few small groups of these critically endangered whales have ventured inshore in July, and J pod in its entirety came to San Juan Island on September 1. J pod has remained in the general area since then; but, the last time we had some members from all pods was on January 25!
We have had comprehensive encounters with J pod in Haro Strait on September 1 and 3, 2020, at which times we monitored pregnant females J35 and J41 very carefully and saw that they had not yet given birth. On September 5, we followed up on a report from one of the PWWA whalewatchers that a very small calf was seen. Our researchers, Dave Ellifrit and Katie Jones, accompanied by guest veterinarian Dr. Sarah Bahan, quickly identified the mother as J35, Tahlequah. She made world news in the summer of 2018 when she carried her dead calf on her head for 17 days while the pod traveled about 1,000 miles around the Salish Sea on what we termed a “Tour of Grief.” She was still capable of producing a live calf after an approximate eighteen-month gestation! Hooray! Her new calf appeared healthy and precocious, swimming vigorously alongside its mother in its second day of free-swimming life. We know that it was not born today because its dorsal fin was upright, and we know that it takes a day or two to straighten after being bent over in the womb, so we assign its birthday as September 4, 2020. (Ergo gestation commenced in February 2019). Tahlequah was mostly separate from the other whales and being very evasive as she crossed the border into Canada, so we ended our encounter with her after a few minutes and wished them well on their way.
We hope this calf is a success story. Regrettably, with the whales having so much nutritional stress in recent years, a large percentage of pregnancies fail, and there is about a 40% mortality for young calves.
With this new calf in J pod, that we designate as J57, the SRKW population now numbers 73, although the official number for July 1 is estimated to be 72. We have to sort through all of the photos to see which whales were alive yesterday, and it follows that they would have been alive on July 1. The July census is used for consistency in comparison with the Northern Resident killer whale (NRKW) population monitored by DFO Canada.
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mrfearlessriot · 4 years ago
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Charli Evans vs. Jessica Troy {PWWA Championship No DIsqualification Match} • PWA Black Label: It Started Out With A Kiss, 3/12/21
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snini-9 · 4 years ago
A New Calf in J Pod
J57 with J35 Tahlequah 
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J57 with J35 Tahlequah and older brother J47 Notch 
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“On Saturday, September 5, 2020, J pod was reported near the ODAS buoy off Dungeness Spit in the eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca in US waters. Another large group of the endangered Southern Resident killer whales was a few miles away near Race Rocks in Canadian waters swimming toward them. Hooray! At last, we might encounter a ‘superpod’ aggregation of J, K, and L pod whales in the inshore waters of the Salish Sea for the first time this year. So we launched three boats with researchers (two from San Juan Island and one from Victoria) to photo-identify every individual for a population census. Usually, we have an accurate census of these charismatic Pacific Northwest ‘residents’ by July 1 each year. But this year, the salmon spawning migrations to the Fraser River have been so poor that the whales that must eat these salmon to survive have rarely come into what used to be their core summer habitat. A few small groups of these critically endangered whales have ventured inshore in July, and J pod in its entirety came to San Juan Island on September 1. J pod has remained in the general area since then; but, the last time we had some members from all pods was on January 25!
We have had comprehensive encounters with J pod in Haro Strait on September 1 and 3, 2020, at which times we monitored pregnant females J35 and J41 very carefully and saw that they had not yet given birth. On September 5, we followed up on a report from one of the PWWA whalewatchers that a very small calf was seen. Our researchers, Dave Ellifrit and Katie Jones, accompanied by guest veterinarian Dr. Sarah Bahan, quickly identified the mother as J35, Tahlequah. She made world news in the summer of 2018 when she carried her dead calf on her head for 17 days while the pod traveled about 1,000 miles around the Salish Sea on what we termed a “Tour of Grief.” She was still capable of producing a live calf after an approximate eighteen-month gestation! Hooray! Her new calf appeared healthy and precocious, swimming vigorously alongside its mother in its second day of free-swimming life. We know that it was not born today because its dorsal fin was upright, and we know that it takes a day or two to straighten after being bent over in the womb, so we assign its birthday as September 4, 2020. (Ergo gestation commenced in February 2019). Tahlequah was mostly separate from the other whales and being very evasive as she crossed the border into Canada, so we ended our encounter with her after a few minutes and wished them well on their way.
We hope this calf is a success story. Regrettably, with the whales having so much nutritional stress in recent years, a large percentage of pregnancies fail, and there is about a 40% mortality for young calves.
​With this new calf in J pod, that we designate as J57, the SRKW population now numbers 73, although the official number for July 1 is estimated to be 72. We have to sort through all of the photos to see which whales were alive yesterday, and it follows that they would have been alive on July 1. The July census is used for consistency in comparison with the Northern Resident killer whale (NRKW) population monitored by DFO Canada.” -CWR
J41 Eclipse is pregnant! That makes at least 3 pregnancies! (L72 Racer, J41 Eclipse, an unknown K pod female (ID hasn't been released, possibly K20 Spock (speculation by internet folks based off of a pic of her where she looks robust))).
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squaredcirclesirens · 8 years ago
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Shazza Takes on Bea Priestley for PWWA
Two weeks from now, one of Shazza McKenzie‘s many championships will be on the line at Pro Wrestling Australia’s tenth-anniversary event. Shazza will be defending her PWWA Championship against Bea Priestley in her Australian debut on August 4th. Priestley is best known for her appearances in PROGRESS and What Culture Pro Wrestling where she’s a former WCPW Women’s Champion. Shazza currently holds the PWA Tag Team Titles with Big Fudge, which they captured back in April and is the new Heart of SHIMMER Champion after defeating Nicole Savoy on the Volume 93 tapings back on July 8th to become the second titleholder in its lineage. won the PWWA Championship for a second time back in June after previously holding the title back in 2014. She defeated then champion Charli Evans and Harley Wonderland in a triple threat match to end Evans’ 691-day reign after sharing the title with Jessica Troy (The Floozies) earlier in her title reign as co-champions. The title defense marks Shazza’s first since winning the belt. McKenzie is the first competitor to hold both the PWWA and PWA Tag Team Titles concurrently.
Pro Wrestling Australia presents “Call To Arms” (Paddington, NSW) • Shazza McKenzie(c) vs Bea Priestley
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billybennight · 3 years ago
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Ever so often I visit NeueHouse in Hollywood for some event. The last time for for Moby’s documentary. His event was on the terrace on the third floor to night Variety's 2022 Power Of Young Hollywood Celebration Presented By Facebook Gaming. I pondered the motive here for this party and my speculation leads me to believe Meta needed an excuse to promote Facebook Gaming. I sure the party was posh with loads swinging youngsters of which I used to be one. Now I’m just swinging… I just published the new hot faces of Hollywood on my sister page Billy Bennight Photography if you care to see these young’s lovlies who walked the carpet @billybennight #neuehousehollywood #variety #varietysyounghollywoodevent (at NeueHouse) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChYNew-PwwA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kupwaratimes-fan · 4 years ago
Felicitating martyrs families is very noble ; History of JKP will be written in golden letters: DGP J&K
Felicitating martyrs families is very noble ; History of JKP will be written in golden letters: DGP J&K
Felicitating martyrs families is very noble ; History of JKP will be written in golden letters: DGP J&K Jammu, 29 January: To pay tribute to the martyrs of Jammu and Kashmir Police and honour the families of martyrs a felicitation programme was organised by the Rotary Club Jammu Tawi, prominent citizens of Jammu in association with Police Wives Welfare Association (PWWA) at the Police Martyrs…
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Crime Update....9 Nov..….(Govind Chouhan)
Machil Ops still on, this year 25-30 militants managed to infiltrate, 140 sneaked in last year: ADG BSF.
Police move offices resume functioning in winter capital, DGP chairs officers' meets at PHQ, ZPHQ Jammu; stresses for optimum utilization of resources for enhancing capabilities and capacities of different wings.
Army officer found dead under mysterious conditions in Rajouri.
Ceasefire Violence by Pakistan In Ramgarh Sector.
Terror hideout busted in Poonch, arms and ammunition recovered.
Live hand-grenade found in Samba, defused.
Udhampur Police rescued 23 Bovine animals in a different case, 01 Smuggler Arrested.
COVID-19: 9 deaths, 460 positive cases take J&K tally closer to ONE LAKH.
Machil encounter: Bodies of three militants retrieved, to undergo medico-legal formalities, say officials.
Chairperson PWWA inaugurates Diwali Mela at Jammu, Senior Police officers, PWWA members attended the inaugural function.
Thieves arrested by jhajjarkotli police.
Bovine smuggling bid foiled at jhajjarkotli.
One died due to poison case at rs pura.
Assault case at bakshi nagar, manwal, domana, sunderbani, pargwal.
Special mining check team attacked case of janipur, accused driver arrested.
Five aspirants arrested for carrying cell phones to exam centre in Rajouri.
Kulgam man dies in Anantnag jail after brief illness.
Police Ganderbal Arrested Bootlegger, Consignment Of 75 Bottles Of Illicit Liquor Recovered.
ACB produced chargesheet against Dr. Fayaz Ahmad Banday, the then Block Medical Officer Beerwah & others in misappropriation case.
Srinagar Police solves theft case, accused arrested.
Srinagar Police recovers kidnapped girl, accused arrested.
Treasury Officer Kreeri Suspended Over Alleged Embezzlement Charges.
Illicit timber, vehicle seized in Chadoora.
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csnews · 4 years ago
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J41 gives birth to new J-pod baby
Pacific Whale Watch Association News - September 25, 2020
For Immediate Release
MORE GOOD NEWS! SECOND NEW BABY SIGHTED IN JPODPWWA Naturalists Thrilled to Witness New Calf's First Breath
FRIDAY HARBOR, WA (September 25, 2020) – Following the recent news of the birth of a new baby in Jpod, and the subsequent report that J57 is a boy, comes even more good news from the Salish Sea.
Expectant mother J41, aka Eclipse, gave birth to her newest baby Thursday afternoon just miles off the Victoria, B.C. waterfront. This is J41's second calf. Her first calf, J51, is a male born in 2015.
The birth of the baby was witnessed by professional naturalists Talia Goodyear and Leah Vanderwiel, along with everyone aboard the Orca Spirit Adventures vessel Pacific Explorer. The crew and guests came upon the lone female killer whale as they were returning from viewing one of the dozens of humpback whales that are regularly seen in the region all summer, and were on their way to Race Rocks to finish their tour viewing seals and sea lions when they happened upon J41.
According to Goodyear, "We spotted who we soon identified to be J41 just southwest of Race Rocks. She appeared to be alone at the time and stayed very close to the surface for a few minutes. After going under for several minutes, she reappeared, and this time it looked like she was pushing something with her rostrum. She surfaced like this 3 or 4 times.”
"It took us a little while to really figure out what was going on," said Goodyear, "so it was a bit of an emotional roller coaster as we thought of all the possibilities. Although we thought we were certain this was an SRKW, we did question whether this was a Biggs killer whale with a seal, or if we were seeing a buoy and this was an entanglement, and then we were concerned we could be re-living the tragic situation with J35 and her deceased calf from 2018."
"She was aiding the baby up for a few breaths with her rostrum," added Vanderwiel, "at which point the little one started surfacing on its own. It appeared to be a rambunctious little bundle of baby, as every surface was exaggerated and playful. We watched as they continued to head off southwest from Race Rocks."
"It was an emotional time as we processed what was happening in front of us," said Vanderwiel. "It took a few minutes to realize what was actually happening, but then it was pure excitement realizing that it was a birth and the baby was very alive and boisterous.
"While the majority of PWWA whale watching tours are focused on the thriving Biggs mammal-eating killer whales, abundant Humpback whales and other marine wildlife, occasional chance encounters with the world-famous Southern Resident Killer whales (SRKW) do occur. During these brief encounters naturalists educate their guests about the SRKW, their matrilineal social structures, their playful nature and life histories, and explain to their guests the challenges the beloved endangered SRKW population currently face for their very survival.
Following their brief encounter, and while the excitement was still coursing through their veins, Goodyear and Vanderweil alerted the PWWA and the Center for Whale Research about their observation, and provided their photos for analysis once they returned to shore.
While the trained professional naturalists were certain that the new mother was J41, and believe that they witnessed the calf's first breaths, their photographs were sent to whale researchers to confirm their identities and to hopefully determine their body condition based on the photos provided.
According to Ken Balcomb, founder and executive director of the Center for Whale Research, the photos of the mother are confirmed to be those of J41 and a brand new baby. "We're very pleased to see that J41 has had her baby," said Balcomb, "however, it's too soon to determine the status of the calf, and further observations are necessary before we'll make an announcement of the new baby's health.
"As the PWWA remains cautiously optimistic for the health and survival of yet another beautiful new addition to Jpod, survival for the endangered SRKW population directly correlates with the health of Chinook salmon. Dramatic declines over the past several decades of Chinook salmon throughout their critical habitat continues to be the biggest threat to SRKW recovery. Salmon stocks that the SRKW rely upon throughout the year primarily include Chinook salmon that spawn in the Fraser River, Columbia River, and Sacramento River systems.
In contrast, Biggs mammal-eating killer whales have produced over 80 new calves in the past ten years in the shared waters of the Salish Sea due to abundant marine mammal prey resources and are thriving throughout the region.
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surferworld-shop · 4 years ago
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Who is this? 😜 It's: Scott McKercher https://ift.tt/2RnIzLq 2009 9th Cabo Verde Wave National Results: 3 times australian wavesailing champion Wave Results:4th overall 96. 3rd Gran Canaria 99 2nd place Sylt 02 Production board world champ 99 2008 ranked 24th overall wave after 2 PWA events. #surfing #surfer #capeverde #portugal #fashion #capvert #angola #prowrestling #pwwa #womenswrestling #pwa #ichliebesurfen #surferliebe #kiteliebe #surfliebe #pilateswithashlee #pilatescommunity #armsforeveryone #canaryislands #islascanarias #canarias #tenerife #lanzarote #sylt #meer #strand #inselliebe #northsea #balticsea #beach #surferboys #lapalma #fuerteventura #elhierro #skateliebe https://ift.tt/37Nd4Dz
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canada4news · 4 years ago
Another baby orca! Researchers confirm second birth for southern resident killer whale pod | CBC News
Another baby orca! Researchers confirm second birth for southern resident killer whale pod | CBC News
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A second baby orca has been born to J pod, one of three pods that make up the endangered southern resident killer whales that travel the inland waterways of the Salish Sea.
Ken Balcomb, a senior scientist with the Centre for Whale Research, confirmed with CBC Friday that the new calf was born Sept. 24 to mother J41.
According to a release from the Pacific Whale Watch Association (PWWA), the…
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squaredcirclesirens · 5 years ago
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Details on Melbourne City Wrestling Women's Championship Tournament
Melbourne City Wrestling has announced the upcoming MCW Invitational Tournament to crown the inaugural MCW Women’s Champion at MCW NINE on October 11 & 12th.
The first match will see Candy Lee making her MCW debut to take on one-half of LUX – Xena!
Candy Lee is from New Zealand and recently made her debut in North America when she wrestled at RISE Wrestling’s Pride & Joy show over Pride Weekend in Chicago, Illinois. Lee is also the longest-reigning IPW New Zeland women’s champion holding the title for 518 days before losing it to current champion Kellyanne.
Xena is from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia and was trained by Madison Eagles, Robbie Eagles, and Mick Moretti. She regularly teams up with fellow Australian wrestler Kingsley to form LUX.
Avary will take on Steph De Lander in the first round of the tournament. Avary will be returning from a tour of Japan with STARDOM that saw her compete in the 5STAR Grand Prix Tournament.
Steph De Lander has made a huge impact in Melbourne City Wrestling – having attacked and sent Indi Hartwell out of Australia. The python powerhouse is looking to cement her dominance by becoming the first-ever women’s champion.
Another tournament match will see reigning PWWA Champion Jessica Troy take on Tarlee in the first round.
Jessica Troy has had quite the rise in wrestling over the past few months, spreading her wings with appearances in America for SHIMMER, CHIKARA, and RISE to name a few. While she regularly teams with Charli Evans she has broken out as a singles competitor, becoming one of Australia’s top females.
Her opponent Tarlee was trained by WWE superstar Seth Rollins and Marek Brave. She has worked for promotions such as Venom Pro Wrestling, Future Wrestling Australia, and Newy Pro Wrestling to name a few.
The final first-round tournament match will see Kellyanne take on Kingsley.
Kellyanne is a graduate of Lance Storm’s Wrestling Academy’ in Canada and was also trained by Teddy Hart. She started training at age 14. She has wrestled in Australia, North America, Mexico, Canada, and the UK. She currently holds the IPW New Zealand Women’s Championship and the Wrestling GO! Silver Medal.
Kinglsey hails from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia and was trained by Madison Eagles, Robbie Eagles, and Mick Moretti. She regularly teams up with fellow Australian wrestler Xena to form LUX.
The Melbourne City Invitational returns and this time they’ll crown a women’s champion. Eight of the top female wrestlers will do battle to become the first-ever MCW Women’s Champion.
Mikey Jay, the owner of MCW recently confirmed to On the Turnbuckle Podcast that the Tournament Final will be the Main Event for Night 2 He also confirmed that there will be four women’s matches each night!
More information and tickets are available here.
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prowrestlingpost-com · 5 years ago
Preview: PWA Black Label Presents Rick South For The Boys
Preview: PWA Black Label Presents Rick South For The Boys
PWA Black Label returns to action on Saturday, February 15th, 2020 as they present Rick South For The Boys. The event will take place during the famous Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras. It begins in February and ends in March. This is a massive event celebrated with locals and tourists from around the world. Mardi Gras celebrations will take place during the PWA Black Label Rick South For The Boys…
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brysontillerteam · 4 years ago
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Charli Evans vs. Jessica Troy {PWWA Championship No...
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