#puzzle supplier
puzzlewholesale · 3 months
5 Most Hardest Rubik's Puzzles of All Time
The Rubik's Cube has captured the imaginations of puzzle enthusiasts worldwide since its invention in 1974. Over the years, numerous variations and adaptations of the classic cube have emerged, each presenting its own unique set of challenges In this blog, we'll explore the five most difficult Rubik's puzzles of all time, ranging from complex mechanisms to mind-bending patterns. Whether you're a seasoned cuber looking for a new challenge or a beginner eager to test your skills, these puzzles are sure to push your limits and provide hours of puzzling fun.
1. 3x3 Rubik's Cube
While the classic 3x3 Rubik's Cube may seem familiar to many, mastering its solution is no easy feat. With over 43 quintillion possible combinations, solving the 3x3 Cube requires a deep understanding of cube theory, efficient algorithms, and plenty of practice. Speed cubers spend years honing their skills to achieve lightning-fast solve times, making the 3x3 Cube a true test of cubing prowess.
2. Square-1
The Square-1 puzzle, also known as Cube 21, is a shape-shifting puzzle that combines elements of both the Rubik's Cube and the Rubik's Snake. Unlike traditional cubes, the Square-1 can change shape as it is twisted and turned, adding an extra layer of complexity to the solving process. Mastering Square-1 requires not only an understanding of basic cube-solving techniques but also advanced algorithms for shape manipulation.
3. Gear Cube
The Gear Cube, also known as the Gear Shift puzzle, features a unique gear mechanism that adds an extra layer of challenge to the solving process. Unlike traditional cubes, the Gear Cube's pieces move in a circular motion as they are twisted and turned, requiring cubers to think outside the box to solve it. With its intricate gear system and complex movements, the Gear Cube is a favourite among puzzle enthusiasts looking for a new challenge.
4. Axis-Windmill-Fisher Cube
The Axis, Windmill and Fisher Cubes are shape-modified versions of the classic Rubik's Cube. These puzzles lose their perfect cube shape when scrambled and look absolutely crazy! Solving the Axis, Windmill, and Fisher Cubes requires a deep understanding of the structure of a Rubik’s cube for navigating its intricate movements.
5. Puppet Cube
The Puppet Cube, also known as the Mirror Blocks Cube, is a shape-modified puzzle where each piece is a different size and shape. While the puzzle may appear scrambled at first glance, solving it requires recognizing patterns and sequences to restore each piece to its proper orientation. With its irregular shapes and deceptive appearances, the Puppet Cube provides a unique and challenging solving experience for cubers of all skill levels.
From shape-shifting puzzles to intricate gear mechanisms, the Rubik's Cube universe is filled with challenges waiting to be conquered. Whether you're a seasoned cuber looking for your next puzzle or a beginner eager to test your skills, the five puzzles mentioned above are sure to provide hours of entertainment and mental stimulation. So grab your cubes, sharpen your algorithms, and embark on a journey into the world of Rubik's puzzles.
Since the company's establishment, we have been focusing on the promotion and popularization of puzzle cube and Puzzle Wholesale. We've become the largest cube distributor in China. In order to simplify the purchase procedure, we customized the PW system. By using the PW, you can place orders anytime anywhere. We are a leading Puzzle, Speed Cube, Twisty Puzzle, Magic Puzzle Wholesale, Distributor and Supplier in China.
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hargamatraskarate · 11 months
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tinggimatraslompat · 11 months
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brainmuncher · 21 days
So I had another idea come at me while making lunch (I'm starting to sense a pattern with myself, lmao)
What if when Jazz sends out letters to the colleges she wants to get into, she gets sent rejection letters from every single one... except the local community college. She's absolutely devastated about it. She thought that she did everything she could to be chosen. How could every single one reject her?
Danny, of course, hears about it and asks Tucker to check and see if something happened digitally. Surely, Technus or Vlad or someone messed with something to sabotage her. But when Tucker checks, there's absolutely nothing wrong. She still has her perfect grades and attendance record all set with no marks. Her community service hours are all there. It's only when he looks at the letters themselves that he finds the problem...
After looking online to see what the letters look like, he comes to a puzzling realization... the letters were fake. It's a good fake, but it's not the real thing. The signatures were off, and the writing had been changed.
This is what leads him down the rabbit hole.
He tries to ask about it online to ask others who've also been rejected. Except nobody is answering him.
Sam tries to call the numbers listed on the websites of the colleges... but the person who answers is strangely unknowledgeable about the college they represent.
The only college that seems normal about it was the nearby community college. And that somehow feels the least normal about everything.
It was only when he heard his mom complaining that they never heard from family anymore after they moved to Amity that he figured it out.
Containment. Nothing is leaving Amity. No emails, texts, letters, or posts online. Everything was being blocked.
Of course, this sends him on a mission as to why and how. He spends weeks on it. Sam and Danny actually began to become concerned for him. No, this isn't a pride thing, Sam. And yes, he is taking care of himself, Danny.
Technus is the one who gives him the answer. It was just a passing comment about how he needed to funnel through the GIW in order to infect the world. It didn't make sense to any of them because surely that's the last place you would want to do that. But then it dawned on Tucker. That's who has the power needed to do it! That's where he needed to look!
So he hacks into the GIW and is astonished by what he finds.
The anti ecto acts aren't real. There's no laws even acknowledging ghosts.
There's a file on Phantom, marked as 'candidate for X'.
And all he can find on the containment is a name he's seen described as the creator of the GIW and the main supplier of funds.
Amanda Waller.
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toyslink · 2 years
If you are looking for carefully curated puzzles at wholesale prices, then Toyslink is the most reliable store. We offer an extensive collection of wholesale puzzles in Australia. From ocean puzzles to animal puzzles, you find everything in one place. We are one of the most reliable puzzle wholesale suppliers. To browse through our collection, please visit our website: https://www.toyslink.com.au/new-products.html. For more information, call on (03) 9585 3688.
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elegantersblog · 2 years
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poeghoul · 11 months
hard times
in which harry is grumpy and mean and has a scary job
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word count: 3,315 warnings: angst, semi-mafia!harry, a single mention of drugs, semi-gun violence, harassment. do not read if opposed to any of the topics mentioned.  authors note: i haven’t written in years so this may be bad. inspired by "western nights" by ethel cain.
Harry met Niall at a small diner called The Vinyl booth at 9:37pm, an oddly specific time Niall gave to him, Harry thought. Niall had been interested in forming a connection with Harry, seeing as he’s the biggest drug supplier in all of northern California. Niall loved The Vinyl Booth; he loved taking his girls there every other Sunday after church. It was a warm, cozy diner, with checkered flooring and a jukebox that only worked if you kicked it in the right spot. 
“Harry!” Niall exclaimed, excited to finally be meeting with him after hearing about him for so long. Harry gave him a curt nod as Niall put his hand out for him. Harry took his and grunted as Niall brought him in for a weird semi hug that men do. “Good to finally meet ya,” Niall smiled and held the door open for him, a little bell attached to the handle sounded. Harry walked in first as Niall followed behind and stood while they waited for someone to seat them.
“Niall? What are you doing here so late?” A girl approached the two men, smiling at Niall before grabbing two menus. 
“Y/n!” Niall exclaimed, returning an even bigger smile than she had initially sent him, “just needed a little late night treat.” 
“Of course you did, come on,” she led the two to a corner booth, “I’ll be back with some coffee.” She smiled at the two and Harry noticed she hadn’t greeted him or even made eye contact with him once, which infuriated him; he was used to everyone showing him the respect he swears he deserves. 
She walked back with two small gray ceramic mugs in her hands before turning again to get the coffee pot (Harry assumed they hadn’t brewed a fresh batch in some hours, disgusting him even more than he already was with the sticky menu he was holding). She went to pour some into Nialls mug before Harry decided to speak up. 
“When was that brewed?” Y/n looked up as she stopped pouring the coffee.
“Um,” she paused, trying to remember when she last even touched the pot, “maybe around 5,” she shrugged, phrasing it more as a question than a statement. 
Harry scoffed, “and you expect us to be okay with drinking that?” he practically shouted at the girl; she was taken aback, furrowing her brows and cocking her head to the side. “Get him a new mug and brew a fresh batch, we’re not drinking coffee that’s been sitting out for nearly five hours.” he spat. Niall went to speak up and Harry shot him the deadliest glare the man had ever seen, effectively shutting Niall up. 
“I’ll get on it,” she murmured as she bowed her head, picked up Nialls mug and spun on her heel, heading towards the sink to dump out the hour's old coffee. 
“You didn’t have to shout at her, Harry,” Niall scolded the man like he was a four year old. Harry just looked at him and shook his head, going to speak up before deciding against it. 
The bell on the door rang. It was one of his security guards; he had told both (one of them planning on coming in three before 10pm, the time they closed) to observe the interaction between the two men; one to scope out Niall, and two to make sure Harry made it out alive. With what Harry did, not making it out of the diner was an option. The burly man sat down in a booth facing Harry directly. 
Y/n was at the coffee pot, pouring in new coffee grinds and pressing at the brewing options, though there couldn’t have been more than one option with how old the machine was. She looked up as the man sat down, a puzzled look taking over her features; Harry couldn’t stop staring. 
Y/n approached him, “Hi,” she smiled at him, “I’m y/n I’ll be taking care of you today, can I start you off with some coffee? I’m brewing some right now so it’ll be the freshest coffee of your life,” she joked with him, purposefully being loud enough for Harry to hear; he just narrowed his eyes at her and, instead of gazing at her, he began glaring. The man just nodded. She gave a half smile before walking back to where the two men were sat, pulling out a small notepad and pen from her apron. “Oki doki, Niall I know what you want already,” she smiled at him, a dimple forming in her cheek. She looked at Harry, “how about you? Have enough time to look the menu over?” He hadn’t even opened it. 
“No,” he said simply. Her smile faded, a puzzled look taking over her features. 
“Oh, well, do you have any questions?” She tucked her pen and notepad into a small pocket on the black apron that was folded and tied around her waist. 
“No,” he replied, a bitter tone, “I would like some fresh coffee though, if you’re capable,” he tried his hardest to contain his smirk. 
If y/n didn’t care about her job, she’d bark at him. If y/n didn’t care about the owners and how close she had gotten to them, she would’ve taken her pen from her apron and jammed it in his hand with all her might. And if y/n had the guts to either of those, she would. She cares, though, far too much to do either of those; so instead, she smiled and prayed that her eye wouldn’t start twitching. 
“Of course, sir,” she turned and rolled her eyes, mimicking him under her breath. Harry heard her, but didn’t say anything. She grabbed another mug and the coffee pot, almost burning her knuckles in the process. She placed Nialls mug before him and poured into his new one, making sure to leave room for creamer. “Room for cream?” She made eye contact with Harry. He shook his head, humming a ‘no’. She tried her best to fill it to where it would spill on him if he picked it up too quickly, and made her way to the only other patron in the small diner. The bell on the door rang again, but it wasn’t who Harry was expecting. 
Y/n looked up at the character who walked into and watched as he walked past her and sat at the counter. Nobody ever came in this late, three of them looked scary and they were all men. She felt her heart skip some beats in the worst way. Thankfully, two of the cooks were here, but they were already upset with her for seating guests twenty something minutes before closing. 
She walked behind the counter, setting the pot down on the heater, and walked to the man at the counter. She noticed his red ringed, dark brown eyes. “Hi, I’m y/n,” she started her script, “I’ll be taking care of you tonight, what can I get ya started with?” She grabbed her notepad and pen, again, hoping he knew what he wanted to eat so she’d have an excuse to go into the back, wanting to be with the men she’d known for some time, rather than three suspicious men and Niall  (who, according to her, was far too gentle to hurt a fly). 
He smiled at her; it made her stomach curl. “Orange juice, please, and a mixed cheese omelette.” She scribbled in her notepad, muttering a ‘got it’ before scrambling to the back to put the order in. 
“So,” Niall began, causing Harry to finally look away from the door the girl had basically run through. “I know you didn’t agree to meeting me here for the chorizo and eggs plate,” he joked at Harry. He gave a curt nod. Niall cleared his throat. “I know you have a busy schedule, so I’ll get right to it,” the bell on the door sounded again. Three minutes before closing, right on time. His other bodyguard walked past the two and sat at another end of the counter. Y/n peaked her head through the swinging door, looking around before setting her eyes on the last patron to walk in. She sighed before walking out and giving him her whole spiel. 
“Coffee, please,” the man smiled at her. She was grateful for someone, other than Niall, to show her some kindness in a non creepy way. She turned to grab another mug and the pot of coffee and made her way back to him.
“Long night?” she asked him while pouring into his mug. He nodded and smiled at her, offering her a thank you. Harry felt a twinge of jealousy in his chest. 
Niall continued to speak to him, though Harry tuned him out, granting him responses in the form of grunts. He watched the girl bring out the orange juice for the boy at the counter before going into the back and returning with a bowl of prepackaged creamers. “Sorry, Niall, the creamers completely slipped my mind.”
“Not a big deal, y/n, I knew you’d get around to it,” he reached into the bowl, grabbing a package and ripping it open to pour into his coffee. He did that four more times, turning the near black brown to a light, almost white shade. 
She looked at Harry, his eyes already on her, “finally decided?” he shook his head. She just stared, no emotion on her face. 
“Just get him the same thing as me, please” Niall awkwardly cut in. Y/n’s gaze softened, looking at him and smiled, before nodding and walking off. Harry, still, couldn’t stop staring; watching how she walked and moved and how she reacted to every word said to her. He also noticed how the boy at the counter did the same. Niall continued to talk at him about a deal he was wishing to make. Something about expanding Harry’s territory and getting a small cut. From what Harry heard, it wasn’t a bad proposal. 
“Thanks, again, for meeting with me, Harry” Niall shook his hand, a beaming smile plastered on his face. Harry offered him a pursed smile in return. “Get home safe.” Harry nodded, watching as Niall turned to walk to his car. 
Harry turned to his, getting in the backseat, greeted by his bodyguard, Daniel, who’d entered the restaurant earlier. They sat in silence as they waited for the final of the two men, Jax, to return to the car. Harry had sent him a message halfway through their meal, asking (more like demanding) him to stay in the diner until the skeptical character had left; he left a bitter taste in Harry’s mouth and he just wanted to ensure the safety of the girl he was fascinated by. 
He waited. And waited. Bit at his nails, ran his hands through his hair, groaned many times and waited even more. 
Time seemed to go by so slowly. He stared into the window, watching the three of them closely. His left leg was bouncing up and down, an unfamiliar sense of anxiety coursing through him. Huffing through his nose, he ran his hand through his hair. He hated how he was feeling, and judging by her body language, she was feeling similarly. 
Y/n stood with the coffee pot, having had to make another batch as the group of men continued to order more and more cups throughout the night, waiting for the two men to leave so she could crawl into bed. She had been here close to eleven hours now, and was growing anxious being practically trapped in a room with two strange men she had never seen, especially since the two cooks had left for the night (she was too scared to ask them to stay, not wanting to be a bother but she desperately regrets that now).
The bigger man of the two sat glaring at the smaller one, watching his every move. Y/n could tell he was growing uncomfortable with harsh eyes on him at all times; it made her feel safer, though. 
The small one offered her a small smile, asking for the check silently. She felt a wave of relief to soon have him out of her hair. She couldn’t wait to leave; she had already wiped down all the tables, swept, asked the two men if they’d be paying cash or card, and when they both replied with card, she closed out the cash drawer on the register. She was eager, practically vibrating. Nothing planned for the night, she just couldn’t wait to step outside into the fresh air, feeling suffocated in the small space of the diner. 
She handed the small receipt to him and he immediately offered her his card, making sure to graze her hand with his. She noted how cold and pale it was. A small ‘thank you’ before a pursed smile graced her features. She ran his card through the machine, printed a receipt and handed the two over. He smiled at her, leaving a ten on the counter before walking out. 
Outside, Harry noted the movement inside the diner, watching the weird man walk out of the restaurant and around the corner to where, he assumed, was a back alley. Jax walked out shortly after, y/n walking to the door behind him to lock it before heading to the back, but he hesitated to leave, still. The lights shut off shortly after. He couldn’t make out much more. 
The door opened and, though he could barely see her silhouette, he could tell she was locking the door behind her. She stood in front of the diner, typing away at her phone. He groaned at how oblivious she was to her surroundings. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see a head peeking around a corner. He unlocked his door, prepared to jump to her defense at any given moment. The man who peeked around the corner fully emerged and walked up behind y/n, his hands in the pockets of his oversized jacket. He said something to her, Harry couldn’t hear what, and she practically jumped out of her skin. She turned around with wide eyes and slipped her phone in her back pocket. 
“Oh,” she gasped, “hey, did you leave anything inside?”
He grinned at her, “no, actually was just wondering what you were up to after this.” she gulped. 
“Um,” she tried to think of something, anything, to lie about, but blanked. “I’m just, uh, gonna hang out with my friends,” she rushed out. His grin turned into a smirk. 
“You sure?” She nodded. His smirk vanished. “You’re lying.” she shook her head, a small ‘I’m not’ escaping her lips. “Yes, you are,” he stepped closer to her, “I hate liars.”
“I’m not lying,” she backed up, her breathing picking up. He stepped even closer. 
“Now you’re lying again,” he glared down at her, “must I teach you what happens to liars?” Her eyes began to well with tears. A car door slammed. A gun pressed against the boy's temple. His eyes widened. 
“Touch her and I’ll blow your fucking head off,” Harry snarled, pressing the gun even harder against him. 
“I-I wasn’t, I swear, I swear,” he barely made out. Tears began pouring out of y/n’s eyes. 
“Okay, so then tell me what you were gonna do, hm,” with his free hand, Harry grabbed y/n, pulling her behind him. She hid her face in his back and gripped his shirt in both hands, trying to focus on controlling her breathing. 
“Nothing! Nothing, I swear,” he cried out.
“You swear, hm?” he let out a breathy laugh, “Why’d you wait for her, hm? Why’d you hide back there?” The boy’s mouth just opened and closed; Harry held back a laugh. “Say something, don’t be shy. You weren’t a minute ago.”
“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry, I’ll leave right now if you let me, I swear, I promise!” He began to sob.
Harry just pressed harder, “that’s not what I asked, though, is it?” The boy shook his head as best as he could, “then answer my questions.”
“I just, I wanted to see her.”
Harry laughed, “so you wanted to see her, and you couldn't have done it in a normal manner? Couldn’t have asked to hang out rather than hiding in a fucking alley waiting for her when you knew she’d be most vulnerable, fucking scum,” he spat out, inching his face closer to his. 
He sobbed, “I’m so sorry.”
Harry moved the gun from his temple, but not before he pressed a little bit harder. “Get in the car,” he muttered, keeping the gun pointed at him and ushering y/n with his back towards the backseat of a black Range Rover. She opened the door and jumped in before Harry did the same. He put the gun in his holster, secured under his jacket. He looked to y/n, who was shaking in the middle seat. “You okay?” She nodded, her face down, staring at her fingers picking at a loose thread on her jeans. “I’m sorry,” Harry apologized to her, anger surged through his veins and he wished he could get out and have the opportunity to pull the trigger pointed to the back of the boy's head. The car started and pulled out of the parking lot. “We’ll take you home, I’ll send someone to stay in the general area for your safety,” she looked up at him with watery eyes. 
“Can you give me an address, please,” he handed the phone to her, with trembling hands she took it and typed out her address. It was a six minute walk. “How were you planning to get home?” she handed back the phone. 
“I walk.”
“For every shift?” she nodded. “I don’t like that,” he admitted. 
“It’s only, like, five minutes,” she shrugged, still not making eye contact. 
“Still don’t like it,” he ran his hands through his hair, sighing. She picked at her nails, chewing on her bottom lip. 
The drive was short, two right turns and they arrived at her apartment complex. Harry opened the door and helped her out, following her up the stairs, standing close behind her as she unlocked the door. 
“It’s a little messy, sorry,” she opened the door and led him in. He stood in the entryway, taking in the details of the decorations that filled the small space (it was a small studio apartment, big enough for Y/n, but far too small for Harry). Her bed wasn’t made, with halloween sheets and decorative pillows on the floor next to the bed, and the only chair in the apartment was covered in laundry. 
“It’s not bad,” he looked down at her while she gazed at him. Harry loved the way she looked at him and hated that he loved it.  
“Thank you for taking me home and ya know,” she smiled at him. He nodded. 
“I’ll send someone to take you to work and bring you home for the next few days, need to make sure you’re safe,” he took a deep breath in, stepping closer to her, his hand reaching up to graze her cheek, resting it as he caressed the soft skin with the pad of his thumb. He looked down at her, a glint in his eyes she couldn’t make out. His gaze shifted to her lips, his hand stilled and she tilted her head up in the slightest. 
His expression changed, he removed his hand, and he stepped back. “You’ll know when they’re here. Goodnight,” and with that, he turned and walked out, slamming the door behind him.
Her cheek felt cold. 
She missed his touch. 
And that would be all she thought about for the rest of the night. 
troubles always gonna find you baby, but so will i.
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stellarsagittarius · 1 year
How would you meet your future husband / wife - Based on Jupiter/Venus Persona Chart Pt. 1
[P.s. Please follow me on Instagram and Tiktok @/Stellar_Sagittarius I post even more astrology content on it and it's a business I'm trying to grow. Your presence means a lot to me ❤️.]
Masterlist: All my astrology posts at one place
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(If you are looking for a man, check your Jupiter Persona Chart. If you are looking for a woman, check your Venus Persona Chart)
(Disclaimer: Don't be fixed on this reading! Always have an open mind because the Universe works the best when you have trusted and let go of expectations! Also, the chart won't tell you the exact place or time or how you would feel about something, no one can do that. What it WILL tell is the theme that can be the most prevalent during that event, and how the event can play out.)
Step 1 - Go to Astro.com -> Horoscopes drawing and data -> Extended chart selection -> Select chart type 'Persona Chart' -> Click on 'Additional Objects -> Manual entry '1585'.
Asteroid 1585 is the Union asteroid. It can show how you can "meet" or "come together" with someone.
Fun fact: I checked this Union asteroid in my composite charts with my friends, siblings, my mobile phone, colleagues, and everything fit so well like puzzle peices.
What we will look in the Jupiter/Venus Persona Chart is the Union asteroid, it's sign, house, and the placement of the ruler of it's sign.
For example, in the composite chart of my phone and I, Union is in the 7th house of Aries, and the ruler of Aries (Mars) is in the 6th house of Pisces. When I went to buy my current phone it was an impulse decision, I was with my father. We were returning from my college (he picks me up everyday, so it's our little routine (6th house)). We were driving (Mars theme) and I was with someone (7th house). He said, "Why not let's go and get you the new phone?" Very unusual of my father because he is very slow and thoughtful person. And just then we went to buy it. It was an impulse buy.
And this is just one of the many examples.
Let's get into reading the Union Asteroid in your Jupiter/Venus Persona Chart.
Union Asteroid Through The Houses
Union in the 1st House -
The first house is all about "yourself". So think of you initiating something. Perhaps you approach this person, or you are the one who initiates the conversation. You could be the center of attention, or you catch the attention of your partner, whether it's your looks or personality. "You" are the focus. This is related to a place where you would stand out or play an important role with your mindset/ideas. They could even approach you, simply because they are interested in getting to know you. If Union asteroid in your chart has a 11th or 3rd or 9th house connection, then they could come across your "profile" on social media.
Union in the 2nd house -
The second house rules our values, possessions, beliefs, our body language, resources, personal finances, etc. There are plenty of situations related to this, going for shopping, while making a purchase, at a restaurant, taking part in some workshop to improve your skills etc. This is a situation where you are focused on your resources, and your skills. This could also be at a bank or shopping centers. Maybe this person changes your beliefs in your first meeting, or perhaps you meet them because you saw their car, and you absolutely loved it so you wanted to ask what model it was. You could have made some changes to your body when you met them.
Union in the 3rd house -
3rd house rules communication, locality, processing information, short distances, siblings, it rules personal communication and also the "media" part of social media. So you could first come across them on social media, like seeing them for the first time. You can meet through siblings or in your local areas. You can meet in high school as well. Some places are news stations, broadcasting companies, daily newspaper/magazine supplier, a bookstore, stationery, elementary school, through blogging or vlogging, through writing. Perhaps they write you letters or leave you notes. Or since you met them, you both talk nonstop/sharing information 24/7.
Union in the 4th house -
Our 4th house is all about home, privacy, security, comfort, our deeper emotions, family, the part of ourselves that we don't show to just anyone, could also depict the people very close to us. So think of meeting this person "through the comfort of your home", good for introverts! This is giving social media, because you don't have to go out somewhere. They just slide into your DMs or your slide into theirs ;) . Internet is a good example because we can use it at our comfort. We can do so much by just being at our home through the internet. Other examples is meeting through your family, perhaps your mom introduces you to them. Or maybe they are a delivery person, an electrician or a service worker who comes to your house to like fix the AC or something! This meeting would feel very cozy. Perhaps getting to talk with each other takes some time!
I have this in the composite chart with one of my best friends. Union in Aries 4th House. She is extremely introverted and shy. We met through the internet, she just randomly slide in my DMs. I was at home chilling in my PJs, and received her message. She had this "other account" through which she messaged me, due to her "privacy reasons". But she just overcame her overthinking and made the first move (Aries energy). Lol I still wonder how brave of her was to text me, she is super introverted! Oh, and also, the ruler of our 4th house is Mars, in 12th house. So the account that she texted me on, was an account that didn't have my real name or picture, it was a little self care niche account. Plus her own pfp was of only her eyes. So kinda sus energy lol with the 12th house.
Union in the 5th house -
Fifth house is all about creativity, pleasure, joy, having fun doing this or that, sex, hobbies, children etc. Places associated with the 5th house are amusement parks, art schools, cinemas, theme parks, movie sets, waterparks, nightclubs as well, etc. Think of pursuing a hobby or doing something solely for the pleasure it brings you, you could meet this person through that. This is also giving collaboration, for a creative project. Shared interests and hobbies! It could also start off as a one night stand or perhaps you both are very flirty with each other from the start. Every couple flirts ofc, but yours is emphasised! So think of teasing or being very playful with each other! Could indicate meeting through children! Perhaps you met at a kindergarten, aww!
Union in the 6th house -
6th house is ✨️That Girl✨️ house. It rules, routines, organization, health, fitness, pets, work ethic, the physical self care, the material realm, getting your life in order, etc. Think of going to run errands or going to the gym and bumping into this person. Perhaps you are out taking your dog for a walk, or going for a run, and you meet this person. This house rules all the mundane, daily life stuff. Perhaps they ask you for the directions when you meet them. This also rules parking lots, roads, vehicles, hospitals, daycare, salon, the vet. This is very routined. Perhaps this is someone you see everyday while going to work, but never got the chance to say hi.
Union in the 7th house -
The 7th house is all about others. It is more one on one, than a group. So think, when you meet them, the focus will completely be on getting to know the other person. Like completely immersed in the conversation, totally focused on each other's company. Someone else can introduce you both. This is like the definition of "meeting". You met, and now you both are genuinely interested in each other. The places could be anywhere you would directly approach them, instead of seeing them here and there or having something else as a focus. Dating apps is a good example, but only if your focus is on them, rather than other people on it.
This is in the composite chart of my bestie and I. I was talking to a friend, and my bestie just approached me. And we got to know each other just like that. It was in high school, about 5 years ago. We just became friends right away!
Union in the 8th house -
8th house is about what you share with someone else, transformation, secrets, bonds, joint resources, marriage, sex (as in bonding with someone, and not necessarily pleasure), other people's stuff, etc. The places associated with the 8th house could be banks, someone else's house, private clubs/bars, private offices, VIP lounges, etc. Someone else could play a part in this meeting or you can meet through some sort of joint collaboration. This is also giving, "Oh you left your diary at that coffee table a week ago, I had to give it back to you!" Somebody or something will help you come together. You could also bond with each other pretty quickly! Wingwoman/wingman energy!
Union in the 9th house -
9th house represents travel, long distances, foreign, higher education, other cultures, languages, adventure, universities, philosophy, spirituality & religion (the philosophical/moral/practical aspect of it), etc. So meeting your s/o through travel or while you are exploring something. Perhaps while you are in college/university. Meeting them through religion or shared spiritual interests. Perhaps a course where you are learning about other cultures or languages. Classic travel meeting. Could meet on an airplane or a long distance train. The relationship itself could start out as long distance. If this has 4th house or Gemini/Cancer connections, then meeting online/at your comfort, but being long distance!
Union in the 10th house -
10th house rules our public image, our career, the part of ourselves that shines the most. It rules buildings, workplaces, companies, public parks or public places. This could also represent our public profiles online, such as for work or businesses. So yes, meeting through your work is significant. Could be a business meeting at first. If there are relations to 5th and 8th houses then it could be to collab on something creative! You could meet through your boss. And keeping the work aspect aside, if you are someone with a public profile online just because you want it so, it's also a 10th house thing. An aspect of your public image will be highlighted! Your work and career will be significant.
Union in the 11th house -
This is the classic friends to lovers placement, no matter how slow or fast it is. 11th house rules communities, friendships, social groups, hope and ideals, long term plans/visions, "social" part of social media, being an influencer or having an audience, networking, building your career, etc. This is a very social house and this meeting will have a focus on networking, becoming friends etc. Perhaps this is a meeting through friends, or meeting at a networking party. They could see you online or be intrigued at the work you do. Perhaps they want to work with you.
Union in the 12th house -
Twelfth house is the house of unconscious, mysteries, theories, conspiracies, hidden, mystical, fantasies, imagination etc. Everything to do with the mind, and not the things that are practical or "material" enough. This is the spiritual realm, the realm of unseen. This also rules isolation, mental health, heavy contemplative states. It rules prisons or hospitals (in a way that you are isolated). Meditation retreats are ruled by 12th house as well. Places that are far away and where we take the journey alone. So yes, meeting when you are alone, or even an account messaging you where the owner is hidden (not saying talk to strangers, but you get my point). This meeting could start out as a secret or won't be apparent to other people. You both could meet at a place where you both are alone, etc. You both could connect over the matters of spirituality and mysticism.
This is it!
You can book a reading with me, text me, I'll respond. I just made this blog so I'm yet to create an official post regarding booking readings!
Stay tuned for the next part!! ✈️✨️
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moonriver080 · 5 months
【Funny Story Time】
I wrote an article for my 6 pictures
I tried to machine translate a paragraph and modify it.
But it's too long. I give up.
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During Links meal breaks, the chains sometimes share anecdotes from the past to improve their understanding of each other ......
Well, sometimes it's not so much the anecdotes that are shared as it is the puzzles or the creepy pasts that are shared on reflection. (And some people seem to enjoy it.
It was a spring-flowery afternoon, and the sun was just right, and mixed with the sweet aroma of the chef's well-cooked courser milk soup, it had to be said that it was a very good soothing respite for Links, who had just finished a hard-fought battle, both physically and mentally.
Everything was just right, so Warriors let his guard down and picked a conversation that had left him a bit exhausted for the next week (Oh! Don't get me wrong, it was actually quite an interesting process and development /grin/)
Huh, how could he be blamed, after all the Warriors, who was more social than the other Links, was relatively adept at grasping the melodrama of the atmosphere, knowing when to be quiet and when it was better to have a chat.
They all understood that the team was, with the exception of certain ones, clamshells that had come to life one by one. (Or maybe some of the outgoing ones are actually clamshells.) (Aha! A new way of flirting with oneself is born.)
Anyway, this is why Warriors wave his spoon smugly (like a tiny flag): "...... When we triumphed, the streets were filled with petals and ribbons, and people clustered in the streets and upstairs and on the rooftops, and though, trampled by the war, both the roads and the .. were somewhat depressed ...... Well! That part doesn't matter now!"Warriors stirs the soup and takes a small sip (any more and we won't be able to start a conversation today, Wild, the
boy's food is gaggingly good), "...brave soldiers walk the streets of Castle Town, their footsteps without the thunder of applause that rises up at the first moment, and my beloved Epona kicks and stomps (and here it's being torn apart by sunlight) down the stone streets, edged in gold, and the streets are filled with the most beautiful and beautiful things in the world.My beloved Epona was kicking and stomping along the stone streets edged in gold by the sunlight (glared at by a certain few here), flowers were thrown from all over the place to send blessings to the soldiers, and the fallen flowers covered the whole road, Aaannnnnd!Of course~ I received the most bouquets of flowers~ No matter which way I looked, the screams were like the rising of the tides that rose up and down, and went on and on and on~"
Warriors grunts and laughs as he speaks, lifting his bangs and skimming the ends of his hair.
Gee, he's always showing off his hormones that have nowhere to go.Legend smacked his lips on his spoon, the delicious food immediately soothing his prickly nerves caused by the teasing, but ......
Putting aside some of his "preconceptions", Warriors was indeed a strong general with leadership qualities, and under the circumstances, it was only natural that he would be welcomed to protect the people, lead the soldiers, gather the divided world, defeat Ganon, and bring safety to the people.With this in mind, Legend picked out the fruit in the soup and took a bite.Looks like he's popular, that's really good. Well, yummy.
(Wild has fine-tuned for everyone's tastes, the golden apple chunks added late in his bowl are soft, crunchy and sweet after micro-cooking, rich in flavor, he had asked for some seeds long ago, but Wild said that this golden apples are produced by probability,. Hummm, Legend who is the hottest apple supplier in Hylia and Loria' smiles but does not say anything.)
But ......Legend chewed another bite of apple chunks, looking at him like this is really unpleasant ah.Legend was disgusted by the image that appeared in his mind of Warriors riding horses and throwing flying kisses to stir up a cheering crowd of cold shivers, ah, can not think about it, a little stomach.[I'm not sure if this paragraph is translated correctly (because I read it myself as if something was wrong, but I don't know what went wrong).]
The Chef of Peace, who had been listening to the story since a moment ago and had somehow become a bit dazed, came back to his senses and looked at Legend, who was blushing a bit darkly, in puzzlement.
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【If you want to know the full text, let me know, and maybe I'll translate it intermittently.】
Eggs①: (Three photos taken by Wind) (Price:?)
Confused by the first delivery of the bouquet
(Link, who was surrounded by civilians, gave flowers and scattered petals to celebrate shyness and cover his face)
(Link who was frightened by the enthusiasm of the people and hid in the Zelda King)
A week later, another tea break.
Wars looked at Time, who was being chased and intercepted, and drank a cup of sweet and sour fruit tea contentedly.
Offensive and defensive potential is also different, sapling, soldiers are not tired of cheating, plan and then move, is also for the trick. (Completely strung together.)
Wind? Wind curled his lips as he held a small part of the empty cookie bag. Wars really held a grudge.
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puzzlewholesale · 5 months
Puzzle Distributor
We are a leading Puzzle, Speed Cube, Twisty Puzzle, Magic Puzzle Wholesale, Distributor and Supplier in China. Various cube brands available at competitive prices! Visit our website for more details puzzlewholesale.com.
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gumnut-logic · 2 months
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“Ummm, Scott, you okay?” The lengthy form on the floor groaned in response, which sounded oddly like ‘just leave me, I welcome the void…’
Alan frowned before stepping over to his big brother’s side and crouching down beside him. “You sure?”
Scott’s eyes were closed, but his eyebrows were meeting in the middle in a grimace that matched the groan. “’m’kay, Allie. Just watching the stars.”
A blink and Alan looked up. They were out on the balcony, the sun was well up and the moon missing. It was past eight in the morning, after all. Still early for Alan, but positively daytime for Scott who was usually up before five.
“You didn’t go to bed last night, did you.” He didn’t even bother to phrase it as a question.
Scott grunted again, opened his eyes and squinted up at Alan. “’S okay. I’m fine.” He rolled over and made to get up.
Alan grabbed his shoulder and nudged him back onto the hardwood.
“Wha-?” Dopey puzzlement was the only description.
But Alan didn’t answer, just unfolding himself and lying down beside his brother.
The sky was startlingly blue when viewed from this angle.
“Alan, what are you doing?”
“Keeping you company.”
“Because I happen to know that Virgil set his alarm for 8.15am this morning so he could speak personally with the supplier in California who sold us faulty parts that caused the incident with Two yesterday.”
“Oh.” A swallow. “What time is it?”
It wasn’t as if Scott couldn’t look at his watch, but he was obviously playing along.
“Eight twenty.”
“Uh huh. You are toast, bro.” And lucky that Grandma and Gordon were on the mainland overnight.
“So how does you lying on the floor next to me improve the situation?”
“Solidarity. He won’t chew you out with me in the room.”
That earned a grunt.
Alan shrugged. “It will delay him at least. Let him take out his pre-coffee fury on the guy in LA. He certainly deserves it.”
“Guy’s already toast. Business will be disassembled by tomorrow.”
“He endangered Virgil’s life. It was safety equipment. I couldn’t stand for that.”
“So, you stayed up all night?”
But whatever his brother was going to say was interrupted by footsteps. Heavy booted ones unmistakably belonging to their engineer brother.
A head of dark hair appeared in Alan’s peripheral vision.
“What’s going on?”
Alan grinned up at Virgil. Red flannel, hands on hips and a pair of eyebrows scrunched up like a cartoon car crash.
“Have you ever noticed how blue the sky is, Virgil?”
That sent an eyebrow halfway up his brother’s forehead. “Painted it enough, so yeah.”
“It is just amazing and to think that beyond it is almost black.”
Alan bit the inside of his cheek to hold back a grin at the puzzled expression on Virgil’s face. It was obvious he knew something was up, but Alan was just acting weird.
“Scott and I were having a little big bro little bro time. So, if you will excuse us…”
Virgil’s eyes narrowed at that and for a moment, Alan thought he had blown it, but his brother was so obviously not all there, he simply eyeballed Scott a second before grunting and wandering off in the direction of the kitchen.
Alan found Scott staring at him.
But Scott just rolled his eyes and sat up with a groan.
Alan echoed him with considerably more energy. “You should go to bed.”
That earned him a grunt as Scott pushed himself to his feet.
“Or I’ll tell Virg.”
The glare that hit Alan between the eyes only proved he had scored the required point.
There was further muttering but Scott poked at their father’s desk for a bit before shooting another glare at his little brother and heading off towards the elevator.
Whether or not he would end up in bed was debatable, but then Alan wasn’t going to push it. It was a miracle Scott had listened at all and it wasn’t like Alan was Virgil and could physically put his big brother to bed whether he liked it or not.
It was only after Scott left that Alan realised he hadn’t asked his brother exactly why he was on the floor in the first place.
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hargamatraskarate · 11 months
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tinggimatraslompat · 11 months
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eleni-cherie · 28 days
a thief's origin✨ || bts • kth - chapter 1.3
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"you're afraid I won't wait." "I'm afraid you will."
a criminal and a doctor should be as different as the sun and the moon - but unexpected things happened every day. like him finding his safe haven in her.
© 2024 | eleni_cherie
masterlist: here
— genre: thief au, gangster comedy, adventure, romcom, humour, angst, fluff, sexual tensiON, slowburn, mutual pining, strangers to friends to lovers s2f2l
20th March
Barcelona, Spain
Having just finished a night shift, a long yawn escaped the young physician's mouth. Her rookies had almost messed up a patient's medication and she had been busy fixing it all night long.
After a torture of a ride, the metro being unusually stuffy, she headed down her street. It was still early, most people with normal work hours not leaving for another hour or two. The sun barely out. So the only other persons around were her and suppliers delivering stores.
Entering her apartment building, she fumbled out her keys, taking longer to find the right one in her sleep-deprived state. Only to almost drop them when realising her door was left ajar.
There was no way in hell she had left it like that, she always made sure to lock before leaving.
Her heart beat picked up as she slowly pushed it open. She couldn't hear anything. With her phone in her hands, ready to dial 091, she pushed the door open. Making sure it went all the way and touched the wall to ensure no one was standing behind it. And with careful steps she entered, closing it behind her slowly and repeating the same tactic with every other room.
Thankfully, there wasn't anyone. The apartment was empty - except for the pure chaos that was left behind.
Someone had definitely been there, looking through her belongings. Shelves were pulled out, objects were on the ground. She was sure it must've been burglars until she realised that nothing was missing. Not that she had many objects of value. But the few she had, like her laptop and tv, were still there.
Leaving her relieved, but also puzzled.
Who the hell would break in, leave a mess but not take anything?
A headache was beginning to form at the thought of having to spend hours cleaning up now in her already exhausted state and she rubbed her temples.
With a sigh, she turned around. Deciding to not touch anything and try leaving again without altering the crime scene. First she'd report it to the police although she knew already they most likely wouldn't do much since nothing was stolen, but if she learned anything from her films it'd be to report it nevertheless. But as she was about to exit the apartment, a piece of paper stuck on the entrance door which she'd missed previously, caught her eye.
"Bring the golden figurine to the marina in Bangkok in 2 days if you want to see your pack of thieves again."
She instantly froze.
So this was related to Taehyung?
She reread the message.
That wasn't good, the situation was serious.
Her heart was racing while at the same time not beating at all. She felt nauseous but also on alert. Her mind screaming while being totally blank. More than anything else though, she felt helpless.
Her eyes wandered up to her ceiling. Whoever this was, they'd probably searched through her apartment for that figurine. She looked down at the piece of paper again and swallowed.
Bangkok marina, she repeated in her mind, in two days. She began agonizing and racking her brain to figure out how to find that figurine and get there in time. There was no way they were indeed expecting her to find it. They had to know she got no clue on how to. Perhaps they were even anticipating just that.
That was what she got for being a sucker for crime films and getting involved with thieves.
When the doorbell rang thirteen hours later in the evening, Cassandra hesitated to answer it.
Shoving the books she was currently organising into the shelve, she stood up and walked to the door with careful steps. She knew it was unlikely, yet she was still afraid it might be the intrudor returning for more. But much to her surprise, instead she found someone else on the other side when peeking through the spy hole.
There was indeed a man standing in front of her door. And another one.
"Hello, I hope you remember me. I'm -"
"Agent Jeon. I remember," she nodded when opening the door to the young interpol agent, "W-what do you want though? Taehyung isn't here."
He offered her an ambiguous, almost pitiful smile. "Oh, I know. May we come in?"
Her brows furrowed but she let them enter nonetheless. The other, unknown to her, agent facing her with a polite smile, offering his hand then which she accepted shyly. "Agent Jung, nice to meet you. Or well.." His gaze wandered and she caught a good sight of his side profile, his nose curving in a perfect angle when he abruptly turned back to her. And he scratched his neck awkwardly. "..as nice as can be expected under the circumstances."
"Y-yeah, nice to meet you," she blinked irrirated over the whole situation, her attention returning to Jungkook. "So why are you here?"
The younger man was standing in the middle of her living room. Seemingly dismissing the still light clutter as he looked around with impassiveness. "We know who did this."
Perplexed at his nonchalantness, she stopped in her tracks and stared at him. "H-how?"
Jungkook only motioned his chin to his colleague who gave her a nod. "I'm from organised crime," Hoseok explained, "My team identified the guy."
"No, I mean.. how did you know someone broke in?"
The two agents exchanged a quick glance, before offering her a suspiciously wide grin.
"That doesn't matter right now," Jungkook waved her off with a tattooed hand, "Instead, tell us if he found what he was looking for."
She bit the inside of her cheek and looked away. Uncertain whether it would help or if she'd only get the guys into more trouble by entrusting interpol with this.
"So.. so you know who did this?" she asked again out of insecurity and to buy some time.
"This guy was working for someone my team and I are after," Hoseok began then. Friendly expression changing as he suppressed his inner loathing when mentioning his team's target.
After one of the agents tasked with observing her, had seen that suspicious man entering and leaving her building, they'd immediately sent his photo to Jungkook who then sent it Hoseok's way. One of the female agents in his team had pretty quickly identified the intrudor as working under Via, a known underground business man - the fancy and legal cover-up for saying gangster boss - who frequented Korea quite often.
"We just couldn't figure out what his man wanted from you. We only figured it has something to do with Taehyung, which meant it had something to do with Jimin."
His dashing manner changed, however, when noticing her stressed expression at the mention of her boyfriend, despite her trying to downplay it. Giving Jungkook a look of appeal then and motioning to Cassandra. The agent of the robbery department sighed and nodded as he took a step towards her.
"We kept an eye on you ever since the questioning," Jungkook admitted, "That's how we know of this man."
Cassandra's head shot up, surprise crossing her features for a moment only to be replaced with epiphany.
Of course, it made sense. No surprise Taehyung had become so careful ever since. Her eyes narrowed then. "Why are you telling me this now?"
"I want to be open and honest with you, to show you that you can trust us." He gave her a smile, too sweet and cheerful for an interpol agent. She remembered, however, not to let the agents' friendly faces mislead her, remembering how she'd almost got fooled by it before.
He took another step towards her, cocking his head to the side in an innocent manner. "So? Are you gonna tell us now what he was looking for?"
She gave in and nodded. After all, she didn't have any other option so perhaps their presence was a blessing in disguise.
22nd March
Bangkok, Thailand
"Told you we shouldn't have come in the first place." Jimin clicked his tongue at Taehyung's nonstop complaining. "Well, what else could we do? If we didn't show up at all, he'd have hunted us down," the dyed-blonde retorted, "You saw how obsessed that guy is with that figurine. Besides, it's not my fault that idiot opened the box too early. We would've got away with the fake one if that stooge didn't trigger the smoke-bomb before we could leave." Taehyung rolled his eyes. If they weren't tied up against each other on a chain on the ground right now, he'd have most definitely kicked his friend. 
Sure, it'd seemed easy first. Accepting the deal of that shady gangster boss Via of stealing the precious figurine of a female deity from the national museum in Bangkok. And then cheating him out of it by giving him a knock-off and keeping the money while eventually returning the figurine after a few months. But unexpected things always happened. Like one of Via's men re-opening the wooden box with the fake one before they'd managed leaving.
Yoongi, who had been quietly trying to medidate, sighed. Blinking an eye open. "Stop bickering you two, it doesn't matter anymore." He let his gaze wander around the locked room then. It'd have been a cakewalk to escape if they had their weapons at least, but of course not.
Taehyung wiggled his hands behind their backs in a pointless attempt to loosen the rope around their wrists. He hadn't expected those goons to be smart like that. Tying them up this way made them unable to even move much less stand up.
Footsteps were heard outside then and soon the doort opened. One of the goons standing in its frame.
"Move," he commended, all three looking at him funny.
"If we could move we'd be long gone, buddy," Jimin muttered only earning a grunt. He waved at another colleague and the two untied the rope holding them to the chain on the ground before pushing them out of the room and to the boatyard. Although used to such places, a queasy feeling still lingered in their guts as they entered.
Yoongi immediately spotted his katana stuffed among wooden boards in a barrel next to a scaffolding then. Almost scoffing in offence as they passed by it and some other yacht supplies.
He coughed under his breath then, catching the others' attention and motioning with his eyes to it. Taehyung and Jimin caught his exciting glance and nodded. The three, still tied to each other, came to a hold close to it. The two henchmen brushed past them then, leaving them stand there like lost children before heading to Via.
Their boss was currently walking up and down with a impatient expression. As if he was waiting for something.
Taking advantage of the unsupervised moment, they took slow and small steps towards the katana. Stopping whenever one of the men glanced at their direction, acting innocent.
They had almost reached it when the gate to the boatyard opened and Via let out a relieved laugh, the three standing too far away at the other end to really see what was going on. They only saw one of his gorillas walking up to him when noticing someone shorter tailing behind him. But despite the distance, they still recognised the other person. And all three froze.
"Cas," Taehyung breathed, not believing his eyes.
No way, this couldn't be.. but it was her.
His mind went blank only for him to raise his voice. "Cassandra! What are you doing here!" he yelled rashly, forgetting completely how irrational it was in that moment.
Jimin and Yoongi tensed and straightened, hoping the goons didn't notice what they had been attempting. And luckily they didn't, not paying much attention to them in the distance and dismissing Taehyung's reaction completely instead. As if they had already expected it.
His girlfriend only swallowed and folded her lips, ignoring his far-off cry and continued walking straight to the man who she knew was the leader. Recognising him from photos interpol had shown her.
"You're the one responsible here, right?" She rummaged in her bag before pulling out a shimmering object. "Here's what you wanted. Now let them go."
The thieves' eyes grew wide when seeing her holding up what looked like the figurine they had stolen a few days ago. Something impossible.
"It's a counterfeit, isn't it?" Taehyung whispered for only his friends to hear. There was no way she could've found the original one. It was securely shipped out to their hide-out in Algeria after all. Jimin hummed lowly. "Yeah, pretty sure." "Where's she got the fake one from though?" "No clue." "Hey, you! Be quiet!" The admonition of the bulky henchmen who walked up to them forced a grin out of them. "Of course, sorry!" Jimin quickly said only to stick out his tongue to him the moment he turned away. Peeking at Yoongi then who was trying grabbing his katana behind them, eventually succeeding.
None of the other people present seemed to pay attention to the scene as they observed Via at the other end of the area beginning walking towards Cassandra. Followed by two of his men.
"Nah, nah, not so fast, doll," the criminal grinned, "First I gotta ensure it's the real one this time."
Cassandra didn't show any hesitation and Taehyung forgot they were still tied up, attempting to run to her only to get pulled right back.
There was no way it was the real one. And the moment Via realised that, she'd be in danger. She was already in danger for even being there, but if the guy realised she gave him a fake, he might.. he might.. He began panicking, his mind going on overdrive.
"Taehyung, calm down," Yoongi urged him in a hushed tone when sensing his tremble and seeing his tense expression, "We have to stay clearheaded." "That's easy for you to say," he retorted, immediatelly regretting it. Yoongi was right after all, but Taehyung was terrified nonetheless. In his entire life he'd never felt more terrified than when seeing Cassandra walk in there. "S-sorry." "S'alright, I get it." "Hey, didn't I tell you to be quiet?" the henchman growled. He made the mistake to come closer, because Yoongi had managed cutting the rope w the katana's blade by now and freeing his wrists.
Not wasting any second, he grabbed its shaft and pulled it completely out of its sheath. Slicing the man's suit in half with one precise swing of his sword and a smirk, grabbing the ends and tying him up with his own clothes. He grabbed his gun out of its holster before cutting Taehyung's and Jimin's ties as well. The three quickly seeking cover behind a pile of masts right when everyone started shooting at them.
"I need my gun," Taehyung mumbled, looking around but unable to spot his magnum anywhere. He was sure it had to be around there along with the sword but he couldn't see it.
"Just take this one," Yoongi said and pressed the semi-automatic one he'd stolen from Via's man.
Taehyung cringed at the foreign weapon but accepted it nonetheless. After unlocking it, he leaned out. Immediately spotting two men nearing them and shot them down. Thankfully his skills didn't depend on the kind of gun.
"I'll go look for ours," Jimin said then, already sprinting to the back. Taehyung gave him cover by aiming at whoever shot their way while Yoongi dodged any bullets nearing them with his sword. Jimin returned after a couple of minutes already. His walter-ppk in one hand while twirling a familiar recolver around the index finger of his other.
"Look what I found," Jimin sing-songed with a smirk. Taehyung instantly grabbing his beloved magnum from him, huffing when seeing the barrel being empty though. "Seriously?" You forgot cartridges, idiot." Jimin remained unohased. Waving his hand only to skillfully reveal one cartridge between each of his fingers, resembling a magician playing a card trick. "Did I?" Taehyung laughed under his breath. Already used to his friend's attics, he just took them and pushed them inside the barrel. "I need to get Cas," he announced then, not even waiting for a response from the two before darting out.
He ran towards the front, piercing a barrel with his bullets on the way and spilling all its content on two goons. Drenching them in oil before taking cover again behind another container. He peeked out again, seeing Via shouting at his men to get them. The golden object securely held by his hand.
The young marksman let his irises wander behind the gangster, catching a glimpse of Cassandra behind an inverted boat.
Nine men between him and her. Not easy but he had to get to her no matter what.
One deep inhale and he ran out again, making sure to pass behind boats and other objects to dodge bullets shile shooting anyone who came into his peripheral view down. One by one, he hit their kneecaps, their shooting arms or let heavy objects fall on them until reaching the yacht and sliding behind it. Causing Cassandra to flinch only to relax again when seeing it was only him. Her bambi eyes wide and erratic.
"Taeh-" Before she could even say his name, he had already engulfed her in his arms. And she almost forgot where she was, melting into his hug. Only for him to back off, holding her by her arms.
"What the fck are you doing here!" It wasn't a question, it was a statement.
"Doesn't matter now," she said only to jump into his arms at the sound of a bullet hitting the scaffolding above them.
"It does matter though," he mumbled right when he spotted a goon turning around the corner. His hand on her back tightening and he protectively turned her away before shooting at the guy.
But Cassandra didn't seem alarmed by that, instead she faced him again with determination in her eyes.
"I need your shooting skills," she said then and took his hand, tugging him at the edge of the boat. She peeked out, searching for Via and when she found him hurling with the figurine behind a container she pointed at him. "I need you to shoot that figurine in two."
Puzzled, his brows furrowed at her. "Why?" "Just do it, please." "It's a fake, isn't it." She snorted, "Obviously." "And where did you find it?" "Pops gave it to me," she said, matter-of-factly. Only to earn a bewildered look from Taehyung. "Pops? You mean interpol is here?" "Of course, you think I just came here all by my own?" she giggled before flinching once more when another bullet hit the yacht close to her. She composed herself again, looking at him with urgency. "That's why I need you to cut it in two. They couldn't come too close to the boatyard as Via's men were patrolling all around it and they couldn't wire me up since I got checked. That's why I was supposed to drop the figurine after finding you. But then this whole shooting started and.. and he just grabbed it out of my hands before I could. Inside is something like a panic button? I didn't entirely understand but when it's actuated they'll get the signal and come." She sighed, shaking her head. "I should've smashed it immediately but hesitated. It's my fault."
"Cas-" He got cut off by another bullet hitting the scaffolding. He drew closer to her, grabbing her shoulder. "None of this is your fault, got it?"
She swallowed and nodded.
Running a hand through his dark waves, he shook his head then. "Can't believe pops would let you get in this dangerous situation.." "It's not like he wanted to, but there wasn't many options," Cassandra quickly objected, "These goons came to my house, searching for that figurine while I was at work and since they couldn't find it, wanted me to bring it here. They knew who I was, so I had to be the one doing it." She paused to frown at him, adding with a huff, "And as you probably already know, interpol was observing my place and found out about this story."
Taehyung dismissed her side-blow to process her words. So Via really didn't hold back when saying he'd make sure to find what he was looking for. He even found out about her and assumed, as his girlfriend, she might be hiding it.
He held her gaze a moment longer before dragging out a breath. "Alright." Letting go of her, he switched places with her and tightened his fingers around the magnum. Glancing out to get a clear view of Via who attempted to crawl out of his stash towards the open gate from where more of his men had previously came in.
One shot and he hit it, the object bursting into pieces right between Via's hands. The gangster boss yelped in surprise, devastation running over his features when realising it was yet again another fake and not his beloved figurine. He almost looked like crying on the spot when one of his few remaining men dragged him away and behind another boat.
Taehyung sat back next to Cassandra when suddenly another thought crossed his mind. "Wait, you said interpol will show up? Now? How long will they take?"
Her eyes widened, realising what he was hinting to. "Less than two minutes, agent Kim said."
He cursed under his breath, peeking out before grabbing her hand and tucking her out. Both running behind containers and boats for cover while heading towards the back where Jimin and Yoongi had already injured and taken down most men. But a rope laying on the floor got tangled in Cassandra's feet and she tripped, falling on the ground. If she hadn't, a bullet would've hit her back. Now it only grazed her arm. It still burnt though and she winced lightly. Taehyung immediately located the shooter and let a sail drop on him by shooting on a mast, turning to Cassandra then who was holding her arm.
"Cas, are you alright?" he asked concerned and helped her stand. She only nodded. There wasn't any time to dwell over the burning now, so they continued running.
"Pops is coming!" he yelled as soon as his friends were in earshot and both looked at him perplexed.
They followed them back to the storage where they'd been held captive, shooting at the gang members behind them before shutting the door and shoving any big objects they could find in front of it.
"Time to cut something useless again," Yoongi mumbled then and held his katana in front of him before slicing the walls and creating gateway for them. Just in time when hearing someone outside shout, "Cops!".
As they went through the hole to the backside of the boatyard, they cam face to face with the sea. The waves crashing right underneath them.
"Where to now?"
Jimin winked and pointed at one of the lined up yachts. "Perfect way to escape, isn't it?"
"There's only one thing you love, Danny. That's danger. Cliff hanging. You could never love a woman like you love danger. And as long as your luck holds out, you'll stay in love with danger."
The quote from one of the old heist films they'd watched together long ago, emerged from his memory and kept repeating itself during the whole boat ride.
When eventually reaching a safe enough spot outside the city, Taehyung asked Jimin and Yoongi to wait for him on the shore. From his agitated expression they could tell he wanted to talk to Cassandra, so they hummed understandingly and got off the yacht.
Taehyung hesitated for a moment, licking over his dry lips before chewing pensively on his bottom lip. A million thoughts rushed through his mind and with a deep sigh, he finally pushed open the door to the cabin.
Cassandra had just finishing up bandaging herself with some make-shift gauze out of sheets and an antiseptic spray she'd found around.
When she saw him entering, he saw that lovely smile of hers spreading on her lips and the film quote began playing in his mind all over again.
Back then, he hadn't thought much about it. Not believing he could relate to it in the slightest.
He loved Cassandra. As pure and silly and deep as love could be. And yet, he couldn't let go of this life, this danger, not even for her. Not yet at least. But this didn't mean he'd allow her to be in its clutches as well.
"Cassandra.." Taehyung eventually spoke up only for his lips to press together into a straight line again. She noticed a deep crease set between his usually warm eyes, now filled with troubled thoughts and sorrow. "It's okay, don't worry," she assured and waved it off, instantly knowing what was going on behind those brown eyes. "No big de-"
However, the look on his eyes when he abruptly sat on the edge of the table in front of her, caused her to cut herself off. Even without saying anything, she unintentionally flinched. Feeling small under his rigid glare.
"Cassandra.." he pressed once again, causing her to quietly scoff and look away.
"It really isn't a big deal though," she mumbled like a defiant teenager and in any other situation her stubborness would've educed a smile or chuckle from him, but not this time. Eventually shaking his head in disapproval. "It is a big deal. You got hurt. Again. Because of me. Again." There was an edge in his tone. A rage. He was upset. Her sulky expression deepened, instantly feeling the need to calm him. "I'm clumsy. It wasn't because of you." "Of course it was." He was unable to control his anger anymore but his expression softened just as fast when looking at her afflicted eyes. "That's what I've tried warning you of." Her brows furrowed and she tilted her head away from his touch. A sad smile tucked on the corner of his lips as he looked at her adorably puzzled face. For someone as smart as her, she surely refused to use her brain in moments like this. "All these years back, that's what I meant when saying I'm no good."
The frown returned, finally understanding. "Not this again.." She attempted to stay up, but his hand grabbed her wrist firmly. Urging her to stay seated. "Right, this again." His voice returning to being stern. "Look," she sighed and her eyes fell briefly, "I'm not denying that it could've been risky. Even with interpol close by.." She wasn't necessarily surprised about his reaction. After all, it wasn't the first time she unvoluntarily got involved in his outlaw life. And this time it could've surely gone worse, she knew. But she'd never blame him for any of it. Especially not when he'd shot his way through countless armed men to get to her. "Could've been?" he repeated with an arched brow, tilting her chin towards him so she'd look him in the eyes, "Stop being stubborn and acting tough. I know you were scared. I know because I was."
Her jaw clenched. It was a poor attempt to keep these thoughts she tried suppressing, from emerging. She'd lie if saying she hadn't been scared at all. It was definitely an.. experience. Although it'd also be a lie if she said it wasn't thrilling at all, but only because she'd got out of it with a mere graze. If it was more severe she'd probably not find it so exciting anymore. A lump formed in her throat at the thought of that. 
"Yes, okay, fine, you're right. I was scared, a little bit." His grip loosened as he stared at her flustered face. It hadn't changed much since the night of their first encounter. Same mesmerisingly fierce eyes he had fallen in love with seven years ago. Her cheeks might be less chubby and the grey rings under her eyes deeper due to her work schedule, but nevertheless, still the same witty, beautiful and, at times like this, dewy-eyed woman he knew. "I'm so sorry, angel," he whispered, "Will you now stop refusing to see it?" Although he tried sounding serious and persuasive, his voice cracked. He felt outraged and ashamed, mostly with himself. And she glanced up, meeting his sad eyes before they fell to the space between them. 
Cassandra drew closer then, running her fingers through his raven waves and forcing him to heave his head to face her again. "Let me decide what's good for me and what not," she said softly, "I love you and I want to be with you. And some wannabe goons won't change that." His hand wandered up then, covering hers and lowering it into his lap. "I don't deserve this. I was so selfish all this time."
The car chase and shoot out, the embassy, the interpol interrogation and now this. He should've stayed away from her, from the beginning. He should've ignored whatever it was that kept pulling him towards her.
Had he really believed it wouldn't get worse with time? Had he really believe he could keep her away from it all?
"I thought.. I thought not telling you specifics was enough to keep you safe. But it only worked for interpol. I should've known the others.. the criminals we encounter.. it wouldn't have kept them away." He paused and screwed his eyes shut for a brief moment. "I let my feelings blind me."
With a shaky breath, she captured his face between her palms. Squishing it lightly as she searched for his eyes in the downcast air. "You tried back then, it's not that you didn't. But I never minded the risk and do what I want, I thought you knew as much about me."
With memories of the past hours flooding his mind, he cracked a weak smile.
The bubble. Once again he felt his bubble, the bubble of naive optimism and escapistic delusions, bursting. And this time she couldn't convince him otherwise. He wouldn't let her.
"I know you're stubborn," he pressed her hand, "And I know you're strong, much stronger than I could ever be because I'm weak, Cas, I'm weak when it comes to you. But since you're so stubborn, I've got to be the one stepping up for you now." "Tae, what.. what do you mean?" His hands wandered up the cool skin of her arms, holding onto them firmly with a sense of appell.
He'd have never guessed to ever say the following words to her, but there wasn't any other option left. Perhaps it wasn't even an act of selflessness. Perhaps it was pure selfishness again, the fact he'd rather choose a life than a world without her.
"We shouldn't see each other anymore."
Glass. Cassandra could swear hearing the piercing sound of glass breaking somewhere. Her eyes shot wide open. "Taehyung, don't even -" He ignored her warning tone, the grip around her arms tightening. "Be honest, Doc. Admit that it's the only plausible way." "If you want to break up with me, do it. But don't wait for my approval, I won't give it to you," she countered. The sudden soberness of her voice and her straight face taking him aback for a moment.
The silence that followed was deafening. Echoing in every corner of the cabin. Seconds passed with nothing but the ticking of the clock accompanying their racing pulses. They held each other's relentless gaze until eventually, Taehyung's lips parted.
"I'm breaking up with you, Cassandra."
Her heart left its place in the mediastinum, sinking heavy and bitter to the pits of her stomach. No warm blood was pumped through her veins anymore and her body began to freeze. She had bluffed after all, convinced he would, too. ".. you don't mean that. Right?" Irritation evident as she grew louder. "Tell me you're not actually breaking up with me over a minor injury." "Does that matter?" he simply argued, "The other time it was also minor. Next time it might not be anymore. What then, Cassandra?"
Her hands balled into fists as she stood up abruptly, his grip sliding from her.
"You're afraid I won't wait," she stated matter-of-factly. Trying swallowing down the tears which welled up in the corners of her eyes. She couldn't stay calm nor rational, she became frantic and desperate. "Just admit you don't believe I'd wait for you anymore after today." Taehyung was somewhat amused by her certainty over that conclusion even if it couldn't be further away from the turth. His expression full of adoration and rue as she managed to make him unexpectedly smile again. "I'm afraid you will." He got up to touch her cheek and she let him. "And I know you will, that's why I need to do this. You're the only thing that matters to me, the only thing worth anything in my life. No jewels, no artefacts, no antiques - only you. I just couldn't live with myself if anything ever happened to you." "Then what about this?" She pulled out the necklace with the tiger pedant from under her blouse, accidentally grabbing the heart locket out along with it. Both glimmering golden in the evening light seeking through the window. "Was that promise a lie?"
The ghost of a smile was on his lips. "Of course not. I meant it, every word. But I realised I might never be able to escape this life. And you shouldn't waste yours waiting for someone who might never be able to keep his promise."
The lump in her throat got harder, pressing the tears in the corner of her eyes to finally break loose. They rolled down her burning cheeks in big clear orbs. Taehyung let go of them to wrap his arms around her smaller frame instead. Embracing her tightly as she sobbed against his chest. It broke his heart all over again, the way she was shaking against him and fisting his shirt. She heaved her head with a pained smile then. "It wouldn't be wasted, cool guy."
He breathed out, wanting to object but couldn't. Her words soothed over his flushed skin as he cradled her more. Unable to contain the tremble in his own voice. "You're my only weakness, Cas. And as long as I'm in your life, there will be people who can take advantage of it."
His forehead brushed over her fluffy curls as he backed away. Wiping the unending tears with his thumbs before leaning down and pressing a kiss on her salty-tasting lips. The kiss was warm and soft. Making her forget her sorrow and halting the tears until the moment their lips parted again.
Cassandra knew that this hadn't been a consoling kiss or like any other one ever shared by them. She felt it in every fibre, every synapse. There was a lack of the usual happiness-inducing neurotransmitters, hormones and endorphines.
It was a goodbye kiss.
He meant it this time. She could tell by the determination in his eyes. His usually gentle features now hard. And she wasn't even attempting arguing this time. A tiny voice of reason which the rest of her emotions almost suffocated, knew that if it was the other way round, she'd have done the same. Still, she was unsure if she could really fathom what was happening in that moment.
With shaky hands, she reached behind her neck then and fiddled with the chain around it. "I should - I mean, you - your necklace." But Taehyung paused her with a chaste kiss on the forehead and lowered her arms. "Keep it. The promise was for you and you only. I don't intend to give it to anyone else."
The tiger-pedant had used to be a memento of his grandparents, but now it symbolised the part of his heart that would always be with her. It was hers now. It had always been. So he wanted her to keep it.
Cassandra watched him silently let go, however, only when she saw him head to the door, her lips found the will to move again.
"You're a good guy, Tae," she said, new tears threatening to bypass her eyes, "Don't forget that."
Pausing in his tracks, he swallowed his own tears down his dry throat. Not daring to move and meet her gaze, knowing the moment he'd see those lovely doe eyes any little strength left in him would be completely sucked out and he'd cave in, running back into her arms. He had to keep it together, he couldn't give in now. It was the right decision.
"I'll try."
And with that, he walked out of the door. And out of her life.
next chapter: epilogue very soon!
(make sure to check it out!! 👀it'll be a good one, i promise!)
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taglist: @lilanyxta @naoolammao345 @memna234 @tetehion @myblacklilame
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batsplat · 4 months
Former MotoGP winner Marco Melandri has had a pop at reigning world champion Valentino Rossi via his Italian online blog marcomelandri.it. Melandri believes Rossi was fed bespoke tyres by Michelin before the French company were ousted from the MotoGP series after Bridgestone tyres won the sole supplier contract. Moreover, Melandri believes this is the reason Rossi's domination of the series is slowly diminishing: 'This is down to the fact that they don't make tyres anymore just for him,' wrote Melandri. 'This statement is meant to say that maybe Michelin, in 2004, had more than a small hand in the results. More like an arm.' There's more: Melandri goes on to say he believes Lorenzo's 'armchair' celebrations at this year's MotoGP from Le Mans had a more sinister message: 'Taking a closer look at it, you start to see more: the chair was yellow... like Valentino's yellow... which would say: "I, Lorenzo, am taking your place on your yellow chair".' When questioned about the stunt at yesterday's MotoGP press conference, Lorenzo looked puzzled, replying: "But the chair was green."
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more of the blog entry under the cut
"Lorenzo's celebration was serious stuff, with a subtle yet biting message that only some will pick up on. Did you get it? Let's take a look at it together," Melandri wrote on his official website marcomelandri.it, with his words subsequently translated into English by Italian website GPone.com.
"When I rode by on the cool down lap, I saw Lorenzo sitting in front of the video screen and my first thought was: 'He is enjoying the sight of his own victory.' But noooooo!!!
"Taking a closer look at it, you start to see more: the chair was yellow... like Valentino's yellow... which would say: "I, Lorenzo, am taking your place on your yellow chair."
"Am I sitting down with the popcorn to enjoy my spectacular victory??? No, I am sitting here watching you cross the finish line, because I already passed it..."
Melandri also blasted Rossi for his response to the celebration and comment about the one-tyre rule.
"Valentino's statement: "I did it ten years ago"... Weak... followed by: "Now, with spec tyres, the rider can't make such a difference." This is down to the fact that they don't make tyres anymore just for him," wrote Melandri.
"This statement is meant to say that maybe Michelin, in 2004, had more than a small hand in the results. More like an arm.
"I don't want to say that anyone is right or wrong, but only put forth my theory that aliens don't exist," added the San Carlo Honda Gresini rider, referring to the label applied to MotoGP's present big four of Rossi, Lorenzo, Casey Stoner and Dani Pedrosa.
And Melandri wasn't finished yet. He also gave his opinion on Rossi's 2011 plans and thinks it is simply too dangerous for Rossi to leave Yamaha if Lorenzo stays.
"I really want to see Valentino on the Ducati next year, but I think it is more likely he would go to Formula 1!" he wrote. "Not because the red bikes aren't competitive; I actually think they are much more competitive than you think. It is just hard for him to leave Lorenzo alone on the Yamaha, now that the bike has an incredible balance. It is too, too, too large a risk."
The Italian Grand Prix, the home event for both 2005 title runner-up Melandri and reigning seven time MotoGP champion, starts on Friday.
"In Italy they have a unique way of presenting bike racing to the general public: when Valentino wins and stages a celebration, it is an incredible show. But when others do it, they downplay the whole thing... hmmm!!!" said Melandri.
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nunalastor · 2 months
Anyone know the game Kindergarten? Puzzle game about a murder school. Alastor reminds me so much of the teacher, sometimes pretends to be professional but has a drug problem and wants all her students to die. Her entire plot line in the first game involves killing everyone and in the second game is about getting her more drugs because you killed her supplier. In one of the optional routes she will give you extra rewards “because there was blood involved and I got to watch” for killing a classmate and add that “I tried poisoning her once but apparently poison isn’t vegan enough for her.”
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