#putting words together recreationally
glitxlipse · 3 months
i need tango impulse skizz and mumbo team up next life series so i can get team tism
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notyuta · 2 years
you know what sometimes a song has some parts that sound like absolute ass but that doesn't mean it's not a slay
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been adding flavour text to the channels in my fic archive
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frogndtoad · 1 year
guy who is considering taking banjo lessons to start a flute-forward bluegrass-influenced experimental mathy emo band
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sweetashoneyhoney · 10 months
Oscar Wilde 🤝 Me
Saying stuff just because it sounds good
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littlecrittereli · 7 months
Random WK Headcanon dump
Here's a silly list of headcanons I have about team Wild Kratts, in no particular order other than what comes into my head first:
Martin and Chris are based off their real heights and I filled everyone else in based off how they look standing next to each other. I exaggerated Aviva and Koki's height a little bit, just for some variety.
Koki is the tallest at 6' (182.9 cm)
Martin is 5'10 (177.8 cm)
Jimmy is 5'9 (175.3 cm)
Chris is 5'8 (172.7 cm)
and Aviva is the shortest at 5'3 (160 cm)
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Martin is definitely the oldest at 25
Aviva is 24
Jimmy and Koki are both 23, Jimmy being a few months older
And Chris is runner up at 21
The reason for the small age gap is because Martin was ultimately the person that put together the Tortuga team when he graduated college, and he picked students that were also close to graduation at the time. Chris would have just been starting college, but would join them upon graduation because of his connection through Martin. Other freshmen at the time would not have qualified for the research grant.
Martin: Dec 23rd (he's a capricorn)
Aviva: Nov 4th (She's a scorpio)
Jimmy: April 20th (He's a taurus)
Koki: August 27th (She's a virgo)
Chris: July 19th (He's a cancer)
(Disclaimer this is referring to the fictional Wild Kratts animated characters ONLY. Not the actual people they are based on.)
Martin: he/him, bisexual. But his preference is women.
He's probably had a handful of girlfriends and a couple of boyfriends throughout high school and college, but unfortunately had too big of ambitions to settle down with anyone.
Aviva: she/her, bisexual. She doesn't have a preference.
She has probably been on like... 2 dates max. She has always been much more focused on her education and bettering her inventions than dating. Her only standard for a partnership is someone who can keep up with her intelligence. Or at least someone she can learn from and grow with.
Jimmy: he/him, straight.
He literally does not care, but he would probably kiss a man if the opportunity arose. Had a girlfriend in kindergarten and they spoke twice, but since she moved schools and they never officially broke up, he's still technically off the market.
Koki: she/they lesbian. SHE LIKES WOMEN
tried to date a man. regretted it. Has probably been in a couple semi-serious relationships, but didn't work out for various reasons. She's content to focus on her career for now but someday would love to be a mom.
Chris: he/they aroace
only proclaimed to have a crush on a girl in high school because everyone else was talking about crushes and he didn't want to feel left out. Doesn't really like to be touched in general. Would rather cut off his hand than be forced to hold someone else's in a non platonic way. When someone has a crush on him, he does not know how to respond so he literally just ignores them.
Silly Stuff:
-As a zoologist, Martin knows more about animal behaviors, classification, and identification. Meanwhile, Chris as a biologist knows more about the anatomy and general science of animals. For example, Martin would be able to explain the reasoning behind a firefly's glow while Chris would be able to explain the chemical reaction that makes the glow possible. And they are constantly sharing and learning from each other as well.
-Chris has glasses, he just doesn't really use them very often. They would get in the way of creature adventuring so he only wears them if he's reading or something. They aren't super crucial, it just helps with small words.
-Game nights are VERY serious on the Tortuga. Jimmy is suspiciously good at card/board games. He pretty much always wins. It's to the point where everyone else is on a team against him. Sometimes he lets them win and it has sent the entire team into a fight. Sorry has been banned in the Tortuga because of this.
-Koki's a huge theatre nerd. She participated in plays recreationally throughout high school, and will often hum or sing while she's doing a task.
-Martin plays the guitar and has a mediocre singing voice. It's nothing spectacular but he can carry a tune. Sometimes when the Tortuga is parked somewhere remote for the night, they will make a campfire and sing a few songs.
-Aviva has roller skates built into her shoes (SIDE NOTE: This is something we see very often in season 1 but they seemed to have forgotten about it??? or retconned it??? BUT I HATE IT BECAUSE THEY WERE SO COOL PLEASE BRING BACK THE ROLLER SKATES)
-Martin is a terrible driver. (The oldest sibling curse) He knows he's a terrible driver, but pretends he's not. Chris will usually try to take the driver's seat to prevent Martin from driving, but sometimes Martin beats him there. Will deflect any evidence of him being a bad driver. "That curb shouldn't have been there" Someone please revoke his license, he's a danger to society.
-Jimmy is definitely the best cook out of all of them. He makes food for the team most of the time, unless they are on a longer flight and he has to pilot. Koki and Chris are pretty competent chefs "Just read the recipe it's not that hard". Martin's basically limited to ramen noodles and microwave mac and cheese. Aviva, try as she might, can NOT cook. She will BURN water. (she always overcomplicates the recipes by trying to utilize an invention or something)
-Koki likes to crochet. She likes to keep her hands busy so whenever she's doing a rather boring task, like monitoring for bad weather/villains while the bros are out, she crochets.
-Jimmy gets insane jet lag, and since they are bouncing from different time zones all the time, he can never really catch up. Not to mention he has to stay up for irregular hours to fly the Tortuga. This is why he's always napping, and why the others usually leave him alone to sleep unless it's important.
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what they’ll say about us (j.h.s.)
a/n: this is my new hockey AU! i danced and ice skated as a kid but was only ever able to do it recreationally and i know nothing about hockey so this has taken some research but there is still going to be inaccuracies. please bear with me! a lot of this will be explained as the story progresses but in order to understand this story, you need to know that the reader is Bradley Bradshaw’s little sister. Goose lives but Carole dies of cancer when Bradley was 8. Goose left the Navy to care for his kids, but Maverick and Ice stayed & are still in the Navy at the time of this story (me writing Icemav in again lol). also, Charlie had a promising ice skating career that she gave up for her contract work - she ends up re-locating in San Diego to work as a coach. Cyclone is ex-Navy and coaches a hockey team (because I said so). that should be everything; please enjoy!!
summary: (Re-)Meeting Jake Seresin and every moment after. 
touch | main masterlist | top gun: maverick masterlist | house of gold masterlist 
warnings: food mentions, mentions of depression, parent death, cheating, i did research but i still made shit up anyways
word count: 2,354
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The cool bite of the air around the ice nips at your skin as you push away from the edge of the rink, calling out for your duo partner. He turns, offering you a grin. “Well, if it isn’t my favorite Bradshaw.”
You smirk, accepting his hug as you glide over to him.
Just three months younger than you, you and Tyler had skated in the rink together forever, it seems like. There wasn’t a day since you had started skating in the first place where the two of you hadn’t skated together, whether it was competitive or performative or just for fun. 
Off the rink, the two of you had known each other since you were in diapers practically. Bradley befriending Natasha Trace on the first day of kindergarten had meant the Trace and Bradshaw families were fast friends. 
Tyler had been an ever-present constant. His family had been there since your Mom’s cancer diagnosis, even though you were far too young to remember those years, and everything that came after. It was his family who had suggested you take your ballet training and put it towards something useful when you got diagnosed with depression at just 11. It had been you Tyler had come out to when you were 16. 
As you had gotten older though, as your skills progressed, your coach, Charlotte Blackwood, had pulled you for more solo performances every year. She talked a big game, planting ideas of the Olympics and national titles into your head, much to your father’s dismay. She knew you had the most potential when you stepped out on the ice alone, commanding everyone’s attention to you and you alone. 
Meaning that this year would be the first time in a few years that the two of you would skate a competitive piece together, along with a solo piece. When Charlie had told you the news, calling to schedule the practices, you had been thrilled.
You hadn’t seen Tyler as much as you would’ve liked over the last year, focusing more on your routine that would end up making you one of the highest-ranked skaters in the state of California than you did anything else, including your graduation from high school. 
Charlie always told you to have your eye on the prize, to think long-term, and you knew exactly what long-term she was thinking of.
Charlie didn’t need to know just yet that somewhere eulogy the way your long-term had diverged from hers, a whole new goal on the horizon. 
“How was New York?” You ask, pulling away from him. 
He shrugs. “You know how it is.” 
You laugh, reaching out to nudge his shoulder. “Actually, I don’t know how it is. Never been to New York, remember?” 
He gives a half-shrug as he grins. “Well, maybe you will someday soon. You still thinking about Juilliard?” 
You nod. “Yes, but shush about that in front of my brother. And Charlie. No one knows I’ve been talking to one of their scouts. It’s a surprise.” 
He tilts his head. “Surprise or secret?”
“Secret.” You say, giving him a look. “And we aren’t discussing Juilliard anymore, so quit asking me about it.” 
He sighs, nodding as he accepts your statement. “Speaking of your brother, I heard from Nat that the team’s getting a new co-captain.” 
You raise an eyebrow. 
The accomplishment your brother treasured most in this world was leading his team as their Captain for what would be the third year in a row. The team had done well under him, looking up to him and following his lead, even beating out the rival team for a spot at the regional tournament last year. 
Having to give up that sole responsibility to share with someone else was not something he would take lightly. 
“Brad’s not gonna be thrilled.” You pause, biting your lip as you think through his words again. “Wait, how does Nat even know about that?” 
“Coach Simpson texted their group chat to warn them of their new arrival today. Bradley got the text while he was at my house.” 
You furrow your eyebrows, a pit settling in your stomach at the look in his eyes. “Why do I get the feeling there’s more to this that I’m not gonna like?” 
Tyler offers you a knowing grin, crossing his arms. “Word on the street is that it’s Jake Seresin.” 
The sound of lockers opening and closing echoing through the locker room greets his ears. He takes a deep breath for the storm he’s about to walk into, shouldering the locker room doors open. Simpson’s already waiting for him, glancing up from his watch. 
“Ah, Seresin, you’re right on time.” 
“Hey Coach.” He says, taking a step forward into the locker room as the team takes notice of his presence. “Thanks for having me and letting me join.” 
“Well, I’d be a fool not to take someone of your caliber, kid.” Simpson clears his throat, cutting off the muttered whispers echoing through the row of players. “As you all saw in my text to you earlier today, we are joined by a new co-captain this season. I expect you all to treat him as you would any other player. Bradshaw-” Simpson calls out, waiting for the brunette to meet his eye. “I expect you to behave in the way I demand from my captains. That means no fights on and off the ice. Do we understand?” 
Bradley nods, even as the way his eyes narrow at Jake says otherwise. “Yes Coach.” 
“Good. Any rivalry that the two of you might have had between one another is behind you, do you understand?” 
“Yes Coach.” Both he and Bradley say, pulling themselves up to their full heights. 
Simpson sighs, in a way that signals he probably knows trying to get Jake and Bradley to put their differences behind them is futile. 
“Welcome to the team Jake.” 
Your face dropped. 
Tyler smirks, nodding his head. “Yes. your favorite-” You make a noise of disgust in the back of your throat. “-rival captain has come to join the team this year.” 
You groan, reaching up to rub your temple. “I don’t even know what to say to that.” 
“I’m just not sure what’s going to be worse. The fact that he knew you personally and still kept Robinson’s cheating a secret or the absolute beating your brother is going to give him.” 
“I never should’ve dated Brett.” You mumble. 
He snorts. “Dating someone on the rival team was not one of your smartest decisions, I’ll give you that.”
“I’m not ever going to live it down, am I?” 
He sighs, shaking his head. “’M afraid not.” 
“Okay, you two.” Charlie voice echoes form across the ice. “Sorry I’m running behind, there was a bit of confusion as to who had the ice and for how long today.” 
“’S okay.” Tyler calls out. “Baby Bradshaw and I were just getting caught up on the drama of the new hockey captain.” 
You toss him a withering look while Charlie sighs. “Don’t even mention their new Captain, Trace. You know how I feel about the two of you hanging around Cyclone’s team.” 
“I’m never dating another hockey player ever again, cross my heart hope to die.” You saw, raising a hand. 
“Why would you, after the hell Robinson put you through?” 
“That’s enough Ty. Have you guys warmed up yet? I want to start in on our choreography for the routine as soon as possible.” 
“I warmed up before I got on the ice.” 
“Same here.” 
“Great. Take a couple laps you two, and then we’ll be getting into the skills.” 
The two of you push off, skating away from her. 
“Well, you excited to be back? Even with Juillard on the mind?” 
“I said we weren’t talking about that anymore. As of this moment, forget I ever even told you about it. But yes, I’m excited to be back on the ice. Never stops feeling like home.” 
He claps Javy on the shoulder as he walks past. “Good to see you Machado.”
The man squints at him as he walks past. “Saw you last night, Jake.” 
He chuckles, shaking his head as he steps over the bench in between Javy and another player known by the nickname Fritz. “That you did Machado.” 
Javy shrugs, standing up as he pulls his locker open. “That happens when you live together. You know, you see one another.” 
He pushes the man’s shoulder as Javy laughs. He pulls the locker next to Javy open after Javy gives him an affirming nod from the questioning look Jake shoots him. 
“Don’t worry, we’ll get you a plaque with your name on it soon enough. Then everyone will know exactly which locker belongs to the esteemed Jake ‘Hangman’-” 
Both he and Javy turn, facing Bradshaw. Bradley’s drawn up to his full height, eyes dark, voice firm. Fritz mumbles something under his breath, earning him a nasty look from the brunette. 
“Yes Bradshaw?” He says, forcing a sickly sweet smile. It’s polite, but it’s fake, and everyone in the locker room knows it. “How may I help you?” 
“Don’t get too comfortable here, Seresin. You’ll be out of here before you can say boo.” 
He cocks his head. “Is that a threat?” 
“It’s a promise.” 
“Ay, Charlie! You were supposed to be off the ice fifteen minutes ago!” Cyclone shouts as you skate past. You pause, slowing down as you turn to see the approaching hockey team. 
She narrows her eyes, skating over to the edge of the rink. “We have it for another fifteen minutes. I checked.” 
“That’s not possible.” 
She tilts her head. “Can’t help it if you got your ice times mixed up Coach.” 
“Bradley.” You hiss. Your brother turns his head away from the normal occurrence of the two coaches bickering to where you’re standing on the ice. “Are you still driving me home after practice?” 
He nods. “Yes, because Dad’s having dinner with Ice and Slider tonight, remember?” 
You nod. “Yeah, I vaguely remember him telling me that.” 
He shakes his head. “Jesus, I think you need to pay attention more when Dad talks to you.” 
“I don’t think it’s a matter of paying attention. Dad really only communicates with me via group chat.” 
“You’re so dramatic, you know that right?” 
“Baby Bradshaw.” A voice calls from behind your brothers shoulder, the boys moving to reveal Jake Seresin. Bradley half-turns, giving Jake a look that would put him six feet under. Jake doesn’t seem to care too much, his gaze burning you as he holds eye contact. “Good to see you again.” He says, offering you the charming smile he offers any girl he’s trying to woo. 
You would recognize the mega-watt smile from anywhere, memories of him flashing it to girls who was trying to bed at after-game celebrations you shouldn’t have been at in the first place flashing through your mind. 
“Funny Seresin, can’t say the same about you.” 
His hand flies up to his heart. “Ooo, you wound me baby. Dost thou really hate me so much?” 
“Hey!” Charlie calls, catching your attention. She snaps towards the ice where Tyler is practicing his triple quad jump. “Go.” 
You sigh, skating away from the ice. Distantly, you hear Reuben chuckle. 
“Man Seresin, if you’re gonna survive on this team, the first and foremost thing you need to know is to stay away from Bradley Bradshaw’s baby sister.”
You yawn, tucking your knees up to your chest as you realize your phone is about to die. A quick glance up to the rink tells you that they are deep into a play, and even if they got off the ice at that exact second, it’ll be at least another half hour before Bradley’s ready to leave. 
You click the device off, slipping it into the side pocket of your bag as you curl further up into yourself. A dying phone was a problem that could not be solved without a phone charger and you were straight out of luck there, having left yours on the floor of your bedroom this morning. 
You could probably sleep, the practice running into the late hours as you waited for your brother to finish up. You close your eyes, the sound soft of the whistles and hockey sticks a comforting noise, a familiar one you welcome as you begin to doze off.
“Hey.” A voice calls, and you yawn again as you blink, clearing the sleep from your eyes. You look up to see your coach pulling her car keys from her bag. “You’re not home yet?” 
You shake your head, stretching out your legs. “No, not yet. Simpson kept them late. Again.” 
“And your Dad?” 
“He went to dinner with Uncle Ice and Sli. You know how it is.” She nods, frowning slightly as she glanced at the time on her watch. 
“They’re still out at- 11:33?” 
You shrug. “I didn’t think to ask. I’ve waited later for Brad.” 
You would’ve asked had you not already known he wouldn’t have responded.
She sighs. “Well, I’ll drive you home, okay? It’s late and I know you have ballet early in the morning.” 
You nod, grabbing the bag of gear from the bench it was resting on as you waved a hand to your brother. He caught the movement, raising a hand back, before he focused in on practice, zeroing in on the play. 
“You haven’t had dinner yet, have you?” 
You shake your head as Charlie holds the door of the rink open for you. “No. I think Brad and I were just gonna eat leftovers or something when we got back to the house.” 
“Well, how about we stop at McDonald’s on the way to the house?” 
You raise an eyebrow at your coach. “Oh, it’s a McDonald’s night, now is it?”
She offers you a soft smile. “Why not? It is the first practice of the season. Might as well reward yourself before the hard work begins.”
You don’t miss the fact that Jake’s eyes are on you the whole time. 
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aboyshapeddog · 8 months
WIP ⚠️
A new kind of Bliss
Relationships: Staci Pratt/Jacob Seed
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Drug Use, DubCon, Rough S❈x, kind of a Dead Dove: Do Not Eat moment, Smut, Scent Kink if you squint, Abuse
Staci was no stranger to the effects of Bliss, clouding his mind around the edges while still keeping him focused. He thought it even improved his trial performance on an occasion or two, but that would never be enough reason for him to try it recreationally. Still, he didn't exactly have a choice when Faith came to him with a tester batch she needed some "volunteers" for. But now, the world in a different kind of haze, Staci almost had the mind to regret his decision. He felt, drunk maybe? Warm, definitely. Dizzy. And . . . Slow. This wasn't like the bliss he'd tried before, this felt like it could get messy. He had to really lock in.
This feeling hadn't fully crossed Staci's mind before he found himself in Jacobs office, still holding his clipboard, and stumbling far closer to Jacob than any sane man in the camp would attempt. But the deputy couldn't bring himself to care. Everything seemed funny, Jacobs scowl and harsh tone, what was he even saying? Jacob was so much closer now, leering down at Staci. It didn’t frighten him this time, he felt-
"Did you hear a single word I said?” Staci looked around the room, as if he’d find some clue to piece together everything he’d just missed, as if there were anyone else Jacob could���ve been talking to. "Umm, No." The taller mans jaw clenched, and he puffed out a slow stream of air from his nostrils. It was funny again. "No, Sir.", he corrected himself. Jacob was talking again, but it blurred to background noise as Pratt focused on the tightly crossed arms in front of him, angry red fingers flexing into biceps, biceps shifting the fabric of Jacob’s thin cotton t-shirt.
When did he have time to find shirts that fit so well, maybe that was part of his intimidation tactics- “Pratt.” Staci’s train of thought was cut abruptly as Jacob had grabbed the younger man, calculatedly rotating his arms, holding his head still by the jaw, examining him like an owner might an injured dog "What the hell is wrong with you?" The Herald paused, looking into Pratt's eyes; slow to focus on anything, the Deputy’s dark eyes darker for the size of his pupils. "Fucking Bliss", Jacob couldn't count how many times he'd said that this week alone. With Hope County's favorite law enforcement running around causing more trouble than they were worth, the youngest Seed had taken the liberty of green-lighting the testing faze of her “Experimental Bliss Recipe- different strengths for . . . different uses, don't worry your pretty head too much Brother"; her own little MKULTRA, and that in itself was worrying. This was more worrying.
Staci leaned in to the touch, half for stability, and half for something he didn’t have the mind to think too hard about. Jacob watched as Staci almost nuzzled into his hand, big eyes blinking slowly up at him, defenseless. He was quiet then, something in his gut twisting, his tongue going dry in his mouth as the Deputy stepped closer, smelling him. Staci let out a little laugh- fuck he had to be out of his mind. “Wow, you smell really good.”
He felt like a fox in the hen house. No. He was a wolf with a little rabbit hopping around, right in front of his teeth. He felt big, and strong, like this poor little thing was completely at his mercy; and he liked feeling big. “Pratt”, he warned before catching himself “Wake up.” The slap was sharp, caught along with Staci’s jaw in his other hand, it had to have made the Deputy’s ears ring. Jacob put his teeth away.
“OW!” Staci whined loud, shaking his dopey head like the pain would fall out. Of all the begging and writhing he’d managed to tear from Pratt, this was the most pathetic. It made his blood hot. Even now, they both felt the space between them was far too small. “You are out of it.” Jacob had barely finished speaking before Staci’s“uhhh, yeah” cut him off, “Faith stopped by today, she told me-“ the Deputy’s eyebrows creased “she told me. . .” he looked off, genuinely separated from his train of thought just a moment ago, smiling. “oh, what were we talking about?”
Jacob had to remind himself that he didn’t have time to waste on trivial things, this included. “You’re going to the cage, to sleep this off”, he stated as more of a decree than a conversation piece. Soldiers are no good to him if they can’t think for themselves; Well, no good if they can’t take direction. He grabbed Pratt by the collar of his shirt, and started dragging him back to the door.
“Wait, WAIT!” Pratt’s poor little rabbit heart must be beating out of his chest. “Jacob PLEASE not again, don’t do that, DONT DO THIS TO ME. I’ll-I’ll be good, I was good. I listened to Faith.” The Seed couldn’t pretend he didn’t like seeing Pratt squirm, or try to barter with him like he had a leg to stand on. That tiny bit of fight against someone he couldn’t dream of beating, the display made him hot all over again.
“Good.” Jacob paused, and everything paused,“You have been good haven’t you.” The air couldn’t’ve been stiller. Pratt’s heartbeat in his own ears almost overtook the sound of Jacob’s voice. “Yeah. Yes Sir. I have. I really have.” It sounded like a prayer. Both of Staci’s hands came to cup around Jacob’s own and it felt like one. Down flat on his ass, panting, pulse racing, and looking up with those ditzy, wet, dark eyes. Jacob repositioned himself as he spoke. “You did what Faith asked of you, and then you came right back to me; Isn’t that right?” He had his hands on the younger man again, one now holding firm by Pratt’s throat, the other brushing stray hairs and a tear from his face. “Yes, Sir.” He must’ve started crying when Jacob mentioned the cage. “I want to be good. Please.” It came out as a whisper but oh this was new. Pratt didn’t ask for things, he asked NOT for things when he was desperate. Don’t kill me, Don’t starve me, please Don’t lock me up again. As much as it pissed him off it also intrigued him, the Deputy would never be this talkative with him. There must be something real special about this new bliss. Even with his brain working at what seemed like half speed he still knew to obey, to grovel, and Jacob hadn’t missed how when Staci wasn’t cowering he seemed to be devouring the oldest Seed with his eyes. Drooling. What exactly had Faith done to him?
“Please what, Peaches.” that was it, he’d loved using the attack animal’s name for Pratt, to rub a little dirt in the wound when he had to follow some particularly vicious orders. It didn’t seem to take that effect. As if he hadn’t just been slapped and dragged, Pratt’s wet eyes stayed glued hot on Jacob’s hands as he licked his lips, not yet coming up with an answer.
Jacob grunted, turning to unravel himself from the Deputy before he was interrupted by a shaky hand moving to his thigh, he inhaled sharply. This, he was not expecting. “Please can I-“ it was taking everything in Staci to get the right words out, he finally made eye contact with Jacob again “-would you let me be good for you, Sir?”
Staci didn’t know what he was expecting but it wasn’t a hand massaging through his scalp. The younger man slowly opened the eyes he didn’t realize he had shut, and took in Jacob’s expression; mouth slightly parted in minute but unmistakable shock, then closing fast into his normal mask of stoicism. “And how do you plan on doing that for me, Deputy?”
Staci straightened himself out on his knees, now directly in front of Jacob. Staci focused on his hands, moving them achingly slowly up Jacob’s calves, delicately into the pits of his knees, and up backs of his thighs; two sets of eyes locked onto his movements. He switched to one hand then, steadying the right to hold the older man in place, and the left continuing up the front of the taller man’s well worn jeans; stopping to rub hard with his thumb, and tracing circles on the meat of Jacob’s upper thigh. He could feel the muscles twitch under his hands; Staci licked his pink, chapped, lips. It was like the fear earlier had cleared the fog from his mid, he had to be insane to seriously go through with this; he took a steadying breath.
Now Staci was looking up at his captor with tear dried cheeks, through wet lashes. Jacob felt his teeth come out.
Staci’s hand moved inch by inch to the zipper, like any moment God would strike him down for his trangressions. He was almost right, in a moments notice Jacob made quick work of finishing the job himself, batting Staci’s hand away and replacing it with his own. Jacob unzipped his pants and used his grip, now in Staci’s hair to pull his face right up against his exposed grey boxers. “Is this what you wanted, Pratt? Is this why you came in here? Hmm?” His voice was low, and growly, Pratt could feel it as much as he could hear it. The nodding of his head was so slow and minute Jacob thought he could’ve been seeing things. “I need an answer, Pratt.” He was just gloating at this point, his apparently drug-dumb attack dog was practically salivating at the sight of his boxers. Too slow to even compute what he’d gotten himself into. Pratt pulled his nose from its position crushed against the larger man’s pubic bone, not before inhaling his scent deeply, “Yes, Sir.”
Jacob ran his thumb over Pratt’s bottom lip and pushed, guiding his mouth open, “That’s a good boy, Peaches.” He ran his thumb slowly down to the Deputy’s chin, cupping it and using his leverage to push his cock down the man’s throat. Staci choked immediately, tears filling his eyes again. He kept them on Jacob, he smiled “Such a good boy.” Shallow thrusts invaded Staci’s mouth, he felt like he would explode. His own cock completely stiff was trapped behind the fly of his jeans, agonizing him with every minute push.
Jacob pulled himself out fully, giving Pratt a minute to cough and suck in some deep breaths “You want me to cum in your fuckin throat, Peaches? Or on your pretty little face?” He punctuated the last sentence by slapping his spit slick cock against the Deputy’s cheek. “On my-“ he panted for breath he couldn’t hold, “on my uh-“ Jacob didn’t wait, “Wrong answer, Pratt.” He shoved himself back into Pratt’s mouth and fucked it the same way he would any toy, drinking in the wet choking, whining, and moaning he could hear through the muffle in his prey’s mouth. Drool coated Staci’s chin and dropped on to the floor below them. “I see you getting messy boy, you’re not gonna lose a drop of this though are you?” Staci was too busy trying to figure out how to hump his own legs to care when Jacob manually moved his head up and down in a nod up and down on his cock. “Fuckin Christ” The Herald groaned, picking up his pace. “Heh.” He panted. “Be a good boy a swallow all this down for me, Pratt.”
He came down Staci’s throat with a few rough pumps, the Deputy’s throat spasming trying to accommodate all that was forced down. Staci could swear it was going to start coming out of his nose. But then just as soon as it started, Jacob had pulled out and tucked himself away, breathing heavy through his nose. “Fucking hell, Pratt” he sighed, taking in Staci’s own situation, feeling generous.
“You want any help with that, Deputy?”, he was gloating again. He didn’t wait for an answer. Lifting the deputy up to his feet with one arm across his chest, he freed his cock from the tight jean zipper. The air in the room was shocking cold to his hot sweaty skin. “Oh and would you look at that.” Staci turned away from himself, shutting his eyes again, completely embarrassed. The head was shiny, and wet partly down the shaft from the precum that oozed in Staci’s boxers.
Jacob’s free hand shoved two fingers in Staci’s mouth, soaking them in his thick saliva; he then spit in his hand for good measure before gripping Staci’s cock.
Staci mewled and Jacob bit him, hard, teeth sinking into the junction between his neck and shoulder, and he began pumping his fist around Staci hard and fast. The Deputy’s squirming wouldn’t do much, energy exhausted and horny beyond belief, all Staci could do was drool, whine, beg, and try not to let his knees give out. It wasn’t long before he was cumming to, the overstimulation, the sensitivity, and Jacob’s hot grunts into his neck all pushed him over the edge with a toe curling orgasm.
The Herald helped him down to his knees and tucked him back into his pants, kissing the angry red bite he had left Staci as a souvenir. Jacob exited and re-entered to room as Staci continued trying to calm his breath, a roll of paper towels was dropped at his side. “Clean this up.” Staci waited a moment before speaking, throat raw from use, and still catching his breath“Yes, Jacob”.
The oldest Seed checked himself in the mirror before readying to leave, “And don’t come in to my office high again. Or i’ll do you much, much worse.” The pause this time was organic, Staci shocked into momentary silence before cracking a smile. “Yes, Jacob”.
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blorbocedes · 7 days
i think i followed you for a funny liveblog text post i was like hmmm this person sure knows how to put words together recreationally also they know wheel. stayed for the rancid fic & elite taste in yaoi <3
being a wheel understander in f1blr is being a fish out of water like we need to open the school fr.....
I enjoy race liveblogging and I always know who are the Real Ones because I lose followers after it but I keep doing it to weed out the weak
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risingchaos · 3 months
Fandom: Star Trek: The Next Generation
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Rating: Teen and Up
Relationship: Geordi La Forge & William Riker
Characters: Geordi La Forge, William Riker
Additional Tags: Coming Out, Late Night Conversations, Gay Geordi La Forge, Pansexual William Riker, Implied/Referenced Sex, It’s just briefly mentioned
Language: English
Words: 1,174
Chapters/ 1/1
Summary: Riker finds it strange that Geordi never enjoys women’s advances on him. He’s determined to find out why.
It shouldn’t have surprised Riker when he saw Geordi hadn’t put in for their upcoming shore leave on Risa. Honestly he never did, and while that was fine, truly, he was just.. curious. Most of the senior officers were planning on a little R&R, they’d even managed to convince Data to join in this time for some new human experiences, which he definitely hoped would get Geordi’s attention.
Riker also had a little theory he was working on, but first he needed to ask something.
See, every time they went to a pleasure planet of any kind, Geordi almost never participated. If he had to go down as part of his duties, he was the strictest professional you’d ever seen. Rejecting advances like a pro, swerving any woman that tried to proposition him or even get too close. If they convinced him to come down recreationally, honestly he just looked uncomfortable. Not enough for most people to notice, and he was sure Geordi’s eyes being covered helped conceal whatever emotion he was feeling, but enough for Riker to pick up on. The tensed shoulders, set jaw, and once again, turning down the women who tried to help him relax a little.
If the man was just asexual or something similar, Riker would’ve dropped it a long time ago. But he knew he wasn’t. Because he’d asked. All he got in return was a rueful smile and a light chuckle, a simple “nope” and a change of topic. Plus, he knows Geordi’s.. gotten busy before, for lack of a better term. He’s seen him disappear for a good couple hours or even a night, coming back with a different spring in his step and rumpled clothing, and if he was teased, he always returned a smile and said he’d never kiss and tell. Which was fine, really, it all was fine, but something about it irked Riker.
Geordi was amongst friends here, and it felt like he was covering up something. They just wanted what was best for him. Riker wanted what was best for him. And that was why he was on his way down to Engineering where he knew there’d be almost no one at this time, so he could talk to Geordi alone, and maybe ask some questions.
“Mr. La Forge!” Riker called out as he walked into the, as predicted, pretty empty Engineering floor. He could see two people off in the far corner crowded together behind some screen, and he was pretty sure an analysis was being run by the warp core, but he knew he’d get Geordi alone with no one around to hear. Good.
“Commander!” Geordi popped up from the floor by the center console, smiling lightly at his friend. “What can I do you for?”
Start small. “How are things running down here?”
“Fit as a fiddle, Commander. I’ve sent most of the crew to go rest, I’ve got a couple working some diagnostics and here just in case, but she’s running smoothly.” He patted the console twice, leaning against it to look at Riker properly. “We should get to Risa with no issues.”
“Good, good.” He moved to stand across from Geordi, mirroring the other’s lean against the console there. “If everything’s great down here, why didn’t you put in for shore leave?”
A pause. “I’m sorry?”
“Why didn’t you put in for shore leave? I’m sure you could use the break.”
He chuckled, a little nervous, and moved to input something next to Riker at the console. “To be honest, I’m just not all that interested in Risa, Sir.”
“Data’s coming. We convinced him that it would be a good human experience. I’m sure he’d feel more comfortable with you there.” He knew it was low, but, hopefully, it would work. Just to get Geordi out of here for a minute.
Geordi straightened, fixing Riker with a stare. “Please tell me you’re not trying to get Data laid.”
That earned a laugh. “No! No, I know he can’t get, y’know, pent up like everyone else.” Geordi had already turned away and missed the pointed look Riker sent him. “Okay good, just making sure. I never know.”
Riker couldn’t help but smile a bit. “Don’t worry. Plenty of beautiful women down there for the rest of us, I think we’ll be fine.”
“Yeah.” Geordi nodded once, not looking up from the screen. “Sure.”
That gave Riker a little pause. He had to approach this carefully, he knew that, if he wanted Geordi to open up just a little to him.
“Plenty of beautiful men too.” Riker shrugged, making sure to not look at how Geordi tensed next to him. “I know I’ve had a good time or two.”
Riker watched out of the corner of his eye as Geordi did what could only be described as glitching. He paused, head tilting in a way that seemed to mimic Data, before jerkily turning his head up to Riker.
So, Riker continued.
“The last time I was there,” he let out a low whistle, smiling, “I met this human guy. Gorgeous, just sculpted- I mean, you don’t need all the details, but you get the idea. He was there on vacation too. Fantastic night.”
Finally, he looked down at Geordi. “Commander?” Then continued when he got no response. “Geordi?”
“Sorry, I just- um, I didn’t, realize you’re- you were..?”
“Pan. Pansexual.”
“And they’re..?”
Riker’s heart broke in realization that Geordi was afraid of his friends being bigoted about this. Geez, what had happened to him to make him think that?
“No one cares. I mean, some lower staff were rude about it, but none of our friends or anyone on the bridge gives a shit.” He made sure to make his best eye contact with Geordi for this next part. “And if someone did, they’d have to report to the Captain, who is not very nice about discrimination. Which is why those lower staff aren’t on board anymore.”
Geordi nodded, slow and small, like he was letting Riker’s words settle in his chest. Riker let him take all the time he needed.
“I..” He straightened, clearing his throat and shifting his weight. His hands still held on to the end of the console, leaning on it for mild support. “I’m uh, I’m gay, Will.”
Riker nodded, slow and steady, just for his friend. “Okay. I won’t bother you about women anymore, huh?”
That got the exact response he was going for, a small chuckle as tension bled out of the man in front of him. Riker smiled something warm and clapped the other on the shoulder, starting to walk out before pausing and turning to him.
“Submit for shore leave. I think you’d like Risa.” His smile turned mischievous as he added on. “I could be your wingman.”
Riker left to the tune of Geordi’s loud laugh, waving once before leaving. He didn’t see the sigh Geordi let out right after, looking down at the console.
Deanna took note of a weight getting lifted.
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heottokes · 2 years
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𝐚𝐜𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐞. 40. only exception
acquiesce v. to accept something reluctantly but without protest. two strangers are trying to rewrite their story that was already written for them but to do that they need each other. yoongi needs y/n to keep his only dream alive and y/n needs yoongi to keep her secret hidden. so the two strangers form an unlikely alliance of playing pretend.
word count: 8.5k
꒰ m.list ➭ before • after ꒱
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You laid on your bed recalling the past few weeks. It was weird to accept reservations again especially given your feelings for Yoongi, but it didn’t help that you had an unsettling feeling towards Jack. He felt like a ticking time bomb. The sporadic emotions aren’t a big red flag in your line of work. In fact, it is a common quality for a client to have. But there was just something off about him. You just can’t quite put your finger on it. 
Your thoughts were interrupted by the special tune playing from your phone. Your heart accelerated at hearing Yoongi’s ringtone. Whenever it played, you felt like he was standing right in front of you. You rolled on your stomach and messaged him with a schoolgirl smile on your face. Without missing a beat, you jumped off your bed taking off your pyjamas to get dressed. 
You had to stop yourself from sprinting to his studio. You couldn’t go there out of breath otherwise he would know just how excited you were to see him. Your mind flashed back to the moment he slipped the slippers on your feet to replace your heels. You felt like a princess. It felt like a scene from the movies. You never thought such a romantic scene would happen to you and be done by Yoongi, no less. Your face was flushed, and you had to stop the grin from splitting your face. If Yoongi had turned back, you could imagine the scowl forming on his face from seeing your state. He would think you’re going to tease him for his kindness. 
“Y/n! I haven’t seen you in forever.” Mrs. Seo greeted once she saw you. 
You give her a bashful smile. It was an awkward situation. Do you tell her you’ve broken up or is that too much information? “Yeah, I’ve been busy with uni things.” 
“No need to explain love,” Mrs. Seo reassured. “Go right on through,” She gestures over to the studio rooms.  
You bid her goodbye and head towards Yoongi’s studio room. Not bothering to knock since he might have his headphones on, you send him a text letting him know you’re outside his door. A couple of seconds pass before the door opens revealing Yoongi. “Did you already forget the passcode?” Yoongi asks not even greeting you. 
He steps aside and lets you in. “No, but I thought it would be weird if I just let myself in.” You head towards the coffee table where two empty wine glasses were and started pouring the wine you brought as promised. 
“I gave you the passcode because I didn’t mind if you let yourself in.” Yoongi explained as he shuts the door behind him. You pursed your lips at his words. Stop overthinking. You berated yourself. He didn’t mean anything else by it.  
You give him a smile handing him a glass. “Duly noted.” You picked up your glass and head to his desk sitting down on your usual seat. “So, what have you been working on?” 
Yoongi sat down and took a sip before navigating his way into his files. He handed you his headphones while he set up the audio. “This is the track, Hyewon and I worked on together for class.” He played a track called ‘So Far Away’. 
Your eyes close as soon as the music begins. That was one thing Yoongi loved about showing his music to you. He loved how seriously you took it even though you had no interest in music besides listening to it recreationally. The second Yoongi’s voice appeared your heart squeezed. It was an effect Yoongi always had on you. As you listened to his voice and take in the words he was rapping, you had to fight the shiver coming from your spine. It was amazing to you how he managed to convey his feelings, his story, and his passion into his music. It never fails to take you to another place. 
The second Hyewon’s verse started your jaw drops and you look at Yoongi. “She can sing?!” You shouted since you had noise-cancelling headphones on. You can only see Yoongi laugh in response. As the song continues, you found yourself looking at Yoongi. As his words flowed into your brain, you couldn’t help but search his face for any sign of truth. You admired his passion and love for music, but does he really feel so hopeless? The song ends and Yoongi waits for your feedback. You pull the headphones back and rest it against your neck. “Wow, Yoongi that song was really moving. I don’t really know what to say.” Yoongi smiles and thanks you. You watch him as he starts looking for the next track. He looks at you and gestures for you to put the headphones on. “Do you really feel that way?” You gathered the courage to ask. 
Yoongi thinks about your question. You felt like you pushed his limit and was about to take it back when he answers, “I used to; before I started uni. I felt like I would never get to do what I wanted because of my parents. I thought it was a hopeless dream. I thought it would be a hopeless life to live if I didn’t get to do this. But thankfully, somehow, I am doing just that.” He gives you a smile after his answer. 
“I’m glad,” You smile and look at his computer displaying his work. “That you get to do what you love.” 
You hear him laugh so you turn back to him. “You always seem happier than me that I’m doing music.” 
“I can’t help but be happy when the people I love are doing what they love.” Yoongi’s smile drops as surprise replaces his features. You realise what you just said and clear your throat. You turn back to his computer to avoid his gaze. “What’s this song?” You hover the mouse pointer to a song title that caught your eye. 
Yoongi turns to the screen and as he read the track title, ‘My Muse’, he moves the mouse away and opens a different song. “Nothing!” He says too quickly making you tilt your head. “It’s not ready yet so I can’t show you.” 
You pout. He has shown you demos before so what’s the big deal? “So, you’ll show me once it’s ready?” 
“Yep. When I’m ready.” Yoongi nods gesturing for you to put on the headphones. 
───────── ☾ • ☽ ──────────
You hadn’t even reached the table before Jungkook and Taehyung jumped on you. “God, you’re so dramatic!” You roll your eyes but hugged them back. 
“Tell us everything!” Jungkook pulls you down to the seat next to him while Taehyung sits across from you. 
“Nothing to tell.” You shrugged making the boys frown. 
“You’ve been hanging out alone lately? I thought you guys weren’t supposed to be doing that?” Taehyung refers to the agreement you’ve made with Yoongi to keep things civil for your mutual friends. 
You bit the inside of your cheek thinking about his point. “I mean we were doing that, but I don’t know it just started happening and it wasn’t as awkward as it used to be for some reason.” 
“Does that have anything to do with Hyewon clearing things up?” Taehyung points out. 
“Yeah, well, on my end it makes sense. I feel a lot better now knowing that there isn’t anything going on between them, but it doesn’t make sense on Yoongi’s end.” You started thinking about how you and Yoongi started hanging out in the first place. You never really thought about it since you were simply happy at the fact that you two were finally “normal” with each other. “Like, I’m not sure what happened on his end, but I guess, he’s more comfortable to hang out now.” 
“Wait, so who’s asking to hang out?” Jungkook asks with a bunny smile on his face. 
You hummed thinking about it. “Yoongi’s the one who’s been initiating it most of the time.” Jungkook doesn’t say anything but seems satisfied with your answer by the grin on his face. 
───────── ☾ • ☽ ────────── 
After speaking to Jungkook and Taehyung, they made you realise that you weren't making the same effort in repairing your friendship like Yoongi is. Ever since the air was cleared about Hyewon and Taehyung, Yoongi seemed to go back to how it used to be. You were ecstatic that your relationship with him was finally becoming what you both promised once the deal was over, friends. So why haven't you asked Yoongi to hang out? 
“An arcade really?” Yoongi asks once he sees the place you led him to. 
You took his arm and dragged him towards the door. “Yes! It'll be fun to beat you.” You teased dragging him straight to the arcade hoops – the game you’re most confident in. An evil smile crosses your face as you gesture to Yoongi to stand next to you. “I have to warn you, I'm pretty good at this.” 
Yoongi chuckles taking the slot next to you. “Really? Should we put a wager on then?” 
You turn your body towards him with your head held high. “What do you have in mind?” 
“If I win, you shout me dinner.”  
You roll your eyes. “It's always about food, huh?” 
Yoongi crosses his arms smirking. “And what do you want if you win?” 
“When I win,” You stepped closer challenging Yoongi. “You have to play the crane game until you get me a plushie.” An impossible challenge, you already knew that but seeing Yoongi’s frustration would be hilarious.  
“You're a sadist.” Yoongi remarks reading your mind. “But you're on.” He puts his hand out and you shake it firmly. 
You both turned to your stations and swipe your card on both readers. You both hovered over the button. “I'll count to three and we go after I say ‘go’.” 
“You're the boss.” Yoongi rolls his sleeves already focusing on the hoop in front of him. Your heart fluttered at his concentration. Maybe it was because you are competitive yourself, but you couldn't help but find Yoongi’s seriousness attractive. 
You smile before finding your own concentration. This was a game you had to win after all. “Okay, three, two, one, go!” Your hands slam the start button simultaneously – not that it really mattered since there was a fair timer. The balls came down and without hesitation, you and Yoongi started shooting the balls into the hoop like clockwork. You were missing more than usual which made you even more frantic. Was it because you were playing against Yoongi? It didn't help that Yoongi was doing better than you thought he would be given he is basically a human turtle. Your eyes keep shifting to Yoongi’s increasing score taking attention away from your aim. “Come on, y/n!” You snapped yourself out of it and started focusing on catching up. Your competitiveness heightened as you see Yoongi in the corner of your eye relax and take his time with his shots – focusing more on precision than velocity. You both made it to level 3 before the timer ran out. “What the hell?” You panted out after seeing the devastating result. 
You turned to Yoongi for answers but only see his satisfied smirk. Your nose twitched in annoyance. Of course, with competitiveness comes the smugness – you know that all too well. “I played shooting guard in high school.” Yoongi admits casually before walking away. 
You picked up your jaw and ran after him. “Hey! That's not fair!” You wrapped your arm around his. “You didn't tell me I was playing against a professional.” 
“I’m not.” Yoongi laughs. “But you're right.” Yoongi stopped in his tracks and starts digging through his pockets. You let go of his arm so he can find what he's looking for. Your gaze shifts to what's in front of you and you see you've stopped in front of a crane game. “Pick whichever you want.” Yoongi nods towards the plushies. 
“You won the game though?” 
“I didn't play fair.” Yoongi puts money in the crane not giving you time to protest. He gestures towards the plushies again. After some deliberation, you pointed at the white cat plushie. “Didn't peg you as a cat person.” Yoongi comments but starts the crane up anyway. 
“I didn't think I was but it's cute.” And it reminded you of a certain someone, but you can't tell him that. 
───────── ☾ • ☽ ────────── 
“So, who are you babysitting and why did you think it was a good idea?” Yoongi asks once his free dinner was placed in front of him. 
You thank the waiter and pick up your spoon. “Remember, Xiumin? The guy you met during our parent’s acquisition dinner.” 
Yoongi frowns and nods as you eat a spoonful of your dinner. “What about him?” 
“It's his kid. And I'm the kid’s godmother.” You watch Yoongi close his eyes in irritation. “What’s wrong?” 
He clenched his jaw and rubs his face before giving you a weak smile. “Nothing. Godmother, huh? How did that happen?” Yoongi redirects the attention to you. 
“Well, I did introduce him to his wife after all. I invited both of them to my birthday and one thing led to another, they're married with a baby boy.” You explained. “So, is that a yes to Saturday?” 
Yoongi laughs. “I'm not that easy, y/n.” You visibly deflate at his answer. “Giving up already? You said you can convince me easily?” 
You pout at his teasing. “Yoongi please!” You clasped your hands together and leaned on the table to give him your best puppy dog eyes. “I've never looked after a kid before, and I gave Xiu an I.O.U like five years ago and he cashed it in.” Yoongi laughs showing no sympathy. “It's nothing too major. I already planned everything out.” 
“Do tell,” 
“We’ll pick him up at Xiu’s place at 2 and take him to Ichon – play around, eat some snacks – the time will fly and before you know it, we’re having dinner and we’re tucking him in at night. We can stay the night – Xiu already arranged everything, and they’ll come back in the early afternoon.” 
“So, it's the entire Saturday and Sunday morning?” You cringe. You know you're being too much. Of course, Yoongi doesn't want to spend that much time with you. Well, who would want to spend their weekend babysitting in general? 
“Xiu and Hana haven't had alone time in forever. You don't want to ruin their date, do you?” You asked pulling out your last trump card. 
“Are you going to flake if I say no?” 
“Of course not!” Yoongi shrugs telling you all you need to know. 
“Thank you again for this, y/n.” Hana thanks you the second she opens the door to her home. 
You gave her a hug and let yourself in. “Don't worry about it, Han. I owed Xiu anyway.” 
“If anything, he owes you everything for introducing him to me.” She gives you a wink as she cleans up the living space. 
“I will never deny that, but I also saved y/n’s life so let's take that into account.” Xiumin argues as he enters the room all dressed up. 
“Y/n!” Jun waddles up to you. 
You picked him up like you always do and rest him on your hip. “Hey, how's my favourite person?” 
“Mommy made me eat yucky food.” Jun whined and buried his head in the crook of your neck. You looked at Hana and she mouthed the word ‘vegetables’ which made you laugh. 
“But Junnie, did you know that those are power foods?” Jun looked up at you in curiosity. “The food your mommy made you eat is so you can become big and strong, like a superhero.” 
“Really?” Jun looked at his parents who were already smiling at him. 
“Of course, Junnie. Why do you think mommy would make you eat it if it weren't for your own good?” Xiumin answered giving him a pat on the head. 
Jun looked over at Hana and begin to cry. “I'm sorry, mommy!” He reached for his mother which softened all your hearts. 
“Oh baby, it's okay!” Hana soothes him as she takes him from your arms to give him kisses and hugs. “You know I only want the best for you.” Jun sniffled and nodded his head. 
While Hana settles Jun down, Xiumin guides you into the kitchen. “Where's your boyfriend? I thought you two will be looking after Jun together.” 
“I never said I was going to ask him to babysit with me, Xiu.” You answered avoiding his eyes. 
“But isn't this the perfect opportunity to see what it's like to have a family with him? Or is it not that serious? Because I swear, the way he looked at you –” 
“It's not that serious.” You cut Xiumin off. He looked at you sceptically before raising his hands up in surrender. 
“Alright, well the room is ready for the two of you anyway.” Xiumin gives you a pat in the back and calls for Hana so they can get going. 
“Okay, you know where everything is. The guide is on the kitchen counter as usual. If you need anything, we’re just one call away. Say the word I'll run over here if I have to.” Hana goes over the usual spiel as you and Xiumin try to usher her out the door. 
“It's not my first rodeo, Han. We’ll be okay. Right, Jun?” You ask Jun who’s in your arms once again. 
“Bye bye mama.” Jun waves at his parents nearly making Hana cry and ruin her makeup. 
“Bye bye baby. Be good to y/n.” Hana gives him a kiss before giving you a hug. Xiumin says his special goodbye to Jun and gives you a hug as they leave. You wave at them with Jun until Xiumin closes the door. You laugh at Hana trying to look into the gap despite it getting smaller and smaller. 
Once the door shuts, you look at Jun. “Well, it's time for fun!” Jun shouts in excitement while you bounce him. 
As promised, you brought Jun to Ichon Hangang Park. Jun picked out his favourite games and toys to bring to the park. Lucky for you, his attention span wasn't as short as most kids, and you've been kicking his soccer ball for half an hour. Your heart filled with joy watching the little boy try to run to the ball only to kick like two centimetres from himself. 
While Jun chased the ball after you kicked it lightly, your phone rings. You take your phone out and see Yoongi’s name on your screen. The beat of your heart increases and you exhaled deeply before picking up. “Hello?” 
“Where are you?” Yoongi asks straight to the point as usual. 
“I'm babysitting, remember?” You answered confused. 
“No, where are you?” 
“We’re at Ichon right now.” 
“Y/n.” You hear Yoongi pause and sigh. Even though irritation laced his tone, you liked the way he said your name. “Where in Ichon?” 
“We’re by the soccer field.” 
“Was that so hard?” Yoongi finally lightens up. 
You shrug even though he couldn't see you. “You were pretty vague.” Jun finally kicked the ball all the way to you, and you turn to him. “Good job, Junnie! Do you want to take a break and have a juice box?” Yoongi smiles at the change of your tone. He faintly hears an excited ‘yes please’ before hearing you rustle around a bag. “Sorry, Yoongs, I have to go. I'll call you when I'm free?” Yoongi says his goodbye and you put away your phone. “Here you go, Junnie.” You handed him his juice and you sit down on the grass.  
Junnie takes your hand and makes his way in between your legs. You knew what he wanted. You crossed your legs and turn him around to place him on your lap. The two of you sit watching the older kids play soccer. One thing you liked about Jun was that he is a simple kid. All he wants is to spend quality time, no matter what you're doing. You pointed out a cloud that is shaped like a dog and Jun giggled holding onto your raised hand. “You're a natural.” 
You look towards the commenter and your smile drops. “Yoongi? What are you doing here?” 
Yoongi shrugs and sits in front of you cross legged. “You said you needed help.” He looks over at Jun who is watching him with a frown. “Hey, buddy.” 
“Junnie, this is my friend, Yoongi.” You reassured Jun who was on the verge of tears. “He came because he heard I was hanging out with the coolest person I know.” Yoongi and Jun smile at the same time. 
“Hi,” Jun offers a shy wave to Yoongi which elated him. He never found kids cute or anything special. But seeing you with this little angel is getting him to think twice. “Do you like cars?” 
“I love cars.” Yoongi answers without hesitating. You've never heard him talk about cars at all. He's a natural, you thought. Jun looks at you to get his toys. You got Jun off you and placed him right in front of Yoongi who cautiously holds his sides to make sure he doesn’t fall over. “What's your favourite?” Jun tried to describe his favourite car without giving a name – since he didn't know what it was called. Yoongi smiles and responds to him genuinely. Your heart soared seeing Yoongi smile so fondly at the boy. You could watch Yoongi with kids all day. But that said kid will throw a tantrum if you don't give him his cars to show off to his new friend. You go through the bag you brought to get all the toys he brought with him. He brought a monster truck, five hot wheels, and a fighter jet. You handed the toys to Yoongi and Jun giving them a smile. Jun hands Yoongi one of the hot wheels while Jun took the monster truck. 
“That’s his favourite one.” You whispered to Yoongi pointing at the car he had in his hand. Yoongi visibly brightens making you take a sly photo of the two playing. 
The day went by just as you promised Yoongi. The energy levels between the three of you lowered as the day went on. Before Jun gets too sleepy, you packed everything up and took him to one of his favourite restaurants. The host greeted you and Jun familiarly and placed you at Jun’s favourite spot – the one that has a graffiti drawing of a dinosaur on the wall. Yoongi follows you and sits in the booth facing against the wall while you placed Jun in the highchair facing the wall. “Order whatever you want Yoongs, it’s on me.” You gestured towards the menu before sitting next to Jun so you could feed him. 
Yoongi picks up the menu and scans the options. You took Jun’s bib which had a cartoon dinosaur printed on it to match the wall. Yoongi looks up to see you coddle Jun and convince him to wear the bib. He took notice of the glow emanating from you whenever Jun smiles or giggles or does anything endearing. It was his turn to take a sly photo of the two of you – you weren’t as sly as you thought you were. He looked at the photo and smiled at your loving expression. He looked up at the real thing. “You’re really good with kids.” 
You turn to Yoongi ready to assure him it's due to your experience when you remembered you told him you never looked after a kid before. Yes, it was a lie – a white lie – but you couldn’t come up with any other excuse to make him come along. ‘I want you to come hangout with a kid because I wanna see how good you are with them so I can fulfil my domestic fantasies of you and I?’ No way you would ever say that. He would run for the hills. “I guess it’s the maternal instincts.” You offered lamely. Luckily, the server came over to take your order cutting off Yoongi from prying further. 
Putting Jun to bed was the hardest part of looking after him. The boy held all his energy in to release it at night. You chased Jun around to get him into his pyjamas. Yoongi was watching amused. “Jun! Get back here!” You could obviously catch up to him. He doesn’t even know how to run but this was a tactic professionals use. Play their game, tire them out, and you win. Jun hides behind Yoongi’s leg making you stop. “Not so good now, am I?” You asked panting. 
Yoongi hums pretending to think about it. “No, I guess not.” You stick your tongue out at him making him laugh. “Come on, little man.” Yoongi kneels to get to his eye level. “We can still play. You just need to dry properly and wear clothes otherwise you’ll get sick. And you don’t want that do you?” Jun doesn’t seem convinced as he looks between the two of you. “If you get sick, you’ll feel awful, but y/n can also get in trouble by your parents. You don’t want y/n to get in trouble, do you?” Yoongi takes your hand, and you follow his lead kneeling in front of Jun. 
“No! I love y/n!” Jun cries hugging you. 
You laugh and rub his back. “Well, if you love me, you’ll get into your pyjamas.” Jun lets go and allows you to put his clothes on. You look over at Yoongi suspiciously. “Have you done this before?” 
Yoongi smiles and pushes himself up. "Just a natural, I guess.” He ruffles Jun’s hair making him giggle. “Come on, little man. Brush teeth time.” You flinched waiting for Jun to start crying. Getting Jun to bed comes in stages. Showering or bathing the boy was one of the easier stages; depending on how he’s feeling, he can enjoy it – even ask for one. Getting him dressed always entails a chase and back and forth before you both get tired and give up. Then there’s brushing his teeth, I don’t think there’s a kid in the world that likes brushing their teeth but it’s like Jun gets his second wind. The waterworks are on, and he “runs” the other direction throwing away all the work you put in. Once, you finally get him to brush his teeth which is usually by picking him up and brushing it yourself with tears staining his cheeks he finally settles down. Read him whatever story he wants and he’s out like a light. But Jun doesn’t cry this time. Instead, he takes Yoongi’s hand and walks him to the bathroom. Your jaw drops while Yoongi praises Jun for being a good boy. “You coming or do I have to convince you to brush your teeth too?” You shut your mouth and scramble to your feet.  
“I’m not a baby.” You pout running up to them. Yoongi chuckles thinking otherwise. 
You were woken up by a flick on your forehead. You scrunch your face and shake your head away. “Oi, what are you doing on the couch?” You hear Xiumin’s disapproval from the grogginess. 
“What do you think you're doing waking me up like this?” You took one of the throw pillows next to you and placed it over your face. Xiumin sighs and walks away.  
You gather your thoughts while waking yourself up. After getting Jun to brush his teeth, Jun asked Yoongi to read him to sleep. A good sign for you but you couldn’t help but feel sour. Jun always loved it when you read to him – whenever you would come over, he would choose you over his parents. Maybe it was more about the new person than it was about you. You and Yoongi head to the living room to rest. You both watched some TV and chatted about the day and anything else that came through your minds. You remembered looking at Yoongi with so much adoration. How could he be so perfect? You asked yourself as you observed his features. Yoongi caught you staring and if you didn’t want to crawl in a hole then, you wanted to when he began to excuse himself saying it was late. “No, you can stay.” You get up with him. 
“It’s a three-bedroom apartment, y/n, and I’m not comfortable sleeping on the couch since I barely know them.” You reeled yourself at his reasoning. Of course, it made sense. It doesn’t matter the fact that you shared a bed before. He was drunk then. He would never do it again and you would never ask him sober. 
“Xiumin and Hana prepared the main bedroom for me and the guest bedroom for you.” You lied. You see Yoongi’s hesitation, so you persisted. “It’s late, Yoongs and I'm sure Jun would like to at least say goodbye when you leave. Yoongi resigns and waits for you to head to bed as well. He waited outside the guest bedroom door while you stopped at the door. “Good night, Yoongi.” 
“Good night, y/n.” The two of you stood there awkwardly looking at each other. You give up accepting he wasn’t going to go first, and you make your way inside your friend’s room. “Aren’t you going to close the door?” Yoongi asks startling you. What was he still doing here? 
You turn to him giving him a tight-lipped smile. “No, I’ll leave it open a bit just in case Jun wakes up.” Yoongi understands and bids you good night. You watch Yoongi close the door and you stand there in the dark wanting to kick and scream. You felt so out of place in Xiumin and Hana’s room. You were close but not that close and sleeping in their shared bed felt like a violation of privacy. So, you waited. For an hour or two. And then once you’re convinced that Yoongi was asleep, you slipped out of the room and into the lovely couch. “What are you guys doing here so early?” You asked getting up from the couch and joining the couple in the kitchen. 
“We missed Junnie,” Hana answers taking a sip from her coffee. “I thought your boyfriend was going to sleepover?” 
“He’s in the guest room.” You answered without acknowledging the label they gave Yoongi. 
“Did you fight again?” 
“Xiumin!” Hana snaps at Xiumin who raises his hands in surrender. 
“What? What other reason would she have to sleep on the couch?” He points out fairly. “Also, what kind of man lets the woman sleep on the couch?” Another fair point. 
“The bed is too small for two people, Xiu.” You lied again.  
“What? You don’t like cuddling?” Xiumin asks pointedly. 
You glare at him. “Not when I'm sleeping. Also, don’t tell him I slept on the couch I told him I was taking your room.” You aligned your alibi before heading to the couch to cover your tracks. 
“You could have slept on our bed, y/n.” Hana offers, and you know she means it, but it just wouldn’t be right to take her word for it. You give her a smile to say thanks. 
“Well, did he pass the test?” Xiumin asks earning a glare from you and Hana. 
“Good morning,” Yoongi’s raspy voice greeted fluttering your stomach. You turn to him, and he notices the other people in the room. “Oh, good morning. Nice to see you again Xiumin. I’m Yoongi.” He introduces himself to Hana lending out his hand to shake. 
“Hana, Xiumin’s wife and the mom of the little devil you looked after.” Yoongi chuckles and accepts the coffee Xiumin handed him. “He wasn’t too bad, was he? He’s always a brat whenever he meets someone for the first time.” 
“Maybe it’s because he knows how cute he is.” You chided in making everyone agree. 
“He was great actually.” Yoongi reassures Hana. 
“Really?” Hana pries wanting more information. 
Yoongi nods. “He shared his favourite toys with me and let me read him a story to sleep.” Hana and Xiumin shares a relieved smile. 
“You missed out on the best part.” You joined everyone in the kitchen and stand next to Xiumin. “He asked Jun to brush his teeth and Junnie took his hand and led the way.” Xiumin and Hana simultaneously gasp making Yoongi at everyone confused. 
“That’s massive!” Hana gives Yoongi a friendly nudge. 
“It’s huge!” Xiumin adds. “Insane really!” You laughed at his dramatics. “Jun gave y/n the cold shoulder the couple times he met her.” 
You smack Xiumin’s arm. “He was only like that the first time.” You explained to Yoongi whose smile faltered. “Okay, the second and third time too. But he was only a baby in my defence, and I didn't know how to hold one.” 
“Y/n, you were holding him like he was a bomb.” Xiumin rolls his eyes. 
“No offence, but he kind of was. You never know when he was going to cry.” Hana laughs shaking her head. 
“At least you got better in time. I was worried for a second there.” Hana admits. You notice Yoongi has fallen silent but before anyone could address it, Jun entered the room rubbing his eye. “There's my baby!” Hana got up and picked Jun up.  
Jun reaches out to Yoongi and holds his hand. Everyone melted at the sight. “Well, you passed the test with flying colours.” Yoongi turns to Xiumin who raised his mug at him. “You know to see if you're marriage material and all.” Your eyes widened as Yoongi looks at you confused. You smacked Xiumin in the stomach making him double over. 
You grabbed the back of his neck and bend over to whisper in his ear. “Keep it up and I’ll make sure Jun is the only kid you’ll have.”  
“Okay, okay,” Xiumin surrenders, and you plaster a fake smile to Yoongi. “What I meant was that you're a natural.”  
───────── ☾ • ☽ ────────── 
“Y/n, are you listening?” You turn to Hyewon who was looking at you with a worried expression. “If you're not up for tonight, I understand.” 
“No, I'm fine. Just a lot on my mind.” 
“Okay, if you say so.” She rubs your arm. “Thank you for coming to rehearsals. It means a lot.” 
“Of course.” You smiled and gave her a hug. “You’ll do great.” 
The sound manager calls for Hyewon, so she leaves you by the bar to start rehearsals. You walked over to an empty booth and watched everyone prepare for the concert. You were supposed to be elated for Hyewon, but you couldn't ignore the sick feeling in your stomach. You felt sick since you rejected Jack’s request – no, his demand a couple of days ago. Sure, he had always been short, rude, and definitely entitled but you couldn't shake the uneasy feeling anymore. At first your blood boiled at the audacity but as time went on and you continued to read his messages over and over again, an ominous feeling creeped in the back of your head. He was pushing his luck during the previous reservations by being an asshole about the entire thing and the entitlement he has just because he paid for you was not a surprise either, but your heart started racing and your hands began to shake as you continued to reject him. He was starting to creep you out. I want you. A phrase that would normally make any girl swoon made you shiver in fear. It was almost obsessive. You didn't want to accuse him outright of dangerous behaviour in case you were wrong, but one thing is for sure, that was the end of any more reservations for him. 
Never would you ever think you would be grateful for alcohol and parties existing but here you are slightly inebriated and dancing with no care in the world. It didn't take long for the crowd to start forming once the club opened. The DJ started the night, and everyone were making their way to the dance floor. Adora and 2Do were the next to arrive and they posed as a good distraction. Adora, of course, is the life of the party and she doesn't waste any time. She coerced the three of you to take two shots minimum to get the night going – the others will catch up once they get here, she waves off your excuse. The alcohol helped take the tension away from your shoulders, but it was mainly Adora’s infectious energy taking it away. She was a dancer by no means, but she didn't care who was looking or who she may hit with her swinging arms. You were just glad Jin hadn't arrived otherwise the two would have concussed someone early in the night.  
As the night went on, everyone arrived. Yoongi was stoic as usual. Sitting down on one of the booths with a drink in his hand while the rest of you stayed on the dance floor or make new “friends”. He humoured Jin by staying on the dance floor for one song but after that, he and Joon left the dance floor to sit down and drink. Your eyes would wonder to his figure every so often. Even with the alcohol coursing through your veins, your mind can never stray from him. Every single time you would look over he would be already looking at you, no matter if Joon or Jimin were in his ear clearly in the middle of a conversation or if he was taking sips of his drink, his eyes would be on you. At first, you felt awkward when you met his eyes. Questions fired through your foggy brain. How long has he been looking? Did I do something weird? Am I sweaty? Why have I never looked at myself dancing to see if I look good or not? But of course, the more alcohol you consumed, the less anxious you were and the bolder you became. It took you three more shots to be able to smile at him when you locked eyes but it's bold for you. You couldn't really see whether he smiled back or not since he was a distance away and it was dark, but you see his head nod down to acknowledge your gesture. 
Once Hyewon came on stage, the ever-so bold you dragged Yoongi to his feet to join all of you on the dance floor. Your group made its way to the front of the stage so she could see you and you could see her clearly. He smiled for the first time that night. Well, it's not exactly a smile more like an upward twitch but everyone can agree that when it comes to Yoongi that is enough. You were jumping up and down and waving your arms in the air as Hyewon spit out the nastiest flow you ever heard – besides from Yoongi, of course. She was in her element. The spotlight shone down on her, and she was using the entire stage by herself. Everyone was cheering for her. This could be Yoongi, your mind wandered to him once again. You looked over to him and he genuinely seemed to be enjoying himself. Jin had his arm wrapped around his shoulder making him bounce up and down with him. Why isn't it? The intrusive question wondered through your brain, and it started up another barrage of questions concerning Yoongi. Is he disappointed that they didn't ask him to perform? How did Hyewon book this gig in the first place? Suddenly, the sound of clapping cut through your thoughts and your eyes snap back on stage. Hyewon is bowing and saying her goodbyes. You joined in, clapping and shouting louder than everyone else. Hyewon locks eyes with all of you and smiles. That's right. Tonight isn't about Yoongi or your problems. It's Hyewon’s night and nothing can ruin that. 
Or so you thought. Your body started moving on autopilot reading Yoongi’s message. You didn't bother telling Hobi and Joon who you were dancing with where you're going. You needed to process what Yoongi sent you. What was Jack doing here? And how did he meet Adora? You reassured Yoongi it was a coincidence so why are you standing outside of the club taking in the cool breeze with tears stinging your eyes. This wasn't some sick sense of déjà vu. It was different when your worlds collided with Yoongi. It was the same kind of helplessness – one you knew to be a consequence of this job – but you didn't feel this sick with Yoongi. You were anxious and a mess, of course as your double life was about to unravel in front of you. But this time, you feel it physically. You feel it at the back of your thoughts like a shadow lurking in the dark. You always believe Yoongi’s good character, but you cannot say the same for Jack. He held the same ruthlessness as any good businessman would. If they had an edge over you, it would only be a waste to not exploit it. 
“Are you okay?” You try to blink the tears away before Yoongi sees. 
“Yeah,” You answered hating how shaky your voice was. Yoongi’s fingers graze your elbow causing goosebumps to form on your arms. “I'm fine.” You reassured after seeing the worry written on his face. “I don't want to talk about it.” You warned Yoongi before he found the words he wanted to say. He didn't like it; you could see it on his face, but he doesn't say anything and gives you a tight-lipped smile. 
“How much have you had to drink?” Yoongi changes the subject. 
“Not enough.” You sighed.  
Yoongi handed you one of the beers he had in his hand. “I don’t know if you drink beer but it’s something to take the edge off.” 
“It’s much appreciated.” You chuckle taking a swig for relief. “Why are you here?” 
Yoongi frowns at your question. “I wanted to check up on you, is that so wrong?” 
You giggle. “I mean, why are you here and not on stage like Hyewon?” 
Yoongi shrugs. “I’m not exactly as good at networking or publicity like Hyewon is. She’s worked with different underground artists who has nothing to do with school. She even put out a music video. I just post my music on platforms. I don’t really do anything more than that.” You watch Yoongi talk. You loved watching him talk. The way the end of his lips is always curved slightly even when he talks intrigues you. The way his voice turns raspy when he talks longer than usual. How he gestures his hands to accompany his words. None of this was anything special, you knew that. Everyone speaks with their hands, everyone loses their voice after a while, and everyone moves their lips when they speak; you know that. It’s just something about the way he does it. He just does it so well. “What?” You blinked and looked at him waiting for him to continue. “What do I do so well?” Your heart dropped. Did I just say that out loud? Clearly. 
You cleared your throat to give yourself time to think. What were you talking about again? “Being on stage.” That’s right. You looked at him and smile. “You would be amazing on stage.” It was true; he has the charisma and talent. 
“You think so?” Yoongi asks bashfully. His cheeks and ears giving away his feelings. 
You smile. “Of course. You would take everyone’s breath away.”  
Yoongi gives you a shy smile. “There you guys are!” You hear Taehyung call for you both. “Hyewon wants to celebrate with everyone.” You nodded and followed Taehyung back in. 
You reached the booth where everyone was hanging around. You give Hyewon a big hug and complimented her set. “I’m so glad I could see all your faces! It gave me a lot of confidence.” Hyewon laughs. She introduces you to the other performers and their entourage. “No seriously, I actually forgot the line so I just adlib.” Hyewon confessed to you and Adora making you laugh. 
“Well, you did great because we were none the wiser.” You reassured her taking a sip of your drink. “Are you cut off for the night, Adora?” You asked since the party girl was no longer drinking. 
Adora looks at you like you grew two heads. “Of course not! Jack’s getting our drinks.” Your smile fades as Hyewon asks who Jack was. Before Adora could answer, she perks up at the sight of someone making the two of you look over and see a tall foreigner approach with a charming devilish smile. Your body floods in heat as Adora jumps up to introduce Jack to everyone. Your heart dropped to the bottom of your stomach, and you started to regret drinking so much because it felt like it is just about to come back up. “Jack, these are my friends!” Adora wraps her arms around his. Everyone gathered around giving him a nod or wave as Adora introduces them one by one. “And this is y/n.” You mustered up a tight-lipped smile and left it at that, but Jack reaches out for a handshake. You took his hand reluctantly feeling uncomfortable at his stare. “And this is Yoongi.” Adora gestures next to you surprising you. You hadn’t realised Yoongi made his way next to you the second Jack came over. “Y/n’s boyfriend.” She explains to Jack your relationship with Yoongi. 
You were about to scold Adora for her teasing when you feel Yoongi’s hand graze your lower back. Your attention turns to Yoongi who goes in for a handshake with Jack. “Nice to meet you.” Jack shakes his hand while everyone shares looks between themselves. Hyewon and Jin didn’t wait before they started interrogating Jack about himself and his life story. “Let’s go, get a drink.” Yoongi whispers in your ear sending goosebumps down your arms. You look for his eyes and smile. You don’t know what you would do if Yoongi wasn’t here. He took your hand in his and lead you far from Jack’s sights. 
───────── ☾ • ☽ ────────── 
“What are you doing here so early?” You greeted Yoongi once you opened the door. It wasn’t that he was disturbing you; you’ve been awake for hours. You barely had enough sleep thinking about Jack and the paranoia that your second life is in jeopardy again.  
“I wanted to make sure you’re okay.” You smile knowing he was being honest. “Are you?” His fingertips reach for yours. A shy gesture of reassurance. 
“I’m fine, Yoongi.” You smile tiredly. His eyes search yours waiting for more. “I’m tired and paranoid but I've been careful since I started doing this. I’m good at what I do and keeping it separate from my life.” 
“But how careful could you be?” Yoongi asks hinting at the elephant in the room. 
He was right but, “You are the only exception.” 
Yoongi is the only exception. He is the only client you ever broke your rules for. He is the only one you would have ever let slip through the masses. So why are tears brimming your eyes at the sight of Jack’s name? Why is there a sense of doubt creeping in the back of your mind? Yoongi is the only exception. You reassured Yoongi that everything was good so why do you feel like you can’t breathe? “Y/n!” Taehyung’s voice breaks through your thoughts. You look up to see him standing in the doorway panting. “Are you okay?” 
You choked out another sob as Taehyung cups your face. “I’m scared. What if he knows?” 
“How could he?” Taehyung reassures but it goes through one ear and out the other. “Even if he does, does it matter? Yoongi knew and he’s keeping it a secret even after all this time.” 
“He’s different, Taehyung.” Your tears had stained your cheeks, and you know you’re all cried out. “Jack is dangerous. He’s capable of being obsessive and petty. I know because he hired me to get back at his ex at her engagement party – and he's the one that broke up with her.” 
“Then you’re never taking reservations from him again.” You turn to see Yoongi standing at the doorway with a frown. Was the door open the entire time? You looked at Taehyung accusingly. “He texted me to come over.” Yoongi explains closing the door and joining the two of you on the floor. He took out a tub of cookies n crème ice cream and handed it to you with a silver spoon. You didn’t hesitate in digging in feeling slightly better due to the sweet indulgence. “I didn’t know what you liked.” Yoongi says to Taehyung who waves him off saying he’s fine, but Yoongi pulls out a tub of vanilla ice cream offering it to Taehyung who happily accepts. Never would you think the two of them would get along, but it made you happy. “So, let’s come up with a plan.” Yoongi focuses on the problem at hand. Your smile falters but you know ignoring the problem would not make it go away. He takes a spoonful of his own tub before continuing, “There’s no guarantee he knows.” Taehyung nods. “There’s no guarantee he doesn’t.” Taehyung frowns. Of course, he was right. You both know that; it didn’t mean you liked to hear it. “So, if he doesn’t know. Great, nothing to worry about. But if he does? What does that mean and what can we do about it?” 
Silence loomed over the room as you all think about the possibilities. “Best case scenario, he does nothing about it. I mean he’s the one that hired an escort in the first place. I can’t imagine that would be great for his reputation either.” Taehyung reasons. 
“Worst case, he finds out about my family’s business and ruins their reputation because of their whore daughter.” You answered numbly making Yoongi and Taehyung frown. 
“You’re not a whore, y/n.” Yoongi defends. 
“Close enough.” You sigh dismissively. 
“Y/n, you did nothing wrong.” Taehyung added. 
“I was a selfish spoiled brat that risked everything my parents worked for what? Some deluded idea that I can make my own decisions and I can be someone else than who I was told to be? Look, where that got me? It was for my own good, but I thought it was not living. Is this any better? Living in anxiety that my entire world can crumble at the feet of an entitled privileged?” 
Yoongi reaches out and rubs your back. “I know it's upsetting and terrifying but what's done is done. What can we do about it now?” 
“He's right, y/n.” Taehyung joins Yoongi. “There's no point rehashing what's been done. Let's focus on what we can do if he were to hold it against you.” 
“You're right; both of you.” You snapped yourself out of it wiping your tear-stained cheeks. “So, what’s the plan?” 
“Before anything else, the question is: how far are you willing to go?” 
“Whatever it takes.”
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[a/n] posting once a week five times in a row is a new record for me :(: BUT it has to end bc i have my exams in two weeks so i have to study :( good news tho, once my exams are over i can post consistently for a while before my next sem starts next year in feb - hopefully this series will be done by then
in the meantime, let me know if these written chapters do anything for you guys or you could go without them. i personally like them bc it gives a deeper insight to the story but it does take a while to write them bc i get writer's block often and i don't think my writing is good enough to put stories into words. can't promise that it will make me consistent as i have a lot of personal issues but it will be a lot faster without it
꒰ m.list ➭ before • after ꒱
taglist: @deleteidentity || @themoonsblueside || @potatoandfries
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glitxlipse · 2 months
i feel like joels going to name his mace something along the lines of smash or pass
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kellanved-ammanas · 6 months
TF2 Drabbles: Pauling/Scout & Soldier/Zhanna - Double Date
Summary: Okay, one where Scout and Miss Pauling go on a double date with another pairing?
A double date had seemed like a good idea at the time but Soldier and Zhanna were well… themselves. Pauling should’ve gone in knowing the day would end with them burying bodies in the desert to hide the evidence. Far from the first time she’d had to do so but at least she had company this time.
“Being out in the desert at sunset is romantic, right?” Scout said as he set the shovel in the ground to look out towards the setting sun. “So it’s like were still on a date even if burying bodies fucking sucks.”
“Next time we’ll bring a picnic.” Because next time Pauling knew better what to expect.
“A picnic?” Zhanna asked, looking up from the hole she and Soldier were working on. It was bigger than Scout’s and Pauling’s, probably about done but she’d let them go for however long they wished, it’d keep them occupied. “I do not know this word.”
Before Pauling could explain it, Soldier cut in. “A picnic is one of the most American of meals, beat only by barbecue. It is when you put food and a blanket in a basket and take it outdoors. You lay the blanket out and put the food on top of it. If you’re lucky, animals will come and eat with you.”
“Ooh, what kinds of animals?”
“Dogs, cats, raccoons, anything around.”
“Bears if you doing it in the woods,” Scout added. “But you don’t wanna be joined by them.”
Zhanna nodded. “Because then they will view you as food too. I know bears.”
“So its decided then,” Soldier said, “next time we go burying bodies in the desert together we will also bring a picnic.”
“Maybe we could try to avoid the burying bodies part next time.” Because Pauling buried enough bodies for work reasons, she didn’t need to be doing it recreationally too. Especially with how little time off work she got to do stuff like this – it was better now that she’d taken over the Administrator's position but that added its own set of responsibilities. Other than that though, it was indeed a plan.
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novantinuum · 6 months
Glow or dark for ask game? 👀 not usually an and/or situation here....
Ty friend!! :33
So, this one is (or was, I guess) a one-shot I started writing for a recent Connverse prompt week. “Glow or Dark” were the two choices for day one, so I decided I wanted to try and find a way to mash them up together into one. This is adult Connverse, they’re like… engaged by now.
Basically, the idea I had was “Connie is kinda Big Bummer Steven doesn’t use his powers much anymore” and like… they’re all huddled in bed together, having a sleepy convo about this. My thinking is like… for a while Steven over-compensates? And he’s like… putting all his eggs in the “being human” basket and now somewhat neglecting his Gem side, and that makes Connie sad, because she loves both sides of him, and wishes he felt more comfortable expressing himself in all ways with her.
Also her fiancé can glow like a goddamn glow stick and she thinks it’s pretty, so sue her— it’s pretty and she wishes she could see it more but under positive circumstances *wheeze*
“Y’know, it’s kinda a shame you only glow when you’re really, really stressed out,” Connie murmurs out of nowhere that night, nuzzling herself even further into his side. “I bet you’d make for a nice nightlight.”
“Wait, what?” Steven responds, his words punctuated by a sudden peel of bemused laughter. He props himself up in their bed, scooting apart from her wanting embrace (she gives a pitiful but very cute little whine at this, still half-asleep) so he can actually turn to meet her eyes. “Where’s this coming from?”
If he fully understands the underlying question in his fiancé’s drowsy doozy of a comment— a comment he doubts she’d ever make while awake and alert— then she’s probably inquiring about why he never consciously utilizes even half the full potential of his power, not even recreationally.
And if he’s honest, it’s a fair question. He’s been somewhat ignoring this part of himself ever since he moved in with her late last year.
After all, it’s not like there’s much practical use for many of his abilities anymore. There’s no battles left to fight. No empires left to dismantle. No need to host those monthly healing sessions he used to organize, ever since he and the Gems bottled a large stock of his saliva for long term use. It’s nice, in a way. It’s like an extended vacation from all the stressors of this facet of his existence. Instead, he’s been able to focus all his time and energy on other stuff— like finally pursuing his GED, and doing some experimentation with some new instruments he’s never played. 
Little things.
Human things.
That glowing she speaks of, though…
The remnants of laughter fade from his lips as he refocuses his mind on this topic.
He hasn’t gone pink in weeks. It’s the longest period that’s passed without a flare up since that month his gem fell into an energy conserving stasis immediately following his meltdown in his teen years. So why is she bringing this up now? 
What’s really on her mind?
He asks as such.
This appeal for emotional honesty seems to jostle Connie out of the brunt of her drowsiness. She rubs the sleep out of her eyes with the furthest edge of her knuckles and then parts her lips again.
“It’s just… you never use them anymore,” she says, her brow creasing inwards. “Any of them. And of course I understand why, but…”
“But sometimes… I wish things weren’t so muddled for you. That you felt free to express yourself as both a human and a Gem in this space.”
His brows thread together as he considers all this, his confusion-addled mind looping right back to the throwaway, sleepy statement that hurtled this whole conversation into being in the first place. “So, wait— you’re saying you want me… to glow for you—?”
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nolanhollogay · 10 months
“Never heard of that being used as a murder weapon before.”
bitch trio being bitches together! woo!
JJ had been talking about fuckall for three entire minutes straight. Just straight nonsense falling from his lips uninterrupted, even moreso than usual. He claimed he was telling a story, but he was just saying words recreationally, waiting for someone to tell him to shut up.
Mikey groaned, throwing his head back in annoyance. "JJ, if you don't shut up I'm going to kill you with this TV remote. To death."
"Never heard of that being used as a murder weapon before," Nova said, humming appreciatively.
"Oh, you're gonna kill me to death, huh?" JJ said, shoving a handful of popcorn into his mouth. "I would hate for you to kill me back to life."
"Fuck off," Mikey grumbled.
Rolling her eyes, Nova asked, "Can you two stop arguing and watch the movie?"
On Nova's TV screen was the movie Bring It On, which neither Mikey nor JJ wanted to watch. Nova was forcing them because it was her house, and she was the worst. Neither of them actually wanted to be having a movie night, but Mikey had no plans and couldn't come up with a good enough excuse as to why he couldn't come, and JJ was trying to prove that he wasn't attached to Edgar's hip.
(There was an ongoing bet between him and Kie based on whether or not he could spend an entire weekend without speaking to him. They were on day two, so he was getting antsier by the minute.)
Mikey rested his head on Nova's shoulder. "Can we at least put on something we all want to watch?"
She patted his knee. "No."
He grabbed her hand. "Please Nov. I'll die here if we watch this movie."
She grabbed his face in her hands. Eyes soft and wide, she said, "Die then."
JJ laughed so hard he choked on his own spit.
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Thank you for the ask!!
🌹-> you fascinate me 🍉 -> I wanna talk to you more
I appreciate the kind words - feel free to stop by my asks or private messages anytime! I'm often available to put words together recreationally :)
(From this ask game )
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