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famoushindi · 1 year
महाराणा प्रताप के बारे में 40 रोचक तथ्य | 40 Interesting Facts About Maharana Pratap in Hindi |
महाराणा प्रताप के बारे में 40 रोचक तथ्य, 40 Interesting Facts About Maharana Pratap in Hindi, महाराणा प्रताप सिंह सिसोदिया महाराणा प्रताप मेवाड़ में सिसोदिया राजपूत वंश के एक महान योद्धा और राजा थे। उन्होंने कई वर्षों तक मुगल सम्राट अकबर के साथ संघर्ष किया। महाराणा प्रताप अपनी वीरता बहादुरी और मार्शल आर्ट के लिए जाने जाते थे। उन्होंने कई लड़ाईयों में मुगलों को भी पराजय किया था। झाला मानसिंह उनका…
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soulsanitarium · 2 years
Indonesia 🇮🇩 The Snake Queen (1982) Nyi Blorong dir. Putra
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🌋 The Indonesian island of Java is almost entirely of volcanic origin, and contains numerous volcanoes, 45 of which are considered active volcanoes.
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🐲No wonder the underground world was believed to be full of dragons and gods. Indonesia covers 300 different ethnic cultures in 17 000 islands (!) Such a rich culture. In Indonesia, all the mythology can be about Deities and Demons in common.
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🎭Before the actress Suzzanna Martha Frederika van Osch was seen on the screen playing the demon goddess Nyi Blorong, many of these characters had only vague descriptions. These mythological characters queen & Blorong are from the Java and some smaller islands. The Queen Nyai Roro Kidul is a patron of fishermen, often described with a fish tail.🧜‍♀️
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🐍According to (Wessing 2007) queen is not Blorong’s mother like in the film. Blorong was born from a snake’s egg and she can also completely turn into a snake. In the film the characters of the queen and the demon are also mixed together.
Photo: Indonesian Goddess statuettes with fish & snake tail
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Photos: Indonesian fashion model & Nyi Blorong TV adaptation
Demon Blorong uses people mainly for her palace, not for sex like in the movie, sexuality is the queens quality. Queen of the sea is like a mermaid. The best way to be captured in the kingdom of the sea is to dress in green like she does.💚
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✂️Better copy was censored, but the dubbed version was bad in quality. Funny&campy but I think this was very interesting search…⭐️⭐️⭐️ ⭐️
🎧 Listen Indonesian Gamelan music and watch dancing from video below.
I would also recommend Suzzanna’s other film:
The Queen of Black Magic (1981, remake 2019) is another Indonesian horror classic with elements of witchcraft. A woman is accused of being a witch and thrown to her death over a cliff. A man rescues her, nurses her back to health, and is told that she must master black magic in order to exact vengeance.
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burlveneer-music · 9 months
Raja Kirik - Phantasmagoria of Jathilan
“The Phantasmagoria of Jahtilan” is a music performance by Raja Kirik in collaboration with singer Silir Wangi and performer Ari Dwianto. This project investigate the Jathilan horse dance, a folk trance dance popular in Java, Indonesia, as a way of regaining strength despite defeat. Jathilan is an acronym of “Jarane jan tjil-thilan”, which translates to a horse that dances irregularly. The current form of Jathilan developed after the Java War (fought between Javanese rebels and the colonial Dutch empire from 1825 to1830) as a folk practise to grapple with the defeat by the Dutch Empire and the devastation caused by the civil war between the Javanese population and the Javanese aristocracy who supported the Dutch. In Jathilan people use stick horses made of bamboo as a form of appreciation as well as an expression of support for rebel leader Prince Diponegoro's horsemens who fought bravely against the Dutch colonial forces. Despite the actual defeat of the rebels, Jathilan itself always depicts an imaginary victory of the local rebel cavalry against demons, monsters, or the colonisers. This heroic performance therefore has multiple purposes: to entertain, to encourage, to heal, and to unite people against oppression. Raja Kirik’s “The Phantasmagoria of Jathilan” is an artistic exploration of the Jathilan tradition, re-interpreting its musical, vocal, and dance forms. Syncopated electronic rhythms combine with the metallic percussion of homemade instruments that is as trance-inducing as it is bellicose. Beautifully monotonous singing in a captivating repetitive melismatic style weaves through lilting melodies that gust out of makeshift wind instruments. With frantic, seemingly endless forward propulsion, the music of Raja Kirik inhabits a wide emotional breadth, cycling from disappointment to anger to loneliness. During the piece, the dancer embodies various heroic characters, such as Bujang Ganong, Menak Jinggo, Hanuman, or the non-fictional hero prince Diponegoro. At times the dancer also becomes a dance instructor and MC, who interacts with the audience.  Produced by Raja Kirik Phantasmagoria of Jathilan: Yennu Ariendra: Electronics, Voices Johanes Santoso Pribadi: Handmade instruments Silir Wangi: Vocals Ari Dwianto: Dance Cover designed by Wok The Rock Images taken from installation art “Subterranean Thunder #1” by Jompet Kuswidananto at Kohesi Initiatives, Yogyakarta. Curated by LIR. Photos by Yudha Kusuma Putra
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jwpreach · 2 years
Why Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Observe the Lord’s Supper Differently From the Way Other Religions Do?
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Photo Cred: Lio Putra | Credit: 123RF
We adhere strictly to the Bible in our observance of the Lord’s Evening Meal, which is also known as “the Lord’s supper,” the Last Supper, and the Memorial of Jesus’ death. (1 Corinthians 11:20; King James Version) In contrast, many beliefs and practices of other denominations in connection with this observance are not based on the Bible.
Select the link below to read the bible-based article:
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Tempat Pelatihan 0813-9111-5558 (Ibu Vika) Privat Online Bimbel CPNS Untuk masuk 2026 Sabu Raijua Bogor Bimbel Putra Bangsa
0813-9111-5558 (Promo Terbatas Diskon 10%), E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Citamiang
Langsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6281391115558 , E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Citamiang, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Citamiang, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Wonosekar, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Babad, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Klampok Lor, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Mangunan Lor, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Mangunrejo, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Megonten, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Pilangwetan
Ada beberapa keunggulan menjadi Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) di Indonesia:
Stabilitas Pekerjaan: Sebagai ASN, Anda memiliki stabilitas pekerjaan yang tinggi karena posisi ASN bersifat tetap atau tidak mudah terkena PHK (Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja).
2. Gaji dan Tunjangan: ASN mendapatkan gaji dan tunjangan yang relatif stabil dan terjamin setiap bulannya. Tunjangan ini bisa meliputi tunjangan keluarga, tunjangan kinerja, tunjangan pensiun, dan lain sebagainya.
3. Jaminan Kesejahteraan: ASN memiliki jaminan kesejahteraan seperti asuransi kesehatan dan pensiun dari negara. Pensiun ASN dijamin oleh negara dan akan diberikan setelah masa pensiun tiba.
4. Kemungkinan Kenaikan Pangkat dan Karier: Terdapat jenjang karier yang jelas dan sistematis di dalam ASN, dimana ASN dapat naik pangkat berdasarkan kriteria dan masa kerja yang telah ditentukan.
5. Kesempatan Pelatihan dan Pengembangan: ASN memiliki kesempatan untuk mengikuti pelatihan dan pengembangan keahlian secara teratur, yang dapat meningkatkan kompetensi dan profesionalisme.
6. Kontribusi pada Pembangunan Negara: Sebagai bagian dari birokrasi negara, ASN memiliki kesempatan untuk memberikan kontribusi nyata dalam pembangunan negara dan pelayanan publik.
Tunjangan CPNS atau Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) setelah pensiun menawarkan beberapa keunggulan yang penting bagi mantan ASN:
1. Jaminan Pensiun: Tunjangan pensiun adalah bentuk jaminan sosial yang diberikan kepada mantan ASN setelah mereka memasuki masa pensiun. Ini memberikan kepastian pendapatan bagi mereka untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup setelah tidak lagi bekerja.
2. Stabilitas Keuangan: Dengan adanya tunjangan pensiun, mantan ASN memiliki stabilitas keuangan yang lebih baik karena mereka dapat mengandalkan pendapatan tetap dari negara setelah pensiun.
3. Penghargaan atas Jasa dan Kontribusi: Tunjangan pensiun juga dapat dianggap sebagai penghargaan atas jasa dan kontribusi yang telah diberikan oleh ASN selama bekerja untuk negara. Ini memberikan rasa penghargaan dan pengakuan atas pengabdian mereka.
4. Tunjangan Kesehatan: Beberapa ASN juga mendapatkan tunjangan kesehatan setelah pensiun, yang membantu mereka dalam mengatasi biaya perawatan kesehatan yang mungkin dibutuhkan seiring bertambahnya usia.
5. Perlindungan Sosial: Sistem pensiun ASN juga sering kali dilengkapi dengan perlindungan sosial lainnya seperti asuransi jiwa, yang memberikan keamanan finansial bagi keluarga ASN jika terjadi sesuatu pada mantan ASN.
E-Course Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Bimbel Putra Bangsa
Kenapa harus mengikuti E-Course Program Platinum CPNS di Bimbel Putra Bangsa?
Kamu akan mendapatkan Garansi Mengulang Kelas Gratis Sampai Lulus di batch selanjutnya 2024.
Memiliki program terlengkap dengan pengajar berkualitas dan berpengalaman, dilengkapi 50 paket tryout CAT CPNS 2024, 50 Video Pembelajaran, Pembahasan 50 paket try out secara individual, 5000+ Soal dan 5000+ Pembahasan latihan CPNS, Mendapatkan Modul lengkap metode SAKTI CPNS terupdate 2024.
Selain itu, kamu juga mendapatkan 60x sesi pembelajaran melalui zoom meeting untuk membahas tips & trik mengerjakan soal-soal dengan Metode khusus (SAKTI) SKD CPNS 2024 serta bonus 10x Kelas Offline untuk daerah DIY dan sekitarnya, Mendapatkan sertifikasi, Webinar, Konsultasi formasi CPNS dan Psikologi, Pembekalan spiritual belt, Pendampingan pendaftaran akun SSCASN.
Tempat Bimbel E-Course CPNS Jogja. Info dan Pendaftaran menghubungi : 0813-9111-5558 (Ibu Vika)
Kami juga melayani bimbingan untuk CPNS, PPPK, P3K, STPN, dan Sekolah Kedinasan.
Info dan Pendaftaran menghubungi : 0813-9111-5558 (Ibu Vika)
Kunjungi Website kami di https://bimbelputrabangsa.com
Alamat Kantor Pusat : Perum Gadingsari 1, No.3, Banyuraden, Gamping, Sleman, DIY.
Alamat Kantor Operasional : Perum Sidoarum Blok 1, Jl.Wijayakusuma No.10, Sidoarum, Godean Sleman, DIY.
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theguestblogging · 3 months
Rashmika Mandanna: The Rising Star and Style Icon
Rashmika Mandanna has quickly become one of the most recognized faces in the Indian film industry. Her journey from a small-town girl to a leading actress in Telugu and Kannada cinema is nothing short of inspiring. Known for her versatile acting skills, she has also earned a reputation for her stunning looks and impeccable fashion sense. Her name frequently trends on social media, often accompanied by the Rashmika Mandanna Hot, highlighting her popularity among fans.
A Cinematic Journey
Rashmika Mandanna made her acting debut in 2016 with the Kannada film "Kirik Party," which was a massive success. Her performance earned her critical acclaim and a strong fan base. She continued to deliver hits like "Geetha Govindam" and "Dear Comrade" in Telugu cinema, showcasing her talent and versatility.
The Fashion Icon
Rashmika’s fashion choices have always been on point. Whether it’s a traditional saree or a chic western outfit, she carries herself with grace and confidence. Her Instagram is a testament to her evolving style, where she effortlessly blends elegance with contemporary fashion. The keyword "Rashmika Mandanna Hot" often trends when she posts pictures from her latest photoshoots, leaving fans in awe of her beauty.
Fitness and Beauty Secrets
Rashmika Mandanna maintains her enviable figure through a disciplined fitness regime. She practices yoga, pilates, and hits the gym regularly. Her skincare routine, often shared in interviews, emphasizes hydration, natural products, and a balanced diet. This dedication to fitness and beauty is a significant reason why "Rashmika Mandanna Hot" is a popular search term.
Upcoming Projects
With her career trajectory on a steep rise, Rashmika Mandanna has a slew of exciting projects lined up. Her Bollywood debut in "Mission Majnu" opposite Sidharth Malhotra has fans eagerly waiting. Additionally, she is set to star in "Pushpa" alongside Allu Arjun, further cementing her position as a top actress in Indian cinema.
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The Journey to Stardom
Rashmika's journey in the film industry began with her debut in the Kannada film "Kirik Party" in 2016. Her natural performance and stunning looks quickly caught the eye of audiences, making her an overnight sensation. Her subsequent roles in films like "Anjani Putra" and "Chamak" further solidified her status as a rising star in the Kannada film industry.
Transitioning to Telugu cinema, Rashmika Mandanna continued to impress with her performances in blockbuster hits such as "Geetha Govindam" and "Dear Comrade." Her ability to embody diverse characters and deliver memorable performances has earned her critical acclaim and a massive fan following across the country.
Rashmika Mandanna's Hot Persona
While Rashmika Mandanna is celebrated for her acting skills, her hot and glamorous image has also played a significant role in her popularity. Her fashion choices and on-screen presence exude confidence and elegance, making her a style icon for many young fans. Rashmika's social media presence further amplifies her appeal, as she regularly shares stunning photos and behind-the-scenes glimpses of her life, keeping her followers engaged and captivated.
Rashmika's ability to effortlessly switch between girl-next-door roles and glamorous avatars has made her a favorite among directors and fashion enthusiasts alike. Her bold and confident demeanor, coupled with her impeccable sense of style, has set her apart in an industry filled with talented individuals.
Iconic Roles and Performances
Rashmika Mandanna's hot and glamorous image is complemented by her exceptional acting skills. In "Geetha Govindam," she portrayed the character of Geetha with such conviction and charm that it became one of her most beloved roles. Her chemistry with co-star Vijay Deverakonda was palpable, adding to the film's success and cementing her status as a leading lady in Telugu cinema.
In "Dear Comrade," Rashmika took on the challenging role of Lilly, a passionate cricketer with a complex emotional journey. Her portrayal of the character's struggles and triumphs showcased her depth as an actress and earned her critical acclaim. Rashmika's ability to bring authenticity to her roles, whether in romantic comedies or intense dramas, has made her a versatile performer capable of leaving a lasting impact on audiences.
The Allure of Rashmika Mandanna
Rashmika Mandanna's hot and glamorous persona is not just limited to her on-screen appearances. Off-screen, she continues to inspire with her fitness routines, fashion choices, and philanthropic efforts. Her dedication to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and her commitment to various charitable causes have endeared her to fans who admire her for more than just her looks.
Rashmika's journey in the film industry is a testament to her hard work, talent, and determination. She has seamlessly transitioned between different film industries, proving her versatility and earning accolades along the way. Her magnetic presence and ability to connect with audiences on a personal level have made her one of the most sought-after actresses in Indian cinema.
Looking Ahead
As Rashmika Mandanna continues to climb the ladder of success, her fans eagerly anticipate her upcoming projects. With her hot and glamorous image, combined with her undeniable talent, she is poised to take on even more challenging and diverse roles in the future. Rashmika's journey is a source of inspiration for aspiring actors and a reminder that true talent, coupled with hard work and perseverance, can lead to extraordinary achievements.
Rashmika Mandanna's Hot Persona
While Rashmika Mandanna is celebrated for her acting skills, her hot and glamorous image has also played a significant role in her popularity. Her fashion choices and on-screen presence exude confidence and elegance, making her a style icon for many young fans. Rashmika's social media presence further amplifies her appeal, as she regularly shares stunning photos and behind-the-scenes glimpses of her life, keeping her followers engaged and captivated.
Rashmika's ability to effortlessly switch between girl-next-door roles and glamorous avatars has made her a favorite among directors and fashion enthusiasts alike. Her bold and confident demeanor, coupled with her impeccable sense of style, has set her apart in an industry filled with talented individuals.
Iconic Roles and Performances
Rashmika Mandanna's hot and glamorous image is complemented by her exceptional acting skills. In "Geetha Govindam," she portrayed the character of Geetha with such conviction and charm that it became one of her most beloved roles. Her chemistry with co-star Vijay Deverakonda was palpable, adding to the film's success and cementing her status as a leading lady in Telugu cinema.
In "Dear Comrade," Rashmika took on the challenging role of Lilly, a passionate cricketer with a complex emotional journey. Her portrayal of the character's struggles and triumphs showcased her depth as an actress and earned her critical acclaim. Rashmika's ability to bring authenticity to her roles, whether in romantic comedies or intense dramas, has made her a versatile performer capable of leaving a lasting impact on audiences.
The Allure of Rashmika Mandanna
Rashmika Mandanna's hot and glamorous persona is not just limited to her on-screen appearances. Off-screen, she continues to inspire with her fitness routines, fashion choices, and philanthropic efforts. Her dedication to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and her commitment to various charitable causes have endeared her to fans who admire her for more than just her looks.
Rashmika's journey in the film industry is a testament to her hard work, talent, and determination. She has seamlessly transitioned between different film industries, proving her versatility and earning accolades along the way. Her magnetic presence and ability to connect with audiences on a personal level have made her one of the most sought-after actresses in Indian cinema.
Fashion Icon and Trendsetter
Rashmika Mandanna's fashion sense is a perfect blend of traditional and contemporary styles. Whether she's donning a glamorous gown for a red carpet event or sporting a casual chic look for a day out, Rashmika always manages to turn heads. Her sartorial choices have made her a favorite among fashion designers and brands, and she often graces the covers of leading fashion magazines.
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wetopia · 9 months
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Wetopia 60127826090 Whatsapp: https://appoin.me/wetopia_ueTb Room Detail: https://appoin.me/rooms_7L2DS Room to Rent - RM 700 monthly. Condo: Youth City, Nilai All-Inclusive Rental! Zero Deposit (T&C’s applied) Join our waiting list today! Open for rent - Jan 2024 Know more 👇 Here’s what you’ll get by staying with Wetopia Coliving: * Fully furnished room with air conditioner * Awesome room with beautiful interior design! * Utilities, WiFi and cleaning services inclusive * Free access to facilities * Weekly fun activities with the community. * Sharing Basis - Common Space, Kitchen and Bathroom * On-site community manager support. Whatsapp us now. More photos: https://wetopia.my/room/youth-city/ 1) Facilities 24 Hours Security Badminton Hall BBQ Area Community Garden Gymnasium Surau BBQ Deck Swimming Pool 2) Easy Access To AEON Mall Nilai Tesco Putra Nilai Giant Nilai Mitsui Outlet Park 3) Public Transportation Nilai KTM Station (3.6km) Nilai Bus Terminal (3.7km) Salak Tinggi ERL Station (13.9km) Whatsapp us now to join the waiting list. ...
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yuko-araki · 10 months
I am thrilled to announce that am releasing a Remix EP “IV X VI (Re:visions) “ on 9th February from Room40! You can listen †Magnetar (Jonathan Snipes @jonat8han @clppng Remix) and ‡Magnetar (Lawrence English @room40shoots Remix) on bandcamp page, was premiered on Cyclic defrost today🥹 link in bio🎧 I really love this EP, Thank you so much Killers and Room40 😭🤍 Yuko Araki - IV X VI (Re:visions) †Magnetar (Jonathan Snipes @jonat8han @clppng Remix) ‡Magnetar (Golpe Mortal @golpemortal81 Remix) ‡Magnetar (Nick Klein @nickklein____ Remix) ‡Magnetar (Lawrence English @room40shoots Remix) ‡Otiron (Portal @portal_officialhorror Remix) ‡Otiron (Scotch Rolex @waqwaqkingdom Remix) Cover collage by Lawrence English @room40shoots Original photo by Adi Putra @adipvtra
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Jati's work was still a strong inspiration for me during this second assignment. His connections to outer space throughout his photo manipulations is really well done and also reflects the connection of outer space and earth which was the same connection I was trying to convey throughout my image series.
Here are a couple of examples that made me want to continue with my idea from assignment one...
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These images allow for the two worlds to collide and I love his playful nature with his photo manipulations where Earth is visually depicted as very small in the grand scheme of things, which it is. The universe is massive and so are one's possibilities and potential and I feel that is strongly conveyed through his work also.
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perspexto · 1 year
Rahasia Memotong Daging Kurban bak 'Ninja' di Idul Adha
Photo by: Republika/Aditya Pradana Putra Apakah Anda merasa bingung memilih pisau terbaik untuk menguliti dan mencacah daging, terutama menjelang hari raya Idul Adha? Tenang, Anda tidak sendirian. Mencari pisau yang tepat bisa menjadi tantangan, apalagi jika Anda tidak tahu apa yang harus dicari. Tapi jangan khawatir, kami punya panduan lengkap untuk Anda. Anda pernah bertanya-tanya tentang…
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nawraahijabb · 1 year
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Instagram: www.instagram.com/nawraa.indonesia
Tik -Tok: tiktok.com/@nawraa.indonesia
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prabhupadanugas · 1 year
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tunicastudio · 2 years
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“STOCK PHOTOS OF A BROKEN FUTURE” published at TUNICA Magazine Issue No.8 Available to order online now. Link in Bio Art direction & styling - Kate Kidney Bishop @sashasadies Photography - Hugues Laurent @hugues_laurent Makeup - Mari Kuno @_kunomari Hair - Janina Zais @janinazais Nails - Anh Hoang @anhhhoang_ , Bebey Nails @bebeynails , Victoria Houllis @mannequin.hands Talent - Chloe Morton-Whittock @alta.blue via Contact Agency & Jessica Bragshaw @jbx.g Assistant - Zuzanna Marciniak @marciniak.zuzi Logos: @dimitri_pelliccia @jprgd @prostheticv_ @skinny.designahh @ttttiee Art direction & design: @el_papi_kriko @m.i.r.u.e.l Contributors: Fabius Kossack - @fabius.kossack 2oo2 - @2oooooooooooooo2 Masako Hirano - @cokepotato Alex Clayton - @alexcclayton Sasan Kayyod - @sasan.kayyod Axeknight - @axeknight1 Cvalda xie - @cvaldaxie Ayaka Ohira - @_ayakaohira_ Drembler - @drembler Bora Akıncıtürk - @boramurmure Tea Strazicic - @tea.strazicic Sam Balfus - @balfua Umut Cocln - @umutcocln Kate Biel - @katebiel Weishan Yang - @97shan_ Tissue Hunter - @tissue_hunter Miro Ingmar Tiebe - @m.i.r.u.e.l Kate Kidney Bishop - @sashasadies Dave Shen - @daveshen198 Hellauglyprince - @hellauglyprince Nadiia Pliamko - @cirrusmin0r Crosby Studio - @crosbystudios Dimitri Pelliccia - @dimitri_pelliccia LIL TEXAS - @liltexas WEIRAN - @vve1ran Niohuru - @vampirechinese Guillermo Carmona - @guiiiilleeee Daria/Tashi Kochneva - @tashismind Sanfita666 - @sanfita666 Joana Celine Huguenin - @joana__celine AVAVAV/Beate Karlsson - @avavav Juampi Bonino - @jp._.bonino Lera Kotova - @lerakot Ali Athif - @skinny.designahh Alexandr Savinykh - @ttttiee Hvnter - @hvnt.ter Jeremy Rieger - @jprgd Kevin Moll - @kevin__moll Fajar Nawawi - @karyafana Owen Chai - @deadpixel.digital Prosthetic Visual - @prostheticv_ Yoan Putra - @mortogvng Yudai Ono - @yudaiyudaiono (at London, UK) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnF_8LLPqXj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Tempat Pelatihan 0813-9111-5558 (Ibu Vika) Privat Online Bimbel CPNS Untuk masuk 2026 Rote Ndao Bekasi Bimbel Putra Bangsa
0813-9111-5558 (Promo Terbatas Diskon 10%), E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Cikole
Langsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6281391115558 , E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Cikole, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Cikole, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Wonoketingal, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Brambang, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Bumirejo, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Jragung, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Margohayu, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Pundenarum, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Sido Rejo
Ada beberapa keunggulan menjadi Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) di Indonesia:
Stabilitas Pekerjaan: Sebagai ASN, Anda memiliki stabilitas pekerjaan yang tinggi karena posisi ASN bersifat tetap atau tidak mudah terkena PHK (Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja).
2. Gaji dan Tunjangan: ASN mendapatkan gaji dan tunjangan yang relatif stabil dan terjamin setiap bulannya. Tunjangan ini bisa meliputi tunjangan keluarga, tunjangan kinerja, tunjangan pensiun, dan lain sebagainya.
3. Jaminan Kesejahteraan: ASN memiliki jaminan kesejahteraan seperti asuransi kesehatan dan pensiun dari negara. Pensiun ASN dijamin oleh negara dan akan diberikan setelah masa pensiun tiba.
4. Kemungkinan Kenaikan Pangkat dan Karier: Terdapat jenjang karier yang jelas dan sistematis di dalam ASN, dimana ASN dapat naik pangkat berdasarkan kriteria dan masa kerja yang telah ditentukan.
5. Kesempatan Pelatihan dan Pengembangan: ASN memiliki kesempatan untuk mengikuti pelatihan dan pengembangan keahlian secara teratur, yang dapat meningkatkan kompetensi dan profesionalisme.
6. Kontribusi pada Pembangunan Negara: Sebagai bagian dari birokrasi negara, ASN memiliki kesempatan untuk memberikan kontribusi nyata dalam pembangunan negara dan pelayanan publik.
Tunjangan CPNS atau Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) setelah pensiun menawarkan beberapa keunggulan yang penting bagi mantan ASN:
1. Jaminan Pensiun: Tunjangan pensiun adalah bentuk jaminan sosial yang diberikan kepada mantan ASN setelah mereka memasuki masa pensiun. Ini memberikan kepastian pendapatan bagi mereka untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup setelah tidak lagi bekerja.
2. Stabilitas Keuangan: Dengan adanya tunjangan pensiun, mantan ASN memiliki stabilitas keuangan yang lebih baik karena mereka dapat mengandalkan pendapatan tetap dari negara setelah pensiun.
3. Penghargaan atas Jasa dan Kontribusi: Tunjangan pensiun juga dapat dianggap sebagai penghargaan atas jasa dan kontribusi yang telah diberikan oleh ASN selama bekerja untuk negara. Ini memberikan rasa penghargaan dan pengakuan atas pengabdian mereka.
4. Tunjangan Kesehatan: Beberapa ASN juga mendapatkan tunjangan kesehatan setelah pensiun, yang membantu mereka dalam mengatasi biaya perawatan kesehatan yang mungkin dibutuhkan seiring bertambahnya usia.
5. Perlindungan Sosial: Sistem pensiun ASN juga sering kali dilengkapi dengan perlindungan sosial lainnya seperti asuransi jiwa, yang memberikan keamanan finansial bagi keluarga ASN jika terjadi sesuatu pada mantan ASN.
E-Course Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Bimbel Putra Bangsa
Kenapa harus mengikuti E-Course Program Platinum CPNS di Bimbel Putra Bangsa?
Kamu akan mendapatkan Garansi Mengulang Kelas Gratis Sampai Lulus di batch selanjutnya 2024.
Memiliki program terlengkap dengan pengajar berkualitas dan berpengalaman, dilengkapi 50 paket tryout CAT CPNS 2024, 50 Video Pembelajaran, Pembahasan 50 paket try out secara individual, 5000+ Soal dan 5000+ Pembahasan latihan CPNS, Mendapatkan Modul lengkap metode SAKTI CPNS terupdate 2024.
Selain itu, kamu juga mendapatkan 60x sesi pembelajaran melalui zoom meeting untuk membahas tips & trik mengerjakan soal-soal dengan Metode khusus (SAKTI) SKD CPNS 2024 serta bonus 10x Kelas Offline untuk daerah DIY dan sekitarnya, Mendapatkan sertifikasi, Webinar, Konsultasi formasi CPNS dan Psikologi, Pembekalan spiritual belt, Pendampingan pendaftaran akun SSCASN.
Tempat Bimbel E-Course CPNS Jogja. Info dan Pendaftaran menghubungi : 0813-9111-5558 (Ibu Vika)
Kami juga melayani bimbingan untuk CPNS, PPPK, P3K, STPN, dan Sekolah Kedinasan.
Info dan Pendaftaran menghubungi : 0813-9111-5558 (Ibu Vika)
Kunjungi Website kami di https://bimbelputrabangsa.com
Alamat Kantor Pusat : Perum Gadingsari 1, No.3, Banyuraden, Gamping, Sleman, DIY.
Alamat Kantor Operasional : Perum Sidoarum Blok 1, Jl.Wijayakusuma No.10, Sidoarum, Godean Sleman, DIY.
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wetopia · 9 months
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Wetopia 60127826090 Whatsapp: https://appoin.me/wetopia_0C6l Room Detail: https://appoin.me/rooms_wu3is Room to Rent - RM 850-900 monthly. Condo: Youth City, Nilai All-Inclusive Rental! Zero Deposit (T&C’s applied) Join our waiting list today! Open for rent - Jan 2024 Know more 👇 Here’s what you’ll get by staying with Wetopia Coliving: * Fully furnished room with air conditioner * Awesome room with beautiful interior design! * Utilities, WiFi and cleaning services inclusive * Free access to facilities * Weekly fun activities with the community. * Sharing Basis - Common Space, Kitchen and Bathroom * On-site community manager support. Whatsapp us now. More photos: https://wetopia.my/room/youth-city/ 1) Facilities 24 Hours Security Badminton Hall BBQ Area Community Garden Gymnasium Surau BBQ Deck Swimming Pool 2) Easy Access To AEON Mall Nilai Tesco Putra Nilai Giant Nilai Mitsui Outlet Park 3) Public Transportation Nilai KTM Station (3.6km) Nilai Bus Terminal (3.7km) Salak Tinggi ERL Station (13.9km) Whatsapp us to join the waiting list. ...
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bayixs · 2 years
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SELAMAT & SUKSES! Atas terselenggaranya kegiatan "PELATIHAN KEPEMIMPINAN DASAR (PKD) TAHUN 2022" GP ANSOR PAC Kecamatan Sooko Mojokerto Terima Kasih Yang Tak Terhingga Kepada: Panitia Pelaksana Kegiatan & juga Ketua GP ANSOR PAC Kecamatan Sooko beserta Jajaran Pengurus Harian, yang masih setia mempercayakan @ojek_adventure_team Divisi Photo & Videography sebagai partner bidang dokumentasi kegiatan. Semoga kerja sama yg baik ini akan semakin baik lagi serta dapat berlanjut hingga masa yang akan datang. PKD GP ANSOR PAC Kecamatan Sooko - Mojokerto Ponpes Putra Riyadlul Qur'an Desa Kedungmaling, 16-18 Desember 2022 https://www.instagram.com/p/CmUAcUWJ4Z2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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