#put up a tr*mp flag
nelson-riddle-me-this · 2 months
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My dad put up a pride flag outside the house and it makes me so happy!
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eekwinn · 2 years
Walking the dogs and looking at Halloween lights only for a little girl to come up and talk to us. I asked if she was Covid vaccinated before touching the dogs and her dad said no. It breaks my heart that a 7 year old has parents unwilling to make sure she is healthy!
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You can't hear it in the 'silence'... I have to get something off my chest
Sorry, this isn't going to be a fun post, but I've thought about it for a few days now, and I really need to get this off my chest if I want to continue talking about Taylor Swift in this space.
Reading Taylor's wrap up post for the London shows/European tour on Wednesday night filled me with relief, but left a bad aftertaste and I couldn't really put my finger on why, but it irked me so much that it kept me up all night. If you haven't seen, this was her post with the usual photo carousel:
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So, finally, Miss Swift has found her voice addressing Vienna. And I don’t personally love the way she handled it, but I totally understand her reasoning and am aware that we have very different perceptions of danger given that home invasions and stalking are a frequent occurrence in her world, when that’s not something any of us have to fear.  And I thank Taylor, her team, and the Met Police for how incredibly safe the concerts felt, given the circumstances. But something has been bothering me about all of this, and it’s the way she addresses the ‘silence’.
Why is now the time she can finally “make something very clear”? Where was this when her creepy 'fans' swarmed and harassed her at Jack Antonoff's wedding last summer or when gaylors were told 8 times a day to off themselves following a simple NYT article? Yes, I’m disappointed. Because she can when she wants to. And the ‘restraint’ can sure feel like abandonment when people are hurting and nowhere is safe from Swifties… I doubt anybody really thought she doesn’t care or isn’t working hard to make the shows safe. But I have a question about that.
Why is my safety taken more seriously when I’m attending her concert than when my safe space online is being invaded by people telling me to go die? Twice in the last 8 months have I actually altered my behaviour because I felt distinctly unsafe as a gay woman in a Taylor Swift-related space. Why did it take such a scary event for that stadium to truly feel like a safe space for people to even show up wearing a pride flag as a cape , when back in June, I didn't feel safe enough to wear rainbow laces in my shoes. Because hate that turns into actual real life violence always starts online, and I just didn't want to risk it when people were calling for my public execution on social media mere months ago while Miss Taylor was yet again 'silent'....where was her ability to 'make something very clear' then? Was my safety, all of our collective safety, not important unless I've paid for a ticket to her show? Because I don't see the difference in what it would do to Taylor if even a single life was lost to excessive harassment and bullying by swifties versus if we got attacked at a stadium or during a dance class.
When you go on record saying you never want to be silent on important issues ever again, you can't act all annoyed when people subsequently expect you to say something when a fascist and convicted felon may be elected to government again, or queer people are being harassed within an inch of their lives in your name by your very fans. In the silence, actions speak louder than words and the legacy of a year of WAG Taylor catering to die hard conservative football fans and smiling in photographs with Tr*mp supporters (in an election year!) is really very scary. Those photos on the front of every newspaper may just be louder than any words she said five years ago (and no, performance art does not absolve anyone from that).
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I'm all for thinking before speaking, but I don't want to feel like she's actively sending the bullies our way with her actions and verbal 'restraint'. I want to enjoy her art with the people in my community in a safe environment every day, not just when I'm coming to a stadium.
Since it's tour break, I'm also going to take a bit of a break from here, get some perspective, get my kids settled into a new school year. Maybe even try this dating in my 30s thing...(scary!). Have a good September, peeps! 😘
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probably-enjolras · 23 days
parking on my college campus is great because all the cars have something that is just slightly unhinged. here is a list of things i’ve seen YESTERDAY alone:
my own car that has a fall out boy bumper sticker encouraging people to keep honking at me and i’ll ignore them in favor of listening to TTTYG
a car that has the license plate “oh worms”
a regular car with military decoration saying the driver was in the marines and had family in the military and it’s all clean and organized except for a corner that just has an alien smoking a cigarette and saying “existence is pain”
a car with the license plate “mstr yda” (Master Yoda) and definitely lived up to it because instead of those antlers you can put on your car for christmas to be a reindeer, this car had Yoda’s ears on it
a car with a sticker that told people to be nice to them because their tummy was upset (AND i know exactly where this sticker came from bc it’s a local trans owned art business that does mostly DND, queer, and funny/relatable stickers, bookmarks, notebooks etc)
the staff parking has roughly 4x the amount of yellow cars than the student parking, even though it’s only two lanes compared to multiple lots for students
a staff car that was almost certainly an english professor with a sticker that said “let me tell you why i hate lord byron”
no one (including staff) following the rules on which corner to put your parking pass sticker on (guys we get free parking all over campus and they will give you more stickers any time you lose yours just PUT IT IN THE RIGHT PLACE)
a line up of three cars next to each other with one being a truck with an american flag with the blue line for the “blue lives matter” thing (gross), a confederate flag (gross also but we’re in rural virginia so not unusual), and surprisingly no tr*mp stickers but pretty much every republican in the state and local areas, next to a small red buggy that was mostly covered in doctor who, star wars, and marvel stickers and a small pride flag in the window, next to a jeep that had the sticker “silly boys jeeps are for girls” and a license plate that said “chicks rule” (in a way that fit the license plate amount of space)
and, my personal favorite because we have the same schedule and i see him at my local bagel place a lot, a guy with an ATV that has a lot of stickers about all the forests, monuments, and national parks he’s been too, but double the amount of stickers telling everyone that he loves bigfoot, bigfoot is real, bigfoot is his sugar daddy, and a line up of different cryptids in the corner that you’d see those little family stickers that show the mom, dad, kids, and pets as stick figures
i don’t like taking pictures of cars, i feel like it’s quite violating and because i’m at a local college if i took a picture, it wouldn’t be hard to actually doxx these people, so you’ll just have to take my word for it but i don’t think i’m creative enough to actually make this shit up lmao
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incognito-princess · 29 days
You guys!!! I was kind of broken hearted because it looked like my across the street neighbors of like 17 years put up a tR^mp flag. I thought I knew these people! I've always like them. Then today it was breezy for the first time since I noticed it and it a HARRIS*WALZ flag!!! I knew they were good people!!!!
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shinybluething · 10 months
One of my neighbors owns an empty lot across the street from his house. Currently it's so full of Xmas decorations that it looks like a prison camp for plastic santas, angels and reindeer.
Yes, this is the same guy who put up a 30 foot flagpole for his Tr*mp flags.
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missriyochuchi · 6 months
I guess it was inevitable that the neighbor who sassed back with a written refusal to our need for accommodation and regularly squeezes 2 gigantic trucks on our small block would put up an even bigger th*n blue line flag 🙄 I just hate that seeing it made my stomach drop, made me more anxious and fearful in our own home ☹️ Mom says she doesn’t care, but I know that flag more likely than not signals Tr*mp supporters - dyed in the wool ones, at this point - who aren’t exactly known for their compassion, which is something disabled people unfortunately rely on from others just to exist in the world. As if I didn’t already feel physically and ideologically alone and isolated, that fucking flag feels like the final nail in the coffin.
We really need to move before the end of the year.
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darkarfs · 1 year
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Meet madmen in your area!! Bing is absolutely killing me, I can't stand it. But Chrome just...refuses to work, after every troubleshooting idea. I feel like I'm at some imaginary finish line and someone keeps putting little hurdles in the way.
I saw a bumper sticker today that said "Be very quiet: I'm hunting libtards" which, again, underlines that they just want to exterminate all of us softies and snowflakes who disagree with them. Another guy across the river from me took down his Let's Go Brandon flag after...7 months? But now there's just a "Tr*mp 2024" flag in its place. I looked from probably 500 yards away and yelled "YOU BOUGHT MORE THAN ONE OF THESE?? THIS IS THE REASON YOU OWN A FLAGPOLE???" I have to say, one thing about being offline for 3 and a half weeks is that I didn't read word one about him or Apartheid Bobblehead Manchild. I didn't miss not knowing about them or their goings on.
Wrestlemania overdelivered! I'm very happy I watched.
There are no good Farscape t-shirts. They don't exist.
Also: understand that even if Tr*mp's anus fucking prolapsed while he was on the toilet, his wackjob supporters would A) call it a conspiracy and B) martyr him, because they can't think for themselves and white supremacy is all they know to uphold.
I'm happy for every anti-fascist kid, because it means the kids are alright. But truth of truths? We need more adults that are willing to unlearn what they grew up with, FFS.
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ribcagefighter · 20 days
my neighbor put up a tr*mp sign with a bunch of flags around it :( now he is forever known to me as a piece of shit. well that’s what you get for living in a neighborhood full of old people.
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criticalsucc · 7 months
it's so funny tho, the neighbors (husband and wife couple, late 30s) i was dog sitting for last week moved in back in 2020. and as we got to know them we realized how extremely liberal they were (a rare thing in the state that voted 70% for tr*mp in 2016). and they even put out a pride flag with the trans stripes on it (which is why they are the only "acquaintances" i've come out to). but the wife is of one of my few "types" (short, short hair, and feisty attitude) and i did have a mild crush on her. and my bestie was like "she's married!" and was like "so...a girl can dream."
and then one night they invite us up to eat dinner with them, with their house guest (one of those handyman type lesbians), and decide to break the news to us that the wife is bi, they are poly, and this is her new girlfriend! 😅 just a funny coincidence
also one time i went up there to let their dog out and they had bundles of purple and black shibari rope sitting out on the coffee table 😂 i was like damn i love these people
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jwooyoung · 2 years
my neighborhood (and state in general) are mainly gross tr*mp supporters but it's nice seeing the one (1) rainbow flag up across the street 🥺
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stargirlfics · 4 years
So can we throwing Gina Carano away?! Ain’t got time for Karen FB mom’s who are transphobic, dozing, corona denying, all lives matter, calling heart attacks a pandemic (yes I couldn’t believe my eyes either), gun praising lunatics. Truly can we replace her in Mandalorian at this point? Pedro deserves better than this bullshit 😐 I’m sorry y’all but if a celebrity’s fan base posts a bunch of American flags, bye sissssss🤮
Oh yeah she can be taken to the trash immediately with her pro tr*mp, all lives matter, “let’s open the country back up”, “I mock people for putting their pronouns in their bio” ass self smh ew
Watch legit nothing happen to her but of course John Boyega has to go through the fucking ringer with Disney and Star Wars fans for no reason 🙃
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kazulmehto · 5 years
The “My neighbor just put up a Tr*mp flag” starter set
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rhcenyra · 4 years
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I was thinking about ordering this sign and putting it up...my mom wasn’t super pumped to put up signs bc she was like it’s just gonna cause conflict with the neighbors and while now we know we CLEARLY don’t agree with their views they do do stuff for us a lot like free home repairs and stuff and my mom doesn’t wanna lose that lol bc she wouldn’t be able to afford that stuff otherwise but I’m like. At this point we GOTTA. we live in a pretty diverse community for the suburbs and it’s gotta be hard for people to drive around their own neighborhood and see nothing but tr*mp flags and feel like they’re not even welcome here
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transrevolutions · 4 years
nothing quite like listening to you ‘masks cause covid’ mom and ‘your brother can have a tr*mp flag but you can’t have a biden flag’ dad yak at thanksgiving
Screw them. I don’t know if you’d feel comfortable doing this, but make your own fucking flag. Throw it in their faces. Remember, there are hotlines you can call. Don’t put up with that shit. Stay safe. We’re all here for you, and I’m sorry they’re like this.
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obxfics · 4 years
Outer Banks Characters as People found on Tinder in Central Florida
John B: those dudes who are super hot and you know are out of ur league but u still swipe right on them and ur super surprised when theyre actually nice and dont immediately hit u up for ur snap... alternatively any skater boy who doesnt look like a douche (theyre hard to find but theyre out there)
JJ: fish pic (listen we all know it’s true...) alternatively hot surfer dudes using passport from Australia or New Zealand who are always smiling with their friends (do not have those weird pics where they just like... stare at the camera as if it makes them look sexier)
Pope: usually has some quote in their bio or mentions liking anime somewhere (sorry but its true) alternatively any guy who puts a STEM major in their bio we love to see it (and yes specifically any dude who hits me up for animal crossing dates or talks to me about tony stark)
Kie: my fav types of bi/lesbians who use like rainbow or lil leaf emojis just those soft vegetarian or vegan wlw (theyre so cute and sweet okay) alternatively skater lesbians who listen to alternative or pop punk (its me okay but i also am in love with them)
Sarah Cameron:  lowkey like lowkey any girl that says “married to the love of my life but looking for a girl to spice things up 😝” (im sorry but she gives off those vibes) alternatively those sorority girls who actually look super sweet (again theyre usually from Rollins) and hype up ur profile pics and like ur insta posts
Topper: literally any dude from Rollins (especially if they have a pic of them in their nice ass boat which they almost always do) alternatively “6′ because apparently that matters”
Rafe: okay now HE has the fish pics but also the hunting pics and pics of them on their 4-wheelers (is that what they’re called?) and have m*ga hats or tr*mp 2020 flags flying in the back of their raised pick-up trucks used to have “swipe in the direction of ur political views” in their bios (usually from fucking polk county 🤢)
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