#put those puppy dog eyes away vash
renardsruses · 2 months
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When you look at your homie with the adoring sentiment
Redraw of Archaicden and NowfallC’s cosplays! (Image below the cut :).)
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novasintheroom · 25 days
032. Limb
♡ Pairing - Vash x Reader
♡ Word count - 0.6k
♡ Warnings - none
♡ Description: Vash is more worried about you than his arm.
Part of the 150 Bullets drabble series on AO3
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In the brush of crowd, your hand interlocks with his. It’s hard to walk side-by-side in the press. One of you often takes the lead while the other is pulled along. Tomas carts drag by, men and women in dust-ridden clothes hurry to their different destinations, oglers from out of town yap while standing in the road. It’s noisy in the middle of the day. Both of you have your masks over your face – there’s a lot of dust being kicked up from so many feet.
Over the din, you raise your voice. “We should check out the blacksmith, see if he has what you need for your arm.”
Vash looks back, being in the lead for a moment. His eyes flick across yours before he shakes his head. “We need to get some money first. We only have enough to buy a few more meals.”
You purse your lips and give him a look – something Vash has come to call your ‘disagreement’ face. He turns away before it can affect him. “We won’t be able to make any money if your arm keeps malfunctioning.”
“We’ll be fine,” he says, pulling you to the left as two tomas riders trundle along.
“We won’t be – ugh – “ you accidentally bump into a woman walking the other way and say a quick apology. Vash pulls you closer, feeling the brush of your chest against his back every few steps. You continue, “We need to get your arm fixed. That’s our first priority.”
He walks a few steps, then says, “My first priority is making sure you’re fed.”
It has the dual effect of making you mushy and irritated. “Birdie,” you whisper, pulling him to the side of a building so that you’re out of the way. He lets you – he always lets you – and looks at you with those desperately sad eyes. “Please, don’t do this. So we skip a few meals, that’s better than letting your arm fritz and hurt you every time you move it.”
You can see the smile through his mask, the one that’s meant to be placating. “I’ll be fine, mayfly. I won’t be if I see you go hungry.”
This, from the man who skips meals when things don’t go his way. You pull down your mask to give him the full force of your frown. “I’m a big girl, birdie. I can handle it. Please, let’s not go back and forth about this. You need parts for your arm. Then we can get some jobs done and have a big meal after. Okay?”
And with your mask down, he sees the shape of your lips, the puff of your cheeks as you give your best puppy dog look. It doesn’t affect him the way you want it to; your pout is off-center, and there’s a hardness in your eyes. But it still gets his heart fluttering, still makes his mouth move, imagining it pressed to yours.
Vash sighs and rubs his neck. His metal limb fritzes while he does, and a wince echoes in his brows. He knows you saw it. “Mayfly – “
“Vash, please don’t make me beg.”
He feels more than shows the flinch of hearing his name. You’re serious. Dead serious. And, like he always does when it comes to you, he relents. Reluctantly, but he does. With another sigh, he nods. “Okay…alright. But only one part. Enough to get by, then we have lunch.”
Your smile is bright. Relief at the compromise washes over.  Parts for his arm and he eats? Absolutely a win. “Deal.” Slowly, you take his hand again and squeeze it. He squeezes back after a moment. Putting your mask back up, you go on your tiptoes to press your covered nose to his. His eyes smile at the gesture, and together you walk hand-in-hand back through the throngs.  
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bat-fan-sa · 11 months
Modern Trigun AU where Vash and Meryl had a kid together but broke up ‘cause things just didn’t work out, but now they’re great coparents and sometimes Milly or Nico babysits the little tyke. Vash lives in an apartment and Meryl a house and the two have different days where they look after their son, but it’s one of those days where no one is available to watch the little sprout, so Vash’s last resort is dropping his kid off at his brother’s place.
Nai has his own place far away from most people and filled to the brim with plants. He and Vash used to be estranged after a particular fight the two had while homeless (set a few years after their mother died, leaving them orphaned and on the streets), but now the two are rekindling. So, what better way to do so than for his dear ‘ol twin to look after his precious, little nephew for a while, huh??
Yeah, no, Nai has mixed feelings towards his nephew. The dude ain’t fond of many people, only really ever caring about his late mother and Vash (and his plants). The kid is related to that one annoying woman his brother dated and still hangs out with despite them no longer being together, and yet… He’s still his brother’s son. He’s half of Vash. Still related to himself by blood and so much like his twin...
Fine. He’ll look after the brat. Just this once. Then never again. So he says.
Vash is thrilled and after leaving a list of to-dos and all the essentials, he’s off, leaving Mr. Reluctant Uncle to look after the kid. What could possibly go wrong?! Surprisingly, or unsurprisingly, nothing really. Nai is actually pretty decent at looking after a toddler, albeit rather cold and standoffish. He’s not too affectionate towards his nephew, just doing the bare minimum of what’s expected.
The kid is rather behaved and easy to manage, thankfully, but like all kids, he has his moments. Like right now with him being fussy and refusing to calm down. Nai is going through the list Vash gave him, trying to figure out how to get the little brat to shut up already, when he recalls something his brother said right before heading out the door.
“If he ever gets too fussy, just put on one of his favorite shows! He loves the one with the blue and orange dogs!”
Blue and orange dogs? No way some stupid baby show about dogs is going to get this brat to-
And that’s how Nai found himself witnessing his nephew just sitting quietly on the couch, intently watching some cartoon called Bluey, about a dog named, well, Bluey and her sister, Bingo. He only knows their names because after he referred to both characters by their colors, his dear baby nephew had the absolute gall to correct him. How dare this much younger and lesser being correct him!
Whatever, he’ll leave him to indulge in his inferior form of entertain for lesser minds, he has more important things to do than to watch such drivel! Like attending to his plants, or playing his piano, or reading! And yet, Nai still found himself tuning into whatever was happening on screen that had the little boy so enraptured. It was just some silly, childish show, nothing more.
But then one particular episode happened to catch his eye, one that seemed different than the rest. It was more serious and mature than the others and seemed to have a message he personally resonated with (like he’d ever admit it aloud). Before long, he found himself walking back over to and standing behind the couch, watching the episode alongside his nephew, this time more intently.
Episode after episode, he found himself just watching and occasionally commenting on whatever was on screen. Making snide remarks about any character that annoyed him or some moment he disagreed with. He slowly found himself seeing himself and Vash in Bluey and Bingo, specifically back before Rem had passed and they were still kids. Obviously, there were some major differences, but he still found himself becoming enthralled with whatever new adventure the two puppy sisters were having.
“I guess this show isn’t complete and utter garbage…”
Fast forward and Vash has returned to come pick up his son, bag of donuts in hand and a plant he picked up on the way there to thank Nai for the trouble. He puts in the spare key, turns the lock, and waltzes inside towards the living room to see a sight that has him nearly dropping both the plant and donuts onto Nai’s nice, clean floor.
There, on the couch, sat his very brother, tiny nephew perched comfortably on his lap while he sipped away at his bottle. Bluey was playing on the TV screen, a scene with Bingo and Bluey apparently fighting over something. But that’s not what caught the father off guard, it was the fact his brother was actually watching it? With his nephew?? And was seemingly enjoying it and even commentating on it???
“See, if Vash just hadn’t squabbled with me so much like Bingo does with her sister, things would have been so much easier-“
Welp, looks like fun time is over, Vash has returned, and Nai was caught watching a baby show for babies with Vash’s baby on his lap… and he was conversing with said baby.
There was no explaining his way out of this one, especially not with the little sprout waving his tiny hand at his father and excitedly babbling about ‘Uncle Nai watching Bingo and Bluey with him.’
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crownvetch92 · 4 years
Light Eternal Chapter 1
The moon shown down on lush green leaves as a large shadow swooped down over a sea of trees. A shrill screech filled the air, scaring up massive amounts of birds and insects from the branches. Yellow eyes searched the resulting panicked swarm, honing in on a particularly plump partridge. Gigantic leathery wings beat as the large bat creature snagged the partridge with furry spindly arms, sinking it’s large claws onto it’s prey, killing the bird almost instantaneously.
With her prey in her claws, the bat creature landed on a sturdy branch, plucking feathers off her catch. It was an old habit picked up from her time living amongst mortal humans, before the rise of Vlad the Impaler, and subsequent fear of vampires took hold. She huffed, brushing scratching her ear with her wing claw, as her hands were busied with plucking the last feathers off, and disposing of them into the pitch black forest below.
Aside from her spindly arms she looked just like a giant version of a big brown bat, standing 6 foot from head to talon, and a wingspan of 10 feet. She gazed up at the stars, admiring their tiny flickering lights. She chittered in excitement as a meteor shower began to light up the sky above. She continued eating, discarding bones and inedible gizzards into the leaves below. Small scavenging creatures leaped through the branches below, squabbling over the scraps. They looked like pale, twisted, hairless monkeys with needle sharp teeth. They squawked and chattered, bickering amongst themselves. One was brave enough to sniff at the giant bat’s three taloned feet. She shifted away in disgust, kicking the vile scavenger away. The creature hissed, and jumped down to a lower branch.
The bat finished her nightly meal, and started grooming herself like a rat would. A flash of light caught her large yellow eyes. A meteor passed right past the tree line, and into the forest below. The she-bat sniffed at the air, and then skittered down the tree. The forest was impossibly dark, at least for mortal standards. It was like descending into the deepest part of the ocean, where no light could ever reach. The she bat maneuvered down, using only the sturdiest branches.
She sniffed the air, trying to pick up any strange scent left by the falling star. She followed a scent, that of heated stones. She looked around, nothing was out of the ordinary. Only the bioluminescent flowers that littered the forest floor dimly pulsed with faint light. The she bat huffed, nothing was there, her curiosity lead to disappointment. She scuttled back to her cave.
“Was your hunt successful Estelle?” Echoed a deep yet powerful female voice.
“She smells of blood and bone, arvak.” Came a deep male voice.
“You could say zat...” Estelle the she bat replied, flying up to a large stalactite and clinging to it, “Vat about you?”
Arvak, a large ice dragon looked up, her scales glittering pale blue, “Boar meat, again.”
“Still better zan nosink.” Estelle replied. Ragnar, a red scaled fire dragon, just grumbled in response. Food was more important now that Arvak was heavy with eggs. Most of Ragnar’s kills went to feed his lifelong mate.
“If only prey was as plentiful here as it was on earth before humans came to be,’ he griped.
“You could vedy vell move,” Estelle squawked.
Ragnar blew sparks out his nostrils, “It is not that easy bat,” he shouted, “The humans destroyed my wings!”
He spread his once glorious leathery wings, now nothing more than heavily torn, hole filled connective tissue. He had lost his ability to fly when mortal humans discovered weapons. “I cannot fly at all!”
Estelle held her comment. She just huffed, buried her head in her wing and fell asleep. The next few nights brought more of the same, but she decided to catch a few fat birds for Arvak to dine on while the eggs developed. Arvak laid her eggs a few days later. The eggs were healthy despite their small size. While the eggs incubated in Arvak’s care, Estelle hunted for herself.
While hunting, she noticed an oddly soothing floral smell. She followed the floral scent, finding an enormous white lily. Estelle sniffed around, something seemed different, aside from a new bioluminescent flower suddenly appearing in a place she knew so well. Estelle heard something, akin to a puppy’s whimper. She twitched her ear in the direction of the sound. She slowly turned her head, out of the corner of her yellow eyes, she saw motion.
“Is alright,” Estelle crooned, “I von’t hurt you.”
A small child emerged from the bush.  She looked to be about 7 years of age. Her long hair was a dark blue, with small pinpricks of light, reflecting the night sky itself. The child wore a simple dress made of the same flower petals as the lily. It glowed white, making her exposed skin look ghostly pale. Her eyes glowed a vivid green, as her cat like pupils widened in silent panic at the sight of Estelle.
A tarantula sized jumping spider sat on her shoulder like a bird, reared in a defensive posture, fangs bared.  It’s white fur bristling.  Orange spots on the sides of it’s abdomen gleamed in the pale light from the flower, and 6 U shapes spots decorated it’s back. It was incredibly fluffy for an arachnid familiar, with large shining eyes facing forward, and 6 more smaller ones spread around the sides of it’s head. The spider had an incredibly cute features despite taking a protective stance.  Estelle looked around, the bodies of several scavengers littered the area. Surely they caught a whiff of the new flower, hoping for a fresh meal. There were fang marks on each one’s hairless body, as well as sticky spider silk covering their grotesque, twisted faces. The little girl had numerous scratches on her legs, and dirt covering her feet.
“Don’t worry little von,” Estelle crooned, “I vill not hurt you.”
There was no response aside from trembling from the girl, yet the spider had eased up, putting it’s forelegs down. The spider still eyed Estelle suspiciously, chittering quietly into the child’s ear.
“Zat is a little better,” Estelle said soothingly, carefully walking closer before brushing the child’s tangled blue hair to the side with her clawed hand, “Vat is your name child?”
The girl gulped, “c-c-caeweth…”
A deep growl sounded, Estelle’s fur stood up, this creature sounded large.
“Ve must go,” Estelle whispered, picking up the girl and spider in her spindly, fur covered arms as a giant skeletal dog like creature with saliva covered fangs and bloody elongated claws trode onto the light of the giant lily.
The grave dog completely lacked eyes, sniffing about the flower with it’s exposed bony nostril holes. The flesh on the top of it’s muzzle had long been stripped away, leaving only exposed bone. The animal hungered, salivating and gnashing it’s teeth, trying to chew on a petal, and poke it’s nose in the flowers center. Estelle took advantage of the creatures distracted senses, and fled with young Caeweth back to the safety of the cave.
“Damn grave dogs,” Estelle said under her breath.
“What was that thing?” Caeweth whimpered as she clutched Estelle’s soft, thick, brown fur.
“A grave dog,” Estelle said a bit louder, “Humans thought a dog would guide them to ze land of the dead, so zey buried them in grave yards. Unintentionally creating a twisted beast vitch dines on all types ov fae.”
Caeweth clutched Estelle’s fur tighter, making Estelle wince slightly.  The trip back to the cave went simply enough, as the scavengers and grave dogs were busy squabbling over meat scraps near the lily.  Within the cave, Ragnar lifted his head, smelling an odd scent
“What have you brought this time, Estelle?” He growled, spewing sparks out of his nostrils.
Estelle lifted her wings, revealing little Caeweth, “I found her in the nick of time, any later and she voud haff become grave dog prey.”
Ragnar growled, “You do realize that is a Night Fae?  If they find out, they could very well kill all of us without a second thought!”
“Vagnar,” Estelle said calmly, “She is but a child, born outside ze kindergarten, she vould surely haff died out in those voods.  Vat vood Arvak say, hm?”
Ragnar huffed.  Estelle had a point, Arvak’s motherly instincts would overturn any argument he had the audacity to come up with.
“Fine.” He growled, “But if any harm comes to my eggs, she will be left to the mercy of the forest.”
“Sounds fair,” Estelle nodded.
Caeweth had buried her face in Estelle’s fur, frightened by the loud confrontation.  Estelle’s fur was so unreasonably soft, silky, and comforting, she was practically embedded in the cloud like softness.
“You haff nosink to fear little von.”  Estelle cooed, moving deeper into the cave.
The sound of water echoed throughout the chamber.
“Where are we?” Caeweth asked tentatively.
“Zer is a spring here,” Estelle cooed, “a place to vash up.”
Caeweth dipped her toes into the clear water.  The water was comfortably warm despite the underground temperature.  She giggled as the water relaxed her sore muscles.  Before she knew it, a silver comb was passed through her tangled hair, preening out all the knots that had accumulated over the past few hours.  Caeweth washed off all of the dirt and sweat she gathered, and soon was wrapped in a warm blanket, placed on a soft, yet rudimentary, nest of straw.
“Do you feel better?” Estelle cooed softly, stroking Caeweth’s still wet hair, “never you mind Vagnar, he’s just grumpy.”
Ragnar huffed at the comment, laying down on the smooth stone floor of the cave.  His tail twitched back and forth uneasily, red scales glinting in the soft light of the glow moss lining the crevices in the walls.  He shook his horse like head, nearly hitting his ram like horns into the wall.
“Arvak better come back soon,” he muttered to himself.
Estelle was too busy soothing the little fairy child to sleep with lullabies and stories, while the jumping spider clung to the wall.  Caeweth drew one of the nest lining cloths into her arms.  She was not completely sure what was going on, but Estelle seemed nice enough.  This was better than the alternative of being ripped apart by scavengers, or disemboweled by grave dogs.  She yawned as her eyelids grew ever heavier, till she just drifted off into a deep sleep.
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worldcakecakecake · 7 years
Good Luck Friedrich
A series of video diaries by Isabella Beilschmidt for her baby brother, Friedrich, where she details and explains the lives of their hectic family.
                                                     Video 2.2
Before they knew it, they were meeting the New Year for the first time in Switzerland. They celebrated it at Vash’s place, where they set up a little get together with some friends, many who had helped Ludwig and Feliciano in the continuous reconstruction of their house.
There was still a lot to go. They haven’t really fixed the ceiling properly, many rooms were still in the same state and everything shone in a slated grey color. They really couldn’t put anything to decorate, they haven’t given it formed as they wished, they still cooked and ate in Vash’s place because they still hadn’t managed to get proper appliances, as well as bathe because they were still managing with the plumbing. But at least it was safe place to linger on, to watch, to take rest, even sleep for the night on their still under construction room, with only but a mattress and a couple of trunks where they had all their clothes and items.
There was only one room that was done to the perfection they wished, with sealed holes, strong ceiling, strong floor, a good door, windows and all the colors, furniture and even toys they managed to get. They dedicated their all to this room the last few months, sacrificing whatever help, money and energy for the comfort of the ever coming closer arrival of their twins.
It had been a work of unison. Ludwig did most of the heavy job like replacing walls, flooring, ceiling, working with the electricity, placing the door, the window, building the rocking chair, the cabinets, small little chairs and a station that would be easier for Feliciano and him to give them their baths, change their diapers and clothe them. Feliciano had cleaned away any debris from the process of change, painted, filling the walls with beautiful flowers, bunnies, puppies and foxes, sewing the babies’ blankets, many of their clothes, the rugs, making the cushions of the chairs, ordering and placing all the pieces Ludwig made, helping him carve, decorating and adding items on the shelves of different bunny, fox and dog dolls they bought or were given to them, as well as hanging pictures of friendly forests on the wall.
The first thing they did on the morning of that New Year was place the ready cribs for the first time, each with their own mattress, blankets, toys and mobiles. Only one part at the middle wood of each was covered with a sort of white tape, meaning enough that had Feliciano smiling and practically jumping even with the heavy weight of a nine month pregnant stomach.
“Ready?” Ludwig asked him.
“Yes!” Feliciano shouted.
“All right, which side first?”
“Left!” And so Ludwig kneeled and began riding the tape, until the first letter was shown.
“This is the one you carved,” Ludwig recognized.
“Mhm. I hope you like the name. I know you mentioned you liked Alexander, but I kind of…changed it.”
“We made a deal, but I’m glad you took the suggestion,” he smiled before he began to remove it completely, until the carved name showed: ‘Alessandro’.
“Should have seen that coming.” He couldn’t stop his grin though, looking at the name with such loving intent, caressing it for the deep meaning it would soon be to him.
“Do you…like it?” Feliciano still worried.
Ludwig extended his arm, wrapping it around his waist and pulling him close until his face could lay on the large bulge of his stomach. He placed a kiss there, just as he could feel a kick, which only made his grin bigger.
“It’s perfect,” he assured, which earned Feliciano his own meaningful smile, letting his hands fall to caress at his hair, un-gelled and freed.
“Should we look at the one I carved?” Ludwig decided to ask, rather urgent himself.
“Yes!” Feliciano shouted, already turning away and ready to rip off the tape in one movement. He only stopped himself sensing Ludwig’s heavy stare, understanding that he should be as slow as Ludwig had done the revealing. Feliciano began to painfully do so, until seeing that the first letter was an H, which had him looking curiously to Ludwig, expecting some hints of what it would be.
“You told me you liked Enrico…but I um…” Now he was suddenly nervous, afraid that Feliciano would really dislike it.
Feliciano turned his attention back to the peeling and removed it completely, revealing ‘Heinrich’.
Feliciano smiled and then laughed, giving the name a caress, while also placing a hand to his stomach, rubbing surely with now two names for his coming boys.
“It was…the German version. I know you would give the other an Italian one, so I though…” Ludwig commented, slumped and worried.
“It’s adorable, and cute, and perfect. You chose an amazing name!” Feliciano neared to his side, letting Ludwig wrap his strong arms around the extent of his stomach, while his hands went back to playing at his hair.
“So…were decided?” Ludwig asked.
“I think we are, I really like both those names…Heinrich and Alessandro,” Feliciano repeated so sweetly, swaying now against Ludwig as he let himself lay comfortably by his stomach, showering it with kisses and caresses, occasionally gazing to the now complete room, the dream and the secureness they wanted, an ideal come to life that they couldn’t stop staring to, couldn’t stop feeling proud and couldn’t hold their excitement.
  On the night of January 17th, resting together on the mattress, one of the only items in the room, Feliciano suddenly jolted up, with heavy breaths, feeling sudden cringes, sudden contractions that had him heaving, too distracted in the pain to notice that their sheets were drenched.
“Ludwig…Ludwig…Ludwig…” he tried to call, shaking him awake until Ludwig had jolted as well, feeling the wet patch on the bed…seeing Feliciano’s heavy breathing, his urgency…oh.
“They’re coming,” Feliciano knew.
“All right, sit there and wait while I get the things and the car ready. Remember what Mrs. Natale said, just breathe, relax, I’ll get us to the hospital soon.”
Ludwig hurried, leaving one last assuring kiss on Feliciano’s hair before he went to pick the bags that they had prepared mere days ago with clothes for Feliciano, items for the babies and even for himself. He assumed he would be staying at the hospital until they found Feliciano ready to leave along with their twins.
As he got everything on the car, turning the engine and making sure it worked well by moving it closer to the house entrance, he called Vash to let him know that Feliciano was entering labor. Vash in turn told Lili, who shrilled and demanded to get ready to join them at the hospital as well. Ludwig went back to the room, where Feliciano tried to keep his breathes even, harsh grips on anything his hands touched, including Ludwig’s shoulders as he picked him up with easy strength despite the heavy weight of his stomach or any substance that coated him.
“You’re going to be fine, Liebling, everything is going to be all right,” Ludwig continued to calm him as he brought him over to the car, driving it at a fast pace through the curves of those hills until they reached the hospital, operating as per usual at these late hours, instantly preparing to take Feliciano in as they had expected by schedule for this month.
Ludwig never left his side throughout the process, never letting go of the hold of his hand even as the doctors gave him the necessary robes to cover himself, instructing, readying for what he was to see and how he could offer his help. Ludwig saw as they gave Feliciano different kinds of injections and medicines, the room hastened with various doctors and nurses, settling everything that was needed for the delivery, for the cleansing, Ludwig handing them the blankets they brought. He watched as Feliciano worsened to the pain, sweating, biting his lips, trying to hold down any large wails, tightening the hold he had of Ludwig’s hand, who eased him how he could with kisses to his temple, caressing his shoulder and whispering assuredness into his ear. None of it seemed to work as the pain worsened, as the contractions became heavier and blood gushed down. Finally, the doctors would then announce the appearance of one of them, asking Feliciano to push and to continue managing how he could with the pain. The sweat worsened, tears now coated his face, a strained expression that broke Ludwig’s heart and there was nothing he could do. None of the things he had tried worked, but never the less he continued, even as he heard the first wails of the first twin that came out, revealed and the cord cut. Ludwig couldn’t really look as they took him away to be washed and prepared, despite how much he wanted to take a peek, but he had to stay consoling Feliciano as he was still dealing with pushing the other twin out.
“Heinrich is out right? Heinrich is-is-whe-where is he?”
“Yes, yes, Heinrich is out, the doctors have him, don’t worry, you’ll see him soon enough, now let’s deal with Alessandro.”
It seemed the naming of which was decided and Ludwig didn’t mind it, in fact he smiled knowing, now kissing Feliciano’s hand as he dealt with pushing the other, until Feliciano could feel a slight relief, the doctors announcing the other twin’s outing as well as cutting another cord. The grip Feliciano had of Ludwig’s hand eased, he could breathe more evenly now, yet tired, still with slight rumbles of pain, fluttering eyes that were tempting him more and more into sleep. He couldn’t as the doctors continued working to help him get rid of the placenta, cleaning and making him more comfortable.
In his hazy vision he tried to find his boys, he cared for nothing but seeing them, both being worked upon on the back of the room with the nurses doing all the necessary things before they were ready to be handed to their parents for the first time.
“I want to…I want to…” Feliciano kept repeating, extending his arms, wanting nothing more than the chance.
“Feliciano, let them do what they have to, they’ll give them to us soon enough,” Ludwig assured him, never stopping his caresses, his worried gazes and holds. The only moment he stopped was when two doctors finally reached with them, one baby wrapped nicely in a royal purple blanket, being the older twin Heinrich, and the other in sunshine yellow, being Alessandro.
Even in his exhaustion, with no energy and no clear vision, Feliciano instantly went for the hold of both them, only smiling and nodding to the congratulations before he spotted down to them.
Clear little bubbly faces, one moving about in little breaths in quite the calm, the other wailing loudly, trying to move his hands in the confinement of his yellow blanket, but even still Feliciano found the noises to be one of the most delightful things he’d heard, smiling, laughing and not daring to give his glances to anything else but them.
“It’s too much…” he suddenly said, breaking into sobs, “they’re both so cute and beautiful and everything and I already love them so much, I love them so much.” He brought them both forward to lay against his chest, their heads cradling comfortably into his neck, the one that was crying slowly falling into his own calm. It eased the heaviness, it was a way for Feliciano to try and give both as much attention as he could, both his arms working on their backs, kissing their covered beanie heads, not stopping the sweet words he whispered of love, of repeating their names and just letting himself swim in the pride of creating two perfect little children.
So immersed he was in them that he didn’t notice the commotion as doctors finished and began to leave, or even the way Ludwig leaned against the bed, with dreamy eyes and a proud smile, his gaze just as solidified on his twins.
“I’m being so rude,” Feliciano noticed, wiping away any clear tears on his face, turning to Ludwig to raise a hand this time to caress at his face, a sort of thanks, with loving eyes and a great smile that was enough of a convey for Ludwig to understand, to grab his hand and kiss.
“You can take your turn picking them up now,” Feliciano offered, letting Ludwig start with Heinrich, already being the careful father and making sure that Ludwig’s hold was an appropriate one, but Ludwig had quickly caught on, he had read enough and did it as perfect as it should be, the baby quite calm, only an occasional sound or a movement of his hands that Ludwig helped to free from the blanket. His eyes were frozen on him as he cradled him in the nicest way possible, making sure every touch was just enough to keep him this calm, a perfect chance for Ludwig to see every amazing detail about him.
It was as Feliciano had said, they were indeed beautiful, theirs and already love seemed to drip out of him, one he wanted this little one to receive completely. The smile Ludwig wore was amazing, for once Feliciano could glance away from his sons to stare at it, all while letting both his hands caress Alessandro’s back, who now had Feliciano’s chest all for himself to rest on.
Heinrich would have his own turn as Ludwig then took Alessandro, an exchange that they didn’t mind at all for the rest of the day.
  Heinrich and Alessandro barely spent any time at the hospital nursery, Ludwig and Feliciano wouldn’t permit it as they were too busy giving all their attention and care to them. Besides, they really didn’t have anyone to visit, only Vash and Lili who came later in the afternoon, in awe at the children, both having their own turn in holding the newly born twins, to coo and cuddle, quite a scene Ludwig never thought he would see his cousin in.
The nurses suggested Feliciano stayed in the hospital for two more days of rest, as well as to take care of Heinrich and Alessandro, making sure everything with them would be fine before they could be taken to their own home.
The day before Feliciano’s release, they were moved to a more comfortable room, with plenty of light, space and a more comfortable chair for Ludwig to take his last rest while on the hospital. That midday, Ludwig was holding Heinrich and Feliciano was holding Alessandro, both cooing and still not being able to get over their sweetness, commenting on any little thing, from their noses, to their little hands, their few strands of golden blond hair and the occasional glimpse of brown eyes, Feliciano’s eyes Ludwig noticed, in the same shade and shine that hadn’t let him stop his grin the more he stared to them and only saw Feliciano’s same glow. They already had such beautiful eyes, the very eyes that had been one of the things that had made Ludwig fall in love, now theirs as well, to enchant him just as their papa’s.
There was suddenly a knock, Ludwig and Feliciano looking up to meet with eyes they never thought they would see here. They instantly stiffed, holding to their boys more dearly, as if trying to protect them from whatever coming outburst.
“I’m not here to do anything to them,” he told, extending his arms and hands in calm, in ease, taking slow steps into the room, enough to be heard clear, but distant to give the new parents an assuring space, settling an air of trust, truly letting them know that Feliciano’s older brother didn’t come with any ill intentions.
“I know right now…we’re probably…the last faces you want to see right now.”
They gazed over to the opening door, noticing the eyes of Roderich, of Elizabeta, Gilbert’s, Antonio’s and then a little small boy that held tightly to his hand, his clear interest on the twins hoping to meet his new cousins. Vash and Lili also joined, mostly apologetic for letting them pass. They tried to sign that they did what they could to stop them, but it seemed like it hadn’t worked. Feliciano nodded to them to not fret, that it was all right for now as long as Lovino and the rest explained themselves well.
“After everything we…know we shouldn’t be here, shouldn’t be…in any kind of radius near you, should be back and…dealing with what happened, but Feliciano, even if these are the…spawns of this guy-” he pointed harshly to Ludwig, who glared and didn’t take kindly to having his sons being called ‘spawns’ in the way he said it, “-at the end of the day they’re still family, they’re still my nephews, you’re still my brother and I love you no matter what you did and decided. We just have to accept and…do what we can as an apology and I hope that…you still let me be a part of your life…as well as letting me be a part of theirs.” Lovino was sincere, with caring eyes falling on the two newborns in their holds, a big fault, a heaviness that watered his eyes, made the grip on his first harsher, trying to stop himself from falling any weaker. Only silence continued, neither of the present dared to say a word, and the boy in Antonio’s hold couldn’t take it any longer. He dispatched himself and began running forward to his uncle.
“Augustino!” Antonio scolded, but the little boy was uncaring, daring to try and climb unto the bed.
“Ciao, zio,” he greeted as kindly, unaware about everything, just wanting his usual kiss and hug from his uncle.
Feliciano smiled, letting Ludwig take the extra hold of Alessandro, helping Augustino get on the bed so he could properly embrace him, as well as give him the usual kisses on the head.
“I missed you so much."
“I missed you too, caro. Have you behaved?”
“You know I’m a good boy,” Augustino pouted, in a way that was exactly as Lovino would have done as a child. Although Lovino and Antonio’s child did look more like Antonio, with his same brown locks and green eyes, his expressions were definitely Valenti, and he showed it that instant, making Feliciano giggle.
“You better always be,” he poked his nose and Augustino laughed, comfortable and elated to be in his presence once again. His eyes then drifted to the two babies in Ludwig’s hold, curious, trying to rise and see more of them.
“You want to meet them, don’t you?” Feliciano guessed as much.
Augustino eagerly nodded, a begging in his eyes. Feliciano gazed to Ludwig, who accepted, and so together they brought the twins forward, right under Augustino’s watch, to examine, to wonder and to even lay next to Feliciano, extending his hand to help as well with holding them.
“This one is Heinrich, and this one is Alessandro,” Feliciano introduced, all in the room hearing and making do with the information, smiling, needier in wanting to come in, wanting to interact.
“Ooohhh…but they look so much alike, how am I going to know whose who?” Augustino wondered.
Ludwig and Feliciano had noticed the small differences, taking their time just staring and differentiating those first few hours of their birth, but they knew it would be difficult for others who were meeting them for the first time.
“You’ll have to get to know them better to learn that,” Feliciano thought it was best he could say for now.
“...Papa said that might not happen…” he turned sad, an expression Feliciano couldn’t take, letting a free hand caress at his hair.
“Well…it’s going to happen.” And with that they all knew of the decision, of the second chance, faces alighting, with sincere happiness and hope that proved enough to Feliciano about how much they wanted to be here and what they wanted to offer. They all slowly began to come in, Lovino inched closer, taking better looks at his new nephews. He smiled, joined along by the rest as they took their first glances, with deep awes, hands against their chest not being able to take such sweetness.
“Can I…can I hold one of them?” Gilbert asked and Ludwig smiled, shared along with Feliciano in acceptance. They let Gilbert hold Heinrich, while Lovino decided to first hold Alessandro. Lovino cradled and even cooed at him with known experience, and Gilbert, who hadn’t held a baby like this since Ludwig, somehow managed, with the same sweetened words of love, of promises and devotion. Roderich and Elizabeta also had their turn, and in the process of waiting, handing and admiring the two new little additions, they chatted themselves, Feliciano finding out about how Lovino, along with his husband and son were doing, about Gilbert, about Elizabeta and Roderich, about what had been going on back in Italy, in Germany, and offering whatever help they could.
  They were thinking of staying in Switzerland for about two weeks, just to make sure they were all well and that the twins were fairing. The next day, they all left together towards Ludwig and Feliciano’s new home for their twins’ first arrival. With cute beanies, the warm and heavy clothes Feliciano had sewn for the winter that was falling, in different colors as to not let the others confuse who was who, they were secured into their car seats ready for their first car ride. Feliciano had never seen Ludwig drive so carefully, taking any stop to glance back to them, even if Feliciano was already doing enough watching, but Ludwig kept wanting to be sure, slow as he took the winding roads, slowly icing with the cold air. The rest followed behind in three separate cars, honking at Ludwig for his constant sudden stops.
“I thought we would never get here!” Gilbert shouted as they finally headed out, the house now before them, all offering to help with the bags, while Ludwig and Feliciano each held on to a twin, as securely as possible to keep them protected from the cold.
“I know it’s not…the best thing in the valley, but we’re still working really hard on it, and once we finish, you all can come for as many visits as you like,” Feliciano told, arms wrapped well around Heinrich as he moved forward to enter.
“Vash explained, besides, we already saw it, the twins’ room is absolutely gorgeous,” Elizabeta said, earning a surprise from the new parents.
“They had to leave a present. They talked to me and I found no harm in it. I had an extra key so I thought it was best they left it here to give you two a surprise,” Vash explained.
A surprise? They looked curiously over to the house wondering what it could be, the others smirking, ushering them to head inside so they could see it.
Up the prepared stairs, down the hall and Feliciano was opening the door to the twins’ room and heading inside, taking a deep breath once he noticed what they added.
A dog plush, large, large enough to cover the window it rested upon, its lap creating a resting space, the dog’s cute tongue hanging face high touching the ceiling. It was in dark and light brown colors matching well with the rest of the room, adding just the finality to make this room higher than the ultimate perfection they thought they had.
Feliciano shrilled, Ludwig smiled and the rest grinned on, watching as both of them got close to feel its amazing softness, introducing it to the babies, who they could already imagine years of playing with such a toy.
  Isabella was currently recording an old picture of the twins as she finished telling the story, one of the first of them together, both tightly wrapped around each other, sleeping, blond hair revealed, cute little cheeks, noses and hands that made Isabella smile, wondering what they must have really been like.
She then moved the camera to two pictures taken on their second birthday, the twins looking insanely alike, smiling with exaggerated expressions. In both the pictures Ludwig and Feliciano held them, the camera taking the moment they laughed at watching such cute and funny faces their sons made, the other calmer, smiling, one of the first proud family pictures, now hanged on an appropriate wall. Below it there was the weathered sonogram picture in a tiny frame.
“This picture was taken shortly before papa found out he was pregnant with Analiese,” she explained. “I know, Heinrich and Alessandro used to look really alike. I myself have a hard time finding out whose who when vatti and papa show us their old pictures. The rest of us sometimes make it into a game, but now…” she began to move the camera down the hall, until she was recording the twins’ current room.
Of course, this was a room of teenagers now. The cribs, the diaper changers, all toys given instead to their younger brothers and sisters, or donated. Only three things reminiscent of their infant days remained. One, some of the drawings Feliciano had made in the walls, peeking through some of their posters, calendars, trophies and other decorational items. Two, there was the carved names Ludwig and Feliciano had made, which now they hanged at the front of their door, over the years having been painted on and coated with stickers. Alessandro’s was themed with stickers of bands he liked as well as different football balls from different championships. Heinrich’s was more simplistic, with singular colors of purple and a music note at the end of his name.
“Hey, guess who messaged me,” Alessandro teased, typing away on his laptop.
“I really don’t care.” Heinrich was in his own laptop making some edits to a file.
“I’m telling you anyways. Marco Rossi.” He was proud, spinning his chair in direction towards his twin, expecting to hear some form of congratulation or a comment of impression.
“I thought he hated your guts.” Heinrich hadn’t even turned, still working.
“Well, he’s finally learning to fall into my sweet temptation."
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. He just messaged you, he’s not praising you,”
“Soon enough!” He determined, going back to his laptop.
And the third item…Isabella pointed the camera to the large stuffed dog that still lay in the very same place, dirty laundry from both the twins at his lap, an electric guitar by one leg, an acoustic one by the other.
“Look at them! They don’t even look like they’re related anymore,” Isabella commented, moving the camera between the two of them.
Sure, they had the same shade of blond, the same waves they could show in the comfort of their home, even if Alessandro’s sides were shaved, the same golden brown eyes and even similar facial features, but their builds were different now, Alessandro’s more tall and built, while Heinrich’s was more slimmed and delicate despite being the older of the pair. It was change noticeable on their faces, that matched along with their growth, making them their own person instead of a copy of the other. They were both indeed proud to have grown like they did. It wasn’t exactly a comfort for them to know they looked so much alike when they had opposite personalities that had made their lives grow on differently.
"What are you going on about?" Alessandro wondered, looking to Isabella and the camera with quite the insult for having her just enter without any kind of permission.
"That you both look like the biggest dooffuses in the household," Isabella started.
"Who are you calling a doofus?" Heinrich finally moved away from his laptop, sharing the same insulted glance to their younger sister. "I mean, I would understand Alessandro, but you have to give me more credit."
"You approve of this?" Alessandro continued.
"I only accept the truth."
"Your truth is bullshit, right Christoph?" Alessandro smiled, directing himself towards the big dog plush at the bottom of the room.
"Don't involve Mr. Rovigatti into this!" Heinrich shouted.
"You're just afraid he will agree with me!"
"Since when does he agree with you? Christoph is always on my side!"
"No he isn't, I thought we established that I'm the one who has a special communicative connection."
A discussion continued on between them about who had been more faithful to their giant dog plush throughout the years and who deserved more this supposed ‘connection’. Isabella recorded on, swinging and showing clearly that she was not in the least bothered about this fight. She took better interest in taping their little dachshund, Blackie, who came in wagging and hoping for attention by either of the twins. Neither gave it to her and she was left disappointed to just scurry around the room hoping for something interesting, maybe a lost toy, maybe a treat either of the boys left on the ground. Her attention landed on the big dog plush that she took scents of, hoping for food, for toys, but when nothing appeared, she settled with doing something different. She raised her little leg and let a stream of urine coat a big patch of the fur. It was the sound that interrupted, that halted, that earned gasps and groans.
“Blackie!” Both Heinrich and Alessandro shouted angrily, the intensity and meaning enough to have the dog running out before she was the target to anything disastrous.
“Agh! He fucking peed the leg on my side!” Alessandro complained, coming over and trying to see how he could clean it up quickly.
“He peed my Vienna hoodie!” Heinrich realized, moving the jacket away in hopes of saving it from spreading, but it was already too late.
“Look what you did!” Heinrich immediately blamed, pointing the jacket at his twin.
“Well I can’t control our dog’s bladder!”
“Oh, but didn’t you have special communicative connections with a dog doll!”
“Well maybe it was someone’s turn to take out the dogs for a walk!”
Sudden wailing, that of a baby, no other than Friedrich.
“Would you two stop this idiotic fighting this instant or I swear I will go up there and settle things myself the hard way!” Their alpha father shouted from the living room, an echo of fury that was enough for them to instantly stop, frozen expressions, already bowing their heads in a scold even if their father wasn’t on the same floor. To their surprise, it was what brought calm between the brothers, to help themselves in cleaning, and as Isabella came down wanting to finish the video with one last glimpse at their baby brother, it was just the shout that somehow brought the small baby to calm once again.
He rested on his alpha father’s chest, his omega father resting on his mate’s shoulder, a hand caressing at the small curls of the little baby’s head, both with beautiful smiles as they stared on together to their seventh child in peace once again.
Isabella was glad she had been able to capture such a tender moment.
< Video 2.1                                                                                                                              Video 3 >
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