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tex-now · 9 months ago
Hey can we focus on the fact that he tried to.kill a minor. Pusu tried to stab a child. I get it ypu guys are bitching and whining about the song and wondering if itll get recommissioned but shut the fuck up for a second and focus on the fact that he tried to kill a child. I'm being so serious
I was a pusu fan I'm sad but like shut the fuck up??? Stop being so selfish and pretend to care about the victim for 5 fucking seconds. Stfu about recommisions shut the fuck up about being sad about your stupid little song with your stupid little character being done sooooooo dirty. Pretend to care about the victim for one fucking second. God
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janijuice · 9 months ago
so you’re telling me the pjsk fandom was more stressed over the fact that songs were removed from the game then that the producer STABBED HIS GIRLFRIEND????
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whatdoestheducksay4 · 9 months ago
Sorry but a teenage girl being stabbed should take priority over your feelings about your fave getting their song removed. Removing the Rui3 song was the most respectful thing they could do given that the other Tuyu members have said they no longer wish to associate themselves with the songs produced under Tuyu due to Pusu’s actions. I wish well to the victim and hope she recovers quickly and gets help for the trauma she’s endured.
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mayonesamitch · 5 months ago
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Okay, so Pusu got released and is still living with the same girl he tried to kill. There's a lot of other stuff too that I don't wanna explain but basically, he said he was sorry and stuff. Kinda buns since he's still with the girl but I'm not legal expert. I also don't know Japanese so I used Google translate.
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random-143 · 9 months ago
some people are confused on why project sekai are going to remove "when the morning glory falls" and "what sort of ending are you wishing for?". some people are even hating project sekai because of this situation.
the 2 songs were songs that came from the band called "TUYU". TUYU is a japanese pop group which includes 3 members. Pusu was the guitarist, Rei was the vocalist, and Miro was the pianist.
Maya Yano, aka Pusu, confessed to stabbing his girlfriend on May 31st. this led to his girlfriend being hospitalized and Puyu behind bars. his girlfriend was found lying on the bed with a stab wound in her chest. the police found a bloody knife in the kitchen. the victim was hospitalized and her condition soon stabilized.
Pusu told the police that he was going to kill his girlfriend then himself. however, he couldnt go through with the murder-suicide plan and phoned the police. the cops arrested Puyu for the attempted murder as they responded to the apartment, which is located at the Nakano area of Tokyo.
TUYU has effectively disbanded as a result of the incident. The rest of the group stopped all activities, including a planned album release and live performances. They've also expressed their shock at the situation and sent their support to the victim.
official annoucement of disbanding:
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reference of news:
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utaitemusic · 2 years ago
ツユ - アンダーキッズ MV
I don't care who you are, It doesn't matter if it's a lie, just please appreciate me?
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hsruiin · 9 months ago
Vocaloid unrelated (kind of).
I’ve been a fan of TUYU for almost 3 years and the recent news has me flabbergasted.
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ilmiyyat1453 · 1 year ago
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19. yüzyıldan kalma bir İngiliz gazetesi makâlesi bir timsah avını anlatıyor: ''Avrupalı beyaz bir avcı, elinde tüfekle pusuya oturmuş, siyahi bir çocuk ise yırtıcı hayvan için yem olarak kullanılan bir ağaca bağlanıyor.''
Müslümanlara terör ve insan hakları ihlali suçlamasıyla dava açanlar bu Avrupalıların torunlarıdır!
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aglamaabenaglarimm · 8 months ago
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Elif'im noktalandı!
Öyle çok sevdim ki onsuz yaşadığım her anı eksik yaşadım. Öyle çok sevdim ki onu yaşatabilmek için kendimi öldürdüm.
Ölüm, Ölüm dediğin nedir ki gülüm ben senin için yaşamayı göze almışım..
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umaistudios · 9 months ago
Rui Kamishiro is truly amazing
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anonumber123 · 21 days ago
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mayonesamitch · 3 months ago
Tuyu's Deletion of Songs
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Seems like Tuyu is gonna delete all of their songs what I can take from it. Google translate is kinda cheeks though. Anyways, it makes sense after all that happened and I feel like this will be the right decision for the band. Upsetting, yes, however it's for the better.
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zaurgasimliofficiallamekan · 11 months ago
#Lazziya #Orhan #kvp #pusu
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decostar27 · 1 year ago
アサガオの散る頃に/When the Morning Glory Withers
couldn't do a single thing but watch them leave.
Echoing in my heart, frigidly, the chorus Of cicadas calling, and they dampen down the sunset’s embers; Hey, if only we could take this time and dye it madder red forever, Then wouldn’t the evening be so happy too?
As the summer keeps clinging stubbornly, the sweat making slippery My two hands, I find that they can’t hold you back for any longer now Ah, will you away and disappear out of sight? When, its petals just like love,  The morning glory withers in the night
Deep inside of my heart is a hurt. It hurts Like I can feel the ache of every mile of our separation Hey, I’ve loved to regret, and like in the cresting waves of dog-days My voice keeps on rocking, going under in the swell
As the birds of the summer took to wing, crossed the horizon, kissed the sea On their journey south, I couldn’t do a  single thing but watch them leave Ah, seasons they come and go, forever on so…
In the time left before the summer ends,  I’ll take my fading sorrow and Throw it all away for good, I’ll give it up to the resplendent sky Ah, when, handed on all of the tears ever cried By the deep and cooling breeze, The morning glory withers in the night
original | TUYU, comp. Pusu/Zips tr | Otenkiame Translations
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utaitemusic · 2 years ago
ツユ - アンダーヒロイン MV
Even after I steal and take so much I'll put on that fake, fake smiley face
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soulbounde · 22 days ago
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❥⠀⠀ miscellaneous tuyu renders
f2u⠀𓈒⠀no creds needed⠀|⠀reposts⠀+⠀recolors permitted
no id/me/kin tags unless ori | self indulgent⠀𓈒
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