#purse/bag poem prompt
ancientvamp · 8 months
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Dolores Paradise's Bag
deeper than the haunted mines scraps of paper, cherry pies bandages, ointment, canteen filled with water hair ties, coins, pictures of her daughter fallen insects on speckled brown leaves journeys fortunes, torn bits of sleeve pages of notes and tells of her tales leftover dirt from lone unmarked trails
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oftlunarialmoon · 10 months
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75 Agere Journal Prompts
Draw yourself a kawaii bento lunch!
Write down any chores for the day as a to-do list or sticker check off list
Design a smol outfit
Make a playlist for your littlespace
Draw portraits of your stuffies
Write your headcanons for your comfort characters as caregivers
Write down some animal facts from different parts of the world that interest you!
List items that are your favorite color
Make a magazine collage with a specific theme
List ideas you want to do in certain seasons
List your favorite agere nicknames
Write down any agere headcanons you have for fictional characters or OCs
List stuffie name ideas
List all your current stuffie names
List your favorite phone apps for littlespace
Make a tier list of your opinions on different types of candy
Draw what your favorite characters would look like as stuffies
Invent a new kidcore fashion trend
List 5 facts about your favorite sea animal
Design your Jolly Roger if you were a pirate
Draw yourself as a Pokemon Trainer
List how you deal with stress in agere methods
Write out any recipes you can make while regressed
List crafts you’d like to make
Make a page about your morning routine when regressed
Make a page about your night time routine when regressed
Write out any rules or guidelines you have when regressed
What’s on your Agere/Littlespace Movies list?
Write about what you would do on a visit to the beach
List any animes you like when small
List your favorite agere books
Dear Past Me - What would you tell your past self?
Dear Future Me - What would you tell your future self?
List songs that make you regress
List your regression triggers (positive or negative)
Write about how you would comfort a friend in need
Write about your dream vacation
Make your christmas/birthday/holiday gift wishlist
List your fave agere video games
List your favorite stims
Write a letter to your favorite fictional character
Write a letter to a friend or family member
Play I spy and write down the categories and things you find
Make a page of your top 5 agere songs from the last month
List free activities you can do when regressed
Make a collage page from a coloring sheet and stickers
Play scavenger hunt with stickers of your preferred theme
Use a page to write down word games like word scrambles and mad libs
Fill a page with positive messages for yourself to read later
Write down tarot interpretations if you do tarot reading while smol
List ideas for kandi bracelets you could make
Declare a random day a holiday of some kind, write down how you celebrate it
Use a page to “braindump” all of your current thoughts, even if it’s babbling
Make a sticker collage inspired by your caregiver
Make a sticker collage inspired by the seasons
Trace your hand onto the page and give yourself fun nail art, tattoos, or accessories
Draw a race track for a toy car, add obstacles or scenery with stickers
Write a social media profile page for a comfort character
Make a “top secret” file with your stuffie’s secrets >:)
Make a collage inspired by yourself
Dedicate a page to facts about one of your special interests
Write a poem for your pet (or fave stuffie!)
Draw a scene around a sticker of your favorite animal
Draw the inside of a house and use stickers to furnish and decorate it
Draw a scene to play with your toys in
Try a mindful reset page (List problems you’re facing, then list more positive mindset changes to each one)
Document the stories you play out with dolls or toys
Write down “this or that” prompts in one color then answer them in another color !
Use stickers to tell a story or make a fun comic
Fill a page with word art, using any words that make you feel smol
Make a list of all of your OCs
Use a page to document Minecraft coordinates of your favorite builds
Draw the outline of a purse or bag, and use stickers to show what a character of your choice would have in their bag, or-
Use stickers to show what you would put in your dream agere bag!
Draw a face on a page in marker or pen, and use makeup to decorate it! (or face paint :p)
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pcrplevenom · 3 months
Seven deadly sins
{Prompt} Tagging: Steal this, I dare you.
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Bold those that apply to your muse:
Lust: desire for connection, pursuit of pleasure, emotional intelligence, obsessive, lovesick, one-night stand, seductive encounter, flirtatious conversation, erotic party, seductive attire, revealing clothing, passionate gaze, provocative makeup, sensual expressions, suggestive gestures, flirtatious smiles, lingerie, love letters, perfumes, provocative behavior, love poems, erotic art
Gluttony: indulgence in experiences, savoring moments, hospitality, generosity, hedonism, culinary expertise, wine tasting, excessive snacking, overloaded plates, excessive portions, bloated stomachs, messy eating, greasy fingers, full tables, indulgent spreads, overflowing cups, satisfied expressions, wine bottles, can't get enough, fast food wrappers
Envy: motivation, competitive spirit, strategic planning, observational skills, bitter, rivalry contest, envious gossip, resentment-filled argument, social media jealousy, furrowed brows, clenched jaws, side-eye looks, pursed lips, tense posture, whispering behind backs, crossed arms, gossip magazines, keeping up with the Joneses, the grass is always greener, feeling inadequate
Greed: resourcefulness, entrepreneurial spirit, negotiation, materialistic, aggressive investment, lavish spending spree, resource hoarding, get-rich-quick scheme, auction bidding war, property acquisition, piles of money, overflowing wallets, luxury items, locked safes, penny-pinching, rare collectibles, selfishness, unwillingness to share
Sloth: calmness, stress management, nonchalance, relaxation techniques, lethargic, apathetic, inactive, lazy weekend, binge-watching marathon, neglected chores, skipped workout, long nap, lounging on the couch, missed deadline, unkempt appearance, messy hair, pajamas, blankets, slippers, procrastination station, self-care routines
Pride: confidence, self-assurance, self-respect, dignity, public speaking, self-promotion, arrogant, conceited, egotistical, self-important, vain, boastful speech, puffed chest, raised chin, smug smiles, spotlight, tooting your own horn, showing off, refusing to admit mistakes, feeling entitled, personal branding, leadership development
Wrath: assertiveness, decisiveness, strength, intensity, boundary setting, courage, indignant, heated argument, road rage incident, physical altercation, angry outburst, clenched fists, glaring eyes, tense muscles, raised voices, reddened faces, aggressive gestures, stormy demeanor, intense frowns, destructive actions, broken objects, punching bag, out for blood, fists, simmering anger
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daebakinc · 2 years
Voodoo Doll
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Pairing: Ravi x Reader (G) Prompt: Frankenstein’s Monster Word Count: 2.2K
~Admin V
           An uppity woman holding her purse closely to her body approached you at the order counter. “There is a homeless man in your establishment. If you wish to keep your customers, I suggest you get rid of him.” She “hmph”ed and walked out the door.
             It amazed you how “religious” people didn’t actually care about others as their religion stated they should. You looked to the man in question. His clothes looked a little worn and his hood was up, but you wouldn’t consider him homeless.
             You walked up to him. He was looking down, scribbling in an ancient looking journal.
             “Hey, there,” you smiled.
             Startled, the man jumped and quickly shut his journal. He looked up at you, causing you to gasp.
             Those were some contacts he was wearing. His pupils were X-shaped and he had no iris.
             “Sorry,” you breathed. “I just wanted to check on you.”
             “Why?” His voice was deep and quite surprising to you.
             “Uh, well I wanted to see if everything was to your liking, but now I’m seeing you haven’t actually ordered anything.”
             He looked down. “I don’t have money. I will leave,” he started to get up.
             He looked up at you again.
             “I mean, you don’t have to leave. Are you thirsty? Or hungry? I could get you something? My treat.”
             He looked confused as he brushed his midnight black bangs from his face. “Your treat?”
             “Yeah, like I would pay for it.”
             His mouth dropped. “You would do that?”
             “I mean, sure. A tea bag and muffin won’t exactly break the bank for me,” you smiled again.
             He looked shocked, but didn’t say anything.
             “Is that okay with you?”
             He slowly nodded his head.
             “Great! Why don’t you come up to the counter to pick out a tea and muffin and I will bring everything to you when it’s ready.”
             “Why don’t you just pick for me?”
             “Uh, sure if that’s what you want.”
             He nodded again and went back to his journal.
             You walked back to the counter and pulled out a banana nut muffin and started preparing Indian chai tea.
             When you brought them to him, his eyes widened. You introduced yourself and told him if he needed anything else he could call you over.
             He still looked shocked and looked from you back to the small meal. He said nothing and stared.
             “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t ask. Are you allergic to nuts? I can get you a different muffin.”
             He grabbed the plate and pulled it protectively closer to himself. “I want this one.”
             “Oh.” You weren’t sure how else to respond. You were about to walk back to the counter, but he finally spoke.
             “I’m sorry. I’m not used to people speaking to me. And when they do, they’re never as kind as you.”
             You gave a sympathetic smile. “That’s awful. I’m sorry the human race doesn’t actually know decency.”
             He gave another shocked expression.
             Curious. “Well, you enjoy, I should really get back and help my coworker with orders.”
             He nodded and you returned to working.
              The next day, you saw the man walk in during your shift. “Back again!” you beamed.
             He gave a small nod.
             He looked different to you today. His skin seemed healthier, not so pale. And his eyes; the Xs seemed less prominent, more rounded. Was it a set of contacts? “What can I get for you today?”
           He looked down for a moment, the handed you a yellowed piece of paper.
           “What’s this?”
           “Payment for yesterday.”
           “You don’t need to . . .”
           “I wanted to.”
           You looked at the paper. There was a hand written poem. “You wrote this?”
           He nodded once, his gaze still to the floor.
           You read over the lines. “Wow. This is beautiful.”
           When you looked up he was looking at you. His face seemed warmer. Happier maybe.
           “Thank you.”
           He nodded again and turned to leave.
           He looked to you.
           “I never got your name.”
           “My name?”
           “Yeah. What’s your name.”
           He opened his mouth then closed it.
           Didn’t he know his name? Maybe it was part of his shyness. “Would you like me to try to guess it?”
           “Hmm,” you playfully tapped on your chin. “Ken?”
           He scrunched his face together.
           “So not Ken.” You pretended to look him over. “You don’t look like a Leo.” He seemed nervous. You remembered he said not many people were kind to him. Maybe they teased him and called him horrible names. Maybe he had an unusual name, like after a god.
           “You’re not cruel enough to be Zeus. That would mean not Seth either.”
           His nervousness changed. He seemed excited to see what name would come from you next. His energy felt warm. Welcoming. Like basking in sunlight.
           “That’s it! I’ve got it.”
           “You do?”
           “I do. Your name is Ravi.”
           He didn’t deny or confirm your exclamation, but you could see the cogs turning in his head. Then a smile, an actual smile appeared on his face.
           “Yes. Ravi.”
           As soon as he said it, something strange started happening to him. Suddenly he seemed to stand straighter. His skin took on an even healthier glow. And his eyes . . . the X shape was almost gone.
           “What the . . .”
           Before you could finish your question, Ravi covered his head with his hoodie and sped to the door.
             An hour or so after, a female customer came in. You greeted her with the typical company spiel. When you asked for her order, the smile she gave you sent goosebumps down your arms.
           “Actually, I was wondering if you could help me with a different matter. I’m looking for someone.”
           “Oh, meeting them for lunch?”
           She pursed her lips.
           “Well, not exactly. We’re old . . . friends. I’m visiting town and wanted to catch up with him. I heard he liked to hang out in this area.”
           “What’s his name?”
           She smiled wider, but it held no joy. “His name,” she murmured.
           Your coworker, Hyuk, stood next to you at the counter. “What does he look like?”
           She quirked an eyebrow. “He’s wonderfully tall. Black hair. He might wear a lot of sunglasses.”
           The woman was describing Ravi. But something about her screamed “don’t trust her.”
           You were about to quickly say no, but Hyuk beat you to it by laughing.
           Both you and the woman stared at him.
           “You mean Neo?” He laughed more. “Sorry, ma’am. No one from the Matrix has been in here.”
           Bless the little idiot for completely missing it.
           The woman glared at him then glared at you. She slapped a display so it fell then walked out.
           “Jeaz, she didn’t need to be so touchy.” Hyuk went to fix the display.
           Abruptly, you were very worried for Ravi.
             When your shift was over, you left through the back entrance. Ravi was sitting at a picnic table next to the dumpster.
           He quickly got up and came to you.
           “I wanted to apologize for my behavior earlier, you see . . .”
           “Ravi, you can’t be here.”
           He looked down. He thought you were rejecting him.
           You spoke swiftly. “A woman came in after you left. She was looking for you.”
           His eyes were on yours, and you saw fear in them. “A woman?”
           You nodded and gave her description to him.
           “You’re right, I can’t be here.”
           You grabbed his wrist. “My coworker may have thrown her off. Where will you go?”
           He shook his head. His gaze was back to the ground. “I’m not sure.”
           “Let me take you to my place. I have a futon you can sleep on. At least until we can figure out what’s going on.”
           “I know what’s going on.”
           “But you don’t have a plan.”
           “Why would you trust me to let me stay at your place? You don’t know me. I could be a bad guy.”
           “Are you a bad guy, Ravi?” You looked him in the eye.
           He stared for a long moment, then shook his head. “No, I am not.”
           You let go of his wrist and held out your hand to him. “Will you trust me and come back to my place with me?”
           The strange thing was happening to him again. His skin took on a richer color. His eyes were completely round now.
           He took your hand and nodded.
             Once at your place, Ravi wasn’t comfortable enough to leave the doorway. Like a cat in a new home, you just left him to his own devices. After changing out of your work clothes, you prepared a cup of tea and handed it to him, and placed a plate of cookies on your coffee table.
           You tried to give him an encouraging smile. “Do you want to tell me about what’s happening?”
           He shook his head. “I don’t think you’d believe me.”
           “What if I promise to try to be accepting of whatever you tell me?”
           His eyes were on his feet. “Then I’d only scare you and you’d banish me from your house.” He mumbled something else under his breath. You couldn’t be sure, but you thought it was “like everyone else.”
           “What if I promise not to be scared?”
           The same humorless grin the woman had earlier appeared on his face. “You cannot promise not to fear something which you don’t even know.”
           “You can’t keep giving me obscurities if you’re looking to build trust.”
           He sighed. He mumbled a few other things to himself then walked to your seating area. He sat opposite of you and placed his mug down as well.
           “You won’t believe me.”
           “I guess we’ll find out.”
           He stared at you for a long moment. He sighed once more. “I’m a voodoo doll.”
           You only stared at him.
           “The woman who was asking about me, is probably the woman who created me.”
           “So she’s your mother?”
           He scrunched his face like when you suggested names earlier. “I mean, in the sense that she gave me life, sure. But not really, no. We were lovers.”
           “But you didn’t want to be her lover anymore?”
           “This might go faster if you stop interrupting with questions.”
           You made a motion to zip your lips.
           “She created me to be a lover, but I didn’t turn out the way she wanted, or I guess expected. I was ugly, repulsive. She kept trying to do things to improve my appearance.” He lifted his hoodie sleeve and revealed rocks of gemstone embedded in his arm; in his skin. “But eventually she decided it would be best just to destroy me. Kill me. So I ran away.
           “I’ve been on the run for months. Unfortunately, she was right and almost everyone who saw me had the same reaction as her. But then I saw you one day. You were on your way to work and a stray dog started following you. You tried to pet it but it kept shying away. You went into the café then came back out with some food and left it for the dog. It’s why I went in that day.”
           “May I ask a question?”
           He gave a nod of approval.
           “What’s the journal you carry?”
           “I’ve been trying to learn the language of the people who are in all the places I go. One night I wound up at a poetry reading. It made me want to write such beautiful things as well. If I’m doomed to be revolting, I at least want to leave something lovely in this world.”
           “You’re not revolting, Ravi.”
           “You’re the only one who thinks so.”
           You didn’t know what to say, so just gave a small grin.
           Ravi’s face went through an array of emotions before he spoke again. “But something strange is happening. I’m different. I’m changing.”
           “I’ve noticed.”
           “But I don’t know why.”
           You chuckled then.
           He looked at you inquisitively.
           “It’s kindness. I gave you food yesterday, today you looked healthy. I gave you a name and you stood straighter, your eyes became more human. When I asked you to trust me, there was a warm energy emanating from you. You’re being treated like a human, not a doll, and so you’re becoming one.”
           He looked at you with awe. “You might be right. You’re not scared right now?”
           “I’m definitely feeling like I just boarded the crazy train, but you don’t scare me, no.”
           “Why not?”
           You sat on the edge of your chair and looked into his eyes. “You and the stray dog, you both need the same thing.”
           You shook your head. “Love.”
           In that moment warm, chocolate colored irises grew around the pupils of his eyes.
           “What do we do?” he picked up a cookie and mindlessly nibbled it.
           “I don’t know. You’re the first voodoo doll I’ve met.” You smiled to show him you were joking. “What do you say we try to figure this out together? I bet the more human you become, the more likely your creator won’t recognize you and will have to leave you alone.”
           He finished his cookie. His focus was solely on you. “Together,” he repeated.
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asksidon · 3 years
I love thinking about Sidon with a g/n reader with long hair who asks him to comb their hair for them? And he sits them in front of him like a doll when he does it, it makes my heart melt
You are at your desk, reading a tattered volume of Hylian poetry when you feel something behind you, a presence. You turn and give a start when you see it is your prince. Oh no, he caught me slacking.
You slam the book shut and give a cough at the dust that comes flying from the pages, then smile sheepishly at Sidon. "Sir. I am so sorry. I got distracted . . ."
He holds up a hand, giving you his own smile in return. "No. It's one of my favorites, too." He gestures at the book. "It was a gift from my father many years ago. I am glad to see it is being enjoyed as it deserves again, for it's been some time since I have been able to read for leisure."
From the look in his eyes, he seems to have something on his mind. He remains silent for a few moments, then continues.
"And the truth is, Y/N, I am distracted too."
He purses his lips and turns away. Why is he acting ashamed? Everyone gets distracted; too much duty and not enough play will do that.
You decide to prompt him when he does not speak again, and you hope it won't come off as prying. It is hard to tell whether he wants to talk about it. "By what, my prince?"
He turns back to you, his eyes filled with a shadow you haven't seen before. It is almost like a sadness. You want to go to him, to give him a comforting touch, but you worry about being too forward. Instead, you run a hand through your long locks and let it fall awkwardly at your side. When you look back at him, you realize he is watching you intently, as if fascinated by your nervous gesture.
"By you," he says finally. "That. What you just did."
You blink. "My prince?"
He lets out a small breath of frustration. "Please don't 'my prince' me right now, Y/N. Call me Sidon."
You cast your gaze downward, your emotions an odd mix. What is troubling him so? And now you feel as though your formality has made it worse.
"I am sorry, Y/N. I am not expressing myself at all how I wish to," he says quickly, upon seeing your despondence. "I would prefer that you call me Sidon, but you don't have to, of course. And I suppose what I meant to say is . . . I think you are . . . you are beautiful, if I may say. When your back was to me a few moments ago, I couldn't help but admire your . . . tresses. I was thinking how appropriate that you were reading that book, for you are like something out of one of those poems."
He is blushing.
"I don't normally say such things to . . . well, anyone. I apologize most sincerely for my forwardness. Perhaps I should leave you as you were."
Sidon begins to back away, but you reach out and grasp his forearm. "Please, don't go. I'm just speechless, that's all. Speechless but happy," you tell him. "Thank you, Sidon."
Finally, he smiles again. Some light has broken through his storm clouds. He moves his arm so that he can hold your hand. You feel butterflies in your stomach at the touch, and suddenly an idea occurs to you.
"Since you like my hair, would you . . . comb it for me?"
"In this moment, I can think of nothing that would make me happier," he admits.
Luckily, you always keep a comb in your work bag, never knowing when a sudden gust of wind might hit, or a strand will move out of place as they so often do. You fish through your belongings for it and hand it to him, and he holds and looks at it with wonder.
"I always wish that we had hair to comb," Sidon admits. "It is a most wondrous thing to behold, a full head of hair."
"You are wondrous, my pr-- . . . Sidon," you say. "Hair or no hair." You move so that your back is to him, thinking that will give him the easiest access, but he places a hand on your shoulder to turn you around and move you toward the chair.
"Face me, please," he tells you softly. "And sit. Make yourself comfortable."
You do as he asks and meet his gaze as he reaches out with his free hand to move your hair forward. The tenderness with which he does it makes your heart leap, and you feel as though he must be able to hear it, for it beats so forcefully. He draws the comb through, taking his time with any snags. He holds your hair at the root as he works through them so he doesn't hurt you.
"Such beauty," he murmurs. He seems to have lost himself in what he is doing, and you dare not break his trance.
You cannot tell whether minutes or hours pass as he continues his ministrations. You hardly care. You feel as though you could stay just like this forever, needing nothing, nothing except the knowing that he finds you beautiful.
There is a knock at the door. A footman. He does not open the door, but speaks through it. "Prince Sidon, the dignitaries from the Gerudo have arrived."
Sidon does not answer immediately. He meets your gaze, and you see the frustration is back in his expression. "Yes. I will be down promptly," he replies.
The footsteps retreat from the door, and Sidon reluctantly lays down the comb.
Both of you give a small sigh. He leans forward and whispers into your ear, "Thank you, Y/N."
You hope that you'll be able to do this again, but before you can say so, he is up and out of the door. At his sudden absence, you feel bereft, but whole at the same time, given the magnitude of what has passed between you.
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libsterslobsters · 4 years
Sick Again
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Summary: It's the worst time of month for the reader, and on top of the difficulty of dealing with her period, she's having an awful, no good, very bad day all around. Lucky for her, Bucky just wants to help.
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x fem! enhanced! Reader
(Reader can see shards of the future and understand every language)
Warnings: mild angst, mentions of blood and menstruation, language, fluff
Author's note: This is the softest shit I've ever written for this site! In real life, I'm lucky enough to have someone who goes out of their way to make my day better when I'm dealing with my period, so I thought the reader deserved that too. As always, I've left the reader unnamed so this can be read as a self-insert, but I've written so much about this character that, in my head, her name is Violet.
 She knows it’s going to be a rough one from the moment she wakes up. She’s slept through her alarm somehow (either that, or she forgot to set it), and she’s not entirely sure if her phone dinging with  a good morning text that’s brought her out of unconsciousness, or the dull ache in her lower stomach. Cramps. Great. As she stands, she realizes that it’s already started, the bed has a noticable red splotch and her thighs are wet. Her period has arrived. Hey, at least she’s not pregnant. That would be some relief if she were actually having sex.
 While waiting for the shower to heat up (after stripping the bed of course; she’ll have to do something about those sheets to make sure they don’t stain), she reads over her text. “Good morning, sweetheart.” That’s a new one. He must be exploring different pet names. So far, she feels awkward using anything other than his given name. Still, she smiles and types back a “Good morning. How are you always so damn chipper?” before stepping into the shower.
 There’s not a lot of options for breakfast, and every single one of them turns her stomach as she imagines consuming them. With a sigh, she shoves some spare change in her pocket and vows to buy herself a cup of coffee on the way to the college. It’ll give her the jitters, but she’s so tired this morning that it’s a risk she’s willing to take.
 Unfortunately, by the time she arrives at work, her head is pounding and the cramps have gone from unpleasant to downright painful. Her plan for this morning’s class was to read the children’s classic, “Green Eggs and Ham”, have a discussion about rhyming words, and then have her students work on simple poems of their own, but she’s feeling so bad that she decides to make it a movie day and have them translate a scene of their choosing from a Romanian cartoon into English.
 Usually she enjoys her work. The students always ask great questions, and the thing she likes most about teaching adults is they’re here because they want to learn. Today, however? It feels like every minute lasts five times as long as it should, and by lunch time, she’s wilting. When her phone rings, she almost sends it to voicemail, but then he’d worry about her, and besides, the highlight of her whole shitty day so far has been that good morning text.
 “Hey, Bucky.” As she says it, a wave of nausea hits her, and she has to take a deep breath before continuing. “What’s new on the other side of the city?”
 She really should be paying attention, but she feels bad enough that most of what he says goes in one ear and out the other. She’s so muddled in fact that she doesn’t realize he’s asked her something until the line goes silent for a few seconds too long.
 “I’m sorry. Say again?”
 “Doll, are you okay? You sound a little…” he hesitates. “...not like yourself.”
 She’s prepared to tell him she’s fine, right as rain, but one thing they both absolutely agree on is honesty between them, since they have to tell so many lies to the outside world on a day-to-day basis.
 “I’m not feeling that well today, but I’ll be okay.”
 “What’s going on? Are you coming down with something, do you think?” Yeah, her period, but if what she’s read about the nineteen forties is anything to judge from, he’s probably not used to hearing about that particular bodily function.
 “No. It happens every so often. I’ll be good as new in a few days.” But right now, she sure as shit wishes she’d remembered to grab a few aspirin.
 “If you say so. Do you want me to swing by after you get home from work and bring you anything?” That would be really, really great, but considering she still has blood-stained sheets soaking in her bathtub…
 “No, that’s alright. Thanks anyway.”
 “Okay, if you’re sure.”
 It’s a mercy she only has two afternoon classes, neither of which are very intense, so by two o’clock, she’s on the bus home. All she wants to do is curl up into a ball on one of the seats in hopes it’ll alleviate some of the pain in her abdomen, but then an older gentleman with a cane boards the bus and there aren’t any other seats available, so she waves him over and gives him her seat. It’s only another ten minutes, after all. Finally, the bus stops a few blocks from her apartment so, slinging her over-filled backpack onto her shoulder, she sets off on the trudge home.
 She’s just set foot into the building when a woman she recognizes as her neighbor from a few doors down comes her way. “The heat is out and the super is off who knows where.” Great. She thought it felt a little chilly in here, and now that she’s paying attention, her breath is forming ice crystals in the air. She thanks her neighbor for the warning and, collecting her mail, heads towards the elevator.
 Because her luck is shitty, she has a vision of pressing the buttons and waiting, only for nothing to happen. Looks like the elevator is out too. The stairs then. No big deal. She only lives on the sixth floor. It could be worse. Of course, on her way up, her backpack strap breaks, so she has to shift to carrying it in her arms. Today is just not her day, and she needs to accept it.
 That truth becomes even more apparent as she reaches her door (at last!) and realizes that her key is nowhere to be found. She must’ve dropped it in the stairwell when her backpack gave out. She’ll have to go searching for it later, but for now, she digs around in her purse and, producing the right implements, proceeds to pick her own lock and let herself inside.
 It shouldn’t be possible, but her apartment is actually colder than the hallway was. Feeling utterly defeated, she drops her backpack onto the couch with a thump and, not bothering to peel off her coat, climbs into bed. Maybe she can get a power nap and it’ll give her enough energy to get through the papers she needs to grade before tomorrow.
 The first sign of trouble appears when he texts her ten minutes after the usual time she arrives home, and there’s no reply. From what he’s read, lots of people take a while to return texts or phone calls, but not her. No, she’s always prompt. Thirty seconds or less. Then, he tries to call, ask her if she’s  feeling any better and if she’s sure she doesn’t want him to bring her anything. After eight rings, he gets her voicemail. He’s not great at leaving messages, so he just goes with the basics. Hey, it’s Bucky. Just checking on you. Call me back when you’re up to it. Another hour passes, and nothing.
 He can’t just sit around his apartment worrying, so he decides to do what he was planning on earlier when he sent the first text: ignore that she’s told him she doesn’t need anything and go to pick up some supplies, then drop them by her front door. No need to go inside if she’d rather not have company. They don’t even have to see each other. He wonders briefly as he’s going through the grocery store, adding cans of soup to his cart, if this is crossing a boundary. Should he just leave her be, since she said she didn’t need anything? Is this pushing too far? He doesn’t know, but he can’t stop imagining her all alone with no one to take care of her. Sure, she can look after herself, but she doesn’t have to. No, a few cans of soup and some tea won’t go amiss. That’s all he’ll do unless she asks for his help.
 The bus ride is a little awkward, considering the two huge paper bags he’s carrying with him, but that’s the least of his worries as he sends her another text that he’s dropping a few things by her door, but not to worry about making conversation if she’s not up to it, he won’t come in. No reply, again. A huge part of him wants to get off at the next stop and just run the rest of the way (it’d probably be faster), but that seems like a good way to attract attention, so he forces himself to stay in his seat, waiting for the right street.
 The lobby is freezing when he steps inside. There’s a thermometer hanging by the elevator. It’s in celcius, but he rapidly translate the temperature. Roughly thirty-eight degrees fahrenheit. In other words, cold as fuck. As he’s waiting for the elevator to return to the ground floor, a man passes by him and mutters, “You’re going to be waiting a long time, son. It’s out of order.” Of course it is. This isn’t the worst apartment building in the city, but it’s not too far off. The stairs, then.
 He’s halfway up the six flights to her floor when he sees something on the ground, something he immediately recognizes because of the butterfly key chain attached. Her keys. Now he’s not just worried; he’s outright scared. Grabbing up the keys, he hurriedly climbs the last three flights  and, no longer concerned about looking suspicious, knocks hard on her door. Nothing. Fuck. What should he do? The obvious answer is to use the damn keys (he has a spare set, but he’s never let himself in without her express permission before) and go inside. So, that’s what he does, hoping against hope that there’s a logical explanation for all this. One besides something being very, very wrong.
 It feels like someone left the air conditioning on full blast inside the apartment. At first he thinks a window must be open, but as he walks from kitchen to living room (all four paces of it), he sees nothing out of the ordinary. Well, except her backpack. The strap has given out, and it’s been thrown haphazardly on the couch. So at least she made it home.
 He calls her name quietly, then a little louder before making his way towards her bedroom, not wanting to startle her. The bathroom door is ajar, and without meaning to, he glances inside. Immediately, he freezes. There’s a set of bed sheets in the tub, and… is that blood? Shit! How could he be this stupid? He should’ve rushed over the second he realized she’d taken too long to return a text. Now who knows what’s happened?
 The bedroom door is closed, so he can’t see inside. A cold sweat has broken out on the back of his neck as, slowly, he turns the doorknob. He’s got one hand on his pocket with the knife concealed inside as he eases the door open, but there’s no need. She’s all alone in there, curled into a ball on her stripped bed, still in her coat and hat. Thanks to his better than average sight, even from a distance, he can tell that she’s breathing, body shifting slightly with each inhale and exhale, and in return, he lets out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding.
 He approaches the bed as quietly as he can so as not to disturb her. She’s really out then, if she hasn’t woken up from the mattress dipping as he sits down next to her. He doesn’t touch her, just holds the palm of his good hand a few millimeters away from her forehead. No fever from what he can tell. He feels a little foolish now, because it appears that she’s perfectly fine. More than likely was asleep and didn’t hear the text alert. Still, for his own peace of mind, he needs to hear as much from her.
 “Doll, can you wake up for me?” As he says it, he pushes back a few stray hairs that have stuck to her forehead in sleep. Her eyelids flutter once, twice, before opening all the way.
 “Bucky? What-” She starts to sit up, then groans.
 “What’s wrong?”
 “Nothing.” She shakes her head, a pained smile in place. “At least, nothing major.” He’s not sure he buys that, but before he can give it anymore consideration- “What are you doing here?”
 There’s no good way to put it, so he goes with the truth.
 “When you didn’t answer your phone, I got worried. I was gonna come by and drop some things off at the door, but when I found your keys in the stairwell-”
 “Oh.” She chuckles softly. “So that’s where they went. I had to pick the lock on my own front door. Must’ve dropped them when the strap broke on my backpack.” That answers that. Not a fight. Not her running to get away and, in her haste, losing her keys. Just an ordinary mishap.
 “Sorry.” Without thinking, he scratches at his neck. “Guess I got a little carried away.”
 “No, don’t be sorry.” She shakes her head and, offering him a small smile, takes his hand. “It’s sweet of you to worry. Although I didn’t mean for you to.” Worrying about her seems to be a permanent part of his life, and frankly, it’s one he wouldn’t get rid of even if he could. That reminds him…
 “Why were there blood-soaked sheets in your tub?” Her cheeks heat up, and he immediately hates himself. “Sorry. The door was open and I saw-”
 “It’s okay.” She looks down, studying her lap. “This is embarrassing to talk about, but I started my period last night in my sleep.” Oh. “That’s why I wasn’t feeling so hot today, and before I went to work, I put the sheets in the tub to soak.” That makes sense. If he felt stupid before, now he feels like an absolute moron.
 “Don’t be embarrassed.” It wasn’t exactly something that was commonly talked about when he was growing up, but he’s an adult. He knows how this works. “I shouldn’t have pried.”
 “We’re together now, right?” Frowning in confusion, he nods. “Pry away. I’ll tell you to fuck off if you push too far. After all, I think you know my biggest secret.” He chuckles and leans forward, planting a kiss on her forehead.
 “I think that’s mutual.”  Now that he knows she’s okay, it’s time to get to work. “Is it okay if I go ahead and unpack what I brought? Just a few cans of soup and the like?”
 “You didn’t have to-”
 “Sure I did.” He cuts her off. “That’s my job. Take care of my best girl.” The blush is back, but this time, he doesn’t feel bad for provoking it.
 “I can help you put those away-” As she speaks, she sits up and starts to climb out of bed.
 “Or you can stay there and rest. Let me handle it.” She still doesn’t look convinced. “Then maybe we can just sit together and relax, watch a movie while you get a head start on those papers? What do you say?”
 She sighs. “Are you sure? I’m not going to be much company, and this time of month can get kinda graphic.”
 As if that’s even a question. “I’m sure.”
 It hasn’t been an evening for the record books. The most exciting thing that’s happened is that she’s taken a hot shower with him still in her apartment (scandalous! He was a mere two rooms away, so he could’ve seen everything). Still it’s been nice. The canned soup tasted as you would expect canned soup to taste. They made brief small talk about each other’s days before starting up a movie on her laptop (Frozen, because it seems appropriate, given the temperature, plus if she has to deal with ‘Let it Go’ living in her mind rent-free for the rest of her life, then dammit, so does he), and settled in on her bed to watch. The last paper was graded a full hour ago, and currently, she’s resting with her head on his chest, both of them bundled in every blanket she owns.
 The cramps are still bad, but his good arm is slung over her lower stomach, and the warm is helping somewhat. That, and with a few painkillers in her system, she’s feeling much better than earlier in the day. Better, and sleepy.
 She tries to stay awake (she wants to be completely alert for every second that he’s with her), but between the warmth from their bodies pressed together under the covers, the pleasant background noise from the movie, the contentment of a full stomach, and the heaviness of exhaustion, before she realizes it, she’s asleep.
 It’s only when she feels a feather-light touch to her cheek that she opens her eyes and becomes aware that she’s been dosing. His face is mere inches from her, hand caressing her face.
 “Doll, you seem pretty tired. I think we should call it a night and let you get some rest.”
 She knows better, but she’s just sleepy enough that her inhibitions lower, and she murmurs,
 “Stay with me.”
 Behind lowered lashes, she sees his face break into a small smile.
 “Sure, sweetheart. I’ll stay if you want me to.”
 It’s forward. They’ve never spent the night together (or, come to think of it, even been in her bed) before in any sense of the word, but as she drifts off once more, she can’t help but think that this just feels right.
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radioactivepeasant · 4 years
Fic Prompts: Free Day Thursday
(Full disclosure, this is a chunk of a toshinko fic I wrote a few years ago purely for my own amusement. I may upload it someday, but I haven't decided on that front yet)
She almost turned his offer to escort her home down on the grounds that she was a Nobody and he was going to get swarmed with people asking weird questions.
She didn’t turn him down in the end.
Forever after, neither of them were sure how they’d fallen into discussing personal matters, especially when under normal circumstances neither would be caught dead pouring out their heart to a stranger. Perhaps she’d just needed the catharsis. Perhaps he'd needed the human connection. When they reached her little apartment at last -- at least Hisashi had stayed long enough to help her move -- All Might handed her the umbrella.
“Wh- no I can’t take- what about you?” Inko sputtered.
“Ahaha no worries! I’ll be right as rain!” All Might flashed a peace sign, then broke into muffled giggles. “Wow. That was horrible. I’m so sorry.”
Inko laughed, and All Might jumped away, and that should have been the end of it.
But it wasn’t.
A few weeks later Inko found a note taped to her door in the unmistakable handwriting of All Might.
Hoping there have been a few less rainy days in your life lately! :D 
There was even a small doodle of an umbrella with his distinctive eyebrows and smile.
After taking an hour or two to get over the sheer shock of All Might remembering her -- let alone where she lived -- Inko found herself sticking the note to her refrigerator.
Second-guessing herself the whole way, Inko taped a note of her own on her door, a short and sweet heartfelt thanks for him going out of his way to make sure she was alright, and listening to her complaining. After a moment’s hesitation, she added a doodle of her own. A rainbow with his smile.
The note stayed on her door for two days and Inko tried not to be disappointed. Logically she knew it was extremely unlikely that a hero of his caliber would even be in her city, let alone on this end of town, and even if he was, he’d be far too busy for social visits. (Why was she expecting All Might to make social visits?!)
On day three the note was gone and something else was in its place.
It wasn’t carefully written on blank paper this time. It was hastily done, as if on the spot, and on the back of what looked like a grocery list. Still, it was fairly obvious who it was from.
It was no trouble at all, please don’t worry about it! Truthfully, it was nice to get to just talk with someone like that. Actually, I don’t get to do that very often! :D 
Wishing you and the baby the best! - AM :D :D 
Oh lord. The baby. That’s right, she was pregnant. She was literally constructing a human being from scratch!
...okay, it sounded kind of metal when she thought of it like that.
Inko shuffled back inside to make a stiff cup of chamomile and figure out how to organize the very bizarre amount of money Hisashi had sent her. He was as broke as she was, probably, going to that exclusive medical school. But he'd somehow managed to scrape up enough in mismatched bills to cover at least two doctors' visits. And he'd sent a pack of pacifiers?
Bless his heart, but Fujioka Hisashi didn't know much about babies. Inko taped his "sorry I'm an idiot, can we still be friends" note up on the fridge. Then, after a moment's pause, she added the second note from All Might. 
Somehow, the notes became a regular thing after that. He started slipping them through the mail slot rather than taping them to the door, which was probably safer in the long run. And she started hiding hers under the mat, in a plastic bag.
She probably could have just sent the notes to his agency, like every other fan, but she worried that it would be lost among the hundreds of thousands of other letters.
Short “how are you” notes became mid-length “fought an umbrella themed villain today and thought of you, how are you?” notes. Sometimes Inko left letters about everything and nothing, talking about how she saw a flower blooming in a place it shouldn’t have been and it looked so hopeful there that she felt like everything was going to be alright. Sometimes she sent a favorite poem.
Once, about two months in, she’d just barely referenced rent and a doctor’s bill coming at the same time and within a week he’d sent her an envelope with a check to cover both. She’d been horribly embarrassed, and there was an awkward tension in the letters for a week or two until they settled the fact that she wasn’t looking for charity and he only wanted to help.
Three months of letters and Inko had begun to feel as though she knew the Symbol of Peace. Actually knew him. Oh, it was just a silly fantasy, of course, it had to be. No doubt he was barely sharing anything about himself, and he probably did this with other fans too. Or at least, she’d thought that until one of his letters questioned a mention of Mitsuki asking why she was happy all the time now and her not knowing how to answer. Hadn’t she told anyone about the letters?
No, actually, I never told anyone, Inko had written back, I’m not sure why. I’m sure this is a normal thing you do, since you’re so kind, but I can’t help worrying that some people will say nasty things about you if they find out you’re penpals with a pregnant lady. 
The response had come on the same day, a post-it note on her door in the space between getting off the couch and walking to the door. She’d just missed him, evidently.
Had to run, sorry for shortness, it said, But you’re the only one I write to. 
Inko had needed to sit down after that. 
The following morning there was a three page letter resting on the floor just under the mail slot. It was handwritten, as all the others had been, and expanded on the post-it note. All Might was writing to say that while he did try to personally answer fanmail, this wasn’t fanmail. This was a correspondence with a friend (at least, he hoped it was, he was pretty sure it was, he wasn’t trying to overstep any boundaries or anything--). That he felt that he’d come to know her as a person in the last three months, that he looked forward to getting her notes every week. That he didn’t want to make her uncomfortable, not ever, but perhaps it would be best if at some point they could meet and discuss things in person so there were fewer chances of misunderstandings?
Inko had to read it six times before it sunk in that All Might was asking to meet her. All Might was asking to meet her! She was in a daze all through her commute to work and most of the way through her workday. Her boss was forgiving enough to chalk it up to pregnancy and simply remind her to actually answer the phones when they rang. When her lunch break came, Inko wandered down to a small grocery store on the same street as her office -- much better prices than the one in her neighborhood, but an hour was a long trip just for groceries so she tended to use the other store. Still in a bit of a fog, Inko didn’t notice until too late that the canned fruit she was looking for was on a shelf much much higher than she could actually reach.
She could’ve just used her quirk to get it down, but...well, unlicensed public quirk use was illegal, no matter how impractical that was. Inko stretched up with one hand, keeping the other hand on her stomach. The baby apparently disapproved of this sudden movement and was rolling around. He liked it when she was walking, not so much when she was stretching. (And still she hadn’t picked a name for him. She’d tried a few, but nothing seemed to stick.)
“Here, let me-!”
Someone reached up over her head and brought down the can. At first glance, out of the corner of her eye, Inko almost mistook him for All Might. But that was ridiculous, right? His hair was wild and curly, all save two long bangs he’d sort of let flop loose in front of his face. And while he was definitely muscular, he didn’t quite seem to have the same level of definition as All Might. Very close, though. Inko realized she was staring at him and blushed bright red. 
“S-sorry! You didn’t have to do that!” she stammered as he handed her the can.
“Well I didn’t want you to get hurt,” the man said with surprising sincerity, “Sorry if that was awkward haha I’m...bad at social things.”
And that was Inko’s introduction to Yagi Toshinori. He’d clumsily introduced himself and then dashed off blushing the moment her back was turned. Odd fellow. There’d been something strangely familiar about his eyes, though, and she just couldn’t place it. They looked almost like...nah. Couldn’t be.
Four weeks later, one of her neighbors asked her about “the buff American-looking guy” who slipped letters through her door at weird hours and Inko had an epiphany. If it was All Might, they’d have seen All Might. And probably called the presses. But the things in the letters were things that only All Might would know unless someone else had been reading her letters. With shaking hands, she wrote her next letter and slipped it under the mat.
If I met you while you were off the clock, would I still recognize you? 
If she hadn’t been sore and unwilling to move from the couch, she would have waited by the door to see if she could catch her mystery penpal. She fell asleep there, waiting, and didn’t wake up again until her phone alarm went off the next morning to tell her to get ready for work. Grumbling, Inko showered, changed, and managed some form of breakfast. The baby really really hated miso and natto, so she’d been sticking to things like eggs and yogurt and citrus. 
“Come on kid, I miss soup,” Inko groaned as she shoved an orange into her purse for later and bolted. She almost stepped on the folded piece of paper at the door. Already running late, she stuck it into her purse and didn’t even look at it until hours later that day.
Well, you would now, was all it said. 
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lu-undy · 4 years
May I make a request? How about Sniper trying to tell Spy ‘I love you’ in French and absolutely fumbling the pronunciation? Thank you!
Of course you may, dear Anonymous person :) I might have diveged a bit from your prompt but I hope the floofiness will make up for it :) Thanks for your request!
"I'll never manage…" Sniper let the piece of paper he was holding fall on his lap before rubbing his eyes. 
He sighed and took the piece of paper back.
"C'mon, how hard can it be…? 'Je', that's 'je', that means I. And then 't'aime', that's 'love you' but for some odd reason they put the 'you' before the 'love'.... So for them it's 'I you love'..."
Those were the last words scribbled on it, by his own hand. 
'Je t'aime'
The French for 'I love you'. 
"And God only knows how they pronounce it… Where's that bloody dictionary…?" 
Sniper let his hands roam on his bed and his fingers soon bumped on a big book. He moved the duvet that was in the way and grabbed it. 
"Do they say somewhere how you read the letters…?" 
He flipped the pages quickly. 
"Hm… That's the alphabet, nah, then that's - ah! Bugger, it's in phonetic alphabet, of course! I can't read these weird letters, ugh…"
He dropped the book to his lap. 
"Well then, I'll do it as I think it is, and I hope it won't be too far from what it should sound like. Right, what time is it?" He glanced at his watch. "Gosh, I'm gonna be late!" 
Sniper jumped out of his bed and put on his boots. He put his dictionary along with a notepad and his pen in a bag and left his van. He entered the base and went straight for Spy's room. 
It was now a habit. Every other day, Spy would teach his mother tongue to his friend who made every effort possible to learn fast and well. It was the only way Sniper had found to spend more time with Spy. 
Yes, as awkward and shy as he was, Sniper hadn't found any other excuse than that to spend more time with the man he dreamt of, may it be at night, or during the day, with his eyes wide open. Sometimes, he would even think of him on the battlefield. Each time he would blink, he would see him, against his closed eyelids, the masked face of the man with the most beautiful eyes, the most charming manners and a dangerous feline gait… 
Sniper arrived in front of Spy's door and knocked. 
[Come in.]
He pushed the door and entered. 
"I think I'm a minute late, I'm sorry, mate."
Spy raised his index finger from his armchair. 
"En Français."
[In French.]
Sniper frowned as he came to Spy and sat on the sofa. 
"Uhm… Euh… Pardon, je suis… How do you say 'late'?"
"We say 'en retard'."
"Right, merci. So, uh, pardon, je suis en retard?"
[Thanks… Sorry, I am late?]
Spy smiled. 
"Très bien."
[Very well.]
Sniper felt proud of himself. 
"As-tu fait tes devoirs?"
[Have you done your homework?]
"Oui." Sniper fumbled through his bag and took his notepad out. He flipped the pages until he found the right one. "There it is!"
Spy raised an eyebrow with a smile. 
"En Français."
[In French.]
Sniper had no clue how to say that so he looked at Spy, then at the notepad, then at Spy again and said with a shy smile:
Spy chuckled. 
"You can't tell me it's wrong, you got the point." Sniper added. 
"Indeed, I did. You could have just got away with a simple 'Voilà'."
"Oui 'Voilà' is the contraction of 'vois là', which means…?" Spy waited for Sniper to answer. 
"Look here?" 
"Oui! So we use 'Voilà' when we want to draw someone's attention to something." Spy explained. 
"Ah, ok… I mean… 'Je vois'."
[I see.]
Spy nodded with a satisfied smile. 
"You are making progress, mon cher ami."
[My dear friend]
"Yeah, well, I work hard and… Uh, I guess the teacher's ok." Sniper teased. 
"You guess the teacher is ok?!" Spy repeated. "Your teacher is the best you could find for miles around, quite literally!"
Sniper chuckled. 
"Yeah, it's true." 
They exchanged a smile and blushed, but because of the mask, Sniper couldn't see Spy's.
"So, go ahead, read me your homework. I had asked you to write a few lines before going to bed, about something you think about. It could be anything and it doesn't need to be interesting, it is just a little writing exercise." 
"Yeah, I think I did ok, uhm, here we go," Sniper cleared his throat before starting.
"La nuit, avant de dormir, je pense à quelqu'un de spécial." 
[At night, before sleeping, I think about someone special.]
Spy raised an eyebrow but didn't interrupt Sniper who was almost hiding himself behind his notepad. He was reading slowly, paying attention to the letters that shouldn't be pronounced, and the hard French 'r' that was a nightmare for him. Spy had insisted that it wasn't too hard, it had to be purred. He had showed Sniper and purred again and again, not knowing that the Aussie's knees were turning to jelly as he did so. 
"C'est un homme qui m'intéresse. Il n'est pas comme les autres."
[It's a man who interests me. He isn't like the others.]
Sniper looked up and saw Spy's eyes on him. He blished and hid his eyes behind his notepad again, flustered. 
"Je pense qu'il est très mystérieux mais en réalité, il est très simple. Personne ne le comprend. Je ne sais pas si lui-même il se comprend."
[I think he is very mysterious but in truth, he is very simple. No one undeerstands him. I don't know if he understands himself.]
Sniper cleared his throat and went on, frowning on his handwriting. He liked it when Spy wrote things to him, even if it was just grammar rules. His handwriting was so soothing… He wrote in cursive and the pen always seemed to glide with such harmony on the paper. 
"Personne ne sait ce qu'il cache derrière son masque. Mais je sais ce qu'il cache dans sa tête. Un esprit très vif, ça tout le monde l'a vu, mais aussi une grand patience."
[No one knows what he hides behind his mask. But I know what he  hides in his mind. A very quick and witty mond, everybody has seen it, but a great deal of patience too.]
Spy's jaw had dropped as he started to catch the drift of it all. He began to understand who that man Sniper thought about was… 
Sniper paused to catch his breath and gather his courage. He knew the last paragraph would be the hardest to read. It had been the hardest to write too. 
"Mais ce que le masque ne parvient pas à cacher, ce sont ses yeux. Les plus beaux yeux que je n'ai jamais vus, je crois. Aussi bleus et clairs qu'un ciel d'été, avec de longs cils noirs, comme de fins rideaux qui couvrent de mystère un regard trop perçant pour moi parfois."
[But what the mask doesn't manage to hide, is his eyes. The most beautiful eyes I have ever seen, I think. As blue and loght as the summer sky, with long black eyelashes that cover with mystery his gaze that is too piercing for me sometimes."
Sniper felt as if hot lava was poured on his head. He was sweating bullets under the heat of the foolishness. He screwed his eyes shut as he concluded. 
"Mais à cet homme, j'aimerais lui dire."
[But to that man, I would like to say.]
Sniper had to say it now, there was no turning around and going away, that was it. 
"Je t'aime."
[I love you.]
He remained hidden behind the notepad. It was hard enough to say those things so if he had to bear Spy's gaze, he would burst into flames! 
But Spy thought otherwise. He needed to see the man who had written and almost recited that poem to him. 
Sniper spoke before he had the chance.
"I… I s'ppose it's full of mistakes and uh… The pronunciation might be shit at times but I, uh, I hope you got the idea." 
Spy smiled behind the notepad. 
"There was no grammar mistakes, not even the tiniest one. Were I to write it, I would have written the exact same thing." 
Sniper disn't know what to feel. He was torn between the pride of having made no mistakes and the shame of what he had finally admitted. 
"Although there was one thing you did not do perfectly. Could you pronounce that last sentence again for me, please?" 
Sniper would have died of blush, his ears felt like they would have burst. 
"J-je t'aime." 
[I-I love you.]
Sniper saw four gloved fingers at the top of his notepad which slowly sank down, revealing the eyes he both could not get enough of, and could not face. 
Spy had somehow moved from his armchair to the sofa and was now next to Sniper. He answered with his lips pursed in a sweet smile.
"Moi aussi, je t'aime, mon beau."
[I love you too, my beautiful one.]
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softestgentlest · 5 years
Lily & Harry - high school fanfic
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Harry Styles.
Harry fucking Styles.
An egotistical, quick witted asshole with a silver tongue and easy charisma.
He's also irritatingly privileged; not only is he filthy fucking rich, but he's also extraordinarily intelligent, and to top it all off, positively, mercilessly, despicably gorgeous. As if he wasn't already dealt the winning hand, his otherworldly physical attractiveness afforded him the freedom to do whatever the hell he pleased, whenever, and wherever he wanted to do it.
And, of course, in some cruel twist of fate, he most often chose to utilize his influence by victimizing me: Lillian Mercier, a quiet, harmless junior, whose sole desire is to graduate ASAP, so I can move onto Cambridge University by the Fall of next year.
I'm on track to receive my diploma a year early, according to my guidance counselor, but I've got to keep my GPA above a 3.8 at least, if I have any hope of getting admitted into my uni of choice.
My mind is humming, sifting through upcoming exams, assignments, papers that need writing, and a number of other priorities as I open up my locker.
I'm just pulling out my SAT prep book, when a series of excited murmurs echo through the crowded hallway. A girl a few feet away turns, whispering to her friend, "I think my ovaries just exploded, dude. Look at Harry's haircut."
I roll my eyes, swapping the prep book with the AP English text that's currently weighing down my bag. I try to focus on my mental "to do" list, but I'm now annoyingly in-tune with the girl's conversation, unable to block them out.
"I know! How could he have gotten even hotter? And look at his outfit...like, he can literally make anything look good."
"Oh my goooodd dude, he's graduating this year. I honestly think I'll die, like, he's the only thing that makes this school tolerable."
"Shhhh, they're coming over here."
The girls go quiet, and I tense, keeping my eyes trained on the interior of my locker. Harry will be graduating at the end of the year, as he's a senior, and with that knowledge, I feel intensely relieved.
Even if I can't graduate early, he'll be gone, and I'll actually be able to enjoy my senior year.
A smile plays across my lips as I stretch to reach the top shelf of my locker, standing on my tippy toes. I'm 5'3, and these lockers were clearly built by men of average height, with little to no regard for high schoolers of smaller statures.
I know I threw some flash cards up there in the rush to make the bus yesterday, but even when I step up and onto the metal base of my assigned storage space, I still can't seem to-
I gasp, as I lose my footing and fall backwards. Luckily - or, maybe unluckily - my fall is broken by something solid. I hear a soft grunt, and large hands grip my waist, steadying me.
I pant, pressing a hand to my racing heart, when I feel something soft brush against the sensitive shell of my ear, "good morning to you too, clumsy."
I shiver, and pull away, immediately recognizing that deep, accented voice as it burns hotly into my skin.
Do not engage, I mentally remind myself, forcing my trembling hands to occupy themselves with the contents of my backpack.
He tssks, clicking his tongue, "Aren't you going to thank me?"
"Thanks." I concede through gritted teeth.
He chuckles, leaning too close for comfort once again, "it was my pleasure, Lillian." His voice drops an octave on the word 'pleasure,' giving it an unnecessarily sexual undertone, if only to get under my skin.
At the corner of my vision, I see his shadowed silhouette as he leans against the locker beside mine, tall and domineering as ever.
I ignore his presence, slowly zippering up my bag, and securing my lock, before reluctantly turning to face him.
The first thing I notice is the lack of hair. What had once been long, lustrous, chocolaty curls, is now shortened gossamer strands of hair falling over his forehead in a provocative, untidy tumble. The new cut exposes his defined jawline, and those sharp, light catching cheekbones.
As usual, he's dressed to the nines, somehow managing to make his unexpected attire look effortlessly appealing. Today, he's clad in a strange mix of professional, and bohemian pieces: a blue and white checkered wool jacket, a dark pinstriped suit, a red beaded necklace. He's got on bright pink socks, and white loafers, and his signature assortment of rings.
I clear my throat when he catches me checking him out, "Harry, I didn't know you could sew."
He looks perplexed, considering my assumption with furrowed brows, "I can't."
"Oh, then I suppose it was your mother who made that jacket from one of her tablecloths?"
He tilts his head to one side, and runs his fingers roughly through his freshly cut curls, "this," he snarks, smoothing his hands down the woolen fabric, "is a $2,000 jacket, love."
I roll my eyes, hitching my bag over my shoulder, and turn to walk away, only to come face to face with Mitch and Nick, two of Harry's equally asinine friends.
"Excuse me." I prompt. The two boys ignore me, smirking over my head at their scumbag leader.
I huff, turning back around, knowing full well that they aren't going to do anything unless he commands it. "I don't have time for this, Harry." I cross my arms, pursing my lips in annoyance, "I'm gonna be late to class, and so are you."
His mouth curves dangerously, drawing my attention to the pillow-soft push of his lips. "And we wouldn't want that, now would we, Lillian?" he pronounces my name so that it drips from his shapely lips leisurely, provocatively. "What with your big plans to graduate early."
Immediately, I recoil, meeting his expectant stare with wide eyes, "H-how...?"
"Oh, you thought I wouldn't find out?" He pushes off the lockers, Stepping closer, "did you know that you're GPA is just .01 points less than mine?" His voice is honeyed, sickeningly sweet - it sets off warning bells in my head.
I swallow nervously, taking a small step backwards, "I don't see what that has to do with my plan-"
"Oh, but it has everything to do with your plans." Again, he advances, but this time I hold my ground, tilting my head to meet his stare, "you see, we weren't competing before...not really. But, if you graduate ahead of your class and maintain that same GPA, well...Cambridge won't even look at me, regardless of my achievements, because you'll have the edge."
I blink, processing his words, "You want to go to Cambridge...?"
He quirks a dark brow, the corner of his mouth twitching in amusement.
I'm dumbfounded, "But...but I-you...but-that's just ridiculous!" I nearly stomp my foot at the sheer absurdity of the notion, but opt to clench my fists at my sides instead.
He looks utterly amused, and leans a bit closer, a challenge in his eyes: "is that right?"
"Why would you want to go to Cambridge?!" I note how whiny my voice sounds, but I'm too distressed to care.
He's full on grinning now, his emerald eyes dancing with glee. "wouldn't you like to know" He purrs in that slow, sexy drawl, his voice dropping so low that it can only be heard by the two of us.
It is then that the bell rings, shrill and disruptive, tearing me from his trance-like stare.
I realize how close we've gotten, our faces perhaps six inches apart. I can feel the warmth of his body radiating off of him and wrapping around me. Before I can stop myself, I inhale his intoxicating scent: spicy and earthy and masculine, like cigarettes and pine and the leather spines of old books.
For a fraction of a second, my eyes slip shut...he smells so damn good.
Then, just as quickly, I blink, and step back, my heart racing in my chest. I did NOT just...
He straightens, raking his eyes over my trembling frame with an air of affected smugness. Silently, he steps the side, watching me as I collect myself, an embarrassing blush infusing my cheeks.
Slowly, I move down the hallway towards my class, uncharacteristically unconcerned with the possibility of being marked tardy. I can tell that he's following, as students all around turn to stare behind me. We're in the same English class.
My brain seems to have gone into overdrive, conjuring up insane reasons for why I'd smelled him and liked it enough to consider doing it again. Impossible. Harry's a prick. The bane of my existence. Sure, he's wildly attractive, but never have I ever been even remotely interested in him...sexually. So what the hell was that?
Why am I all hot and blushing and trembly? Why?! Especially after he'd dropped the Cambridge bomb! I mean, really? Of all the schools for him to choose, it had to be my dream school. And of the thousands of people I'll be competing with to be admitted, it just had to be him.
Harry's one of the smartest people I've ever met, and he's got the resources and connections to get into any school he wants. The chances of two kids from the same high school getting into Cambridge are absolutely zero, and whether I graduate early or not, Harry's a shoe in for a spot there - he's the ideal student: rich and intelligent and driven, with a shit ton of community service and extracurriculars under his belt, and with a number of published poems and short stories.
He'll take my spot there just by aiming his perfect white grin in the right direction. And if we were both admitted, by some miracle, that would be even worse! 6 more years with him?! I'd die. I couldn't take it. I'd-
"Ah!" I gasp, colliding with a tall boy for the second time today. My books fly out of my arms again, and I fall flat in my ass with a soft yelp of pain.
"Woah! Are you ok?" A voice asks, and I glance up to find a familiar blonde boy looking down at me.
"Um, y-yeah." I say, quickly moving to stand up. Like a gentleman, he reaches down, offering me a hand, and I take it, allowing him to pull me gently to my feet. "Uh, sorry about that. I wasn't paying attention..." I smile sheepishly,
"Oh, no, it's totally fine." He grins back, then kneels down to pick up my books. "As long as your ok."
"Really, I'm fine." I giggle, kneeling down to help. "Your Neil, right? I think we have psych together?"
He hands me my things, standing up, "close! It's Niall, and yeah, 6th period right?"
I nod, "Niall. Yeah, I'm Lily. I'm the one always shouting out the answers and then getting yelled at." I giggle nervously, feeling a little self conscious around this boy with pretty blue eyes and a kind smile.
He laughs, "well, I'm definitely not one to shout out answers. I'm terrible at Psych." He gestures for me to walk with him, and I do, "I'll walk you to your class, just to make sure your alright."
I roll my eyes playfully, but follow, "I already ran into you. Don't let me be the reason that your late to class too."
I lead the way to the English wing, and we joke lightly about our Psych teacher, Mrs. Campbell. By the time we've arrived, the bell has rung, and I know that he's going to be late because of me, but he doesn't seem to care.
"Hey," he calls out, just as I'm about to open the door to my classroom, "maybe you could tutor me sometime? In Psych? You always seem to be yelling the right answers, and I could really use the help..." he rubs the back of his neck nervously, and I can't help but smile at how cute he looks.
"It's the least I can do after running into you." I say, "let's talk in class later?"
"Yeah, sure!" He backs down the hallway, "I'll see you then, Lily!"
When I enter the classroom, there's still a smile on my face, and I quietly make my way to an empty seat in the back. My teacher, Mr. Gray, shoots me an inquisitive look, since I'm not one to show up late to my favorite class, but he doesn't call me out on it.
"Alright guys," he says, "while I was reading you essay submissions from last week, I noticed quite a few spelling errors, so I thought we might have a little bit of a...spelling bee today, just to see where we all stand when it comes to commonly misspelled words." The class groaned collectively, and he laughed, "nothing to worry about. This won't count for a grade, I just want a chance to see where everyone stands. It'll be fun!"
Mr. Gray proceeded to split the class into two groups, and two at a time, he called students up to the board, and in tournament fashion, the winner played the winner from the opposite team. I could tell that he was saving certain students for the end, since they would likely beat out all the competition, thereby depriving their teammates of turns. By the time it got to me, only a few students were left on the opposing team.
"Ok, Kim," he called to my competitor, "your word is Accidentally" Kim correctly spelled two words, and then swapped out with another teammate, Jamie, who only beat me on one word.
"Alright, this is it, guys. Last two. Harry, join Lily up front."
Immediately, my eyes found him, just as the rest of the class turned to watch him rising from his seat. He took a step towards me. Then another. I sort of shivered, watching him move, observing his long legs, slowly closing the space between us with their every measured step. There's something almost feline about it - the way he moves - very masculine...and very...sexual, if that makes any sense at all.
I averted my eyes as he took up the space beside me. Again, the drowsy scent of books and pine with undertones of coffee and tobacco invaded my senses, and I felt my knees threatening to buckle.
"Harry, your word is 'allegiance'"
I felt him smiling, tasted his smooth baritone, skating hotly down my spine: "A-L-L-E-G-I-A-N-C-E. Allegiance."
"Lily, controversy."
I spelled it correctly and held my breath, gazing stubbornly straight ahead.
"Harry, 'immediately.'" He did the same.
"I-N-T-E-L-L-I-G-E-N-C-E, Intelligence." I glanced over at Harry, noting the look of intense boredom on his face as he stared off into the distance. Clearly, this was too easy for both of us.
"Too easy is it, Lillian?"
"Uh, w-what?" I snapped out of my reverie, glancing at Mr. Gray, who looked rather amused.
"If you think it's too easy, we can really put you two to the test. What do you think class?" Mr. Gray looked around, and the class erupted into excited giggles and shouts.
Realizing my mistake, I felt my cheeks flush hot with embarrassment, "oh I-I didn't m-mean to say that um...out loud sir..."
The damage had already been done. Mr. Gray grinned, clearly excited to have piqued the class's interest, "alright then, let's try....sacrilegious."
Harry, looking rather more alert than he had before, turned to look at me, holding my stare even as each honeyed letter fell from his lips "S-A-C-R-I-L-E-G-I-O-U-S" the flecks of gold in his eyes danced, embers crackling, glittering.
"Conscientious, Lily."
"Oh, um..." I quickly averted my gaze, glancing nervously at my trembling fingers, "C-O-N..." my heart wobbled in my chest. What's comes next? "...S-C-I-E-N-T-I-O-U-S, Conscientious." I want this to be over...
Harry chuckled beside me, low and slow. I felt his eyes on me. "bureaucratic." He spelled, quick as a whip, and all eyes were back on me.
"Bourgeoisie." Amidst the nerves and exhaustion, my stubbornness gave way to another correct answer. I won't lose to him. Not this, not Cambridge.
He managed "clairvoyant," "coalescence," and "kaleidoscope." I got through "lachrymose," "mnemonic," and "pharmaceutical," and then, finally, he messed up.
I heard it in his voice first, knew before it happened that I had won. Mr. Gray - once again proving himself to be my favorite teacher- threw "triskaidekaphobia" at Harry, and we both froze.
"T-R-I-S-K....A-D-E-K-A-P-H-O-B-I-A." Harry murmured uncertainly, sounding just as breathless as I felt. The class had gone silent, and I could hear my heart racing.
"Incorrect." Mr. Gray uttered, but before the class could erupt into cheers, he continued, "let me just say, Harry, Lily, that was extraordinary. Really, very good show." He slowly began to clap, and our classmates followed suit, whooping and jeering at Harry good-naturedly.
I turned to glance at him then, not feeling very excited about having won. I couldn't help the little gasp that escaped my throat when I saw his face. He had curved his mouth into a grin, ran a hand through his hair boyishly, a calculated carelessness slackening his features - but I saw it in the way his lips twitched, in the way his eyes glossed over and darkened to muted jade.
He's upset. I realized, moving closer without really thinking about it. He's really, really upset.
"H-Harry?" I heard myself whisper, voice trembling. Everyone had, by now, moved into their own little groups, all talking animatedly about the results of our little duel, so they weren't really paying us any mind.
His smile faltered - just for a moment - "good game." He husked, his voice raw. He held out a hand, quirking a brow, watching me with those expectant eyes.
It was then, in that moment, that I realized, very suddenly, that Harry is...beautiful. Like, proper beautiful, like earth shatteringly, mind numbingly gorgeous.
The realization hit me with such immense force that I had to grab his outstretched hand to keep from crumbling to the ground. "O-oh." My mouth parts on the startled little noise, and suddenly I'm very aware of the gentle press of his cold rings against my fingers, his large hand claiming mine, the muscles in his forearm flexing as he holds me. "Uh-huh." My response catches in my throat and comes out sounding like a strangled hiccup.
Quickly, I pull away, stumbling back a few steps, I tear my eyes from his face, flailing my hands around like a monkey.
What the fuck?
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dandelionflower · 5 years
Magic AU
Chapter 5
When Felix entered his home, he was greeted by a shoe flying at his face.
“Think fast!”
He caught the shoe and tossed it back to his mother. “Hello, Mom. Might I ask why you threw your shoe at me?”
She laughed and slipped on her shoe while spinning in her office chair. “Checking your reflexes; Cataclysm needs to be sharp when another villain comes.”
“Wha- wai- Cataclysm?” He stuttered. “How did you know?”
“I’m your mother, Felix. Also, you wore the clothes you left home with.” She started rifling through her desk. “Speaking of, I designed costumes for you both.” She pulled out two ribbons. “You know how to use these.”
Bridgette Culpa was a jewelry and shoe designer, a proud partner of the Agreste brand. She had the ability of transferring her designs into ribbons that, when tied to the model, would transform what they were wearing into the ribbon’s design. When the ribbons were untied, the design turned back to the clothes the model was previously wearing.
Bridgette was one of the most valued employees of the Agreste brand because of her ability to get photo shoots done without the need to physically make the clothes and take up time.
Her ability did come with a drawback, the ribbons were still visible. Usually, during photo shoots, the ribbons would be tied under the clothes, usually on ankles, wrists, or waists.
And Bridgette was giving Felix two ribbons, one black and another a sandy brown. He stuck the brown one in his pocket as he tied the black one onto his wrist.
His grey hoodie shifted and smoothed into a black hoodie with a white trim on the ends of the sleeves and the bottom. The trim had thin silver stitching, giving it a star like appearance.
His pants were form fitting and black with a thin silver strip spiraling up each of his legs. He was wearing boots with a white tounge and black laces.
Looking at his hands, he noticed fingerless gloves with a white star on each knuckle.
His mother squealed. “Look at the back!”
The back had a large crescent moon with a shooting star. The trail of the star was “Cataclysm” in silver cursive.
He pulled off the ribbon, rubbing his thumb over the white embroidery. “Thank you, mom, it’s perfect.”
“Good, I just hope your partner likes hers.”
“I’m sure she will. I’ll be in my room working on homework.”
“Alright, but tell me when you’re done, we’re going to the Dupain-Cheng’s for dinner. I need to talk to them about letting you stay at their house until Nathalie can pick you up while I’m away.”
“How is Aunt Nathalie anyway? I haven’t seen much of her.”
“Same old same old. I’m not sure if she’s living with Gabriel or…”
“Well, it will be nice to see her.”
“I’m sure it will.” Bridgette’s lips pursed and she looked away. “Now, go do your homework so I can gossip with Sabine.”
“Of course.”
After Felix finished his homework, a self assigned essay, he began to fiddle with the pin Lucky Charm gave him, thinking about his class.
It was pandemonium when he returned from defeating Ivan again, but it was beautiful. Glass shattering everywhere, random tornados and earthquakes, even the odd desk turned to demon. It was inspiring to see all of his peers so excited about a Cursed role model that wasn’t known for taming their abilities, but embracing them.
It was… miraculous to see abilities that had been dampened for years finally come to light. Felix, at the prompting of the others, even allowed his bad luck come through. Several students tripped instantly and the class cheered.
The teacher on the other hand, wasn’t as excited as the rest of them. She kept trying and trying to maintain peace, but to no avail.
His finger slipped and he tapped the spot on his pin that turned it to a yo-yo. It fumbled in his hands before he finally got a good grip.
He tossed it up gently and it instantly shot forward, wrapping itself around the light fixture. He tugged it sharply and it came back, the light where it was supposed to be.
I’m going to need some time to figure this out. But, before he could give another attempt, his mother poked her head through the door.
“Time to go! The drivers parked up front and ready to go, so put away your yo-yo and come on.”
“This driver wouldn’t happen to be Kevin, would it?” Felix asked innocently as he clipped his pin back onto his hoodie.
Kevin was Bridgette’s usual chauffeur. His ability was essentially GPS. He always knew the quickest route with the least traffic. This made him one of the most desirable personal drivers in Paris. Certainly the most desirable for Bridgette.
Her brow furrowed and she laughed. “Kevin? Of course not…”
“Mother, I know you and Kevin have… something going on. Please stop undermining my intelligence by pretending you don’t. If there is any concern on either of your parts about my feelings on the topic, I am completely fine.”
She sighed and slumped against the door frame. “Oh, thank goodness. Because we were planning on having a date tomorrow and I know you would have noticed.”
“That I would.” He picked up his bag and followed his mother out the door.
Kevin nearly leapt from the seat. “Hey Bridge- I mean hello Ms. Culpa. Hello Felix.”
“Kevin, calm down.” She placed a hand on his shoulder. “He knows, he’s cool with it.”
“Oh, great.” Felix could practically see the relief. “Now what?” Isn’t something supposed to change during this kind of thing?”
Felix patted Kevin’s arm and slipped into the car. “Nothing you don’t want to, Kevin. It’s your relationship with my mother that matters, not your relationship with me.”
“Okay…” Kevin turned to Bridgette and mouthed, “How is he so smart?”
She shrugged and gave the man a kiss on the cheek as she slipped into the seat next to Felix, who had pulled out a book of poems. “By the way, Felix, Gabriel needs new teen models. Do you think you could…”
“Of course. When would I start?”
“The week I start my trip. You’d be working with a boy your age, Adrien Agreste.”
“Yes, that name sounds familiar. I believe he is in Marinette’s class.”
“Here we are.” Kevin parked the car by the bakery and opened the door. “The Dupain-Cheng bakery.”
Felix came out first, thanking Kevin and jamming his book back into his bag.
The minute he entered the bakery, Marinette tackled him to the floor.
“Felix! I really need your help, opinions! Designs! Help.”
“I’ll help you, Nette. But maybe we should get off of the floor of your parents’ business?”
“Right.” She leapt off of him and brushed herself off. “Sorry.”
Felix noticed something new in her hair. “A hair clip? Doesn’t exactly match your other clothes.”
“I’m not taking fashion advise from you, Mr. ‘I wear the same ratty old hoodie over a dress shirt and vest.’ And you seem to have a new accessory yourself.” She spared a glance at his pin.
“Guilty,” he laughed, “but you’re the one who wants me to look at your designs.”
“You’re right.” Her brow furrowed. “Let’s just play Ultimate Mecha Strike Three, I’ll show you the designs later.”
“Fine by me.”
“So, what does everyone here think about Lucky Charm and Cataclysm?” Tom asked innocently.
Felix choked on his water. “Umm, my class certainly seems to like Cataclysm. My teacher significantly less, however.”
“Yeah, my class really likes Lucky Charm, shes all they talk about. But I think she’s overrated, Cataclysm is the one with all the brains.” Marinette piped in.
“So you’re a Cataclysm fan, then?” Bridgette asked with a knowing smile.
Felix felt his cheeks burn.
“Yeah, I guess so. It’s just really inspiring how he doesn’t let the negative interpretations of his abilities weigh him down.”
“Hmmm.” Bridgette smirked at Felix, who was trying his hardest to disappear. “Interesting.”
“I’m sure it is, Bridgette.” Sabine mentioned. “But I was wondering how Felix felt about Lucky Charm.” Her smirk mirrored his mother’s.
“I think that she is a selfless hero and truly a role model for the Blessed. A picture perfect hero.”
“Gah!” Marinette toppled out of her chair before Sabine could speak.
“Um, Felix?” Tom asked. “Why don’t you take Marinette upstairs to lay down?”
Felix nodded and began to help Marinette up, throwing one of her arms over his shoulder.
“You alright?” He asked as he laid her on the chaise. “That was quite the fall.”
“Yeah, I’m fine. You get used to it after the first dozen times.”
She groaned and Felix almost felt the words on his tounge. Did you really mean what you said about Cataclysm?
Just as he was about to ask, his phone blared.
“You seriously don’t have it on vibrate?” Marinette laughed. “Get with the times.”
“Oh hush! This is clearly senseless babble from a concussed girl.” He growled as he pulled out his phone.
Mom: Better get ready there’s another villain.
“Oh, ah, I have to go…” he glanced at Marinette who was looking at her phone.
“Oh, okay. I have something to do anyway.”
Felix could tell she wasn’t paying attention, but he left anyway, slipping off his ring and swapping it for the mask in his pocket. After pulling on the mask, he tied his ribbon on his wrist he pressed his pin, just before it was transformed like the rest of his clothes.
He opened the window and threw his yo-yo. He gave the string a long yank and began soaring through the air, following the sound of screaming.
The rest
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sunnysinbar · 6 years
Falling in love with you - John Deacon x Reader ( Part. 1) // FLUFF
Pairing: John Deacon x reader
Prompt: “Falling in love with you wasn’t apart of my life plan, but I don’t regret that I did.”  
Word count: 3580 words (divided into two parts)
A/N: so this is my entry for @bensroger 's writing challenge and i just want to say i love your work and you are doing great! Sorry for the mistakes and typos or wrong use of words, English is not my first language so i hope you can forgive me :')) but enjoy!!
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“valentines day are getting closer, people! Don’t forget to invite your date to our annual valentine ball” Mr. Reynolds voice blared catching you off guard. You groaned at the word “valentine” because you weren’t the luckiest with love or to be honest just people in general.
“Oh my God , I can’t believe valentine is one week away” Lorie gushed looking at Sam from the distance, ogling at him. You sighed “oh come on Lorie, this stuff is Bullocks and it’s only a day where people give someone chocolate to make themselves better because apparently the government use this Technic to leeches out of us” you rambled, all your words didn’t affect Lorie. She is pure of kindness and would spread love at any given moment.
“Oh cheer up! Just because you don’t have anyone at the moment, doesn’t mean you can’t try and find one” Lorie said and scanned her eyes throughout the busy lecture hall “how about Michael?” “no, gross”
“too smart”
“He’s obviously gay, Lorie”
“How about Timothy?”
“arsehole alert”
“too astronomical”
“C’mon Lorie, he’s an absolute lady killer. Not my taste”
This kept on and on until an idea popped up in Lorie’s head. “How about we send anonymous letter to random boys and let’s just see who would reply to it” Lorie suggest, it was dumb idea of course but worth the try even though you hated the thought of having to talk to someone you don’t even know.
“ugh fine, I guess there are no other way to save my love life” you rolled your eyes before looking at Lorie who quickly buried her face inside her bag rummaging through it before pulling out letters.
“Alright” she settled them down in front the both of you, she flicked the pen in her hand obviously confused “you can try with uhh.. some poems?” you suggested even though you were never that kind of people to uses poem.
“Right right, here” she said before writing word by word on the paper. Her handwriting looks elegant as usual as it accentuate the letters aesthetics “how about this?” she asked, showing the letter to me before you nodded giving it a stamp of approval.
“Now let’s just wrap this up and spread them all around” she said wrapping the letters up with you helping behind with putting wax and stamped it. Maybe it’s a bit over decorated with all the stamp and all that but Lorie was trying her best to get it to catches some random boys attention.
“Alright class's dismissed, I’ll be seeing you guys next Friday” Mr. Reynold said flashing his smile and cleaned up his desk. Both you and Lorie went out to a little bench outside campus discussing on how should you do this. “What if .. I spread them out and you have to just wait and see which boy will respond. How’s that sound?” Lorie said looking at the letters on her hand. There were 5 letters and the idea of not knowing who they are for scared you.
“That’s very scary” you said and it was all the truth, the fear of unknown is worst than murder for you. What if one the guy is a serial killer!? Would you even make it throughout the dance?
“alright! I’ll see you tomorrow then” she said before scurrying through the crowd to spread out the letter and you were left alone to ponder “this is a Bad idea” you muttered to yourself and got up to go for your next class.
Meanwhile, Lorie went up to Roger and Brian which was sitting down around the fountain “roger! Brian!” she called out catching the brunettes attention “oh morning, Lorie” Brian greeted flashing his canine “what’s happening with you, you look so happy today” Roger said looking at Lorie’s now flushed face from running across campus “well, I –uhhh need your help” she said and give them one of the letters “do you remember john deacon? From Chelsea college?” Lorie asked earning a soft nod as the boys gaze never left her face
“Can you give it to him, I think someone liked him” she said, lying. She didn’t have the heart to tell them that you are giving out letters just so you could fulfill your desperate arse to go on a date with someone on Valentine’s day.
“sure, ol'deaky would be so happy to hear about this” Brian chimed as Roger took the letter from Lorie’s hand. Lorie thanked them before running off to find other suitors that would fit you perfectly.
Both of the brunettes went to the Chelsea college after they finished with their classes to try and find john. They scan the not so familiar place trying to find him until they noticed him on a bench alone, book in his hand as he munches on his cheese on toast.
“hey deaky!” Roger called out catching his attention, his hazel orbs made their way to both of them. He flashed them a smile.
“Roger, Brian, what are you doing here?” he asked and noticed the small letter on his hand “we got a little something for you” Roger said as Brian nodded. John looked a bit confused as he take the letter out of Rogers hand and open them.
The letter was cheesy and a bit sweeter than he expected a love letter could get but something pulled inside of him, a shy guy like him getting girls to throw themselves at him was never a thing and the idea of dating was entirely new to him “whose this from?” he asked looking up at Brian and Roger as they smiled down at deaky, proud that someone liked him and this was a chance for him to get some action in his love life. “its from a little Birdy, we don’t actually know, you might as well try and find out yourself, mate” Brian said smiling, he looked like a proud dad seeing john flushed.
He looked at the letter once more and pursed his lips, should he do this this or should he just decline this opportunity.
“john” Brian called out catching his attention once more.
He looked up at him “just do it” Brian said smiling encouragement crossing his lips.
“I-I don’t know, this seems a bit weird” he said putting the letter on his bag and sighed. Roger went up beside him patting his shoulder “c’mon deaky, this is your chance to get some action going. Your 19 for God sake!” Roger said.
“Maybe but—john, just do it. We'll help you find this girl out, trust us” Brian interrupted his words and once again there was silence.
“A-alright then, I believe you” he said before being pulled into a hug by his friends which warmed his heart, determination was rushing through his body. He was thinking all of the scenarios he could gotten into and it scared him nonetheless.
John pace went sloppier, it was clear that he was nervous being here at imperial college, looking for both Brian and roger. He frantically looked around and finally spot them in the sea of crowd “Brian! Roger!” he called out, their attention went to the tiny man as he tried to get through the crowd.
“o hey deaky, you ready?” roger asked dragging the man out of the crowd with Brian behind them tagging along. John was absolutely nervous as he bit his bottom lips and fidget with the letter in his hand “o-of course!” he said before following behind the brunettes as they went somewhere they would find the little birdy.
Meanwhile, you and Lorie are sitting around the fountain. You were scribbling intensely frantically looking at the crowds feeling eyes looking at you while Lorie was reading her favorite novel for the 15th time. Lorie noticed “are you alright?” she asked, you look at her “im fine, just a bit jumpy today” you said “and I don’t even kno—” before you could finish your sentences, a voice called out to Lorie “Oi Lorie!” it was roger with Brian behind him and.. another person trailing behind them.
The man behind them looks nervous. his hair flowing to the wind, his pale skin shining beneath the sunlight, and his emerald eyes clouded with his thoughts. You couldn’t help but stare. He noticed and blushed, looking away. “that’s cute” you thought to yourself and looked back at the two brunettes who are talking to Lorie.
“oh john! What are you doing here?” the man perked up hearing his name being called. “Lorie? This is yours?” he asked, waving the letter. You saw the letter and turned pale, you looked at Lorie sending her a glare. He was confused.
“oh no” Lorie yelped, she knew she fucked up in that moment. You got up and yanked her arm dragging her so the boys couldn’t hear her. You let go of her arm “what the fuck did you do?!” you quipped, your face turning red, embarrassed. “uhh, I did what you wanted.. got the letters out and apparently, got you a man too” she said stammering the last few sentences.
You groaned and looked at her “I swear to god, if he’s one of your type of guys. I’ll kill you” you said as smile erupted from Lorie’s face as she grabbed your arm shaking you excitedly “YOU will not regret this” she said before going back to the boys.
Your (e/c) orbs scanned john’s feature once more. he wasn’t that bad, he’s pretty cute and soft and you don’t know how to feel about that. “alright john, no, I didn’t write that letter but she did” Lorie announced, pushing you to john, bumping into his arms. He catches you swiftly, you blushed before pushing him away awkwardly and looked up at him.
“wait, (y/n)? the girl that no one can come near to?” roger stated earning a death glare from you. It was true, you were pretty hostile… well not hostile, but you weren’t very welcome to new people in your circle. John gulped knowing this is going to be a challenge for him.
“fuck you roger, I’m really nice” you hissed “oh yeah, sureee.. biting my finger when I teased you about last week was totally nice” he insisted rolling his eyes waving you off. John snickered earning your attention, he immediately stopped and looked away, his cheeks flushed.
You think it was pretty cute.
“alright, we’ll leave you to it” Lorie said, pushing both Brian and roger out of the frame of your view running away from both of you. You were about to roared at the three of them but felt john’s trembling behind you. You sighed and looked at him.
“alright,err..” your words trailed off letting him finish it “john” he said trying his best quirking up a smile. “yeah right, I’m (y/n)” you said looking around once more to see they were nowhere to be found and grabbed his hand , tangling it with yours “c’mon, lets go, its not safe here “you said and dragged him to a nearby café. You entered the café and looked around for a seat and take a sit at the table far away from the window for some reason.
You bring up the waitress “can I have a cup of hot chocolate with some whipped cream?” you said looking at the menu, you looked at john, his eyes scanning the menu. “I’ll have one coffee with one sugar, please” he said flashing his smile showing the gap on his front teeth.
The waitress scurried, as the silence was back between the two of you. “so, john.. are you from around here or—” “oh no, I’m from Chelsea college, I’m trying to get my degree on electronics” he said smiling once more. Electronics? That’s sounds pretty boring, well, not as boring as a dentist and astrophysicist though.
“h-how about you?” he stammered, your orbs meet with yours “what are you studying right now?” he asked, showing interest in your studies. You rubbed the back of your neck before snickering softly “I’m actually getting my psychology degree, I know it’s pretty boring” you joked as he lets out a little giggle “you should see all the things I had to study” he said.
The conversation lasted for hours! Everything was forgotten when you’re in john’s presence. The calm and soft nature of his just made you so lost, so out of thoughts, nothing can make you feel this peaceful and so relaxed even when you are talking with someone. You and john left the café still talking and sharing about your experiences with bad dates. He laughed once in a while at your jokes and every time he laughs, it just warms your heart.
John asked you if you wanted him to get you home safely but you refused and told him, you can go alone, but he insisted and that’s when you went weak looking at him slightly begging you to spend a little more time to be with him, just for today.
Few steps from your flat, you stopped your track and looked at john. He was surprised at your move “whats wrong?” he asked, worried that he was going to be rejected even before they could be dating.
“today was fun, john and I hope we can do this again.” You said smiling up at him, the blush creeping into his cheeks “how about tomorrow?” mindlessly you said before realizing tomorrow is Wednesday and you would usually spend your time alone at home on Wednesday.
“sure” he said, you were conflicted. Be at home and just slug off or hang out with john, again!
He noticed the strange facial you were making and suggested “how about we watch movie together, at my flat?” he asked, the perfect idea for a slug day.
You smiled and nodded rapidly “than it’s a plan” he said. You looked at him once more, staring at his face and caresses his cheek with your cold hands. He shivers at your touch inches closer, and you are so tempted, sooo tempted to kiss that little lips of his but you pushed him away.
He froze but awkwardly smiled and gave you a hug “I’ll see you tomorrow, love” he said before bidding you goodbye. you went inside your flat and sighed, thumping down to the carpeted floor, bringing up your knees up to your face covering it.
The dark shade of red spreaded across you cheeks, you were embarrassed. “This is helpless” standing up to your feet before going back to your room to doze off for the day.
The buzzing of john's bell causes him to flinch in surprise “coming!” his feet pitter pattering to the front door to meet you.
His wavy locks are a tad mess, his oversized shirt hanging loosely from his body, and his sweat pants looks incredibly comfy.
“Mornin deaky” you greeted him with a smile when you saw him “mornin to you too, love” he cooed and smiled before scooting aside to let you in.you scanned your eyes across his flat, the beige colour of the wall radiates a very soft and gentle vibe that makes you feel at home.
“nice flat, you got here deaky” you said eyes still running around his place. He let out a chuckle “ thank you, its not much but its affordable”
“Oh yeah, ill be right back, just make yourself at home”
John ran off and dissapeared to the kitchen. You plopped yourself down to the bouncy couch and shrugged your coat off, with ourr black turtlenecks beneath it. You noticed the cassettes on the coffee table and shuffle through it, most of them are classic romance, action, nor horror film. You hummed.
“Hey (y/n)?” john called out from the kitchen.
“How do you like your coffee?”
You giggled before answering him “like you” the words slipped right out of your mouth, you don’t see it but john's cheeks went a different colour of hue at your little flirting as few incoherent mumbling came from the kitchen.
Few minutes passed, you were flicking through the tv, waiting for john to come back and when he did, he brought you some cheese on toast and cup of warm coffee.
You smiled when his face suddenly appeared oncemore. “Took you long enough” you said scooting to make room for him on the couch. He chuckled “you shouldn’t be complaining when you are getting the cheese on toast treatment” he said smiling proudly.
You rolled your eyes and snickers “aight, whatever you say, john”
John scooted closer to you as you talked about whatever comes up in your mind and held your hand gently, you noticed and put your head on his shoulder.
“Hey, how about we watch some horror movie?” he asked, to be honest, john couldn’t stand horror movie but because of your interest in them, he lets this one time pass to spend the night with you. Your eyes glimmered with excitement “lets watch this classic vampire movie” you waved the cassette in front of him, smiling widely as john nodded in approval.
You set up the cassette and plopped yourself beside john, his warmth was undeniably comforting but it wasn’t enough for a chilly day like this. John noticed your shivering and got his blanket before wrapping it around both of you, your cheeks went flustered with a smile growing on your lips as your eyes still attached to the screen and your head resting against his shoulder.
The night went by quickly as you felt yourself doozing off in the middle of the movie, the movie was pretty boring and john who is softly petting your hair and nuzzling your hair once in a while was sending you to sleep.
Your eyes fluttered close and your body was leaning to john. He looked at you and smiled before kissing the top of your head and lay his body to the couch before resting yours on top of him, his heart beat slowly sending you to dreamland.
You and john got closer and closer after that night but neither of you had confessed for your feelings even though it was undeniable from all the affection you had given each other back and forth.
“So, how do you like your dress?” lorie chimed as she checked you out. The satin navy dress wrapped around your curves and loosen around your thighs freeing up some space for your legs to move, it was simple and yet very classy with the little blings spreaded across the hem of your dress that falls on top of your knees.
“Its good” looking at your reflection in the mirror “only good? This is amazing!” lorie said her smile widening as she fidgeted with her dress and looked at herself on the mirror. Lorie was always the insecure one even with all the happy façade, she was extremely insecure about her body- her plus size body.
“Do you think sam will like this dress?” she asked, doubting how she look as the dress pressed against her curves and her hips. You wrapped your arm around her from behind , hugging her “you look beautiful, lorie” looking into her eyes, she smiled “thank you”
You smiled back and looked at the time, it was 6:40 pm “alright, let’s go, don’t want to be late to the dance” you said, grabbing your purse before bursting out of Lorie’s flat and walked down the street, your fur coat wrapping around your body as you shivered feeling the wind hitting your bare legs.
Arriving at the ballroom, which unexpectedly they have at your college. Your eyes scanned the room to try and look for john while you shrugged your coat off . You murmurs prayer that the times you spend with him wouldn’t have to go to waste for him to bail out at the last minute.
“(Y/n)? Is that you?” a familiar voice catches your attention, it’s wallace. Your long term crush since high school.
“W-wallace! Hey, yes it’s me” you fumbled with your words, this is so embarassing. He lightly chuckled and shook his head “I never knew someone like you would look this pretty tonight” he said smiling sweetly, a strand of his ginger hair hangs in front of his face, his green eyes bore into you. You are falling for his trap once again.
Meanwhile, john was hurriedly running down the hallway with bouquet in his hand to the ballroom and frantically looked around trying to spot you. He walked past the crowds, squeezing past them till he found you, you weren’t facing his way but he already knew how beautiful you were tonight. His heart skips a beat but quickly stopped for a second.
His eyes fixated to the guy, you were talking to, you looked so happy talking to him and the way he flirts as he earns a few blushes from you, broke John’s heart.
The man got closer and closer, his hand cupping your cheeks. John’s eyes widen, he knew what was going to happen but didn’t move, he was frozen. Bringing his face into yours, he kissed you. John felt his heart shatters into a million pieces as the grasp on the bouquet on his grasp tightens, his eyes tearing up, he knew it was too good to be true.
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oftlunarialmoon · 4 months
75 Agere Journal Prompts
Draw yourself a kawaii bento lunch!
Write down any chores for the day as a to-do list or sticker check off list
Design a smol outfit
Make a playlist for your littlespace
Draw portraits of your stuffies
Write your headcanons for your comfort characters as caregivers
Write down some animal facts from different parts of the world that interest you!
List items that are your favorite color
Make a magazine collage with a specific theme
List ideas you want to do in certain seasons
List your favorite agere nicknames
Write down any agere headcanons you have for fictional characters or OCs
List stuffie name ideas
List all your current stuffie names
List your favorite phone apps for littlespace
Make a tier list of your opinions on different types of candy
Draw what your favorite characters would look like as stuffies
Invent a new kidcore fashion trend
List 5 facts about your favorite sea animal
Design your Jolly Roger if you were a pirate
Draw yourself as a Pokemon Trainer
List how you deal with stress in agere methods
Write out any recipes you can make while regressed
List crafts you’d like to make
Make a page about your morning routine when regressed
Make a page about your night time routine when regressed
Write out any rules or guidelines you have when regressed
What’s on your Agere/Littlespace Movies list?
Write about what you would do on a visit to the beach
List any animes you like when small
List your favorite agere books
Dear Past Me - What would you tell your past self?
Dear Future Me - What would you tell your future self?
List songs that make you regress
List your regression triggers (positive or negative)
Write about how you would comfort a friend in need
Write about your dream vacation
Make your christmas/birthday/holiday gift wishlist
List your fave agere video games
List your favorite stims
Write a letter to your favorite fictional character
Write a letter to a friend or family member
Play I spy and write down the categories and things you find
Make a page of your top 5 agere songs from the last month
List free activities you can do when regressed
Make a collage page from a coloring sheet and stickers
Play scavenger hunt with stickers of your preferred theme
Use a page to write down word games like word scrambles and mad libs
Fill a page with positive messages for yourself to read later
Write down tarot interpretations if you do tarot reading while smol
List ideas for kandi bracelets you could make
Declare a random day a holiday of some kind, write down how you celebrate it
Use a page to “braindump” all of your current thoughts, even if it’s babbling
Make a sticker collage inspired by your caregiver
Make a sticker collage inspired by the seasons
Trace your hand onto the page and give yourself fun nail art, tattoos, or accessories
Draw a race track for a toy car, add obstacles or scenery with stickers
Write a social media profile page for a comfort character
Make a “top secret” file with your stuffie’s secrets >:)
Make a collage inspired by yourself
Dedicate a page to facts about one of your special interests
Write a poem for your pet (or fave stuffie!)
Draw a scene around a sticker of your favorite animal
Draw the inside of a house and use stickers to furnish and decorate it
Draw a scene to play with your toys in
Try a mindful reset page (List problems you’re facing, then list more positive mindset changes to each one)
Document the stories you play out with dolls or toys
Write down “this or that” prompts in one color then answer them in another color !
Use stickers to tell a story or make a fun comic
Fill a page with word art, using any words that make you feel smol
Make a list of all of your OCs
Use a page to document Minecraft coordinates of your favorite builds
Draw the outline of a purse or bag, and use stickers to show what a character of your choice would have in their bag, or-
Use stickers to show what you would put in your dream agere bag!
Draw a face on a page in marker or pen, and use makeup to decorate it! (or face paint :p)
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kcl-teaches · 7 years
365 Writing Challenge
New year, new writers! Here are 365 challenges to take you through each day. The stories don’t need to be long, they don’t need to have continuity, they don’t need to be good. These are all exercises to help you be a better writer; some of them I stole from my former creative writing classes. Have fun with it!
Edit: Please tag me if you do any of the prompts! I want to see your progress :)
1. Write a story about a character after a New Years' Eve party 2. Write a story using only dialogue. No description. Dialogue only. 3. Write a story with absolutely no dialogue. 4. Write a story with no characters. Let your scene tell the story. 5. Write a story in the style of your favorite author 6. Write a story in the style of an author you hate 7. Write a story in first person 8. Write a story in second person 9. Write a story in third person 10. Make a moodboard for your story or one of your characters 11. Make a playlist for your manuscript 12. Reblog writing from 3 other writers. 13. Leave a comment on 3 other writer's pieces. 14. Write a description using all five senses 15. Write a story based on five things you find in your pockets or purse 16. Write a description of what you see outside of your window 17. Put your music player on shuffle, or turn on the radio. Write as long as two songs last, and write according to what you hear. 18. Write a fantasy story 19. Write a sci-fi story 20. Write a story set in a time period before your birth 21. Write a story set in modern times 22. Write a romance story 23. Write a scary story 24. Write a mystery 25. Write about what happened after dark 26. Write about what happened in a storm 27. Free write for 20 minutes. It does not matter what the words on the page are. Do not stop writing for 20 minutes. 28. Write 500 words today. One of them will probably be good 29. Outline a story. Enjoy deviating from that outline later 30. Take a walk and write about something you saw on the walk 31. Take a shower or bath. Write about the idea you got there 32. Write about what happens the day they showed up 33. Write about love 34. Write a story. Don't let any sentence be more than five words. 35. Write a story. Don't let any sentence be less than five words. 36. Write about your favorite smell 37. Write a story set in winter 38. Write a story set in spring 39. Write a story set in autumn 40. Write a story set in summer 41. Write about someone who hurt you 42. Write about someone who made you happy 43. Write a story about where that smell is coming from 44. Drink water. You probably forgot to today. Write about being thirsty 45. Write a story that involves a cat 46. Draw one of your characters. It doesn't matter if you can't draw. They can be a stick figure. Draw them anyway. 47. Write about what your character wore to a funeral 48. Write your character's death 49. Write your character's birth 50. Write about the noise you heard in the middle of the night 51. Take a deep breath. Hold it. Let it out slow. Repeat five times. Write something relaxing 52. Write a story set by the sea 53. Write a story set in the mountains 54. Go back to an old prompt. Repeat it. See which version you like better 55. Write as badly as you possibly can. Break every writing rule. Spell everything wrong. 56. Go back and edit that worst possible writing. Try to make it as polished as you can. 57. Treat yourself because you had to edit terrible writing. Then go back and edit it again and see if you can make it even better. 58. Like 3 other writer's pieces 59. Talk to someone you don't know today, online or in person. Write about something unexpected you learned. 60. Write about someone who made a bad decision 61. Write a story about someone who is not where they belong 62. Look inside of your refrigerator or pantry. Write a story involving three items there. 63. Write a story about an unusual day at work 64. Write about your favorite holiday 65. Write a bad memory. Write it on paper so you can enjoy ripping it to shreds later. 66. Listen to the playlist you made for your manuscript. Write 500 words. 67. Write a story that features the color blue 68. Write about your character's children. Write about why they don't have children. 69. Write about someone who is the opposite gender of you. If you're non-binary, pick a gender to write about. 70. Write about someone of a different sexual orientation than you. 71. Write about someone older than you 72. Write about someone younger than you 73. Write about yourself 74. Write in the style of another writer on tumblr. If you're feeling daring, tag them in it 75. Write a fanfiction 76. Write something original 77. Write about being late for something 78. Write about a volcano 79. Look back at the moodboard you made. Do you still like it? How would you change it? Is it because the character changed or the story changed? Take some notes 80. Eavesdrop on a conversation. Use it in a story. 81. Write about an apology 82. Write about the scent of the earth after rain 83. Eat a snack. Write about being hungry. 84. Describe one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse 85. Look up the definition of a word you don't know. Look up a synonym of a word you do know. 86. Write another 500 words 87. Write another story using only dialogue. Which one did you like better? What did you learn? 88. Write a horror story 89. Write a love story 90. Write a story that has aspects of both 91. Write about what started the whole thing 92. Describe panic 93. Free write for 20 minutes again. Do not stop. I see you looking at tumblr. 20 minutes, no stopping. 94. Did you forget to set your timer? Did someone interrupt you? Do another 15 minutes of free writing. 95. Write about lightning 96. Write about the time when it hurt 97. Write using your opposite hand. If you use a computer, try to type with your eyes closed. 98. Write about why the chicken crossed the road 99. Write about an idiom. 100. Write about reaching a goal 101. Write the first line of a story. Write the last line of a story. Try to connect them 102. Write about being scared 103. Describe something powerful 104. Time is short. Write what happened in under 20 minutes. 105. Go back to another piece you have written. Edit it. Bonus points if you don't cry. 106. Write something that would make your readers cry. Bonus points if it makes you cry. 107. Describe a field of flowers 108. Describe what's hiding in the field 109. Write a piece that English professors would want to analyze. Use as much symbolism as possible. Nothing is real. Everything is a metaphor 110. Write a list of metaphors and similes. 111. From that list, pick your favorite and write a story using it 112. Write about a flood 113. Drink water again. Write about someone forgetting something. 114. Did you remember what you forgot? Spend the day thinking about what else you've forgotten. Write any plot ideas down. 115. Start a dream diary. Keep a notebook by your bed, and write down what you can remember of your dreams when you wake up. 116. Describe what's in your character's bag 117. Write a story set in Paris 118. Write a story about the cliff 119. Write a poem 120. Write a story about a fight 121. Remember that dream diary? Write a story based off of one of the dreams 122. Describe something you would see at the zoo 123. Write about the first day of school 124. Write about the first day of work 125. Write about the last day of work 126. Describe the smell of fall 127. Listen. Write about what you hear 128. Write your character's dream 129. Find a faceclaim for one of your characters 130. Outline a story. 131. Take a walk. Write about whatever you thought of while walking. 132. Write about the first time someone saw a giraffe 133. Write about an extinct animal 134. Describe the sound of bells 135. Write a story set in space 136. Write a story about something soft 137. Describe hands touching 138. Describe what anger looks like 139. Describe what happiness looks like 140. Write what was behind door number one 141. Get a deck of cards and draw a card. Write about the card. 142. Flip a coin. Heads, write about winning. Tails, win about losing. If you don't have a coin handy, write about cheating. 143. Write a story about someone getting caught. 144. Describe fire 145. Go read one page of a book. Write the next page. 146. Find another writer online and send them an ask about their story or characters 147. Get up and stretch. Write about why someone's joints ache. 148. Write about anticipation. 149. Find another writer online and comment on their work. Make their day. 150. Describe the feeling of disappointment 151. Are you still keeping that dream journal? Did I tell you to stop? Write about a dream. 152. Go back to any other prompt and repeat it. And probably drink more water. 153. Write about a mom 154. Describe how you feel when someone you love is near you 155. Write about a cliff 156. Write about your zodiac sign 157. Write about a misunderstanding 158. Describe something underwater 159. Write about your least favorite food 160. Do a chore around the house. Bonus points if it's washing dishes or something equally menial. Think about your manuscript while you do it. Did you get any ideas? 161. Write a story set in Egypt 162. Describe the color red 163. List as many words as you can think of that start with the letter Z. No cheating. Use one of those words in a story. 164. Look into a drawer. Write about what's inside. 165. Write about why someone deleted their social media 166. Describe winter 167. Write about the heat 168. Write what you want to write. Make sure it's at least 500 words. 169. Write about a fairy 170. Describe the feeling right before you fall asleep 171. Drink water. Write about someone's chapped lips. 172. Write about flying 173. Write a story about someone who made a mistake 174. Write about a superhero 175. Describe home 176. Send an anonymous message to someone on tumblr and make it positive. Write about their reaction. (or lack of reaction!) 177. What language have you always wanted to learn? Write about how that language sounds. 178. Write a story about a magician 179. Write a story in first person 180. Write a story in second person 181. Write a story in third person 182. Look back at your first, second, and third person stories. Edit your favorite. 183. Write about a pillow 184. Describe the feeling of pins and needles 185. Write about anxiety 186. Write about someone strong 187. Write about someone weak 188. Have them meet 189. Write about someone who had too much to drink 190. Describe restlessness 191. Free write for 20 minutes 192. Write nothing at all today. Think about your manuscript. 193. Set yourself a new writing goal 194. Write a story without using the word “the” 195. Write a story about a character with no gender 196. Write a story about a character who is asexual 197. Reblog writing from 3 other people. Make sure you leave a comment. 198. Write about a bite 199. Describe New York City 200. This is prompt number 200. Go back to another prompt with the number 2 in it, and repeat it. 201. Write about frustration. 202. Describe the feeling of someone watching you 203. Stretch. Write about someone who exercises too much 204. Drink water. Write about a mermaid. 205. Write about a monster 206. Write a story with a happy ending 207. Write about why someone pops bubble wrap 208. Describe a character's clothing in detail 209. Turn on the radio or shuffle your music. Write a story based on the first song that comes on 210. Write about the moth attracted to the flame 211. Go back to one of the pieces you've written and edit it. Let the red ink flow. 212. Describe someone stepping on a Lego 213. Write a sci-fi story 214. Write a fantasy story 215. Write another story with absolutely no dialogue 216. Write a story about an animal 217. Write someone's surprise party 218. Take a walk. Write about how you got there. 219. Describe a haunted place 220. Write about the grim reaper 221. Write about someone who is not in control 222. Describe how your character breathes 223. Write about snoring 224. Write a funny story. Bonus points if you laugh while writing it 225. Give feedback to another writer. 226. Direct another writer to this prompt list. (Kidding.) Write about someone being self-serving. 227. Free write for 20 minutes. Is it becoming easier yet? 228. Write in five 5 minute increments today. Were you eager to go back to writing? 229. Write a story that takes place in a courtroom. 230. Describe the smell of a tree 231. Write about a werewolf 232. Write another description using all five senses 233. Describe someone salty (Erotica writers, it's your time to shine) 234. Still keeping that dream journal? Write about another dream 235. Write about pain 236. Write a story using as many long words as you possibly can. Make it pretentious. 237. Pick a name that you dislike for no reason. Name a character that, and write a story about them. 238. Kill a character. 239. Save a character. 240. Drink water. Redo another prompt. 241. Your character can no longer say any curse words. What do they say instead? 242. Write a story that has a bad pun in it. 243. Describe a reflection 244. Write a story set somewhere hot 245. Describe your character's scars or tattoos. If they don't have any, give them one. 246. Describe someone else's character. Tag them in it if you feel bold. 247. Write about someone avoiding their past 248. Write a story about someone who does not want to be there 249. Write a story in the form of text messages back and forth 250. Write about a phone call 251. Stretch. Do something you've been putting off doing. 252. Describe your character's hair 253. Write a story in the style of someone who doesn't understand the correct definition of words. Their, there, and they're must all be used incorrectly. To, two, and too, too. Which deer is my dear? Remember, English steals words from everywhere, so it gets confusing. 254. Fix that story. Feels good to edit it, doesn't it? 255. Write a story in the form of twitter posts. 256. Write about someone of a different nationality than you 257. Share a piece of writing 258. Write about unraveling 259. Write about why your phone won't stop ringing 260. Describe lights reflecting on a car window 261. Free write for 20 minutes 262. Write about what you found in your closet 263. Write about what you found under your bed 264. Describe something soft 265. Describe something hard (Erotica writers, here's another free pass) 266. Write about a scandal 267. Like 3 other writer's pieces 268. Drink water. Write 500 words today. 269. Find out something new about a time period you're interested in. Try not to lose yourself in Wikipedia articles. 270. Write about what you found out. 271. Describe a sunset 272. Try to write like an author from your childhood 273. Describe an item in a museum 274. Write badly. Laugh at yourself 275. Stretch. Look up the best stretches for writers. 276. You thought I forgot about the dream diary? Look back at some old dreams 277. Write about a nightmare 278. Write about an exhale 279. Write about someone being saved 280. Write banter between two characters 281. Write fanfiction. Write bad fanfiction—try to make the characters as opposite as possible. 282. Write about joy 283. Describe something sticky (Erotica writers...) 284. Repeat a prompt, but write it from a different perspective. Can be stylistic, or simply from the viewpoint of a different character. 285. Write the beginning of a story 286. Write about why someone killed 287. Describe a character wearing facepaint 288. Write about success 289. Write about failure 290. Write about something that is both 291. Describe what jewelry your character wears 292. Outline a story. 293. Write at least 500 words 294. Boost another writer. Give them encouragement, reblog their writing, leave a comment, send them a prompt. 295. Drink water. Write about the ocean. 296. Describe music 297. Write about someone waiting 298. Write about someone who said the wrong thing 299. Describe someone who appears intimidating, but is actually a cinnamon roll 300. You've reached 300. Redo another prompt that includes the number 3. 301. Write about why someone wears gloves 302. Describe a kiss 303. Write what your character does for their favorite holiday 304. Write about something disgusting 305. Write using slang from another generation. Tubular, dude. 306. Draw your character. No eraser necessary. 307. Take a shower or a bath and plot. 308. Describe the scent of a candle 309. Free write for 20 minutes 310. Go back to your playlist. Pick three songs, and write a story based on those songs. Write for as long as the songs last. 311. Boost another writer. You know the drill by now. 312. Take a deep breath. Take a few more. You are a good writer. You are getting better every day. You can do this. 313. Write about being tired 314. Write about someone who has missed something 315. Describe the sky 316. Write about someone named Oliver 317. Describe what was left after it happened. 318. Write about someone with a lot of money 319. Go back to another prompt. Do it again 320. Write about a bird 321. Write a story that includes the word “plant” 322. Write about a heist 323. Describe the smell of a wedding 324. Write about a mythical creature 325. Write about what's behind door number two. 326. Which door was better, number one, or number two? Think about it. Write about it. 327. Boost another writer. Support the community. 328. Write about gratitude 329. Describe someone who can't get to where they're going 330. Write about the stars 331. Write something about a dystopian future 332. Describe a theater seat 333. Write about a character who cannot sing 334. Describe what your character does when they are bored 335. Go back and edit one of your other prompts. 336. Drink water. Describe what your character goes for when they are thirsty. 337. Write about getting something for free 338. Write about not getting something for free 339. Write your character's worst day ever 340. Ouch. Why don't you make it up to them? Write something good happening. 341. Boost another writer 342. Write about someone who helps another person 343. Finish a task you've been putting off. Does not have to be writing related. 344. Describe hands not touching 345. Write about a bruise 346. Write about the reason why someone stayed 347. Write something that makes you uncomfortable. Delete if afterwards if you need to. 348. Take a deep breath. Relax for 15 minutes. See what happens 349. Write about goals for the next year 350. Write about a Viking 351. Describe the dark just before the dawn 352. Write about the number 29 353. Make a new character 354. Write as badly as you can. Is it getting harder or easier to write badly? 355. Go back to your dream journal. Write about a character who has a repetitive dream 356. Describe what your character wears on a date 357. Describe something green 358. Drink water. Write about an angel 359. Describe someone trying not to be seen 360. Write about someone being discovered 361. Repeat a prompt. Do it better. 362. Write about nearing the end 363. Write the end. The End. Big E. 364. Boost another writer 365. You've made it! Celebrate by sharing some writing.
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gloves94 · 7 years
Elliot Alderson - Prompt [1]
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1. Outside the Window It was a rare instance when something outside of his computer screen caught Elliot Alderson’s attention. However, today was different. Perhaps it was the shouting that caught his attention. Maybe it was the loud rain that coated New York City during the spring days. “Stop following me! No is no!” A woman shouted in an irked tone. She stomped towards the coffee shop as a male followed after her. “Babe come on! Cara Mia!” He said in a petty attempt to imitate Gomes Adams when reaching for her hand. Elliot’s large eyes remained focused on the scene outside the window from the inside of the warm, dry coffee shop. “Enough!” She snapped tugging her arm back to her body. The rain continued pouring around the couple. “Please!” she pleaded. “Just leave me alone…” Elliot couldn’t see her face, as her back remained facing him. But he could see the expression of defeat in the man’s face as he turned away and left. She entered the shop closing her baby blue umbrella. Her head lowered and her lips drawn upon a serious line. Her hair was a pretty orange color, and it frizzed at the ends due to the terrible weather. With her shoulder’s hunched and head lowered she didn’t catch the attention of many inside of the small business place. Her face remained invisible to him. She approached the counter and sucked in a deep breath. “Hi! Good afternoon!” She chirped in a joyful tone as her emotions rapidly shifting. “How are you today-“ she rolled her weight forward leaning over the counter reading the baristas name “-Mallory.” She said with a bright smile. Mallory simply returned the greeting with a more than annoyed expression. The dark bags under her eyes became more prominent with her foul mood. The stranger seemed immune to the bored glare and remained eager for her- “Chai Latte, please.” “Coming right up.” She retorted in a draining sigh. The barista charged her. “Wait-! You forgot my name, my name is Bo.” She offered kindly. “Good for you.” The other retorted rolling her eyes. Elliot looked at her this is when she gave up, it had to be. Nobody could remain that optimistic after facing Mallory the barista’s menacing death glare. To his surprise she pulled out a five from her purse and tipped it in her jar. He brought his knuckles to his lips. Now he was intrigued.
NEXT: The Unrequited Love Poem
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chloe-gayzer · 7 years
Oh that's so awesome you are taking Nadine/Chloe prompts!! "Et tu, Chloe" was so great! Any chance you would write their first treasure hunt/job as a couple? Again thanks for writing and sharing such wonderful stories!
[[Finally finished! Put more into this than I expected to, if I’m honest]]
Read it on AO3
“King John’s treasure, huh?”
Chloe shot Nadine a grin. “Said to have been lost in the Wash in Eastern England. But a little digging and…” She held up a small, well worn journal. “Stumbled across this while I was hunting down clues. Journal of one of the king’s guards.”
“Say anything good?” Nadine asked, giving Chloe a curious look.
“Only that a good portion of that treasure wasn’t lost in the wash. They split their little caravan in two and, well, the first one most definitely drowned…”
“And the second?”
“Darling, we have a lead.”
Nadine perked up. “Where are we headed?”
“To a quaint little abandoned fortress at the edge of the sea.” With a flirtatious smile and a wink, Chloe patted the seat beside her. “Shall we book a flight?”
Her partner smirked and took the spot. “Sure. Why not?” She received a kiss on the cheek.
“Hm, let’s have some fun with it.”
“So, do you want to hit the hotel first? Or wander around a bit and see some sights?”
Nadine yawned. “Hotel. I need sleep.”
“Not used to the jetlag, eh, love?” Chloe grabbed her suitcase up, headed for the car rental set up. A hand slipped into her free one. “I’m always surprised when you do that,” she admitted.
With raised eyebrows, Nadine pursed her lips. “I won’t hold your hand if you don’t want me to.”
“No, no, I like it. Just never took you for one to do that.”
She shrugged. “I like keeping you close.”
“What a coincidence. I like being close.” Chloe shot her a wink. “So, hotel for a nap, and we’ll make a plan after.”
“Sounds good.”
Renting a car and reaching their hotel took another hour and a half. Nadine was exhausted by the time they got there, but not so much so that she didn’t notice the few dirty glances they received. She had grown to expect that– two women holding hands often garnered a glare or two. Ridiculous, really. And she should’ve been used to it, but that wasn’t something she could get used to.
Chloe noticed her unease and squeezed her hand. “C'mon. Nap time, remember?”
Nadine took a deep breath and smiled at her partner. “Ja. Nap time.”
The hotel room was nice, if a bit small; one bed, a couch, and a small “kitchen” area. There wasn’t much of a view, but they weren’t there for the hotel room. They were there for treasure.
Nadine tossed her suitcase on the couch and let herself fall on the bed.
“You look comfy,” Chloe commented. “Have room for one more?”
“Only if it’s you.”
“Oh, nevermind then. I thought I’d get the bellhop from the lobby for you.”
Nadine rolled her eyes. She sighed and kicked off her shoes, pushing herself up further on the bed. “Well, he’s not who I want next to me.”
“And who would you prefer?”
“I already said it. You. Now are you joining me for my nap? Or am I sleeping alone?”
“I did want to take a shower, but I could stand a nap.” She yawned. “Might actually need one, come to think of it.”
The ex-mercenary patted the bed beside her. “Come on, then.”
Chloe happily obliged. She slipped her arms around Nadine and nuzzled against her. “You know, we should make a list.”
“Of what?”
“Things we want to buy when we find this treasure.”
Nadine shifted so she was on her side with Chloe spooning her. “How about we do that after we sleep?”
A scoff from Chloe. “Why is it that sleep is the only thing you like?”
“It’s not the only thing. I like you too.”
She tightened her arms around Nadine and kissed her cheek. “Something for the list: I’m going to buy you the most comfortable pajamas I can find and hope you never wear them.”
“You know, I didn’t used to sleep naked. That is primarily your fault, I think.”
“Sure, I’ll take the credit.”
Nadine woke first, feeling restless. She took a deep breath and sighed. Chloe was still half curled against her. The ex-mercenary moved to escape the grip, pausing to press a kiss to Chloe’s jaw. “I’m going for a walk,” she murmured.
“Mmkay…” Chloe mumbled back, curling in on herself in the absence of Nadine.
She paused for a moment to look over her girlfriend’s sleeping form. She smiled, filled with affection.
After a stretch, she slipped on her shoes and headed for the door.
The town they were staying wasn’t too big. Not exactly a tourist town, but there were plenty of little shops along the main way. She was more interested in some exercise or any sort of movement, but it was nice to look in at the little store and see their wares. Maybe she’d spot something Chloe would like?
Sure enough, she ended up spotting a simple pair of earrings in a window shop. They were studs with little, deep red garnet gems on them. She slipped in the shop and came out a few minutes later with a small bag.
Nadine walked on. It was later in the day, so not many people were out and about. Thunder rumbled in the distance, but it didn’t seem headed her way.
Temptation drew her into a small bookshop. She’d only brought one novel with her and she’d finished it on the plane. Something else to read might do her good– especially if she had to wait in the car here as much as she had in the Western Ghats.
The woman working greeted her, they exchanged pleasantries, and Nadine went about looking at books. She wandered about the store, looking through what she found interesting. Ah, yes. The Art of War by Sun Tzu. No thanks.
She found a small section in the back labelled “Pride”. That piqued her curiosity. Leave it to a private owned store to have what the big brands never did.
On front view was a book labelled “One Girl: a compilation of poems about women loving women”. She picked it up and glanced through. The first poem was by Sappho, a name she recognized. She read a couple before glancing at the time. She’d been out for a bit. Maybe it was time to get back.
Nadine went to place the book back on the shelf, but hesitated. She brought it to the counter. “Just this, thanks.”
When Nadine got back to the hotel room, the shower was running. She had half a mind to slip into the shower with her, but instead, she propped herself up on the bed and took out the book she’d purchased.
She didn’t notice when the shower stopped, too invested in the book. She did, however, notice when the door opened and Chloe stepped out with a towel wrapped around her. It sufficiently distracted her from the book.
Chloe leaned against the doorframe, smirking. “Well, good to see you’re back.”
Nadine took a deep breath. “Didn’t expect me back?”
“I was thinking about how it’d be perfect if you were back by the time I fi–”
Thunder crashed loud over the hotel and the sound of rain started up. They both jumped and glanced to the window to where the rain poured down. After a moment, their eyes met again.
“I suppose that means we’re having a night in?” Nadine asked.
Chloe raised an eyebrow, and with a rather dramatic motion, dropped her towel. “Would that be so bad?”
A grin formed on Nadine’s face. “Have I ever told you how much I enjoy our partnership?”
The next morning, Chloe and Nadine found themselves on a long car trip out to the coast. Chloe, of course, was the one to drive. This left plenty of time for Nadine to read. Some of the poems weren’t to her taste, but others she liked instantly. One or two she even strove to memorize.
“You’ve had your nose in that book for what’s at least an hour,” Chloe commented. “Is it really that good?”
Nadine shrugged. “Some of it.”
“What’s it about?”
“Women,” she responded, looking up with a smirk.
A huff left Chloe. “Trying to make me jealous?”
Nadine put the book away and looked to Chloe. “Eyes on the road. And you’ve nothing to worry about. Some of it reminds me of you, in a way.”
“Ooh, do tell.”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” She shifted in her seat, leaning on the divide between them. “How much longer, do you think?”
Chloe shrugged. “I’d say… half an hour? Less if I try hard.”
“How about you drive safely, ja?”
“Pssh, where’s the fun in that?”
With a roll of her eyes, Nadine hummed. “You’re girlfriend survives the trip. Sounds fun to me.”
“I suppose you have a point.”
They settled back into the comfortable quiet between them, the only sound being the radio playing softly. It wasn’t long before they could see a rather dilapidated ruin in the distance: no more than a vague shape under what was probably ivy and vines.
“If we’re unbelievably lucky… that there holds a few million dollars worth of treasure for to fill our pockets with.”
“When are we ever that lucky?”
Nadine was right. They’d gone on a few jobs together– Starting at the tusk of Ganesh. Two smaller jobs in the months between that and their current position. This was only their first job as a couple, of which they were just shy of their two month mark. After the second of the smaller jobs– they had been paid to reclaim a valuable art piece from someone or other– that Nadine had made a move. Now they were rather happily involved with each other. But their past jobs had never been lucky.
Finding the tusk? Chased by a warlord, shot at, nearly drowned, in a helicopter when it crashed, and nearly gone down with a train.
The first small job? Shot at, tricked, stolen from, and shot at some more.
The second? Punched, nearly killed via explosion, and, what do you know, shot at.
Both were hoping this time might be different.
“Over here,” Nadine spoke up. “Look.”
Chloe wandered over to where her girlfriend stood and looked up above the dilapidated fireplace. There was what had probably been rather ornate carving etched there. Now it was filled by lichen and moss.
Chloe pointed up. There were rusty hooks showing higher up. “Think those held a tapestry?”
“It’d be a good way to hide this,” her partner noted.
The carving was of a woman with feathered wing-like arms, a bare chest, and cruel talons. “Looks like a harpy. We should see if we can find anything that matches.”
“Harpy? Those are the things that kill men, right?”
Chloe shrugged. “I don’t know them as well, if I’m honest. They’re supposed to be birds with the faces of women? But I’ve heard them as being described as beautiful to some, disgusting to others. You might be thinking of sirens. Now those most definitely killed men.”
“Then we should be fine.”
They wandered into the next room and were greeted by another carving, this one cracked down the middle.
“Well, china. Looks like we found your siren.” The carving was very obviously a woman with a fish tail.
“They really like to focus on the breasts, don’t they?” Nadine commented. As with the harpy, the siren also had her chest out.
Chloe snorted. “So do you.”
Nadine flushed a dark red. In her opinion, Chloe was much too skilled at making her flustered. She shrugged. “Yours are nice.”
The treasure hunter bit her lip, giving Nadine a rather prideful look. “Thanks, love. I rather like yours too.”
“A wise woman once told me these things come in threes,” Nadine spoke up, changing the topic. “Should we find number three?”
“Sweet talker. Let’s head on.”
The next room had no ceiling. That is, it had once had a ceiling, but now it lay as rubble on the floor. Ivy had made it’s home on the walls and covered everything it could.
“Well, this might be a pickle.”
“It’s probably under the ivy.”
Chloe contemplated it. “I think I can get up there. Think I can borrow your knife?”
Nadine dug her multi-tool out of her pocket and passed it over. “Don’t hurt yourself.”
“Do I ever?” She winked and shoved the multi-tool in her back pocket.
A sigh from the other woman. “How many crumbling ledges, bad grapple points, sarcastic quips to dangerous men…”
“I’m alive and kicking, aren’t I?”
Chloe looked over the wall. She could see what was most likely the rusty hooks from the tapestry– or whatever had covered it. She just needed to get high enough to cut the ivy down. The room was probably fifteen or so feet high. The lowest handhold she could spot was about a foot out of her reach.
“Give me a boost, love?”
“Sure. Ja.”
“Right here then.” She patted the wall.
Nadine nodded. “Up you go.”
Chloe made her way over to the top of the Ivy, pulling herself up so she could sit on the edge. “Alright. Which bit on this is the sharp one?” she asked as she pulled the multi-tool out.
“Hold it with the brand name on the right side. Should be the last one on that side.”
One by one, she severed the stems of ivy and pulled the tops down so they drooped over, barely clinging to the wall. She did this a fair bit down the wall before closing the tool and dropping it back down to Nadine. “Alright. I’ve got an idea to get these all off at once.”
“You’re going to grab them and jump?”
“It’s only, what, ten feet down? Fifteen? I’ll be fine, don’t give me that look.”
Nadine rolled her eyes but smirked. “I just told you not to hurt yourself.”
“Catch me then, if you’re so worried.”
“Rather kiss you,” she admitted.
“Time and a place, darling.” Chloe bit her lip. “But I suppose we can make this a time and place for it.”
“Just get down here.”
“On it.”
Chloe gathered up the ends and took a deep breath. “Catch me or don’t. But let’s find our third etching, yeah?”
“A sphinx… hm…” Chloe was mumbling to herself as she looked over the books she’d picked up.
Nadine watched her from her spot on the bed. She could only think of how attractive her girlfriend was while researching.
They’d found nothing more than the carvings in the castle– a harpy, a siren, and sphynx–  and had returned to the hotel so more could be learned. After getting back in town, Nadine had led Chloe to the bookshop she’d been at before. Chloe had then bought up every greek mythology book she could find. Nadine hadn’t bought anything– her poetry book was plenty.
Giving Chloe another lingering look, Nadine hummed and opened said book.
She wasn’t sure how much later it was when Chloe shot out of her seat. “I think I’ve got it.”
Nadine closed her book and sat up. “Let’s hear it then.”
“Alright, so the harpy. A bird woman, the personification of storm winds. They were seen as human vultures, vicious and hungry. They’d steal food and people. Very cruel.” She was pacing as she spoke, looking at the book in her hands. “Sirens were different. The originals look like harpies, but the one we found was a fish, not a bird.”
“The english version,” Nadine spoke up.
“Exactly. And around the time this treasure was "lost”, is when that version was gaining popularity. They’re absolutely beautiful women with voices that entrance men and lure them to their deaths.“
"Reminds me of someone.”
Chloe grinned but waved her off. “Hush, you. Anyway, the last one was a sphinx. A monster with the face and chest of a lovely woman, body of a lion, tail of a serpent. She would kill those who failed to solve her riddles and often devoured children. All of them are greek in origin and are half woman, half beast.”
“Deadly grecian monster women. Okay.”
“On top of that, we can see it as the elements. Air, water, earth. But I’m not sure if it relates.” She shrugged it off. “What’s more important is I connected each to a greek author that had a story with each. Bad part: author’s name didn’t make it through the years. Good news? Their story did.”
“And the puzzle is based off of it?”
“I think so. The nobleman must’ve had them as a favourite author.”
Nadine tilted her head, curious. “So it’s like if someone liked Shakespeare, they might fashion a treasure chamber based around… Hamlet, or Much Ado About Nothing?”
Chloe bit her lip, looking over Nadine. “Exactly. But Shakespeare was a few centuries after.” She met the woman’s eyes. “But thy eternal summer shall not fade, nor lose the possession of the fair thou ow'st…”
Nadine tilted her head, curious. “What does that mean?”
“It’s from Shakespeare. Sonnet eighteen. You’ve probably heard the first bit. The "shall I compare thee to a summer’s day” thing.“ She shrugged. "The part I said basically means "you’ll always be beautiful, no matter what”. Reminded me of you.“ She shot her girlfriend a wink.
Nadine’s jaw tensed like it always did when she was suddenly confronted with a blatant compliment. Her face flushed red. Despite this, she responded, "Which now inspires, cures and supplies, and guides my darkened breast: For thou art all that I can prize: My joy, my life, my rest.” She took a deep breath and met Chloe’s eyes, smirking now. “No bridegroom’s nor crown-conqueror’s mirth, to mine compar’d can be: They have but pieces of the earth, I’ve all the world in thee.”
Chloe was very suddenly breathless. That seemed so romantic. “What’s that from?”
“Katherine Philips. You know that book I’ve been reading? It’s mostly, ah, sapphic poetry. That’s one of my favourites, where she talks about the woman she’s fallen for.” Nadine  smiled. “I suppose learning it just paid off.”
Chloe seemed almost lost in thought. “It certainly did.” She made an appreciative noise. “How were you single when we met?”
“I didn’t run into many women in that profession. But with the poems… it’s a bit embarrassing to know, if I’m honest. Didn’t really expect that to go over well.”
“Well, I certainly liked it.” She kissed Nadine’s cheek. “I’m not against showing you how much.” A smile settled on her lips. “And don’t be embarrassed– that was utterly romantic. You’re welcome to say things like that whenever you want.”
Chloe set the book down and sat on the edge of the bed. “Most definitely.”
Nadine bit her lip, eyes glancing to Chloe’s. She pulled her closer, hands traveling down Chloe’s sides. “Haven’t they moved like rivers— like Glory, like light— over the seven days of your body?” Nadine slipped her fingers under the hem of Chloe’s shirt. “And wasn’t that good? Them at your hips—”
Chloe gasped as the pads of Nadine’s thumbs found a soft spot on her hips. “Oh… Yes. I definitely like what you’re saying.”
“Really? Personally, I think that’s enough talk…” She leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Chloe’s jaw, slowly making her way down to her neck. “I’m sure I can get some pretty sounds from you though.”
Chloe’s eyes closed and she leaned her head back. “I look forward to it.”
“You were right,” Nadine commented.
“I love hearing you say that.” Chloe grinned and pointed her flashlight down the tunnel they’d just triggered. “Not the sphinx, not the harpy… but the siren.”
“Let’s just hope she’s not leading us to our death.”
“You worry too much.”
They moved down the tunnel, flashlights out. There was barely room to stand. The two moved forward at a crouch. The tunnel was made of stone with small divots in the wall where torches had once been placed. Small carvings of sirens could be seen every few steps, leading them on.
About fifty feet in, it opened to a large chamber. The wall ahead held small, circular slots and closed stone door. Before the door was a wooden crate.
“What’s in here, huh?” Chloe questioned, reaching for the crate. It fell apart as she lifted it. Metal tokens scattered on the floor at her feet. “Oh.”
Nadine crouched, picking up one of the metal discs. “A frog and a mouse?”
Chloe grabbed one up too. “This one has a lion.”
Together, they gathered the others up and identified the animals on each.
“I’ll just say it. No idea what this has to do with the sirens and such.” Chloe looked over to her partner.
Nadine was staring intently at the little discs. “Maybe… Maybe they aren’t related to the monsters.”
“What do you mean?”
Nadine moved around a few of the tokens, putting them in small groups. “This is Aesop’s fables,” Nadine commented. “See? That one there, with the one you’re holding– The Lion and the Mouse. And there’s the Dog and the Hare.”
“I thought it was the Tortoise and the Hare.”
“That’s one too, but I don’t see it…” She picked up one of the discs and flipped it over. “Markings on the back too.”
“I’m not too familiar with the fables. Just bits and pieces over time, and what I got from those books on Greece.”
“I’ve read them all,” Nadine mumbled. “Had the book when I was younger.”
“Then make that another reason I love having you around.” She handed the lion token to Nadine. “Think you can figure these out? Maybe teach me a thing or two on the way?”
“I’ll do my best.” She sat down and pulled some of the more distant coins closer. “Alright. The one with the frog and the mouse on it. It’ll go with… there should be a hawk here somewhere.”
“How does it pair up?”
“The frog tied the mouse to him, accidentally drowned it while swimming, and when the body of the mouse floated to the top of the water, the hawk swooped down on it. The frog was taken too and devoured.”
Chloe raised an eyebrow. “Cheery.”
Nadine shrugged. “They’re tales about morals. That one is "harm hatch, harm catch”. If you hurt someone–“
"Someone else will hurt you?”
“You got it.” She moved the two discs to the side. “I prefer the newer version. The Scorpion and the Frog.”
“How’s it different?”
“The scorpion asks for passage across the waterway, promising not to sting. The frog trusts it– but the nature of the scorpion is to sting, so it does. Both die because of it: the frog from the sting, and the scorpion from the water.”
“Doesn’t quite have the same meaning, dear.”
“Maybe not.” She squinted at two of the tokens she held. “Dogs?” One faced the right, the other left. Both had something held in their mouths.
Chloe leaned on her, looking over her shoulder. “They look mirrored.”
Nadine let out a soft “Oh!” and turned one of the dogs upside down. “The Dog and her Reflection.”
“Which is..?”
She rubbed her thumb around the edge of the disc. “A good moral for thieves. Greed will make you lose what you already have.”
“And the story?”
“Ah. A dog is carrying something in her mouth– usually meat or a bone or something. There was a version that said it was shiny red pennies, but I digress.” She set the two dogs together. “She walked over a bridge of some sort and glanced into the water, where she saw a dog carrying something good. She opened her mouth to bark and lost what she was carrying. The version with the pennies, she died.”
“And you read these as a child? I think I prefer that poetry book of yours.” Chloe bit her lip, thinking of the previous day’s activities.
“Of course you do.”
“Your hands…”
“Actually, it’s called "These Hands, If Not Gods”.“
Chloe smirked and kissed Nadine’s cheek. "I prefer yours.” She motioned to the tokens. “Come on. What’s the next one?”
“Chloe?” Nadine called.
“Yes, darling?”
“Why are we always getting shot at?” Her voice was loud enough to reach her partner over the gunfire.
Chloe just laughed and fired a few shots over the cover they’d taken. “Comes with the job!”
“You’re lucky I–” Nadine cut herself off and let out a sort of frustrated noise. “To the side.” She fired twice into a man’s chest.
“I’m lucky about what?”
A man came around the corner and grabbed Chloe the second after she spoke. Nadine snarled. “Let go of her!” Her punch had him stumbling back, letting Chloe follow up with the butt of her gun. He lay unmoving on the ground a few moments later.
“I don’t think they actually know about the treasure,” Chloe brought up, back to the stonework.
“What do you mean?”
“Look around! I think we stumbled into something a tad more illegal than what we’re up to.” She jerked her head to the crates in the center of the cavern. “Our tunnel just happened to break out here! I’m pretty sure we took the wrong path!”
“So, what, we stumbled on a drug smuggler ring?”
“Looks like it!” She let loose another volley of shots, taking two men down in the process. “Why don’t we clear the place out and head back?”
“Clear out a drug den?”
Chloe just laughed. “Come on, love!”
An hour passed.
Chloe and Nadine sat with their backs to the wall, breathing heavy. “See? No problem.” Chloe leaned against her girlfriend. “We did just fine.”
Nadine sighed. “I’d like to do one job where we don’t get shot at.”
“You’re no fun.”
“I don’t like you being shot at,” she muttered.
Chloe leaned over and gave her a quick kiss. “Shall we get back to it?”
“Now, I think our problem was following the sirens again. I’m certain this cave would have been underwater back then.”
“A place for sirens?”
“Then let’s try the harpy.”
“I will never understand why every person that’s hidden a treasure puts endless traps and locks and puzzles in the place the treasure isn’t.”
Nadine pulled Chloe closer and rested her cheek on Chloe’s stomach. “I’ve come to expect it.”
“But not being shot at?”
She shrugged and slipped Chloe’s shirt up. After a few soft kisses, she responded with, “I keep hoping we won’t be shot at.” Another kiss. “I’m getting tired of patching you up.”
Chloe sighed and set aside the trinket she’d been messing around with. It was, as always, a clue to the actual location of King John’s treasure. Thoughts of the crown jewels were dismissed from her mind as Nadine rubbed a hand down her torso.
“We should go out for dinner,” Nadine commented.
A huff. “You didn’t bring MREs this time?”
“I did, but we’re in a hotel. Not out on the field.”
“And if I’m enjoying what you’re doing too much to leave our room?”
Nadine shifted, moving to kiss Chloe’s face, finally to her lips. She drew the kiss out, hands roaming down Chloe’s body. She pulled her close and made the kiss heated as possible. Just as Chloe moved to slip her hands up Nadine’s shirt, she pulled away.
“Come on. Let’s go get dinner.”
“You’re evil.”
“Learning from the best.”
Chloe rolled her eyes and gave her half a smile. “We’ll head out to the other castle tomorrow. But yes, let’s go for dinner now.”
Chloe pressed her back against the wall and let herself slide down into a sitting position. Her chest heaved as she tried to catch her breath. “Well. That was fun.”
“Maybe we don’t do that again, ja?” Nadine laced her fingers together and pressed her palms to the top of her head, making it easier to breath.
“What is it with all these traps?”
Nadine grinned. “It’s almost like we were trying to find the crown jewels here.”
A scoff left Chloe and she shook her head. “Yes, but when no one knew they were here.” She yawned. “No doubt we’ve got a couple more traps in front of us.”
Her partner took the spot beside her and patted her lap. “Here. Get some rest. We can stay here for a bit.”
“You’re sure?”
“I’ll keep watch.”
Chloe hummed, but accepted. She curled onto her side, head in Nadine’s lap. “I’ve got an idea,” she mumbled.
“We should buy a hot tub. That should be on the list.”
“At your place or mine?”
A chuckle. “Fine by me.”
Nadine ran her fingers through Chloe’s hair and traced down her jaw. Chloe sighed, content at the affection she was receiving. Nadine continued on with soft touches. It was long before Chloe was breathing peacefully, asleep.
Nadine looked fondly down at her. “I am amazed by peace,” she murmured. “It is this possibility of you , asleep and breathing in the quiet air.”
“More poetry?” She wasn’t asleep, apparently.
“Uh, ja.”
Chloe just shifted a bit closer. “You’re lovely. You know that?”
Nadine flushed red. “Just get some sleep.”
She kissed the top of Nadine’s knee. “Mhmm.”
Chloe laughed loud. She landed on her feet and nearly fell over. “I’m alright? I’m alright!” Well, her shoulder twinged a bit where she’d hit it on the way down, but other than that, she seemed fine.
“Chloe?” came the rather frantic voice of Nadine on the other side of the door.
“I’m fine! Give me a moment and I’ll get this open for you!”
Chloe looked around the room she’d dropped into. There was a path leading off at the far end of it. Not what she needed until Nadine was with her. Above her was the hole she’d ended up falling through. Nope. The door Nadine was on the other side of was stone and too heavy for them to lift. She noticed a chain in the corner of the room. Maybe that had something to do with it.
The chain entered the room through a small hole in the ceiling and fell directly down, disappearing into the floor. Chloe gave it a tug. Heavy, but she could hear what was most likely a system of levies above her head. Sure enough, with more effort, the door groaned and began to lift off the floor. As soon as it was high enough, Nadine slipped through.
“What the hell was that, Frazer?”
Chloe was caught off guard. “Frazer?” she questioned. It’d been months since Nadine had addressed her like that.
Her partner seemed tense, at the very least. She ignored what Chloe had said. “You need to be careful. Not just jump head first at every possible danger we find!”
“I got through, didn’t I?”
Nadine scowled. “You could’ve been hurt!”
She was angry, that much was exceedingly obvious. Chloe couldn’t really figure why. She’d made her way through and gotten the door open for Nadine. Of course, she could’ve been hurt. That just came with the job. And they’d had their little arguments before, of course. Their relationship wasn’t perfect. They were happy together and knew to give each other space when needed. Like now.
Chloe stepped back and took a deep breath. “Alright.” Being with Nadine had meant learning. Being with Nadine meant she’d have to forgo her pride occasionally– say an apology and figure things out. She didn’t see anything wrong with what she’d done, but obviously, Nadine did. “I’ll say sorry, but I want to know why you… “ A sigh. “In layman’s terms. Make it obvious. What’d I do?”
That seemed to throw Nadine off. She crossed her arms, nostrils flaring. “You, you do this all the time. Leaping before you look..” Her eyes flicked over to Chloe before going back to the floor. “It’s one thing when you know where you are, but you just… Just jumped into a dark hole and were gone. How was I supposed to help?”
“Nadine, I–”
“You scared me.”
Chloe gulped and her stance lost any readiness to argue she’d had. “I’m sorry.”
That threw Nadine off even more. “You… you what?”
Chloe gave half a grin, not really there. “Please don’t make me say it again.”
Nadine’s stance shifted, losing most of the anger she’d held. She hadn’t been expecting an actual apology. An argument where she had to prove that Chloe could’ve done anything else, maybe.
Chloe turned away, taking deep breaths and trying to center herself. “We should get moving.”
A touch on her shoulder stopped her. “You’re hurt.”
She didn’t respond, but let Nadine examine the wound. Apparently, that hit on the shoulder had placed a nasty little slice there. No wonder it hurt.
“Hold still.”
Chloe listened, letting her girlfriend have free access to the cut. Nadine hesitated as she pulled Chloe’s shirt up to get a clearer view. Things still felt tense.
They were both silent as Nadine cleaned the cut as best she could and used a few butterfly bandages to hold it together. She have preferred to cover it completely, but there wasn’t exactly room on her person to carry gauze.
“Let’s press on,” Nadine finally spoke up.
Chloe nodded and avoided looking back at her. She led their way from the room, silent for once in her life.
Nadine frowned. She didn’t want her, well, outburst, to fit itself between them. She fought for words, trying to think of something to say to break the silence and fix what she felt like she’d broken. She already regretted how she’d reacted. She knew Chloe was like this, but sometimes it was too much. She just wanted Chloe to stay alive and unhurt. But at the same time… she needed to trust that Chloe knew what she was doing.
Words came to her, but they weren’t her own. She stopped walking and braced herself.“But I want your life before mine bleeds away–  Here–not in heavenly hereafters–soon,–  I want your smile this very afternoon,” she spoke softly.
Chloe laughed, mostly out of disbelief. “More of those pretty words from your book?”
“Ja. Wanted to break the silence.” Nadine slowed to a stop. “Listen, Chloe–”
“No. No, no, no. I got it, I’ll be more careful.”
“That’s not what I was going to say.”
“Then what?”
A soft sigh left her and she reached out to take Chloe’s hand. She focused on it, fingers playing across Chloe’s palm and rubbing small circles at her wrist. “We’ve got a dangerous job. I know we can’t avoid it. And I’m sorry for getting angry at you, but I care about you, Chloe. I hate seeing you hurt.”
Chloe ran her free hand down her face and trapped it between her chin and collarbone, looking up at Nadine. “It’s been a long while since I’ve had that, so I’m still getting used to it. Someone caring, that is.” She shot her a crooked grin. “Feels nice, I’ll admit. I just have to get used to thinking of both of us, and not just me. If you’re patient with me?”
Nadine understood what she was saying, to a point. “I can be patient, ja.”
“And I’ll try to be a bit less impulsive?” Chloe offered up in a small voice.
Her girlfriend pulled her a bit closer and placed a peck on her lips. “Please.”
She hummed. “Alright. Give and take. I think we can handle that.” She inhaled deeply and let it out slow. “Ready to keep moving, darling?”
Nadine frowned, looking back at the way she’d came. It’d be nearly impossible to go back through with the rubble to the room they’d been in before.
“Chloe?” she called out.
“Still here! If a bit miffed that we keep getting separated.”
She let out a relieved breath. “See any ways through we missed over there?”
“No. But if I can just…” There was the sound of stones shifting on the other side of the pile. At the top, a few bits of rubble fell away, revealing an opening just big enough for a hand. “We might have to go about this the old-fashioned way,” Chloe admitted from the other side.
“What’s it look like over there anyway?”
Nadine glanced back. There was a stone wall built into the center of the room with writing etched into it. “Looks like another clue. Or something. You can read it when you get over here.”
“Fair enough.”
Nadine got to work, pulling at the chunks of stone. After a good deal of work and some time, they’d make a hole just big enough for Chloe to squeeze through. She pulled herself up, holding a hand out to Nadine. Nadine grabbed Chloe’s forearm, pulling her through and into the room.
“Thanks, love. Now. Where was this clue?”
Nadine gestured back to the stone wall.
Chloe’s face lit up and her expression turned curious. Her eyes raked down the etchings, teeth needling her lower lip. “Hm. The top bit is greek. Which I… can’t read. The rest is Middle English, looks like. I can read that, well enough. Thank you, Cutter.”
“I recognize a word or two, but no more than that.”
Chloe ran her fingers over the words. “Right here? It says “I was stolen from my mother”. The next line… “Born to a child of Aphrodite, fathered by a…” I think this word is an insult, something like “devil”. Bastard, maybe?” She shrugged.
“What else?”
“Patience.” Chloe stepped back, taking a moment to process what she was reading. “Learned in the way of Sappho and stolen to be the heir of a… “ She hummed. “That insult again.” She waved it off. “I am the reed that bent to the wind. I will watch the oak be ripped from the ground. I have taken the treasure of the king and hidden it. Only when they have learned the words and stories of my mother will they be able to recover them.” Chloe looked up, back to Nadine. “Well. What do you think?”
“I recognize the name Sappho. She’s one of the poets from my book.”
“Hm? The same do you think?”
Nadine nodded. “She’s a greek poet from around six hundred B.C. Her name is where the word sapphic comes from. And lesbian. Well, that didn’t come from her name, it came from the island she lived on.”
Chloe grinned. “Any samples of her work?”
Her partner rolled her eyes but she did have an example. “Oh it, puts the heart in my chest on wings, for when I look at you, even a moment, no speaking is left in me.”
“You’re lovely, you know that?”
“I’m all for compliments, but let’s try to figure out where the crown jewels are.”
“I can compliment you and work on this puzzle of ours,” the taller woman answered, winking at her girlfriend.
Nadine was half tempted to roll her eyes again, but instead redirected focus back to what their mystery writer had put there. “The reed and the oak tree thing. That’s another fable. Obscurity often brings safety.”
“So, what I’m getting out of this is that a half greek, half English child was taken from their mother and forced to be the heir apparent to their father,” Chloe responded. “Didn’t like the king, so they screwed with him and hid the treasure.”
“They were probably a woman,” the ex-mercenary pointed out. “Learned in the way of Sappho would either mean they knew all her works or were a woman who loved other women. What’s the point of mentioning what poems you know in a text that would only be read by who made it this far?”
“So a gal after my own heart, huh? Yours too, of course.” Chloe hummed, looking over the text. “The words and stories of my mother…” A frown. “I would assume knowing greek would help. But it’s all greek to me,” she joked.
Nadine didn’t respond. She’d taken out her phone and started flicking through.
“What are you doing?”
She shrugged but smiled. “Checking if my phone has service. It does.”
“Well, there’s this thing called the internet…”
Chloe rubbed a hand down her face. “Have I told you yet today how glad I am you’re with me? I would’ve suggested finding a way out of here and stopping by that little bookshop again for a little help.”
“This will be a little faster.”
“Seriously, darling. You are absolutely lovely.”
Chloe sipped at her beer, feeling rather relaxed and rather proud– both of herself and Nadine. Back in the hotel– well hidden– were three priceless artifacts, all being the crown jewels of King John. One was a small ampoule that doubtless had some soured scent in it now that it’d been a few hundred years. The second was a jewelled sword about the length of Chloe’s arm. The last? A lovely little jeweled crown.
This pay day was going to feel so good.
Nadine smiled across at her. She was seated on the other side of the booth with a drink of her own. The bar wasn’t too crowded, so they could keep to themselves without much trouble.
“So we’re getting hot tubs, was that it?”
“I’m also buying you some nice pajamas. I’ll admit, I thought the list would be longer.” She bit her lip, eyes tracing their way over what she could see of Nadine. “You didn’t add anything to it. Can’t think of anything?”
“Might put some money aside for a retirement fund,” came an answer. “Does that count?”
“As responsible as that is, I’m talking about instant gratification rather than long-term benefits.”
“I can think of something that’s both,” Nadine responded playfully, leaning her elbows onto the table.
“Sorry, love. I’m not for sale. You are in luck though… I happen to already be yours,” she reassured.
“Actually, I was going to say we buy a str–”
Nadine cut off as a man approached, two drinks in hand. She tensed. Strange men were to be expected at a bar, but that didn’t make her feel better about it.
“Hey there, beautiful,” he started, eyes on Chloe. “Care for a drink?”
“She’s taken,” Nadine responded, voice harsh.
Chloe nodded. “She’s right. I’m taken.”
He frowned. “Come on, I’ve got to be better company than this. It’s just a drink.”
Nadine had a rather dangerous look on her face, Chloe noted. “Really not interested. There isn’t better company than who I’ve got, so I’d rather not have you ruin our celebratory drink.”
He scowled but started on again. Nadine cut him off immediately. “She said she wasn’t interested.” The tone of her voice alone was a threat.
“Listen here, you fucking dy–”
There was a loud thwack as Nadine’s fist connected with his face. The drinks he had been carrying spilled and he hit the ground hard. His nose was, at the least, bleeding. At most, broken. Probably broken. The hit left him unconscious on the floor.
Nadine shook her hand. She’d split her knuckles.
“As attractive as you punching out skeevy men is, we should probably get out of here,” Chloe pointed out. “Rather than incur the wrath of– well, shit.” The bartender was already making his way over.
Nadine moved to place herself between Chloe and the bartender. “Listen, we’re sorry, but he–”
“He’s an ass,” the bartender said plainly. His accent gave him away as Irish, rather than English. “He’s in here all the time. About time someone hit him.” He sighed and kicked the man’s boot. “I’d guess he was trying to interrupt your night?”
Chloe nodded, moving to stand beside Nadine. “He decided he was going to hit on me and try to call my girlfriend some names,” she explained. “Deserved this, really.”
The bartender nodded. “You’ll hear none of that from me. My twin sister got married as soon as the vote passed back home. If I’m honest, her wife woulda punched him out too.”
A laugh left Chloe. “A woman after my own heart,” came Nadine’s response with a grin.
“Thanks for understanding,” the treasure hunter added. “But we should probably still get going. Before the arsehole here wakes up. How much do we owe for drinks?”
He shook his head. “Nothing. It’s on his tab.”
Another broad grin spread across Chloe’s lips. “Lovely. Thanks!”
“Have a good night, ladies.”
On their way out, Chloe dropped a more than generous tip in the tip jar. They headed back to the hotel, Nadine in shotgun as always.She had a hand resting almost innocently on Chloe’s thigh. It was less innocent when she started gradually moving up until she was practically under Chloe’s shirt. She slipped under it and started tracing little patterns on her skin.
“Trying to distract me?”
“Trying to let you know what I’d like to do when we get back. I celebration was cut a bit short, after all.”
Chloe hummed. “Speaking of which, I think I can guess what you were going to add to the list earlier. I think it’s a great idea. We should get one. Ooh, or, better yet: you buy what you were going to say, I’ll buy what I think you were going to say, and we see if I was right.”
“And if we end up with two?” Nadine chuckled.
“One for your place, one for my place. Better yet, we buy a third for travel, seeing as we do that a lot.”
They pulled into the hotel parking lot.
Chloe slipped her hand into Nadine’s as they headed inside. “We should call Sully. See if he can’t find us some buyers.”
“Sounds like something for tomorrow.”
“Mm, you’re right. I did like the sound of your idea to celebrate.”
Entering the hotel this time, there were no dirty looks thrown their way.
The elevator ride took forever, it seemed. Nadine wanted nothing more than to pull Chloe into her arms. Of course, she thought about it a few times a day, at least. Her favourite times were when she could act on it.
She did almost as soon as they stepped into the hotel room. Pulling Chloe close, she kissed her soft, glad for so many things in the last few days. Chloe finding her reciting poems attractive, the fact they’d talked out their fight rather than let it fester, and finally, of course, they’d found the treasure together. Nadine wouldn’t trade what she had for anything. Sort of scary, but, at the same time, it felt incredible.
Chloe guided her to the bed, pushing her into a sitting position. The treasure hunter then straddled her, slipping her shirt off over her head. Nadine bit her lip as Chloe shrugged her bra off too.
Nadine was practically overwhelmed by the sight, despite being privileged enough to see it plenty of times. Normally, she’d kiss down Chloe’s neck and make her way to her breasts, but this time she pulled Chloe in, hugging her close. She buried her face against Chloe’s shoulder and mumbled out a few short lines of poetry, ones that helped her get her point across when she couldn’t find the words herself. She was too worried wondering if it was too early in their relationship, but all the same, she wanted the truth offered up.
“What was that, darling?” Chloe murmured. Finding herself in Nadine’s embrace was always something she had no issue with.
Nadine turned her head, just enough where she could be heard. “You asshole, you love and that’s how you are in love. Any expert, observing human bodies, can see how she’s exceptional, how she ruins us all.”
It was Chloe’s turn to be struck breathless. God, this woman was going to be her undoing. And she wasn’t even done speaking.
Nadine pulled away, eyes meeting Chloe’s. “But you really love this woman, how come no one can see this? Everyone must become suddenly very clumsy at recognizing beauty if you are to keep her.”
Chloe surged forward, kissing Nadine hard. She was met with an enthusiastic response. Only after they were both well and truly breathless, she pulled away. “I absolutely love that little book of yours, and I absolutely, without a doubt, love you.”
Nadine grinned, pressing kisses to her neck and shoulder. “Have I ever told you how much I enjoy our partnership?”
Chloe chuckled. “You have. But I hope you know the feeling is mutual.” She put the slightest bit of emphasis on the second sentence.
A week in England and Nadine felt like she’d risked a lot more than just her life. Gained a lot more back, too. She murmured a soft “Ek het jou lief“ against Chloe’s neck.
Chloe didn’t have to ask for a translation.
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eorumverba · 7 years
Okay but what if Jinki was dating Jonghyun AND Taemin but neither knew about each other and then jongtae meet and instead of getting mad at Jinki they just fall in love with each other and both break up with Jinki. Idk if that can work as a prompt or not lol. Maybe that's a crack prompt? (-@shawolparadox)
okay i changed things around a little so theres no cheating nd theres poly instead jhgjhhgf hope u dont mind
Jinki’s mouth opens, then closes. He shrugs, thinks about it, shrugs again: Jonghyun is incredibly attractive, and he’d have blind to have missed that. So he picks up his phone and fires off a text to Taemin, asking if Taemin would mind if he went home with someone else. It takes a few moments, but all Taemin sends back is three eggplant emojis and a simple ‘condom?’, to which Jinki quickly agrees.
The first thing Jinki says when Jonghyun starts the heavy flirting (Jonghyun’s always been a flirt with everyone he’s close to, but it’s always playful, never this overtly sexual unless he means it) with him is, “You know I have a boyfriend, right?”
Jonghyun just blinks, shakes his head like did I ask? and says, “I know, and you’re in an open relationship, you told me. Besides, all I want is sex. If that’s okay with you, and him.”
Jinki’s mouth opens, then closes. He shrugs, thinks about it, shrugs again: Jonghyun is incredibly attractive, and he’d have blind to have missed that. So he picks up his phone and fires off a text to Taemin, asking if Taemin would mind if he went home with someone else. It takes a few moments, but all Taemin sends back is three eggplant emojis and a simple ‘condom?’, to which Jinki quickly agrees.
“I’m guessing that’s a yes?” Jonghyun asks then, and when Jinki looks back up at him, he’s got his lips pursed around the straw of his milkshake. It’s vanilla, and Jonghyun is so-not-subtle when he licks his lips free of the white liquid, eyes boring into Jinki’s all the while. But then, nothing’s ever subtle with Jonghyun.
“It’s a yes. Your place, if that’s fine.” Now that Jinki’s allowed to really look, he lets his gaze linger on Jonghyun’s lips, red and plush and full.
Jonghyun’s on his hands and knees for Jinki sometime in that hour, and even though he says he’s not tired, he quickly curls up into Jinki and falls right asleep, puffing out quiet breaths into Jinki’s neck.
It’s different from the way Taemin takes up half the bed, the way Jinki sleeps with his nose pressing into Taemin’s hair or neck, but it’s nice. And when Jinki wakes, Jonghyun is already in the kitchen, happily munching on a breakfast sandwich. There’s a bag on the counter and he points to it, saying in between bites that there’s two, one for him and another for his boyfriend.
(Jinki doesn’t bother texting Taemin to tell him: whenever Taemin has the house to himself, he ends up spending the whole night up playing some dumb shooting game with his friends online, and he’s likely still asleep.)
Jonghyun is quick to slip from his chair - from what Jinki can see, he’s only wearing a giant shirt that swamps his slim frame and his pants are crumpled up on the couch - and he steps up on his toes to press a gentle kiss to Jinki’s lips with the promise of, “Let’s do this again sometime?” before seeing Jinki out.
And…it’s nice.
As predicted, when Jinki gets home, Taemin is passed out on the couch, headphones still on and controller on the floor. He starts awake though when Jinki shuts the door behind him and smiles sleepily up at him, slipping his headphones off and getting up to kiss Jinki good morning. “How was it?”
“He’s cute, I think you’d like him. He bought us breakfast too.”
“I like him already!” Taemin takes the bag and flops back down on the couch, rifling through it and coming out with two breakfast sandwiches. “Want bacon or sausage?”
Jinki shrugs. “Whichever you don’t want.”
Taemin has bacon, and Jinki has sausage, and then it’s to the bathroom; Taemin ends up pressed to the shower wall with his back flush to Jinki’s chest, and he comes down with Jinki’s name on his lips, Jinki’s hand on his cock, and Jinki’s cock pressed hard between them.
And later, they lie in bed together with Taemin’s laptop between them and playing some spy show that Jinki doesn’t care for but that Taemin loves, but then in the middle of a shootout that Jinki isn’t paying much attention to, Taemin pauses it.
“What was he like?”
And oh, this again. “Taeminnie, you don’t-”
“I’m not jealous, Jinki. I know you love me, just…” Taemin curls in on himself a little, but when he looks up at Jinki, his gaze is sure. “I just like making sure that you love me most. That you won’t just…leave me.”
Jinki nods like he understands, wraps his arm tighter around Taemin and finds his hand to hold it tight. “We’ve known each other for a while, from work. Jonghyun is…he’s a hard worker, when he’s not daydreaming. He likes to write, stories and poems and lyrics, and he’s a huge romantic. Soft, sweet, gentle. He’s a huge flirt with everyone he’s close to, and he only wanted sex, which is…kind of unsurprising.”
“He sounds nice.”
“Nice, yes. But not really my type. He’s like…your Jongin.”
Taemin, after a moment, nods. He doesn’t say anything, but he doesn’t have to, because they’ve been together long enough to read each other’s bodies, and the way Taemin relaxes shows how relieved he is.
“Tae, if you’re worried about-”
“I’m not. I don’t want to…to….” Taemin sits up and he looks frustrated now, one hand flapping in small circles almost absently. Jinki is quick to sit up as well, taking Taemin’s still hand in his and kissing the palm.
“Take your time, Tae. I’m listening.”
Taemin relaxes again and the circles of his hand speed up and then stop as he says, “I don’t want to control you. Make you stay with me or-”
“You’re not. I want you happy as much, if not more, than I want to be happy. There is no one that can take your place, Taemin. Hear me?”
Taemin nods, turns to Jinki and kisses just the corner of his mouth. “Okay. Love you.”
“Love you too, Taeminnie.”
“Oh,” Taemin mumbles, “going out with Jongin, Sehun and Baekhyun later. They want to go to some bar or club or something.”
“Okay, love. Stay safe?”
Taemin nods into Jinki’s shoulder and Jinki brings his hand up to run it through Taemin’s hair. “Don’t think I’m going home with anyone, unless it’s Baek. You know how he is.”
Jinki snorts, kisses the top of Taemin’s head idly. “I’m sure you’ll have fun tonight.”
(The last time they’d all gone out for drinks, Baekhyun ended up drinking himself silly, until he could barely stand and had to lean on Jinki and Sehun, and he’d ended up nearly puking in the cab ride home and then actually puking once they got him home.)
“Nap with me?” Taemin asks. And how could Jinki refuse him anything?
When Jinki wakes, Taemin is struggling into those tight leather pants that Jongin had bought him months ago, and he starts when Jinki touches his hip. “Sleep well?”
“Very. You look gorgeous.” Taemin’s hair is pushed back from his face and Jinki lets his fingertips brush against the shaved sides before pulling Taemin into a lingering kiss.
“Don’t I always?”
“Mm, yeah. I almost don’t want to let you go.”
Taemin’s breath catches and he sways forward, eyes on Jinki’s lips, but he seems to catch himself, because he’s quick to pull away, and he floats over to the dresser to put on three silver bands. Three, his lucky number.
“I thought you weren’t planning on going home with anyone?”
Taemin looks at Jinki through the mirror, smiles bright and sunny. “Sehun said he’d take care of Baek.”
“And that leaves you and Jongin to…” Jinki waves a hand, knowing that Taemin knows what he means.
“I hope we find someone with a big dick.” Taemin says then, and with the way he’s smiling, Jinki knows it’s only to get a rise out of him.
“I doubt your little wingman would want to share.”
“More for me then.”
“Sure you don’t want to stay? I could get you in my lap, have you all spread out for me and make you watch how easy you open up for me. You’d look so pretty.”
The smile on Taemin’s lips falters and slips, but before Jinki can continue, the bell rings and now Taemin’s smile is back in place. “Gotta go, Jinki. See you tomorrow! Maybe you can call Jonghyun to do all that stuff with.”
Tease. And as Taemin floats out the door, Jinki thinks that maybe he should.
Jonghyun is over within the hour, and they’re naked and on each other just minutes after that.
All Taemin does when he gets home early the next morning to find Jonghyun watching tv on the couch and Jinki lying half-asleep next to him is smile and say, “You must be Jonghyun?”
Jonghyun nods and springs to his feet, and he extends his hand out to Taemin; he’s quickly pulled into a warm hug and when Taemin lets him go, Jonghyun is blushing? Jinki snorts and Taemin whirls on him, suddenly frowning. “I hope you offered him food? Did he?”
Jonghyun shakes his head (the traitor) and Taemin immediately looks to Jinki, brows raised. He doesn’t say anything, but he doesn’t have to, because Jinki sighs and goes to make breakfast for the three of them.
When he gets back to the living room, he finds Jonghyun and Taemin sitting close together, whispering and laughing together, and it’s so…nice that Jinki just stands in the doorway and watches them until Taemin catches his gaze and smiles, soft and gentle. It should be awkward, eating together, but it’s not, and the kitchen feels so much more alive with all three of them there.
But Jonghyun leaves soon after that, saying that he has to go home and feed his dog, and god. Taemin’s eyes light up, and as soon as he changes clothes, they’re out the door; Taemin texts him to say that Jonghyun is positively perfect, and Jinki is seriously going to have to step his game up.
When they come back, hours later, they bring a tiny dog, and it’s with wide eyes and pouty lips that Taemin and Jonghyun ask if she can stay over too. All Jinki does is sigh and ask, “Is she house trained? Because I won’t be the one cleaning it up.”
And Jonghyun is clearly overjoyed, because he stretches up and kisses Jinki, quick and chaste and then he realizes what he’s just done because he shrinks back, shy and quiet and soft.
“Do you always kiss people when you’re happy?” Taemin sounds amused and when Jonghyun turns to him, he’s smiling, and then he places his hands on Jonghyun’s cheeks and kisses him too, soft and lingering.
Taemin always has gotten crushes quickly, Jinki thinks. And Jonghyun must be getting one too, because instead of flirting or kissing Taemin back, all he does is blush again and mumble into his dog’s fur that she needs to go out now.
When he peeps up at Jinki and Taemin from behind her fur, Jinki’s heart stutters in his chest, and he thinks that maybe…this can work.
(It takes about two months of spending all their time together, four at-home movie dates, one extremely heated makeout between the three of them, dozens of dates, and Jinki clearing out part of the closet and putting Jonghyun’s toothbrush in the bathroom with his and Taemin’s for them to finally sit down and decide that they’re all dating.)
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