#purple kankri
hsoppositezodiac · 6 months
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Some talksprite edits of the alpha trolls ^-^
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propheticclown · 25 days
One of my favorite things about Purplebloods is how they're such character breakers. Every time you expect a Purpleblood to do something, they do the exact opposite.
My favorite example of this is Marvus Xoloto because during Hiveswap, he's this sadistic trickster that plays mind games with you as you progress through Act 2. And in Hiveswap Friendism, you're basically told the same things, that he's a crazy clown who murders and performs for his fans, but the second you're alone with him he goes, "Now let's talk about how clowns are really the most disprivileged and oppressed socioeconomic class."
He's really just purple Kankri and I adore him for it.
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rogue-of-light · 1 year
yes, yes! wisper would have wanted us to continue working as fast as possible, surely he would hate for us to waste time being sad about his very naturally caused passing! posthaste, everyone!
rip </3
not even the totally accidental naturally caused death will give anybody time off, oh well!
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nekropsii · 4 months
Why do people call Porrim an MRA??? it's such a bad take I can't even begin to fathom the logic.
Uuuuugh. Okay, to my understanding, the logic is predicated on two concepts:
Kankri is Correct, there is no Misogyny on Beforus.
Since Beforus has a Matriarch, "complaining" about the Oppression of Women on Beforus is the exact equivalent... Men complaining about men being oppressed, despite us living in a Patriarchal society.
This is a terrible argument, because... Porrim literally explains in detail that that is not the case.
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Yes, Beforus has a Matriarch... A Superficial Matriarch, where the woman in power is more of a Figurehead than anything. Law Enforcement and Politics are handled mostly by "Higher CIPs" - Ceruleans, Indigos, and Purples - which are predominantly born (hatched?) as men. ... If all of the Social Order and Politics are Enforced and Dictated by men... Then that... Is a Patriarchy.
So, we have it directly explained to us that Beforus is Superficially a Matriarchy, with a Governing Body largely composed by Highblood Men, who canonically benefit from the subjugation of women, because having women be of generally lower class than men means that... Men can cull women, potentially on the basis of being women. You know, that social system, enforced by the predominantly male-lead government that allows for what is essentially the ownership of people you deem incapable of caring for themselves as pets? The system that will take any excuse in the book? Sure, that may have been a social rule implemented by their version of HIC, Feferi fucking Peixes, but it's still being used as a weapon. Just because something was made by a woman, does not mean it cannot be used as a weapon against women in the name of misogyny. You think Alternian Culling doesn't work the same damn way?
There's a sharp cut of irony you have to feel at the fact that Porrim literally says that conversations of Misogyny on Beforus are often shot down using "The Matriarchy" as an excuse. If Misogyny wasn't a thing, why the fuck are Rufioh, Kankri, and Cronus literally, textually, purposefully Misogynists? Why the hell is Latula like that, then? I don't think this is a 1-to-1 allegory for the real world, man- Troll World Building has NEVER been a direct, clean allegory for the real world. I do not think she was ever intended to be read as an analogue to Men's Rights Activists, I think she was intended to be read as an Alien Feminist. If anything, this feels less like an MRA, and more like someone getting shut down for trying to have a conversation about how Misogyny Exists in, like, Thatcher-Era England or something. Well, there's a Female Prime Minister, isn't there? Misogyny is over, clearly.
Porrim is constantly posed as an Exposition Fairy on the same level as Aranea, just... With Politics and World Building rather than Character Analysis. Porrim is portrayed as cool, collected, and correct. Do you think Andrew Hussie - literal Andrew Hussie - would portray a fucking Men's Rights Activist with that level of grace and style? Because the answer is no! Every time a character is a Misogynist in Homestuck, they are comically terrible! Rufioh, Kankri, Cronus, fucking Caliborn! Hussie is a lot of things, and yeah, some of these things are bad, but none of these things include the label Misogynist. Hussie is well known for... Not doing that, actually, that's, like... A major appeal of the comic. The female characters in Homestuck are known for being really, really well written and really, really well handled!! If there was a Men's Rights Activist in Homestuck, we would know about it, because that character would be comedically terrible, constantly dunked on by everyone around him, totally bitchless, and posed as a relentless fucking menace who does not deserve to breathe the same air as any of the women in the story. You know, like Cronus! And Not Porrim!!
Also, can we all take a moment of silence to ponder how much of an L it is to have your entire point of discourse be based in the idea that straight up literal actual Kankri Vantas is correct? That is capital e Embarrassing.
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cringefail-clown · 6 months
Rip kankri u would've loved being an aita subreddit moderator
hed both be the moderator AND have a burner acc where he sends shit like "my descendant wont talk to me ever since ive given him some advice about his relationship with his human will-he-wont-he matesprit. i dont think it was a wrong thing to do, but he told me ive stepped out of the line. AITA?" and fights everyone who tells him YTA in the comments
others catch the wind of him being a moderator and start sending the most insane shit imaginable just to fuck with him. rose and him are on a warpath trying to one-up each other with their purple prose morality checking essays. theres a betting pool going on about who will make him mad enough to call them a slur (dave wins)
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ender--slime · 19 days
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After this they’ll be GONE FOREVER gone for the FORESEEABLE FUTURE but they will COME BACK AT SOME POINT! What am I, Makeship? cmonnnnnnnn
After I close up preorders i have some BREAKDOWNS and ANNOUNCEMENTS to do, but until then, GET THOSE LAST FEW ORDERS IN!! :D
Drawing contributions:
Karkat: @zomb1gutz
Kankri: @inkyu
Terezi: @chirriechi
Dirk: @catboylabhell
The Mayor: @enviousennui
Mutie: @voxsymphonia
John…’s face: @juneegbertfanpage
Jade on top: @flaringk
Jade on bottom: @cartoonghosty
Vriska: @valle-de-sombra-de-muerte
Gamzee: @classpectpokerap
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swamp-land · 10 months
i want you to know: when i envision my bloodswap cronkri [purple!kankri/bronze!cronus] i imagine them in ur style
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serfuzzypushover · 9 months
purple kankri?
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ask-kankri · 26 days
Kankri, what is that in the picture frame behind your bed?
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ID: Kankri sitting in bed next to a framed item. The item is purple and looks akin to a wand, syringe, or knife.
"Cronus' magic wand!"
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hostilemuppet · 7 months
people say "mom friend" as if a female character can't just be nice or worry for her friends. not the best example, but back when i first got into homestuck (didn't know much english, was fairly new to the internet) i was so confused at the THOUSANDS of fanart showing kanaya as karkat's mom. and every AU or fic i saw afterwards had rosemary as the "adoptive moms" of de-aged characters, like....homie i'm gonna need you to take a chill pill.
the thing with kanaya specifically is that she is, thematically, tied with motherhood. she is virgo, the virgin maryam. a big part of her arc is how she feels like a failure for being unable to continue her species the way a jadeblood is supposed to, and its largely why she resonated with so many lesbians and trans women. but people took it to such the wrong conclusion, its insane. the entire point of 10/12 of the alpha trolls was to make fun of fanon flanderisation of the characters, and one of the ways this is shown is porrim maryam babying kankri vantas. yeah, kanaya loves her friends, but i dont think theres a single point where she actually acts "motherly" towards any of them. shes just a decent person to them, because she is a decent person. but for act 5, shes not a mum. she is 13 years old. with other friends who are 13 years old. her desire for motherhood wasnt actually a desire for motherhood, it was so she wouldnt fail her purpose. which is a very obvious allegory to how women in real life are treated more like prized breeding horses and caretakers than actual people, especially with how jadebloods are almost exclusively female. once again, porrim brings this up, by pointing out how even if alternia has a matriarch, its still a misogynistic society ("fuschia down matriarchy, purple down patriarchy"). but people just saw kanaya, who was 13, and decided she just really wanted to be a mum, you guys. she wanted to be a housewife.
she was 13
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davekat-sucks · 5 months
right, and that last point is also wrong, because if anything, by their same logic, highbloods are coded to be white
kankri explicitly uses the terms "cerulean savior complex" and "blue blood's burden", and gives an equivalent to "white savior" to all the highblood castes: Cerulean saviors, Teal templars, Violet valiants, and Purple paladins
mituna also calls meenah a wader, which could allude to cracker or wigger. so either the nu fandom concedes that their precious darling mituna is actually racist as fuck by saying the troll n word, or meenah is coded white... and mituna is still racist
If you tell them that their Gamer Boy might be racist or Meenah (and the other highbloods) are like white people, then they will flip. Because for most of their life, they would headcanon them as POC. Except for Eridan and/or Cronus cause Amporas. They see Gamzee as offensive because of black stereotypes (hair and speech) and that the juggalo makeup is actually WHITEWASHING. And if you argue that the ICP band is technically made up of white guys, then they will say they are RAP artists. RAP is only exclusively a black artform and others who do it are STEALING their music culture.
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hsoppositezodiac · 7 months
More info about the trolls (part 8)
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Kankri Vantas | Purpleblood - Prospit - Prince of Blood
Basically this clown tells the most offensive jokes you've ever seen. He also has a tendency to make people stay far away from him, yet a certain guy just doesn't seem to want to leave him be.
Like in canon, things such as his land, fetch modus, screen name, etc. are unknown. Though, his quirk stays the same.
Caliginous crush: Cronus Ampora
Godtier? No
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Meulin Leijon | Violetblood - Derse - Bard of Heart
Beware: this cute looking lady may shatter your heart and betray you when you least expect. You never know. She enjoys talking and being the center of attention.
Like in canon, things such as her land, fetch modus, screen name, etc. are unknown. Though, her quirk stays the same
Ex-Matesprit: Kurloz Makara | Kismesis: Meenah Peixes | Formerly had a pale crush on Horuss Zahhak, but seeing how he wasn't interested, she let him be
Godtier? No
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Porrim Maryam | Fuchsiablood - Prospit - Thief of Space
Like her Alternian version, she has a tendency to steal designs and take all the credit for it, since she's a fuschia — the highest on the spectrum — she gets away with the crime easily. She'd be the kind of person who you would tell your creative idea to, and she'd take it all to herself; she'd be the kind of girl that would jump the queue.
Like in canon, things such as her land, fetch modus, screen name, etc. are unknown. Though, her quirk stays the same, and in the land case, its presumed that it probably has frogs in the name like the other space bounds.
Matesprit: Damara Megido | Ex-Moirail: Aranea Serket | Kismesis: Latula Pyrope
Godtier? Yes
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honey-makes-mogai · 11 months
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[Image ID: A MOGAI flag with ten horizontal stripes. From top to bottom the colors in order are: black, light gray, gray, dark gray, yellow, orange, dark gray, gray, light gray, black. The yellow and orange stripes are thinner than the rest, which are all equally sized. In the middle of the flag is a symbol resembling a 5 pointed star, the lines making each point turn into a spiral as they reach the next point. The symbol is off white outlined in black with a semi transparent off white circle behind it. /End ID]
KarkatVantastelic -
[PT: KarkatVantastelic -]
A constelic term for those who stel Karkat Vantas from Homestuck!
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[Image ID: A MOGAI flag with ten horizontal stripes. From top to bottom the colors in order are: black, light gray, red, dark gray, yellow, orange, dark gray, red, light gray, black. The yellow and orange stripes are thinner than the rest, which are all equally sized. In the middle of the flag is a symbol resembling a 5 pointed star, the lines making each point turn into a spiral as they reach the next point. The symbol is off white outlined in black with a semi transparent off white circle behind it. /End ID]
KankriVantastelic -
[PT: KankriVantastelic -]
A constelic term for those who stel Kankri Vantas from Homestuck!
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[Image ID: A MOGAI flag with ten horizontal stripes. From top to bottom the colors in order are: blak, dark purple-brown, dark maroon, dark magenta, dark red, red, dark magenta, dark maroon, dark purple-brown, black. The red stripes are thinner than the rest, which are all equally sized. In the middle of the flag is a symbol resembling a 5 pointed star, the lines making each point turn into a spiral as they reach the next point. The symbol is off white outlined in black with a semi transparent off white circle behind it. /End ID]
TheSuffererstelic -
[PT: TheSuffererstelic -]
A constelic term for those who stel The Sufferer from Homestuck!
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[Banner ID: A pastel yellow banner with a sunflower on either side. In brown text with a white outline, it says "- Please let me know if this has been coined before! -" /End ID.]
[DNI transcript: "-DNI- Basic criteria, anti-mogai, proshippers, ableists, aphobes, racists, zoophiles, rpf shippers, fandom discourse, under 13, transid/transx". /End transcript.]
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rogue-of-light · 2 years
fave part abt wisper is just bc he has a flushed crush doesn't mean he's opposed to flings when hes not in a relationship for a particular quadrant (hj) ((he has never been opposed to them 👍))
so they're just trying to do that lmao -KPA
good for him /gen
nekane is just insanely awkward- HOWEVER
seeing kurloz and meulin does do Something to xem, dunno if its negative or positive yet but its something!
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pesterloglog · 9 months
Kankri Vantas, Latula Pyrope
Act 6, page 5263
KANKRI: 9h, hey, Latula. I th9ught I heard y9ur device grinding 9n vari9us surfaces near6y.
KANKRI: H9w are y9ur athletic t9y stunts g9ing? Are y9u getting a l9t 9f... a l9t 9f "air"? Am I saying that right?
#Did y9u hang... #Hang 10? #N9 that can't 6e right...
LATULA: you knowz 1t bro!!!
LATULA: you c4nt 3v3n TOUCH th1s. 1m 3sc4p1ng to th3 s1d3, from 4bov3, from 3v3ry wh1ch w4y b4s1c4lly!!!!
KANKRI: Well, I wasn't g9ing t9 attempt t9 make any s9rt 9f physical c9ntact with y9u, and even if I did, I have n9 d9u6t that y9u w9uld 6e a6le t9 maneuver away fr9m my grasp 9n y9ur speedy little platf9rm. Either way, I'm m9re than c9ntent t9 let y9u escape in any directi9n 9f y9ur ch99sing, if that's y9ur wish.
LATULA: dud3. just wh3n 1 th1nk youv3 4lr34dy s41d th3 squ4r3st th1ng poss1bl3, you go 4nd s4y som3th1ng l1k3 th4t.
KANKRI: Haha. I guess. Y9u kn9w, it's really nice we can talk like this.
LATULA: 1t 1s...
KANKRI: Yes. I was just thinking lately, a69ut 9ur new p9st-scratch friends. Particularly the y9ung Vantas and Pyr9pe iterati9ns 9n their team, and h9w they're pretty similar t9 us, 6ut als9 really different.
LATULA: y34h. l1l m3 1s bl1nd! d1d u 3v3n KNOW th4t??
#h4v3 u s33n h3r l1l dr4gon su1t?? 3333! #SO cut3 >8]
KANKRI: Yes, 6ut that's n9t really what I'm talking a69ut.
KANKRI: She and Karkat have a different relati9nship fr9m the 9ne we have. Theirs is much m9re tur6ulent, which is fueled presuma6ly 6y r9mantic tensi9n. I'm picking up 9n s9me maj9r vascillati9n vi6es fr9m their situati9n. It's kind 9f unf9rtunate, 6ut it makes me grateful that we never g9t t9 that p9int.
LATULA: h3llz y34h. who n33ds th4t?
KANKRI: I'm sure it's m9stly due t9 the fact that we've stayed entirely away fr9m the sting6ug's nest 9f r9mantic entanglement. Which 9f c9urse is related t9 my 9ath 9f celi6acy, which as y9u kn9w is just a pers9nal ch9ice, 9ne which f9r s9me reas9n my p9st-scratch adult self eventually strayed fr9m... with... Meulin, 9f all pe9ple? 6ut that's neither here n9r there.
#Seri9usly. #I mean, she's nice, 6ut... #Really?
LATULA: h4h4h4h4... you 4nd m3uz. st1ll cr4cks m3 up... H4H4H4H4H4H4!!!!
#:3 #h3h3h3h
KANKRI: Yes. 6ut regardless. What I'm saying is, it's great we stayed away fr9m that. It's helped me appreciate y9u as a friend, and admire all y9ur g99d qualities. Plat9nically, 9f c9urse.
LATULA: your3 r1ght! 1ts b33n pr3tty r4d wh3n you put 1t th4t w4y.
KANKRI: Like h9w y9u never 69ught int9 the usual r9les 9f y9ur caste, as an aqua, n9t even the m9re "well intended" s9cial c9nventi9ns 9f y9ur privileged arist9cratic 6l99dline. Y9u never l99ked d9wn 9n any69dy, 9r saw it as y9ur civil duty t9 care f9r 9r "impr9ve" the warmer classes, falling prey t9 unf9rtunate tendencies inv9lving cerulean savi9r c9mplex, 9r the "6lue 6l99d's 6urden" (trigger warning 9n that, 96vi9usly) which sadly 6ecame s9 insepera6le fr9m the fa6ric 9f the spectral 9rder, with each class c9nditi9ned t9 view th9se 6el9w it the same way, the 96stacles t9 raising awareness were alm9st insurm9unta6le. 6ut unlike the c99ler hues 9n 9ur team m9re priviliged than y9u, like y9ur Serkets, y9ur Zahhaks, y9ur Amp9ras... I never g9t the sense that y9u put the slightest 6it 9f st9ck in any 9f that, and I think that's pretty amazing.
#Cerulean savi9rs #Teal templars #Vi9let valiants #Purple paladins
LATULA: uh... y34h! th4t sh1tz 4 dr4g, why would 1 both3r w1th 4ny of th4t? 1 m34n, 1ll h3lp low bloods l34rn stunts 4nd ch34t cod3z 1f th3y w4nt, but th4ts 1t!!!
KANKRI: Right. And I'm just saying if my head was ever cl9uded 6y r9mantic feelings f9r y9u, I pr96a6ly w9uldn't 6e a6le t9 appreciate that a69ut y9u.
KANKRI: Just like I w9uldn't 6e a6le t9 appreciate the fairly c99l "zees" y9u put at the end 9f many w9rds, 9r say things l9udly and with enthusiasm, even if it's n9t particularly warranted.
#It rarely is
LATULA: h3h3h. y34h!!!!
KANKRI: 9r the way y9ur hair fl9ws in the wind when y9u sc99t 9ver s9me s9rt 9f 96stactle 9n y9ur device really fast.
KANKRI: 9r the way y9u make this funny little n9ise just as y9u c9nnect with 9ne 9f y9ur c9pi9us high fives, which can 9nly 6e heard 9ver the l9ud slap if y9u listen really cl9sely.
LATULA: um, y34h... 1 not1c3d... som3 stuff l1k3 th4t...
LATULA: 4bout you too 1 gu3ss?
LATULA: h3h.
KANKRI: 9r the way y9u have always sh9wn kindness t9 pe9ple wh9 needed help, with9ut making them feel tragic 9r helpless f9r accepting it.
KANKRI: 9r the way y9u still manage t9 l99k stylish even with9ut y9ur c99l shades, 9r s9metimes when they're pr9pped up 9n y9ur head just in fr9nt 9f y9ur h9rns.
LATULA: wh...
#1... #hm
KANKRI: 9r, I d9n't kn9w if y9u remem6er, that time Meenah 6aked every69dy a cake. It was the first sweep anniversary 9f entering the game, 9ne 9f the rare m9ments 9f s9lidarity and g99d cheer am9ng 9ur entire team at 9nce. Every9ne was raving a69ut h9w g99d the fresh 6aked cake smelled, s9 y9u t99k a 6ig sniff, I guess f9rgetting f9r a m9ment y9u c9uldn't smell. Then y9u quickly caught y9urself, and played it c99l making sure n9 9ne n9ticed, which n9 9ne did. 6ut I n9ticed. And I just th9ught that was kind 9f endearing.
KANKRI: Anyway, I think all that w9uld have 6een c9mpletely l9st 9n me if we didn't have this str9ng plat9nic 69nd. I just th9ught I'd say that. Guess I'll get g9ing n9w.
KANKRI: See y9u ar9und, Latula.
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starsnores · 1 year
I really feel like to add on to all of this purpleblood nuance stuff…
Kurloz and Kankri. I feel like Kurloz would have an eye for him in a “I want to twist him up and set him back down.” Mess with Kankri and his head but never really do anything *with him.* He would say something just right that it would make Kankri twist his thinking, his speeches, ect. Not manipulative just.. almost a habit. A game of cat and mouse ^^’
oh yeah i like that a lot. i feel like. purples get a lot out of their chucklevoodoos? And fucking with people is part of it, they get more out of it.
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