trying to get a good old fashioned puppykicker run in before the new patch with new evil endings drops and so I obviously put Mizora's face on a sexy drow for inspiration to be the best manipulate mansplain malewife gaslight gatekeep girlbosser in the realm
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my biggest challenge: not rescuing Florrick from Waukeen's Rest, and in fact, I might have to kill her depending on how south the confrontation with the Flaming Fist goes 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 but I must be strong
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moleofmetal · 1 year
GIG REVIEW: M2TM: Scotland 2023 - Dundee Semi-final
https://www.facebook.com/events/530967099101860 Bands: Grufus, Volcano X, Oceans On Fire, Puppy Kickers The final gig of my me(n)tal March (my busiest month for gigs ever!) has me returning to where it all started, and back to Dundee’s Beat Generator for the next round of the M2TM competition. Here once again we have 4 hopeful acts return to make battle and gain their place in the grand final…
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ragsy · 2 years
We had some incredible character developments in our dogman motw plot last night and I can't even BEGIN to articulate it, fuck!!! Breaking cycles of violence and holding people accountable for their shitty coping mechanisms and encouraging self improvement because goddammit you owe it to yourself!!! And slaying monsters of course. Collaborative storytelling baby!!!!
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sixty-silver-wishes · 7 months
maybe a controversial opinion but I think anyone in need of healthcare/medical assistance should be able to get it. even people who hold morally reprehensible beliefs. If Sir Puppykicker, World Champion Kicker of Puppies, gets a broken bone, he should be able to get it treated. that being said, I also think everyone deserves access to quality medical care too, regardless of any crimes they've committed, political views, etc. you could be the best or the worst person in the world, and I think you should still be able to access good healthcare. idk, I don't think the basic right of being able to live should be withheld from anyone
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mowu-moment · 4 days
listening to transgender dysphoria blues for the first time at the bus stop, wearing my "keeper of the gender" shirt and my thrifted puppykicker boots, feeling like a walking stereotype
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faroreswinds · 2 years
There's been a recent critique of what's being called the "social justice villain/puppykicker" where a villain who is framed - or at the very least believed by the audience - to have a righteous cause in their actions has to remind the audience that they're a villain by performing some evil deeds. Do you think there are people who view Ed*lgard and to an extent anyone who works with her as this? Cause it somewhat explains where the "Ed*lgard was right" "Ed*lgard's war is a revolution" takes come from. Plus another part of the "social justice villain/puppykicker" critique is that the heroes who oppose the villain are criticized for "maintaining the status quo" which is what people accuse Dimitri of doing (even though he wants change, has mentioned it multiple times, and a couple endings shows he does change things).
I mean, based off your description of the phenomenon, it sounds right to me.
Houses, and especially Hopes, frames Edelgard's war as at least somewhat justified. Only Dimitri's route really pushes back on the ideology of the war's basis, but even then Dimitri "sympathizes" with Edelgard to a degree.
The game rarely every goes "You know, maybe trying to conquer other nations is a bad thing." It's criticism is more "Maybe we shouldn't kill people to make changes to the system." Which is still a good criticism, mind you, but that's basically the only criticism it makes.
Part of that is the game's treatment of Foldan. The developers seem to have forgotten that Foldan is not a single nation, but three. The game, and fans, discuss the three nations as a package deal. It would be like me saying "You know the problems of North America? It's the healthcare system!" as if that has any legitimate meaning. North America has several nations in it, and they all have their own healthcare systems.
But that's basically what Houses does. Replace "North America" with "Foldan", and "healthcare" with "the Church" and that's pretty much what the game does. "You know the problems of Foldan? It's the Church!".
But the Church exists differently in each nation. In the Empire, it has basically no relationship with them anymore. In the Kingdom, it is a major ally and influence. And in the Alliance, it's just... there, I guess, but no one pays it any mind.
But the game seems to ignore these differences. It insists that the Church is the source for all of Foldan's problems.
Now, if the game had actually built itself around this idea properly, I would have no complaints. Let's say... Edelgard really only wanted to stop the Church from influencing the Empire. Let's say the Church was controlling Emperors for generations and she wanted to break those chains. But in the process, she had to go up against the Kingdom because they are allies with the Church, and the Alliance decided to enter the war on their own to get a piece of land-pie.
Well then, I would have no complaints about Edelgard starting a war.
But that's not what she does. She says it's just to take down the Church, but if that's true then why did she try to also take over the Alliance and the Kingdom? Come on, son, that's too much.
I can't blame fans too much on this one. The game really wants us to sympathize with her. Even freaking Seteth- the man who saw multiple wars already and had his daughter kidnapped by Edelgard- is all like "maybe she's not so bad after all." Brah.
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casliveblog · 4 months
You brought a puppy? Here? Shizuka I am the president of Puppykickers Inc., we can't have a puppy here
Shizuka's Dad
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elpiething · 10 months
Look I don’t usually have the energy to come up with OCs. I have trouble contemplating backstory. But you had better believe I am emotionally glued to Hestia.
She’s a half-elf paladin who grew up in a family of blacksmiths. She revels at craftsmanship and the effort it takes to build skill—any kind of skill.
She’s not the most intelligent, but that matters very little when kindness goes such a very long way. And, failing that?
Her entire early game relationship to Astarion has just been, “Okay, Lord Puppykicker. I’m going to be nice to the children—will you be all right?”
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pinkprettycure · 2 years
advice for writing posts dont even have to be about like actual bigotry to be worth giving a listen, ik some of it is bad but a lot of "don't do this don't do that" is decent enough writing advice, its really just up to you to discern the good and useful from the stupid or irrelevant. like don't describe kissing by going in depth about the feelings of tongues and mouths is pretty good advice to keep in mind in general but maybe you got something else in mind and the scene is gross on purpose cuz the character being kissed hates it... Or... I suppose maybe you're aiming for a crowd that's into that. that's your prerogative ig. 😭
but like also yall know u can just scroll past right? its one thing to get annoyed by unwanted critique in your comments section, but its another thing to be personally offended because someone said on their own account in a post that was just a general statement that theyre tired of seeing john puppykicker written as yeeting hamsters as well when the lore clearly shows him as having a sentimental attachment to rodents idk
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virovac · 2 years
You know I don’t think there’s beene a parody where a superhero keeps getting crushes on people who turn out to be the worst villains.
Not even sexy foe yay, because when it turns out the hot girl or guy at the office is “Captain Puppykicker” or “Orphan-eater” all attraction is lost.
Funny at first, but could lead to a really messed up mental health and trust issues if this keeps happening
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being that the story of the hirelings is that they were people who lost their lives because of the Absolute and are looking for vengeance, it's thus Lore Accurate and Valid that Florrick, who perished in the fire at Waukeen's Rest after it was attacked by cultists, join me in my puppykicker run via the Hireling Ladies mod
there's even a built-in explanation for the lack of her ordinary voice!
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bartekindustries · 4 years
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Friday September 4th: Bat Country in the Dusty Multiverse app and on twitch.tv/brokenbeatsd
Replay is up now:
 --> https://www.twitch.tv/videos/731869524?t=01h00m19s <--
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elainemorisi · 4 years
and sorry, because I expect to be making these posts every single time the man talks for more than ten seconds in a non-plot-critical conversation, how is Julian so fucking cute
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ragsy · 1 year
! which ttrpg with partial success mechanics can you recommend?
I haven't actually played a lot of them, but i'm most familiar with games built on the Powered by the Apocalypse system, such as Apocalypse World, Avatar Legends, and Monster of the Week. Monster of the Week is my all-time fave, but PbtA games are (mostly) built on the same mechanic. There's a million of them, and if you just search "PbtA hack" anywhere you'll likely stumble on one you like.
For anyone unfamiliar with partial success mechanics:
For all your character moves with a chance of failure (i.e. jumping over a chasm, fighting a bad guy, casting a spell, etc), you roll 2d6 and add your modifier (usually between -3 and +3).
If you roll a 10 or higher, the move is a success and it happens like you expect it would. You punch the guy, you clear the gap, your spell activates, blah blah blah.
If you roll a 7-9, you get a partial success, which means your move happens sorta like you wanted it to, but there's a caveat. You punch the guy but you slip and fall over, you clear the gap but you're hanging on by one hand, your spell attracts unwanted attention.
If you roll 6 or less, your roll is a failure, and the GM gets to do bad stuff to you. You miss your punch and the bad guy puts you in a headlock, you don't clear the gap and someone has to put themselves in danger to keep you from dying, your spell backfires and now YOU are a frog.
It's good stuff. I especially like it because it leaves a lot of room for improvisational storytelling. i tell people about the Saga of Puppykicker McGee from my MotW game all the time, it's the kind of wild story things you can have happen with this kind of system!
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soooo that reddit ama am i right
ANYWAYS so I have me some theories and ideas about Alador and Odalia Blight, aka Mr. and Mrs. Blight, I think we all know by now that Odalia is a pretty shitty parent and human person (or witch person? idk) but something stuck out to me, three little factoids and comments;
1. Alador was interesting for Dana to write
2. Odalia forced Amity to dye her hair that’s naturally brown to color coordinate her kids (ew)
3. The Blight parents have more to them than what we think right now
So! This made me get on my thinking cap. It’s pretty clear at this point that Odalia is trying to basically live vicariously through her daughter and trying to make Amity a mini her, from dying her hair to match hers, (it’s way lighter than Ed and Em’s but matches Odalia’s from le flashback perfectly) Amity ending up in the same track as her which isn’t a coincidence, Even down to hairstyle though Amity’s hair ends in a ponytail instead of a bun... Honestly at that point it feels like Odalia is a lot more influential in Amity’s life, considering it’s being molded to look like hers. 
But, this also raises a question, at least in my mind; how does that sit right with Alador? I mean, it’s the one kid who looked like him even a little, having his hair color, and that’s corrected and seen as wrong by Odalia? That just straight up sounds insulting, especially if he’s the head of the household. 
...But something tells me he isn’t. 
Why does that matter?
Well, because, and this might sound a lil crazy and correct me if there’s some glaring facts in show that I haven’t seen; something tells me that Alador isn’t as abusive as Odalia and might actually have some semblance of a relationship with their daughter that isn’t horrible, yeah he didn’t stop Odalia when she told their daughter to dump her best friend and went along with it, but, this is... 
Familiar to me.
Because I had a similar home life with my dad pushing me constantly and trying to mold my brother into a mini him (didn’t work thank god) and generally was controlling and horrible, and my mom, while not being that, still went along with his choices, didn’t refute them, and sometimes chimed in out of worry of invoking his ire, at least she did for awhile. But she still was my mom, and still actually treated me like a person and with love. This could be what’s going on with the Blights, but reversed, which, honestly, would be good to put into the world because I know of plenty of people who had an abusive mom and submissive dad who went along with it.
But the biggest evidence towards this being the dynamic with the Blights outside of Dana outright stating that Alador is interesting to write aka not a cookie cutter abusive dad character is one word; Amity.
Amity, even before she met Luz and the gang, was a good person at heart. She felt guilty over hurting her teammates with the thorn vault and outright quit Grudgby over it, she was friends with Willow when they were little to the point of being best friends... 
It is virtually impossible to have a good heart if you had no positive rolemodels at all when you were a kid, and if you don’t have that many you can have a harsher exterior. Weiss Schnee comes to mind in that regard actually, she and Amity shared being cold academic over achievers who felt pressure to be perfect and eventually came around due to the protagonist helping them find their best selves. 
Weiss was good at heart, she just had a lot of walls guarding it. Amity was good at heart, she just had a lot of walls guarding it. Weiss grew up in a bad environment, but still had a sister who loved her and some of the staff who raised her. Amity... Has no one in her family that treats her with love or kindness, at least from what we’ve seen. 
Ed and Em, even if they are generally okay siblings, were straight up going to post Amity’s diary all over the place for tattling on them, something merciless and genuinely horrible that consistently loving siblings wouldn’t do. Her mother doesn’t let her be her own person, and I feel like if the Blight Manor staff were the ones to raise her, we would’ve gotten some hints considering how much we’ve learned about Amity’s home life.
So that would leave Alador, who definitely isn’t stopping the abuse happening which isn’t okay and goes along with it, but also hasn’t, you know, physically forced his child to dye her hair and join the track he was in in high school and so much more! 
I don’t know, I feel like this makes sense given Dana saying that Alador is interesting to write because a parent who loves their kids but isn’t capable and/or willing to stop their spouse from abusing them is a lot more interesting (and more realistic than you’d think) than both of Amity’s parents being puppykickers. Plus, there’s probably people out there who live in that sort of situation who need to see it happen because media always puts it the other way around, making recognizing that that’s what’s happening a lot harder.
also i just really want amity to not live in a completely loveless void where nobody loved her or showed her kindness excluding willow because A ow and B that makes no sense given her character
TLDR: The Blight parents might be evil and lesser of two evils and i’m here for it
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mowu-moment · 2 years
reading some of the wiki to catch up on what the cards are doing and, okay i get why everyone's fighing over phyrexia cuz apparently the story's super moralistic. it's better than the phyrexians being puppykickers but like. you ain't bringing down fuckin Elesh Norn by insulting her. you can't call someone like that out for being a hypocrite. but apparently she took it
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