tr1s-prior · 1 year
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rebornbythunder · 4 years
@puppygrunt liked your post “{Starter Call}”
Red was, and always would be, pretty oblivious to his surroundings. Especially in old familiar places, where his pathways seemed more muscle memory than physical choice, like here.He’d walked over every inch of Johto and Kanto, and he was making the path one last time before he decided to leave the area for good. And that familiarity is why he didn’t notice the other until he nearly walked right into her- barely stopping in time to avoid contact. “[Sorry-]” He had started to sign, before getting a closer look at the person he almost ran into.
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manbehindtheshadows · 4 years
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Oops, my hand slipped. OrreSquad, DM me for links if you wanna hop in.
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of-tarnished-metal · 4 years
@puppygrunt here’s one for GIOVANNI, because why not. :’)
I like you / I hate you / I dislike you/ I love you / You are family / I would take a bullet for you / I would shoot you / I would lie to your face / I would say something cruel to you on purpose / I would say something cruel to you accidentally  / I would cheat on you / I would physically hurt you / You annoy me/ You amuse me / I’d laugh at you / I’d laugh with you / I’d manipulate you / You scare me / You confuse me / I wish I knew you better / I trust you / I don’t trust you / You inspire me / I consider you an equal / You are beneath me / You’re better than me / I would trust you with my life / I think you’re mean / I think you’re petty / I think you’re childish / I think you’re smart / I think you’re stupid / I think you’re a bad person / I think you’re a good person / I’m not sure what kind of person you are / I wish you would listen to me / I want to make you proud / I wish you would notice me / I want to impress you / I would hurt other people for you / I’m not sure how to make you happy / I’m a bad influence on you / You deserve better than me / We make a great team / I’d have a one night stand with you / I’d have a relationship with you / I would marry you / I fantasize about our life together / I would trust you with my most treasured belonging / I would tell you my darkest secrets / You disgust me / You intimidate me / I hope I intimidate you / I’d hug you / I’d let you hug me  / I’m scared of losing you / I don’t think you like me / I want to be better for you / I respect you / I don’t respect you / You’re my mentor / You’re my friend / You’re my best friend / I have a crush on you / I could easily watch you die / I’d get drunk with you / I’d party with you / I’d comfort you / I’d prank you / I’d spike your drink / I’d act behind your back / I’d abandon you / I’d hurt you to get what I want / I would choose my happiness over yours / I would choose your happiness over mine / I despise how much I care for you / I need you / I’m dependent on you / I don’t know what I’d do without you / I’m scared of you leaving me / I’d give my life for you / You frustrate me / I’d call for you in a time of need / I would protect you / I’d visit you in hospital / I’d carry you if you were hurt / I’d feel guilty if I hurt you / I’d let you be near me when I am vulnerable / I’d ignore a phone call from you / I’d call you at 3am / I’d break you out of jail / I’d get angry at you / I would shout at you / You’re too loud / You’re too quiet / You’re too sensitive / You can’t take a joke / You embarrass me / I feel nothing for you / You’re reckless / You’re bossy / You bore me / I would ask your advice / I would blame you for something I did / I would cry in your arms / 
You have the power to hurt me more than anyone else 
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rocketzealot · 4 years
puppygrunt replied to your post “me: I want to do my owed replies also me:”
(This is very much a mood)
//im glad its a collective tumblr rp mood. but we should all chill and redraw a steven universe screen cap until we feel better... or something similar
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@liberty-spikes​ said: ☂
@dragonskxn​ said: ☂
@fxrestvitch​ said: ☂
@puppygrunt​ said: ☂
                                                                             Headcanons! // accepting
                                               Send ☂ for a FOOD headcanon.
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Valerie loves meat. Many people don’t suspect it due to her overall petite body frame, but she likes to dine on a good piece of hearty meat almost all the time, or at least have dishes that have a bountiful amount of meat included in it (like most stews and pizza). Jerky and the like are favorite snacks of hers, and she even eats raw meat at times, if she doesn’t feel like cooking it (which is rare, but still happens).
Another thing she likes are fried foods, especially the battered sorts. The fatty flavors are a guilty pleasure, though she does enjoy the “full” feeling they give her stomach.
No one knows it, but Valerie every so often eats pokemon food (think the "kibble" type of food you see pokemon in the anime eat), typically as a “comfort food” kind of deal. This behavior originates from...very sad circumstances in her childhood, that she’ll be extremely hesitant to explain if someone discovers she snacking on the “forbidden” meal. She hopes no one will find out this secret of hers, as she thinks it’s utterly embarrassing.
Valerie learned how to cook from Siebold, and she learned how to cook well. After the elite heard Valerie reveal she didn’t know how to work a kitchen or make any kind of dishes at all one day, he set aside some free time to spend teaching her. Around half a year passed before Valerie cooked the first meal she was proud of (and Siebold was proud of her too).
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snaggerleo · 4 years
✿ Your Wes is the first I ever came across in the RPC, so of course you've left an impression on me. ☄ Wildcard: The thought you put into the region of Orre. As someone who is dedicated to a particular part of the pokemon universe, I appreciate that same level of detail and dedication from others.
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All of my inspiration to work hard and write well comes from those around me! You especially! I’m sure I wasn’t half as passionate until I had the context of others to collaborate with to inspire me. You’ve been a big part of what makes me want to keep exploring the setting.
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floralfiness · 4 years
puppygrunt replied to your post: “Pay attention to ME, DAMNIT!” 
“Gosh, ya know ya can just give me a phone call.”
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“...You’re right, I didn’t mean to raise my voice like that, Ava. In fact... what was the last thing I messaged you?” If it wasn’t the photo of the rolling rockruffs through a dust bath, she was going to kick herself. 
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snippyrocket · 4 years
@puppygrunt replied to your post: you’d think i enjoy drawing proton in the nude,...
(Irezumi tattoos on the Rockets is *chef’s kiss.* I applaud anyone who does that.)
Big same. I’m a massive fucking dork and I love it. :’)))) but drawing it is another matter entirely.
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fearlessfortitude · 4 years
19, 20
List some of your muse’s favourites! (eg. food, movie, book, song, drink, place, celeb, etc.)
Fruit (mostly pineapples but he’s a fan of peaches and apples too)
Shoki’s favorite song is this.
His favorite drink is pineapple juice, and sencha tea.
His favorite season is summer.
Shoki’s favorite color, even though he can’t see it, is red.
His favorite food, is donburi
Mitarashi dango is his favorite sweet. 
This or that according to your muse: morning or evening? Marvel or DC? Mayonnaise or ketchup? Books or movies? Red or blue? Black or white? Halloween or Christmas?
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kjeragwarlord · 4 years
@puppygrunt  asked:  🎤 Aside from Arknights, which other gacha games have you dabbled in?
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Send a  🎤 + something to talk about and I’ll make a voice recording of myself talking about it. (Does not have to be RP related!)
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sycamxre · 4 years
puppygrunt replied to your post “This past week and a half has been awful. We got bed bugs in our house...”
(Bed bugs are an awful thing to deal with. Hope you can get rid of them!)
Thank you !! So far we’ve only seen a couple since we sprayed the room, but because of where I live I have to constantly be out of my house while this is happening. I hope they leave me tf alone so I can sleep on my bed once again and not get bit.
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draconic-fury-a · 4 years
"Dame da ne! Dame yo. Dame na no yo..."
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manbehindtheshadows · 4 years
((Lowkey contemplating creating an Orre RP group discord if anyone is interested))
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of-tarnished-metal · 4 years
@puppygrunt replied to your post “The beach?? Yeah, no.  “I’m not going.” ”
"Aww, come on, Silver! Let's goooo~"
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“But Ava...” there’s a tinge of whining under all that grumbling. “It’s hot at the beach... There’s sand, everywhere... and...” 
A quick snap to the side is where a glance went as Silver thought with disgust at-- beach bodies, before back to her again. 
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rocketzealot · 4 years
Cracked Cement: Are they adept at using technology of any kind or do they typically need help with it?
Cracked Cement: Are they adept at using technology of any kind or do they typically need help with it?
//Yes, actually! Mostly from having a very tech savvy friend and learning from him, but Fred is very competent with computers (probably more so than me!). He’s by no means an expert though, but he doesn’t need much help with computers~
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