#pup xan xan answers
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pup-xan-xan · 1 year ago
Question, but what powers do stuffies have do you think? I’ve heard about them making sure there aren’t any monsters under the bed, and that’s why they sometimes are on the floor in the morning, but what else do they do? Would love people to add to this too with what their stuffies do!
Ooo, I love this question!! I have two I know my stuffies have.
I have noticed since I was younger that my most favorite stuffie that I've had since I was six sometimes ends up at the bottom of my bed by my feet or on other parts of the bed and not in my arms when I initially went to sleep. I think he does this because monsters are trying to grab my feet and he protects me by making sure the monster can't touch me. His little legs carry him all around my bed whenever he sees something trying to get me to make sure I'm safe and don't wake up if I'm touched by the meanie.
This applies to my giant stuffie and the same stuffie as the previous one. Since I've had those stuffies some of their fur has hardened over the years and at first I didn't know why. Then, I remembered that over the time I've had them, I've confided in both of them whenever I needed a shoulder to cry on, and the pieces of fur that have caught my tears that I didn't wipe off make scars on their fur. That is their way of showing me no matter how many years have passed, they'll always remember everything I've told them whenever I've come to them crying, whether I wiped my tears off of them or not. It's their way of forming scars, but just like scars on us, their scars are just as beautiful as ours are, because we still love them just as much as we did when we first got them; if not more!
I was really excited to get this question, and I couldn't wait to answer it. 🩶
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dearcat1 · 2 years ago
(Secret Desires)
Part 69 of Sofia
It just… it had left her thinking, that's all. When it comes to having her own pups, her biggest worry was that they would be omegas. It's not common, between an alpha and omega, they should get a beta at most. An alpha, more likely. If their puppies are anything like Xanxus or the pups, she should be fine. And now… even if they managed to make an omega together. Even then. Well, all she can think of is that omega in the Millefiori, all show and no real submission. That man had power, even if behind the scenes. If they needed to, Xanxus could find their pup a match like that. Tsuna and Bel would keep the pup safe either way. Sofia huffs, letting go of her belly and turning around to bury her face into the pillow. A year ago, Xanxus had said in a year or two. Sofia bites her lip, curling up on the nest. "Xan?"
Her mate looks up from where he was drying his hair with a towel. "Yeah?"
"Do you still want to?"
"Want what?" He drops the towel back into the bathroom and pads towards the bed, sitting down by her head.
"A baby." Sofia doesn't react to his closeness but does arch into the touch when he rubs her back.
"Is this because of what Massimo said?" Xanxus lays down beside her, petting her hair when she doesn't snuggle up to him.
"No…" Sofia rolls on her side to be able to see him better. "Yes? I don't know. I’ve just been thinking."
“Alright.” Xanxus pulls her to him, setting her down on his chest. “I would love to have pups with you.” He covers her hand on her belly. “Things have finally calmed down enough that we could swing it.”
“But?” Sofia bites her lip, cuddling closer.
“Nothing.” Xanxus sighs. “As far as I’m concerned the timing is right.” He hums, staring at the ceiling for a moment. “Let’s put it this way: I’m not going to say no. The decision is yours. I would just like to be consulted about the timing.”
“Oh.” Sofia pouts. It’s the answer she knew she would get. And she likes that he’s leaving it up to her. And yet, she’s a little disappointed that he doesn’t have more of an opinion. “I don’t know. I think I want one.”
Sofia glares at him, half-heartedly. “I was hoping for more enthusiasm.”
Xanxus chuckles, rolling them over. “It’s just an idea for now. The instinctual part of me keeps pushing for it. We have a good den, a good pack. The pups are grown enough. It wants you fat with child, waddling around where I can see you.” He shrugs, kissing her once. “The logical part of me knows this is far more dangerous and significant for you. It’s your body, too. So I’m sitting on my hands here and not letting the alpha side be pushy.”
It helps. Sofia deflates. “I want one,” she admits. “I want one as long as it’s yours.” She blows her cheeks up for a second. “It’s just… aren’t we too young? And I feel like I shouldn’t want one. They trained me for this, you know? I wanted to be nothing like it.”
“If you’re making decisions just not to be who they wanted you to be,” Xanxus murmurs. “Then you’re still making decisions based on them, not on you. Whatever you want, go for it. I’ll support you on it.”
“I know.”
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potions-and-halos · 5 years ago
Barakiel had heard from Xan what was going on with Haedtiel, and he booked it as fast as he could to the Namekian's den. Landing just outside of the mouth of the cave, he peered in and spoke quietly. "Haedtiel? Are you in here?"
A soft hiss was the answer and a a scufflign sound with the squeaks of the two pups being heard. Tempest appeared next to Bar with a soft sigh, shakimg her head. "You can try coming in but I don't know what her reaction will be."
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baadbaadblacksheep · 6 years ago
Whoops I wrote something new instead of what I was supposed to be working on. This is stemming from a previous work of mine about Jesse’s backstory, Cactus Bloom, which you can read [HERE]
Read on ao3: [HERE]
“Well lookit this one. Starin’ like a starved coyote.”
Jesse flinches back instinctively, but it's too late too hide in the safety of the dark hallway. All conversation at the long dining table has ceased in favor of turning their attention on the teenager spying on them.
Well, he wasn't spying. He was just eyeing the pizza boxes scattered open across the table, trying to plot on how to get some food in his own stomach.
“Go back to bed, Jess,” Xander calls from his place at the table. Jesse can't see him from where he's slunk back halfway in the shadows, but he can imagine that disappointed scowl on his face already. Xan had told him to stay away, now here he was interrupting their entire meeting.
“Boy looks hungry, c’mon Xan. We can feed ‘em, huh?” A dark rumble of laughter goes across the room and the one who spoke up grins when Jesse creeps out just a bit further at the comment.  
The men are beckoning him like they would an animal: cooing and clicking and gesturing for him to come close. Jesse steps closer, eyes on the prize: an open box with two slices still inside, the closest one to him. He can see Xan now, in the corner of his eye, taking a long drink from the whiskey glass in his hand. They're all drinking, he realizes in the back of his mind. He can smell it more and more the closer he gets.
“He gets fed plenty,” Xan finally says, green eyes glaring, “We just woke him up is all. Go back to bed, Jesse.”
A second warning. Not good. But he's lying. Jesse’s so damn hungry. Xan’s been gone a lot lately, not bringing home food for them anymore. The school lunches aren't free but the cafeteria workers take mercy on him most days and slide a tray of food his way. It's barely a half portion of what a boy his age, body still desperately trying to grow and develop, should be eating for a meal, but he doesn't complain. Food is food.
Jesse’s growling stomach betrays them both and the men only chuckle in response. “C’mere,” one of them drawls out, and it gets quiet. The man who spoke is piercing Jesse in place with his stare. His voice lent no amusement and definitely no room to argue. Jesse obeys, finally, standing in front of the man where he's sitting parallel to the table.
“Sit.” A finger points down at his feet and Jesse obliges, plopping down on the floor with his long legs crossed beneath him. The man grabs a box from the table and tosses it to the ground in front of Jesse, the top springing open to reveal an entire pizza untouched by anyone's dirty hands. “Eat,” the man commands, and Jesse dives in without a word.
A hand is petting through his hair as he eats like a starved thing, and Jesse can't help but lean into it, more touch starved from Xander’s frequent absences than he realized.
“This is McCree’s boy?” The man asks the room.  Everyone is eager to answer, nodding and murmuring out affirmations. “An’ what's he doin’ here, Xan?”
“I look after him,” Xan speaks up, “He was miserable at his Pa’s, Hank. He likes it with me.” There's a pause, then Xan raises his voice. “Don't you, Jess?”
Jesse nods without looking up, on his third slice of pizza now. He's starting to slow down,  actually tasting what he's throwing down his throat now. His stomach is cramping just slightly from how fast he's eating, but it doesn't bother him.
The hand stroking his hair--Hank’s hand--grabs at his chocolate brown locks just enough to get Jesse’s attention and raise his head up. “That true, boy?” Hank rumbles, eyeing him intently. Jesse nods again, swallowing his mouthful.
“Yeah. Xan’s the best.” Jesse drops his gaze. “He's been gone a lot though. I miss ‘em.” He chances a glance at Xan, fearing he'd see anger in his eyes. But Xan’s face has gone soft, lips pressed tightly together and eyebrows raised slightly, like the look he gets when he's apologizing for getting rough with Jesse again.
(Jesse doesn't mind; Jesse never minds. Xan’s just a passionate man. It's just how he shows his feelings, when they're alone in the dark.)
“That why you've been askin’ for a transfer? Miss your boy?” A few chuckles at that from around the table. Xan shrugs, looking back at Hank.
Hank pats Jesse on the shoulder. “Run off, boy. Take the box with you.” Jesse scurries away easily,  back to the bedroom with the rest of his food. The box is empty in the next five minutes, leaving Jesse to curl up in bed groaning and trying not to wastefully vomit up what he had just wolfed down.
“--can’t be of any good right now, boss. He wants to stay in school an’ graduate an’ all that shit. I don’t know what he thinks he’s gonna do after all that.”
Jesse blinks awake. The pain in his stomach has subsided, but it’s still dark outside; he must have only been out an hour or so. He can hear footsteps approaching the bedroom, along with Xan and Hank speaking to one another as they walk. Jesse’s heart flips in his chest when he hears the door squeaking open, and shuts his eyes again.
It’s quiet for a moment. Jesse almost thinks maybe the door just opened by itself until Hank finally speaks.
“You know he’s gotta contribute, Xan. Bein’ under a Deadlock roof, usin’ Deadlock money to feed him and send him to school… Ain’t nothin’ in this group free.”
“He’s just a pup. I can’t--”
“You’re barely older than he is. By what, a year? Two?”
“‘Bout a year n’ a half or more, sir.”
“An’ when did you join?”
A sigh. Jesse knows Xan’s eyes are closed, centering himself, ready to give up the struggle. “I see your point. I reckon… I reckon he could run small errands. Just don’t want him in trouble.”
Someone steps closer in another beat of quiet. “He’s a pretty boy. The men all seem to think so.”
“I don’t wanna hear no more against it. He’s either a liability or an asset, an’ you know what happened to the last liability I found among us.”
“Right. Fine. We’ve got Tony inside the school. I’ll have the kid run his deliveries to him from now on. Less suspicious lookin’ than what’s set up now.”
One pair of footsteps started to leave. “Atta boy. We’ll see what else he’s good for.”
Jesse could feel Xan staring at him, silence hanging in the air. Jesse almost wanted to sit up, to ask him what was wrong, what was happening. He knew Xan was mad, he knew it, he knew--
“Oh, Jess,” came the sigh, “What have you done?”
Another pair of footsteps left the room.
Math is hard. Jesse always saves math homework for last. He’s trying his best to focus, but it’s just not clicking. He’s focusing so much on trying to remember the formula without looking that he barely notices Xan and yet another man trading money and god knows what behind him. It’s a common occurrence these day. Their house seems to be the main place for trades and meetings lately. Xan usually has Jesse disappear when they happen, safely tucked away in their bedroom.
(Xan had a talk with Jesse about being disruptive, but since he’s been home more, Jesse’s been getting fed enough to keep his hunger at bay, and he’s had no reason to venture out now. He hears them ask about him, though. All the time.)
“Tell you what, Xan,” the man is saying, “Let me have a second with your boy an’ I’ll only charge half this time around.”
“He’s jus’ an errand kid. Don’t look at him like that.” There’s a possessive growl in Xan’s voice that makes Jesse break focus and look back at them from his spot at the dining table.
They’re standing toe to toe, and the man has a few inches on him, but there’s a muscle twitching in Xan’s jaw from how hard it’s clenched, and he isn’t backing down.
“Is that all he is? ‘Cause from what I hear, he shares a bed with you. Must be somethin’ else he’s good for y’ain’t tellin’ us about…” The man is grinning, but finally backs up. “Guess the price’ll be goin’ up for a while. Unless, of course, we can cut a deal…”
Xan cuts his eyes to Jesse, notices he’s staring. He softens his posture, but Jesse can tell he’s still so tense. Xan looks away, towards the ground, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath.
“Jess, baby, come here.”
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pup-xan-xan · 1 year ago
Hi! I’m also an involuntary regressor, but I saw in your post and intro that you’re an impure regressor. I’m unfamiliar with the term, would you mind explaining to me what it means? Thank you!! Have a nice day/night!!
Hello~! Thank you for your question! I hope my answer will help explain it well enough that you understand better. 😊
Impure and pure regression isn't what it might imply, it actually refers to the experience we have while regressed.
Impure regressors (also known as vent regressions/ors) like myself, have bad experiences while in littlespace and it isn't always a happy, safe space for us. More commonly, this is also associated with those who involuntarily regress due to external or internal negativities. This means when we regress, we are likely to experience negative feelings, such as feeling overwhelmed, having meltdowns, or attacks of any kind (i.e. panic attacks). It could also cause us to mentally relive traumatic or other bad experiences/memories that make us feel unsafe or uncomfortable.
However, pure regressors (also known as play regressions/ors) have happy and safe experiences while in littlespace. Voluntary regression is more often associated with this type of regression, as it can be a safe place for littles and middles to regress to in order to feel calm, happy, and/or safe from the bad things trying to hurt them.
I hope this clears everything up~!
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dearcat1 · 3 years ago
(Dot the i’s)
Part 64 of Sofia
CW: discussion of abuse and suicidal tendencies
"I know Sofia more than anybody else in this world." Xanxus says and doesn't even find it amusing when Massimo jumps. "So how did my brother realize she's dangerously close to suicidal but not me?"
"To be fair to you," Massimo sighs. "She's probably been there since before you kidnapped her. But she's happier now, isn't she? Free. And she thinks so highly of you, you might as well have hung the moon, little brother."
Xanxus clicks his tongue, dropping on the chair with a pointed look at Massimo's hastily hidden paperwork. "She thinks I'm a little shit." Xanxus sits back. "Answer the question." 
"Trust me, Xan. You don't want the details. All you need to know is that probably all of them are, to a degree." Massimo sits down behind his desk. "We're all keeping an eye on them." He opens the drawer, pushes the papers the rest of the way inside and closes it again. "And Sofia does think that. She also looks at you in a way most of us only hope to be looked at."
"Look like what?" Xanxus rolls his eyes. "She already told me her story, what are you hiding from me?"
"Stop fishing." Massimo admonishes. "You look at her the exact same way, you smitten little shit." The humour is still there when he straightens. "Did she? I'm glad. It's not hers in particular, however. I've been reading up on the bastard's notes. If nothing else, he documented things properly. He was fond of his girls, or he thought he was. Sofia was a solo project for a while. One he was proud of."
It earns him a grunt. "I know. Sofia keeps mentioning the other girls lately. She never says their names, only talks about them. Apparently, the bastard cried after each of them died. Tell me this much, did they do it themselves?" 
"Most of them." When Xanxus only grunts, Massimo adds: "The oldest… overly enthusiastic alpha."
"Ah." Xanxus stands. "And Massimo, if you ever do something so stupid as to succed were the assassins failed, I'll never forgive you."
Massimo blinks slowly. "I am not, Xan. I was just mad at myself for missing what seemed obvious in hindsight. I wasn't looking at a mirror."
Xanxus just waves his gun warningly as he leaves. He got as much information as he was going to get out of Massimo, said his piece while at it too. Now he's off, he has a mate back home and a few pups to drive him insane. 
He arrives to a nest filled only with his mate. No pups in sight. It's still a little disconcerting but it's also something more common since the fight, they had their talk and cleared the air. Xanxus hums, dropping his jacket on the couch and watching her glare up at him sleepily. "I needed to talk to Massimo."
Sofia blinks, confused for a moment before she realizes why. Then, it changes to embarrassment. "Fine." It's funny to watch because he can tell she's annoyed he took too long to come back but Sofia still feels guilty about not telling him. So she chooses to stand instead, snuggling into his arms and hiding against his chest. "It's late."
"I know." Xanxus picks her up, dropping them both on the bed. "I needed to catch him alone."
"Ok." She cuddles him closer, nuzzling him a little. "Sleep."
"Yeah." It's a little thing but this is a big part of what Xanxus had missed when the pups were always around. Sofia greeting him every night, curling into his arms and nuzzling him. It's nice, it's relaxing and she purrs, soft and pleased, sometimes a little clingy. Their instincts are different but he did ask once, he wanted to know why she likes nuzzling him so much. Sofia had glared, too self-conscious about it, so he had told her about his own instincts first. The little things she does that manage to calm him down or feel like the biggest, baddest fucker around. In the end, Sofia told him that she likes his smell because it brings her comfort but she likes nuzzling him because his attention turns to her. It doesn't matter what he's doing, he pauses to let her nuzzle him. Xanxus supposes it's true, he thinks her doing it is cute. 
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dearcat1 · 3 years ago
Part 45 of Sofia
"You're an asshole," Xanxus glares at Squalo, picking up his coat while they wait for Sofia to come back.
Squalo snorts, "you're welcome."
"And the paperwork is done!" Lussuria picks the piles up, looking over the files.
"Of course it is," Sofia had been serious about keeping him hard and not letting him cum until it was done. "How did you even bring it up with her?"
"We didn't," Squalo grabs the files from Lussuria, taking them away before Xanxus can burn them down in his annoyance. "I complained about the paperwork. She offered. I have an idea of what she was planning but the execution was all her."
"Fuck." It's not like Xanxus is against it, it was amazing. It's just… he has a love/hate relationship with long term teasing. It was fucking hot and he's glad that she feels comfortable enough to not react badly at his frustrated growls. He can deal with the long wait for that.
"Xan! You braided my hair." Sofia runs up to him, curling into his side as soon as she reaches him.
"I did," Xanxus grabs one of the small braids and twirls it around his finger. "I was bored." It's not the first time he's done this either.
"They're cute, I love them." Sofia kisses under his jaw, "you even added some feathers. We match now."
Xanxus breathes her in, ignoring Squalo's arched brow. "They look nice on you. Are you ready?"
"Yup," Sofia grabs his hand, pulling him along. "Are we meeting the kid in his house or the school?"
"He didn't go to school today," Squalo informs. "Without Hibari here, he's comfortable playing truant."
Sofia hums, "so we're going to the house?" She hesitates when it's time to step outside but Xanxus lets her take that step on her own terms. "Are we taking him today?"
"Yes, to both." Xanxus kisses her cheek before opening the car door for her, "Are you still comfortable with talking with the pup?"
"I'll try," Sofia enters the car, sitting down and waiting until Xanxus follows. "Julien knows me since he was barely months old and Bel is yours. Tsuna doesn't know me at all." 
"We'll play it by ear," Lussuria smiles. "It'll be fine, sweetheart. At worst, you'll just cuddle on the couch while we deal with his mother."
"Don't you think she might object?" Sofia shrugs, leaning on Xanxus. "We're showing up out of nowhere, claiming to be family with little to back us up. Just that is shady. And then we'll ask her to take her child. I don't know… If it was me, I'd be laughing us out the door."
"...Nana Sawada is a sweet woman," Lussuria finally answers. "But she's an omega and well trained. She won't question an alpha, and certainly not one with the right paperwork."
"Ah," Sofia winces, closing her eyes for a moment. Right. 
"I'm fine," Sofia waves him away, choosing to curl in on herself instead. There are so few of them that Nana is the first omega she'll see in a while, Sofia isn't looking forward to it.
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