#pup and their forever indecisive mind
call-me-pup2 · 12 days
Half a mind to let everyone on here in on what I'm up to tomorrow so I 'have' to do it but also worried if I do say and then I can't do it I'll just feel really bad about it not going to plan 😅😂
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ectonurites · 8 months
PUP and MoBo for the music thing
oooo okay for PUP I think I'm gonna go with Kids, I just love tht one forever and ever
and oh GOD trying to pick one MoBo song............. i'm gonna pick two bc im indecisive. Fine, Great because oh god tht song is so 'my younger self' that it hurts and Apple Cider, I Don't Mind because it always just scratches a particular itch in my brain
[send me a band/artist and i’ll tell you my favorite song by them]
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sasarahsunshine · 3 years
Vampire Omega Reid gets pregnant by another Vampire {it was a drunken one night stand} and his pack are very protective of him. He has a big belly during his bat form and Hotch let's him sleep in his mug since he couldn't fit in a cup due to his big belly.
I am seeing a common theme with some of my asks recently, and that's that we all love the idea of a pregnant Spencer <3
Didn't mean for this to turn into a whole freaking blurb but here we go! Standard 18+ just in case. Hotchreid cause I can. TW: Mpreg, depression, anxiety, A/B/O adjacent Vampire stuff. Enjoy!
Spencer Reid should know better. Spencer Reid- Doctor Spencer Reid- is smart enough (a literal genius) to know better. Condoms break. One-night stands end without numbers exchanged or real names learned. He should have known better.
He didn't mean for this. He didn't want this.
He doesn't even know who the father is. No name, no number, nothing but blurry barely-there memories of a handsome Alpha who charmed him into his bed. Fuck.
He debates on getting rid of it: the fetus, the bundle of cells that don't even have a heartbeat yet. But when he's sitting on the dingy motel room bed, the hard mattress under his crossed legs as he stares at the positive pregnancy test he's been carrying in his bag for the past week, he realizes he can't do that. Not because he's scared (he's not scared, he's a freaking FBI agent! He's not scared, no sir), but because... well maybe he's a little scared.
And these feelings of indecision, of fear, shame, embarrassment, depression- they keep cropping up as the weeks pass by. He cries himself to sleep most nights, clutching his pillow to his chest, hiding his face in the blankets, and wondering how did this happen?
It's when he's about three months along (12 weeks, his mind supplies) that someone else seems to finally notice. Not that he wasn't acting totally weird and out-of-the-ordinary for himself anyways, getting cornered by everyone at least once as they drilled him.
"What's wrong, Spence?"
"Hey, Pretty Boy, what's on your mind?"
"Reid, if there's anything going on you know you can tell me."
"Hey kiddo, we're all a little worried about you."
"My baby genius, you're not doing the talking thing. What's wrong?"
"Do you wanna talk about it?"
He managed to avoid them until now, though he wasn't sure why he was avoiding them. It wasn't like he could keep his pregnancy a secret forever. Because, logically, they would have noticed the serious drop in caffeine intake, the increased hunger, nausea, and finally, the eventual weight gain. It didn't take a genius to put two-and-two together.
It was about time when the whole team (sans Garcia) managed to corner him on the jet. He had almost nodded off, his chin resting in his hand, eyes slipping closed as the rumble of the engines lulled him to sleep, when the couch dipped and shifted beside him. He peeked open his eyes to see a very concerned-looking JJ. Right behind her were Derek and Emily, the two of them standing in such a way that blocked him in. No escape.
He swallowed the lump forming in his throat.
"Spence," JJ started, her eyes filled to the brim with sympathy and concern, shimmering in the low light of the cabin. Her hand reached out and took his, squeezing it, "Please tell us what's going on."
And the damn floodgates opened.
Stupid hormones.
Spencer's shoulders trembled, his lower lip quivering as he tried to rein in his emotions to no avail. Tears slipped from his eyes as he looked between his team members. He could hear Rossi and Hotch approaching, the two older Alphas making sure to keep enough distance as to not frighten the already spooked and emotional Omega (which Spencer was grateful for, even though the sudden urge to be held by a certain Alpha was overwhelming).
JJ leaned forward and wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug. Her instincts were on high alert, fingers carding through his hair in a calming manner, a rumble escaping her chest to ease him. And he just sobbed, burying his face into the crook of her neck.
Honestly, the first clue should have been how he had pulled away from everyone. Omega Vampires need to feed from Alphas to get the nutrients they need (especially when pregnant), so when Spencer stopped going to Hotch and Derek for his regular feedings, they should have known.
Maybe they did.
He just didn't want them to scent the change in his hormones. The Alphas would have known right away if they got close enough.
He could feel Hotch's eyes on him from across the aisle. And he knew that there would be a lot of explaining to do.
But telling his boss, "I slept with another Alpha that I met at the bar because he looked like you, and now I'm pregnant," wasn't exactly something he looked forward to.
Thankfully, Spencer never had to explain himself. Nobody pushed. Everyone gave him his space to speak as much, or as little, as he needed to on the matter. Derek did offer to find the Alpha who knocked him up ("I just want to talk to him, Pretty Boy."), but Spencer just shook his head.
And as the weeks stretched on, his pregnancy becoming more and more noticeable by the day, he was finding himself feeling... odd. Still ashamed, still upset that it happened at all. But also kind of excited.
Garcia was obsessively flittering about him every chance she got. She bought way too many baby items, not that Spencer could really complain. He had no idea what he needed, so it was kind of nice to have someone dragging him around the fancy baby boutiques and getting all the high-end items he could possibly need. "Nothing but the best for the tiny genius you have in there!" She would say as she motioned to his growing stomach.
In his eighth month, it was sometimes easier to just be a bat. Especially because nothing was comfortable. Everything ached from his feet and ankles to his back and shoulders. Clothes were ridiculous. And eating was a nightmare because only one person seemed to not make him nauseous- and that person was off-limits.
So that's how he somehow found himself in Hotch's office, curled up in a mug, a tiny blanket (courtesy of Garcia) covering him as he slept for the millionth time that day. Gosh, he was always tired.
Hotch would pause his work every few minutes to check on Reid. He had noticed how the young Omega had attached himself to him, how could he not? And the Alpha wanted nothing more than to protect him, cherish him, and take care of him. He just wasn't quite sure how to bring it up. Especially when the Omega was overly emotional with everything going on.
He tapped his pen on the paper a couple of times, watching the rise and fall of the little blanket (more like a cloth) that covered the mug. Spencer had been getting sick when trying to feed from Derek, but seemed fine with Hotch's blood, he noticed. He wondered if there was a psychological reason behind that, or if it was chemical.
When the little bat stirred, sticking his head out from under the blanket with a cute yawn, Hotch smiled. He bit into the pad of his own thumb, offering it to the tiny Spencer (who looked ridiculous being this pregnant, rounder than a beach ball Emily had said).
Spencer didn't hesitate in his sleepy state, climbing out and attaching himself to Hotch's thumb, feeding from the pin-prick bite that marred the skin. He was so cute.
Hotch smiled to himself, resting his chin on his opposite fist, watching as Spencer slowly came to himself. The next few months were going to be interesting, he realized. Once Spencer had his pup, the team would be rather overbearing (not that they weren't already). And Hotch wondered then if Spencer would ever let him get close enough to help raise the baby. Because as he watched Spencer shake out of his sleepy mind, stretching a little before moving to the edge of the desk and shifting back to his human form, he realized he wanted to be with this Omega in a way that wasn't appropriate for him as his boss.
And when Reid leaned against the desk, a soft smile on his face as he murmured, "thank you," for allowing him to nap there, Hotch felt a pull at his heart.
Now wasn't a good time to bring this up, he told himself. But soon.
"You're welcome, Spencer."
Tagging some people who might like this! @tobias-hankel @sparklinspence @goobzoop @thaddeusly @merpancake
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cas-kingdom · 5 years
The White Wolf and His Pup
A/N: Geralt and a baby. Set five years before he takes up the Law of Surprise.
This is the origin story of my OC(!reader). Her name is Akela, though she hasn’t been named yet. Also, the song is ‘Light’ by Sleeping At Last, one of my absolute favourites. Enjoy.
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Title: The White Wolf and His Pup
Summary: Geralt finds a baby girl in the woods, and for some reason, he can’t quite let her go.
Words: 2162
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Of all the things to see in the forest at night, he could most assuredly tell himself that this was not one of them.   
He had seen squirrels. Rabbits. Deer. Wolves. He’d seen dragons, for fuck’s sake, and yet this was still almost too much for him to comprehend.   
Because Geralt of Rivia was staring directly down at a baby.   
His eyes were black. He’d only just returned from a hunt, stalking silently through the forest, sticky blood on his clothes and hands, sword hanging limply by his side. He was tired, frustrated, and in need of a bath and bed, and he’d had every intention of doing so until the soft, eerie cry of a baby rang into the night.   
He’d stopped immediately, pure alert tinting his face. The forest followed his movements. He could hear every squirrel, rabbit, deer, and wolf—no dragons, he hoped, else his sword would be having another meal that night—stop in their own tracks and just listen. No doubt the wolves would be licking their lips, gathering their packs for the hunt…
The crying came from the East, and he was heading North, so what possessed him to turn on his heel and pick his way through the trees, he was unsure, but he did. Without hesitation. He was swift, soundless, simply following the cry, every sense attuned to it.
And so, despite everything nature stood for, here he was. Perhaps five feet away from a tattered wicker basket, little pink arms and legs waving wildly about inside. 
He frowned. Tightened his grip on the hilt of his sword. Glanced around. He was well accustomed to traps. After a short while, the beady bright eyes in the darkness ahead became more pronounced, and with that came a great deal of indecision on his account. 
For, yes, he was a witcher, but leaving the child to the merciless ways of the monsters in the woods would forever remain on his conscience, and he had enough of that already.   
So, he stepped forward. Once, twice, slight hesitation, and again. He clenched his jaw and leaned down to peer at it. Or, rather, her, if her nakedness had anything to say about it. Scanning his surroundings, he deliberately placed his sword on the floor, waited a moment, and removed his cloak. He wiped his hands free of as much blood as he could and slowly reached out, his heart peculiarly beating against his ribs, and lifted the child into his arms.
Like a beacon of light in an incessant shadow, she instantly ceased her screaming. Large, glassy eyes opened wide and stared straight into the blackness of his. She was such a fragile thing, and he was enraptured for a moment, fascinated by the size of her against the palms of his hands, the length of his forearms. Had he ever seen such a thing? If he had, his mind had wiped all remnants of such a memory. She was so… human. So small. So fearless.
He brought her to his chest and wrapped her tightly in his cloak, pulling it up and over her head, which he noted sprouted blonde hairs. At the howl of a nearby wolf, followed by its numerous echoes, he took his sword from the ground and grasped it tightly with one hand, the baby in the other. He turned and walked back through the forest. His grip on both never once slacked.  
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He had somehow found himself in a tavern, the baby—crying once more—held close to his chest, eyes staring straight ahead as he, quite frankly, figured out what the fuck he was supposed to do. His intention had been to pass her on to the first human he saw, optimistic enough that they wouldn’t leave her alone as her parents had done, but he had ignored them all, for some unknown reason he was now regretting.
“Please, quiet down,” he hissed. Mercifully, the tavern was loud enough that no one could hear the wailing baby in the arms of the witcher in a shady booth in the corner, instead focused on their tankards of ale. Though that didn’t help his case much. He was desperately resisting the urge to place the child on the seat and leave without her, and he may just have acted upon that had a new voice not interrupted his thoughts. 
“You have no idea what you’re doing, do you?” He snapped his head up and subconsciously drew the baby closer to him, expression guarded. A young woman stood by his table, the ale he’d ordered in her hand, and he watched carefully as she placed it on his table. She didn’t move to walk away.
“She’s not mine,” he told her gruffly. 
The woman nodded. “I thought as much.” She hesitated before speaking again. “You’re one of those witchers, aren’t you?” 
Geralt didn’t reply. He reached for his ale and brought it to his lips, averting his harsh gaze. He hadn’t come to be interrogated.
The woman correctly took the silence as unwillingness to answer the question. “Didn’t think I’d ever see one of you… never mind one of you with a baby.” She leaned across the table to peer at the crying child. “Where did you find her?” 
He swallowed and gritted his teeth, speaking around them. “In the woods.”
The woman gained a sympathetic look, and a sad smile crossed her lips. “Poor thing,” she said. “Parents probably gave her up.” 
He knew that, but hearing it from another’s mouth still caused a feeling of turmoil to settle in the bottom of his stomach. As it always had been, he wasn’t one for emotions, but he was still unable to comprehend how anyone could leave a baby—a creation supposed to be born from love—alone in the middle of nowhere, for a malicious reason. He’d felt things once before. He remembered.
“I can take her off your hands, if you want,” the woman spoke up. He looked at her. “Find her a home. I know a few couples looking to start families. Or… I could take her myself.”
For a moment, he wasn’t sure what to say. Studying the woman’s features didn’t help, either. She seemed serious. Besides, what could she want with a child apart from to do what she’d claimed? Surely, nobody could hurt her more than her parents already had. That feeling of not being wanted… it would doubtlessly follow her for the rest of her life.
He lowered the baby to hold in front of him. Her little mouth still hung open, wails spilling from her lips. He was surprised his ears hadn’t fallen off from the relentless noise, but he was used to the volume of the world as it mindlessly spun around him.
A hint of something sparked within him as he gazed at those teary eyes and tiny balled fists.
“She’s probably hungry,” the woman said again, peering closer, but Geralt didn’t move. He continued to stare for a moment longer before he sighed internally and nodded once, taking a long drink from his tankard.
“Fine. Take her.”
There seemed to be a new life in the woman’s eyes as she nodded eagerly. “I finish here in fifteen minutes. Would you mind waiting until then?”
He shrugged and sat back against the seat, watching as the woman scuttled off. The baby let loose an extra loud scream and his chest rumbled with a noise of irritation which had him standing suddenly to his feet and wrapping her back up in his cloak. He pulled his hood over his white head and shifted his way through the rowdy drunks, heading outside.
The outside night air felt good, and he breathed it in the moment he stepped away from the stuffy tavern. It was almost too quiet, save for the marginally lessened cries at his chest, but he took it gladly, walking a little way off. “What is it?” he asked quietly, reaching a large hand over to her. Her little fingers immediately wrapped themselves around one of his, and he rose an eyebrow. “Perhaps you are hungry,” he pondered, remembering the woman’s suggestion. “Cold? Tired?” What else could humans—babies—be?
After a short while of aimlessly wandering around, dodging looks from any who happened to walk by and ensuring he was well hidden by his cloak and the shadows, the child’s cries still refused to die down, and he found himself for the first time at a loss for what to do. Strangely, irritation wasn’t following that loss, which was only strange because he was one to become frustrated if someone beside him chose to chew with their mouth open.
If he’d had any experience with children at all over his years, he would know what to do. And yet…
“I will rearrange the stars, pull them down to where you are,” he spoke as softly as the breeze was light, amber eyes staring down at the child in his arms, “I promise, I’ll do better.” It was a song, a faraway memory he had pegged as belonging to his time before, something he hardly remembered anymore. He wasn’t singing it as he remembered it being sung, but it seemed to do the trick, because a second after the lilting, melodic words left his lips, the baby’s cries stopped. Her bright eyes stared back at him, just as they had done when he’d first picked her up, tears clinging to her long lashes, little mouth partly open, fingers still entwined around one of his. “With every heartbeat I have left, I will defend your every breath.” She hiccupped, and one corner of his lips drew upwards, just as his brows furrowed. “I promise… I’ll do better.”
“Sir, I can—I can take her now.”
His head spun, coming face to face with the woman once again. She was smiling, and yet, to him, she was merely an obstacle. “What?”
She paused for a moment before nodding towards the doe-eyed baby. “I can take her.”
Oh. Geralt dropped his head. The baby in his arms now suddenly felt like a lifeline. He didn’t know why, and he didn’t know how that had ever come to be, but, for some reason or another, he wasn’t feeling totally averse to that small fact.
She was hope. He could see it so clearly. A little round face with those tiny wisps of hair, dark eyelashes still laden with tears… bright, baby orbs which seemed to bore into his own and place a hint of something akin to warmth behind them. Yes, she was hope. And she was beautiful. He had never put such a word to a human based on appearance alone.
When had he ever cared for anything besides himself and the few he chose to protect? He hadn’t, and that was the vast truth of it. But who said that had to be for ever?
“I…” He couldn’t quite believe the words were about to leave his mouth. “I’m going to keep her.”
The woman’s eyebrows shot up. She blinked. “You are? But… but you’re a witcher. You’re not supposed to feel… well. Anything!” He glared, and she had the good sense to shut her mouth. In a calmer tone, she clasped her hands together and stepped forward, chewing on her bottom lip. “Do you know anything on how to be a father? That child deserves someone who does.”
Without taking his eyes off the baby, he answered her. “Does anyone know anything on how to be a parent before they become one?”
She mulled it over. Then, her lips turned upwards in a small half-smile, and she nodded once in clear defeat. “Alright,” she said softly. “I think they may be wrong about you. Good luck, Witcher. Perhaps I’ll see you both again.” And, with that, she hugged her cloak tighter around her and turned to head back through the night.
The child shifted in his arms, and he turned his attention back down to her.
He took a few frantic steps in the direction the woman had gone but stopped as soon as he’d started.
What had he just done?
He now had a child. A responsibility. And a big one, at that.
What the fuck had possessed him?
The little girl gurgled, and he stroked a finger across her soft, baby-skin forehead. She sneezed, and he found that familiar warmth return to him once again.
A baby.
His baby.
Gods. Fuck, fuck, shit.
He blinked, running over the words in his mind, all the while staring down at her.
Then, he hummed and walked back towards the building to get himself a room.
Nobody had ever done it before, but somehow, this tiny smudge of a human being had. She’d wrapped her little paws around the heart he hadn’t known was there and, on some odd grounds he didn’t believe he’d ever understand… he couldn’t find any reason to complain.
Witcher Masterpost
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allyhq · 5 years
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I read my horoscope and get really into astrology and shit. I’m a Libra but technically on the Libra-Scorpio cusp and that shit is real, so fuck off.
My middle name is Grant after the president.
People think my name is Bradley all the time and sometimes I don’t correct them so they feel dumb when they finally realize they were wrong.
I’m lowkey afraid of heights. Fuck that noise.
I think Halloween is the best holiday and you can’t change my mind.
I fucking love Ed Sheeran. Dude has some bangers and also gets me all in my feelings.
There are few things in life I wouldn’t do for a really good steak.
I actually lowkey killed it when I was in school, but college was not my jam and I don’t regret not going for a second.
The Dark Knight trilogy are my favorite movies of all time. I could spend forever telling you why.
On that note, I love movies in general and keep an updated list of favorites I could rewatch a billion times.
I’m a Gryffindor. I think Harry Potter is dope.
Which is why I have a black lab rescue pup I named Draco.
My favorite place I ever lived was Colorado. Hawaii was also cool but it was only for a year when I was a little kid.
My favorite color is blue. I don’t fuckin’ care which shade.
I think I look up to my brother more than I do either of my parents.
I miss my mom a lot, though. I try not to take our time together for granted or whatever.
Music is almost always playing in the apartment. Recently I really like Ed, Young the Giant, Drake, John Mayer, Post Malone. Tons of different stuff and it kinda changes by the month. Old Town Road is kinda a daily thing right now though.
I’m always spending money on new shoes. It’s kind of an addiction. I can’t stop.
I also love looking at really cool camera equipment I can’t afford. Pipe dreams and shit.
I can be really fucking stubborn.
I kind of hate being ignored by the people I care about and generally try not to give them any reasons to do that.
My favorite books are It and The Stranger.
I fucking love lions, man. Majestic motherfuckers.
On the other hand, fuck snakes.
I’m so easily annoyed by people who don’t know how to fucking drive. You know who you are and I hate you for it. And if you don’t know who you are, I’ll tell you.
I rarely get enough sleep and I’m aware it’s unhealthy but a dude’s got shit to do.
I don’t know if I want to have kids and I know I’m young and that might change a billion times, but that’s where I’m at now.
Basketball is my favorite sport to play. As for watching, I like hockey and football a lot.
I think Lunchables count as a legitimate adult meal, and we can fight about it.
When I was young I was always getting in trouble for the dumbest shit because I thought it was funny. I swore they were like painting a target on my back, when really I was just a little asshole sharpening my pencil really loudly for like five minutes straight.
No one is surprised to know I still find dumb shit funny, but I’m at least less of an annoying little shit nowadays.
I really want to go into serious film production someday. Not that I don’t take the shit I do now seriously, but working on real movies would be dope.
I can be indecisive as hell and it annoys even me.
As a kid I had a huge fucking crush on Sabrina the Teenage Witch. I lived off of reruns of that shit. I’m talking the original Sabrina, obviously, not the spooky remake version. Although she’s hot too.
My current celebrity crush is Blake Lively.
I have a really bad habit of procrastination. I love editing so I’ll usually be way ahead on that, then fall behind on all my other shit.
I’m not crazy about being on camera, but I like people listening to me talk.
I’m kind of a shit texter. I just suck at remembering to get back to people.
I think cupcakes are better than cake, but brownies are better than cupcakes. You’re wrong if you believe otherwise.
I want to learn another language, or maybe a few, instead of just fuckin’ shitty school-level Spanish. I’d be super down to learn actual Spanish, and maybe Portuguese or French or something.
I can do a backflip but I rarely actually do it.
Lucky Charms are where the fuck it’s at.
I want to own a pet lizard and I’ve been looking into it but haven’t committed to it yet.
I love concerts. I don’t even care who it is. I just love the atmosphere and shit.
I can get pretty jealous easily, but usually with good reason. I try to keep that shit in check.
I honestly try not to be standoffish or whatever, but sometimes I definitely come off that way.
I have some bad memories with Fireball but it’s still lowkey my shot of choice.
I’m 5′11″ and pissed about it and the 6′0″ asshole I live with and my 6′0″ asshole brother both know it and don’t let me forget it.
I want to visit Italy like nobody’s fuckin’ business.
I dunno. Fuck Trump I guess.
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roxy-davenport · 7 years
All I Want
Pairing: Crowley x Reader
Beta: @gettinjoyful
Word Count: 1,494
A/N: This was written for @webcricket’s SPN Advent Challenge with the prompt, “All I want for Christmas is you.” Fluffy and sexy.
                Also on AO3 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/12898323)
There you were lying in bed with your boyfriend of three years, the King of Hell. There were clothes laying on the floor thrown haphazardly across the room in your haste to be with your King. Chocolates and a santa bear lay at the foot of the bed along with an empty champagne bottle.The fireplace was still going strong, it’s warmth flooding the room making it nice and toasty. Warm enough in fact, to lie naked in bed snuggled with Crowley for example.
 You awoke slightly drowsy, from a bit too much champagne, to the crackle of logs and tender kisses on your neck. Crowley’s voice dropped an octave, making you bite your lip in anticipation. “Seems you’re not the only thing that’s up darling.” You didn’t have to turn around to know he was smirking. He rubbed his cock against your ass. Now that’s the way to start your morning.
 Just when Crowley moved, pinning you to the bed, his heated gaze sweeping over your naked form, a familiar song came on your Ipod. You had forgotten that you left your Ipod on, lulling you to sleep with your holiday playlist. You smiled up at him, your mind drifting for a moment at the memories the song brought. “All I Want For Christmas,” was your song, the song that started it all.
 You never took Crowley as one to shy away from his emotions. He didn't seem like a hesitant man but yet he hadn’t made a move. You’d been dropping hints for what felt like forever. You twirled your hair and leaned into him when he spoke, made excuses just to touch him, smiled immediately when he entered the room, stopped the boys from killing him more than once, and even gave him an artifact free of charge, no strings attached, just because he asked. That particular artifact was gotten by battling a warlock 30 hours away from the Bunker. Not that Crowley knew you went to all that trouble just to give him what he wanted. Honestly, you were happy you could make him happy. How much more obvious did you have to be?
 Of course, it could be, he simply didn't feel the same way or maybe he didn’t sleep with humans? Preferring demon kind over emotional, weak, meatsuits? Whatever the reason, good or bad, you had to know. It had been months since you started this little game, long enough to go crazy not knowing. You hoped you still had a chance because the second he walked into your life, he was all you ever wanted.
 You found the spell in one of the books in the Bunker library, good job fake hiding it Dean. He hated it when you did magic but that whole turning him into a dog thing was completely by accident. It was just supposed to make him a better listener. Anyway, Dean hid the book among, “Boils, Succubi and the Witch Trials.” Man did that title not sound good.
 Some of the ingredients were a bit hard to come by but a week later, you were standing in front of a flaming bowl waiting for Crowley. You were buzzed and so excited. Finally, you’d get some answers.
 Crowley appeared alright, but he seemed less than enthused by your summoning. His characteristic smirk was not there, instead replaced by a stressed and angry countenance. “A summoning? Doesn’t anyone call anymore?!”
 The second you saw him, your nerves set in. What if he didn’t want you. That would be so awkward and you really liked him.
 Crowley’s face changed from anger to curiosity at the sight of you there alone summoning him. What reason would you have to call for him? He waited for you to speak taking in your nervousness. He thought maybe the reason would be less than jovial. He made a glass of Craig appear and drank it slowly while observing you.
 Your hand shook at the belt of your trenchcoat. It was now or never. You had to speak, had to say something and quit staring at him. It was getting a little awkward.
 You gulped and tried to appear determined, though you’re sure you looked like a scared little mouse. You cleared your throat to gather up the courage. You had to know.
 Crowley sighed heavily deciding to speak to quicken the situation. “Yes, dear. I don’t have all day. Do the Winchesters-.”
 “That’s not why I called you. I don’t know if you’ve noticed but I fancy you and I called you to see if you feel the same way.”
 Crowley’s eyebrows shot up. He squinted his eyes for a second before he opened them and regarded you with a curious gaze. His eyes sweeping up and down your trench coat.
 “Did you really not notice the way I look at you, the way I make excuses to touch you, the way my smile gets brighter when you’re near me?”
 “I’m the King of Hell Y/N,” he stated cautiously. Oh did he notice, but he was the King. He couldn’t give into his impulses for a hunter and not just any hunter, but the bestie of the Winchesters. That would do wonders for his popularity in Hell.
 “Yes, and I’m a hunter, so what? That doesn’t answer the question,” you stated defiantly, hands on your hips.
 You could see the indecision written all over his face. He licked his lips as his eyes moved down to your naked legs. He was wondering if you were naked under there or just wearing a short skirt.
 Not waiting for an answer, you moved to your ipod and put on, “All I Want for Christmas is You.” You took an elf hat out of your trench coat pocket and put it on your head at the exact second that you dropped your trenchcoat onto the ground, revealing to your King, your naked body.
 It was now or never, no sense in not selling it. You found a strange sense of confidence now that you were naked before him. You raised your eyebrow at him before you sashayed over to him. “Are you in or out Crowley? We’ve been doing this dance for too long. All I want for Christmas is you. What do you want for Christmas?” you asked, your voice lower and sultry like a femme fatale. You slowly licked your lips as you inched closer.
 Crowley snapped away his glass and eyed you carefully looking for any hint of deception. Finding none, he was debating whether to finally give in to what he desperately wanted, awaken his human desires or be the King Hell needed. You were quite the temptress.
 Your bare feet made soft sounds on your plush carpet as you walked even closer to him, close enough to kiss him should the mood strike. You stayed at the edge of the carpet, a hair’s breadth away from the Devil’s Trap.
 “Don’t you want to play with your present?” you asked coyly, holding your hands out, you added, “I’m all yours my King.”
 That was the final straw, Crowley moved or tried to and then noticed he was in a Devil’s Trap.
 You smirked at the irritation on his face. “Tsk. Tsk. As you said you’re a busy King, I’d hate to keep you. Just wanted to trap you long enough to get a straight answer. Thanks for being so transparent.”
 You bent down slowly, giving him a good show, as you carefully scraped the Devil’s trap on the hardwood floor.
The second Crowley was free, he scooped you up into his arms and carried you over to your plush bed. When your back hit the soft sheets, his lips found yours and he kissed you passionately, conveying his feelings for you in that kiss.
 “I noticed it all pet, I just didn't think this would be wise for a King to do or that you really wanted me. I’ve done terrible things pet, horrible things.Things one could never forgive.”
 “I know and you’ve done wonderful things too, helped people, worked with the Winchesters, fought by their side. You’re not like other demons, you can feel and love and you desperately deserve to be loved in return.”
 “You can’t possibly-.”
 “I can and I will if you’ll have me. That I promise you. I will never stop loving you.”
 Crowley smiled down at you knowing what you were thinking, which memory you were seeing. This was your song after all. He said these words every Christmas you shared. “All I want for Christmas is you pet, my feisty little hunter.”
 “And all I want for Christmas is you, my King,” you replied contentedly, your hand caressing his cheek.
 Suffice to say, the only sounds audible for the rest of the morning were moans and growls peppered with love bites and affectionate words. You couldn’t ask for a better Christmas than being here with your King.
Forevers: @purgatoan, @killerofthesouth @charliebradbury1104, @chaos-and-the-calm67 @chelsea072498 @one-shots-supernatural @everyday-supernatural-af@kalliravenne, @delisp  @toogardenenthusiast, @winchesterprincessbride, @take-me-tonirvana, @hellsmother, @ellen-reincarnated1967, @faegal04, @evilskank-inthemegacoven, @mamaredd123, @atc74 @hamartiamacguffin, @donnaintx, @love-kittykat21, @impala-dreamer, @evansrogerskitten, @lucifer-in-leather, @riversong-sam, @rosie-winchester, @chaosinacoffeecup
Crowley peeps: @singingflames,  @jesspfly, @alangel1895, @raspberrymama, @raimie77, @daintyunicorn, @nothin-after-79, @gettinjoyful @jocyc1997, @imaginecrowleyspn, @ravenangel33, @alangel1895  @daughterofthebrowncoats, @boxer-pup, @crowley-you-sinnamon-roll, @crowleys-dungeon, @crowleysplaythings, @crowleyshellhoundproductions, @klaineaholic @jesspfly, @annabellerosemasters, @fuschiarulerinthebluebox, @kdfrqqg,  @manawhaat, @notnaturalanahi, @bkwrm523, @whispersandwhiskerburn,  @for-the-love-of-dean, @jelly-beans-and-gstrings, @deansleather, @deantbh@whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @wi-deangirl77,  @chaos-and-the-calm67, @jotink78 @babypieandwhiskey, @howmanytuesdaysdidyouhave, @notnaturalanahi @memariana91, @fandommaniacx, @mysaintsasinner, @winchester-writes, @vintagevalentinexx, @theficlibrarium, @itsemmyb, @crzcorgi, @deerlululucy, @growleytria, @thegleegeneration, @samtomydeanwinchester, @supermoonpanda, @i-never-said-a-pilot @sis-tafics, @ferferelli, @lilyoflothlorien, @chrisatplay, @faith-in-dean,  @for-the-love-of-dean, @gadreelsforbiddenfruit, @trenchcoats-and-bees, @curliesallovertheplace, @jencharlan, @not-so-natural-spn, @winchester-writes, @skybinx-blog, @thebunkerismyhome, @feelmyroarrrr, @winchesters-princess, @beachy2014, @tia58, @impossible-box, @katnharper, @sunriserose1023, @jotink78, @notnaturalanahi, @winchestersmolder@babypieandwhiskey, @howmanytuesdaysdidyouhave@marasficrecs, @damalseer@nixie-ravenwillow, @karlamoriarty, @revwinchester, @kittenofdoomage, @deansleather @whydoyouwantmetosaymyname, @faith-in-dean, @jelly-beans-and-gstrings, @supernatural-jackles, @whispersandwhiskerburn, @hexparker, @crowley-you-sinnamon-roll @scheherazades-horcrux, @talesmaniac89, @ajacentlee, @chelsea072498, @skybinx-blog @kittenofdoomage, @teamfreewill92, @maraisabellegrey, @winchester-writes, @fandommaniacx @archangels-lollipop
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drabbletale · 7 years
Overcome - PuppyBerry drabble
After a rough break-up, FS!Papyrus chose his brother, his universe, over Swap!Sans and the Swap universe. It was easy and familiar for someone terrified of change and anxious in a too-gentle universe. But when his brother finds out where he had been, he ends up back at Blue’s door... tail between his legs.
Angsty with a happy ending? I love this pairing.
I’ll probably be posting more puppyberry in the future. I’m obsessed. Probably shorter ones though, unless an idea comes to me.
Words: 1693
Pup stood completely still as the smaller skeleton’s hands gently played at his hips. “I knew you’d come back.” His smile was almost… sad. Blue’s eyes seemed to shine against the dim lights in his dining room, grip keeping Pup pinned against the side of the dinner table. Their teeth clacked together and Pup trembled at how soft Blue’s body was. Always seemed to be.
“my brother kicked me out when he found out i’d been… with you.” He tried to keep his voice neutral, not letting the pain in his chest show through his words…. though his face was flushed and he knew he must look exhausted. “where was I supposed to go?” He said as Blue slowly backed away from the other, once again staring into his eyes. He seemed to be hiding his emotions as well, it was a strange look for his baby Blue.
“And what exactly were you planning to do when you got here? What did you expect I would say?” Blue gave him a small smile, grasping his hips more firmly as he pressed against him. Pup gasped quietly, hands now gripping the edge of the table, but made no attempt to get away. “Do you expect me to let you stay here? Welcome you with open arms and take care of you?”
Pup had the common decency to look ashamed, closing his eyes and turning away from Blue, voice calm. “of course not.”
“Ah…” Blue let out a humorless chuckle and shook his head. “I get it. You want to be punished.” His body was flush against the other’s now, teeth just barely grazing over Pup’s jaw. “For failing, right? Not being who he wanted to you to be. For being weak and giving in to someone as ‘good’ as me.” Pup tensed, a sharp pain overtaking his soul and making him whine. “Maybe you even want to die…. For me to kill you?”
“m-m’lord…” His breathing was labored, mind completely fogged over by the proximity of the other skeleton.
Pup felt Blue push away, but didn’t open his eyes. “sorry, Blue.”
A short exhale of breath from Blue could have been a sigh or a scoff, he wasn’t sure. “And I am NOT going to kill you. You can just let the guilt eat you alive, okay? B-because I… I’m not going to be used any more. I-I deserve to be happy. My brother w-wants me to be happy and he says I deserve it. And… And killing you… getting some sort of sick r-revenge… h-has never made anyone happy. So whatever sick satisfaction you think you’ll get from me punishing you, is just too bad!”
There was a complete silence between them, until Pup opened his eyes to look at Blue. He tried to blink away the tears, but they simply fell down his pale cheekbones and over the ridged lines of his jaw. Pup couldn’t help the small smile. “i am… so happy…. for that….” He closed his eyes again and placed a hand over where his soul sat in his chest, burning with untapped desire. “i want nothing more than your happiness now. if forgiveness is what helps you, then it’s what i want you to do for me.”
Blue was taken aback by this. “No more of this… this… pretending I’m your brother? You can get over it? Just like that?!” His voice was harsh, perhaps a bit of fear laced within it.
The taller skeleton only shook his head, still with a small, sad smile. “m’lord has spoken and he no longer wants me around. our relationship is over. it’s been destroyed, torn apart by my indecisiveness.” Blue looked to the floor and nodded. About what, Pup wasn’t sure, but he continued anyway. “and if you want me to live with my guilt, i understand. i only want what is best for you, blue. despite everything that happened… honey…. despite everything that i’ve done to you, i only want you to understand that i was doing it all for you.” He stared at Blue’s more gentle facial features, as he seemed to be gazing out of a window, deep in thought. “or rather… for who i believed you to be. i… i have to adapt to this universe and its rules… honesty and love… to understand exactly who you are.”
Blue looked back to him now with a stern expression. “Finally.”
He received another small smile in response, “you’re better than i could ever dream to be.”
Another short silence went between them as Blue looked around the room, seemingly everywhere but at Pup. “How did you even find me? I’ve moved since then…” He crossed his arms, but to Pup it looked more like he was hugging himself. “I did everything to hide my tracks…”
“you’re not very skilled at it. and the underground is small, it’s not like you moved to another universe.” Pup played with the edges of his sleeves, his heart sinking. He tried not to sound desperate. “please don’t do that…”
Blue rolled his eyes and shook his head. “My universe is perfect for me, thank you.”
Pup wiped away his own tears with the back of his sleeve, suddenly realizing that they were still there. He must have looked like a babybones. “i’m sorry for the pain i’ve caused you. i don’t expect you to forgive me. i will leave you now…” He stood straight and zipped up his hoodie to his chin. He could still feel Blue’s hands on his hips…. though they had long since been removed.
Blue shook his head, looking over the other. He still seemed to be holding himself, but his body had stopped being as tense as it was when Pup had first arrived. “And where are you going to go, huh? You can’t exactly go around looking like that.”
“what’s wrong with how i look?” And there was the growling voice Blue remembered.
He sighed and let his arms fall again, “Do you see the way I dress?” Pup’s gaze seemed to eat him up as he nodded, “You’re from a Fell universe. You dress really dark, your teeth are sharp but not naturally, and the way you sulk around and glare at people is scary. Monsters like me will notice you in a crowd right away.”
“there is not a single person in the multiverse like you, blue.” Pup seemed to be sinking into himself, as he eyed the door, but made no move toward it.
“Yes there is.” Animated as ever, Blue’s hands were at his hips. “I’m a normal monster with normal hopes and dreams and a normal life! I am not special, okay?”
“you are to me.” It was said with the finality of a goodbye and Pup turned to leave, worn shoes shuffling as he walked. Blue stood in silence as he left the dining room and through the front door. It closed softly behind him, but the noise still made the nervous skeleton jump a bit. It wasn’t fair! None of this was fair at all!
“Oh stars…” He said softly to the room, shaking his head slowly, “What am I supposed to do?”
And he felt it. He felt an emotion from the deepest part of his soul, an ache, sorrow and he knew in his heart that he was the only one who could answer his prayers. There was a voice from within, calling out in his mind. 'It would be okay if you gave in’, it told him. 'You cannot change the way you feel. You want him and that will never ch-’
“UGH.” He covered his face and grit his teeth. “JUST SHUT UP! I-I can’t… he’ll hurt me again, I just can’t. I can’t…”
'Help him.’ The dark voice insisted, 'Help your puppy. Only he can make you happy.’
He wanted to rip his own soul out of his chest, but the voice was gone. The pressure in his soul had dissipated with it and he was left alone and tired.
“P-Puppy…. But he….”
He lied to me. But I promised… I promised I would forgive him… He didn’t let me say it!
Blue burst through the front door and down the driveway to where Pup was still walking. “Wait! Don’t go!” He was already trembling by the time he was near the other skeleton, hands aching to reach out to him. “Don’t leave… Not yet…” He caught his breath and looked to see the taller monster staring down at him, worry etched in his pointed features. “I forgot to tell you something…. I just have… to say this…”
Pup nodded, taking a step closer, “what is it, honey?”
They looked into each other’s eyes and Blue felt a small flood of relief wash over his soul. “I forgive you.” He said it with perfect honesty, but Pup looked almost heartbroken.
“what?” He replied in a near-whisper, eyes wide and shoulders tensed.
“I said… I forgive you.”
He approached Pup then, hands outreached towards him and a cautious smile on his face. The other skeleton seemed to shrink at the sight of the oncoming skeleton, but he didn’t back away. Hands were placed on either side of his cheekbones as Blue pulled him down into a kiss. He wrapped his arms around Pup’s neck, holding him close as he felt the other press back.
Slowly, so slowly, he backed away enough to rest her forehead against Pup’s. “thank you….” He had never thought Pup could speak so desperately, so full of raw emotion, in two simple words. He pulled Blue into a tight embrace, bodies completely pressed against one another. Blue felt large hands stroking down his spine.
“Stay here then…. With me?” He buried his face into the warmth of Pup’s hoodie. “You have nowhere else to go…”
“i will, blue. i will forever be indebted to you, for this kindness… after everything that i have done. i will do anything for your love… for your attention.”
“N-no, that’s…. I just want you to stay here, not…” He sighed and relaxed in the comfortable arms. “We’ll work on that.”
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philosopherking1887 · 7 years
"Value me"
I wrote a version of “Value Me” for @darklittlestories, on Tumblr here and on AO3 here, that was a Thor 1 fix-it where Thor tells Loki how he feels about him. So I decided to do this as a sort of companion piece: another Thor fix-it (in a different version of reality, of course) where Loki tells Thor how he feels. [[Edit: I originally put in a “Read More” link, but on my phone I couldn’t see any of the text under it, and I decided to take it out in case others were having the same problem. I apologize for the unwieldy length of the post.]]
From his seat on the high throne of Hliðskjalf, Loki couldsee, as if through the eyes of a bird hovering just above the scene, Thorwalking out alone to face the Destroyer. Still obeying Loki’s silent commands,the Destroyer approached him through the devastation of the deserted street.Then Thor began speaking—quietly, not a speech for the friends wholingered anxiously at some distance, but for Loki alone, as if they stood face to face.
“Brother, whatever I have done to wrong you, whatever I havedone to lead you to do this, I am truly sorry. But these people are innocent.Taking their lives will gain you nothing. So take mine, and end this.”
Loki’s jaw was clenched so hard that his teeth hurt. “Whatever I have done”? He inhaledsharply through his nostrils, and as if in answer, the Destroyer opened itsmask and heated from inside, preparing to breathe its fire. But at Loki’swordless command, the Destroyer shuttered and cooled, and Loki projected just hisvoice beside Thor’s ear, as if he stood at his shoulder. “Liar,” he hissed.
“What?” Thor asked stupidly, like a dog being scolded forsome offense it does not understand.
“Liar,” Loki said again, louder, more vicious. “How can yoube ‘truly sorry’ if you do not even know what you have done?”
“Then tell me, so that I may give you theapology you need,” Thor begged.
“Oh, gladly,” Loki bit out. “All our lives, you have takenmy love, my help, my worship even, asif they were no more than your due. And what have you given me in return? Youclaim all the glory and adulation for victories that belonged to both ofus; you demean the very gifts with which I aid you—‘Some do battle, others just do tricks’—and invite even the lowest servants to join you in your mockery. But it is ‘my place,’ isn’t it, to hover silently at your elbow, always ready toserve; to sacrifice any pride and ambitionof my own to your greater glory; to thankyou for the kicks you throw in my direction, because at least they meanthat you have noticed me. And I am sick of it, Thor; it sticks in my throat andchokes me. I know now that I was not born to be your faithful hunting dog. No—Iam a direwolf, and however docile the pup may seem, a wild creature will not beforever kept as a pet. Beware its fangs! For they will teach you to regret eachcareless kick.”
Thor was standing in dumbfounded silence, his mouth hangingfoolishly open, a look of pain and horror on his face. His friends weremurmuring their confusion, wondering why he had been standing there for solong, doing and saying nothing. Was he hurt? In shock? Under some kind ofspell? In a sense, Loki mused, he was all three. The only wound he had taken,the only spell that transfixed him, was that of truth; but as Loki knew all toowell, there was no wound more grievous, no curse more powerful.
“Oh, Loki, my brother, my little brother,” Thor began; hisvoice broke on the last word, and the tears that brimmed in his eyes spilledover to trace lines in the dust on his face.
“I’m not your brother. I never was,” Loki spat, but theviolence of his declaration was marred by the tremor in his own voice, as thesight of Thor’s weeping called forth the tears he did not even know he had beenfighting to hold back.
“You are always mybrother, always, always. Yes, you are a direwolf, you are a dragon, and you are my brother, and I am sorry. I am so very, very sorry.”
Thor held out his hand, his palm slightly curved as if tocup an invisible face from which Loki’s voice proceeded, and then his fingerscurled as if wishing to grip the nape of his neck in his customary gesture ofcomfort and affection. He grasped at empty air, until with a rush of wind and adarkening of the clear desert sky, a familiar shape approached from above, andMjölnir’s leather-wrapped handle flew to meet his outstretched palm.
For a moment Thor stared blankly, unbelievingly, at thehammer in his hand. Then he called, “Heimdall! Take me home. My brother needsme.”
There was no answer. Of course there was no answer. “Heimdall!”Thor called again, anxious and impatient.
Now Loki was the one frozen in shock and indecision. Couldhe trust this? Was it not too little and too late? What of his plan to provehis greater worth to their father? Why did it now feel so petty, so hollow? Wasthere any way to undo what he had already done, or had he gone too far to turnaround?
Thor, somehow, had not gone too far—or so Mjölnir hadjudged. He had reached out for Loki, and Mjölnir had come back to him. Did thatmean that Loki, too, had some worth yet?
Something in Loki had decided before his paralyzed mindcould intervene. He was already rushing toward the stables as he sent a lastprojected message to Thor: “Wait for me. I’ll bring you home.”
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moonshroooms · 7 years
late night self reflective asks 🌙
[For anyone else that wants to get the same asks]
cosmos: what's one thing you wish you could say to someone you are no longer friends with?
“Can I get your number?”
Literally would have saved me so many friends. But I was like, 12.
galaxies: what are three things you want to do before you die?
See the northern lights, make a difference when it comes to the treatment/conservation of the environment, donate to cancer research for animals
waxing: what is your proudest accomplishment?
I don’t know yet
waning: what is your biggest regret?
Not being proactive enough in my cat’s cancer. It was a couple years ago. I had no money. I had no one that could help. I had to ask others to help with vet bills. And I just… it was malignant. There was nothing I could do but I never feel like I ever did enough. I feel like I just let it happen.
full moon: what type of person do you hope to be?
Someone that can make others laugh. Someone who does her part in helping the world. She doesn’t need to be recognized or anything, just someone who helped. Someone who sees the fun in everything, sees as much good in others as she can, and is steadfast about her beliefs and drive, but open-minded enough to change if she wants. I just want to be someone better than me.
contemplation: if you could wake up one morning and everything in your life was perfect, what would that look like?
A small, two bedroom house, with more yard than house. I have a large garden I keep and maintain myself, including some fruits and vegetables. One spouse, two kids: one birthed, one adopted. My mom lives nearby and receives the medical care she needs and has wonderful friends. My best friends are near. We have two cats. There’s a forest nearby and we’re away from the city. I work as something with animals, something I have yet to find, but it’s perfect and what I want and it helps make a difference. We make enough to pay the bills and can go somewhere nice if we save for a while. I’ve taken a part of my old cat’s ashes and used them to grow a tree in the backyard, which is the biggest tree on the property and me and my kids climb it often. It grows beautiful flowers every spring.
night light: who/what makes you feel safe?
Holding my old cats ashes. It’s in a really pretty wooden box with her name on it.
ponder: what do you want to do with your life?
Live around people that make me happy, have my mom in a place where I needn’t worry about her, make a difference – even a small one – in the world of animals, and be happier.
sunset: who is someone you thought would be in your life forever, but you no longer talk to?
My old cat who passed away, though I still talk to her so I wonder if that really counts?
midnight: are you a different person late at night than in the early morning?
Not really, if you don’t count the morning-me that takes a second to wake up.
candle light: are you an indecisive person?
I don’t know [/sarcasm]
reflection: have you ever changed something you liked about yourself to satisfy someone else?
Heck no. The fudge  if I actually had something I liked about myself I would keep that ish the other person can fudge off
sweet dreams: are you happy?
I’m not.
nightmare: what are you most afraid of?
Losing those closest to me, usually by my own incompetence or inaction
constellations: who is someone you could talk to for hours and never stop?
My mom and my best friend B
reminder: who is someone you will never forget?
My old cat Princess.
11-11: what's something you want, but feel like you will never have?
A job/career that I’m happy with
shooting star: who is someone you trust to help you make the right decisions?
My best friend B
earth: where do you feel most at home?
With my best friends, all the way across the country. I’ll get there someday.
soothe: what's one thing that always makes you feel better when you're upset?
Holding Princess’ box.
this really dumb picture of this manga dude that looks like he’s about to either chomp or make out with an incredibly distressed wolf pup. I don’t even know what manga this thing is from but it’s just so fricking funny that’s the good shit right therr
slumber: what's one thing that helps you fall asleep when it feels impossible?
Staying awake until it’s physically impossible for me to not pass out. Literally nothing can make me go to sleep if I just have an off night, I am cursed
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