gianlucacrugnola · 10 months
Wire - Pink Flag
L’originalità del debutto ha le caratteristiche e le sembianze di Pink Flag, primo imprevedibile, glorioso album dei Wire. Solo trentacinque minuti per ben ventuno canzoni, un concentrato punkrock minimalista, spremuto fino all’osso, ogni singola canzone è tagliente, furiosa e originale. I Wire mostrano da subito una gamma di capacità fuori dal comune che li colloca tra la band ’77 più…
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kotorswtor · 4 years
If it'd entertain you, I'd love to hear about the cooking habits of Ellekai, Revan or anyone else you feel like talking about! What is their favourite thing to eat? And does Ellekai's closeness to Mandalorian culture mean she is the only one at her temple who can eat spicy food? :)
Ellekai (for the benefit of new friends, my SWtOR Jedi sage, a zabrak born to Mandalorian parents) is all about that spice. She grew up with the Jedi Order issuing most of her meals, and didn’t particularly have a natural aptitude for cooking or a huge number of opportunities to practice, but she’s learned to competently prepare a few things, the way she does everything, meticulous research and stubbornness with a side of copious swearing. Most of the dishes she knows how to make are face-meltingly spicy.
In general, Ellekai likes trying new foods. Jedi don’t own stuff, so the thing she most commonly gives or receives as gifts is opportunities to check out cool out-of-the-way restaurants wherever she and her loved ones are stationed. Her go-to ethnic cuisines other than her native one are Kaleesh and Pasaanan.
Legends-lore-wise, Zabraks are obligate carnivores. I’ve speculated that field rations made for Zabraks are pretty much canned cat food. You turn a standard-issue Zabrak ration into a Mandozabrak ration by drowning it in whatever the in-universe equivalent to Lao Gan Ma is.
Meirah, my Revan, barely remembers to eat without help and would probably live on synthesized protein glop full time if she could, with a few exceptions. She told her crew on Taris that she was taking part in the dueling arena because having a supply of ready cash would help them take advantage of any opportunity to get off-world, and that was...about 75% true. The rest was so that she could take Mission out for bubble tea whenever she wanted.
Meirah’s inexplicably-strong emotional response to the plain, hearty food served at the Dantooine Jedi Enclave- she nearly burst into tears when someone handed her a proper cup of tea- was a good indication that her post-Battle of Sernpidal conditioning was starting to fail.
I don’t think she ever becomes an especially discerning eater or enthusiastic, independent cook. Carth, who learned to feed himself and his crew during long shifts in the Telos Defense Force and subsequently on military leave, is much more competent in the kitchen, and she learns the fundamentals by sous-cheffing for him.
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wildwildwasteland · 4 years
30, 25, 16, 1! (for the fallout ask meme)
30. answered!
25. I actually do want to hear about your fallout OCS! PLEASE give me a fun fact about each one you have!
this is gonna be so long if i do all of them but uhh fun fact about my fallout tabletop psyker dacian: he’s actually a decent cook but since he’s not picky he eats things like raw blamco mac and cheese anyway
16. Who had the dopest #look in the series so far?
1. Whats a NPC from your favourite fallout game you woulda liked to have had as a companion?
would’ve been so perfect if ulysses was a companion like..... two couriers in the mojave, what messages will they deliver?
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incorrectwtnvquotes · 6 years
*Cecil about his new StrexCorp supervisor Lauren Mallard*
Cecil: I just saw my boss, who is a grown-ass woman, whisper to herself
Lauren: This is going to be so fucking efficient
Cecil: Before spraying febreeze into the ceiling fan and proceeding to cough her guts out when it blew back into her face
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fialleril · 5 years
 🎲 😊
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ravel-puzzlewell · 6 years
🔥 KotOR 2? / Dragon Age?
dragon age “meta theories” read like:
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The figure on the newest released mural is NOT a solas, despite looking exactly like solas and wearing his signature “twice divorced bird” fur-robe, because this figure has shoulder-length silver-white hair and dramatic lighting in art doesn’t exist. Here, I’ll provide helpful examples of his pictures looking exactly like this one down to the swampy shade of fur-suit, to illustrate how it’s NOT him 
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Now, who can this mysterious figure be? Let’s look at the idol. It has a spiky horn on it’s head. Who else has it? That’s right, both Flemeth and Andraste. Which means that Flemeth is Andraste and also this idol.
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We can see that Andraste\Flemeth has same silvery-white shoulder-length hair as this figure, which means it’s her son from an elf. But from which elf? On the page 527 of “Down the Griffon's Groin” book Noeme Gingerbatch has a vision in the Fade of Andraste banging her ally, elven hero Shartan. Which means that the figure on a mural is a son of Flemeth\Andraste and Shartan. But what elf do we know to have silvery-white hair and have no memory of his parents? That’s right, it’s Fenris.
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He even has feathers on his shoulders and steel gauntlets, just like his mom Flemeth does. To have another proof of his special heritage, let’s remember that no other elf in Dragon age 2 has a chin. Fenris’ supposed sister doesn’t have it. Even elves that previously had jawlines, like Zevran, lose them. 
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Everyone else? Oval blobs in place of chin. Fenris? Jawline sharp enough to cut glass, which obviously betrays his special genetics. So, Fenris is a son of Flemeth\Andraste and he will face off a giant red-eyed wolf. Who that wolf can be? Again, it’s not solas’ three-eyed wolf, it’s some other three eyed wolf because they look like different breeds:
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Fenris is strongly associated with wolf imagery, both in-universe and in meta-sense. In north mythology, Fenris is a giant wolf, son of Loki, who will break his chain and eat the sun. On the mural, the sun is represented by Andraste’s idol in a symbolic circle. But where else there are giant wolves? That’s right, in “Wolf among us”
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Season 2 Wolf among us is confirmed and it’s it’s Dragon age 4!
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horsyunicorn · 5 years
@punkrock-furiosa you know what I can’t be bothered for tumblr to get its shit together
“Headcanon meme: ☾ ☆ ■ ♦☮ ♡ ♒ ൠ for Kassandra and/or Shepard :) 🐋🌈”
ty!!! Kassandra is currently on my mind! but I’ll throw in some Apostrophe Shepard. so
☾ - sleep headcanon
Kassandra doesn’t need to sleep every night but when she does sleep, she’ll sleep for 12 hours straight if allowed (though she is a light sleeper) then she’ll wander around on deck/downstairs asking if there’s any food for breakfast.
★ - sad headcanon
Kaidan made a romantic advance or two on Apostrophe before Virmire, but Apostrophe didn’t precisely feel that way about him. However she did still care about him a great deal, and in fact, regarded him as a very close and reliable friend, so she regrets not responding to some of his attempts to reach out before he died.
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
Kassandra has filled the hold of the Adrestia with obsidian, iron, leather and wood, so there’s barely any space for anyone to sleep below deck. Usually her crew sleep on deck. Luckily it’s mild enough or even sometimes pleasantly warm in the Aegean so this isn’t too bad.
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
Kassandra is secretly a nerd and loves finding old poetry, songs, stories etc; hence why she finds and collects fragments of the Ainigmata Ostraka.
☮ - friendship headcanon
One of Apostrophe’s close friends is Javik. Like her, he often feels out of place and amongst people who expect to her to do something, but without talking to her about it or supporting her all the time.
♡ - romantic headcanon
Kassandra honestly is more used to shorter relationships, especially since sometimes the people she gets attached to end up in danger and must leave her to be safe. But Enyo is a lieutenant on her ship and more than that, a top mercenary before being recruited. She’s a competent fighter and knows how to look after herself. Kassandra is still getting used to being able to rely on Enyo in such a romantic way.
♒ - cooking/food headcanon
Kassandra loves bread. She loves carbs. Sometimes her lieutenants/dads (Barnabas and Herodotus) have to stop her from eating a hunk of bread that has been jangling about in her travel bag for a week, acquiring a layer of grime from all the spare drachmae, wolfskins and torches she keeps in there.
ൠ - random headcanon
Kassandra gets distracted by cute quest-givers all the time. This is why she no longer takes Enyo on quests unless there will definitely be fighting.
A cute npc: Thank you. Is that all?
Kassandra: [dialogue option: “Join my crew?”]
Kassandra, internally: I have a girlfriend. I have a girlfriend. I have a girlfriend. I have a g
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omegastation · 6 years
punkrock-furiosa replied to your photo “gotta love the sheer beauty and vibes of me1 ”
I land on every planet every time just to look at the skies. Sidequests be damned, but all those different planets provoke such a sense of wonder.
yeeeeees it’s gorgeous and immersive
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dalishious · 6 years
Hi, would you by any chance know if we were told who the Fog Warriors are, precisely? I always thought they were Kossith/Qunari group that never followed the Qun and developed its own culture completely separately, and that "Fog Warriors" was the name of their society/nations. But I've seen it claimed that it means they're neither humans nor elves or Qunari but a completely new race (well, primarily, considering they seem to accept outsiders too). Or if there's no info, what would you prefer?
The Fog Warriors are mostly made up of the natives of Seheron. Gaider said this on the fourms. And here’s a codex written in the perspective of a Fog Warrior.
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punkrock-furiosa · 5 years
Did I already say that I love Mayor/Emergency press conferences director Pamela Winchell? Because I do. I love her very much.
She’s half Night Vale personified and half someone who takes precisely zero shits, and I am HERE for it.
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thanks @punkrock-furiosa for helping me with these. happy valentine’s day everyone
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lorkhanic · 5 years
Tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better
Tagged by: @punkrock-furiosa thank u :~)
Tagging: i hate picking people just do it if you want to and say i tagged u 
favorite color: burple
top 3 ships: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh vivec/almalexia, 
lipstick or chapstick: neither. we have cracked lips and die like men when eating anything remotely salty
last movie: How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World 
last song: Skalds and Shadows - Blind Guardian
currently reading: Does the 5E Player’s Handbook count?
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esfingeliteraria · 4 years
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KING KONG GIRL⚡Anteúltimo capítulo de este ensayo punk feminista, que pareciera revelar con cada palabra una herida abierta en la piel de las mujeres que le escapan al concepto de “femenidad” Sabemos que Virginie Despentes es una feminista blanca, rubia y francesa, pero a su vez también es una chica punk, internada en un psiquiátrico a los 15 años, que sufrió una violación, trabajo como prostituta independiente, y convirtió su rabia en libro y también en película. Sí, existen tantos feminismos como mujeres, y cada una escribe desde su propia voz 📣 Escucha el capítulo completo en el enlace en la BIO 📖👂 (o en https://youtu.be/aL1tqGc70bc) INTERPRETACIÓN SUBJETIVA (Parte 2) Comprendemos entonces, que feminidad es sinónimo de censura: 🔸No hablar demasiado alto 🔸No sentarse con las piernas abiertas 🔸No expresarse en un tono autoritario 🔸No hablar de dinero 🔸No querer tomar el poder 🔸No buscar el prestigio 🔸No ser demasiado graciosa 🔸No brillar por tu inteligencia 🔸No reírse demasiado fuerte Y al final lo que nos salva es nuestro lado salvaje⚡ con el que convivimos desde la infancia, cuando apenas comenzábamos a palpar ese corset femenino, que no nos dejará respirar🍃 😎No olvidemos a las mujeres punks, las “Riot Grrrl” (y no “Riot Womans”) porque según se dice, estas mujeres recordaban sentirse más poderosas cuando eran niñas, antes de ser forzadas a enfrentar las demandas sociales y la mirada masculina. 📓Ya lo escribió Emily Brontë en cumbres borrascosas: “ojalá volviera a ser una niña, medio salvaje e intrépida, y libre…”. 🔥Pero volvamos a Virginie: una voz sumamente irónica, fresca, furiosa, introspectiva y filosófica, que nos escupe sus verdades, para recordarnos que el antídoto tiene la misma raíz que el veneno Y que es en nuestras miserias y contradicciones, en nuestro lado más salvaje y encarcelado, en el que aún podemos armar un refugio y encontrarnos cara a cara con nosotras mismas✨ #audiolibros #audiolibrosenespañol #audiolibrosgratis #audiolibrosenespañol #feminismo #feminismos #literaturauniversal #virginiedespentes #teoriakingkong #punk #feminismopunk #punkrock #punkgirl #riotgrrrl #anarquismo #mujereslibres #anarcofeminista — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3aLP0QG
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horsyunicorn · 5 years
Assumption: You grow thyme or rosemary on your window or would if given the option, you've taught at least 3 different cockatiels how to ask for treats nicely and then taught them unrelated swearwords while you were at it, and you have strong opinions about different kinds of jams (both food and music) 🐋🌊
oh ty!!
I haven’t actually met any cockatiels, only cockatoos and rainbow lorikeets and they never really talk to me, sadly =(
I actually have no idea why I like to use thyme so much (maybe cos it’s the one herb my mum never uses?) and we don’t have that but we do have an old rather woody rosemary bush next to the laundry and another younger one on the other side of the house.
You’re very right about jams 🍓
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punkrock-furiosa · 5 years
I’m deeply entertained that Cecil’s utter and complete unwillingness to deal with emotions or realities he finds unpleasant or running counter to his worldview is only outmatched by Cecil’s irrepressible need to talk about them nonstop.
Honestly though, after 53: September Monologues and learning more about Steve Carlsberg, and after the town nearly chased away the scientists who came searching for Carlos, and who Cecil saw “for the first time not as friends or fellow citizens, but as a dangerous angry mob,” (quoting form memory here) I’m thinking the next plot will force Cecil to confront his worldview, patriotism and faith in Night Vale. He accepts a lot of things that he shouldn’t as totally normal, and that was half the trick of making Night Vale entertaining, and it served him well against Strex. But right now he keeps encountering things which are less than ideal in his town, and we keep encountering things he apparently swept under the rug in order to conform.
So right here and now, I’m putting my bets on the fact that he will need to learn how to stand up for what’s right or true rather than for an establishment that’s good because it’s his.
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undeadcorvid-thm · 6 years
Hi, I'm trying to set up a Helium OCs page and I love it so far! But I'd like to ask how you did the different header colours - the theme description says "automatic" but mine are all black, despite already having several different (and working) sorting parameters. Is that something I need to manually change for each card, or can it be done in some simpler way?
They automatically change when one of two classes are added to the card - ‘new’ will turn the header pink, and ‘fav’ will turn them green, like so
            This card will have a pink header
If you want to change the classes or the colours, you need to find this section of CSS
.fav .cardheader { background-color: #73D699!important; } .new .cardheader { background-color: #F8415C!important; }
(You can also add new classes that will change the colour by copying and pasting one of these sections and giving it a different name)
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