#linda is so good with bart tho
P for the fandom meme:)
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas)
This is a DC blog so I'm going to go with a DC au. (I think someone's already thought of every possible AU for this tho) Well I'm a fan of the anime Fairy Tail, so how about an AU based off that? Each of the fams is a different guild.
If it doesn't have to be an AU that majorly changes the universe tho then I really want an AU where the Tornado Twins, Don and Dawn Allen, come back to life pre-flashpoint. Like during The Flash: Rebirth. Imagine the utter chaos.
Jay happy to welcome his grandchildren. Iris overjoyed, her family is alive again. Barry feeling out of his depth with his adult children who's lives he entirely missed. Wally confused because he's glad his cousins aren't dead but now they are here in his time and old grudges start to rise up. Linda happy to finally meet them, she's heard so much about them. Jesse happy to meet the Tornado Twins but jealous of Bart because her dad is gone for good and he just got two back. Bart not sure how to feel because he has always wanted his family alive and with him but he doesn't know them and he just got Max back, he doesn't need another father figure between him and Jay, but his birth dad who was murdered when he was a baby is here and he can't abandon him. Irey delighted at more speedsters. Jai quietly upset because they're twins who both have speed and he just lost all of his abilities.
And then there's the twins themselves! They're from the 30th century, and everything here is both new and completely ancient! Barry, their dad who died before they were born, is alive! Their mom looks way younger now, but she's very happy! Wally is here! Irey is here but she's a little kid! Much like Barry, they missed out on their kids childhoods! Dawn torn between going back to the 30th century where her husband and daughter are (her daughter who is now a speedster and a member of the Legion of Superheroes) and the 21st where the rest of her family is! Don at a loss at learning that his wife is jumping through time and had a child with someone else! And his son who he was told was going to die young due to aging too fast is cured! It's fantastic! But Bart doesn't really seem to need him now, and he either can stay with his child and mom and now-alive dad and Wally, or maybe leave with his twin to return to the 30th century so she can be with her husband and child, or be separated from Dawn, the one person he's never been separated from before. I have a lot of thoughts on this AU.
Anyways, thank you for the ask!
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fialleril · 5 years
 🎲 😊
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flashfuture · 3 years
M’gann was like “gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss” what she did to Conner!!!!!??? HOW was that approved and moved past
bsvdiqbdiwjdishdudv this ended me, tbh...I think yj cartoon Conner is actually pretty well developed so it makes me sadder. I know HES not like Kon but he’s a good character in his own right.
Yeah I mean, for Artemis and Wally, they never clicked for me. I would have rathered they hadn’t been together and left a lot of people been...left out of couples. I’m sorta pissed that these adaptions always pair Wally up with someone random instead of Linda, like Babs showed up as a cameo before being batgirl, is it so odd to imagine in one of the scenes in central city with Wally at school Linda and Hartley show up, I mean the show loves shoving in unneeeded cameos so like linda as a very determined and way too serious head of the school paper and her and Wally can be tentive acquaintances, but Wally thinks she is pretty or something. AND HARTLEY AND WALLY BEING FRIENDS as kids, he’s a rich kid with a grudge and Wally’s a regular kid with a tough family life, they bonded over shit parents and Wally helps him keep out of extreme trouble ya know. Hell, throw in a cameo from Jesse Quick as the simarly workaholic-like class president whom Wally knows from getting dentions for running in the halls from. I’m not saying they all had to go to school together or anything but like why have weird cameos when you can have ones that make sense.
Also at this point Zee and Artemis should date, and if Wally comes back...I don’t see them getting back together being the most realistic option.
Yeah yj!birdflash is one giant meme; but like affectionately. Like just as one of the rare friendships in the show that actually got time to be a friendship (Kaldur, Wally, ans Dick being allowed to be friends before romance became the main feature I miss you kings) it’s obvious why so many people cling to it I think?
At this point I’ve watched so many crack YJ videos on Youtube I can’t think of the show without vines playing in my head
Conner was for sure diff than Kon but he was a sweet boy and M’gann my god was she not a sweet girl. Send her to jail or something yeesh
Yeah, I don’t mind Wally with Hartley, Dick, or Linda. I like them all equally. But I disliked him with Artemis. 
Wally coming back you know they’ll just shove him with Artemis even tho she totally started hooking up with Will which just ugh the whole Roy clone thing. I couldn’t stand it with Spider-Man in the 90s and I don’t like it any better now
(Actually, Spider-Man’s clone Kaine is one of my favorite marvel characters but I digress)
YJ Cartoon is deeply afflicted by time jumps and it’s not so good. After season 1 I was there for Bart cause I found his story compelling lol. 
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fialleril · 5 years
Flash Fic: Bart Delivers
@triscribe, here’s the second ficlet in the Flash family shenanigans ‘verse. Technically, this takes place the night before the first fic, Invitations, but it makes better sense if you read that one first. In which Bart has a very exciting two minutes, and assorted speedsters, Bats, and Rogues are varying degrees of annoyed.
Still working from a mainly comics based ‘verse, but I’m using the versions of Trickster and John Stewart (and his terrifying landlady) from JLU, and I’ve borrowed the idea of Captain Cold having a wife from JLU, as well. (Because, come on, there’s too much comedic potential there to pass up.)
Finished this a lot sooner than I expected, because honestly, Bart is really fun and really easy to write. It’s like stream of consciousness writing. Amazing.
As before, check the tags for more notes!
Bart Delivers
There sure were an awful lot of invitations. It took Bart a whole nanosecond to flip through them and read all the names. Why did Wally and Linda want that many people at their wedding, anyway?
He thought about asking Wally exactly that, but only for a fraction of a picosecond. Wally’s answer for why he was getting married in the first place was “it’s more romantic,” so obviously he wasn’t going to give Bart any serious answers.
Anyway, all these invitations obviously weren’t going to do anybody any good just sitting there on the coffee table. Bart didn’t waste much time wondering why Wally hadn’t just delivered them himself. Sometimes he was just lazy like that. Must be a boring old grownup thing.
Linda wasn’t nearly as boring, and she could actually beat him at Mario Kart sometimes. Okay, most of the time. Really Linda was pretty cool, and Bart figured she would have easily delivered the invitations herself, if she had superspeed. But she didn’t.
So, obviously, it was up to him.
It took him almost a whole second to sort the invites by address, but that was only after he’d dashed out of Wally and Linda’s apartment with the whole stash of them, because sometimes Wally got weirdly particular about things, and Bart figured he was on a roll, he had this, he could get them all delivered in five minutes tops, no problem. Probably faster. Definitely faster. And then that would be one less thing for Wally to be worried about, and that would probably make Linda happy, too, and then maybe they’d both agree to play Mario Kart with him tomorrow, but he’d tell Max it was important Flash business or something and then he wouldn’t have to do any of those weird Speed Force meditation things all day and this was gonna be great.
So great.
Okay, okay, right now he needed to focus, obviously. He’d wasted…wow, a whole half a nanosecond already.
Time to get serious, Bart, he thought, setting his jaw in his best Batman impression. Wally always laughed at him and said it wasn’t a very good impression, but what did he know about a proper Batman impression? He was friends with Nightwing, and yeah, Nightwing was super cool, and also Batman’s first protégé, but he was also a huge goofball who smiled all the time, almost as much as Wally himself did, so obviously he wasn’t very good at imitating Batman. So maybe Bart wasn’t that great either. Whatever. He was definitely better at it than Wally. Or Nightwing. So there.
Hey, speaking of Batman…
He’d put the invites addressed to Gotham on the top of the stack, because everybody knew that Batman had a strict “no metas in Gotham” policy, and Bart knew exactly what that meant.
It meant he was gonna have to be extra super fast and extra super stealthy, and he probably couldn’t afford any snack breaks.
Which sucked, because Linda had gone to Gotham for some report a couple weeks ago and she’d told him all about this pizza place she went to there that would let you combine absolutely any ingredients you wanted and they even had frog legs. Which sounded a little weird, to be honest, but obviously that just meant he would have to try it. For science! Except he couldn’t because it was in Gotham and Batman had that silly rule about metas.
Maybe he could kind of sneak his way in? Ooh, if he went with Linda and pretended to be, like, her intern or something and was really, really careful never to use his speed, maybe Batman would never know?
Except it was Batman, and Wally said that it was usually safest to just assume that Batman knew everything.
No. That wasn’t important now! Time to get serious. This was a serious mission. He was a serious superhero. Everything was very serious.
And besides, he’d already wasted another whole picosecond!
With a very serious and very Batman-like scowl, Bart set off for Gotham at top speed.
It was suitably dark and gritty and yeah, okay, there were kind of a lot of gargoyles, but honestly? He wasn’t that impressed. He’d been here a whole second and delivered three invitations already, and he hadn’t seen even one clown-themed criminal, or any murderous plants either. Not even an exploding umbrella!
Huh. Kind of a rip-off. Maybe Batman really was the scariest thing in this town.
The proximity alarms screamed a shrill alert. Level 5. That would mean someone was already inside the Batcave.
Alfred, just stepping off the lift with a tea tray, blinked. Bruce didn’t.
Neither of them saw anything.
The alarm abruptly died away. Alfred blinked again, and glanced down at his tray. The plate of freshly baked cookies was empty, but in their place was a slightly wrinkled envelope.
“Delivery for you, Master Bruce.”
Bart, already on his way out of Bludhaven, licked the last traces of chocolate from his lips. Alfred made the best cookies. Probably that was the real reason Batman didn’t want other supers in Gotham. Bart could respect that. He wouldn’t want to share those cookies, either.
Len Snart wasn’t a man who held many things sacred in life. In fact there was pretty much only one thing he did, and that was late night Sunday dinner with the wife. Janice cooked the best chicken-fried steak in the whole Midwest, and it tasted just as good at 2:00 a.m. as it did at 7:00 p.m.
So he wasn’t feeling too inclined to be forgiving when a gust of wind blew through his dining room, tipping over Janice’s third favorite vase and apparently causing half the mashed potatoes to disappear into the bargain.
He stood with a growl and reached for his cold gun, even though the damn speedster was definitely long gone by now. But Janice’s glare had him holstering the weapon almost before it was drawn.
Right. No weapons at the table. He kept forgetting.
“Sit down, Len,” she snapped. “Can’t we just have a nice dinner for once in our lives?”
Len sat, though not without some grumbling. She was blaming him for that? Really? Damn entitled speedsters.
“That’s quite enough of that,” said Janice, dividing the remaining potatoes between them without any apparent annoyance, or at least, none that wasn’t directed at him. “He’s a growing boy. He needs his vegetables.”
Len stared at her. It took him a little longer than he’d have liked to admit, but he eventually realized she must be right. Flash was a pain in his ass for sure, but the man did have some understanding of boundaries. Impulse, though. That kid thought he could go anywhere he damn well pleased.
Seemed he was pretty well right about that, too, which did nothing to improve Len’s mood.
“Anyway, I think we should go,” Janice was saying.
Len glanced up from his steak. “Go?”
“To the wedding,” said Janice, in the tone of someone who possessed a vast reserve of patience which was, nevertheless, nearly exhausted. “Honestly, Len.”
She waved an invitation in his face, and he snatched it from her with a growl.
It was addressed to Len and Janice Snart, which he had to admit was a nice touch – he’d never gotten a formal invitation that wasn’t addressed to “Leonard,” and he hated that.
Of course, the little face with the tongue sticking out drawn next to his name wasn’t so nice, but that was clearly Impulse’s doing.
So Flash was getting married, huh? That could be a rare opportunity. He could –
“It’s very nice of them to invite us,” said Janice. Her tone made it clear that he would certainly find it nice, if he knew what was good for him. “Don’t you think, dear?”
“Very nice,” said Len, dreams of the perfect heist disappearing like a Flash.
Max Mercury caught the invite before it had even begun to flutter toward the table. “Bart!” he called in the direction of the red and white blur exiting his kitchen. “Remember we have a run tomorrow!”
“I know,” a laughing voice called back, and then the blur was gone.
“Hey Bart!”
“Hi Jesse! Bye Jesse!”
There was the slightest hint of vibration in the air, and then the entire complex array of mirrors collapsed. Sam Scudder blinked. He blinked again. He blinked a third time for good measure.
“Damn it, Flash!”
There was no answer except the faint echo of a rather childish laugh – so not Flash, then, but even worse – and then a somewhat battered envelope fluttered to the floor.
John Stewart wasn’t home, which made what Bart was about to attempt even more dangerous. Wally had told him about John’s landlady. Bart was pretty sure that Wally exaggerated sometimes just to mess with him, but he wasn’t taking any chances with this one. That broom of hers sounded way worse than anything Batman could throw at him.
So this mission called for stealth and extreme cunning. Maybe even theme music.
Humming Mission Impossible to himself at superspeed (he’d watched the original with Linda, and then made Wally and Linda both sit through all of the sequels and remakes), Bart vibrated through John’s wall.
There was a dull crash and he looked down to find a US Marine Corps poster in a splintered wooden frame on the floor.
Had to work on that vibrating trick. He was not gonna tell Max about this.
“Who’s there?” a furious voice called down the hall. Nope. Now was not the time to worry about John’s posters.
Bart dropped the invite on top of the downed frame and booked it out of there.
Somebody had triggered the pudding canon security system. James could tell, because the level of pudding in the canon was pretty significantly down from full, and he’d just refilled it three hours ago.
He hadn’t seen anybody, though, and there also wasn’t delicious chocolatey goodness all over his walls or even any on the floor. Which meant his visitor was a speedster. They were the only people fast enough to devour his nefarious projectiles before impact. James was a little jealous.
Flasher would have said hi if it was him, though. James was sure of that. Last time the guy dropped by, he even brought a new dartboard!
So it was probably Impulse. James frowned a little to himself. It was too bad the kid hadn’t stuck around, really. He needed someone to test his new meringue-atang on.
He didn’t spot the invitation until he’d already sat on it, and he only found it after that because the whoopee cushion it was resting under was really impressively loud.
James grinned to himself. That Impulse kid had a lot of potential.
Wally was still standing there in the living room, in almost exactly the same place Bart had left him two whole minutes ago. Man, sometimes grownups were weird.
“All done!” Bart chirped. “Feel free to leave Impulse Express Deliveries a generous tip if you’re satisfied with our services!”
A loud, resigned sigh escaped Wally, but Bart noticed he was smiling a little, too. “Here’s a tip for you, kid: next time, ask before you take off.”
Bart scoffed. “Yeah, sure, whatever, next time you go and get married I definitely will.” There was a little laugh from Wally at that. He was kind of a huge sap, really, and Bart knew there wasn’t going to be a next time. “Anyway, you should be congratulating me.”
“Yeah?” asked Wally. “And why’s that?”
“Because I totally broke your record!” Bart crowed gleefully. “In and out of Gotham in three seconds flat! And that includes a trip to the Batcave.”
It looked like Wally actually needed a picosecond to process that. Ha! Take that, Mr. Fastest Man Alive!
Then Wally’s smile turned sly. “You got proof of that, kiddo?”
Bart gasped in outrage. “Delivered your invitations, didn’t I?”
“Sure, sure. Got them all done in two minutes, too, which is pretty impressive.” In spite of himself, Bart beamed at this, but it quickly turned to a scowl when Wally snickered and added, “Doesn’t prove you did Gotham in three seconds, though.”
“Oh yeah?” Bart huffed. “Well, you got any proof that you actually raced the Black Flash to the heat death of the universe?”
Wally looked offended. “Yes. I do. Got Linda back, didn’t I?”
“Sure, sure,” Bart mocked. “Doesn’t prove you actually went to the end of the universe, though.”
For a second Wally almost looked mad, then he burst out laughing. “Okay, okay. You beat my record. You want a medal?”
“Nah,” said Bart, feeling rather magnanimous. “I’ll settle for beating your butt at Mario Kart tomorrow. Oh, and you have to tell Max. You have to tell him how bad I smashed your record.”
“Sure, I’ll tell him. Tomorrow. After I pick you up from your training session.”
“Aw, man.”
“Sorry, kid,” said Wally, ruffling his hair faster than Bart could duck out of his reach. He laughed again at Bart’s scowl. “But, hey, I’ll make you a deal. After I tell Max, we can come back here and Linda can beat both of our butts at Mario Kart.”
“I guess,” muttered Bart. “So…you do believe that I did Gotham in three seconds, right?”
He knew he sounded a little more hopeful and a lot more needy than he ever wanted to admit to, so it was actually pretty decent of Wally that he just grinned and said, “Yeah, I believe you,” and left it at that.
“Well, that’s good,” said Bart, reaching into his pocket. “‘cause if you didn’t, there’s no way I’d give you this.”
The cookie was a little squashed looking, and the chocolate chips were all melty from his speed, but hey, that just made them taste even better, right?
Wally must have agreed, because he lit up like Andy’s Frozen Custard had just announced free all-you-can-eat ice cream for speedsters. “Is that one of Alfred’s cookies?”
“Saved it for you,” said Bart, handing it over and watching it disappear in short order. “Because I’m such a good cousin.”
“You’re the best, Bart,” said Wally, licking chocolate from his fingers.
Bart shrugged modestly. “I know,” he said.
#i write things#flash fic#dc comics#flash family shenanigans#bart allen#wally west#linda park#flash rogues#some more notes / fun comic facts for you:#bart canonically asked wally why he and linda were getting married since they already lived together#and wally honest to god answered with 'it's more romantic'#what a hopeless dweeb#linda and bart regularly play video games together in the comics and it's pretty much the most adorable thing ever#also i don't think this is technically canon but i have a headcanon that wally absolutely sucks at mario kart#people tease him about this all the time; isn't speed supposed to be his thing?#shut up dick it doesn't translate on a gaming system#bart on the other hand literally grew up in vr so he's pretty good at games#still not as good as linda tho#contrary to bart's belief nightwing actually can do a pretty damn good batman impression#it's just generally reserved for criminals and bart's never seen it#i have no idea if the 'no metas in gotham' thing is canon anywhere in comics or just jlu fanon#but it's hilarious either way so i'm rolling with it#as for bart's reference to the heat death of the universe: the black flash is the incarnation of death for speedsters#this one time it decided it was gonna snatch wally but got linda by mistake#and to get her back wally challenged the incarnation of death to a race with the immortal words 'let's boogie'#absolutely iconic#he raced death to the end of the universe where even death dies; grabbed linda from the speed force; then ran back home#as you do
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