#punjab i love u
timetravellingkitty · 4 months
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astrophilic-soul · 1 year
for the ask game, 20 and 7? And also, u don't have to answer but I'm curious how u would change India's characterization/how u would improve on it :0
Hey babe, Hetalia ask game dropped!
Thank you for the ask! Sorry for this being so so late sahdk
20) Answered here
7) Food-related headcanon? (im hungry)
India: I definitely think he'd be a sucker for spicy food. But I also think he'd absolutely love extremely sweet food. This is based on personal experiences, but Indian food has a extremely sweet to extremely spicy side lol. For example, some foods that are on the wayyy too sweet side for me personally are Barfi, Jaleebi and Kesari (I do enjoy them tho lol). So, I think that India definitely cares a lot about the favor and experience the food gives a person :)
As for India's characterization! Ok, I've been thinking about this since the day you sent me this ask lol and I really hope you don't mind but the first bit is a bit rant-ish to clear up some misconceptions.
So first thing I really want for people to understand India is that, it is not just the North. There is no 'dominant' culture, and Hindi is spoken as more of a connecting language more than like- a first language by a lot of people that live in places other than what I like to call the "Hindi Belt"
1)The Idea of Northern Culture as a 'dominating' culture does not make sense and kinda erases the other cultures that live and very much thrive in India today. If you went and only toured around North India, you would see a huge difference between cultures up there alone! I understand that this idea that Northern Culture dominates India is from the wide spread knowledge of Bollywood. But India's really diverse! We even have a lot of film industries for each language! Tollywood, Kollywood, Mollywood, Sandalwood, etc. But, I'm getting off topic, Northern Culture does not 'dominate' the majority of Indian Culture, and Northern Culture itself is very hard to define because it's diverse! From Rajistan to Punjab, the cultural differences are very different in the north, so imagine the differences from north India to the south- not even accounting for the tribal cultures in each state!
2) Most Indian languages stem off of two language families: Indo-Aryan and Dravidian and if you look on a map of language families, you can almost see a clear line between these languages. Within those branches, stems of languages, a lot of them are still spoken today. So making Hindi the only language India speaks doesn't make that much sense to me and erases literally every other culture living and very much thriving today!
How I'd Improve it in the Anime
For an Anime that's portraying nations based on stereotypes, I would say- it could be worse lol. I do get why Hima portrayed India like that, I mean it's not as bad as some other media I've seen that portrays India as: "Taj Mahal, Snake charmers, Tiger, Elephant, Elephant, Middle Eastern Culture for some reason". So for a anime about stereotypes it's not that bad lol. There's maybe like two things I'd change?:
-Make India a little more easy to anger than easy going. I guess hetalia is about stereotypes and the stereotype is that Indians are very "Yoga, Buddhism/Hinduism, Rangoli" not about actual cultural stuff of characters, but yeah I'd probably make him a little bit more of a hot head lol
-Make him appear more in the anime/manga!! He only shows up like three times and usually in background roles, micro-nations show up more than him T-T
My Own Characterization
Some positives:
Kindness: I feel like India is very generous and nice to everyone he meets. When he meets a new country or person he usually tries to be as nice and respectful as he can with them before forming an opinion about them. I'm just basing this off of age. I feel like at a certain point (as with most ancient nations), he realized that country's relationships with each other are very unexpected and so he tries to start off on a good note.
Emotionally Resilient: This might be a given because he is a nation lol, they've lived a long time and can adapt to unexpected situations really easily. I also feel like because he's an ancient, he still feels those knee-jerk emotions/reactions but it takes more to trigger them if that makes sense.
Makes Connections Easily: A large part of Indian culture, is family and community. Families, back then often lived in one house. Often with an opening in the middle where the family hangs out or lived in a community of houses close to each other. So I definitely feel like he gets close to people very easily and often treats them as family.
I feel like in his early years India would have been easy-to-anger and have some amount of arrogance? It's just two traits that I've seen amplified, if not glorified, by Indian movies because they're seen as very masculine traits to have (in general).
Easy-to-Anger: Because of how long India's lived, I feel like he has a lot more patience now days but certain topics or someone being insistent might make him quick to anger.
Arrogance: I feel like arrogance is something all nations have, it's a given, but again, time and experience wears it down. So, I feel like compared to other nations, he's more down to earth, but still pretty arrogant.
Stubborn: He is stubborn, he protests heavily for the the things he believes in and does not stop until he gets his way. He can remember something that someone said centuries ago and continue to do something just to spite them.
General Headcannons:
He loves Dance, Music and the Arts: In India, Classical Dances are very important. It was used for entertainment, religious purposes and also used for storytelling! There are some that are similar to theater, there are dancers telling the story of a mythological event, dances that are related to gods, or dances that were simply made to entertain royals.
And regional music where do I start! Indian music is diverse, and there are a lot that I could mention from my state alone! There are different rhythms, elements, instruments, different focuses, and sometimes you'll clearly hear some outside influences with the music styles! I just absolutely love the idea of India dancing, and singing because it's such a huge part of culture
Loves Science: I really think he does have a thing for science, not only because of the recent interest of science in India but also because of how much Ancient India contributed to science! I think he would go to a lot of science/math conferences nowadays to meet scientists/mathematicians and learn about new theories and technologies.
India's doesn't really have a name: This is just a personal headcanon of mine lol and not really based of anything in particular. I HC that India didn't really have a name throughout history, and he changed it often depending on where he was and names of the time period. I think it's because of the difficult question is "what is India/Indian culture and what is its one and true descendant?". The answer could be many things. How do you define the culture of a nation that has a lot of cultures in it? Thus, how do you choose a name for a country when that name doesn't make sense for him to have in other parts of the country?
Gender, Religion, Identity: I think India identity's very fluid, and he doesn't label himself. I really liked how @thegoliathbeetle phrased this in her post! India's identity is like water, it shifts, transforms and changes. It doesn't stay constant and if you ask him who he is he would give you a different answer depending on the time and place. (I really agree with her post and I would def check it out if you haven't!)
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evermoredeluxe · 11 months
omg thats so cool! where in india are u from? my family lives in haryana / the ncr and i visited after a few years this summer and i love it there (well somewhat LMAO)
im from punjab! we’re neighbours
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thank u for making b visit my fav place on the planet. also the lil charli reference!! and woso lmao dude. such a good warm fic. 10/10. also ive been here since your (and mine) glee days so thank u for almost 10 years of writing what a ride
whew ur a real one for being here since glee lmao, shoutout 🫡
also — which place is your favorite!! honestly picking them was sort of funny, i knew i wanted bea to go to a few holy places (mosque in lahore, cemetery in krakow; i’ve been to the cemetery in krakow so easy, my partner is lahori & her family is from punjab, so while i haven’t been there (yet! 🤞) i know her favorite places & how much she loves it). i knew i also wanted her to go somewhere that feels like unearthly magic (patagonia - which i know from like a billion climbing documentaries lmfao). but choosing glascow was literally bc i want to take my dog there lmfao, what a beautiful place to meet a border collie. la is because i’m lazy & it’s a different kind of hell & heaven than anywhere else in the world but let me tell you it clicked about 5k in that la is in fact the city of angels & i was like oh fuck yeah lmao. bea going to japan felt beautiful, cooking in greece would be awesome & also they can’t cook.
but my favorite rly was barca lmao bc … it’s my fic world & i can make ava a huge barca fan if i want! she watched a lot of tv so yknow, plausible. grew up watching messi, loves watching alexia now. i love imagining ava — small beautiful mostly femme ava — in a bar delightedly talking with all the boys about football tactics & players. they’re all in love obviously but she just keeps trying to get bea to join in, bc she knows bea grew up watching football & doesn’t Hate it. but let me tell you when i saw the scenes from those two 90k+ barca games i cried lol, ava really would’ve loved it.
(also headcanon that bea has a big brother that isn’t super shitty, eventually they reunite & she introduces ava blah blah blah, but he’s a chelsea fan & ava is like listen noah it’s gonna take So Much for me to like you. in addition to not protecting your little sister from ur parents ur a chelsea fan. i’d rather you be a real madrid fan at this point. & bea is just 🙄😂🥹 that’s my girl that’s my life partner, a god & a barca fan lmao. a silly thing i’ll probably include in ava’s pov, indulgent, yes. fun, also yes.)
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translationwala · 10 months
English to Punjabi Translation for Travel – How to Make the Most of Your Trip
English to Punjabi translation: It is important to know a few simple Punjabi words if you want to get the most out of your trip to Punjab, India. Over 100 million people speak Punjabi as their first language, and it’s the most common language in the Indian state of Punjab.
Important Punjabi Phrases for Tourists
These important Punjabi words will help you get around and talk to people there while you’re traveling:
Sat Sri Akal (Hello) Kisey hāl aa? (How are you?) Main theek aa (I’m fine) Tusi kive ho? (How are you?) Main Punjabi nahin bol sakda/sakdi (I can’t speak Punjabi) Kya mai ap se Punjabi mein baat kar sakda/sakdi aa? (Can I speak to you in Punjabi?) Dhan’yavād (Thank you) Ji aahaan (Yes) Ji nahin (No) Mennu samjhiya nahi (I don’t understand) Kiran dasso (Please tell me) Kittna hai? (How much is it?) Kidaan jaana hai? (How do I get to?) Khana theek aa (The food is good) Bohot acha! (Very good!)
English to Punjabi Translation for Travel
When you go to Punjab, it’s good to know a few simple words in Punjabi and to be able to use services that translate from English to Punjabi. This can be very useful for reading choices and signs and talking to people in the area who don’t speak English.
You can use translation services from English to Punjabi in a number of ways. Using a translation app on your phone is one choice. There are many translating apps, some of which are free and some of which cost money. Google Translate, Microsoft Translator, and iTranslate are all well-known translation apps.
You could also use a service that does translations. There are many services that can translate words and phrases, such as Bing Translate, Reverso, and Linguee. You can translate text, papers, and even whole pages on these sites.
Last but not least, you can hire a professional translation from English to Punjabi. This choice costs the most, but it’s also the most exact and trustworthy. Professional translators can help you with business translation, medical translation, and law translation, among other things.
How to Make the Most of Your Trip to Punjab
Here are a few tips for making the most of your trip to Punjab:
Learn a few basic Punjabi phrases. People in the area will see that you’re trying to talk to them in their own language.
Use English to Punjabi translation services when needed. This will help you talk to people in the area who don’t speak English even though you don’t speak their language.
Be respectful of Punjabi culture and customs. Punjab is a very different state with a lot of history and culture. Make sure you dress properly and follow the rules of the area.
Be patient. It might take a while to get used to a new language and society. Be kind and patient with people from the area.
Things to Do in Punjab
Punjab is a beautiful state with a lot to offer visitors. Here are a few of the top things to do in Punjab:
Visit the Golden Temple: The most important Sikh temple in the world is the Golden Temple. Anybody who comes to Punjab should see it. It’s in the city of Amritsar.
See the Wagah Border Ceremony: From morning to night, every day, the Wagah Border Ceremony takes place at the border between India and Pakistan. The event is bright and enthusiastic, and it will be remembered for a long time.
Visit the Anandpur Sahib: It is one of the most important gurdwaras (places of prayer) for Sikhs in the whole world. This is a very important place for Sikhs to visit. It’s in the city of Anandpur Sahib.
Explore the city of Chandigarh: It is the capital of both Punjab and Haryana. The city is new, and its shape and buildings are well thought out.
Visit the Patiala: Patiala is an old city with a lot of culture history. There are many castles, forts, and parks there.
Punjab is a lovely state that has lots to offer tourists. You can get the most out of your trip and see the best that Punjab has to offer if you learn a few simple Punjabi words and use services that English to Punjabi translation.
Source: https://translationwala.wordpress.com/2023/12/07/english-to-punjabi-translation-for-travel-how-to-make-the-most-of-your-trip/
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baekhvuns · 1 year
LET THEM HAIR HIT YOUUUUU!!! GET SLAPPED BY EM ON YOUR FACE AHHHHSHAHAHAHAHAH tht tweet is sooo right, bollywood ain't Bollywood no more 😭 and this is coming from the dharma productions?? WHAT? RANVEER IS DON WHERE TF IS THIS GOING??? (Tbh i never liked Aliya x ranveer even during the whole gully boy era)
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You didn't just, YOU JUST DIDN'T-
I need srk x Aishwarya once again or I'm unaliving myself. DUDE UR A DAMN GENIUS, first of they would fit the roles so well OHHMYYGODD just thinkin abt it makes me wanna give up my life and watch the movie tht doesn't even exist. I need to talk to these directors and producers frfr.
Well, IDC abt uni formals, the highschool prom and moments hit diff. Cn u believe I can't watch the highschool kdramas and wish for something like tht to happen bcz IM NOT IN SCHOOL ANYMORE 😭😭😭
Tht is the correct explaination for whtv they made called 'adipurush'
Ur right, there a few movies I'd never forget, jab we met, ajab Prem ki gazab kahani, Chennai express, kuch kuch hota h, k3g, ddlj, a few Govinda movies (i love his movies), Om Shanti Om, bang bang, soty (1, i didn't even bother to watch the 2nd), main tera hero (would never watch it again but will remember it) basically the early 2000s and 90s movies.
As a person who saw Katrina and Ranbir as the first couple, I'd always ship them 😭😭 they're my fav Indian couple to ever exist... but hey something don't work ig :') I even shipped kareena and Shahid!! Still do
I really like these types of stupid, absolutely confusion filled movies with loads and loads of actors. For ex de dena dan, malamaal weekly, no entry, Hera pheri, hungama. Wish they made more, idk who the director is but whoever they are, they made pieces of art lemme tell u.
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RIGHT??? DO U SEE IT???? GOD I NEED TO SEE THEM ON THE SCREEN TOGETHER,, those both as mr and mrs khan being assassins and it being a enemies to lovers??? UGHHHH I NEED TO SEE THIS HAPPEN PLS 😭😭😭😭 i need to get this out to a producer or something bc WE NEED THIS!!!!!!
LMFAOOOO HEY PUT THAT HIGH SCHOOL DRAMAS TO UNI 😭😭😭 dude omf do u rmr saif and rani’s era??? hum tum, tara rumpum 😩😩😩 it’s the way hum tum can still start wars fbwkdhwk need that era back,, bees shahid’s shaven era back 😭😭😭 NOOOO BC THOSE COMEDY MOVIES STOPPPP I WATCH DE DHANA DHAN LIKE EVERY TWO MONTHS THOSE MOVIES WITH FETUS KATRINA 😭😭😭 omf do u rmr namaste london like that movie i knew katrina was punjab’s 🤚🏻,, need that director back actually like desperately
bro….i just short circuited
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qalma-e-azadi · 3 years
i fucking hate people
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doctorwhoisadhd · 4 years
partners in crime is literally the ultimate feelgood episode like other episodes of doctor who that are as good have bits that are too spooky or upsetting or whatever to make them count as feelgood episodes but genuinely partners in crime is 1) dumb enough 2) funny enough 3) heartwarming enough to make the vibes FULLY immaculate and frankly i love it
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darillium-night · 6 years
I don’t like the doctor as a top in any context bc the fics are always like “and in that moment she could see in the doctors eyes the rage of a thousand suns, a life full of disappointment..” and like I don’t like the idea that the doctor is using sex with these people they love as an outlet for that anger and disappointment they’ve experienced like that’s not hot it’s fucked up and it’s definitely not a healthy sexual experience and yeah anyway
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transgenderer · 3 years
re: Mediterranean make u gay. Insane Victorian man Richard Francis Burton hypothesised the existence of Sotadic Zones, areas of climate that made men gay/into pederasts. this is because he was insane, and sought to explain why British colonial officials were often complete nonces
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okay so like. i sort of get the mediterranean. and even the americas, in a way. MAYBE china. but...indonesia??? also, i really adore that iran is a big gap in the eurasian gay belt.
bounded westward by the northern shores of the Mediterranean (N. Lat. 43 °) and by the southern (N. Lat. 30°). Thus the depth would be 780 to 800 miles including meridional France , the Iberian peninsula, Italy and Greece, with the coast-regions of Africa from Morocco to Egypt
Running eastward the Sotadic Zone narrows, embracing Asia Minor, Mesopotamia and Chaldaea, Afghanistan, Sindh, the Punjab and Kashmir.
In Indo-China the belt begins to broaden, enfolding China , Japan and Turkistan.
It then embraces the South Sea Islands and the New World where, at the time of its discovery, Sotadic love was, with some exceptions, an established racial institution.
"Within the Sotadic Zone the Vice is popular and endemic, held at the worst to be a mere peccadillo, whilst the races to the North and South of the limits here defined practise it only sporadically amid the opprobrium of their fellows who, as a rule, are physically incapable of performing the operation and look upon it with the liveliest disgust."
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introducing: eryk
a.k.a nick fury as erik
back in highschool (2013), my best friend and i had a math project and we decided to be painstakingly extra and dramatic like our favorite sewer goblin. we ended up doing the phantom of the opera!!!
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he’s there, the S.H.I.E.L.D. director phantom of the opera!!! also goes by the name eryk. it was really hard to find a doll which seemed closest to erik so we had to settle for nicK FURY BC HE WAS LANKY AND WAS WEARING ALL BLACK. let’s just say he was a modern take on erik considering he had a gun in hand (punjaB LASSO WOMSTDVE) and the fact that what he was wearing was not period-accurate (i’m caCKLING AT THE browN combat boots) 🤪. u gotta admit he looked pretty badass tho. we made the mask differently bc nick’s eyepatch was on his left eye and the disfigurement in alw’s musical was on the right 😬
the mini non-replica poto stage
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eryk had his own veranda. christine was wearing her aminta costume (which should be the countess dress but we’RE ON A BUDGET HERE FOLKS). meanwhile, raoul was just...there. existing. in his great gatsby attire.
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the math problems were: 1) the distance between raoul and christine and; 2) the speed raoul should run in order to save christine lmaoooo it’s been so long i don’t even know how to solve this anymore (or if it’s even right). 😔✊🏽
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social distancing!! 🤪 plEASE doN’T ASK WHY THE CHANDELIER WAS DIRECTLY ABOVE THE STAGE. our math teacher told us that no chandelier in existence falls in a slanted direction WELL TELL THAT TO ALW’S POTO!!! 😠
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i love the angel though!!! i know it’s SUPPOSED TO BE IN THE MIDDLE BUT IT WAS KIND OF BIG TO BE IN THE MIDDLE. it will cover up the chandelier sksksks. the chandelier looked a bit sad but that was a pAIN IN THE ASS TO ASSEMBLE.
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and ofc we can’t forget our tech: flashlight spotlight from the wings which is totally how spotlights are done.
feat. oscar worthy cinematography
it was still a work in progress when we filmed this that’s why eryk was still............well, nick fury.
end of act i - chandelier crash
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for some reason eryk held christine at gunpoint and shot her (lnd meg fouND DEAD IN A DITCH)
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eryk ~*pew pews*~ at the chandelier: behold! she is singing to bring down the chandelier! (eryk, no one’s singing bc she alr rip 😔)
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chandelier crashed on christine (as if she was not alREADY DEAD, ERYK U HAVE SOME SERIOUS ANGER MANAGEMENT ISSUES). raoul just stood in the corner being a whole dumBASS
bonus: the final lair
feat. eryk’s giant drawers
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christine miraculously got resurrected. this scene feels so wrong without the lasso. btw, i love raoul’s bushy hair.
dumbassery aside, we had an absolute blast making this!!! unfortunately, i don’t have this set anymore as it was falling apart and was quite difficult to maintain. hope it gave you a good laugh though!!
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curryaboo · 4 years
hey! what are some of your favourite albums?
hi!! that’s a rlly cute question omg ; thank u for sending it in :3 <33 !!
i’ve tried to shortlist (long list?? >_<) some of my standout albums across the bollywood, western & kpop scenes :P let’s goooooo
bollywood (the general rule for this is that if i like 3-4 songs in an album, it’s automatically a fave xD) ; aaja nachle / aashiqui 2 / abcd 2 / ae dil hai mushkil / bajrangi bhaijaan / chhichhore / dil bechara / dil dhadakne do / ek villain / fitoor / gully boy / gunday (THE BENGALI VERS >>>) / half girlfriend / jab tak hai jaan / jagga jasoos / k3g / kalank / om shanti om / rab ne bana di jodi / ram-leela / rockstar / sultan / udtaa punjab / yeh jawaani hai deewani / zindagi na milegi dobara
western (english language) ; while we wait [kehlani] / mixed feelings [saint ivory] / flower boy [tyler the creator] / blonde [frank ocean] / matangi & aim [m.i.a] / salute [little mix] / doses [rika] / magdalene [fka twigs] / the long goodbye [riz ahmed] / therapy session [nf] / mind of mine [zayn] / cashmere [swet shop boys] / high highs to low lows [lolo zouai] / dirty computer [janelle monae] (omg there’s loadssss more i could put in this section ;-;)
kpop ; rbb [red velvet] (NO SKIPS <333) / [+ +] [loona] (bruh..) / 1 of 1 [shinee] / awaken [nct 127] / chain [nct 127] / fancy you [twice] / EVERY ITZY ALBUM!!! all the songs are amazing z e r o skips :D / married to the music [shinee] / the red [red velvet] / cherry bomb [nct 127] / we are superhuman [nct 127] / EMPATHY!!! [nct] / sunrise [day6] / we go up [nct dream] (also could’ve put 30 more albums here but i was getting tired fhskgjfjs)
ok that’s all :3 tysm for being curious, my love - i loved doing this hehe <333 i hope there’s some new music in there that u can fall in love with <3333 :}
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trendmood1 · 4 years
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#REVEALED 🚨 There is a NEW! Foundation on the way...and she is the new addition to the #SoftMatte Complete family 🙌🏼🤎 Say hello to Soft Matte Complete Foundation by #NARS A natural looking matte coverage that resists oxidation and helps prevent your shade from shifting throughout the day in 34 shades $40 each / 1.5oz Will be available ➡️ SEPTEMBER 1st on their website & #sephora I just received it and didn’t try it on my face yet, I swatched them for u: Patagonia, Fiji and Punjab. From my first impression they have nice medium coverage, buildable, it feels like it sets on your skin and have a matte finish in a squeezey bottle. I did noticed that they oxidized on my skin a bit. These shades are too light for my skin tone but I’m going to try Patagonia which is in the Medium range just to feel the formula. I love their foundations and even tho I’m all about the dewy finish I’m excited to try it. Who is excited for it? 🤎 XO #Trendmood #narssisist https://www.instagram.com/p/CEDWk5DBfqd/?igshid=1unkw6ekljltk
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reading about lahore and sufism in your fics gets me so excited!! and just wanted say that they're some of the most beautiful works I've read.
:) thank u
also my partner is from lahore & is very involved w sufi scholarship / poetry / art etc (& friends w arooj aftab lol wild) for both work + faith so i do have a little bit of a cheat code 😉
but it rly is so beautiful, both sufism & punjab. i feel like bea would love qawwali + grand sweeping longing ghazals in particular. there’s some kind of like. devotion? that feels gentler & holier in some way than like… convent austerity & asceticism
(also still waiting to write abt bea & etal adnan mostly so ava can buy a painting for her bc i would … Love to be able to do that lol)
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novantinuum · 6 years
jen’s doctor who s11 review
On the whole!
I really enjoyed series 11 for its nice change in pace and especially the relationship built up between Graham and Ryan. I really liked how many of the episodes were lighter and kinda more adventure-y in nature than in past, instead of constant “the world is gonna end” danger. Like I love those kinds of episodes, believe me, but the lighter tone is very welcomed after many series of heart wrenching angst ahahahah! 
I loved how they handled the historical episodes this series, and really dug into the truth of human condition within those time periods, and took risks there. I actually learned a lot about the time periods they visited- for example, I never really heard much about the Pakistan partition in school. 
Thirteen is precious and I want to hug her. She’s so full of hope and that makes me so happy! :DDD I love how she’s a sciency tinkerer and likes cobbling stuff together out of whatever loose ends she can find. I’m still waiting for her to snap, though- maybe that’s just me as an angst lord talking, but I want to see her super super angry. The scene in The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos with her sternly disagreeing with Graham was very good though. But anyways, I love her positivity and her quirky alien charm, and her character feels like a natural progression of where the Doctor left off at the end of Twice Upon a Time. The Doctor has gone through a lot of healing since the Time War, a lot of self reflection and forgiving themself, and Thirteen is absolutely a product of that and it shows. It’s so nice to see them back on their feet, unshackled by that guilt finally, just wandering about the universe like they always did. 
Yasmin is so sweet and so loyal, and h o h boy if there’s anyone I can see sticking with the Doctor until the bitter end out of this crew it’s her. (*nervous laughter*) Out of all the crew she’s the one who’s had the least development though, so I’m looking forward to seeing where she goes as a character moving forward. Also, I hope we see her family more, I like them! Maybe in the New Years special, we’ll see. I’ve absolutely hit the “ADOPT KID” button on Ryan, the more I think about him the more I love him- just, all this time he’s been looking for belonging, for people who aren’t gonna leave him behind like his dad, and he had that with his nan Grace- but he didn’t know if Graham was gonna be the same or if he was only there for him bc of association with Grace. But now through all these adventures through space and time he has absolute proof that Graham will be there for him, and so he’s made the conscious decision to make Graham his family. And Graham, hhh... his grieving throughout the series, while not acting as a shadow on it, was always woven through and it’s nice to see both him and Ryan actually make peace with things through seeing Tim Shaw again and giving him his humble pie. 
In the end when it comes to this series, I love the strong found family vibes it gives. Graham and Ryan and Yaz, they all knew each other in some way before, but they didn’t truly know each other. And through being thrown together with the Doctor, entering her wild adventurous life, they got to grow closer as friends, but more importantly, as a family. The whole series the Doctor was looking for a word to describe her little ragtag group, and she wasn’t exactly sure if “fam” was the right one, but in the end it’s what she settles on because this has become a family. 
Now, what I’m hoping to see more of in the future! 
1) I’d love to see more extended domestic-y TARDIS scenes! We’ve got a lot of pre/post endcap TARDIS scenes, but I’d love to see more small little convos between characters on the way to their destinations, in between, etc. For as long as these episodes were I feel like so much time was spent providing exposition and story for the plot, but I’d love to see more fun nonsense. More glimpses at what they get up to in between, if that makes any sense. (As an example of what I mean, we got a bit of this in The Tsuranga Conundrum, at the very beginning when they were just poking about a junkyard planet, and I quite liked that.)
2) As the characters keep developing I’d love to see more conflict arise between them to test their friendships. We saw some good moments of this with the Doctor telling Ryan to stay behind with Hanne in It Takes You Away after he made a kinda narrow-minded comment about her disability, and when the Doctor flat out told Graham that if he killed Tim Shaw he wouldn’t be traveling with her anymore in the finale. I’d love to see more of this.
3) This may just be because I’m really queer, but I want the Doctor to snap and yell and get really angry at something. That’s the ONE thing that felt entirely missing from this series. In the end I get the sense that this Doctor has a far greater reign on her emotions and self because she’s healed quite a bit, but I still know she’s capable of that righteous anger and I’d love to see Jodie show off her full range with a scene like that.
4) We’ll probably get this in the New Years special, but I’m super anticipating Thirteen facing the Daleks. This is a quintessential thing for every Doctor, in my opinion, and I can’t wait for when they (hopefully!) eventually do that.
5) More of a plot arc. I definitely know the lack of a tight plot arc was because they wanted it to be more accessible for people to just tune in and watch without context,, as they’re gaining some new fans, but I hope that there’s more of a return to an ongoing series plot arc with this next series since everything’s been established. I personally really like those, because I get to be a plot arc detective! I will say that I’m very pleased that Tim Shaw was brought back for the finale, though- that acted as a very nice bookend and helped tie up all the emotional threads.
6) Also not exactly anything I can fault this series for, because I can tell one of the points/themes of it was “not everything is what it seems on the surface” and “sometimes the real monsters,,, are humanity” and I very much respect that, but I do wanna see some more just... alien baddies who ARE baddies and not misunderstood. Listen,, I’m a simple minded person. Love me some monsters! 
My rankings! 
For context, I’m generally very easy with my ratings. I’m not rating them on how critically perfect they are as plots or anything, this is purely based on how much I enjoyed them. I’ve only actually rated nine episodes of Doctor Who 2005-present with scores of 6 or below.
10- Absolutely SUPERB  9- Excellent! 8- Great! 7- Good 6- Okay
1) Demons of the Punjab    (10) This ep made me cry more than any episode of Doctor Who has in a very long time. Incredibly poignant, stunning music and cinematography. Taught me a whole lot I never knew about the partition and how it affected everyday people. I liked how the Doctor assumed the whole time that these aliens were  A good Yaz centric ep, too. It ranks 7th in my list of all-time favorites.  
2) It Takes You Away   (9.5) Wowee, another very poignant one! Some FANTASTIC acting from Jodie in this ep, and a very trippy concept with the sentient universe. Loved getting to see each companion getting a good role to play. ALSO CAN WE JUST TALK ABOUT HOW MUCH I STAN THAT FROG??? AND THE DOCTOR SEDUCING AN ENTIRE UNIVERSE???? B R U H. Hanne’s actress did a wonderful job too! 
3) Kerblam!   (9) What a heckin fun episode! This one will definitely become one of my comfort eps, I can already tell. The secondary characters were all lovely, and the bots were delightfully unsettling too! I spent the whole thing going “wow I totally experienced this working at Amazon” and I thought that was pretty funny. Also, I might highlight all the wonderful Graham snark we got in this one. 
4) Rosa    (9) Gahhh this was a hard one to watch, but very truthful in its depiction of the time period, and a lovely tribute to an incredibly courageous woman. Shout out to how the ep forced Graham to recognize and accept his white privilege (and the Doctor too for that matter), the scene with Ryan and Yaz discussing racism they’ve had to endure, and also for the scene with the Doctor making jokes about Banksy. That made me laugh. “Banksy doesn’t have one of these! Or do I?”
5) The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos    (9) I was VERY glad to see Tim Shaw return for some finished business, and how it allowed Graham and Ryan to finally get a bit of peace for what happened to Grace because of him. This was a solid ep, with some SOLID character moments between Graham and the Doctor and Graham and Ryan. The Ux were interesting, too.
6) The Woman Who Fell to Earth    (8.5) Solid, fun episode. It wastes no time in setting up who Thirteen will be. Still one of my favorite scenes in this whole series so far is when she builds her own sonic screwdriver- GOD the music there is so damn iconic. And gahhh I love Grace so much. How dare they make me love a character so much and then let her die? Rude. That’s homophobia. XD
7) The Witchfinders   (8.5) The Doctor gets dunked in water and has soaked hair. Dare I say more? No, but I was glad to see an ep with an alien danger that actually IS an alien danger that seeks to destroy and conquer, I always love those- and this one, with weird sentient mud that can fill corpses, was delightfully grim. Willow was a great secondary character, too- loved her especially. 8) The Ghost Monument   (8) Okay so I really loved how slice-of-life this episode was? We actually got to know our secondary characters Angstrom and Epzo and I appreciated that. The bit with the Doctor thinking the TARDIS was gone forever at the end... hhhhhhng... that was such a good scene. You could just see the hope drained from her face, and then to see it all rush back as she finally found her?? W o w I’m so emo, y’all ;D;
9) The Tsuranga Conundrum  (7) So I enjoyed this one, but there were some kinda oddly phrased bits of dialogue in it that marks it down for me. The Pting is a delightfully weird and cursed creature, 10/10, would yeet out of a spacecraft. I already mentioned this, but I LOVE the scene in the junkyard and how slice-of-life it was. I also appreciate how someone called out the Doctor on being selfish during this. 10) Arachnids in the UK   (6.5) So this episode was riding right on the edge of “ehh” for me, but it still has some great moments in it, with the Doctor awkwardly interacting with Yasmin’s family and all those heckin spiders bee-boppin down the hallways to the tune of rap music. XD I can’t exactly pick out why it was an “eh” for me, but it just didn’t click. Maybe I was just hoping it’d be an alien thing and was kinda left wanting with the way the episode felt kinda... unfinished. Like, there’s still a bunch of giant spiders? They didn’t solve that. They just- trapped them and left. I dunno I was left wanting with this ep.
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baeyungmin · 6 years
Doctor Who S11E6 Demons of the Punjab Thoughts
- the rumbling is still good A
- happy birthday nan A
- Wait. Pakistan is so beautiful. Or at least, the set/location. So beaut. The color correction! A
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- visceral bw experimental insert A rattled
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- love this slice of life wedding, letting things happen. Yaz. A
- August 17, 1947: the Partition of India I’m not pretending like I am historically informed. I didn’t know anything about this, and I did not know Pakistan was split from India. I don’t remember anything from high school. A
- 1 million deaths in its wake. Uh. wow.
- Hindu India. Muslim Pakistan.
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- Death Grips tabla drumming. A
- the musical score is so nice. i love the humming in the background in the intro to Pakistan.
- LOST hatch tribute. A
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- sicc transition. fucking sound design/good editing/good FX. Harry Potter portkey vibes.A
- lots of deaths = illusion of stakes A
- look at that UI
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- this episode was my “this is the new Doctor Who” for me. At least up until now, someone commented ‘it feels like a completely different sci-fi show slapped with the name “Dr Who” on it’. I think I can appreciate Rosa and Demons of the Punjab. The companions aren’t arcbased or too PC like ppl say. They feel human because they want to explore.
- Graham’s CONSTANT REMINDING OF THE BEAUTY OF LIFE is FUCKING GOOD. KEEP THAT SHIT UP. “Look where we are. Pakinstan. in 1947!” That’s fucking right, don’t ever take your life on this miracle planet for granted. A
- “we can’t have a universe with no Yaz” A
- Graham-Ryan cont. bonding A
- anti-tradition & new future theme A
- film motif: long lens, moving into focus single close up
- historical conflict. NOT the Fjarians. They’re witnesses? Spock-scenario. they don’t kill, but they witness B+ cool design
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- “Prim has to die today if u want to exist Yaz.” ow. 
-shot appreciation. Dusk insert? come on. 
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- Prim monologue. We’ve lived together for so long. “Hindu. Muslim. Sikh. Like we learned nothing from the war.” A
- Graham monologue. “All we can strive to be is good men. And you Prim ... are a good man.” (commence crying) Let’s have your wedding! (not to deny and snuff the pain, but to try and do it even though life is tough anyways) A
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- Manish. Good villain. Painful, but good. It is these kinds of people who need the most prayer and love, and I’m an atheist. A
- “These are demons I have to face alone” A brother!!!
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- Slomo ending for weight. A like Rosa
- when you open up and try to learn more about your family. i have a similar experience with my own mother. A 
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- Ending song. Would funny if it weren’t so effectively sad & beautiful. A
Vinay Patel has caught my attention as a writer. The 13th Doctor’s episodes are showing a pattern of unconditionally & uncompromisingly positive in the face of actual depressing oppressive reality. I love it. And it legitimately taught me some history though potentially biased.
shoutout to the guest characters
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