aita-alternia · 1 year
am II the asshoLLe for steaLLIng a dead LLusus?
so II (8, bLLuebLLood) am a hunter of sorts. when a LLusus dIIes, II procure IIts corpse [through LLegaLL means such as purchasing], processing IIt into bIIte-sIIzed chunks, and feeding it to my own LLusus. she accepts dIIferent kIInds of food, but she becomes IIrate IIf she IIs not fed a LLusus for a LLong perIIod of tIIme.
some tIIme ago my kIIsmesIIs tIIpped me off about a LLusus death on another part of the pLLanet, so off II went to strike a deaLL. turns out the unfortunate grub was my matesprIIt's abusive ex-moIIraIILL [7, oLLIIve]. she bLLamed me for "ruIInIIng her LLIIfe" as IIf she dIIdn't try to seLL me my matesprIIt's [very much aLLIIve!] LLusus as "punIIshment for abandonIIng her".
despIIte my best efforts she refused to seLL her dead LLusus to me, so IInstead II just broke IInto her hIIve and stoLLE it whIILLe she was sLLeeping. II don't usuaLLy do this, but IIt was personaLL because of my matesprIIt ... II wont get IInto the detaIILLs but she left hIIm quIIte a mess.
II mIIght be the asshoLLe here because before II left II reported her for LLusus negLLect and personaLLy saw to IIt that she was cuLLed. II say good rIIddance to bad rubbIIsh, but my matesprIIt is upset at me now. II've aLLready reassured hIIm that II won't get IIn troubLLe wIIth any drones, but he saIId IIt was because II caused needLLess troubLLe when she was aLLready LLeaving us aLLone. II saIId II dIId him and the pLLanet a favour, but he's not buyIIng it. we haven't taLLked since, and II'm startIIng to wonder IIf II reaLLy am in the wrong?
was II? :L
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Drinking disgusting alcohol concoctiuons is very easy if you pretent you do it to puniish yourself
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solutiions · 4 years
leather && lace ( featuring tiago. ) ––– @puniishers​
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if diane’s aura could be described in one word, it would be lace. she was delicate and gentile, full of hard work and careful creation. the english teacher taught her students in the same manner, paying special attention to each pupil’s needs to ensure they get the best out of their education. if there was one thing she couldn’t stand, it was the reckless nature that other teachers took. a prime example of this was tiago rosa –– whom diane spotted smoking with a group of seniors on her way into school that morning. with a roll of her eyes, she pulled her cardigan closer to her body and hurried into the teacher’s lounge. reaching for her favorite mug, the blonde poured herself a cup of hot coffee before stirring in a splash of milk and sugar.
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breaksaway · 3 years
♡      *       𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝      𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫      ›      @puniishers​   .  (  2  /  2  )
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      isaiah  always  does  his  best  to  make  sure  that  he’s  on  time  to  pick  up  brielle  ,  but  his  ex-girlfriend  was  being  a  pain  in  the  ass  .  “  god  ,  i  am  so  sorry  .  i  would’ve  called  if  i  knew  i  was  going  to  be  this  late  ,  ”  he  speaks  softly  ,  pushing  a  hand  through  his  hair  as  he  licks  over  his  lower  lip  .  “  i’m  just  having  issues  with  her  mother  .  ”
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flannelscures · 4 years
––––   *   𝑭𝑰𝑳𝑬𝑫   :   closed for @puniishers​ . 
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     ronnie looks up from her book once the door finally opens , licking over her lower lip as she crosses her ankles . her attention drops back down to the novel in her hands before she tucks the bookmark back into space before looking at them . “ there’s extra food in the oven . i don’t know if you’re hungry but yeah . ”
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sunveiins · 4 years
@puniishers​ | plotted starter!
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he takes a deep breath before even stepping in to the building. parker always wanted to have the clearest head he could possibly have on days where he knew that it was gonna be a good writing day. so, he steps in and takes a brisk walk into the studio. once he reaches the booth, he sets his things down silently, trying to not notice the other person in the room until he absolutely had to. “hey, dude.” 
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you-just-feel-used · 2 years
Ok, after you stop crying over Villanelle please tune in to Gentleman Jack, my period sapphics deserve some love
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sad-boy-hank · 3 years
so basiically ii hadn't drank any water
so the AAHW gave me some iice and ii liike iice
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literallyaurl · 2 years
Did I tell you guys my grandma sent back to us this scrap book we made with her as kids? It's got paintings and schoolwork and photos and she was really like ok relationship over with my only grandchildren. I am donating your flax shawls and childhood paraphernalia to the temple of the moon god.
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wild-spanking · 4 years
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puniish tube
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caseyholt82 · 2 years
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When things fall apart I try to consider the possibility that life knocked it down on purpose. Not to bully me or to puniish me, but to prompt me to build something that better suits my personality & my purpose. I believe people change so that I can learn to let go. I believe things will go wrong so that I can appreciate when things are right. The most important lesson I have learned is that I trust no one but myself because of all the lies I have believed. Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.
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breaksaway · 3 years
♡      *       𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝      𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫      ›      @puniishers​   .  (  1  /  2  . )
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      kezrah  looks  over  at  oliver  ,  moving  a  loose  strand  of  hair  out  of  her  face  as  she  licks  over  her  lower  lip  .  “  so  ,  do  you  make  it  a  habit  of  coming  for  dinner  with  your  tennants  or  am  i  a  special  exception  ?  ”  kez  teases  ,  going  over  to  the  oven  to  check  on  what  she’s  been  cooking  . 
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cariiad · 3 years
which obscure love language are you?
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swallowing them whole
you love with everything in you. you want to fall in love hard, and you want to love in full. if you could unzip your lover and live inside them, you would. maybe you haven't found someone yet, but you're waiting for the special person, or maybe you're already in a relationship. either way, they're very lucky- because they're going to be absolutely worshipped by you.
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making out under the covers
oh boy. you're probably not ready for a relationship right now, are you? you're full of so much love and passion, that you dont know where to put all of it, and sometimes that scares you a bit too much. you're probably the type to catch feelings for someone, let it build up, and run away the moment you cross a line. you love in secret, because you're scared of what it means to suddenly be vulnerable. it's okay, take your time. baby steps.
tagged by: @wuunderstruck
tagging: @jupitcr @puniishers @exposurc @ofdoycnnes @daarkling @crovnprince​ and anyone else who fancies it!
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mocnflowers · 4 years
HAPPY 2021
i am so thankful to have had all of these people in my life over the course of my existence here online. we might not talk every day, or we might, sometimes our ships live under a puddle of dust for a while before we’re thrown a wave of nostalgia and come back for one another. regardless, you people are incredible and i am thankful for these wonderful people who i have written with/plotted with/enjoyed speaking to or just love with my whole ass heart. i love seeing all these people on my dash. there’s probably more but i’m a forgetful fish. @pxachscone @spcesnails @silvrmoon @mctionsick @bctenoire @wrciths @jcycus @wildwcmen @moonscenes @meowindie @solutiions @cheeksred @seremity@puniishers
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puniishers · 4 years
spacecowbcys → puniishers
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beebard-blog · 7 years
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ii caught a froggy friiend!
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