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aita-alternia · 1 year ago
am II the asshoLLe for steaLLIng a dead LLusus?
so II (8, bLLuebLLood) am a hunter of sorts. when a LLusus dIIes, II procure IIts corpse [through LLegaLL means such as purchasing], processing IIt into bIIte-sIIzed chunks, and feeding it to my own LLusus. she accepts dIIferent kIInds of food, but she becomes IIrate IIf she IIs not fed a LLusus for a LLong perIIod of tIIme.
some tIIme ago my kIIsmesIIs tIIpped me off about a LLusus death on another part of the pLLanet, so off II went to strike a deaLL. turns out the unfortunate grub was my matesprIIt's abusive ex-moIIraIILL [7, oLLIIve]. she bLLamed me for "ruIInIIng her LLIIfe" as IIf she dIIdn't try to seLL me my matesprIIt's [very much aLLIIve!] LLusus as "punIIshment for abandonIIng her".
despIIte my best efforts she refused to seLL her dead LLusus to me, so IInstead II just broke IInto her hIIve and stoLLE it whIILLe she was sLLeeping. II don't usuaLLy do this, but IIt was personaLL because of my matesprIIt ... II wont get IInto the detaIILLs but she left hIIm quIIte a mess.
II mIIght be the asshoLLe here because before II left II reported her for LLusus negLLect and personaLLy saw to IIt that she was cuLLed. II say good rIIddance to bad rubbIIsh, but my matesprIIt is upset at me now. II've aLLready reassured hIIm that II won't get IIn troubLLe wIIth any drones, but he saIId IIt was because II caused needLLess troubLLe when she was aLLready LLeaving us aLLone. II saIId II dIId him and the pLLanet a favour, but he's not buyIIng it. we haven't taLLked since, and II'm startIIng to wonder IIf II reaLLy am in the wrong?
was II? :L
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monsternahas · 2 years ago
Unp blessed body character presets
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Unp blessed body character presets how to#
Unp blessed body character presets mod#
Unp blessed body character presets mods#
Mixing and matching outfits and experimenting has allowed my sorceress to wear a bunch of fashionable stuff, despite some of them being technically for UNP(B) only. The new CBBE wasn't out yet when I started my current playthrough, so I started with UNPB and switched over. Having said that, some UNPB (UNP Blessed) outfits fit CBBE bodies rather well. If it comes without BodySlide support, then it's for old CBBE and might not fit well. If the outfit comes with BodySlide support, it's probably for new CBBE (and even if it isn't, you can just use BodySlide to modify it). The CBBE scene is also bit chaotic, as there are ports of Oldrim CBBE outfits to SSE that are not actually compatible with the new CBBE. The only reason to even consider UNP like u/zenayurvedic suggested is that, currently, there are somewhat more UNP compatible outfits, than there are CBBE ones. It even offers BodySlide files separate for nude and clothed versions, if you want to go in detail with push-up effects and such. Thanks to BodySlide, you can customize the body in any way you want as well. It comes with three presets: vanilla, slim, curvy. It has been completely redone for SSE and it is technically much better than any other body replacer, all of which are ports of Oldrim stuff. Your flair states that you're using the Special Edition, in which case you should go with the new CBBE: See the rules page for more information.Screenshots in the context of asking for help are acceptable.Please take your screen archery to /r/SkyrimPorn.
Unp blessed body character presets mod#
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Unp blessed body character presets how to#
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Unp blessed body character presets mods#
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aita-alternia · 1 year ago
AITA for stealing people's body parts #
I am a six sweep old mutant blood #I am protected the #condese# of where I am which might be different from the one you have# who has a lot of trouble with my health # I of course do not want my usefulness to come to an end so I take the body parts of trolls I###exterminate in the name of The Condesce # They are already dead anyways they will not miss their body parts # It also helps dilute my mutant blood so I am less of a freak # So I see nothing wrong with this #
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