caseyholt82 · 2 years
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And the people I let do it to me SMDH never again!!
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caseyholt82 · 2 years
There is absolutely no excuse for this Behavior
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caseyholt82 · 2 years
Watch "Fix 5" on YouTube
Fix 5: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-K2THgrMk_dX4Z0chDIjX4xyP7U_4Rs6&jct=RWvVHymSZlQ9fCCtkClE1d_JZOzUcA
Come on let's see what we can come up with
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caseyholt82 · 2 years
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caseyholt82 · 2 years
In a MF mood today!!
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caseyholt82 · 2 years
Hey, I just gifted you points on the Mode Earn App. Click on my link and make up to $600 a year! 🤑💰
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caseyholt82 · 2 years
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caseyholt82 · 2 years
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Not today people! Not today!
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caseyholt82 · 2 years
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You might have done some things in the past that you're not proud of, but it was a lesson not a life sentence. Let It Go! It's in the past. Let it stay in the past, it's better off there. Forgive yourself & move forward as an improved person - as a person who has learned.
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caseyholt82 · 2 years
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When things fall apart I try to consider the possibility that life knocked it down on purpose. Not to bully me or to puniish me, but to prompt me to build something that better suits my personality & my purpose. I believe people change so that I can learn to let go. I believe things will go wrong so that I can appreciate when things are right. The most important lesson I have learned is that I trust no one but myself because of all the lies I have believed. Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.
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caseyholt82 · 2 years
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I feel myself changing. I don't laugh the same, I don't smile the same or talk the same. I'm just so tired of everything! Mentally, physically, emotionally I'm just drained.
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caseyholt82 · 2 years
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Boundaries have become an essential part of how I’ve simplified my life and how I take care of my mental and physical wellbeing.
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caseyholt82 · 2 years
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Controlling my reactions & responses to others who intentially trigger me is probably one of my most powerful tools in my healing.
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caseyholt82 · 2 years
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Never say mean words out of anger. Your anger will pass. But your mean words can scar a person for life. So use kind words or be silent!!
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caseyholt82 · 2 years
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Sometimes you have to remind people that it's a privilege to be in your life, reward abuse & inconsistency with unavailability. Know your worth & accept nothing less!!
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caseyholt82 · 2 years
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Choose to see the best in people, but don't expect them to always be that way. Because we're human & we mess up. But still choose to see their best, even when they're at their worst.
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caseyholt82 · 2 years
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Friendship isn't about who you have known the longest. It's about who came & never left you alone when you needed someone the most.
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